The Clinton New Era, 1902-05-16, Page 245.
Tiny 16th, 1902
Thilini It Ont,
Liberals who May be disported to
FRIDAY, MAT 16, 1902. listen to the $Ppeitlit of the Opposition.
IR iNheatitirlitie ahould sit clown and do a little hard
In meatory ot Kr 0. Henri, who
thinking, before they atria° at 0. con.
- the.11.00tht MI. Md Mrs fa. hienry, who I ebtaiee.
1111104 Kara 801b, 1901, both a Westfleld:- Here is a Liberal government thet
It la eat bathe Petting bowl what these we has been in office for thirty yeses again
-3116WO breathed to us their last farewelland li•skinFf•for a renewal, et ganeflenee at
triaged their way *boy.; the hands ot the gleam. Doe ei it not
Vier yet when in thedarksome grave we lay
them to their rest, etrike you that a govermnent which
The Awned pong of 'Narrow rende the can manage affair° for 20 Years, with'
etrieken mourners breast, s , out the elightest evidence of financial
ibl Whin2 we glob our lget4 beeeio and wrong -doing or crookedness against It.
meet no more the unite,
'Which could the &irked cloud dispel and Intuit be a pretty good government,
every care beguile
A government that hag never Millen -
And when we 'beet *round the begird or alt Proeriated one wintery cent in all that
time surely should be worthy of sup -
the loved ones are no there,Look at the record of the Conserva-
tives when they were in office, and aek
And thus while day, and months steal on, yeareese if you are matted in giving
• as memory brings to view them an opportunity to mithadosinie-
The vision or departed joys, our grief ie ter the affaire of the Province, as they
stirred anew. did those of the Dorainion.
Though faith may own e Father's band, yet The government has looked after all
nature will rebel, the hospitals nubile institutions, 'ails,
And feel how hard 111. to say ifIle`hoth high and public schools. agricultural
done all things well. , college, and various other institutiotas
0 mournful memories of the pad, ye wear and neveacalled upon the Ontario tax.
our lives 'mete . payer to contribute directly one cent
Yhaunt us in our dreams by night, and thereto. All have been well maintain -
through each weary day ; ed and ere in a high state of efficiency,
Thehome which late -like Eden's bower- &mid the Cfoneervatiyes do any bet -
in blooming beauty grated, ' ter?
Are meke a barren wilderneee,s, desert waste Ontario, under a Liberal administra-
and wild. tion hag a surplua of over $2,500,000.
B at why thus yield to fruitless grief? are while Quebec, alineet continuously un -
they not happier far, der the Conservative rule, has a debt of
The Wilted ones for whom we mourn, than over $22.000,000, yet both started at
we who finger hers? confederation on an even footing.
. Oar hearts should glow with grateful love Ontario eel's Re pine at thousands of
se Rim, whose watched eye • dollars pet square mile, while the
Haw dangere gathering round their/3001,4nd' Conservatives tried to gm it away to
called them to the sky. . • their friends at 05 per Knave mile.
Ontario keepa the inmates of its jails.
N ot long shall we their lora deplore,for goon asylums, hospitals. deaf and dumb and
the hour vrill eome • blind institutes. &c at a50 less pin
When we, with those so fondly loyed, shal1. annun than SWAIM institutions in the
dumber in the tomb; _. States, England or Australis.
Then let the reolitePt Qt. 9rir dile be te me Look at the record of the govern.
. serrise given, went in allY branch, and you Will find
Who hid one Win in the grave, lea WO ii such that it is worthy of Tout eon.
shoeld fail of Heaven. Manes, Ufa nothing is to be gained
alioi willingly the Lord afflicts, nor grieves by a change, and the 'more you think
the Son of inen; it over the more thoroughly will you
siTis but to wean our souls from earth, and be convinced that the Liberal candi-
, ' break the power of sin'dates are worthy of support in every
He saw us wandering from Hist Who, end constitnenOri .
rant the obastenine rod. '
To turn our • -• - i - . '
• . &set Wen eirtir e way, and
a -sheltie tbi twee Se God. • The Toronto Seturday night in dis-
tills:II-vie defeat His wise design, and waste cussing the election campaien says"
our dap) in tears, What is the meaning of this passivity.
-Ungrateful for the numerous gifts whioh
Heaven in moray spares'; and indifference, and for whom does it
let faith and hope be cherished Mill, and bode ill? Undoubtedly one very
fondly lovs
the hour of prayer,
1Witi then the hearts most feel their IOW... Po' t, regardlege °f
brighter days shall dawn, large element in the situation is that
And -plants of peace &all spring anew from •
• seed in sorrow sown. , ,• ' the people ot Ontario in common with '
those of the reit of the Dominion, have
Ottawa Correspondence. been and are ueueually busy and prcs-
, ..
_ • perous. When houses. factories And
near is evidenced in many *aye: The barn!) are • buildings , when farming,
That the end of the session is drawinv
order paper is cleared pp, and _frag-
mentary legislation, which has drifted
through the session, has been disposed
of. The Opposition has tried to make
capital wherever possible, as was their
right, but they have not found many
vulnerable points. In a few days at
most the House will be deserted -so far
as members are concerned --many have
already gone, both Conservative and
Liberal, in order to use their influence
in the cam paign,an d the wad's that have
often re-echoed with the elequence of
-the ablest men will be .quiet as the
tomb. Most of the ministers will go
-to the coronation, after which air Win
frid and Mr Mulock will go to the con-
tinent in search of rest and recupera-
If one had the time to spare, and the
inclination to pursue certain fragnsents
of information that sometimes float on
the current of conversation they could
write a pretty large book, andone that
would be of intense interest, on the po-
litical experienceand astounding cor-
zuption that prevailed in this city in
the days of the past. Of course,. some
allowance and latitude must be made
for fertility of imagination, but a num-
ber of well -authenticated cases • exist •
that shove a marvellous display Of cor- •
ruption. Here is a case winch I am as-
's:lured is true. In an election in it cer-
tain constituency enough money was
spent in behalf of the Conservatilee
candidate to represent $600 each for ev-
ery vote that he secured_ This does
not mean that 1600 was paid for every.
vote, but the amount ot money spent,
divided by the •votes he received, re-
presented WOO for every vote: • •
Captain Bernier, a native of Quebec
_province, has been hanging around
Parliament for at least three sessions,
trying to convince' the members that
it was their duty to send him on an ex-
Peditionsta discover the North Pole.
He is a "Mariner of experience, and is
-undoubtedly a man of certain attain.
mente, and presents 'his cage with con-
siderable ability.With a large map,
which has hung n Room 16 for an in-
definite periodaie shows the route tak-
en on other polar expedition, and
shows how easy it would be for bins to
do what so many others have . failed tis
accomplish. And it is easy -on paper.
. lion John Charlton brought the ques-
tion up in the House the other day,
prnposing that the Government should
help the expedition with a grant of
Trom fifty to one hundred thousand
. done teand the eurprising thing is that
number of others supported Use reso-
lution. .Those favoring it took for
s granted. that }teenier would find the
• -"pole," and it would be a peat adver-
tisement for Canaan-, even if it g abed
nothing from a material standpoint.
Some members approved of the pre-
posal who have stood up In this House
a dozen times during the present. see-
* Mon and twined mostbitterly lepitiin-
, ate and necessary grants for purposes
vastly- more beneficial than a chimera
•of this character. For tunately there
• were a few members whoee sentiment-
• manufacturing and store -keeping ere
remunerative ; when the laborer end
merchanie haya plenty to do and get
good veages, for doing it; when those
who are making and investing money
are far more nutherons, thee those
Wil0 are not, it is difficult for the poli-
ticians to convince the people that the
periodical struggle of the "ins" and the
"outs" to keep or. 'obtain cffice is a
thing that Matters much -as, of course
it may be and sometimes ire The fact
seems to be that gradually the people
are corning to the beliet that their
happiness and prosperity are much
less • dependent on Government than'
on themselves, and that, no matter
who may ride on horseback . and who
goafoot, so long as the average citizen .
is industrious and virtueue thecountry
is safe. Both the rural and the in ban
pcpulation of this province have now
probably less time to snare to party
squabbles- than ever before. Leaving
apt of the count the extreme temper-
• ance people and the liquor interests,
who may im ' they have a special
interest in the flg • new o mass
of the 'voters are •ikely to he
wrought up, no matter how the or-
ganizers of victory in the committee
room on the stump, or in editorial
sanctums may • froth and Nixie.
If any large question of policy •or
,publicsmorals were hanging on the
count of heads ttp be made- on May
29th. the incliffethnce of the electorate
would be deplorable and ominous.
But the general opinion is that the
light is a very "or'nary' kind of,
struggle for power, and the general
opinionsas usual,'seems to be pretty
near the truth. This being the case,
the men now in office, unless it can be
shown that they have committed some
decided breach of trust meriting cen-
• sure :rods, penishment ..hys tlaeir ems
ployers, have the beseof thearaurrient
and are likely to. benefit from the
marked apathy of feeling, which in
itself is evidence that they_ have not
forfeited their .right to confidence.
Governments are not turned out of
office without cause and -a general up.
rising ot hostile public opinion. In
1878 and again in 1860 the signs that
-presaged the downfall of lDonainion
Miniatties were unmistakable. Upto
the present moment in this campaign
no such signs are apparent. There
seems to be a wave of enthusiasm
setting tovetteds the Government, and
on the other hand there is none hear.
ing Mr J. P, Whitney on its crest."
Harry Ettber supports Whitney and
anti.probibition in South Huron, Jas,
Mitchell supports Whitney and pro-
hibition in West Huron, and heaven
only_sknows stehatAnson_Spottensi
. •
supporting in East lituronee-Goderich
- • al eaeupelilieu werefiritmoved-byiefeli-
the eloquence of Jelin Chariton: who
are hard headed ad, matter-of-fact
Canada's Emit.
From the Montreal I:Jerald we Isom
that the Parildenthe feet Allan line'
steamship, sailed from that port for
Liverpool. on May hod, carrying irther
cold etorage department $47 ems, mi.
taining is choice selection of fitusadian
apples and pears to be dieplayed at the
two international horticultural eabitil-
Liens, which opened on the let of 16Y
at Wolverhampton and VOrk.
The MAnieter of Agriculture how ree
talned the: servicee or Wm Burnie of
Ottawa, who was isopointed some time
ago as Seitretary of the Canadian 0 eh b-
itten At Cork, and who will attend to I
ala arrangemente for the Canadian ex- I
hibit at St Louie. • A. McD'Allan of ,
nt,y,and Mr Worktnan,of Kingston,
Gedericht NO well known in Hiiron I
nie charge of the Canadian ruit ex-
it at the two old country exposh
ens. Mr Workmen had been acting
inspector of fruit at Montreal, and Mr
Ailen, who is also a criterion on fruits
bas filled many government offices in
this line. The Herald further t Marks
regardingour Canadian fruit,whichwill
be of triterest to our readers:
"About three weeks ago 100 caves
were shipped to Liverpool and have
been distributed from that point, NO
that Canadian applea and pears will be
conspicuously in eyidence sat the open- i
ing of both eikhibitions. The present I
shipment is designed to keep up the •
fresh impel for dieplay dur inn the next
six months .and it is proposed to con-
long,e ' is fruhas b
tinue -these two shows at leaet that
carefully selected I
and comes from ell parts of the Domin- '
ion, from Nova Scotia to British. Col-
umbia The collection was made by
Mr Robereliamilten, who also made
the collections for the Canadian fruit
exhibits at the Centennial Exposition
In Philadelphia in 1876, and at the
World's Fair in Chicago in 1893.
The fruit has been in cold storage
ever since it was gathered last summer
and fall. It packed in eases made
for thepurpose,and each apple and year
Is encased ID a double wrappior of tis.
sue paper, and is placed in a °partite
compartment. This is done to prevent
Re beipg bruieed during transportation.
Whenthe cases arrive in Liverpool
they will be plated in a large modern
cold storage warehouse, and a small
weekly shipment made from there to
Wolverton and Cork, at which places
small cold atorage conipartmente are
ni.I:Cytcled. It IN neeeseary for eons@ of
the specitilethi to be removed from day
to dah MI the bedtime speckled and
ahrieelled on the tablet% and by this
eyetem the display in as fresh and per-
fect on the last as it was on the first
day of the exhibition.
The so-called snit fruits, `comprising
grapes, plume, peacbee, berries, etc-.
are placed in bottles containing a pre-
servative fluid, and.will keep indefinite-
ly no matter what the temperature.
This part of the Canadian product is
already on handat having been shipped
from Paris to Glasgow, where it has
received many prizes and swards of
merit at the exhibitions held at these
plaees diiring tbe last season
It speaks volurneelor the efficiency
of the cold store storage system em-
ployed When it is known that apples
and pears have been Sold in England in
as good condition as the day they were
gathered in Canada, more than a year
From a commercial standpoint it is
authoritatively stated that the great
difficulty at present is the Careless and
improper way the fruit is packed for
foreign shipment, and thatt just an nnon
as tbis is rectified the Canadian product
will command a market beyond the
seas second to none,"
A Fain of sand in the eye can crime ex-
cruciating agony. A grain of pepper in place
of the grain of sand intensifies the torment.
The pain is not confined to the organs of*
feoted. The whole body feehrthe shook or
that little irritating particle. It is so
when there is any derangement or disorder.
of the delicate womanly organs. The dia.
order may teem trivial but the whole body
feels it. The nervous system is disordered.
There are fretfulness, irritability, sullen.
nos and depression of spirits. Thegeneral
health of women depends on the local
health of the caws peculiarly feminine,
-Remove the drains. nicerationes , bearing
down, pains, and otheraffliotions of woman,
and the whole body feels the benefit. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Presoriptien is a specific
for the diseases that undermine the strength
of women. 11 18 free from opium, cocaine
and other narcotics, poisons whion enter
into many other preparations for womaa's
use. It makes weak xwomen strong and
eiok women well.
Miller's Drink Care le safe, effectual, and
can be readily taken. Sad by all Clinton.
Crisp County Clippings. ,
The results of the experimental
sugar plots in Brussels locality. under
Government inspection, should prove i
successful as the nstructor, R. Little,
de tayT ea Vie? 12v itis9gf outwho:twashislieeel i °sea ybeeVtehraat
the lead is adapted to this class of
roots 35 plots will be cultivated, how-
ever and the farms on which they are
to be grown. In Grey -Jae Lynn.
Jae Strotehan, Jur) B. McLauchlin,
Chris Eames, Jae Burgese, Wm
Armstrong, Chas 'Tamen, L. Hollinger,
P. Robertson, J. Duncanaon, Chas
Knight, Am Brown, Robt McDonald,
J. K. Baker, ID, Michel, J. M. Knight,
Geo Sperling, L. McNeil, Oliver • Harris
and Neil McTaggart. For Morris -
Alex McLauchlin,Ino Shurrie, Allan
Speir, Jas Russell, Allan Adams, las
Speir, Robt Nichol, .Jno Hall, Wm
Michie, Alfred Button, Lawson Brow,
J. Skelton, Thos Bielby, Geo, Kirkby
and D. Farquharson.
The death of Rev Frances E. Nugent
at ?lattsville recently will be mourned
by his friends andby the churches
where he euccessfully labored. lie
was born on Nov 21e1, 1812,Ats_Tyrone
8--s• and only reeilia stieb All education
i rim the public school there afforded,.
i afterwards prosecuting, study by him -
I self. He worked onhis fatherai faun
until 18 years of age, when he went to
mill. n 1805 as
val e "trie erv aei3converted,a:rift
almost immediately felt called to the
sacred ministry. In 1807 he joined the
conference on probation He success-
fully passed Isis examinations and was
ordeihed in 1871, at Owen Sound. Sin_ce
ordination he has ministered to the
churches at Miliford, Goderich, Har-
mony, Bayham, Ilespeler, Berlin,
Lucknow, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara
Falls and Platteville.' He has been
chairman of dietriet, secretary and
AT -THE CHANGE OF LIVE, - rite Seim a Member of the General Con -
This trying period in woman's life tonal. _ ference in 1$00. Deceased was married
ly comes between the epee of feel andfifty In 1871, to Mies Anna, Grahetn, of
f years and is marked by 'mita bil ty, head. , Bethany., and again in 1891, to. Misti
I nohe, dizziness, irreguier monthlies, Will I Celina Gaither)), -tria fleet *areal sister,
appetite, foretsling of evil, palpitation of He has been an earnest temperance
the heat and constipation. Dr. Chaet's advdeate, a Member of the talons of
Nerve Food is One all a womanamedioine Temperance, and Deputy Patriarch.
b %cause it helps her safely through thie He has been enetatetic in all church
trying period. It enrichee the bleed, work, a eeund preacher and heinVed by
etrengthene the nerves, reguletee the , his people. He had a fetidly of five
fa:lotions of the feminine orgahe ted Wiwi tcehria.
ren, two sons and three ugh.
rata invigorates the whole body.
Signal. •
who believe that Canada has too often ,
been represented as a land of eternal Premier Roes told a London News
lee, to attach it to a, North Pole iceberg.
and they opposed the proposition, Sir
• Wilfril, tactful and eloquent as towel.
• Admitted that the proposal appealed
measorahly to his sympathies, hut as
the public had. shown eery, little prat.
tical interest in the matter,the govern-
. *rent could only promise to take it
into their serious consideration." It
le to be hoped it will be kept there.
The record of polar exploration is one
ass • of awful Buffering. enormous expend!.
.1 tore of money and life, without any
adeqnate compensation either historic-
ally, scientifically or nationally. We
do not believe the Werld would suffer
In the slightest if affother effort was
never made to reach the open polar
Nen," and we are toceptleal if any mark.
ed benefits Would accrue to nsankind if
smah an expedition Were sticceseful.
To etirs a eOld In One Day.
Take Laxative Menlo Quinine Tablete,
All druggiets refund the Money if it Mile
to dere. r4, W. Greleil signature 04
saaeols bolt, SR,
reporter that the country- is safe for the
• Itosi Government, The west seeing
solid for the Government. There is
•tiothing but the utmost unanimity in
the rank e and there is also more sym-
pathy among the leading (3011SerVa-
flees in this elettion than there he e
been manifested in any previous elec.
tion which is due to tne GoveromentSe
development policy. •
resideot of the Hamilton Conference.
Aait MeV'
Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent.
Leto ea% Maitland �onoeu1n doderlelt Town-
ship. aPPly to JAS. WOW, Barrister,
001 11-4f. Clinton,
To Rent.
Firm Mass briok store, suitable for en; bull.
nem. Anylv to W. 0, SEARLE, Moto*,
• Nov15-44.
To Let
rig.i 6.50 41111.0,11tooevatlittrat::(2: u.iblinliocetiatitt.wItt.Bkit:
TB w S ; o ass isliftnasie.ditra to zutismr,1!1, Agitteto
UWE!: .
/ AND —
Girl Wanted.
May 2-tf.
S e SYSTEM 1 For Sale or To Let.
CLEAN " EFFECTUALLY; Cotten° for sale or to let o
01n Ontario
90'5 GO ODP•
S a 0 mAnarr2_tosr. Iirydone, Clinton.
S. •Farm For Sale.
tioA"-deR #
1°- rPv
For Service*
......_ 1
The inidersigned steam:wow for serviee this I
smile* theAreerscsu re lowed Hereford bull
"Kruger" No, 100,981. Terms $1 25 laYabla Jen: '
Kok Also young i!sreford etook •for Me at '
any time.
E L. FARNHAM, Lot II, Cores, BuIlett. I
Maren 21-12.
Real Estate tor Sale.
1 Farber farm,lote and 10, on swat !Me of
Ilisithindoomosne mile north of Holmemille,
Ocataining 27 scree.
The north half of lot 25, con. 2,and we .1 part ,
of lot 24, cob. 8, one half mile from Clinton, ,
north, on grovel road, containing 90 acres.
II The brick dwelling tncln.ding Iota 10 19 end
90 on corner of Joeeph and roma streetal in
efo dwelling on wait tide of 'Victoria
street tezts puro
d nrtnooarntilaofraihaslwaeyrs.
ube. Appv to
0. RANO, Clinton
*Arch 28-8m.
In surance.A'gent,
oseea. Canada Life Assurance Co,
.Fire. Marlae, Accident, Plate 4iss.
orrice .T. P. Tisdalla Hank, Clliatea.
The west half of lot 24,, Hayfield Con God-
pATION etteh township, eontaining 100 sere* c good
land, is offered for sale on weltering. Good
CO"STI barn. log house, plenty of wa r and email
orohard. Particulars on %%cation to
ABITUAL, . tf- • DALL,Clinto
nrs poi 40 Goof=
For Sale or to Rent.
Isot 29, con, 2 Stanley, containing 100 acres
in geed stated cultivation for sale or to rent
for term of years apply to JNO. McGREGOR,
pfecilees oretS D. MeGREBOB, 2 con.,11.
R .Tuckers ith, Seettorth p. 0.
Fed*. 7-tf,
%RNA • Shorthorns for Sale.
r_sewile le- s _se f eit•I te4kr —
s-ai sLat. ;v.v. •
E....OSPe-Prk bgThl, in Tnewo yooung Hula, one aeventeen and, the other
the old, from good milking cows also
a two year md heifer in caul BO d stook and
good breeding, 2 ED. H. WISE
John B. Smith and family, well
known residents ef Grey, left here for. I Mar. Grove Stook Farm.
r 42.-;;1:2211,
Guelph where they purpose residing, , Oilmen, P. O. •
The Gregg dram dehenteree of Grey For Sale.
to seisel.ip, AbSounting to $510.00 `were
handed over to G. A. Stimson, a Tor- Or exchange on
onto broker. ReipayS $501 f stable dri in sh a
or them.
farm property, a..51 -Nr -two
story brick
ccottage soft and hard water
ed, ere of ields124,a9,.•
The debeirteres raw 4 per ..cent end
run 20 years, • •• Ilay 2-1 . Ontario et. Best: .
, We are Sorry to record the death'ofr'''s
William Mitchell,' Grey, one of the `11„„....,,ss- to Rent or. -tor, Sale..
.firet settlers in the •neighborbood of BROUOV
Moleeworth. In fact had there not
been a place called Mitchell in those A comfortable frame cottage on Spencer
street, containing seven rooms and awoodshed
earl, days Molesworth would be Mit; 'attached, also orchard, is offered to rent or for
chel today. .
sale. Hard and SOft water stone cellar and
estdable. attarteracre lot. *ill be either rent -
Bits Alex Clark, 5th line, who was
Igo on reasonable terms. Immediate
Very ill last week died on Sunda MES
PitiaBeitbm' TAOThnta°rItio. street.
morning, of pneumonia. A husban
and five sons survive. Two of the
sons John and Robert, are in -British
. And James, George and
William are at home.
On Wedrieeday evening of last week
the matrimonial knotswest tied by Rev,
E 11. Wallwin, B. A., at the parsonage,
Seaforth, between Sydney Dulmage, a
well known and highly esteemed res-
ident of Whiners and Miss Lizzie
McDonagh, of Wingham.
The sad news was received cis Mon.
week of the death of Walter Evans, of
Ades, Craig, who died at the age of
26 years and 21 dears. The deceased
Wan a victim of Bright's disease. Mr
Evans was a former resident of Exeter
and leaves a wife and two small child-
A quiet wedding took place at the
James 'street parsonage Exeter on
Wednesday Week, when Miss Kate
McDonell. of Ehlex Centre, was mar-
ried to Mr Thos Creech, son of Mr
James Creech, of town. The ceremony
was performed. by Rev (3. W.- Brown.
They will live in Exeter.
It was with regret that we learnt of
the death of Mr Hugh Cuerie, who
oassed away Friday, after a long ill-
ness. He had been laid up for over a
year, bedfast most of the time, but
bore his suffering with much patience.
Mr Currie was a Presbyterian in re-
ligion, being a member of the manag-
ing committee for years, and a Lib-
eral in politics, and will berearieh -.miss-
ed by a widowed wife eed family of
three girls, Mrs Russell, of 00.11ingford;
Mre (Dr) Thfford, Toronto, and Miss
Mary, at home:
It is with deepest regret that we are
called upon this week to record the
death of Mrs Peter Gardiner, in her
85th year which sad event occurred on
Tuesday week. Mrs Gardiner was
one of the oldest settlers in Usborne
township, having come t here with ber
hueband in 1853, and her long resid-
ence in the township made for her a
wide circle of friends. Her husband'
died 31 year,. ago. She leaves a grown
up family of four sons, Alexander. of
McKillop ; Peter, of Mount Pleasant,
Michigan; James and Robert, of lie -
borne. Two eons are deceased. Wi1-
lian6, of McKillop, and Dr John, of
Peaceful Were the closing hours' Of
earthly pilgrimage of Mrs W. T. Frain,
When early Fiiday morning last, at
her residence, Detroit, the silent mes-
senger beckoned her spirit away to
mansions in the skies. Deceased had
not enjoyed rugged health for nearly
thirty years owing to • inflammatory
rheumatism. She was a daughter of
the late Wm -Mooney, formerly of
Morris and Brussels, and was born in
Kitley township, Leeds Co., on June
15, 1848. Along with the family the
subjects of this notice came to Morris
township in 1851 and was married to
her now bereft partner on Oct. 6,
1870. They have resided in- Penn-
sylyania,Blyth and Detroit Mote then,
spending the past 22 yew in the ,
latter city. The remains were interred
10Brussels cemetery.
Sensible Maus
islyth,Ont., No let,
MaeLeod bredioine Co.,
Goderich, Ont,
When I went to Godcirion April last my
ease was considered hopeless. Suffering
teem a oomplication of dimities, eepecrially
from kidney trouble and headache, I
could not do any work, Indeed I could
not straighten myself or walk steady.
I was so Weak and feeble that it affeeted
my memory badly. I doctored with home
doctors tin I was nearly gone. A faithful
friend pereuedea me to try your remedies,
Which I did and with the best mecum , I
began to improve as soon as I began them,
Took a dose of the Beneystor in Gamic -h.
I felt the effects of that dose all day and I
think I feel it yet. My euro began with it.
continued taking your medichste until I
was cured. 1 took both she System Reno.
'eater and the Sped& (Jure. 7 owe my
recovery to there. To -day I ana,sfreng end
fleetly, &Melo work as well as ever ever
day. I never expeoted :mob a ohange
took the medicine for three menthe steady,
Without Missing a dose.
MacLeciaa Remedies, ietablIshekin 1888,
are the only medicines in Canada 'which
have mold on their inerite without advertie.
Ing. Addrese MeoLetid Dierileine Co.,
Goderiole 011*. Sold by U. 11. COrribe,
Stable for Sale.
&good @table with sewn mingle etills,,a box
stall, a lioness room, grain bins, a roomy hay
loft, ete.mill be sold at.l ery reasonable price.
April 11-1f. W. BEYD0NB, Clinton.
For Sale or to Rent*
The choice brick house on the corner of Fut.
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or 16 rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family. is practically a new house, with
all conveniences, and tbree-tenths of en acre
of land. If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be recited. Apply to
W. COATS Executor Clinton.
The frarnecottang on 'Orange street, occu-
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The lot is I ot an acre, with
hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden. ,The house containe hall,
parlor, two bedroelni, clothes closet, dining
r001n, slimmer kitchen, miler and woodshed,
is centrally located, oessessiongiven any time
to suit mfrohaser. ELIZABETH aRAHAM 11
Farm For Sale. •
Lot. 12, Reynold con., Goderich tp., 118 acres
(85 cleared,balance hardwood,with a large quan-
tity of cedar on it), in good state of cultivatior
about five scree fall wheat,and considerable fall
plowing done. Comfortable brick house largo
tarn withstabling underneath,driving shed and
other outbuildings; about 2 acre orchard,
mostly winter fruit ; well watered-neverfail-
ing spring creek and two well. -.Seven- relies
-from .01inton and three from Bayfield. Posses-
sion at any thin), reasonable term. Apply for
further particularto OHA.S. SIMONS. 72 St.
'David et., ,Goderich. •
To Rent or for Sale
. '
Frame residence and 1 acre of land on Marr
Street, Clinton, *opals, cellar, wood shed ,hard
and. softiwater, new stable and driving shed,
excellent garden, with plum, pear and apple
Also tor Sale. . •
At any time up to let Sept. 6 acres,part of the
Fos er Block,eto.,at the 1Yorth End of William
Street, Clinton, which is a vernal° property
for fruit growing, being well planted out fa
berry bushes, small fruits, apples, etc...There
is also a very excellent grade of ,and and
gravel owthe premises which is veryprofitable,
Apply' to 1 STRAITH,orlo W.BRYDONE,
April 18-11.• Clinton.
• Eggs! Eggs!
• __EgIts_fer Hatching, from importeedilentt000nk.,
White wyandottes and Barred Mocks 11 Ler
11311161gs...1.15 eggs. THOS. F. RANCE. -
• • Wanted.
By lstof May, a maid to assist in general
housework. Apply to Mrs W.DOHERTY,
Apri118-tf Clinton.
Ice he.
As I tame taken over the large, ice hoes°
from Wm. Wheatley, on Huron street, lam
prepared to take orders to furnish good, clean
pure ice to all customers during the coming
Bumbler, All, orders will bepromptly attended
to. DAVIS,Clinton.
Feb 14-tf,
AGIENTIS 1VANT1810-Por the only outhorized
Life 6f the_great Talmage,by his distinguished Spring Term- begins Apr. '7. 1902. Our
son, Rev. Dr. Frank DeWitt Talmage, and the ,
. rates ore reasonable -Our cOntrees of etudy
Assoble,te Editors of the Clbrirtian Herald. .
Bla book, Seepages. protusensinustrateesome_thorough-and-spraiitioals--. Bend-for-sour-
straeassisiggestssaieetitints-neee., en credit. Journal to eee what • we teach. Studente
. Outfit fres, Be first in the field. Wire or may enter at any time, Zee °Mimes Of
write for outfit tod_ay,
' BRADLEY-GARRETt ON ic CO., LIMITED, randy. Commeroith arid Short -hand.
Apri 18-te Brantford.' a As FLEMING, • . ' A L MoINTYRE,
has ,
NTIVIt-Elliott Block, Immo Streets
• MOST F. Lakil.
W. Buxom's.
. Kumla, ET°.
Offiee-iteaver Mock.
Up stairs, Opposite Henry's 1113.0% Gallery
Real Wets and. hisereasoe Aganay.
monee to Ivan,
CHARLES egmaElli
Barrister Solicit( s Notary and ConireYinsla
allices-OppositolColbeirat MiMel
M. 0..40AMERON
' formerly of Cameron; Holt a Cameron
Ofiles-RaMilton St opposite Colborne Senses
• Wholesale -4`oek of pianos
at very best possible prices.
Organs, the veryentertamable
gramophone, -sheet music,
books, and a variety of music
e. HOARE'S -
Music Emporium.
A stook of ehoice canned plums for sale.
Equipment "
for Business
Do not Vope to
succeed in this
keen business age
unless you have secured for
yourself a good business train-
• ing You get it at this c ollege.
Students canenter at any time.
• Forest City Busi-
ness College,Y.M.C.A. Build-
ing, London, Ont.
W. J. Westervelt, Principal.
• •
VW' Telegraphy
Is in.the air and 11 18 in our School,the •
Central Business College
We have just installed complete
- Frets of Wireless Telegrephy than- '
meet% and we are now prepared
to give instruction in this subject,
either permit al or by mail Write
for . particulars.
W. 11. shair,. Principal
Yonne &Gerrard Ste, Toronto
Young men and women to7prepare for
• good situatione. •Apply to •
The best equipped Businese and Shorthand
College in Canada. Bedissee tuition rates,
Write us regarding our conrsee of May,
and prospects of securing situatione for
- graduates, Catalogue sent fres. Address
J. B.
Dept. "C" Confederation Life Bldg.
Toronto. Ont.
• BARRISTER% SOLIcprop,s, wry,
fallee-faraer Illunlltes St. Rad Me Soma. ,!
Goderiels, Out.
J. T40Asiliow, Q. C. CHAS. GARROW,
• *Mee: North st., meat deer te algae' Mies
Private Funds to lend at loviest rates
of interest.
R. C. nay&
Wt. GUINN, 111.1.ns
L. V. P. a 8. ledininagh,
Oftice--Ontario Street, Clinton. Night os It
at front door of office or residence. Rosters.,
bury Street
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician*
London, England.
4341°JioanirnIc'il itToieD
n° e; House, Karen St
OR J. W. SHAW• :
AmenchesPrineatel.°,iofilANcietkaunBdGB• ?esaider.-M On-
tario St., opposite English church, formerly oe. •
copied byDr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc,
special attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Cam and Residence-. .
Albeit Street,2 Mocks Non I, or Rattesibiliti
• (Saccessor to Dr. T. C. Bruce
Speelalist in Crown 'and. Silage Work
L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur-
geons of Ontario,, Toronto,
• D. U.S.-First-class Honor graduate el Pen- •
tal Department of Toronto ruiversity.
Specialattentidn_ paid to ' preservation ,of
children's teeth. _paid
visit layfield avers
Office over W. Tailor & Son's shoe store.
• Office adjoining Photo:Studio.
Office Hours -9 to 6 every day
Saturday uhtil 10 p. m, Bi anch o
in Manchester Duhgannon, Blyth nd
Member of the Veterinary Medical A smear
Mons of London and Edinburgh, and Graft -
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College,
TREAT DISg5BE8 08 ALI, snouts'
Office open piYht and day, opposite St.
Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, One..
MABR1AGE LICENSES issued by the us-
dersigned at his Residence, Mary Mao
Clinton. . •
'Organist and Musical Directel• of Nort
Street Church, Goderion, and teacher •
.PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an T11E0 V', is pre
pared:to take a Ibnited number t Papillae
eabove. For terms apply this oe or to
CAMPBELL,who sissy be seen fi nin 11
to 2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton,
Friday of each week.
Fire, • Life,' accident Plate Glass
Omni IfAczAir MAUR, aliarren
Agent tor the MANCHESTER FIRE Assurmaelll
Co, of Manchester. England, whom funds -and
mourity are rated at $14,500,000. Also the 1111-
EMLOP MUTUAL lissonsma Co; All classes of
farm risks and town property take* • a
owest rates. First -Mass Loan Commenter
also repreirtheAd. Money to be had from sa per
cant up, emir:due to nature of
baIIy mail to Holmesville - postal card will
retell him
Dr.HeDaheis Heave
Free Scholarship n sou are ••
etudent but Owen Soun,d. Listewel
,„ Per lack MOO 10
Studente pay your ex- ,
ponies to a liminess or Agricultural College. .
NorMal School, Mtdueal Conservatory Or lint. . .IM
•versity, write Ind and I will explain. My free
sehOlership plan. Write to -day.
Mar. 14-4f EaV. T. S, LINSCOTT, Toronto
/AA*. 4,1" Troca's Phostihodino,
I7ze Great English temedy.
* Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only tell.
Able medicine discovered.atr
package* guaranteed to cure an
tetras° Sexual ,Weaknesa, all Made of shwa °
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive nee of To-
bacco, Opluin or Stimulantd. Mailed on reoeipi
of price, one package $1, Mx, K. Ons will Oasis
$417 wig cure, -Pamphlets free at say Sadie** ,
WWI Wood company, Windeer, 0111.
Wood's Phosphocline is sold 111 °Haat by
iteekie, Hovey, J 11 Comb° and W
Watts, Druggists ,
NEW ERA from now to ,
tile end of the year for 50e.
Ma rble & Granite
The parohaher of a monument
ehould have complete conlideue
In the reliability of the Arra, front .
whieh he bap, for the material
and Workmanship is something
vett/ few buyere are femilier
• if you do not know tut, please in.
quire about our reliability from
those who know no best. We are
the only-practiatil men here Motu
B.• 'Novel*, Proprietor
Next to Commercial Hotel
For Broken.
• • ROUSIga
dons of the Throat and Lungs. The only ,
the world that will euro the above disease, reakin4
Valmalsouad In wind and useful tohlsownen. Prke,s1
br.KoClitheral Kidney de Cotigh Powderis
loran Acute Affections of the throat and lungs, nue+ la
Distetnner, etc!. Per swelling and stocking of the irks.
the result et hard driving, Kidney Trouble, rfc,, ono
dose will relieve, and one hex will our& Price, 50e.
7M$1 tiR. modAHRY iwtiotOINE 00.,
treineivine. oat. .
For eree by 13 Combe,draggist, Chute*
3. B. Motional, Prosident, Nippon P. O.; Tho
rower, vice-preeident, Brucefield P. 0.; The
E. Mils. Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0' W.
BroadfOofi, Inspector of Lobed% Beaftleth
V. O. iltroe.dfoot, See -forte; John G. Grew •
Winthrop P. 0,1George Dale. Boatman; aolin
BeiniewAssnubionsJae. Evana, Hembree d P.
0.; John Watt, Harks* P. 0.; Thomail Fraser
Brtmelield ; John 11, MOLebn, Nippon Jima,
Cenn011Y, laton
ieteirteni-titetipek; ,Robb.
tlrthlaamegtn:717, 4gmOndvIlle iJ.SWea*
obr "ttiPtgreeifitriOativtio onmpyoosf. the abela *Mimi