The Clinton New Era, 1902-05-09, Page 1.81
Remember. Ross on May 29.i
'Speaking of
The G4iteses furnished by
P. B. Crews
After a scientific 'ex-
amination of the eyes,
give a n ost enjoyable
• senseof leasure after
the old ill fitting ot.ies
which I.wore.
'This is the valid of all
:who patronize
0Expert Jeweler aild
Watch Repturer .
• •• 40 pposiTzTOWN HALL. .
▪ NoTEs -Our., school -Wag visited -by
- the inspector • OD Friday last and as
arb e. day wes held. prevtously, every:
thing was in good shape; 'jreiRobb
seemed well satiefied with the progress,
.attainment ansi'general proficiency of
the school. Knox church (Manchester
and Smith's Hill, extended. a unanina-
ouse call to Rev Small, of Arthur, at a
.joint meeting held here on Monday.'
Wm. Longmen has rented the How -
soil farm on con. 12. Hullett, taking
pcssestiOn next spring. [We received
a full report of the temperance meet-
ing, but have not space for it this week]
MEETING. -Mr Kerr, Winkle:tin, ad-
dressed a large audience.en prohibition,
• here an Monday -evening; Mr Buchan -
.an and wife Were to have been there,
,bat owing to e new outline of week the
,Alliance Executive at Gcdarich had to
bill them for Calvin instead. Mr Kerr
-shoWed the 'necessity of "drowning
. ;party by principle and It id the
success at the.elector's door,
Wine' am •
NOTES. -N. A. Farquharson . has
lErold his grocery and crockery bus'.
elets to Mr H. M. Tuehope, of Wood -
.stock, and the new proprietor has
• taken possession. Miss M. Robertson,
who left Wingham last week for Tor-
' met% was the recipient of a handsome
'fittetentearide•are -appropriate address..
from her scholars in the perblie school
Mise Robertson also 'received a hand.;
some present from the teachers the
erchool The , old agricultural hall,
which has been used by the flax mill
.as stetcire hoilee, was burned :the
ground on Friday night last week ; Mr
1. liPling had some 112,600 worth of
stOckln the building with an insur-
ance of $2,200 and Mr J. Hanna who
owned the building had it insured for
4800. Mr Youhill has 'disposed of the
house and let adjoining the school
• _grOunde owned by A. Gingrich. 'Miss,
"130nhia, 'daughter of Theis Manuel,
formerly of Wibgham, was married
to Orly L. English, in Winedpeg on
April 10th.
114 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 I 111 Il,rrrIIlII.1 11 11 1 1 1,
Holm einr1110
NoTag.-J. W. Yea diaposed of a
large quantity of seed grata thia past
spring; over 1200 busnele, including
oats, barley end peas, Were eold to
Poerricee,-A IMISS meeting of
the friends of the Liberal candidate
will be held at Holmesville, on Friday.
May 9th, at 8 o'clock p. in. Mr M. G.
Cameron, the Liberal candidate, will
be present. All supporters of the Ross
e -government are cordially invited to
• attend.
NoTES.-bleo Ingram and wife, who
have been residents of Heneall for
tome neonths, left on Tuesday week
for the coast; they return - by the
American road, AO they have a daugh-
ter in Seattle, who le very 111 with
coneumption and whom they will
take to Vancouver or to the mountains
with the hope that a change may
Prove henetIcal. Geo Trott and, janoes
Petty, left lath week for the old
country by New York and liner
Oceanic; they will remain till after the
THE LATE T. KELLY. -At Goderich, coronation, calculating to teturn about
on Sunday, May 4th, Thomas Kelly, a the ramie of Ally. Dan Bennett, of
former resident of Holraesville, passed Zurich, has secured a positron with
away at his daughter's home,at the re IV, Welsh and will in future reside
spected age of 73 yew!. While here he here; he has been engaged by our
was employed on this section of the G. bend and he is a cornet soloist of mark -
T. R. for many years, but or late re- ed abii y. On Friday evening week,the
moved to Gaderich, where he spent his people of St Paul's congregatton held
last days. ,In religion he wee a con.
sistent RemanCatholic and as a citizen,
was highly esteemed. The funeral
took piece on Taesday to St. Peter's
church, at Goderich, then to the R. 0.
omelette y in Colborne.
NOTES. - Mr Levis has moved
on the' farm vacated by. W. Leonard.
The Imbue in the Methodist church
last Friday night by Dr Daniels was of
h or er thou h it was not as large-
ly Aden as itiexdialleride rtt8d TIe'
W, M. S. met at Mrs Geo Tebbutt's
this week. The W. M. 9, of Goderich
district will be held in Seaforth next
Tuesday,and there will bethree (mesh] s
-mot ning,afternoon and evening; krs
L h th di t t organizer, is doi
eec , e s tic ng
' everything to make the convention a
grand success.
OHURCH,-The quarterly service was
well attended last Sunday considering
the weather; the service -wee very lin-
pressive throughout; the pastor spoke
from Matt 20;39. A great many took
part in thefellowship meeting and also
Participated in the Lord's supper. The
quarterly board assembled on Monday,
nighkand in reviewing the year's work
found eyeeything to be in a very satis-
factory condition, the finance] being
better than last year at tl.'s date;
although by removal and death twenty-
four armies have been taken off the
lists a slight increase in the Member,
• ship is reported; Mr II ,Elford was ap-
pointed to attend the district meeting
eto be held in Blyth; Messrs A.S. Cote - ducting the service, the remains being
ice and M Squire received a renewal of interred in Maitland vemeterye
license as local preachers. On Cleil- Ma are:ram-A leasing event took
d D d hi
with th`l chh"h' Ne'xt StInclaY It' where Harry T. Adwards and Miss
Shaw! of Clinton, will conduct tne ser-
vices in the morning and Mr Hussar in Nellie L McKenzie, elder daughter of
the evening; the offering will be in aid Mr and Mrs Themes McKenzie, en -
of the Educational fund. Mr E. Lavis tered upon wedded 1 fe in the Midst of
-•has-sold---MS-village-property to _Mr a large and interested gathering. The
Proctor, who iseelietinethe house for eremony• was -A,
his own occtrancy. •
Anderson,- B. A., pastor of the church.
fhe bride; who was escorted be her
ti, sunersine. mattes
4 seeing tiainful. great
j,illio • discontrort and per.?
aps permanent In.
1,\-4A tare will be avoided
•r wearing our 1,4n.
A 4 4ois Smoked Memel
7,5 cents per pair and
imi wards.
•C.74 .
A. Jr.' GRIGG.
Scientific jeivelanr
and Optician
a social gathering at the residence of
Mr Ben eizet for the purpose of wel-
coming their pastor, and his bride and
of giving tangible evidence of their
appreciation of Mrs Doherty in con-
nection with the church; this took
the form of the presentation of a
beautiful Onyx table, presented by
Wm White after the reading
of an address by Miss La-
Tousel. The operation 'performed by
IlteGunn upottliers Robt ,Boirthroirre
cently was very euccessful and she is
now doing as well as can be expected.
nesday, Aped 231d, occurred the death
t.f Sarah Wilson, wife ot George Ed-
ward, at the age of seventy-four years.
The deceased was one of the catty
settlers, having been a resident of
Goderich for seventy years. She was
born In Carlisle, England, the year
1827, the daughter of George Wilson
and with the family came to Canada
in 1832 and settled at Goderich. In •
October 1$57, she was married to Geo.
Edward, who survives her. Last fall,.
her health having failed, she went to
spend the winter .with her niece, Mrs
Hutchinson, in the township of Grey,
where her death occurred. The fun-
eral took place frona the home of her
sister, Mrs J. Breckenridge, Hayfield
road, Mr Cullen], of Woodstock, Con,
ren ea s en • aer-et amen- united- pace cyn Alveil-30tg-fir xvor -0-huretyr
We areoffering a nice line ot
Ginger ;
111:4:‘ j ;
At 741 lbs ior 06e
cheese factory will commerce opera- lather", was attired in it Inn some
tions next Monday, May lath, almost costume. Her sister, Miss Mable Mc-
twe weeks earlier thanlast year. •The Kenzie, acted as bridesmeid, and the
drawing or milk oo the different Eroom was assisted by Mr H.eyloce, of
routes have been all iet with the excep- London. Mr Pasmore, brganist, and
Mr Jerdon, the former organist rend -
tions a oaeewhich WI 10 all probable erect a number of • selections. The
it b let t
eduring he corn ng week. The
price of cheese for April and May has guests were then 'conveyed Io the
home of the bride's father, 'where the
been higher this year than it. has been
for many Aare. The following quota.' wedding breakfast was served and
Wens have been taken from the Trade congratulations were extended. The
Bulletin, or Montreal, obe of -the most haanpy ecuple left on a trip to ' Detroit, •
reliable sources in •Canadae-" We have ,an on their return •' they Will com-
cOmmenced the new season with about mence house -keeping on lima street.
26,000 boxes of old cheese to go forward Many beautiful -wedding wins were
of which about 4000 to WOO are unsold, re eieed by the bride, the groom's
The value of the old 'stock for sale on erre...cement _being a cre'scent a pearls. '
the b Leis of regent tratwactions ranges • . mit AVIS• BANQuETTED. --;• FCC'S
frcrn 11c to Ilic for fine to finest white, Davis, the new, proprietor of the Hotel
and Ilec to llec for finest colored. • In Bedford, .was tendered a bare:plat'. by
regard to new cheese the April make his Mitchel/ friends ,before leaving that
will aggregate betweed 1.5,000 to 20 000 piece for . Goderich.: The . Weir took
b xes, and it is sated that a consider- place at'the Hicks house., where a
able quantity has been sold short for most elaborate spread was provided.
shipment &et half and third week of T. S.' Ford and Walter Thompson,
May at 503 to 51s 61: Aped cheese has :prominent. -citizens of Mitchell, oc-
lield ort this market at 10c to 1.0241 . 'A: eupled-the chair -and : ,yice- -abate -res..
ve'ar ago they sold at8c to 81c. Con- pectively. A program of toast, song
sideruble cheese of the first half Of May end speech was carried out. On behalf
make have been contracted at 10c to of the Company E. A. •Dunbar read an
lflic a few factoriep having got a frac- address to .Mr Davis and Col. Dough -
tion more. The make . of May cheese erty presented him with a -handsome
will no doubt be heavy." . ebony gold -headed • cane. Mr Deers
' - • •' - Hallett took charge. of the Bedford 'on the lst
-of May. • , .
FINE STALLION. --Mr Fred tuneblut,
mho is welt -known as in DEATH OP MR GALLow.-:Prank Gal-
horsefiesh.and who has before 'handled low, of Toronto, fatherof Dr (*allow,
some good stock) arrived home ,trom of Goderich, died at 3 'o'clock Friday
the old country on Saturday night,. morning at his home ,W the city, after
bringing with him a . very fine three- a week's Mness of .pheurbonia. 'De-
yeateold Clydesdale colt. It is- light ceased was a traveller for the Pure
bay in color, well proportioned, and Gold Manufacturing Company and
makes a Valuable additfen be the thoree was alio a, stockholder in the concern.
bred stock of this country. Mr Yung -P iie had beewith the firm since its
'ut had a- somewhat stormy passage inception, twenty years ago. Previous
home, being 17 days on the Water, buk Gallowwas in the firm of Gibb &
beyond a little diecorifforte :was all "1owreduce merchants, .Colborne
right. • • street, r Gallow wart a prominent
A PnoniTAillar ANIMAr..-Jae. Oor- fraternity mad, being identified' with
nish has a Durham heifer of 2 years Masonic circles. Ht. .was P. U. of
and 11 months, • which has had three Rehoboam Lodge. and Past Z. of
calves, two last year and one this year. Orient Lodge. He was also a . Past
It has been a profitable animal to him Master Workman of A. 0 U. W.
and he thinks the Durharos • care equal Ledge, being•one,of its charter mem-
those of any other bre • -- beesHe leave] a widow, three sons
NOTES. -The residence of Thos Liv- and .three daughters. who all reside at
,ingstone, C011 2, had a narrow escape home except the eldest, son,Dr Gallow,
from destruction by fire on Wednesday NOTES -William Carter appeared'
week and only for Mr Chesney, who before His Honor judge Doyle on
was working acrose the road ab' the Thursday week and pleaded putty' to
time, it would have been entirely de. the charge of breaking into P. T.
shoved; the house was insured in the Dean's store on the night of April 17th
McKillop Mutual. IespectorRobb,who and stealing therefrom a quantity of
has been going his semi-annual round Peaks he iirtt9 sentenced to eight
In this neighborhood, visited No 2 lest months in the Central prison, The wed-
week,and expressed himself well pleas., ding of II. B. Parsons, a former Goder-
ed with the condition of the schooltav. Ich boy, and Miss °even, of Stratford.
erage attendance for April, 44, took place on Wednesday, April 23rd.
-SoetootreRgeoat.-The-followitig-is.. Mee Evelyn Rumbalh who. was Lok -
the standing of the pupils of S, S. No 5, keeper and sainograpTaer-folD:ErOrmes,
for the month of April, based on at? has taken a similar position with
tendance and general proficiency :-V-- Messrs McKenzie, & Howell. We re -
Robert Vodden; Sr IV -Mabel Brown, gret to learn of the illness of R. W.
Same McCool, Sadie McCool, Effie Mckenzie, which has =Wined him to
Jackson, Albert Vodden,John Vodden; bed recently. On Tuesday week Mr
jr IV-- Henry McCool, Wm Hoggart ; and Mrs Jonathan Miller . were pre -
Sr III -Mabel McCool, Jolla Wallace,' sented• by the boardere^ of the Hotel
Hole Mair, Gertie Vodden, Elia Webb, Bedfdrd with .a handsome calender
Elsie Brown, Frank Hilbert; Yr III- clock, accompanied by an address ex.
Ernest tee; Sr II- Ernest Vaddeni pressing regret that their relation'
were to be severed by the change in
the proprietorship of the hotel.
Mabel fee., Armand McOool, Charlie
Lee ; Sr Pt II -Della AlcCo 1 E
Snell, Orval R
Oust think of getting 180 to Appleby. Ohaafren; 3Pbli.-t/larien;
185 nice fresh Ging* er Snaps Br
fortentilt ley -ore cheeps p
line Little, A. 11f. SoanS, teacher. .
er acies make them Helen b - °I fi t e 11; J6 r° t PI 1 -Wesley yku aitilotilerbWallace; otc Vodden, °tt
w.orke line, Edna Webtri;
away with The
Mee a fine- lino of Dried
Peaches at 'borer ib.
The emit Stotery.
()gle Cooper a co
Nth for Butter ana iggi4 hone 23,
ee• eee, „.
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs ET, Morrish and
Mrs J. Sowler were called to Beni:12111er
on dy hy thedeath f thelr step.
father, Mr Bowden. J. and J. Henry,
'Waterford, Mill4 M. AttnattOng and
Melbourne MeDowell, Goderich. and
Mr and Mrs Finlay Anderson, of Bel -
Mr ltViltater i ded tete Egailfettli,"
speak on teinneratice in the school
house Wednesday evening
BrUcetiold. .
• Nonta.--Rev, Masora Shaw and Saw-.
ers exchangedloulpits on Sabbath. Mr
Sewers attended • Sytod 'meeting in
London last week. A. P. Ketchen,
cement agent, visited at home recent-
ly. Robt. Murdock -heti telt( n a posio
tion 'n Stafford. Tho, Carr la putting
a cement vrall under J. Ross e barn,
London road. • E. Pappl is rebuilding
his barn with stone oundation. McLean Bro8• -
T titd. ti
Was burnede are tint ng
tip ahetter one in the same place.
The man who trieeto ride two horses
going IgaMggsitteter711:4111d81:ilin titte.
inateito support Whitney and then
pledge bhoopif to support prohibition.
The New Era—one of the.
-very best Local Papers in
•Oanada—will be sent to
New Subscribers for the
balance of the year for
50c cash.
Sent anywhere in Canada or
the United States toe this
sit/1st:Amin Now
Goderich Township
NoTEs. John Clapper and Marry
Steep, con 9, our professional wheei-
men, took a trip to Goderich on Satur-
day, remaining over Sunday. Geo.
Sterling, Bayfield line, is about to
erect an air neotor far pumping pur-
poses. Arbor day was celebrated as
usual last Fri,lay in ,mosterefethe--tural
schools; the teacher and pupils worked
harmoniously together; its ostensible
purpose is to clean the school grounds
and also•the interior of the school so as
to make theplace ariattractive as pos-
sible and to instruct the young minds in
cleanliness. Jim McDonald,- McDenald,• of tor.
ter's Hill, Sundayed with his great
uncle, Willie Bell. Ed, H. Wise has
sold his eleven months' old bull, Royal
Henry, to Geo Bowler, of Eest Wawa -
nosh, at a good price. Mr and Mrs D.
Beacom, Harlot& made a hasty visit to
relatryes here last week. P. • Cole is
appeintedto attend the district meet-
ing in Blyth, in connection with the
Goderich district. S, Switzer has a
large drove of steers grazing at present,
most of which he bought at a good
figure, . GeOcoper had to shoot a bul-
lock this week as a consequence of a
lump on its jaw. 3. Elliott and gang of
'stone -masons started on Monday for
Limn Cr °epigramd will be a Went, about
two Weeks. Prof. Fowler; Seaforth,
and wife visited at the latter's home on
Sunday last. J. Elliott sold a cow to II,
Hibbs at a,fair price. E. Wise is the_PPE.:
-by • Sir -
• DEATH -BY the death of Ai. O. Gordon,
of Beissevain, Man., on April 17, another
pioneer of Goderich t3wnship is removed.
was born in the tbwn of Lein, in Invcir-
• ess,-Sootland,--in-Jannary--of-
father, the late Wm. Gordon, a oateohist in
.the Auld Kirk of Scotland and a poet of
some lOoal fame, died when the, subject of
this sketoh was ten years old, there being
four younger brothere and sisters. At the "
age efnineteen he undertooka three months'
voyage in a sailing vessel bound for Canada
and reached Toronto otter great hardship.
He obtained employmoit from the late Mr
Leslie, nurserymen, of Leslieville„ county
of York. Then- he went west, locating in
Goderich township at the time the Canada
Company opened up that part of the'coun-•
try. He _purchased a forest farm, built a
log house, and sent ' to &Oland for his
[nether and' family.. The eldest sister,
Jane, married Alex. Frazer, a prosperous
farmer; the second, Kate, was the mother
of the late W. G. Murdook, a clever yming
criminal lawyer of Toronto; George; a dry
goods man. N died unmarried, and Donald
opened up a hotel in the village of Beyfield
and 'became a prosperous citizen, His only
son is now an ex.senator and prominent
indge in the stet of Michigan, At tits age
of 32 be married ss. iinuatfilkeet datighter
of ths late Joh Burrows, of Et, town, now
Ottawaa pretty young woman of eighteen.
Mr Gordon. mened the first horem that
Weribieffght into tharitait of the
In 1884 Mr Gordon sold the old homestead,
Rosnoke, and settled in Brandon, Min.,
w' -'ere he lived quietly until about a year
ago, when he moved to noblemen, where
his eldest ecn lives, He had eleven child-
ren, of Whom eight are living, He was a
t'resbyterian and a staunch Reformer, and
read the Globe from the time it was first
established. •
East Wauranosh,
DEATH OPPA Prorinan, -One of the
pioneer residents of this township, and
at thesame time one of the most high-
ly respected, died last week in the per-
son of George Elenry,who passed away
at the home .of his son-indaw, Mr E.
.McDowell, 4th con. . Me Hew has
,been in declining health for some time,
but had been able to be around until a
short time before his death. He was.
born in Waterloo county. coming here
neatly 45 years ago. and buying lot 30,
on the 5th eon., which was then, like
all this section,a dense wilderness, By,
industry and hard work he converted
it into one of the choice farms of this
township. Increasing years induced
him to quite farming about a year ago,
since which thne he has visited around
among his children, in the hope that he
would regain health and. strength.
Exactly a year ago on April lat he ex-
perienced the loss of his wife, which
was it heavy blow to him. He was of a •
quiet, retiring dieposition,and while a
staunch Liberal, never intruded his
views to each other; it man ot sterling
integrity, ether enjoyed the confideoce
and respect of the entire community.
For many years it consistent member
of the Methodist church, he was One of
Itentost generous and loyal Atm porters,
and was a member of both the Quarter-
ly and Trustee' board of Westfield
church. He was blessed with'a family
of five daughters and five eons, these
being Ides McDoweli,Ea,st Wawanosh e
,Mis Amos Challenger. Clinton ; Mrs
Clemente Hespeler ; Mrs J. L., Stone-
house, Belgrave, and Mrs DaW, Emit
Wawanosh ; the sons are Dr. J. O.
Henry, Didton : Fountain Henry,
Montana ; David; of Alliance,Ohio,and
Herbert and Wellington, of Heepeler,
The funeral took place to Westfield
demetere, on Friday, a large number
ehowing their respect for deceased.
The pall bearers were Messrs. John and
Robert McDowell,Geo. rotherg111,3ohn
Redmond, fil, Merton and B. Wilmer.
It can very truly be said that a good
man has gone to rest;leaving the law.
once of an exemplary life behind.
Stanle ,
St, ki e 1 es
SILVER WEDEitia.-Ou Friday (yen .. GONETO Mioarrioorxx.-john, eon
log, Mer.2tid, a,t the home of Mr and 1 of P. Clark, of this village, has gradua-
Mrs Jesse Ur urnmett. Nile, a large tell from the engineering school, .Vor-
number of friends and relatives assem, onto, and gem to take charge of an
bled to ;Ater their " congratulations on inipartient work in one of the Iffichipl-
the artival of the 25th anniversary of coten mines. He left Goderich Wed -
their wedding day. Among those nesday evening on the steamer Osel•
present were persona from lielmee. Frage, and will spend it couple of days
" vide, Dungannon, Goderich, Clinton, at the Soo. He is a young man of
and surrounding country; whilstabout sterling character and exceptional abil.
05 were present, many more, on account ity, and his many friends here wish
of the unfavorable dear and distance, him success.
could not be present: Tokens of regret . MONTED.-Mr and Mrs Hmell A.nder-
, Alves at Louisville, Brooklyn, Buffalo,
nin3d:wo:hreer prelaceeelve.edThferohmoart:las: wi,ohne,taefttebreynvingpurpose in wr :mega h forwi th404
yeara, left last week for St. Thomas,
assisted by her meter, Miss Kate Reid, daughter, Many expressions of regret
Goderich, welcomed the guests at the
were manifested at the aged couple's
door, while Miss A., Grummett received departure, as they were an honest and
upstairs. The tables, under the define upright pair, A few friends gathered
management of Miss Reid, were beau- and presented Mrs Anderson with a
tifully decor ated in pink and white beautiful cheese dish, and Mr Anderson
end laden with viands tasty and rich
with a tobacco .pouch, as tokens of
their regard.
most noticeable being the artistically
designed wedding cake bearing the
dates 1877-1902. But the table that
surpassed these was the one containing
the many and valuable peesents re-
ceived. prominent.. among which were
a handsome geld watch and chain from
her mother, Mrs Louise, Reid, of God
each, it beautiful eller tea service.
from--relatives-In-Godenche.and aLptid
ding dish, fruit dish, • cake basket,
pickle cruet, cheeee dish, and knives,
forks aud spoons of various kinde.
Before going to supper Mr and Mrs
Grommett were called into the back
perlor, where the pastor, Mr Wilson,
on behalf of the assembled company,,
presented them with the table of gifts,
to which Mr Grummett made a suitable
reply. After the guests had amused
themselves in various war, a program
of speeches, duets, solos, instrumentals
and recitations was rendered. Many
NOTES. -Frank Todd hada bone in
his leg broken last Week. 8. Garton
lost part of hie finger while working at
tbe shingle saw in Todd's mill. Misses
J. O. McDanald and M. McPherson rep-
resented the missionary society of Chtl-
vin'church, and Jean Todd the mission
band, m London this vyeek. T. Phillips
brick kilns. 0. A. Telobutt spent Sat-
urday at :his home near Clinton. A
meeting of the Liberals of the three
polling sub divisions near here was
held in the hall on Thursday evening
cf last week; M. G. Cameron and Law-
yer Seeger, Goderich, were present. Mr
Kilpatrick, teacher at Paramount, re-
cently' visited Fraser McDonald. S.
McGuire is recoVering from his recent
illness. Miss Gordon recently suffered
a severe attack of bronchitis, but is im-
proving. Much sympathy is felt for
expressions of esteem were made, and
,e,and Mrs Thee. Joynt . in the death
hopes that the lives of the worthy I
their only daughter, who was buried
couple may be prolabged until the sil 9. 4
is their eiscond loss inside of a year.
in Bethel cemetery last Saturday; this
ver may become the golden wedding.
Robt. Curran has returned from on
After it pleasant evening the happy.
gatherinextended trip to, Algoma. Mrs Wm.
g broke up, all feeling that
these landmarks In life were gladsome • Woods is, recovering from a severe at-
and cheering events.
Londeshoro ' . ° tact of erysipelas.• Mr Horn and fain-
ily have
by Mr Anderson having purchased it
I moved into the. house vaeitted
• 01417B941, -At the business meeting Miss 0- IL Smith, Wingham, hi yisiting.
her uncle, Thos. Todd. ,•
held in Lotidesboro church on Monday
afternoon, Wm. Moon was appointed
to attend the district meeting. Rev
T. B4oupland .stated- thett xiatteith,
standicg the vote taken eix months
ago --for him to return to the circuit
for a fourth Year: -being almost unani-
mous, only one member of the beard
voting against it, yet after having con •
siderecl things carefully all' round; he
has canoe tcrthe.conelionowthat-it--wilL
be better for him to move. Arent was
moved by the board and:carried,that
the choice of a minister forth.. circuit
'Should be left with the 'stationing com-
mittee. The finances of the circuit, as
read by M. Braithwaite, recdrding
steward, . were *.ftrund ,:to be in pod
shape; the church and 'parsonage are
out of debt, there being only a few
diallers on the Londesboro shed which
coulcette raised. almost any day by a
collection. The connexionel fends are
nicely ...ahead of last year, and after
making un for deaths and removale,
there is an increase of twenty -Six mem-
berth There Was a very good attend-
ance at the quarterly' wince on Sun-
day eforning, though the weather was
unftworablet.oeer one hundred people
took the Sacrament.
Nares.-reThe creamery commenced
operations Monday. L. Hill got a car
cif shingles this week.: IL: 4. Martin
retailed from Manitoba. Teresdey,
R. Cole 'returned to London Saturday,
The Rifle Club have been preparing
their -place on Mrs .Robt. Scott's farm,
near the Station, and will soon start
-10 practise. • The ,.Scale Co..have their
scale at the station, and have 'Bebe ted
the place for it.
Varna •
Catrrioa -At the close of the regular
quarterly official meeting of the Meth;
°diet church of the Varna circuit, it
was moved by, Geo. Brock, seconded'
by j:T Keys. and unanimously adop-
ted, that we place on record our great
thankfulness for the spiritual and mat-
erial prosperity that has attended the
labors of our pastor, Rev J. W. And-
rews, during the pastoral term now
closing', and to express our high appre-
ciation of him,. both as preacher and
pastor,. and woluld gladly have invited' remain with us. the fourth year,
only we as it board prefer to adhere to
the pastoral term of three yeare. Fur-
thermore we Would most heartily rec-
ommend him to any circuit or charge
as an able preacher and faithful pastor.
Signed, NVer. RAITRWELL. Rev Mr
Andrews add family. have made heats
of friends during their residence here;
Mr Andrews is an able speaker, and
has proven himself a useful citizen,.
and would be greatly miesed by all
classes and . creeds in the community.
NoTittl-The Misses Andrews, of
Zurich, spent •Sunday at their home
here.. George Andrews and re, Down-
ing, Olandeboye, spent Sunday at the
Cogoarrr,-L. B. Sp/Mord, cartoon-
ists reciter end instrumentalist, will be
In Varna on Felder, May 16. For par-
ticulars see bille,
— .D.10401k11011 •
Nirrits.,-Miss Lucy Sanderson ta in
Woodstock attending her Mother., who
inoke her leg. Wm, McMathe not
improving very fast: S. Roches rs shop
is well under way: Mr Nichols spoke
on temperance in the Methodist churce
Sunday afternoon. • .We sympathizh
with James and Mrs Black In the death
on Satorday of their baby, aged one
year and nine menthe W. Kirk and
• Duff Sandayed at Auburn. Miss
Henderson, Goderich, apent Sunda** et
home, • •
NOTES.- Geo. E. Greenslade, his
grandparents and Miss Greenslade
have moved to Bayfield; MrGreenslade
baying secured a transfer of licensehae
rented the Myer Howe and will run it
the coming seatiOn The corner tone
• Ashfield
TEWL-Rfitra.1rLI8.--Another of
the (Emily settlera has passed away. in
the person of the late SamuelsEthillips,
who died at his.,home in Ashfield on
April 13th lqth inst. He was in failing
health for the last two months suffer-
ing from stoinach and Ileart trouble,
which he 6.ed. **Mb Lem -near -
Belfast, Ireland, and came to Canada
withhis parer ts when he was three
years old and settled in Chinguacousy
frorn which he removed to Ashflell
55 years ago. Here, he and his aged
partner who survives him, imoved out
for themselves and family it comfort-
able home. Deceased was widely
known and greatly respected and in
the early days of dettlement, was 'one
of the most prominent • men in the
township. •He was a, prominent
Orangeman; being , it member for
53 years. 1 -le leaves to mourn the loss
of a kind father and husband, his wife,
two 'sone and two daughters -Wm of
.Belgrave, Mrs T. A. Iteergueen, of Lan-
es, James and Mary at home; and. st
brother Alex, of Listowel, and two sis-
ters Mrs Robb Stuart, of GIS mails, and
Mrs Wm Wood, of Thessalon,
'NoTEs,-A. joint meeting of the On-
gregations of Smith's Hill and Man-
chester resulted in it call to Rev Mr
Small. A lecture in connection with
thee Sunday school will be 'yen in this
church on eley_15eley Rey„D Daniels,
on "Swing of the Century; a silver
collection will he taken at e cidors
Miss Lay Ferguson attended t e silver
wedding of Mn and Mrs Grummett,
of Nile, last Friday. Frank McDonagh
is Making preparations for his new
house. The.scholars made the grounds
and building of 8. S; No. 1 very tidy on
ehickes Rationing.
'•(Clontribnied by P.C. Elford.).
A great deal. is being said written
about poultry, especially that aide of the
business included in the fattening of chick-
ens, and perhaps -there ‘le no ODD depart-
ment of farm operations ' thee dieelopliii
and making the dribs that this is,
• We have heard considerable about sup-
plying properly fatted ohioka for the Brit-
ish market, and I think we Canadians have
a right to be proud of the reputation we
have made there for our dressed poultry.
It is not so very long ago that to sell any
quantity of chickens, fattened or unfattea,
who almost an impossibility here in Oen,
sda, while at the same time handsome
prices were being paid the English farmers
for well fitted Woks Prof. Robertson, of
the Department of Agrioulture at Ottawa,
fleeing this, spent some time in England,
with a view to Sliding out, if possible, bow
the English farmer was able to produce the
bird that would demand suoh a price; while
there he gained cioneiderable valuable in-
formstion, Which, on returning home, he
made use of. At first he established two
or three stations where experiments were
made in order toefind out: 1st, if we could
produce as OA a qtlality of ohieken; 2nd,
could the &bike, when fattened, be pat
-upon-the Britiehroarkete.inatiod-conditioe,
and 8rd, would the price received pay.
After experimenting for several years
has been found that we can put drama
poultry on the old country market that
pays healledysPteamP waedloiCted is gratiy generally
known -that of feeding in Orates from three
to five Week; on porridge. In former years
the chick was taken when four or five
months old, and rater feeding 'a 'Month
Would dress from Aye to oven pounds.
This year the thiche will be iikell,youngeri
when from two to three menthe old, and
will be dressed ttt threg or font panda.
Muth coedit Viand) Prof, Roberteon and
the Department of Agriculture for the way
this industry has been promoted; not only
• hag ib crested market in the old oonntey,
for our Canadian poultry etands &Vial with
the best, but onr home market Is being
developed to snoh liXt0114 that birds Of
the ftreik quill* demand high tiring and
NOW/VI-Win Murdoch has sold two of the new Presb tertian church wit the demand id trldretteila •
Carload of fat cattle at die per lb,; he
gold two during the winter for $15.00 per
hundred. Mrs 3, Cameron, Greetreek,
is this vreek visiting her mother, mrs
G. McGregor, Who is In poor health,
Mies Annie McEwen, .dangbter of D.
McEwen, hi at present ill with need
ilistftrigh4 !in argil tetmAl Wit
o re1:6 t .
Inglis le recnyering ftOM an attack of
be laid at Bodied With all due care This year aneffort will be made to more
MOniee on Tuesday, May 201h. thoroughly test Mir Canadian markets; the
fattening stations will ahip eaoh week ft
number of oases to Toronto. Montreal and
• 2201111111Ber ' • Other cities, whit& oaseswill be onld as
' N'tettli,-*-X citerilt dada' Will beheld from privets indivietude; the tootling will
at, the parSotinge On Thursday, May 16. therefore show whet can be done by limy
Tes, served from 0 to 8; an excellent person who pine tip the right kind of an
programwill be given in the churth, iirtiole.
El The report of the tlearterir Meeting That orate feeding has como to stay is
CP011414)(1 out until next week.] proyon by the fad that it hi Mord profiteble
1RwepowpoppooppFemtwpivipoememberawas on May 214
5 $1 pei year M
0.043 whoa not se p3
Just arrived
- Blue
P. Reekie's
Prescription Drug ofitongre T911
N.B.-Sweet Pea and Nasturtium
seeds by the oanotelle or paoltege,
also all kinds of gerden and flow -
r seeds.
*4444 -4)P144431•4014 -11 -114 -****104111
Turn over to page 8 and
learn all about our annual
Big Sale of Men's Hate
at 99c. It starts on Sat:
itrday,May .10th, and will
put money in the pocket
of every man who takes
advantage of it. We have
QYQT 125 styles of Rats
tl3at are wort, $1.:LO
t. 5
$2.50 to sell at__990 each._
If you want one come
Hod. ens Bros:
becomes lat. pound of flesh clank*.
made two or three oentaAmper than t
oan be made if the chick has its liberty,
and 2n8, the crated ohick will bring two or
three times as much psr lb. As to glutting
the Market, at present there is not much
danger. Last year . Great Britain con-
sumed over ten million dollars' worth of
dressed poultry. In all probability it will
require more this season, and our home
,market is developing very fast. ,
Whetber it will 'pay or not MY eaqh far-
mer to fatten his own birds, or dispose of
them at a suitable age to one or firm in
the businees, is a ' question. One thing is
surd, we must not put up an inferior 'whole
as 11 15. the exoellence of our product that
demands the market. There will probably
:bszaoreAniformity where the fattening IS
done on alarge -scale; and the farmers or _
farmers' wives will feel like growing more' ,
poultry if they are,sure they San dispose Of '
tiono at early age. Farmers in tilt
section can feel mined of a good demand
for chicks of either the RookorWyandotte
breeds, as the Department intends pun:b-
arring aimed any amount at its statione,
and would prefer a White Wyandotte or
Barred Rook cockerel about two or two and
one-half months old. P. U. Harei-wholas -
chute of thus branch, was at the Holmei36'
ville morthating and fattening statin last
week, and is more sanguine than ever on
the prospects of the dreseed poultry trade.
In conference with some of the directors of
the Clinton Cold Storage Co. he strongly ,
advised the addition of this to their pro-
posed business.
• Siligarnerifill
REPORT. -The following is the stand-
ing rif the pupils of 17. S. 8. No. 4, God-
erich and Hullett, for the months of
March and April, based on the regular
bbeirng°,13.-tinill.Yeerdexerr eignMatirretelielatien,kme-,'e6,,
Russel Neal, Goldie Hill, Caryl Draper,
Melvin Hill, Ethel Lovett, Alva:Beac-
om-Ethel Smith. Sr. III -Lottie Sin -
cleft.; Ernest Challenger, Alf. McBrien.
'Jr. III --Chester Beacom, . Annie Chal-
lenger, Lenajordare, John HayekEdna,
Beacom, Curie • Butt, Gertie Oakes,
Clifford Lobb, Lorne Butt, Eddie Par-
quhar. Sr. II -Grant Archer, William
Sinclair, Annie Miller, Erma Jordan
Murray Draper, Helen Beacom Lied;
Beacord, George Joheson, ' Elsie Lot+.
Johnson. Jr. II -Ogle Miller,..Myrtler'•,1 Mahe Stanley Challenger, Sr. Pb..*
II -Albert McLaughlin Howard
Nettie Sinclair, Peed Lobb, Earl Marrone
Jr. Pt. I/ -Eldred McBrien, Mazy
Smith, Fern Beacom James Lovett,
011ie Lobb. Sr. Pt, I•2 -Elsie Farquhar,
Sam Barr, Annie Johnson, Calvin Lov-
ebt. Jr: Pt. I -Linn Mak, Eddie Milt-
er, Frank Lobb. .L, Challenger Vera
Lobb, Etta McBrien. Average attend-
ance : March 38, April 52.-R. C.
REID, teacher..
• Artistic Accessories
Are indiettentabit to the produ
of meritorious photographe, and
Is why we believe we catt make for yolk
it picture that will be --eminently sWbfr
factory. Out studio is splendidly
equipped with the handsome 80rat1
i backgrounds, draperiee and furnish',
• that -insure good respite.
Henries Photo