The Clinton New Era, 1902-04-25, Page 3• ado
• • -
. 'The Budget Debate
. 'Mt tine 1c 1, NOTES OP THE FARM. '
. , ----,. Any Lady Call 1/40
the apre,ylag outfit eau be put titt
' Rated service in glVing some ot the
ConOr. ChasO's OintinOnt
tinued from plias 2 YOU CaU hardly straighten tit the ;horses and cows a, good epraYlut 44 4 .
'aired to get the ear of the xi hit hon. ie something wbich
bath feel* 00 stire Tbere' a c *lice bath dining tbe warm dart.
ma the Other We of the House endeav. that it AP kidney .atrouble PI and that It is not altogether the aggregate It Isinstiv_eintlemettati,eitOltehaenstiirtern :nu: golteraes.;
nount of i proflt mad it is dongerous to Psin nowIng them that determine.s the Flitutiee, nieoltheadir and Irritar
ie for disease -
aeglect. The beat
net gain. We raw spend med. Itching Okla.ore tbare
./...„ ,,....
of the kidneys is . 11There is no single preparation you
Dr. Pieree'er Golden ' Use fertillzere that contain ft largo can name that is more useful ini • the
tomcat Discoverv. i percentage at potash, for potatoes, awl It
Dr Chase n
s4e'asOd e
lnrtraexunyt. thaxd use of this
twos put it over the rowe, or broadeatit it
kale _ has resulted . on the land. Being soluble the reale ponderervegi a Weep in every ladlee'
• t
the leadet of this House tat, on, Sir
Wilfrid Laurier) -I Ouppese, perhaps,
'due to the fact that he understood cer.
tails sounds that he had heard -and at-
tempted to dictate to him the course
be ehould pursue at the Coronation.
He eadeayored to convey to hira the
a idea that he should represent in Eng-
land that the people of Canada were
-lying awake at uights hoping that
ereitt Batain would adopt a policy
that would he absolutely and entirely
for the benefit of the colonies and pf
*Can tcla in particular. I have sufficient
respect for the honored leader of this
:House to know that he can guage pub-
alc opinion twat as well as any man on
the other tilde can guest° It and I haye
suffleleat respect for the leader of the
Liberal party to know that when he
goes to the Giorattation he Will not take
the dictum of this member or of that wll earr t t tit
*ember, but he will do • what he be -
in some remarkable Y 0 e 10ts of ar
0plants. It Or tor
d h
a e g tfu aoplication
cures. It increaseS Tire plague of Iges ean be very rough, red akin. pimples, .blookheacie
the activity of en targely avoided, says 4 dairyman, Irf
--- , arid irritated, Itki
chlug sn. it prompt.
blood -making rubbing the horse and the cows au ly heals chapped lips and hands, turns,
glands, purifies the over with a sponge dipped i,n soap bruises and woundof all kinds,
blood and relieves suds In %viola a small quantity Of cart During the hot weather Dr. Chase's -
the kidneys from Doll° acid has been mixed, Ointment is in tonstant demand for
cloia,ging anpura (Manna and scalding; fleshy pttople-eii.
ties. The man Who makes general farna
ialli finding it invaluable. Moth-
Itx feel it my duty to log pay the best is the one who has. Pere: wie'it for their babies, s It does
some I
have recently advised Market every month. He. Is no tied
one branch dere do.
a agentlenian
let you. know that i p r()duets that se oan put t on the a
not clog the pores of the skin like P0W-
youeir dolVii to any one crop eta
wlio was su ming bad- Then it must be remenabered that be-,
ly with kidney mid of stook raising, but brat:wives out suf- sides being a. akin beautifier,Dr. Olmee's
aciently, so tbat if one thing falls. he Ointment has . wOncierful medicinal
lieges to be in the interests of Great Your 'Golden Mediral lota other opportunItle,s readY. gualitles, thoroughly caring each and
ritain ae well as in the intereete of ery,1 who Prank Starts, at. 0 of ac. every form of Eczema, Salt Rheum,
tog"L atTi a ii 1: •
licovi -.P tt Co., „flat :0114 iloaudr
1es in r s
If there was °eel:vegetal, Sir, more used the first bottle he began to:nip:ave. Some- , cess 444 hugs
consume the fallen frult and thus de- d lers or est id f
shonsula havetufree in
&nada. by Eczema, Scald Stead and itehina
apple Ocher , as they w • Skin Disease. Sixty cents a box, illi
than another u on which the resent dines lie was unable to walk t n it
e s• novr he
eand rick any horse without any pain n lils back
;iduainistiatien yelped the confidence •irt rdhaaoundiras a young bor.
of the electors in 1000, it was on the ria ageheiTstiaatri
4question Of tariff reform. This was an - We* Year*, aid severael otherdoctorsrgliTtlier
Impottart issue in theti electi.on, and case laCaraDle, but x bad confidence in Dr. R. P.
P trees Golden Msdksl Discovery. I have been
One bon rapt dollars several times al -
Y fermi WO advice, lout I weuld not accept
because z want everybody to know what Dr.
on that issue the veople voted for the
stroy many Insects. Weeds and- grafts , Hates & Company Toronto
'wet also be kept down by sheep, They, . •
should,' however, be fed also at night,
if the herbage is scarce, in order to
have them kept in the best condition,
.Government. I know that some of fibeep will not graze during the heat
mot get tariff reform, but in one breath eras tettlineny is absoluteTy true, and the I sundown. They Can be kept In any
our friends opposite say that we have eme i fame= mod e ne can do. of the day, preferring to do Igo after
they tell us that we haVe tariff reform, meals z havamt nientioned the young settle- i shady plat* until evening, and then
ifor example and in the next breath which is injuring the woollen industry bh ed."
Me Pletelin i driven to the pasture. In this manner
they Will be protected from the heat
essa s name Ls because he don't want t4 ave
-they tell us that this government has Accept . no substitute for tiGolden ; goe the sea and be in baiter camaisaors
mot reformed the tatiff. They say it is Medial Discovery:, The sole motive
for seeking their food during the even
,profection, they are not willing that we were being Americanized; that the tura use. If we wish to provide.agaiust
----• power to lay . up Oourishment for fu,
1 We are vowelises surprised thal
droufh so much better. 'During the
certain portions of our crops entlnr0
a drouth give root growth the best
tavorable yreatber they made a strong
root . growth. The roots have the
can be maintained by the government foasubetitutionlatosenablathe dealer to
make the little more profit paid on the
sale of less meritorious peeparations,
the action of the sluggish lifter. They Dr. Pier Pleasapt Pellets stimulate
mots tariff such as gives aGequain ern,
• tection to the manufacturer. For. ray
• ,part I wish to assert that I believe the
confidence of the electors of Canada
standing in the direction of tariff re should always besed with "Discovery" 0
form. I believe that while the people when there is neof a laxative.
•of Canada are willing to concede to the
ananufacturers a. reasonable amount of ing money here. They claim tha
t' that protection shall be ,unreasonable. Aniaricans were buying our . railways, postabie opportunity.
i I believe that the people of Canada are out steamship lines our manufactur- 1 Can the proportion of butter lu
willing to give to the manufacturers in g industries, and we were go- elilk be Inc •reed by Judicious feed-
sufficient protection to enable them to in to he completely at the mercy of • Ing? The testimony that it can be
- scompete with -outside competition. but American capital Well, Sir, I can see I done is rapidly growing. the expeal-
they are not willing that the Wolff shall no distinction between being at the ' intents of many of the State stations
ate excessively high. If this gov- mercy of American capitalists and be. and of dairy experts laave gained
-eminent wishes to pursue a pol- ingat the mercy of Brandi capitalists, pretty exact information, and -show
' icy which shall be in the intereets of safer as this is concerned. If Aineri- that certain floods rich in oils end to
the veople and which shall be can capitalists are willing to invest in produce an increase in the butter fats
‘endorsed by the people, then they our railway. surely these railways . in inilk. •
will pursue the same pohey of a mod- must remain here and be worked here When cows become dry, they should
,ere,te tariff and stability that hae and so much the better for the welfare
ocharaoterized their regime. Canada is tired of 'the country. I certainly shall not keep in good cqadition on pasture
of the tariff thet the hon. gentleman oppo- raise :my voice against American cap- grass alone, Oows that produce large.
=site seek to reintrodooe. This country has led or British capita,' being invested 13' of milk may be ;allowed grain and
hay in addltion to 'gratis, and all that
tried tbe policy which hon i entlemenoppo- in Canada. .
a they will eaa but it is not necessary
-ate would. endeavor to again saddle' %int Let pie say a word or a two as to th
the country, hat the country has shown transporetatiou question. I. believe to bighly-feed . nonprodueing stoc
sympathy with the reaolation of the leader can to wan the transportation proloa
what it d.uring the worm seaion, as less .food
upon two suoosssive mutations that it bag no that the government is doing I al t
Of the opposition,and has no clesire to again . tem in tlits country, Gentlemen oar. -competed -with . .
April 25tli 11114.
A Nov Spring Goods
PILLS Dress Goods
Those who have used Laza-Liver Pills
may they have no equal for relieving and
curing Constipatielt. SIOIC Heath'
stehe, Dytipepsilie,
Coated Tongue /Natal Breaths
Heart 131/rat Water Brash Of
any disease or disorder of the stomach,
Ever Or bowels.
Mrs. George Williams, Fairfield Plains,
Ont., writes as follows; " As there are so
many a* her medicines offered for sole in
subqiitution for La xa-Liver Pills I am
Ocular to get In.. genuine, He they far stir-
pess'anytirrigel.o41 regull ting the bowels
and correcting stottrich disorders."
Laxa-Liver Pits are purov vegeta' 1? •
TIoelttal*sergiin:r II'
• • RAISING CELERY, Schoot Hunier
*he Manse of Treating the' Crop 11 Nov N English paper gives some farther
• Much Simplified. . examples of dbildren's unconecimus
" Our manner of treating the celero' . humor In answering examination
crop of late years is very much 4nt. tateettenta
yenta, says air. Peter Henderson: In. Alexander' the Great was born in
stead of sowing the. seed In a bot -bed
eibeTheneeeehefeibitele,Pusareenitns'Magna Chart&
or cold frame, as practIced In Europe
it le Sown in the open groand as noon Was that no tree man should be intt to
ambit or Imprisoned without las own A -
as it is fit to woth, and kept careful', The Meetly 'atomise in our tradele Wad PrOof of the halt Poet law eetelitseett light _
-aclear of weeds liner thialline of planb n"sent "--
Where were the icings et England our prices lower than theme ot other dealers in the trade;
tog, in June and July. In our warmei
Prowned? On their beadles • We manufacture funsiture cm a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If yort bar
ciimitte, if raised, in hoabedia, as :what were ithe three most important • from us, we save for you the profit, which. in other oases, has to be added in
England, a matority of the planti the retail dieter.
.f.iaces and nrabroideries
of all kinds
It Coats .az Son
pROA.DFOOT, .130X & 00,
mould run to seed. The tops art Feudal dues? Eriendship, oountship, This week We belie passed into !stook some ot our new designs. Space will not permit
shorn off once or twice. before pilint marriage. he tO quote proms, but oomeond see for yourself whot snaps we have to offer -
ring, so as to insure, "stocky" plane( What do you know at Dryden and - Remember -we are determined that aur prices stall be the owest in the trade.
Buckingham? Dryden and Buoking-
Which suffer less on belie traosplane
ed. . !ham were at firer' friends, but soon 'be- UNDERTAKING
cisme conteMporarles.
. After the ground has been nicely pre
bat is Milton's -chief work? Milton In this department our stock is complete, and we :JIM undoubtedly the best fulmar
pared, lines are struck Out on the level NV outfit in the county. Out lances ate as ow as the lowest •
and wrote a sensible poem caned the "Ce.n• -
eurface, tlaree teet apart,
the .plants net six bathes apart terbury
dU TOWS. If the weather • le dry Give the names a aye ahake.spearian 13ROADFour 13 X
at the time Of plahting, great cart PlaYs? maetteth. Machina Quo Vadis, Manager •
should be taken that the roots art San Toy, Sign of the•Oroes.
0 * 00a j• Chid:"
An optimist Is a man who Molts atter pi, EL—Night and Sunday. oaths &Mendota to. by mating att . Chidleyar (Fumes
roperly "firmert" Our custom is ts D' t 1 'a
tree or reel erica
your eyes, and a peesimist is a Mau
teen back on the row, and press by
the Side of each plant gently with taa. who looks after your feet.
A, man who. Iooks on the bright Wfie
foot. Th cempacts the 'soil, and par;
of things is called an optionist, and the
tally excludeS the air trees the roots cane 'who lOokil oil the dull side la Called
Until new tOotlefs-are formed, whict
twill usually' attain; forty-eigat boure • ..lana
after which all' d'aciger is over; nit LOSS OF FLESH.
Iitactice of prefaing ;the soil'. 'close',
arms tao mu fa asseataa la plant, . If you find yourself falling below normal
weight *ere is, danger. The use of fieh
ing of. all kinds, and millions of plants
are annually- destroyed by its °rata oils Can temporarily add fat, Wawa' never
build up healthy tissues. Dr Chase's Nerve
son. After the Planttng of the cater,
i it d awn f a as to la Food sate through the blood and nervous
, system and carries new life mid enema to
'pat in praotioe the extreme principle ena- site find fault with thegovernMent or • UP to a certain point all food Is ultia (Rase for six or seven weeks, except • - . , a.
every nookand • corner of the body., It
boaNdain that resolution. • . not doing as much as they can to in. lima In suPPlYinif the, constant and
tcrulathattnIgie through boert whoe,e e ii and the f c creel:: regulates the various organs of • the body,
I smasita of Osage, Mr Speaker, who do crease our transportation' facilities, but 1 natural waste of the system. A. 0=Cmakes the appetite good, adds , healthy
not believe in the fast Atlaptio Service- when the government . wisely expends , Or an mama' must be full fed. After the• plants of weeds, until they ,gei , flesh, and repteoes the tissues wasted by
perhaps that is due to the fact that I live :money in improving the Intercolonial ' an animal waste is .supplied, then Strong enough to crowdthem dower - disease. Naturally and gradually this food
far from the see...board. I believe this Railway or io improving our water comes a demand foss sa much to -far- This will bring us to about the middle cure restores color to the cheeks, Mamma
country can get along very well without a ways, these same gentlemen condemn nista animal heat. After these dee of August, by which time we. her/ . the weight °Utile. body and thoroughly
feet Atlantic aervice, as I understand it. ' the government for that expendituae. mends have been met, and • not. until usually that moist and. cold atmost overcomes disease.
and I think we bave been wise in going. Tliere len° consistency•in their argil. then, surplus production beeenies poi. phere essential to the growth of celery, : . .
slow in that respeot. If the time comes ment on that score. For my part, I Bible. Moreover, the latter abject is Then we begin the "earthing up" ne• , .' James Whitworth, 643 Queen tared
shalt' t find -fa It' with the- best gained by the cereal' feeder an0 eeSSat7 for the blanc'hing' and whiten, east, died -yesterday at Si•Michael's Hos.
ment.even if iaincreases the present by a perfectly balanced ration. ing of that which is wanted for use i pital while under the influence of chloral
large expenditures for the betterment . t duel* the months of September, Oa 'poem. . '
Where sheep are pastured upon cloa .
of our transportation facilities,because
t believe, that these expenditures are ver there, Is a consteot ebecking of the
like investments that are wisely and as„,ains. of cu,,,,d
plant, and this predisposes it to the
'judiciously made and in the end Will """"•-•"' - "-"; Thais it produces a
redound to the advantages of Canada. as
heavier seed crop than when the cora-
1 am glad that" I am . not called on to 1 as --
on practice Is followed of allowing
support the fal ici)us res lu 'o t that la to grow anti' In blossom and than
was .placed before ' the ilcuse by the.; cuttinvit close to the ground; but, it
hon. leader of the oppoititon. Let rue I the clover Is tett off, Canada thistles
sea tbat in general I believe that the ' and other biennial weeds in it should
poltcy pursued by the present adniis- • be mown down to the surface with a
tration is a policy that meets with the icythe. The sheep will nbt takessua
cordial approval • and support of the &lent care of these to absolve you •
people of the Demi nion as a whole; it is Crain giving some attention to them, 1
tries, developing our regourceso adding I Testing and Preserving Zgge. •
when we are able to have a fast Atlantio
service*ithout too much oost to the coda- .
try, perhaps it inay be advisable .end ad-
oiantageous, but I believe we have been •
'prudent in not hurrying into a scheme of •
that kind without very carefully oendider-
: ing what we are doing.
111 `•Aii The hon. members for hanark (Mr Roes.
' Mond) told tie that that the Gems waidia-
,.appointing,and that we have not the pope -
teflon we would have, had we pursued
,some other policy. -Let me point to the
• hon. gentlemen the•faot, that the lose of
our population to a 'very large eztent took
place during the period -when khe hon, gen.
aleman's friends were in power. Is it
not a fact that the failizre of ody popu-
, lation to increase as we should expect it
av mid increase, happened during the
period when the national policy was in
a policy which is buildino up our Indus- ' sta. - •
so our we mond prosperity,and there,. Eggs that are to be packeci0
operation; a policy practioalty identical , fore w o t tho of (he confidence. of this lat pertectly• fresh. •There is ne,better
with that set forth in the resolution tit' a ,119C a nd f the country. . way to tell a flash egg then the old
theteader of the opposition a 'The cen- : : • • method of testing them by a paper
sus was oo ilatilit diselatibititiiikatisa all- --a sa -sir emigaaa ireheir- --- -- , tube: --atoll..up taspleee...ataatila •PaPera
Canada but if the policy of the Olonser- - ' . altS' .alstats • so that an °Minima .egg will just ftt in
vative party failed te create. the indite. -
one end. Place the egg in the end of
tries which they sea would haveincreise lathe Zritical lige .in the -Lite.of the tube, and look through; the °they •
ed our population, ts it at all reasonable .' ail Little Ones.. • q end with the tate directed toward the,
to suppose that the reintroduction c f • . . • , --- , •• • I light. The egg tele oppear tzaaislucent
that policy would have any died ? I oon- ,
tend Sir, that the more you can make 'this During the .teething perioid great ciare if fresh; If stale, it will appear dark,
should. be taken of baby's health, The almost opaque. A. good .egg will gen.
o-untry a cheap country to live in, Without
serionely interfering wit!). the exalting little one soften. greatly o the authe are malty sink If pleased In water; if stale
&Hanes, the better. it is for the county!, hard and inflamed and Any disorder of the it will Boat. SeveralaVays of preserva
" 'Canada w v . • • y • tor otoinach or bowels increasea the peeyiali • .
ness of the child and often fetai remits fol.
off if it had confineditself to what we nude:.
atand to be a revenue tariff, sra had never low. Mother% greatest aid at this period
adopted what is known as the national pa . is Baby's Own Tablets-tha surest of all
ioy. I know that it is diffinult to get people realedie° in auriaa the minor ailments of
- to acknowledge a distinction between a re. children. Among thmany Mothers who
venue tariff and a protective tariff ; for testify to the value of these 'labiate is tars
.25 R. ii, Bickford, Gien• Sutto a 'Que., who
..,...per, eent,-OP A Pet aellaftriPabialt Paean/Pa ..egyatasatatfa little tiebytiliffered-inucle from-
' tie tariff and yet afford .considerable protec.
i. teething and inligestion. I prooured a
Con. It is only a d 0
ifer nee „"
degree between the two, but however Woad Baby's Own Tablets and it worked
wonders in baby's condition -in fact I be.
that may be, I believe that our Indus. lieve it saved my little one's iffe, I sin.
. tries would have been just as pros. cereja- believe that • Where now many a
- Verona ; nay more so, if we had may.
er resorted tothe extreme fhorne is eaddenea through -death of a little oast —
features of
It • . re ova& one, jcy would be supreme if them Tab'ets
the national policy.had been used, la consider theta baby's . '
from the people that. spirit elf- best doctor and walla not • be without .
mg eggs are practiced. The
,object is
independence ' . that spirit of active thew, • .. ,,,,., • . ., to prevent evaporation from the egg,
energy; thatspirit of determine. Botya Own Tablets when given in so- Cutting off the air from the eontente
tion, that spirit of self-assertiyeneas -
which mould. have prevailed had we cordance with the directions prevent rest- of the egg preserves them longer than
not depended upon the assistance given 'eggnogs and nervougnegraacure eiMple feta "Mb any other treatment. An egg
usby the government. If out menu- er, diarrhoea, 'constipation, collo' and ail whlea"has 19110 hi bran even for a lase
factuaers had been thrown iupon their stomach trouble. Guaranteed to contain' days will Bitten and taste musty. Pack.
no opiate or harmful drug. By dissolving
own resources; it our Manufacturers 4 tablet in water it can be given with ab -
if our manufacturers had endeavoured
eatered to the wants of the peapie4, opiate safety to the very youngest baby.
to blanch out according to the legit- Sold by druggists, or direst , by mail, post
at93ceutsabox. by addressing the
Misfile' Medicine. Co*, Brookville,
tober and Novenabet. first opera, •
tze tion Is that of "thandting,a as we terM Victory After- Victory.
it; 'that .is, after all the soil has -beeu • 'o.-- •
drawn up against. the plant with the et an D-iry rain; and Expoktione held
hoeit is further "drawn close &wind - in Canadabettermakere• who use Wells ,
each plant by' the hand, 'Iran enougt . Itiohardecti 4 COL...rer,. re -ea Bn. 1. r Col.
to keep the leaves in an upright posa ' or" carry nineseathe of all the prizes
o 6 . . g p oyes t t . e
This being alone, more ssoil is drawfi and safest tailor to ' nee at all seasons.
againgt the row (either by the plow or aWells, Riolsardgon di flee "Improved But -
hoe, as clretimstances require)* eo ea ter Color'. being the strongest color made,
to keep the plant in this miright posa . it is the cheapest to use all honest mar-
ten. . The • blancting procefis nsust, chants recommend it, '
!however, be • flnislied by the ePa", " The Ontario Government is reported
which- is •done by digging the soil !rem to be about toestablish hatchery
between the rows, 1ancl 'banking i 111:Li a' London, Ont. • ' •
• clear to the top on each sitle of the
s . . Su,
Miller's Compband Iron Pin. have . oh
row et celery, Three feet is ample -
n and prevent them from preading awarded Thi r that i • is th boat
distance Isetaseela the dwarf varieties, virtue that everyone should try thena. • Sold
*.• •
bat when larger tarts are •used the by all druggiste, town;
-width ofthe rows mutat be at ieseat stlhe Kensington Creamery at Wird-
tour and a•half. or five feet. ' • ' ettialiataaiirdestiaiyedatrftitesa ` as" ss
outlet ror Tile Drains. The pimples hays disappeated. Minima
tile be stone underdrienbia; as ,tva :.druggiets,
by alt
Farmers spend time and money Oti Cemileund IMI1 Me town. - aid i6' 894
' .
liaise _the eiltlet •oi the •dralri ,whittly •
/article= . DPIIGGIS . '' a
unprotected... sOonsequentlys In a -year - a-
or eo, -the cattle and other eteck, end ..a aND .P4BrgOT SATISFACTION
.• tae action of the froef, ..dieplaces the ,
drain, and partly or Wholly ells up . In this age. of woray, hustle and bed.
the channel. If tbe fall is alight,
Whole work sometime.s becomes wo
.ness competition, strua care andis ten ion
Mahe filling of your ..doctera prescrio-
• . ions is absolutely necessary for-the-asi-tY
and welfare of your family. We en
entee accuracy end perfect satisfaction
all our easterners. Our. toilet depart-
- ment is always reprete with the Sates*
preparations and novelties.
' a Mita egmenta
Has cured thousands when everything eta :
has failed. It has never failed' to give. sick
people happy results. It strengtheruainaig-
oratee, gives new toneto the eye -
tem, aatthee the blood pure, ie food.
for thaitergeer•it water' stoic people well,
We cep aupply yotaavitE the pure eata gen-
uine Paintee Celery Compound,
• B. °Oa/BE, Druggist, Clinton, Ont,
YAW A.ffeeting Cowl,
liCn important decision in regard fe
(*Mug cows ender warranty was re.
eently given Bolton county
court in „England. Two dairymen, hav.
int bought of a 'mai lartnet two coWa
.evhich tallest to calve upon oertain
'dates, es guaranteed, sued the vendor
few the keep of the animals up to mild
dates. It was decided that., its the.
'plaiutiffs dia not take oulventitge of
;the law which would have aethorized
ithebt-to-return the animals as goon es
itbskr diseoyered the warranty to be
,lareken, or to offer them for tale in
It see the vendor refuaed to take them
• back (according to the eustoMeza eat-
fut warroiti practice), the', could ao
NW recover. emeepeele
• ON THE P01.1/4111.(gliiRD PLAN, • •
Tho- fourequaril• view Mame that! ell
oustonlf3re, regardless of rank or stethips
receive the !tone careful attention and
treetment at our Store. We are as partici-
Mar with the child who is sent to per -
chase Sortie Small article as We are with
the experienced adult. We novel* sub.
stitute inferior dregs when filling you
doctoes prescription. We never rewire
mend t'he "something just es. good,'
Suez elle thietuaire •
Under ail pirminifitarmee_ of 0101Alliyi
Senile rfillfe'rf Celery COMpOun
sefe,dera and. unfailing, it 131601360 and
purifies the based, braces the nerves,
oorreots • digestiott, and builds up those
who Are week and runoltiwn. If you are,
nerVona sleeplette, try One bottle; the
restate will ettrpriee you. Our stook of
mtka pure.
S 110V31111`,Drsiggist, Ointrin.
. Itior:te,7,.;..e., •
stIF• •;,.,
mate demands of the country, I believe aWJ
that our 'industries would be more iprosa
porous then they are today, and • that a'"a
the country' would have been all the • -
better for it. — • -
Good Newel
It is apparent to all who observe, the Biagi adatiager-aitr. Heavy, you will
'ttOnditions in thie country that for a take the toot of Alonzo. Mr. Heavy -al
coneiderable length of time. if not for have never seen this play. )::.0 you
1•11 time, Canada must be first • and think I Can please the audience in that
f orenctost•en agermilturalccuntry, We part? eiremeneety. You"' de en the
hale the mining and lumbering and first act."."Tie-leite."
the fishing industries • of course, • but .
with our vast area of fertile territoryi _ .
, repeat that Canada mint be first of all estimate Utter ue that reicceeded in of different epoch" for bead, flies and
agridculturalcicettitrt. tlherefore It wattle Ws wifeto-Open the &rant •
Kra lazes= "(head out tri the second* frith age. :When the leaee the •
seraner insecte do not *crease in size
ed in eggs -will be sta,ined. Covered
with a coat of spirit varnish eggs bavo
• kept ate pettedly that after the lapse
bf twe yeare chickena Were Welted
drota them,
Spirit varnish for preserving eggs ta
made by dIssolaing gum shellac le
enough sticabol to make a thin vaa
nista Coat each egg with this and
_paCir, little end down, go that they.
canot moitialiablUalhaWdatitretalatirda
the send le best. Whatever is used
for pitckliag ehould be clam and are'. •
. • _
amain, or tiosaisto lust.
the large •and small humble bees
that ore seen in garden and field ore
improve t condition of our marled!-
' turista, When We can make le poss-
ible for him to earn more by the labour
on his term; when we cari enable him
• to helm more naoney to spend, that
of twine would mean an increase
• in the produeti n of manufactured
go , farmer vrt MAO
--Mora M0007 on implements and upon
oierthina and othernecessaxies. There -
fere, the prosperity of the agricul-
tural data Of the community means
0 the prosperity of the madufacturers
. and of every other class of •our popu.
Wien, The Argument was advanced
by the bon jtentlenlen on the other
side of this House,that because we did
not adopt the polley advocated by the
tjoneervittive • party, .1.4ritieh capital
WM not being invested here, but dur.
• jeg,thle very debete we have heard
aentienien on We other side &elan
in untneiasured terms egttitiat the fact
' that Ainericith capitalists weie hayed.
story window)-*Lre you *where Oari.
Strau Oeszone-Vhen. wag
reolproolter-asseset krAte.7.
We Offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward
for on orate of Catarrh dud cannot be cur.
ad:by *Ire Catarrh Cure.
Oumser Co., Prope., Toledo, 0,
We, the undersigned, hoe known P. S.
Cheney for the last le yettraand belive hire
perfectly honorable in all business transae.
dons *ed finendelly able to carry out any
obligations mule by their firm.
Weer te TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, To -
lead, 0,
.IVALIMiO1 ' MtitiAti & %UM, WhOhleale
I Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
aoting directly upon the blood and mimeos
surfaces of the, system. Price 75e. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimon.
late free. •
, Hall's Venally Pills are the befit,
• lea pupa
• awe they are fully eloped an 4 -
(tot grow aftetwerd, relieve tr. many
'Opedes of the bumble bee native at the
Wilted 14tates, but to yet very little
is known of thdr history ar their ea>
1101rile value to the gerdenir and Wine
er. 'there is a wide and intereeting
deld Open here for SOIne young enta
piologist who might itequi fame and
ilit011Or by giving the • world a life hie.
ksry ot the bee* of North lint
Thetis the first untniatable symptom' Of
diecitteed Wane's, an Ailment whioli one
can fleeted withont inviting Original dio.
egad diehetes, thetinattesor and the most
veleta' end fetal tottiediea At the first
sign of beekaohe and urinary disorderti ria0
IDr Celestes gianeyleverrille and you Oen
/33 Natalia to prompt iellef and cure. One
• iffrk.,01?b4.4/::4-1
1• 0:14 •
/144.11.,„A . at"tta
--et -144-, • "
Om. For a proper outlet, lay a large
nat'stone, two or more feet square,
above the tile, as shown In the en-
! Pat . mber f small
stones on each side to aid in support.
hag the steno • in A proper position.
Alter heavy rains, or at leitst severe
timed a yea.r, examine the outlet, an
tremove all accumulathans of materia
irst-class Wagons
ancl :10110411;71110k111111
• 1 ant, handiingihe celebrated tioLaughlin make of buggies and other makes
of first -cisme Ontario firms. Also of my own manufactura zneluding top bug.
• gies, rnikadoee, etc. Of all the latest mocternastyles. Repairing of all kinde
promptly attended' ta
JHN LESLIE. '•Ifuro. n Street'. Minton
Buggies &gongs.
These pills; are a specific for ail
diseases arising from disordered
.nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They, cure palpitation, dizziness,
iffiethorny, faint and weak 'spells,
shortness of breath, swellings of feet
and ankles, nervciusness, sleepless*
nese eneamia, hysteria, St. Vitus'
dance, partial.paralysie, brain Vag,
female complaints* general debility*
and leek of vitality. Priests SOO. a box,
Peine'e (ielery Compound is always freali
• Do you.want a high grade Doggies or Wagons ?
We have the finest stock to select from. All the latest styles in the new.
est Rotors. Oar prices are as low as canbefound.for first-class naaterial
and workmansaip. Before call and see us.
..Isaao Street,. Olutton
• • ..*ExT-600R•To- NEW ESA: GIPP1014
• - • .
, 70...t •
I had nervoukindigestion and a !general derange
ment of the entire system. It had been a •con-
tinual torture for 12 years. My blood became
very poor and at times my toe and finger nails
would be diseased. After eating I would sit .
a chair and put ray feet on something to keep
them from swelling, and at times would take
off my shoes for the misery I had. Whenever I
experience anything to remind mit of past aches
I cannot be -too elated to ten what Ripana •
Tabules have done for me. I still cake one now
and then, because I know how bull -have
They were just what I nook&
The fiv,e.cent packet is enough for sit:
ordinary occasion. The family bottle, sizty
1011 a awe, 25e box, cents, contains a supply for a year.