The Blyth Standard, 1930-03-20, Page 7WAS RUN DOWN AND VERY WEAK Too Little Blood the 'Trouble and Tonic Treatment Restored Health "1 nm writing to tell yon," says Mrs. Jatnes A, Hengist), Bridgewater, N.S., "the great health benefit I received through the nae of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I had become badly run clown and very weak; so much so that I could only with difficulty do my house- work, I suffered from headaches, and had very little desire for tneals. The trouble affected my nerves, and as a result I did not sleep well at night; and would often awake with a choking aensalion, and would have to sit 0p in bed, I was taking treatment, but it did not help me and I was losing cour- age, when I saw an advertisement of a case which seemed much like my own, which had been relieved by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I de. ended to give this medicine a trial and got two boxes. Before these were all gone there was an improvement in my appetite, which seemed a hopeful sign. I procured a further supply of the pills and found a steady improve- nmentin my health. I couldeat well, sleep soundly at night, and my house. work was no longer a task beyond my strength. From my own experience I would advise weak, run-down people to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, feeling that what they have done for me, they will just as readily do in other similar cases," If you will send your name and ad- dress to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont„ a little book, "Building Up the 13100(1," will be mailed you prepaid, This little book contains many useful health hints, You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, A Prayer to St. Francis 0 saint! who talketh with all the birds In ancient woodlands din, Care for the fledgling sparrow perched On yonder leafless limb. When winds are cold, and snows are deep And dark clouds overheats, Lead the belated robin where I -Is finds a bit of bread. Speak to the hearts of those who sit In houses slug and warn, And bid therm scatter crumbs about' After a freezing storm; And when the icy crust is hard, And bitter northers blow, See that the snowbird's tall seed grass Still stands above the snow, --Minna Irving In the New York Sun. Chemistry Pro essay—"\What are some of the uses of hot air?" Student—"In orating it is said to be especially useful in warming the audience ui to the subject. "Mr. Edison doesn't like dancing, bridge or golf; he thinks the latter In- vented for men who cat too much."— Mr's. Thomas Edison, "I think radio broadcasting one of the greatest developments culturally that the world Inc ever seen."—Mme. Schumann -Mende, YOUR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER 0011 CQ OVERNIGHT "Mara soils on neck. Doctor said lance. Trfed'Sootlm-Salva' first' boils vanished overnight," C. T. Scott. Sootba•Salva" stops pain!n i minute; boils go in tewbours, At as druggists. 1 11 n Owl Laffs Easy Street is reached by Hard Luck Alley. 1lazel—"Where are you going, Helen?" helot—"Down to the drug store to buy a package of dog biscuits, Where aro you going?" Ilaeel—"Over to the grocery to buy a box of Aspirin," A subscriber writes to ask why some people have electricity in their hair? Of course we are not speaking from personal experience, but it may be because such people have some. thing shocking on their mind, Electricity In the Home Everything electric is an ad. you often see, Let us check up on its uses, Everyone will soon agree Curls your hair and washes dishes, Toasts your bread so brown and nice, Rings the door bell, sends best wishes In summer tune it makes your ice, Cools the (house and cleans the car- pets, DI a trice it starts your car, Tura a switch and as you listen, Yes, 'tis music from afar, In the honeymooner's kitchen Not a moment need they waste, Tho percolator on the table Has the coffee just to taste, Eggs are cooked. Just press a button, Hens lay eggs by day or night. Qh! what a useful little witcli Merry little Kilowatt! Every job just needs a switch, First—"Did you read about the man who swallowed the teaspoon?" Second—"No, what happened to Thin?" First—"Ile can't stir." The modern wife doesn't know where her husband goes in theeven- ings, says a critic, She should try staying at home one evening; she might find him there. It was necessary for taxation Pur- poses to decide which side of the Canadian and United States border a farm, which an old lady h^'1 just pur- chased, actually lay. Surveyors final- ly announced that the farm was just on the American side of the border. The old lady smiled with relief. "I0) so glad to know that," she said, "I've heard that winters in Canada are ter. MY severe." Cheer up and let the dentists do all the looking dose in the mouth, She's a good mother, confides a friend. She never strikes her child- ren except in self-defense. Jones—"Well, old man, how are You getting along with your poultry rais- ing? Malting Expenses?" Smith—"Not yet; but my hens have taken to eating their awn eggs, so 1 hope they will soon become self-sup- porting," People who can't write their names so anyone can road then, will often complain if they are not spelled right in the newspapers. C tmethhng in a Name It is said that a young lady by the name of Adeline Moore invented the postscript. Simile: As unpitying as a loan shark, 1st Suburbanite—"We are getting (P1a league of nations in our suburb. Have you heard about It?" 2nd One—"No, what is it? A straw vote?" lat One— "No, It's an agreement be- tween those who are planning to mice a garden this spring and those who are going to raise chickens. Hei, s one o f those fellow s who, o, 1f he were 0 singing celebrity, would spend hours listening to kis own phonograph racords, said a man of a fri0(111. "Tito man who succeeds In his work is the nae whot can leap quiet and placid when there is very severe pres- sure."—Charles E, Ilughes, "I am enthusiastically for every- , thing that increases knowledge," -- Michael Pupil]. PHILLIPS= ���ofr,Acn'Fs For Troubles due to Acid , 5IP00000 001 ACSTO 14 HEARTOURN esesDA HEAOACME GAS.ne•NAUSEA Many copie, two hones after eating, su for indigestion as they call it, It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, ha class and elltcieut way, Is Phillips' lIi le of Magnesia. gnes Ithes remained rot 50ear the set❑ Y a 1111'11 withYsfb ' P • clans. One spoonful In water neutral• izes many tittles its volume in stomach acids, 611(1 at once. Tho symptoms dis. appear in five minutes. Yost will never use crude methods when you know this better method, And you will never suffer front excess acid when you prove out this easy re- lief. Please do that—for your own sante—now, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' j Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess'' acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. Canada's Participation CANADA is taking a prom- inent part in the Fourth World's Poultry Congress, London, July 22 to 30, 1930. National Exhibits. Provincial Exhibits. Cc almercial Exhibits. Live Bird Exhibits. 1,000 birds—the largest ex- hibit from any country. 500 delegates—the most from any country except Great Britain. Two After•Congress Tours After the Congress—an eleven day tour of the British Isles—the Shakespeare country, North Wales —Ireland, Lakes of Killarney, Dub- lin, Belfast—Scotland, the Tros- sachs, Edinburgh—back to England, Lancashire, the English Lakes. Then a Continental tour— Brussels, Holland, the Hague, Am- sterdam, Frankfort, Munich, Ober- ammergau (to sec the Passion Play), Switzerland, Paris, Canadian and United States dele- gates and visitors sailing together front Montreal, July 12th, on the "Duchess of York." For detailed information write to the nearest of the following: Dr. F. N. Marccllus, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Prof. W. A. Maw, Macdonald College, P.Q. J. D. Barbeau, Department of Agriculture, Quebec, P.Q. J. G. Morgan, Experimental Farm, Nappan, N.S. or F. C. Elford, President of the World's Poultry Science Association, Ottawa, CANADIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS COMMITTEE Tho Hon. Dr. W. R. Motherwell Honorary Chairman Dr, J. H. Grisdole Honorary Vico-Chairman H. B. Donovan—Chairman President, Canadian National Poultry Council L. P. Burrows—Secretary 114 Vittoria St., Ottawa El 00 Mamm"ths' Graveyard Is Sought Along Yukon Fort Yukon, Alaska.—Seeking ante- diluvian monsters with hair and skins intact, two scientist -trade's have be- gun a leisurely jourpey down the frozen Yukon River in the hope of finding the burial place of mammoths In theh [ t bluffs f 1 u s o the stream 1111 g C 1 utter). proacbable during the 0000011 of open water. East spring frost forces huge bones out of gravel beds along the rive'. Many valuable finds of ancient ivory were uncovered in the sante manner in. recentear marketed sand ma .eted by the Y two traders. The last well preserved carcass of a mammoth was found near Dawson in 1904 and sold• to an Eastern college museum for a largo sun. That there are more such remains still intact in the frozen subsoil along the Yukon, where nature may do the excavating, is tho opinion of the searchers. They expect to exchange dog sledges for barges early in the spring near the mouth of the Tanana River's con- fluence with the Yukon. Beaverbrook's Proposal Sydney Bulletin (Criticizing the "traiff truce" conference, 10111011 was barren of results, 1�corn- pares e alts, the Bu lain it with the "Empire Crusade.") The idea is some relation to news- paper millionaire Beaverbrook's de- mented proposition that all the British Dominions shall somehow be tricked Into au arrangement for absolute Free Trade within the Empire, so that all the products of the United Kingdanl and of some 350,000,000 attached nig- gers shall enjoy the run of the Aus- tralian market, and this Common- wealth shall throw the biggest item of its revenue Into the ash -heap, and go broke immediately amid the vitupera- tions of John Ball, its biggest creditor. Use Minard's In the Stable. KEEP THEM HAPPY BY' A Glorious End Classified Advertising KEEPING THEM WELL' Frani' Ship of Polar Explorers Equipped for Her Last It, is natural for children to be bap- Voyage py, active, and full of fun. When they Oslo, Norway,—The bettered ehip are fretful, fussy and disinclined to Frani, which has carried Norwegian play you may be sure sometihing t0 explorers to their conquests during wrong. Almost invariably that some. foto' decades, Is being equipped fol thing lien in the digestive tract. her last voyage, it Is to meet the need for an abso• The Frani carried Fr!djof Nansen lately safe corrective of childhood ail- toward the North Pole in 1893 011d meets that Baby's Own Tablets have brought him back two years later been designed, They gently regulate when he reported havling reached lutf- the stomach and bowels and thus tulle Sri degrees 14 minutes, the north - drive out constipation and indigos- erumest point visited by man up to Hon; Meal( up colds and simple fevers then, and allay teething pains. Concern- The sante Frani, wish a few new ac- ing then Mrs. W. E. Forsyth, Dover, coutrements, married Refill Amundsen N.B., writes; "1 would not he without south la 1911 and carried hint hack in Baby's Own Tablets as I know of node, triumph as discoverer of rho South ing to equal them for fretful, fussy Pole, to be acclaimed at home, babies who are troubled with colds or Now the Frani is to proceed to sour stomach" Troucllijem to take part in an exhlhi- Baby's Own Tablets are sold by tion on the occasion of tiro 900th au. medicine dealers or by mail at 25 niversary of the introduction of Chris- cents a box from The Dr, Williams' tlanity Into Norway, When she re. Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, turns she will be placed in the Arctic ,Museum hero, On her final voyage the Frain will ho captained by Wisting, the only Ilv- mn 6110RdmiraRich Of a Lifetime anding E.aByrd00)who0 ]lasear 00021Abothl poles, • Wisting was with Amundsen at the The opportunity of a lifetime is real- South Pole in a dirigible in 1928, ly what is offered -in the post -Congress The Pram's crew will be made up of tours which have been arranged to old polar explorers from the Nansen, follow the closing session of the Amundson and Sverdrup expeditions. Fourth World's Poultry Congress, to ; ___._— be held in Old London, July 22nd to A Peril to Egypt 30th, this year,gyP Calro Sphinx: (Egypt is menaced by -vast swarms of locusts In the Stoat Peninsula), At any moment, a strong east wind may drive the swarms of locusts across the narrow strip of des- ert and sea, but a still more serious situation may arise if the locusts sac• coed 1n breeding to Sinal, indeed,, this is more than probable. The hatching of locust eggs requires a card taln amount of moisture in the soil. 1 Normally, Sinai Is too dry for this to 1 happen, but this year's rains are will -1 out precedent, and there is a possi- bility that the sand will remain moist till the weather becomes warm enough for the locusts to breed. The situation is a grave one that calls for Immediate action, but it is difficult to get the authorities to realize the mag- nitude of a danger that is at present just at their doors. The swarms can be destroyed now if a fleet of cars Is employed in sufficient numbers and equipped with flame guns and trained teams, Minard's Kills Dandruff. Banff Park Set Aside in 1885 The Opportunity The tours have been arranged, one following the other. The first starts July 31, and takes one through the historic, storied and scenic wonder- lands of the British Isles. The Shake- speare country, North Wales, Dub- lin, with its Rocky Road; the Irish Free State, youngest of the British Dominions; Cork and the lovely Lakes of Killarney; the Giant's Causeway and, of course, the Blarney Stone will be on the route. Crossing again to Scotland, Glasgow and the Burns country Is viewed; the Trossachs, Edinburgh, the English Lake Country, and Liverpool provide days full of wonder and amazement, This part of the tour returns to London August 10. Then cones the visit to the con- tinent which begins with a twenty- four hour slay at Brussels, From Brussels tho quaint holland country Is visited, then the party proceed to the lovely itlnlne galley country, pees- ing on the way op that river the his- toric cities of Coblenz, with its cathe- dral, and Boo with its world-famous universities, both places which were held by troops of the Canadian Ex- peditionary Force Immediately follow- ing the armistice. Frankfort and Munich are also visited, then the party proceeds to Oberammergau for Sunday, where they will be privileged to view the famous Passion Play, which exemplifies what is regarded by most of us as the greatest event of all ,history. Returning the party are the guests at a government reception at Munich before proceeding to Switzer- land for a four-day stay, which will in- clude a visit to Geneva, seat of the League of Nations. From Switzerland the party r urn to Paris, where an- other four days will be spent. The Paris visit may be cut in half and those desiring to do so will be afforded an opportunity of a two-day tom' of the battlefields of the Great War. To most of the party this visit to the battlefields will bo the climax of what all will regard no truly the op- portunity of a lifetime. Economy and Politics Perth Western Mail: (Tho Cculliu Government in Australia las abolish- ed, on the ground of economy, the De- velopment and Migration Commis- sion), In the interests of that very economy which the new Government would hug to itself for justification, the continued functioning of the Com- mission wouldhave mea sit o nhe.nt cutch to' Australia. , , , Whatever its meth- ods, it stood for a very necessary prin- ciple in Australian public life, pre- venting the dissipation of public funds in political ventures whose only rela- tion to development was their doscrip• tion. Its executive a u e do to is a calamity —a calamity of peculiar concern to Western Australia, whose spaces cla- mour for people and production, but whose political "pull" against Eastern States' Interests is weals. "The quality of an art is in lovers() ratio to the numbers who support it;" Channing Pollock. DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies arc advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous miu- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains, Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 750 red plcgs. Banff national park in the province of Alberta Is the oldest of the Domini- on playgrounds, the original reserva- tion having been set aside In 1885. It comprises an area of 3,330,5 square miles of territory. Reserved for the en- joyment of all who visit it, it is also a wild lite sanctuary, evidence of which is manifest in the large number or sheep, deer and bear to be seen 10 the areas adjacent to the highways of the park, --FARM HELP BRITISHBOYS AND SINGLE MEN Weekly Parties During Early Spring. APPLY NOW—The Secretary, The Salvation Army lnunigration: 009 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. 180 Jars is Street, Toronto, Ont, 114 Beckwith St., Smiths Polls, Ont, 1225 University St., Montreal, Que. 7O03' TOTAL 1 A L FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details imply.— D. CAMERON, Dist. Supt. Colonization Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH - RE -UNION ASSOCIATION SORIA FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT Children( forst 50 WISIRATIOSIN 0titAiIVERISIWISS Tog/. tinny •'�.::eaf Less HEAD? OISES 00010 mO85 C®Btard OF NAa•rN5ER7 V N� IXSTRI Me Li, .. EAR OIL 51:23 All 0r5151sis Descriptive Wet ea request A. 0. LEONARD, inc, 10 Fifth Ave„ New York' Clty . roll BALI, se. lest yr,r to -havie- rs 1)1 1 115 rer I C sulol,ges. s1. Swili'r. 1;,aus o 111_ H, 100 11'1,0 l t 3110 int est. :un.; bits 1, stagy 1 e 0en1 1 10.. 1,1,00, y hurt lu,, se), cos C -es yw ewer, Ont, j1,)1thiS ,N14.11: 'DrItONT(t--y1'Itl'I'Lh for ora• Inleroctlng lice list, 5 ,efts fort 0, i.m.Lharl, 21 ) Ray 31,,iiISTEItED 11UL51)(SN 711}1101 ready for .0005 ice. Cheap. Peter Arbngont, A111cic11, ()Wolin. DAISY 00i1:CRB kr I VI )1,11 f (ritft 40151Tei t T 1.,,11'1aN k, unit Hotrod ) llynu_utls Rock Malay CII Iv x')46)511 l win tor layers. iVe h i1 -o i,.11 ill to ld ng for 7 yrs. UohL- In1,1• 1 nulll'y a7 arse Sttutl (Ora, pal, 0 temslaststematemmotemaness AINED 11 Lbs. in 8 Wks And a Boy Friend." unites Susan Saline, Thousands say new Ironized Yeast add, 5 to 15 lbd. In 3 weeks. Skin clears like magic. Constipation, nerves, end. Get pleasant Ironlzed Yeast tablets from druggist today. ' aessraosessosesamemilialaffiali 'Aft r years DP rheumatism, now to pert ahealth," says Mr. d. Duch- fume, Thousands write rheurnatla pain., neuritis, vanish like magi* with' Fruiba-lives",Constipation,indl- gesti n end overnight. Nerves quiet. Get" ruil•a•tives"tromdruggisttoday. flash on Coughs & Colds A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adults, BUCKLiEY'S L MURE Arts ldreeflnIsXh 7, 41x150 5,0Carv£S/r Boils Dry up and disappear with Min - arc's. It hills the poison and draws out the inflammation. Liver—in Vancouver " Tlvre 10005 spa, while in 1'mlcoorrr, the house physician at the hotel advised Um Cu use J0ruschen balls fora bad llrer and sonstipWion- .1 0054 say 1 'IVt'er &s,0 had anything Mat yore ole almost instant rein" Warr, and 1 therefore gat big chemist to order Krusehe n for me -1 think no less than 40 or 50 families hare used it by VW persuasion. Most other remedies on the market leave a bad leer in many mays, bel I Can safely ,say 1 haven't been as tali in nanny years ua siare 1 harm taken Rr,sehen,"--.1lrg, C. 1t, 111„ Williamsport, Pa, th R,:I. 0,5010.1 boor m 111e for b,epectlon, Arnscfren Salts is obtainable nt drug and department stores In Canada at, 75e. a bottle, A bottle contains enough to lust for 4 50 6 laonths-000d health for halba-cent a day. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried lirttrehen—try It now at our re rn.. so i { haw o io bated n groat manSpecial 1I Ail Vaclowes makeIt easy for r it prle OUT 051111 5o07our7.Aar, Your druggist fur the new "GIANT 7 )0 which 111 tngr. This c',ad'59 of nur reenter 75c, bottle together with a reparate trial bottle— snllielent for about ono neck. (peen the triad bottle Drat, put it to the test, and own, it not entirely convinced that Breeden docs everything wo claim It to do, the 00(51141[ bottle is still ns gond as new. Take 11 hook ]bur druggist m t. g,t is nl wit a cd to return your Son. rigid K,iler>>• s 51 without 00 q expense. Von have tried Rtuavissn free, et our expense. What could be fairer 7 Manntactnred by R. Griffiths Hughes, Lld., Mnnchesl Ir, Dag. (lsstab. 1756). Importers: Ilcallllvray DNS., Ltd„ Toronto. READ OF A CASE LIKE HER OWN Decided to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Monet en, New Ilrunswick--"Bcloro Ply last babe was born 1 w•ali very weak, nervous and dis- couraged. 1 saw an advertisement in the paper about a ymenu who had been like me so I thought a bottle of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound., tools three bottles and it carried mesale- ly through' that critical time. I have three children to cure for and I feel well and strong. I have told two other women about your medieinw,"-- Mas. Gus ARSENAULT, 82 Albert Street, Moncton, New Brunswick, ISSUE No. 11--'30