The Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-19, Page 7another he holi- hopping ng that able for 3 quan- )ugh of choice 7 seeing attrac- ight ex - iron will. you but At the best Jr no such rong state— wing stocks ve you an 'chiefs. Handkerchiefs in Ireland and ,em being pure Jambric ❑e qual- .c or 6 for 25c em fs fine u and .c, Oc & 25c c Hem 'fs,linen resorted IOc&15c hiefs. •rchiefs, roidered 25c archiefe, ,y, wide tials or YQU are IuvlteU• To visit arms store to view our giveable things. 5Oc ,rchiefs. Some for amusement, porno for orna• some 'for utility, Prices and presents you will like are here for your inspection and selec. tion in liberal assortment. If you see ,what you want and you judge thevalue good or fairwe want to Bell to. you. In Ladies' Purses we have an excel). tional stock, large in assortment and good value. In Fancy Books our stock bas always been of high standard. You per- haps know what it has been in prey ious years. Suffice it to say that It is equal this year to any. In Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals we think our assortment must be equal, to any stock outside a city Some dainty and new designs in the art of book making. We want to serve you to your ad- vantage. [andker- or plain, 5c, 10c & 15c n Hand - n, hem nen, fine )c, 25c & 30c d nothing something very large. ionable in o inferior ade, $1.50 Bear ade, ... $Z ity, de, $6.50 ade ins, ed 10,to $14 Agents Parker's Dye Works. The W. D. Fair Co. pular than the largest ,cir- quil- me Often the Ohespest, Always the Best. About 0 o People We Know WHERE THEY ARE OR WHERE THEY ARE GOJNG liars, fur, $5 & $6 amb qual- and ular .. $42.50 long and able, 'nes, tra- p of tra- ck, rge, $45 $14 ,ged front pos- ron t, .. $16.50 Mr.R.J.Bell has returned from attend- ing Toronto Varsity. Mr. Hugh Ross returned home on Monday last from Owen Sound. Mr. Arthur Kirke of Woodham is clerking in Mr. Newcombe's store. Miss Kathleen Armstrong of Mitch- ell is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. Laird. Miss Jennie Robertson of Hullettspent hist week the guest of the Misses Mains. Mrs. J. R. Smellie of St. Thomas is guest of her daughter, Mrs .A. J. Grigg. Mrs. Thos. Simpson and Mrs. Chas. Hunt of Brucetield were in Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. Hiram Johns of Pontiac, Mich., was the guest last week of hie sister, Mrs. Joon Jackson. Mise Lillian Miller, who has been in Bayfield for the past few weeke, re- turned home yesterday. Mr. George B. Maine of Hallett spent Wednesday of this week with his sisters, the Misses Maine. Mrs. George Rumball and daughter, Miss Emily, of Michigan, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Rudd. Miss Ida Harlard,who has been in De- troit attending Business College; was in Clinton last week on her way to her home in Goderich. Mrs. Lack Kennedy and family leave on Saturday for Goderich where they will spend the winter. The de- parture of Mre. Kennedy,who is held in the very highest respect and is very popular in the social circle in which she moves, is much regretted. Mr. William Flintoff of Sand Lake Kent county, Michigan, arrived on Monday evening and is visiting his sisters, Mrs. John Hardy of the Base Line and Mrs. Aaron Huller of the Huron Road, whom be had not seen for thirty years. Mr, Filntoff will remain until after New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robinson of Aub-, urn and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gra- ham of town drove to the Baby- lon Line, Stanley, on Tuesday and spent a very pleasant day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowson, a genial couple whose hospitality is well known and always enjoyed. Mr. T. B. Whiting of Bowmanville, re- presenting a furniture firm was in town on Saturday last. A score of years ago Mr. Whiting was engaged in the retail furniture business in Clinton and is well known to many of our citizens. He is a brother -in law of Messrs. Alex. Mackenzie and Thomas Cottle. Rev. Mr, Wright, incumbent of Middleton's parish, has taken np bis residence in Clinton following the example of his predecessors, who found the town the most convenient point from which to labor in his charge. Mr. Wright is growing in popularity with his people as the re- sult of the few months he: has been among them. Mr. Charles Donaldson of Bruce Mines was in town on Monday calling upon a number of friends. He re- turned last week from the Mines to his old home in Bayfield where he was married yesterday to Miss Harriet Frazer, neice of Merchant Frazer of that village. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson will reside at Bruce mines. Beet wishes. Miss Doyle, who has been head milli- ner at the Palace for the past three years, left on Monday for her home in Owen Sound. Prior to leaving. Hodgene Bros.and their employees presented her with three handsome pieces of silver, and at the tame time assured her that they were awfully sorry she was leaving. Miss Doyle was an amiable young lady and made many friends in Clinton. Mr. Henry Murphy, the well known resident of the 16th concession of Goderich township,. returned home on Saturday Word. North Dakota. In company with his good wife he left for that etate five months ago in receipt of a telegram convey- ing the news that their daughter, Mrs.George Laithwaite, was eerious- lv ill. Her illness did not result fatally but, instead, Mrs. Leith - svelte continued to improve though even now she is not as well as her friends could wish for and Mrs. Murphy remains with her for the present. M,r.Laithwaite, who is well kndwn in the district, owns a fine farm near Edinburgh and possesses a bigger bank account than he could have hoped for bad he remained in old Goderich township. Mr. John Sheppard, who ie also well remembered here, has likewise done well in that district. Mr. W. H. Murphy, a son of Mr. Henry Murphy, hart also met with good ' luck, and in addition a month _ago M he took unto himself a wife. r. . H. Murphy is much pleased with Dakota, so mach so that he may yet locate there permanently. mea on t, ront ble, Ile, $20 qty piece of we pay par- rietmas that vite you to .A, Ohrietwae entertainment,- under the auepicoq of the Methodl9t Elilnday school, will be held on the evening of Friday, December 27111,. when a pro- gram will be given consisting of quartettes, solos, readings, etc. The admission will be only 10 cents. Rev. Mr, ()armload of Lgudesboro preached morning and night at the Methodist church last Sunday, Next Sunday evening a service of Christmas music will be held in Ole church. Capt. U. T. Rance was attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Thee, Ranee, in Clinton on Wednesday. On Monday evening a special meet- ing of our town council was held for the purpose of making ready the financial statement for the year up to December 15th. The municipal pot hasn't started to boil yet, Wake up aspirants, its about time we were hearing from you, Don't forget the Xmas Tree and Entertainment of the English, church. to be.held in industry hall on Monday evening next. We are pleased to see Mr. Fred.Rath on our streets once more after a lengthy and serious illness. . Early on Thureday morning thieves broke into ,Anderson & Elder's dry goods store,: gaining entrance by forcing open the window of the millin- ery department. They . carried off dry goods, etc., to about $30 worth. There is no clue as, yet as to •the per- petrators. A couple of strangers were Been hovering around the day before. Mr. Isaac Brown's many friends will be sorry to hear that he is confined to. the house by sickness. Our tax collector, Mr. John Bell, was kept busy on Saturday and until near midnight gathering in the shekels, it being the lest day before the five per cent. is. added. He informs us he has very few delinquents left. On Wednesday Miss 'McKay of Chicago, elocutionist, appeared in Industry hall under the auspices of the Presbyterian S, S., the children taking part at intervals, The hall was crowd- ed. It was a good entertainment. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Geo. Stephenson of the Goshen Line, who has been in the West for some years, looks as if the country agreed with him. Mr. G. Stephenson, son of Robt. Stephenson has been laid up with a number of Job's comforters, Mrs. John Rothwell from Seaforth, who was visiting .in this vicinity, returned home on Monday. Miss Emily A. Turner visited at the home of Mrs. John Reid on Saturday last. Messrs. Solomon Pollock and Robt. English of Stephen township spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of nt of , both d. all dium: in or , 75c & *1 linen nap - new , $2 to#d Nap - large nice ,. *1 to *4 os. TON. B#UCEFIRLD. Mre, McFarlane of Bay City, vielted ,her mother, Mre. Augh McGregor Sr. of Stanley this week. Mise Bertle Gibson in visiting friends -in Mitchell at present, Mr. Will. Beggs of Montreal, was tlfe guest of Mr. B. R, Higgins last Week: • Mir, Thos. Campbell has returned safely from the North West. WEST TUCKPRSIIITH. I I Z , fult 1 you bel R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 I tins that i Miese ILadie • Ladie t Lady cC i Grey 1, e1 IBoys', ... pill •1- .1 2foi lOW" 4000 e 244 .0 •a 1• 1 1 1 Mr. William Taylor Messrs: William Sanderson and S. Erwin called on Mr. Thos. Sanderson on Monday and spent a few hours with him. Messrs. John Davidson and Robt. Greer exchanged horses on Wednesday last and both seemed` well pleased with their deal. Mrs. John Rathwell and Mre. Wm. Taylor were the guests of Mrs. Wil- liam Rathwell on Thursday last. News has just reached us" of the death of Mrs. Robt. Pollock's father, Mr. Andrew Elliott, who died .at his residence in Manitoba. Mr -Elliott was formerly a resident of Stephen township but he moved to Manitoba about twenty years ago together:. with his wife and family. He was a quiet and industrious man and made for himself a comfortable home in the West. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid attended the. funeral of their cousin in Centralia on Wednesday a week ago. We are pleased to see Mr. Henry Peck is able to he around again after being indisposed for some time with an attack of sciatica. Miss Maggie Clarke of the Babylon Line was the guest of Miss Emma Peck on Sunday last. Mr. Archie Armstrong of the Brown - son Line paid Mitchell friends a visit last week. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the concert in Seaforth last. Thursday night. Mr. R. G. Reid of Summerhill spent Sunday at his home. Messrs. Rufus and Amos Keys went to Goderich on Tuesday as.juryman. Mr. and Mrs. Matt.. Bates and. Miss Turner spent Friday evening as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keys of Babylon Line, Mrs. G. R. Keyes was in Seaforth on. Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Bates were the guests of friends on Babylon on Thursday of last week. Mr, Calvin Dowson, accompanied by his sister Mies Maria visited at the home of W. L. Keyes on Wednesday Messrs. Matt. Bates and J. T, Keys took a trip through Goderich township buying cattle last week. Mr. Johu Davidson is wearing a bright smile these days. Why? be- cause his better half presented him with a nice little baby boy a few days ago. Congratulations, John. Mr. George Bates was in Zurich on bnsinese. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rathwell and Master Charles Rathwell were the guests of Mr. M. Bates on Tuesday evening last. Wedding hells expected to ring in this neighborhood in the near future. Mr. and Mra. John Reid, Sr., were the guests at the horse of Mr. Wm. Rathwell on Wednesday last.. The Stanley township council met on Monday with all the member pres- ent. After reading and signing, the minutes of previous meeting business of the day followed,The first important matter was a lengthy discussion con• eerning the new course the Bayfield river had taken through Mr. John Mc- Kinley's farm who thought it was the, council's duty to take action in the mat ter. However, the result was unfayor- able to the owner till further legal advice is obtained in connection there with. Mr. Logan's drain then was considered as several parties concerned were present, but nothing definite will be done until the question *thorough- ly investigated. A bylaw wits passed appointing the returning "offiners and polling subdivisions: for the ensuing year which resulted in returning the same ones to their respective divisions The following parties were refunded dog tax : Jas. Ross, Robert Drysdale, Robert Pierson, Jas. Keys, A, Brown, Jae. Love, and John Sparks, The following accounts were paid r Munici• pal World, stationery $2.07; Huron. Expositer, advertising $3.00 Jowett Bros ; lumber, $3.07 ; John Diehh,'r'ep. bridge L. R., 60 cents F. Guttridge, sewer pipe $95.88; Massey Co., taparre for grader, $8,60 ; Dr. Armstrong attendance on Mr. Weir and visiting Blake school, $10 ; John Cochranerep- airing bridge $3; D. McNaughton repairs on grader, $4.25 ; John Patter- son, sewer pipe, $69.24: F. W. Fern - combo $36 for work on drain ; Board of Health, $8.80 ; selecting jarore, $6.00 ; Wm. E. Reid, gravel, $1.04; Peter Capling S3.. i; J.Jowett $2.40; A, Reid $58.14 ; M. McNaughton $23.63 Jas Carnie $14.80 ; T. if, ;Narks $24.64 ; D. McKenzie $4,16 ; Wm .Elliott $2.56. A hyla* was passed repealing bylaw No. 10 1808 appointing. auditors .in December so than hereafter they will he appointed the first meeting of the New Year. --J. E. Barnwell, Clerk. isoissommervoisiiesseemssitsa Dana Itumor says that one of the Louden Itoad young yeomen will take unto himself a wife at the beginning orthe new year. Mr. Sweet. of Clinton has biles through thin [oCality the past few days lilting orders for the map a the Dominion. A number of our people' took in the tea meetingof fist Methodist church, Olintod, Money signing. tressiE' M c LACHL A.N the SCotttsh Prima Donna, ataisted by Robil. Pitchman,Jr,, the noted pianist, and Willie Mceod, the King of Ooniedians will give a grand concert in TOWN HALL, CLINTON. THURSDAY NIGH'T', DEC 26th • ;Doors open at'?.110 " Adaafeston 36e and 50e. Plan of ilea at Jackaol J3roe, Store. can stoo pric Ladie fi w Ladle fr al Ladle hi Child =crmttlmmmm mmn1119M