The Blyth Standard, 1930-03-06, Page 7(Dreaded anaemia can b basis N middle life, when vitality is not u great as it once was, and the blood stream is naturally thinned and de. vitalized, amentia easily lays hold on the system. At first, just a tired feeling, it quickly results in bodily weakness that ordinary tonics cannot avail. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills then become a wonderful aid. They supply the necessary oxygen to the blood, increase the blood count and renew waning vigor. "I was seized with ann. min," writes Mrs.' Charles Lambert of Port Hope, Ont., "and was in a very bad state. As a girl I had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or a rundown condition and des cided to take them once more.. Again the result was marvellous. In a little while I was fully well again.". You cannot begin too early to check anaemia. Dr. Wit. liams' Pink Pills are Bold at your druggist's or by mail, postpaid, 50 cents, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 545 50\ PER BOA ,ir'M) if mss' PINK PIL1VS... "A 110UIENOLO NAME IN a. COUNTS!"" .sir assa�seaa� Look Up Who art thou that complainest of thy life or toll? Complain not. Look ap, my wearied brother; see thy fel- low -workmen there, in God's eternity; surviving there, they alone surviving; sacred band of the Immortals, celestial bodyguard of the empire of mankind. To thee, Heaven, though aevere, is as that Spartan mother, saying while she gave he son his shield, "With it, my Bon, or upon it" Thou too shalt re- turn home in honor; to thy far dis- tant Home, ill honor; doubt it not,— If in the battle thou keep thy shield! Thou, in the Eternities, and deepest death -kingdoms, art not an alien; thou everywhere art a denizen. Complain not. -Thomas Carlyle. 75 % of TOTAL FARES to CANADA ADVANCED B RITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details apply: -- J. D. CAMERON, Diet. Supt. Colonization Canadian pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION Ends in 1 Minute "Ended burn itch and pain of piles int minute witir'Seotha•Salva ,"writes L. T. Sears. "Bleeding stopped. Piles soon vanished. Avoided operation." Get instant results today. All druggists. Owl Laffs When the golf bung putts on the living room rug, And the coal pile is well nigh shot, And the seed books come in each mail, by guilt, Spring's gotta come soon—eh, what? If eho can snake herself look cute while her bobbed hair Is growing out., she has "it," Mrs, Newlywed --"Are these eggs strictly fresh?" Grocer—"Yes, ma'am. They are all hand-picked front one of our large egg plants." Mrs, Newlywed—"That's fine. I'll take two dozen," For you the best doctor is the one you believe le the best. Cafe Owner—"A man came into the restaurant and ordered tomato soup, a ham sandwich and a piece of apple Champion Russian wolfhound, alosltofi Prince, owned by Col, C. I'Inper, pie. How did the waitress know that Now York, wsts a Milner at Norman K. Swire Memorial Dog Showa 'To - he was a sailor?" ronto, recently. "I'11 bite." Cato Owner'—"Ho wore a sailor suit." • Some girls' heats never .get a break. Employer (to new boy)—"Anel has the foreman told ss.0 what to do?" Apprentice—"Ye', sir. He told me to wake up when I saw you'coming." Most of us prefer sweet flattery to bitter truth. Sympathizer—"And did her father come between you?" Jilted Sultor—"No; behind me." Friends Riches cone and richesgo, Stocks that rise can tumble low, Through the fingers fortunes slip, Storms may wreck the stoutest ship. Only friendships tried and true Surely last a lifetime through. On this old terrestrial ball Up we climb and down we fall, By mysterious ways and strange Fads and whims and fancies change, But the faithful friends we make Cling to us for friendship's sake, Work for money, work for place, To your duty set our face, • Play the neighbor, play the man, Brave life's battles best you can, But remember to the end He is blessed who has a friend. Misers clinging to their gold Pind life's journey bleak and cold. Men who rise by strength alone Soon or late are overthrown. But when storms and trials sweep, Friends are all a man can keep, Do you remember— When a young couple began married life with a cow and a dozen hens,dn• stead of a car and a radio? When a neighbor told you how many quarts she had put up and you took it for granted that she meant fruit? When the.merchaut, after selling mother materinla to make garments for the whole family, threw in thread and buttons, and also gave her a sack of etriped peppermint cant "for the children?" Mr. Bold—"I'm a self-made man" Mrs, Bolder—"Well, Pm a self-made widow," Visitor — "Those are wonderful strawberries you have there, Do You use fertilizer on thein?" Parma'—"No, just creams and sugar;" Limited The kind old gentleman was passing the gates of a big prison when a party of men, who had obviously just been released, appeared through a small door. Approaching one of the men, the old gentleman said kindly; "And why were you in prison, any man?" "Well, sir," replied the other, "I was put in for driving a car too slowly." "Too slowly," echoed the old gentle- man in amazement. "Surely you meat too fast. "No; too slowly," persisted the other "The owner caught up with me." PoiILLIPSMAC/y'4 For ®o les' due to Acid INDIOOSTION /ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE 'eASEs•NAUSCA Acid Stomach Excess acid is the c Dimon cause of indigestion. It results In pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick correctls e is an alkali which neutralizes acid The best cor- rective is Philips' Mi is of Magnesia. It -has remained standard with physi- cians in the 50 years since its inven- tion. One spoonful of Philips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times Ito volume in acid. It Is harm- less and tasteless and its action is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, never continuo to suffer, when yon learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let it show you—now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyei- clans for 5 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc• tions—any drugstore. STORMYtTATtR Vaccination Has HARD ON BABY Saved Millions The stormy, blustery weather which Canadians experience during February and March is extremely hard on babies and young children. Conditions maize it necessary for the mother to keep them confined to the house, whose rooms may be overheated or badly ventilated, The little ones catch cold and their whole system becomes racked. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the home and an occasional dose given the baby to keep htat fit, or if a cold suddenly grips him to restore him to health again and keep him in good condition till the brighter, warm -I er clays come along again. Baby's Own Tablets are just what� the mother needs for her little ones, They are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach; break up colds and sim- ple fevers; banish constipation and indigestion and make the cutting of teeth easy, The Tablets are sold by! medic:Me dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Canada Escaped This Edmonton Bulletin (Ind.); Germany has a new problems on hand, as tie result of ]having given asylum to the Mennonite refugees who wanted to come to Canada from Russia. An epi- dermic has broken out among the child- ren of these unfortunate migrants and is carrying off large numbers of them, largely because their falth-caro moth- ers refuse to call in doctors when the children get sick With every sym- pathy for these distressed wanderers, Canadians will see in this situation a cause for gratitude that the scheme to bring then to Canada was headed off. People who do not believe either in educating their children or in provid. ing thein with medical attention when it is needed, may be entitled to hold their peculiar views, but they are bet- ter left to practice them somewhere else, • 'The Mall who collects stalls ics about women can seldom lay his ]hands on them." Money Orders The very strict Army colonel was taking his Sunday walk la the park when a beggar approached and ]held out this hand. "Spare a trifle, sir," pleaded the man unhappily. "I'm an old soldier." "01d soldier, elm1!" roared the col- onel fiercely. "I'll see if you're an old soldier or not. Now, then, carry out my orders. Attention!" The beggar's feet canoe snma'tiy to- gether, "Eyes rigiht!" barked the old colonel. And folowed up with "Stand at Ease!" "There you are, gnv'nor," said the beggar, "that proves it." "Yes; but what comes next?" asked the colonel. "Present alums," replied the other. "I do not think you can reform a criminal after his third conviction." —Edgar Wallace. "There is no more meaning' now to a kiss than there is in a handshake. The only difference is there is more danger from germs."—Dorothy Dix, Minard's Kills Dandruff, Time and Again, Smallpox 1 -las Slain Scoffers But Not the Vaccinated This Is the seventeenth of a series of weekly health articles sponsored by the Canadian Social Hygiene Coun- cil. People who oppose compulsory vas• ciliation use as one of their main ar- gutnmats against this protective -mea- sure that it interferes with personal liberty. This is rather an empty cry, because the liberty of those who do not want to get smallpox is just as much entitled to consideration as the liberty of those who do not want to be vaccinated, It should never be for- gotten that smallpox must pass from one person to another. So the person that is willing to take the risk of get- ting this disease is taking more than a chance with his own health—he is taking tt chance with the health of these with whom he may tonne in con - In 1885, a pullmon porter, who had caught smallpox, landed in Montreal. Because of his dusky skin 1t was some days before the disease was detected. 1Tho authorities estimated that before lie was taken in hand by the medical limn of the city lie had infected from 15,000 to 20,000 people and had killed about 3,000 of them, There are hundreds of similar cases which might be cited, where to quote the judgement of the United States supreme court, "the liberty of the in- dividual is not in the interests of the w'elfar'e of the masses, and therefore the liberty of the individual must yield." Another case of a single individual causing an enormous loss of life was when Mexico lost 3,500 of its citizens in an epidemic, to which we have re- ferred in a previous discussion on sinallpox. A Spaniard who visited Mexico while suffering from the dis- ease is blamed for starting the scourge on its devastating way, Those parts of the world which have suffered greatest have learned that vaccination is the best preventive against smallpox. In Quebec Pro• wince, where the pullmsw porter taught then a terrible lessor there is wholesale vaccination and the munlci- polity of Gatineau was recently fined for not passing stfcotnpttlsory vaccina- tion law, after being ordered to do so by the provincial health department. In the United States, where it is said that one-fifth of the cases of smallpox in the world existed during 1925, the supreme court has found that any state has rho right to en- force vaccination in case of an epi- demic, Iu Europe, where sixty million pen• ple died of smallpox during the seven- teenth century, most of the nations have compulsory vaccination) laws. So it is with the Plhillpines, where 40,000 people died every year of small• pox c on time. The whole o n la - I It et e. em ooplu Con is now vaccinated and after the law was passed there wasnt' ore death from smallpox in seven years. Sh' Gilbert Bisues, who was physi• clan to the King during the eighteenth century, made a memorable address to the British house of Commons, in which he said that "it was difficult to 1 find in the United Kingdom, an adult Person who had not had the smallpox," It was during this period in tine Em• pica's history that it was a distinguish. ing characteristic if they could say, in a circular describing a criminal, "IIe Is un•pock marked," The experience of tihe military auth- orities show, perhaps as clearly se it could be shown, what a great change has come over the world since the medical men have had the vsccina• tion with which to combat the ter- rible scourge of smallpox. hero were men living under Iho most deplorable conditions, their vitaily' at times re- duced to an absolute nslifnmni, the facilities for their protection the very worst. One man would have been able to spread the disease among hun- dreds of thousands, so close were their living quarters. Yet when we look at the war records, we find that because of vaccination, there were only four c0505 of smallpox in the French Army, and not one man died of the disease. In the whole British Arany in France there were only twelve cases of small- pox and only three deaths. Surely It would have been it ten -11)1(31 Clas3lfled A dvJ0rt181 situation had the euuty commnndeta ng been too squeamish about the matter of liberty, and not taken the prevail lions which they slid take to Protect their men from the disease. It is doubtful which would have Litten the most lives, the Gorman army or Iso "germ army," Lite latter as represent ed by smallpox. The city of Glasgow, Scotland, had an experieIWO ss'itl s'as:oivation that was also definite proof of its value, in the yeiu''.1901 to 1902 the city had pre- pared a great exposition al (heavy e0• panne, and just as the exposition was about to open, ah epidemic of small- pox struck the city. The authorities decided that if they did not act quick- ly the exposition would he ruined, tt financial failure, So they started out on a great varciiatlon and revaccina- tion crusade. The entire medical pro fex,slon of the city joined In the work. Of the 675,009 people who had not been vaccinated, the medh'nl teen ssilh- in the next fifteen months vaccinated 40.1,000 people, leaving only 251,000 people who refused to be vaccinated. The results were remarkable, Not one caro developed among those people who were vaccinated. Among tinge not se protected, there occurred 1052 cases, 'I'hore he a feeling among sioeto's that if they could only have people who oppose vaccination see the won- derful results that are brought about by Its application, there would be very llttie oppeaition. in tate Phllilpiio islands, for in- stance, over 10,000 vaccinations have been made. Not one life or limb lost through vaccination, Before it was done, 40,000 people dies] every year from smallpox, An occasional death occurs now, but It Is always found to he some person in the remote regions who cannot be properly vaccinated be- cause there is no skilled person near( enough, and properly equipped to pe' - form a satisfactory vaccination. When you find your doctor advises vaccination you may rest assured that he and other members of his Pro- fession have investigated thoroughly before giving it their support. The co- operation of all Intelligent people In ttie.interests of good health will aid greatly in combating the disease of smallpox, St. Lawrence Waterway Toronto Star (Lib.); Canada tried throughout a fifty-year period to at- tract the traffic of the United States' middle west dawn the St. Lawrence and when tate 'United States finally de- cided to use that route the Dominion as good as slammed the door in her face. What sense there was in that action, after spending one hundred and fifteen millions in building an ap- proach to that door for the United States in the form of a new Welland Canal, it is ]hard to say, Fos BALE , Ay I ,IIP Uflh I .- s -e tl;l('l]Iir' 1 1 00 Lt 7.1 .r i 1 urt floe. 55155V5 tareII Italonl,ul 1 1 lt. Ksvitzer. ' s -SI un, ,nl. ,—.._..r_—..�. Use Minard's in the Stable. Not a Word Wilson was paying a visit to Paine's house, During the conversation the question of nmartage cropped up. "All this talk about the married man being tinder the lash at home makes me sick," expostulated Wilson. "Now, tell me, Paine, do you know one hem pecked husband?" "No—no—no," murmured his friend, glancing round nervously. "0f course you don't,' went on Wit. son. "If I met the wife of a henpeck• ed husband--" "I say, old man," spoke up Paine, "let's change the subject. M•in my wife Is in the next room." YOUR HAIR NEEDS TO GiVE iT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER 1°4tazal'i"'.,'w and Alp 0409. ✓aimal/. f. ofi) —Mack LatIOtla write(' abet lion- ized Yeast. Thousands say odds 5 to IS lbs. in 3 weeks. Complexion clears like magic. Nerves, constipa- tion vanish overnight GetIz gronled Yeast tablets from druggist today. a r. Child renCry t. CASTORIA A BABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTORS I FOP CNC CONSTIPAT10N.0IARRBSA 1 WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel- ing? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow, You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming, They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tonic. All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. FARM HELP BRITISI-I BOYS AND SINGLE MEN Weekly Parties Oaring Early Spring. .A PPM' NOW- The Susretury, The Fitlyn 550,, .1.rut y Lnmigra tion: S50 Dundas Street, Wor,rlstoclr, Ont. ISO Jars le Street, Tomato, Ont. 114 lock with St., Sim iths halls, Ont. 1221 University St., ;lluntreal, Que. For Instant" Ease From COUCH/NG fare BuSxruEY'S dddaden rw^ 4 SINCIE SIPPftovESlr ONSTiPATION COMPLETELY GONE'' writes Mrs. W. walker, Thousands say constipation, indigestion, gas end overnight wdh "Frult•adtvec". Complexion clears tike magic. Nerves, heart quiet. Get"Fruit-a•lives"from druggisttodny, Aching Feet Stop aching when bathed in a solution of Minard's and warm water. Leaves smooth and rested feeling, WEIGHED 163 LBS. --NOW 140 LBS. How one woman lost fat and gained health Many people who are fully aware of the health -giving properties of Kruschen Snits have not yet heard of the wonder- ful effects these Salts have in reducing unhealthy, excess fat, 13y their gentle action on the liver, kidneys and bowels they urge these organs to throw off the poisonous waste matters, which, if allowed to accumulate, form fatty deposits in the body. Read how this woman lost fat and gained health :— " I have taken Iirusehcn Sults every day for nearly a year, and I have not felt so well for many years. My weight has dropped from Intl lbs, to 340 lbs. All my acquaintances say homy much younger and better I look, I feel bright; :Ind well, whereas before I was always nervous and tired," Mrs. 11, Try taking Hruschcn Salts every morn- ing in a glass of hot water before breakfast. Little by little theunhealthy accumulations of fat will slowly but surely disappear. A new feeling of stealth and vitality will follow—the years will fall away us your form take* on the slender lutes of youth, FREE TRIAL OFFER If you kayo never tried Krusrhen—try It now et our expense, 105 have distributed a great many special " GCAS'1"' packages which snake it easy for y011 40 prove Dur claim for yourself. Ask your rlruggiit for the 41450"1515)9'1' 75s. packa;;o. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle -sufficient for about Imo work. Open the trial bottle Mut, put It to the test, and then, 1f not entirely convinced tint ICrusohrn does everything 00 chin, It to do, the regular bottle la at11I as gond as new. Talo It hack, Your 41r11444ist Is nuthorlsed to return tour oc. ionSa int )v and without question. tion\onbnye tried husctrt free, at our expense, What it 5Iss a afire t ManufManchester, , by 1 Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., tLnv.hvrtur, Eng. Ltd.,nosia Importers: McGillivray Dros., Ltd., Toronto. A Friend to Women Lydia E, Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound LYDIA E. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO, Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. and Cobourg, Ont., Canada. ISSUE No. 9—'30