The Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-31, Page 4The Minton Nowaceord. V, L MITCRELlit EDITOR AND ‘I'ROPRIETOR CIaliPPON, OCTOBER. 81$ 9O1 New Advertisements Dayegoversloop-P, B Crews.•. ••••,,•-e• Bargain -W, Cooper es C........... Tall Men -A. ar.leolloway..• 1 Pont Pergetelt. P. Reeirie ., •Oboe Taylor re Son Glothinie-eD. M. MoReathe. ....... . .. School Enures -Fred. T. Admen 6 Dress CrOods- efiarennon ee Co Fenn for Sale -James Woreneine ..... „ 5 KUing tee Mandarin -Criterion Reece Gtoode-Newoomee's Overcoats -Jackson Rros, 8 Second Week,- Hedgens wee._ 8 TIM CLI TON NEWS -RECORD aormtucti TOWNSHIP. Clifton Cottage, the' cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. James -Warne, was tee Beene of a pretty wedding on Wednes• day of last week when hie daughter Carrie B. became the bride of Mr. John Garrett, of Hulleta Att the Wed, ding march was being played by Miss Annie Woods, the bride entered the perlor leaning upon the arm of her father by whoni she was ;liven rievay. Her neice, little Mies Gertrude YVallis of Clintom_was ring bearer, while her nepbew Master NVillard Welsh of Defter, teliche acted as page. Tbe interesting ceremony, whicb was per- formed by Rev. J. G. Yelland of Bay- field, tool( place beneath an areli of evergeens and at its conclusion the company repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding dinner awaited them. The bride received many beautiful gifts which testify to her popularity. After an evening very pleasantly lipent.lrir. and Mrs, Garrett left for their future home near Landes, boro. Mr, and Mrs, W. Perdue were goests at Mr. Robert Beattie's of McKillop on Sunday., MisseMinnie Proctor was the guest,of her sister, Mrs. S. H. Lowery, last week. Mr. C. J. Neribitt lost his cheerer on Thursday night of last weelethe animal beingfound dead in the stable in the Morning, baying by some mane strangled itself. Mr, •Nesbitt would not have taken one hundred, dollars for tbe driver which suited his purpose so well. jr. and Mrs. Wm. Sterling of the 4th con, visited at Mr. S. Dempsey'e Wednesday. Mrs Thomas Cook of the 9th con. visited at Mr. Tom Webster's ',last week. Mrs. John Dempsey and her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Sterling, left on Saturday for Bervie to visit the former's mother who is seriously ill. Last week Mrs. John Dempsey re- ceived a telegram that her inother,Mrs. John Sterling, was dying. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey left at once for Bervie where Mrs. Sterling resides with her daughter, Mee. George Hewitt. She spent the past two years with her sons, Will. and Sam. of Michigan and jus came home last summer on a visi when she was stricken down with pneumonia. Mr..Eli Symonds of Saltforel is the Mrs. Thomas Webster and her daughter, Mrs. Peter Cook of Ashfield, guest of Mr, Matt. Long at present. Mr. George and Miss Mettle Mellen have been visiting at Mr. Thos. Web- Sundev, ed at Westfield. ster's of the Me con. lefts. Thos. Turnbull of Toronto and Mrs. Greig of Clinton were guests last week of Mrs. George Middleton. • Mr. George Middleton who has the deepest vrellein the township, depth 273 feet, has had considerable trouble with it owing to the sand sifting •in •and will have the machine at work in it.again.- Mr. Middleton is bound to have a gond well, cost what it may. Mr. James H. Middleton, scar of Mr, Georee Middleton, is now in Vancouv- er B. 0. where he hese, good sitteetionh ejimmy,e who is a genial and clever young mare likes the Coast well,better than the East, and will quite •likely remain there.. There is a chirpiness about Western cities which appeals to young men. . • We hear that. Mr. james Harrison of the 4th concession has bought the Wil. son Oox farm on the same line. This may or may not ihdidate that Jiro intends settling down. If the former, but of that more anon. L. 0, L. No. 300 will hold a fowl sup- per at the home of its worthy Master, Mr. Geo. A. Cooper, on the evening a November 5th. Everybody welcome. A good time is guaranteed and a lefty« cent - supper Will be giyen for it qearter. • Two heifers belonging to Mr. Roland Jenkins, valued at about seventy five dollars, were struck by a train and - killed on the crossing on the 16th con. on Tuesday. The heifers had broken out of the pasture field.• • On Tuesday evening a large number of people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Currie to • spend a pleasant evening with them before their departure for their new home in Goclerich. During the evening the following address was presented : TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESEN- TATION IN WEST HURON. London News, Independent. It is unofficially anuounced that the date of the bye•election in East ;Eent bats been fixed for November IL The Ontario Government has acted wisely jn deciding to hold an election at once and permitting representetion for the people all the time. • But the people of West }Jaen have been without representation in the Ontario Isegislature since 1898, During that time, or a portion of it, litigation has barred it bye -election. But all legal • controversy was at an end mouths ago, and yet no sonnd of a bye.election has • been heard. W hy should the people ot East Kent; • who bave been without tepresentation for.only two months or less, have a bye -election, and the people of West Huron, deprived of representation for three years, hale no bye- election ? The reason evidently is that East Kent is an easy riding to carry -a 'sure thing and Government victory, On the otlaer hand West Huron is a close figet and dangerous to the. Govern- ment. It is good tactics for a Govern- ment pater to gn into a general election just after the conclusion of a success- ful bye -election, laa it is disastroue to go into a general election after an un- successful bye -election. Of course the people of West Huron are deprived of representation; but what has the Ontario Government, to • do with the people of Ontario ? If Hon, J. R. Stratton and his asso- ciates would &ease for a time to speak of Mr. Whitney's anarchy and devote themselves. to doing the right thing with all sections of people this Pro- vince would be better served. We hear of representation and tax- ation and all that. The people of West Huron are paying taxes, pouring • in fee to. Provincial institutions, but just because - they think politically, they must be deprived cif represeaa- , If Mr. Whitney speaks , anarchially, and no one but Mr. Stratton has notic- ed it, we can easily see what has in- spired his madness. • • tion. • HULLETT TOWNSHIP. • Mr. Ed. Watson of Blyth has h number of very fine cattle being merle ready for the market on the farm of Mr. George Potter. The yearlings have already a weight of 1100 pounds and the two -year-olds will tip the beam at 1400 pounds each. They are • a superior lot and satisfy even • "Ted" himself, and he is quite hard to please. Mr. Jacobs of strawberry fame, who lives just across the boundary in W.4 Wa;wanosh, is having a cement house • built which will present a ve-ry fine appearance. ei ft s not • exactly a, "poured house," as some dement struc- tures are somethnes called, as the cement blocks are first 'formnd and afterwards put in place like so many big bricks. The annual oyster supper of the Can- adian Order of Foresters was held at • Constance on the evening of Friday last. The evening was all that could. be desired, The ladies of Constance and vicinity Etre noted for their ability to put up a good selread on occasions of this kind and. we think they ebroke the record this time. The prograna • also was good. Mr. Will McLeod of Seaforthbrotaght down the house with his coolie selections. Mr. Win. Hays, also of Seaforthellso sang very accept. ably as did Master Ernie Andrews of of Constance. Dr. Cooper was in his besb humot for speaking and enter- tained the audience for about 20 min- utes. Mr. Robert Armstrong O. R. occupied the cheir. We must also mention the instrumental selections by Miss Edith and Mr. Wm. Britton of Constance. . • Mr. M. Adams will soon occupy his new house and not alone,we hear. . Mr. John Medd is moving into his new house this week. • Mr. Robert Armstrong has rented his farm to Mr. Richard Hotham of McKillop. He has secured a good ten - DIIINTGANNOpi Wedded., --Last Wednesday evening the home of Mrs, R. Davidson was the scene of a very interesting event when her youngest daugitter, Naomi, was united in marriage to Mr. As. Wilson of Zepher. The ceremony. was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Fairlaurn in the Presence of a large gathering of friends. The bride was very prettily (homed in costume of white silk and carried it shower boquet of white roses. Miss Kate Sinclar acted the part of brides. maid while Mr. Joe Cumberland sup- ported the groom. The presents were numerous, costly and useful, testifying to the popularity of the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson leave the beginning of the week for their future horne at Zepher, The good wishes of their many friends here go with them. /3. P, J. Crawford,j, Ourn- berland and W.' Sproul leave Monday for their annual deer hunting expedi- tion in the north. • Master Carrie of Goderich spent Sunday in Dungannon, Mr. C. Elliott has added a stock of dry goods to his grocery aud is now prepared to do business on a larger scale. There was a ball and supper at Mallough's hotel last Friday eveuing. The evaporator lute ceased operations. for this season. Colborne Township. Mr. Thomas Million returned leoree from the Northwest on Thursday last. Uri' and Mrs. Fowler of Goderich township celled on Colborne friends one day the past week, Mr, J. H. Milian of Goderich es busy digging it well on his farm. Mr. Win. Treble and Miss Maude Treble were in Cedar Valley on Satur- day last. Quarterly service will be held at Benmiller on Sabbath at 10.30 a. re. and service will be held in Zion church in the evening. • Mr. John Mole., of Aubure passed through Cedar Valley on Friday on his way toeBenmiller nursery. • Mr. McMillan has moved to Goder- ich to live. • , Mr. James Young of Auburn has Mr. James Faegan's kitchen about complet- ' • • • Mr, Win. Stewart has rented the Hughes farm for a term Of five years. Mr. Luke Lawsonehas bought a eine colt from his brotherItobert. Mr. Geo. Halewood has returned from the West. • Miss A,. Tyerman spent Sunday with Mrs. John Melville of Londesboro. Mr. Hugh Dunlop had the mis- fortune to lose a fine mare last Sun- day. The animal was.a very vo.tuthle one. Considerable gravel has been laid upon our highways this fall. It is of a fairly good quality and as soon as the rains come it will pack , smooth and hard. The pathrnasters or whoever are responsible for departing from the the old system of spreading gravel in the middle of the summer and spoiling • the roads for the dry season ,are exer- cising good common sense. His hard. to understand why•more do not do as has been done here, Mr. John Barr won first prize at the Blyth Fair for it cow in the grade class but a protest was lodged on the ground that she was a thorebred, An enquiry was held on Monday when Mr. John Cox of Goderidh township, who was thejedge at the Fair, identified ,the ' Winner end her former owner stated • that else couldnot properly be classed eerrinengthwthorobredef -1ftr-Barr -get the prize money. Mr, Owen Flynn must now be added to ,the list of young men who have gone to McKillop for a bride. The lady of his choice is Miss Minnie Evans, the charming daughter of Mr.james Evans and the wedding took place in the Irishtown elaurch oh Tuesday. Owen Is now being heartily congratulated and to the young couple cordial goqd wishes are being extended for their future welfare. May their years be many.and happy. TRH NEws•Riccortn Prins in the greetings, Mr„W. Long has Mr. Heaven of Pe; trolia engaged boring for water. In threedays they bored down 145 feet, about ten feet of 'which was in the 'rock. They expect, to get good water and:lots of it in a short time. WINOHAM. 4*. FOUWAItt).-11nion revival work is this week being rionducted. in the Methodist thumb. On Tuesday eer- vices were conducted by the Baptist minister, Wednesday the Methodist, Thursday the Presbyterian and Friday the Congregational. We are of the opinion that if ever the world is to be evangelized it will be by the united action of the masses instead of by the individual action of denominations. Boomittaa.-0ur new foundry has been shut down for the past week. or two. Some began to think, others began to speak that which they thought, the sentiments of vvhich were not very favorable, hut the clouds have been disPersed and at the fontalry every- thing again is humining,and sharehold• ers are stoiling. A change .bas been made in the board of management and everything pertaining to the aboye points to prosperity and activity. Exoar,sion.--Wingha,na has now two chartered and one private bank. In fact what Wingluina has not is hardly worth having bet what we have not we'll have and since the old chariot wheels have started to roll they will continue to roll faster and faster until Winghara slaall becoMe a city, a city appoiaed th frame it plan : Mesdames of which all will be proud. Seeger, Hays, MacKay, Flowrie, Mor- Viromaguxur., WiNunfint.-" And the ris, Gordon, Henderson and Miss desert shall bloom, forth as the rose." Macdonald, Themerobers are request, The truthfulness of this Biblical quota- ed to meet every Thursday at 3.30 in tion has heen verified in Winghain the parlor of Mrs. M. H. Morris. during the past yea or bwo, A few The anticipated lecture by Mrs. years ago the Winghare flats at the George Acheson, "A trip with the south end of the town were eonsidered Epworth Leaguers to California," was of no good but for pasture,but since F. heard with pleasure in North street Gregory and R. Graham have each church by a goodly company on whose iavested in a few acres, what it faces the whole evening enjoement reyolueion, for it has been proven that was written. Mrs. Acheson's notes no soil can grow onions to excel those ar•e etruly intelessting both in Use of grown on the aforesaid flats. Mr. goodlitnguage, description of scenery, Gramm shipped a carload of onions to Halifax qn Tuesdaey and has yeti a lot more to ship, the product of aboat five acres. Mr. Gregory's crop will he still larger as he had an acre or two more laed planted therewith, • The onions are No, 1 and the profits on same are No, 1 also. • Oran Sick ONEs.-The father of F. Beareey of town,. who lives the ot her side of 13elgrieve, is very seriously sick. The little daughter of Chief Van - Norman, who has been very seriously sick for the past two or three weeks, is improving, • Mr. Gillespie, our egg merchant, who has been very near to the valley of the .shadow of death, is also slightly im- proved. Mrs. T. 0. Graham, upon whom Dr. Gunn of Olinton perforined a very critical operation some two or tlaree weeks since. is, we are ha,ppy testate, out of danger.' Her trained nurse, Miss Spooner of Clinton, was able to return home last week. Miss Spooner has had several patients in Winghain and is highly spoken of•as an efficient St. Helens. • The ennieeteary services inv connec- tion with Calvin Presbyterian church were held on Sunday Oct, 20th. Elo- quent serreens were delivered by the Rey. Mr. Larkin, B. A. of , Sealorth, nsorning and evening, and by Rev. 0. Rutherford in the afternoon. Tlee tea - meeting on Monday evening was favor- ed by ideal weather and proved a unique success. The tea served in the basement was of the choicest and re- flected inch credit on the Presby- teriam ladiesotSt. Helens as caterers. The program wae rendered in the church. Rev. Mr. Whaley .oecupied the chair wlech he filled with efficiency. • Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev's Larkin, Rutherford, 1lEtstie and • Owen, and solos rendered by Messrs. • Smith and Artnstrong of Lucknow and • Stalker of Whitechurch. The Luck- uow Methodist choir furnished excel- lent music. The Collections, on Sunday and proceeds of terieneeting on Mon- day amounted to $122 , • A t it meeting of the building and finance conernittee of the new English church here, the work of the bricklay- ers was passed and a hearty vote of thanks was passed as an acknowledge. ment of the satisfactory Work executed by Sherman Reid. The second pay- ment• was made on account to the contractor's, Messrs. Walter Stewart & Sons, Lucknow. The coegregittion le looking foward quite hopefully to going into their new church free of debt. About $400 over and above till present promises has yet to he raised. The church:it is expected, will be ready for opening in December, • Mr. Robinson Woods awl wife Sun- dayed at Mr. James Webster's, ,Lucke now e TO MR, AND MRS. P.W. pmaRIE : " Dear friends and eeighbors,-It is with feelings of deepest regret that we, your friends and inighliors, have learn- ed of your intended departure from our midst seed we, a few of your many friends, have here assembled to spend one more pleasant evening •with you and your family ere you depart. For many yeas it has been our privilege to associate with you and as friends and neighbors we have always found you kind, obliging and eonsiderate, always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy. - You have also proved yourself to 116 worthy members of our church arid we feel that in losing you it loses two ot its most useful and valuable members. As we cannot express our esteem 'for you in mere words, we would ask that you accept this couch and chair as an expression of our good will and appreciation of your sterling qualities and hope that you may consider it not for its intrin- sic value but as a remembrance of our sincere respect for you. We trust thet Providence will bestow upon you ite richest blessing and hope that success Will attend your efforts in your new • sphere of life. Signed on behalf of your friends ancleneighbors, Oot. 31st, 1901 r...11••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t0.**”.44111 ELOISE A, WIRINGS . . - GODERICil CORRESPONDENT 4.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. E. Shannon and her daughter, Captain McGregor and erew Of the Miss Carrie Shannon, who have been etearner " Hayfield" will have it long the guests here of their relatives, holiday this season. The " Dayfleicl" Mesdames 0. Symonds arid 0. Briegel, left last week to do three weeks' wotk and IVIlso Symonde left On Thursday at Parry Sound and will go into win, for their home at Mama), Tennessee, ter quarters at Owen Sound. Miss Shannon will spend some time at Mr. Dave Bell, janitor of North St. Memphis with her brothers. Messrs. church,opens today it candy store and George ane Charlie Shannon, befoth eating house on -Montreal street,enear settling down at home. square. Pork pies and other daintiee ,Mrs. Fraser has removed to the will be reedy for all market goers. residence on the corner of Victoria and No more aquae music this season. Kingston streets owiaed by Mrs, Soeeph The Marine band will hold no more WAITS:and' is 'only 5 emits per 2 pound 1002; open air concerts until the season of loaf in Stratford. Why not here? The 5th anniversary of St. Peter's Bread is sent rip to Mitchell, Clinton church was held on Sunday. Six cliff, and all the stations at 5 cents per 2 crept flags floated,one pretty one beleg poMunisds'loBaernwell of Brantford is the ffoeted from theflag pole. The church white and yellow, The Union Jack guest of Mrs. Soaks of the Saults itself looked quite Imposing with its HrhseeDaughters of the Empire have pavement, truly a credit to the con - long cement walks leading to the decided to hold a bazaar next sumo:ter gregation of St, Peter's at Goderich. for which the following ladies were We were wishing that the anniversary fell in the previous month, or in the gay summer time; when children in gay ribbons and white dresses, could walk in procession carrying flowera and singing songs of praise. In the morning, Rev, Fether Northgrave, editor 'of the London Catholic Record, an uncle of .Mrs.Judge Doyle, preached the sermon for the occasion also in the evening, for which his subject was "The Real Presence." The choir in the morning sang Kyrie Gloria and Agnus Der, also Ernmerson's Credo and Sanctus. At vespers before the Magnifica Mrs. E. O'Connell charmed and the aspect of affairs in different all with it beautiful solo and before the parts visited, particularly in Vaneouv- the Tanturn Ergo Mr, W. Doylo.• also sang a very fine solo, ' Miss'McDonald, daughter of Captaba Malcolm McDonald,is visiting relatives at Ripley and Kincardine. • Rev. Mr. Robinson having elected to 1111 the pulpituf the Rev, Mr. Hussar at FIolmesville, ennducted the services in the Methodist church of that ville on Sundeeemorning and eyening. In the evening tbe church was crowded and the text chosen was Psalm 72, 1'7: " His name shall endure for ever, His name shall be continued as long. as the sun and men shell be blessed in Him, 'all nations shall call Him blessed." Mrs. Dark of, London, who is now the guest of mine host and hostess of mthnenEdnaytteinnistnilwrynl.diouse, Clinton, spent Rev. Mr, Hussar of Hohnesyille occu- pied the pulpit of 'Victoria street at both services last Sunday. Mr.' Bel- cher sang the beautiful baritone solo,' "Step over the line." At the offertory the choir sang feelingly "Too late. Mr. George Thompson, accompanied by his daugbter, Miss Hattie Thome). •eon, left on Saturday to yisit the Pan- American, Mre-Oharlie DePeudry• has been on the attar of the Woodstock Organ factory for some months. •• . The fishing flea is expected in at an early date, The lake has 'been so rough that fishing has been an itnpossi- bility for some titne Mr. Hugh Bain has returned from the Ducks' fishine station. He intends entering the ministry. Hugh is a thinker and we trust he may. be suc- cessful in his chic e of profession. • Rev. D. MacKay is very much appre, dated at, 'Kippen where he filled the pulpit in that flourishing region for three Sabbaths. ' A Word in Season Is Appreciated. THE, Ntws-Ritoortn until the end of this year for ten cents or to the begin, ning of the year after next for only one dollar. If you are not already it subscriber, dear reader, it will be it pleasure to us to have your name ad. tied to the list, The People's Paper is continually growing In popularity and circulation, and why should it not? To its many staunch friends, who have helped it alongby patting in it word in season,ont thanks are extended. And we would request it continuance of their good words and works. " We bounce right into a fellow and put him out of the church if he goes to a ball house or it theatre, but never say it word to It pious scamp who never pays his debts. People who never pay their debts ate doing the thureh more harm than the dancers or drunkards, for there are more af thein in the Clitireh.”--. Methodist Advocate. Geo. Cantelon Russel Currie . John Emmerson ' After the address refreshnseas were served and the rest of the evening en- joyably spent in chit-chat and games of various kinds. • HOLMESVILLE. • Mr. 3. W. Yeo and wife visited the Pan-American last week. One day last week Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard of Nile visited at Mr, J. Mc. Certney's. Miss Beatrice Greene of Clinton Was in our village on Saturday. • Me. Lamphrey of Zion spent Suedity with Miss Rose Tebbutt. „ Mr. and Mr. E. G Courtice and fatally of Clinton spent Sunday at Mr. Sohn L. Courtice's, Mrs, Connell of Clinton is visiting her son, William. Rev. j. W. Robinson of Goderich preached two excellent sermons hare on Sunday. R. 3, Hussar took the serv Wee 4n, Mr.-Rohl/Iseult:: church - - Mr. X. R. Holmes returned, home from Manitoba on Monday., - On Monday Revs, W. G'Towson of Clinton and Daniels of Go*derich gave two exeellent missionary addresses, both of which were interesting arid instruetive. WEST TUCKER'SfliTH Treasurer Turner spent a day this week 'with Clerk Smillie straightening out township affairs. Otiefatmers have their roots all in and their threshing done so that plow- ing is now the order of the day. Mr.:John Dulmage of MoKillop spene Sunday with his sister, Mrs. ettelward Llogd T. is abutments at Ransfordcly's bridge are completed and in a few as t e the firm bridge builders will be spanning the et -ream with it substantial structure. The work is being done under the supervision of Councillor Blaek, Rev. Mr. Steadman has returned from his home at Wyoming With bow driving outfit, harness, buggy and home, Mr. Frank Gutless, *Ito has been working in this section for relater:II months past with Mr. J. T. (rich, has gone to his horrie at. Bluevale to outfit for the hunting grounds of Algoma. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Crich were gueste at the marriage of the latter' brother, Mr, I. Montgomery, to one of the fair maidens of Brussels, . Mn. Glen MeConnell has his traetion engine hitched to the road grader aria is doing good work throughout the toWnehip. • '• GET TH1.1 BEST, Certainly the most- lifelike portraits of the King and. Queen are those •offer- ed this year by the Fenrily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal to their sub- scribers aud what is the use having anything but the best. The Family Herald portraits are each 1804 inches and are perfect likenesses. The Fem. ily Herald's portraits have Also •the distinguished merit of .being the very first taken after the King's accession to the throne, and haye, therefore,an his- thrical •value that no other portraits will possess. Wheri one gets the best at the same price as on inferior article, there should be no time lost in choos- ing, and certainly the Family Hen, ald's pictures of the King and Queen are beyond comparison with any others before the public. - In addition to these two portraits each subscriber receives, we under- stand, a perfect copy of the renowned Gainsborough picture, the Duchess of Devonshire, 22x28 inches, in ten beautiful colors, It is pronounced it perfect gam All three pictures and. a year's subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star is the dollar's worth of the season, Mrs. John 1V1cOool has also been seriously indisposed for the past ehree Weeks.- .We • are happy to etatethat she is beginning to gel strong again. • Yes Sir, there has be.enet lot of sick- ness in Wingharn af late, nut we think few have had more to contend with than W. Bisbee. About two months ago.Mrs, Bisbee hada very severe sick- ness and when shehad somewhat re- covered her little boy,Cecil; 'took :very Sick and was at deeth's door laid for several weeks. 'Thee Mr, Bisbee' Sr 'died a.nd new at the time of writ, ing hie little girl, Arlie, is very low with inflancunasion of the bqwels, and on Sunday Mrsiebee was again sud- denly stricken down with severe ner- vous prostration. At •tbe time of writing, however, favorable symptoms have manifested themselves both with little Arlie and ber mother. , A WONoMtFtrt, HORSE.-VVingluim Pet on , quite a .gelie apPearanoe .00 Tuesday lase, -the occasion beirig the return'home of Harold H., Mr. Swats' racing horse which was brought Ileum ladened wth laurels of victory, for , during the past few months Harold has lacuna famous all over the Ameri- can continent. The Lucknow brass band and &Jame number of -sporting gentlemen met this prince Of 'horses at the titation And be was led through town in triumph and bedecked as he WAS with a wreath he seemed to be as proud as 18. Roberts and his master could eot fail to be equally as proud of his steed. • • GOOD TO BE TDDRB.-cin Sunday morning ;lye wandered from our own to the Baptist church and were Most favorably impressed with both the preaching and singing. The choir has just been re -organized and surely they have some of the sweet singers of Israel therein. . We would like to mention special names, but courtesy prevents us from, so doing hut we do in sincerity congratulate our Baptist friends both upon . the eloquence of their new pastor and the sweet inusical.strains of their new choir. HAIM MT THZ SKOKUlt-Rey. Hobbs, our highly esteemed Methodist pastor often speaks and preaches againstthe sin of smoking and chew- ing: While admitting the truthfuluess of his sentiments in general upon the above mentioned habit, we do not en- dorse his views expressed in the pulpit a week or two ago, viz that smoking was a greater evil than drinking. We could give many instances. Just allow us to give you one Mr. Editor. In • Winghain there are two brothers, both mechanics, one uses tobacco heavily, the other drinks to excess. The smok- er, although a young man, has 40 acres °fiend paid for, money in the bank, and a comfortable home; the one who drinks is a physical wreck, no money saved, no credit, and the home, well the loving mother could if she would tell you she would far rather her 'husband was a smoker even to excess, than a wine bibber. • • ALMA. Miss Minnie Hawthorne is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. Jones of Stapleton. and Mrs. T. McMichael spent a couple of clays last week with frie ncls in Exeter. Mr. John McICnight vent Suhday with his sister, Mrs. Taker. Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson re- turned home on Friday after spending a week with friends in Toronto and visitifigtheePati-American, --- - Quit it number of the young people took in the oyster supper at Constance on Friday evening last and eeporee it good time. • Mrs. George Dale is spending a few days a her home in Egdmondville. Mr. Dulnciage of McKillop visited his sister, Mrs, Lloyd,on Sunday. Miss Ethel Glidtion, wbo was visit- ing her aunt here for a Couple of weeks, returned to her home in Goderich township on Sunday. • Mr. 1?rtink Story of McKillop vent Sunday with friends here, Miss Maggie Scott addressed the the League at Tuckerstnith on Sunday evening last, Rev. Mr. Steadtnan is holding a ser- ies of revival services in connection with our chureh here with meetings every evening at 7.80, er where the rivers are red, she said, with the salmon which aleo obstruct navigation, Mr. and Mrs. Acheson much enjoyed their Pacific trip and the narrative of it has given pleasure to many more. Toe lecture lasted over an hour after which Miss Eva Acheson sang charmingly and Misci Ficher delighted us with her elocution. The quartette "Sometimes" Was Well ren - doted by lasses Brydges and Robert- son and.IVIessrs. Andrews end Brydges. Refreshments were also served and before the gathering dispereed a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Acheson. It is oor sae duty to ehrouicle the death of David, the little son aged 8 'years; 5 months and three days of Mr. and Mrs. David Prouse, at their rest - donee, Huron Road, on Tuesday, Oct,. 1.5th. He Was the youngest member of a large family and all centred their affection upon little David. Cleeer and bright at echool, his teacher, Miss Bell, mourns his loss almost as much as his own .family. His death was due to obstruction of the bowels. He had skilful medical care and good nursing but alt Were of no avail. Altemegh • but it short period he seemedto safer. little. The little white casket was eovered with floral tributes, the loving gifts ot the following : A large lovely wreath of white roses, white cane, tions and other. white blossoms, ,with smilax, thegift, of bis schoolmates of Zion schoolhouee ; casket boquet tied with white silk ribbon from. his .teach- er, Mist Bell, and lovely boquets from Mrs. W. ,Driver and 1VIrs.. George Young. The school el:101,mi of Zion school • marched in procession to the junction of the Beninillete and Huron reads. The pallbearers were : Mast- ers Howard Sturdy, •Berisou 114cCule lough, Harry Chambers, Richard Lee - eon, RobereBell and Harry Chambers.. 'Rev. J. W. Robinson officiated at the house end at Mititlarid cemetery. The funeral, despite the uhpropitious weather, was one of the lopgese ever known for a little baleen that district. We loved him, yes, no tongue could tell • . . How mach we loved him, and so well ; Christ loved him too and thought it To tbaeksethitn home 'with Him torest. Mrs. Harper has returned' after it. two months' visit with .her family at Toronto. - Mr. and Mee. Fred. Thompson left on Thursday to spend'a week in Detroit, A new platforne has been laid down at the manse of Knox church and the • pillars of the verandah strengthened at the base. • ' Engineer Breugh has Patented the drill used in dredging the harbor. • Rev, Dr. Daniel is giving a history of the progress of Christianity, show- • ing the steady onward and upward rise of it, and he told his audience on Fri- day evening last that the golden fruit- age, sown in tears and blood, should be peecious to all. • • The Advance cleared at 2 a. in. for Sarnia on Wednesday with a carload of evaporated apples for Winnipeg shipped from Beck and Goldthorpe's • Saltford evaporator. At Sarnia she loaded with hay for Fort William. Last year any amount of hay was shipped by the St. Apdrew but this season the crop meet be light. We were sorry to learn of the death of Dr. Richardson, L. L. D., so well known for years in Goderieh. He was the eldest son of the Rev. George Richardson, a former diyine of this town. Mrs. James Craigie is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Oscar W. Buseart, itt • Buffalo. • GODERICH, Mrs, Ames B. Clark and three sons left on Thursday for their home in iate Angelee, She WAS aceompanied by er sister, Mrs, Andrew Eh*, and ide. ()beet Kirk of 'the Nile as far as Buffalo where the whole party visited the Exposition. While here Mrs. Clark and mons were the gnests of Mrs. Clark's father, Mr. John Battey, We were Informed that Mr. Mae. dougall had an operation performed on one of his eyes tor eataract. Mr. Alex. Horton of Leeburri *pent Sunday in town the guest of his uncle, Mr. Horace 3 Horton. Mrs. Mora(' 3, Horton spent Sun- day hot at Dungannon the guest of her hrother.in-law, Mr.Powler. sunrieRnILL, Mr, 0. 3. Nesbitt hacl the misfortune to lose his pony last week. As it was a family pet, the loss is the more se -e verely felt avid it will be hard to fill the place with one so trustworthy. Mr. Geo. 11111 was in Seaforil last Saturday. The members rtnd minister of St. Peter's church held a veetry meeting Tuesday evening when the regular aimed business was conducted, Dr. W. Lowery called et his home on Sunday. Messrs. 11.. G. Reid and 0. Lowery visited at the former's home in Stanley* on Saturday. -DereeleeteVittie.araleerife, wive have been visiting friends in this vicinity, have gone -to Delhiand from thence go to their home in North Ray. The Woolen's auxiliary, of Se. Peter's church meets atleir, G. Hill's on Thurs- day, of this week. , -.• '1, elreseseleresseeebeeteeleosserbeeseere.".10. teeeereasee-‘110~610110,111re Don't Forget that we carry a full line of Chamois Vests Chamois Skins Chest Vrotpctors ' Etc. at moderate prices. Call and inspect. PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, R. IR Reekil Successor to Sydney Jackson N. 0. -Our Comp Syrup or White Pine and Tat cures colds. eeeelteaeeeereeeeesaeeee.eieweeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeseateeee.-eeeeoe'eeeew.eeee'ees 1.0 Leadbory. Mr. and Mrs, Mace Sterlingof •Goder ich township have been visiting at the Iatteres father, Mr. W. Muffle. Mrs. Hodgins, of Lame is visiting her daughter, Mrs, G. Hamilton. Mrs, Sage of Seciforth and her two daughters Were tailing on theie many friends before going to Windsor where they inteed to make their home in future, Mr. Tilos. Atelier of Hullett was visiting Walton friends last week. Mr. and Miss Dristell paicl a. visit to Clinton friends last Wednesday. Miss Sarah Kenny has gone to Sett - forth to learn dress. making. The trustees of our village have en- gmied Mr. C. White for the Veer 1002. This speaks well for Mr. White as that Will mike his eeverith year as principal of the school. The next meeting of the township council will be he'd in Me. C. White'er house in the village owing to the hali ajoining the hotel being horned. . . . The Gorrie Vidette has thawed betide, Me. Nash, the founder ,of the Vulett ,e selling to Mr. W. I. Sharpin. Thu Nnws-Itgcono wishes the new mt.& a of eudeele. proprietoe sitceese while regretting the Mr. and Mrs. George Porter are departure f Mr. Nash, visiting the Pan -Ain. this Week. OOK Here •44•••4• •••,•i•••••••••••• I Am now selling • BAXING POWDER Two of our widowers have ventured upon the matrimonial sea again. The first was Mr. Sohn Emmerton; who brought his bride from' Clinton, The second is Mr. Thomas Wyatt, who led Miss Mary E. Brunner of Eginondville to the altar. Mr, and Mrs. Wyatt have taken up their resident° on Bridge street. Mr. George A.Ilan of Allan & Nteivor has purchased the former residence of Mrs. Adamsou on Church street., Mrs. Adamson has taken possession of her handsome new two storey brick residence on Church street. A stylish wedding took place on Wednesday of last week 'at the tesi- deiiciu of Mr. Richard.Jenniegs on the Hayfield Road, the contracting parties being Anna, his second youngest daughter, and Mr, John Steep of Goder- ich township. The bride, who weir given away by her father, looked love- ly in a handsome tailor -wade suit of brown cashmere, richly trimmed with brown sale, the front of the waist be- ing of white satin with two large bows and scarf ends of chiffon'and lace fast, ened on left? side of corsage, large t.osette in hair of blue and white baby ribbon ahd carried a, shower boqueb of white carnatioks. The bridesmaid,Miss Priscilla, sisteizeot the bride, was dress- ed in a costume like the bride'rosette the same in her hair and tarried it shower hoqueb of pink roses but dis- pensed with the scarf ends and home Little:Miss Janie 'Harrison, niece of the bride, was maid of honor. She was dressed in a costume of pale blue cashmere trimmed with white Inc and pearls and carried a basket Of blue glass filled with pink roses OD which the wedding ring reposed. The groomsman was Mn. Steep, a brother of the groom. Rev. J. G. Yellarid of Hayfield officiated at the wedding ceremony. The draw- ing room was decorated with ever - ,greens and red berries of the mountain ash, a lovely arch being formed of the same at the entrance. the; bridal party standing under it floral ball, Miss Priscilla Jennings played the wedding march. At the conclusion of the wed - cling seremany it very recherche high tee, was served, to whieh the wedding guests (who were only the relatives of the contracting parties) and bridal party did amplejuetice. mowers were in profusion. Many handsome pres- ents were given the bride., The even- ing was spent in music and song until midnight, when the bride and grooth droorvee .otheir new home, Middleton's en TheAmateur Dramatie Co,.under the auspices of the Daughters of the Eta - Ore, are about presenting Our opera goin eitizens with it new play and are We give with every package a premium. That is, apiece of graniteware. You can have your pick out of' two or three dozen pieces. Come and see it before it is gone. also have a barrel of nice Labrador Herring. This is something you ought. to try. Also good bargains in other grocery lines. • Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. 1 O•1ijO ILRATIIVIELL Phone 63 DILL'S OLO STAND SHOE .TALK. For the Fall and. Winter Trade our stock -is complete. Never before were we in a better position to give you just what you want in all kinds of seasonable Footwear. And our continuously increasing eales is the best:evidence we can give that our r - SYSTEM OF SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS iisiunsutrshoe ill. is us the buying yeing public. We can save you dollars ny FULL STOCK OE THE CELEBRATED GRANBY RUBBERS for which we are sole agents in Clinton. You run no risk buying your rubbers from us as we do not handle Second Quality or Auction goods. It will pay vou to see our bargain counters, which are being constantly replenished' with the best bargains ever offered in Clinton. See our Misses School Boots, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2, at • 85c and $1.00, either laced or buttoned. it • • They are great value. ' THE. OLD RELIABLE, • m. TAYLOR & SON Cash and One Price 'hitter and Eggs taken as Cash Combers . 13akingPowder e is made of pure Cream of Tartar and is guarantee to be absolutely pure. Price 25e per lb. OF INTEREST .TO _SMOKERS _ • "eiee7ree I In order to reduce our large stock of 10c Cigars we are offering for. one - week Bostons in bosee of 50 at $3.00 Itoseberys " so at $2.75 Salisbury] " 50 at $8.00 H. B. COMBEil Chemist and Druggist THE'LONDO.N DAILY NEWS BARCAINS iN CIL ASSW ARE • WE SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. TRY US. - Having still a few linesot Fancy Glassware, etc., which ' we wish to clear out, we offer them at the following very low prices: Fancy Mugs and Pitchers 5e to 250 Fancy Lamp with globe 0 Set White Dishes, 47 p • lilee35esto 121..2575 ice to 30 Match Cases and Fancy Plates Berry Sets and Frait Dishes Flea,vy Glass Tumblers, a doz. Oe 300 to 50e Select Raisins, 4 lbs for 250 Faney.LamP withoat globe Corona Dates, Ms for 25c 25e to 75c 20 lbs Granulated Sugar for 21.00 We will allow 50e0 discount off fee, • cash purchases of one • dollar .and upwande. See our glassware counter. • JE 1-111.1MINTWJEILIa, Varna. inemeammere Prints more and later neves than any other London or Toronto paper eirculated in this county. Balance of this year free on receipt of $L50 for 1002. , Address ell commanica- Henri te THE NEWS PTO, AND PUB, CO, LONDON, ••••••••••••••••••••••4.44••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE GREAT CASH STORE: I 1 lust passed into stock , another large consignment of - :and Nobby Clothing I For Men andBoys 2 If you need a new Suit of. Clothes, an Overcoat t Fur Coat this is the place to, get what you want at •rock bottom prices. Or a, AnOthe. ' ot of New Ties ,in the latest styles and patterns. 1 D. M. M°BEATH MYTH] • Pretoria 131oelt. ••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• • • • • toadfoetliox&CoI : Furniture Dealers • ,, • and Undertakers • • • •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• fr 0114 • We take this opportunity to invite you to Call and see the beautiful lino of furniture we are offering for the Fall and Winter Trade, We have always had the reputation of having an up-to-date and well selected stock but this • season our selection surpasses anything we have had be- . fore. Come and take a look through our wareroom. You are welcome whether you buy -or not. TINDERTAKING-In this department our stack is complete. Our charges are Moderate. J. W. Chidley, manager Night and Sunday calls answered at residente of our Funeral Director, J. W. Chidley, King street, opposite foundry. Sainething_ Special. This is not a millinery opening bnt a Stove Display Opening. We intend making a special display of all the newest designs and improve 'tents in Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves and Heating Appliances on Friday and Saturday, October 25th and 26th IN OUR THREE STORES and extend it hearty ineitetion t� all -both ladies and geatiemen-to attend Whether you want to purchase or not. We want you to see what we hay& We Will have three sepaeate departments, Cooking Stoves and Itengee in the centre afore Coal and Wood Heating Stoves in the north store Seconkiland Cooking and Heating Stoves in the eouth store. Thier will greatly facilitate the seeing and exemining' of the different classes o stoves. A stove is an Article which, if of the right kind, Will almeat lad it life tient, ; therefore people of good judgment always buy the best. We keep noth ling else. It, pays to sell the best --such as Happy 'Thought Reno, Nationa Pearl, Heuer Bright, Radiant Horne Hese Heater, Victorian Modern jesvel Farnoutt Oak, etc, eta.. Don't Miss seeing Our display. You could make no greater mistake than to fail to visit our dere before finally deciding to puethase it stove. If you want aSteel Range let us figure with you so that yott" Will not have to pay two prices. HARLAND 'BROS. *' CHEAP HARDWARE HOUSE.