The Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-10, Page 7their 000 J144 C04tiAllAlly root", OF TUZ POUT44. and who was the Inspirer of all their went, out Into tbo W4VtJfUI Autumn ... DEAL IN 108YARS FOLK WHO best (1004.1 And ttouglato. more than -run of 04crot Retvs4to for Imm, T DREAD: RITURNIND, Character 444 Work this can 40 51114 Of AQ QUO who 1141A UOW T1134 BRITXsu XAICV, Tile 0611 -ch WAS 111104 with the fra­ KRNG ALFREV Who Uourly Seek Ava&sgina, been c4lied to projildo over the, 4es- 0 IX i 14ZQNS ON Mr-OnX. ' An Amateur of flowers, but Debby did not -tihies of it 00OPle t4on A of the 0;2,311gliaimaca of t raise liar eyes to loolk tit them. The W110 W01OLD RAIr- DA To i the pir—owalt day I r,aia sounded 0, t' PER -To 9TAV IN xPAZOA. "ill look- b4ok- Tboy Lovo to, ray'4,onia Tile Y1141Z Palace at Constantinople 3 Iu011khaut prelude, with revervAgo'on ouch 0, life And go to Dressmaker, '40 1H a Is a mQAux4ent to fear. The alwille yet eloquent prayeir jol� Thing "GRv Oreat ajaWhima in. char"ter, And feel the. Iroro"now, Gonortle lowed. Debby had not yet glanced Somo :,wtlo TU1 1;' 4."A t a thousand Join-PrOQf, bomb -proof, it is as5as- * That, Will yearts, have in nowise, less . Its are Treated. e4arthquake- Xako Their UQiAo-CQ4AiU wived UP Proof, Ore -proof, microbe -proof. Ar- And BOW silo Put hr hands over force and late Just now the -German Crown Fringe chitects and engineers Are building "Good,by, her eyes, It was not till Helen San$ Bishop Of London, in YOuth'N Cam- Is in LondoA. Though, Tom, " Said, her Arst solo that she bad Sufficient, There re, tit e Is present And rebuilding incessantly. J)elab. WhQrQ O.Wo low men of Action whom Went 01, hip life was the ro$oluto only In A jsomO Tom lily oil lvj� bed, which was gontrol over herself to look up lei- wit o4o In, Great BrItAiA 0 aw4tttbo returr� of tit* Absent. private capacity, the OfO_ ow secret retreat is IwAYR under pabed up to tile open, screened will- the first time quite proparcil for tile Minded Doggar eaalechlienow displayed. ain Is surround- dow. 110 turned hW dull heav QYQ8 realizatioil of berorst, fears. Ing$ M10.11 tile Fjouth A vial greeting being Postponed for a Way. The,entire doin a with m1nWed loel� Y(OrY few whom We would wish to Ile retired before tbo invader to 4 TIRABE 3)0% STOW90. future OCCOMOU Slit all tile same ell by an Immense wall, thirty feet ill t t r, ti#ko a.4 411 things. Most little island wich 1 0 1116 "Oood-bya," he rosela tile Auld0 Ile is, fete � 110 looked immediately down broke out there word N , friogn war eqa good lually apolgloa, of d by -society And raised to high, and the choicest troops al tile said, lit A 8 Lritloss way� wl�o, who In,$_ OsItion, of a pet idol. Ile is In- millro stand gu4r4 P tagodar hot, yes Alled With tears of lied their J1 OW A Newfoundland, a Terrie, and Attlo aroitAd it. An Hot. face wit I'llsbalAds, the rst n a maindoubtful charac- AN IMPASSAB ViteN to tile tables ot,,tllQ, wealthy inner Wall, twelve feet illicit,. 11 pity. Wit)' glad, Sweet relief. Her vision was that reAched theiii. of their Absent with sudden determination silo drow from blurred to all things visible. But VPOuSQS wau after ;Ill. Happy is tile nation At LE MORAS, Bulldog, and highly-plageol persounge4, to gar. gates of Iran, Inclosed the private v Ivan' tho front which call Point W. 4% national hero, Athelney Ile Watched and wa her locket a small coin, and going that peih4po made more vivid tile In- Fearsola's Weekly. ad for Owed an it- ,Tile most pathetic thing about den partiesi fetes, "at homes,, and to sidence, itself. The walis or tile sill- over to him, laid It In Ills band. ward vision of rioaaa,s trinipbant Those men lied - whom there I$ . 110 reason to be , oliths. He sent out- tile thoroughbred Llog," I mll the other Social fUAvtiQAA Of the tall's dwelling ar filled with arniour 111or the boxf" She Whispered. glad desortod from the army, settled down luessengers And arranged for the ga� Alan whoO time " ' 40 day for it Is the fasilaloat to run After Plate. In e A expression, when silo Would hav%014 lit civil lite,, and neglected to Inform lies been spent Ase of proJectfles., It Is quick light aarted over Ills face. It Jul that Tjolqa Wore the new dress. their wive$ Of tl'Qir military history. Such P. hero is Alfred tho. Great, 010011i of his host, 110 exhorted about the keraliels, "is his devotion what 19 called the lion of the hoitr. 9aidi that ssage can- was worth having n ono One Who deserves. to be Ills people to renew thele Stand, re- to the Andialory rhese Ilolal$ vary In caracter, but liects wit a mysterious pa a breakfast but Thcudlence seevned to listen breath- The outbroak jot a kind master h ten Secret bed hambers, Tom's left -over toast crusts, justfor Of the War And - tho set by his side. There i's )to rulor at Inamberng the greatness of the is- who is dead. There as a . frAcBd of 041011 brins his OV74 popularity, forraing an i1ttricate Ift )0.98ly to the grand Q14 hlim, surag great patriotic wave was Any country 'who has left such a le- slid, When Ile thought that the time mine who Owned A- Newfoundland, to find, but Ills byrillth, No the hppiness of seeing tilat one to thpjl) In a voice of Unusual feeling. they could withst& ed by The period of foastilig Lind feting body attendant knows short expression of joy and hope Ad. They quietly 98.,C�v at fair f4r4e unturnish WAS rIPO, lie burst from hi, WhIell Lord Xitchoner was Subjected where the SUItRA WAY sleep (luring to,t t ry any That Is. the rQaso marshy and Dash, as they called l;B, was Debby locked the door alld lit * the ebbly felt ally, gitta conciousness gavo tlicius-eives 111) he mill a a why, fastness 04 tile Unsuspecting Diane$ never contoilt4d tvilen away team his Was to him the sovLrost biAttle he IA;td ally Particular lilght� T -To has ecrihat site had hollved the singer's mis- to get to Clio froviC. hould they o- OAW AgO . the Master ladles light.$ Lind telephones in Iiis own 4- key In ilia cornei* of ilia window, 4ck lon, as tile flowers and attractive turn coveved with glory they Will After the lapse of a thousand years-, Arid defeated them in n, great bat, waster, Not I . ver fought, top persistent Englishmen 1004 back with pride tle, W98 taken Ill. 'Ile lied to be moved word than.olloo ut-flanked And out- PavtMQ4t0. but forbids them in (Jan. of the blind. ill any of the nelAbors church did the preacher's. V.11i, have to face 4 Personal Upon hie memor Anil Are anxious Battles arO not succesful through to a, hospital and Dash W' Laitured film for stantinople. Telephones night should happen to come to see TO111, AS she wa& glid ng across the coal- planation AvItil tl,,e 1,41116,3 hmto do him honor, the skill of tile general or tile coiu-' (is left at prove Q could tell them where to find it. rwd, She felt 4 touch on The patriotio generosity of em. The dog refused to eat, one or more of their functions. handy for conspirators, and he bO� As Al o, passed out of tile yard, he man home a I ad. ployers has been the Source of .4 re_, - Ladynnittla could be sent over 4 wire 'into the Is a few. ()no stPA09 to 99 back for ki, PletQ'Iess "About 11. O'clock one night lie that Onamite cartridge looked back At the tiny rear terva, Helen War, loo tit lt'seeUls of tile ilivailediate victory, I Sir U orge White was another I,(- aves liar arm, and loo'keol up, startl lousand yeAro And Commemorate Ax but the impression. which they pro- began to how), M I Tito Ivero of king down oil bar with velatioa to by no meal ant 'on' duce His cries 4lartned linent'she had, left. Tom's new wire happy Smile; by -her side stood a llrnu, announced Would pay jig MAIISO reWQt6,fl'QM All the Interests It so with Alfred's trl- the molubors, of, tile family, who Succeeded lit keeping the enemy tit Palace. Ile fears clectricr explosions,, scrooll looked very well indeed, And, a IPleasiant-facd oung man, "Clim, tile Average wage Of tP-44y. Generally a comm. UlnPh at UthUnd,41. The Danes were word greatly 'colic bay lit South Africa for six months, so Constantinoplo Still gets along it wag so much clearer to look out tion of some dittinguished not So much. 1lnPvQSse . erged About the eaervists CA114 person 4 by their de� condition of tile pAtiont In the Ito$- but tile forces which urrounded )till' 'With gas light, 1-10 hates the word through than, the former said Reltn, "tills is the young ad out to their Wives lit. their All - Owes Ito force to current politics. feat as by tile clrcuaustanee� of it. pital, 1,VhIle Ills, cries in England Were too niany fill- fight- lady who, made, all alone, tills new pence for a Vol-iod ai twelve 0 t 0 tinued ilia netting. Site felt quite sure she had The Man to chosen for some colance- They had expected that Alfred was coal (I.Villaula, because it pounds )!Joe dyna� an a h telQPhOnQ bell rug and, the message Ing LIKIkinst, so lie capitulated, ali(A mite. Balloon"are tabooed, lest one not been extravagant to buy It. dress yoAI think so tasteful and. prot- It noc - essury. The, result of tills. 045 prevA7 ave over t1va,wires. enough it was a warm pleasant autumn . that Some of the wlveu becatile ac. tioll, , real at, supposed, with entirely crushed, and that'the spirit of (Io,ath, Allowed himself to be taken lit every- should Pause over himi long t " lent idea's Which some party In the Of. tile Wost h3axalls - was broken, kfD a where and bv ever body. to drop a �)bl:Iy shrank bac4-, embarrassed. qualuted for the first -ti Rish Was sent AWAY until after .,.0 Y . chunk of explosive. As to mOrning, and -wilon, she had re4clied, live with the state wishe's to Put.lorward, or,with Such ought to bave,been the case i I ohs" wus, the next victim, bftt t. feeling that Heland- thoughtiqssly actual amount eLaned by the absent lie funz7ral, Aftor lija return a por� be regal luxury of the Yfidiz, that unlocked and entered Miss , Lewis's Some national inapulso which is pro- uccordi ' lag to all ordinary calcula- . traft of the dead master disappeared � "a conipramised. I -To allowed bluiself is a matter of course, The domain little dressmaking Shop, she Opened I forced tile Young Alan to notica*her, husband, Onol woman receiveti. tile mineat At the time. But there is no ti011s,- It was useless to carry Oil 41, from the house. Search silo to be lionized oil tile distinct, uuder� is a sinall world in itself. Five'ttle front window first thing. Than 41hor not.. But no- first Weak $3A2. iptich reason.for A commemoration of conflict against a alliall IV w0d that f I NO ell lid might r 110 Clio dog bad carried It into a recess stouding that lie Waia to be set At thousand people live within the outer n before it a . ncl began thing could be inor*0 cordial and hap,: "Till% Ain't right—it's, too mueh,," 'Alfred, Ue stands Ili no relation to ad 011011 unexpected rimourees. "The' under the h ' Was liber '4- tha oonest possible mo� wll, not counting, a small PY than tlie brotherly handclasp, and sibe'said. dollars A Weak was -OUSO, It rescued ty Army Of putting the braid on Mrs. Any popular idea al- any Political IlAnes felt the'llsolves ill Ow presence, from hil1% Wit), difficulty, and screwed nleavt* workmen and the 7 Pleasant mile, 000 Imperial Whon Debby had left what our 11111 had, Impulse, His fame Is due to gellialtie Of 4 102TO Which they could, not a,,,- I lVe give 06 above few modern In- guardsmen. Theia new skirt. The owner was to it suddenly occurred to her The cashier referred, again to. -tile 10 its, 04sol. Ili the library. A rug Are WiLips, actor -ii; for her suit at 10 o'clock. S Deb�itl i Admiration of his character, and to eveLiane; hild they resolved to aball- was put dow , I at this young m4n.was the ',some wage book, ahol S4id A U fro Stances. to show that tile )Jonising lag, 4r,9enWs, tables, ,museurn pie- by Stitched, she glanced out occiii- . * I a recognition of he- great services doii the endeavor, lit of It for thAt our faters gave to tile heroes ture gallery, theatre And even a mon- Jrlonds" Mloav-haolf spoken Abot, and you're wrong., Six ol 110 lay there with ail expres sionally, at a passing footstep or ve- which lie rendered to his country. The'victory which Alfred had won al their day exceeded that of, to-dixy, agerle. nionarch loves trees, but I hiclo in the street.'. Suddenly -a cat- she Smiled. As she outer6d the Yard, and twenty. -five cents Iii bat lie Ito ID, perhaps, hard to, carry pa- was not O mucIr a tuterial '. sioli'ot unutte�able-woe'oav 1119. face. 'The TOIA, eagerly watching, saw ber arill hadus U, Ile wouldn't eat. F or u. weak he JT WAS MORE PI�OLONCRD he keoDs their branches well'lopped rilago'drew up Lit the door iiind atop, full'of clarysalithomump. ,3hd nodded Tile Woman bit berAlP and walked triotisibi back over a period of a, nIONLI victory, It dfRpcilled tile kept:his vOn I Ce or twice lie Who that call remember 'tile great off, so"that he ctAn see to the further.- ped. A st.,,lish Appearing young wo- thousand years, ypt the strength at 001ifidonce of tile 14MOg and inadc 110kod up a little water, and tasted sensation the. presence in Englaixot, at o park, nian Jumped out, carrying A- bundle, Al olailling assent, to Ills mute (Ill "stjoii May. Slid did ot speak, but there England lies in its continuous his- them doubLivil of They had I dainty. food, but - lie grew weaker ; ilia late of SIvah of Persia , caused, and tile driverstpyed'in, -tile ot wriage and brought tbc� flowers . in and laid Was ft gl6am, in lim, eye which,bodad tory, of which every Englishman done till the could to, make it.,43 It ient oil his bed. Ill for bubb when Ile comes% 3narch- ura; (ILLY by day. One morning, ten days Can fearlessly say that there hot.,; been find waited., "It isrr't Mra, Stick - feel$ the mute Appeal. R4glish in- 1-hy hiad rejoiced. in It-% convilletpalesa; Did you mean," lie said, ,that she 19 ]lame. 1ptitlations. have no definite begin- and now 41 Jute", the librar door was, opened.anYtbing (pilto like it since?- Tile ney," reflected I)ebby, relieved, wore the dress?" lie c-0,111119 out of tho. Ilegerve 11 Lit once tlielv -work. was' and there WAS the faithful Duh country went positively, mad over , IN. CAMP AND RARBOUB, shared Ili ilia young.. WO111an, wore it." ire dre they have grown Slowly and undone, aa � 1`6 . $ , She Al Aling ; 14LI tile 0 wholn they 9611- (him. The Shah was,ou everybody's Mao Lewis is not at home, $he said.. w ullfld to).411alost wholesale revetations bave adapted thenisolvep to growing sidered valiqui-Aied. faced th�4411 as a EAD ON ITI�% RUG. long of 111ps, Hip PrOgl-6�i northWards wa; a NAVAL 'AND "She was called holavio two das ago some Cases, by an oversight, needs. Their spillit was broke "I'astitace's are common In whiclv'�roc MILITARY NOTES . i. "Whea I passed by Miss 1TOnI=v hnd ivel.,deotou to Inform IiJs n ; . ession. Of glory, for -at every OF TITE.BAITISH EMPIRE,, lb.�Jier niativer's, sickiless." V their and self-relinnice and- (logs have re silo went 111 suW that she had re-, wife. t6at lie was receiving T FA , mairied by the body at 'tion. alon- tile route Britgns fought Oil," exclaimed the visitor, "I denly deserted theill.: turnad. She selit tile flowers. to you pay I Foln a boneficont Governwelit, tells,a tale, of human effort steadily master, refusing to leave, it with one another- to'got ju.§t a* pa- Conaeused Paragraphs of interest disapPollItOdl" Nhe set liar exu'loyed Ili adA 'to Both Miliftar a d Ci il- bundle down on the big work tabIU, Lind.'gave tile 'LAY PLAY envelope. Iler and lie had spent tile money on hini- p pting the land to HIS GREAT.TRIUATpH. seLlUls cruel to think of killing ivIL �sing glimpsa'al Nasr-ul-Deen. Lind Ills Y, twhich contained Several partly'fibisla- 2nother. In Slid put the flow -"self, This; led to abily'al at this kind to got him out �glitkcriiig diaillondg. Back 'again in the requirements of man's life.. They Conaprebanded; the true nature ern in the pitcher oil. his whidow sill, I STORMY §0k,1NE a Marshes have been' -drained' forests of the Way,. Lind yet it has' been London and present at the Crystal ad. fitteles, nd looked �r voly And t1len.preparLd ollimer, which oil # of their -position on English soil. found necessary !al - . many eases. A Talace oil it Certain occasion no few- Lord Roberts, having received X50 ., ly at I ad, and doubtl as there have been'cut, traight They could. helpless ebby.: Are you Ileal i (lay they Lite together In. Toul'4 roonl'. are ,;Olno goo q dowh,' � The not liop4 to rpolued, ill(,- very renvarlialole cage of I tills' kind er thLi one bundred,thOUSand P61- ubseribed.by 800 thne-expla-ed. men I d Wives who have car- bighroads. tell of the nallitary occu- people slie'.41sked. ..Debby !told Tom aboutAlve church -d_tt pf,)I;tio ac to submissive subjects. a a aw -10 eV s .11 and flowers,. tile sermon and music, culaut tu , of the RQmans the whading hapy ned f- dars ago.within my isons assall4bled to greet jilin; and Of Kitchoner's I rse, has given tile ce flushed. "I call hard, vied f6rwill 11 of tills settle ALI) with th;� N arrIor they were to remain thay thoulselves k-nowledge. There was A little. fox tiellets for the best seats were -sold suni, 'to the lt'Qast-LondQn. branch at. IV -,say.thitit, "'she modestly, t,l and about alleeting. Helen, 11,116 116w- by-�oads mark the .1huits of feudal Must enter hito the state of things oil his return, domains, which were determined b terrier, a trim.little animal with a; At socialifever prices. 111s, little � the Soldiers'.: and Sailors.' . As.sogla- iised to - (!a' Alias Lewis's. housework, oil ilia winclow sill'. ave, out a i y *11.1ch. they found there, must accept. witP�- of Ills stiunily tall for everyone,. Ai social -fever 'Ills every lit- by the day. Slid saw * .9 1 0110 poor woman -Is discovered I was interest- look of encourggeaxient.� lit nature. of the' country At the -ilia peevaillhg' ideas, and loarxi to and he Was the pet of a young: boy tle convenience by those' The ddath'to'ok place'very I ber, w6rio., and lidlidly Alelped that ber husband had...booli married 'of the earliest settlements.. The Act s nelgfibom, * Such Were thc Who had . reared him from pupoy- high officers ofsta;te who had . been at Ashiviale; near Aldershot, Enklhud,'i 'no, 1. hapa begun -to sew for.hor all 1AIT" I'leal W@L-4: eilded, and. Ims inado tile iiecluaint- time ecent], When the al igins c0ifsiderations which weighed 'with 1. nionven e P_ Debby. opened her Pa. onvolope, A 1004. Whell ilia -little fellow was told Off by the Uovernihent. to wait ot Col, William Banks; W110 served ilia time #9w, but Lanj only 'a alice -of tile first iviitii since her Ilus- 1. 1 certaiii. Ruili lied been laid out, lit lin-ii,band went. to tho f�ont. He had., Guthruin, the leader of the Danish taken Ill the dog' would creep -into Pp011 um,'Ing every whina. atisfied, -with the 79th Foot in the C.1.1 ea, prentica yet, Lind do practlealln' to ask any question : lie s carried in Y no- -.,thing witho a­inatibn, for little -been anaking MI. a small qoparaloij back to,A rernoto -past and different host, when. lie made peace -with Al- tile room, Withou the least 1101se, Ills. every desire fulfilled—except one, I and recelved Ili, lit 'her .1 . . liare than eb Id be ell spare& but allownnea condit�,olvs' of, 'life, which 'he Must fred commission for on lit Ills' absent�uaind­' on condition that.ho became a, Lind ould, lift hiniself on the bed- and that was - to se .1spl The visitor. 19, a mail lanAged. cuous, bravery in connection withl still Debby Ili. silo wished to Make tile, Amount as: eel, ivay 116�ueglecfoild Li lor Ills c, ItriderstavY4, before "his, curiosity Wid"-16d Ills troops, 'from to lick. lljg,� tatt V I mapter*s hanIt, was Yfe'wa$ i�fo�vnlcd that there was Ila ilia capture Of u� of Rils� the realms. Of 1,11, 1 (jeep tholIght, and her *dy�s took lit large as.pos.qble on'account of Tomlw to.-rojoill thle qo1or. The rsAir all a' distant as really touching. After -a ilrae -ilia nian.to be hanged, whereupon lie of�- guns. detill) of Dobby's, figure and fo lielp bout tile had travelled over a.. Ill it r -d F r axe the d ay.a. a I Al- This was Alfred's. great #111111PIll; boy hoosme. dangerbusly'lll. q,he fored to present to ilia Authorloes a hedandrdss,':not ruddly, but With.a. stud- fred the Great, they Atilt form.part by Ills resolut , ' Persia as, becurred-ai; Low � low - exclaillatiOn, esctillOol 110" to' run hian to arth at hL§ Won :dog 'ha'd.�.to be excluddol from th& r of � his own ulte�' Of course burgh of Col. Nell Campbell, laic ofi.iouq; professional alis Toln, looked lip at lier, a of of..the process by which'Egland bai� The struggle -against the Danes was n Was, "lodgings'l—and th ally 'as are the an oasy way out of tile dif- 1 never hiavc murdor wa,4 'to;- it, iwith An expression of, ab- 1 flcul�Y fromills point pains with'you unless -you had been at it Isi, a a -6tritgulp taken lki-med ii�t ber­frkqbtcx4�_d expresslou�'out, iich ail ab,,sent-minded -beggar came wil roorn,-.but ho,sat by the door, n ver that, was the 79th Queen's Own Caineioll l'woul( Of it land6rs, L� v6toi-an pfficer,, who saw ho�. WaSi reading �a or am staro t "a lung n did not quite suit the taste -of hip, lid -is � a real as t iat will be 0 get )Ot' Al.ar that was sequr6d -,who ject,sorrow.on his little face. bI 1.6vis. wide 60untry ii -Im w changes Which 101tigland has passed i-isteng imuch fightini in the. Indian Mutiny, Worth her -tiou a. a sh t note. fr t through since- th the g8hicivernents Io Da� I,' ;leader entered ilia Chris- very naturally declined to Doing Present 'cap artlptZand� could have a large estab- I ke $0vathAti ben', h a Alfred'have their own place amid "The boy died, The dog knew it hosts, who at -ilia soige And .'What is. It?" he r all a of tian civilization .4sTced. of Englvi;lid.-� accept his OfTer., feiv custonx- he li�darp'about ri tlj�se tw6 the, exploits" 6� which, -Che British, N'Vile- Just 1 as well as if � he had been human ture of Lucknow. 'fron lishment, but sive.prefers ther they were to lad.asslanil ted. or . I - retired. -I she want you, to Work. for � her any.pools woln.cn.w�ll Wa:It in and *the�,took him:away until After Anopideriale of haro worship in. its ors And a sffia�all place—. I Empire. �was qrq&,&ed—t1Aoy manifest- slowly 'expelled i the army Ili 18,801.,. more?, -Well' n�ve� mind; " ��oilsc;ljng-; 1,11dre are some poor To �was.a question. for, the fullera at virulent -form raged -all ovcr� the YOU made �lid. dress you haVe on? mailles who the spirit, the temper, the. attit do I. In some way, 40,wever, MO 1''0", . ly. "We'll 4walong.' 1A13e. nlono)"- ditren't:�oolue ]ionic at all. Olve.ciap, the 'futUtO 'to determine ; but 'Alfred- loll went ders have been given tha. she suddenl�r. lidded.. lid decapod and.retu'raved home just -United Xingdoiu, When Garlba aliglishineal- had decided that they were not to 'to England.,. The &Oat Italian - Pat- reqerve mail Debby slirdialc ba9k:.. wi�h - it inifill nteceed - for -the front at toward life which make I discliArged from file Ili, the box will last cluito�,A_wliflo, �Ijl wbo Volu what 'they aiie. ha:.as the body was being placed'in 'the South -African Cojistabulary befdrel yva get'Another place.'�, pe.'rown, wbergs -he aR when, the peo- ittlare to orselves lo -followed. it to the conte- riot leaped ihtbi thea!rins of. popular- r al I,, Just i�ado this Slie eenied Alliable to speak., -ok It Is -hard to p �ple'had won, I' hearse. tile -copiplation of their army engage- pretesting war b Alt, has �seen and done or-theinselves).An th6ir,tcry. At th6 grave - lie ty and wiiq made �a great pet of che 'work dress to' suit Inv own V 0 6 the . I &,it on, his inents,: for any cause which would not LIP Passed.ithe ubto to hluv� t a ibountad a a as ,. , An 33Y 'eiftall'their discharge from the'aray, ,I, be io, VOtIlkli corps.. hon ilia war;ls over he divided- Into, little . kingdom& self," she said a England in hich Alfred lived, brilliant past. That'herit ge was pologetically.. ITO road spiendill. service wl It with to remain, its Ilre"he Ilavanches, Il' ODY thoise, words.* �"Dear Debby, s. Were to. be now and.then his crics, always low I ve�you could suit. me, too,�' shifting boundaries and rapidly- roijalred and As usla , Wome1i far * Outdid the herewith tile nione.y. fo�. Msnot return liolrq� for --ho is, its meaning . . �a! sliall be called out. oil Permanent Sol- Said the visitor,*, now gently beseech - 'Chan ingiJortuales. s Still. and P�ainful,'caused big tears to. tail Inald al I nian's.oircssi You ovidentIv .9 It wa Scantily ther sat 'forth on of tile* cammullity In forthwith join such corps Ing.' a true Pupil Of -Xiss atcol. Ills. , late employerk; vAce,-and made tt . are peopled by familids'who. occupied the fron, tb Of those Who were the O�t�l avagance of their. adul4tion I' at nights At Your Own libie. 11watching and -wu�lth)g, This was the work to. which A)- watc age eye& of the -regular forces As may bei di� bf ill. last r . Lewis. )ran make mirlb?" land that Was. favoiable to agricul- fred nuiv. . Ites. He, =bed'fol; the Italia'. Garibaldi cloaks an& ail' sure The man' hd entered f .4evoted himself. English n reefed'. Los, aili'very Upon a 001- u ' �&Joscr wheal the geivive w bein]g 11-coiiid not, inddod� I could.notl tur6_like settlers In the'-backwo'dols. civilization. still remaiined. in Wessex, p as litits,.and"Garibalill fohliniiie 'ilia mone,,V for' YOU alone. Ash spell of spectilatfou fii -certain dry of 'Tll� -followin aineadment'has been "Would you,. If- L'tok every risk? They Were a'laborlous and *61ld filled, and iyholi ilia. mound 'was, boiii. ail kinds,and descilptlon,, annotated 9 made in the lCli-ig's teg The other - . ress ulation fd� of Alitikers T- know of you,a happy da; I Ain your harps,''aldcol'by'nal "Infatlible" sy- but It had been soiely.weak folk, wl�o Wished to pursue 6 life of ellad by Ing Smoothed -off. and the:-.flowdriput feminine love ana even sincere friend, Jana Part ra , ids u 'the eay.9 of giruggle and misery. Al- down - -ilia dog advanced,. aiiLl laid '�tho 0aribaidi the officers'are, per -m would"not pfease Ind ­for this dress,, tom, which soon btoloo_down., labor, relieved. by. poll to this day there s Debby had b.this time got out,thO'of the iiialloy'lia 1144 used wils l-4ai- and� if You do eveless ' vest, or ilia conditions laid d6vVii.for-offiedrs.. worse off for your doing it, -TlOase­� t-inhadedly. from Ills .0 every part f ­ public bee of, the. farnily tried to -pi6k hint zouave, Worn by'women and . called went - quietly 'over. to. tbeet.,eil nd n, and in refereged t A.nvevnii; --bis nit',: ol� $1 anitted to wdar.PIalu:.cIathe4:',uuder Yet Pinvied-togetber 'rdll, of bills.;Sbe rdwed" - absen lands of a neighboring kingdoi fred had to'expross anew I ts meaning' bigiself down At he head. I . not',. i shall be no each king4om in turn had dreams of life. , Ills eople,*eve exhausted, . ap-1 up, 12 P6rinisplon to oli�ss* in'plain clbtll(ls plOase try. it!" She rcLpidly unrolled banpidy6rs, Lind ho riegl6cited to mon� estAb Ishing its suprqnla. a a the "Garibald folded it quietly In Tom's ohandq: tion it. - Ile Are not' return, there - 'Ver tile athetic and: lethargic'. 'Alfradhi when oil forlaugh � or p"s may be ilia be'Autifui. dress pattern of ta117 rest It was tfia same when Kosiuth, the You don't aided tfie.bok anif nlorfZ, but if lie only kneivi iti; Ilia late to inapiro them with his owii, 'SNARLED THREATENINGLY given to non-cominissioned Officers, colored Silk, -with exquisite- lab6 and Gar and to nieri a 14 watehjhg f aAt' ilia bc�ilnnlng of the.41110i can Oil one ]land. lid provided lbaldi of:11ungary, --Oslted f good character insertion fol* tile oke folded, in'ti� al said J9.more'than employers or Ills I Pro- -attacks by building fortresses' I Ided they wear Uniforms *o*n' leaving. sue pitper. Debby's.Jace grew , Palo andi Vlan.pirates began future agt�ill-4t anoi' they left the little country Co- laiiii, Icassuith g"'o another fillip to Onough'for. 04� wheeled chair." turn to htury tlad So . nit. AV and ive JOW 9. series of.inclarsions upon, England me quint.lv "Il ART. tery, and the terrier stayed -there the milliners and -dress -makers, who v d"' o the!]' StationS. Sue]' at the llc�sclf cuttilys T6lu turned hi toe- A _n and reorganizing the military. pyp- last vcstialp�- A9.0. an returning t iningination of ST which well- lgh led to! the sAlbjuga- tern ; oil the other hand lie had to pl Of ''naturally were very. jubilant. . We- the wall, -and did iiot pea Iias � enlisted unc',er aliother Ills niapter.. men rLdildred the mail so. lnuoh'as to permission will be . entered -6n. the into, the coatly fabric, 1.,T)cbbv l'oked surpriseff andAiurt.that' Banta and pestore the arts of peace. :he most "The family believed the, dog Would furlaug a be did not -allow any. plLa sure.- wai seen -in tile -.fleld by a friend oI tion of the English,, as they had sub 1rAPO li, forin Or pass, and initialled I ten 11741stmail,'� wont oil - 0 a cannot be traced, but ts jugated the' Britons: That. this did of Alfred's 'reforms- warrant the West -end establishments ilia officer granting it," Ing, Anxious voice, "alld I to silig at thq Union church At Suddcul.V, us sbB continued to the writer in April near Bosoof. -4ation if a flee which ..would -not Ili his'llox the .'next morning, I ets Kossiath h&ts 'And. bonnets, lcos�' 'lqAmes of lailIttal., lier6es of'South m Y tW He would not ackno w ledge. his r(!a! not actually tAIL4 place Was t1va to tile 61 wa-4 ireturn home that night, but he Was.; bringing out, Kossuth. capas and*jacl,-. t1i", PILn,12�1' A.3fred. He; n 0 1 4 al ne; saved guard the )�'llgllsh Channel against By noon lie had not returned and a' Africail faille, slACIA AS Lord Robarts, dedication services. I. ain t6 glance wouderingl at him, "4116 A' England.from, a: Scandinaian - cdni� . th 1 6 blvasloo of the suth parasols arid.sult-shades,- stand.besIL16 the Chair, who ;Ing the inore-distlActly his face, . Then she name,, but there is'little' doubt a-, to servant Was sent to thd 6einetery. and COL Baden-Powell, seem tol'))e in turned quieldy away pretending sho, Ills Identity, Ho , may - since- hov( qqest The destruction of the nionasterio . L "General" Tom ThtLrab : ; parts witil. out4ide 8 Just as ha'g6t -to thb pqth leading fbv6r for autumn flowers to judge, by had 6fliodeed. jt aged io change the.identirl&Lf,�jol lie �did a peculiarly F�ng- lied Alin dwarf wife,.Lavinia Warren, set tile. I. full View, And. if I � . III . I ;. a Pat swept away thd. me)nory down to the grave the servant heArdi yal.TtorfioulturA' lis I I ytho� aunic $01110 POof -6 when.they appeared hose,seen at tile Ro tile k liah qualities of stubborn peralsten- of Intellectua pursulita. Alfred sur- of pain and terror .rhamqs on fit Little Prince Ed- have Oil. a sinvIk made but well -fit- ilia � 1`1 c, resolute determination LIBLI a r 1 0- rounded himself 1with'schal ;.a wild scream in London, FvVen otli� late Sovereign Society's shi)w� ease and Tommy who has.fal in ay ars Whom from the terrier, and before -he could thooe who did wad of York.. has' i0so & flower, a ting dress,,I-feet more a VALUE Or, SKAIMSVEAR.E. There Lira those. w.) Was numbered Anion. Are - 111941 to accept 4ereat- But 'It� Is to he irMted from every'slole. He--set,;1Aat,, to lied.- -homage to tbc� little pair, cabinet did pea�,qary sing bettcr� Apil'.Ahat iswh� I fok the Absont-Wind Ileg-g.ir ir, be noted that these qualities Cannot *ad the cause 'Mack splen. seailet� and rosd sw6t lip ii� school for iiabls 'In 'his name( just try—and I will take lb Is . estimated thai, the fame exist by themselves, bui must. do- been killed. The . blow which 'ended -iriililkistck iirv& the -,highest as Well as I aftee ' him. A curiosity trepidation. . Clio ca Own court - and set him�elt- to' pro'- I hip fait ful life wa.4 strue Was. it - Japanese, honey a t thQ risk, Besidbia,". She hesitated which Attaches to'-Stratfor&On­Avon' , is vaj�y Pend upon.the poss6ssion.of an ideal k**bY cL the lowest-P.laced folk vied with 'and fruit' b0CftILSO of ... the act that Shakes- and torribly: I r files lot, Toiniftv, vide Znglish:boolos workman whoah �.Mack. had. attacked not A blshinglY, "some, friends -as wo I -tild'Ile ftli of natiQnal character And a,'Pedfoull another for tile best positions at the'smail scarlot fruit Unlike a 'then addL ITO WAs u. I 2i a, "Strawbor I d_ ers, His object � was to IiopuloizO when he tried to Arrange thff rZweptldns the. mites garve at St. I 'Suddenly she put hov� POava W orn there 'a w.orth swvrod Ilia Col tr Call IJI;d u.nian,, ry. , Some of the � finest fruit I are I as b was hown. by a' lady.exhibitor, alvid'han D a. "Please 000,.000 to that omm � The:,olia-rges, belief in something which -is - worth current knowlbOge� ' He 'translated on Fave. Janvos�a H 11, *bilst, ladip. of noble LIS on 'obby's.shoulid4v fighting lot,. Alfred fought unflinclir i, t E - '.on Oryj qt)hO 9 —Pleese ryfor Admission to, Ile leff, behind Ill a. wife and . twa iiv.o nglish , text -boo cean t . a r 1z a littld'ones. During Ills' absonce boa eal a when there degi6e waited in long quettes. until the fact that it -was grown.in lie- ibe.salol,* pleadingly. tile poet,� house, Is , Watching for his sister out of, to Aline Itedbaway's. Ingly that lie might maintain A, fall, Philosophy and' theology .110 did is trouble -in' thc*dIr. 'Theril'is evvt6d." cottage, to tile tile ilafrns have died Tommy. got gent, Park noad,_Wtthin two- miles Tonix caption of, licit only translilite, but edited Ili$ turn earne, to be '%rosi. 0. a iv screen that night, saw her church, to the menlorial,. And to the deartir' to him than lite true. story of Lt, big bulldog that Of Charing CV0 rarlimar-se tool tills .1lews lit ­Capoi Town on. his wa.1 Was paj spea 9 voluin . e if r co 9 books for, E nglish 'readers, His Ili- . i ailing into the yard -:with. ii�.largo net $150M, year- home'­�ut on his al -rival at soutj� ltsblf,' Upteyr seized the hand of a 'drunken . man HIGIT TAX ON WIVES.- ilia London -air. ': and, a troubled ly—a g:urn- which'iq cqUlvaILmt.t6 tin blindle Ili her arms Tito Danish pirates came . Ili their d arid.. activity never ceased who was trying, to :kill his waster, 13revot Liout,-Oo'loyvol. ther Hall. E amptoli worse, awaited, lilna� A lattei liar. face. Tbo.brotht Income- of J per cent.. oil the $5,000,-i long boats. acrass tile Sen.; laholed UOth1ug wag too great 01' too "A� I Blink, 'the dog, bad. followed erne for Putti U J. Monson Stuapt;-Worticy, Q.AI.G,,_dxpressIoii on ffoui u; friendAtiforined.lilin that )Ili. 113,*A Bishop�s Soil 000 capital., for Ili% attention. -pooln one night aad aD.S.O., the late Unionist, 110.11 i'ahen. a great, interest Ili Veb This calculation does, wife had gone away with anothei unseen upon same. headland'L - 'Which is thi� reason for Alfred's owilerinto it bat 1'. When End to Polyg4#17­ Holnifirth, by's work, the detuils, of which sho not. take into aecount flio, Income to i satilem,; 'lid wiis a rep esentativ` difficulty arose between o who IS, to *the new military � at- the railways fi-Din, tile 1) . ligi-lins to �It stid . bonic, coming for pool they occupied, Land then proceeded was lying' under. tile ia'b lansot, Ills. Tile nlisionarles Ili South 'Africa candidate for: England, explained, to him. SO Ile niail, Lind the lied sold up his, homer., forth upon a pillaging rald. '. They of Ills people and staov d to make master and an Italian. The Italian. recently held a convention III Natal ceeded as iistened with almost breathless Ili- the Warwickshire Uacca, and thero 0 Yoniiny, and we attacked espociail the anoiiilsterios,' * ' * - ;a tache in,'Parls, is to be sue Profits- at ilia ill liope, such 4�asei 4 thern understand the full ineaulng of flived at:,John,4on.OI3ce and'w48 about AuaonL�' tile,. question that claim second in convinand of ilia 4th King's te�est while! she. told. him. al I itbout 1.,4,110 estimate of the , la:ro not numerous, for.oveh this which were In those days the coutre their national life.and it -4 possibilt- to I"I'L thieir attentidn AS ; that of pol- nitercourso With Helen EaStinan 8tratford. tradesmen, wlio. do -a good of Christian civilization.' They rob- again, when, Slink jumped. up., Roy%l'.Rifle Rogt' at Cork bk Another lie" Absent -Minded, Beggar ling his feel� �Ies. That life had Almost been and caught ilia mail's wrist, lit a gamy Among natives. They discussed officer -well-known: in Yorkallird—AIA-i and lier owninabilit td her business in photograpbs, pamphlet,%, sbed and burned them, and Put t1veli Swept alva 'it would have fallen. vise -like grip, The Italfati. dropl.ed the practicability ofakingi a crusade nd trinkets relating to the town. Inniates to death. Then they hUS- for A N, solut6ness. aof thein jor. and Brevet Lieut. Colonel -to havo'been. Arm," Said and ill(.- great bard. OUA69' who Are not too anxious for Save Ifred's re Like AL flash Slink voleLised against this custom. 41 ought Tolurny's return am,those, employeri tened. back to their' fortified camps -declared that. the practice was 'Call- McGrigor, who serve4 lit the J)cbby, despairingly, ""and not Under - ID AND chatpil not numerous) who prouils- ALFR114 N d g before the neighboring population bold oil tile man's wrist and first Doer Wav, and hi'the Egyptian, ii's too late to 11,01101 a saize& blin. by the throat. Tile. ]tal� damned not,onl �by moral but, Also Soudan, and Saaklia campaigns, and -taken It. But MOUTALITY,IX RUSSIA. ap-his job for him and have could lie gatheredAindet, arms. A peopk,, Alfred �,trguod,, WiAleb had b ineAs.considerations., The LIS-,- e'I ably refuse now - yet it Seems 'I o Ile tin w4s' thrown to the floor, and it y bu, filled it lip permanently. The "I - The bloAr4.v0flvII they Were of Mashonaland asserted that lajov Wortle, Won Ills breveL lit U43 could � never dare o. cu t into Vrona'stataillorits made In oev&aA dier will dernund a, fulfilinent of the once thought und felt like this'could Was not until Johnson, lied kicked- tile present wak. Ile Was formerly deadly to the life of the people; the never docline to a lower level. Ire BifilicAu the ilde that heilet go. It the countrv-in Deputy -Assistant Adjutaut-Goneral 'alicel, ver that- old rs, .. it, 140014q tlldt thOrO' promise, but he ling no legal igbt find in polygaiiiy I that dreSSI I almost w1all Vol' hall. lltvssiau� pape did not call upon, Ills subject.,,; to be- -4son for 'the Very Illoon- for and no country,.'In the world where terror and b was,ruthev hard littilislunent for his the real. I ot .90 v . fixed a caused were greLd - A ei Lizell milltiii. but. to remein- kg bad veni I ent dearth of lAbor in the-iftilics.. sewhig. machine, thitt Lewis gave hunian'llfe, is so . short and mortality Cal noluiry Was held at Do- 'if I did 4 Services, but it the-lile A court of. I in a a' 'illy Peopled Count"' was her WhaC - they really He native fathor looks 111)011 not have Chat, theve a() great as in Russia. According to StA, CArTAINS.. not buen. given, tile YXILUI.Wo4ld helpless, against organked hiviaslonst daulliter wvely as so nitach: merdiall- Ver recently by Clio liarboe autlibrl- would have been nothing esto do the 'Petersburg Viedomosti' - the aw ad them to under.4tand tile spirit of L0,11 killed b tile by -trained oldlem. . if 11'r-alglish thal, livatitutioils, tile 2nealling . or dise' Ile yltl ' cht-erfull part with r,especting i4erlous damage but refse, for MISS Lewis left all 0 a On Sam(" of the foreign steamahlip. .1 . length of lite in that, cotintr, 111les, t do I are naval officers, Army gathered and tilt,, atelled , U. high dot tyi. (it 1, , I , le tllvo.IL. h'if lie coin. get hat bo considers � l ian torpe boat work -I could attolld to durillitIlLs JS only twentyi;laino yeara. The .110 captains their inherited ideus, tile .—+— Freccia When entering ilia liaxbor, Ili and, Ili of, War, 'Would Vahir" d sal away in of e310 dW not, I to be hot, value Ili cattle. The girl dim denth-vate Ili Stl,ileteisburg is high - the davkne,414 of ilia 14911 and Ilia vor who, im-' KLONDIXE GOLD IN. PLENTY. is ho hUsband for churge of a Trinity Pilot..� PLY1,9-eyea flushed W'ith`e,xclt(`llI0llt, ev, than anyWhero lso in Europe, their commands, Oil tho Germar, Oita could foretell icy would step is a refoin sold to r - future Thd vessel wag being caviW by a'.#' steamers tile officers must first serve posed great conceptions frin alluve, train Ave to fifty head of cattle, lie. Dcbb-.,r,!' he said, with ill, exception of Consantino- I L - oi, so in the next disembark, strong tide an to the norLb pier at, w6uld'bo -it 91eat thing. It YOU. could pie: While -fit London� for instance, a Yalta Naval Reserve, but lie stood forth as one of them- So Says the Oflicial Inspecto . r of pording to lier beauty as hat qaaf- ille.-hurbor moUtIl, tile Pilot dras.'o I line each, member of THE YOUNG ICING AND THE SvIVOS, whose �11391e'duty� U a. leadee the British Yukon Mines.' ity 14 estimated' uniong the natives. b4d hot- . bronglit sharply arounol, itho poweentage hs, qoventeen per I,- Oil tile Frolic) l y fut girl IS ver beati- After slpper the, iatchell 1able was St. POtersburg it . the crew must serve for A. time on was to better ilitut, Ids that She vollided vlo-1 0 gl 14 forty� ar. Oil the majority of pedple Whiitt 'ihey really Were. ' Thh; I'lacer InIning In Clio Klotiolike is i1ful indeed, and brings tile highot eresult Inovool up close to the bed All 11 it per 1,000; 'Only Moscow sometimes tile Inatrinianial uarket. folitly,with ilia opposite plor', The; laced oil it,.and for a while tho-in- ships, however, the officers are men �Ie r by yeat this dcvatatIn�pi,o- by. alld'Oxalll- �t In its infancy, according to Dr. price buttis St. rtevsburg In this respect, sit b W of, the I.Yeacia WA twisted, And 'Among the veasons that Increase the of tIlle sea who have fought their e asv ourried on till the Engli Pie, by constalit attOnti011 to every A� tile onsiderable portion of her mucliln-. as with ll�ted breath lie WatChedhi tep by stop entirely by , f.4 W, The father of a: fandly who ralve I valid forgot 111a t0isted, useless IOgS Way UP, S people were'panle-.4trielien. Avid well- (I N.ha has a otall of goernment. British Yukon IvAnes, just a large latililber of dailghters Iq cor- a C wortalltv and Shorten ilia length of hfkh hopelK, The northern king- Ild wu,4 never woary ill Ills nout,: Ile 'tain to beconiol rich, Tile more wives cry lVAS Seriously Injured, 11,110 cap, , iLlter cut into tile tan lite lit St. Petersburg, Infectioug dis- inerit, And not at all by favor. . OIL lie ha thd more, t�ia at the Vrecold, eqtiniatoril I tile cattle . a.sna a king rooin eav o8cuples a conspicuous po- ilia American line, evert after a mail doins were lit the hands of -(he DalleS althougli Ile keenly tolt thu weight "As . a Placer �paylog Proposition dainago -to tile at Z1,000,, And; has reached the rank Of captain, ho king-doin w .9 of 'Its; tesponsibility. that' Ihe Klondll has yet, Ill illy judg- Prospect, tho'4 it Is highly desirable to try Oil, but she proved quite fre sition.11 to. have quit a I uniber of wive. was left Ili "a to.,ninintai the indcpolin 1 daniago to. (lie extent of 9 . , helping out In small de- must PASS.& rigid examination every d, Power ?" Ile �1'01011 shalt nev- twLilt years of lite Lind Sor I oapal3le Of Who a�,vrec. 0 .1 to self den to the pier. ence of England. The t When tile dv�as was,flialshea rive yqars., or lime it without the next tell Years the allnu.-ti. out- Ills labor for Lt. qtlptilated time In � The lieolvar Office in Ilandon Is be-' arid then put on and sung Ili, lit A OHM= MOV ED n0DILY. 1 % Thln, Was ilia uto of things when, from full, Iliad vet, keelitl put of gold Will continue.ftoni. 4 oild Tile. Chu Alfted first ehtorool public lit(-, Ilia the gold Or diamond mines has only gun. The huge 'pit opposite the home, she could tell It slid' rch ost Souvorav, lit tlie FVMDWG INDrAN ELEPITA 16 ,ol-ruw froliv thne owit -indred," By Inealls ()III-; thought, and that IS to got QOiYIe Horse Uuard,. which has been %* wear it at church. illage of xOtchanal" neAr Novgorod temper Wag that. of a, student ratlier And.agafn, "No Wise inall should de- of tile tOtAin shovel and'. hy- 2noney with which lie alitty plirehaso Cling fox, the past law months- After -Ilut never Intlid,11 she said kindly as tbatt a waerlor, and lie had Sled it 'soft lff(�." 4r:tullo dredghig, I think. every toot . just been tranported bodily to Elephants in the Tridiali. Arniy tiri I attle Land exclialigo them for .0. wild'. It9 thick inlav of concrete, is- now ill to fiebby -you are dofra your best t. in shown signs of Lt disease, probably Entirely hunian, lie took Ills People (if ground heretofore worked -.Ili the., I I I Voteraburg. The celebrated 1`ro7 led twice a day- When meal -ti 0 NVIvell h asess! it of ilia first batch of but d- for %lie, Lind I am. Oatefil.' If I do obi, Iliad to pas epilepsy, which never left hint entire- into hJS confidence, Ito lied no' ob- will.,be reworked. This o has secured this* desirable po 0 . - asjonski Reginvent *is -- elves they Axe drawn up before plict ly in Tiosse.%ion of Ills physicul Pow- save teir welfare, and So 110 will be done, at coursd, Ili the'suin'- object lie will d6'no moro work for (A1,4 Who are preparing to Itty ilia -n6i we�r it on tills I)III't,101111tv OCCLI sess the � church, which contained of food, Vaelt anfulal'g breakfast In- to mall till lie wants. more foundations. Scaffolding and cranes Sion, tllere Ave other thilOs wbon. I illany souvenir.-; of ilia fal'sug, ers, He fd1lowed hiS brother to the lived Elliot labored that that object In fact, ith the introduction whi . Mar- eludes 101b. of raw rice done up Iii Inevitable war, and bore hi Share Was wives, In' tile of time lie will tire qprijiging, up out of the coilePote civil wenr it, I haVO, 11,110ther dress shal Souvorov, It was accordingly live M. , packages. The rice to Alanifest to all, The fear of' of machinery the Moudike Is gcLtIllg arIbe mor )%Live daughters to i4ell and then' lie depths end lit nimiy oCher ways there that will do very Wall for Sunday then tied with innice removed 'from its foundations and POd in IoAOS and' In a cnipaign In WhIph buttle fol- (;ad wa-� ill(,- foundation of I I C It And more Lt SU will do no more work at till: 1-11,4 are Indicatianq of Clio. beginning of in case I CIO not i0el quito tit case In carried to the nearest railway sill- grass- At the command "Attpn- lowed battle with bowf1diseing . rapid- actee� ConjillualJy sillyering froul eanIp. Avivc,; will do all the field ork, his ilia first of tile two now- Governilient tills one", tiou by means of .150 wagon§. tion 1 11 each elephant raltos fti It, sicioness, lie was, never gloonly al, , in *low of these Improved can- daugter,; will 131-11190' lit more cattle buildings, which proullso to add so Oil Saturday evening HOIcla Sent a trunk and a package is thrown into Tile West.8axon. king died anti Al- Irritable, but showcd, a rated genial- ditions Ono must realize that they -111.4 1101 -LIS will grow Also by na- Baugh to tile dignity of 1 11 the tiros. 111hon Debby till([ 11 1� imossenger for Cwmy TOcItINGS, Its capacious Inouth. By this Mo - feed succeeded his brother oil ithe It And kindlioesqilt &II Ills, dOiliggs 11a,ve only bcgult to open up the tural Introit Of Collaroy !t "ell gavo Ilial the thod of feeding not a single grain of at only Was, Ile rl� model ruler, TC-londike. Tile output will continue se, Iletweon wives, Tito walls And bad bundle, he hiinded liar throne at tile age, of twent-two, and cattle lit, will be Able were 11pst constructed, inaki tile all euvelatic, and was going away Some of tile prices paid bir rich rice Is wasted. With no proglect before him, sa-ve 0. but lie NMI'* a, tYPICAT. lm;pgo. YI'licre will be itier perceptible fiepltag� of WOO. still ke his 'callost qualitics were Stub- decrease In the yield lot- tell years, to load a life of gontleninui leisure. Cleared. area look like Lt gant4c Initnediately, "PIQLASO Wait n, Infil- peolple for articles of clailling Ili Oping 1.9 to 1 I,tlp 13fshop of WtAshohnGid pro- swimming bath walthig to be filled, Alto,— he said, as silo tore open tile 1, arls.are remarkable. In one cstab- arilly together Ile fought a�otbev burn coul' n olutenoAs, :though, tild ninimilin output lit a posed a plait It carried fait& were necesiltated by the unstable soil ooiie, 41)(17 then fell backed by practical Capacity ; single year muV have been passed, It slillpl contained ]no"' lislinlent you tire shown both .4 C11001,611ILS AS 9M but L affect, Would, Ili Ills oplillwi. put nil of ilia river bank. ey, illoro than 'Alias Lewis, Wit.9 aceus* Ings priced At it few cents and a pair on thoiswiss-Itallid frontier tLt With O(Yorto,'whicb, whother inlincol- but behind theco Was a God-fearing I expect to see 'great things accout- end to polygamy, Ile, would,,-havo _+1 tallied to rocciva for milking it of silk-onibroldered hoso marked In Afaslitunico recently tile oustoul ately Fliccossful or lint, had no real character, applying to ail things AX plialled by steam, pilovoIg And I%Y- tile Government view All' WIVA, ex- WITAT CAUSr-,S & HEAVY BRAIN. ­AVnit for tile change," She plain figures 850 francs (870); And aivilan said," the House officers, stopped a, IO)ll;' pro - effect ill rallutsing f1m, toe. ITO had lafty purpos. draulle operations, The latter, of Cept t'llvil first, AS articles Of luxury "Miss I'll . It the 1311leswoman. is In the humor cession -of forty Schoolgirls, Walking to face tile unwelconlor fact -that for Tills purpose he apprehended with COUIISC, roquira a lot of water, tile and tAx them In AL progressivo; SM16, It IS stated b ail authority that mail, docided1v but courteousl, to enjOy�,YOUr ftStOniShA1OlIt She Will tile tilne tleceng Wan iinpogsible, that AliXtape of gooil ,jenRo and Im- supply of which when exhausted in Wite X(v I should be dtoutipt from '" lit of a, biall'A braln. has no- i'that she tent tha proper Aniount, Produce Yet nother pair valued at two and two train *a gernin4ry in Yct ho'bad toght his foes that vie-' lie highest ti�,o crocks, will be from the Xlon- taxatiolw, but ie'do with hIS inental power. and I was to receive YI-3thing back,` neighbothood. uppicion bt�d been ilgilletive forte which is t %Ile husbubd should thing 11(l) li000 fraucq 0,200) of which tile tor was not to he won without, ellaracteristia of the Unglish, t0111POV- M river, Ono of tile beat Inollea- pay it fa of $25 'it ear for tile it is A, question al Climate, Act of hc1l lip went Away, c4rofully hand- point-laca lnsertlont4 represent Peones Aroused by the frequency With rliiloh - nerifice ; lie )]ad '.,411own thein 11a could, think and tool Lis, Well as tiobs that tit ItIo of k be "Ii1xuly of No. I,% 111.g great, a n I a Is to Inteltget. Tito colder ilia Climate file ling the daintily 0ollea-up bundlo". they crossed the hontior Ili their Ilo stubboril evert untrained act, Inadgillative, thoughtful, cap- long lived 1.4 to be found lit the Por* family, greater the slid of the braln. Tile gothor, with Iran% Boucher reducM. to miniature dally walks, %lid oil examination it $60 A, year for wife No. 111 )lobby pinno(t tile bills to, tould be lit fighting, for thelp tlatloavw Able , this; is it rare balance of qual- Inalent and very expensive. purchase a so� InegtAt )leads bf all are thosol of the were 6, for wifn No. 4, wid it memo axplaining thom. ntlil plit wag found that tile eel Iteq I Yet Alfred such u of 1111proveniontp, The now admini- 0 11, them into MIS Lewis's nioney dralver AlnUggling A, (1111111t1by Of CIgArg and ft It; la evident that: at thlar rate Wild INO vOrY far h0vt YOUlt '41a.dly )Ad mado etaceioll tering of balance, And new allowed it to bo!fra:Cjon under Gov. ROSS Is making t It Would talte it Very long pu,rqo or st and BOXt COMO Old heads Of 110 When morning Canto Tent qcenled eigarettes to a total value of $25,- )Ology and Iwo oblents. VIxpenoll- very well-stneked Cattle yar(I to LAM'. villeasy, I should think," lie finall The tomperitturo, of the body of a. 000- , gliti; 80POW he felt 010 hUUI-;'-d14turbcd. ITO notd,14 no at nderful Improv It.'"cing that this Smug Aatfoll of I)UVlllg off his pilenlieS ; Tetluireg 110 eXPIA1141,1011 ',ture for roads alone this SOMSOn eX- keep Clio native home adorned wilb exclailbod "thatyOuirvightgoto010, I aboll bias been going oil systemati"119 for Y� I licalth pemon. varle.q train t but lie wtvi helplom, aud could 0nIV J.'e was; 80 jhrK0 that lie illi liece3-1coed $250,00(J. li� gocalt number tit wivesi. TIM VIGMN'S PnOMTOR, church And See U She WOars, It[ a 0, long time. to will - In bolle at tile future, Tit' iind his, simplieltst was 1 -The reduction of the royalty, The Convention did not commit It- Xxt Us talce it for granted that IS lowes between, 2r A.m. And I. A.m. AnItali expertanev 01)(16d In it diaq- obviovg thitt 110 -One doubted his I train. jen to five Per cobt;,, With All self to this or sm other pILtiT for Tho 1'renell military autlaorltleg she� does not, Tom, said Debb. iind 1101ct, in the afternoon be. AUS: U -NIC MATIOS, Itar 1% U 878 tile Danes. meaning and all men's llolartq res, exelliption of $fl,000, ha.4 been It Wit' doing nwAii �f With And it are Making Use of on ingonlous In- t don't,willit to take things for 1,1110011, 4, P,bl, And 0 Tile body oling -on live, eourt, punfled into po Ided to Iliq fall reinning to be gQoIll what the White Volition to protect their carrier Ili- granotil" Said Tom, With nPirit. "I MA feel hot Or cold at, diflerent practice of,takffig ftrAftit 1n tceirg factor Ili bringing about an 10 etl a t 0 holAtt of Wesom before tally Prep. long as I have lived," lie increase In, tile Ainfluall Output of tile legislators; of "40UEli Africa, will goollin against IlaWks. The appara­ wtult to flud out for MIMI" times, but itsq actUal temperittUr6 Minute do00 19 Very ProVetlCht, Am- Prationq Could ber xua;do to bleat Wrote at tile end of his life, 11 have 1clondike and Withill tWolvo o1ofithst think- of iChe novel 10161116 auggeistelf tus Consists of 6, Very tiny Whiotte �4he prepared hOrSOlf, With It Sillk" does, not, alte by na muelt as a Mg. ong the J)C(tsuntry of tho mountain- thmn. py abolighed by the Mahal) of And sepew attitch4d to tho pigoou, inpr heart to go to tile Chttrell. T110 gto (Togree, whether it porsoll Ill good ous olktricta of Anatria-Itungar and girivell to five worthily. T. look to see tile 'loyalty There wa.4 universal pan1c; it was 111hen Alfred (fled, Ill 901, WOPA altogether and all export duty of flight Causes tile Screw to ro- 1 work dress and Worst Jacket word beft1th lq- tit 010 110ttPAt oi- Coldest 1"VatICO. 'They declaroi that tile Pol- 11OPelett; to P111,110P tol I . attirilIg largmt, woon JA 2,092 Inil j, Volvo and blow tile W1119fle, 1310-1 carClully brushod, the ribbon 04 the kptq _40010r An arn Out, at tile age of fift-tWo, by hi ppr collt. sub9tittated. Thin Will I S iIV or Ifts;t. wil them to 11.1706nd Witheass thmi t1inn Alfred did bot deapair of perr ,Uftl j ,Ox labors, hIft P;0016 felt thAt force tho caoAffislablent, 'of tit ASSay o,,,4 lit diametei .4fightly Smaller thal nobe* elfectually scarelk away the Oil-, brown felt llftt, 911100010d Out, all ing,' nt regt or taking vlolont exor. 1101glit.4 Which they tould'no other - the futuro, And the greeLt jt0hJ6Vc_ tlWy had I lost 0, ather, on ftonl I OMCO In Our own, lobly. i1labby, At the 01101119 of. the bell"" %visa climb. A