The Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-10, Page 3th' Un Ila Ino "I'm as I 90 'all, THE So So LESSON, howledge anakes ilia a proud and I sity to ul�.sllf: 1011, omanif I IV. A w0b WORD* About tbo.. lor cut loose that awful right.' INTERNATIONAL :wasoxl k "Ali' she knows It, too. It she OOT. M House didn't she wudden't waste her tears. 0000 Thl sinso Iv hot- physit3al infeeryority Rev, Dr, Talmage Tells How You makes her Weep. $lie must weep oi- Text of the Lellson"Gon, xxxiz, TIAN, N1T11QQv,�J ov PLAXTO� she must fight. Most anny womall &%f, to. xi, 15. 0oldon Text� The no lizer Uk `wUd rather do battle thin cry, but etttal value of a ,e Gen. Xxxig, 21. the farmax, Is governeil by the kind May 8, Happy$ _11(� - - they knows it's no use. ND TEA LEAVES. "But now, how is It? I go home Of CrQP, tile Boll and tile time W1194 IVIIIIe, visiting a friend I first be- at night ail' I'm met tit ill' (Jura Ile 0, 21. "Ile wits there in the pill. the lortilAor is The plat came acquainted with,the Japanese a femalle, Joyat. Are wife*$ ill, chain- 0041, -but tile Wrol was with JOSOPWI foods sought are. potah, phospitorlo A depatch from WitshiagtQ (I )II left JOsOPIt it Bl%vO acid and nitrogen, and those 1000 . n says, gard to the dangerous power of tho quince no On article at too , writes it peen. ).ndy golufoss lit till Ivy ef TIIO 10t Dr. Taimag:o preached, from tongue, and the results aro. lacerit- correspondent.. I ain not sure that Goluf,Club; thl fluest oarslady oil tit' in tile house 0 tile f011ONIfing tOXt"—ACtS XXVW, 2, tivu, scarification and dailluation. the sengatioll, of delight which illy f Potiphar fit Egypt, Oxist In various articlos kDOWD, As canal. a thults player that none Can but verse. !� ,)I this chaptor vixys, "fertilizers." 33ut no ulatter wlk�at "Tile barbarous people showed usno There are tose if they know a good stomach experienced at tile sight at little 1;0 Ilaysist without Injury. iLord Was With J'OSOPII, and 110 thwillaterials may be, the three. subp,_ tiling about - you Lind it bad tiling, quince jolly, of which I am especially 91 was a propOrous 1191to can ride , hWse an' I cud man." 110 0001118 stances, mentioned are ones sopht, At Here Iva are on the Wand of Ual- will mention the bad thing and ao;t fond, did not shine forth from my ry-go-round withl by tile grace of God, to liAvo risen all times. They re, the subst AnOes, ta, anotigr name, for Afelita. - This tie though they had ifever heard the %yes and give rise to lily hostess's Ilon't sta on it met isloind, which ling always been an good thing. Now,\ there tire two' I gor clothes -pills. She can box it good abovo all his eiroun-49tallc0s, Young, which give manure Its alue, and, pertinent remark: welterweight an' sbols got medals thougit lie as, and trying though whether the farn. Uses manure, %or important commercial central be- sides to almost overy one's obitr- "You. tire fond of quince jelly, are at different times to Phoe- acter, and we have the Choice of you not?" Vr till broad jump. Tit' only qpoorts they were, and to, have dutcruilitod plows under green crops or. purebap- she Isn't good at Is Cooldli, tin' that God should be glorIllea in him es artificial fertilizers, be, suppilopi tile Dicta, . to Greece, to Ronte, to Ar. overhauling the virtue or the vice. I ,,Very," I replied; at the game time Abin, to Spain, to France, now b.o., We can great Paul �anol the shipps raising my spoon containing a gen- washill'. (Phil, 1, 1-10). Potiphar sam that the land with potash, phosphoric acid' "This large ladyA a little * peevish Lord was with Will and inado tilt awl nitrogen as food for plantol Tho longing to 1�'aigland. Tile area of tile -orcAv as they,covae up the boach at crous portion, to illy lips. because she's ofX hoe hrlvo, meats thttt lie did prosper. This Is oplell'" next point Is tile availability of, VA4013 iSland is about 3.00 square miles. It with the words-, "Whitt it sar- am extremely. fond of quince jelly," d me, At tit' dure, an' Ilegln� Isuln' or- did testimony and - plight, by the plant foods, The farmer Daily SPITa is in the Afediterranean'soa and, of rSr looking set you are !,I -Tow little I continued, "but I never tasted any such clarity' of atmosphere /I 4hurs befuro I have . ilia shoes off. gra,ce of Ood, be true at ovary be- tons of bartlyard manure on his land that, of navigation you must know to rup that could compare Willi this: it is Tis just till same as if I was back iievar (couipilre chapter xxvi, 28). but until It -decomposes anci becomes Mount Aetna, 130 nalles away, can on these rock4 I Didn't you know delicious." on. till hoist. $Ile doesn't argy, she Then no,tice P.0tiphar's ullbotinddd soluble, Ili water the plants deriv no be distinctly seen, The island Is botier than to plut out oil the OW- "I ain gliNd you like it," said my doesn't weep. confidence Ill him, I -To put alt that benefit from it; hance tile farmer Con- gloriously memorable because the terranoan this wintry month ? It friend, experiments do not till- "Sho just says, 'Say, you,' ail' I'm lie had, Ili Joseph's )land And left it siders manure the beat df all mater, Xpights of Malta for a long while was not much of ti, ship anyhow, ox Ways prove satisfactory, 1but I must art on till bound. I lool; her over there without it care (sce In verses ials, Doeituse, as lie 0 'as it, at this iS�,Dne Of tile ruled there, but most Totmous be- it would not have gone to pieces. Lis ackno*ledge tit an'. any to mosilft 'What's tIt' good? I to Ll tile expression "all that lie lasts -for several eawhen in cause of the apostolic shipiyrock. The soon its thAt. Well, what do you exceptions. Let me explaln. .1 had I eudden't cross that guard,' aii' ilia. hadfour times). Lot its without fact it ha simply failed to give hira beskormed vessel on which Paul all� WIWI: ? We have hard enough work some quinces given nie—,il. dozen or is ended. I'nt, back to ill hesitation pla,ce tilt that we tirp and IMMEDIATE BENEFITS, ed had "laid to" on the starboard to lattice it living for oursolves with-'inoro—but litirdly enough, I thqught, rebm 1, 'ui s, don't all speak for the wishbone," ranks IV the prolitory� linve Ili the hands of our Lord Jo- itick,* and the wind wits blowing out having thrust on Lis 1-1176 rftga,­,tO LO of much account. As I stood Dame 14, opa—"Now,. WY "It won't do, Hinnissy. It's 0, sus and ]olive 411 there with tile full The same- rule applies to fertiligerO. east-northeast, and. the vessel drift- lutiftin." Not so sald tile Maltese, 'looking out of tile window, my Jap- blow tit good governmint. 'Twill assurnuce that He will ,ice to it (Ps. as the farmer can procure such As Ing 6robably it iiiilo and L,, half an I think the.said, "Conic lit Slt'anese quince bush. Caught my ilyc� -Upt ill' hame, Our fathers was xxxvii, r) ; l at results immediate, dii l)rov. xvi, Thilili struci, tit what is ow down by the Ilre and Nvarill, your- Why not eko out with it few of these? the jolly I§ firm dip ilia dish it% Warm .................. 1juLtijait e re fertilizers that Called St. Vail's Da . Fractical elves. Clad that you, all got oil ItAlle Jelly is go r­rIght;. Tiley didn't risk t4eir lives of ill() widow anti tile boy who­ettell oil, l",I confess, if wipe it and turn..the contents ore. slowly soluble and which I - an' limbs be marryin' thboo femitto gave idt to 11hu (Luke xxi, - Joint are tit snilom have takoxi up'the �Slblo no- Willi our.lives. not, I'll say nothing about it. ever �n it dish upoof which is a fold- Sharke, show beneficial eflects for soverAl. count Lind decided -beyond contro- i vs. rile 4i.dversary cannot stand years, according to the kind of soil MAKE' Youitpbi, AT 'X ran out and picked three of ad nap4ta, garhish with,a few sprigt "What they wittited;was R lady that such rightooLumoss and victory . over wit, thereon. Plant versy the Place of the shipwreck. You aro welcome to nit them, and'tlien went to work., I of parsley _and serve. and crops gro which has so rough wo' have d permitted initil some ship comes lit sight nd 6iniled while pealing gild 'cutting the they' find settin' at home whin they eircuinstane", and lie is foods therefore, vary In comparlsonol But the island, flint things, at the. surprise, plans- I arrived tired fr'ni ill' chase, that to huniflijato Joseph . yet more, SO a coast, Js foil the moot.part a g4r- you, ile, we your voa I till harp to tillm, tin, got their jo-, and their use is depondent upon go. Here, !it under Lit base, false accusatiou den. Richest fruits and a profusion ant or otherwise, I was preparing for � MARRIAGES MADE BY ANTS. wamiluin away fr'm thiln inore like soph is east into prison, but, being. many conditions, which ovary fariner of lioney ' clinractekized it in P U me put it bandage oil your forehecLol, tile family; the never (tile quite surel We're gottlal to be tit' gr-reatest tid in or- a I's for that Is nit ugly gash you got a church fair thin like a, otife-blower, innocent the Lord'is with him au& should endeavor to understa time as well as now , The finest Ir- front the floating timbeps, And 1101.0 of me," Ant! she gave it 811111ing -How tbe Insects Select Husbands spoortin' ntion, ill till wurruld," "In tit' riox' eighty Or. illnety years 1. der to successfully operate his. foorm. by tinges figs and olive.; grow there. I, glance around the table. said Mr, Hennessy, who had been la- it I inake up iny mind saffliction, soulewhat .rile artificial .3 it mail wlt.h a broken arm ; we Tlarry brought, a frIon.d home to for the Sulu Ida giving him favor fit the sight of tile nitroger idens. to lave this i of manure or '11hen Paul and his contrades,N%,111 ,Live it doctot, cattle to aticliti boring through'Pagep of athlotle �ill- boistherous life tin' settle'down,' tit' of the - pri' it. But it Wag fertilizers Is the most�oxponslvo sub- tea. one night; and as this Was all I telligenge which he could not under- 14d' locoper go stance Ili plant foods, and the value rawled ip oa the beac) * i,' saturated to this And, Lboug" to" had oil hand ins the shape of preserve W. L. Daize, & merchant of Manila,. stand, y thLtt, I'll rayquist it) double me hard for him, for it time, for it is of the nitrogenous materials is lavge�' anot hungry from long abstinence three inonths-the kindness went oil i1ced to. use it; iernemberifig has, recently been travelling 1n tile rent. an' divide Ind borrowft' capit- written %that they hurt Ills Tact with I Was to "Oil, so We ar-rel" said Mr, Doo- cl�y Will their solubility. Nit- from food and we have lAklo Inare than thi's brief Island of ulu for a itionth, and tells tey­ "Ali' I wondher does it do us Wear no modals'Pr athlee- fetters, lic was laid lit Iron, until ly I ' nfluenided by CHILLJiii) To TJTE-BONI�l, redrd� , ,,Tile bax-barous People -that if anyth Was nruiss, I could tic spoorts. F'r Hinniss, Ilia afrilld rate of soda., sulphotto of ammonia, r- ss. " . cottonseed 2neal bhowed, its no little kindnet throw all tholif me upon the quality anny good, ITIs impoorted fr'm tit' I cud ,lot lova.,t woman I might lose ground dried blood, b a of',some curious marriage culgtoms tile time tlint his wortl came, tile the islanders, though called barba f illy neighbor's quinces, I was ob- there, Said he last flight En*glisti� The ayla, . over I Illere is kilidiless of O y Iiave a s word of the Lor(I tAed him.(Ps,. CV, falls because. they could not speak "A most' curiots custom is. to be a fight to." and ground dried fish are the prinef- 'Crack, Opened their (loops to I the ;action: That 1, What Joseph show-. liged to C-xplalu, but not in, the wa)r foun(l in that island.. It obtains onl . there that tit' Joolof IV. Wellington, Isee by th' paper, " solid, Mr, II -cu- 18, 19). 'We way-imagino the adver- pat sources of nitrogen, guano now ,hiliwrecked. inifortunates. ' Every ­i 'Others. That anticipated. Now I always sald first, or somebody said Vv him, sary suggesting that � llow� fill Ills "ad, as the.'supply is act :to his outrageous bi 'a a few quinces whenever mong som "till athletic girl Is goin, 6ut, . . beingtbtit little A, ; I is what David s-hownd'to Alcpliibos- us 0 of tile nore savage an' that's, been sald a niumber iv visions and droarim had -come' to oluble v im- tribes. of tile far Interior, calied the whativer that invans." naught, foi- Ila would novdf� get out nearly exhausted, the most , s tiling lind gone to the -bottom of tile I Dink jelly. Not only do the. tinigii' since, that ill'. bixi tie of. Water-. ",43110 had to", S414 'Mr. Dooley, fprms, of nitrog-on being. nitrate Of deep, aiid tile bavefooted,- bhrelliaaded hoth. for his father Jon4Lthan 4 saloti. prove the finvir' �butL J -hey 'also have Won't swear loo. was won oil th' playin' felds IV -,01.. we of rison, Yet wd doubt not soda and'sulphat6. of ainnionla. The Onegiphorlig,silowed �o t 0 , gas wud." that his I apostle 'and ship',s Crew were ill.a That, is what . a tclidenav 0 make tho,jollv. firmer to the spelling) tribe. , Theso sa,va ' Eltoiil that bein' a, school where tit' Dind was staid 'Upon Je- Djuble, so much so that condition to appreciate hospitality. , Paul In ilia Rowan Penitentiary. ad cleg.rer. Lam careful not'to lase r . g is . . ...... 4 first is very si I primitive people , Indeed, Ifovall, and lie- had. victory fby falth. I on some aojls be. carried aWn..Y Ml� text finds,.the ship's crew it- Kindness to tilt I urely it ought ulld very savage In. all their mari� youth, Iv Unglarid. all' Pi,ttsbur it wit t to, be it dilliCult grace to dulti- too many , as they *are ver.� tart. .it i sint f'r iddeation, 22, 23. "Whatsoever . they did shpre on Malta ..and around it hot I,() is I this acid quality that -bringsaut liers. of life. There are not above "It was. not. Tit' battle'of Wit-. FERSOVAL TIT!33.ITS.. by the .vains beyond the reach of:the when. We see towelling above tj e . was the doer of it." As fit plants before it 6aii bil Utilized 1by tire di*ying themselves and with tile Centuries such ail o to the rich quince favor; 'Just cis cur- 10,000 of, this tribe. and they I've therloo Was won on th' potato fields' Potipharls house so ill the Prison atl tile. growing Crop, for reason best provision the islanders cttii offer xamplo that One :pa -, `jdo who - with r"p- fit, the mountains . of. the interior, kotes of Interest . About Some g1julpso of je ought to nielt and lits � Combined. IV - WOxford tin' tit' bog patches iv Noted People. things Were P41-ced Under him. Tile the manufacturer prefers to Use but them.. And they go Into, Govern-. harries. 1 also have found by exper-I: The wa their young women are giv- to a -ate a transform Connock, that's where '2twos . won, keeper of the prison looked ]lot it .91 all oIUa;ntity.oJ.nJti of sod ment quarters for three days to till . nations, Kindness on in marriage is Worth going"I'lles Till &.good fiklitin' aflything, for it was eirident, that benefit. using dried brought out, Lord fl-orn hett-,ren. imenting, that . Jalaitnese cluinces cupdrate, Publics, the ruler, inviting alone� make a. very 'nice jolly to cat,to see. I silw. tho.coremony' ' last Princess. Henry of Bditenberg has blood to, continue tile Supply them, although. lie. had severe sick-. nesokindness to shall.n6t soon'f . people� Lilt' :a, Fr-Anchman. udd4n't the. Lard was With him and made till of 'nit-. Porsecutoro,- k with I�eat.?' month, and. I otget an oxtr4ordinary affection for ca-� to prosper. C ness in the hou.54 ill tile thile,' his Inkiness to the crippled My, friend's culinary ideas &two hit a. goluf ball ",lilt a scoop shovel. It na at "Oborne that lie did ircuM irogon'to the plants, ys it. ,dy race ail' (,u,jIes" there are -do not 61WELYS indicate pros- iather down. ith it illness. and. tile blind and the-cattuepcl, find -uniolvo,, �and When a young 11 wltinlan co Th G&mans': ii & hat ite ail a-Viary full. of them. Man stances ei:wise. It is the prps-�. . SULPHATI-2DIP AMMONIA. , are. this ...one I thought to, they thrain on Wisplialvan liam. ari� y )r oth anI,oltj tilb age of 14 slie, is 001114 ))Oodwe.sQr,' W., till 'on'y exercls opt'lli prity C God' liable, but not so'llauch. Vail.*; fol, iliret, months ':they staived the leprous no exception.. resolved to pi d ' of marri- ta of these little birds ture aiso'k -npe - and of PO oil the island. vvatchilliw for a ship the dailionfaal ell itracterIzed. hi all. byi L. A notice is .givdn Oui 15y the partments used by herself and a that Con IS also' Sk at s6me,fututo day, it she will I ageable. they have1s howlin'. t �a sangerfest. stitute true prosperity ; Daniel Was its. nitrate of tll f apt- a hospiialities Of the tile way and on kindness supply ine'-with, the Japanese quinges 04 town eplei, tlliii On. a. certain day, her.children. or, loiter. becomes ct— and putting tit . But, it. to the bandits. %ullyring oil ilia ',,Ade, "Tit' Roshyafts is a. 'tur-pble crowd '08perbusAxi 'the lions' den, and, m6nin s6pnor islaiiders'-to, it -savorc, test. which sho ling. - l5roinised to do. 'Ithe young woman will be given in of-Aiftu, Lind ail they get their strength by st4lid- Mr. Justice Day, of England, When -hate Dar bounto tile . sbij,.'ahol his, friends Ili the flaivy f4i of, cnnionlix in 'U- ICircuit, iniduretl the, test, gatisfitetorilY, and kindobs4 to.th(l exec, tit ard you,: going to do wi-th InaVI-Jag.e. d1) on t1i"corillor ag1jin, I, yo have tin never travels by train, 'tioners ftile Yet they pus -the I vid. Was more prosperous than Saul it ilia. land has; been recently tinted It is recQrded, foil till thb ages of lied . - fourteeth.bifthday Ot ily Clothes ye'd ,like. to S611, Or' be but frolit town- to tile king', even though lie, fled . lroin. or the soil is calcareous there is -9, tese ten. leaves?" I asked a friend, 1 molith. of ilia n � Ar- to . will re,,it iity to read and hear sppar and l4liumered the-splAct; and- concerned, Lind is chose .9.f'r tit' voolkles. him,. for �God wu,with him. : Every liability of' the �anolmonia, becoining tirne: and -eterz ohu day�. A ]leaping bowlful of tea the . lady inateirin, -liopeck ng l�- the ,way at. old, Ili regitrol 'to the Inhabitants of Mal- howled � dic - All the aCCOT(ijilk to ancient Custom, fashioned 6oaeliing. inns., His lord- -10. )eaves si000l�upon the table, apol lily by,her, r bel $top ill ., tile life�' of' a and.� of 'dissipate(]. Sul,phAto of, ammon is, "Thil'.barbarous :pC ople, showed st6l 4 of1ho ohn flowardt, itild tile frie I a i6r, sweeping n f ib'Ile re we anny.bettlicr tell.1no, f lit trian, and I.a . . , :. � lid was'equipbe A ilia chodslnLk O th,' high' exports, th'. lather- ship ls,.also a great pedes &lid sh6uld.'al.wys be tinnis well Nvorked.'intd- I'be bride has tQ s ay P�Islrx': rowsmen, - tit " chanipee oil, using. tile dUl tivator instead tnd the (I -itee I David, was a step. to a throne its no little klindnes." -"I am going to, put them On lily wriv, is all that -t -n yacht- thbilas' nothiiig, of it ptroll 61 fifteen' Kindness! What a great word -VitTlings Aind'00* Iclu.Lewlses pale she 'answered. about the iiiarriag6. The crier also, so it is with the , believer; for *tha. the s -a*, eSpecia take a road as b6fore this it-' pavp-Q:L� ers.iv tit' murruld thin we: were whin n�iles. . . 0 ro sad it sent with (it the hari Ily in. surnifidr, anscolident,ex.imple -of "For the fun -of sweeping them up a few days Intel-, calls all Wo were only -th' champeen paddlers : -Oil Cabinet days the President .61 Chilist. 'on His thponc.(Rov.;iiii 21).' as it may. tic harm. if left.'near th� isl 'It would t the dow- overcom V is P nit that Whieft the ' oalyptie -Ililn. Whose birth and life %.dedth f the bridej Lind p long "i UP r.V 0 vocialins. her -art' s6wi sits at al desk in Ilia- ilia United 'States The. cross is the *0Y -to tho:crown. surface,-causlug. sonic plants to, tu -ndairt?" I asked v�ith a IOU I milkers, . ploughers,, a angel. used to measure licaven to tell it possible you -never loud .'.fit the market placo, China agents? which has' �,a'n,iriteresting history. Fharaoh' d yet , low. t itlay also be height 0 have harills .a applied xl,*:L4.: a chi6f butler &I T -cadth, the RY, 'gi method So all: thc� population is notified,:,:. the length, the bi heLtild of our -andmothers! ifivily. is. England login' su- It:ii -of the, timbers of tile bj�!�ov i3tiddenly find themselves with 80xnewlltl,� enrly, ag it is slowee.in AC of thtlt IlAfl6en� word, It is.- it that tllo::Nvollld Over heard arid: the of . SN� t "Wltho�t'.ral­ and goodly, cioWd of admirers get- 13ccaUse Eng- bqxque, Resol to', which went. to the and lie ser mu ceping citi-po', n, nitrate, the -.latter being vas tion than IfaV9rIte,13ibIo word, anq L is carly theme of AM )nighti"t hosanna that 6 their chance for the. fAir Joseph Ili. the P ing tlio.dust,)" he rLskcd*.' ther to t4k I I br laol:y-i T I lie gfishmou'.got doWn :to their jobs at escuo of Sir - John Franklin, and they- continue tilbre. for lorobAcastdol on' the..surface. and - il�i lnullcha& .7iii .the boolt of. G�mesi� ever . lit Led. * Ten, the '. Teryt We I. 'of them while, osus Jo-, once allcod she industrious n0ar ICint'ves t)id: fl lit scoor was -'llrosented �to. the United States. made ai�ailixble by rains.. . F6r the book' 'of , Joshua; landness that, both liands:tti ov o"cloek . gurin'� a got a. 6aa�6.. Like our Lprd- J caught up -Ili rcattered'the: fragrant leaves ar 'bride :and. the contestailtS­w1lo. ]'five oil their cuffs, an' *Iavb dt� a qaarther by. Queen Vic ori 1. i871. d as ciover, peas!, beans and -book. at Rtith, sw t . 1. seph, i�i ' !lot - 6111Y numbere' with sUch, crops O W idycle. X( peas tile nitrate should, be pro- embraced in,thb orn be nailpol to tile. horizOutal.timber of I watched her.wjttf'muCh previously given. their names in to t t' oil tt�- bi We bate Maddi a . Cliristine transgressors. and has thinigs by Ili, the book of Samuel, e owned the cross' !with iba Nilsson has laid to COW. .r . t,ei-uel thump,- intorest,'aa, she �seized her broom and tile father of tile girl�and a cro*1 them because -'twas tit'. habit IV our I,,jV6 0 tarred. Niti-s-td. also gives excellent thump, now stretches,dowt, from . tile'. j of her rooms. In Madrid - decorat- his charge tiiat he know not, but. h Ili the.book 61!'F�alrns aildorithroned ork I noticed thatAhe of perhaps 100 persons, if tile Young pyllis IV camineree Pr to be,�up with -a rather, novel- fashion . I The i'also till illustration- of minister-., results,on grain Jinl e,.%,t.iy sprin , as ad in g. , in iiihny.'pluccs in NOW Te$ta­ thdsd iiiame hands fille'd with dus't whic tile dau Itter Of it.malf of th'. cock' an'. down to ill' damper be- the;.yield of.stra ell otherwise would have, oman. is bedcliamber Is papered., with leaves er th w' and - seeds -seems nient. Kindnessl 'A. word -no more, bahn.lor LLII our, wourids,.forgiveness been whirling around the room, pO­ finpo,tance , Oing unto others rath an being though this will ae- fure.th' ed.shlor Came; 'tin' in big ofT. front the operas,inwbich s, to be, Increased, entle'than mighty., I a ct.it. Will for till our. rescue for'all ou�. -inaied, the wet leaves. ministered unto (ISa' Ili!; 12 wheat xpoi 1 I yrhpPoq il� ill omGATIlmi TO SEE riE. Snow. :11co,All. ola long 1W -his shirt Sleeves, she .1las. sung,� &lid tbtl- difiilig�room xxxv, J1 Matth.. xx, .28). ..The Pclid Upon tile soil. as Oats, -ijell at were :hotci. bills she has collept­ and rye hiLvo.bee - b 1YREsTLF, ME - ]DOWN. wl last gottlibred into 'a an' settifil. all. tit' safe till ill' Ins' with offence, of these Officers broughtthem barley 11, bneflte(i And while we take this xnatchless dust_pa�n.' I*alsd noticed that qcarce� -!'Oil tile ifiorning. ot� the marriage Ina'n ii!xd gone. . I . as, violl by the use of 13 before' -I got through. with it,. It 'a kindness from God play. it%be�found ad in'b6r tours through the world. not only imprisonment, but the pos- ..ulphate. of . ame. ly any.. dust. had settle"d up'on the fur- the bride is. taken. out by her mitids . "Now, if :up wan -IV these strong enough i6 throNV an. archan­, that; We have uttered'our last bItAer Iliture; an h art looked.as and- -crowned wItIL lilies, and clad in The'. Ellipregs, Frederick has. left a sibility of death., if our, Lord was D10111M. get. 'But. it will, -be 'w9ll for us to word,, wilit austhree, i6:fwanl 61cifick fortune which, is estimated at, L:L,-. t,i, Plants, like animais,' kgiri to feed 6 an our last cutting Parn- bri nR if t had -been washed. , N white. Then, - With much drum -boat- �aptallls 'v I'll _t to Iniquity, . who.. could stand around It nd w'drin urselves 911� . . .IV. a. Saardhay aftherridoit, tit' office .00() 000 sterling, besides thees' t, the beginning of - their e.t.fitence; - done oue lil.�t retallat That night 1 'began, to sav� tact Ing; sho Is led fprth'and� p ages axb- tato stand ? -But, no is. the Lord God, a graph, OrY ac- a boy tinswers,th' tillypliQne, , Till Ti- f i'lliedriphpliof, which,is valued at and reoiluire a daily supply uiltil o.,ged. ..-by iti. gI6*'4s. Paul and his follow tion, felt in merciful and'graclioug, forgiving ini- our. hist revengeful heart leaves, f6id have saved theni .fever Ong the suitors, and kfssbs ach tan iv Commerce is out in a -'set, iv P800,600. � The greater part of liq quity, transgression' and sin;'though As milk is -the first food of young -voyagers' stood aroplid tile fire on throb. Anil, it wavId'not be it bad 8`111ce.- It is very IM16 trouble'. -' I ttirix. Then she. is wreathed With -an' Empress! for�tune was left to hei by he guil, animals* '80 must the young plants. the Islitrid. of -alta, where the Mal- epitaph for anv.'Qf us. if, by the keep large bowl Into which I put more flowers, find is -seated to W,itall green blue knee brecches;.batin' lie will Ilk.xio-means clear t tese made themselilos -tal..in a h6lo -lit ol� and�pile an' cur-rsin' tit' 'aP4 the Bin- -ready irdhiox gr a ;C u iera, have prepared . food i�t.the 11 ace of God; froul'this Aimii forth ilia leaves, having first thoroughly the'fum evil fate that inade'lilm. a inillylon- press was able. to dispose of it as ty wh refuse to tur . to Him (Ex. start. As plants grow their capacl­ my - text b�r the way. they - treated we lived slich -beneficent. lives tlia� drin rf-them*through a. strainer; .� I "No '.*'on that Island, of Sulu they p� wb.1n nature intinded him - fIr 'ia. xxxiv, -6, 7).: d appropriat- of the sea. "The bar- 0 - Wv she chose. She also had,,& life in- r securing food lilt their victling i the tbmbstone's, chl."I eutild.a. pro- never: sweep u. 5j7, One morning 'Josepli- finds tv to barous showed us'llo, I'ttle P arpet without using ]lave a Iind of ant that puzzles the golut chanipeen. :Vo can't keep ye­er terest In the priv property of the 'two Unhappy Ing it is-inereased, and when the sup people priately' -tit Upon -the plain. slab that themi Witt, ilia exception of my* Par- scientists, fOr it has it double get of eye� on' ill' ball an'.'6h 'tit' tioncy -at I to I ek these - prisoners very ply of'anv. one kind is exhausted th4 kindness.", a,. it sd*plainy in marks our gravo -a suggestion from- lor caroct, which is very' light. '33e- mandibles, ono:above, and one below tit' sainotime. Ye've'gotto bo'Wan Ili. Most wr. and manifesting them, growth of the plant is checked. C: that the text, Ho sllow� inan on 'earth ked -Xindnessi All ed us�no little sides 'keeping down the dust, *the wet ilia � head, and both entirely little- tiling oil another In this wur-ruid. 4 is said to. be ot monarch—Norodom, . . 4efinitiolis their faces - that he � 'as ipotent. word b eak Inst 1 YOUN6 CALIP. Inult r down half kindness.", Bit not until tile leaes.b ghten the carpet wonder 'qf Diver' knew a good 'card player Xing of, Wherefore look. ye so - sadly to- THE ri. pendent in action. �These way. �.You say ij is clemexiby, b6m dbild of Cod'has 0dinbodia, He has a gor- day ?" We thinit of the Lord's ques- may thrive. oil xnilk.� but, there ar, nignity,.goncrosity; it is made of). of the earthly I torms got a�'liore. from fully,- and are na.tch easier, to P a leading part in the marriage care- or a. .grant spooi-tsihan that'cad do geous lalito�e, furnished �4qcordiilg to a Wit' �in grain andhay gra 60od-Wishes;- :it is an expression of that dro�c- him tip llati. sa,lt, ".which also is used. for. many. .'The night I)Oforo tile care so tupth IV annything else. They the most expensive ideas, but. he ad- tion to.the t o walked to.Em- rives a time wl oil the rocks like Afeditolranean Eu- the.sainq purpo . Be.., nibny the village priest goes out by. used . to tell me iliat Nnypoloon heres *i;o the. customs of Ills ances- mcLus, "What'inallnef of cOtmaunica- reqUited.'. It'cannot Make,satisfac- beneficence, it is a Contribution.. to raelydons, not until all tile thro athe light of' tile intion.and opens ail or IV tit' Frin tions, are these Vint. ye have one to.,tory growth for the farmer if either n 'y 4 . the happiness' of others, Sallie, one of beaven are niountell, and 'all ih(I DINNE n. GIVING. ant hifl wfth secret rites, and Care- Don parte, the,Impr ell, tors, nd sleeps on an.apelent car- another aa.yb walk nd are sad'? "-I is withtleld, helf6d the food must b else 'sivys, "Wh, I ctill,.givo�-yu_ 0, - . -6wijcd�, and was It -champeon cli6ss player, - but Pat In a kind Of shed thiti.has not .. s . adnes'lbaih,ced—that is, it. -must comprisi definition of. kindna�s; it js*.sungh1r,3 couquartirs ci all the To share another.'s salt was once fully, selects some ants, equal , lit Hagan. says - he was 'ou'y good be- been Cleaned since the . Creation. .ITO (Luke xxiv, 17). But theii: harp And. truhipefs and or*ganx ' of number tor� - 11t number of suitors... Is olue to their unbelief. One day all tile elements required. by the ant - of the S,aul,� it is alloction perennial; 11 considered...ot racognition. of affinity, cause aunybody that bate him miglat is i, miscrablo,-victiin of hyp6chon- W, �cd that Nolielilimil was I mal for it s advancement, In the 1184 0aven -are thrullinted' or blown or k wh care.' s:well 'go, down at' be measured'Tr dria., and, Wi day long e heaves tile king notic climacteric' grace;. it IS tile sound6ol , and ilia innsomed of . all of �coinmon,lntolrcst,.. of caniaraderic. "Aittir'the bride has kissed all ill . a (Lit sadness of nitrogenous fertilizers, therefore, combWrCtlorl 'of oil it is com-, C1446s and, agos are in' full chorus Now, unfortunately, the% spiritual . bal I - an' chain. long sIghs of altar . vretchedness. s� Ill. 1�5), but, his . the plants .must be supplied in a suitors Ili' turn t wag due to Ills sorrow because of. passion�'it is the perfection of gentle under tho,* jub meaning is too ofi6n forgotten, and hay 90" Oat to tbil "A rnle high class cho.99 layer, This m6nar6h is.a. short, fat person', top to promote growth untilthit ;Ila . iness all I d woulaillitiosq.11 � Are batoii,.nnol w flant 'of *angelic dimior-giving I . s peHaftetory and bur- but where the ants lave kept. The * -th'at room. f'r iinnythiney also In wlth,-6ric the estilation. of tile -holy city 36�- man' o3f soda ril .0 �hall- foi- 0 is there, and lie tkes an ruslildin. The fellowship, of ChisiVS, seed is matured. If nitrate thousands Of ton - tile river from under abun. you 'through? You have-intiole a years have se densomai. Docidedlythe reason why Tit lit,; head,. end close - Ills eyes an' put Not mari�British*pecrs Call, boast -ing us muCh sdr- It Is, considered itrogWous' foods at tht -failure la'YoUi, definition., '.It 6 distigrecablo duty Lint by ilia body find' allows it to tit' o1hrinks on Naypbleon: Bonyparto of owning'a, gold mino on their as. suflerings.wIlI bi only is Used there will be an dead the throne, lolling into of I . tile lower mandible to ill dance of a cann-it be defined, but we 'all know ;,ather than till Intimate Pledsurd is fastet a Ili three, inoves. : Did ye iver bear IV tates oil the :.British Islas. This, row, but Ili the widst of till *we ulay glass -mingled with and . 'this get- of the rifflit,hand a rejoice Ili the Lord, its sor start, but later the supply will di-. hat it is for Wo, ilaya, foil its power. World we now inhabit shall be so fair that dinniar-giving, has become largely fOrafln a Grant wearin' ariny modali f'r it ball however, is tile happy position of rowful yet phos. Solue of you nittv These ants are . about always rejoicing (11. Cot', V.1, 10). minish, although the necessary have felt it as In the past thkit onl stretch. : of an opportunity forAlsplay. Just to. young inan.. . dtircol. yard duslil Did annwall. Ivor, the Duke of -Sutherland. 1TIs- gold a an inch and it half long -and havo n. 0 LA, I 11, Paul felt' it, on.;onie coast of rock y a outshine her neighbors, if only by tell, ye IV th' number Iv' baqo hits. fluid,,; are near Heliusdalo., in utber- - "14) "Of, Into Pr t t 0 belong phallic adid and potash may be suf I celestial memory (;ail recall that it ient.. Partners should not desire a, og tile. silip'w.olit to pieces, but more hair -breadth, is the ambition of tile niost ferocious bite you call 411" tilivile by Abraham Lincoln? lathere landshire: The were discovered in tw God ? Tell ilia them, I pray fie nitrate of soda Of L us hii�e - aguin"and. again in Sallie ever existed tit all, not'until. thou Many -M h6stass. 116w often after agine, Then each sultoe with an ant annyL record IV . George lVashin'ton 18(;J) yX. - Gilchrist, w a YOU-�" The -sad b6causo Of lortilizer Ill which will we understand - what Nell I.L y cheinial Inenu is written Is an L extra bringing to Ills orefinger, tile young dolin' it turn on a trapeze, or Thomas lia(l lived in Australia. oil Ills hWiliCh they had only is Used. A small quantity of awful stress of life liao oltber- from ahegreat kindness," and 211 back to the presence Of L tile t(Terson grettin' tit' niorioy tlr' Odreanied fit til- * le Ight, 'and nitrate will be of advantage for the 6irtb late "the everlasting kind- st; who on go a late Duke all n plants when they are young,* but -the' or heaven hands sti hed out colirse added'becauga one, gue presentations . W ad- us no, little kind- n' Is,to, be present, had -as many at'her brkde. Than there are long and cia- throwin' tit' hammer? Sutherland granted licause.9 to inflae, willet, 'they could not Understand, fertilizers should also be fortified Which -show as,,," of God. g men cunger das 'twits not and $00,000 lvorth* of gold was 111,OV ),lid forgotten tl,Lir dreL s nd with dried blo ott.onseed ineal, dinner last nionth or last year?. borate rites, While tile YOUII In ilia y tin a ness-." Some women lie awaker of nights to go round, and dance before the bride, considlierad. rayspictable ill, to be ail found in three years. The Duke, rotLiincd od, a Ss of (It, olliv it sort of troubled va- There is kind _ spoSitioll" ome ' less soluble nitrogenous kindness Gf war(!, Wildness. of act SITE UVANT To M NCOURA611 devise it now dish which ill awaken each with# 41. , monstrous aut atillete, Ali athlate was always a liowever, received such it small sum rfiellibrance, ' like Nobuebadnozzar, Or s *ondor and envy fit -the other women hilligilig to. Ills, filigpil. Then she Is inall tjla� Was not sthrong t, though tliev co6ld not tell each substallen, ini. order � that the Crop an;I there is I.egas Christ, Tant—Oh, never have me, . 5 a nlontll�for tile licciis", and bit a 'f may have It Constant supply of nit- I who are to dine with them, This Is blindfolded and the young mail are enough f'r wurruk., Vractionf4 the : compe%isation td farmers and One Ills (Ire, Ili, they feared, lest no the'st'art to finish. It Is personation of all of, tleal- t no where lined up lot, the selection. dhruV him . ff'M .school all' other,s wits so large, that h one could explain the dretium. ' ' fo� rogen from 'supply neiasl You, ennuot. affect'i You Cousin ure she likes (soocially tt In sinall town a aban � also possible to continue the. cannot play it as.a part. the sam� frichols, meet often at one- "Tile drums arc beaten with re- the vagraticy hwo olhiluv hill% -to doned the: enterprise. ephl,4 saylug,. "Intarprotationa 'be- you� Why, don't You ask her ? I vigor, and the bride goes it- baselit . Ill, We ued to go out to Ill' - The King, like all royal prnlong to (led ;. tell your, drealix to of nilCrogen by broadcasting nitrate �YOU-CANNOT 1,',XACT . IT, Toln—I Was going to last night, another's homes; tlif.-*re is frequently. newel tors and illserts ball galno'to eo him sweat an' t laying, "I LAIII of soda sovora�i times during the sea- u. riyalry between noighbor.q which long the line of But 0 age,,, has u, retuarkable Collection of Ilia", was equal tW.S I' ork is,solmewhat dif- )it IjIUg.t but she caied me it lobster, and—" �son, but such w Icks licult after plants tire well under By ilia grace.0f. God yi consumes tinie, money and energy, her forefinger lit the upper Inaudible thro�v 1) bottles at. ill' but waildng-stl but. we may be 'Aura acquainted with God,'� or " I am, Cousin.Nolt—You'ron. goose, that's it U re 0 have It inside ofyou, tilt everlaothig and turnsAlic rites of ho4pitallty-Iii-7 of the'ant that hang to tile lingers nore iv I'L family Was Ivor proud IN"'that noue Will lit f to be in re here for God/' ov. Is Witt, a the less solu- are,. Don't you know way, while nitrogen I ­ . summer, or. it c-ombinatiort of what, you the Original gift o a. little cheaper. # to all epleuretul, cult. of ilia suitors, each n turn, TJ I a Will except his younger brot ter. priyed by him than. Site, Chapter xII. 166 and also 'is ls June and Octoberl the genittlitv of she's passionately foiid of lobsters. Ills phit-or oil "A good'�dat lit tit' - b What it ble-4sed ble forms 0 oiller. he meant to'sky ou 'Were nice One noted woman was taken unit- Airst aut that clbqes leachers, it front Sir blbbs which Is Dan, 11, 18, 28, the one and tile ionic of, ill gh to 0ai. wilies by * party of distinguished the digit of the fair lady whi her bittle. handy VI: it neefarous docl.. now being brought from ydney by tililig to be go intlinato" wtili God, allOU It Ca,llnot (.IW(,Il With arrogance 01' ."isitor.4 Whose letter announcing for the mail to Whose finger it Is Stan Ut first base, ail' It bag IV Lord it notable to ail,- with llim fit suoili vonunuu-. CARM OF HOGS, spite oil revenge all malevolence. At t1wiv canting bad somehow failed of hanging. Tbon tile chosen brlde� cracker -jack, was as far,as fVvr 1: got [Now .4outh Wales statesma its 111-st lit tile gout fill EMPTY HAND1,11). 11, oceu- ion, ! Yet that'14 tile privilege of a delivery. They appeared just at din- groom stpjko�,; ilia Lint to ilia ground tow'rol. beln' It sportin' character, all, pies his leisure hours lit carving and child of ()oil (I Coe. vi, I 6-18 JVhen making preparations, for th( Royal it and winter do not these AinateldLes and G"ergisliftes, Servant—Your -majesty, net, tinio, tir�d and hungry. Itland crushes it Willi hi lice.1, slid lit look tit ilia nowl e can't have Yel-iturning, Lind ill(- Xing's Dow walking John iv, 23 ; X)OUt. xxxiv. 30). coming autum t of.your calcula- 111ttites and, Jebusites must . quit, thare Is another creditor Without. chanced, In the perverse, wit� thatleorne the priest and lunt-ries tile or l,;i1enth fill, Use *it too, ninnia4y, - sticit was fashioned by Ills own Thoy told their drOdI114 to leave ilia 1109 Ou and quil; forever—everV "'all well, Sultan' of Turka—Tall. film. to go fate plans thoso things, that tile ser-leouple. Afterward the ants thatil gredge till power.l. Waste in walk-lbands front a fille piece of tile rave J0.9aph, Lind* lie interpreted tiloni, tiolls. every WOlutut well. cver� child well, without, vants had boati. given a holiday, alid;linve been used in tile care are. lit' upstairs or puttin' oil Die specs," aiitt Iron -bard Itingglolgi wood. The ilig to W The 91ceping quarters should U. and I allie to Pass accord ven,tilated and nelthat it arid cooked, ii foil I But Itis good f1r till WOIII(411,11 only ornamentation, ghvo, the natui- it every bird Well, every ]large Well, ev- the family Were. about to sit down taken ot Lild I �Ot t fie C1114 butler'rOOIDY, Well ery dog - Well, Ovary cat we] 1. - G Iva this IlAlil) LUCK, to a, picnic ineal of bread and mille I,.; given to each guest to be enteir'suld Air. Tionnessy. al. Of the WOOd, IS It PIRID. 90ILL was resLom,ol to his butlerslilp again, too warm nor too cold and perfectly spirit . full vding, and you would I' Doole. band, on which arc deeply eniCraved . and I 11a .11caged dry. . They must be , o constructed Sideshow Manager—The ossified � au I There wag. no fire Ifito tile waddilig cake in civilized Is it faith?" Saide Air. chief bakep was have no more societies fal! i 110 (verses 21. . that no other aninial cau enter them, inan fall and broke his log. !ill the kitchen, and tic time to. cook lands," It Alay b6, but It's gtood,the words, ."Tile Xing, God bless -112).' Tile butler told Ills ,.prevention of cruelty to allillAnIA, 110 Cf ?-oils Mall ager�Tli at's hard Inak I anything had thero' boon;, so -tho oil- i f'r tit' women f'r tit' men. I don't blia ill decant' first, and when the baker sil-w and be otherwIso Ili proper conditioll more liced Of pVOtOOttVO Sewing W07 ruilled hostess put , more bowls of 'JIlow annything that cud be more i A Wall treet banker Ili close busi- protation was good of cleaullims. There shotild be ai assocititions, nd it would LADIE 8' HATS AND HEADACT114. I that tile ]liter least two or three sleeping placet inan's I dont believe in feeding tramps at milk oil the tablo and another disi ideniuralizin' thill to be married to illness relatiow, Willi Arr. Rockefeller'lle also told Ills and Joseph, dull every word 'Until it WOUld not 0 the deal,, said Air 11 -est, You foed'of raspberille.14, and the guests sail A medicat mail recently published it 1 wonlalu, thott cud,givo Ili(- it sthroko a Is authority top the statement that,W114 faithful in 1114 provided for large fierds, 0 theS ckin deep, Lind uilwllc('] every , letter Ili which he stated that lie had - bas re-! may divide Into mall bunches. Ont tl ant OI1CC, r to down to *What wits Undoubtedly the hkat groluf. gain' to be' Lit' tit(,, 14tandard Oil -ningilato though it foreboded no good to tile , ; to !balmr, Tho servant of Got[ 1111114 battery %till it could not poll, and 001110 bftek-. Well, 1 don't know, I simplesL Ifteal of their lives, �Pherc bten' called in bjr several inarried loon lv fant1y lilt-. 'Twill bveak: up,cently so Increased hIs Wealth as . . I, ole- and of tin enclosed cattle shad, parti ,make gunpowder Of no more use Ili anation of tile -ladies who said they stifiered train it th' happ holne. be worth alin6st it thousand million'! tiolled off, is as good its tile most a.< - blasting ulway's give them bland When they Was it laughing expl I cultarly irritable kind of liv.i.olacho; inan, we'll Say, that' -4 "]'he lippl-OXIIII clare judgment Lind nieVeV Willi pongIva bog house for this purpose the world except far vock come to lily door, and I Can't say I cincutustances,- but no apologies and'IXI Lilt. total . of equal falthfulnes';. It 1.9 not fill, blin . cont Itind-, , 'wIi'-11toiLvn fr'ni, th' arly mornin' his Place'd tit $945,- or pyrotechnic celebration, arrassmont., It Is DeL�dlas to which had recently begun to trouble do to withhold unthing for fear of Ilawave of cold drafts, and so Tiess Is it spiilit divinol� lnil;lanted over know a tramp, it) com ' a. it second no emb t thein. The husbanis of nearly ill( Of income front which Is struct tile building that the cold r to Prayer, and, then to time. �Oli, /Well, Mrs. Yeast, you allV that the strangers . rated ilia bendin' over it ledger an' hilyin' to 000,000, tile hurting ppopla's feelinkg. tile and In answe womau's tact above the roast beef thant told him privatilly that they thpap -It dollitr or two to lit-ep till morc anruillion dollars LT. wpok. iass winds do not blow on tile llogs� At make your own broad, (to qu not .1 . of sailluel, When but it. the saino time rdlow sufficient venti, be sedulously cultivated until itMlls to speak had never found theirJvIve landlord fr'hi ill' dupe, Ill declaring 1:110 WhOIQ This was all that Was skild, nd yet ond salad, Lind joutneed on i .8 so dis- I despise Mv, Rockefeller hit-; three hundred o all the nature with a pprfanic, richer snappish—allYthing 4(101104 ttlhloots. I ea thilt alf ill' Inell that millions In tillidaed Oil, evelaN.-i lation for tile escape -of foul air, Tilt and lore, pungent than inignotlette, Mrs, Yetist. went down the street lika,'Of bell SUVOIr-fil"O in u Way to 'It they hait e I to Still). lit, floor may be of earth or board.q its It straw hat on it wind da. lotfier women envious. to annoy them, especially Who Willi, they get, live millions Ili United t t , ifOuchlug' tilt. cutreaty' of to i3vofarrw It must be kept clean arid, its if you put it tuft of that had their hats oil. When tile Copra— on it illoovill' sthreet car are pounds fifty llliiljollA� Jur I tilt, Copper Trust, tile chief butler' "tI'llink Oil MO when and occasionallv recanted With frogli v behind the clock oil spondent lit question asked to ce V�Iltv 1111111olis it the Sugar arolliatic, beaut, oNorwelght an' wud blow lip if thev,tv -, and show , Corner where Whistler, ilia tx�vtist. likes pretty 0111011KEIN IN JEILLY. out Vary efghty-five millions Ill ther Trust, it .'hall be Well with theo cartli or sand. ' Ver.v little beddinA the mantel, or ill soina nt4,. Lind his lillidlies.4, .1 Is required ovell n tile coldest Wan. lid. peoplaltable appolutim moals I these hats lie found. ill Inuell jogged around ill' V Iliac, unto Inobody call see it, you A are served oil dishe of splendid sil. DraW And OlCall a, clicken and cut, alike—large structures of straw, with WO14 I colne, )ionic tit llilgllt� all' two ilundred millions in I Ile did not, Walkilig about Your 1-00111 looking I 'masses of flowers and ribbillis tower, 1io ivattlu�r how I've been, ItTere- and about it hundr�i and. etc. (Verfic',; ihasthat; and slough hay or ro straW hd Ver. ITIs tablo-liapkins tire of , the -It lily with ­thO exception of the conse to, feet best for thiq purpose. The bedding this way and that, -and - you. ask flnest x1aniask, inarked Ili one corner breat, Which should ho left, whole Ing high Into tile a1r. he Weight yoaldl� 11,11 day., I fect. In 1110 heart Afty 1111111olls In 1111.9collancous hir, 16 to 11,111, lie did uol; forget Ills 110111: �Vhat are you looking for for tile doll. tIlAt dUstrial concerns. ([(it should be Cleaned out about once it poor old a as t with his crost, the famous' butterfly; I rat thel pieces In a stow -pall, with tll� In Itself was too heavv Ill th, WK,thing hrI front who"' "ad weak - lind, if necded, it littl Ir It "Allieve is that, Citte cranium of a Woman, but Worst Inakes ilia feel that Way, say '.Ve? A story is told of Lord Roberts Ili III(,. holne front I I been uppiled. Tfogs should never be all no has in his 8001 One of his odd tabla decorations Is liver, lieavt and gizzard; add two bay Connocti;ll with Ills Well-known all -1, till Ivory cage blrds hop-AL"I'VeS a small -bunch of parsley an�l of all was the anxiety the lad.V must 'Ills tit, inge, IV physical supearytill- flower ?" so It a lqo cruellv snatch Ilowed to sleep il manure piles or this infinite weetness of ping about oil gold parches, The th"10 Und hill( Of a small lemon; - Joel in keeping such, a thing p6iged oil itv. ..%to ito Is luarter thin I 'aln, tipatil to cats. Dining 6ne night, Lit d probably it Wa a around straw, I,tocki If It can be its perfulne will whelm everything. tse. ill begged to 1,14o'llbove these[ artist 1.4 fond of old-time, dlshea,!IJOur in writer to cover, gengon to tier hand. SitoPs. hild newthin' to do all day it fricl)(PH 1101 Z dallv ('011fliCt avoided, or in any pltteo from Whidly Still jurtilell, I must peak of klud- ks served with tells taste Willi stilt and poppet, and boil but th' housewurilk tilt' puttin' lit ill' that tile cat lie felt pre.,.ellt Illil;g.; tuld do Ills work With it (Julet itboy will Conle out stearning and iull spread and stoall soup. ilia chicken vop-gently until tander. LONDON LANGUAGU4 YlAD, coal ill, stullyjll� how slia call inake Might be, turned out.. His host.4 coll- il. IOW % . ad to verse Dog$ of When you meet le iti (10 something I don't want to, fidentIV assured hful that It wits lilt- Illin . weting. Tht Condition lit. cold one, do you gay a pleasant tiling Or Whon Cooked 6ker It out of tile U- I .0111olli- weather iq decidedly injurfoua to film of Language ln,a big city iq coxistant- should be it 'eat lit tile dnot tile chief butler I [tit Unpleasant I? DO you tell quoi, eilt the meat oil 'the breast In but forivat, 111111," It their health and thrift, The sleep- if Oulinti, i it' it proddo U,at I wild iiant to do it she Poq-41�ia there er 'I 0, agreeable thlngq you .have heard I Slla�ptollguo was here, to-daV, and four long strips and cut tile reinain- ; didn't wo Ill. ilia to do It. room, an thay were nevev 'I) ik tit rile poor WISO j ing quartorg hould be sprinkled op- about hint or the disagreeable? . 1, nilnent, London ournal, and tile thrained to Lit" ininvit fit even Into the houst.. Still oII43 thil [wanted tier husband ient, home and der of the meat Into qmilill at. thO Of yesterday of- d a city, Vat 110 With lacked Iliiio or crude ya`u does lie fc�cl better havill, ll,,v own way. it lie iiiindIg 1 1111bbs" insisted that. there numt, be allon who doliVeVe r 11 under her care. Superintend- Put,the boDea back in the aucepan tert becomes the P inille boln' full IV bills IV Lone � Ills vieftlity,' and, liideed, be- oue, th t sallic Poo "it carboliq acid ar it disinfectant. A br avolitgoo, CO aliln,I)Id you lot hint go 1 physician I With half 0.11 ounce of gelatino, that a a DOES, ling been dis4 Of next yetir,. yo tile allmina- I ladlill; Ilia can, talk botther an' inore oamo so affectod, as 116 alwa4 Is— IX, 1-1, good plan ill summer is �o shut the He said Ila w6uld, U rath�r stay solved in a small quail tion. of tile Anat "g" Was She Call throw ilia famlly In' faint, if we Inistake, not—that lio was 1109.9 out of their hitor quaiters as Oil, ilia power. of tho tongue for* here. in I Tl;� 0tv of water and boil gently for fit- Propagative of the unodueatold. ea all, willn lint to it, obligod, to leave the table. It was t a% and lot them. lie in, tile o far the production of happluess or mls-!man must be tpon or twenty minutes longer. 11000ntly, L adds this Writer, this Neils. 1,.o the in- Die tile PaStlife anot under tliil shado of .r stapry eye$, Call giant,, With tears Rubsetlut%litly discovered to t you see that mall, We pas. cry I One would think it: tIia,w,,JI(1u6v th rough - a Jelly tom has beon, annexed by tho UPPOP think ar-re grief. but she 1,03180 regret of Ilia hosts that a,just IIOW 7 yeh, 11019 a, sort of re- Nothing -is better tban Ull- Wa tile tO1114110 Is eagod ill (,,lava—One can't, believe a . Word bag and pour sufficient Into 9, deep classes and noeounted a sign of good thftt,l atrauge mt had actuallyl found R5 VAIVO Of 'little- To be ? Trow ? ITO Alline, its it, disinfectanif, and gerin do - ,11, gay tilly niore. Ataud—Why ple, dish to covet, the bottol, WhOn kDows different, Ali' I give In. But . take the hint, that It wag a ' divil-,tho me tile j breeding and rOffileftlent, way urreptitlotmly bobind a sepeall. illiarried tile girl I WkV, 0I)gfig0d to- And tile arravgtknent of hog geroua Power. 1,11rot it is chained to 'not 7, there's ack ; lie IIV has Act, arrange On top of I've won, just tit, $Olne, old Grabber ought to be satisfied =and Pleopiaig quarter in par - c "Fli, down lit Ind hearb I'Al S0111% + fwIth , ticUlar should be such as wilt admit the baelt Part of tile mouth by strong1prolniqed faithfull novel- to tell it a dAvlee fit hard boiled -eggs, put L tort ilia Inollo lie has, ITO is Satfs. if I wave not it, gIntlenitin A 8MAT VOU T11n, EM 111 lilad—go much qo, that lie Wanq a Nb$ tb7 �v uV �Se muselon. I'llell it is surrounded by anyone It I would permit him to the largest slica, of chicken lit the' GOVE.11NMEINT StIPPORT, the greatest alliount, of sunlight. Dol oh #'r aW, W Man klqq Die Just Onee'L and lit leg�q than aleontre of tho digit, ariango 801110 Of that' Wild scorn to smash a lady, In the Chief room of evel-y Japan- i lot of exactly tile saitio kind, Wave of those that are dark, 9100111Y ivoey and tbexx'byL thal teeth 6i'millitte 110 had repeated it. . tho other 811.609 around it, POUP in VAch Inhabitant Of Prance pols they'd be but ulan endin to this tra- slightly r4i0d and d " laftother layer of tile jelly, and leave annually $1.87 for Ole support of I Mt. Tit' Afflit, to till lNonrt IV tile 030 house thdro Is a No boy Of utider 18 yoar of Ago alup, IV 1, tile Upper Jawl inore Ivory bit Then put in the re- I tallan Jim, 8% o it, dais, which Is arranged so that it � [do of ,till are the two Tile , �Ofttlftent t to Government, while eah I gotta, nifty Than, out4 with tile greottimt It ,until not. We may go on avill, to. call be shut off front the reqt of thef Duty be employed Ill lIvIti911 1111110.5. 4 Ili Gerhiany and dl�ve inind. Ivr floom. This in it place fox, the Ent- Challnel Jq Dowberd with the power of 16d earl rainfall Is South America. Inainder of the Plec,68 Of Want ar- cOntelbutes 41,re.qt. Alid' yet, notwithstanding' ithen come Aft -lea, North Anitirlea. 'tango thaln, iftste-fully', Pour tile Va. ijolgium tile cost 14 Pat- hand gAllor on, Die login, a blxttle tperot, to sit should he ever Visit that T110 001311411 111111Y Includes Inore titn tl(il) feet deep ; tjle DWI - J011y- CAveft of the Population, fit, Austria, $2.03 day ill- fift.V YOLIP. luslaians lit its various bands, thesev four or limita- Plurope, Asia, Ad AustrATIA, Ili th; inalftoltr of tho �;Ilixt I alwolya knows 'tis theft, all' V I :and in 3911gland $2.08. Sea Is 2Y130 facto flong, 11011V )nftf)Y takO 110 hint In le- order naxnW, and put It in a cold plite