The Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-03, Page 7�r
borne, cokme. lit whfch Arthur Orto.n.1 I TP. A VIRMER . np uimmq.
it&l 'hard critical 0YQ4 11POS 31104 AUC04. 0,11v ore UP 4 llut& I
though lie J14AIllrdir1t0Y turned VAW9Yii,)Ie`c'�.s"foIIoWcd each Othor, until the MO OAJJVD U01-0=11. a Maw 1%agit" ter, personate,
Sir Roger Ticliburne. There Wel 0 A Fine 014, coustom That is Not
when, I chanced to meet his look. I varlous air$ becamel a 3liedley Vold, CAXgS :gAV:p :gZLrFD two trJals. of which tile S'econd 411040 ITISSING TITE POST M)ANT yet N:xtinct. WHICIC :63touOIXT
Ile diaplayed. cl harsh, fainillarl to� fit till harniolly as they 114ug tilrough UOW histed is$ doxys. First and laot. u-1 11BATH t GRrATWORTUNIC0.
wards Vera, which I could not Whelp lily. head, Then, I picked up the final X99 IN BUSINESS. OR DISAST:14R. ?ro thingn In Vilgland
noticing she resented. and I know record, aad, placing it in the 3114-1 quarter of a ilitlitolk of money w9h.", . There are jilt ban tire A Wink Th&t Was Wor
ThQ Arresting p, Bu *,us Of Pathetic Suioi&_cf Two Accom- in the twelitiPth, 001%turY t , th jp,()Q,0Q0,
that it, indeed, he loved her his at-,chixto, started tllg mechanism. . rglar the No 11111,11011t. an Australian Prime Minister plished Actresses -Died of sk dreanit of Ili all our Philosophies- 11,32d .4 f4wilo Tbxt Made s,
ly from 9uccess.-A Murder- X
fection was certainly not roclproc4t- scratcUing began. grid. present entistla said tile other day that Australia, Brokon Ueart. -says the St. James' (lazotte. One
ed, lit einerged Wo sound of a human or lie would chcorlull� havo paid tile money 11 it well-knowil, thetitric"I Manager of them wjH revealed ilx it bankrupt- lull
Wo 118teWd lit breathless a;us- 1pod A Grader- cy court tile other day, where a, Wor- U -Six years ago, Do Lay, being s.m
Not until dessert was on the tilblolvolco. A, burgl4l. made IX fortune for that twice over it shei had only known had posted tile letter lie )lad written .0a that lie pur- 110 =Cintellizent Boor coup
tio eived,
414 miyono broach the painful sub- Pease, and trembled With excitement. doxitist, Xr. Reginald )low Much good it wits going to. do Chester furnier declal It 11 that Jainjoson'lis taln,
-wds I -,%W5 is the I t will and testa- clever Bristol + land scaled tile recent Suicide Of tllol�ll.aad Aleitrilbor's, Wife (Or it PIP0 0110
Spitpe a I ra - wat; only tue, obt;
window Ject, hu. 11W.- �Vr ohn. Berribridge," the voice Stockwell- Twenty-two 'Yours li" "I" "'O"C"jus 0& now" I VA I. two beautiful and accomplished Ito- of tobacco. Such things were; Coll', ,1,0. wu wafted tbrO of tilt of its. and then p, chance ro- merit of J Ills o Miles, of details of Australian life � (low cast before ox, big wixt, b
murk. or Midwinter's turned -the con- announced, "And proof that it Was Mr. tockwell bad Just put up trosse staying lit 11loomsbar, lion- !11 tile world was
a the gentle, breeze, and its I" plate, and wits hoping that during Its. progress., The l4land-co i, have been tilt , actual 'non -elloug wit( lid tire his aad Grant Britlittri, and
. 11K melody fell. MPO11 lily ear Avith lthat direction. uttered into tile phollograph by me brass three generations 'younger 4
ould got more thalL tinclit, ulmost bef6re', I'don' would Ito 11 it we, tire to
Bombridge Ili tile habit Wilt bo found lit illy diary. to which t a, Week. JV-,Ilto.rJUK Ills gathorell 80,000. eXten, JIUMIgrAllts natioll of tWo, sucli promising ectreers ld
dy "IlWas Mr scale day, lie V, unknown Iget. hp chlef reason for tile terint- believe lie determined to Sell his farm 11 he
the deep, underlying xxoto at tragL contiriorl. onoug Could get it good price for It,
iLs-k- statenixent, lily' signaturil lion all Ave hour in rural I�,111glund to-duy. thus, protect himself from the war
19,14 baro. Tito Song I" lyll"t of Playing upon tile organ V I is appended, Oni P14 ell #
co isu ting room ano Octoboll OV43k- in 187,1-1870. As on ble-bodledlit will be was'the illa-
land it duty reckoned to box worth It Is doubtful whether all old custoln which. he was a
recollections tile very llai'lle Conjure ed, at longth. attested copy wilt be
, , would come. He
haaInto fettll a book, he coiifrQnted 11 istimigralit, 1% bility of tile actresses to Obtftill Oil-
whlt vision$ of Instrument had not'famid fit *illy private wite, ill Lulli- rougll-lookbig follow With " bag in $1,500 to the country of Ilia dop- over (tulle dies out all Over the world put the Matter Into the hands
jiltrugglu 'lot, right and love I And beet, in Ills possessier; long Bank, Tile W11010 Of Illy gagoinents. This So preyed upon the will b a sold Do Of
hi, hand. tiall, tile Value of the arid buillan holings sorile land AgeAts, nd wafted. Al.
the Qr9tin It, tilt' street below "ill' piled Vert" "Indeed I belfe�e that I property it"d estate, v%,ith -au accra- l orx'?aul thow, that, thorough- oubt. its there aro )'unit"' ter ct time he received a very fair of.
%d f
lon.1gh The dentist grasped the situixtioll, way be Imagined. Illyl I ja 't of, she obeyed tile dlet4tes
oliurnoil out tile MUsIC WitiL mOIIO- only oil that trugi-. �jccnslolx aid lia. Ing moneys, Including tile copyi to '131t, down, �0,11 lie said, 0 of it temporarily weakened bruIA to beings to self. them =J hull,1111 lic" ter for the property, axid went to Jo.
tolic, is eliythat until I crixshed down $Ing tile 'May Song, willb. tile 4ccooln- of ;%It Illy compositions ;ilia jrjclueys irk 0, 1110811- ;ITS O� INFORMATION, Ings to sell theiii to. But We 111"Y' hillinesburg to Complete tbo,-$jjIo,
filia orgai , i. of course. nriallig I bequeath to n. find poison the be sure that the trade In WiVoS wlil During Ills Interview with the laxxa�
tile "IrdcxV, hat I might hear tile, pklnhnejit IV in life most profesional tOlatill, �e only solution of bor
W Midwinter Wheeling round his coximiting-cliair. difficulty. unfortilliately site per-
atrallut. Ila longer. oil know lie wa a great singer ?" jilece, Vera i0alviax never be revived again in EnglatIld
Lind tile ex,.'Option of two thousand And before the aniazed nlixt, f Knowledge Which You
Items Q suaded bar sister to do likewise, 'rite agent, he, being somehat grasping,
I was YQM)lg in those days, .1 have hoard 111111, it, Public with C01)LD MAIM' TP HIS Should Know. as it was It hundred yettro ago. attempted to raise the price of like
letter written by the'theat �cal man
out with repeated arid unsud- pounds In casit, willdh I bequeath t There are sere and yellow Was in properly
several times, I responded. 11 Ills, jemmy on the r a to Qfyor Printing House quare which Wke bib had just bee
cessful efforts to tile by Iny nephew, flarace. Vairfax Mid. whether to so b Tile British Post Office employs age a few days previous wa xxdjoialxj� Pointing Out that a
glgat Into I Axiol. lie made a )urge ulit Basil at at I I ead or Olt, 110 found him- Quo of the Sisters u good oligagel-4011t of at 13,
of the le profession. singing, Jitto tilt), phonogrupli, which winter. To my nephew 1 11 'a 1 11 considerably over ap.000 women. us back to a strange E'jigland which greater Prige. although itaw'all
'on ad. i;elf in the chair. SnIal-
inght, it was I lie happened to be doing whtxi he BeImbridge, I leave nothing, . it , continued Moro than 15,000,000 visits pa are in America. When about to Post it, none of us have ever known. nd few Ter arid th6 land at inferior quality,
what u, �jlt of "Which tooth I. called upon him And to -
Arid my spirits in sank tilled. Almost tile last thing Of Ills, dastardly treatme endhad
lie said -count Ill tile past a Me, Stockwell. "Oil, b' I see Paid annually to. London of us van dreurn, f. Four years be-
gether they hold gone to ox Seaside te- A5 be said this, a Young mall, in the
,o zero, and illy banking 4CPOUIIt to ne wok J)"t ba, had contracted to illy goneroskt nd of fore ilia nineteerith. century dawned- offIce, who*% Ile,ka
it, myself fit persn. . . . arid With till$ Pupping CL gag into tile, burglar's brokers. ew slightly, looked
lo driving the The heaviest day's rainfall in Lon- sort, while the letter that Would lit March, 1790 -the Tinioso announced
war. 'Vion one ill supply cj, number of records to jtb. Then, "Just swoll have. probably prevented the at him, ancl, unseen by his employer,
- lye. oat pqrscm 1 expected walked Ili at�exld int(laded thitt fact he is all AY acquainted. . . . ()Pon wretched Man Was dolt was on April 13th, 1878, when sted on the sale of it wife in Sheffield for six wilike(I very deliberately. reeling
14st firm, (ilia two vq1tiable lives Iny ullPO
%lorrico 9 a sing the 'May rather my tills" and the
and never . till oug' Into Witness xrjy but day of December, or time, arid, before 4* inches fell. ence arid it little while afterward sure that ilia wink had been givert,
lawinter ; . vaning Oil 'oformea Ili no
illy dying (lily shall I forget ilia, ter- t volce-this 18th Waste land In Turkey sells at M the table. tile $time Paper solemnly Informed
110 � intlebillo. Then he 5uddenly lie rccovered, handed over to a bast per acre , good fttrx�ljxg latil at Quite as pixtholtic, though no life tile Public . tbat the price of wives urage hill% to ra, so his
rible look of abJ9ct misery depleted thought of the organ, and decided to 18—" erdQd and ily summoned policeman, was deNtroyed, was that of James bad risen in Swithileld from price, Do Lay pushed it up arid lip
upon every feature of Ills face. That try the oti,ect of his v'ice and tile Ill- And so, the truth Was rov h Out, . eve r
0 and ryorle $100 to $150, " wealthy until the Agent wrathfully refused to
'it once st*i-ament together Upon the phorlo- right triumphed over wrong. of -such The first post -office Wits opened Ill Mills, tile Young soil 0
he wag Ila dire distress Was, I I argued that a man, possessed Mitil"nols. litilf it guiriati, to three guineas and it, continue tile negotiations longer,
apparentl to ina. graph. The organ Was a present diary we found comple proof that cool nerve xxxUSt be advairible in his Paris in 102 ; lit T'Ingland In 1,581 ; merchant in t-lic V11911sh haThe were good old tfines, lit -
1 bat is it rising from I 'was the car- who was wrongly rickised of forging luted to got A few days litter, Ve Lay completed
W from my couSin, and alTiVCd about ilia phonographic wit profession, Mr. Stockwell soon fix AmerieLk lit 1710. deed, for the man wbo wt tile sale, of his farm to tile same
;-cot one arid nnually depos
hate arid gripping Ills hand. 4.11 the other a. forgery. The dew that is it , it- Ills father's name 041 4 che"o for " �rid of the worrian lie find sworn to agent tit a Pride of $210,000 -just
3ny c three weeks ag as lie Neither had Basil Beiribridgil earn- proved that lie was,. the 'surface of England is large amount, The Indigitant on cherish. In 1803, it is rocorded, I It had
Ila sat down. andpassed Ills lianfl I glanced at BQSI1 Bainbridge loft it luxurious lionle to tilke 11. Post $200,000 more than tile tigol
kerchief over Ills. face ljefore� re the forgory witliout'niaking Probably a mo cruel murdel, ed oil man Iod his wife by a halter Into tl�p rerusea to give , (la or two before.
ply- lifted Ilia glass of part and swa;1low- the equal to five inches Of ralu- -t -Lon
. . I certain in-rimiumthig 'laws, for he iever, -took place than that Of :Britain . 'brow 86,500,000 barrels as clork with a low salary ill t cattle Illarkot tit arid -iold I'lle fact Was that thil agent WAS
ed th(I contents at a. gulp. collar Wa4lburne, who was, Ile waited a year, lotdoubtless know the 'MaY mentioned therein thott *the organ poor P it her for it gainea. The market vtvItto Igreatest 'trial Of my life, "You found with his skull crushed just of beet, lit a Year, anti drinks tilont (101, of cc- forg6r would be dis� doolin, for it Syndicate whicl
Mernard-my ister I" VaS agnilL to bed me his property, Tile ninn, Was all but tile ad half -million. 'Ing that the real d of a wife eolliq to Ilave dropped cis pupelictact.1 -gold bearing land around
very well ?" I asked, I , outside Bury. 0 lat lie would oe'eaVe
ight of the "May red, and ti
Vera.Vid- 1P, thtil tile copyro ad ' Bilrub pens have been the century grow older, foi- fit 1820 'ROw-
My blood turticd cold, He stammered oil'. some inaudible arid on -Ills wily 'home to his. wife Q , In use lit cove tile Do but tile agelit.k
was also his,'though tCe dnt- over a thous' Ili. EL worthy hsband at Canterbury
wiliter, tile wonlari Whom above all reply; and os0' fe0ill Ills seat �9 take two little -oltildrim eAer it, t1*90 1110111, to'- and Vanes, boxna. From a. oll tile yotilig farnier. did not'sUsPect
others .1 respecld and -whom Ili the ad tile will moro than a year. Tire- -eferred to ste�i or., I"Unst Vid, heart -broken and utterly Placed Ills wife ill a epttle-pull a�ntl Ing I
box of matches learn th� mantle, weeks' trarrip, ill tile West Of aid are.still pi s property.,
of,iny heart I knew I love piece, 1jis coUjo.�fojx seat a violis to that in which the famous probably- killed joi 'quill Pulls. lie wroto to )Its tbe 1wesence of gold Ili. Ili, for
string of melody was composed. Ills love for land, arid wits n lad d19POS"I Of liar expected to .1notice it. smart deal
What of her tl'oughta Whirling thi-ough lily head lb of pounds� he Norway, Servia, 'areece, and Bill- 0.911111 PlOtesti 9 Ills ill"de 1,110 howaver,
"Your sister .;tamniere Vera.Midwinter was no doxibt 0, ilia sake a(. tile COUP naking to be front tile life arid VO'tt r) ClIolits.
of -thoughts that, Save ill. ill hours of -falls of had mado by 'Jong.clays under ol, gaelo, are the only European nations rred, stipulating knew there wits
."She is xwt-dead mere destined not to be ban, blind ; but, becoming suspic licavy Pack. In spite of every . effort, whi-b have.bilt. one 11buse of surroundings lie abho Tile centijily had rni.1 throxfgii lnui-4
it were better almost If She steel), 0, mystery was solved. Ili(!, he disappeared, and when Ills. a Cort.1tin thrie -by which ii. I(Itt9l' ' .. a, qijurso wholl the good A VEIX OF COLL)
ishod xxxiiiI. tit it was found impossible to tr&lck the liallielit. than half it
guilt.was proven to the world we Tit(.- Baltic is the Shallowest sea should reach Jilin. The reply did not pe Lav,s farili-ILArld,
had been. Isolt I. will be open will' Tile. following morning Bernoridge jilarderer, though dozens -of ninateur I PIL of. Derby had flie opportutilty roxming.through
I let tile matter a lit depth. Next comes Come by tile tittle Stated, but two lot betray
you, Bernard. You.have heard of informed us at breukfast that he lind ) days, later Vera and myself detectiv" were at ork,-besidvs tile Only 48.Yard .. of buyin the wife Of one of t1lele ulthough. lit, could I
-my uncle John the greab linjunierition from ]Ila Two police. Tit . 43 only clue. was an empty the Adriatic, with all average of days after lie 'had . -is )to wonlotll wit-, 1pa tjl(� of his lie could
low towi sinea. T
together before the ENLISTND IN TITH ARMY to thc� warloot l4ace wltl� it huller llot. resist tile torilptatlon to give Ills
singer and composer, who is just recolved il, cot , officer tit York which were star;aillg ard.; depth i commanding tot 1440e. phollogPaph when took her paper bag, wfilell luja evidently coil- ulloo ox raise the
dead.?" returning thither I lid the theory of the 13�ittiili digs 64 million pounds' under an asuled name, the . letter round her Nvalst and was linudwil V(11.1 tilt Wilt to
necessitated - Ills band Ili mine. tained pepper, a had worth- the United forgivil1g, )Jim' Woos 18 shillings "Ila it quart of "Certuinly, I -To Wrote tile 'M4Y wittioutt delay, but that lie would be . was . that NN`txshbul�ne of coal, a ycar� delivered to Ills down.16tv
-Song,' did lie. nut -the Song that has "Ifow call I over thank you for Police States , 0 -Germany late address, Blie never received beer, is jjL)w known. as the
in London agaill, before unday. *-He been S Millions' al.ld
brought all lWitaill "to III$ 'feel left at midday; and. this, wits the all you have . done for me V Bile WITIr Pi;,mPlim. 351 millions' worth. it, iior did big parents ever him � That was lit 1855;,but we. noi-ed. not a private bank ill
tain. ,You saved my name 'Brithill's Colonies, Including India, One, go back, nearl So -fal' for evidence of Pavis wlt% saved froin rain alid set.
And I believe there, voas a; cer last we ever' saw of him. Ewen now rid tboi knocked 04,raln, all.hough oille yCarS Litter tI' f ridution, Lind. " voting
porinected-, with and perhaps mv,lif(-, dashed fit his fac6, a 0 -)56,000,000. people -six time.% (if loirlv% do fessed to, tile wifo-tritdc� Thil-tv Years I t(
euriount of. mystery no c1pubt remained In mV mind tbat- r hin-j- hav . the inerclituit's a .11 upon a will (),a
his deatli 'a yet I ilia going to ask it re- down before lie 6ould rodove he Population of tile -Uniteil- King- tile, forgery. tile eightics-a col6r sold his wi,16 journalISL wall a fortune,
a murd ree of tile Creincilt
lie was ill 1, lisll- ward�& reward I hope I have earn-- self. dom, Had a letter arrivcd� 4 few, hours tit Alfrotor., in Derbyshire, -for four- 'thankS to a griluace Inado by a mem-
"He was murdered." musiciall, though flow he accomp,
oil,!' I replied. 'rite bag )lad oil it the hallIc Of a - as milita. oircraii1ent, At
"Murdered ? I -Tow ?. By whom a L tliet.dcpd,L while some hundreds-.ot NIV.00d-pulp. papet ry cloth- sooner than it, (lid It would have 8aV peace, and in tlib Same,decodo, in tile ber of the Fronch Q
are Ld And that 1.9 amall grocery shop in tile xjburb�s Ing is use(] by the Japanese troops. I tile life of 01% 1
knoOi,,� The facts ties away, I )lad yet to prove� e !a Mattlidws, 4 beau- year of grace ill which the bell% rang. tile time the bank, lit question,. owl 19
n "Your love I of Bury, and - tlje� police very. natur- It is marvallouslY tough. and 4ias � a tifill girl, who died of. a broken for the j ublice, of tile 'Victorittil to on 'tile part of. Its brok-
these. My si,-AtQr I. should tell you, Wboin lie liftd gove I turned illy at- neat appearance, heart. Her botrother lover was acelir two Sliefflold mail agreed toi buy-- ers, lield. ail luir6asoill-tbly large qull-
I She looked into iny,face and Stuff- Ally visited this place. Afteir thein.
had been keeping house for him for tention towards the phonograph. ed, arid I felt. her hand..quiver as te camo, other private inquiries' by the arid Iof a wifix'in a public tity of French bonds and tile price
-,a pa -tuse lodgings lrld at my suggestioli it was.brought Tile German 13triperor )'Eta l§au -tioine f9r both of them in in
some till at bedt: tears start'ed: to her eyes; hundred, The 'grofer was brewd riguage. Ing a fox tv, .."At 'tile of i.hase.was so depressed by the pro -
!into the clixtir taiiage of. their decree that 00 Englidi - Ili Sou'th. At rica. Letter after letter had house Ill tile sxixoky of -cement If between and
such as- mine are. hardly congenial ig-rooln and plAced Ili aball be ta-ught.. in all thaL highu she Written to him, but,nover came . Royal Onk, SheMeld, the ago babi fly -of war
surroundings: to,. a giri with ber the position it 'had oceupied-on 010 You had -,your roward long before enough to take holv
arid, yd.0 over,earned it,'.' site whispered.- curiosity,, � which lie . endeavored tb ba Frace ti
11jastes arid All the records Ill hschools. of the Gernian 11' inpire r1-16: had exparleuced. blsfor- ran; I AbrL in Boothroyd, agreed . lat to IIELVG sold their ' 1 would
xlecomplishment&, eventful evening. he houso London Tit -Bits.. Satisfy as far as Possible.. wo miles from the most' of shifted from one place to. sell lily ife, Clara, to William. have involved the -barok' ill, an. 011017 -
as you know, we bavol no parents. that could be found In t way be gained many new,customers, tuno, and ba both of 'ShelVield, for the. Sum mous loss. . Oil the othax�-band, the
Bainbridge apparently 'conceived a. were likewise produced, itiqludin the remarIcale echo fix ilia world, It is o an xxissinli her lettdr,, Hall,
Added to this,.hia name was in tit the OnStle of Sirrionatta,, all h I from nf five'sliil)ings.�' Ther(I is' not even balik officials well,knew that it war
-great liking $or Vera ;-Ifil fact, - 110 one that still remained-Ja tile ran- BASUTO MARRIAGE,' xnest every paper in, tile .1 Coll . lItVY; so lJ,,Ltts tile and L IliMielf L had abstained
onoe told me he. had never met a g 'A- . I . that �"Ilot 6, M Pistol sixty Writing Until lie could report -better tile relief in these case$ of c011a011"l, occurred the bonds would go lower,
irl chino,' a silent itriesS to - the it it IS hardly to, be �wondcrcd etion 111EXthe and the ruill: of 'the bank would e
hei a.- more. loving disposition. rounicated my -a for They May, now,, $a times. news. Then lid �Acl fallen- a vle�ixxj. one's self with the rofle
who gedy, I had' am it d Girls Are Desired, ven years litter, a one tiny . rite- xnembers of tile L Society of ori the tilore certain.
And'she loved him, too, despite his ill Ptxkt to an Vichanged for' Oxem -cc good- to, dysentery, 'and, covering, bed Sale of Ole wild. is a, thijig� of impulse.
Be shop has, developed into till augh it is cc:dcliberato coul- Eng) tild , Lind tied were in - the
a hwritten a long
-'Ustonis, ones, and his fortuile, is a xxjat�-,Friends who died last year� Wei of -0 Oftert ell
bachelor',s 'eccentricity.,.. ere left alone lit. letter to fiance,.
urious i of sixty-olle years I jjlorc�cxj trinisaction in c(?1dA)lood; to, throe%,of, anxiety, whon tile, tilt
Among, ilia. e L 11VQrng0 ag*( I ig the reason of his':sIlerc6, I
room. toasuto-clistom4 N�Iljch: never, chaxlgcli ter alecady asaiir�ecl, exp Litinir jaik -oid 14 n"Well, ton- days ago. Vera, was ,up "VICA months, a record for illy so- thewl§ 'mijanwbile believoid, Ili :tile Case that came to. light a few at tile bt i t joiirnalWt� fi
stairs While he was singing ' the "Ibelievo the phonograph will wilis difficult to iniagine that Mat
accompanying him- its sorriething," bill are hiLlicled down frorn genera- It ,, c despair . and hich the Wife, L With her of his clinneed to- pass n. cc
X volunteered, a-:, it, ship�rivo thou rid him in. �r, who,the jotirnalift k W� haot
'May Song' and ion-itl7ol thosO con- muliny aboard� .am Cjpty�'L ' L -without years ago in w lie
tibn to genera 'The B.rltiab Gq'vernment� spend had parents' and�iwo fricxjds,.�xrjet to. a u- !at
setting the mechanism lit motion of the s love, had married -a' - man who'
self upon tile organ in.the Jarge.din with marriage. Suppose, MIT away in. tile Centro bout $50,000 a Year in presents to re,the'terms of the Th6 been summoned ihoot iii0rung XOT all
nacted South tlantic could influence the. . Persistently Wooed her; � City.returning rang -it allillings".. tind* interview W'th:LrreaIoi9nt FaUrQ, L It
Ing -room below. Sucidoialv she hoard bent over it side by side. d you, were a - Young ho marry af ter. so I I . "OM.
The- secOnds, a'rid- the..good or, el published in'London. from tile Wedding Amongst on r6tit- pride to v.,hich' lie- Inust. have beetu. 'returning.
th6 MUSIC cease while tlle�scig wits ale of 06 XIOV
In am fro 11, to, Rio, been Ili the postal or telegraph sel lator lettees and ms. �s 0 the -bill of at).
aw minutes xiielodY 'began. , A Weird and on7. Basuto, and bad bat itten by the tolegrit, 16. an' I and rL fi (tile BaSixtio uilitill with,
'f . (er,S
unfinished, "Leonard, Ru
sight' , of a,protty oface y vice, other animal the let facc. was be
Ctor, when site' otiterod tile' room, twix�xxcijjg- composition it- waSLL faSeill- ter, team her... ever in My wife, Elizabeth from I
eon Cats and.. several. -over. to do- its site has, a, milid,' 9ndles.,
ad b, iting in its tragic betuity. S - captaiii, South Afriba. I'lile.101 .
found hini. lying cla eside 'the. i idea: of beauty Is 4umitlty , the lady Was twdrit days oilt when. her crew found lave
she -very - fat�or she IIEX8 1*60, .shot. tile throw. .the dyelld� Which Can be
Doctors ere Called in,* thoirc* broke out a clear teifor voice; MUst-be.'fat- have 'r, It ondon. ithis day, Dec.' 11, Tile banker stopped and stared at
ad Ca It le eInstrument. wing cowdolered' beau- first mate overboard,. arid forced the A a, swho, is,invastigat' tile notes rose and fell -with gentle no chance: of k �on(f mate.. -td:iiaviqate the vessel deawji bver th; eyeball, either .-A solteitor. It co i 'i tod Soxi- The notion that it maii-filAXY slel red back.
0_�PrCSSIon for a. 4nd a pecialist, a a would be an,'aggrogs,or sc cc ineer
le Case, has -wards aL light. Brill a. ca, I wite -and mari
WCleanse � it or to prbt et It froin:'toc) ngilin. is in
stated on oath, ocidence 'till eIlc4 tile Amazon. cide an re nang certain dluasc', of: tile responsible minister wilen ills. country
Ing ti 6tioltiette o the Mouth
poison, -was acirrilnis- crescendo that held .me Intl -.1478 - lu grain which 0 sox�tisdc .'big common at rg6:of the,
that a cloadi ipcII-!bot . against thO iih Tile lattei lew. very. wdll tnat he. f if
y voice --the - voice We" . 0 . yon, to sillecdc to her,'tho_ . eriors A,*saJ1xjon4ia9 been, kriown. to -prd- , I A'pfooncr qt Loccis On is Oft tile vk!
'red 'two Ininute'§ before 'his death., P sslon lived Ili the would share thei.tate of Ilia sup cars. Heavil re so for:,Popula, on;,
te matel., ' lost Ili the bea - of you might lbok at her admikingly. diiee 10,000,OOLO qg-gs. Some female I 'art ad .411, his trial for bigainy pleaded that the. banker.
and from the affee led. O'f a uty. s in sighl, of debt; lie cither sold ok Stand "Yes, arid he wits so strongly 40P,
,is of,which he d Should. the attitietion free-. cis soon as the ship wd fij*.iclon..C�L produce 2,000 cggs,� While a: as he had
t land So lie mist about for �.Somb . L ,if, pi!opertyr-mex�opt some 8 res, in charge 'could not' to. � War
All the servants. Were Wifortunately. his? own crea foil. sist6ble, your proper course of pro- clueen; bee p gqs n:cc, as, in - ilia value sold hi'wifo for. 3 Shillings sixpence posed to the idect, of goitig.
out ill tile time,- alact'as it was night . Than of 0. sUcicIbn the Ilotes arred. . Way of coinrillinicating with. 'L other roducaa.100;000 a Australin min 0 r P G would.. be to hunt Up Ionic eagon. eniitlod to marry with 'Engluxid,1! replipol. ill
Wndows w6e locked apparently, in, his fervou lie Tied Witt friend phips. Ire contrived to'get hold of or which,lie had great faith. Mis- And. ' was therefore
old I-ady fridn lull In,1800, 100,000 bales.'Of Coll(", Ilowevqr, still pursued hinx, atain, The ca*se.:is barely ix years ist.
iniss6d his C, or and barre. Would not.'such -a rays- ac ampalliment, So Much tile Confide -k UAftrDR IOTTL,r�,Sl Insted. the LA'licasbiro Ad and about the: SaMC, time "Oth- THE NFjXT N
n -'of &�Gabbriau iseif arid continued as* lie- bo. th. L . L .1. mills for a opecially Pressing being it money- c I . .
her' your. wish raw. ov6rb.o-ard at arno ance ""IS reporte
righted hill to` Settle. down and and veal, now ilia garrin unt. would tender Into. whose clutches -lie lj��d er,: inst d from a vil- -tile two friends were, -ill n. cab; being
'As, it ai;Pear's at.present, yes, fore. Ilie'.91liging . became. quickor. rActrey that particular'fidr one, beg- night, �ajx adepunt'of the. piutiny, in. -jeed thf. 1'��ildly drfvdh towards the Bourse..
suicide V- I in- 'the accompaniment' lese taictul, 'and 11. spindles for 'a day and 'n' fiction, and who knew of,the existence, I age neak. Doncaster, . the eircumstanc-
'Arty suspicions of in the Olie0
verything for )ught L big agents
er a arrange each, These accounts were writtoixil es coining to Tight P IT b C .
quarter. 'aswell's SILlares_ Then ermid a French.
you Eta soon 1`0 re ONIC WO brands of winel-ot '0L . u9itralia, that the.rhin-' Court. 111, the agree- t
quired, all the brilliancy died train tho' ging h t as This she on pages torn from "A- Sea Hard," The' a r A abuy all the
'None at all cf'� firsti bv John Pariniter. ilrboluced but more wine 1 rumor fro Mont ,is quite
A mail cannot very voice Until it was merely common would gladly tin the willIng to take I b6nds that coxild'be bought cheaply;
-Ing taster yet. 11i o'Mo$t� fortuniely for the mate, 0 -drunk tthan in.France, Ing company had gone broke. .:Ill ft� our. wife I a' it children as mine, tha Jand tile ournalist began
well sin- aa(i play While. taK place.'.. Faster and athe mother rip dL to buyiTkT, On
!soil. 'But , thott, I.,; ot all. The ie -txid' frenzy. of .&sPair,L* JIG, wire r �nn- V n
'WI ll,� own a
firm, n -npt% 1,11eii Tart, arid Sarah I po arid 'e6darit, its fast as be, could..
ed oil L the 0 'a tu "ty
.�iptpri�nols or ie'wished role bride.. of his bottie.4- was Picked up. by the London, 1S.4he,greatest, wine - Too- it is, y6ur
of the iews
will has.been found in it drawer, nnd scarcely keop. 0accit wl tTile two then talk it 111-aziftall gunbottf, f'.Clilquitaj" and.' toL Wait, . . ]a oxxds�L went' Up
mairket in- the World. Tenry and E TI A Week latler.the"b
alth. thought' of'.001-reet time NN"LS tiont -arid,, fearing the'WorSt, John, I
by it tile whole of MY uncle's'we over, discussing ways arid mertais and th� result - of Alle mixtirly, "WELSL that gatmo of kolf is tild,to have Strain, ,,, a. signed by tile wire of the pur� by then all the
Ind tlidii a, xxxoment litter tile ay under the a with a Jump, or
_pPoperty nith the excGption of 11 osition'In Bauto'societ. -Alseveri of tile crcw*of.tIja ])coil I iventi,4 it%. ancient tittle% by v4 to inessenger boy brought chaser andConlsboe- World knew tllat� i4'r-caxco had con -
Y; and a dismal. Wait -cond tell tsgave
gotte dated "Xew' ogc�eqto' lily cousin, Basil Voice died aWay amount of tct. *is necessary, We at got nothing i tbdraw from Xashoda;
large, Muged, and iihe ire long qhej)berd who h*ad proving tile. runlov.L to ougll March 'IS' sonted
.,!,iV'f'33(nnbrldge, lieutenct;k. Ili, t -ho array, toird us that We hdol heard tit 1. if th(;L lady mu 'be -a. . tile cable r banker's position was firmer
at terms of Imprisonment. Of cours better to do than to IZnock .round and the.
as tile mother t incpl�rcct. lie found the solicit9l Who is at present stationed at York. "No clue "llid idwititen', -CS intaL it rabbit-hoI6 with Ill 1.4.1 be than It eon before, while
fLt t6.1xjy S convinced that the. marriage is ' it, the name -of. tile book became Widely �.ston 73 ever b
'Is To - known througli:the press, and, fit_ i oDY ON THRI. FL find 9 a millionaire in us.'
The house alone StOr way desirale. �lf youi friend the journalist wit,
YOU 8 eA 1) 'upon circumatnAtIftl Ovi- tDINGS.
NO -clue it's full of- clues in Lips .,Princjptxl.r t on Wir
Now, cannot f. how art. is could. corNincei . her. that such wils tract6d perb. by it, fortunate] rour,sons of:tli6 )ate Bishop LON mall. WE tirely 'a Lg to seeing a,
might.consider that for- till(-, lie, pilblic bought it %a cagerly -ham have, all borome'
implicated ?. Bernard. bar Position fact, 1,think I'know how 1 dencei. it, feW,Lyeftr5 'ago' it mall Was� aso -you nill sisioll- smile � and Is a terrible one t his death 1,�', r re This 1.9 lianged,. fit Spite plett.of fil10
I She Is as good �Plled: the c
in a Votir Din minister Ile must mean,
gherish6olplans.. ithat it hocartio arid of the nfoq jarieq arld gone to India. conec, nild his endeavors to lYOvc (in what thiat am
tulle Smiled on your t ide,;
-obably the only ofalibl. tit the time th Smoke is Responsi pectail.of murder, arid the dis- Lit ale, in wonoi. ady' of Your -etid books mail met 'in tile, enitracp' of
as, su. He Stared To secure tile , I Iy i of tile year. pi citse Ill 2 0 crime was� Ior
covery Of the *!II. made against her "How Ildice the full rIgIltS.Of a wife You Tile joLLIous scoundrO who purpose- neral Det6rioration, large.. block, f offices n Cannon
C four brothers Wit() are till ill the jut-%- pos6d to lidye been committ0d. Than;
arid morning;- one.
-,tile big, Nuillidian lion, fix MortitlicelL f--jiloking itpipe of medlum.size. chief in.%pector . I JeCtUftlI Sojindoulted tile Ie und was young nd eedy, the-6ther was
*of cattle, itc following thd I ' br� � roe,
renders the susplelon, tile inore taii- I "Did the doctors say in what inan- . ould pay over to Your futurL latil- I ly. left unlatch -ro, 'field. execution, the- 'Tile Londoll COui1tV C Ox"Icil If as t
gible. of coursG, sho Is :Ifinocent L; .liar the poison entered tho]j I W ed the cage of NL the day
-s �f Police racelvqd ricilcu
Wei, er-iji-law so mlilly head
oil know It, but.willthO. Vor instance, , were. Ills han ackworth's, : Menagerie, n't cian, a. man bliows, out taxid well-to746; The lat-
I know I L. cording' o agreement, whicit is and Statistl . I ich had, ll�ai(Yerchco wi Nhich it,, I&- middla-aged.
'to letter addressed to WRI, wl of with PAIll.
world believe it Ten ?" 7, asked, ignoring.'the ques supposed Value l3luckpool,* intended by so doing
Alys, based on.ti iOf 11114 211011th, (very ifine lie fills 016, bien -found.11P01i the' mantel-plece, Of bor Werc, watelled ill the first'iell, ter's face as. coritorte
He sank back extirtusted cuid' buried tion.. f'. tb��brlcle, hsocial -POsiti011, ruiii,the propel gainst whom bowl 700 silloke-elnuds, If IV obcapted'b III Mull the successive Noticing "this tile younger rolan stop -
hands. 'As for ' Mo "Certo 1�: they wei-e but, nothing a -udgo,L' h a, room recent, yeurs dr its- life. fit asked the :other ithe ere.
)Pea Ur, PIPQS n. day tot, twenty, ithouse 0
t at liar,,- tile raddi With,aintralgia. On
his face in Ilia personal 'al rallee., height, size he hold a gi He expect d innokes fo. I wOIxIoJIx* "rho took elec sts and pod an
.the - knowledge of tile girl's p6rll' deducted front that, because beauty,'etc. This' 'trallater, of cattle. t he 1all would. find its way out *hen.,, yi, not ulIqrIng tile 111LIi-ital contract, ar.4, Ile blows 6-0,440,000 lodgers. letter, Which had oil 'have been . Shak6a
urg'ed Me not to sprc�lnself Until I they naturaily would , the tent Was crowded with specta-� "T rictoridtY hunters sure ceivirxg a, reply in the 91,11lir
file organ and threw makes binding. clouds. ill(, hiulletion. his will save it out VfTe�tojJt1Lly,oLja fit thtit me
Tied conviri-ed the world f hor lxx� I rushed 6 wormili from ill treat- tors'. cause a paille.. allot frighten It.' �olae of the schools Ili Sweden was, a. fill) cofifession by the C()Ijxlcil has oisv afTered to cure Ili arld:led the. way
secul-Ing the attracted less 11
ho, hands of,�Ijer husband the pu Sck
nwat I olber of the crillic'.for whiell thO tt,�ntiolj tIlLill it (lid, Afol'oo
gpefi the keys.' Bending down. I ex- blic."'But, curiously Of tile 00111PUlsoe to his office, where the Younger
nocence. . It. Sly bathing the Ver, it� b
el e L ' lendugli the lion iiever touched hjR
"Where Tvlicl',,�ilitcr olmin6d. It tylinut v with ill, aid of should to lit use heshe may all powder -of his
tirillan, lic last or tile people innocent man fiad Paid tile Penalty, KII docir until " blev niust deport. thelli4dIvell' own invention. The.6ffect
. I I lessons of tilt, purylls, Three 't Imes, a Lind If- 1nQI1g'Xvc him fL -am
queried. pocket niagnifyinj glass, and not return to her father or received the lettel* Of, public illausemeriLs, which
"At tile house,, No. 57 Clarence until at,.: the �)olnt of abandoning nd'sa tile mail loses( boil! Wrgone,, Had the in Cal.; �,llld tile Sufferer . Waa so astan-
0 v er L I%, light a ill, svinjjri$ng�-baths, and'while tl'P fter the lodger had left, Which provdKed tile agry abuse of tile 44 -
Park, arid I vully believe if she were y search did I dlsc AND � 141S -OXEN. AND THE PERFORANCt )111,gsto IL Soon a 1 11,1 flat 110 inquired where. thd rg art. elloving thiq curr erer',; intPrition, 4 M1S
tOL le. of the notes. lyc I -I was the murd loon keepers njid promenade music- ished. t rA wily Tile had., She woutd. be: Instantly ar- chip at tile.odge at olie Tile parents at your ife would ar el�. About twelve o'clock his etluri their clothe; -are purifled 11 old not'litive 11, )uld be got a
OV manogers, lis been consi
carriage. of Jut nif
that tile payinelit 'of cattIO was tlee . wo derubly medy c(
restod. Arid illy douslil'is there, too-, Ithe Ivory was broken gue steam ovens. id ilid never licard' of it before. The young
t small halo visible. lkeepor, Frank Tippet-, going round occurred: bill it was not till! it. Pro justified by events. in t lie cl that he 910ne could
trying lit vain to find Some clue till the -very Joust you could do to re a. last inspection, found J9o)ro'a, spectj.%�e loolger was inspecting the t,,Oullcll IjuS comi, 1,() take Itself jiltin - explained
h a retell Ina a, piece of dough, quick�. errlbl& , —0 -he
will clear or nume. The police have, I calapollso them for all the t cage empty. Almost Lit the same as found.. the powders, bilt, that
flat they hack flat. the letter W whose Work in xodmillistration' Illakc
the case fit hand, but failed Jy, ulso q, copy of the 'J9UY Song,' a and expense t V, and there M DINARY, room t body couldn't get -anybody to finance him.
'X' 1 Moment lie heard a er. Young John Alann was inadly infat- ra6er thari agitation, oi, put.* 61ompletely, r t a raordin- said. t ho doubted, in bringing tip their daugh, Iwas the brute fit the act of spring- il�ted- with it, pVCttV gIrl, but �tw Was 'Ing to compete with parltaillent in The grateful Sufferer I
Cory manner *the, facts hve been kept Ile loked at Mo as- I ter for you. Nor tit) tfie Bata,to ever -Ing on Mr. lifackworth himself who A OR Grown From Peas 3,000, 1301119 snad pounds Into the concern to
out of tile s a good jily sanity, but obeyed my command respect ; even Should Was,,Llso I go. r Ili 110 burry for iI�jx;jrini6jiy, , exp rhylell till -)Octal legislation.� it the little, powders
IV, uiter in this Strolling round before Years Old, , to w - tackling tile start with,. an
deal to ask, Bernard, but would you and shorily'returned W.16 it lamp, of they bewille Christiana, their Chiefs iing to, bed. Tipper Want tot' Ills lit good efeennistances" lie WrOt" T;io Council is 110 were put on the market. To -40
r tile girl telling- her she. "lust accOPt. moke milsorice" which 'to 0110 they
0 who ell in tens. of thoUsaxidO every.
c me down and sitly tile* 1), 1 Picked ill) a compel ill(" polymolit of cattle to -charge NvIth bare hands, arid after u such a time at, : The, elder man's griblace Put
re. also a clough fit a tea�ou [;Ing It in Ili 14'alrope arel much site 1 fts lived tit London' at * Lilly if Ina but
few days would rather you take sinall of ll� arid, wor: their 6f course, herein, lies frightful . truggle, in which the. Prised it. story Which recclitly. ap- him (IS I husl�ar'd bN r
PLLpeIiljIot. %It ull. (joleAgullv thin'king, tile -get,
ids, presqed It 'firmly - down tile explanation of tht lialiffest- I peal,ed in, tilt- Independent, 4� inidsumin& readily for but YOR, ion of forturies:t
the imitter up than anyove.- 1 mv liar joy I plucky fellow was terribl, injured, till �Ilv last. Will
r Their With and 101liell Matter she left, It the Members L are n8t.'sangulri6 of both ilon ill possess
"I ill come ill! nilv: I. return- qi5on tItC dallitgod k05, d at the birth of. -it girl lit Lo, Basuto I .
e be -and Arx, Mackworth between them published tit..
a tho music beforo ale I sat,,down and is taken tip und ex- tells at ill(,- remaekallfe vitillfty Of
stiIjulaipof dav before de4l)-atching 11, etirly improvement. 'So far, "black
ad. "But I do not profess to be mgott the benst back into its cage.. Iletter acceptijig 111111*nria making ar- ItIone is Specified by Parlia- GRAINS OF. -GOLD..
Sherlock llolinos," I itilded, with a played tile "May Song", feclin. bL- Whited by ' hor grandinotherl Who Of -lourse tilt- story war, told far vary ancient peaS.L
laugh, lginilirig to end. first Map; hce und tlleil kisses ItLind wide, arid tilt, mail who fought it. Mr. 11. A, tewart, it, borticuliur- eting I eents. for all early marriage. Tit Inellf. us "a, nui4tljlee within the I)j8patch is. the Soul of business -
"I know -, litt . I us,,ld to think- 1. With a boating heart tbrew tile I "Luc -It, I From this child Ist residing ;.It Hames, a illuge in Vain She wilited for tile expected all- Meaning' of tile [Let." A repoit Of. Chesterfield.
Saying, lion with his lists proved snelt all at- lind been delayed
musto a! -cinoving tit(.- clough I ". The thG, tile island of Bute, tit() story. wer;,bt tit(, IettQI , . chief. officer f the :Public There -is ]lot a
though I baV0 Dealt Wrorqp-tiat ile, and I come many her(]-; 'of tractionAhat, for the rest at not, reach Ills moment without
vou-well, liked lily sister it bit," be learried it!tO tile window and ex-- birth of it, bay all tilt, Other hajjcl� is tour jlO %flow had it Lind did trol..De.partillout SaY9* some dity-Cfeero.
.1jullea whijo one of ]its friends, lie SwYs, W110 Ilv0`P1 !It tile poqt�
LL rfavor ill to the
;aid, awkwardly, "BUt for ;her'amined it. Ili the centra was. deplored, for lie is regarded-ag all Atortimer and Mackworth's wag Wypt' it Jew 1101110 L till a few days aftel I Injury a smokY I)istallco lands encliantmO
Wo 1 in in Glasgow, Went to J I. "Apart fruit j, OW
sake -my sake -come, :small hole, apparently inade, by f profttabl�'trouble, the Co uolltlls ago, allot one day hit found It 1111ol left tot- Amerte. ad, ntillo-pliern to ilealthl arid view -Campbell.
�Xpensive, Lind Un. unt. I to build- I -low disappointmentL
felt it hot flush rise unbidden to llicisidit of LL needle, itall it dark ut. to handful of peas In tilt- sarcophagus dkiss behind litirl. cornfort,tbe damage to star tracks the
reme110ing now It sbll� Loildon 11111fil)(1171 Ure (1111it'l-011flIg
-a flow jio who died jigs ill London in Considerable, Few Steps at hapa.-Landon..
My checks, Colot-Ing, thigpd tho eldges of a�lxxw, you must have u, car ith Inatitifacturers Lis wilt) shall get Of Oilt,"Of t WFXGI-IT. jilmilding stolles.will stand thellion- W11
I am eight," lie Continued, tot,(!- the aperture. Vou sleport, yourself towurd o it r first. svrved with those. shady-strawsl three thousand ago. impelled
KING. EDWARD'S at loneliness Is more lonely that,
Ing a smile : and I think sl -Now, do you see by Whitt Inuill's jilther4jr-JaW, as you will be expect- by sialtile Curiosity, 110 put theill In. clort suloke, foe kllly g rea t length Of distrust.-Ocorge L110t.,
clu too. Could to likes ale dled*t" I asked, jubilant- known as Gainsborough ur Pcture While Re to 5 Feet, und the ordinary linlolstollOF1 he early Inarning hath gold In its
Y you come towday-1your un ed to tuko it subservient Position, in hats. Tile Case is tile Sarno Ill par[s, Ills, pocke.t. Intondlog to) sow thPul it' is 240 Pounds, are. ordinarily Used tot, build -
now IV as I showed, him tho success 01 'regard to him. 1le tutty send to" ind New Vork , slid aleeady r the Jlisl 911roleit wiien lie returli0d 7 Inches Tall, Itiouth,-1ranklin.
yotj $It Lilly bour of the dity or, night though lit, had Vt,l..VL littip hot)(, that. r L . tire found to Trile dignilty is never gained by
"I will return With you at once," lily experillient, of ostrich feathers has gone up atild, (Wo.'r blix. "dWard, Say: London Ing lirieL amXing g. tim ver last -when
I replied, leaving tile POOIJI to pack a "Candidly.. I -do not." of mental Work, and witil a. junip, All tdiis in tile result aly Of I W of tile Now York place, and . no
to old, all kixjol�
-bag, And "Listaij, theti. YoUk Cousin gavO refuse Ortly at Your Peril it This intention he duty varrIed out, Correspondent Massinger.
: of it thlef" -tel- of Is tile 1xionarch. In (,O111plultil. hit,, been made tittle u.1.0 withdrawti.-
few things Ili a carpet you May sr -exploit w (Ilia) 'I . iove In other
t out toge- organ titter having firSt to Prepare Skills tuid gi,eat wits his o3nazel"Oftt When !fill weight bvilig 240 to tittle of Ihe deca of T,aniboffi Piti- Ave what We Jack in
half an [join- later we ", , film tIW , I W� Carl requii I century ago. The sensation which ',11ropil, 11114 0111( would be everything
ther on a long journeyto the Metro- 1 fitted It %tlltll 11 mechanical contr - brity, dry arid clealt them f0l' film ; was e:itlsecl by ilia disappoarance of I,(( folin(t tilitt tlie pouts in -1 f . e I
at- (tile courser unit evatitually attitilled pounds. As 1114 Majesty Is Only 5 Abbey, the tit- ourgelves.. and
pairs, viluca, whiell we shall presdiltIV aplough Trig fields, Saw seed14 Lind tile faIijaus, "Ducliess of IV atielbuted to tile but what we Are. -Stoddard.
fron, the, poq t'tit 7 inches till[, Ills env being lupga ettolfer w�ty tot' a man
It, was late fit the afternoon what) veal. Whell a cortitin chord �ii the tend to Ilia crops by (4airisborough . 8 It beight of six feet. Their pod I ft of Ills ttllllp4. of hydroefiloric neid emitted fit There is no r
vietuotily his ervalit. For tile first kglIpw epdfoond, waro oil an average seven to altogether out R proev4 tot-, tit(' I'LlIll-It,t) 11114 Own wortit into cities -
*a, reached . London, and a tab 'May Soug' Was Struck a poisoned 11 �Vould Sion of Messrs. conthaptres fit.. length by two ])eight, It is this. uperfluous 110911 tilt% Sat t'glzill orl"j; to de -
speedily carried US front Paddington jiLedle Was forced throudii a 1101LI In ar -aftee, your illarl-fuge O roar, and eight oil ill(' in- tlinn by encloav
by Its recovery eal-tv this width, and the pens; th(Anselves that gives. tilt-- Xing's �Lrav orth. Of otlier mail. -
to Clarence. Ptirk. Midwinter hail'the keys I have discovered. NOW, a!ljot take oul' wife lar away there linq been lit) n6d regurding his heart- mructionq of tile collinlittee. 't f'oul tile W
wired to his. Sister to prepare a. rodin thousand other Songs Might inthera: home, but Would 4W011 were u. little larger.and much SWeet- much concern
and the same chovoliWith liar lit a, kraal Alutto CIOSO to TO THE, B1,13AUTIVIS er.thnn the ordinv^ ones. Ile far. Ariother Londoi Subject. arid found thtit Tillotson 0 0 Sfor rite, and a been p1tived 'Igo' are in taken to mint- There I
verything wits in I :-The condition of Xing no merit Where ill r
or the of a halt to which colurrins* have beiln ther. noticed that[ *jIlStorld of being Wires qtnmPS
ness tot, my reception when -ire r- Would probably not have been Struck liar parcjiits� Oil the birth . v newspaper on it Ward'4 throat *is Cnilsing him Iemision of tPo. acid fullials no trial and till experience � . .4
rived. Throuhoiit the jourric and tile needle therefore did not pro- 11rst child you would perform ilia devoted free Ili ver, W�ite. their flowcr�wero red, 'Wit]% i7 rid tha.illark bt NtecXWth, "wards XxIny'
"Y. illy your Uncle felt it Pierce Ilia of makad a, which, con- earth, creased OxiOtY and incoliVettiOngd- and qn1oke front tile potterf". a oes, and faith for fMI80-
--companfolu had rainciftled silent, all -o trixile' cerin%OXIY a ilarrow yellow borider. reliable Windsqr that experiment% are continually be- pass to'- liar
it to be it sists Ill presenting oor mother-inw 110tel-kcOPer, as & rule, hate no' That qeds Should be able to ttart I Ile 111011s thEct enrly last WC0k 5ng to effect further improve- hood. -A. Trill.
purelitly lost In thought, but an�hand, but, beltoving 1.
reaching holne hiS morose mood van- sprosin of some kind, persevered withilaw, will, rv.certaln nuinbat, of cattle. thing Worse thnn that� a murder Oe into new after-. o, IC01) of thl'00 I C Spa throat xchts in this, direction. Much depends upol-L -it wall's cour-
ishod and air of the Song despite Ills suffering, be- Until this time you are not allowed a, burglary should take place on thousand years la,nnturall regard- al"Clixj Zno, tile noted' a dored and tAla-
lie assumed till, eau, R r to spenit to your; motller-Ill-law, a)* )IW�e hoaraL There 1.4 no doubt that fit SOMC It plen are 'or
chedt,fulness for his sistfart sake, o 116 keW that hi JIG formance, S cio extraordina, pot-tiong of Lambeth ralace' arid told on
exception proves tilt-, rule. The bur- OL Most extimardillary ry o tile their premieeso, but occasionaly all ed ist, who Was ftPPOIat0d Pity- ausbed fly
Having arrangetl my toilet I waq being recorded, arid in so doingloven, to look at hor ; Should YOU motion by coil, ihos.4_who detraction, but the brave I
ad- t to the, story. immediately UPDXI 11 1011, Wnsl. ter Abbey tile (10MLY IN ver Ilind'scityused �Ije polson throughout IIIS act Ilae unexpectedly, P011te"Oss glar who made it vain atteMP Westminq Journed to the drawing-roorn, steal Mr, Moreland's jewaln at tile secretly suMmoned from London to sersTit cxrde� to Asl(!O�trdll 'Who` Iliscretion IS 00 11,1110CUO" Of rea-
hre a Wh Veriv and custom WOS it necessary that willtion tilep this should be attributed to hy-
UldWinter. Ald ougli two o -ears ]lad 'btidwhiter qiarted back In Layborough Hotel, ScoreSclifte, Ving- Copenhagen to, knake tilt exit
horrof you should hider your head, I This witIt tile lygis Soil, and a, guldc to its tit all ilia
ad Into tied lot limit land, as worth a. good many bun- droehlorle actil funles r had.ana - I, life. it is only found in
ClApg6d sinse I last aaw Iter.1 wag at this revelation and (Trapp As a Bsitt(y YOU 11 . I man I1L.1J*roVIXq 11,X7r,RAOUI)I.XAIty- (.'efat5101011 ToCffngotsli(Itl)Pl'loo�itongtttlolI of the clocciy(�l dutieq a
onq to bile wife, al- dreds to tile Proprietor. The made of. portions of tile mail of ound and good under -
struck bV tho change lit hor appear- it chair. V ing' sojourn (it Freclonsbarg, and stolle. Tile qosult. showed that only
our attentl tV so Ilas ,list been re- standing,-Bruvere.
. our ininnaged to got into ilia room un- A stona hou
anC0 ; ha seemed but a wreck of Jlut what object find Basil Ili 'itiough you would dlstfnguIq' of the cancelling t0n)POrarily Of Ills it very Small Of hydro -
her former - golf, Ver face had be- taking )if.,; unCIc'4 life It 010 will Was favorite, lady as Your I Wife, seen. and Was engaged In prlsfng moved from NeWcastle to haron, gemanIs to visit 11almoral,
Come pale and )laggard with mental fit his favor 7 TIP asked, children who Inherit !open tire drawer In which was ilia both ill PellOSVI-vallitt, it diStillice 0 arrau chlolic act(! or Its as Tf.,,LLq)H0NVS IN AVRICA,
:jo present, certalliv )lot more than tile
el -case twenty Miles, ille, qteven- where .
taid it 1. knoWn as the "great' W , wll(,,n co. housemaid named low all find been prepared for 1pain ; hot- eye,,; red and swollen with 11I)closibly lie was In (tire need, Of a )ter son being IA]Jco 11fayno opened the deal-. Ili- his reception last 111ijaWay. normal pereentixoe found in similr People Often how the lin-T
OrYfilig, o nd ilia Mucle.,4 around [ter large uln of money, but, Personall, on, Son, having decided to. move is his CO11SU11IP- In other buildings ill towns. tivea ill Africa, contrive to transmit
__4— I'stead of running away and scream- $I�00,ono. .rho Ning now 111111 qt011e
mouth quivered, Novertlielest she I think it questionable If tile will house, which Tied cost, him hree a day, R. PC- ill addition to tills I enuse(
A contractor undertook the job at
Ing, he plucl�fly went for tile thlef. for lion of cig -.9 to, t I an Ox' nows; with. appulTiltlY lairACUIO119
Wag AA t0illitifUl 4,(;, ever, and ore t wast ninda in 111.4 favor W ALC01IOL IN 1A truggle'ensixed, ill ilia colursel of ardwood striction i0ifell lie tit fIrst. strenuous- to be made, of about a rapidity Ideas$ Itilloq of bush and de -
had beeit long Ili liar presence l "Whitt do you mean V' $_,1r),()00. Tl*,, PoIle4l*d h 'Pit Ills pIlysici alls
Altboug gtollo buildings In var- Madly "Might noi,tilo France wits Ono, which. the two fell againstt, tile Vin- rsisted. tilroat, ijhe expin.1joltion, is a simple
know that I loved liar more vill ou found lit few Yeats ago litting were, carefully ronlOv0d, and i �
oi tile li,,uralleall natIO114 Credited dow4ramo. It lilashe tile anirm, that tile growth Ot t, London, It was found ()lie, They Ilse tile telephone. The
than before. the drawer havo b 0011stumptloa, Of went through, arid dropped forty taken, down, aid loaded on cam Tho is not malignant, it obstinately re- coil a forgory ?" , find' Y tilen tile Stone blocks WePa numbered, "YOU haVe collie to -to help Ine, ?"I Ilesides, In lvitll -tile Ainallost, sent time, ftc- feet nto, the garden below, By the I attempts at Cure. ll�,ut =; all these buildings 9how- c4oudoinese tolophortoy is nothing
,Good heavonq I no. ., alcohol, but at tile pre house wits, ro-croeted t haroll: and vists a I ed signs of cleeay as q0riolle; its thn;t ill use in livropeall countries.
ath, foe, by 11lat caso we should have collie 4crOqR so, It Ilas tit -
she Asked under liar bre 'Cordinli, to M recent article by Ar. njoist pxtrnortlinary luck, neither was tile total cogfL IS get down tit about lyrOwsl steadily of Lambeth at' Westlnill,tcr- It is of two kinds -41, hollowdol-out
the look Ili, lily face,sho knew that'l-allother, arid ilia house line been ill tile "1019111`0," Inuch hurt, the 911-1 getting Oft ftt- rected the Kf)lg'q VOIC43 a() seriously 1171aving regard to these facts, it elephant tusk of illinlelvie sive Or V.
accixtainted With ,000. in
had 11 becolne the turnad upstdo dowu.'? of most without a Afayno that lie Must avoid all public 01)cak� reason4l To to infer tllfLt tile dcCaV tain-tain, The tusk call be made to
T UnenviabIV at the head
1ru "A will nedd not ulwag be made it,
.. I, tile list, AS In Val'iland, those With was promoted lie be barmaid, unit Ing, of tiloge I)Ufl(llllgq cannot lit', specially tre,11slait seven distinct notes by
am going to try," T ro 1r, tit least, so novollstO -he of people Who Were STOPS A POUL'e- rk, -which
'filled, (13 Oil patio tin believe," I replied. "vested Interests" In tile traffle, t number SIX attributed to fUlnes (Pont tIl( Illenn Of it, qlice of tree b.
turned 01de t; Introduce melwould have to be erved by thi bravo lq,,ARtNG UNDEAR THEI KNOW les, bill,, it iq due parttv to tile greA t placed on the autqitle of the tusk
Have Vou tried tile phonograph grown to be a Mighty 111111- anxious A wedding, at, Alit—
to hall couslyl. The growera number 261 miltiOnq, the young W01naft Was s;O great its to bas booll ploqtponod tot, a novel ille notitral de. at Various. distalliceh from tile mouth -
BY tile thile (IffifIer WAS over MY comptioulan waa cloarIv becoln- and deink ShOPA'double: the PrOfItq Of tilt', hotel- son. The grojont; retired oil 0101 i tit extraordinary fact 01011T a0' Of tile of q co, %ans of thin instr ant
no%V env, of which has no doubt been no" pip Ily nle Um.
1001104 tll(Lt Basil 110jill)VIdge litid Ing colifuqed, Ire simply n�4red (it Voltittlerq in cafes pound Won burted lit *,tit
Iti.1,1,00ty, tile provision dealers; Wit" A 'YPIAll TvIA111111"M wedding (Iva allot fall into a Im the generall sillokY At- l4cluads Can be heard tit a: distance of
another object Irl j, enlicilling at the ilia like one Confronted with sonle- 0 0()0. of1he tota.) con- hear distilletI.V Ovcl`.� WOed uttcl 'i;f London. and Partly to .4evcral and niessages, 411-0 fr(4-
)Its cousill. , be Will frolat which tile lilost strellu- houge-lid loved I-Tence. tiling , (loon not*%inderstand. With- for filet that Inuolb tit tit(, Atone an Inuell tin 200
tile son of the, proprietor, and are R&Iting
e y I walk. sAujaptioll In lust year Was I one dav be, mistress where au.4 Worts faited to, arouse 11fill. who
Lite, 3431- PrObab , YoUlIg while their mot l4trentloliq Alouts,
rtVard We rfvalq, but', whatfwe'out waiting tol' IIIX to r PI InIllion gallons dt W1 '� wets nitild. Weeks have pasw.d alld tile a even it few feet 'of is not well Suited to resiqt all jimep, fit n, single day by these priml-
In 1U011 0, holft nvaeo of tImA lie do- etl nepoq to tile pilot) ograph ani till 3liall while Ills bride- Intl tO Penotrat jeoted ill or ,tit I cda- plae(I all the. reeor 111101, galloaq of cider. 521 11111"On )st expensive Crime of 0
ds, tile box Coll- in lee alcohol, and 21g mil- Im tilt' ,now,
wil know thrit 11101-0 tolchled one after another, et it'gallons of W last Centur was tile great T1011- to -be Is
not tell. I I Iioix gallon of Ilquers.
4.140,11 once during tile jiloal I jlt Seemed that, lit Just I was to tall,