The Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-03, Page 4-7-"`­-�---­­_-­---­ ­­­ ­­.- � ­­ , - , , - - - ,- -j , - , - , ­- - - t- — - -- -- - -- -----I— - , ____ - - - ­,— __ - _._ ___ - __ - I — �' - - ­ .1 0 " 4-1 � �­V­rw 7 -- -- 4� , Wr 7– -TZ!,:711 I , I , I -11 � I I . I I . 1� - , ____ � . W , I � 0 1 � I 0,0t. qrd� I Ole . I —,--- - ,-- ---I, ­ . T33V OL, Toll NEWS-UPWORD ­.­_ -1___ ­ --- . I 11 ­_­ � 1. --..--- _ - -_ ­_ . � 1 4 � � - � . _ I 11 -11 � . I ;3i� ��, . I I I F - I , , , , , - , , , - . , ., . . , ­ - - , , , � . . .. .. .... . . � .... . - . , � . .. , ... , . � _­ I ;1 , L4 -- ____ – ________=�Z:� - ­ �_ ­ . 6 — -;�' , . ­­­ ..-,�;,,,,,.�'i'�i.,.",-Iiol.,,��,,�'...'��-iI .."....­ �;­ ­­­­.­.­. ­ -1 -1 1. --1-1111 ��77=7=--;;��-4 ­ _­ �W,we,%,, 'o,'I*-%.-%w,%,-%elw4wfwlw*lok,%"4wftl'W'W'**"*"�*-w �� I —I—,—.–.—,---- . . _______ ' I .._.11-.._1___.;-__ **O# 11 I r III. 0 , LONDUSBORO. I 001DUPUCH TOWNS111P, 1, � *"*"" , #"#+"+#"#V*#""#"#""+#" .. . orter's U I I : . I , . 1� 1 6 Miss 11oldsworth of 11oltrievyille visit - The chtou Now-RNOPdo � al CORRESPONDENT dab , 1) I __ )d M I GOIDERICH ______ � . Braeside .dn Friday. . . .. -_ _ - Min Addie Cris Is In Montgomery, Mr. . ra; We uiq of the ELOISE A. SKININOS . 0 Diamond and �, I Mich., the guest omrs, (Dr.), Bell. gtb con,�Vlsqpd the ap,66YU11%le'ricau last - __ . ., - , . . , mt.. Jam -Russel of Sunshine Called ou I . . , . V RISTOR The death, of Mrs. Mary Ann me- . . � , oldfriendain this Vicialtylast, week. � , ., J. )JITCHILL) EDITOR IND week, roturning on Saturday. V ..... I . � � Xurchle, which, took place on Bator- Miss F rancle Oakes of the Maitland #*#+#"####+#"###"##"*0" ...... .. 11 Miss PrUcIlla Torrance Sundayed at - I � . 0341Tt,T01% 0 . attendance at I . . ,0TOBZR,8AJD,'1901 dayniflit, waila very voA one, Her bILs heen visiting bet- grandpftreats on on Wedueoday, 25th Sept,. at 2.00 Mr. Arob. MeDougall'o. Turkish Dyes ,,, . , V -olb . home v near Xleluburg and she came' There was a lar[;O all., at thia residence of the Sher Mr. James Morgan will so to Doti I ­ the Cub 1,40C. iday, Children's -1 � tr-"!�"�w-*---�-,-.,,.-z;i�!!!!-"�-".---,-,-', ,_!� totimsehermutbor, the late Mrs. , Mr. Chris -Nesbitt 16sVit valuable cow Knox char0l last Sal �xercifieb Proa., Victoria street ti -, the first rite this week. . 114* 2 Jamelson. who departed this life oil Day. After the opening I ^ i A � last week from "me unknown cause; -who to superintendent), of,the Jewish faith, the Ceremony of Miss Kittle Sterling visited In Goder- . . sements# SeptemberUth. On the day of her circumcision, "' All Colors�- I , 00" +"+k i ; t I I` 1"0 #" I # , � � I I � . Now Advert . . � it was found dead in the field. las # was gerformed by Rabbi lob on Saturday, � , 'I �- ­ ,,, , spoU" ""Me Missions "'while Rev, __1___1 - . I m6tbex'efivileral Mrs. MeMarchile took eon 11 Rol Isaac Halpern of t e Jewilill SYM9091110 1 I 4 Xbrebu..... ....... Up, Robt. Huck has rented the farm 1 4 Anderson gave on address to of -Toronto and the offilit day Id babe �.�--,-�-.-��.1.1-��.�-.,�.,..,-:3 . . � noilwolLr-A. $- :.:'.­:' ich the presents- VU1380 ., .:: I Ill A 'finotwithetanding: all that could .ric _ of Mir, D. Raegerent,hel6th.con and 401e; RIPTIO:N X)RUG - 8TOU11- I 1,00,1K -N. 1), ubilry� ...... -.1........ .. be done by medical skill and loving ino . ved , hie family thereto on V'riday the'ehildren After wh 'of Mr. find Mrs. larae Sher wits vained OSTRIP, rAUXJRR :K4S EXAM IT . , , tion of diplomat took I . Apkw^ successor to .OyttaeY ,TR0:kV0U- .! ftrgatun-D.M, XOD04th ..................... assed Into rest oil last )lltce�" Au)o"g Abraham. Xl'.. Max Sher stood as R- P. Ree'rie, , 0,71or O.; son ............ A attention, ibe too those to whom diplorrigs *wore yell godfather for the infant. Many Vases ALL HIS OWN WAY*", . . QXQa,t1SbQQsa1Q-w,T I. 0 � Saturday night, Nor family OURIx Mr. B. Jordan. hall rented the farm of were -, Misses Xathleeu Beck,' Vaud . WUTT1W THU APPLIM KINa. - * I J . I I opprisAtur"y)aoxt-9firla"d Bros ....... ,,, . , children su ho I a 4)11 Th a. MIX h Bleliett and looibel, of flowers decorated the roams. . � X. B.-Wells-RJoh,irdson and Creamery Butter OolOrO AIWAYA On . aivivo, one of w a, 0 rp y. Warnock. The pal, — fit,tvnflL�ldl,sTinderwo4r-,btogtnuonAl 00, ­­ ; dauttiter, wits at her bedside when the - Among -those present were; Dr. I , � Ungar Footlyea-Fred, To *7aoksQo­ ....... � . %W�___.__._____­_ 0 git and surrounding bad the same, hand. . � fing summons came. The remains Jas. L, Turnbull, Dr. A. Taylor, It. The followinT letter froratbe ApPle I � 6 ,&uOtton sixie-Nei3ou 13luollitin ........ ... I—: 6 anki of potted plants as, on 'the day S i, William$, Messrs. Frank Uwreace, King appeare in Saturday's World: iiw�� : were tAkert to the old cemetery At , WEST TUCKERSnIT". OfD � V. Clarke's wedding and its the sun 06-%,ft�.%.~W,.*,40��-%���� , , "reehollori*aUte"etI. Ituddell .............. 0 Klebiburg, near Toronto whete . . . , J, Fritzley, a. R. Outt., John Kernig- "'I noticed your beAdhil "The Apple � , I stole in through the sit I op 11._,�..::_,�,:.�­ ___- ,— --- ,I �Ined glass, I I iostMillinery 0P0Uio8�-X0W00Mb0`6 .... 0 they were laid tit re4 beside Mrs , Robt. Craig of.Ulyth is visiting ot was very pretty. ban and R. Iftraorts. The ladies. were: Crop and What About t." The or , " L I __ . , I . L . I 1p , windows the effe Mrs, T, Graham, Mrs thio season to All appearances..in the I � - -_ -_ � __��. -6111 6 . 1 484(3008--R049eAR wos, � .................... 5 those of her mother who'crossed the - J. COX, Mrs. 0. __ ... I , L L , L 0 ar - daughter, Mrs& F. Nott'L Of the Mr, Actitur Yu . lined from Humberi, Mrs, W. UcOreath, Ure. whole district west of - Tbrouto, is I -""- � . I---;- . . 1, I A 10 Suit tor nothins-44,o b . to has, retu I . . . L I , . . Usoa Bros ......... 6 dark bourne into infinite peace babe ]London Road. �r spent in .the Northwest . I . took his 150mme I a . . MW I recently., Uev, James Hamilton eon- . A large,number of our people I outt, Mrs. Robert Tobasto And Miss the bliortest crop oil, record Lin 20 years. I . �1 11- - . __ .. 11 harvest-flelds. Wine, cAke, of differ . cut This whole territory has been thor-1. � . . . , ducted the service ab the borne before Fair lost week.. 0�1. . Renuf4b., e I . I ... . . , In the Seaforth Mi, Will. Hillier is home from, I ouglilly eanvassed by the diffe en, I I � . the cortege p h railway - 4' to remain kinds and the fruits of the season, r 10 Our Great.Shoe Sal ' � I I . . I 11g;n harvesting is Over and the ma galry. Hodoes not irliteiii L le derders, and the prices b � — =1 . . . 1. I .. WrIf'1131RIHILL, I it d to overflow- , oranges, grit.pos, etc., were served the npO e 1 11 I . 1___"1-____71%_ . , . . . . station, rl of silps being fille . OV�enhlg AL niv is very high, will r n I I'. . L � I I he6, save for li, visit to his parents at� guests. In the nber of paid ht ob. will 1) po, 9 . . I .1 � � I _.", . io Bellov! ever� barrel that a farwev can dis S. . . . . Mi, L. Wbitely 4nd.b1s mother visit- � I.:, . � . !r=== UK. ,ew, The aillierfAMIlY were all I. � . I . . I )arr of Brumfield has young, ladies spent an hour,or two . I. I . : ed at .r. $, Blagham's Saturday and Mr. Thomas C taken in A ap at Belleview in Sep- with their generous boat and I "L L . . -gro, bostese.' of into the market. This being the ,e � , L I _ . . U*1. Ir Ta;�".; �,­A Wife of Au. wn-OW.Ato T-roxv.,, lbeen, busy the aab week laying a Come 1-.­hpvs I mav never all meetto, -1 EJ I . vi.ta,"narl I., rl'... case there will be quite it lot tit annles AIMLY.Suocesis, . 'L"hey � �1 I � XV1 V. I V I I . � % . � I Trank )t'.(Sarah. Hit-, . handled this coming month. If prop. -_ tlytelie(Aat tbo� same on Sunday, . meat, floor uxlael�,Ivr. I rallies 'Kabul 8AA0 4. F # - I fetheragairl. Mrs. Hill * ;___ , 1. - btir iew barn. . . I ) lies returned to bet, home at Cbi- '9U40 on Thursday A, in- I . .. / I I . 6 M . . . . mis , abol McBrIeu of Ripley is 4160 ' Miss Jessie Carter has gone to Sea* r 'Iltsie is seriously sick ter , iting bar broth. , he Sher ,Bros. atten4ed the Feast erl* distributed this season thratigh the . I . . . . . . . nd(vt -few days At the home of . I Mr. Chas, W ,We cago. Mrs. Hillier isvis of the Passover At. Toronto on 2,3rd different provinovs there sh6uld not� be . . I / , , forth to learn the dressmaking. with doctors daily in attendance.. who yer, lies ill of appendii, . . much more than would Supply' cana- - we offerod such T., n thowin. . _ er, Harry, Sept, � And no Wonder, Never before have Thet, Misses JObUstOII Of Porter's Rill Mies Annie Berry of Ray, called on His attack . . hope to see birn Around again soon. citisivaTorontobospital. , , Airs. Carlyle, Mrs. Milo and . Miss da's own market.Matiltobat takes. about . ,. visited friet�ds in, this place last week, frienda here, lately�' Brown. auc , . , Veek. we place on our Ivison of , Kilippen was Mr. T. , Witted off the is obstinate. I . Miss Bertha chattels of Mr. Sid :Reid of Lakeview all went to visit the 60,000 barrels for its trade 41c.wo, The Bargains in Staple. Goods, This . w1r. Robt. Ruck, who has been. liv- . ney Johns in his Thedaddieeof Grey township have �Pan-Anlerlcan on -Friday.. Mies Lizzke farmers) I thiuk,are gttlng the better . I ; . .., , I . uestot frienas In this ri�ighbor, b, Mr. - ib;�chsiaaa. also went on"tbe exeurg. on. 't of the deal. � 'ake the returns bargain counters . Ing fov a nnallber of years on the place the . , , usual good style on Tuesday Isis' � leellned to grant a franchise of It par . . I � . owned Mr, Jame � a I Johnston, has hoog last week. . A Varna and hin Job*, 0 move � a to Seatorth in a couple of exetription to the proposed, electric rail -I. ' Mrs. Judge Carpenter's little son and 1 from Llvevpool, London, or- Glasgow . . � . . ..t . - . . . Rev., Mr, Andrews i I n way until they . I . or their home at Debra or t e ast . . I re6tod. Mr." Dan. Reicher's farm on l6th, eks. All old neighbors here wish . I ci;i of daugliter,2141rinle, visitedin this neigW- we . d life, . have the conditions of daughter left f . , .. It, f h I 15 years for apples shipped 18 CdA.,'and has changed hie pla tb,em many years of happy retire agteernent submitted, � . -parts, find. they will , prt[r Men's Fine Laced Boot% .regular $3 for $1.715 � I . borhood recently - Mrs, Burns of Toronto is visiting her �on Thursday. to those different . 80pair . W6m . -715 . obarlescouti, wife and children of, . ell's Kid Buttoned Boots. regular $3 to 0.50, $1 goo I Miss Maude Ck;ff is. in Henaall leara7 , � Coral is becoming' fitabioriAble, Mr. ustify the pric"il thathave beeripald . 80 pvL!r Misses'Sobool lRootO,sizes ILI ,$1.35,for I . ,n, this week. . 2.184 4 2, worth Abode to, the same , , , George 111not"i $0, pair Boys' School Boots,slzoa ll� 12, 18, worth $1, for 7 15c . . I ;nd C.LowerT visited I sister, Mrs. T. O'Brie Goderich have been visiting at , reat many instances. Alotof � Xessis,11,Reid . was In Stanley Sun- ln� the dressmaking. Miss Al. Holmes is this week t6ki �Couts � 'Ferguson, rnal�ket clerk, purchased in orob.g,det have been bought by . the . . At the former's b() 'Berry of Hai . ag' ThoultIson's, William St- Mr- 60 pair Boy'i School Boots, sizes 1, 2.'3,4, 5, worth, $1.85, 1or $1 � * ' 1. 1 . r. and Mrs. -John In thb Griev�lb North Western in Qode,i, , Mrs, -Thornpson's._ Scotlaad 4 handsome necklAcWfor III - a - much f I ­ ,.,.. �. '. - -* I . . ' ' � . day 1 .4 sit to friends here. . Is A 6rother of, . . I I rpentel, ddalers; at so or tho' orchard, . . . . Lad wife of the paid a flying v! - , � ,grand -daughter, Miss Leila OIL . . 1! : - Beacovi li Bxii -rich arid Visiting friends there also. Beussela, Post. . � 1, 1. Since the purchases have been madti . . I I . I Ar. Win. . Mrs. Barnett and young daughte . San. Mr. alid Mrs, Thomas Yellow of Mrs. Di:tsto of Listowel is visiting The millinery .opening& bad Kiniff we have had . . . � . bila�Rattie Barnett,left on Thursday's, it windstorm, which has Rub. visited at Mr. N. .Lovett's on . renewed ol r4endehips. here last . f the London Road. , � I I * You should see our Bargain Counters W"'ith an � assort- I . . . . te . up, J. Nott O weaiher this season, teal summer wi.th, W.Own off. fully 20 per cent.of, the apples - . . d% , . . I 0 1 . . . . , train for their home at Detroit. I way . .. it, ,;der of the day week, kirtme,libints, Miss Donogh's'-Wlri� ment of them w' th in' the regular . . � - . %nijug is now -A e.o rs. . ongealledon � ill _. I out � , MistJenaie Brophy left tol, Cleve- that. wore on the trees, which has been of boots some or � an � d alt t66 sports claim their share of ev. r. And . dow looked like a -conservatorP, which to visit relatives and a sad loss to the dealers, The prices I i e,'% � Your . . . r. obt, rownlee riday last- . . BLYTH. . I a. e, with its Palms 4and on Friday $2 and every pair less than the WholesaleTri . ithe game. - - Wallace is Visiting pite a, number from this vicinity � t ; varletiesund the to bring Master Harold home. I paid also tbiwgh the countr,y . I I I ins of'differeni . Horton returned from hove reached $2: per barrel,, and in choi f the lot *for only 75c. .l. � "Don't 'Wait -too long. mias� Baraie . � . . report a and ter Mr. Horace J. Ce 0 1 � I . ' Wen . de -I . n town. took in th Seaforth . air And . Miss Bernice -Moore is visiting godde*9 of fashion 'seated. there -with ..Tor-brito last W - eek where he was called some cases for good clear stiock $2.50has They, will soon be cleared out at this'priCe. - , ,� . " Miss X iligham gave his San, good time - a I r4 . friends in Detroit -for a ,couple of handsome costume of white mousel- 1 3 illness of his brother, been paid for the 6pples. Then there . � I . ' I I ,. I . - : . ., abel BI . ck, black . o6trich. g the seriouE . I . . � .1 - We ire pleased to report th t M Weeks. . laine dotted With his, . ortiV h � . . THE OLD RELIABLE . � .1 I d I apienic.ou Saturday, bat beeti. under. It, who lies Ill of is the cost of barrels, also the cost of . . . Robt. Brownlee, who . . shoemaker, Mr. e black'bab covered . Horton, drugg . � pa� � , I . . � . I a I Our old veteran I I f6veraittbeToronto hospital. king, incidental expenses and . . I .1 I I I I Tschool 0 &as J a the starldil, of the ruff and handsoto , . I .. he following I. very nice- . . pupils of 8, 8. No. 4, oderich the Dr's. care; is improving , .John Drummond,, and his wife have with sequins arid long'drooping,Olume. freight, to eith r Minitol' or Liver- . . I *t August ly from an attack of inflammation - , � I bliss DouoF;li, Who had taken a o.. )II, . � . ___ . � . . � arld Hallett, for the manths 6 e re. . Quite a number of People are earn- returned to town after an absence of Inside,were drapings, galore and'large ,change for the better, -as her friends pool, also aommiaion for selling. - So . I L, . � .. arlds,pptealber- . It ia based on th . over three 'years. The old wAxy- 10 baskets of white asters. One lovely ;thoughtsome weeks ago, had a, veryi that they certainly become: aluxaty. . . . . . , . d the pliining of bad colds, - . . is velvet, cover- serious, time one .evening last week, Cousequently t1j&rl is not so many M A . . 1. ,I,j bl.rugathly.eiaminiation an '4th . I ifty are makirig arailgements to embark in hat of rose colored pam e TA - . git Seveial people from ihis vie" business here again. . . ver with black silk net, pyer W 'a Y L 011 & $019 . narti . - in order of . merit : special services im Herl- � ed all a z� ,, - - ' used;�tnd it the r6apket ovopsthe.deal- M__ . . . ps' are lea Mor-, Which at intervals roWe of black chen- Q. ng on III I - . rs. Banker Douglas and Mr' . NI ­-)�n - ; he� prrhag h a. second er has to suffer the consequences. . . . clahi-Russel Neal, Goldle Hill. Harry ,attending the Crossley and fr Wall:18 is 4 apt I . - sall conducted by Moss' . . @ion to. ille. Were laid both on outside and � - This .season, through, the effects of CasbL and One Pribe. I a ;',.Alva..Bef�com, 0harlotte Col. M ' , , P I �reet. . an took in the cheap excur : etc. 4 . Express HayeL , 'Hill, Ethel Hunter, I I I front Of .-the'facing two :biji I bail Ing on it ,With is, the . . � . borne, Ethel Lovett, Melvin ' Riffalo, on Friday. facing. ' In a a n Fot"esu isawal In ttatierice corapptition betw0n the dealei. . . Butter and Eggs talt0a, as, CAP12. . . 11 I I I -Lottie Sinclair, Alf Mr. and Mrs, Henry Little called on There wasa slim attendance at the black I)Irdti were fasteudd. with ,lovely Its fi , wi� I reside ere in - farmer has had it 411 his own way, - and I . . . . 1. I . � I I Smith.' ' 8r,- 3rd 'Mrs, Whitehead of . � nish. He . , MOBrien, .Ernest Ohallenge�r- A'. 3rd the former's sister� . . churches last Sund(Ly, morning owing full bands of rose colored pame velvet. . unless the applesp6siess good A,., ­:" I � . � � . .; .— . " - , . . . .Edna, . . 1. I ather. . 3borouilit of rose future, . . - alitlesand arrive at the markets .10 . I I : . . . I I )hn Rayes, Chester Beacom, Clinton. .. . to the unfavorable we I' Another was a Gain! i �The funeral oftbe late Captain Hugh. - qu . . � . . . if dacom, Lena Jordan, Carrie Butt, . . � .. . I .. , On Monday. the members of the 1. O. Colored satin the crown Of same drop- Bain, one of out own pioneer warilierei good condition, �bjrlay be an ulciforturt. 1, I � . _1 -11 . B -...:,: —, ...... �, !. . ' , A . . , . .. . . .i I , . Bell.li. Ball,Annib Challenger, Ida Col- I I � .. - : . . F.of thisIvillage attended the funeral of ed with lovely linniton point. ,,Cook j)lace ori Monday , ate year for the dealers. . I I � . I. . . I . � . . . I . . I 0 -',or . . I I � U " *xr J Ta lot at his � el . etiFily; ahtided velvet; and fishermen, I . . '. 1. , , . . I . . . I . borne' Garble vaKsi .Edge -11 o ... . , PORT A.L.iBrORT.. , , , teheLFkate roi, er . .1 . wrea h a .,V,. F. -the � brim 4fternoon. Rev. James Andvason Clintont, Sept� 27th., D. U.AxTnmo�-.J. , '. Lorne Butt. 2ud-Maud Johnson, . . ­ I . I I late r4s ..avel nbrith of roses surrounded with cabu- officiating at house find Maitland come. . . � � . aeo. Johnson, Anale Miller, Lizzle� � . . ., . __� —I I - the village. � The r6mains were taken . C�.hori of steel and gold under, tbebri ni. tery, The I 'carve I to . . � . __ � 1; _ _., . L L . ... Mr. and Mrs. .John Bennett are visit � . I � . - old gentleman 4 . . . . J IDIIUStOn, Helen Beacom, � Willie Sin- itery for interment. . crowded on Sun- I . . . Ing their sops Arthur and Robert in to Dungannon ceiric , . Knox church was. 1 Dunnville' I Ont_ ,about fotby�three More Attentiow'Should . . L clsijl..� Pt, 20d--:8ls1e Lobb, Goo. John. . . " L. � A�numbev. of our citizens attended day evenhg last. Rev..Mr'.Anderson's� 3n, Annie'Ball. Ogle Miller, Myrtle Ch I cago at presen t - . : years ago. froni Kenmore, near Jnver- . . _Be Given to the"Orelldrds. - . . sermon wais one that must necessarily . . of . L Mrs, J. Ben Hawkins, Who hat been the Brussels and Belgta� e Fall Shows . pl. .'ary, Arg - - . L 11., .11 ­ . Bilicom, Ji6ward Farquhar Vred .. . k ' � .. d if We want to gain bar i ' _yleshire, previous to coming L . , I a rpoident.of this village for some years which were, held this wee . . be followei . ( 'to Goderichi - For. years - he - sailed his. An old. applo dealer, Informs the . tobb, Howard Hill As& .Mair,, Stanley to of conversation . ness, not to )OL it. in , dly . 4d retired . . . . � art Mason, Nettie Sin- .past, moved to Goderich last week. . The generi.1 top, ual Fall Show to look f( I iel,the. Edward Blake, a Mitchell Advocate, that L in iii ver few Chiffien er,�` E . . The organ recital,held in the Foregt`� ,these dais is our ann eeking --for .riches Lnor for seek- yes'- I I b, i.ls"ara B .. James . . 'i L ' L lait.- W � , arr, fll, on Frid.4y ev be held on the 8th and Oth lasts, . It a in fame. but only in from, active life -twenty three years re�rs the apples: in this section of Oct.. C, . ening, which wits . Ing happiness, ago, For the last feiv. years he,0ap­ 3 -McJ3 Mary ors' lif - promises .-,t,o eclipse all. former coca- doi4the will of Ood. ,, Knowing,that the L, .f , , irio-Will 1;le- utterly useless -for, shipping . Loveibt�' L Eldred , Hen, Ft. 16 , char4e of Miss -Campbell, Goderich I tain's health failed himand. past ew . - i "en � A .L proceed I . the trial Of ' your faith " I , , -a purposes i: L L n is giv I . LtO -a success., The ' 'Idihe weather.only proy.e I I . worketh talese niqre'attentio Injitli,. : 011ie Lobb'.� - � Jr . s sions, shoili � ,, . 1. . . .. 0 months he tnifered much trot -weak. . ls&-Veru'Beacom­ Elsie, Farqt'b.`e'r'. - = aq,"t'e'd t a $25,60 which qoes� to- favorable as to attendance. - , patience" .. . I ; .1 1, .� .. riess,, jlewas,an elder of the Gi . wlic t6tile or.ebarda'L He also dds it would �' L . . L, , - , Anni.e John . 866, Calvin Lovett. of L L he . . - . Our town'fathers held their regular ' L Vey wat. church unkil thedeath of Rev,'Ariiihie bouab s'fiir''one man "to' spray 418 . t . Mr Faulkner .of.,the stir , . � 46.'-RpbtP- G.. *eidw- words the debt . ball lonthly''.sittings in .Industry" hall on ,, B,ifield'i took suddet,ly ill� of inflam- . � . . lee .. . � - . , atteadanceo L �.. . . H. H. Hawkins,,wild is Working at it . I. . I I I L -orchard Wh!1611s.. neighbor left his an ,. I I I . 1. ' L Ight drive age. � I . . )a of, -the .stomach and' - wits Me""ray, when the . Gaelic and I Teacher. ­ - ­' .1 the brick -,work in Buron township,. Tuesday evening. . - . . . matic . amalgamated. OnlY done as the pest which he mi . I I I 11 ,. .-:,: , . I. . I . .. L . see his bett& * brought up 1150�U -resm : - . . was home on Sunday 0 . . I., on Sa,turday the judge is to be here, e lence'�Jof:L -his Knox churches pager L I I . � in Attendance aib,ibhe'Couilt� of Revision . He is one of his sons survive him, Ma av�ay would soon roturn. iThe fruit this �. '� * . L I . I T: . I sister, Mrs'. Charles Symonds, . n -B in ofth it might be and . , . o � -7-_.,_--- —, - , ­ half , , .. Job ai e Duck Islands'. flehing year ih, not as jood as . . . . . I I . � . . . � . , ' TOWNSHIP" . .. 'Quartermaster - Sergt. 'Will. � - B. �1 on this vear$s votera7 list. - . . . recovering very soti6faCtOeilk- '" L. . 11 strdion, an , a, seven grandchildren.- it mind those vvith I (iob�p, I 10 . . . Thef6liowing appeAied in the last Mr� Peter Bissett has . � . returned from would'be well to re ., , H . I . is of. the Huron Regiment'goes 1. L(Ma ) Messrs. Murdoch McPherson of Detroit Slte�tjcrbpa that others who sprayed . . . . . . — .. Hawkir I issile Of the, Portage Is , Prairle n the gripatwheal; flelds.aof Dakota and th 11 I I ­ , L . . + +he Queen Oltv' wit] t . . I I . .. . . t, h-' Atid.Mr. John,McNevin .of Blyth at- r the, ; . I . . h tfie Regimen i With ir trees in time aren6wreaping . Last week Mi- and Mrs. Xtuiphy and � I . ,t, Sth. I . . I . . I � roug Lg, .tonded''tbe funeral. The pallbearers . I I . . . . ,. . . I., . ., . 11: . . A , The HuronsVill. News : 1. . kindly and thoughtfully I I I . . . . . . . ' I . . . 11 I I - . -graili. L Un 6n Tuesday,O( .. 1. nir*.parse at the. -eAt o the bigh price baid. peFbarrel. - . 1. I .1 . I. . I . 11 .1 . � . . . � I of Pa!rkhlII.4iQVe-'aP to iskelpaiii6in the military, review. be. :!'_Mrs. Laidlaw and two children Of him a souve. I Mi " �, , � . . . . . I . " 4-11,il .1 ;.0 if his Sunda,, .were : Vaptain Boxteri. Messrs.' . - . . . I � ... . , . . . 1. . ... . r � 50�. - L .1 I 1, � V . e I . anderbarg's.0f-th Sthepri.andspeato . . oder, I 6 few do� . They &IIArOv6 to G � fore..'the Duke of Cornwall And. York. ,,, . The fine rain which fell.ion'Saturday Gladstone -are ..yisktanr, n kow . uests of Airs. W. illiatti McKay� on Me I . Northwest,for a onv, , - the I, school - scholars. Mr. 'Bl6sett, I . , and W6 -lames Buchanan, . 1J. . Xohristoni . St-oddart, James Tait and J. Millian,, ' oriday ai&ompinied'by Miss . lob on - r. L I and -Miss Christy and'haid .. - . I L was -needed very much And Will do it I 6f in many.. W.4 a in ..&Ill. street. She leaves.today­ On, 4 . . Visit t6frionds.at'Blytt), Qnts" .. I .:, � . right mab iq the right placd trust the Lord will keep .his ilklit-'arm, , I . � 141b ,iWe survives hi to . and said 11 My I -lethin husband was.,�a. good living. Chi Daisy'Carrie . L - -evic. Mp. and'Mrso Murohyi retu"in great deal good , . I . , ly L ' I . I L this Ileighborhood. 'L. . . I .1 . . . , . . . ; ' . . .... I — '.'L L -own as- a 1 strong . Mr. Biasett is as bt . ... ' - . . .110had reached the. drid he isab T ast 1) ' lqf � L , .. I I � ,to Parkhill on Wednesday. I -asrd. Jobn Alexander, Last Week Me . I . . Brister. of British Col . .Mrs, 0*496 Eta been.vieliting umbitt who hi her par- . � , ..... . . ''. . .. . . . ., .L I . � . I HOLMESVILI.E.'.' .. . � . . . I . , berry. I 11 . . . . 'et wriled from a L Miss Beth Smith I . , :, -�,-, - Pati -Am and to g :Old Age ()f 85. years arid 10 Laos. gog d L I as Katie'.Bain, his granddaughter, R.H'Elliott and Nixon Sturdy delivered - . ib�lablifat,6attie to J -L .F. Andrews of 9 iints, Mr. and Mrs.* Thos; Hawkias,� for thbipastfiVerpontbi, left Friday With . I I I . . . . . . . ­ — . . the report of the ;. A . dellglItAill Y S MI—. and Are. 0 . -her ancle aud'antit, I 11 , N'L .'V'i,e w 0 6ILme down from W tarton to assist; her . iiant in nursing the old gentleman abd - . . 1. I . . Goderi�b-, � '. - . Mr. WillIs Bell'bf the Bayfield Line .-*Thefollo�iiingis � ailyf6rhorboure * ' her far " Walt6rB. HawkipO ;vaiin Tcronto . . And Sep- pupils of,9,8. No.$ for August �acc6mpabied I . . d on w-puadtutditv, good� tember. base Xeo�=L of Shmtsvillb, . ... . L 'JIL - t be her and who wl . I L'S ith and Mrs J. NV-. to .. ber 'atint until will''rernXin'to co,mfof b . the fainily return -from the ," DW L - took aloa&6f hOg0'tO, town on Tues . L. ' � ' ' . ' , U. ,with, . th is week, having, *but th t for . I , offt d6portment, and' general pr Aenc'y - 3t.s of Mr.. Kuel ' . . .. L, for ti brief visit,' � . Rov.' Mr.�, Anderson Attended to . al�q ,waints all. through the'sick.'. - day. . . I . ' Mr. aba'Mrs; johri, Weldo of Zurich� 'and L . . . . his sister I . Mrs. John Schonhals, who bat been, 'dour, Sth class-Saift Cantelon,' Henry Bw . Mabel Pickapd,. Terosa Crooks, ' ,..'dies. Maggie Buchanan acediapaniea . 2 MisaLLizzie Buchanan"t 0 601rit,al late I aptain Hugh,Bain n-ess ' I I �C . . . . '�' the were the guests of 'Mt. Mrs, Jas. . 16 in Mose frdih. Saiturdivy until fQI Ow 9� On the sick list,, is improving - again. : I - . Dr.Jobu.Smale reached'hom& On Fri _ . - Blaaf.he L Tbbbutoll. 4th L -Evele'da Me- Carthey, Gordon. Amess, Mabel Cdunnw her sister, I I . 11 . .. Buffalo. I I . Fridak for ..de easy his passing away, to t4e and .. . I L. I � . . � life eternaL . ... ,.. L I 1. . ... Tuesday. : .� n have Mrs. Jets. Mass arid' childre day 'of last week after beilig absent years Ile. looks, ten 4 '" ings, Myrtle Lavis, DAisie Williams, Stanley A bir. ban. IdacKayleff, on Buffald.where he said be, would ,, go L " ' ,om the L The. fence�.is beirip. rernoved fr �� .parsonage grounds. Worth church and - . . * visit to her father, returned fr6m their - tow.a. Mr. T.. N�. H ter -of Stephien .1 .1. I . fivie months. . . has been younger. � The. Dr. a at r imber of yeats on the road And gre tit Howard ,tmess Willjams,. : Wilfred . Colclougb, ' Olive urdy: Permill, ,lialstead.. Sr. 8rd-Edgy clean through . the whole thing . M rs.-L. 0ardbas,returded. from her, trip to Port Huron and Mus- A numbet,'of the. heads of the congre- gation were �uibting their shoulders. to will front ...47. L . It' � I . .1 a -2"j,ss K.tie Twigs Of Buffalb waa the I's Well known as the celebrated . corn . . . I 1. -Willsoa,AIbertPickard,*0scai Tebbutt, Jr# sumaler Regan,where she visitedher daughters, the wheel. They have the iiL houleva d6d its Messrs. Downing., and I antelow the past guest of the -Misses 0 . I . I � I 1. I . ' doctor. L �. . . .11 I I h . Thosi' Wilson as started to. drive Nat Cutiningh'am-go- Flt)'6nceLavid,i3eorgeo,olciciogh.. r . . ,qrd_F'&n,is. Potter, John' Dempsey, Sturdy,'.Ida R� to,ffauchest6r.Wew ituipshire, wilere, r,be,was the guest of her brother. Mr. 'to . . . 061borne have boolevarded their. res-* d6rices on , St. Patrick's street. I week, ,_ -' Air. R. R. Elliott delivered a. load L Of I Which to the buyers on Monday thernill ,iVagon,, Ing intA -) the' will. ,Torn being an old the.road ought to meet with Clarice Bado6r, Atthur Huller, UowArd Trew'artha. Sr. 2,d May McCartney; Lain H. Griffith, merdhitnt,flien B.0ston n,a,Xewfo6ridland, where and to 8b. job I L . I Jars. Bedford has returned from bet, .. . visit to . Detroit,'iccompanied bV -ber . I bogs broud-hibbinii the neat sum -Of $150.80. hogs in the i buceb h I , . and on good no ess. He wiiii,bric6 in the -em" s c Muriel Willa on, Mulholland, Edith Lavis, �Myrtla Con- � Vrith her mother; she spent some time. L ' M Card visited hot son, Returning I's. '. � . . . . little �geand'-dxughter, . -Miss , ,Lizzle, , ' . I . Green. There were, twelve - veighed not quite six months old. They N . playment of Win.. Harris -who milled , 'Some LyeaVS ago. far ears on this river ,,I,' Leila Ford, .Wilbert. Hahtead, Minnie c4r,ardy Jri-2nd-Pearl Huller, .L Mr. George Card, at Taunton. .. I -�." .r. .. her I . arc. , L . Mrs. �Walter:. 'Prildh and ,two L . I I -i_. I—. I . I . I , I . � � �. I . ;'' I . . .. . . . . . I I . . L . . . . . I __ . ." ­ I I . I . . A FREE PATTIERN. I L' . . (your own L selectio . n). to every snb- . . - I scriber. .-Odly' 50 cents a yeAr.: . L I .. M C 09, - A 5 . I I r- %ARLI: Aft. � I . . I 1. . 111`494", L. tw' . :1 . 1. -1 IN . . .. , . . . . I , . A LADIES' MAQUINE. : - .. I . . . . A gm; beautiful dolored platcsj latest. I I 4as Ions;. dressm'dkirig' economies 'fandy . work ; household hiraq ; fictio% etc, $ub- . . __ I oldky, or, send go, for latest copy. I - r 10.11-rits wanted, and for terms, - � L . stylish, Rells, . ble, Sile, Up -to- . to, Economical arid baolutely . .. , 1. V-11riect-Fifthig Paper Patterns. I 1_� , . . � MS CALL . & . 1 . - . . . f ... . ! . . . . I . ., . 2240.lbs. R..H. sayi..he likes -feeding 0. .. . . . .� . J. D. %Wilson, who, is- Coopering at .Etta 0olclough', Horace � Towill, .Pear. � Miss Alay yaru is V. . 5 - V children, accompanied by bet sister, T I . 2 U-MAJJr-U140 I .� I � . -.------- __ - .. ,, �ents. mi . A with what might All Seems- Allowed, and Perforations show . O'. .1 L . . . . I . . . I # . . . ., -e., . I I I . I I ­nOlarenee Potter, as Card me Miss Jeanie Sharinan,left on Thursday Sewina kinelii ... . . : , . I � I * . I . � , Blyth � Laideat, occasioned . L 15 . I *to run'offat a low margin: I -�.,',, . - , , � lingi at tbat, priC . spent sailday at home. Husser. 'Pt; 2nd Sr. have been a fatal ac Ch'ioa L . the Baslina and 0 � All, of these we inten( to make ro6m* for , $ .: Mr� Peter Cantelon also toak a load , Thrishing is nearly, finished in. this -01iff6rd MeOartfi0y� John . Sturdy r throwing. her ,to viii t th4ir. brother fit � g0. I . Only Xb agd cents each-none.higheri . in- need at It bloyiele would. save * by buying, . , . I . . byapassing street ca - . Ask Ur t em, Sold 1n ricarly qvery.clty iflono _ . - . of hogs and sold them for seven cents vicinity. 'One mill flnished-its season's Myrtle' Tiewa d Jr. ' � The da�..dawved gloriously for..the � I iei)t for bicycles, ,hederclearted and' - I . . . 1. �. 'a .. ., . r6ha. Pt. 2n 6wn while she *as getting gut of, the -nuptials of.hligsXina Strachan, young-, - and towni or by mail from : - one of these. All kinds of �;mairs I �, , peipound. . � work, on S%tur ay�, . , .­:� -Frank 'hichsherode. She -was pickii. .. . THZ. McCALJL CO-*, . I . $10.00, All .work 'guarAnted.. . . ­ Cgir in w repaired . New tires i: J to . . . . I . P . . . -Mr.' Oliver Grigg' took;-% Arlp to . . . I . . . Graeme Towill. . Ft. lat8r. est dAualliter of. the late D. O.. Strachi� :,. . - NEWYORK. , � . I . � . . . .. ' I . , I . - - Gustoms;and Dr. Win. fi -iI10117 West'31st St, . . I . . . . . Stephen tot;�'�shio on Saturday. but re- , , ' , � - .� .. I � Williarris,Uzzie.Badouri Char] I& Lavis , ed cip insensible and taken to a hos an of A.'Al's 1 113. . I - I I � I ' I � $ . . .1 � . I 11 I . 1. . Pt._ lot 3 ri.---�Napoleon Gralvell, Horner ,tal. She !$now abletobe.oub Again, ' ide . . . I BLACKSL - - HAIDMACHINE SHOP - ' . . . .. ,. I I . I 1. I . I . . . . . � pi ' Clark of Orangeville, Before the br . I . . . , I . � I , � . I I . . . . . . ' ' turfied homrp a0ain some time Sunday I .1 � . . . 1. on, Willie T6will,Stirling Petap. ,although able still' -feels so 8 -Of (he left Culdutbel on, Wednesday, 28tb . ... I .1 ., - - , I .. . 1. I I . .I., .. . , Cantel in . I . . .. . . I I I �. t I I I . - - . . I . . in conneWon With same we are prepa4d to'. do all kinds of work � I nighC , Most, of V,7es6. Wawa. . . , �.- 1itTNaANNON � I I sey','Lorne.Jervis� Minest Huller,' Nor- . -Casioned by the misbap� . ; -nuptial � luncheon %yas I . . . � . I � -, I . Jr" - '- ' - . Mr. William . - . . : � , Milarlings. N effects oc . Sept., an " Ante . . . . � .... . . . '. . h h Ing and. general rcpalring� All the, plow points and repai a . .. . nosh liap ­Jie�a viditiag Mr. Charles ' ' ' ' . , . , ,. . , I , mitti Stiller, Percy. , O', on We regret very, much the removal partaken- of by-Rbv. Dx;'Ure, Miss Mae. , A for the ,. . . L _ .. or' e . I . I . . I other . 11 54* avorage 4&7-N� W. Trewartba, ot the eatialuble-fAmilv Of - . k,pib�4.051r..Tedforid we still keep in stock. Points and repairs ... L . . ­ 0 I - V TIT *+ I .i . . I . . .. ­. I I . . . old f riends on the Beat On Sunday harvest thanksgivi to I .- � , - 9. S. Chil I .1 . . � Ln_'�k and . M Ual . . . . � I donald,Rev.,Jhitn�s and Mrs. Ander . . I . . � .. . . . . . . I .1 services Were held ,in Too -Wrign .,Leac r.. .. . ... ; . . . ton -of the, American Uonsulitt- rom . son,, Dr. arid Miss Clarke of Ovange- . . I . .. 11 Fleirry 140. 13 12, 10, 21 . I . � . concession-� � . . � � I 1. . . VU. MI I . I.. Tedford VloVv, ghng Tepairs, I � ' . . . Mr.. SAthribl:Ernmerson has - routed church. Large congre f, I . . 1. . town. As, poet arid scholar Mr. ville, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Thompson- .. . . � . . Sylvester No. 7 ' - . a ions were pres- ,.. . -1 . . out: I . . . . . I . . . - ___. and patronage . I . � � . ' W. Carrie's farm: on the 7th I ent at both servi- - . Wev.Mr.GOldbu . . I . . Ohiltonis friendship of London, Dr. And Mile. Hootper of - . . Miller and Tedford Flow Hill's Pateltit, Old No. 10 I . . Mr. F. ea wbiX 1. . � . .. . � . ,,ie warm and many have beqwliene- I James Charles I . � . . . i . Tedford No.. 8 v .1 � . . . . f, artoession and will take cessation In preached 'excellent discouts � � . Illeasall. , wet 1-1 I o 1, ., I Tor.ont.os Messrs, . and . . I . -ilkinsonNo. an&gi and 2 furrow plow. I I I .. � � . .. I � . . in tie way 0 . . a few Weeks. We auderstaud Mi., were listened to: With marked Open.; ' '* - - - �., . I fitted socially and 11. ' Shepherd, Miss StrAchati. and the bride 0 1 1 . . . I . . . I , . In- , I I . - I . I � � . . . . ,Cut rie Intends inoving to Goderieb. ticn, The church wits beautifully decoi . by them. L'Mr. Chilton's C.ond . I � I I � � I I � . I has crated for , the occasion With'grain, Murd, Macpherson, well known to riess the Cause .of their' re- elect. The pulpit of Knox cburc�and . I . . . I . I � I , Mrs. - 'Joshua 0001k of Clinton ir rendered most of our citizens, who'bag held a tied ill health is .1 I I steps leading thereto were. blinked With Groceries . I . SEELEY & UR14 - I I I . . . I . . � been vibithill(at heii old home on, the. flowers. etc. sad the clici god'position in a large mining store in MOVAI. I . . , palms,asteroand begonias in bloom, . I I ... . . .1 '. . . . : I . . . . . . . � - ' I � L � ial music, for the creation The I enb walk I . Ratt �bury Street . . . .. . I I . . I I 8 - . on 9th eon. . . ­ galmon City, has resigned his position Mr, W, Cox has laid a cem d With Asters in a jardiniere on. th6 read . . Tedford's I old'Stand . . I app . at arid east en I . � . . . '. . I Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Mccartusy via- . sol�c rendered. byMiss Katur-all 151-0i that he may -devote his whole atten, himself, along -the fro ;Ing desk, The chandeliers were en- I I I � . $ , . t_ . I � . Aft,ft,o%.-,W,qlw�,w,ft-ft,ift-ft,,%-,ft,V&,ft,lqbwoa- L. I ted theParl-American last week and of Goderich was very, much APpi*ecla tinii to ranching, Mivid. has .had .an, of hid new building on Kingston street- 'twirled with 66 vine, Precisely at, . Atthis preserving.AtI4 pickling `411&1111b_,q&�-ft,ft,qk.-�� I I �. . . . . I t a very plea . sit � nib time. . . ed The collections at both services . . .1 � I reivir ' $34, .1 � . interest in, the cattle business for some Master Harry McCrewtb, while �lay. .1,45, p, tv.� the organ rolled out. Loheu- I titne you will want lots of, . . . I _ - . Webster' of amounted to I : Ill' grin a bridal march while the bride 1. 1, . I 1. I . . I I . arid Mrs, Thomas in preacb�. time and knows. how to make a success Ing. baseball -in the yard of the Centri, . . . . 'a Tom of, � � Rev. Mr.)Kennedy of Aubur I I ,,, ......''.. � the entered the church from her carriage .Groceries. . You need -good 96666660, I * .1 .ft.shfi6ld are vi iting their son . Of it, 1. � . sollbolt struck the .fence missins I inegar and Spices and good � . � . . � . . ,. 0 . . ,the Oth-don. , . � . ed in the. Methodist , church lost . Sun- .Prof, Daule who has been , ball'and strained or broke sorrid of the lbatling uporr the gLrm* of her uncle, V .0 � I : Mr. - Walter ' � & * Ing from alsore eye part (if las w osebave built an he came,ii ff', ,lad Jo .see that ads . _ goodvalue in these lines and . 0 a orator and are running full blitat. . .. bis'leg. We ere g U : I ,regbrit. ev Carmel church, also td � Master Flarry could with the aid of a fown.of Oxford gray,taigilebed with . - . Mrs, Campbell of Gallb is at p . r d I taffetiL r . 0 .. . . 'E I- ."', SkLE 0 'Emmerson we . . . . .. I Boford, a suffer- dam. lrtsidefiV,of oltr town lince March when fibres connected with, the muscles of James Shephardi ' looking . fair and Pickles. . Don't f6rget 1 have Aessrs.Town and Ch ' t eek. L. f to take the position. �of w comely in her going -away - tailomn cqualatanciis on . - S. S; V . . 0 I S) I . � renewing old.a the oth. O.William CamerOn. bought a large. f,each- vocal 6ulture, left on Thursday crutch be witli hie, coiliarade I I )laek taffeta, white I ,also a good and. well assorted 0 ACKIN. ON'S . . all AT . 10 � . ,bavingeomeuP to visit the plate of. tiumberof limbs thisseaeon,-baving ,to take a position with - the . "Holy blo ack felt, . . . . . ,. I . 0 1 t � bem delivered at Dungannon Mon 1 f riends at Knox church on , Stinday. use, Qainsborougb hat of bl stock of Groceries. Good Red 9 . * ' I ber bitztb opcie more. I . I . 'lay City Concert Co., at a salary of $25.00 Mt$ ,Fred'Johnston and babe left or, on which a white sea gull was conspic. . Salmon at 10 ceAts per can and .9 . , , r . � . . I I . : . - . 0 - -.liumber from around bere last. a week and expenses. . . .. Sil uOus, In her hand she Carried a, large r 0 .1. . OF CLOTHING" OOES ON* . 0 . . Quite' a eek and. Mrs.Xicholson of Aubutinvialted bet iitat,� ity to,visit bet* milther,"Mra . also splendid value' in *Othe, � . I I a took in Seaforth Showlast W ,A Ill deal has been made bv which muff of. magnificent white fox (dispen . I 0 1 1. and also Godepielit Fait this Week. , dau�hter,Nrs.T. Clark. last Week, . 1-bn Wall disposed of his extensive bus- Brown a� Oraditon, after which Mr;1 sing with tailor-made coat and ruff for I lines. I . . I iting friends at I'll Johnston will proceed tober homeat . : This week w - will commence , to ilaughter : Misses Lottie Cantelon And 'Flossie MIS8,I)MUOY is V 8 I . ness to Mr,J'onathhn Merrier of Zurich. 'Detroit. * � . tbebridal ceremony) the. gift of her . I .8 11 . 1. . . . . I I . � I . . 0 1 � . . . Cole visited f ri,end a in Bayflold the be-' Auburn this week. . Me,'Hall will retire with his family to incle, James Shophardo who ave thb We have also a good stock of .0 . � 0 - of Detroit or W,ts At the , I.. a I . ginnin of this Week. I , Mr. and Mrs, Demat 0 London to enjoy a well merited rest, . Miss Gilby at Smith Bros, bride away. Ray.. James luderson Sealeral in all sizes which we . ' . n ; is the standing of the visiting fib Mrs.Mallough's at present, Miss McConnel of Clinton baoresurn- front INS usual with some very chic performed the nuptial ceremony aild . Oil TS .a9d VESTS and PONTS : The flollowip . 0: OVERGORTSY . . I C * -ah Brown or position as head milliner at E. styles. The baton he newly wedded couple it heauti- 0 rupila of,%% 6�9 based on the month- Mr, Allen and Miss Katut n, ,a b _ a very pretti model gave Lt sell right. � �11 I. . I I . I I . 0 'nations and Attendance I 5th isted at T. Clark's Sit I Rannie's establishment. ' � I . in AWA window had a ,-lovely black f,I an . I I . . 11 . � 4 , ' 0 y exalini of'Goderich v d touching addribas, Rev. Dr. Ure , . a � �J ' I j - Smith was hera last week to, Ing Of tack' 0,rontititicing the benediction. , While I I - ­ . class�Lortie Cantelon, Victor Miller. day. , - _ , Rev,, Mr, Ine of tucked satin,tvirorn' . * CASH FOR BUTTHR & H GGS : . I We. have a trettendolds stock , "� 0 me, Cooper, Wesley Van- Messrs. D6nald MoNevins atid - - visiting his son Ambrose of the go)_ ed chiffort arid black birds, sequin the clergyman and bridal party -enter- . I � . I . a � � to goll yet at prices never 0 4th class-Vall . . - lag . . . I I I A t. ib -A rtatiley- Har e Alek Mountain visited the Pan last week. oons Bank staff bands, let darts In crown.,. A ere ed thei vestry to .ratify the warri -# . . � a ". � or Wr,, � Tiollaad, Mr; J.M. Roberts Arid sonTolin visit- . . . � . . ation in cardinal Velvet made quite a contract Mlas,Eva Acheson#, in trettK. . fl� -- r , � ailidor. 3rdclass8r.­-Mandent . " . I � sensat black roettim, 0 of gap green silk with unc , flWEL : . , - equalled. in - this county, . , : . 1. - I Milton Steep# Arvilla, Holland, Jr.- ed the Pan,American last week. . . I I I . Ion, It, had a # draped L 0 1 0 '. . . � Edn& Miller;Xellialticks, ROY.Cantdl, Mrs. Wilson, who has been" visiting ' ' "' I . drawn with let, darts, rim of puffed .of monthly roses at her corsage, sang � I 01 I RA I .� 0 1 � al I I I . on, Frank Cole, Flossie Holland. 2nd -friends ill Iowa, returned home last . _ . Auction Sale Noulateir, ' Velvet And wreath of cardinal roses. 11 Perfe& Love" which was quite a I . . a Thi's will bo- 'V teal -Barg in. Sale ' It will be un-. : � . 0 , . . Week and enjoyed thetrip Very much. I I — . Miss Mair has this season ill Me- treat t�_ all assembled as Miss Acheson Phone 03 1111LILIS OLORTALND -th*s advertisement as OVery-t 0 t , , . I class srii-Clifford Milleri Gladys S*it-. - I : r,ecessary tO CJUOf O' prices in I I I ke Bertle Miller. Jr.---�00cil Miller, Same Of the sports of the town in Saturday, Oct. 6th, oil Mill Road Lean's block made her, debat 4is a hasno been heard for sorne time., I . . I � . 9 show the out 1we I I L r' ard-Colib. Parit9nd Sr. -Harold tondgoingto Muskoka this fall to, adjoining .13rucefield, sale of stock triodiate to our Godericli'lovers of art. 'Henri Jordan. 'as the bridal part.7 - . 1� I � . 6niww.� 6 thing will be m to rhe U3 with red tickets to : - . eon k , st4bra and cow .-G. A. Turner, Pro. One very handsome hat of felt with marched cub to the carriages and the . ,e and inspeet : Graham, Mervyn Hanley. Jt.-Nel. hunt eer. � . son Moso. Emma-Rolland,Irene Miller,, , Mies Thompson has moved her dress- prietor , Thas, Brown, Auctionem satin wired drown had six large black latigbi 'ghtheving of friends dispersed, . !l . � . : intend to make. -All we asit is for you to cOm ' 0 0 - one of the .. . I , I . Ruth Swltzor�Adellne Moss. I making shop, to over A.Uillotes grocery MondaT, Oct, 7th. at 1 P., in. Ott lob lives fastened around front, jet played Mendelssohn's Wedding march. : I 0 to satisfy youi .self that this sale Will be . 0 1 . I I at class- � I I . Ilett. L - phl rich . . . I . . .. . . . a I Berble Cooper, Ahnie-Cole,Amule0o store, . 82, eon. . , Hu ,farm stock and !in cab on and brim of wired satin. After. 4 short honeymoon trifl the . . 411 . I . : . W I . . . .0 . . . . . .. I , 0 . 1069" - . I .. plealents. -Nelson Bingham; Thos. as it final I Combe s ,6 . a I . I I or Norman Holland. -Hi 8, . e 6. , I � . Miss Duffus at Moxhin*8 h I happy c6upl6 W 11 settle down in Dr, * . . 0 teacher. , I I . � . . I I . I I I Brown, Auctioneer e show room which was beautiful. Clarke's home at Orangeville. The . . : . . � Tuesday, Oct. Sth, at 2.80 p,m.,on the IAV ecipletits � . Greate,t,t and Cheapest ale : � . Read Tjai@Nnws-Rucoitb for Goder. glecorated. 'Are admired very much 'bridal party were inside the r 6 0 .. . I . !ell township ha n. I ST, AUCAYSTINZ, I remlsosat Clinton,the roperty of IY Gains 11 � . ,� I , a I I aele in I Mr. Weida c - � pe Ingo Y. 9. Crealy Co. -N. Towj borough of black panne velvet of, a great number of valuable, gifts . . uelch,W110 with 'Mrs, iquidotor -, 1 with stiteh6d folds nod padded sequin from Sarnia, Hamilton, Orangeville has taken I . Bakin' Po d : Th.t IV-,' * this eountY- We would : I . .W er 0 01 q I � Leledc 'Wila a guest at Mr. James Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Robinson visited Thos, grown. Auctioneer, 'on, underbrita, One drooping plutad on -Arid Gdderloh, one of them being priz- 91 � : urge out frietids' rom the country to COMO in , 0 . a a recontly,,also viattell Goderich their son 1, Robinson near Wingham On Thursday. Oct. 10th, at I p.m bandeau under front brim caught by ed viory bighl'to it being a very hand- a . I . 0 _ . ' .� I where. he.. had riob been -for twenty a few days teat week, Lob 80,don.11,Goderich ta*hshJp,cfe mt- a rbinestoneeabuchon and -long m6line some Bible, t e gift, of the Ladlee ,kid I � 0 1 . . ou Saturday bringling in tei . . .. . . .� ' ' Mr� J. Qrol$ and hial sister. Miss inA sale of farm stock and imple- Anoi g tpe was of Kno:e: Church, of which the bride I � . Ourtice, Proprietor, tie, bherof the sain . i . or"' ` ' monta.-A. 3. 0 of brown ve ,7js q secretary and treasurer, always tit is made of pure Onam of 0 - . . . til e 0 will attend The Mitinle Craig,vialted friends at Carlow. loneer. ,. Iveb faced _astor wa. I 6 0 '!��oirtl'hdTtj'oViaiu�'�atp"Boapylllftela. on Friday. , Mitt. G. Garton aperib last week visit; Tboa, Brown. Auctl oamella hair felto bigh.rollial bilip her pos.b.and courWous and dktible . . I . I . . ol Ab her tather's, Mr, H. Rentioul'o of Oct, 11, at. I p. mi, &6 Jo- )e with with All e ineit. NVe extend to the Tartar and is, guaranteea : I ACKSONO . . : , I I ""' caught on crown And dral 0 T. J a . . - � . . I I . iMab,, ' I I .. I .11...� . sitsonla I-ealdenee, adjoining br Ide and groom our be,qt wishes for , . I . � 5. . I Whitechurch. n visited . , grove, Seaforth, extensive turquoise blue,silk, - 5 , I . I . . friends, around this vicinity One day sale of household furniture. -Josiah The reception given to the Col ll happiness, to be absolutely pure. . . Mrs. J. Mills pad childre I . . 0 : . . I � . I I Paid it! Full. � last, week. . WAteoh, Froprf6tor -, Thog. Brown, students by the Epworth League of . . — . Price 25c per lb, I - I —I —1 1. I . . � . " I I . � ­_­­__.­_­_ ­ . . . Mrs. Wal ate an Ire. .Utobinson Auctioneer. Victoria street church was very one- The Court of ppeals at, Quebec bits . � 1. . An exchati 0 gays - "Every editor - P. 'Ida Bell rendered dec Aeaft*rSuperior Court OFINTEREST * . I I . . . . Visit( i VAndersoa'.s last, Saturday� 006, 12th. R6 1 in. on lot cessful. Miss V I � I I 1144febeiVoiltTenisayaawriter. The 10, Tuckoiremilib, Adjoining Egiriond. 11 StAghine, sunshine, scatter it all the .Judges in the Province shall be ad. I FINE FURNITURE . I . wag", -ce'# MOVING � . oatival6ter genda them to the editor 0 of .00 stock ste6lia Mier In a rich Vol .- dresed ilis"youp Lordship," Instead bf. . __,_ii. ­ I I = the postmaster Is not to blame I Rattio , Harris, accom an . . I wrr,. 1. Leddy- has been O:Klbg his ville� extensive Sal beautiful TO SMOORS - , . . - , : . Vor instance there wag a .man named houte near here which makea quite An And heiferg,, also im plemen ts, -Henry let, Master SAw Bean g&vo 11 aut- "your Honor." I . I . I * * * * - I . I Tim Short who sent us three notices to Improvement. He Intends moving In- Colborti Peoprietor ; . Thus. Brown, Alto- ilated Currency" And , for encore Rev, It. S. W Howard of Thorridole In order to. reduce our . � . . . . , . to it thle fall. . tioueer. . , has accepted i66 rectorship of Miteh. S I-109se eicap!ng t our stock is dompleto in every ,stop hit a 00, he didn't watit. It any at Mr. - 1% humorous recitatiob. Misses Harris fric Is Ab hand' line, For quinIcIlly our goods kre . � � wondered what was the Mr, arid Mra, 0, Mass visited Tuesday. 001b, 15th, at I P. W, On lot And Rate gave 11 Whispering Hope," and you W!l; to I �v require a "I longery W. I * 1, con.8, Tackotismitli, eleAritur sale of ell. large stook of 10a Cigar someth,04 , 'an" ' the boat for, price the I .. Upon 'Investigation of our it. 1"Aleitila or% Sanday loot. mplementey.-41)uncan 'Ott recited " Two, Little David Handley, it St. Thomas, broke- , now in th,3 Ilifte of � itibboMptiod list we found Tim was 'we F . cheapest, .. , - Itattel Un and Mrs.. Ritchie of Ashfiem farm stock and I Richard Fill 1111111161ily WAS run over and killed 'at Ir. , fig one arniture. . . I . I visited at Mr. J. Craig's on Sunday McTavish, Proprietor; Thoa, Brown, Rogues." "Mrs, (Rev.) Robinson sling . . . � $2.50 aborb, " wood. . . I arid be atopp.6d the paper as & matter Auctioneer. very pleasingly the duo 0 ,Never alone. I � He had never paid a cent last, week I Ill nrq)ttoom SUITS we have . . . '. Mt, and Mrs. 0. Robb vibited at Wednesday, Oct.lfth� at 11 a. in.. on An antobarp selection, " Johnnie Some unknown,polillon took Mr. It. ,; I to once. . N V" 4 , rendered I some special snaps OL � ofticonowltoug. Afewevenin ago 0 ons Ill bOX60 of 80 at $3.00 1 Do, nob fall to Ace them, � filto a church Ana%alta 'th6it, dAughter's, UtIg. Win, Milt,049 Of lob 28, eon_2, L. R. S., Tuckeremith, Canack's tho Lnd "'was well letritiletion's horse from a stable abNorth, . 1, I Ebenezer, on Sunday Wt. eitomlve side of thorobred and high by Mastoril Buchanan andEffliott, Who Bity and beat Its brains out with an -908t I .. iiiiloi&0606 teftOr rang outelftr In that 11 My aXe. � A peigliborla cow wits -also badly Itoseboryis It 150 at $2.76 I I . I I . I— on"Itbirting, mong "Jeaus Paid It All," The anniversary services of the rade cattle, enoral fAtyp stock find reaporido,d to the ` encore, rendered cub with the same welt n A Sal abiuls 'A' 80 tit 0.00 . 8- X & Co.0 Furniture DWOPS and. Undortakept, "' .06, , ,I onoybrook church *o.ra preitehea on frilplements.-It, Buckler, Proprietor ; Oottilgdlloftle" WAS. 111001 I Ruby I DRUMM 0 1 � ; . �) Ile might ijavo b6m mistaken, but his Daniels of Not grown, Auctioneer. by Mr8. (Rev.). Robitleon, US Iroquois r6tepo,y= C ftrile8ttleft Jm Named uo, The neft s ,d&? I ' by Rev. Dr. Av� 0atlif6d a 'alert JA4044"Or I . M'der Ch �A grAnd concert w eta on. rsday" Oct. 17th, 10 1 V. in on Unblnwn Accotripabring her. - G00a by-law to borrow $1%'MO to construct *Jr. W. c1ld I hrid a receipt, In fall I . 0 1 1 day we sent, . Monda night when Dt, Dantels lot A con.6" nsy,cloltrin MfaflAii,m hot cojyde, lovely sit mou mandwielitle an electric light plant. . . I Thera was % oad attefid- stock atid ImpleY44mtA.- I I Thol population of'OttaW6, according I begging him pardotill for not knowip lectarex Un. Layinit and cake, were diapenged generniably' No am Oomllmvsl� Night and'Suaday calls aaltwored x1b rellidonce of our that, he bad, made &it Aftialtimont, 101 Atice at, sundoy'd Kery1cov and I a Ctirtit,Propriet-realThot.Browo,&ue- -Aniong all. There woA. x very Urge to the wwoM Is 00,4W, art, luor"00 ob * lilt #,Ad DWSgV4,, rdtiot%l Director, $* W, Chlillayt.Xing litteet, OPPOSIte foundry, I I bi# Habilitiev to the'Loall lapatute, . tiot1w. . . Attoodanos, . of Am Oyer UAt y"r. I I ain I . . I I I .- 11-1 ­�� I * - I I . V . I . I � . I I . I . . . . I . -1 I I f . . I � . I I I I . 1, � A . . 0 . .L I _4 .. , I . ) 11 � . I . � . 1- .1 . I 1 .1 1. . � . , " I -19 -11, . .1 1. . . I . I � 11 �,.� . --.-'.-.-.'-.I'L,���'��-'-'--'-'- .- 1._-_-_--..--- .. ....... _ ____ ___.._1.___-- I . - _­ �. I I , - - . � - " 4, I t � I .._.,d_­­� � . __ " ______.,k.".�___.____._ __ ­­-'____ mkiiakw