The Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-25, Page 5FiNA
y 25th. 1901
anted Ads
A. female teacher woted for 8, 8. No. 13,
Babylon Lino, Stanley, ApellentIons will •bo
received up to .d.uglist Oth, Teria ejAu/P•
list ilith. A.pply to
•J. T, 8:RYA Varna P. 0.
%Tune 27th. 34
For Sale Ms
Binder Fwinet iho lowest prices.
Clinton, Juno 10th,
or at Cantelon Bros. store,
A drst.class Shorthorn Bull for sale. Good
color and first -close pedigree, About 13 months
cde. et sold at mice a bargain will bogiven„
R. PLUM8T.84, Clinton:
To _Rent or
For- Sale AIN
The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lot
21. 13ayileld Road north, eonsisting of 100 acres,
80 acres under cultivation, the ba/ance hard and
softwood blish. Good frame house, barn and,
outbuildings, Ono ore of bearing orchard..
There are throe irons on tho promises. The lot
is situated °Wye half mile east of the village
of Varna. Possession can be given at any time,
For further partieulars apply to •
July 22w1.Va7na P, 0.
The undersigned offers his. cottage on :Albert
street to rent or for sale. The cottago is noW
occupied by Mr. Reekle,• draggist, autl IS in a
good.etato of repair, APPIY to
' ' • JAZ. STEIrPN'S.
At the 11 kn tomer resort "Jewett's
Pobit" a couple e ble cottages, furnished
erunfurnishy the ith or for the season.
For Partin) tioulars•ap to '
in, • , W It; I' ETT, Bayflold.
June 1
The odors d off for sale or to rent the
1k stork house n bowling g•reou on Mary
street lately 'oteu y Mr. •, A, Sehrenk.•
The house is 'howl d anA.d. Is in a good
state of repair. 1:1 1a • ft water, •
Clinton, ,Tun e 17
Tho Undersigned °kora for solo a soven.rootn•
ed cottage on Orange street tegether With 1))39.
fifth eine of land.. New:cistern and well. Will
be sold on reasonable terms. • •
Clinton, April•
Tho Gale Farm, ono of the best 100-iicre farms
in Goderih c•township, Huron county, lot 17
. and part18 on the 8th con., Ok miles from (Iode.
rich, 7 from Clinton, The farm . contable good
buildings and fences, Is well watered and --un,
derdrained. Large orchard and garden. Farm
will 'be sold en reasonable terms. Will sell.
either 80,or 100 acres. •,ApplY to , •
'WM. GOULD, :••
Janeht• on the premises or Goderich P.0
. .
The undersigned offers for sale lot 20, con. 10
Goderich township, consisting of -80 acres, all
cleared. The lot is. situated 3.3. Milos from
Clinton and 2 • miles from school: POSSOR5I011
given nextiall. •-For further particulars aPPlY
• on the premises to • • •
nOBBIIT HUCK,' Clinton P.
lVfarch 7th. .
Tho subscriber oftbrs for sale a very desirable
. property on Isaac street Consisting of four lots
open which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitchen and Woodshed attached. There
is a good stable and -a tiret.oIass ws,t of water
on premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes
and apples, is a'good 000, Tho .property will
hosold at a reasonable figure for cash or k eash
and balance et time. Apply to the oiimer oo
he promises
MRS. .701/N AMOR
Clinton May .
. • • •
-- •
Organist and Choiralaster 'of •Xerth street
Church, Goderich, and teacher ofpipe-
organ and theory, is prepared to take a lipiano, • mited
number -of pup& for instruction. IreaVe word
at the Clarendon Hotel.
Clinten on Friday of each week,
seeTEmagR 3RD
To cure acold 14 ono day
Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab
lets, All dreggiets reftind the money
if it faile to eine, 2e.E. We Groves
signature is on molt box.
Notice is hereby given that the council of the
Corporation of the Of Town Clinton intends to
eonstruct a granolithie sidewalk along the
north side of Itattenbury street, betweou Gib.
hings and Albert streets, excepting In front of
lois 224 anti 227 and that portion of lot No. 220
west of the hum hi rear of Reagens Bros. store
and to assess the dual cost thereof upon the
properties benelit.ted and not exempt by htw
from assessment. Teo estimated cost of the
proposed work le $749.70 of white) sum $83.40 is
to be provided. mit of the gentwal funds of the
00 mimicipality. A Court of RoVision will be held
Weanestiar, July 31st, 1001, at 13 o'clock IL,
in. at the council chamber for the purpose of
hearing comp/tants against the proposed as-
sessment or MCC111114), of the frontage measure,
meats itini any other cOmPlaint which POrs'Ons
ilsw nterested may desire to no and widen ls by
ognizahle by the said court, •
Dated at Clinton this Itith day of July,
•..NOUCO IR hereby given that the council of the
-Corporation of the Town of•ellaton intends to
constrocta m14)010'10 sidewalk along the -
north side of Rattenbury street oPPOsito • lots
irea, 227 and westerly part of 220 atui to assess
the linal cost thereof upon the properties
benelitted and not, exempt by law from assess
ment. The estimated cost of the }imposed
work is 8143.60 of which sum $3t is to be pro.
vided out of the general funds of the motel.
at tho council chamber for the purpose ts
hearing coniplaints agalost the propesed as,
sossmcnt or accuracy of the • frontage measure,
toms mid 4ity other complaint WhiCh perti011S
intere$40d MaY (10811.0 to make and which is bY
law eognixable by the said criurt. • , •
Dated at Clinton this ietli day of July,
Notice ishoreby given that the.eounciI of the
Corporation -of the Town of Clinton intends. to
eonstruct a granolithio sidewalk along the
north 5144 02 Rattenbnry street, between Gib-
bings and Percival streets, and to assess the
final 'cost thereof upon the properties beim-
fitted and not exempt by law from assess -
Mont, The estimated cost -of the proposed
-work is $485.75 of width sum 860* Is to he pro-.
N'Ided out of the general funds 02 220 motel.
•PailtY. A. Court of Revision will 'be held ,on
Wednesday, 41,113,31st, 1001, at 8 ceelook p. m.
at tho council chamber for the •purposo •of
having complaints against the proposed e.s.
sossment or accuracy ef tl f , 0 measure- The Latest proes Materials.
moots any Other COMI5Ittia which persons .
Mrs, Beettle of British 001;11)41a has
been Visiting thie neighborhood.
„A gentleman from Manitoba has
been In this section looking up hatveats
ere for the west, Quite a number are
goieg out,
Miss May Smith of Clinton, who has
beeu evielting at Councillor Verriee
has returned home.
Watt Murphy is getting in shape
for a lerge eeaeon'e threshing. Ile has
secured the serviees of jack Gehnoldby
for the third treason,
Miss Maggie Pareons of Indiana le
visiting. her parents of flarlock.
The fall wheat is ail cut and will be
in the barns this week. 12 isthe heayie
est crop in many years. Mr. Robt.
Beattie has 20 ecres of No, 1 wheat
which he expects to run about 85 bush-
els to the acre,
Mr,and Mrs, Nat, Sundercock visite
the latter* ;sister, Mrs, Jim. leariby,
Goderich township, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Snell loft Oa
Friday for Brandon, Manitoba. Mr.
services have been enlisted by
one or more of the Fele Aaaociatioos
in the West to act as a judge of cattle,
The Hullett township council met in
Londesboro ou the' 1721 July with
members all present, The chief tarsi -
tress of the roeeting was to consider
ways and means of repairing and
strengthening the old Watson bridge.
con 8 and 9 which at- present isnot quite
Kate te Carry heavy loads such. as
threshing naachines and. engines but 15
will be attended to as soon as it is
possible to get material for the pur-
pose. Cooaplaint was made by Henry
Cooper, the occupant of lot 9, con. 8,
that John Dale has unlawfully dug
it drain in slanting direction across
coati allowance, con, 2 and 8, taking
the water out of its natural course
and causing it to overflow and damage
his lands and crops. The clerk was in,
structed to ootify 1V1r. Dale of said
complaint and that the township coun-
cil will hold him responsible for any
damage pr injury that may be austein-
ed through this eause by Mr. Coo er o
the t
ovvnship. The Reeve and teas!
urer were authorized to borrow $1000
for current expenditure until the taxes
are due and payable. Council adjourn-
ed until Saturda01
y, 24th A.ugust.--
law cognizable by tho said cork
interes ed may desire to meko and which is by A very valuable feature of the August
Delineator is that wirich illustrates by
Dated at Clinton this 101.11 day of Jilin
WILId.A.B1 COATS, Clerk, photographio process the lateet dress ma-
terials, accompanying the ilhistrations
geld() those who wish to have the fullest
with a running conanrent, . so as to
knowledge of materials before goina
shopping. This is one of the featurers
. • of a prectical charairter that makes The
Delineator , so highly esteemed by
FOR EGG'S Wonaen. The same number also goes
'very fully into the suhject•of trimmings
and other dainty accessories of dress. tv
A large order has been placed
with us • for eggs which we
must fill, so in order to do Was
soon as possible we are paying
13. Cents per Dozen. •
We also 'have a lively de-
earand for better for which we
are paying 14 Cents per
pound. Delivered at our
store this week,
Good, Prices
Foe Produce.
Next door te Dr. Gunn's private hospital'
New Color in the Cheeks
Richness in the Wood
Aid rtealth,' vigor and Strength. In
•the Where System• 'When Dr..
meows :Nerve Food to
Palenesi of the gunaS, lips and inekle
of eyelids, nervousness, weakness, in-
digestion, headache .p.nd 'despondency
.are tee ',symptoms .co
Thou shalt hot go a•w•ay. from home
to do -thy trading; nor thy son no thy
Tho e shalt 'patrol -rite thyerome neer-
chant, and thy home printer, for yea
verily, eloth not thy home printer
'spread over the glad tidings of thy
goodness and greateeis, , and theY
shall patrottize•thee. .
Thou shalt eraploy thin,e own: rise,
chenics, that they may dot be driven
femn their heroes to, find bread for
their little Ones. Thou shalt also con- •
eider him as thy neighbor; above all
them that dwelleth in a etrange tome
Thole shall not ask -for credie •the
goods dost much money, and the mere
chant's brain is burdened with bills,
„His children clamor daily for bread,
and his wifeaeideth at home for lack
of such raiment as adoeneth her !lister.
Bleesed, yea, thrice blessed is the mart.
that pays -cash, •
Thou shalt riot aek re
16 -
tbine influence, for o
thy. heart and the niercharie
e an open book, kte
lauglaeth you to scorn and shouteth to
his clerks ' ha, ha! "
Thou shalt clo' whatever lieth in thy
• power to encourage and • promote the
welfare of tibiae own town and thine
own people.'
'Thon shalt nob suffer the voice Of,
pride to overcome thee, and, if other
towns entice thee, consent thou not,
for thou 'payed. be deceiyed.
Thou shall speVnPithy earnings' at
borne end they inav return frore
whence they came and give newish.
men t ta such as talconae after thee.
Thou shalt not bear false witness
against the town wherein thou dwell -
est, but speak well of it to all men.
Thou shalt keep these command-
roentla end teach them ta thy children.
to the third and fourth generation%
that they may be made to flourish and
grow in plenty when thole art laid to
rest with thy fathers.--thaknown
prices for
c 01.0E0 guile is in
and 'anaemia. reacl th
These symptorna indicate that the
blood is thin and -watery, and cioes not
contain sufficient
tomsthatthat disappeat when Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food is used to build up the
body and 1111 the shrivelled' . arteries
with rich, red; life-sustaining blood.-
• Dr. Chase's Nerve rood is a Special
formula devised especially for all dis-
eases arising from 113.1 exhatisted condi-
thin -of the blool and nerves, and has
proved. signally successful • as a Cure
-for anaemia and chlorosib.
Di fact it cannot fail to mire theo
ailments,' because it goes directly' to
form new red corpuscles in. the bloodi
and so nourishes and, restoral the sys.
tem to health and vigor.
Xt is of incalculable worth to wornen
suffering from the weaknesses and ir-
• regularities peculiar to their sex, .and
Is evidenced by the grateful testimon-
lois published Vora time to time in, the
daily Drees.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great
blood bender ane nerve restorative; 50
cents a box at a dealer*,or Zchnan-
ton, 13ates & Co., Toronto,.
Never before in the histoi7 of our college
have our graduates been so romarbably success-
ful in securing excellent halm tions immediately
on leaving college no during tho present year.
A. businc-is rilueation such as riut ho obtained
in our KcItool is the eubstantial :routulation of a
success/11111Po. •
bray 'we send you a eatalogue
W.,1, ELLIOTT, Principal,
Ttis signature is on every bot of the geonlim
Laxative Broina.Quinine Tablets
the remedy that dives a 00141in 0106 day
RATTEmBulut $T. wofins
Direct importers, Workman-
ship And Material guaranteed.
$ E e & BICE
Your home beetsnaee aniusetral
oentre when you have a first
quality piano there. Yen will
appreeiate tiff, high qualities of
those I sell and how1 can sell
them, Orgens and Generat
Musical Merchandise Bole right
0 1171 OARE'S
tusk 'Emporium,
The great sale of Boots and
Shoes continues and our ex-
tremely low prices are clearing
them out,
Have you taken advantage
of this rare chance to get
shoes below wholesale prices
Try a pair of our Harvest
Shoes for 8e, They are great
value and this price is helping
to sell them.
natter* Poe and
P1'0111100 WM
To Wonderful Washingtonithe ever-
green State, land of opportunitiesof
floe soil, spiendid crops and indepen-
dent homes. Now is your time to go
to the letioifie Coast ovee the GREAT
ful Waehlogton, the ever -green State
is the place for you. Climate almost
peered, Grass green and roses
bloom at Christmas. •Fine crops that
never fail, Plenty of good lane. You
can own your farni and horneand be
independent. Good markets Good
prices, Good schools And churches,
For illustrated description ana full
information abottt rates over Great
Northern Ay, writes or call on Chas,
W. Graves', District Passenger Agent
0 Xing St. West, (Room 12,) Toronto,
For Over Fifty Years
Mareeeenstaw's soarnzeua Sexier has beim
used by milliona of mothers for their children
while teething. It disturbed at night and
broken of your root by 4 teek child suffering
and orylug with pain of Cutting. Teeth send at
ono and got &bottle of "Mrs. winalow's wroth.
ing Syrup' for Chlhiren Teething. It will re.
liovo the poor Otto sufferer immediately. De-
• pend upon %mothers, therelii nilatake about
it.; 120111.09 Diarrboo_,,a regulates the stomach
and bowels, envie wind Cello, eoftona the
Guma,roduotialnflammation,e.igiveit tone and
energy to the whele ayatein, mmra. Winslow'a
Soothing Syrup" for ehildren teething is idea -
Rant to the taste anti la the preacription or 0110
of the oldest and boat female physielans and
nurace iri the United States. Price twontrewe
00001 0.01 bottle. Sold by all druggists thrpogb.
out the world," no surto and ask tor sirs.
IN Mtn, 8o0ntr$0 Snter.
Minton Iarket Report
04 to 0.
whectt...„•....... 0 32 to -0 63
087 -0.0 40
Oats- .0.11141, Vtl 110...i *is, 0 al tO 4) 82
Pe460*.M.t ill,1111"1 V.11,4 060 to 000
• 1,4,1, 040 to 0 46
Potatoes- per bushel. -.... 0 20 to 085
Butter rOliel and mak ... 0 18 to 0 14
Putter in tub-. , 0 14 to 0 15
014 to 011
WOOL tyli 4,40.411r WWW11,4*. V{ Ye 010 to 0 Id
Live:Goo per ewb.....„. '0 50 to 0 50'
0' 76 to 670
DressedPoric per ewt ,, ,, 8 00 to 8 50
Flour per owt..-, 1 76 to 2 00
Than per t01111 s S.**. 14 00 to 14 00
Shorts per ton....,..,.. 15 00 to 10 00
Wool per 14113a1VSit. FPS, 132o 14
Psed 4.01e# par lb. w) 44 00 0 4
Card Of Thatike.--On behalf of my
family 1 desire to convey through, the
columns of Toe Never -Rumour grate-
ful thanks to our neighbor* and friend*
for their marry seta tef kindness eberieg
the lona illnecis of my daughterEditle It
is when hearts are sore bemuse of alek-
)3913$ and bereavement that kindly deeds
are most appreciated and we WW1 ever
feel grateful to thou; who rendered
eeeisterese during the trials threugh
whioh we hove paesed.-joho Molrto
Mr. and Mrs. SteVen0 Of Harlook
were guests of their datighter, Mrs.
John Lawson, hist week. -
.Alice Clerk Inue.gone to SeAugustine
to dwell with ber water there for a time.
IVIasters Webster and Sylveater Stitt
end Miss Florence of Leadbury were
guests of relativee in the village remorse,
Miss Annie Fluker of Clinton is visit-
ing her parents in the village.
The Missee Nixon of Winghain, who
were visiting at Mr, john 4114130°n*,
returned Saetwday evening.
The homes of Messier, Howson' and
Ferguson are well in hand while the im-
Peeverenent to the dwellings of A. Ask -
with and A. jackson are also going for-
ward rapidly. T. Riddle paints his
store and in effort the West Enclere are
doing it this season.
Owing to the prolonged deougbt in
this vicinity the straw will be unusually
short in Meet instances and the fruit
suppiy is also behind..
The boat on the river le in great
demand of late during the evenings,
The village boys and others have
lively Creek on tee corner with the foot-
ball. The married men failed to appear
in sufficient force Saturday evening,
Obituary, --The funeral of the late
Edith Mole took pito° from her home
here on Saturday last, Service was
held in the Episcopal church and
though the day was hot the buildin
crow ed The remains were then ,
carried to Ball's - cemetery Where the 47
of the deceased were all hoe for the
interment took place. 'The brothehome I u
funeral. Several relatives from Blyth sle
er parte were among the mourn,
ors. The family have the sympathy of
the entire community in their 'sad
bereavment. -
The infant ohild-it was nige months
old -of Mr. Wm. Weaver'a died- last
Sabbath niglit. The funeral took plaire
on Tuesday,' .
• Rev. Mr. Curtis,who is visiting at 1VIr
ne, preached n . O. L.
bbath mor meeting which is held there instead. of
week's visit with friends there.
an frnra t n in' legisn'aSialagl; Kenney-. has teturned
bome :from Con t a er a pleactant
• STOCIC Notss.
The recently. imported Shorthorn
bull "'Fancy's 1"ride", vol, 47 E. H. B.,
bred by George Walker, TillYgreig,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, arrived last
week and is now at the head oP W. J,
Biggins' herd at Elmhurst Fem. He
is sired by the Duthie bred bull "Pride
of the Reahn" (75257) by " Pride of
Morning': (61546), winner of the High:
land Semety's breed championship of
20 guinetis, first in his class and the
Duke of Yaek's medal for the •best
Shorthorn animal ,cit - Aberdeen. • In
1893 first In class and Society's prize at
Royal Northern. •
‘Willai lelle 4)..;:c1);eZaletsilre Dieing. •
mohailop gyowas1i1B.
The fall wheat was nearly all cut last
vveek. There is an abundanee of
atramebut we believe the yield of grain
will be disappointing,
Pigeon. and his gang are again at
work at the big ditch on the ehteade
Company* lands,
Miss Mary Irvine of Blanshard
visiting rel4tOe i this eection
Mr. John Govenlock has had the
misfortune to have his barn burned,
The carpenters are busy at Mr.
Davidson's new house. It is a two
story building wflj4 manserd roof,'
The oets are -Coloring fast and will be
ready foe cutting next week.
Women both young and old, as wall
as children,are frequently seen wend.
Ing their' way from the berry patch
with well filled pails.
IV W HaWkins, Chicago, loft Tees"
eay after two weeks stay with his
parents for Cameron,Wie., and Chicago,
3- Beth aaWkina is spending a few
days with his family, lee arrived on Fre
day from Portland, Maine.
John trarallia, who has conducted a
general store in this village for the past
two yeare, bat Tuesday for Swan River,
Afaratoba. li1 brother Peter takesthe
store, John will be much nalased es he
was obliging to hie customers. Success.
John Currell, Chatham, was io the
village last week.
Mrs. Crawford, Toronto, who is 01532-
it3g itt Goderieh spent a day with her
sister, Mrs. R. 3, EL Detong last week.
Rev, Mr, Hall, Beryl°, will officate in
Christ church here next Sunday morn-
ing tit 11 o'clock a. m,
elreind Mrs. Noble Lovett of 811 were were viaiting the former sister, Mrs.
obo Scarlett.
Master Ortvvell Todd of Goderich
ending his holidaya at M J. i ve's,
The sale of farm stock and, imela-
manta of the estate of the late ,T. J. Mc-
Laughlin was quite a success. The
farm was also disposed ofeeer. W. Hogg
being the purchaeer for the sum of
$3200. Mr, Hogg now can boast of hav-
ing -one of the betty acre fame in
MeKilJohn Scerlett has gone to Toronto
this week to attend He
• prung on the Base Li
in the IVIethodist ehurch Sa
ing and gave a grand Berm
text, "What is Truth." ,
• Rev Mr M n o oronto preach-
ed in Presbyterian church last Sabbath
Awning. •
• Miss Clara Lawson returned hem
from Eleneall last week.
IVIrs. Jas, Young returned home from
Buffalo last week. '
Mr. Jas. Young spent a few clays in
Hamilton last week. • • ' '
_ Mr. and lefre.D.E. Munroe visited- the
Pan American Exposition, returning
home Monday.
Mr. Munroe ;deo attended the meet-
ing of the Masonic Grand Lodge held in
Hamilton last week,
. Miss' Goldthorpe was the guest 'of
Mise-Martha;Mole last week.
Mr. X. Robinson of Goderieh was the
guest of efr. John Knox last Monday.
Ur. and lees. E. Phillips and children
haveheen visiting at her father's,Mr, 11.
Miss Yond of Chioago was the -guest
of Mr. john Arthur last week. -
Dr. Whitley of Londesboro is taking
charge of I)r. Turnbull's practice while
in.Iawthe latter is away attending his brother-
. (Intended for last issue.)
Mr, O. Wallace of the Hub Sundayed
at Mr. .T. Washington's.
Misses Jean and Enema Dobie of
Superior are spending their hedidaya
under the parental roof. •
Mr, Alvin Ward and mother and
aister of Mildmay were the guests of
Mr. J. I.. Eydt recently.
The Turner family, accompanied by
Miss E. Baths of Goderich were the
guests of Mr, Knox the other day. '
Liitle Miss Ada Kennedy has returned
from visiting at Loncleaboro accompanie
ed by littIe Miss Elsie Beadford,
Miss A: Eteheig has returned home
from Goderieh where she was for few
Weeks; •
Mr, Fisher and Miss Jennie Sprung of
Goderich were the guests of tbe latter's
randfather, Mr. G. Sprung of the Base
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longtatoa of East
Wawrinosh were the guests of the
• latter's motherreIrs. J. Ilinakin, on
Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Baker of %Ingham bare
been the guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Graviston.
Mr. W.T.Riddell la having a fresh coat
of paint put on his atore by elr.
Wallace of Londesboro,
L, O. L. No. 932 of the village turned
out in force on the 122h and filled two
cerryalla and two hacks, to say nothing
of nUnierOus single rigs that went. te
Lucknovre The Sepoy village was pretty
well filled at the denionatration, The
band accompanied the lodge.
Owing to the non arrival of a minister
at Z/302t church Sabbath a mixed ineete
Ing was held instead of the regular
Mrs. 11. 1/1. Cummings Visited her
husbattd In Walton Saturday and Sun.
214Y. •
Mises Janet and DOM% Dobie are
rusticatireg in the vicinity,
Mitre Nellie Wetheral spent a couple
of days visiting her cousihs in Leadbury.
Miss Florence Stitt of Leadbury is
the guest of relatives here.
The Aliases Glen of elarloW Sundayed
with relatives end friends irethe village.
Mra. Ceawford of Blyth herr been visit-
ing at Mr. A, Robinson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cartet and family
Sundayed at the Nile.
Mr. I. Lewrence and daughter of the
13611 con. Sunclayed in the viciniey.
The eopulation of DaWs011 city is etill
oh the inerease,
Xr. Wm. McDonald le oettealeircing,
t113 is alio S. Caldwell.•
•Sttiold0 ri Goderioh,
john,"jetek" he preferred, Robinson
drowned himself on Friday while
mentally unbalanced, Since tbe death
of his parente ard the breaking
up of the old home despond-
ency has grown upon him and the
future seemig nall dark he decided
upon the fatal- plunge into the cool
waters of the harbor. He was seen
sitting on the brewery about 4,80 p.m.
and Iceman Oragle went over to help
eheerhini, After sonae conversation
Jack said : 'hem going away, you'll not
tree me tOrnorroWl this he repeated
with more emphaets and Would not he
comforted. Mr, Craigie, who did not
attach any importance to the remark,
was called away by business'. Captain
litletedohald of the tug Huron gays thee
While ;deeming out of the harbor with
his sow he noticed what appeatecl to
be a log fioatiog upon the Water and
on hit return he steamed over and
found it Was the hotly of Robb:Isom
Ile had it ratted from the water and
aken to the home of deceased'e sitter,
Mrs, J. 3. Doyle. The funeral took
place en Sunday afternoon. There
vvere many floral tributet, Among
them a Uor oath from the Othifellowt,
another from the a 0. Pu, a wreath
from the Organ factory Staff, who AC.
tondtul in a body m did the Oddfellowt
and the C. 0, Ps, Bey, 1./a. Daniels
concluded the funeral earltied at the
houte while the beautiful Ochlfellowe
ritual Wag given at the graveside, Mr.
11, nein acting na &bin Grand and
Mr, W. W. MeViear as Chaplain, the
deceased was' a popular man about
town and had many triendt wito have
been oadamod IItigis maim* end.
.At Palmerston to day,says the 'Weekly
Sun, hogs are 'being bought at 57,10 off -
the farmers' wagops. Even at this
price," writes' Manager Falconer ef the
Palmerston Company,.."deliveries are
light, and we de not expect large ship,
rnents for a considerable length of time.
In fact we expect to see' a. shortage of
hogs for the next twelve.moiitheand are
surprised &tenors do ecit get into the way
of raising more. We canoot expect the
good Crops we have had for a few year
pestle continue, and, bv raising more
stock, particulerly bogs, farmers will be
better prepared for the poor years when
they do come." ,
Speaking ofa matter more than once
referred to in these colinartis. Mr. Fal-
coner adds ; "We know for some time
that niore has been id1n our vicinity'
than at non.00napetitiVe points, and it
leeks as if eome of the old • packers are
determined to put us out- of existence
and to this end are giving back to the
farmers some of the. money they
took (rem them in years gone by. 00r
success will depend mainlyupon the
farmers. If the latter are -willing to
acoept the bate that packers ere now
•givnig, then it will not be long before
they will have to take a good deal lower
prices for their hogs than they are now
getting." .
Then Mr. Falconer makee an excel-
lent suggestion.- "1 think, "says he,
"it would be a good thing for all the
farmers' eon:marries to set together and
dismiss he present ' situation. I tun
quite satiseed, if the matter were laid
properly before the farr)erar they woul4
give ua their hogs at a fair market
THE AGONY OF suBtstssnss.
Did yon ever pasa a single night in
wakeful rniser,y,.tossieg and rolling in
bed, trying in yam to sleep and long-
ing for morning to come OA Can you
imagine the torture of Spending tight
after night in this way, each succeeding
night growing worse and Worse? Thie
is the most dreadful symptom of
Exhaustion and Debility, Yoe an ba
gradually and thoroughly cured of sleep.
leestmes by the upbraiding itilluencre of
Dr. Chaae's Neree Food, It cures in
nature's way, by creating new rterve
cells and restoring lost
ead TunNEws•Rucono for Goder-
Mir township news,
Itnow Your
eYes are rIght
The vtetiretei -of olght"
cr.irtcf:47a t'
blindness., 4. It° °4
We wirt test AY474
We VeCOMMeirlid
*44 11,trI4711frilVatt4
TJig 11 a Kowa
We have fully assorted the stock with new Staple
Dry Goods, making stock again complete, anlotmt-
ing to between $7,000 and
( The whole stock will be sold -out 48 quickly as pos-t
sible as 'we close up the business as soon as afl the stook
is disposed of. Come and see us. We have goods at
less than wholesale to offer you. We bought the stock
at -58e on the dollar. Nearly all new staple goods. No
one else can offer anything like the bargains we have.
Many offer great inchicements as goods out in two,
slaughtered, etc. It is. very easy to give bargains on
paper by marking goods at about double the actual
price and then marking them down. It looks as if the
seller was making an enormous profit before marking
or else was selling much below what they cost, which
no one can afford to do and continue in business.
We are well supplied in the following lines. . °
.4.. J. CR,IGG
sciootiric jeweler and
ci.atArroN, coNis,
MULLEN -3MeTAVIS11--In the ,11, C.
(thumb, Stratford. oh July 10, by
Rev. FY. Welsh, M. Dennis Mullen,
formerly of Grey, to Miss ileaggie,
eldeet daughter oi IStr. 41ez,
ravish, of Stratford.
TEI0K-111)13BELL-At the residence
of Geo.Samwell,Exeter,on the llth
of July by the Rev, W. M, Martin
B. Defr. Thoincie Trick of Clinton
• to Mum M. Z, Hubbell, of Ovonago
WHITE -1n Vein--ghem, on I5611 of July,
to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. White, a son,
WYATT-In Lower Wingbam, July 16,
MIL A. Wyatt, a daughter,
DLGL-In Seaforth, on July' 17th, the
• wife of Mr. Peter Dill,of a daughter.
CUTHILL-1-In MeKillop, on July
the wife of Mr, Alex.. Cuthill, of a
GOITtle-gbItnerE. 'rater, on July 12th, the
wife of Henry Gould, of a daughter.
MOLE -In Auleurn on July 18th, Edith,
. daughter of Mr. John Mole, aged
• 17 year and 5 months,
Mole eY-eln Grey,onjoly 12th,, William
McKay aged 86 years. • ,
STEISS-in Giey, onluly 14611 Louisa,:
• wife of John Steiss, aged 62 -years, 2
months and 20.claett. , •
MoLARTY-In eauron, on -July leth,
Angus lefcLarty, aged 67 years.
RUGITES--in Wingliam, on July •• 13,
George Hughes, aged•66 years and
. 10 wreathe. '
SHIPLEY -In Logan, on the Ilth o
July, Mare, beloved wife of George
Shipley, aged 27 years, -7 months
, and 11 days. • • -
MoGEE--In Fullerton, on the 16612 of
Julyr Sarah M, 'daughter of Mr,
• 9jamEtleenathAfs caGnd2d
ee187g aa: s. 23 years and 3
month's.. ,„e
ROBBINS-In Hibbert en tbe 17th of
' July, John Robbins, aged 65 years,
PATRICK --In Hibbert, on July 14, the
• intrust daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
•Patrickeer., aged two weeks.
MeALLISTERe-InElensall,on July 17611,
John .MeAllister, aged 78 years, 5
menthe and 18 days, •
SMITH -In Exeter, on i8th of July,
Christopher Smith, aged 54 years.
INSON-At Centralia, on July 15,
.• Anna, beloved wife of Mr. John
Atkinson,aged 63
If' yoe are ee Victim of piles, as, one
Person in every four fa, yOu suffer keen-
ly limn one of the., most, torturing ale
merits known to manoind may well
wonder if life is really worth riving.
Certain relief and ultimate eureia await-
ing you by means of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment. It has never failed to pure pile,
Painlessly and naturally- it allays the
inflammation, heals the ulcers and
thoroughly eurett thie Wretched disease..
. The best class of work
prOeurable lute • been
manufactured here for
many years past,
WE WON'T cal! on you a week after
your bereavement.
WE mon make the work to suit
the price.
WE WILL make the price to suit
WE WILL give you the choice of the
the work.
production of the world
in design And material.
We are the ONLYprace ,
deal men in Clinton in
our line. Do not be
talked into placing your
order vvithont first call-
ing on us. •
NeXt tci Cotrunerci
al Hotel,
On a few special lines
while they last . .
2 Cars Portland and Thorold Cement to be cleared out at the
following low prices:
Thorold Cement $1.10 per barrel
Portlaud " $2.75 "
4 sacks to "the barrel. 5e each allowed for all SI
p e
reducing the price of cement to $.
2 55 er barr 1
ELASTIC CARBON" PAINT the best and ni.ot satisfactory
on the market for the following uses On Metal Roofs,Shingle
Roofs, Engines and Boilers, Smoke Staeks, Pumps, Fences,
Gates, Out Buildings and all outsiee work, will not auk, run,
blister or settle, will stop leaks and last a lifetime. ,
Purify your cellars and sinks by using PIIENYLL,
the greatest disinfectant,
INDELIBLE cold water paint al! colors. See our New Lawn
Pence, just the thing for farmers' residences. 2 small Pire
Proof Safes at a great snap. Call and secure lowest prices.
Call and see Loudon' s Patent Barn Dooigtanger, the
,•best on earth.
Dress Goods Prints-
Flannels . 'PlanndetteS
• Shirtings Sheetings
Linings G.a. Cottons
Blankets• • Grain Bags .
Small wares of all kinds;
Minen's, Boys' & Youths' Suits, Overcoats
Furnishings 1.7ndieurgwBear
Ladies' Winter 'Jackets. '
Men's long and short boots -
Meri's.rubber boots, socks
Meiv's felt:boots
Men's overshoes 4nri, rubbers
Fall lines in ladies'. and children's.
.Don't forget that we bargains to Offer :that you
•:can't•getelseWhere, quality eonsidered.
- .
Perhaps no seetion of this store so truly eeflects the remarkable
growth of this business as our shoe depertment. As a shoe store we stand
pre-eminent in the thoughts of Huron county buyers. Here men and
women. children and Hare folks of every circumstance find the Moat suit-
able footwear, Odly shoes of known merit and worth from, reliable mak-
ers can gale ehtrance to our stock and we see to it that they have style,
finish, wearing qualiey and comfort, After these deferable features are
assured and generous qteintities provided so as to meet every possible
demand, we insist on making our preces lower than equal qualities usually
reading : •
sell at. Below we quote a few pieces which will be famed interesting
Meh's Plow Boots. in laced and buckled, a strong, everyciay
boot, your choice for 75o.
Men's Plow Pools, made of selected stock, extension soles, a good
solid boot, regular M.50, for $1,35. •
Williams' Potent Adjustabie ?love Boot, waterproof, the
beet hoot on the market for the price, 51,76.
Men'Fine Dongobe Boots, kid top, exteneien sole, the new
style of too, regular $1.75, for $1,50. •
Men's Fine leox Calf Boots, Goodyear welt, McIettrefewn, very
special $2,25.
Women's Pine Glove Grain Lace Boots, worth $1.2,1, for M.
Wornen's Fine Dongola, Boots, kid top, :special $1.25.
Women's Floe Box Calf Boots, laced or buttoned, It very'
stylish shoe, with latest style of toe, worth $1.75,for $1.50,
tacliee Dononla Oxfords at $1, $1.25, $1,50, $2 and 52,50,
Children's Show, in great variety, spring heel, turn sole, in
black anctlan, at Ric, 75c and $1, .
: , ,....................,..............:.............r. :
'Dress YourBall Well i
* miniemeormeimeeeirmossetes• •
Yott are proud of that boy of yours, ,Every boy should be the pride :
• so
a of the boys he is Associated With.
: Of his perents, Ile should be deessed so that he may feel the equal of any :
• ,
Leb na fit him rag this' summer. ' W will make Ithn one of the best :
: dressed boys lit ellie e entity. The elegance and taste represented In our •
• juvenile clothing mutt be seen to be appreeiated.
• . Li
O worstetle and tweeds'ages 4 to 8, mad
, Are very cute.
• the vest suits e trope rich effects in handsottre $
. i
Per iarger boys we show some very nobby tufts in grey mut brown •
• •
• tweeds and blue serges, We Can 8011 you a Snit its low as-44,52ot at high :
: as $6 or stop 42 any point between where the price pleasee. *
* ro
et •
• . I mews SUITS , •
• We 41.8 41801 offering big ban:pant in Men's Suitt this month. Call
•Ana see the Vistas We are telling at 54 and the 50 suits at 51
01100000000000.000000100.000000 00000 0+004000*** *0*