The Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-25, Page 4Always All Write
You Haven't,' a Minute to Spare
A rountein Pen saves your
patience end much annoyance.
You don't need to shaxpen tl
like a pencil, to dip it like an
ordinary pen, it wont spill, its
ready when you are, its
Handler, Quicker
Cleaner, Better
Than any other Writing device
in use, the most practical and
convenient writing instrument,
its duration is your life-tirne,
barring accidents. In price
from 1l1.6a to $4. If interested
we would like you to investi-
Agents Parker's Dye Torks„
The W. 11 Fair Co
Often the Che.tpest, 41tvaY8 the )3e8t•
The Clinton News-Reeord.
M, . G. W. Holman of Hayfield was in
Clinton yesterday.
The Misses Cergill of Wingbasu are
visiting at Mr. Lavin's.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Clue are guests of
Rev. W. 3% Chaff of Strathroy.
Master 'Hartley Watts is visiting
friends in Wingham and Turnberry.
New Advertisements.
A.n Exact Likeness—Hen'ry!s Photo Studio., 1
Baking Powder—R. P. Rookie . 4
Farm for Sale—Henry Makins • 5
Special Prices—Harland Bros •
' 5
Bankrupt Sale—Plumsteel 8cGibbings 5
Shoe Department—MeKinnon 54.1 Co... ,,,, 5
Shoe Salo—S. C.Rathwell, 5
Eyo Add—A, J. Grigg " 5
Midenminer Bargains—Hodgons. Bros 8
Half Priee—Nowcombo's • 8
Tweed Suits—.Tackson Bros 8
Aboitt o
We _Know
Mrs. J. D. Kitty of Calumet, Mieb.,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and elis•
11, Irwin,
Miss Mazie Carling left on Tuesday for
Alton where she will make an ex-
tended visit.
Mrs. McMurray and Miss losie left
Tuesday to pin M. McMurray at
Indian Head, N. W. T.
Mrs. Honey and her son Allan a St.
Joseph, Mich., are pleats of her
father, Mr. VViss. Robb.
Rev. Father Corcoran of Sertforth was
the guest of Rev, Father McMena-
min on Thursday and Friday last.
Mr. James Young of Auburn was in
Clinton on Mondey•on•his way house
trona yisiting the Exposition at
Mr. 0. A. Lee, wife and fatally of
Listowel were guests at the home of
Mr. R. Reynolds from Saturday till
Dar. Centelon has been in Toronto
this weeir mapping out the fall's
apple business with his old• partner,
Mr. Petemon.
Mrs.'A. Mckelvie of Liskeard, Temis-
camingue District, returned on
day and is visiting at her home with
the Dowser family.
Mr. Ed, Floociy of Toronto was in
tovie for a few houre lastFriday,
presumably on business connected
with the Excise department.
Misses Nettie and Bertha McRae, Etta
Twitchell and Beatrice McConnell
are spending their holidays in „Bay-
field, Olinton's summer resort.
Mr. Lester likynolds, son of Mr, RS
Reynolds, who has a situation in a
dry goods establishment irr London,
Is home for a month's vacation.
Miss Parlee and Mr. W, B. Rand of
• the Collegiate staff are among the
associate examiners orDepartmental
examination papers at Toronto.
Mrs. W. Wheatley and family, have
• been visiting for e few days at the
. Reid homestead, 'corner of the Bay-
field Road and the Babylon Line,
Master Jim Manning, son of Mr. Wal-
ter Manning, *heeled to Almonte,
near Carleton Place, last week and
• covered part of the journey in ye-
markably good time.
Mr. D. B. Kennedy was in Blyth on
MissPrisc-illa Cook is visiting friends
in Goderich.
• Miss Flora Watson of Blyth is the
guest of Mrs, Deft Kennedy -
Mrs. T. A. Stinson of Hayfield was
the guest of Miss Stinson on teeter:.
day. •
Mr. D. Cantelon• arid Miss Lottie
Cantelon of Ilensall were in :Clinton
Mopday. •
Miss Mabel Dunford is spending the
holidays with her grandparents in
Grey township.
Misses Edna and Kate Stratton of
Goderichhave beert the guests of
• Mrs. 11. Plumsteel for a few days.
Miss Flossie Reynolds, who had b'een
yisiting at Mr. Scanlan's' and With
ether friends, returned to Detroit
the later part of last week.
Miss Emus Thornbury hag been the
guest of Miss Lily Hout for the past
• week.
Mr. John Ilunt of Galt has been spend-
ing a few days at his father's, Mr.
IL lima's. He had been at London
placing machinery or his firm.
Miss Linnie Holmes of Seaforth and
Masters Arthur and Perry Egg cf
Montreal are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John Holmes of the Huron Road.
Mr. S. Holmes and his brother Roy
wheeled up from London the other
clay to spend a few days with their
unele, Mr. John Ilolnies of the Hur-
on Road. .
Mr. A. 3, Morris") was in Seaforth yes,
terclay conferring with a z epresenta.-
tive of the Mitchell lacrosse club in
reference to the deciding match for
the championship of the district.
Mr. Wilson F,agleson of Aberdeen,
South Dakota, who wit14 his wife
came over for a visit of spine weeks,
is now in Oshawa the guest of his
sister, Mrs.. Henry Young, formerly
of Olintoo.
Miss Kate Johnstone, vvho has been
visiting friends in town And ,Gode-
rich township for rnore than a felt -
night, returned to Toronto on Mon-
.Mte. Wm. Powell of Mount retest,
who had been visiting at Mr. John
Powell's, left for home Tuesday ac-
companied by Miss Stisie Powell who
will be If guest for a while.
Mr, John Johnstone of Rattenbury
street left on Tuesday for a trip up
the lakes. He will sail sfrom Owen
Sound on one of the boats whieh
calls at all the principel points en the
• North Shore and Mackinac and the
Soo. Mr. Johnstone expects to be
away ten days or so.
Mr. S. Desire being in need of a little
exercise, walked toGoderich on Sun- •
day afternoon covering the distance
• in very. good 'time. He came back
by train tsext morning.
Mrs. Boles left. on Tuesday morning for
vieit of some weeks to her brother
in Crookston, • Minn., She will be
• accompanied as far as Duluth by
Miss Hardy of Exeter. .
Mr. R. Doan, who; inrepresenting the
firm of John Hallam & Co., Toronto,
visits many of the towns andsvillages
• in Western Ontario, came home Fri-
day evening for a few dere ,
• Mrs. jacob Taylor and Master Will.
accompanied Mre Taylor to London
• on Monday and while he is taking in
• the bowliug tournament they will be
the guests of .11irs. George' Brick-
• Orden.
M. and Mrs. S. elcilride of Stanley
South were in town yesterday while
on their way home from attending
the funeral of a child. of Mr. Wm.
Weaver's, near Auburn, which took
place on Tuesday.
Dr, and Mrs. *Ash of Belgrave are
taking a month e holulaye and have
been ab the Pan-American. They rheumatrsna.
. Miss Olive Olson of Clinton is spend-
ing her •vacation here the guest of
Miss Muriel Tweedie. .
Mies MacVicar of Sarnia, and little
Deice Carrie are the guests of Mr.
W. MaeVecer.
Mr. and •Mrs. MeGarva of Clinton_ Tom, and the Misses McKenzie.
were the guests of elr. and Miss The Oariadian Orcler of Foresters for halve success end we expect
Wallace this week, •• tend to hold a garden party about the he • • -
h"' to continue showing good results Mille
is in charge.
Miss Jessie Henning of London is -middle of August.
Saltford. • of Scotland will not have the Auld past two months has been on a pros -
Mr. W. F. IVIcIlyeen who for the
the guest of the MisSes Barkwell of For their picnic this year the Sons
pecting trip through Manitoulin and St, 1
Mrs. Oberell of Loudon is the. guest Chief Allan P. McLean for he and his
of Mrs, Sandford Stokes. Joseph Islands in the interests of Mr. 1
son left on Friday for the land of the Ephraim Butt returned to Eiirly Hill
The Misses Emma and Maud Plum- heather and the Chief will spend his Farm Thursday last. There he will
steel of (Minton were the guests this
menth of Mrs. Alex, Stratton.
•The Misses Mamie and Nettie Ohes-
e.. .e. . . OODERIVil
• "
llev. Shaw was the guest last week The Messrs. St. Clair, Will. and
of Mr. and Mts. Charlie Symonds. Ephraim Tweedie and Arthur Bates
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Ruggles of Florae rowed up in a steal' boat to Meuse,
dale have been the guests of the form. tung Park in the short space of 2e
er's parents. Mr, andeirs. N. Dietrich, minutes,
Mr. T. Kilminster of Portage in The Misses Elia and EVO, Mcelath,
Prairie, Man., attended the races here teachers, Toronto, are spending their
last week. vacation at the Mcela,th farm, Hayfield
Miss Florence Graham left oe Satur- Road.
day to visit hee aunt, Mrs, Judge Johns Mr, James Laithwatte has to wage
ston of Sault Ste. Marie. •wax with the blackbirds that try to
Ur. and Mrs. Fred,. Thompson drove lay weste his rasberry garden. A
to Kippen on Saturday evening and hely from Detroit, who is spending the
spent Sunday with friends there, season at his residence said "Oh how
Mrs. J. Grilles of Melita, Man., is the I would like to see a beackbird, I never
guest of her sister, Mrs. Captain Mc- saw one in iny life." So much for the
Diarinid. Mrs. Grilles will also visit city.
another sister, Mrs. W. Newell, Ben- Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor of Stratford
miller, before her return to her home. are spendieg their annual holiday visit
The expenses in connection with the at Fairview."
Three Days Street' rely amount to ••We have to thank E. 0, Attrill for
$887.40 with the receipts $180.51 leis. filth% out our score card for Tuts
The . committee will be pleased to Nitws•ItexIonn.
receive subscriptions from any who Miss Lizzie Poulton of Ripley is the
would like to assist the Association, • guest af heeaunt, Mrs. George Hunt.
• Mr, Geo. Skalitzky of Sinicoe is now Dr. Frank Turnbull of Auburn at-
one of the G. T. R. stiff here and has tended the races,
removed his family to Albert street. Mrs, Bedford left this week to. spend
Mrs. Skalitzy since her advent ainong some weeks with her daughter, Mrs,
us has been quite, a sufferer , from W. Green of Detroit.
We have to thank Miss. Drives for a
present Of lovely English cherries,
Mrs; Walter Beldon of Toronto is the
•gtiest of Mrs, Tipling, her sister.
Miss Mildred Gridley of London re-
turned to her house on • Friday after a
three weeks' visit with her friend, Mrs,
were also the guests of Mrs. air o
town for a few days and at the Arm-
strong homestead on the Brownson
Line, Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs, H. W, Tisdall of Tor
onto, Miss Moore of London, Miss
Johnstone of Delaware and Miss
Mackenzie, daughter a Judge
Maokenzie of Sarnia, have been
guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Tisclall
at their summer. cottage at Bayfield;
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. •Robtnsone Miss
Mabel and her brother were visiting
at Mr, R. Graham's on Friday last.
Miss Ma,bel Robinson has since been
• the guest of Mrs. Graham and Stan-
ley friends.
Mrs. ,,(Dr.) McGregor of Sioux City,
Iowa, hes been visiting at Mrs. Vt.'
• Grigg's and with other. Clinton
friends, She once upon a time lived
in this town and will be best remem-
bered as Mrs. Ed, Grigg.
Miss Annie Rathwell of Goderich
townstrinbas taken a position in the
' grocery store of her brother, Mr.
Geo. Rathwell, . By the wayeMr.
Rathwell has'rented the Stinson cot-
tage on Rattenbury street west.
Mr., J. W. Ohidley, and Mr. C. H.
Broa.dfoot of Seaforth enjoyed the
• balmyebreezes at Bay field on Sunday.
The latter and hisntother and sister,
• Mrs. and• Miss Broadfoot; intend
spending a week or two in that vie
Mrs. E. • Laird left on Saturday to
, spend a few weeks at tbe homestead
•on the Brownson Line, Stanley, and
•with her brother, Dr. Armstrong of
Brucefield. Hereon, Master Johnnie,
has been rusticating on the Brown,
son since the middle of June. '
.1?ave Mole of Guelph was in
town for a few minutes on Thursday
• afternoon on his way horoe to
Auburn 'where he lied been called by.
the death of his sister Edith. Next
a.• m. Mr, Will. Mole of Penetang
passed up on the Baum sad errand.
Mr. Henry Cole, who left a short time
ago to make his home. with his sons
• . at Rapid River, Mich., in writing to
friends in town says he is enjoying
himself though he misses his daily
confabs with his old cronies here
whorn he had known for so very
many years. •
Mr. and Mrs, Chris. Young of Wood-
stock spent a few days with friends
in town this week. They came up
• to help Mrs. McLeod pack up IMP
effeets prior to leaving for Tamarisk,.
• Dauphin District, Manitoba, where
she will Make her home with her
daughter, Mee. David Taylor.
Mr. J. • C. Stevenson and family are
camping in Jowett's grove, Bayfield,
In previous seasons they spent the
dog days under canvas at ILurke's,
further op the lake • shore. The
Hovey andRidout CAM IDS will be, as
usual, located at Nafters where they
have spent every summer for several
Mr, Robert Milo% formerly of Chide -
rich township but now carrying on a
• grocery business in Goderich, was at
the junction on Tuesday on his way
down to Lucan. He will be in the
• apple businese again this fall and
says that though the crop will not be
a full one the stock will be clean and
• of good quality.
Mr. William Youngblut of Morden,
Man., visited his friend, Mr. Ed,
Rowed of the G. T. R. staff, last
week. He had been. at the old home-
stead at liensall and spending s, few
• days among old associates and rela-
tives up at Auburn. He is expected
back at Morden the first of August
as his employer, Mr. S. T. Achereen,
is coming down for afew weeks visit,
at his former home in Goderich,
1VIrs. George Sperling of Portage la
Prairie, Man„ left for home Monday
after a visit of some weeks with her
relatives, the Cox families and Mrs,
Thos. Pickard of Goderich township,
and at Mr. David Cook'sand other
friends in town. It is some twenty-
• two years since Mrs. Snarling paid a
visit to these parts, She Was born
end grew to womanhood on the Cut
Line and among old residents will
.be better remembered as Martha
Mr. and Mrs. D. E, Munroe were in
• town on Monday on their way home
from visiting the PateAreerican,
Mr. Munroe went down on Tuesday
to Hamilton to attend ti3(3 Masonic
Grand Lodge arid on being joined by
Mrs. Munroe on Thursday they went
'on to 13uffalo where they remained
until Saturday afternoon, returning
to Hamilton for Sunday, Mr. Mun-
roe says the Pan is well Worth seeing
and the electricel display beautifill
beyond power of description. The
attendant thoughts. comnaratively,
small, for whieh Buffalo blames the
railways, though as e, matter of fact
the botelkeepers ere largely respon-
sible. They, as ft rule have no settle
• of pews but cheep w'lleb they think
the purses of their guests will tand.
They are thus killing the goose
-obi& they expected would lay the
olden egg. As compered With the
world's Fair, Mr. Munroe thinke the
Pan not iti it at all,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Itegers and family "of
Cedartille. South Grey, who haye
:been visiting among the Oentelon
and Cook families for a fortnight,
returned to tbeir own domicile cm
Tuesday. They have so many hos-
pitable relatives hereabouts that
they felt almost as much at home as
at Cedarville where they have lived
for years.
The following members of Court
Prosperity A. 0. F. attended a
church parade in Sthlorth last Sun-
day • John Derry, James Danford,
Charles Overbury,' Geo. Robertore
F. W. Watts, P. W. Evans, W. A.
and F. Cooper,W. McIntre, E. 'West,
A. Collyer, G. Meeker, J. Ward, W.
Cochrane, E. Johnson, G. and W.
Kemp, B. Webb, J. McOla,y, G.
Marshall, E. Oriole W., A. and 1
Slonsan, I. Weavers. The service
was held in the Egmondville Presby-
terian church to which upwards of
one hundred and fifty of the brethern
• marched,. headed by the Seaforth
brass band. •
Mr. Wm. Proctor of Detroit, who had
been the guest of Mr. O. W.
Williams of Goderich township, left
by the p. m. train on Tuesday, for
home. His stay this time was short
bur he expects to return in Septem-
ber when the bloom is oh the apples.
Mr. Proctor' had a few days fishing,
at pools he located on the Maitland
ninny years ago, with his usual good
luck and was able to furnish positive
proof as to the number and size of
hiscath. He took a few home with
him just to show the family that the
trout in the Maitland are as luscious
as they used to be. While here he
also obtained his Fenian Raid medal
awarded for service during the stir-
ring days in '60 when the Huron vol.
unteers were under arrIts for weeks.
Mr, Proctor belonged to the Clinton
Company in which he Was after-
wards raised to the rank of first
lieutenant, elle values the medal
highly and will wear it as proudly in
Detroit as on his native heath.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Elliott of Philadel
phia, Pa. are spending a fortnight
at the old borne of the former, Mr.
Wm, 0. Elliott's of Goderich town-
ship. Mr. Elliott fills an important
position in the big Wannatnaker
Store, one of the iargesldepartment-
al estehlishments -,, the world,
where his ability won promotion
more rapidly' than is the rule. He
is now enjoying his Vacation which
he -will round up with the "old
folks," after having, with his good
wife, visited the Pan -Am., Toronto
and other points of interest. They
are aceompanied by Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace, also of the City of
Brotherly Love who will recruit on
the farm where they wilt build up on
two weeks of ease, fresh milk, fresh
fruit, fresh eggs, etc, Mr, Wallace
is pastor of one of the first Presby-
terian churches in Philadelphia and
though he left the city for rest has
consented to occupy Rev, Mr. Dun.
lop's pulpit on Sunday evening.
Allgnst fird, There is still another
of Mr, 1.111tott'is sone now at home.
• We refer to Edward T. of Baltimore,
'who has seen more of the world
then most young men of his age. IL
few years ago he went aeross to San
Praneisco and from thence palled
to the Pialippines,Japatt and Chinese
ports. Ile has also been in the
"Yokon eountry. Ile returns this
Week to Baltimore,
Mrs. j. B. Rurnball and Masters Fred,
• and Ray, who bad been yisiting the
fornner's sister in Cleveland, Ohio,
for a month, returned home last
week. Mrs. Swartz will remain for
some time longer or until the return
of ber son, Mr. John Swartz, who ney of Egnsondville were the guests
is winning fame at the hig race cir- of their grandparents, 111r. and Mrs.
cents as the owner of Harold Alex. Stratton, for a couple of weeks
Dr. Freerrian went down to Toronto on this month. '
Thursday to meet his sister who had The Misses Edna and Katie Stratton
arriyed from Hull. England. are the guests of Mrs. Plumsteel of
They visited Hamilton, St. Cathar. Clinton.
ines and other points before coming • Principal Houston, accompanied by
on Clinton. Miss Freeman is a Mrs. Houston and son Wishart, leftfor
graduate nurse, having received her Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday.
training in a hospital in England but Miss Pallister, accont panted her
will keep house for her- brother, who brother, Dr. PaDister of Bayfield, last
has rented the Tipling residence, week when he visited our town. -
• Mrs, R,. S. Williams presented the
nextdoor to Dr. Shaw's. •
Ms. ee Gilmour of West supei„ior,. drinking fountain in the harbor park
to our eitizens.and the, visiting public
Wis., spent a; few 'days of laet week and it is as hard to find out Who steals
in town the guest of his sister, Mrs.
. Jacob Miller. He also visited Wing- the cup affixed to it by chain as it is to
find out who poisoned the dogs.
rbam„Belgrase and Lueknow, at the
• The funeral of the late Sohn Wash-
: letter place the old graveyard where ington, fourth son of the late Stephen
his parents lie. From here Mr: Gil,
•Washington of Westmorelamd, Eng -
more went to Niagara rails' and land, took piece on Thursday last.
Buffalo and from the latter place sets
Mr. Washingten came from West -
sail in a few days for West Superior
• where he has a steady situatien mereland with his parents at the early
—. age ese teretreine and settled in -Scar-
remunerative Wages. bore Where. he purchased a farra
kno'SefentAeas &arbor() Junction, He
Mr, Thos. Liudsay, rejoices in the
arrival of a, son and. heir.
• Mr. Eph, Hutt left en Tuesday for
Southern Manitoba with a carload of
articles the farmers need.
The frame of Mr. David Wright's
new barn was raised en Tuesday of
last week under the superintendence
of Mr. William Riley. The captains
were John Nott and Albert Townsend,
the former winning after a hot race by
a couple of rafters, Mr. and Mrs;
Wright gave a dance in the evening
which was much enjoyed by the large
munber of young people present.
William Johnstone :tarnished the
Mise Mabel Bingham returned on
Tuesday from a week's vieir to Crocle-
Mr. Leonard Whitely of Lonclesboro
was visiting at Mt. Nelson Blugharters
last week.
Misses Rose, Jennie' and Pearl
\Vright of Clinton visited friends in
our section this last week, Mies Mina
Woodyard has also been home taking
her .holidays,
Rev,Mr.Wrignik is now in full charge
of the palish, cornprisiug the church
Mr, T. R. Welker of Clinton finished
building the stone foundation for the
new school on Monday and the brick
is aow being placed on the ,ground,
Mr. R. G. Reid, Principal of our
school, sent two of his pupils, Eddie
Ball and Garnet MeBrien,.. up for -the
Entrance examination and bath pass-
ed, taking a high precentage of marks,
Mr. Reid is a painstaking teacher and
gives his scholars a good groundwork
was ma.rried in Darlington 'on Decepe
GOleERICH T0WN,5111P. . ber 24, 1810.sto Miss Janet Scott and
• their golclen wedding was celehreted
*: Wm, Mose of Toronto, who With• hese eve years ego, .,Mrs. Washington
is son,has been visiting.'at his brother 1 did: not survive that- happy re.urnen
James' for SeveralWeeks, has improve. long. • Mr. and Mrs, „Washington left
d , eery much in health. On -Salm' 1 -Darlington for Waws,nosh and settled
day, iseCompatied by Mr. J. Moe, be 1 upon a goodfarm, One of their sonelie-
wenenti to his sister', Mrs. W. Kemp- , ink
ti, wherhe e . now in possessien of it. Abotit
on's of West WawahoS
twelve years ago they retired from
wee.met by another brother, Williatre 1 Carta Me and eettled in Goclerich Where
of Gerrie, whose guest he now ie. . :up •to a short time previons to his death
Mr. Walter Dodswerth of the . 16th i Mr, Washington enjoyed ,good -health.
concession ha his shot gun loaded so1 He was 82 years of age. His sickness
wee. to the dog whice strolls ebont his was severe but riot of long diwation.
premises enacconapenied :by its ovvner..
The reason for tine is a good one, Mr. LoVely flotverS .-covered the casket.
Four sons and tiVo daughters suryive.
Dodswerth hpeeng lied' one of his shep.I Aeon from edistance attended the fun-
killecl by: al wandering curs sepposed eral,. S. F. Washirigten; IL G., the
to he from. town. Tor the safety of
flocke of sheep eved dog that has .an other SOD, not 'being able to reach his
:bonte'in time. Mr. Charlie Weshing-
in.clination for :werrying: 'should he ton here and his brother of WawanoSh
shot on sight,••' ' • • with their two sisters were syith their
M. (.Dr. ), Reeve of .bsco, Mich., . father at his death:. The old gentle -
was the guest Mf Mess W. Cook of the nsamenjoyed health .at his advanced
14tlecon, last week and is now visiting age.. He Attended .. his, garden,' was
among friends in Sheppardton. . •• very fond of flowers and always came
• Mr. Roland Cook was in the Kirwan. ,up town for- his daily paper; the Globe.
dine district last week setting up He was very. fond :of. his family end
binders for Frost & Wood. He is • an .took, earlier in life, • a great interest • in
Adept at this sort of work and has al-
ready put over thirty binders in opera- 'civic matters belonging to the councils
of Darlington and Wawanosh for a
tion this season. sTo'do a .thing Well .fieoseee of •years. . iee was also Record_,
-pays well. • •• - • ingSteward of the Auburn Circuit, He
• Miss Stanley of • "Bruce township was . a life long Methodist. .1tev. D.
16 visiting at Mr. George Hudie's. Daniels officiated at. the funeral at
• County Councillor Connolly attended "mese and Maitland ..cemetery. The
the cheese sale in London on Saturday .pallherirers were : •Messrs, Farrow,
and sold the make of•the first haif of W.R. Robertson; John ,Acheson, R.
July to Ballanterne of Stratford for fig W. McKenzie, W. Harrieore town, and
cents per pound. • John Knox, Auburn: ' •
On "Wednesday of this week Mr. •jest think of John Phillipe hoisting
William Perdue began at Mr. W. 11. Outeof the harbor a pikeweighlog. ni
Elliott's his .thirty-five consecutive pounds. That must have been an
season's threshing. This is a record Trish pike, John.
that is probably unequalled in . the establish-
,--'• Miss Gilby of Smith Broe. este. -
county and indicates Hutt not only has neene gave bet, Sunday Schoolclass a
Me. Perdue good staYiag powers but •picnic on Fridtty lest. ,
that he does fine Workas well. For Mr. 1Villiarn Seynieer of Detroit is
Many of his present patter -is he has re -visiting old scenes here this Week.
been threshing ever since he started . He is the guest of Mrs. W. Kieley.
Out with his first machine. • Mies Aliee Rothwell passed her En-
The_crops have suffered from- the trance "examination in Toronto. *
long continued dry spell. They hay is. Geo. • id, Elliott hasshipped orie
shorethe svimat is not What'll, promis thousand baskets ' of cherries within
ea early ' in the season and even the the past week or so,
oats are disepecrinting• . Mr.. Heuston of Exeter was the guest
• Rev. Mr. Wright received a grand of friends here on Sunday. and etonday.
• reception from the Members of St. ' Miss Maggie Smith, teacher,Ohicagn,
John's chureli, Hohnesville. Quite a is spending her Vacation in Goderich
. trumber of the.members and adhereets the guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr.
of the choech met at the residence of and Mrs. W. I Smith. Miss Smith
Mr. Wrn. Mullholland last Friday • spent some time its London the guest
night to welcome Mr. Wright to his of her cousin,
uew perish and. the evening was. spent Miss Allen and her neice, Miss Anna
very pleasantly and sociable. music Folwell of Toronto, are ,gire'sts at the
was furnished by Mrs, Here Ific,ks, residence of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur
organise of the 'church; while Mr. S• Smith. Mise Allen is is sister of Mrs.
Sturdy gave the welcoming speech Smith; •
and did it neatly. MeSturdy is one of Mr. and 'Uri 3. B. 1:Landman and
the wardens. Mr. Wrilhtfresponded Master Art returned en Monday from
birthday ernangehe bonnie banks and
braes o' his native land. May che trip
lengthen his life.
The (loderich Amateur Dramalic Co.
will give the drama " East Lynne" on
Friday evening of this week in the
opera house.
We forgot iti our accountof the rac-
es that a man received a sun stroite
and fell from the fence. Another man
had a slight stroke. '
Mr. Frank Humber, who ensbarked
for the season with Captain Baxter on
the James L, Orr, has returned to his
home. He said the heat of the seri in
some of the large ports was too great
tor him.
Mrs, Greenway of Toronto and ha,by
son Norman were guests last week -of
Mrs. Peter Reid.
• Dorn—On July 14th, te Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Swartz, a daughter, Mother and
babe doing well. •. _
The residence of the late D. • O.
Strifeben has been purchased by Mie
. Rey. S: Wilson of London spent this
week at the residence of his • sister -en -
law, Mrs. Ohristophersop.
Miss Nebel Detlor, daughter of Mr.
John Detlor, a merchant ofNorth Bay,
is spending •her yacation With her
aunt, MIS. Christopherson. '
•Miss Maggie MacKay of Toronto is
spending the season at her old home on
Nelson street. .
Dr, Pallister drove up from Beyfield
with his fine team to attend, the races.
suitablY. This was fe lowed by a. a visit to Meand Ilirs,R. W. Runcitnan
grand spread of eatables which every of Winghitin. . .
Person enjoyed very, much. The re- tits snd Mrs. Woods of Bayfield
ception was closed by those present visited 0 oderich hist Week and took in
singing God Save the King. Rev. the last days races.
Wright seems tri he much appreciate- • -The Williams Stone a. two masted
ed hy his congregrition so Inc. . schooner, arrived Oil ' 8attiklay with
Mr, C. A, Tebbutt, tweeter, St• 410 tons of coal for Lee and some slack
Helens, .vent to Stratford on Saturday 'for Mooers. •• • • *
and intends before his •return to visit There is a great qoantity of limber
the Pan-American, Niagara and other • being sent away by Dyinent. •
points... The brick work at the big mill is
Me. John and Miss Grace Linfield of finished, In height it connects the high -
the Nile spent Saturday at Mr. F. er and lower' parts of the building,
Tebbutt's. • eloping down to the front.
We understand there is a probability Mr, and Mrs, Benson Cox and little
of the suit of Newton .vs,Perdue going daughter Thelma of Leamington , have
into the courts. The Claim is for $506 been the guests of Engineer Stewart
darrieges and and though not admitt- the past three weeks. Little Thelma is
ing his liability. in. the lease Mr.Perdue, it three year old elocutionist. When
without prejudice to his case, offered asked to recite " Don't. be so
$100 as it settlement. Ile is .a busy noisy "she said "I'm thinking ''' and
man and doesn't want to loose time then recited very creditably the pretty
nver the matter, hence his offer, which little piece. ,
if not accepted means that the courts
will have to decide and the lawyers
• profit.
• ST. AtiGusTivg
Mr, and Mrs. A, Sillib of Ashfield
visited his brother, Mr. William Sfilib,
on Suncley last,
Mr, and elm. John Ferguson of Ash-
field visited at their uncle's, Mr, John
°retie's, on Sundaylest.
Mr. and Mrs; G. Garton • visited
friends in Whitechurch on Sunday last.
Miser. Moss was visiting in Luck -
noes a few days last week.
Quite a number of the farmers have
started at their wheat.
Mr. R. Brooks is very, low tie present
but we hope to hear of his speedy re.
PORTER'S Erir,r,,
Me. Wm. Macdougall of Egmotula
vine spent it few days in this vicinity'
last week,
Jas, Sterling is visiting friends in
John Pickard has returned from Bey
Mills owing to the serious Illness of his
Mise Pearl Morgan of Goderich Is
si At
re a e&
Mr. T.- At lviaadonald 'Wars it bread town. A Prose enjoyoble time was
abate theme dots. Well, no wonder—a event at the parsonage. Rev, Mr. colors chosen by the OW06134 and leek.
eon. Irwin looks 'wonderfully Well, ed quite sinart.
Mrs..1.10. Craig and little son Willie
leaye today foi their home at Barrie.
They were the guests of Air. Craig's
mother,Mrsele Craig.
Little Miss Millie Payne of Toronto is
the guest of Miss Dot Craig,her cousin.
Captain Tretheway and family will
remove to their new purebase before
ist August,
On Monday week the Daughtere of
the Empire met. The Ineetieg was
short, principally taken up with giving
votes of thanks to Mr. Blake for giving
his building for their use during the
Street ram to Messrs, Craigie and
Clark for it good simply of ice, and to
all others who kindly assisted at re.
freshment tables, and to the public for
patronage. No Meeting will be held
until lath September,
A. shooting boit Is being built by the
Gun Olub which will soon be ready for
shelter and storage purposes. The club
takes Vriday evenings for their regular
St, George's Sunday school opens at
2,30 p. m, each Sunday instead of 3 p.
m. as heretofore.
To honor 01 1110 visit of Rev. Mr. and
Mrs.Irwin of Listowel onedayiast week
an "At Home " Waa given by Mrs.
( Rev. ) Robinson at which no less than
three of the guests were fine elocution-
ists, Miss Robinson of Tempo, Mew
Sproule of Listowel and Miss Fisher,
• Mr. John Proudfoot, wlio returned
from the Bruce Mines, is now engaged.
at, the porth pier sander Mr. Brough.
He is quite sanguine of the, wealth- of
the Bruc..e Mines, -He says it . very
rich Vein of pure copper has been dis-
covered -recently and stretches for a
length of 4, miles. He is •in great
praise of the Arnerie,a,n miners from
Montana and Denver. Everything is
done promptly and scientifically by
-Mrs.Cronkwright of Toronto and her
daughter,Mrs. Charlie Warnock of the
same city, are the guests of their' rola-.
tives, Mr, and Mrs. Warnock,
Mr. Will. McCluskey, formerly. a
teacher in Goderich township and now
of Honolulu, spent some days this
week with elr. Charlie Symonds. .
Miss Janette Routledge of Clinton is
the guest ef her grandmother, Mrs.
Carleton.• .
On August lst a monster Stinday
school picnic excarsion is expected to
visit our pretty tosen. We trust the
square will be kept fresh isnd green,
the harbor park freshened up, end a
new cup placed on the fountain.
• At • the meeting ot the LCnox
Auxiliary of Foreign •Miseions address-
es Were given by Dr. Marion Oliver
and Miss Greer of Indore India. Dr.
Oliver returned in perfect health,
showing that life in India is conducive
to the preservation of good health, and
Dr. Marion has served 14 years In the
grend workof healing sick souls and
bodies but says it is an almost itnposs-
fide work to evangelize India, the
people adhering so greatly to their old
form ef •worship, Some writer she
mentioned says" it Was easier to find
a god in India than to find a man."
Mrs, (Rev.) Anderson introduced both
ladies to those present after which all
adjourned to the prettily kept lawn
where little tables with handsome
vvhite cloths showed that it reception
was beteg tendered the missiortaries
from India who enjoyed the garden
luncheon very much. • Different kinds
of mike and lemonade were served and.
really the afternoon's • impromptu
luncheon was quite a treat. Mrs. Dr.
Taylor assisted with dispensing nice
cake to the guests. Quite a number
of Goderich visitors were at the recep-
There was King's weather for the
race • meeting last' week aid a fair
crowd saw the different events, The
first rime to Arouse enthusiasm was the
2.45 trot cie pace, won in the last two
heats by Dutch Mowbray owned by
F. S. Gay, Windsor. The victory of
Ed, Swartz's Two Strike was a popul,
atone end the genial Ed. had to ac-
knowledge the salutations from the
erowd, Mr. Smith of Guelph was
starter, The judges were D. Geddes,
Lueknow ; Kennedy, Clinton, and
C, Carniokle, Winghane Score card
was as follows:
• 2.90 pace and trot,
Tommy Mack,.1, C. Johnstone, renovate 5 din
Bobby Mack, M. McBride, Toronto 3 2 2
Dutch Mowbrity, F. 9, Gay, Windsor 1 1
Nollie 13., Geo. fluxton, Goderlob 2 3 3
Wild Brier, It. Benson, Toronto 4 4
2.221, 2.24 2. 271.
2.20 trot and 2,30 Pilee.
Cronjo, ItichardsOn,.Strittford 5 4 4
Charlie P., James Bradley, Alymor 2 2 3
Queen's Barron, Goo, Goebel., Mitchell 4 5 2
Allan Line, Geo, Buxton, Goderich 3 3 6
Master Roy, Mr. Peters Dresden 1 1 1
Time 2.211, '2.24 2.231,
look after Mr. Butts' interests while
the latter gees West.
Mr, W. W. Butt is doing as well as
can be expected. Will. exercises great.
patience. Ile says half time is up and
is living in hopes of being up by the
firet of the month.
• Mr, Ephraim Butt sold a fine span
of four year old heavy draft ueldings
to Mr. J. Mcelann of Seaforth last
week fora fancy price, Eph, always
deals in the class that suit the buyers.
Juay 28tb,
ft"110 lOto 111011t,Alt,111o, lb. lir varl* Iseeeleirieseit 1111041Sseseest
Reekie's Baking Powder
Always Pure
.A.lways Prefib
Always Reliable
Pius 10e per lb.
FruiNt. alTwaanyguleoflolobtaralliel:fonaitclEePelSys°13:"11:773:Yul:141;:e:::Tjea!k/1,:i°1°8.11:or.
• St, Helens,
Mr., James Durnin, who liaised and
split his barn, has it completed.
Mr. Bea Findlay and his cousin from
Aidsfleld Sundayed nt Henry Woods.
• Mrelames Webster and Misses Milia
and Clara Webster of Lucknow visit,
ed friends in this vicinity on Sunday
.About five o'clock' on Sunday morns,
ing fire broke out in the brick kiln bet
it was extinguished before nmeh
damage -was done.
The yopeg, people of St. Helens Pres-
hYteriari, church will hold a garden
party on the manse lassie next Friday
evening: A good program is being pro-
vided. Ocuneaod speed a Pleasantend
enjoyable evening. '
220 trot and 2,21 pace.
Nellie Wilkes, Mr, Goodall, Aneaster 5 5
Darkie Boy, Mr. Smith, Guelph 3 3 7
Black Thorn, Mr. Dewar, Toronto • 1 1 1
Louis L. Mr. Brownbridge,Torente 7 2.3
Harry Wilkes, Eidd Bros, Listowol 2 7 2
Little Tim GI
517. anford, Chatham • 0' 6
Superior Lilv, A Proctor, Aurora 4 4 4
Time 2,211, 2401.1401,
• V700 for all, pace or trot,
Miss Tiomarehe,_ 0. Goebel,. Mitehell I a dis
Two Strike, H. :mart& Gotterleh 3 1 3 g 1 1
no Forest, J. Hume, Markdalo 2 2 11 2 2
Lap P., A. M. Goderich 2 dis
• Time2,20i, 2.10, 2•23i, 2.221,
• • Over half nide Kin open
Aboneta, Campbell, Hamilton 1 5 2
Wilfred bawler, Dr. Little, Toronto 2 1 1
llrass, J, Leo, Guelph 3 3
Lavine, W. E. Nelson, Vassat 08
Flora, 11. lionneeitinP. Cincinnati 4 2
R. E. Smith, Goaerlelt 4 4
2.15 trot and 2.19 pace
PrIne.o Vide, .1, Martin, Eltatiftvillo 111
Eric It,. .7. W. Borten, Sliedden 3 3 dis
Fleety, Mr. Fleming, Windsor 5 22
Annie MAIM,, Mr Fleming, ListOwel 0 4 4
Annie D, Mr, Drownbridge, Toronto 4 5 5
Alma, P, McDevitt. tueltnow• 5 0 3'
• Tinto 2.191, 2.19 14 3,20.
1.1 mile tuft. Provineebred. 4 5
Lady Laurier, erain, Guelph
Altiggio May, Pielcett,Otiemb 5
Intriguer, stirlingA Woodstock 1 '21
Posittna„ It. SL Swath, Godericit 3 4
Bridal Tom, Ed, Swartz, Underfelt 2 12
Theo, 1.051-1, 1,00 2-4, 1.0114
The attendance on Thursday, 18th,
was greatly augmented by the pros -
owe of many country people. It WAR
it pretty sight to witness the gallopers
but they, and their jockeys nearly
exhausted the tuttienee of the starter,
Mr. Smith. The 'jockeys all wore the
Baking Powder
is made Of pure Crearn; of
Tartar and is guaranteed
• t� ••be absolutely pure.
Price 25C per lb.
In, order to reduce our
large stock OT 10c Cigars
we are offering for one
• weds
Bostons in boxes of 50 it $8.00
Roseberys " 50 at $2,75
Salisburys 50 at $0.00
,Chemist and Druggist.
Special Shoe Bargains
Having secured the agency, of the celebrated J. D. King Br Co's shoes
for Clinton and district and expect a big shipment of theta in a couple
of weeks, we have d'ecided to make it clearance of both men's and
women's fine shoes and you may expect to get some
Genuine Bargains
es.they go,.
See oar North Window for MEN'S FINE SHOES .
• We have several lines of Ladies' Oxfords, also laced and -buttoned
boots time we are willing to let You have without anyprofit as we Want
the room for King Quality goods.
• -See our South Window for these Bargains for
. A line of Men's. Harvest Boots .not heavy but good wearers. They
ere well worth one dollar but we areeelling them for 75 cents.
Cash. and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash..
Now is the time for plc -
nicks and to proyide a
tastylunch is one of the
principal features . . . .
In CANNED MEATS we have some.
• thing that catriot fail to please you.
.We have
Lunch Tongue • Veal Loaf
Cottage Loaf Lunch 13acon
Boned Turkey
all at popular prices.
• Our 12o per large bottle Pickles
eannot be beaten.
Good Red. Canned Salmon at 10c
per can,
We have an enticing assortment of
fancy biscuits at I5c per lb.
• If you think of picnicking call and
see us. .
A full stock of staple and fancy
groceries always kept on hand.
Photte 03, • HILL'S OLD STAND
Poisons in the Blood
Bring Pain and Death
terse Acid the Canoe ot Seriatim Or.,.
fatale Chantoa, Vattv Heart,
Bright's; Disettre# Unlarged LW.
et-, stud Brain Dlysestresh
370U1 poisons loft in the blood by de-
fective kidneys form what is known as
uric acid. Its presence tnay be detect-
ed by such aihnents as dyspepsia, asso-
ciated, with irregular bowels and
-scanty, highly -colored urine. There
are pains of a neuralgto nature in the
back aud in the Joints, sieeplesn nights,
dizziness, headache, depressed splrite
and impaired metnory.
Fatty heart, dropsy, apoplexy and
heart disease are the usual termination
ff uric acid is left in the blood. it Is a,
serious' matter to neglect thew symp-
toms. The home treatment preeeribed
by Dr, A. W. ChMn has proven suc-
cessful in many thousands et CM&
Mr. A. W. Parson, Martinville, Que.,
writest--"X VMS a sufferer from kidney
disease attd, bladder trouble for 13 years,
end had a constant desire to urinate
with its accompanying weeloteee. Medi
tine prescribed be it Skilful physician
only gave ole temporary relief. The
trouble would recur at very awkward
times. I was persuaded to try Dr.
Clause's Kidney Liver VIII 1 obtained
relief after one dose, and before 1 had
flelehed the first box felt batter than 1
had for many years," Dr. Chase'a
my -Liver Ville, orie Pill a, dose, 25 eerier;
it box, at all dealers or mamma,
WOO aS goo'Xorgetoi
F. R .SALE,_ ,1013.-RIENT-•
Having bought out the whole f stock of
• bicycles from A. T. Cooper, (14 wheels,)
2 RAUTVORDS • • 1 E. &
• 3 WOLVERINES • . • E. Z.
'2 CLEVELANDS, one with coaster brake. ••
e All of these we intend SEELE. TUR
to run off at a low margin to makeereom for'
f new ones. .A.nyone in need of a bicycle-woulcl save tnoney by buying
one of these. All kinds of repairs -kept for bicycles, wheels cleaned and
repaired.' New. tires $0.00 . • to. .$10.00. Ali work guaranteed.
connection.with siume we are prepared to do all kinds of work,.
horse shoeing endgeneral repairing, All the plow points and, repairs
• kept by Mr. Tedford we still keep in stock, Points ane repairs for the
1VIiller and Tedford Plow Fleury No. 13 12, 10, 21 SylVester No. 7 •
Tedford Plow, gang repairs,
Tedford No. 8• •Hill's Patent, Old No.13
\Wilkinson. No. '7 and 21 and. 2 furrow plow.
$• •
• 'Ydi.: NER Tedford's old,* Stand „ Itattenbury Street' .
• ii0 . S
e 07 Cl/ ) HING GOES ON. .
• This week w . will con:iroence to. slaughter
8 •
• We have a tremendous stock •
* to sell yet at Prices never • a
• equalled in. this • county. •
• •
•• This will be r teal Bargain Sale It will be un-
: necessaryiiii
to quo' e prices n this advertisement as every. Az
thing will be ni•
l) rhea with red tickets to show the cut we
O intend to' make. _All we ask is for you to corne and inspect :
• • 0
: to satisfy your se !f that this sale will be one of the •
o 'Cheapest S •
: Greatest and ale •
IThat ever has taken place in this county. We would :
• urge our friends from the country to come in:
• on Saturday bringing in their boys. •
• .
. .
. , •
* * * *
House cleanhag time is at hand,
and you will, no doubt, require
something new in the line of
• Furniture.
Our stock is complete in every,
line, For quality our goods are
the beat arid for price the
• In BEDROOM SUITS we have
some special snaps to offer.
Do not fail to see them,
BROADFOOL BOX & Co. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
J. W. Chidleys Manager
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence:of Otir
Fuhercil Director, J. 'W. Ohiclley, King street, opposite foundry.
I wish to inform the public that
I have opened nutit Shoe Shop
in the Sheppard store, opposite
Combe's drug store. where I am
prepared to do all kinds of ells -
tom work and eepairing.
All orders entrusted to nut will be
, neatly cheaply and promptly
The River Hotel
was opened for the sumMer on
July 2n14. It is under new Man-
agement and, halting been
thoroughly renovated mul re-
furnished throughout, 18 now
in fiest.class condition, Terms
moderate. Ilus meets all trains
itt Ilruceflekl when notified.