The Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-27, Page 640 �4101 THRUR DOC-. DRS IN CON- SULTATION. ryby rlWV itall I c- "P" birth of twin sons to Princess Frederick Ch4rloo of Wosoo Is 44 INDIA TEA, Maida's Of A Illpsvlo Oduotlitort" event Of Much Interest 1,.o the Ifouse N of lioltenzollorn. The Princess had T 11 Another n4glo Woo##* QRSE OR BLACK1011 birth to twins, and +. 44 A "Ittornes A$ -1 0 two sons, she is A T"X 400ON1944 01F OXYI.%Qft QARDXNS MAKU E L , -Rh I'Alk- of fine Ilvlav Tbat461161011, now, like the Empero, the parent of best oiturdicAupro4uge. Load 11"Anikogoo, $11is Oils, 4% 40 Will 1111110110 vne %whoice Kests W til you 0CLXUL61100000 I 0 six princea. The other rvillarkable, Vilt nlita li'andege Has Been It late, 'Jittaltu 4111111 otro"90:11t Tbrought "I feature of the happy event is that I 4 0 40 ov I.- 10 .*.� 4i, nwo I 10 oel. 0 Assisey of lbro. VIIIIA14141 riaku PlIls. Will you eoutinue using impure, band -rolled tea, when It rAJOeS the number f the V%npreSS a. better article, grown on British soil, is at your disposal I Fr9derick's grandchildren to twenty, Qf course itsbinov. It's 1314dotO,Z; the many persons t1irough- T rwho are divided between the sexes I do its duty. It Is made to Jast. I I or Both Greens and Blacks have earned a rep Ation has -more body in It—more prellorv. out 1011111411da who owe good healtit— SYNOPSIS OF PJ1L,'CBDIXG I care for. I ut on T AT PAINT Now, go and I OU In the astanishing proporti of T Is. The I ing propert! porhaps even life itself—to Dr. Wil- ),1artleigh leaves have a touch of Ati III quality. seventeen boys to three, gir Or 01.0 than any other. It liams' Pink, Fills is Mrs. Alex. Fair, 1,,,ngland to find his long lost Cousin not offend illy carb newly -born princes are great-gralid- last$ longer, lopk.P. - better and costs well known an(! highly esteemed In San Francisco. lilattla Carring- other word." B104 Lead children of the I less too, uttering an- y on are sold In Se� ate qeen Victoria, SHIINES11111 ;W Ce 1 s- resident of West Williams township, ford, an actress it% that city, is. Poo- Ile returned her haught.y glance by A and they make tho, number of her M Packets. only. Black, rlixod, Uncolore, living descendants seventy-sevon. RAMSAY1 PAINTS iddlesox County, Ont. For nearly tered by genteel loafers amongst ne almost as stern, as he answered: - - - I I ; n, an Addre ss ooSALADA,11 Toronto., two Yours Mrs. Fair was a great Silt- whom Is Caryl Wilton. Ceylon (Ireen, Free,. samples sent, � $.hall Speak once more, and then fderor from troubles brought Pa by a Vill leave you. I have offered you. SALADA bave Stood the test of rat Severe attack of lagrippe. A report CHAPTER my honorable love, %Ud y- storm., jand ski", On thOu$a.ds OfX+ qr who c4loil was.cordially receivea It,was half an hour, Perhaps, after Soon lit to -eject it with harsh and Cigars are given to soldiers in the homes from Halifax to Vancouver by both Mr. and Mrs. Fair and was Caryl Wilton had left the theatre, scornful words. love You none the left me, Xaidix, -to gave me purse Italian .army as part of their dail for many years. It's the most given the following facts of the case: that. a carriage dre up in front of less; not with the hast love of to- of gold and left me." SOME GREAT 'SMOKERS, rations, 'I economical paint to bay. The colors 4, 1, O_% are beautiful.; the pnint is pure; the In the spring of 1896 I Was at- ,in humble cottage, strangely out.of ; day, but with it; love that bas been M. My poor motherl" whispered tacked- b lagrippe for which I was keeping with the beautiful creature growing since the day I first Saw aida. 19tbate"Ough? FRAGRANT troated �y our. family doctor but III- who alighted from the corriage, op- you. I did not recognize L:se feeling "And then be married it, girl to XVXBER Or FAMOUS �FEOPX Soad to us *(or stood of getting better lZradually ened the front gatQ, 'and walked tip until this night when I was thrilled whom he gave the love he bad sworn BOOKLET "K" FREE WTXQ EX,TOYED A SMOKE. grow worse, until my whole body be- the narrow wooden walk with the by the touch of your hadwhen X Was Mine," about paint and beautiful bonjos. Came racked, With pains. E consulted air of one who is accustomed to the Idoked down Into the depths of your "Why talk more of it, iliother? It one of the best doctors Ill. Ontario place. eyes and saw your soul, v,711cin I felt is past and gone now." Charles Spurgeon Loved the Wee K I "Past and gone for me, but not A. RAMSAY & $0 and for nearly eighteen months fcl- As she reaefica the house she heard your warm breath on my cneek, and 1DfiR=()MNWT lowed his treatment but without any the gate open and- shut, and turning rouilzed your purity and Ni-onianli- for you, Maida, Do you think I —King Edward.ls. a Great PAINT MAKIERS, I had it terrible Sm,oker I so, material benefit. qixfqkly� size saw the for�u ef a malt, ness; but now that X do know my have lived my retcbed 1110 with no. a perfoot liquld donfiffloo for the cough which caused Intense pains in rapidly approaching. ;Sho waited, feeling lowara-you, do'vou fancy I thought of hini? Do you think I EaVd 084 A devotion. to the Joys of nicot! Pr 2. my -head and lungs; tiore in wonder than In fear. He will.11 -I became very x , ve barsli word have forgiven any more than I have would weirt. to be 4 distinglilshing wealt; could not sloop, and fox, over a drow neixr, nd said, in a low tono, or a scornful look? Some day you forgotten? Do, you tbtre� i could feature of many of the world's Teelh 11'nd MOUth year I could only talk in a whisper "Uiss Carringford, may I speak a will Perchance liefr, of Caryl Wilton, daily and hourly see myself what he v judge by and some word with You?" times my voice left me 0 , greatest men, If we ma,, and know of hill], that, he never has inade me, and think ndAlling Of,the large number -of famous people New Sho SOZODONT LIQUID, 'k tirely. I came to regard my cohill- For , inolnotit she was tit a. loss to yields but � to. success or Into, And paying him back in coill, of th SOZODONTTOOT11 POWDER, 25a If You Want. 'lea' res"Its sun`4all you, e Sam 0, Who have admitted their sincere at- GUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY. APPLEP. 9thor FRIIII'll and PROCU.011, to tion as hopeless; but my busbana. recognize him, although, the olco now, I say.� again, that,coma What ort. Do think I would have tachnient to tile r IQUID and POWDER, 75a go W urther treatino Ma 0 YOU go Oil that 9ta;;.), Which I Wood, pleas . n es of the Large L The Dawso Od, Car. Weep Alikrkot and 04 1-15 was familiar; but in al, instant site may, success or fixilure, joy or -sor- At all Stores, or by Mail, for the price. borne St., Toronto. urged, I at. and d n.0ommission 00. advice our family doctor, With two realized that tile nian. she had been row, whether' you have it thousand have hated froxxx:the hour Aie saw me The late Charles Spurgeon was an others, held A consultation the re- forced to play Juliet witil had fol-'friexids or none, Caryl Wilion will on it, unless I had some object in enthusiastic Smoker, and braved a UCKEL, Montrea -TG1, THE X11 9 SIMPLICITY. I When You write to an advertiser tell him that suit of which -was that they pro- lowed her to this lonely spot. Hot-, always be ready to serve you, and vlow? Maida, I am dying- Considerable arnount of. popular dIs7 ti thispaper. ItIolto nQunced. my case incurable, Neigh- overmastered overy that too, ithout reward of word, "No, no. mother! approval rather than abandon his' -Likes Short Dinners and Not Over- ititersit t as Our aedvised me to try Dr. Williams" ioneetlyarid a=th the best. . ors a other feeling, and drawing herself lip look, - or act. I will uvoa dare to I am ying and X know it. 'I i daily whiff, Oil one occasion lie, ac- A: XONTJK IN A BATH. Pink Fills, but,4tftor having already I . Ve Much Display., spent over $500 Iti. doctor's bills I to her fall, queenly height, slie'save You from yourself, if the need s tall not It to see he morning, Vitally made a reforehoo to his Cigar- 'YOU IDLE- WRITE QUICK TO �re, Tondon, pointed to �Ilo gate, and Sad, with should -be. Farewell." otherwise I would no.t have told' Itwas to the Prince of.Wales that* ARE did not have much faith left in any smoking liabits'ingtho course of a Marshall & Co.,Ti)a ImPQrtc Scornful omphasis: He left her, and She watched him you this story of'my shamo It is scrillon, vindicatin the - absolute 'One Old Man Stays.In During a modern sooloty owes its happy loss id, no medicine but as a last resort I fill- "This is 41 Cowardly insultill itho I Ut a WorJd. �C he with m dying breath� tlint I speak 0 'religion go W board t propri ty. of a minister of Whole Witer, of the sombre and dull dhiner�party ally decided to give thotil - a trial. 01 beg ar me, Miss Car- door close behind hini, "ad then she to You..". taken many boxes of the I ou to lie this practice if he'felt dis- that used to be so prevalent. Though ,SAVING TNSTRTjTION. I had not r ngford. ailk upon ttChiliV, and the reaction "Let me. seek a doctor," Ali 111awanaka, a tiny spring near everyoxiii disliked the long d weari­�' Llr I Improve- of Lite]. The Now, Zealand Government hits PIUS before L I votiedd an Slie-abated nothing haughty cattle. was but it, ghL'and she She. endeavored to loose the hand H. M, the Iling is, -and always has IkY60, !'I the provitice of Joslixt, Ja- Some feast, and felt exc&,,sively beavy ment in illy condition and this oil- nzazlzzor� but. dropped 11wr iiii,nd b, livid had 'it hard j)art +o play, all(] UPon hot' wrist. oiand, I pan, this bandrs, sta* in the water and I'll after it, yet no one h"d the decided that siOlinming alld c uraged,, e to continue .. their use. been, rL devotee of the wo 'for a month on ondi with a st6ne In courage, to give it up, because it'was shall be taught In all its'schools. her side with an air so -fuli, of con- he it us lier best judgment "A doctor? NO- I would nOt- this example li- Is followed by neall-I ing ter taking the pills fok several tox . not tha, the proiid inan before dictatdj. 4i�ho could not but no- have hinx lielp me if lie Could; but I ly all the Contineato:1 Slov4reiglls.' Lbeir laps td , prevent. ttiom %uppose'd. to be u, sign 'of good breed- The Life -Saving. Socioti's xnethod onths,I was completely restored to her Was stung I -by it to exclaim: knoNvIedge, - to . herself the mituliftess'! lmd1v he could not' dying, Presiddlit Af6XInley of the U Ing been adopted, 2,000 )land- he lie cough . disappeared, I ilited fioill floating lir Aheir sleep; Ing and high life generally.' But the hav at books and Charts have been, Sent by. You have no.rigbt to be unjust. the trength of purpose, and the.Shi;� .a 11 d the aid 6f man is u�reldss, 1. Stat and thQ .. caretaker of this Prince bad the fact niade 1-nowti tb no longer suffered from the terrible es Is said to be one of the bost Governinent for tbe'lise I could have axiao�rcd you at the corHy. of 'the nalin who had Just left want you to realize.that, Alaida, for jud establishment, who is n. hale old lie detested parade of this knd, and order of the pains I once ezidured;, my voice be- gas of Cigars in the :Uj-.j on, though chool theatro had I been so inizided, I her, and. she quail ed as * she realized I wpuld ask a last promise of You-" be does not 'indulge in smoking to man of eighty, is in the habit of re� woul(l. only endure a -dinner of it few -Of s -lilaster. -The hand-bo6k, came strong agilin;--my ELP�-.Alte im- followed . you. here 'to give you the -that ]to was in deadly earliest who" ZaOthcl-," with all invOlun-� 'any.. great extent. maining In the bat during the courses exquisitely cooked. Thus in which the course of iiistruct�on is proved, and -I was ablo,.,,o obtain aid, lie would not give her III jas whole. Winter.- t classeg, restful. sleep once, more, . ..WhIle tak, advantage, wliich I bped'ybu would 110 s. Laily Shudder, for her mot,er's.mau The fainous. writeri Thorn at, all really sinart parties. now 'the full set forth for. the use.c; and individuals has also Ing the pills I gaIne(Z%87 pounds- in be generous enough not to use." for. A licti,sh word or a scoruful I-ook. ner was full of a vinditive fierce- lyle, was rarely seen Witliout a'.clay H'Isewherc, also, indulgence it this menu is. a'short one, and viands weight. All this. I 'owe to:Dr. il- . "Generous!" she exelvdined- .with 'And thou site grew 1 di,;� ant as She :less, the inoro ariti ihat, it was in 11 tire not heavy but easily digestible. been translated into Ekwedish. and Ape., between his tooth, and One. of natural luxury i's carried -to almost liams' * Pink Pillk. and I feel that I sudden passion. �'You do well to feli he Rid no. right to Say the the presence of doath. ILIS'InOSt. fR11101ls. lltor�ry patiogyries incredible extreinew, Sqx�e of the kn6ther of the Xiug's faiiale Is a talk -to me of generosity, You )lave things he had. .And at lit -at she be- "Ilave I your- promise?". - . . . x -ow of knives'and Canxzot� say enou�,;h in their favor for is devoted to the delights 'Of "Lady people at one of tile, spas, excusing hatred of the long I know that �he'y havii. certainly insulted me with notes, gifts and inil- came frightened tit the, thought of Yes, mothor�" was al" a theniselves 'to . visitors for being forks Some, pQo�lo like to. place n Nicotine VictQr.Hugo $a pqr�uxxlty, - GezlQi,ou8! 14. a thief the tials that ILLY 'before hotif, she "Whom do you most pIty,.me or pasionate ]over of t6bacco, aild dirty, on the score of only hiLv froxAt of each diner. He refuses to Saved my generous who refrains, froni stoa;1ing , cneirlup(l OIL tile stagc4-the stilge our -father?" have.tbe whole plate basket laid okit. In Cass fi this. kind Dr, Williams' Paid fabulous prices for his cigtirs. leisure to bathe -twice a'day, In- at one tinle in order to do it at ixzz�- shil at ouc6 loved and.loathed, I "'011, ln�.xnotlicr, can you ask?" .. Czlizot, tile French jlistopi 11, on- formed them tha Pink: Pills -will give - moris' certain a. e it was. tbeii,. cus-- oil the-tald, ud has it, single lot-, otli6r? How is an insult lessened by for the happiness it gave lier, ftly(l Was the 2116111"Iful'YesPi) and knlf6' placed.1or,his own use, and s.T�,�ody resultR than 4ny other sidered that it as tobiteco' which toin to-batlib four or five times.e. Dear 6irs,—WIthIz% the pkst yearI mailiqizue. They -ac a change* of time br p)acb? You lok),thed fox, tfi6 sorrow and shanicit -"You pity me, then.. � And do You I thellied. li*g 11, addimi- '111he, with each dish'that is t directly oil the 9 life,to airinot'dillate day in tho winte 1. liaxided;: a, know of three fatty tuinors on � the have the manner of' a­gentlerzutfi­� daiiy thr6atened llox� '-.vitll �Alx�ij at tiot hato the man who coul(l, so be- oil ley, tho, childreA got into 0le bath whene . v . or fashion that'provails also in the best blooe thus reaching the. root: of the d6grec; -whilst Charles Xings head having been removeo by te ap- -toxic of the spirit of Oil - last silo 'laid' her head n.ilLr.hax4dsj tray - it - tend., and � loving woman? y trdyibl6'and drivihg every vestige of. e Call immortal author of "Westward Ilo!�! the feel cold." �hot6ls and retaurants. plication *of MI AI�01S LINJMU, NT Sold by mate you? . I.Say to:yOU,.1 Xlll-haye and wept tears of ang6r.ikud depair, moiliber, I wits- as pure and izinpeeTit diease from tb6-syft6m,. Wits unable to.comp6se a single line 6rdinary:' hot-water thin i withdut c'Lny, Surgical operation and nothing s to ',do with SUCh 119- YOU. But she did not weop jong, for Site it'.,; yourself, With no 'Sukh sofeguard 'of his brillilmit work� until a-ciitir national 'institution... In 1890 there Chbap. Aound Trgp-Rate Between all dealers in inedicine dr -sent post ibstruction there is no Indication. of - �1 return. �`,Paid at 50 cents a. box, or six boxes 'he d it, que�ulous :voice cuilling hot of as 1, have hrown wi�s frinl were over, 800 -public baths in thd It -Pa CAPT. W. A. PITT. face became white: as- h)a and she sprang' tip, drying her tears round you, Do you.not )into him'?" !�t�, Paul, Minn., andt, e for $MO by addressing the Dr. -Wil- HIS Lips. ty of'Tokyo, in which it was'cal- Clifton, X. B., Gondola, Ferry. listaiiil to this - scathing, and biding the tiices of tbein, undei "I hate the act. -. "I 'do'not know. cific Coast liams Xedicine.Co,, Brockville, Ont" c cufated 300,006'persilna bathedildhily, lizent of -Iii'lliself, but lie obstinai allsforined 11obert Burns was . it � p6rsistent i-tt a cost of'about Et. halfpenhy, with. O. ely-a ardile of love, which tl refused to inove. tfic,,indignant wohian it hesonictlines con- a redtictioh'Jor chilidie itc; v. ove ve, 7. ix y ioker, and would. A July 6th the Northern PpLeifle �Wllat you, say, " lie� Sal d' in a low girl. tiot told you how lie tieated me? :quiva ,11b. of tobM66 per week. Other cities nd vi Ry. wil , place In effect a lo very sei. I tild as -slid a Ilages through4 first olce, "has is "Mothek dear, she Would :�ou now, if you cQuId, kO to Lord Tennyson,.wheh be- 'out Japan are similarly. providdil class round trio rate of $,15.00,from ))!in and be I.I.. (ILLUdIltei! to Ing askd how be.liked a.continental �h- public bathS. reqljoet-' but' you do me art injustice, Yo it, ran towliere the old WOJI11111 Sat. "Neverl tcattle, Ta, The tow sso In �§�vedezi, has wit eastern terizzinali t9, S shall listen to me!" thought I heard von, Majaa_ If I were to sec. him, lIour,-confossed that lie had disliked able Ito s too, has its batlI-1,601n.. n ol! Na' 1,520,000 Squ�Lrt, Miles of Land in -Sho..turned to go, hither though ll� be, I should bili"ho put -his You have been �Ifliy do.�you desPise- Venice because. "'they had no good rphe -110 'O a and Pi5rtland, Dates of sale it. famule contingent in its. fix Canada. Practically Ui k ha. d out . find touched her -on the or, wator. is heated to abotIt gaile, non. 11 clgurtk iii the town." but , towards deg Fahrenheit. . Some . rn terminals' -will be from of ill'o. at .,easte Ecrin resiraintilgly, . She tbiew 1.V Off "I - suppdsb I "Ilt1to Afaida �Iza - te Mail." -the lixtter -portioll, of:)iis Career the' 130 Ju C usive, and tha. voll'urous. wl,b th dxclama,tioll: "It'Is not that. Was tile it the old woman w" -ch allerce rigars- in favor e imit for return will be Aiag. Reward of olutmonts for. -Catarrh­ There is no rieed 're a gbod Iv t1h, to July i3tt, in I trav4lers sIt6uld for Afi�ica or. ligiit in hor diniming.;. ey I "And of cla "Db -not dix.re to touch nrel'� house tonight?". y I)ipe,§, tor III 'that contai n. Nerellry even, for South America ixl� order to,., 3' y lo�bowed deprecaifilg!y, and went ­)L7es,. d promise like thisi that�yott 'will Pul.-_01�'ll. 1.: Destination muSt be car treached not er than Julv.'. 18til, nexpkored, it, as :on:, I'Did,.it applaud?'?. as mercury will surely, destroy -the sense of find reg'ions yet., u, ud Will with a veto which Bisxxza.rck�.was in lzzv�tiirato- stopovers bding allowed IN ismall and eamplittolyderange the whole system ol6glcal .Survey.. I have devoted, iny. own 1 life'and -a-sluoker, that blS good-� the dilrector of the I did W'IItQ "Nov . 0)!. mare, - 1 ia'a foir recalls," el g CONNER whon entering It through l; e mucous surticeg.. of Ounaditasserts -3n: -his last report, 'to you son V. . VOLII'S, Proali$0, 11161*'.'. .1 . . IRECTION within the �ransit. Such aTticles vilould neyer be used except on, IdId you iowels and'I "Then why do you Cry Could triumpli ovex. Ills Iiinits Practically ilothing A. known. of on&' .�Ou to. play ju, liet 'to my oft' n11, t, lliotller�­ love n . f the-.vveed was prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the r GiA eft proved' duri ng offers� all., unsurpassed 6ppor- darnage they will do a ton fold to tho good yo I 'Would vou* after I have danipaign-,' , calt.polssibly derive from them; - third ofthe Dominion' -of btinada.- ibinco-, I was wrong, 'But�even ind Ji0sitate t 11, Hall's Catarrh -e' moto, than ou must Your- beart acknowledge 1�- lie not heOn-to, manufactu red by r.J' Cheney &Co.. Tdl� He says �that, �theie at me. How do you 61a, ou 8f illy -wrongs? when TRAVELLE 8 STORY un ty for hose desiring to hunt esigned a Cigr . Wbich he tind new hom6b and farms to go Int . o the' lade, O.� coistadne no mercury, and 10 taken. In. 1,520,060 squit,r6 miles 'of Un6xplor-, that Iha'vo 11�ver ladled in respect to tlion, I shall laugh,'ilbarl" worthy of your been 0:atisuring for use ittler the bat-' ed.. lands - !nL Cauada out of a total nortbw6st 'and look over a tho coun� tornally, acting directly upon the blood and I I -1 : ." .. 'm .. NVOI 0 Mucous surfaces"of the, systain. In buying you., aad'ti truly happy pinilo tralisformed 01:'All W t1c, to wounded soldier who. case Ary, or for those Wishing ', to -visit area computed' at 8,450,257 square "AWIS it,riisiie6t Vvhen�" face. longilig . eyes at the precious weed. Intervie* with Mr. J. H Ird4nd, H%11'8 Catar�h Curo'be sure you get,tife, genqv relatives or friends:or to -e Ine. It Istakeninfernally,and niAde in Toledo mfle's, . Even, exclusively of the. in- "Theil. why do'vou hesititt,&' Vaal, 1plea, -no what you would say. I "You love ine, Maida?" great one of the Old Time KnightO sure trips, to �d6 *so. "What call I do I ain. . but, a wo Afoltke, Was Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. hospitable dqtdchied arctic. portions, t hat the act as lack�-' "'How. c, i d at,? equally * devoted to gran: freely, t in you 'ask,' " 6 1 . .954,000- square miles ''are for all Mani LIS You were and: I ixl�ty.e of the Gri gold by DrugistR. price 76o-por bottle. Ing In resp( -is 'the-matter-tonighO 1 You rr, smoking joys, nd was rarely. seen 11all's Fix I y Pfll$ are the best; ea,I purpo ely unknotYn. was, � But you do 'not know the do not Seem IlWYOUrself,"' a: without EL huge cigar between .his, wt, but the -spirit neeWhat practi inThe writer goes. -on to sa, Iii 'tAs I did? Never! Maida Carr worst yct� You see, � I would havp am, not ah#ays so cross at firfi lips. fn-Pierpont Mcirga: 10 over make the iniStlike 110 III$ Plight an, a- Itecent- Ocewtall, lit the n, %who contin- Tliert� are 4,854 British patients for "A careful estimate is made of the' You 1410 all before rd caii-.n 'I he nos to absorb aAarge. po I I plead'iuY futilt-fliziling nan, 1?'� 13rofeor. r.uxle tated it' t 111strulkne Provinceo-now DoOld's, Kid- rtion of . " 1 public attention, is lit like nzost mil- -unexplored regions. -Beginning at. CaUse", "You. never are;- Wit. people lllutllc� did. 'Will you course of a,lecturc that lie,conslder- the. inanufacture of furnture other nvy - 1111118 Caine .90 Help" 1111-11 th chalis. the .extreme * Northwest of the Do- "Consistently generous," she said have a right to be buzzlored."' work of vengeance whera I fiave laid 'ed tobacco 'ILL sweeieder and equal- llonaix�es in business zaMtt0r$_ HIS .�rtls or Praise for tharnentedy. I I asking- lzer of the tompor," 'andhe suppori,7 habits are said to diffei- wide 4I million, the il Ds is bifterly. 11 I grow Stec ns ne r it dowu? , I'lenielliber, X if i" . ;June 17' those of. the �nvcragil laultl-mi Ilion?, between the. eastern "I acte'd it.,; Idid you witirmy dylvg breath cd ly from 1PO, CURE A WILD IN 61(i DY-'. bouAilaxy of because X had cross, never *anything- but lond and "it sh I al I I be its his � theory by j:onsdining vast. Oront.01, I Alaska, -the Porcupine river, and the Made, a, bet. that before illig week 'Iovingw- 'as I . . v- qualititi" of the same, .,)it all o ca;_ 11. Irelad, the woll-mknowi�*. tra- aire. He trusts noitl w yoq,sav, illothe Take Lixative Bromo Quininb'Tablets. All druggtata C let, secretri refun(l. the mQuey if it falls to care. E. W, Groirwo will do what ou ask of ine you es .. . . Arctic coast, about t).,500 quare wab out I-wo.uld -41 ive. you..to the Ther cagerxidr-,s in y SiOUS., Lairib, the delightful veller for hats. and caps, left for the nor cleiks to go into det'ils,.'but signature Is on each box. 25o e: was it toile tillit_ di;om thc� tclws to 11,LVL but to show ind ritime 'Province in extent, or Somewhat uiii- 'her*: essayist, �.hcld it Similar opililoll, ap.d. s oxic davlast sifts the Smallest : and St. tk.ivial darii� ':to . 'tc-ll Inel it,- MaidWR, eyes "You inot fdltory,� be. was. -once hardto express thc Ilaudily packed 'in I' re! -personally, . �,a.nd yon 1. A'Cerm I all . )or than Belgium a d lying entirely Ad you Ljaiii_ -in she an- an a Scientist is of the oplix- . : "No. I will pursue your betrayer of �rolri his ollice-boy ilpwards, may ion that women will have beards in within ttle'Arcti�' ir'cle. � The -next fam"ous! Uilliand:'..me; I v. ill Iiston sWered - with tender solicitude. wish that "his. Just breatli.inight be land's private grip was a. box is west of the Lewes . imid 'Ytikon to no more,, "'Nevor, oth4r;- nor since You fo the4bitter, end. Until death re- draw i through it pipe and chaled in Doild's 1tichiev Pills, the niedicim ro;: 11 approach him; Yet..no. critak or ickler �beon sick hivvii YOU, bp lieves bizu of your. cut will do 11". e 1.1; it) , u rivers -and extends to. the boundary woril." h avo, aunkind a fuitiousthroughout Canada as a Spe- tell ted twice to break what In -me lies 't carry out your of Alaska. tiltil � lat 32,00% a syllable." lilloViag, I )Inv not. scotned to Both Charle Dickens unit All' kidneys. or, i Ilill), citle for. all troubles of.the in upon tile tillie of the great finall- must." cotnplaizz� lfuv6 I?" good lice gia squitro miles; in.this area;: w s unex- will." 9111a keray � loved it ciga�,. When asked. about * 'his experic cler. .110, is ix�- man of, deadlyr,punc- klin.affAhtime.fit Refieves'tural "You say it sadly, my . daug!iter; plored, but a part has since been: No; you have been.a'good daugli- though cak-lously enough the formor wjill this roiiied�r. Mr, Ireland grew tuality, aud works. like a stcamLeii- are'a of -27,000 Yes; must. -By the right which t.er, Maida; a better.. daughtor theLix r�troly refors to the smoking litibit, in: quite .enthusiastic. ine hile at,busiiloss.. When lie -estiniated. tli6t th traveled. . A third I but I know you will keep your 1�ro- It is a men . o Q ry trIed to be And if 'ever -vou. �should feel leaves . his 6flice-.1to forgets'buslizess, dreiat Britain spend $1,250000 square. miles—nearly twice s inan has to tell his respectful deserved. with of en- novel- go ou -1p of any large ve But I hit his ictions any degree t on 'a ti it box of bodil' Kid- an I year on silk hats as Secitiand—lies b6tween'tho Lewes 'love to 'the wonitm who has inspired kind to you. 't bave ioined your * inclined to. turh front voll Work, thtislasin; but. Lord Lyttox�, the fi- length without d ove , � "the wolnuts and tlid wine" Polly, ld Stikine rivers. Betw' t think .-of ine and how*,r have lived S contoillpol'ary of the two ore- aey 'Pills," he . -assorted, 116 is. an e. u.tartaininx a! cen it. if i bave offorlded oyou by -.any yoling life, Sbe Said, more as If o trilker., no- pity.' Think — a 1Ab1ITflE4L'IjOT9#. PIRVGTORY�. tile Polly and. Mackenzie, rivers is a word or act it, has been because I herself than to her daughter; ."but I)ccrtusc he had. of said writers, notonly revelled in the "Are 'you - -afflietdd with kidney other misjudged .' you, uffied. Ii to. Thirik of' your 0611 large. tract 'of, 100,000 square I know you now, What has.tin outcast, to 1001C to but iny r ing of sillokc, but-glorilled tbe trouble it � great deal thenj Mr. Ire- SPECIAL -TRAIN To S F RAN.. Roca Make. milas, or about double the size of and I- not only respect you, 'but I a ruined life, - YOU IlEdO the stage IIfc4 For do oul not know that the pr6c �Z in various ortions of. land was'asked. AN vat "I. England. It in Alaida; that is -%vby you enedt" sll� sin -of tlie-mother is vis.t.od on the Cisco.. eludes nearl, "Not a groat deal.now, no," , ra- y Goo love you, I Will You be my Wife?" -1IS VOLUMINOUS WORICS, miles of the main 11ock3f Mountain "No. exclaimed abruptly. di�oghter. ban you ever hope to be I plied Mr. Ireland,. III take Dodd's For Calladiair delegates and'all 01OW-Worm aft much more brii-, range. Ali anything but the outc I have Tit Alv. hant when a* storm I' uexplored . area of 50 - '!You cannot mean,it!" lx6p, no, mothei'l. inds, Fd1son smokes, to Kidney Pills more as a preventative others going to the Epworth -League Cowin than. -alinot. mean it!" sho repeated '�Yoxz do, 'Maida; and I hate it.. use a popular simile, '.'like a fulind, e s 000 square miles is found between ' -C be.exi? Al Sin is the taint of yout Convention, via Chicago and North- Great, , Beai- Lako - and the Arctic With He saw nic. there: Purc,- sinless life. Think of that." and has often been known to Carl- ian anything else. But in*the win- cutting scorn, , "And is the too. I hato itl Ler Of ninety-eight I w4a, I can tell Western Railway, to leave Chi coast,. beiiig nearly.41.1 to the north honor you.0fter me so great, then, first and took me from it; tool, 'I'le'- TO lie Continued. sume . dozen cigars In the 6out-se of ou. I was down in Novo. 8,cbtim Tuesday, - July, gill, 11,50. P., Hinard'i Miniment of, the Arotle Circle. NearlY.as hirgo th4t it is incredible that. I Should from it becaxise I was cought. after .it working I .day, When pondering tile . Cares Burip, em r tract bc� refuse It?" uty *and details of a novel inventloA lie cu wholi I first usail Doild's 1CidnoY Stops will, be xhade at Denver, Col- as Portugal Is anothe, by the whole, of his .91 e would CHINESE DENTXSTAY.. tdon't knoW whether it was orado Springs, Glenwood Springs. * A shipye, I rd at Ominato, jape . Lrl� tween. Great Bear Lake, tile mackeu* -If imil Salt Lake, passing on )route the you -became mSt wife I should lie had sworn to have me. 11 losses tbalt lie is greatly aided ill i, be 1ho 'Witter down thom, the climate,. Still in operation, Was established zie river, and the western - part of be, the honored one. . Will you not not be balked, and I yield0d, to 11.18 process by the presence of. it fr'agraxA riding so much in the train.oi% what, finest fix * thet 'Rocky and over' 1,900.years ago.'� Great , Slave Lake, in al; 3i),000 tolt itic why you refuse?)'. linportunitV, You. woul not yield. hey Have Been Slow in Itecognizi- weed, and . there are few brain- but . certainly iny kidneys Sierra Mountains. Through squaro,ttilles. . Lying between 1S,tik- "It Is enough that 14 refuse, if I have, at least, done move for you . w6rkers *116 do not find their wits were on Ing Western Superiority. the point of a coinplete break—down. Pullman Palace 'and Tourist. Sleep- For Over Fifty Yeari Ine and Laird rivers to the South you are the. gentlemn thunwiny nother did for nw. Curse stimulated by such extrancous aid,* n that you pre- 11achactiol 11, was one cont Ing : Cars.. :Order berths early, as Alit&WINBLOWS SOOTRING 8yarr has been used by is all al -Ce, Of -81,000 S(Itull, 0 . luiles, tend to be, you will (6tain me no lilin for it—curse hinif curse hilrd" If the Chinese Can boast �tlzdt noth- On the other hano, thel,t) are many iniial party will be limited In number, Millions of mothers for their children while toathhu� which, oxcept'for a rdcallt, V isit by. tx� misery. It spoiled my business, roftens the gums. allays pain us people who view all forins It000tbas the child, Cures Slit-, tink'back- fit her clmdl, from i�,, to ncilv to them; and that all-tho famO Fare only $50 round trip, With ginddoli? e Ison In. her ex- ost and were me down - plateathoetomaChandbowaKan Isthe field party, had novel,. spoken I broke my i or n 6, loud which she had half ri. of tobacco %vith. undentable aversion. bestrome y orDl4obew Wenty-five cents abotae. arts and* sciences are old. stories in. until tbe. life whs taken ilght. out of dhoice of routes returning. Send %4gy d r gglits throughout Me worl4L 11a,sure atiq! tone and it -sudden suspicion scolued citement; and- Maida poloon tho'Groat was one of sio see her ruother so, ass, and Jflg an horole :IS Q7j,1V 'the Celestial iCingdom. it is Still Net Stamp for illustrated itinerary and WINOLOW'S SOOT111146 STILVII.- UNI,, of. , 1, . ...... to flah through Caryl!s inixid as lid Ing borror true that for operations in dentistry cl at- f San F ranei�co to B. H. Ben t 1.0 5,000 square miles South- noticed tile Ibliel posi'Llol of,tho cried out., all AnievIcan or European would tempt to SUIOI(O it Pipe In ,his early "And'you used Xidney map'o cast of Athabasca Lake, little .. is house. Ile glanced from It, to her "Mother, darling, what it nett, Gen'l 'Agent, 2,,King St., Eilst, In Russia it Is th Ve you hardly care to go to� a Chinaman. . manhood, he-abalidoned tbo business 0 CUSto)n for known, eXdep.t tllfttL It has been and said: saylnq9" with; alacrity and , never -, smoked , "I Used the only remedy I know of Torontoo Ont. iltiollists to breakfast together be- Crossed by a field party an . route to "Another has the -bapiiines which You* . think I am raving. Would work Is'luilicrously primitive. thi.tt Was a Fipecifle for the kidneys," f&o going out to fight. Fort Churchill. East. of tile coppor� have, too late. craved for myself, to heaven I , WelloLt Tile operator extracts. all teeth with The Celebrated Dr. Abei-nothy dt_ answered Mr, lrel&nd. ."The first mine river and west of Ilathurst In-; I will go; but �r6mcinbor, Ifulda Car-, grdSpCd her daughter by. the Wrist— his fingers, and it must be admitted ad nicotine with fervent haired, and AoSoLof Dodd's Xidney Pills seemed LFR , that his Success is astonishing. Ills In a. few 'Oft July 5th to 12th, the Woush Kinds Liniment sold everywh ete, lot lies 1".500 Square, miles of unex- ringford, the time may conle. when I will. tell you now what,T.110e re- on being asked if tobacco injured the to 90 right to the spot. �d a true friend. I liave. served for . this monient. I was' brain, replied testily that the ques. days I was feeling as well ns ever'l. Itailroad will sell round trip tickets plorod land, which may be compared you will iiiw dexterity Is due to years of practice, to half th&slzo'of Switzerland, East- it feeling that it will. If. It should, novel- as great as you, never -had the Frorn'youth t6 manhood he is train- tion was a vain otie, seeffig that 110. did in my Rfo. - They are a splendid to Still Francisco, California, at mill- A battleship -has on board an el, Ward from this, lying between the do not forget'that Caryl NVilton will genius; , but I 8,van inuch talked of ed to pull pegs from a wooden board. body possess6d of brains would con. niedicine. I have recommended gle firstolass fare, good to return Cottle plant capable of lighting a Arctic. coast - and Black's Is an go to the ends of the oartt,lx'to serve and more sought after, was the 'his training changeg tile aspect of, template Smoking for an intant, Dodd's Xiduey Pills to scores of tiny time up to August alst, 1901. town of 15,000 inhabitants. tie hiLlid, and gives the student a area of 31,000 square miles, or you.'� talk of London, Your father found Equally Mr. Algernon Swinburne, 11101 On the road like myself and Diagram, of,through sleepers now finger gerlp amazing in.9trangth, about equal to Ireland. Much largcx� Ile turned sailly away and went to- luo.a gay, light-licarted child, ready tile famous poet, Is -an elwnlY of tile none of thern but hiLve tlie warniest roady. Stop over oil route west of ffinarh Linimont Carox Dandruff; equivalent in fact to It liftl than Great Britain and Ireland, and Ward the it luClInent she to listen tc, tile fiattering words of ng power wood, and cannot remain In a rooin. pi -also for tlio medloiltze being fust first Colorado point, Everything eitabracing 178,00o Square iniles, is stood tilCwatching lilla. a all who cared to give them to me, of three or four hundred'pounds where the odor of tobacco has pene- exactly what we need fix our walk of '-will be. firstelass and up-to-date. Country roads In China. are never the region bounded by 13lack's Aver, deep flush dyed her'face, and with a, but a, For toothache he employs opium, tfated. life, it Safe I relfhble trerigthening This will be- by far the Most, cOM­ bounded by fences, but are on guiltlesq of wrong as yourself. tirely Great. Slave Lake, AtbabltSea Lake proud she 5praiig after him, He was a great nobleman, with what eppermint oil, cinnarrion all and stimulant for the kidneys." prolionsive trip over offered to visit undefIlied� fills tooth, clove oil. Sometimes )to HiLtchet UAd Ileintleor Lake, and, l0acin.4 her hand oil his should- tllc,.V call all unstained namo. � He this golden' land of Sunshine and VV. P. C. 1081, Churchill rivef, and the west coast er, sid, coldly: but he does It so bunglingly. that the PEBSONAL POINTERS. - ,ol,hiess and fillings stay In only it few months. Powers. Free reclining c1lairs on all wn,;1 handsome, da.,Izingi i of Hudson Bay, , Thig country in- "C011ie with me." tich. I wits flatterecl, by his atten- Ali element of superstition runs Unle. Melba has been relating, some trains. Full particulars af. WabasI1% cludits the bdri-eit grounds of the Coll- -Mt tions, and believed bul whou he said Notes of Xxitere—StAbout Sorne of. of her amusing during CALV ERT'S.... fizent. Mr. J. 13. Tyroll ecdatly "Come wlth,mo." lie loved moi I did love him, and I through all the wor. Acod4,ding to the World's, Great Peoplii. lier artistic career, in regard to Xorth-cast corner Xing and Yonge struck thkoUglt this couittry oil his She Iod the Way Into the house, gave lilin all I had to the sysioni, all dental woes are audiences site hinks the English the streets, Toronto. 0ARBOL10 glve-111Y brought on by tooth worms. The Jews in England, and 41SO the loust, and the Yrench flie inost, do- J. A. 111chardso'lik trip to Fort Churchill, oil the the (lour of which she opLn,.,d with it honor—in return for his protesta-, iterve pulp is sluell. a worm, and Is I . I)ISt. Pass. Agt Churchill river, but could only make lateli-key, tions of love. Do you understand, always shown to the patient. . , poor' of many otbor religions, oW0 xxlonstrative.� One of her quaintest OINTMEN, a prolinlinary exploration, On the Nfaida? I have -never worn a wed- 1017 much . to tlic, philanthropy Of the experiences was in Russia, where 4t South coast of Hudson Bay,. between cum,TEit Hr. ding ring, beeause I never J'ad tie littinbugging purposesi alo, the den- present Lord Itothschild, Whose vast crowd of ladles waited for her at the For all skin afte"ts, ocket solne KIM 0111 COFYE11.11. ttst carries about In It($ It Wealth has often been drawn on for stage door that he might sign ome . J. 0. Calvert A Go., usnahfililter, 9"gland the Sovern and Attawapishkat Caryl could lioll repees,4 a feeling right. , You hang. your hattil, Is t white grubs, and after lie has ex- charitable purposeq. Llord 11oths- photographs, - To her InImellso , Dr. Johnston, a moinber of the rivers, is an, area .22,000 square, of shaine Us lie followed Ataidn, Carm for Shaine of me?" tr,actcd. a tooth lie shows it grub to Child SUL.ccedod his ' miles In extent, ot- larger than Nova. ringford into the houe, bu lilotbor. 0, uncle in the bar- amusenituxt, no one had brought tho 1-09islativO Council of Janial a, SHEET METAL bouaLAs ImRoll., t it, did th(l stiff0l'Or as the Cause Of all the onotey in 1876, c Scotia; and lying between Trout not deter lifin front so 'You do not hate ine?, lie -entered the wherewithal; but at last xx gentleman while lecturing in Manchester, L'"g- 121 Adslkldo st, ellig the ad- uItouse Of colzillioYIS when only tWon- land, surprised his audience, espe- CORNIOES. 0 Lake, Lfte Soul, and the Albany venture to the end. Ile Pwod Maida, "No, motficr,)� ` obligingly lent a pencil, which , Was. river Is another 15,000 sq�taro milog Cart ngford, -not with the. Inconstant jizit your father?" The position of the dentist of this ty-fiVe Years of -age, being roturned afterwards promptly broken UP, ciall the lady members of It, by of unexplored land. .1 "Ile has gone Whore lie will re- class is not very lofty among his b the Aylesbury Constituency in tlic the fragments divided nmong the stating that Coffee lie, had seen mark - born of bined dostre, but with cimixtryinen, and lie is regarded as Eillorut Interest, and hold his Sent, oil fit Shops at 35 cents per pound "South and cast of Jaines Day the W half -way in social Importance be- for stpengtll of a 111ftil 110 for a celve his judgment," was the broken and nearer to large coutres of popu long Unle luti; loved Unconsciouly, wer twenty years, Then he was was purchased in Jainalea, for tween a barber and a laborer, Which raised to the peerage. Lor4-Lfeu- 'Ilts - attributed the Brass and lation than ally other unexplored and just learned the roat nature He has notIl Screamed tile old is certainly a great Injustice to the tenatit for Buckinghamshire for , lit Chicag6 broad must be StamPed Cc pPr pound, Ile region Is a tract of 35),000 squal,0 l his feeling.q. lie followed bor be- woman. "He lives newt" lionest Iabover. twelve years, Once Lieutenant for the with the weight and liame Of theitiormotio I . in the price, of the Inarumesitat bruarge, Uniforms, rtc, t the operations of cortibine.1- lite "talk 1'� Milds, Which may be Compared. In Cause lie hoped to dise"wor some- "You told me lie was dead." baker. trticlt% to -EVERY TOWN CAN HAV9 A 13ANIO size to Portugal. tliin,r of her Inner flfe.,., and Perhaps I'llut. X Spoke n - ot the truth, I CiLY of London, he is it fainiliar fig- The bInglish railways cost on 411 and rings, which, lie Said, he would FIfecataloguil "'rho most easterly area, is thot to - -tunity t ure in society, commerce, and poli� average $!I 50,000 per mile; the (10i. do hi be.qt to break down before he MO Illustrations, inaile tee. `Wrt0U8fot4ny have an oppot vas not rowd ow, He 11iii 73ishop of London's salary Is tics. As chairman of the Old -Age thing In Iluslor greatest of all, It comprises almost wit), to agaill urge I)!.<; love. . $100,000 ; and the Aniqioan, left linglaizd� lives, and I bate him. oven sh I otleb 10,000 year, and the rates, Pen-9101is Committee lie rendered spee- man, the entire intorlor of the Labrador She silently led the wily to Whitt taxes, Insurance, and maintenance of fal service to the country. whaloynoyce Go., T -ant. -Ont, find peninsula or Northwest Territory, seemed to be it sort-, of it , ting -room. loved blin. Listen to me, $55,000. of Witinip6g, and if your soft heart crieq out for his two large can scarcely The Sons of the Gerninn 1111inporor The bottled beer of Vngland re- London enjoys u greater arom In all 289,000 6(11,100 11111014, or More A lanip stood oil it. round, draped forgiveness to hint, steel it agalfist be losli than 15 per cent, on that being brought up in a sirict quires nearly 70,000 tons of Cork open Space than any . other Capital ill than tvlea as inuch. as Great 11ritaill table, shoddhill' it oft, low light Iiiiii. Do you think )to had evert the SUM, so that Iiin Income Iq at. onee . school, While the Crown Prince I.q early. cedslftlts Cleaned and Ireland. Two or three Years; about the room; and for a moment . ..... ...... of love for botritying reduced, to Z8,1500, Few probabl initiated ltito all tile solenin or 1) ed; sato LRdits"We— * . ago, Mr, A. P. Lowe inade it, )file of explaration.and survey into the in- (,aryl Saw liotbing buL tite, gonortil, home -like uspect of the, pince. 11risq me? For blighting my young life For MUM the expense of a.Dishop; In the first Peen, puyinent.9 foil, rites and practices of ,3tudont�lffo. at 1101111 his three. younger beotherg, torlor of thia vaqt . region, and flie saine gentleman also traveled In. 1 Carringford, however, abruptl took bi auention, froin the room by l. and making ine an.outenst? making Illy innocent child all out- Itt, the furniture of the palace, and it, variety of costs alld Charges Plitel 100tV, August Wilholin, and Oscar, aro 1111,rd at, will-Ic rit Pleo", land up,the Hamilton river; but with those country lentiv but Imperiously painting to a high-backed ill caqtl Not, for all Insta0t. made a bet —niark this Alaida—he had _00101, leave a. Comparatively sniall margin th(,,y tire ubjecied to it, daily exePlitioll,14'f7le rucking clutir the. 4nade it bet that lie Woald succeed for o )let, expexis t The late Bishop routinn triet6l, even th(til that to inay be -regarded as practically un- X�iored, slitt(low, ITe turned bis oyen that way, and stutted, as lie noticed for Where. other had failed, Wid lie suc� happy— Villiers wag nearly rallied by wilat was doented exLraordluary go;d for- whiel they are accustomed at home, Vverl V (lily they 61.0 up at half-paqt, "The Aretle, Island.,; will add all the time an old-lookint.,,' woman . 'et) ed. For a While 1. Was It, for such a brief whilol And even tulle. live, have theh , cold tubs, then their are,% of evoral hundred tho6and of unexplored land.11 .11 .- with her eye -i closed fit Proill her he turned to Cafringford, befora you were born. at a tinia hreakfa4t, and forthwith I)egill wor1c, r1`110 eld0st of the brothom vlqitq tba alld, holding. out 11h; hands, $laid, In whon my condition shouttl hAvO evoked only love and Wnflernes, lie I The number of Inedical papera pub- lished In tile 1hifted Btatoo Is 275. 1011-st of the Cdet, School, the The grree,tost distailm that a Aho t it low, toile, W11I T�oul listen it) mfind one attelid the Lower, I-lifth, the third the 1.1pper Third. 0 SWOOP forthaTeethandBreath, 25 ha -6 fired is a few YO,rd.13 over fiftobn Infleg. Nbe proildly, t bix,ve brought you here, to refiel our rheV to have all made plonty of there, and take all iletivo, Nearly 3!O per Cent, of the reeipl- last t1nd groq8agi, insult, I have let In all the ganioa. triw oit cuts of 'the Victoria, Croas, are uilli- & you conit, here that you n3ght "e' i Iny luothor, tho Only 6ollig on 0411th At WI Stortff, ot by Mid[ fop tha Mail, HALL RUCK9L. Montroal, & popular gal)0% at the Present moment lrj tolaxis, wbilt tho. so nd ble'r - 41, .1naq, I qyeq description. AfOutteml. Torouic, Ottsw4 t que�60, Dominion Line telaftighlos POOL ftftlivad to Littroeal, VIda que,xj, montr"t to 1,116rPsol, ljostag to t1tor. towd. Itset Stiald".M iir..10 of 064middalps, 91 1410ent4m IM o6no'snit st,leyes.M WI&I atuaition b" been Mat, t4 irk 866013d 81,100a 6114 Third-Oliam atooduglou I stidn, Wag of AW96 ithil, in butioulard, solill 14 "y 6f the C,6mpitcy, at 77 hlikU SLo 13446oiLA