The Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-27, Page 37 -9,w,-
"11119 the force necessary for vpixdy ore as it the danger bad leh- tile mountains near Holbrook, in TO, 8
departure. t;eliled ,.it It Was time to OI Northern Arizona, by cowboys. Tile ALLOWED TBALI
'Some twonty minutes latex, tile retaliation. SoThe Don quiety Indlaxis Were discovered stealing
MAKING A U'VE CHURCH The Don's guests were till Seated in tile Blue- stoopod and Picked up the bag, tap- cattle.. room, facing a Miniature stage boau- ping, tile floor with his boot as lie Tile police of Greater New York, TAXN XAMS AWX) T01Z , 9% tifully draped, "lid soon to be troa (lid so. Then with lilts face to the ...... be,iln 7,500, must now provide SOAP AND Aug WXXXVI) AZ - watching crowd he backed slowly to- thonse ve! by the clever Amateurs who had gra ME VERY LMST �ROM : .4 with buttons gilded wltlx The Rev Talmage Makes a Few Last COUP' clously consented to "muse their fel- wards tile door, which In the Mean- 24-karoxt gold. They will cost each low$, All the theatrical surround- time had Mysteriously swung open. ALL THE WORLD OVER9 policeman $9, a year. Where the Roulti:I7 And Eggs WeAt
Ings and ccesories which the wand Wliall 110 had passed through it Ojos- McCormick estate U alining to to -An 014 Gontleman's 1141- Sensible Suggestions, They - called him Don because of wealth could summoA served to col wjtII A b"119, Aild `CIIQ key Was 10te'restinX Items About OUr OW11 build a magnificent 011ce building.
convert for the non", the handsome turned In tile lock, Country, Oteat Britain, the unitep for the housing of professional men ing—A Curious Miccuse. in the uttermost extm�ulty ?f chamber . Into a veritable theatre, fortune lie inanaged to retain .4 fair and the delighted acclaxnationts of his Half all hour afterwards a strange State$, and All Parts of the Olobe on the property where the Victoria When Staying at A, bi t h
'"n" , ,
-A dospatell from Washington says: lass, gather Ili ton that re not re- fit tile coun 9 Semblnce of tbat apich-and-span ex- guests rewarded the Viscount for It's spectacle might hay() been witnessed Condensed and Assorteil for I lotel now stands In Chicago. try latell� the
-Rev. Dr. Talmage clied front' spectablo. If in our 131ble class _!"y qte quired of one of tile bour torlor which bespeaks your true ego- efforts towards, their amusement. As on the bleak country road between R044141;. Wart JalloO, who wits Arrested 1
the followin, the an- there be twenty young wait who have tit, oil -uspiclon of having robbed tile, was that from over tW a- Ile was a brainy =Ali, for All the orchestra concluded (I brilliant Lutillgolcuo, and Trillick, the railway CANADA. Firi,t National Bank of Mineral head of poultry there there, were tit 9Ql Of the Church in SirivrilA write: Come from Christian homes and of lie had t one time been a valet, Ilia overture Ills Companion, tile Dowager station of the district. The road These things salth the fl;st- and the gaut surroundings, lot those twenty brains, indeed, had. ]proved his, ruin, Lady Trij Point, Wis., of over $26,000 About few eggo, says Pearson's 'Wookly. Th( last, which was dead And is Alive. young men go, out And gather In lingtolip tapped him with wkw one long and uninterrupted de- A separate School will be opened three weeks tigo, has confessed. All man's Answer waa,,to say the lealAr for they brought Itim. down to the her ten. scent, Ili part perilously Steep, And in kVoodstock. I Uno tby worlis and tribulation, twenty more of the young mail of the over Of tile cracksm the money but 60,000 has been re- mystifying.. Ile. replied and poverty, but thou Art rich"- city who Are, lost to society, o you believe in dreams, Via- A huge Automobile was flying along T �ao� ..Well. It Ain't that there Is only Things were tit -it Somewhat 4WIC" count?" w ' smallpox %Ire re. covered. Jolleff lilts Informed the of- Rev. if. a, 9. Another characteristic of a live It at a whirlwind pace, jolting over por I few laid so Much as it, ib that a lot
ward pass t the time, and as his "Xy dear . Lady Trillington, 1. coil- tile toNd t floors Where this package Is burlool.
Smyrna wits a great city'of the an,,, church Is one With Appropriate arch- PAIS, 01111110 a eccentricities of the primitive GENERAL. as is ]lid ain't over taken by thil Cleats, bounded, oil three sides by itecture. Because Christ was born of out "hands" from a fess I have never Asked Myself the I-oadway and reeling horribly in the Winnipeg's tax rate will be 2,1* rightful owners." It then came OR
mountains. It Was the eel vile pact, of carda And; Scooped their question, Stay, I do believe In clutch of ruts And depressions, I In. Mills this year, Germany. will maintain.& strong that many years ago, when
itral cia- lit a manger is, no reason ny We tricks by Clio light of a racking, evil- dreams, that is if. the lobsters are side the car were thre Manitobals. wheat crop Way be, the garrison at Shanghai. the farxq Porium, PC tile Levantine trade., In should worship lilln. In it barn. Lot a terror-strick. in question was in the hands of the
that prosperous and blMiant city the churches of Jesus Christ be not smelling lulip. they threw many all- strong enough, If they're not, why, oil, wild-eyed man, one of them VaIn- boat in Its history, A supposed volcanic eruption in present tenant's grandfather, thl The xious glances at Tito Don. Ile wits you ay escape after all." ly tugging at, , a useless brake Kingston's revenue from taxes for the Hautes Alps has turned out to working people of the neighbourhood!
there w�s a. Christian Church 09tab- only comfortable but Ornate. reading a paper, seemingly quite o Jost, with 3.901 totals $158,217.6.0. fished, After It lied ext-ited4for a churcli, of esus Christ ought to be I b- "Don't treat the matter as a tile iltoolotoltous, pevststendy of do- be 4 landslide. in return for their aerviioes at tho
While It I, was rocked down . by An it great faintly clrcloj� the pulpit only livious of Ills surroundings.. . Then lie pray. ' It $a a pot theory of mine." sprilr, and the liorror of swift ap- An Outbreak of smallpox is report- Pekin palace was Wilfully sot on time of a disastrous I I Ire were pro- earthquake, It was robiislt. Then tile tirepiace around which. they Are Wit It small rectangular hole in the "Irom which I infer tha some vi- preaching death writ large on Alle -ad at St. Jerome near, Montreal. fire for the purpose of olostroying the. "I'scol free eggs and milk for so it Wqq Consumed by a co-,iifugrat4on gatlieted fit Sweet and domestic cow- newspaper, and holding u i Sion of deep import disturbed your faces of ll, . The Hessian By Is doing damage to archives, long as the farm remained In th4 that swept over the entire City. That munioll., A live church must have a light tile printed derap. of pa -par that rest last night. Not n -Y01119 un" The'moments passed, the lttige vo- tile fall Wheat in Wentworth Coun- queon argherita is. building family. I The soil, of the church went through fire Ili of trouble commodious, comfortable, and ad- had tilled it, lie addressed the other pleasant, I hope?" hiclo gathering mome A er,, on coming Into the property and disaster, but, kept oil to great apted building. How niiale are two occupanto of theroora. "Indeed, yes. It was more A every rood traversed. . And Home in Rome for the children of made Rnownhis, izatention of discon- spiritual prosperity. Tito fact was, thy Tabernacles, 0 I'Listen to this, boys: it has giv- nightmre than a dream, and was a rate appeared in. the shap then 041 lies been discovered. oil % farm murdered fathers, tinuing the . of . parting Lord of Hosts. I 0 ,a in Springfield Municipality, four A corps of Rhenish Westphalian With eggS . custom. A C. church hold the graco of God, would rather be a doorkeeper fit the oil ilia all idea . which way or May vivid that 1. have not shaken -off tile Massive white and milk for nothing I r miles northeast of Winnipeg. cooll mixters will go to* China, to Open turn, and for a period he rigidly sold
&it ever active principle, Had it house,of illy God than to dwell In not prove a bonanza, 'A Murderer's effects. of it yet. It foretold Ii. ca- crossing. '.Vile motor hurled itself in
been otherwise . Escapel'-The Balfe. Hill murderer,. lamity if ever a dream. (lid Tliq building Inspector of Winnip6g up mines in the Ger an possessions. tile products as. legitimate farna, all the grandeur of the tents of wicliediwass," And I (kill into the obstruction with- the force architecture, And 'all the pomp of Again, the characteristic of a live James Cooney, who.was lying under. convincqd some misfortune Shall fol, reports permits have been isaued this Toil American locomotives, guar� stock� yet such downright Ill -luck of a. score of battering rams, There surroundings would only have been church must be tha sontelipe of death at Barneville Graolp low. from it,,, season to the value of $852,000, anteed to inake 75 miles all hour, attended the or And the. cattle- t it. is a Soul'; was it horrible rendll�g noise f ops
the ornament of death,. the garlands. saving church. It must be the gos- dlyacted his, escape this Morning with "Your dream could have no better splintering ti The Barbers Frotective Assorla- have just been delivered to the Paris breeding that he returned to the singular cleverness and daring, and mber, the hissing of as- Von Ottawa, will protest against -Lyons Railway keeping of his tather's, verbal pronx- ofa Collin, tile PlUllies Of it hearse. pet of Christ, "Oil," say some Polo- ally than your own faith in it, Lady is believed to be hiding !it tile i'61911� Tr1ili calling steam, a sharp cry of Agony t1loji- bosses calling them back t Jac,' The grandson, while afraid of Tonight, preaching Illy anniversary PIC, "the gosple f Chrit allows but borhood of Lutingden ngton. You must really-un-� intermingled, with a long, shuddering 0 tusgia has Increased ilia duty oil sermon us your past,,, it, may be a Small swing for mail's faculties, 0, You know dertandhat the thing is absurd.. If., moan, "lid then the silenco of the, work oil $undays. Ignoring the custon, does. not give I t Lutingdena, Steve?" several articles of merican menu- and profitable to consider wlttlr� are he and ome mail have left the ministry We we a to live in-constan dread of The prohibition law which lies been facture, milk- away, but he al- "Viscount Woodward's place? I tile r Iowa them, to'bo, taken, or stolen, it elements of a - live church. with that idea." Why,there is 'to . unknown existence would be ixA- When the catastroph fit f6ree in Charlottetown, for The allied ppwers will keep 6,000 I remark, in the first tbxxt iteld oil earth so grand R13 that otighter, Don, G-Ot six months to tolerable." a was discover- the consciences of his, tenants Will. ad (which was Boon afterwards, w- but A wcalt is pronounced by Many troops in China, exclusive 'of the Le-, permit it, and, as a matter of fact, one chavactoristic.of -tich a church. wilioll is Open before tile gospel Inin- alneillber ltL in Wilela I first joiped "it is - not the unknown I fear. Ing to the clue furnihad by the mis- to be a, failure. Is punctuality in ill . eating'its engage- istry. It Ila.,; boon my ambition, tile profesh. What's yer Illy, an , y- The* gation guards. quite half. the eggii And fourth of way? re Are plenty of very real dangers sing motor) One of the Occlipants Of Mr,- Sidney Smith of the. Post -of- The Belgium Senate has' passed a the Milk� is'19st to biM In that Wayl Monts. All Illtitli- and I believe it, has been yourg, 'illy always around s, even in charnting 'tile car Was f6und unconscious Ili A, ficO Department,,: Ottawa, 'loaves bill prolonging for three years th There is living In Leicestershire a tions have 1,elivion% And -w years of la "To crack thatI crib Ili. a distinctly dear people_ fit the: Lutingdelle. 1,4or ipstance, � that as- field some- distance AwAy, having next month for Newfoundland to or- existence of the gambling casino at dear old gentleman whose age JS they ought tolnect, their obligations ministry., to. have this now and origfnal style, anddive. you� caped murderer, -James Cooney, who been shot from the car like a can- ganize the Mail, system of that eOl- Ostead, Close on seventy. . He lives Alone just as certainly as men incot their - -q I your revenge tit the same time. This is supposed O' S O`UL , AVINU OHURO to be in hiding here- n n ball at the moment of collision, 0117- Ilia super- Mr. Goorgo, Ifunt,.Inatiager of tile dozen servuntso. anti he, is known to ilia' bank, When a is how I pi�opose' to do it, On the abouts. Our very lives rLro not Safe It proved'to be.Welslier. Bee-ause the companies would not with his spinster sister, and half -a -
obligations Lit church of God is not as falthful lit and e novel, yet, threw Out tile gos-- 3rd, two days from now, the Via- while lie is tit large, Why doWt the discharge Italian workman there has Its promises Its tile Banic of England pot net but we o1rew in 4 great mol- count is giving a ball to celebrate police (I 11al injuries were practically nil, Ottawa Fruit Exchange, who has been serious rioting at the Lit Motto every man, Woman, , and child for titude, They have come, it hundred Ilia ion's return from South Africa 0 soillethlag to Capture "till and- ITOVlivod to taste the hoglJitalf- returned -from It trlp,tliroi�gli Was- allot ol'Aveillan's mines, Prance Miles around, as a generous benefac-
it cease, to be It church of Cod, It At A time, and- two' hiandred tit it 0. and put all end -to our Anx!QLY?" ties of a Government retreat for so- torn Ontario, describes tile prospects ought to be understood thot pryers The tor and time, And three hundred'and fifty at r will be . "Well, I-glant you they have al- In, Berlin there is a strong hos,I veral yours of the fruit crop as pool,. :. n churqh, allot prayers a time' And I expect.the daY I'Vill ap- one of considerable magnitude; cis .]owed our Confidence !a thdixt-to be tile feeling Against the British Gov- A LTDERAL� LANDLORD� cannot pay a. winter's coal -bill, and tile society Steve was with difficulty extracted A fast steamship line to Southani- action oxx tha Transvaal hen ill somQ'service illere will Papers say, Lind Ili all shaken somewht, Bolt e must li6t fro in t I lie ruins of . the notor; I and pton will. be established from Syd- yet . it few prayers cannot meet tile. !I Surance, Paar- w Xopting probability every jewel in tile coull- xpect too much. Few -of,us )lave conceswons. of the. tradesinen of - the do , be three thousand souls , I presented a pitiable' spectacle of ney, C�D., Lind- an oxtoinsivo teel little e town nearest to, his Palatial And that While Prayes ca the offers of oternal life. 1 ish try Worth looking at will lead its any colliprelionsion of ilia Manifold The Island of -Panay, . fit tho. Phil. house know him to be a clever shiop� prains, fraqtures and abrasions. shipbuilding plant may be- establish- � ippines thousand tillngs, there. Are a *thou- could tell you onto '- c sparkle 'to tile general brilliancy. difficulties the polfco:en* is being ravaged by rinder- thief, Ife 'WiJI driVe into the town
send things that prayers cimnotdo. ircumstances We!vo got. t . o Ito I . nCxAhQsc'joweIs.I' counter in any weeks, therefore, were spent in Sydney also.. articul (;Illll,cb will that have COII under. my observal theii, work. y tile bye, Lady Tril- the local infirmary before be was an-. - Mr James Xcene,. whose horse, post, And so groat.14the havoc caus� and -enter the grocer's or -the chain-- Prayer for any p ill, ,lnIO,S. it tion,* proving the filet that God has "Hull," - . said -Steve, .. while tile lington,' I notice that you da not ad by the disease that the natives is abled to join Wolsbor in his seelu-!. Cap and Dells, w 9 t's or thd 1ronnionger's shop, where never reach heaven-I-xigh other mail, -was. . on the Oaks-,. takes Are hauling carts, to Iloilo. Ila'. will give till order, and on re- blessed the prayers of his doer poo-, content drivo.about as much -lately am here- 'Slon_ - The on was beyond the has presented a chdque ,for L2,650, goes down poaket�deep It wo pray pie -in behalf 'of souls - Immortal., to mutter hoarsely all ancouragIng tofore, I trust your penchant for 1.6itell of inundotne, justice. He w I A review of . German troofis will' 6o turning to ]its carriage he will - pro- for the advAncoment of -Clio church "Go Olt, Don,`� as half the stakos,'-to, tho Princess of And do not, out of our means, call-. Others in. diflorent parts. of the the open air lies not Suffored.thr(l.tigh discovered At the bottom of the rail- Wales' Hospital fujid. h,fl of at : Tylayeace on August. J,�tfl At duce from his,, sleeves or.his pockets livillfi hI� "The opportunity will arise when land are to , theascape of this criminul?" wliii�h.,Xing, Udward and Choi Oz�r such articles AS brass weighta, hot- tribute for its advittloomept, . our I the party aro*ttst4embled in the Blue- . ,I fear it has. I must retaliate, way gate,. lifeless, concussion of the 0 t vor Wit- ties of.perfama, popper casters; tab- mid ipholding the tali- Mrs. Julia Sandbcrgw was,acquitted will b the glies a of Empo, prayer is only intielcery., -Lot the r000to r, am, briiin having out short. - - Ills career on the charge of having obtained dard arld we shall meet thoill, when to tile ateur theatricals., however,,with It sinitlar quary..What ]!anx. hAs of toilet"soap, -small ting of Pot� church of God thon moot, its obliga-, ovCv fit the Tbe servants wilt be there, too. Tha. av, . abritptly 'but patillessly. $5.50 from tile Chief of P61ico Smith oils of lifil arc you doric,-vith.your mqtoe of ' 6 . tio qid6. anti lot the thO t 'Ind wo- consequence Will be that, every iivxng The Jewels which he hail-plottpol. so. of Hokinilton by selling him It liogus ted meet,. And the like. Ho has even
dariAgly' to I obt-aln to been known to steal a of members of -tile. congreation meet great harva.sChonia. 0 men'. latc?" possesal handful
the obligation4i - and' the immortal, licar this call of soul'in the mansion will be gathered .0, 11 of spade guillea.. Site'' dl� I On, ...IN FARMING, brtxzIl nuts., lit oi 'oA-dcr,1 am -sorry to unis ate is .1 were'.1.1ppovered I it tact,.'�-London Tit�- duchess, - - I .: . I ... fTers 'of 3ofd s,tu,Workj and roill. tilito to', time som6one de-. TJIC footman IS always aware of his.
avereika inuy. - All the 0 together fit one rooni ht the bout-, we. say'� The bralte' church Will be naxicia. y prospe select, for operations." , Now' there prevented rite having Bits . of nies. tile 'Value � of is6ionce in agrie I- master's falling for the articles are . . : tlle� gospel, are extended'you 6ther m 'a t t c I There is :all 011i al. denial to 'the u -the carriage, 'The:
say Also that 111110 sl Let mo " avb"tNVd doors Ill this "Oon, 0110 At it repa; , trod up to tilt- Vanderbilt millions are
"without money and without price, present, , T story hat, ture. 'Not long since in the logi il�. invarlAbly left Ili
E SS NTIALS Or, And you � are con9ciolls of,:tlle fact the side and one behind tile stage, -m6rXOw I shall have it l6tikd After. CUL� behind the Dominion.; :Securitles ture' of 4;rich Agiiatift4ral .4 trad6soneg i o notitrouble, to take be Punctuality Ili the att,e and at the appolinted -time youv sta- iXanco fit 0 .1 'I hope your fecirs won't even, you 0 Lord. I TURI�. - . mpany, to cleve Op ova. co la, 'ch oa�l- the ser- that these opp rtitilitIfes* Will; so()" pr t t' 'a member, ill oppoaing a bill.w.hi 11 cps to cure the; they
ctor shall be- tit one, 'Steve, of Ithe the, house of tit tile be g6na forever. 'vile coxidu an industrial and tralisportatidn, busi-' led for till Appropriation for. educa- htent ,I�Xth'tlxe xatuin' of vice begins at-lialf-past'Um in few yours Welslier�`at the other appompallying a:few of us fox, a run After planting do liot wait for the liess., 1 goods ov I morning, thO regtilivr .. C01161 egatbn a. railtrain, Was tellilig� ilia a, both of when. t is serviceable woods to start before cultIvAi ti6nal purposes, $tatod that'tho best e compensation olojed'out to theM by,the culprit's �spinster sis- a , It given sig) charmed. ButL but beghi.,i�iith tile weeder -and spike Hamilton and Wentworth. Couittk, farroxor in' his rialkliborhood did net of a live churol no.t.;col woCks Ago,' of thc:fct 1w wfIS Ou rattolY t ial to. lock , "Oh I no, I sliall-be. COL. -.16tigth nd 0 one- night staintiffig. by latrain, 6xv. Chose doors front the outside. I will' here are ouir budding.actors ll com- 'too L ndon and Middlesexi St. Cathar- know how to read mild write; The Aer.* quarter to elovanI 'If -tlla'�Servlco is tit harrow . b Some years ago a famou . a actress I, strack, Ilia . train - � haVing dive the �fg,ndl from ther-stage," Ing. down to us. . What does it 'mean. Ines and Lincoln, and� Welland Coull- time has .to lg since passed Into. bb- to. begin at lialf-Past ' hea- I -w-itched off , so ilitIt VFrom the -stige, Don?", eollood Som6thill crosswise -of th��rovV, desti-o,ying Intl- ties may unite, and sbare the , a Marriott . nidn of. Ievenin;, the regular coligregatio'n of g iiius� be wrong, )toils of I ..,;pro o ting weed seeds, writes livion- when it 'is necessary to rope' - wealth -and pos - a live* church Will not c()IIIc at� it Crain. ,night ol,�Ivt past unhindored. a-gino to tike part'in - The - Viscount . looked up� fit Sur- ponse of erecting munici al'saliltaria ti tion and excellent family ass6cia- d there. ill *theL the M. Wixi4n. When. the plant P. io ussults upon scientific -agricul- tions, She left the stage oil her m4r- quarter to eight. - In soinir- churches JTe,sttiLl while he stoo priso, ils tile' players, il� :t"6* place tot- consumptives. ture. While :Occasionally'eii-, _1� ,kness beside onAlic 7sid orinahce will'be it- solo appears - 90 into the field ith Clio i6p have noticed the.people are dal. 0 Ty Pqvf trooped into Clio room froin one side Thide prisoners,; Andrew 'U, ppersoa, tirel lgliorant of cience, may be l 1141gel., 4114 took oil housek Ing, ill Olt, lie heard horse lil�)o or the: riding cWtivator real cataest; ho.eveli Went,,
tardy. There al,(., sonw ppoPlo�_ �Yho tra the thunder of tile' And %Vill, I expect-, prove absorb- 0 to th6. fit the -distance..' Then-.4ic Ingly illt�tei3thig,tliat a rich.harvest and'-con.tinue, to dig up and turn. over Frank Abrams and . . till Siddell; good' faritiori no one, calt, lattain, tile extent- of s;,j,;,,-intendi . ng:. are, always la They , Were born exprL, At is the matter, Wi)odw4rd7"'. to the sun and.Afe till tile rtil You broke out of' 011thain jail in road higbeqt uccess lualess ha. undcr-� j136 cooking. As tJin6':pqased to. too lat , anf the probahiliti is that saw'-tha fl,"It of tile liou:dliht. The Of jewels Shall reward 'illy efforts. Inquired one 'of the mail Approaching Iltarally- tearing daylight Sunday, afternoon nd cs-�. stands' thc� prind�les which underlie, she '.became convinced',that one or.' a fearful -velocity, After my..'turiil -has concludoil the An rea:ch without. eapccl� -t. k
-tilt; 'I now some- they Will die too late; train came on:with hmup the'Illi O not be afraid to !E�griculturc, . He mu, more of her servatitti.must be diiholl- 0% S0.1 a And fertilizers,
nearer And. neafer, until itIter while door at tile -back of tile stage shall - The, matter.?" eellood the Via- expogaI or even break of[ solne of the A coliple -fr(iin Seattle, W.T.,'weroJ thing 'I plant THE RUSTLlNG..-()F $ILK. it caxi�e V.oiIy.near, by. the'flash pen: to 'permit* of illy exit with it . 1.0 est, for pies, oints and jolli*C6 unac� up the llisle, and the laiwiting, of f-th, head light, lie aw' that the ipoil,' . when it will' immediately be Count' ."What do'�ou mC.anL? Why :C1O,CjOts , while the married in'Victoria, BIC., y wo Ad animal nitrogen's place I count ably - of Isappeared froni her pan- -to oth J it -' in -agricultura,'tho � naure of tile, tries, wlth� don't. I ?" odist:'Vp1seop, .9111 - Plants. are, young, It wi I -let. in � tile Amex . tilt, M mill doors, and. the tteadioi� as ,I 'Why, there is a -slip of papek pill-, all- to�soil Lind r6t.9- where most ist vs. Tholmarritige I,; void because qhanges hich . take placo`in Intl o 'his -rolocked, and we Acpart 'w remarkable regularity, witchman'liad not attended 0 k; feet is -poor inspiration' tot, a miziis� duty�rt,jthev tlivough intoxication or much eele�ity. as 0 Litio It sensible pera'an, ahe'did not oils, v c,. During the e-& d r 0 aker an- 0 requesting us -to � go be- needed ioi�d to send tile lafge ithe clorg i'were all Ilutter ;Ind. heese, at ter. It requires. great itillifferoxic I n , that train. unless Weishe l'oked at'tbe ape lied up, tbor ym,L openly acedse'anyne, or jump to all -uci . eod with f6re tb6 -curtain for a few iiiinutes roots deopev down to the moisture... Tito Loyland Line -st-damor AAqyi� 2D. years it -has * been uneortain. 'conclusion. : $he mAdo in a pastor's Ju - something was. olone immediately, &ily; 'a-tlnle:fcr diftilings, bef6re commorichi tile performa hich went' ashore off Cape strVACCI Over and over. a -ail. that- a the . preliminary exercisCs Of thO Would - rush oil the sidetricir Aid Dtin, And rip me if till'.,; is .Any time g nee. . S 2buld the -growth 'th� plant in-. fall, -w I, I of tactlut- inquir ea. and. She, kept -her mce 'for, fitiry tal it s. signed by you, 'dicate a.,marked deficiency of active, Race Lind i's now a; was -worth tho.rOtlgh understaxidi�, of' . these eyes open.. church- when olI0-baIf'OJ'tj1C ftudiL He as. What yer ' 'a;A to eking. aroxind to so�d the dealt the other'tx�ain to atoiW�, "you Must be joking, Plimsoll". I food at Lill early tagq I have fou4d- $170,000. and -her. cargo $180,00.0. getieral. principles and'tileir practical The' x;esult of her Watching was Seated are'loo tba'Switchinan. !'Set.up say?' lie . Ver Wrote it. 0 application are great factdrs,in sue- that he found the thief to be other )left come in. '-,ueh a diderence t and with-' "11011 1, decidedly. advantageous to apply 7The.wiIecking tug -Petrel, which uls 110. - -Swi�,Chlll .0116 stroke -on Welsfier,"` Steve -L to It was caused by-thO uIckly - available went down, was worth $10,000. cossful farming. of attendance. upon. tlic,b4us- of God tlic sw.I - went back And tile exww With 'a,.gr�in. III noW what ThZ . Tile. exclamation -curtal soxjie soluble. nd q IF I 14DA14b.' all all ijsing of the drop and cut- may -be A diftereac of�..tiwe, PlQceS; thundered oil,.. 0 men and wo, libn,R dd .1 i�, ftU,
TIP to. Ho's a-gwIne to hyp- manaire aloiigsi The Ontario Graphite Company,.of 'tivate deeply iaking rrqngenients for but the live church of 1, arIt I;Iel�, g ard the etern6l Win ld, xiierfiie "ein so Its to revealing, It t.range �, rigiire sta i. into the soil, lmost Ott,;tWEL, is n SUBSOILING. Oil having positive:Proof of his'g4ilt to -go. by raft V I fix 't ge, a. in I gr the Installation of all ,extonsive'lain- she taxed him with the business. At road ' Is, . swift as the -need dieverly, and then he speaking..' ught, 1srift the ea? sleep, dii, Don?" till f tile, firstclass, high. , ade.pq time,' dud, ilia PIC in 1 ng,� which consists fix itW first lie to t -is Pretty undol- :illonths, swift Lis tile, days,, swift as- `Hypnoth�o them?" `.repeated the, middle Ago, - unsha-�oxx, and ,un Cto manures are readily Solu ng plant at their ittine at Black hat , h1*101 Our colftlnll'�ttic with 'closc-croupect flair and ruP I- �ivaIcr and give the plant It Do ring tile soil below, the d.epth. usually calinIS, ' adi for' A, few hours; swift :as'the secoxxds-�" Dom "No; teve, the force I adve It littld, -in tile. lowliallip. of Brough- -ent months lie had, when tile Ilottseho sive featox�es... Ilia raggoia. e1OtIlcS-;. qui ban plowed, acts differently 0 Sablidbli Morning: oil : Wht, you going to- to 19 the sort,of: moral -that healthy "Start that . ill'tiole am', in tile CoWity of Renfrew.L W ftdiffbi ia charactOP0,1c.. of It live stamped. jr1th -that hall-Inark of in- it over the 'season. of It . sual . dro,uth, completed, this pro orty be sdils':and It mak- was a tbcoinI making. away (some night,? Toward V -lit: or darliness? is -exemplified by A dynamite bomb P will as more room for d6velopment and timaB buryl� ' ilia goo*d food' and at It, , I i * I . . . . fainy,.the broad arrow, nhanced big leaving it** " 'I P9 church is the fact th. '114 IJIL Pao-: 'I'loward ict6ry or ,iefemt? 11 oward on the. -Point of explosion., in v gorous -condition -to, ealiable of turning,out, 30, tons per v sinister .eiterior.' Ire � held in one onable.4 the plant to. extract food. 'Other tilixes, iving . it to tramps) pie participate ill.'OTU A' �heavon or hefl?. Set tit) tlxi�t, Thdi Wasa, slight paime, Ili order maturP.*a.crop -when the 1 fall - rains day of1inialled ore, hand, o& roun*d, black, 6ininous-look- and Moisture front � h. greater Area. with the things. in order to1neroase stranger. can, toll,bv Lh-�.iry-ihe Switch! Cry loud to God.. "IN" that this itterance might have dud come. Two or three Applications of Ow I work,of his dear little wild drst time starts whetlr�r there is' is the'day of Salvation." comprehension, and then Ing. object, and in tho.other, a lighted from 76 to 100�. lbs,: each. per acre, GREAT BRItAl . N y loosening -up more of the Soil ts the*dAily A cbun�X Clint does proceeded-- The Don taper. - At )its feet. - was 11.11 Open made at'' intdi-�ais' of front teif, days The trunior thixt Battle Abbey, the whoin.ho so. delighted In seeing busy any' life there capacity for absorbing and I- ' otaining 1. irt, the kitchen. . It Is said thai tht led -chwell. : It is shall be brown leather bag. .. It Was our to two weeks, the la�t dressing not scene of,tlio Dattle of-Hastinds, -is Mroisturciq In6eased. , By xxbsorb� not sing is at do necessaiy that 1. have . . ' greater-* &1nounts. of -moisture in wife promised to forgive him. all if awful to hoar it cold of music the stage emporarily to myself, and friend, The Don, oll:based with as to'be made later than ten to be sold is premature. w pie 'much faithfulness to tile. published' ford the plants come :into lit filter and sprihg,'provision IS mado lie wouid go. without tobacco and _QDjoling do It from Ilie Organ loft, HOW TC; OP'ERATE THE MOWER. this arid 'milt attain by A .at m' 90m, 'an. Dooth states that 'in ilia . w while 01 the . peole bcll�Ltll sit . in subterfuge. I will than cla,im, ilia at- description of''tho escaped. murderer will produr champagne. until "he had. saved, an, e pa the, same result. death of Sir Walii�r Bdsqxit, tile $al- gainst,guminer drouth. The effects, ough to refund to the housekeebinj L�irencc. When 'a 'tique %vandet's . lit�eatting-Almothy for, hay, the tention of as Ills experience hs a valet enabled'. lfsle fi l;ot desired to hill or bank v of subsoiling last front two to *three Account the full amount 6 - I which � la the audience r a few ation.'Army,. to a one of Ito best. him to up the rows wl OP, It friends. years.and aie,more marked on the around lonely und and, 'sickle' bar should be. two br-three. ill- minutes, and this shall iell layi.fig tile.. or had robbed it -a vaw'� be -made and be readily should be leftAn th the Neiv: York growtlx of. root crops,-. such s tur-' is finally. lost amid Clio -lit- ches above tlle�base:of the plazl�s, accorded to .tile if onl, on accouni of: When Clio curtain lied folded bacl a, entre It is , ann nceoI ill ' ' faithfully'kept6 oun 1�t !lips, beets, cariots.,. potaioes alid the strangeness of. My appearance, it step to the I,' betw�oa rows Lit the last: cultiv&tIon, of Natural History and tile Pon .otlici-§. T116 -, Ili addition to histithees�SimPla. ta cause the.fietiple. do not join in' it, Clover anO' other Meadow plants :whiell it did, automaticlly, he took there is not much inade'ull� may be cut clo'sei.: ' :After *tile hay. hi I ont Allot said,, In. a -aln the Burp South Xensingtpit Museuni 'Will ex- parsilips,' than .0 the. foregoing, there are, othar casea ch will be- an exact facsimile of serving to tit Ills' Water toi the Lord' In l�.O Ill[ haii been harvested; close pasturing, harsh volce:_ file change exhibits; best, test eS. to profit ill subsoiling mild Stealing, in .1, . no o'. in the ?o*, to. hold It in reserve, In which or Isappro- 'the escaped fololl, James Co Y. Lot no one. move, on the a sing, though' some there can sing by horses or..'shoop 19 fatal to tirn-- - With great 1 . uclo: t he olit! laid to prevent rotting.during a�,PosT is to try it upon an acra'and ubt If 3�. lnuad.t6 rred6rick Charles Raines, killed by carefully the yield.'and result'as qom� priation, is wiliked. At, h ers. - The Motho- Otby Meadows. As a rule it is, not expound, -his '7 scheme, weighing Its peril of his life and the- lives of sible.wet periodafter matotrity. Society beauties and others, who dist church lies sung all round the desirable , to, turn stock in at . any p* every soul in this 'buildlng� I have 'lightning near'London while stand- par6d ith a giviZu area not sub- I in�td in,,everflng . dress by 'ties and cohlbatin its diffi- .0 Ing under a. tree, had the tr ArO pa .9 ee traced world And gone from onquest to time. If pa:siurifig the Aftermath is cultios with a wealth. of ingenuity ln� this hand (holding up the -round THn FAMILY GARDEN. soiled, great'artists, frequently do not'give conquest, among other things be- practiced, hdwev�br, 'it' Should be object). ot'deadik explosive, Anti the on his chest by the electrical fluid. har When he cause it IF; a singing church; And Any done very late in he season and we tfly�of a: better cause. Moment this , taper toncheS it we The family grden-usually pays a ; At Londe - n the half -year's. return4 their, friends: a 0ua � picture of tbeni-so (I finishdol there was silence, and ANT STOi, A TRAIN, selves. The face is theirs , but tho. -ganization that .0111; stowed. of the panny postage allow all Christian church oi an;mal,4 allowed to. shall all'be itirlod to destruction If greater PI ow the. labor. be ex remain on on Y two deep -drawn breaths were simul- k it tl
With aftth%xSinSm parformsL part iy the upon i.t than any' other portion of traordinary increase; the estimated Ali extraordinary experience fell to nee 'In ie bust and the hands and this short time. -taneously. intialed. anyone moves, 1, shall app. tile' farm, even when, man _ aged by t - lid year'sm deficit of Z80,000 bein ro. tlie lot of a through train to Perth, Arms are Very Often those of a PN- of its duty will go Oil froin To facilitate hay harv6st,' the mea- "What About gee-ographyj . Don?" ligllt� I ain reckless as to the con- fession-al. m6del. to whom. Dame ox- to triuniph. A church of God that dow-.9ho(ild be in as -large fields Its inquired Steve, slowly. sbotiiances, - My life is forfeit fit any old-fashioned method of sinaII plats duced to L80,000. which left Albany, West Australia' Cure In physical can sing, call do Anything that case, � And :I place no value upon it.. and bods,and hand cultivatio This Cramer;: Liberal member When trav61ling up all incline abo has been more hind possible with no division fences, "Shall we say topography? cor- 11' . - 3�r- W' R - 3-80 lit attributes, ought to be done. We go forth into This will make It possible to go I oiler you certain terms for being the case, it can surely be made of. Parliament, nil secretary of tile miles front lbany, between Wa�- When well known literary men had this holy ar recte Tile Don, smilingly.. "There your I safety. which you must accept. to. pay III much -greater ratio Of Profit ernaational Arbitration a wheels of tlie with tile Bible, in one apoul f 'the Tilt d r ru III large landq Whorl cutting is no need for nxietyon-thit score, lternative is doath," planning to plant ev&:� thing LcAgue, was -fined ieven hundred and engine laileol'to grip the line, - not_ gifted "ghosts' who did work for hand,'and it liinn book fit the other all turning with ilia mower .will I was It once, you them, (and it h a been recently solid O,ye who used to ing ilia prais ble in long, rows far enough withstanding the Custmary applica I 08 .Of be avoideol'aud time saved. - If the ,Wllvtl yar boss Wa There wast it short pause, during POsSl fifty pounds for libelling John Low- ' t jet a, *few still exist) tlie products
the Lord, and have got -out of the garm'.1 which everyone sat as if turned to tpart su as to work thcIft Wit'll 4 tea a'foriner n . lembor of Parliament,, tion of sandi, and the train was, horsps aro good walkers, bout ton 'It, act. -Vise,olint -, Woodward. I standstill, - An investi- were doubtless paid.for, yet In the habit, takb your harps down from acres A day pan be cut with the or- know every nook -and corner of Lut-1 stone The conviction that here -in- horse and cultivatoi;, thus greatly 'UNITED STATtS. brought to a strictest sense, the stories �k artf-. -al . I, at t1latt cles were stolen, for tho.public, aId. the willows. dinar fiver -foot inower, dead -wam the escaped murdei relieving your own muscles.. And gation- then. revealed, the 1A Of collrac -ingdenc." Tile Dresden redit-Ansalt Bank, the,. metals for hun ANOTHE.9 CHARACTFRISTIC . this varies With the condition of the amon Coon6y,. was absolute. 'Had the, saving in'cost of cultivation is . dreds of yards "What about. gettial aay, Don? of Berlin, has boon declared bailk I- its Molloy for one thing and were the mail shrieked out his Words And only a small Part of the,bonefit rupt. were covered b millioliBt upon nil supplied with another. of It livo,church is a flourishing 4ab- ground, the condition of -the , holy Tikin. tile jools may,be All, rigliti but flourished his arguinent,-so to spank,: the long row -arrangemept. it will 'Pive negro murderers ere, hanged lions -of black ant.'f. The tiny fit- Great men at the Bar have been bath school, it is too late ill the crop, the kind of team! used., ata. tikin our'liook's the chief thing after Il lead. to. a much more ire- from one scaffold at Sylvania Ga" sects'wore evidontly.taking advan- Ito
history of the Christian church to Whom overv%hirl . g is favorab,16, it- I,; Say, in flicir facois, very probably some of Ailtura cu . Bad Ili those illtat days of LIccopt- 116 Two Italian were killed by tile ox- tag Ing. fees for , cas
argue tile benefit of such all Institu- easily Possible. to cut a target- here- Walsher, Is., 1 fallo, the ladles would have fainted, and q ant and thorough cultivation of a of Clio smooth passage Offered as to. which they have tion. The Sabbath, school is not a age with A six-foot machina, but one lily tile mail, rendered furious fit- conse- our garden crops. Tito Important plosior of dyfiamite lit blasting Op- by tile in Ain extensive trek lit merely lent their names Instead of trump card. For tile purpose of put- quatice, might. have Precipitated mat- advantage of a frequent stirring of at Watertown, $. Y. search of Irdsh , fields And pastures giving their persbrial servicag, supplement to the churell; it is its acre per bout- is about the Average. ting as. much real estate its �posslble I 11 ILI I 0 r W Of f S now. .*Tile wheels of the engine, Is . room for. two opinions on 015 right arni. But ters Ili a very unpleasant -niamier fox; tilt' su"faW Soil ( MO 9 ur 9 0 - lie , woolle of the Chicago F ire . ou. Say, there are I Tho modern mower is a �vcry between our Precious solves andLut- Ing Crops, we are convinced, is too trughod the Pitts, and thus greased subject, but', tilt the same, the Prac- dead cliurchc4 that iiaVe Sabbath pie machine;, with 'but few complex ingdono fter erfecting the coup, we Tile Don. As it wits, Ilia cool dei� Department Ila% resigned after aser- nxior-and low, tone, will often greatly iinderestiniated, It Is the, o that no.purchase could tied has been styled' the' first cousin
abbath - parts,consequoutly it 1 of 50 years.
SO11001B. Yes, but the not atall (lit- will take, temporary possession of asaid that it pays to hoo cabbage vice . be obtained. Thd sand put out from of traud schools tire dead too.. It Is it dead 11cult for tile Average farnier to of)- tile Vjsc(iunt,s motor, Which, rang (3 I tix-7nited States Senator John A wise Ith tho'deadly Carnes of every morning during Clio early part tile engine failed to pro.duce the us- mother holding fn.he"r arnin a dead Crate. There Is little excuse for. the fopethotlght shall. ]lave roady.prepar- a desperitte illah, merely stunned the A, Afc4hano% of Xobraska,- made $I,- ual result. of tile season, iidalthoug�% this way. 000,000 by Investments fit Texas oil child. But when superintendent mach"Ine getting out.of order. of ad for us. You will reebIlect tfiat SC of Ills hearers into It kind lot a Lind tdachers ,Intl scholars course, some skill and experience. alre, tile nipsmerfe stupor. be.carrying it to all extreme, we ar lands. ABOUT Tr --n sug. engineering of it motor repre- Come an Sabbath afternoons to- required, Keep the machine lit per- Scotts , ' in, I must have the jewels of every convinced that it more frib(ittefit cut- common, 1"On LOX,I small component part of illy antlemell I . given Of the fifty-one candidates, Who gather, their faces glowing w1th Ili- fact condition by using a sharp accomplishIllents.,* dIn the room. Tile 11; tivation than Is ordinarily the gartllv And might prove profitable. ,rite fre- presented themselves at West Point %DON. its Distance From tereat and enthusiasm, and their aicklC-tho most important ROW to "Don't You tbh)k, )on,ll aid excuse, AS heirV(Llxlablcs AVO if yotl want to learn M -t be looked after. No machine can do Steve, doubtfully, "that it dvilamito of it' freor circulation of the, air t a songs are heard All through tile I too bulky for illy purpose. You, Sir, quout breaking of the crust Admits fast wook only twenty-two passed Ili future . � its Substance. 0 the examinations. Chinese that will be no need to The sun Is about 92,000,000 mile
eraises, and at the. close they,go good work With a dull Sickle III bit of g will collect, tile articles. TaRa..thig of measuring the
away feeling they have been oil tile bet to have two sickle. 1. It Is boinh is An awkwiti 4�ods to bag. Quickly, Time is precious,!' ilia roots, Intl aids therok to , make � S. 9. Goodman, a. Chicago post. travel to China to do It. A Chinese off. ",a only way a oil blind. be eipprimentin' with lit that kirlider the most of all the dows anti rains office clerk, says Small wages and college Is to be established lit, Lon- distance of a fixed stat is by paral- movnt of transliguration-that is a If one gets out of order tile soconol fa,q1lion? Aright 'go off sudden- which fall. Next to actual irriga- large family colnPolled him to steal don; And, tf Tile outh lie Addressed, extending lough t1le college Is not lax, and s0aicely more than half It
live qcllo()I, And it Is characteristic, ran be Substituted. Another impoir- like and - bring down tile ]louse Jil towards him tile hand - holdin�r tile tion frequent and continual surface to matte both, ends racet. yet built, same of tile professors dozall can' be estimated that way. of a live church. There is only. one, Cant Item Is to koolp the sickle bar davilest, 11 lighted taper, rose hurriedly with arrived and �Ixxtvo start-, Suppose the sun is here, in space,
thing I have against the Sabbath free from gain ahol dirt. The juice ,;aid The Don with solem- Ashen checks, and seizing the bag ly- Cultivation aidn in Securing and re- Vale 'University will confer the de- have Already r their on anuary 1, On July i he will be
taining filoisture, and supplying it W6rkmn'a Peace Association , and Col. work. The professors wea sichools of this country, and that I.,;, from the cut ends of the grass plants lilly, "the light that will cause that Ing (Ill the stage in.a. �renblhig to tile . growing plants, gree of LL. D'. oll, Archbishop Ireland, ordinary Oriental garments when 184,000,000 miles over'thore. This Is
,I* I stle y. , J)uat . failing upon this bomb to Cxplodo will novel, be In- 91,11,11) lie began to -collect tho val- class(Is, and many polpil.4 tile base of measurement. The obsor- they all(- too respectable. We gathL it tking
vented." have . joined-Ariny. well, to estimate tlia dig -
In our school,; tile children of tile ra- tends to form A gunling stilistance, uabics. ngilleers, vor who Wants
filled, and the culturCid; but Waal for which must be reinoved at frequent "Whatt poof ,am?" wits the &- Ile experienced no difficulty In ob- vonm� BY Pos. Dressler, the well-known ac-, city and budding diploma- tanco of, say, the star A Centauri, the great multitude of the, children intervl, China igh tailling tile jewels. The DOWS $11, 111, tile Clar noton. Its position With regard to the
S., Ily kcel)illg tile ma I ted quary., t1ons,:for, the Victorian tress, lilts decided to.wlpe off ft lot of course, there ]lave Jong of the abandoned and the lost. Ob, -wall particularl the sickle k'Ararvollous Intuition. You've perb acting, so WlIought on the of debts by going.through bankrupt� t1sts* cliffico professors tit Oxford next star, In six months -he notes if we conlol have till these sufforing bar, this trouble will be reduced to g u 3 e nerves: of the ladies that the flung members of the. Australian Legisla- 0. been this is tile fir.5t again, and it they are separated by
little 011eq gathered tog6thol" What the minimum. Tho'I-)Ihnan rod must Is ed it. Undoubtedly the gait their costl treasures almO.4t with, ture ilia citizens havo tile filcility of One hundred thousand dollars lies And Cambridge,, but 11, it different distance, I. so-called par- voting by post, Ali cloetor Who re- venture of Clio kind where the tone ilax. is established and some calcul -
A scene of litingfa- and be oiled every few hour,; or so and relief into tile bag, and the mail, sides at least live infing front, tile beon given to found. It chair for thu ors re all II(LtIVOS of the Colostial It
and rugs and' sht and trouble And lso the other bearings tria- with with tile conequence,4 of resistance study, of: Chinese in Columbia Uni- ation can be made of tbd distance of
darknesal It we CO-Uld see those lit- tIon. Is greatest. ltingdeno. was thronged nearest. polling -booth t which lie IS, 1."millre. as, reason orablo cases this parallax 1,; ex- guests and the revel Wall; at Its SO urel before their inind, showed entitled to vote, or who 11 varsity* tile irearcit one, In the most fav-
tle fact on the broad road to death, (Icy over the inachine at least twice height, The magnificent ball -room little de"Siro. to prevent them, That to believe that oil pollixig oftly he The wife of It. 0. Sibley, promoter The Smallest conscript In France is treqxely slight. which through 'Chriitiall charity it (lay and that every nut is t wits it glittering panorairi, of whirl- the mail wS utterly reckless and will not be withill live miles Of Sur it being perpetually What Is the sun Made' ol? 'The
Ight 11 of the whiskeyk,trust, has, .9ecured outed train Ills
the narrow And there is no lost any- Ing forms rhythmically -oboying tile 1108t thought 1�ooth, or that oil accolynt of ill divorce from Ito and $350 a, iuoutli proud position by tile discovery Of filing of the ppectrum. ive till idea of ought to Tit" p., motion * desperato Wits the upperl
path of Iffe; if we coul(I hear their Aq.t000n Its thu'lloxings bano st�alns (if it popular waltz plaed by In the 11.111ols of Lill, and fix c011IP"r- health oi- Infirmity lie Will be pre� alimony. a, still slualler On(!, but this time it ilia chemical proportie.q, but beyond
ison with human lives Jewels WCvO vented from voting personally theve, Dr. Runge, fit al% address (it the lookg its it tile recor( w 1 that Lill Is hypothesis. Ills substance
ON%;Illrll ought to goth to. wadr, take to the factory anti it celebrated band. On the terrace I It lit- field for be singing the of it we ,lave them overhauled. It 114 a good Scattered groups of )non 9moked elleap. Furthermore lie would be at, tonxzY obtain through the local MIlWaukeo, con- some tfinb b. -y- M. of s IL whole, is of much lighter me- could ee tho". little Iloftrtq Which Most to have it blacksmith or a ilia- ilent eommunlon; the garden walks purs,tied �as soon as lie had d Boarded pos lilei ballot paper from tho velition, declared tate Insane any- Clunel, In tll� calltoll of Wontfaucon. terial than the earth, but et there Olt thItt age ought not to be soiled cliblist go over tile illower each 6a- Nvere paraded by illsiterlools whi.qpol, hi hideous plaything, anti Is cap- returning officer for tile district, lulng were slaughter-house.s. who recently Commenced hJB Period May be it hard and horivy fiery pud-
With (like Unclean fliounlit, becoinhir soil before taking to the field. Ing couples Only.*the yard and stoit� CUM Was CLIV1,01ft- Indeed It was The, Writing fit of Clio ualil6t; for v service. That, oung
the foi- ever if 110 of inilitar, dilig Inside, for there IS A, light and
Where the ineadow IS free from blos %,ore (ieserted, for the servant har(I to see how lie pould ossfbf t verett-Moore syndleato bil,, gentleman stands S ft In Ills thick outer coating named Clio pilot-
Wcould %(Io those uffering llttlt� elector wishe no,4 of Toledo n -part of
-to Vote is car If'
woods or brush. there is little dan- were watting ca�gely for the Signal escaPe. (tone lit Clio Preqclico Of the local ",rklolne to lixorge all traction ioads Stockings, alad IbS. osphora, Otitside this, Again, refining
()It ('110 altar of every 11,01, tile to wit- Driven by Ills OWn overmastering We baptitied gar of njuring tile sickle, but Ili which would suml Ill postillaster-or tile Police Shore between DetrOlf, ZT Ilefs In no and his away to nix unknuivot distance, Is the tile 13luC_ fear, tile trembling Collector rapidly , developed Inind Isconqiderably more the (110ti4et to Clcv�land. than Ills person. Until Ills 4PPOar' Speak. Tito ,spots are rifts through with firo, fpom.the lavel, of tile pit-- many fields, vartiralarly those re-. iiess tile thoattleaN in ciallY appointed for chromosphere, Of hot air, so to 11 v- contl -seeded, immense weeds with room, made tile tout, of tile room, the bag visit sick and flifirin Persons Wild Tito battipship . Illinois lit, a, trial anC0 I I We Would recoil, ryllig out, A it awaiting visibly as Its Cannot atteft(l tile postoffice. Thoe over sixty-six nautical miles Ofy the photosphore, coming mild going
aunt thou drealn of hard, woody Stems appear. These Ili the h do%v of tile coach -house, meanwhile 'tI a smallest tile
are frequentl nix inch or more tit Well three motionlem figures, one of costly contoilts became augmented, Ito Vrellell arnly bad measared 4 ft. U, w0var, 111118t 'lot look tlAnn made an -tvarago sustained 'I :4 find some ate So large that our
011, what it tvelliondouq power thickness alot. allilost, as hard Its tbont, Carrying a Peculiar shaped par- till finally With difficult tile Patent aII)Eqgllt alld 64 tbs., a
there IS lit foilquity.when uneducatml q, be shot tight
,t the VS Of the evaididatea speed of knots. wbick la which At. holo . earth could
lat7olbrush. l3efore, cutting tile hay, eel, tealthily made their Wily to- ScIf-10011119 JAWS elicited togeter, which have been written. fastest Speed on record for shlpa Of It" CI fix, th� Shade. through with & thousand IMICA to and unrostraitied atill unblatiefied it, eted, and noth- AVe altogether MI sparo All round. When it total ee-
goes illy eoricentrating and deopenitig t1lose should Ile removed, or they WaroP tile house. Tito coup Was colill)l con"piril, Class. —_
dbd wideriffig and gathering 111olklen- will certainly injure the, Machillb. Itad anyone gone. down to the Ing now remained for tile reat, A BIG RAILWAY ohn Wanninaker offers PhIladel- illagitrate, you lip"o covoeti Clio Stflameq to the tuill until ft nwings ahead with it Then, too, along tile liedga in mail- toach-houne afterwards lie might tors but to bowt it rapid re height of thousands of mllo,4 are
Ver down, formerl cultivated floldil, have obnerved that the lock had Tile I)oh glanced down ill, the bag The largest coal tvall, engine ill phla, 612,1100,000 for Lgtreot railroad :,,live alro,
triolinph of desolation, drown- Ady I)pell elitenevol Maven Boon out, of tile photosphore. The -sun
Ing Illm Scorching like flames there are ftaqu�ntly sprouta from tile been skilfully picked, leaving the tot Ills feet and then round tile room. 1411tigland liag been C0119tructed at the franchise Voted bv Counci-In practic- tinleg, fol, vagvUlley" Violent apsault, fig 100 thilea Targor than tile carth'all
hodge plant. These, of are door ready to be opened at it mo- With the pr1ofe of genius he could not Great Northern 11allWay a.11V itfred gralit to company ift theft, Otc. Would you OaS.V thing
ve hap(I And lituqt, be taken out malItIq llotlec, li,urquing tile fiVos- :resist that triumphant paune, that locomotive Work: at Iyofleater, It which prollitnent politicians ate said luilld lint �;pcaklllg. so loull I Your � tO Say, and yet our iltift I.V tile tigottlon, ther back gate would have exUltal to be 0 rpMy In- i believed to be it rather small one.
bef;ro the 9rftSq is Cut- th liqtfuldo, SliIiug Is Lit leii9t nine Whitt you going to (to with this With if, look of victory at, Ilia to IS An 01911t�W1104,11 Coulfled ,engine, clo- Was
oclot, iloW no help g ilia C�Ilrt. abandoned population of the tro.097 precautfoll referred to, a modern been found fit a Similar Ponditlan, oluered onenly, sf nod to draw 800, tolls, oil tile Love of 0411dY iltitl$od the doWn- tended Ithilea aq bla,
first t fly from Peterborou, fall of 4aniuol A. Wiggins, J'I*,, u1nago illy pron -Will yolt gather theirt lit 'Your ln(,Wer will lotSt for a dozen or inor I I I I tile cortell-house It would less despite its elaborate protections r ph to Lon- it and ott Illight, (I
It fiq llot tile Will t)f Vollp veara and roulaill Ili 'allkloSt Porf0alt"'! that tile Viscount's fill(, Tax-reeliflig llut tile don ft took (350 toils, drawing forty- Chicago choir boy, And lie Is bound poets. ,fftutolnobile was In It niftgular St.xtteL fon wag Obviously relaxing. five trucks. Other ongine, of tile
Ateaverdy Vathei, that one of Of COXXV146, it Is tilk011 fox , tells ever for SWIlldling hin heighbors and
ittle ones .1 qranteof thitt, the mahine IS kept fit of preparedness for A journey, con. With tile y1olding, up ok their pos6s- vaine Wpe are to be built, to aelli. 4 lIvOlVirlah, Cabinon Ili rttviqR who, indulge Ill Vollica 11CLS it eafa WhIel, Ilas boon iiave toil respectable children Ili you. dry ailed When not lit uaoI,I sittering the hour, and rapidly genor- 9IM19- everybody Seemed to broathe t(tte tile mail) -line coal trame, Throo. Indlitus Ilave boon ikilled Ili coarse lailfouU61-0 Will be arrested. pen day and night for 160 ftrit.
not fig