The Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-27, Page 2P LLED kilge, of gluott". Followltif; Is the I TWO MOR, LAAURS. THE 8UNJ)AY SCHOOL. QLJNTON� NEWS -RECORD NARKETS OF THE WORLD T"" to publiphQd overyThursdaY (It i ! I - I ; Cattle N E A A SCORE KI 141-KILLOP MOT ! I Boor Cape Ral W8rQ $11MOd LESSON XIII, SECOND QUARTER, IN- RoMpl"y Shipox 1 �$11-50 . m, per `Cwt .. .... and pturod. .8, 4 U N E SQ.L TlieNeWs.,Flecqr� THE o0414, �4� 4.25 1,50 I TERNATIONAL SERIF Power Printing House do light ...... 111.25 4.50 A despatch I it AlIddelburg, Cape Farmind isolated Town ProPerty in the Leading Narxets. 13uteller, elloica, do.. ""' Explosion in a New York Store ALBERT STRENT, CLIonly Insured. Ilutcher ordinary to oonmays:_ntlle alght of June Text of the 14000out compiroltonxilve orlor, IOPARS o. ... 3.no 4.00 6 Colo at Scob 1, with Lukins' Cape tgnol ,11oob r --Golden IVext, I Thos, 41).25 Xount,�cl itto a detach �t of the Qua torly Itevlow 00 per year nJ 33 McLean President. Wpm - 2.75 mev I Txuxs OF �aior, 11rueefield 11. 0 T H Toronto, juna 2n.—lVilent— There. Butcher, infeilor ...... car, V10 X4-00111meutpry ,d it not 60 paid ' P 0. -, Nv. , a. ... 2.50 3.26 .9th. Lancers, Jot other troops, laude $preads Death and Destructiont 44vqnoo ; $1.50 way be charg', Seaforth 8tookers, per cwt ..... by the Rev. D, 9. fiteavam'. NOP4.pordlecontinuea until V611 arrov%904 Iffro,4114foot, utipectororLoeso:i,$;afoithl'-O. wa a quiet trade to -clay, aud Price', Vxport balls, per 0 t... 3-50 k.00 g night marol and surprised a laag* urrection of Josue Oro paid. Un ass at the optl9nof thopublisher. DIRECTOUS: rule stead. Tell Cars of No. 21 ambs. er at Diepfou u, uOrth-w0st Of Dar� LUOsON I,- 110 rOs 'A despatch from Now York sys;— woman appeared at 'one of the Will, 1. W. G. Broadfoot. k3eaforth ', John rlevol Sheep and or at Pie litlen, nortli-west of (LuL-o xxivo 1.12). Golden Tert,. I Cor, Who date to which every subscription Is P314 valo. SQatorth; �Qbtl Watt, white aild red winter, sold at Ono (1, a dews. was it masc, Of flames. Is aonotail Winthrop Chat ON �S, Pel- Cwt .50, 3.75 Barkly Lukuls, mail -the on the label. Dradba an , James Iliddle, freight, Atild No. I spring at ee xy 20, "Now Is Christ risen from Fourteen Persons woru hilled an, Harlock Olin Ban out and foil through this advortIsO- lovans. Ilcochwood; James Conuffly, Clinton 1-.Oo 4.5o and tile elle y tied stricken, and joy ta 68U on Midland. Millers Pay 660 for gre.inn-fe-d. dpild,11 The only Way Of Peace large number injured on Friday as xd below. At AL great. el line for Dist John MoLean, lCippon white and red on low freight$. Lambs, bat, or naking but little attemilt At fight- and victory Is faith la God, believing fialliv to the Y1 1 is 'ther Into Inelits, 10 coats rot, Ilollpvrl AGENT$. )40, middle It 8.75 4. �1) 5 the result of via explosion among U risk he wt, dragged In' for each 8111180, ROM Smith, Ilarlock-, Robor MeMithin" So (�Ouso 18 dull at 0,�), to o,� cwt ...... .1 .... ... just what He says and that He means large qua4tity, of Ilreworks, in the the yar,ol, but It was tA0 10,tc, the uthigs, Romondvillo, do spring, h4,00' The BrIti4L.captUr0a twenty VVISO11- what He. says,, If the women had be- irtion, Small advertisements not J. NY freight for No. 1*41, and It. cargo offor- 3.00 store of Abroxham, Itittenburg, tit fle oatraycd," forth; James Cum 50 or$ one ItuAdred and sixty-oixhorses do, they would n v sh wng dropping from bar bOnQsj to exceed 0110 inch,sucli as. "LoSt" Yeo'Hollnesvilla'p. U. ad at (37c.'with 65e bid at lake port Buclw, per cwt ...... ­ ­ '. Iloved U14 wor Pixterson, N. .1. and she was dead. $be illter proved for 0 cents. Bud partics� desirous tcA effect Insurance or trang t V�k, ,ttended Lo.b. east of Toronto. IvInattobu, hi teen thbusund round of sluall- brought spicag to, auclint a dead body, On The wi d shortly aft to be Afro ­stoIen,,1ot<i,.Jusorted once silet other business Will be p an 'alves Williams. equoilt Insertion 15 contH. . romptly a ars wloat, quiet; No. I hard, 87c, gritid- Uilkors d - arm ailillitailticill, tweilty-fivo rifles, wked for occarre Danipl -I)oolev was in the yfArd each subs to oil alislication to, any at the aove 091 the third day, bpt would have Io Advertisement" without specific directions Will addresso in (A ft to QOWS, eetolk ... 20-00 45.00 it quantity of clothing, one, hundred a rigaill Christ. It the , apgatles had be. or the nociii bour, and lijun of the rged accord N In transit; No 2. ragilt to occupants of the building were out whon the oxlft�loa took Place, He be inserted until forbid and cha Spe, x1o, 3 hard, 79 to 80c. orCalv C, each ...... ...... .. ou lo,ou and Illuety-six two bult- Raved His. Words, the report br( 0 for dinner.. The building in which go* the two Ijittenberg clitiorell In ingly. Torouto aud NvesL _') to :Ja lower. drect blankets-. them of Ille. resurrection. would not hAV rushed into the angeof saVertlSoents oupages4 JOHN T. MERTON r hey'also recaptured cl. Considerable ed an idle tale, thd explosion occurred was a frame the ]VAr rooni, and a of them Copy for cb , Aillife0—The offerlugs of bran il a V seem tcaoment lem. I -le got on and6mustbointhe 09100 On Saturday and THE LEADING 11AUBER falr_ulld prices tat $11-50 West 6,75 7.12� portion of the loot, taken by the Lrssos' II.—Jesus appears to Mary f6av stories high, with flaines for itl Choice hogs, Pei, Cwt. "' Stores o� the ground floor. The'aud Carried it out� and tried to go hurt$ 11ght b6g. . per Cwt_ 0.00 0-62i Buers from Jamestown. (John xx, 11-1 1, for pages I and 8 on Monday to OnStIrO chalIgO Also Agent for ad$12, to 81,, .5o oronto. IS 9 L8). Golden Text, Aev. * middle story was occupied by Itit- back for the other, but the room for fQllowlug Issue. steiidy at $1.50 to 813-50 West, Rettyy bogs, Par cwt 6-50 0-62* Another success accurred the' night 18, 4-Belicild, I am alive for evevihOr%" S wa:s then one inns, I Dooley ATEp.—The following table shows STANDARD LIFE, INSURANCE COMVANY ::'.' ..'O.00 2,00 Of ulle 7 scluth-east o s Unbelief brings sorrow and tears and tonburg. 'ran occupied flat s of fire uIng the CONTX;ACT R according to location. Stags, per cwt ...... f Steynsburg our rates for opecificia periods and Head Office for Canada, inovitreal. colonet jVlioillant, of the 1.7th Lull recognizing in the building. ohdresc Insurance in force, 0116,000,tioti Corn—Tho market is steady. Sales blindaesis and keeps us from first, child, ADVUBTISINO RATES- 400,00 of Canadian yellow at 39iC West, cers, after vigorous night march, the presence i the tord and makes�us Fortunately It was not hulf Jessup and Investmen sin Canada 13 01 I Yr. GM0 a xo� I UO -Y-1110 tind of mixed at 19c west, Yellow Covering Over forty miles, surprised think hat It is another whea It is Him, hour Iii,ter, r the would Ilavc, ,he front Mr. lie will, Q Vall at 1julgta Viol. rhe en- self. yet He loves Hie poor,. unbellovI119, been frightful, atid might biwe rolled her husband dropped from t �8 40 Ustah, hedI825, Thecildrallpbleandf I Column.. 47000 *10 00 Orvicm Sinith-3 be Ick, opposite Post Offleo: on track here sold Lit 4d3c. AT NIAGARA DIP` e to the Sidewalk A0 00; 25 00 Is 00 0 �00 11ye—Tho market is weaker, with y inade but a feeble resistancoo ones *0 takes them to His hokirt and UP it (10iltil list iUtO.tlIO hundreds for dow of their hout I CQIU— - : ...... �6 00 Iii 00 800 0.60 111wqaty-two prisoners, two. thousand says as He. points them to heaven, "MY alijaining the wrecked building ,wns They were sea,tod nt dinnior, and to, I column.. Offerings lit 48c middle freight. nto, en� ait9 an kT 'I SC !it which were hurt- and . , 1800 io OQ 6 50 200 boat—prIces nonlinal, with Serious Accident ;97TOr rounds of amunition, alld 4 'lumber Father and your Father, my d ho)01, gather rila to the front window I column ........ 3 60 2 00 1 M Buqk.w 'GOV? It(" , essup says the explosion lInok ............ 0oo nofferlit.g. Collided While Hal' Ing- of horses, saddles, and rifles were your drods of children. Not only was t -a t ran . thf walk to Emmaus. fichool. dainaged, but large Scouted to force tile fit li 911 WSpecial position from.25 to 60 per cant extra, TIME TABLE. Ileas—%arket quiet and firm, with 1�he, taken. IVO had throe light casuatz, Lrssox III.—The A despatch from Xing (Luke NXIV, 13-34. Golden Text, Luke ties of wreckage were burled Into. it. floor under their feet, - IV, 1. MITCHELL, No, 2 quoted at 6se middle freiglit. Lake, sports of ties. A farpiev reports -that thre heart burn -Within As it, was Editor and Proprietor. Trains will aci,lve at and depart front Clinton i's dull, with prices the military canip were bro. light to, LL Boers war,.% kill.ed -and'severttl wound -o xxiv, 32, f1DId not on some of the school child- Station as follows;- nolitillat !it absence of business, Thursda ad. us While He tallied with us by- the way ?" roll, playing Acar the so 11001141OUSO Others of the tenement Were Ito, an, tragic, donclusion. here on. ittle action: is reported Here are still other sorrowful and blind. nolowo rket 'is steady, ident, as A brilliant I were injured, So, great ' wag the while banging from tile Wi BUIPPAL0 AND GOD1=1011 DIVISION, Onto—TI ' te local ma evening by It distressing a 0 1 the explosion that a boy be firemen camel BANKS & - . .7�38 a. Tn. with sales of NTQ. 2 whito at 83AC On �a result of W416 two nii mber4 of front the IlLigliborhood of Ladygrey, ad ones because they werd slow to lie- fore o ready to- drop. . T Gain st.Expli 4 55 Oil reach- )love 411 that was written, but Jesus felt 11 9 an w uty "g Be 11) - here, "o. white' -sold at 8OP, '01011ol Scobell'o cc playIng in the Street half cL block. Witi;Ill, a �few mi ute, a t a P, tf. as lie ill, C 4:15 P. Ill. mated It riously hig.ccimp Into at night by moonlight sorry for them, and out of the Scriptures away was lifted from his feet and: persons- were taken, apwil, through Mixed id at 30.11. to 801e self and revealed Himm. 10:16 a. 111, rhtents tit, the Field Hospital ad" by 6 -body told them Of Him burled against an iron. folice; remen. Mr, -sistently and one lire and sluoke by the it m6ap. in, iiddlo freig I It their was PC tMixed self to them in the breaking of broad E-P.l.'ess Injured. , The bod f ken. - Thdre was trol- and i THE MOLSONS BANK V05 a. W4 Flour—'Market is (Julot, d, two of B.Oers who occupied a position on ohn-ATOG)One, climbed to, 10:27 p. In, t rollers t $, Ld Nlmr -ing kopje. A detachment and they aiso became filled with comfori of his legs bro in mountq, Jodan ar tile a. nei ghbox ley car directly fit front of the.build- the top store of the tenement and Incorpo i ated by LONDON, nunciN AND mli�on bIVISTO :Pcirt, and ship. spirited. . Old racehorses, I lal of Cape Mounted. 'Rifles oventually and a desire to tell others an He talked ing when the ox found their : 9sCa.PO Cut Off. HO Act of pe,flic mant, 1855. N, buyers' 'Covers, for o t116 accident a rred, tbeLkOPJC and; tak- with them, plosion occurred,, and front wtadow and GOIRg South' xpress 7,47 ngo per Cant. Patents at spot, where cc rodu traight for appears to the pos� the burst �of flame blown out into Climbed- out of the sports 4,15 P. in. shouted LVssON IV--JONus and while lie CAPITAL $2,600,00i to. $_,1.6n, middle freight. For -After supper the cavalr ing the wiemy by purprise,, (John xx, the street scorched the sides of the hung on with_one RIEST VA,0501000 qol�g North Express 10a5 a. In, 9, to Lower Provine- Were coi' Id race ,jilands -up, instailtlY." ties 9-29). Golden Text, singod the hair oK thoso who, MONTREAL, Mixed 0:55 p. in. shipinent !it bbl itinued on the , d Dra. John xx, 29, "Blessed are they that'liave car allot hdid bis wife with the other 'until HEAD OFFICE . O�-T, F. R, HODOPONS as $8.lu to $3.15 is quoted. 3SIAIII- truck. Several of the Seca )VIthill a quarter of ail hour the a, life not was secured. Then he A. PATTIE, a a. . Body not:seen and yet have believed," Saved were ill it. 0* into tile. net and WM. MOLSON MACPHIORSON, President own Ti�0i :tgont. patolit, $4,25, aild strong bak- goolls, Governor- Oiler I's Riflos .,returned to ce,nip, bringing 'belief c6acernhig Rig BUIRNED TOL ones gathered in no THEN dropped ]its Wif JAMES.Er,LiOT General Manager 11f.08 -DICKSON, ba. tifi S rode �,Ilty.pri%oners and thir- . followed,, hjmself� Both were badly a � I Guard, a;ud the Mounted I With theni twi im alad pit- District Passenger Agent. Toronto. ars" $3.90 to $4. - their horses to -Pea, the resurrection, but loved by. 11 Notes discounted. Collection made. DraIN oatmeal-arket quiet and Steady. over ob vere ill tedn thou�and rounds :of .1.111111111ii- led, and He suddenly appears in their burned. Those who wore.on the upper floors so are issued. Sterling and American Exchanges Car lotq:at $,11.65 in bags, a,nd 3,75 events. Reid and Sutton tion. midst, -with the words, "Peace be. unto lVhile '.the re u6s W goilig Oil bouvht and sold. interest allowed on deposits. Ia of the . building wh6a the � explosion the party, After ookin you,'t A week later Thomas, still. unbe- the firemen were fighting the flames. in wood; �snlall.lots 200 extro,- co Were 'either stunned and SAVINGS BAN],.. Chicako., June 25.L­lYhoat�- '331111 while, s4tton, who -vas I I�id DR J-- an he sees took � pla. t. Allen led with it hose line in W. JACKSON DO the lieving, Is'present also, and wh scape out cap, Interest allowe�l on suras of $I and up, and uninteresting all day;. range Of clan, Started to race THE NATIOB is k and the words of the. then burned to do6th or a Niter the Mn effort to IfogIl.the fire from the Was be, too, believes, IT Or otherwise suffered, .FARMERS trac - with two,11 frionlis and a I Upper floolls, where. It was said many., arn cin-thair own AGENT -0. P. R- prices about -40. Some'. dash , oil IV ring In, golden text are addressed to him %iroro a series a dvanced to . farm 4.1 that-(! Money it Ported, CAI 'around th I doubting, unbelieving OxPIOSIOIX to men h ad haqr�d­ notes with one or more endorsers. No InOrt- but litifo business roi ntering slowly another DWA1:tD V-11' $100 000' through him to al Bef Pitiallar On", and than cattle'the see- were pUlned III. - TI Quite henlYlthe other 'directibrit, w.tvi IT 'COSTS, E ones. Faith honors, God, but unbe ly taken their, position. on ilie side- gage required as security. Roceipts*.: moderhte b reback ond lk QxPl6qIO11, which %,.,as muftl� CLINTON ma.'rihi A XONTR TO BEXIXG- and more friend, when a , 1' I I .. . grieves �Hlm. walk behind a pile of boxes to ward B.C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton rains reported !it Kansas, . d challeng- greatly Is dnd Peter (John txi, ad and deadened and occurred in 1) Ir SLI V. -m -Jest gull to throw vcb . -This * may 'lut&fere some- caalAe galloping. along al off the beat itild be ravellers to any part of the pi-edic the What W.�th� harvesting operations ad the khaki boys to a. di ver- i5-22) Golden -Text, John xxi; 17, '."Lov- the lvatcir,ilit6i the upper floors when, world should colisult at of, 6 Revenue of the Crown Lands 0 d' the nolghbour�­ D. MOTAGGART. ticketO, there. � Local S611tilliout is mixed, Nimrod with tile in 411 I I . . est thou Sometimes,. the. ireat, Every bull ing in' . ,allies without'Warning, the hole upper pted , oil � hiA balances the, Civil. List�Val_' . 'lines. it is hood was stripped 'of glas,.;. Fw art xil mbo,�e in reference' to najdrity of -traders ai�e bearish. nee , . I trouble is.unbellef, and somet p, building mgged outw fares,. etc.' but I a promptly ace if on the -IloW ,clialier wei-6 thrown of, ' the.. ptain for next 16W own accolult'."Ild clash d o; uable Property. self Confidence which often. develops Into, Seated L),L t and two of BANKER. .,Weather conditions ciu�strlp- Ing his C110,1- denial need- from their cliairs to t-110 11001% .and fo;ll. 1,Phe i a.. factor, in mak- ' ' ' co ardice� Peter's threefold ore burled the . de- weeks will be quite 06 ,ingide, soon had the. rilit Most people imagine that We PELY w and . Then there, was a- frightfu'&CLtio his mon w ord's threefold - question. Ues. Icinger.' J a d ali, who &Is 'of, his at! sovereigns u, 'I-tandsome Yea' ad the L con- bris,� which was blazing, .,but were "' thead 0 d,exhortatiori -not, to think * of' in the strects, Parents lo% eselled.. best UP, to was Several loi rlAlLug oval- us, tildron, iii WA i A C K80141 Corn— Firm; -at its I agths ; qpposita', salary far. - . command an but Just to follow Jesus, troi of their el ad were soon vel, 6siorday's, close. competitors, coming 1 tile acting . as. flgul'e� nor see others, 'After a. couple of hours' work. the.. P 9 -Oc 0 hig horsoinon. and Incidelit"IV, but b6n6e4orth ushing abbif, looking for t1romt Rill- ransac, t - 1. -cinen d*th out and began A OdMiXi ibanking Buslaost T ted AGENT G, R lVestorn offerings ana siliall' local V6 dire tion. Th( never afar oJT an morb ri atile slifl) -of kate" says. . . . Ili - ha, a S - ------ iuc the principal bull 1 Or Mors ceipts �onth . sa,w.e 'I, same moment, heads to always fully. spread that a. Score of.children the work of cooling the rulim to got il a L=sox VI. -The great � - -LI-i'led away -froni thv� 11 iand,bat. turr heads of their Loudbn�Xhswers,' commission woro bbing a Drafts issued. 0 It iod tl s, stalid. This,- ho�v6Ver, 'is Golden 'Text; L* bodies, Notes Dlscounted� COMMITT�D FOR YIU.R . DER, belp, The i iay' g t -co horses to go, coltision. The nitirely - wrCin' , 11L6, I am with you al ljul,-,nc6 ll�lld txrAwpry Crop A1111011110 behin�d the judge (Math. xxviii,., IQ -20). rulng,b the police wag9bils, t4O am- 4 SVptember 44�1�c. 1170 which � ontire s�reet department force decidedly llu-� �jd It The civil list of 8-,,8no,0,00 per EL Math. iiviilo 90� D to work' clearing, In inents were bearish. hoping to av, granted the King y vice, Wile Ord"ed to 91 y both' tuade llul�l, recently we nto the on d. of: the WO Were pkesied into. qor Deposits. Rice, to Be Tried 0r.. Ills ilic ys, even in the rubbish, Rittenburg will. 1;oved eclilditfoli. Interest. Allowed'ou.. p fact, however tha, grateful enough to Him. tho bursting froin ever away September ecipitated the ac- is really. in' thb ature Unless we are Y -Strong and popular, with 'building.. Every -obably- be arrested pending the,, in�. the ame, me 0 -d.QmnItL tk1tion. - for' -the rolitS and for His love. to us as to. desire aliove'all pi-Lyt of the tenement pi from. Toronto so;7s: tha, oUtsid6 Speculator. - CroP. ad- ciderit.. of 4. �vi� Lands, whiCh thibgs to make Him known -to others. . d t: b flaille V0.5.tigtWoil. CRASH. revenites of the Cro, window socnao O wed had th -ts.. The the miny parsoi�§ slightly !u] Fred Lee Itice Charged With 0 vices hato been of.both son A TI ORRIBI lited 'to 6�.250,000; 9picially to those who - never' heard of a ininuto after j�8tLLbIe'13oyd_dw11Io-VP -weekly Crop bulletin favorable;. its a .1last your amou building t.heir 'NVOund dressed at -the. hosp In )rses came-tOgeth- 'It be I CLINTON. intirder of Oc I wl , 00 allo-, -we are not loviug Him Its -we Those, who a ALlaniTsTiturm were bad The gas and -full In.: It seen*. tharefcIre, that * pproachod he eat to their homes. 16, gospol igli tals,and %v. Police, magistrate Denison, oil rule although''tild roports at, with e,ri 'y gaillor on 1 - I the from the: rear .and -Texas, s Inction is laN - sliduld. All who have:ree6ivO( saw it, fearful'.$ He.wus brought lroi� Missouri The hocic broke., lilhursday trun4tictioni :by: no possible, 1. have been'. put in trust With. the gospel, d t it st sinde' LEGA '4t- misions-Opelied' stca Y a -.L the dock at 10,50; and Witne both,the' n, ks, nd_ death was in can .,the -fO th benefit of thoie'WhO-nqver.heard v IDES, aOf yolvorll�amptoii, and. of. im r a Into. when aging -Price. . s ...h -I agi - -it not as ijl�aslng. os were examilled Until - . I about, at R stiintancoug. rca�cr 'Of it, and we are to speal, nimitt6d".11iCc for 7 000'11161*0 thcul. ex- I flung headlong ift. a, 01, even tile g 9. (I. Y R E MAD " TR Ittid the bodrpla-tos of 'a new� aiid a`mt�gistrate cc) of bogs . , . Their riders wer 1101,16s., be considered In oil 6 '.but. God, who' trietli *our. boaft. 4 TH. A7 .1i SCOTT 4eptembe . I, Assizes, cc of 5 to and- lay. stunned the civil list. a irade, - , I .. . . . I t1lial -.at �'tlie; � . =, and. . Corky advall o�piisito. divIectiol sed for Thess. 11, 4). ailge frojill -joe "was l6st., Packers w6re free Bel- I , iin hands piciced *as behig- either intended- or u at his 6lumin- BAR4�StER0901,101TOR. Etc- Rice sit( I. very littloi ell' and bleedifi.. i6fit. The Lussox� VII. -Jesus ascends Intcl.heav- Everyhody laug ied )we( them UP, and go cral riders kahopeid his Majesty's personal bet m axid th'o prices he''cialmed to In the d ` and Prices declined oil . ' v, 44-1553; Acts I, Gold-: it;' TRIES PRINq Ills- last np . . . .. 'Out lers. all MY, goes into on (Ldke xxi BEAT INDUS Monoy to.Lodn. ' , :6i, -cid- in'converSati011 wit'll tbis. inCasil. demand is good,.1 off al. The hospital riali, -$50,000 a year ke xxiv, -51, bless- producit it, iit;-,btit in three years he- engt . I do I LE BUAINS..- to tha hosp so is ,its to do s: lie en Text, Lit FROM SING 00VICE CLINTON bis 'doctasel T. C., Robinette, -for 11 market. Closes stotLtly at 611.1kil �u.4t sitt!4- d6wil to a banquet lils. privy Put' 0 ad tham. He was parted from them and had foul- thousand people *orking at -Elliott Blqok�. the - news . likes with. The -roulainiiii 81,,S. p into. heaven bad ap- id few and road O. lktci NVIlich Cline. '1109-14'for. ioinorrow, 30,00(. in Aficlr� marq iec, W.1011 .11y carriW � ' " �his Invention, tLud the whole Wor tcher% we.. peared st British Tiamwalys-The clanioUl-ing to �- buy. Ilowever..I�. ratb6r -c June 25.- CIOSC­ Two 1.0 hurried- doo I-, nibr6ly distribUted, 110111ift is BRYDONE the latter*116"(10d him. eii� . unta.themmany iln�es, at leasi'l to very shoilt. t1irdngli Iihim, but really through cc. 0: JUS tO -tt-Cash. 6743c, Yal or e t .as mUCII, a RobineW Vice 4alvanised Iro2x�'Trade-Gi -OR. ss or. T Soptcluber-,' 06-itO 6G�c; -011 spaco, of. time. ey reached- the I niallible proofs mid.* speaking of was a good- cleal-and W EiAR111STER, SO�ICIT a %vas. relating July; - 661 ly gotte out,.!� ind !it 6. ta�ill ll�g olhei 'is ; of the Ro -12, .establishing At urrection by. some pr"vilte bu�-inc he halt a, tile away. By I the, houselloW, g�l;&lats, pan- many I God ydi'to be set lip,on in tilar, Britain: New Xatttl, ad the Of Notary Public, &a., prhionci: reeLd it promptly, . �uid was track, C items of the kingdom of I 6wa no'wore, and h -thorli, ftclY to siolils, And , othcr,similai' the. earth, and n Se(. for the Court proceedings. No. 2 Not iible the i.lijurec men were. rot ow He'visibly ascends Over balf..n. Inilliolt Britons ' - ,jig the nietal-�cloallng world�at his orrICE-13cavoi Dlock, CLINTO, If .,, hundred �imiformqd C>�Jlendltlire. t Olives; 'blessing 'them trade Feet at flicage of thirty-mosix. 11 e-�er There. was quite IL f�arge. Asselublage and bran.1ilriclicLilged. be anoved he, from the Mount 6 Id . them that they their entire .living, atid, the c)5ge, Flour mind, although for a. 1 Ong as.HO*,go.es. having to aof. Lilt; 25.-L�1Vheat­:DUI 1; ,,,an had puj.V�d the big two Aild,� , they work'at; to ohn-Wttrron� �MhO Li'man, deserved,o, peerage it W S 1�eople, pre, milwauftec, June .70 are! to be His wi: I ' singlelia CONVEYANCING ' - ;cnl" corn- tittle. It'll" been the,- custoni of site- tnsses, lint they must necks to get -'a, of Itice o c; cianibulanco Wito hall ha '' mct�lo lided, the whole rrCiXt Jacob Astley; but ho.Went to the, and in lik tton nd 'sovere.Igns to surrettdor the. tarry In Jerusaldilft- until He s. ve -trAtc 91,01rc Itice to mons L. I States, conclucked.thent as he pie heaven, busln;�S* of ti,calrWays,, and ..all cbn­ 'United The ina"i', 6970. liYe_-buii- N50C. q Su a 0 sfl� dowit !it the (lock, The N r were ca rri ed ts.,& ho%pital lines.,.. Irents accruing front tile. Crew", endped them ith power from.. a 111-itain, and died, Gc; SEL111 nocted witli thent. A few Years A:90,� had concluere jOHN RIDOUT ,91011 to Both eftSUR OV0 but *there; Ltinds to nation, receiving there-. even with the Holy Spirit. lie made CONVEYANCE fk� �C waSSIONER, ETC.- pr:soner did soi and oon. Odglid UP do- to �tl Of income, -Lrsso,-; VIII. -The HoIY-1SPIrIt given tbis balf-million %Niciaid bave, had. to helast year. "the trade .0 to tile to 111%. Lach . L)UltLtll; Jan . e Iof 'their illiuMes for, a ParlininehUtry -grav , it I increasing 11 . lenth. bV month, 0 tile Ijillol thelaselves ar� not, --441d (Acts it. 1-11)., Goldea TOXt,,.Tohn xvi, find some,oiller'-way of getting, is still Fire ..Insurance, � Real Estate; io the box to give No. I` I)apd, NO I otproving 1, is broad, quvwLondon Answers. ;t1id'ivill turn out its. millions Cast], been, ,)Vben Ile, the Spirit of Truth onek to Len qvi6onoic, itice followed Iiiiii Ir Nordic h.10 John NVO.I.I. )r d 0Lb W8. arta rn, 64c; on__Ljio ' s �,kanchoster Xtinally wheli inva'o Astl6y is.f( r t - ------ He 4WIIi guide you into all trut Wa come, CLINTON tellecl ilitently to all the PRO1?,l",RTy- el- xrtan�coaceived the OFFICE -1110116N STItEkT, cyp.i and Illy" stit�_ )1VItile they were gathered togither NATIONAL trary they have con 't 'tI n Ills own 0110 of the Oddest of tli& great evidence, OR 0ts-27'C.to 2.7ae. FEF,� TOTAUP 1 Oil: the Coll p0ting train day to day, after teli ttyl firs part] V wi th it ted'a rsonal and private appanage d wititess IOU el-, pe Spirit came ds.tougaeS of fire and r I sys- Toledo, ,no the hands, Invented tl�o flush at 11jA�NJ)­N.E,W TRAi)r 116700 CAL ' ' -. : - k;Inco the.Xorivan'colk- I I .. . ....................... A number of-witnessLS 14"We evi- -0, -'6k them and:sfniko through xnd Atifsed , the whole great rL at the. july; 70ZC. Of tile Crow I . I filed each tom, I ock,.gtock and, barrel, dnep illlilal?.to illut talct active; tharters and *quest, �* Wonderful works Of 0-0d, and -as trade front a. weakly. bftby,Ilito a -Ixlil- halt Nearly 500 COMPAIlY 'very thelih the by Itobcjwt Scrope, For lie was the DR: W. GUNN.. and �hev intigistrate uly, 43.c; This .Crown Property is" VAIU Peter spoke to them the Spirit convin0d lionalro glailt, beforo anybody founder of tho'brown boot There n. C. P. tend L. R. 0. S., Edinburgh. cominitted-. I tlCe for.trial.' Licenses Iss4od in, 1900. 0 fill* more o wore in crUcifilng Christ 8WA10, 44'Lc- July, ?_8c; ble, and would b them Of their slit wag, no such thiilg.a little time back ronto notfol, tile fact that'it is. strictly to. accept Him as the 13FGAN TO- COPY Him. A 1 spateh­4rom To led 3,600'of. them boot, aiid� now Night calls at front a ool, of resIdenceon Batten e3v Alessiah andtheir'Siliviour, street,'o June Tho Ontario Ilrovia6lal* , Secretary entaiied. The whole Of, UION I"Ol' through pilosito Prq.sbytorlaii.churqh,. He got; his schemes worn by everybody, and. bury .3,Lc. No. 2 red Lild Itegisti-al. b." just issued his re- le, is Crown Land and I riest in* li&mout, saw to the la�ying,of. overy, TO FORTIFY SYD est, for exallip, I . ES60N. I3C.-Jesug our HIgh.P p -qual 01 aif sold would Fetch illilliuns, wIt.OrLtis b. 11, 11-14_24,28). Golden in it of his Atrocit.lilies, ongagod-every' liparly thi--C- -td.1-9 a, million ash, aamThe­)A�,%de is , th 'it Is, -sq. Thu one of big 0,114' P[Lid'tholu OFVI�E.70NTARX CET,, CT.jNTON. 7 0; Septemb L 1,� is noteworthy O.STItr ashJuly, ther things in *showifig a vil 25 "He' over ilveth to People mal; Moors From e: OritiSh Admiralty among 0 t now, but.Sqrap -I .SHAW une decdin, 'the . number of most pi,oductiv(l Of tile "lAilds' 1,. are make Intercession 1; He �av6 tvidenee Lill, He I'mcl. not t�l, Penny to sproad, on DR' St. Louis, I I ihe Spirit that He Was start .ilth, but beg : within twelve Ilontils, of Its birth, to t No . Va: SdQ la. nclittieters grahted� I-,vitbill the incti'OPoli�% - as, a. metal E July 66c; SCIAL company. huici itu ted by the descept of On Iffi ad-�Cash,. 68C; . - a the two men III white. t. business of twenty I.hicluft Settle 'Of s n ib A from only 44 such c,opipallies beipg. incol- tan area, And whicl In heaven:. and by pOlighori being the I 0 of 0116� Into a, colilixte Ike Bugli§h chore be "that He employing �200,000, men� am ONTARIO STREET,. :OPPOS Says is announced th6t two of- ;June - '25.-FIOU P-Quict* liciiated in 1900, very best districts in all Lon, pparel He had assured th chesl:or I had . the first trattlFaY, branches, sson and i o me, A combine of rd with, the Admiralty 'pring, dull, XO, -1 NOrtild"ll the Yeali 189cc) 42o. letters "ClUbland" is Crown would come again, and In this Is though only It ulile long, Mad 011 Its - -three CILmiko. floors conlieCi , �y with'the I Du; I I don, foi will, 'hol'tty visit Q '7re letter. pctt� erviec, the In I Up the rival boot-inakers tried Sychil f ()I(l, cLi,rloadq. 78�c; do., new, t., sapplomentary� Tile Carlion, the UuIt6d .14 lam. viii,.34, we are told'what He is proceeds: lie built objuct (if looking hlLO o 3, while His redeemed are 11irkenhead -ars to wreck Scrope's'now trade, R. C.'IV. THOMPSON wheat-Nominul;'NO- ant cA1 licenses wore granted. Du- Travellers, tll�� Marlborough, the doing in heavel tramway Aysteln.. Ye 'Ong -4 - D est Bald His -witnesses on the earth. He iscaring but� lie wa.-i too stl and evental having .Sydney., fortified. One Of i white, 77 L under a rival.firm. but Warren 11 red, -,.71C to isc'-N 1$)o() '.tile number Of charter (,itards, and many other NV PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON, is ever before J3CX I rir.� of the combine., 1went orn-8t -onger; nlea'sed di- for as 'and keeping ps, and lY all the -1 attention given to diseases of the Eye, these is Col. f, . .11 . I supploluclitery, ehurtL , and licenses poll ntinue In -qui- WCV9 his own, firm, atici. in. fourt6en Special to -j71-C on track. C The fees derived clubs tire built u too,. is God foe us, and we Way co w rk under." Ear, Nose and TI roat, 46C. to months lip had goo people at issued was 467. rectly.froln. the Crown, SO, efuess knowing that we are accepted OtFICE AND RESIDENCE� GBRMANY'S KAM ARMY- No Front th . s source of I.Lvellue. during 'Marlborough House, sO.that his 6 Is seeing, to -all thai'con- Ifiakifig the tramway goal.,. 1,500 �A little thing which made a, grant torth of RATiE-,_,:dUnY and during 1900, jopty I, in the Peculiar position Of Him and H running the tittlas tuld tending he industry, and. finds broad. and good Albert Street Rast I Julle- demand 1899 Wer He in� heaven,40r.110; O On. Owned over -wagps tar 3OOjOQ0 Poop le, is the STRVFT� CLINTON. Torailto It Will be Inereaged by 'Twenty- �far batter continues good, it'lid prl- $71,8 14 entire revenue of - the being. III,, own ground IalldWd, and Cart I h for Elini. horses', of which lin, W"s $28,- Pitying handsoinaly for thL LEssox X. --Jesus appears to Saal 4,000, and tell large tbwilS, Includ- pointed "screw. . -A few years ago 0 housand Men. are teady. vounot rolls job at rdens ondon and 13 'Fi.ve T 52(); for QL Year 1899, $67,851; ,84tafford HOU 0, Carltol�, Golden Text, ActS Ing L irminghtionij. were there, was nc) �uch' thing as it SCVOW to 160, large 'rolls 14 to Inc, anol fo 1, tl,L� Ncrtl, ij)00, .$76,997, which' Pay tile bighost rents 11, 1�011_ (Acts xxil 6 1 using his trainways, witli a point until, Nettlefold can - NV A despatch front London, says tubs Ig compnies ceived the Jd;a,- brought it. out, tind. 14 to - l5e a ta,telacat, by oil Crown lands, as do 19, "I was not disobed alit 'Into the R.AGNP Correspondent Of the good L The folloNvin . i doll -stand up heavenly viion.11 I16 was seen by three Today scores. of rival D Tile BL forfor" to 1121c; Creamer, boxos �Coived by Duko of It and havo spi-laig upf bt t, tile all owe gave lurmingbaih a huge now trade, DE- NTIST. * X '(JV*'Illllll&llt is the fees rL also montingU6.11ouse, men, er ills ilgeonsiou-StePho llaily, 6W,4 Sa­4 the 0 I , 20C Or :1900:- I)Llattal . mail rot 0; .1 14 to L1114 fIlC0 dill-ing the - e Sit d w -1 has Ilow'.spread to a score oi'. ItIDGE WORK. Ild"PriL it tre'- Other towns. Alesides, thaking a, Vast the oils, 10 to 9101i% ill John.. Saul. converted, by, So - their birth io, John War blot a oi'. CROWN AND 13 are fair,A1, --FebruarY, lVilitchall, DovLr.110 90 and ninny Ing Jesus in glory and. hCnrihg Ills voice tcill and ol1b Met Iti Peclinchanged for good Stock t,111�to nuar$6,207,60; Apilil, others. And the rants Of those sitcs -at His OpPusitidll at first fro , 11 fortune, ; lid. prosented the country OFFIcS-AdJoinfiig� Foster's Photo GAII*ry- by 25-,000 Zell, in case (315.25; Alarch, as all - Israel vjill be converted, . M a. OLIN ON, I S5,408.61; Aftl, $8,598; Ing as tile leases great apes- ith a field for - labor -worth $I(),, T 0 N T,: C 1) a 1, (I 0 'June, 85,-; COutlilually'ril coming in glory, became quiet.. Vull Crown, Ugust, ,loo,o()() people thrive 090,000 per. (LIntur when th( yul,V. fall In'. if I<in could Saved will a for A g Edivar Only tle'to the gentilest as Israel I At present 'do., now., 0;41' "q-62; with his I 'by and b 3001000 n otit Via .q to Joe; pl,oper�y its ottiol' 11111(t- be His messongers.to all nations paterit r RARNE'ST HOLMES mcm cleal Dlt'G' bucce8sor to Dr. Bruce. 11 to ion. k5s, I- $10,048.30; November, $7,� lords deal with theirs, It(.' would be b In it last youl WHOLE, NATION WAS specialist In Crown and BrIolgo W rk. octobe Sohn and I . LrssoN XI.-Tilsus- appears to. mu & one of t .1chest, mail In F, , ,loki,000 was brought ba tracle.up and Ithai I 1010go 0 ell Look i e):)9,A#u, Decetribe lie J rovellue of $1 at ul poor mail even (Rev. I, 9-20).- Golden Text, Heb. Surgeons of Ontftr ollowing sets fol'th etRe is not in. There are 1,5()(I itilles (if tranl-� L. D. S, -First- clat9l, 1, I, raduato of Dontol y6ur mirror The ' f with- ,joslls Christ, tile gaWa yesterday and; grown from it pockct-tr�de to an Sin, 419 115 to 00 foi- SIllall lots, ITOg I 0 licit Special I ­ ' I. . a. Vieeg randerecl 1).V.tllo oflIce, ndthe rumors W tit way.� in Pritatil, culd they Crried meme industry. There Is practical- DeParIn,,CPnt today, Take I-Vill, ; follows: --Bacon, he Nvilis of Iloal per- today and forever,'? Although this Was lat. year --a, citte'.ti. 1W consion, lie at to'. ticin p ,tet0,a,.rt'i',`nlipti'N�oO r aticin of childeel,4' ecelved for Such ly no other I(ind of screw nowadays 0 -ar, loolle. 1 -a not proved, so it, Is ,lot so yen Inclous. total, The building Up of a JaSt I' Ok at Cl( in Cal, lots, rsrs or more titter Hig as cry "o ots) lole to Ife, � lays the same III be at the � in cas 4hort cut SWIM this trade too] teeth. 1, dun190 Sollages iti Ivor Hotel,, Ilayfloldt ev letters put- PreseAIaJe4ty dis- loving hand upon 111.9 Me% as the saine kind VTFTli,EN TIM POPULA-7 Nottlefold two years, an M ndav from 10 a. . 'it' to 0 13- In, Ir. Itsure- S20 to haLw S paitCut, SUPPICIlleutt 03,670 -Ly; but It h; Lill dear servant and It d it wag If lial ant; $71 974; posed of flat' him% this business.that Arr. Joseph Chain- i,:FRV,,.%MAN , t6 �19.no. -ills, $,;,367; 67 open secret that Site iLft. tho,bulk.of "Fear not" with which to comfort ly may be. 11 to 13je; Marriage Act tot t chan�vood, but bet-In.lit. tuado his fortune. DR Subcossor to Dr. Fowlot- and to this (lay 1:Jo has no f the British 'Sles, IN:16reciver, hFor a 11slilp-up" trade-ona, of tht eXesus. $3,000,000 a, lot. notaries Public, Is the very Sam the 19S't If commissions it to ilerelde4t son.. pel!hapg when we 0 Vr.TF,niNA1ftV SURGEON, 1-11c; backs, II& to q 11 I - AR liess has added most flourishing Industries we havc- OCIO 1,011s, to scurello%, 94.,0.2.6; .36 Coln, I-ly 0,141 LANCASTL A embet oftbe VatorinaryMedicalAm yo,u won't lot to 'Ile., see Him It will be as Ile appeared to bust 0 tile corn. and.farining trades. Tn andOraduato and �Ilouldot misslonq under Grout Seal, Year t Britain owes a big debt to Jamk( tions ofLoadon and Edinburgh , 1.1c; tiol-, is, of course, his absolutely during r in horsehoes Inary it '86' YOU, 11id; tub, lal .$ao,000 a yea of the Ontario. Voltori Orders In Council, 5150; 118 notill tural life, With its and Woodhouse, the "Oinger-beer nout tll(, tovill of his lia, new heaven and a needhItkeep Cos, NC., 18; 7 C I:t Chases, and forests !it ' Golden alone" office opiposltotbeCommerolall[Otd- Clintua* $1 U t Incilds, gldes, now earth (Rev. xxi. 1-7, 22�27). Ile Invented, made, pushed, &nt 1111'rogato Co Ir.,ill Henry of London, In - EA In, Coun . business of gilt, gray I.-OCK IlIA11tBTS. cortiflen,tcl, VS:; I urt thirtoon. ties, and its Steadily Text, Rev. xxii 7. "He that overcometh IV creaed the whole q, loullty -Co ),000 vented and built Up thO fil's brewing, which is a nowei V E ii i Wi Iclate, C of over $80( gor�bear lon&r than I,Ovollto, ittile 20,-�The receipts CCrtIfi Shall Inherit all.things. and T,will be tits galvanized . and Corrugted Iran ds cartifleteS, S7.5o; total, $76,007.2i, To King too, 80 cid, ftnd lie shall . be My $on," All the thing than electricity. It is Prlictl' There' tile wit. cattle yar I 'for S no toda at waste a YC I 0 inade a thriving business ally it nationat beverage, for ovei f live stock, III- it I., said, revert t lato QUCOII'S trade lie a LACKALL & BALL lout this; iv�ro' 01 carloads o millenniat glory and all the glory of the workers-cilough to , B VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV. ab g 1,600 hog'% 1,123 cattle, 560 91BRATE SUICIDE. �,,3cotc,lt properties Of IlMlItioral, Bill- itew heaven and eaptill Sill the glory that 30,000,()Oo gallons per Year are a W ' S YOU Wl aue�.sWrk A it'. cludi DELI with, their Other has given to the $On -all Is stock three or four Itirga towns. drunk, being nearly twice its great RS q sure eVery time. 81101,,Ii and. lanib, loo calves and 16 loclibitie, und Abergeldic, the r little while go this trade was un- EEIN N 0 It- It I . -. . .. I trout streallis and (100" forests; ours In HIM (John xTil. 22; 1 Cor. fit, 21), O, as the amount of wine Consumed, OPIPIOE,lgAAO-STREE:T;ItrISiDr";CKI A113V'" milch cows. ted for it . no Illade It into-olle of Twenty years ago there was a fair enqiry (or real- Farnior BloWs the Top Of HIS Head Claremont, ol,igillitlly grall but we (10 110t,seent to believe. it. we heard of; but no such STItEr,T, CLINTON. s t o r e There. Wa !on. to the did would wo Dot be more weaned front tile biggest industries W the coull- thing as ginger -beer as it is now lin color to ly g!ood shipping cattle at train 41 01r With a Shotgun. her life only, with revel's wholly try, and ;.r tild Past, tell years 100'. derstood, mud Woodhouse, W110 q 5,10 COUlItrV.at her death, but Which as these present things. iind Dior , lies linve lived entirely On AL10TIONEER gray halQ. to 51LC and Sol' It few choice lot Clear- . despatch from t- Catharines, or outright in 1882. given up to film foe His service and tht? 000 fatal brewed the first output in a, kitelIC11 SM 'w says ,_NVm, Hodgkin§on, .. 'purchase it, and brought their children tip on pla 11 W. , )aid. There was a, fair by 1% It his own eottago. In Step- use ­1 a elk Ont" -halft -ato at Coburg, food M affairs of 1315 kingdom? Copper t I IS. BROW 011co'. living in Grant town- sr i, valuable. est Saildrilighai, Of kept a little Coffee stall Of ]Its T., Good to Choice butcher cattle are farnic the City Villa, .,It adam. having been Pur- Grant worked In his own. workshop Itay LICENSED AUCTIONEER- Ship, about,, four Miles train V Live Course, is also his, (AvIl. to sell it in. 'No beverage has worth to 41a par Iii., xne�iuln itted Suicide on Tuesda. of tile accuinti- T]RAIri Wtll'-C ING. for toil long years, tUrninti out the ever ,Caught on" with the salile, ra- ttrtg of the countloq of t ey front jq to 81C, cLiid 0 Sales cooduo olatalon.StUff N Colual Shooting hin, iK Aed In fill A so a It Chase for hilit Out now iron witl� his own builds and by Huron and Perth. Mars loft at Tim NrWA d 10 per 1119 13Y piditY, nd twelve months later 4ea a S16W sale and woolt aroull a eORD officer Clidton, oraddrossed to Ilea usilig it been in the City III tile. morning, P- litted rOVC1IuC8 Of the 1)"11V of Blockhouse Has A,, tha'llolp of his son, before it "C ght nreture(I Woodhouse had a, factory With thirtv 1arG P, 0. will receive promptattention. Sat. for two— lb. �Too much poor grass-im for all pareatl all right, Ocin, after Ile ttained his 1110L Building of itile world Suddenly oke hands, In. another two yeiixs he was Afaction uarAnt000lor nochargos. Yourpa I t Is collillip, ill Just now, and bonict about nooll. During the after- joritY, ve tiny most stopped It. Up to find It, could not, do without - Wr three weeks nofleehoW iriccq Nol- should XIIIg 1-41dWard hit L-1111PLO I'm, ou 9P. .. I but the best gradas of cattle P noon ho did so to Plowing around as there Is and now there YING 6,000 1%1 muoh younger Y a o'clock went lack of ready ctish, it, A despatch from rretoria, Says:- tills W and a year after iliat sak. linog of is not a cornev of the earth We his. place, but i1bout fiv hot- �AfaiestY The Increased Security Of the where it there were 80,- IWIsoaLLAIVSOUS hotgun, evory reason tO Suppose, OCIO working at ginger-becir browerieg pear;,Wn years, younger For bulls, feOdersi and tockers Age and, taking it, led out he,. Ott and ol)elllY-qx- �.,Dllnunlcation and' the absonco, of is nOt to be found. all, over the kingdom, Toda there at least. there 1-1 little Inquiry; <tJc,ffibeJttoIv loaded it with U. Ilonvy ca� Intact broakage14 and, Interruptions Thove are whole towits'Of gAivan- .11Y of -ossed intention Of kccl)'tlg tly arts Of thp col. are bundrods of firms that owe tilcir GEO. THOWHILL AYer s HaIr Vigor d1SO are light, and prices (tre nombill oShOt. He then p, t. This log" of lte d, took Off III$ for him the Noild bequoq bnS fulIV Justified tile build- ized troll III 111al . birth to James WoodhOUSO'S 111V011' HORSESHOER AND cur,es dandruff$ prevents Uncharged, Wellt out in the Yar was left to ing, of blooldgo�40S along the line of onIC, and 010 vaIU0 of the, trade I of a milifoli alld NERAL BLACKSMITH, Ing of the.hair, ingkos The Intleb. cows conlilIg In are shoes, and tore it holo in his stock, oy, of about occoltrie the th(v few oddaqion ranount,9 to tioll" and It, totit, GV '4 a would pao,4 through the (IllocA in 1852 by an half workors, male aud fw little, 9ct fall nO.,4tI.V of inferior quality, and pricei Ing so Ills to onalre, numed when this was attellipted the block- OV1,111t 62o,F)O0,000 A lallp�CZI to -da front 820 to Wx artall' tile Inuvz10 of the gull Ili his their living at thli; fro,�Io. Are W60,1-,vork Ironed and first-class material and halt grOW, and is a Well- 11 and miserly 1111111 ll()U.qeq workguarantood, varin Implomonts and in% -Iggcr Ith, junlas Neild, The Quccll at once' "I' cume All very � handy; and the a. hundred and fifty "beai�-ioftqts" dreSsIng. Afore, ("hoice CONIVA will and heW g I cores of ill -Ing turn out the IrOn Ines rebuilt ancl repaired, did halt VCR (Ire Ing the tot) Of highead vested th(l. money, with, it view to tt inmates (lid excellent work III i0pel- now; but not, title 0I tliell' Would given OVoV Sumlyler to ob iloice veal Cal his, too, blow� so it cannot help but dO Good to , c kind r '6 ut)tc, ber Own ling would-be train %V!reckers. They iewo becil ill existence h1lic"L not Worker.,;. till paid out of the Profits BnXXG & SPECIALTY, the things for lt�s a asked ilt' the right, oil ITO leaves 0, widow, fvcongtituting-L die," and War ctive "I keeping been for (Irtint and IIIS idea; and of the tvado-, and 40,00(y to, ALlmnT STREW, NORTIrt so es this 0 also very fle ecisting 6 hair -food, When the h' - willJotall al) to $10 cacti. Pric, allil two datightOrq, No cause Call words -"ft. 'or o) 1) gir $1 to $8 well, be glVell for ilia dead excePt dcsPOlId- tha; original apital hod.probablY the Marl; oway front the "It""Sr over ti; quarter of it )LAIII011 I)e I 10' rovide. nnot help Ion Lind a IIEL is well fed% it C01110 helP .1! In inall tuff, It what, line. o%Vreek- would be Iloodillgr other, labor mark - re' reached 1, 'I'll, vinally ho0 IS 110 C1111119 to oficy. The faVorite fopellig wages down. Tbo nOf sheep w hedo YEAW but grow. ty died. (tr( this work 'appears to be ERMNOrm npot for counti, gailo-i IV Clear $5,000,000 it It Makeg the SCAIP "to $`I one"' OXYGEN TREATMENT- Aliddolburg. Tba inereasiod vigilance, �t Il this Inatetlial wealth the businesg of taf, to Own - be ficalthy and this cureg J�,Ixllort, oWes sell 0 of tile 11.11tilorities aild the orectforc ar to I t, p0eke f0o Hulking, should for ever . bl" as lb. ASSAS of blovkhollSoR III whiely garrliloll trade, Which Still goC4 walking uly ;(Id- It Is not a buqftlmq4) to DO. the disease that caus 4 to 44c per lb. Njiloty, P'dp Cent. Of 06 patlontg Iltive ab;o had it gooll. t1w ladder Ill. il ItIal'VOITOUM 11111"011ed at, tile, toffe.(, it (,ell at v if ncob Antloy had milldful 1XIII9 llow kaepa V50,00o, filikifflea 11110Y, dandruff. �1,1, to 4 AbsOlUtOlY Cured- A Jpptmege Politician S14in aillawd itild vor few blll�jlle(l while liga IlrRaln I of rA.- lb OfTect n that (JuAfter ittid bringa fit it joint roVealle $1.00 it battle. All tfr4o$w. n& to ne Par III, A frOln London, Council Board Meeting- breakq are now reported. TRADC MARK8 it Ify ll�jr v!lm oolulog out badly, ilualo tire worth e Worth from t1lbe allnual report of the Loudon A, sawould lio poover b '141,15,000,000 it (410,000 it, y6ar, 6d the Spring waq Ialled ear and "000,000 r sto Ito nU, 50 to $4, rach, wJI() was Willister Of , I Tropital, whie 11 (110 Wagol they elallus that, remark- ho tt 11will.g, 10ilngmid r6 l itr4ty $1 r Ill tjl(v just Ito Cab^ I New with a cleatil rate VV ft MAY tuickatidtfifthd4tROtt Idb6fo". 11VICV14 Of IlOgA arA to- ()It' �Vedllesclop %aded, tile oxygoll Coll' Venincirk holds tile record for Coll- gave 010 country it now Metal. luld lesq thall 1.2 1 flou a ovillinty eOther kift Me 19 or decidOdl able sucCei3l; hil Otto Was tabbed On Friday iI think "tiol dtt, but tho lfttArk(`t Uleepg And � filet, umptioll of spivits, 4x, f!'alltills it Inada aq b1gr a busilios of 010 th1do LRA to price I,pc�atnleftt for lupus bt, cql�v amenibIV, and Most healthy of Aii the iii.-ittill thftli I In \Vltll lils, own hands 1,114 WO tire liver I tl6fl6AttIdtlfMTAdAnt Al. Mudbookohl'Atonts yam* L and kn do meettlig ol t year per boad againqt les.q Onl.Cs, delate Inev be exticlete . die aft.011% Igto likel to lot- ho foun i bent frM Old"C A14"Or row AN't . til"t' 1)0 ftl,d 111114 de. V.11?ff d d hortiv lid and 4cotlaild. iT W6—i—OW I9 b� clip d 11fit (ate afga, in t *40141loo for In 7110 pet, Cent. of tile patlento Nvllo lilt A1111 p 14tigin Tile Ullited x1rig oill's WON* Il" a wa waq itell III (;bttLi1IIlI9 aluminum cheaply. Not hospital have been 4bqo- wnti, pres- , Itedd cbWd ift WN ti6fitfl tat light llogq are � ,ntc, the o li't yff6lt d6 of five Washington, tilld (110 mallu- being tho killd of iftventor who racks vlaO IIIIPIOYr� 130A) It, Addftlkk lutely Culled, In 010 CaACA 11clahl. Toru'q land, ITafl the lat'gest nae 01, fy tv ftoftrt f" UN# Of 161% lb, 'O 111115111111W to fe e: regv tho Who it a ylsof# 'teb ty,e top nui�jt. djgca�uy ident, of thlY HOW 10 bratlis foil eilpitalls,0 to WMfqtftfA4 WMAWI 14*411, MAO, 11w, Cent. of tho patlelitil th I PPOSed to have factory fit the world. Sevolity nil] Another fiV0 Par IS su be of Prllllf,� (Ilt(ity, nd not. appeared agailt- been due to VOlitica. lion eIT.'ado there Weekly, availto. lio borrowed 81,000' in hiR ()oo,o00 P1004 Of all. � I baloW lot) nor abac goo, its. eont, Wero ineurixIlle, Co