The Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-09, Page 8The Weekly Story of the B g Store, gk1/eIi'glefir la tR•9eliele telrl •� t Good erohau s n P " 13 11110$$ dr A That is goods sold for exactly hat they are and at ar price which ie an advantage to the "1 i ' , s buyer and affords a profit to the seller, Its "Wall Paper we wan t Y P Aq! tr4'"f�'ii+,9'•�i 14 d - this ad to sell but to illustrate . ' esti • ,•.„ .. . 0 what we mean by selling goods 4 for exactly what they are we Q •4� 4q' will ,attempt a little reasoning ,;_,_r on the familiar subject of wool. Of course all wool le a better fabric than half wool and both. MwMW1_.. haYe advantages over three • ,_ � quarters sotto it >� n an one wool• le'quarter a ow,in Wall Raper there giNS BROS, SIC DRY GOODS STORE , Q aredegreesin nalityri ht along A these lines. Tigers is tie 5e per a► roll.: quality for people who don't Anni'mi Sale.:of Men's ,Hats at Ninety=nine dents. want to Pay the all wool price.. -.- 7 Ther, there ie the 8c grade which we honestly. fray ie worth twice as much as the 5e, The design and coloring areernueh superior , and more durable. It is really cheaper than any you can buy at aleas price. The difference is more than made up in the qual• lty. nearer the all wooql standard. p Then of course wetf have • still o superior goods as high as 54c per 4 roll. We sell all grades at ex. To aetly what they are, as good e' value for the money as we know bow to buy, as load as good t Our annual sale of Men's Hat at r Hats ninety-nine cents.com- com- mences r exlce>;< S:�TUI�D9Y MORNING', May X ltli, and will continue . J all f't o the follgwxn week that is 'f g ar stocks last that ion , We have a big collection of Shapely el and • � p y Nobby Hats in Hair' and Soft Shapes ready for this sale. last : ear i y t was an unqualified success and we can't mord. to let this ' s years sale la behind.. 'Tkiere's not.: one hat in, the entire lot worth less than 1.25, and.most of thein are:regular. $2; 'and •$2.50. goods, ` It's the moneysaving chance/of .the year,: to' get a good hat;under vaiue. • 100 tea's k'e1t'Hate, bard and, fedora shapes, in black, fatvn, brown 'and grey, odd °nee' and two of lines that are. nearly sold one and broken lines, regular • 1,25 ' 2 0 $ ,, $ , 0 and $2.GO node clearing, .'egoods, commencing ` e`,. m Horn Batarda eaoh ..9Q Y•/ C More. about Men's Goods " ds' . ,Thi. men's mens furnis 'n'' hr department furnishing g , p � ani of ours.is. a complete ng storo'in itself, In it'you,will find everything: you WQt ld expect to find in an. up-to-date men's . with 'values a little k� p ens furnishing:; store atter perhaps because we .don't depend on this department alaue: NIFTY SHIRT. Our Colored Shirts are selling fast We seem tgt have struekthe right patterns and qualities for we never have had as good a Shirt business as is ` coming our way this sprung: Values are' good, pat,. terns new, and colors fast. You'll•not miss it if you: buy any of these. Boys' Negligee Shirts, made from: silk finished oanibrioe, neat small oheoke, fast colors, y,. soft front,, pearl buttoze, all sizes,....,... 'Y55C Men's summer shills,. soft fronts, pearl buttons bodyof 8n ' Dort r e and strongtvhite;: on, front and Duffs of fancy striped peroalea,7n blues etre, guaranteed 1.00 fast colors, each •• Meme colored shirts, stiff frons s, 2 collars. and one Bair of miffs, assorted pat.' terns in stripes. and checks in colors of blue and lavender,, nobby and ser- • vioable, each .. , ........... '/�I Men's fine colored shirts, made of fine quality Snototi Zephyea, neat checks. and broken .plaidsinall the popular shades of bine and lavender, very nobby goods will give excellent wear, colors guaranteed: fasts .... 1 1 Shirt Bargain $1•.25 Shirt:for 88e We have a special bargain. for shirt'buyers this week. One of the kind that don't 'coime very often, es- pecially early in the season They are the famous W., G. it: make, and we strongly recommend them for their color keeping and wearing qualities. Men's tailored Oambrie Shirts 'neat stripes.on white ground, extra gee q ality, nobby goods; fast colors, wilt give excellent wear, 8 $x.,25 gnalities,;a special bargain ,at each.. , , The ire* Shirt . Waists ..:.-s stock of the ever ...popular shirt I wa st is h ere. We delayed ed ordering until �'the ]at' 8 minute 1 n order der th , we may be sure of hav'- Ing correct styles. Those shown here today /'� f�+. Jr• are right in every particular. Some of the prettiest waists in plain white and colored mus-- lens that have ever been in the store are in the lot and you can make no mistake buying now when stocks are at their best. 'Very handsome waists and good values est. at 60e, 85e, LOO $1.50 mercbandiaing w! 1 allow us to sell. t P110 if eD� Fair CO, � a OftentT a + e U' hz peatAlways . s theBeat a y 4 '' Abouto0 L•WHERE THEY ARE People OR WHERE 0 Agents Parkers .Dye Works. . Tle ARE 'GOING, 'W e Know Mr. Ed.Rode spent Sunday in Auburn, Mr. Fred. Forrester spent Sunday in Blake. Master•tussel Andrews spent' Sunday in .Alma. Rev. . Mr..Millyard of Exeter was ni town last week; Inspector Robb of Brussels was in town last week. Misses McLennan and Porter Sunday ed in Brucefield. Messrs. Dalkereli and.McCeskey spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. Rode of London sprint a few days intown. last Tk eek Miss Etta Wheatley er tiey spent Sunday with. Auburn friends.. . Master James McCool of Clinton was in Londesboro on Monday, Mr, Henry Akani of Toronto visited friends: in town last week. Mr, Jas. Young of •Seaforth was in town for a couple of days last 'week,.. Miss Lily McKeown and Mrs. Swallow of Woodham spent Sunday in town. Mr, William Irvine. of Chicago' re. turned tohis home in town oe Mon- Mr.,E: Herman left Tuesday for Coiling. wood where he intends staying for spine time. Mrs. Major Young of Colborne was the guest of .Mrs Arthur' Twitchell one day last week. • • Mrs. W, O. Morrow of Wingbana visited at " The Maples "' lastweek the guest of Mrs:. F. W. Watts. Mr. and Mrs, George Saunders•of town visited Mr. and Mrs Robert Sander son. of Londesboro over Sunday. 'Miss G. Oaks returned from Chicago on Monday and will visit friends•in•. Goderich and Clinton .for some weeks, Mr. and. Mrs. 13..13. Kerr were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Layton writs it es T uc ererith; on Sunday last,' Mr, George.Steep has been confined to the house for some time with 'a severe attack of la grippe but is now re o V c eri n . Miss Ada Jones leaves !Saturday for Blyth where she wilt officiate. as organist in the Catholic church till. Wednesday.. Mrs. G. T. Gilchrist returned last from Platteville week visit with her draaughters, Mrs Neil and Mrs', Sengbas. Mr. Chas. llama' of Seaforth has been, appointed section foreman in Clinton and will move his household effects to town this week. Dr.:Gitford•was in Stratford on Thurs. day and Friday of last week celebrat ' •ing Arbor Day by 'planting a num- ber J mes Shepherdees is athis t present in the Gunn Hospital. He underwent an operation last week for some trouble and is now progressing yery favorably,. Drg, Gunn and Shaw attended the meeting called by Mayor Wilson to .promote the interests of the new /Warine and Public hospital which was held in the court room Goderieh, on Monday evening May Oth. Mr. William Walker of town Ieft on Saturday for London and from thence to Three Rivers, Quebec. He took from here one of Mr. Ooherty's taes and ab two 'to be delivered s another hein Three Rivers. On .'Thursday Mr. Pocock, who 'had been in town for sone tune, was joined by ',Mrs. Pocock, That ' day they went to . Winghham to visit friends in and around that place and on their return Mr.Pocock will hold meetings near Trick's, we believe. • .Health and omfort . Demand the use of a carpet. sweeper. It means less dust, eas- ier work and los of it, Economy demands "Bissell" the kin of car- pet g p weepers, It does better work gasts and Ilonger their any other make. Use one once,l . a,os, both good, and you'll use... no other.. Two $2.50 and $34.5O • tIILLSGRBEN. Miss .E. Maxwell returned from Clinton on Saturday. " Mr. John Consitt, Sr., and. Mr, Thos, q an• rtt set sail for the h ala lin do on the 4th.. We b theta a safe .journey. eoetBrenchrhservicinhe Pesbytrfanu here on Sabbath last. • Mr. John Cochrane had the misfor• ,tune to have his buggy smashed while in flensall on Saturday evening, Mr..Tatnes McOlynnont has rented Mr.Jos. Hudson's bauee and will short- ly move into it. We welcome, Mr. McCilymorit to our village. A number of our sports attended the football match at Varna Saturday ev- ening: Of late there has been alarge number of peddlers through here and we think it would be a good idea if the Govern- ment would increase the tax on these crooks and thus rid the country 01 this pestilence. Mrs. %loppel and ,son spent a few days the guestsot Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Stelck, Ilt'eIgraye. David Busse' of Sunshine is building a tot of fence here this spring. of Mica Thos.. Black felt at, very' low Mrs. Jh as.rWightmari, is attendings as her nurse. adpdl,aebd%ntoJoaheraythe building litn Vannorrnaii s house. It is expected the new church sheds will he raised next week and have them completed at once. - (#eorge Vaneamp has resigned his position the gardener oe tion oIncarlm formanrfor his brother, John Henry, at an inereaar ed renumeration. Mrs. Win, Bone has been very indis- posed lately but is recovering nicely. Beaks nomination has tnet with the } approval of tlip (7or:servatlae party here and he it stronger than ei►sr, kliJLLBTT TOWNSHIP. • snnlewhat�lengthy recovering indangero s• illness. Mr. John Medd has let the contract of his new brick house to Mr. M. S. Cooper of Clinton. Egg peddlare are very thick on the road this spring, ed to.$eafort havi g t ought o u tithe pr etice of Dr. llethut,e. We were visited with a very severe electric eta= last Wednesdaynight, nnit. ing sand badly splinteraed struck hut l rhas not set on tire. A nice oiled() tree on the farm of Mr, \Vm. Stewart was also sty fele: Ins ector Belk visited our • school last 'l.�bnrsday. .41114080110. children of Whitecchlurcl spent Carrick" few days last week visiting at Mr. Chas. Milners. Mr.and Mrs, John Mills acid children visited friends In this vicinity on Sun da last. • Quite a number have had the sore eyes in this neighborhood and some are laid up with cods. Mr. Glee. Beadle and Mr. Merrittof Aul'tui'n visited at ear, Geo, Beadle's' on Sunday vast,• Mr. J. Craig is slowly rex vexing' from her illness Mr. G. Gartner spent Sunday at his home in Whitechurch. OOD1RICH TOWNSHIP. Dr. Wilt. Lowery of Dungannon spent Sunda with his, parents on the 16th concession. �6n Me. Dan: Rieger sppent Sueday at his home in Wawanoab. Mr. II, Oakes is around again after being' Laid off a week or two with an affected knee, fMr. Swarf of the lath concession met with a somewhat painfulaccident P son e time since• Be went up to Mr. James Lindsay's upon business and while pro- ceeding to the barn was bitten byMr, Lindsay's dog. Onlyone tooth enter- ed h f the flesh s but . ht e bite +t. b oped into @hasnaevel- P d a very sore leg. A few•less 'such. Canine would be better: Miss I+rancie A' Richard.cn. of Pharos Villa has gone on an extended visit i t to her sister, Mrs. Geo.. Ludlow,. Dundalk. The following report gives the stand- ing ofi the pupilla . of S. No..,2 who have -been promoted in the recent examination Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd.«�Myrtle Prowse, Thomas Chambers. Janine • Yuill, . Winnie Johnston Mary Monk ,Sr, 2nd to Jr. 3rd. --Meredith Clark, Irene Hick, Jennie :Monk, Richard: Leeson, McKee Johnston, Russel Oke Alonzo Bodges, Jr. 3rd to Sr, 3rd. Gertie Sturdy, Arthur Willson, Mabel McMillen, Austin Sturdy Roy Chambers. Sr, erd to' Jr. 4th.-;.Msanie 'YuiIt, Harry:.Charnbers,Mehei Walters,Trene Clark,. Alice Hick, Reginald Sturdy,' Mubel Prouse." Average attendance for April was '42.—F.REX,, J. LAW-IENCE, Teacher. • Dungannon. Tom: Little was in`Lucknow Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Wilson is reaovering.nicely after a prolonged illness. A Large congregation assembled in St. Paula, church on Monday at 11 a. ne:to'witness the beat -Wieland iinpres- ive service of Confirmation when• Borne. sixteen on seventeen :candidates were. admitted :by his Reverence the Bishop of: Huron into Si.. Paul's church as members of the congregation.; The church was very tastefully decorated with plants and palms and the young ladies in their robes of white made a pleasing picture as they. -knelt two by. two at•the communion. rail to, have the Bishops hand placed upon their .heads 'as be .repeated a beautiful prayer•• The Bishop addressed ' the candidates and the assembled congregation :very earnestly beseeching thein to be true and faithful workers for. the master. His Reverence ,poinited'out very plain - lythe many, dangers and temptations to be met on the way while he. also pointed ,ont the way toovercoree all dangers and '.temptation by:faithful fellowship with Christ. His.Reverence left for Blyth in the afternoon to hold a Milliner service there.in the evening. Dr, Lowery spent Sunday: et his home near Clinton.. ; Results of Bank Amalgamation, The Canadian Bank of Commerce Completes the Purchase of the Assets of the Bank . of : British Columbia. TW1 BAND'S CAPITAL NOW EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS AND. ASSETS OVER . SIXTY THREE MILLIONS. • The negotiations for the purchase of the assets of the Bank of British Col- umbia by the Canadian Brink of Com- merce, an announcement respecting which was made some months ago, have been carried to a successful eon - elusion, A thorough examination of the iihairs of the Bunk of British Col. ,umbla was made by the officials of the Caned%at, Bank of Commerce, and this proving ee tirely satisfactory, the amal- gamation was finally completed on the 2nrl of January. A statement of the affairs of the Canadian Bank of Come mer e ce after the amalgamation has now n been issued, andi , discloses assay very strong n g osi i tan, In point int of Re- serve the ,]lank now ranks Foust► among banking institutions on the continent of America, It has .02' branches throughout Canada; 5 bran- ches in the • United States, namely, at New York, San Francisco. Seattle Portland (Oregon) Skagway (Alaska) and 1 in London, England, 08 establish. merits in all. The acquisition of the Landon office is an important step in the progress of the Bank. The Bank's transactions in 'sterling exchange in the 'United 'States and Canada each year amount to many millions of pounds, and the ability to handle this business through the Bank's own Lon- don office will result in an important addition to the earning power of the Bank. In many other directions also the interests of the two Banks will be immensely benefitted by the amalgam. ation, The following is a condensation of the statement issued by the Bonk at the close of huainess ort the 31st of March Aesete, Cash, Gold Bullion,. Bank• ars .Valances and Balance Due by London Office., 7)31.5,421 04 Government, Municipa , Hallway and other 33onds and h7tat kart,.., rsirr,rrrlV,,nlp,yp�,,t14 $/17,054,201.08 Loans and Discounts... $45,530.388.03 .All Other Assets,....,., 1,500,074.01 I04,i103,004.02 +, y Liabilltiea. 0apltal....,rrrr. $A,000,000 Roserve.rr..,,.., 2,000,000 fltrcu'lstian.rrr... 10,00�fy1, %0,0.00 . .... ,588,488,1 0 Deposita r,r.............. 48,423,501.0t,i P ,All CJther..,....r....."... 2,0i11,8B8.28y te, ii,t,;�1.+,R 411i Some what Different Store." i rL. ace Curtains • We have found that the very heat way to beep peop/e inters ated in our store /s to throw in satisfaction as a premium with every purchase and in no goods do we have to be mare careful with than: in lace curtains. The ourtarns and Draperies we are showing thin spring are the hest values we have ever had. ' We placed our order many. mane. s a . safe you fully � , , �, go, before the advance rn prick so aan �, y f y ane -third, Th•e qualities 9' are the very heft and thedesigns-the newest. 1 quality. Splendid .value at per pair 'Lace Curtains, 24 inches wide and 2 'yards long,taped edges, fine y25, Lace Curtains 34 inches d Ndesi ne lockns, .yds long and 45 inches wide in g , s stitch edges, fine open ign, usually Bold choice RA - our price only Y at i11.W pp Nott%ngbaw Lace 0urtr�in 3 , i • 0540 floral cies% n o •t' . Yards long and 5O inches wide f g , od t . n. 8 goal t la ce y '1 Wil , iv •• Pine quality Nottin linin s e Ar wear, price, . ;;, , .O Q Lac g ea and 00 inches wide, in a good choieetaf de:It g nsr alllong and fh edges, w%11 sive good wear, Special value $C i A5�locki..st5+;:51 per pair 1x2;t 1.50 �r7:: Nottingham Lace Curtains. extra fine quality lace, .onto design, lull 13 . ar dal #ry o'l, o g, good width, very exclusive designs, with Jock stitch. edges, all worth one third more than n our price.. . .,:,, . ,..;a 2:00 2.50 2,7 wide and 2 r } yards y it n With tapedf1 h edges, co a ®i good quality lace: :Extra value stip r pair ��: .� 0 . U • t h tin at nLege g C • ti r tai 3 Very fine quality Nottingham Lace Odrtains, 3} y.irdslong and 5A' to 90 inches wide, all new designs' lock � , r to . Chenille Curtains ` Chenille S7 nille Ourt ' � erns, a yards long and 84 %aches wide, in o green,' brown and red, beavy fringed encolors of. • value at per pair g. ds, fancy borders, good Chenille ' Curtai V f+u Curtains, 3 yards long and 40 inches. wide, heavy v y qua l it y ;`in eolors'of red, and green, fancy bord�ra knotted 40onenagSpecial pair.• .. ,,. ,:,. X.: stitch edges, a stoics lot at per hair.:. 300 t7 !' Muslin and Siviss.Ourteins, very: dainty designs, •at per . purr,,., 4onp t 6 • 34 to 80 inch wide,"' " * to plain and dotted Brussels Net. Curtain goods,q rr�� with frill,: very new and dainty, prices per yard..., :�.0 � :ii Dotted Swisses,for Curtains, etc., per yard.... r [2?1 I5 17 , to .30 Table Covers , Tapestry Table Covers, 4x4 size, with frig sorted colors. P ` fringe around Giver„ in as, Q .... ,. ,. .•.. rVo Price r each ... (7h :n' 1 e Table Covers, 6 x 4an 8x4 4 eie _ newest. shades o fgreen, red bine'and brawn,fancye�ectsWithfrange2p 26 0trim tramming. Extra value at :x If you buy your parasol here ou will have�- i , y ave the satisfaction f that can be had for the moue. .o knowing that it is the best: We buys Z" y them fro . m the e zna sells --anal. should theyfor anyreason'k"er"--who guarantees every one he not com `up to the ° sta. dard of wear- we -will l - ' snake it right as we are always willing gladly. have n to: do with. � . �`, ' gh anything In. Fancy Parasols we have xio:two - y . lxl:g that comes from this store;. :4of xray and rJust alike. The favorites for.summer Ilse. ' y ed, also black withcome is colors white/stripes es lain shown. p p white with and without : frills are also Prices of Ladies'. BlackParasolsare 75c. 1 1.2 Prices of Fancy Parasols 1. $ ' $ S,,$3-5 $.1•!50 to'$.�0. Ohaldren's Fancy Parasols $I.215, $1.15, $1.00. 2.5 • 0 tb $3,Sp. The Prettiest Hats are found in this store. That is well known by hundreds of beauty costs less than less beautiful ladies and they knowtthe Ne e ' . . mrilineryin-otber.storetY. We want more women to learnt, w ornbe,s millinery.' That's what advertising is for, to invite comparison.. Talk doesn't sell hats. •t, styleaas. f hats themselves form the winning combination—especially es able as art, style and fineness. in for example,' can you writeh' our $2.50, P Q14.. when prices are as reasonable as they are here.: Where," for Ladies' Sailors at 25c. is0c, $3•S 1 and h white hate: • • Children's Straw Sailors 7Sn to $[.SO. in white and. mixed -straws. • 'Baby Bokinebs of •a lots at 2t3e and SOc. silk and muslin, beautiful creations . for the little one, prices ;$Se, 150c, 7l9c, $i .to $2. . . YOUR ROW1uY BAC$ tF YOU WAl55 IT • CLINTOs«..r..*..... ♦•••AMr•!4,•••••••• •N••H .NN••.NNNN.wN• . rfirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr M,� ZIP '.A.0 SO BR r>lr�rrrn�li�nrrrrrnr�r�r�rnrntnrRrr�i ' . 4 - � -. . • r�trrrrnrtrrtrrm�rrr�r � . rrr a S. CL OT CHJLDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Our stock of children'sgoods have n Keen buyer's will be ` never been so large and never before have we had such a' sale y surprised at the wonderful suit that we offer at $2.50, made from. and fancy tweeds, large sailor collar, withm blue serge three rows of braid; fancyvest,braided kers.. Just the suit for youngsters ranging f and lined knit • - 7�1c are better than ever. g g rom`� to 9 years. Our Boys'Knickers at 50c, 60c and e' now ]manufacture them by the thousand pairs and we sell them all over the country, No such value is offered by an house in the -Boys' , double sewn, 7 pockets and the price only 500. trade, Overalls, with bib, WHO'S YOWL HATTER The sale of our celebrated Christy m English Hats at $1,510 has surprised us but it is another evidence that the --' public are beginning to realize that no hat on the market equal them, for the money. You can buy them in stiff' or soft goods and in all colors, Once you become a customer for the you will have no otherr. There is a st- le'about the Christyosnake y Irl. hard to equal. They will wear to satisfy anybody. See that the Christ stamp is on every hat you wear. Our stock. of straw goods is large and complete and io Iow in price that it will be a difficult matter to fend the same value else- where. Our Sailor Hats at 25e are hard to equal, ackson Bros Clinton Z ',ilu►ihi,►a�I►i1,I,iili+;iiii�l►