The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-11, Page 1TRE 111„,..‘„)."9"T01\1° 22m1. Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1901 -RECORD. The News -Record thrives upon coznparison and is — Whole Number.1162 Compare it with. others a,nd let us hear from you. aseraeaesresetaisswewaesiesseeAle-elgsslaWes•Ws~le NATVRAL ? The splendid effecto shown in our excellent line of Wall Pepers are popular because the designs •are so natural and graceful. We give you all the satisfaction of high grade stock and. perfect coloring to bring out the beeuta- of your wall and make you happy ornamented rooin, in the possession of a gracefully We offer great variety in patterns and splendid effects in colorings. Our papers are the best of the preclude of the best manufacturers and we are sure you will enjoy your home the better for having it papered from ouch a stock as ours. A Sped c,for S tura y , 200 Rolls Gilt Wall Paper, complete conabinatione of wall, and ceiling, choice conventional patterns, saitable , for any regular 15c and 20c, on sale Saturday at 8c.. binder. room, A Y CAR !AGES nd. GO cARrs 1 If you want to see the Baby Carriage you oughe to buy; at the price you ought to pay, yisit our store and have a look ovee pur stock. Go Carts as lowas $2.50, Baby Carriages $8 to $18.$0, W. Coopei, iR Co., CLINTON, Agents fee C. P. It: Telegraph and Derninion Express $ Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns aleAsessessasaea;4e-sievalesaawalselleAre•ileseseeseassasseser.aaeaereserealesebeeeese. '1E)..atAlm.e4azt.45.1b04b.0..11b05.45;tb,ethtp.Aa4-e•at44e-ww>e41.4a-IC15,c4-4be 0 What c n we h ve -for ph age? WE SUGGEST A EliV„ APPETIZERS SU'O.kk-A5, .0 Strawberry Pie •Plant • Pine Apple Chunks E;Stuffed Piekles Chili Sauce " or .A Om of Spinach • Saye your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee. - Leave Your order for Lettuce and Young Onions' early in the week. Is the cry a eveiy housekeeper. Ogle Cooper CASA FOR BUTTER 4.ND EGGS., The 4.0. Ps Prosporialt Court Prosperity A. 0. F. is flourish. ing apace. On Monday night three candidates were sent "over the road" and the goat is being kept in readiness for. another trio tonight. Six neW rnerabers in one week is not so bad and then Prosperity, had additions some tinoe sincea,ed has as well several proo. poets irr slew. The A. 0. F's are all right. ' • The Oxecutlye Mei on Good Friday. The executiye of the S.S. Associabien and the Christian Endeavor Union nadir' Clinton on Good Friday to make arrangements fot the annual conven- tion to be held in the Rub in ,Tuue. .A.rnong tbose ' present were ; j. f E. Torns, Goderich ; J, 0, Stonernan,Hens sail ; --, Dustpw; Nile; J. McOlieton, 1 Westfield; W. H. Icerr, ' Brussels ; Messrs, Gifford, Howson and Cooper Iand Miss Washington, Clinton. Lecture on iforhoultural Topics. A lecture will be delivered in the Itown hall on the evening of Thursday next under the auspices of the Horti- cultural Society. The speakers will be Mr, McNeil of Walkerville and Miss Rose of Guelph, The former's adver- tised subjects are: 1 -The fertilization of flowers; 2 -Hoose planta ; 3 -Plants, trees and shrubs for the ordinary town lot. Miss Rose will talk on : 1 -Why • I have a garden; 2 -Economic garden- ing. The speakers are to address the pupils of the Collegiate and the Public school in the afternoon. . A New Grocer. . Mr, George E. Rathwell, who had almost completed arrangements,fol' going into business at Renee% has decided after due condideration thal the importunities are Ereater in Clinton and has bought the grocery steels of Mr. Kerr who but a month since suc- ceeded Mr. Hill. He will take posses- sion next Tuesday and Will, when .he gets his bend in, do a good share of business, we have no, cl6iltit. Mr Kerr who will thus remain "So, short a time in town, gees to Orediton. where he takes over an .established 'trade That place is almost horee • to him and though .he is 'pleased with this town vet after ell there's "no place like home." • • o • THE CA.Sli GROCERY o esk..eS•in.sre..si*ts.en.eyres•es.eme•Ae&elleilsibieesie.eileoses.ft.er-stkivso.eAlt-e LET U,S D.o- YOJI? ,ENGRAVINCV. 1 have added an engraving machine to my .st,ore equip= metit and can do your engraving quicker and cheaper than you have had it done heretofore. • JP 1 CARBWS, Biped Watch Repairer. .... ................................................ 1 i SPRING HATS . 1 WAKEFIELDWAKEFIELD $ HATS HATS $ Are the right sort Are the right sort i 1 1 Morrish My ildter.' i 1 1 1 YES' We simply ask that you look at our line and ifyou. don't find it equal to any and superior to many in style, value and the general appearance that goes to meke fashionable het, then—enough said. PULL LINES OF COLORED SHIRTS, satisfied to abide by the result. Death of Mrs. John Irwin. Mrs, John Irwin died at her•home In Durand, Mich., on Sunday evening. The deceased, who was only in her thirtieth year, was the wife of Mr.,Tohn lewin, son of alr. R. Irwin et town, who is Train Master on the Grand Trunk Western with headquarters at Durand, The funeral took place in Respeler yesterday and was attended by Mr. and Mrs, R, Irwin, Mr.and Mrs, F. R. Hodgens and Mr. A. 0. Pattie - son of Clinton. Mr, A P, Munroe's Visit. Mr, D. E. Munroe of Auburn, who is District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 2, paid an official visit to Clinton Lodge on Friday night last. There was a good attendance of members And during the evening de- gree work was exemplified in so thorough a manner as to win praise from the District Deputy. The work of the evening being, ended the lodge adjourned from labor to refreshment and enjoyed a lunch especially prepar- ed for this occasion. Profanity Must Stop, The chief of police has instructed his men to arrest every person whom they hear using profane language on the street and t,he orders will be strictly carried out. A. great many complaints have been made about the rough language used by both men and boys as they pass along the public thoroughfares and When congregated on, the corners. In other cities the law respecting profanity is stringently enforced and the same canbe said of Guelph in the future, ---Herald. Clinton the Most Central Town, Ten earloads of hogs stood in the Clinton station yards on Monday, hav- ing been shipped in from various points in the dounty,, consigned to Toronto and Collingwood, There were thirteen hundred and fifty hogs in all, sufficient to have kept a; ,good-sized factory running kr a full week. Worildn't the fanners have fared better if those hogs had been slaughtered in a factory' located in this central town ?"Big ship- ments are frequent occurrences so there can be no doubt bet that Huron would furnish a sufficient supply to keep a factory ;running.. • . St Paul's Vestry Meeting. . mith's Sh!pmonts The a,nnual veirtry meetong o S Smith and Hele have shipped seven Paul's chui•ah was held in the Sunday carloads of cattle from Mitchell' this school remit en Toescley evening. The past week. Three carloads had an new rector, Rev. xf. Gunne, was pre - average Weight of 1470 pound and sent and ocCupied the,chair. • Mr. C.C. another' an average Of 1560 pounds ' On Rance vvas appointed the people's Thursday Mr. Smith bought and warden and Mr. W. Q. Phillips the shipped: Mr. john Middleton'a carload rthe;to;h'ssuwianrgdO7n.e.arT,hise mvers.t!ry..toy el.earkfeoyr which had an average weight Of 1381 pounds, and yesterday he made the and the sidesMen : R. A. Worthing- ton, Fred. Johnson, • Lew. Thrower, following.shipments W. Webb, E. Archibald and F. Efer- " man. The follovving will act with the 8 11260 " ' wardens as a building comm1011700 ittee : W. W. Ferran,J. Bell, W: Jackson, R. Hullett 1 1370 G. Plummer and j. Ransford. At the 11 4 4651 •' congregational Meeting 'after the 2 2900 f t vestry Mr John Ransford. was unani- 1 1330 mously chosen as lay delegate to the 1 1940 f 4 4960 Synod, " 3 • '4160 Gun Club Shoot. Stanley 1 . 1270 The Clinton Gun Club held an all- Trickerernith 1. 1770 • day shoot on Good Friday which was Goderich 1 1200 well attended by outside. ehooters, the 1. 1 1860 following places being represented : Brussels, Clandeboy, Allem Craig, Dutton and Seaforth. Some good scores were made as the day was all that could be wished. for. At times there were little gusts of wind which slightly changed the flight of the birds. The Gun Club wishee to thank the nier- chants for their very liberal support. All the shooters went awa,y well pleas- ed, saying they would come again. Here are the scores; D. A. Forrester. Clinton 23 30800 J.& N. Fair' R. Pluinsteel W. Waite Rogerson Bros. D. Shannahan G. Dale W. Snell S. Brown J. Reynolds T. Murch. H. °rich Ws Weir E. Butt r Appointed Yratesporhetion Manager. Mr. A. T. Cooper, who is secretary - treasurer of the, Provincial Christian Endeavor Union, was in London on Monday attending a meeting of the executive being held to map out a plan for the big provincial rally to be held In Brockville in October. Theexemtive t to We r Need not concern you it you order here. You canna Make amistake. Everything desirable is here. We are always the leaders of the new- est and best and this season we , are surpassing ourselves. _ A. J. HOLLOWAY. 40•••••;t•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••14 1 0,-4.0-ais.0ca..0-aa.0-4.40.4...0.sa.0sa...0-Q..o.ca...gpcs„.0.cs,•,ipcs.0..1....seN4SeAms.scol/ 2 ea . ARTISTIC tGi,C11.0•31.410:3b4', 04rts.esottoip-ziwiiostretAcke di t I I .Every persoxi likes to get a good photo,. when they t • t sit for orie. Not one that • I t• • fades out ill a short time. When you want a nice, ar. ; 1 tistie,endurable photo go to No. of targets 10 16 20 25 15 20,15-120 Hollingshead 7 14 14 21 13 16 10— 95 flovey . 8 13 13 2d 14 20 16-103 Holmes 9 11 13 19 12 16 6— 86 Cantelon 811 16 17 10 17 14— 93 Kennedy 4 13 14 16 14 13 8— 82 Bice • • 915 1628 13 10 13-108 Blackall 8 8 15 19 12 14 12-88 Dodds 8 11 14 21 11 16 12— 93 Mahler. .7 13 15 1011'12 13— 00 Ketchum 6 010 12 10 6— 53 Bright • 7 8 18 21. 12 — 66 Sinclair 5 10 13 -- 28 PHOTOS t Ateetlag of Harms ProsbyterY. The r'resbytery of Iltiron met in Willis church on Monday last, The Lone was occupied chiefly in read- ing and discussing reports on Church Life and Work, Sabbath Schools and Young People's Societies, Al- though these reports contained some discouraging features they were on the whole favorable. It was found that although the membership of the Y. P. S. C. E. had decreased their contribu- Millie to 'church wherries they were largely' in excess of -those of any pre. vions year, Dr. F.R. Beattie of Louis- ville, a graduate of Knox College, Toronto, Was nominated to the chair of Apologetics and Homiletics in that institution. The following commis- sioners were appointed to represent the Presbytery ib the next general assem- bly : J. 5, Henderson, J. 5, Hamilton, 'S. A. Carrier& 0. Pletcher, ministers, together with the representative elders of Seaforth, Varna, Exeter and Grand Bend. Dr. Warden of Toronto was nominated as Moderator of this Assem- bly. A petition was presented by the congregetione of Union church, Gode• rich township, and Leeburn praying that they should be allowed to return to their former relationship ana offer- ing to build a manse for their minister on condition of their request being granted. It was resolved to allow all the mingregations affected by the late re -arrangement of the field to return to their looter telationa on condition that, no granti should be asked from the Augmentation Fund for hayfield and Bethany and a reduced grant for 'Union church and Leeburn. Mr. Acheson's resignation of the pastoral charge of Itippen and Hillsgreen was presented and a speeitti meeting op - pointed to deal With it 4 Brueeflold On olia•0•40 *AIMS t the 23rd Inat. t. 4n-feikofb.ers4 01100,4.0s4a. Photo * Studio. 00ekt-al•ca 04*. Ifenry's `" tott.ilistra441664bleibiSsbes4‘0046.0•11sp$100416446,0 Xittio Zovals Mr, 0. Olson is busy shipping eggs to outside points. Mrs. R. Biggert is slowly improving after an attack of la grippe and plenrisy. The Misses Mains, dressmakers„have taken the rooms over the new dore in the Harland black. Mr. .James McGill found a Rible on Rattenbury street on Saturday last which awaits the owner at his place. Mr. R. Fitzsimons bought nine hogs from Mr, W. Glenn :of Stanley which had aro average weight of two hundted and two pounds. • The porkers were less than six moralist old. , The pastor of the Rattenbury street church will preach in his own pulpit next Sunday, Subject at 11 a, in.: .1 How'can we learn to know God." At 7 p, in. ; Tears that are not a sign of weakness." ' Wallis Ific Cantelon shipped twoar - t c loads of hogs o the packing factories •on Monday. The prevailing price was $6.25 per cwt, Fr next week they win tray 0.B5, ogs were delivered to them from points eighteen miles dire tent. They Plucked Him. Mr. Hodgens of Hensel( added to his stock of experience on Monday at a Cost of two handred dollars. He obtained Win this way.: Three able- bodied strangers, apparently without occupation, had been putting up at one of the hotels in that village for several days. In the light of events the villag- ers now believe the telo were simply waiting for an opening to pluck some- body. They learned that Mr. Hodgens had just received his rent and put up a "jelo" on him. They arranged a foot- race and one of the men succeeded in inducing Mi.. llodgens to lend him two hundred dollars to wager on the run, promising him half the amount if his man should win, which he claimed was a, dead sure thing. Mr. Hodgens handed over his cash but the man on whom it was placed. failed to win. About this time he began to "ernell a rat" and demanded his money which was • refused him and the trio footed it out of the village. He followed them to Brucefleld and then drove. up to Clinton for a warrant which was issued by Mayor Jackson, Chief Wheatley telephoned to various. points and , Constable Gundry took a hand in the game but the men succeed„ ed in eluding all attempts at heading them off and are said to have crossed the boundary at Port Huron. Mr. liodgets is, wiser and sadder. appointed Mr. Cooper transporta- tion manager for this proyince for the mammoth Internatiotial Christian Endeavor, 'gathering to be held in Cleveland in Slily. To properly per- form the duties pertaining to this position will require tact and enthusi. astic energy, both of which Mr. Cooper possesses. • Clinton Lawn Bowling Club, On Wednesday evening of last week the annual meeting of the Lawn Bowl- ing Club was held in the town hall. 'A large nurnber were present and the utmost enthusiasm iri 1, b. matters prevailed. The treasurer's report was gratifying. An expenditure last season of $500 with only $180 of indebtedness is a record that argues well for the future. The grounds are in first-class shape and everything is paid for. The election of officers resulted as follows; VARNA Mr. Joe Cook, who has been in the employ of Mr, B. A. Higgins for some time, went on Saturday last to Brow, ton, where he has secured a good Posi- tion. joe. has had a good training and so is a good mechanic. • Oliver Keyes, who has been attend in g• the Collegiate in town, is spending his Easter holidays at home, Messrs. Thos, and John Consitt of the Parr Line were in London on Sat. urda,y, Ore former having gone to con - suit a. physician of that city. We are glad to hear that Mr, rioneitt has muck improved in health of late, which his appearance and tbe weigh scales both go to prove.. Mr. William Johnstone is improving the premises lately vacated by Mr. Armstrong. All these things go to make our•village look more tidy. • Mr. 0, H. Reid is in Toronto again •this week with a shipment of cattle. All Hail" was the text upon which Rev. , Mr. .Andrews founded his dis- course Sunclo,y evening and he handled the subject well. rhere was A good congregation and the choir rendered excellent music, •. • Mr. •John VVanless lost .his black driver on Saturday night, iv being fund dead in its stall in the morning. .The township council meets again on the 22nd inst. and as the questioe of the big drain will then receive its' 'firet airing there hi bound to be a, big gath, ering of the ratepayers. Mr.j. E. Harnwell has sold his hand- some Newfoundland dog to a citizen of Exeter. • Mr. Norman Purdy is getting his bieycle repair shop in readiness fcr. a brisk season's. work. • Stanley's " Little Man," Mr, Thos. Willey, will he out with his *Wagon agalu in a few _days making his regular trips atnong the farmers. It is about a score of years; we under stand, since Mr. ,Willey first took up this line of business and ever since he has been one of the best known men in the township. He is punctual; obliging, gives good' weight and makes 'fair count so that the "Little Mao's" metorners. are many. •Me. and"Mrs.. John Ward were in Clinton Ori Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Fester irr nOw able to be Mit and around and When the weather becomes More balmy we expect him to. build op and . be himself once more The soinier the better. Miss Siisie • Elliott spent Easter in London with her sister, Ida. Mr.'S. O.' Rathwell and son A:rnold spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Robb,Soutb Grey. Robb is centreilY located in the township of Egremoht; which though fertile and fruitful is' not by 'any means the eqoel of one own Stanley. Mr. Rathveell seldom' takes a holiday so that we hope be enjoyed his trip well. :• Mr. 3. E. Elarnwell was at the old homestead near !Kincardine on .elood Friday attending ' the Wedding of his • brother Themes, known to nia,ny. this Village and the yicinity. Miss Pearl Wheatley of Clinton is Visiting her sister, Mrs 3: Ward, this week. . Mr. Charlie Hagan left on Tuesday for Dakota, where he will spend the Eititntrier:' He. will be much Missed by the' boy. ' - Mrs Ja.mes'Armstieng has returned from liriimbo, where she was visiting her daughter,. Mrs. IL McCool. MeSurs. A. a Stephenson 'and Jaines Reyes had auccessfol Wadi bees hist week. •• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster, spent Easter tiolidaYs at the home of Mr. J. Duncan of London. Mrs. Jane Johnstone Was in London for a few days this week. • Miss Jamieson of 13rucefield is visit; ing Miss Maud Moffat this week.. Me. If. E. Fair is holidaying at his father's in Liman'. pi/NI:1E5130g°. • , One of the residenta of our yillage,in the person ot•Irle. Walter Riddell,pass- ed quietly away on Sunday morning et the age of 75 year's and was laid; to rest On' Tuesday in Burns' Ceirietery. Be was a. Staunch Presbyterial'. He leaves a large family to, mourn his departure-0hr sons and. four dasigh- ters-Rotiert in Manitoba, Mra. W. L. °dinette of Londeebero., John and James of pairota, Agnes at home, Mrs 'McGill Of Blyth, Of Aatburn Mrs, Stovin of Manitoba, Albert ol Atlantic, Xo.wa, and howard pf Mani- toba. All the family were present at . the funeral except Robert and ' Howard. Macallurn, brother 'of Dr., E. 0: lp; • MiMallinn of the village,. spent Sunday in • the 'village. He preached on Sunday morning at Burns' church and in the evening in the Methodist church on India, where he has spent ten years as,a•miSsionary. The men who are, taking the census are kent busy. • The shed of the Methodist church is beingre-shingled. ••' Mr, A. Woodinan is having very poor health at present. • . Mrs. Brown is also very aids. Rev. (Mrs.) Hamilton is at present very ill, ' Mr. Robert Crawford has purchased a horse for the summer. Those who spent Easter here were t W. Crisp of Seaforth, H. W. Athens of Norwich, Mrs, Geddes of Belgrave, Miss L. Ouirnette of 'Toronto, Mrs. Roberts of Rarriston, James Oliver of Thessalon, Algoma. • Those who went away for Raster: Mrs. E.' Bell to Wingharn, Miss Al Crisp to Seaforth, Geo. Hazelwood to London, A. McAllister to Henn% Mist+J. McLaughlin to Goole• , WEST TUCKERMITI-1. Mrs. A. Seeley of Oliriton is spending this week the guest at the old home- stead, Mr. It Johns• . Miss E. Waldron of Use London' Road is the guest of her friend, Miss M. Rudd of Cilinton. Making maple syrup has been the order of the day for thepast week with a number of farmers. Mrs, 3. G. Orich is visiting old friends in Usborne. Mr. Addison johns, who is teaching the youth of Minnesing is spending his Easter vacation at home. Mrs. George Nott and Mrs. Frank ()rich spent Easter with their Soli and daughter, Mr, and Mts. N. .Crich of Mich. KIPPEN. 11,••••••••,1,16 itippen is alive, particularly at the station. .Kyle and Harvey have tak- en the contract of loading two hund- red thousand feet of logs destined for Woodstock. The inventive genius of Mr. Kyle hat lessened the, labor, insures safety and reduces the power., to one horse instead of two with his improved Jimmie pole attachment, acting as A brake and self adjustible conttivance for loading the logs any size on this cars almost instantly. • Miss M, McMordie of the London Public school staff. also James, her brother, orthe London Commercial college are spending Easter holidays 4 I Trebor Grange, the residence of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- alordie, Kippen. • Mr. William Doig, the worthy councillor and financial economist of Tuckersmith, who took the scalps off fogyism municipal representatives last January, has returned to Detroit with his nephew Sandy to . renew, his study of Jaw, having already passed two courses, both of them with honors. David nowoccupies the post, of judge in Marquette, North Michigan. Bert Taylor, son of George Taylor of Thornyhedge Farm,has secured. a posi- tion in London's fashionable clothing house *as cutter and manager in the teiloring department, He left on Monday. The Misses Wilcox of St. Thomas have been visiting the'past week with the family of Mr. John Whiteman. City ladies appear to enjoy country outings. Silas Butt, who his spent the win- ter in this part with friends, left on Monday for the Massey -Harris stock farm at Little Vork (Toronto) where he is to assume -charge of e stock Wench of this gigantic farm. • Mr. Thos. 'McGregor has taken his • leave from Carberry, Manitoba. The old gentleman returns in the fell but • spends the summer in the Northwest, He is one Of the pidieers of Huron and now enjoys himself. Ile delig'hts to tell of the success of friends in our Manitoba,. Mies Isabel Forest, school teacher, Toronto, is visiting her parent', john Forest, and sisters of Stanley. Mr. Thosjarrotts, principal of the Courtwright Public school, is spending Easter with his mother. Ile looks fine arid bears his usual, smile a content- ment. • - Mrs. Wm. Cudinpre has gone on a trip to London, infact half the village has caught the mania of Clinton and London, perhaps on account of the circplation of Trat NEws-REssonn and Landon Free Press showing advan- tages in those places. Quite a commotion in the egg trade over territorial rights, free trade and protection in this natural production is going on amongst the merchants Iti. issuggested that President Hay and Secretary Balfour sit on ' the subject of this controversy for three weeks and report as to the finding. . Charles Hagan of the Parr Line left on Monday for Langdon, Dakota, to spend the summer with his brother, who has been there for the past fifteen years. Also bis cousins, sons of John Denn of Blake, are there in business. Our generally esteemed.minister, the Rev. S. Acheson, at present visiting his brother', who is the Presbyterian minister at Park River, Dakota, has been liea,rd from through the press, which reports that liefore ." meeting of the Presbytery the reverend gentleman distinguished him- self by an address delivered in a schol- arly, masterly aud convincing style, captivating his hearers with admira. den, and that two very influential and prominent churches in flourishing towns have tendered the reverend gentleman thetr solicitations to become their pastor'''. An interview with. friend from that part says the stipend of either of the charges would be at least a fitting consideration to think of since a few cronies in the congrega. tion here want a cheaper exponent of the truth, forgetting that the laborer is worthy of his hire. HonoI*to whom honor and respect is due. Self was not characteristic of our • reverend friend, which we say after a knovviedge of fifteen years of his loving kindness and goodness to Ms own and to all Mike. • President, john Ransford • Vice -President, John Johnstone Treasurer, 3. P: Tisdall Secretary, W. Jackson It was decided to lower the fee for membership from $8 to $5 for the cons- ing season. The sum of $10 was set aside to purchase a small trophy for a grand rink competition. A committee composed of the President and Messrs, jackeon, Forrester and Tisdall was appointed to select the different rinks. Each rink will choose its own skip. The President has also graciously inti- mated his willingness to present a trophy to be eompetedfor initatches singles—of course the donor will himself arrange the rubes which will govern the contests. There is a rumor ot holding a tournament here during the summer and altogether a most successful season 19 antielpated. Presi- dent rbuisford, to whose indefatigable exertions much of the prosperity of the Club is due, is making a vigorous eatl` ,488 and has already added ten per cent. to the mernhership. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. On Wednesday of last week the members . of the Goshen Methodist church asserribled at the h9me of Mr,. sard. Mrs. Robt, Mcthinchey and presented Mrs. McClinchey with a handsome oak sideboard and extension table as a slight remembrance of her services as organist in the church. The following address WAS read, by Rev. 3. W..A.ndrews MIMI MRS. MOOLINCIIII1Y, We, the members and adhereuts of the Goshen alethodist church, are assembled here this eyening for the purpose of expressing not only the esteem and the good will in which yon are held by us, but also to thank you for the faltliful and efficient manner in which you have fulfilled your duties as organist le our church, During the past SIX years you have willingly and patiently devoted time and talent to oar church and the seine tie of Christian fellowship which has united us in the past shell still continue in the foture. Not that we can repay the the service you have clone but to show in some way besides in words that we feel grateful wewould here ask you to kindly accept this sideboard and table, not for their mere value but for the good' will and best wishes of the church and cornnounity. We worrld also extend * to you and Mr. McOlinchey Our hearty congratulations and good wishes for a long and prosperous Married life. Hoping you may both be spared for a life of usefulness in the Christian Signed in behalf of the members of Goshen Methodist church. Rev.J.W. Andrews, Pastor. Mr.Amos Keyes had a bee on Tuesday last sawing wood with the buzz.savy. We are pleased to know that Mr. Isaae Erred, who has been on the sick list, is able to be around an. • Miss Maud A.Horton, tear "co. 13, Stanley, is spending ,ar holidays under the parentaNtarlin • Usborne. On Friday last a number of invited guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gs R, Keyes to witness. the •christening of their daughter Elizabeth Willena Kizia after which ich they partook of a delicious supper prepared kr the . • • "TeahsemtnoWnship council meet on Moo" day to reeume their usual duties. After the adoption of the minutes of . the previous meeting the main eubject -of debate wasthe Big Drain. Mr.F.W. Farncomb, engineer, was present and presented to the council his report and estimates, etc. Also many others present interested in this matter gave free vent te their ideas on the sailed. After passing a motion on bills and accoents, the council adjourned to Meet at 10 o'clock on the 22nd of April when the report ou Big Drain will be read, explained, etc. to all interested • in the matter. -• Me, J. D. Peck, who teaches school near Orillia, is spending his Easter vacation at home Mr. William ' Reid of Listowel Business College spent Easter at his s ho . • We are sorry to hear of the Mimes . of Mrs. Janes Reid's youngest child. Miss Georgina, Johnstone paid a flying visit to Watford recently. • Mr, Woods of Listowel spent Easter at the home of Mrs. George Beatty of BLYTH. Good Friday was observed here as a general holiday, all places of business being dosed for the day. Our Public schools were dosed on Thursday last for the Easter holidays. There was a wedding in town on Tuesday. On Saturday afternoon the remai ns of the 14e William rown, which arrived from Florida the day before, were taken from his sister's residence to Ball's cemetery for interment. Mr. Bert, Riddell of Iowa, U. 5,, was called here to attend the funeral of his father which took place on Tuesday. Mr, j. W. 13611 spent Easter Sunday in the circular town, Rev. A. McLean and Mr, R. Somers attended the Presbytery meeting in Clinton on Tuesday. On Monday evening a box social was. • held in the Methodist church which was it great success both financially and:otherwise. On Monday evening the annual Easter vestry meeting of Trinity churchwas held, when the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year ;• Messrs. Metcalfe and John McGill, wardens; F. W. Scott, lay delegate. After other important, 12088 was transacted the meeting ads journed to meet again on Monday, evening, 22nd. April. Our townsman, Mr, Sohn Denholm, left this station on Tuesday, afternoon with.the second carload of fine horses for Winnipeg. 131. tivingstorie's saw mill and axe handle factory resumed work on Monday, after being shut down for the 116110thr 7A' • 0otr. 20th century oncert com. party will give an entertainment in industry hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of Santa Marie Spent the Raster holidays at, their tea - Tent K.� T..M. pective homes. The farmers around here are Mrs. Laird and son jolurnie of anxiously waiting to get their Clinton spent Sabbath itt the home of spring crop in. Hr. Armstrong. • laeadbilrY, Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Scarlett attended the funeral of the •latter's niece, Mrs. W. D. Markin, at Clinton on Wed- nesday of last week. Miss helfourhas returned home from Dublin after a pleasant week's vielt with her parents. Mr, and Mrs, fiddle attended the funeral of the late Mr. Maunders at Brussels on Good Friday, Ur. IL Hamilton received the sad news of the death of his brother which • occurred at Milverton on Good Prlday. Mr. Hamilton left on the evening train to be present at the funeral which will take place on Monday afternoon. The roads are nearly all hare and in a few more days the wheels will have room to run, BRUCEPIEL,D. 1V1r. B. R. Higgins visited in ' the Easter hotidaye his brother, Rev. S. H. Higgins of Mountain, who has been quite ill but we are pleased to say is recovering. He also visited his other brother, Mr. T. M. Higgins B. A., barrister of Toronto. Mr.and Mrs, James 4..iketihead spent She Easter holidays in London at the home of Mr, F. G. Rutuball, mayor of that city. Miss Belle McCowan, who has been visiting friends in London, has return- ed home. Miss Edith Sowers of Westminster is spending tlie Easter holidays at her home here. Miss Lena Shaw of Wingbani was the guest of Miss Emma McIntosh last week. Mr. ltobt. Baird left for Manitoba on Tuesday Inab amidst the good wishes of a host ef friends. Mr. W. S. Stevens of London spent hi Easter holidays at the Manse. Miss It. 'Higgins, accompanied by her tido, Miss FM. R. Chrysler, spent the Easter holidays at the home of her brother, Mr, T, M. Higgins B. A., bars risterattalaw of Toronto. , Messrs. Charles Sowers, Albert Alkenhead. George Camphell and Walter /laird and Misses K. Hatt, 11, Cameron, all of Clinton Collegiate, Mr. R. G, Reid,•teacher of Summer- hill school, is also spending Easter , ab home. ' •We are sorry to • report that Mr. . Joseph Richardsors is still indisposed, from the effects of grippe . . • Ur. and Mrs. henry Peck spent Sat- • urday at the home of Mr. Switzer, Goderich township. • Miss Eva Reid is visiting friends in Brucefield, • It is our painful duty to announce the death of Mrs. H. 1-1. Johnstone which took place on Wednesda.y morning, The deceased was a , daughter of MrsTarnee Ball of IlearoVer- and it is less than two years since she became the wife of Mr, 11.11,Johnstone •and since Corning amongst us she en - /leaved herself to us by her many virtues of mind and heart. Mr. John- stone, who is left disconsolate with his motherless babe Of three dive, has the sincere sympathy of the whole COM: triunity. The remains Were taken to Hanover this morning and the inter- ment will take place in the cemetery • et that town. Mr. W. j, Stinson now has eighty head of cattle which he is feeding for the market. Fifty of thein'are partially ready and will he finished off on the grass. HULLETT TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Young of the Morris bouttdaty has joined the Great Majority and the remains were interred in Burns ceme- tery on Tuesday of last week', Mr. Lt1,11CA Tasker won his suit at, Division Court Saturday. Lance sold it horse which the purehaser, ruing his bargain, afterwards returned but Litece wouli not have it that way and entered suit, fot the mount, Tyndall Bros, Moved part of their barn yesterday preparatory to re- modelling and building. The result will be one of the best barna in the neighborhood, ritu.solomq. Mr, Geo. Troyer had the' misfortune to get kicked on the bead by it horse hut we are glad to say he has recover- ed Miss Bissett of Colborne spent Sun- day with Mrs. Andrew Love. Mr. Thos. Jarrott, principal Court - right Public school is 0/sending his vacation tinder the parental roof. ' Mr. Norman Patterson has nioved into Mr.'John Turner's house, Miss Forest returned borne from London last week. Mr. Ed. Hagan returned home from Waterloo Saturday,