The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-04, Page 10The Weekly Story of the Big Store.'
The New
We've sold more hats, taken more orders,
done more business in our millinery depart
meat than we have ever done before so
early in. the season. That's proof enough
millinery is
�n m n
to us that we are showing � y
right in everyk particular and that we have
just whatpeople want. - If we wanted more
we haveit in thewords of refs.,, and com-
w p
memdation that were generouslybestowed
on our opening, display, by the throngs who
visited our showroom last week.
We continue the opening all this • week,
and invite you to .call and see the prettiest
and most stylish miIhinery ver shown in
in this store. Many - pp
eo Te tell us that it
is the best evershown in town. . Vhe
everyou come you'll find much to interest
When you you wamt ySour new hat for Sunday leave'your
as early in the week as: you can. It will save any risk of
dssapofi tment.
for Sunday
You'll likely
want new;
glovesfor Sun-
day and might
as well select them from the
best stock within your reach.
You will be sure of getting
good value and every pair that
goes over our counter carries
with it our guarantee, • Our 3
leaders all are good.
Beal. Kid Gloves, made from soft
skins, oropetly dressed, will give
excellent wear, perfect fitting, all
sizes, bro'wnd, tans, fawns, blanks,
dome fasteners, no better glove
Bold for the same price anywhere 1.. UQ
French Kid Gloves,very soft and p1-
able, extra good quality. The best
glove sald in Canada for the price,
as good is not sold tot any less
money, fawns, ;browns,greys,white
and blank, dome fasteners,all sizes • 1�.2
....... ..
Per Pair
Oar best gloves, if sales keep increas-
ing' it aril soon be our best seller
made from choice and selected
skins, perfect in every detail. In.
the long run it is the ohea; est glove
we sell, fawns,browns, black,
dome fasteners, •newest stitching 154
per pair .•
If you are:. not going to
get.a new pair for Easter fresh-
en up your old ones with
Glovine . It will not injure
the most delicate•shadeand
every stain.
bottles 25e.
and Insertions
We opened the
other . day some:
of the prettiest
embroideries and
insertions that have ever been
in the store. They, come to
us' direct from: the maker in
Switzerland and should have
been here -the first of •Febru—
ary. ' . 'The manufacturer was
busy and they only ,got here
last week. If you want some-
thing real handsome in em-
broidery or ' insertion, some- •.
thing just a little outof the
ordinary come in and see them.
Handebme Swiss insertions and em-
broideries, dainty and delicate de-
the finest oflawns . and
signs on
muslins, 1 to 3 inches wide, per
yard `,.Se to cin
Mrs. A T Macdonald returned home
• after going to see her mother but the
trains being blocked did not arrive in
Uwe for the funeral.
YOUR OPINION air. Mash occupied.ytne pnlg. .of
Iiuox chnrah on Sunda moruirr
Mr. W. D, Wilson moved to the
house lately occupied by Mr. G. Ham-
Mrn. and Mrs. M. Baer intend, going
to the Soo.
Mr. Bradford has removed to
Londesboro where be has rented Mr,
Snell's shop. Success to him.
We are pleased to hear that Mr.
Wm. Symington's .little daughter Fern
has quite recovered from her illness.
Miss Jennie'Straghan is also improv-
rnMiss Ethel Glenn visited Auburn
friends on Sunday.
Jones. Bros, and Mr. J.' Tewsly left
for the West last Tuesday.
Miss Ella and Mrs, Ross intend
visiting friends for a while,
Mrs. J. Mole arrived home• after
attending her daughter Edith, who.
bas been very ill at Maitland ville.
Of the pretty new styles and
colorings in 'Wall Papers that
we showA larger stock than
ever before awaits your 'wee -
Mon. It is the' best assortment
we have ever bad. rt was
honght as cheap .as we know
how to buy and with as Much
care to have a good selection in
design and coloring as we could
possibly take. We are reason-
ably well experiopned now and
we think we have•..a stock just
right from any view. point you
can take it, We said it was
bought as cheap as we could
buy it and we want to impress
you equally with the fact that
it is on sale at as low a price as
we can honestly offer it. Now
you know what we claim for it.
Will you come and see it and
tell us mutt it lacks ?
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The , Dr Fair Oo
often the Chezpest, Always the Beet,.
About o 0
We .Know
Mrs. Armstrong is spending a week in.
Mr, William Coats was in Goderich
Miss Torrance of Blyth spent S n
da y
in town.
Mr. John Reid of town left Monday. for
Peterboro, •
Miss Etta Hale is visiting Nile friends
this week,
Mr. G. D. McTaggart was in Toronto
on Tuesday,
Mr. Will. Taman of Blyth was in town
on Monday.
Mr.. Harry Bell of Wingham ,was in
town over Sunday.
Mr, Jos. Robinson of Btucefreld was in
the Hub yesterday.
Mr. John Quigley of Hallett left Mon-
onday for Rnssland, B. 0. - '
Miss Mary Southcombe . is on a. two
weeks, visit to friends in Preston.
Miss Lydia Cook of London, is _the
guest of her father,.'.Mr, 11. W. Cook.
Mrs. Phillips left isienday -for Toronto
where she will spend a. 'couple of
Those 5e Embroideries
We :adyertired last are.
very cheap. We think we
never offered you quite as big
a bargain in embroidery be -
Embrroideries and insertions,1 to 2i•
inch, pink; blue and hirliotrope on
white ground, regular 10a and 15o,
clearing at per yard, ........:. . ..
The snow of the past has about dis-
appeared and the reads have a top
dressing of mud that suggests the Good'
Roads . movement, even at a cost of
three fourths to the municipality and
one fourth to the government. If
succession dues, bachelors tax and
liquor licenses were permitted to he
spent in parts of the country where
derived and not appropriated and sent
to heads uarters (Toronto) for munifi.
cent distri bution, the ratepayers propor-
would he much less than is .now.
estimated and popular favor be per-
haps enlisted in rural parts that would
change rhe, tide and says the craft of
state. being steered at • present by
George Washington.
Mrs,. H. Ricker, wife of our esteemed
carriage e builder,has left
for Rockwooci
to spend It short time with her brother,
who is G. T. R. agent there and with
when Mr. H. Squires, her father, re-.
sides since leaving Kippen last fall.
Wm, Ivison and daughter, Hanna,
are spending .iL short time with Mr.
Potter of Porter's Hill prior,itis under-
stood, to his removing permanently to
Chicago. We don't think he has lost
faith but misplaced it.
Census enumerator, Mr, deMor•die,
called on an Irishman in our. village
and when asked what he wanted said
he bad came to take his census for _the
governmeht.' " Begorra," was his
,reply,'" they need somebody's senses
for they have none of their own," `
Mr. L. Clarke, assistant surveyor on
'Stanley. township drain, has been
spending a few days with friends in
rien after having ran the }
en the level and determined
the odt.lel.
of the big. ditch. His opinion is that.
insideof ei l
t years withh
this drain
the now waste and
between the. Parr'
and Gostiein Lines will be .under a state
of cultivation suitable for farming pur-
poses of any kind;hut most undoubted-
ly for meadows or hay growing it will
he the superior of the soil now used.
This dram -will necessitate the cutting
and .piaci ng ofthe valuable tint ber,with
which itis wooded,on the market and,
we will expect to.see•general improve-
ments When. cedar and is - to be
had froin'. this 'reclaimed pert.`,:The .
young gentleman spea.ks so highly, of
the treatment extended to hitn duc ing,
his stay laying out . the : work, we
would say by the ladies, for he, is, n
picture andgenial a you g
Mr, James.SinillieofInwood visited
his mother and brother, Robert, for a
few days last week. He is looking
well and reports snow all gone irp
West anda general break up - for
spring. •
Miss McConnell has takencharge of E.
Rannie's •millinery department at
Messrs. A. FI. Plummer and A. Mc-
Nally of Blyth were in . town on
Tuesday. .
Mr. Ernest Jackson left Saturday for
accepted da
ock .w P
• Woodstock ere t h he has sae
Miss Campbell of Goderich spent Sun-
daywith•Mrs,John Walker and Mrs.
J. Layton.
Miss Mackay left Monday for her home'
in Seaforth where she will remain
until after Raster:
Mr. Will. Stoddart, who has beenin
• town for some time, returned,. home,
to Egrnondville last week, '
Mrs. Murray, whohad been the guest
of her br'other,. Dr. Thompson, for: a
-week, returned home yesterday.:
Mr, Gus. McLaughlan came down from
Winghani on Monday and has taken
a position with Mr..A. J. Holloway..
County Councillor Torrance of. Zui ich
was in town yesterday on his way to
attend the Board of Criminal, audit
'at Goderich. -• ,
Mr. G. D. Gilchrist, son nf Citizen
Gilchrist, was intown yesterday,
He is the representative of the big
shoefirm of J. D. King •& Co., Tor-
onto. '
Messrs. Dave Connell and George Mc -
Guile left for the Soo on Tuesday.
There is a boom on at that place and
they hope to participate in sunre of
- the benefits. .
Mr. Peter Ker, who has been employ-
ed for;i` few months in the organ
factory at Goderich, . has returned
home, the factorystaffhaving been•
New Silk and
Dress Stuffs
We - have never had a stock of dress goods
and silks that was as much to our liking asis
that we have gathered together for the spring
of 1901. Its a stock without a weak spot in it
and whether looked at from the standpoint of
style or value is everything that a stock of
dress stuffs and silks out to be. A few of our
Dress sernes, all pure wool, good
weight, black, navy, .red, myrtle,.
brown and fawn, special values at
Plain lustre, 3G inebes wide, good
weight and fact black, makes good
skirts' for ough wear........ ... 25e
Fine woolen rase stuffs the new soft,
thin makes that are going to be so
inuch worn the coming season,also
granite cloths and serges makes
stylish suites, blues, greys,browna,`
fawns, old rose and black, per
yard ..$0c and 63C
46 Inch cheviot serge, made from
pare wool, makes a very stylish
suit and will stand no end of hard
wear, bidok and navy only..., . , 75e
Costume cloths, plain or homespun
finish, the choicest lot ever brought
into Olntoh, all the pcpular shades
in many different qualities, per o�
snit... x ... • $U,- $5' and
The SL .ks
Plain silks in all shades noel for 3e
fanny work,also blaok,good quality e
Soft English Silk, ranch used for
waists and trimmings, very servio-
able, shades of white, cream, sky,
torquoie and navy blue, pink, oar• 60edinal, gold and blank,,,.....,...
Wide satin, heavy weight, rich fin+
isb, a gcod wearer, every wanted
ehade and black. , ....60c and
'Taffeta silks, the beat assortment we
ever parried, extra good quality
and weight, nearly every shade In
stock ..........................
Black silks in taffeta, peandesoir and
cords, suitable forwaists and dress-
es imported direct by ourselves and
Al values $1 and 1.20
Rouse Cleaning Time
is nearly � here, some people have commenced already.
youare gol g to get an new carpet would'nt it be a good idea
o pick it out now and let us get it made up. We will be ready
thenn to put it down at a moments notice. We are sure to be
`busy later on and then you may have to wait.
Mrs, Donald Macdonald and her sister,
Mrs. Duncan Stewart, left yesterday
to visieforn couple of weeks among
friends in Galt, Hamilton;' Beverley
and .elsewhere.
Mr. Syd. Jackson left on' Tuesday a. m.
for Montreal where he has a situa-
tion. Hid many friends in Clinton
will be ch P1
pleased to learn n
that he
likes the.cit,y and is doing well.,
Mr. Will. McNaughton was in town
this week on his way back to Chat-
ham from .attending the funeral . of
his sister, Mrs. J. E. Johnston, which
took place to Maitland cemetery on
Mr. J, H. McCoolhas returned from
Watford where he bad been spend-
ing several days with Mr. Rchert
blcllveen. The spring is much more
advanced in that. district :where the
roads have already . dried up and the
farmers are getting ready for spring
work. Mr. McCool thinks his old
'friend Mr. Mcllveen has a very .fine
place find cannot but do well.
Mfand her son Wil -
red of Napanee are the g nestss of her
mother, Mrs. Taylor, Rattenhury
street, Mr. French, who is a B. A.
and a member of the teaching staff
of the Napance High School, bas
given up that position and after
spending Easter with his wife here
will go to Chicago where he will con-
tinue his studies in the 'Chicago
Mr. Will.Lowery of Goderich township
returned home on Friday night after
completing his course at the Ontario
Veterinary College. He was a dili-
gent student and plugged away
many an hour when he should have
been wrapped in sleep hut it has en-
abled hire to pass his exams with
flying colors and now he may he
styled Dr. Dr. Lowery has not yet
decided where he will locate but it, is
;lost possible he may decide upon
anging out his shingle at Dungan-
non. tie will do well or We will be
much disappointed.
Prom the Chatham Daily Planet of
_Windily we take the . following;
At about six o,cloek last evening one
of 'Chatham's most admired ' and
highly esteetiied •ladies passed to her
long rest, in the person .of Christiana
McNaughton, .the beloved wife of John
E. - Johnston; the well-known King
St. merchant.
Mrs. Johnston, who has been illbut
a couple of weeks, was suffering from
a complication of diseases, and far the
hist few days has been slowly sinking.
The best posssihle • medical aid in this
city and from London was obtained
but all efforts were unavailing and she
prised peacefully away last evening at
the family residence, Victoria avenue.
Mrs. Johnston was the eldest daugh-
ter of .the late John McNaughton,
township Stanley,. „Huron county.
Mrs. McNaughton fa Ilowed her hus-
band to the unseen abonta year ago.
Tho deceasedlady 1e
-besideide herr
husband, three children—Miss
aged 15 years ; Master Harold aged 8
years, and it little baby boy but a few
weeks old.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were married
in June,. 18810 and lived in Port Arthur
for six years Ten years ago they • re-
moved to the Maple City, where they
have since resided.
Three brothers and four sisters are
left to mourn the departure of the de-
ceased. All reside in the county of
Huron. One of the sisters, Miss Irate
McNaughton, was at her bedside when
the end mane. Two brothers, John
Wood bees are now the order of the
Mr,14. Talbot is doing a rushing busi-
ness with his new buzz, saw. •
Mr. henry Mayon, who has been
employed with the Snowden Bros, for
the past twenty-eight years has been
visiting friends and relatives in Port
Huron for the past four months and
returned home last week looking hale
and hearty.
Mr. Prank Demony left for Marine
City, Mich., where he is engaged as a
ship carpenter.
Angus Murray met with an
accident one day last week while en•
gaged threshing clover with Mr. Henry
Talbot at Mr.Peter Durand's, Mr.Mur-
ray was coming down from the mow,
his foot slipped and he fell to thefloor,
landing on his shoulder. Medical aid
was summoned and found that Mr.
Hurray's collar bone had been broken.
This ie the seconed time that. Mr. Mur.
ray has had his collar^ hone broken,
and much sympathy is felt for him.
A very sad acciclentbefel. Mr,and Mrs.
T'`dward Etue when their eldest child
Bente. was called away. It appears
that Mr. Etue had Just taken a pail of
boiling water from the stove when the
child not notieing the water had bak-
ed into it and received a severe scald
which resulted in its death. The child
was just in his third year. The brew/.
ed parents have the sympathy of the
whole community.
April girth, law;
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"A Some what
Different Store."
ur Millinery Opening.
Of Iasi' week was the most successful we haus ewer had. feminineAlt femtne Clinton
came saw and admired the feast or Millinery Fashion. From many sources came
the uerdict,that our display of flats, Bonnets, etc., was the finest and largest ever
Iseen in Clinton.. M
The storef rom now on will be filled with thonghts of Spring, every dad we'll
Iinteresting to show visitors. Millinery, Dress Goods,Gloves, Belts,
have something 9
Ribbons Laces etc commands your attention just now, our stock of these goods
and David:. McNaughton ot Bayfield
arrived in the city last night. Will,
McNaughton of this city is also a
brother of Mrs. Johnston*
The deceased lady was a member of
the Holy Trinity church and always
took an active interest in church work,
Her earnest efforts and bright Christ-
ian character won for her the high
esteem and admiration of all with
whom she came in contact.
Mrs, Johnston will be htid to rest in
the Maitland cemetery, Goderich,.
where the family vault is situated.
The funeral will take place on Sunday.
Auction Sale Register..
Monday, April 8tli,,at 1 p, m.,Lot 20.
con. 4,liibbert, extensive sale of eleven
good horses and forty head of, cattle.
—John Roach, Proprietor; Thos,Brown,
Saturday,April 14th,ttt 5 o'clock p.m.,.
at Baldwin's wttreroomc, Seaforth,
clearing; sale of 40 second hand. Id-
cyles, all in good order. --George
Baldwin, Proprietor, Thos. Brown
Tuesday,April Oth, at Dick's Hotel,
Seaforth, Auction Stile of twenty
choice calves from 5 to 10 days old.
George Chapman, Proprietor ; Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
Wednesday, April 10th, at 3 p. fin., at
the Conimerciai Rotel, Clinton, 15
choice calves. -•-•George Chapman, Pro-
prietor ; Thos. 13t own, Aueticneer.
Friday, April 12th, at Lot 11, con, 12,
McKillop, farm stock and implements,
Joseph Stenzel, Proprietor ; Thos.
Saturday,, April 1-'tli, at 1 p. in, Lot,
20, Huron Road, Hibbert, 1# miles east
of Sea fot th, farm stockand implements.
—Richard Barry, Proprieter ,• Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer.
Queen's Funeral Procession in Liv.
tog Moving Pictures. All ,Britons
Should see this magnificent procession
conveying our late beloved Queen
Victoria to the silent tomb. Shown in
all its solemn grandeur tit Hyde e
Corner, from 1"ieid Marshal Earl
Roberts to the end, also scenes from
the Boer War. The great disaster at
Galveston will also bo shown. The
ble.''resentotl hyoCoxi iBrs�
for two nights in the t own hall,Clinton,
Tuesday and Wednesday, April Oth
and 10th. Matinee' at 4.15 Wednesday
afternoon, Prices, adults 25c.,children
was never so complete, and never were prices so low for such worthy goods: You
and view the new things, no need to buy if you're not ready,
1 .
are 7ordially. invited to come
wanted fabrics,from the heavier broadcloths and
Both. black and colors in all the most w '
homes fins to the lighter clinging goods for summthe
er wear. Just a few descriptions .;of
most o pular-kinds. kinds. Black figured Dress C oods,.,are in greater demand than ever for s Ikits
p pi.. •
' assortment is very complete: • •
r in '
Wide, inches e3 W ,
fulla inch
ti in s
Broadcloth weave,
in a
Bros n
Black figured press Goode full 42 inches wide 56 inch wide ittr plain kibrown,
fine light weight, pure wool cloth, in the colures of fawn, grey, purple. fine Wool newest colors of light and dark - rey,navy, also black. This is a very crit for suitso
1 and will be a great favorite • let
�rl tie
cloth wg
c cadet il.
n it 4 , .
green, fawn, brow 1 I.' 5
black. We bought theca dii•ret from the and dresses, • Some colors came in dress
mill and • can says . you . one third in , lengths.. ' Price per yd.
• its•. '
d s
Por r Serges, .�
price P r y tr 40 to 50 inch wide Cashmere, S g ,
Homespun heavier
Settings fulthan tushes wide, in • Cloths .arid Cashmere Sergei;, - the popular
thee}e me shr wsiwi ttthe grey
aldded. the
fabric for dresses, eowe 'in the . newest .
re iidaed, t
he c
with t
to shades Y navy,
srwn g shades of blue, grey, 4U0
news ring camel hail -effect, our special n red,etc.,- rice ,..-, , ■40 ,5.0
mareprice per yd i . 15 fawn, e , P
(worth o ) P •
extra hard finish, best value
we have ever 60
sold forthe money, price
per a
Black whored Dress Goods 42 inches wide,
alike, skirt IengLhs only and no two rich
blue black will not hold •
deist or 'pull, Al value at 3.50 4 00 5 50
each length
88 inch wide all wool Serges in shades of •
red, brown, navy, fawn, also blase, will
make very serviceable dresses: •Extra .25
value at per yard
For fit finish andwear there is nothing to equal the
gloves we are selling at 85c and $1.00. Other stores charge'
.1. 0. and $1.25 for loves that. are no better. , We were
a loll' time before we found a maker that would give us
a good glove to sellfor less than $1.00 and $1.25: . We.
have -them pair you'll need a. to go with your new
hat and suit: .
Kid Gloves in shades of tan, mode, brown. and grey, silk stitching '0
en back, perfect He and finish, sices 5 to 7i, price:... r..,..... ■5+
GenuineFrtch,Kid Gloves, in all the most wanted shades of a and Inserttons.tna lei.
s with, silk stitching on Oriental Lacs',yard:. , s 12 c ISe, 180,. 25c'
ail sizeper ,
ealso blackPrice
mode,grey, white, s ,without
r s
d it
0 use w
pair: � .....
+k areal beauty at per
- +• Are more popular than ever for Spring
Laces lnl.'
ti and
good L,L
such No .store ever soldg
Embroideries for so little. The news of this
department is being heralded by our patrons
one pass}ng it to another. The or
a few samples of *hat we have ready for
your choosing:
Valenciennes Laces in exclusive designs, as-
widths, per doz. yd. 15c, 20c, 25c '
Well worth ons -third more.
nd in a ver choice lot of
Embroideries from St. Gull, Svi!itzerla y ., •5c,: Sc ' IOc
desigt;6, assorted widths, special value at per yd... ..`.. ,
l Lutffcrl lot of patterns to: be
e ` N.ew Corsets.
n the 'corset howimportant..
it, IS :that:
'�1 and fit of our new 'dress depends so much o
Thestye y
of new corsets just arrived, never sold so'mony corsets
you get. the best .make.. Anotlier� shipment J :cal
as ar
we yell at 50c 75c and $1.(i0 are the best .that money ,�.,
fust now. The .ones • �,
we are selling. .
are all steel filled and :guaranteed perfect in fit,.finish and Wearing , •
buy at the priee. They.g •
The•Erect Form Corset is having.a wonderful sale, it throws'. all.
pressure on the hips and back muscles, the figure is held erect I
and straight and is given a fine :military carriage, price... ..
All sizes in stock... 'YOUR 01ONLr'Y BACK
Girls' Corset Waists at 25c and 50e with
'straps, oyer shoulders, all sizes in
: tock.
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mitrlrrrrrl9 mit rrlrrinlrrtrrlrr sir ittrrrrrrirrrtrrrr mtr�lr
Easter season brings all the latest and. newest things
g ,
the front,and in white ties, which are.
in Neckwear to•
have all the choicest ` gods be
.� the: proper thing, we �,
p p•
R obtained,
t will special we 11 make a sdisplay
Next Saturday. R
inspection .o
and we invite. f our big stock.
Who's Your Hatter.?
is to be found with us. - We a
The largest and most complete• .
for the celebrated Christy English Hats noted for
are sole agents
the satisfaction that they give in wear. Our popular lines are sold '
for $1,50,.$2.00 and $'2.50.All colors, all shapes, all. sizes. -
,At $1.00 we show the. best Fedora on the market. You
them in blacks, drabs and browns.
...Shirts.. •
The W. a & R. make,acknowledged to be the' best goods on the
... market for fit acad. finish and. sold Y prices sold/ at remarkabl low consider-
ing the quality. Our $1.00 shirts -are hard to equal. You can buy
them in all colors r sizes and shapes.
If you want to •see the latest come and inspect our goods.
Jackson Bros.
The Clothing People
can ' get