The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-04, Page 8Q
a loir halawou, at her feet, And I PARLIAMENTS OF THEYORLDI, WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD to produce 4 drink as gratifying ital
own Uor orutoU Itlealde perfectly Awful." it 1% DR9 811TH'S RrIflols )louse of Commons via
.s sue lAtirgco
flWhy," sald Xrts. Corliss. sing h, 1194Y or Low-Alakers.
Q - Ing
the nut -1>r wa ourla baok from the The largest parliamentary body of
Heiress and Wife.. Child's flushed face, 111 should, thbal; ADVICE9 lawmakers !a the, ritish House of
A MESSAGE OF HOP -B To. THE WEAK you would be very pleased. They, LUDELLA
were your neighbors when YOU were Commons, the membilrehip of which
AJJD 1)RPRE$$ED- dow= in Florida, were they not? A.0 Roiliest aud.Earaest Friend ol Is 0 The rrorlob Chamber of Ile- replied the little girl frown-, 70. r ionoyr You notice tile fine points hen you drink it. A GratNt lvoisia# Tells or Rer it Oveise Ihlowers the gAme color, her jag, "but I don't like tbciM one bit. the Slok,Spoaka. Putles, representing a constit, Little styte, best of quality andaccurate quantity. Frol the gollte* Whitt Afflict 14or SOX CUAPT14;ft XXVIII.-Coritinued. light I q arid uortio-that's the two eld- numerically jumallor than the. ritish Lead PackaKos 26 30, 40, 50, saul 40 Celitt.
face the same smile, or her heart tile Bes., Arle'! Three Ilml Irialle4l to lielp ones" make me think of those stiff 11110 Tells 191.4 I4004014 to. VNe P09141's 4441401 COMMOAS, has 4, membership of 584, t. She heard people speak of her ap- same 4oyouaness, 1 Her, pr , oaching marriage as ',a grand Novar did "good and evil" Light for pictures in the gay trailing dresses rillop saill the eoults Prove His. Wis, the Italian Parliament, 508, til Hun.. t bul Millis 8111P AII your.
as. ri.w W nice, but dons IM so Dolug, e If You Wan cyTTER, ii-QQ% POU S. Other FRUIT$ 0"d PRODUor, U I The amoilint of sufferi they struggled, in in the magazin gar!&A House of Representatives 453, 1,TRYj APPLE Lhkilled� Cor. West Tylarkob and,
by matolill-alia, heard him spoken of as 0. human heart As The Da r) Co.
ur in. the heart of the bCOLUti- ShO'4 a TOm'-boy' Wicolet, Quo., Marl 25.--Specializ-Dr. WSO'n commissiol ,
Nyvalort througholit the country, A wealthy Southerer. and lic, laugh- that 110 . I the Spanish Cortea 401, the Austrian Toncan 11 tile lire, the ,A wh-at I" cried Mrs. Corliss never be estimated. Silently, almost ed full willful A Ila- ,She,s a olin-boy,, aiwal W. Smith, Of this place, reports two Relcharath the German A proud, happy,. rippling laugh. She pasgion, and rooklessness of her . . 425, and
aid t ahe romps, and has no manners"I oases. of Kidney Disease cured by Reichstag, the smallest of the Buro- hopelessly, they ,pid4re from day. to was marrying Rox.for low; she had ture ore Aroused. If lse that Paint oil iny house
day Afflictions that can only fall to eepest. truest love of mehme or I will be your neighbors when Doddlis Kidney Pills, which are very peen Parliaments, 397. given him the ( "The AgIiin-so I suppose your striking testimonials to the merit of 0 *Unit- 0 0 0"NSIDER wip itdQ any good ? Of course
the lot of NY -omen. The following her heart, he cried, wheluOutly- of -that when . he . In- The pre -sent membership of th it will if it,s tile right Paint. Tile love I long for shall be mine. o this, great moillolue, The subjects are
story of the uffering And release of Aroun abland in tho'terrnoo she may vited them." e4 States House of Representatives, right Paint will ' preserve the
awiiar it, coat what it "Ile never dreamed of it," cried Bit" Mr. Caleb Rivard and Mr. Tosoph . 0 A M 0 M E Tax Mrs. 0harled Hoeg, of SOUt14m0tOlI,. heard bpprpelling foot stePa and the she, was, almost terribly beautiful to 357, which is less that that of any house,, beautify it, increase its
of pagsloll raged die- "it wa Mtsa?luma's doings." Hamel, of the European law -making. bodies, value find give it inart appear, ance.
N.S., oughtto bring ha�s andhealth rippling of girliall laug4tor. behold, as that war "Huah obild, don't talk so loud," enm Mr. Rivard, uffered from inoontin- its follows. and happiness to other sufferers..Xrs. il cannot bum five minutes to my_ withl" her, )loud of dust arising 1A treated the old house -keeper; "she and the next House of Representatives 0 Hoeg says;:-l'For nine out of the self to think," she said to' herself, She aNy a SeItnew- it W44 Aex might hour you." I ance of the urine day And ight, He will be made up of 886 members. tho It flush rose to "I don't care," cried Birdie. 11 don't! wag' go worried by the discharge of Ranisay's r life, I have urta In large A erloan States the en- tUrty-two years of m3 drawing hastily back behind the thi6k returnirig, bul,no brial in her ohook ne liho 1701fienibered wlit like her anyho.1w, and he knoNw( it. is A purchased, �.t night, that he -as she has soreen -0� until tile should Nreet from Dr. Smith a ra-bber instrument eral tendency is to limit the plember- �of leav, 5 0 suffered as nowa�ntao, unle Y Miss Raynor bad said of the wild Who;fk� Rex is around she is as , to protect lits. bed. Dr. Smith, Advised ship of the Log! atUre, so that it Paints flOLNvera lie had so rapturously Caress- as lioney to, me, &in I me 'pretty been imilarly Afflicted, can imagine I pAs4. She did not feel in the humor .4 calls could suffer and yet have lived. Three just then to liston. to Miss R4yu-IS ed -ho had given a few rank wild little dear,' but When Rex isn't Kidne,y Pills, He bought some and shall not be un%yieldly, though.thore will do all till) toi- you and wore
Aldon'ti go0- flowers the dcptiv� of a passionate Around slio scarcely notices me.and I soon reported to the. doctor that he . use was quite cured. The trouble had on" are 240 -members bf the lower ho 16 you want to see inodels o
weeks out of four I would b3 unable chatter or pritty Grace -yes, I beautiful honies pahited, and
love which he had never shown to, her, !late liar to triow aboilt and, indeed, At -110 sip, Birdie clinched her little hands to-, tirely disappeared. of the Massachusetts Legislature and time vus really fit to attend to my lOf course every one has a right to Nwhoul, Ila had asked to be his wle. I Mr. Hamel writes of lils case,- 1H membera of the lower house of learn all About Paint, drop it pile watched him as he approached gather venomously, crying out the I uffered with Kidney Disease ter card and ask for
so words in a shrill seream. the Georgia Legislature, 13001CLET free. nearer and nearer, ,you tliree or four years so' bad that I household duti4q. I consulted physt- their own opinion," Grace was s ying, o h4ndsOl5iiO, t skilful doe- with n. tos,4 of her one Of lijawhiLe cried Mrs. Co.rllkfs, The Canadian rider a
ciams-thxoe of the race pretty--aut-b,rowu graceful, o Vinnilagi I t- must not say , such hard, cruel things. would have to I y off work two or Parliament, u th Cumberland ourls, 'IarI4 I, for one, do not believe hands cardlessly resting on the SPIVI week. I was con- apportionment of .189,2, ,consists of 213 tors in the county of a(! animalls, proudly Archd, glossy I have heard you say, over and over threle days every As RAMSAY & SON charge of my lie carea *for bar one that raising big again, you, liked Mr. Hurlhurst, and tinually sick, and was forced to walk at different times had Xleck, and with'thO members. The Boule of Greece 0011- PAINT rAAKCRS h hose all agreed in their diag- y strange," re, ourlo in true, you must remember Pluma is* his lma an old man, being all bent wit siA s of 297 membe EAL ease. T list from his , brown t re and the Chamber M 0 N:T R E I -houghtfully. courtly oavulier fashion to her, as, he dau6h-tcr,'and she ig-to be your Into- the pain. I had lost all my energy. nosla, but the treatment varied, arid spon4ed Miss laynor� t pparently ther!s wife, . ou must learn to speak I heard of Dodd'A:Klclney Pills. Af- of -Deputies of Brazil huA'212 mem- Eatvd: 1842
while at times, I would experience "Every one can seo:Ahe is certainly saw her- standing -1 and think kindly of bar." Iter Ihad taken a few doses, I was ber, awaiting him on the rose-acoverled ter- W% i3ame relief, at no time Nvas: there any in love with Rex; but lam afraid it "I never shall like her," cried Birdie, delighted to. find myself improving, - Is quite a one 8ided affair . race. Dmo and lovable defiantly, "and I am sure Mr. Hurl- Thus encouraged, I continued, and D(iuglas Orm
hope given me of a permanent cure He looked &a.hhnAgi tten her Iturst don't." after the tiad. box my trouble had THAT BOY AGAIN, OALVERrs Many a night',when I went to bed I Griiuek laughing shyly, Pluma might: ha-ve forgo ted the good lady entirely disappeared. I could stand Mrs. BUkins, sweetly -Do Piave an- Metallig 0 ak6, Cousin Tohn. OARBOLIC ,a had she, not At that mam- Birdlel" ciaoula would have been glad if do4th had I'a very one-sided af fair. - hy, have gkievaue in a fright, dropping. her sel9sors and and. walk, upright Without any pain other iece of a Lino SteaMiShIPS. come before morning. .1 never bad yqu ever noticed them together -how ant cle, fastened toa, the lapel (if at me warn or stiffness Whatever. This is over six Cousin J�ohn-Wliy, really, Iva trl-w Dominion his coat, 4 cluster of golden�headed spools in consternation, "I I have noi.had montloal to Liverpool. Boston to LIY4!r-
much faith in proprietary medicines, Pluma watches III,% face and sepras to daisies. you not to again';'O-Migs Pluma months dgo, and" tile readV had two ; -but it's " good I OINTMENT.- - pool. PortlaudWI.iverpool. VlaQukwi but at one time I took a haif dozen live on his, omiles? And as for Rex, Tha�t sight froze the light in her was. to once hear you, you would have slightest return of the trouble or' believe I will have another. town, Fast Stewimbipa. Butorlor 4epolaillodatlon 3,11 your af-� Pain.. For all skin. ailments. Larfe ana
ing compound be ialway seems to be lookig over dark, passionate eyes and the welcome a sorry enough time of it I Little 191innie, -excited lyr-Mals a for al ciapes of B., nons and stateroom bottles of a blood -mak elips'. ter life. What'put it into your head hese cures have - caused quite a winner I MaIg a winner I She said j 0 Calvort CiD,, Maliffheater, England' Irearuldships. special attention has been given to the that trembled on liar seat s6niiation in, this neighborhood, as she'd bet you'd make -a pig of your- Pox
that was highly recommended, This, her head into the distance, asi though Ile leaped "lightly f ivra the saddle, Ur.-Hurlhul-st did not. like hil:owl all partloulars� apilli to eny agelks
jailed to help me, mothing, there fak more in- both. gentlemen Are W611 known. sell t of the Company, Or like anything else, 110 aW 60 and came quickly forward to meet her, daughter?" t a particle of ter' c big bride- and then back with a start. "Oil, lots oftlilagg," Bir.- Doddla Kidney Pills are very popu- Rlobards Millst 06, D. Torranoo & Co,� 77 gluts Eit,, Boston. blontroal and Porti�lwl.,
There seemed to be no "When. I tell him bow pretty lar,. in Nloolet. :11, blood in my body. My face Nra ab- to -bo. ' 'That doesn't look much like , "What, is. the 'matter.. Pluma I" he die. yq she� is, he groans, and Well, you know, Mr, Winters," said, AJ ander. every one a Miss Oldf laid* airily "a girl of eigh- AJ T"E MOST NUTRITIOUS -
low 'or a contented lover." asked, iq w solutoly coloriess, and my appetite "If you :had seen him this inorn- 0 "Nothing," sbe-replied, keeping bar says strange things Qbout ffttal RIENDLY WARNI . NG. teen is quite as old as a man of twon- almost entirely deserted me. I Often yes fastened as. it fasoinateo.on the bea�ty, which marred All his young ALKI 0 letters Lag you raight we y he did not 1001; 0 Sie% be wore on his life, and ewr so many thingo I can't A of ty-oife," "Oh, frequently," retorted CLEANING, OR
saw- in the nwspapers 11 sa ffending dai So popular doctor tells this story -era; I know an eig4teen-year-old OUTINQ P I understand, and his face grows . . Sul a E P testifying to the merits of Dr.. contented," , replied XLss . Raynor, breast. -hard and o. stern I am almnsf afraid a bright boy, his own,. who has reach-. What Nv:ho was born in 1872.11- LADIES, I left you an hour ago smiiingalad maiden Can lie done Perfectly y our.F ell Process, Try It.
nine mysterlousl.� "I w -as out for a morn- b ren GRATEFUL--OOMFORTINO.
Williams' Pink Pills, bat happy, 1 fin4.yon bite and worn., of, hlin.11 ed the mature Ae of nine', after an ORIT16H AMERMAN DYIIIH0 00. f i4xifforing and discouritge- iag.ramb1p, and, feeling a.11ttle tired, There to strange'lights in your eyes a TO -Be, ContinueiL. early eareet marked by many, ,wild FOR OV13k FIFITY AdML years. o lumbrous' fira..of a volcano, YEAR -i TitgAL. TOR0XTQ,' OTTAWA & QUEBRO
ment had made me too sceptical to. .1 sat down on a mossroovered �tone to like thewr imms WrKsL0 'S BOOTH1140 SYRUP h,,. been 0,00.1 -A t have. lost and m1polli,evous pranks; Ma.ura preaeat. see -any hope of relief,. vherk doctors., rest.- 119aring the approaching. clat7 even your voice seemX 0 His restless natAre'�has made him used by motherstur their children teethiiii. it sootbot -JUBILEE OF 1901. "oo-l" its -tenderness. Whatis it, Pluma?" thealkild, softanathe Vinw, allayspain. cures wind collos Ing in a condensed forin all t a cure. ' But at ter of hase,s, hoofs, I.looked.up and Is requlkite to assist the laity in reaping the benefits She raised her dark, proud face to TO.RQ.NTO'S WIRES. something of a torment ito 'hi's teaob� aikil Is the beat retuady for diarrhoesi 25o a bottle. _4old thaI - Substatitiitl, coin Plete and Practical, II. I , I I .1� - , . . iustrated Rdition on Photo Paper 10o each, 11.50 pat across the story of :a saiv, Rex Lyon coming leisurely down ht, T ier range story wl�it_ or At times, and one Afternoon not by all late turoughout the world. Be aura and ask . of the Jubilee. laist I came -paid. D. andJ.;8Lp tlmt & Co., 11outreal,
cure near home-th . at of Mr. Moses thd road. I could not tell you what to.n on it', !>lit he could not tell wbat he )Tould' Itenelt to ifilill VrIca, v6uge long ago she kept 11limi After the oth hundred,post OLL WRAP
'but 1. drew* -it was. 1111111r, the era.were dismissed,, 4nd ad a seri, In 180, tile To senti ior out
me Ilk llse?. Rebel re were no rai ways in prompted to do it, With faim. i�orhapg�she Nviis complete O&U. P.11MC PAPER
Bosa�, of Rodney. I knew- that at one 111,L -it is nbthing The ow talk Scotland in the sonse.we now use the R
ludi the averhang- The length a a little afraid that liar admoulilons ngland, To- loIKue of Shoot - many colors
time be had been regarded as a hope- -quietly back.. bob day the No I eo h1uslo slid Books PRINTED in one ol: NNrATm, and I am tired, that is all. f wire used in.. the Were falling on utony ground. Any- term, or even in'10. less consumptive, and his cure Ing, alder 13,ranolies that skirted the . "you are not like the .54MO PIVII11 ivith special rat" or STRIPED'at li�w 15rices, Sam- brook, admiring'him all, unsoon�` ' who kissed mo I was going transaction- of rapid tran�it way, she finally said ruilivaya,of the 'United Kingdom ex- of dlegouht. Special
aw-a .1 a certainly will., ave to ask. your tend ta'about 22,000 miles ot line,which furnished i1r, through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, de- ns CE6r I had not. "Oh'. deal, 1" cried Grace,' morrily, h e, persisted. "'Siu�e I left nd despa6h, business is sufficient to aac log6ds or larg
termined me to try them. 'Ithis is! almost too. good to keep., Who f ther to come and see me. o h e' r's WHALEY, plucot6ltib , fbio this house somethilig ..has come be- run a. cable `ot'our own around the a -have been- constructed tit, a cost 'of. lots.. V,7rite for prices. taken two'boxes before I began- to Nvotild-iniugln�e dignified 1114a Raynor tiv�en YOU ;ulid Me. Wht, yi Don't yon do -it, isaid the bay. s ... Admiringly at ' hands wwith, a branch line to the, g about i9i,300;000,000. The annual gros I W TORONTO Wit _PPING
Orac The teacherthou lit phe h�d in ad e peeping Plunia?" I :. receipts no -w ekeeed X100,000,000, an ANV
feel batter, and grow confident of a Rex, soreened by the ahadosrs of the She looked 'up to him -wit]' a prOUd North Pole, Itwould belong enough an �fnpresslon. an yonge at. ted 'ROT E&OO'
cure. I kept on taking the pills,, all g , esture that -Infinitely charin- to follow the route of ihe first,CanA- Yes, she repeatod, I must send for of ' tile exp6dituxe, which amoi t Toronto, Ont, 75 AdelFtlde-st. Wes . t - ve the, time,lecling new- 'blood in my ll� rididulous,.'Grace or your -father. o r Z60,000,000) fully a': "Now don't I $ Ing. Man continjent to - South Africa, and :Over 500,000 era- veins, activity returning to my limbe�, I a-liall Ile tempted n ' & to.tell you -the - ',1s anyti-hing Atkely 'to come be-, . I . I You bettei not, isAi-d -the -boyi tributed in waes to 8 Annual Reding .d. interesting pa .turned. Miss return, make a fince around the whole Why otVin(juired the teacher. oloyes. rt,"'m tween us?" ab� asked. n U- -and the feeling of depression grad aynbr, flushing hotly. 'IN,-, not. bha*t I knqw, of," he ans- of :the Transvaal and Orange River Vause - he: ctiarges 42 viiidti said Colony,. An evel t, the mere Nvh6� delighted in anythIn 'M u
ally wearing away. To many women "Oh, that would'be too cruel,'! dried wiered growing m6re and more puz A atill'-haVe'ieiough !,v ir a the goamp. it may seem inere 9 . z led, 1-iiiiiiillit for s`o Th a Allo Grace, ifu %P "llot
le tha, to hang all the Boora captured dpr- stual. L making at iew, blood in my vl ns bordering on'inystory. '�I)6 tell lt.�' "Then Why imagine abe� asked, ROINTED SAYINGS.' continued Masi Ray'nor, I'll g tho,wari There are 22,000 different friendly -althy condition ecaue:�Ou are so ehapged� Plu- In could restore to a he roppLng her. 'volce to a lower key., 11 Xf. all the'eleetric wires in 16ion- He.'Whti fears God noed, never fear societies -in England, :wih, 1,000.000 .-Mutual Life (� a; he IT shall. ziever hapsFormerly The'Ontario misplaced internal oigang, but thi. ra, and a capital of 08,000,000. When & was.quite opposite me,I lie know the cause of your-stknge man- 1to were �stiuqg together. their: coin- man. members, a not do.God's %�York. h has I -peen my happy experience. suddenly, stopped "short. and quickly irle, h-Ut, I h;ill lways 0 can. it' the ' Olit Of th Vatican's 11,000 tooms, MY. nor blued ength, -would roach d- distance Ills pe��sonal -d I am now dismounted from: �id. hoisai and picked feel it is! something --which con-� Pop6 Leo has reilerved for pains have all loft me, an in up from, the road id I a bandful.-.of ce,ns"- myself. YO .16 k at. . me a's of O;er Of this the ,Hel- devil's Weapons. u86 only throe-�-a siliall-oitting-roola, New Xallie but Sttne Old. Principles—A. Company of Policy -
as healthy a.Nromank ag, there is, The rn . self is. seldom a littl bedr' evil. holders b� Polidyholders� f6t Policyliold6rs.=Leads wild fldwer.5. thoUili. you welie questioning me," he lo Girl" -co trols more -than one half,. a dinifig-room,,and a .0 This health I owe to Dr. a mi eage ein'g this place. "What. in the world could he want said. ,'I wqb.Y�U,Nvould-tell Ma what- the Bell -Telephone Cc b born of the.approval. of conscience Williabis' Pink Pills, which have res Nrith cried Grace' incre uloub- is io a us neas —A Mo coessful Y-ord - ad is.on yonk. mindi".' the� Chriitiess A� Ca ad' 4 B i at Su
placed roughl� At .500., Miles, while Christianity. U:! cued ine from a. life of suffqmlig, if ly. "I do'n.6t suppose it could make tile the science of optics to, the blind. "Want ."Ivith hem!" echoed -Miss the t6log:raph* c6in�anies use' .3000 exhau tl agree thl, "illd opulaw- least difference," she nswered, bas- "th' The Toronto El- Charity draws from an s "al tatisticlaus. it, not from the grav 'RaynQr.� . "Why, ho'pres&dd,.them, to sionatel . Y. 'lye . j*:jvjil:tcii you, Nvha:t-. between am- foirutain;-tho wore it 0 The Tfililty-fli-st Annunl'Afeotinibf thisprogperous and leadlug Life Company Nvas hold 9A Dr. 'Williamis'. Pink P ills. are especii�- givos,,t.he.mar, tj' xl of the world averages. 10 -AY94 ti liead 0111�e, NViderim ont. on Thurkiduk, Mrch 70, 1901., at Tho Meeting, co sad
isfips,, raurraidfing passiondto, lov%- 0 '�ou must have been bling no to actrie ahA' the'Incandeseent Light' it has to . give; M
no- 1�olely of pofloyholderri was repiesentative'and influential, and Lho proacedinke, no 7tisuYlolera
%�-ords.'owr them., For o brief an to every 100 men. ice4 CompanLea require nearlY insiractive and inter6xing.. AnionK tbQ.4o lyesent, be�ides the Qfflee�g ttud a.larga nuoiber of ally valuable to women.,"filg on tioe-long a H t not' 8000 miles It is,-bopeless consulting tho'com face hvas turned toward gave YOU, nO . -ape, to, we notice uokbekvough; F. Q� Bruce, X* -P., R. bl. B Itton the nerve.4 'and istant hi d'MooRr& Da6vid Been, D.
up the blood restore and .1 S' W* there -%vote - tiearsC stan& how a one'-wtches'da with of NvLr6 for te trnsmission of light Pass l[?f coscience *ben yod lay :10,- CITI( rir TOLED Goo. Mahal, T. J Kerr Filk�n,.B.-A�, Rev. , J. R. Gllehrlht: - a's %ve come STATis OF QB 'TV eradicate those troubles; which make Ing in his eyow, iind therew-as-illook ouliarwr kle'on their lip� loadstono of. just beside -it.' LuCAS COUN - .Mon. X. T. Garrow, X.C.. W. K,C,, N J. A101. Millar, among: them; arid how their, voice's and power, while, the Toronto Street' rinkea oith that IV 18 X.C., John IvIeCallunij:W. J. -Matz, A, N.V. Robarts, G" , A. Soinervillo and Vory: toy. Dr eo the lives..(Yf so mamy women old and NO FRANK J - CHEN EY - 11 J. Cirrxr. &I I on his facd I shall newr forget to my sink to. a whisper lest we should over- Aallwa uses only 605 miles irt the op- spior pactuer of Lim firtu of F. spotz" C.R., young, a burden. Palpitation of the dying. day. - There mas such. hope- Y . When wounded in' battle horse!�. Ate Co., doing bikalihess in t;bo Cit'of Toledo, rho President, havinj tiLkbn. the climir, on motion'B6.. W. R.'RiddAll. Soevetary of the rod * upon it-iUdeed one might- hear wat..,they say I What is , com- oration of the 85 miles of .,trolley road bie�ald, find tharsald fli-ni Oompanyi a�ted as Socretary-of t.hepeeting, and At tho,request of the 11resident, read the fON heart, Anervous headache.and sitrvous smantled upon'by iny. v�ry' gdsta, and tittended to as soon as p6ssible. A vet. County'and State af li&L�ra almoAt 'supposed by the -expres- poopla all U.4? in the city. Toronto Fire Mepart- *111 p4y the-ain DOf, DIRZOTORS_RICI�OhT. prostration speedily yield to" this t he on, orinary officer with assistants follow LARS for mkcli and every, case Of CATAU101 , % slon of libi f mee, be. w -as waiting f or. OtLlOve 0 L d by the 'use of H.�r,',Ff wonderful medicine. Th6se pffls are- h, t-han, it bi this; Rex Lyon� does n ment's signal �boxes require miles thnt cannot -becure rbport, together with the is acathaentence to be e. on the f lghthig line, and th se C ItRH CuRIC. Youe Directors have lilortiulro in subinUting thol )11%06nol I state.,
pronounced 016S ATA the Nyo man he has asked. to be his wif a. of wiife, and the.Poli6e Patrol Depart- p)RANI(J. CfIIIINAY� ihent duly auditod for.ttic yea -i linded.1laodnibell Slat,, 1060. sold- only in bogea, the trade mark instead., of it marriagd ceremony, be animals ith. only slight injuri6s are Sworn to befo'.'e me and- 810GO"ibcd J" TOY , We are glad to inform you. thkt, tllo butijiresi of the. year lia*o been eiiiinent,lk, SatlSfaa ry, to give him. th(i queenly. tvat thiff f � L�yll
it %rhioh' Nvs ment,about 45 miles.'. A force -of over oar,:cx6o% lit respect to new ba4iiiais, which iri w., what The froats: of Iceland could. not -ill .
wrapper printed in red ink, eold�r than his markner'towai4 .her; collectod't6gether,aud sent to - presence, 6th day' Of Deconxilai and that It exceeds any former V Whitestone all for* .,A. W and .heiress of ilstantly kee %,0t(f1y P11b lees I halk in.109.
'boxes or At theL SEAT. The Surplus carnings.were 9 50 cents a box, or six They say, too, that I hw.given-you 200 mdn,is employed cO P7 hospitals,, established UfflLflienbtdoTiablo%6ont;nu%nee at 'the liberal dl4rlbat6a to 'lines* in repair and polloyholdorns heretofore. rho Enterost earnings werb it$ for o0ake yea�o �argely bride." y inj the various in fiali"s 64tairrh Cure Is takonAnternally, and JlkL6X'e.F4 of toll tile dea,th (Aalfils,t)IM a the truest arid. deepest'love f &d camps. roLie within the yoaor. 02.50, and may be had of drugdistg, - ,petbaps there b� 8offk.6 hidden ro- -These 'very badly heart, and haw received nothing creating new 1Jnes throughout the ix in or direct by maR fromDr. Willia-nis' mance in the -life of handsome Rev wounded -are shot. Horses !killed acto directly (in the blood and mcoji� surfACOa ThOL illi, a aiid Suivenders wordmoderate In pron�,rtion to the business in force; sho.wing,
I return Toll me that it is all false, -Onfidence of 'polloyholdarli in the stall U(Py o'f -the Qrnpany'aud iti innaganlent. the worlddoes not kbo�v of," �suKge6 r: battle are. either .'buried or burned of thosystqm. Sand1or testimonials. fre. . continued L Medicine Company, Brockvillei Ont. my darling, YOU -do 6, (10 F. J. 011ENRY. CU;, Toledo, 0 ApIptiotibils to the anioantof wer&xccdved,'hnd for $4,301,183' -NvcrQ,
according to Lthe climate� In South Worok;oOlV - I tuliouat of ed Grace, sagely. Soldla Druggists, 75o. Issued, all orwhich except $28,51)9 within tile Donihilon. 119 "IL:hope not," replied Mi" Raynor.. you not_ Rex? Toll � me," im Koke AfrLoa burial ia..resorted to. Hall's V amily Pills a notnally �aid for In 1000 Was $1.671,7L2 being tho largost; aniount.of intfraAce placed In Camadi
plored, Colonel. w1joh, during, the siege the best. by a Calkadian'CompiNny. Your Diroators believe. thar it ig i�rLvwablo to Confine the Company! THEN EM4 HURRIE D U9 Nvould hato to be a rivral. of Pluma It'S. . �'Good-,Jxeavensl" cried Rex almost operation. -;to Omada, wher(A�ropor qUpor*lsion can boo.1cerelsed, and busines.w.securea at. Hurliburs I have often thought, of Kimberley, was approached by i a ha' eat thing in, the rld far 'do they, Th rd.. lower expens6 1,ate than elsewhere. He was too modest to be a success watched her w�thL Rex, it must be 8peochless in consternation; private who. vwked,_- "Colonel, When do 'tile mange ;& 7oqujr� Woman to. d t look Un_ The nuniber of, Poliol tcla force wLL8 803K asarliN4 On 'which thn .reuervo 18 ,r as 1. O$4.837.73:3.69, based on. our 6�4nstanitard,�Acwt;r I par cant. to: all-budinoRs. to JILTIU&ky-18t,
-year r�rahip one person so mad- re Say d4oll tlflnga? never I % I I cured,: a borse o Is o ful lover, and he had let forty a terrible to IWe Are going 'to get sq=n with MINARD)3! LINIMENT.' It ly.. I hilve Oft(- �fhougbt�Plumls , thought my coil4uct could giM rise Yea expect concerned he first time � s a COUICH 1900. ;,nd Unk. 3J per cant; to on t�hirig to eat ?" "Bat It' exclaimed the CHRIST 1. The Premium Tnconio was.$J27.845,10; InteraRt income, $292,100.03"; Annuity Premiums, of his life Igo by without ever comh perilous love,". e reproach, one unkind thought d" Dalhousia. Ott Lu a hdridsolme -bagagdInent- t2l,909,82; tbtal, or an Increase of`$I2(),3J2.'.'8 OVJr the 1$99 go �GUITI of
to an emotional oint. ll'Do no . t "Tell me you do care for me., Rex," Coloribl, d! army mere- Tho mount paid to Policyholders was 4nd at this Itillount lll� iiat speak s,o 11 criod Gracc. yon join the q atu
rn Of a ied, "I havie -been almost mad 'aid to livirig Policyholders. Irtko bo%th. alaimi paid,woru $217A.W.27; All redEn.' He was in tove with a fair being You horrify rrw. Wbenevdr. I see she r ly to of isome hing to sat 711 red* a borac� badly torn by a L4.112.23 vraq p on ith downients-$78 300; Purchmed §119,613,17 us or Dividends pid. to Policyholders suitable �ge, but be would n lthat!6 about the size of NY 2 at. tell bar fae6 I am afraid those wordg.w Pitch fork, $78,714.86 and Annuitiesi $7,554. O� a perilcu4 - There w" something m4he lovely M i ward Tb a S u rp lus nver all, I I abili ties on -the Coin puny's itandard lo $310,310-30. andan the Govern, She be ringing in my thils'Lrdan L 4E�Nj. L , bar so, and though she knew it, Vol" face, in:tM tender, pleading.eyes, an([ calling L an officer, " give nien t standard 016.09.80. to, EWThe active demand for-lookloy lidq kepb the Company's fnnaswlell-eniployed durIng-the could not very Nvoll give 'him a hint _L Miss Ra . ynor made sonlie laughing quivering, scarlet mouth, that looked, something to eat.and-then have him St Peter�s C-13. cent scientific test', a Work- `lZhe total a knouno, if it were made for klsses�that . ? . I On a roe year andinterct payments hqvobeon more'propiptlyinat thdn In thOpa�t.
on the situation. rejoinder which Pluma s white and Rex L wUUld shot." The officer understood the� wdua inter- kkG6bDoQi31 Imt had trembling behind the Jvy Vines; didL as have, had to. have been T cured a borse of a bad swelling .er in metals succeeded in. drawing ft onZiny tho: S4tlSfaletion of d replied: ."All. right Colon- With MINARDIS LINIMENT. penny out into 5,700 ft. of wire. I nlocro a"" 8tan'c e to 4
She was willing, because she n to joke. an It 0 be Ili? "I_ .y. - . a not catch, and still discussing the af- something more than mortal nia 'U. �Al. Bl'itton, arrived at that tilhe of life, when have resisted er pleading With sigh -i el.,, The private, exhibiting no alarin -THOMAS W, PAYNE DO rwhose torta of oilloo has a h n o
ving Pluma eye NvIonian is not nearly so 'hard to pleme fair, they moved on, lea will r und. ve., andLrefUSO N.B.' ran �k to r said. "Boil me a bam, apllr,StOw.Up a3athritat, MONTRLL NOTE', Diplic C .I . a.
as she miht have been at some oth- Hurlhurst standing alone face to face red, but ai. .1 gibl. 't ni; with the truth, which s pecially as; she had every reason to or time, but he was stpid and we Rex, wll() expect it, as he bad, asked her to be. It couple of obickplas, bake two or three, II41.6� AIISTRACT 0111 ACCOUNTS VOU 1000, away without a word. against hope wag false. pounds of potatoes, -fetch a gallon O' per day. He was gone a long, long time, and was so soon to be her husl3and, was his Wife. There was! such a look of RMA.TIOX WANTED. till ver unutteralke love, on her face it fairly bcor� and load yr 6-uns,-Wlt;h such in- when be came back he found her 19 r oet-I'Did you go hiths, not..'.. ....... ........ I ........................ 027.81510 Her keen judgment had told. -her bewildered. him. The passion in 'let du' hat wouldn't be A6. man who 'Contemplated buying a t irty book of son- prorn .0 I. .................. .............. ready. ealue about voice startl(xl -him What ivas. be to not$ that I sent youl" . His friend- lntore�t, annuitleo, etc ..... ....... 241,099 85 I have come back after many years, long Ago All this It id willing to die is n blitherJn' idiot," bicycle wrote this letter to a. manu- through his intheeg influence,. do With this impetuoua girl? ' It V 10h, yes,deliglitfull I-COUldlilt 41evp Total.,- .. ........... I .......... ...... J.o ....... ............................... he said to her, As be took her hand looked as if be felt exceedingly A hearty meal was prepared or the faoturer says an ox6hange: My'nef-� Every word these ori6losa lips had till'-Ild ............ $ 431,505 50 in greeting. comfortable. soldier,, but he still ives. few hot hisself 0, new bissiokle and fiont, to �ohcylioldcrg for,death cla ins,'dnao IV men ts, 'Profits, at . MAI 22 1301nething in the Uttered came 'back to her hearit Nvith All other Payments ................... ............................................ -4 She had learned a cruel stab. tbok.her in his arm-. Acrit me.b1s. old One by frate, and rve TO C1111113. A COLD ON .1 L I .. �. I ... .: . . , I — I . years since she had seen -him last. 'Irvon my guesbi are. noticing hig her mechanically; be know that Total. ......... ...... ......... ................. ......... I;. 67M89 72, !do ourne. It's a pile w Quitkino 'tablets. All dmgglsto she Pope L reload tile Money It Lit falls Well, for goodness' sake, Henry, she x_ learned to�r Of Take Laxative Atbm
ke he, cried, With a hyatcrl-o what she wanted and what an, XIIt. -hits now outilv6d all to owe. IL W, Oraves' Loans on llrst mortgages ........................ .............................. exclaimed fervidly, why don't-pou-ta L "They are saying. to ted him to do. hin, but my, bissieklojolts consider- gismstairt, is 9a, askabox. We . . : ... oal little sob, P`ec the distinguished persons lwho a few . .Alunlolpl debenturer und bonds ........... ! ................ ................ I,GL4,814 41 them? I'm 3.) now. I -low many. more a le, A � f elleir, odra along day before 27 -not low,mal-1 "This must Ile my answer. di�ar, ab J,oakui on conip.ily's Ile ides .............. ....... I ....... 601.6 13881581 years do you want? each other' '11,. does d, holding her in a close embrace. i years, ago were his 6antomporaries, with a bissickle that had Two million silbt and, shell, wclgh� 1pal oRtmt6, Including Ifead offloo ........................ 42:207 65
Then a gre w -ho have counted iny triumphs by the an In. that brief instant. she'llad torn If; is now rivarly sixty years since.the Cs,, r ai"a ing 20,000 tons, is the average annu I Cash on lu. nd,ttnd In banks .......... .... I ..................... :::.. light ishone upon lini ft rubber tires stuffed with othoraBbOL9... 310,215 GJ and he did not wait for any inure. score. I have, revealed my love, in ......... ....... . .................. ................... every Nvor. tone and glance, but I the daisies ifrom, the lapal of his coat Supreme Pontiff, who,was then Papal wind. Holotmetry'llisen,andmitH utput of British. arsenlS. th her whito, jeweled finger, toss;- run like- a kushen. He told me IYOU Total ...... ......... ; ........ ............................. can not Awaken one sentiment in h.q WI ad them 'Xiinclo, tit the Belgian Courf, met vlw�fllil�;: amo as '.,$1,837,739 to the earth, and stampki her sell injun rubber just the a etc, no�ov,., 4 fala aj liar cent .... ....... Thewe is a ouicrus little anecdote proud, cold heart." ivLshin in the Queen. Vietoria on one of her visits hissen. Mine is all iron wheels. ])a other liabilities ........... 33,931 59 . When she. remembered the words, dainty foot.upon them, � . sh out to her King Leopold. He aft �he hollei hole through the ....... ....... told of Victoria when about 12 yearo, them to Ills lips, mar- depths of her soul she could cru Or- you punch I all remembTalic4 from his heart of r will I have to do, it Total. muring passionate, loving words over wardq visit oil England, and was pre- Injurk rubber oe After tho. adoption. Of it -proper. ... .. ............................. .... ............. Z
of a o cion of a i the young girl for whosd memory this ow do you stick the ends d' t. them," she alinost cried aloud in liar seni'o!l to the'Queen nd the Prince Myself I 11 rainage systalli, mortatRy in Briatol 6n cot4an�'s �tandird 4 and 3.1 liar conb .......................... i .................. 810,310 S3
use,:. the 6 , 'know just lov,,ar of hersl Nvorb these, if lnt.. i ...... : ....................... r6it to Wentworth Ho fierce, angry passion. handsome together after you get it done. , fell fi&m 100 to 0.5 per .100,000 inhabit, on Govornment standar&44 aadSj per ce. of Earl F;tzwIlliam. 0110 lnl)r�i' 9 as woll 49 though slid had witnessed wild blossoms oil his breast, Con4ort. The Popel, though now in his un rubber is all readY Will it t PR1,;8ID.EN1r'8 ADDIttiaS. . . . Your Inj an . after a rainy night she was runni i him herself, that thosre wild flowers As Rex looked doiiru into her fat,4' ninetieth year, retains a vivid re0ol- come any. cheape empty? I cAft gLt i I I AII theind I warit bare. IV P C 1069. It affords ine. gentlonion, great pleasure to place bof ora you the annual top art and flnuncl al .abolut the grounds, when an d 'were find she knew, too, wh e ralsaed them, and quiakly unclasped lotion of his stay in England. -idin,; Doc 31st. 111ho bufflaa, its tho rop)ro shows. ha boon ateg k statement for the year a gardener who maw her about to he,'had kis."d them, so passion his arms from around halt wit a I , I . 1. . I I tntlrely satisfeotoey and with one oxcept,lon., that of 1803, OXCOOds it, Volutly) of no%v bu6inhas Isbining on the trees, littlo'ery. anyprovious year ia our history, the athourib l4itiod being L83 00. aull tile amount taken
sho.*saiv, the sun .0,67.1, - euls of thAr, daid to have boon soetteed by any
seend rL sloping piece of lawn called Wang ont, "Be careful, Mbp, Its slape I" the were great squares Stooping down he instantly rv� 712, which I believe lio Ili 90hiewht It' other a itive life Coinpany. kill nt wMah, with the exception of 429,50 written in Newfound. "What's slape?" said the Primobset, and And circles of color, th� fountainq covered his.crushod treasure rid lift- lfind,'wag obtainedwithin th - D YinIftion. it ii qomowkiat, Iasi than for 1890, but the buglikess of
the next moment measured hot lull sparkled in the sunlight, and restless ad theni reverently in his han(l with all Canadian Coin allies ifts annorinig for that year, owitig to tile Incro t%o of rates Which took
1piaeoinjanuaryla9t. To avold this Inerease t tiara was it porf 06 brush of Intondin0nsilterstto
length oin the dAmp grass. The old-1-16utterflies flitted hither And thither. it gardener hastened to belp her up I For Pluma Ilurlhurst, after that got their appileationa fit before the Increase took place. All(thoreallowinotosai, that for thd
"I cannoE say that I admire your ton ywm ending ]lea. 1900, we added to our assurance III force $15,810,216 of which oulu
and rOMATked, "That's hour, the sun shin (,,'no had the same taste, Alto said, N%rlth A short, C K A 0 *10,208,59D Wall add n thli. thAt Von mrty know the groul
P -OQ;reds the Comp Idenca In which It U hold by tw bAr(I laugh, that somehow'grated Tervous trouble, Wouring publia-.06 a which will tnereago as tinle goos OIL harshly on bar lowr's� cars. "The is a sure indicatiot, or .q-c,\u.Ij Wcakness or offier N It soall be our alin lio-isiblo will incro devoted to th4
kitereo.1t$ oflnor Po been it, tile p %at. .
conservatoriol at(, blooming with rare Failing, 11owerg,or KiLlIleWS nild Pelvic Region. A wd- Conipanlos havo �oen stating that
and odorous flower.1, yet you choose I h makes it a labor and agony I era credibly i ko lJoitrd my, fool it necuteary td A T E these obhoxionko plants; they are -no man's back,ache tells of that weakness i0fle I Ott r %lot leyvholdoro a,. and It Hunh agonts know atiythfil
lAw" n to live. Backaelic at hoftle by the Ire ittartio, The 1) -licloq or The Alutaill, re or lea,% than a species of weeds. P the prinuiriles o
10% 0 is aml!,�A patient applying Qte of cauxida shtr tipulated sum, eallod annual prem. ve he * , Itex"I do- and it,; ntimerous Ef lums,ilthaedon the InOrtA, tyul daptro ennient, of Canada, and considered them-tbroNv them away, and I causes can citilc1d, to tile achings0ot bythoboRtaplakirles lathe worldsulll,a nt I t amiatvdi, with lntOr60 OarnflIgg on reserve , I
IN MED101NE me y %00 U gMN="ff7& E on tiff. Aplao M2110' a . uni -, �a fe to nicet all abligatioili f nearved by' tb 16 , an - The Same M1111rOln t 14 ruade by
IF will gather you a rare, bouque,t of and positively be -tot prainlitou; it ro r as of every Lito Couipany In Canadit, whathot
white hyacinths fwdtarry jasmine Govorolnent in rdippo and successful riletliod of electric treatment'Which gmitly and soothing. Stook or Njutual, �vhothor Catutillmn. I or can or Biltisfi. and goldcn�rad The lapsei and surron(lora still continue to 4ed-0,40 ill I)V01V artion to aniount, of bualnego In Ch'ISO ShOWO in The intense qulwr In her voice pain- ly.dkpels pain and saturates the whole body with renewed vigor, Mak, foree. This fact will boas Plea.AnR to our agents and polloyho ders as It Is to the DoItrd. show.
The lofty upright Cbaracter of Dr. It is known as Ing the Valuo att alied to out, Policies and oxproselve of 'con Ildonep in tho Company, Thatotal
ad him, and he saw- her Xace, wore the Ing life worth living. number of Pollelog now In force Is 20,3311 anioulitulft to, an Inbremo of
Paint 01 death, aind her eyes were Wo,,d[do(Itoblirfnoonio$12(1.r>12.28; our aggets, the true worth of his fainous home treatments gi,aming like rost,164s fire, Oro Mdaughllrios Method of Self -Applied Efoottloal TreatmOnt. I oakldd by, ,he Call, In I I w inu 1,
018,lolm. As thajoeall atootint oi!, mouter than in 1899 80 also tile fall inuoh below
br. Chase's Nerve Food. "I will not wear them certainly if It is worn comfortably it night while the patient sleeps, and DOES he expoetatitin, und warn Mom than covered by JiltOPOAt earliOd oil InVostmentq in tho suka at
u dislike them he said, Stl.518,01,,, the Aurpiuq cartlings of tile Clompany awk,bled us to, pay the pollorhol.4oro vory
but 1do at care, to replace bahasomo dividends, notW1014to6nding the fitet. that owing to tile chango In 0113 companyli; KOT BURN OR BLISTERp ,is do ther Appliances which have atiough lere the. waste4l. nerve. tolli, Dr. grav`�ly�"any others-, daisies - are the oil to9pendivinuali Is,rgotonotintin advortlsjtlj�, than in forme
In nNedicine, as In every Other spl them, b nitlue, we were calleil power to be curative. Xnikty say )%ore tIlItt. w: 'linse, -ernlined to formulate the sweetst flowers on earth, for, me," never admit offloo furnishing fig aft aRiX
of humn action it. !A Aaractor that t, <let I im pleased to inform you that on sab In Due finavalal'"tatement. inonoY hag boon fully Inveved drine
sroinripi ion that Dr. A. 'prepartio no %v known as Dr. Chade's He did not fasten them on big coat U RE" . NO , the 70;1,r at fall,
W, Chamt gav"k 1.0 his fell6wratm Is Food. Dr. Chase put charae. NO C P ratea at Intorest, and that W-. Intorojr, lim boon iviuually wallmat, 'in one itovilloo ill. whiell
ter In this st again, but transferred them to h1l; If boo.31sto IM, was only 67og& anti of t1lig full of full nf tho hone.0, ands,as a bveast-pook#t. $he bit her scarlet? After you are cured you can pay me, and then the price will be only one-half main only$31.00 WAR 11110tild Feb. lst� 1001. fies sterling cbnrrkat��r which made, thp ninuniont to emorY-tho moat psmnwithroVr4t4thophango, toll higher reserve, tnoed rlIty voty little,os j%ll b.,181 .4 in what ig asked ror the old style belts, which have been bli 3g and Wrning the Tabl,
-ory Moment of her supreme bstekg of the Wearerg for th6 past 3o, years. My telt is three tinies'as strong as any other Ilelt igold, and is the only one titkonsficothattiM0001111- grand old, doctor adipdrorl ,moveisful spring medielm; that monel I In the v .9 Un writtan up, but not p g c, Wid ail businegj
and love(l by all who knew him. No cant buy. triumph and happineso he I 101, had
proparat ion has evar been put to such, had Un- that does not blister the flesh. alllm, JanuarY. 1%0, Which had �asqed by office, muot of wh
boon cativassed for and promised on (k, 4 Im con& basis; and WIA6,11, W011COOpted at the Old rat6s,
'tlrv'o hag been Olft� olasped lj� r f o a t h r to Woliave a oonsidOMI)IO portion of bashioqg on that
Dr, Chi, 1,i N h it ms r In bou e but;Pla,04 it01INA Par cant 1`001tvO
recomin, ixtraote Frolil It rowf the Teatimonliftle on File In our 89108.1
dor.,tl and anded by more pick up the dalsiel she had oruqhed roAerve, And have not, thoultit It oirlpablo, tor do more till Knothor Yeav, as & lqrgor outlo, tha
L Y, n
JWd, And yet it taftd-4 iO-flftY is. to all lie 6rd troubled with 1an%6 Dear Sir,-Vour Deli has curiid my weak bmk, I would say that y6ur B611, had done tit you iuol Was incurred lit gatt ng
medical mez nd reputable people with her tiny heel -those daisies _now literature, forino and stationary renderadnecogearyovVing
mk and I11,1w, rh. f Id en bdom IgOl elsimed It would, I have not all adlib or a pain to tho change In I hocompally's nanie
as a wonderfull offocLlw. cure or than any sirAllar romody 5w. it box, which rombidea him Of that other lovo lit yanox you t DeX I coul hardly olt no 6(taf A hard day's bow. 1 . .... t,,,, t,610 ib,k in 11 116,11- I(l 1114111t Ill; Agonto fAr their Zoal on behalf of tile Coffillnr &AII to
gel U Widdiffola. Work. Adiy1tworkit hott, toll tomehow. Xto 01t6t, 710 compAny could have a nievo capablo, zealoiw body Of III(Ift Or truOtl tO the beAt
a Ing ft#yn% flitilblood, for All or Vdo that still reiged In hio heart a bitr- X dge, lit. ISt would nnt, takis doubWofmt I labirafeet attaflod with your B616 AN tat at I United
n(krw.q nn It x�uji-clown tondi., III ld tot r interp8toof the Company than 6110 luiVe boon, I wouldexpr6sth6hepn, tiuLtwlth the,
m, tti & Co, Toronto. Her botw,mn them or
Hall of th,o 4y.4te, I if i acid not,oit ithaliet. I ivoiet to It6patille, ooL hat6wedit, M61 a great, deal h6tt4r, olorta of our jr1loyholdors. the Board, tho,Agondv and onie6 stAir, tile 11rgt year of the now
Tboro, N charnetat In Dr. Chase'a ; Dr. Chwselq last find oomple0 Re. ttoa bled with my back 01?10A lising W rontaryway othallApor ear if tile COmPi1ftY fil all thbistMeandboAtin Life yoors very trolt, arc Nottratifont, ilifika Moo. ri
114mrv-P, poaq or it would never bo. Book givvi In plftln, isimple lan. to so ftollel I Thle Will only be deno,widA ionld only be done, on Like Merits of Tito lklutU&I Lift) Ot Ctinada,
'CHAPTLAIt XXIX. X entleott, bolit 114Vor on the dowtitpi or nuppmed domiltits of our nolghbora, I hoVe, thetofofoo gro&t plea�urd known to-ony throug,houl. thh-i eonti- guige. 8ytuptotna and treat,. I feel cong&nt that I& at
ut back In ontftbly well, tho Dilft IN 611 goneand b; eriAltolt Mftd. M bAdle Is O. X of the tdirrt,
nent Awl 11, do think it Is a petfeat shame- IL AI MoLataff 6VItu? the Ador
t I
A3. (11 landard triont. for nearly owry illisftqe knWn Renfro*, Obb. J I Into pat ltihatsou 24 tet Ae"110, grikhtfod, ont. balbartRose- MAW, Man. Afasom It. M. ritt011s X.G., V- 0, 13rudd, IMP-, 1, It- Vi�kblft atid Cleo. A. 86inepIlile
spring m0iclno p thie. vodrhl and f. to inan, And containK, oNler those horrid. Glen girla. Aro. to be in- Wern td.olddtod Illr4actoro of thO 00MI)MY foil thn efigilifik tOrhAl'of thtoo yinre.
tonle and rQAtOratiltO of 01 8,000 of the lao,st valuable receipta vit6d 'up hate to Rex"q4edding," cried CALL TO-OAV Oft Weill f6ft MY Sti-Phat *balf, WIVN INPORMATIdN. AID00#66 - The; bualftesp of thud&V having boon brought ton cl00% "God He6Votho of Hellovillo, les,dinf, aftin which the rdWinq hdidurried. virtue Xnowitig that Ievery man, and prooaripflon!� owr colleoted. if little 33irdle Lyon, bling Into h ImlosT, 000109R&fat OtAUllfloquont V and ra-ploatod lvfr. Itobeft, Ajolvio: prosidletit, Idt. Alfred
- ki� v aand III 0 b .. lo'
w40 ' 'C
m NY b liov lIfo
tda' V tilad.� . b
ll�ylx d In ".1. We If ..... till;
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purity gtd enloh the blood and[ i0ranedWrtill ftioulart and throiting IierelA ,dowh on I IaI