The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-04, Page 6TS' BIG 3000 DENEFIfS OF RELIGIO. E So So LES_ TRAima oF Ai NY: 0-0' O'' ISOM, OF TH K8, .0 U031ING FASHIONS. 'N ri N. '1' THE OR Tl$g SoliO014 or
Rev. Dr. Talmage Says it is the alarIC4 49C 1he jl� of 00PURY AT ALPBRsHor. 900 NOTAIsLE pOINT6 QATHERE4 FROM,
like . ricult
44041liq e1441411 Friend of Longevity. 8111rY— Wht the 4 iler Olt ihil whe EARLY PRING MoDgiiia, Ural
Nonni (fir Ik ill Uio 3WO04 -440 it 4aiiwoonilq You-th. of A"Otit"XI yogro be P914 a rhe IThe title of this article doc% not !Verse 1, The fL or joriiish
ikt visit to (74 heRlder the 900 NOW
rotor to day f the Week. "It! 1"C141 N 0A4 Notillot, 4"40, i1w XONV940 to so,' 14. F ockturo AeloenttlAtod,iviiirva 04140 00 FARM SOUSE& il
the Mae), talked -.of and Sunday, April 9, thoug, VItAtfQ4- to Q4eeq Victeript frolp , Ingop
bi of couroo, 10atorlog to,, TDmmy AtkIa,S VIlat Aogi4jattva C I tile All#alt the 90raed are -much nogleotod in the
_lie V. prellejoeil *uA I 4 4VhanWo to Joe
A 1%,"shington says. on this subjet, put togeth would graduallydiminiabing suburban "gon. nelth of
f rom - or or the Tows Ia U4 L 'Way,
I make a martyrdoal, Tills is a state era nor the 4180 Plea used is c0usildorab egWittive Triefx"ShIVA11"N Fax -Thin st;X19N. iWettIng proper care la
nElf UwfUJ Unh . J.o Our Aervants: w-ith , l more difficult than the Awiem,bly. TAfa WA4 �a 180 and these hsealth. There are POOPle ar' , big laconic$ our 11mes, for days or mouths. XopuB majority, of p . 0 The only clia whetboalseiv,s to death for fear a those who ham' tbe.good fortune had lain la tile ton Opile 'Imagine, for the who figured fai,any WAY in this 4 Oarefully fed and groomed And ci. 16. 119CO 11.4 skirts with which ')Q44tr$',, We Work )IOPSO Aboulid be,
morning to IQ to Blind% I 44 adept at his art be. 'able event were evex, afterwards love are, threat very,
. s'11) 1l'iiz1L (1,is morning is to �,Ilojv take the train oft our nerves Ind Money ICIII9.9, y morning, a term about the bills of ilo Of (lying. I Want this to hO in the wrvice of our moder teraoo ib from Friday ar- 00019 Inuat o orporiii elled io far are tile plaits tiling made As comfortaiij of aerviii 'a
-tieul religiull is tbe the ijePTeBmIOn Off Your soul, and I The ata W21104 Would be a tore e" cali hAve, the holloar Proud to Toter o lo for him, it 14 a mistake to ma t C l, hoin, to 09 ]KOAA100. An
of I a. al ad three days by 149 15tioll an epicure as tile BA-Itial, I m1glit be supposed be W44 _Inad ar some Sort, whether it Is gathered or PC or pernts. A�x. owned by stately fil ws, who,, like other ancient I goldle - 14"flie lde days men twilo, elvoil plaited. The Very latest Models show OW, MOX, Who do not know bettor, and
prile0 the To ori, r
first: When wow go out milles', and, these allitala, reckoned each part of aear knew practically a tIjA.K of QQOkug f 4 t
f'rbt, 11-JIL LILC fitut Llla� it mak I will" UOY44 110404irs ar4 At coneltisIvely that thla Is to O AQ care, to feed oats by the pall,
0 0 - Points balli w1eralgive4l be one of
do' tho alain,'41ad to III nrolayga fuJIYear oray. Veroar- "re' 4 hill �L the ezverimental featurelsof the spring or bushels 44 rAQrJD hOrklea are killed it,tj,. Or our phy.sical Iltiaith places ar
.e it does not make any told Oft to'grepare ti aO To ra
bad, or whetlior b IS was their meal, but tile ,a daily III u 4 fasli ons. by have been good oi , uite, 4 OU bar of
llo.ltkv Chii'llall duty. NVIletliel ether in tills world wou practical purposww run almost entirely ly la: themorning. TIA Caia4lit I over feedin thaA by hard Work
N%v k- -p varly or IolLti houl.,,., %.he you believed right ill O stlPends, in many first Opportunity for bad effects f this ays- 4 bollas by Ig4ving thi4in his Tbel`0 JS a subtle motive $4 bringing One Vallou Of oats, at it, feed I or wrong, oil ,Vill t I lit. I. go straight to lory ly b Incest Would to the hlash the the 11 embalIniii teni became so apparent that tile all. 413d for Ono ic Of the AW[AbOrfi- Who out t4's V3040 With the thiti'tilbliqcs .t. food digVaLibb, Or you ay, 9 - "Impoissi 0,11 since the burial. They came, thiOritles founded the Army S !rat was at St, X9
se ment, Q6 .4 f - .
for the Rarm, horse,, with ;Ili
I ud I i llik IlkOmmOn sense as well Of gentlemen. who are supposed to be 1 Women who hall come wlthreaua from Cookery at Aldershot at the Colon 40 be
obool. of t
tholough or teebe as Illy religion teaches that the bad ta fairly good positions. 00 lal How Want% If be bag*
and the good 40annot live together Gaill me. [years. ago. hay
04 Luke 23. 55, a TIAOU04444 to do extra 94rd Work food oftener,
arhoril are numerous IlIC& and but. horte , lite tit At thia school forty goil-comm of People Were X4 0tendance. gad the
Liu' �t Ill".'% vt"'y Oft deferred to I Ile forever; YOU 'give lue no comfort la IOr !A. receipt of bigger stipends tha we isuPpose to bave been ad Officers who a lasion- R a r y and late, a d, water re,,,.
re'aini Of J,UL the Chris- a i,, "Experiment the I th .11 It little di,attiince north of tt re being trained as duuopd until half VaSt Oaq open, .0 middle 000ka way al 99-laxlY. Tile work, horse doea, not To-
tiaii utityk iirk., thi., v,,.hul, of second - When You (leave this Q-50 Pa:1d to many of our permanent of the norther ways be found. Of these, Lug the 4411 with'XiadY rady after, b"Ilth In the you %vill go Into U4 intermediate stat I to 1711clOrsooretaries. otstate in th, ser� plo n wall of the city, he thirty represent the Regular forces w4rdlos dancoLng wit.4 quire 49.0 much of tile floigh-forinins iandwhere you can got f ixed up glaq Grant, Urg, 11 Voice Of tho ea which they bad pro are U4jOr BaIlly, 904, MTS, Icet, Kid and pre- p . ol, $4eo And ten tbe, MiliaThere ll toods, a4 do, the iyoung and growlao
Pared for heaven. Impossible," 0, wlic V rtUIlY ran tile jilapirc, addition I � 9 no To- animals-, but Ile a ould have imore var.
("V Ile lite oil meat, gentl0mell Our introductory not A
say, "as the tree alloth, I gulation oompolling the Carter, Ura, Ridle, XlS4 §. _h
Wdy, aild lie, likul eallediL QIV Will- so it must a 'h I ,a, Would-be cook maelkarrol I a e og 104", an We- to bee m I et, Us generally requires enough,
ple of thi, lJoly Ghosj, an<1 Ill 4terQue lie, and I cannot 'Postpone to The three junir Lords of tile ma� ' a 'student therao though Urs' youn, ZOA Aabortaon, Mrs. JA, termediate state that rare an ' Treasury, to go,nolligher, get' �Aakes conjecture a$ tothe num- are a Ice the, wwaste—the wear gad
Inatilol D. 6
aftars, or to litill. its %V,,ills, Ur re n aBalary 40r of the party vain, tended to heA, j&rvia, and. U10 repol shis state." Experiment the tear Of 1449 fi;VAtem, I t aoh4 but there � f 11Q.Obtalta more
crum- which ought to havii been off, tell in Of X1,000 a year are 0 form of defyilu, sac There 4,4 no future world, When a man old staff of L t2" They fouad the Stone rolled away In th , In- third, some ohetg ia�Loadoa on tile house- from the sepulobor. bac%k,,, area in Salary, After leaving the At Quebec the P,acel opened hanit 4 either excreted $TOM, aligravby in dies, that is the last of him. Do not l find Matthelv' teits, ,by all all Ioso oo, hey maili,ve sixpe 4.4A I the the body or otored-up, j4 tile form
nee a day in 4tbo Xdmp. laftayIU, The Zad �b
dit �Qxl
I t Mayoress, y Of fat and we -know, that a very fat
"'Ili phYio- worry about what ti,ou are to 40 In' rPasitwg, baking, bolli., and 2iew! 901 of the their ordinary pa . . Ind then wi 6aYs: "God has giv�ell ,lie another ostato o ng Lord wh Y, and dgUgitter, t4 9409 kvine,
f being; Yott-will not and t a -ex iration of. three (years, ger. of 10t --VOL Irvinet A. or Mau, !a easily played ()lit, ilo anything. " Impossible," ,you say,. a far more f In PY04sed by the igreatn Zl: :"a, ther a! :And not fit for I
U 1xidy fur flublv the *4k'nlg Of r011Y-POVI)udding on Mark is Im .cended from heaw
there is Something that tells fine that CBS of t! d lY inor find afterwards With Xadaige, Cartier, curioua Come, 0 ae $to ease Of -three- Work. h yQuag gild growing anim4le the case'
neo and records the wo- e. alas rice, Ulm �4� eauriero. MW ia different. What they require is
Y wealo Vorl Unlike till Lr com- ais not the appendix, r SOJu0thiRg that tells must not be thought that he 0 WOnd4X as to, how' It Could be 11 ;select-. their 't miss Sewell, Uiss Caron, bQne; muscle and nerve forming foods, bones, by for[ curious preface; there is it IpZloe: O�o rolled quarters bady Milne, Mi" Nabjer all un(lor tho ii-rain,s lite that on this side of the grave .1 400S net earn 4W money, he nd their dismay -when, I'4174, Se;e- OutoS, -bran and bay will furnish,
-bat it' wag Dung - does. tile), f a f they wish, for them,
hundred und fifty OnlY get started, and I will go on for- for it is ai =Ora dirt i'oult Unil t h IT cold, 49A .
pu U U� ever—my Power to th nk says task to I gone—a as- loss are only reqiro�d d combo, Mies Floor, Tbo 40al o6tains froat Its,
of blue,[ tu.411iug ibrough tile I ' F or- thapaliate ofthj� , r- Y hour -t he Ilkiart ev my affections Say ploure',than it isase- tontsdiment 'that Is echoed in Jch�l I in mother"d milk -111 A concentrated form er a to gtory, How.c U48A otintaill], Mi4a Anderson, Mrs, MY capacity to enjoy or a All that is nedesaary, 'P Ross, Urg.'Boll, U18A Tille 'Ind ntill g IDOVOra f for its devo4op-
u Ns Utter, the tasto 6f a ation -Ilia t trai ever., well tore diplomatic. tommoll wag t our mento When weaned the colt Must
I'vating unki hundred YOU defeat �me III my OOlOilag a Omb by I. circuic Airs., tauo,o � be,
—durwd Lhe I hrCL a moutha for the 1�egqlarg an furnished -have only one ina 9 ov 11 thres With 'an *equivalent, in o 'a, we 'have no Insane of months for the Militia he8 . were very alabor the form of foold0ee-iround oats, "tore to make, and if oyou defeat me 13IG SALARY. ku 0 Win the difference ceremon. in that I ard exhiloasted. A migbtX, A cliefoa g. 4'. Ancient APOO'lonen of being that the (QrMeT"h eat Montreal willere Mis Royal H , igbit Wheat, bran and meal furnIsh this. amou.uting I () 2 I th",10ti4ehol staff of'a audb, aY` liciar to Scrumalem p_ 400 formally op ea'ad that victorli; v6uttis One, a knoll back Of Jerusalem I 4.doo�r�v &vo to,be in- If we desire tP raise colts that will on ortaimpliritisil Millionaire, NY O is not Pealve in rebell the mystOrieg- of cooking bld 011Y for the trouble and'expenoe iia- lirill Vravinge, . photographs and eli.� ileOn active nervice, whic is not 90., TIle ball hold in that city wag orred their must be fall with a jib-
oithe sa-mv till,(. tile �n( clay, the kikies filled with forke Wh011y unconneetca with a neceissaxy for Militia student er Ne t thein go down lung4 tkilig in fir 11 L d tile earth'shking twitil i6poted by the' Prince and Ron. 34ra, dI;tU_rbances, turned Ilia pale Owl, the watei, gets the salary of one They in flesh; and th
of itir, ",I m-whaili4m, not 8, 4, .1 .
and agonized face t0vard the heaven$ Of the 1,0140 Office entered La, F4 ey will be Cagily kept';
found .1 T11 INSTRuoTION jilst bolow, yea Ot tile bod-Y. of th I.�Insja dancling and t 0 InVajo was kept up larva tham' they will- alwaya'be leak aur
,"d vai-,ily and Naid: "I take the Wins land the ser- r, while the Lord Td a h wAOU (Young* and
alOft! Illigilly than delicut., and YOUIng" AlgluleIS4 WAII very food but a Uallookedai.ol deuOlimbed. The ClAriK- Ohel at a Bus " an'd . Very xia'turAlly d ptment till A se,,wlers the-novIce is Ing
With Mies Nap ignrance, the agos, hotel in Loxition is eY W`0rC much te,reabolif, tatiOlIttitaot.handae tile. gigantic appli menuMellts'Of, their magiterig ,jet[, expi into mY own heart. Pa . I a ovvr 41,000 �h -30 U thoS morning, he having IV* .1 loan. tian mail jiay4 to I hurt, i a". tT atiob. Witn;ss earth and Pei annum. . . P
In." Men stood by t.beM It, an'. or' I`8g1QOt,:a,9 th4 cage mayl Lay ilurvi urt Lay b,aill, 11 I in deep tl'04ble- 8uddebly two men ,"4 I heaven and hell, I am the expinti, Wages arehigh ceatiiinly, but ter. JEUA hurt all Acce�t that sacrifico and quit t bell Potatoes, roast meat, .13e-.,.jwe all. know, that young
fall belo%v, those pal,J to at leasit 111011 ts. The Urook word is Oft III., 404, bake brea(t at the sani� time"in are very Play, foals wor- Icy shining 4ar- other partners were Mae Deliale, Niel, of Ill phy"Sical triVIng. Take the Ionic, the inspirai- three r. tout, chafe tn. New Yor ell C,uey turn out dinnerg * for go Beiatte, Lady Milao, Mrs,i King$ XLvg U.1 and t;o-d and I call for dire 0 theme 0 k to the flasing Of the a ar- quire not sim
a, tile longevity of this thought. aervant's getting up to 1?2,060 4-1 aild to lightning. Lurs rays 4 NNOU baagry� To tY tj)at which makesi minies every day. Out something that will All Vislonol ot*the He also learns how to cleanse Pots and 'Mi4fi U40111, Miss Fisher of axe."up for the -wear and NIT of year; that is Me sum Paid, te, Xing, Miss Tyre, Nrg. F Brckwa, them grew,
Of alt your phl.- 11eligiOn Is unshine ; that is llealthY. the cook 8UPernatural world I -ave glory and p a Lie ifax R il'giOn IN rIIIand Para ;Nva- Whse'unbeaten in the culin- brightaPes as PrOPerly; indeed, everything Ha' 0 the muscles, in the- way -of nutriti6liq
alludcU I l ';.Uulr Predminant. 'till . at be 96,19Potlessly-cloan that the P-40beholave'. bruin, cllular 1"ll' ; they are healthy. 'Religion is ary art agrctia)Ae to the tastes traits. Mary remiaed-with the ell,. beinner comes in for more Uiso U,ura J often, I rmth ; that is h of doertain 1 foods, Wh!Ob 4houild be given
You Aiku,l �LK! biouila ilLto rCliuisition doctors, and valthy. Ask all tile To Millionaire ail�sray king, OT NvDmeii until ut ao� Ill Urge quantities a once, will tell you that I wa Lord'si-boay WM not inthe- King, Mrs �is small in pro�-
Cback home - he it'WaA discovered that The hOr'Se`g Stomach t
emblum t while Passing th gorsythl, ge8i rough this, the first Ujose Spjua concience apd Pleasant.antie- oats, giv"Dn to our*-.but�� appaliciptly he., tolab;' $tage, than any other. . Carving is Portion to his
but 'heads of he '10 taught how J. S. Mae aiit bodys and � if it' be Over , hygenic. I off 's are.. rar6ly below the b0foe the azgela not forgotten And iii - Oil re�.moking 101 left and on )'uul your Ce er you pe*r- to Salaries pa'I'd revealed themselves. note on donald. ZVXITIWG GOWN w eaded it -,vill affect the breathing
lillig Out into '1'19"ts, feet pea now, everything bereafter branahea say in the 10 to AiAiAiict. a .117, BOLBRO. and circulation. of AdmiralLyL' .51 11 " roarly even be�. It is relat tore 116 can cook one. ad Of His -Royal 114gibile' nibleb'prevall lit summ horse M�ould -be afraid, fig er, for thV ex -1 red often because la digestive or- IliP tile, b16, and irradiate real handling Of the grc'atQs 110 Nvort- After three thatl he was so azueb fatigu arms and graces of ganis are -ouded and the disposition. You bave been accUs, ad od big press al the ch wlog%% which can fi gentlemen'who'la"* the ll-iug through 4nO1%,_ touled to navy of (161 active and oon dispose of pen in this manner the ia consider which It Is capable. an ordinary meal the I a L 11 to 111tke your the I he door on this side 'the wQ,rid r; they w"Cre surrounded by di,4 Weeks have. been spent
fluct look pillell,d Lit tile ulce Daring houre f agony. ad q.ali- A to IfOatlilial- at teri. 'one of his and., woo. a I ter retur be - becomeA Bep Of w -a arci referring More they had appr actually. fell 9Ajeop RIrring ill great Profusion 10 pro
hre. This morning directly to t 0. tied to be handed, on to another ttaff Joaketa thit he hungry, Ind
Until You arv, Qigh vW ill and ehcnfled their MasterIg f instraotori in evert. one knows that till- door on the other tile sepul. hose or� Mardex,.nll order to'be made a - WiWl eat $ad as You have been accutormed to vuntis emllcoyol'b that 110 0 0 in, hanger W h Car. Takei A. blirse was dead their quainted with the rudim 'Log his -dinner; '0110 of the Coming features of living -in somethin your greateraristo- Suspense, bad sunk Into ents of plain At M4 dress and skirts a
111g. groan- air. They oodking. The Ingredients and direc- $$ton and Tack Straw)g. ing about ',ick I' plilpil-a- Of you th the lop lesser distinguished families it Chief - priesta". for Belleville *any ifillired around the hips to f ither wi,'ad tight, nor water 0111, 411, cratip familles.. Thoodo eigaged jathe 4cared the es of thin titbrics will be house, lie g lik,
in the Wet grass on, tIA.1118 Of 6. were' yoke. Proof. and one I[Ving.An a stablb built-. (;od when t.hey eolue f.rom 0 -14. told 4' the liuke U,bc Orin a' t he "-hieh You think side of the grave.; the bottom U_d r paid so 'extra vaga� tl, l,o)hu.1dJAL0AaUre the cruelty 04 -the Ilion, to make -I: m -eutil-e bodice and siee bt hastiona are� given peopl
are highly pai4for servants Y e ve ell out, and the long ropes . with For - instance, bUtl ad, With.the� result that Princiels, t to coillS -'a great. deal dewil! )�oa are Out the Naster t d my be, a pjuja "duit" or 6f`Xawea*tl6 -Whod wa,s; conducting the still r d. �s may be On the ait,tight.plitn).cae will have a loaf 0i br.' y, fp�rcd 41110 er woul anOur -heard the Orangemia A point In -the coming.. ; , more food `;9111 !illy Juan or ally %%-u_ which the Pall-berera let dow con- Peifiaps ball the Roana, the fWalled, article would fashions which. thato the other in order to kdep.Up'. . half. 0 0 fail to were In;
dead let them I n D;our. Sider he was� getting. Poor wilges if lie ng� from elite lot a.etirving man, the animil'heat its the- limn to florave 11W lHoly lear through' into s#rI , expected on t tempt th6.4pp' lid akZ9 a Party demoustratloor, 8OL14118 to; Stand Out rather bromine surrounding% Ghuist I -i thl! U,? r sGlory be to God for this ra- than a d almost' 61110r:y bush lot alone. that of accordingly, wag nOt - are not In Uoord�witj.tllilt of
not co lmore ap their Way -to the a -is 114haii'm ,. bo4y!.,. his owa�, a well-fed'soldier. as 44 '(11rea'dy.ii $surod'fact is tho,dlreL IIL' hUmtII They fear- But practice makes perfect perInitt" to even ato6p( there, offoet. It 1� M, %%bLI)e,:iQg of rubic"d .,cliglon! It Ivill have year.; -not a bai w3t ajoyof hebo U i. I is the VyV aivriclenry too mot nyOU'.conicler that all: -1, t4hpa. bp- It is 010 th-' ke, you Ilive Iong- I, fo t gnitY.hacl, ba6n done 7OFe long tbo attid.6' oat dOcIdedly, aoi, thi coulit. in - That' y of hiln'thuy )%r lit finds 'tfevable ill the lie'", bole al a the te e 'I's Worth But all 66= ell. 'I's capable 'of turning Wever, .,the a] with thej 't Its is world, and'in tb( world to Co are toletrimont t"y 1 O011StVUCtLid me t13590 to you parlson ibey 'out a -whole folat it' 0)-hS t� 1 11 hi'm besides. Ile Wil - "M the heaven,4 Oa w'll havon eternal I When YOU havii to,poly 4or 1171,100.. were jada, &*d,. d r health of -the horse. Shut A horse iin 0 woafrid; panfe-�S ere Meal-as,.Well ag the, most experienced thlo 01' Mile collars. 6., low roofed '-UuVeutilate ongrevity. you get" trickeli': in -t CPP Polat(ld -der4ul Ls th, Iily iliat (�od'll long I;ff. will I satisify; thee." n t, 114( an cook and d etable his There --are very few peop, Ural - 140sence, and then he is ready for !the b-onoured.ladies.,befuk .MIS4,,BeAttY$ theoreigu filablon budg&a. tell us that thyb etc., au�Aso'oner or iat b a48Ao practically sa 0 sob) fteed must lul", reacQd its oJim rror stage known "ag "'interior eoo:n-1 eX�Yorli ffeel In front- tire. to become the subj,, er a JA Cxtr(,II)e long n.. their teper- thIr4 qlst�d a
it. is Gu�i.i's ve thei b to. the ax - y-han orayo," . daughter, , MiS9.4wart. I t of disease. list part of, Mrs-.11old, Miss Fortune -Oluw Out Of tle ',till, fUrther that -MeMes -such as influenza, cr DIVLaSIONS their qxoss: inconle, blit the h -VIsloill. -was.adcled the IRS oinnilivesence—it is C;Ocps OF ROYALTY, 19116" do� 130olyed . dowa-'their,faoea voice.. - 1TO prove thii:imp 'tancei of this do- Hell. Mrs.', By and stiAnglos. are o6fteia �bro I h -to the or Pringle,
In t a servica Of tile 'beat 6 exaggerated uglit on scan . o unless the, Dazed by fright and light - �arth. partment it,. is ner 41167; UL34 Dainty - 18,11ile. the ro by Bu0b stables. .01.,11-1y of tho� midnight ect of Why seek to give y. 1999 Burnham, i" 'opbd( dl(�es; �iitb alighti,.
The ul)h families d eAsar first- of all Ulld be Itile. otbor-wisq y are YO Lbe living alaoug*the d1oad? "Why sBennett, IV J -d. 86 rA 'Winter when -1hey have to be file, fialser. YO him, that liv6th . ; Ca0bot,, Mies A011, M,.,, lt� are se"Orth 08 One of idle theylZuld -have a smaller all . a ' in ' Ong thoae THS &VSIiGE ME V.' x: W, %VVst. fefulo6w in gowns. ow- Ills t1k. breath The Grand Duke of flassc Is said to that are'dead�be. Nv.hQ. 'is . * � , Well, MRS Grover, Ufl%d Barron. IL, . ad boiled, feed two.or
alim for era t I'VOuted are still three times -a off the AlnLigilly. ; DI I , ' 4 1 aultie -Of - grain I a week Aft;�r- the butler, comes The' of the Empire. At. To"at:01he ball given to tout , be never i3o happy a-1 when e call I 'words aje it, gentle obefore: diefond They should.
L. upon sliuul- I the first rep,rocif, foll For'breakf4st: bacon, bread,.and,te t 11.1 long liae, is not be allowed to.staad too 10 man, but..jho . the ugh -this sorring man's a refia wed; in'the next Verae,bry or coffee. D* -a Ill the 'stablo Without exerej y �renee to inner - UP,, roast' meat Only eXcelled 16.1 'let to h6 An any.luode of t -
..o divirit'l Id snatch a moment from affairs to. d 0- Position ran so PAnee and smile Wa, 119 at, a'.
so "LiV41nelY I kO Immediately ilitclo. thai rat! out, Lord,s own dech�, 12z., Jima grandeur I . . I Giv es 110 is y6rY SkIll- Vast jilt, 'Potatoes, and pu'doling. ,,OWUS. � n Ox -OtO of tile yet there is'a On that he should, riale agZaig, Tea by the -V-JE`tOrf&* -&a moderate, 11 Ili to embroidery. till 1ALIV a
he needle, ory jam and tea ll.� inthere -is nothing -foi,them to do bread, butt ;,,lite ful with t ference In the StatuS, 11'rhich ib and his work is, the - 0 1"Odue11 remembered. oulating. th' IOL each . Cal- 'U's H16lineeg danced until four in the 0 Unite at the Otb. Y Io 1akL t a10 in. �- G. Whion lie w Yet !!I GA Ilea a cost *of this allowance morning 3vfjA the oligth" * I be beautiful. He takes ill, wages. paid; sm . Mplai -tat an hour O t What-thOIlutler ispaid and what he roferemiia"to the "old home days" 3;q4de ideratiba tb Con- Mrs. In LUt. lll()I'e espe r we., f in not Ili:- his per Dian, and even, taking,into -following iadles: turn thein,out -to water, and ]at th
Agoin, I interest in it, -Ind is par- make o'r0mall by the angel was for, a vaitt numbers IA`d� 'W98011, Lady. Cially for the� stable can
in gratuities from Visi_ d(jebly P, 'catered iS4 aille"o Sea. inof rB and in -other waYs, Oft6n these lvvrays felt LMI t tn -ity, in tile Be anation, is only c 911re, will bing, kicking, eto; of iongv% I'a IMPOsAliblA tO-realize that 1111Y Other.' The one habits in yQua anner Of .-bid val re- "cu"I'ly clever it, the arrangement- foi, Gillileals,in Judea the MoquAiire, � MiQ4 Blaoiwall,. 9 'horses, -such aj Qrjb_ ild ve. al for.� C� 9ameornK MIM.Killally 1$'toe ac. They also stddkiti prott-st ag,lin.L all I -- eigners. [des embroidery he is a- his Wages, lie do. 'alled Upon � to- Illy htile diii,il"ILioll. 'rot fi"to dancing ftrres,'�for thif ifties jl� al 5f -.2d- Per man -Per diem., with all Miss , E, jitido' tho lege from wan I ll to A;", _: t of exerdl—
hL?'0Y Iwalth. an.od in I Ja s of in- is bill, or coal. Yet�th LOS 'trim , anu njule lld d"!_ ao ng. ria. are vo�_,r Deliverd lato'the ha d, enlare
Bit,[ men alld'j�-u I . V, r On f .111611ta appearib snail
u filing a:i well as ally of them", an t. III is Iport-4 till* ais AuNab, Iss Helft GzOwki, Mtg. j�. B. by IS. W1 nd
andthe 4YAtOM knowa� a of theilf. lcurbs, Sprains 1114") I;vf. :1 quito tly_� go IrAOr.- According to Our common - ROW Op ) lift'. I za M ior Inter lar * Ito-, Every far- kills nr of llus..3ja, who has a The -'wage,116 ware:10'this Might 'economy i's the oauso of it Olson, iall Wallace, UIj4,-Z6a,, vIto. Wer should tkoatis bor C, ithen of. the. first maA -,Yi t4 kind Mean JaOt This cimaists of using, Miss Moffatt Ulaq boWn naS4 and,..a;hiiy be ev 'atom arria, Mnovel ljbj4-ro Op.j,:Cb Isis
mics say her,,, arc but. cry he wi' age... My ene the wicke wedients a ey" - 1-BBDet"46n, Miss Sbragge 9 ve vet 0 old )but' I (to iiot f'oud Lne tenor voice, WhiCh it is hi chie�f varies from ;el,, Moro than bo'�dibfe mat frleads* X12 a niont7 a silal in
ploasu. A:16 or, r'dh.' nly,' to.'about the Poirer. z' the Ing g'own Illustrated wb dozen Iyall ol" to use. Sha I Id Oil! hovy. harsh otherB, %Ybo get les -ImPli do" supplied, Whiobi are MOUilred out so UW S. ja Is I'll S . -than �tho lirst- cation of,the prigl Ind Unkind tbi inal is exactly rvI4, miss MuXaboy. ngEr about named amount. Bill the PC, that 'there -is absolutely no . he Odge'and tIqd Waste a At in it rosette boi�v.. T ide offWRA ,quisites r .cVbr 'to the Pvehave not me," ht� once said, w g y pi I are vgry valuab Jr till, Power Q1140 are employed i
liIlea in a 4 J. ts -le assets, t I Roman' - oor mak- Loudon the ball. -Was even at. gown Is ma T T
(litypi fpvi-au,44' Of Ile 1141:1 been v bbugliser� lag soup, halfa the Tee 0 DO wItIl anti% do not rogor(j them a., greatest disgrade a Jew hundredweight going and attende and indulgencies, ng a lanifly The�utmo$ cOftId 'Buffer. to feed five hundred men, 'and upon ill, qUeAtlQn party W -All lively arlas, Parcel Of their wagcii, t noble Goov rel ig Ron 1.4 Ll I)Votp,it d1N9racO.I:hc leaving The following ladle., of oeori.., "and accuse With the �xccptioa of dould inflict. the Pot they are-'93old-.*The had t he hone, -an . 01 laidekable. importance
fat extracted nk 'With the ther, the Manure Should b - appllea: But Y kind, Of b"ing de-stltut;L. of any accom- POUditurn necessaryand c �ontomboro�* -h r Ur of d to dooldo�- whe-, .,To% thb'meat W milk- r
Poll - heis WOrds!- Ing brawn Is likewise a saiiiabl: F s of re- but I 'Vill defy their, to . all, NVL 041mc' to US tjlc� a arti- ince.-L,MM ont, Mr ecil!Y'to the field 'aa 'a igion ha% -f- ay 0!4, wardr-b,, anti Bo had evtliquite Ile, and With * 'U. chic. , Z' Wafg6il as, briaggla ISS Be r, Nrg. Howell, Miss pri, soon a4 made. W01 41runk. ilroft-B-gors of 'IN Is the amounts -we. havie mentioned 1, 'bull Wit -Teslia bad X25;000 per I the Ild'bo)l Co. or of say l]!Qt I cannot sing as W forth, the Pat into bilea and h,ov,, IUaY be the isSa Small, Niel) I rust bei4t or them.,, represent, added to willich Constrained to givii natua I -Alikin, U,&� Jaodgs� a to do , teph,cl. Arlwhel, royal tenor is King Oscar &iuOluments, net aI>y M�JJF When th6soldier has learn 00 a.' v et" aof things t all these Hamilit"; Mrs. W. Ii. Lawrason, Mist 3nPoZ- befoe it Ili drawn 0A The Plof( Of r4ligion hit, 41 it bi. rnts are boued aId :figur&%�.6r- and knOWA. Something.. about boat..reglilt.1— emplo y C r,S I ioh that field ookery. oil # Miss Bail,: Miss Growsklo� a Uridoubtii(14- attained b OPT06ding.the manure A its -out they )I Of is the moKt L followers hasitt-Qd. to take active service, in- 'it''MIredith o i the field tilovir 10 Tiages of servalltn of 'all grale liter- eluding tile Purification of water -for Reves'. Kilai, 13b, - , , lbey ]ill of monarchs. ii his TI ally BO astoanding a. stat pall Miss Diltion T ivry art, geit ,)lie- Young days he Nir it, rank Intent as 000,2 as Mades arld.plowing it under l%%,its regar bale, tills culluaFy Purposes, Be is. ca-Iled NIB& Paul, � Mrs. Tai(o n'
. -r—tind they b l.'U.- to -flay as. Possessing the most are rery of butl( upon rob mrd. Jag, the spring. The uldhoir tiba, to this ip,�?actloo I, hVVIlty-five ye Voice Ili Europe, I numerous in a large Returaliol froa% the ol) tONSS an''.axalaination. After this he Daniell, Kwa 4rough., strongest obje- may a0ume th� rink f sergeant- ars. ,I g O not. he sentative and in years c re wbeh"i ' ithe, out Of Told ali cook, all(I returns to h HaaliltOn all-Pther great Severe drouthg oceur.the but roil' 1ho n(I I nothing great joy.,, tha6
lit- equi- ould have made a success of it an the common; obef ; things the elevellb, Ind t 'is regimen &Oallse
so butlers and first the supervL- man
0 all, Ae the work Of his Comialles ure and'straw Which it usually) !x1Lsv of n-ligiorl. Oil! if Illis lit-ligion stage. coa Already there exigted.a V t'to tloa was ZWO32 fOIIOWe4 by tile recep�
Ili forms Of ]I Seem to won olisci all , igbr:, usualA, 8- the Way OU,4 9('rat 01 Who have not 001ftSIXIS, 'When inixed late the Sol, 14 AVIIoIIY unmu-4kal waS the re Is taken advantage. 6ftho ga)ttle" in the evening. The bai in. is an illustrious late Xing derived from ti . of fat inoonlPlf How the -0hiIatian Church, free -instruction 3UrI9UB 6 the - crop, friend (if lolign-vil Of Italy, on Ps and' he rest" Worew0cannot tII6 adhool offers. room. -was arranged iU the 11�biaj Irotei . 11 I . grown; E spe-ii Y. �`obfy text right, the other hand, and a Wesbut Bee - Moreover, the ound knowledge of all wobel Ola y is this, true, where corn again' "NN 0h long iife will I satisfy 8tory VA4-J -n at -ter this the - To ute,foll0wing once told regarding his lack COA6119.&N, numbe Y matters 91)Pelitaining -to the a Itidies enjoyed the ads which the..most common Y. has been instilled into him during his red One biladred and i1i . rnt rt which privilege of ii,axim tioe Where the Mature is pread, of car nd vuicc for music by the prea- Alluding J� 10. An explanatory bar Wifii, His HI ligh a belit ay is to apply the n of thf ncl.4 sMary ih- AgAn: rl-14rion is I friend of lcn,�,_ ent King, then Prince Victor. King but neve Familia I Period Of''ti'llilling'04ten ist aess:—iUrs. David XON4b, it, magnatimotissalark Vii1d to the r O" mod6ril Miss Xills, Ure, to some Ved I litheless in : stead, when, in ft1ter-life, he Ulm MoNab, field, spreading'
ev'ty ill lit" filet that it takes tirie Humbert disliked to be reminded ands him ,
worry tout (of our it I, is the conception Of U144 R. Wilder, Miss n grounclabout 4 iu, dale the in; it is Old, an([ lie ng these rvalm,4 Wdsto'ft civilla 'to -once there, ,aks early ag not work ili,,tj kills lilt any that the Queen was grow! mail Of a .Certain Lord Alayor� aside his U ifOrM, and dons Smith it. as evenly. -as possible
Mary 01 Magdala, a town on over
worry. had a particular an 1010, for the privi P SrhOre ea Of, Galilee an atti Wher, :1 man becomes a genuine Pat.bY to sceing her driving _go of I r ef the I iory few Kies Thomaj, miss Lawiloonob practicable in spring, Christi:in lloly� r her life beto 0 this; smooth 'it down he inakiis over to 'the Chief ig a (Wncerning Mrs' Atrickland, MiAll , Murray, KrliL
,od not ad -Somethitlg like "'00 a ye' are kno r Bryd' with a harrow and Sow it immediate- ?nlya fft-et lons, but WEAR GLASSUS. .re. ar, and IVJ2- 'With: others she gee, Ausa Pow011, Miss B.'Marray, ly to barley, ip-reforably Usilig-a 4ri
1114, his family, his bus- apectabole suni'a minisivred , to Christ, of her sub, Pro foot, xf� . Beas 0 on,' miss for a nd yo C Out � of her Our Lord bad `4 Lo' G as It 'n4ures more even JJ, lelfulatifill, hi -i body The Prince described Ono of the do� and mligerable' Pittance d
mind, paper allnotinoeis tliat the. 0441 Miss Boynoold'sr gqrlhe log,. of
soul—evi'rything, In- mestir "cenes thus: 'that which' w cast i the mod. The barle lwpapa easy the gla.9ses going to the John Ivba tbtj Inv as paid near to the Oro's 1`111601.1lasteqU"ted girli. HIS last 4ddreml of eleame ripens Very I early andwill be harvest -
but, never wor- . � 81110 ad Stood Bishop Of i� y
,entor'of .1 ad before injured b of clittv are candidates for confirmation Pre0ented at Wiadfio Yea lie cried: 'M;Lrg- the AVaterbury,-watell; thl ae man it, the staward of Ilarod Y drouth, which
ill rnanibiging his UP to mamma's a Jbanna, The Who W%S r after whifoll EL usually, Occurs In the -latter part of How can he worry about herita, put down these glasses 1, Mam- got Over Z 1,000 it year. Antipas, tatrarch, of Galilee act to wear hairpins, as. theY. Pridk big roceeded to Mfrolt a '.Yuly and AuguBt. Pr mln"-4 ullon in answer to his pray-' ma (I ill not obey, '.111argherita, if you Vaiderbilt paitl his Sim., Ntary the mother of ' hands ill the act f laying. t an his. tour Of the States lid then A Very good ciop. when to buy and (tc`n'� lke off ilar sunt. A comparlson � of. * a t ham on. of barley is gonera'lly obtained, If the those glasses I shall a are a largo. number of Deal s HIS Uhjoaty fa 60 field is Plowed immediately. after the sing. And. mamma had itich a drearl .r with Mark 40 leads to the C- Blabo o4*XOadO1j- , 14 viore than like- ito and if he gain that is lilt 27 So r Creighton, the late nearly '
iif I]" lose. that is best. sup- Of Polp"tS faISC notes that she obeyed SaltvilEq thean want supoo , was asked some Years of age and it ' now' r0lbovtil Of the girgill, -the land will
rvisi,a, Itud clusion that this person wag ly his part b I th b it tile SaMO Ago i nors 10' the ball referred to
,s Mary tile of Cl Ow he Solved a I lailail a In, 0 est condition Possible o� upernatuidl neigh- at OTICO, to Bare herself from require someone to give tbem bour who 4,i)rlp in and ignifl: sir, I men t, As "my lord" 1.15, and aa' I' th eopas, 3'ohn 19 h r . ePlied ar Problem, were as Old Or Older than. be wan it SlotAlrr SPIUNG J'Aarkst, A Or6l) of wheat or corn to follow, ,"ingring is not tile Only PC and "MY Iad;11 do not at other Milry so of- Usti' a Stands to reason, tba� many White ch0fod dotted tn fact,,the land Will be in as good
Uall on ',I(, in every ex- it amus' of them. over with let a ,Ijll v(oul- a- tn their for th.j. (Itoy in_ 27, M and Mark 151, 41, ilu�� I c0uflr;�'aftl the 1py P and mesh of e* condition as if the mature ad been
fast friend; I ment Of the Vzar He ft Passion Olude last'ructionsr ter the. serv,ant, 0 1 it the a to is personally, 'ar 11" - them if not quing, the i;kIrt being Striped with wide OOuUpO ted,
they pay responsibl,t Told..tll(oso things unto, the ransfar those young porcupines I can for colleetini ca;lcatures (if himself, S V a IS r Of Our Lorills, Mother. And t changed their names-. lace Insertloos. a and applied direct to the
and lie is having a room paporwl with When storyants with lit$; incon,,.4. .111 be freer from Woods., loarlic ten hold the People to do this; r account than this aro We nd hearty, III Jackets there Is almost as great a OrOVJ and it voill rolling -stock in I hirty of the boost Pictu"Cii of which he 19 the If we hd no othe Apostles' to 14Y sliffragan, Who 10 110 Old.vtirsfty however, and though they M41Y mottoeI monvt-tiy intifutiong c)f Oil the other halul viiiiial ave a fairly Would:Uilderstand that i he we. Oargmaita, wIth, the tiao't-frog I lands! of any more disposed to danco Variety as there 10 In waists, nd the sum they 4 retjr,- -from blic'n.came all th Us- than does the jtj�ng still look G THS New York; the Rmperor'af dolhostio Service tie 0, ap a b1bokslialth. O to -day Cutaway effect, with the ba qu t . "vilela"ver You are in any trouble call becomes a�gry' at' the sight and go Into busineBs 611 their own ae,, , whon the _ . . a a d the ton lite. an,l I wil I of. a caricature counts, elther aii apostles were. all to. back wLth interest and pleasure t back to especially Stilted to the closely, The locatio,should not,be too x I hPIP You ; you can Of himself. A earl- , landlods of country Logetherr and told of the Word of the time When 'they da 0 the a ?,I% moey. ;Lrl,([ You can have. eature room has been suggested , as a hotals or a: owers or Oates an Men in hining g' "a" with fitted wttfstcoat� mote from it illy Q'If , arnients 'It IS interesting to note Plilivard, VIV, a privil go not b he farmhouse and Should is my hand in good WaY of taking a little ra ity Out r tau t,. and Vlat that the to a great injay. . a if posllil IQ, hero Is ran g as a direct cOrhd Belts are a great feature of, dress f I he. Consequence Kilng—then Prince he farmer passes worry ilout ? eg, credible story pale
'llow much would you 0 gentIVITInn. All his palar Oi this In. Wale,8—gave now and -give promfgg Of still ebe whore t
1-1), inside and a to2n)), the marriage Variety when the thin gowns most'dally SO he goeg to or re- Nvhy� you Outside, might be ib to verse 12, ran to his bride at the time of greater it al adorned 93at it is beLter to take a ring with raflitOrli, turns from other parts, of the farm, do ill(, ean, Nri-th amusing presentmellis " F-XPSRT` VBUDIOT. verses 9, 10, and "nortlell worked in it, R112e, says th& NeW York Sun, which to we Ono
ftn( 11, its a very.genor... . STUlwant 03? ton" . a knew au
dePend upon illy friencl'.s Of him-4elf, for Ile has supplie te ill you egat'line thk dj�- ill A1.4tement of the fact that- each gem. begnning with, authority for the foregoing.fsSbIono, Old gentleman who still Njow . for the re. earicaiturists, of wsaid a the ro- TWO-Incill ice 'Will ,SUB aserted that nothing Made pi is promised to IiVery'Chri Int'll were tile discovarors of e Avord properly epaoed infantry; four.ine as grow, I hall FnOr" bre4l cOntin6nt9 With Mond, man who had it. tile WO_ illitsitO letter for forlmlitig, th f4fia a man b
ever Aince he appeared gn thp, into apPoid tile liosurrcOtlon and. tha informants -:-beryl, omerald, like standing by the pen and
pUbI c stage. a jewelerli ilop, " and t ' ruby, turquoise,, jao_ h Jewelers prevIde ingenious watch -
York And Lonflon "' h1l: A) the, caricaturea Published I eH rather than to SUP. con- devices His idea wag that the bigo:
moln. (;oft ays I All ale of the apostj Ice %Vill carry a mall lag them,
ean(I st. I in what You Llitnlc of. it It it is a good PoSe that the group of on and the knit'it, Ind emerald, This pretty On horseback, for doing away With dir'plorcing, thte saw you took On Interest in theta and
i1ekin, nd Australia Rmlyeror sees, BtOhe I think I will buy it. group orl or Oavl Makitig eatyi the path Of the newly, fa. Were Oncouugo4 to do thUr btat lie 'gin.
Paris and London the colt In fingst-illIg lore is of Iry, or light uas d 0 Collected anti VaAe " The Jeweler took the geal, which one "a tile light Of the other witYa weare* a 011`010t with guns, Such 'so 60 -pound- varied -ornardellit, probably did not count the gubbina of and loarinto book for his inspention, three ,Storlos, we Are to Suppose that or n Of WOMOn came together in any kO Of Connaught al- heavy field
thtThe Da aix-Inoll. led
it milli( fol is eight -1310h ice, a battery of a oorr
in years: I have ttC, WALEtin across it in pearls argu r. I and handfuls of applea that Went along to amuse tile Pigs while 11-ources of the universe [in everything I -i's Unget, and IOOke(1 t it critloally has it similar nhis tillory, with ca-r-riagew and I When xingVA�Ward Va. was a boy e W tolied them. A garden, like the ., and alyoul him I. mPortant that N said for a Moment, each Woman told all 14110 knew to each thur ' 1.r�
T fast frienel ; when Y J�et file foreign press', be It tones, he Then, In confidential apo,Stle as silo let blm, Tills Itholeriii I 0 no with AT losasb
In lotlsinv%s t'roul lo, Pleasant or unP)ea,;ant,'p id, a it- All the members of Our, not over 1,000 Pounddpor square cot he very often ant down. from Wit, plo'a
or -,illy other eal. In t elite or cynx- 'Unry, Ito- t 0 U-inob lee' 1149 r4livot he is omething a standing Mak(is Plain how oyal Family adopt the faablo 4- thriVes: by being n tioad,
c,, well, t tell Vatt tile fruth, cording to t6h n of On ledges, and to ,aor to V4 tea and I 11 on me, and. I will hear, like his grandfather, William Tit Who It VVY good.atone. It: asnot n-9 Stor wearing, I wedding -ring or, 'I'd * Whore 1110, bad anore tbaa w il hell); bore, is my hand in fire � I)adly lent, y to be studied tinge an, araly or an Innumerable ell( deliverance t it I, Much next Sunday, ,ment anIght the till fol"I'V' Made a nan-ful collection of the MOB ,Ind ther was in despair, and eligage of the rd ' hand during this i U multi- one friend, at tbo,zeool. it Was by, himself Then he bold the ilia Uch like a -tw Bur- the left ba�4 n they transfer it to could be bul a rail 1 way the express wigh Of the Qubea that I Mg, ST. is -that man, going to wor " ridiculous caricatureq thing here. very ll� ol Sonic Without a,n thought of the r de, Oil tift0on-Iniih ice
printefl in 1.,ra fil - rectiOn, C�On after Peter and (J"Ohn the Marriage day. will With It, aud two,foot hielc lba When the Princ fWajes, viite
ry Not Much " Ob I ervou.9 ncle from I,Qao on ward, mond Under a Mie. had i till(] Although not, foad . roseopoi ind examined t. Oart�f stand t 4 the The abolition of ,capital pualshmont f"I'cri,sh iieopl,.,.f the world try tbi4 of earleaturv.q I tOMW She had oleft he impact of it'loaded college hial was to be, received with no has certghijy� in It
Maligtify ro r pho tograph.; of hianself lb, I)req finally ob.nerving, No, it Ietomb befora thg. angpls railway carriage afte Y -loot OO to
ad'I ad, ony" ThJS WAA. literally carried an alternative th
-,milieror has a POsitiVe craze, feet toa, couldn't call It a per- haten-
sedative; you will ll�vn G e r mn n I oiflaw, but I t to the otber wonlon appeared All amusing story fall, Or perhaps, 1^0 r a Sixt carom alY given pla
'w""Y-five yeari4 lonp hag just ,baon told foot tons. at might well ao�
A Poung foT, thing real I I . y f ifollowed Peter 11`99ard to tile I)Qktj of Norfolkvs To. out oil 0116 ocoasloo, when the young as a mOrOPOWertul odeterrout against
.er vilder 14 and his Tnvorlte. Pastimc I e "d to Peter, llail l'"O'lling flower. it Ili not Irliloral I Ilia I tho camera. Nowl if you W' at 601110- Tnbn to the tonth, and, when it Prince, wanderifig.away from the Gen. the . assassin 6 A fall at have here— I of- OY o"t VIAlt to Rome. At the Rome 'fe
You 'A'an', Or morphine that f,you want; ll�m is I be t, BVII Stood Outside, rail- kill - What Could be, ix
hiograph. Thpa-mraSOL-ngt with MXOUSe Mcir file other man int A PXOttY EA10 is told of Leopold U., tjoulati-in-Walting Was MOTO appalling than the adootiat of
no pa- orrupt- 11, The believed thei he Wily 'Station, a lady, Boeing, the illuke Xing of the inelgians, IJ hia.
.turp y a diatnond r Own r t
I'A fill- 9041)(11 of longpvii'y. "With clumt for privilegej to take pic, a 64. 1 don,,t thfak 1,11 bu ould, tylay, I t, HOW a suddenly the prison at Pagiftoo to whl6h the long l4o will I thn, hiograph to -day. This I rushing about .10. d h, boy with the
a "'
Ag:iiii: For. a dianiontl that one familiar murlievOr Of Xing' Humbert a jast fallitoil, went up to him an "What's your name ? Where acilroil religion I Company has of 12. Then ar a Most energetic, land he Is devoted to long Wdlka. On u"esuou. .9 -I friend your 6SISta.ritsipt lue Like oft N140 Peter. it man of 114-410A thAt he ]lag refused- 11ii eVen Utd&Y On APPrOVaJ,' As Voter oonjil d asked, One of these a boon MoVdd? The 4 f6ar.
'"V'vity, IN 'file fact IbAt It re- sTes further, ail fiq const I deposited 1lo Q, not linger Ili doubt; "You are Xliddt"Olta 110 Stopped do YOU board ? Who's your t The ful P1400. it is built :,:I vorrorling care nb()UI f antly send- it., VIC One of 000kld Mon, are 'You at, 6 UVW1101140 and aake(I lot, a glass P
,A,40 let A '11, JOH A, $loop rook
ill n -lie. must, Inve,t t"
't 0 the Situation and igravejy wajLq that Inclose
what TIevents and ief V � t
Vvcry in n wants to know ers of military andothar 0 Will declare the deal oft, OrO fully related by WharcupoliblarlP 'no twlth)UY luggage." Of all1k, a I lid that! said 00motbing to ta
ing worcl tO the blograph hoadqurt- W my Money and sepulher - is - �J igate. zisvigit to tile not I blu Jutting Out into tile isca, and gloomy
ill bcrome Of him, It You ,.,n, poruti, M, who 4000nlp�nfed him. 1)�,,p enr�r flitzalan Howard, his Companion IA uam& is WalOK; I board Ure like thWe that shut in tombs. only
get of making 'Toll arl- Ile Sioll ry calls,
on bord a rail train, ffou wnni, phontoo"Ph re Proof y ad, wandering in, hjrPq6lf at th t Premier Iluka And it raditary The damo[Aaot tdosor a small strip of ky 'evil) be seon
ers q Waa "rue; to I a which V'llrl-Marsfial and Chief
to k 'It what (1ppot it go nK f�o himself a, arl, Ito t�l Caotle, abd my dame. '81 (31, if get on board I a hi i p you thill. nonfral figure, of, everV Picture tioUa Magistrate was, enraged. JAAS.,!, Thla is the only Butler at who want to fetch the draught waft y tutor -1A thoqueev, Then be through thd SkYlight, owblab Is the
wh lerhergalloy, in all ZrJ patbrfos ninglabil, 001204 the ladyis want ill know into w1int harbour posseNit, Matter ;hero th�' AN IMPIW,8810NIST L,1V1pV0T. ad lit(" Whore it .1 record- paekagoa 11a0eard to say Wonder what the abook hands with the ift(jui 'Only window of the Call, fast sealoil
au nothi without a word, and saw ,ber Safely ng_nOS0d 'JIgjlBhmfta will payfoo So far ITO being rar, who
is Kri, it m.1y bit, ag, Ito � 49 b
Ing to run, and it ou hould tell U it 13 bY Iron4ound. door and grille,
Y Thoy gaVa nr dulki1founded; ,lot to a oall. In a ailbod, tmerely re. Through thlathe sentin6l wa
1991t the Job of han h1bg wais left or When Abe camo baek, Xing Leopold mar:kod, , you,ro
me eno interest. in what in 9, hint but 131 01100-4 reult Whic t. handed hot a five-fraho. Noce, 6, toro, Air." VOVY good quar- P tialluOr- Food is, pased through, thb
r ii r fu I u roi deAt illy, f Would, in Ing tha pictures at tile olub, and of 1 14 tolies, tho
PATCHEN(I UP TWO NAVAI, ItL%lo hung all ImprearlioulAt painting he 'self Must tftve -added to the 16411 Per two hell n6re, 0, no- I
w,1Y J19 1 know how, tell Two of the UP. allo of Ilia friandg. tn- k " 1% filghlea4bld 140 he said, NK A, portrait of the joligii, It t 0 r Idnot believe Von. Before I Most venerble relics of aide down. the drapej, exhibiting ble go 0116r, who is doomed for
,�be Prellch navy—tha 4djapatoll boats Well 0 ads, HOA04 Ullgll�htnan,it A. m4g I 0 to a al 01 Itched In this ter.
matter f;cittloid with rAfe at the 'and ot that period She istratoll WkO pridod hIm4o
rene(, It Oift rl a 601111 future Pxiate II10011RUtnt and NPill—have been Thoro swodtl� his' getac Of JftStja0 Wag calle U quare -tect JJA Va. a ftu.kbd:—. "Are You sure you To 1886 there hvoro at Work on the foll aStjMat6 nco into invalidism, quado and untiftheart, tvsIt 4 l' of lsa Surface III lo"Jagland nad, the question bought by the republid Of C all, nobody d0tected the blulide a -to ovev 4000,006 19 are how, bolag WOW up to ba sent aV g 0WA, bid everythIngyou have to, the dAmAgod which a U14 haye had UP. thioi-olub. 0ly 6*01u- "Nol, m.adam," AAld tha draper, ,I h&Vc Panagia Ciital 1q000 001w, 1144, 4OA6 Lit it ga�don, :& Viewed Wh
to their devoted to the, cultivation 40il yet it'a old adootlAt 140 Memo, Vtowimil What d14 be ,say I ro,luotlol ofta, populatlou was not
A of potat000 tot wa*Ot Axorit, Chan, 1*0,00 ;Whn ^AV Q1 PUiN gladly *how you I 4hd 4k" liberal dam. aA4 1741'adgrt, Ag440 ON, Ipt A444 044h 6AP0116 lot .4 v4A he wad Lat 34MO to the thitout, has UOM
toy, 00'4L I $00*W i 10144 100,004 4014, tu owidawk 04wilftloh twu IM 4jerbew011. Ot human be,.
0014 V, tA WWII Itlil b6ma4q1#g gA tho