The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-04, Page 5011.1.1•11.1110....7.)Tpr-
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Supplement to the Clinton Nevi
CLINTON, APRIL 4th, 1901 -
Public School Promotion examination.
The following are the results of the
Easter examinations held in the
Public school :
From Miss O'Neil's room to Mr.
Lough's : blabs! Ftintotf,VeraRodgers,
Gifford Crich, Willie Ker, W.Manning,
L. Walkingshaw, Helen Doherty, 11.
Porter, B. Johnson, Irene Johnson, M.
Bay, Mattel Stetbart, It. Itodaway, M.
Duoford, L. Eagleson.
To the 4th in Miss O'Neil's room:
Evelyn Tiplady, F. Rodgers, Susy
S1unian, Della Walker, Uuy Miller, L.
Cantelon, 11. Tanney, V. McConrt, S.
Ilolines, The following will be given
a trial : 0. Heywood, F. Andrews, D.
Forrester, E1. Brewer, Glen Blacken,
H. McKenzie, O. Miller and M. Craw-
ford, N. Sly and J. Shipley front Miss
Wilson's room.
Promoted from Miss Wilson's room
to Sr. 3rd in Miss O'Neil's roots :
Uatwen Hall, May East, Annie Penne,-
baker, (liven a trial : H. Holloway,
Alma Armstrong, Wishart Houston,
Stuart Jackson, Fred. Hill. Mabel Ker.
The following pupils of Mies Mac-
y's room will be given a trial in Miss
Wilson's room : Gladys Herman, Clete,
Ford, Cl. Copp, Nellie Greisch, Clifford
Andrews, May Webb, Millie Perdue,
Eva Irwin, Millie Frernlin, Ruby
Monaghan, Eddie Carter, Nellie Steep,
Hazel Ker, Morley Hall, Stewart Ross.
Owing to the closing of the school the
examination of this room was not
Promoted to 3rd book in Miss Mac-
kay's room : Lucy Cooper, Charles
Hall, Etta Johnson, Frank Foster,
Sadie East, Mamie Foster, Mossie
Rands, Luella Tanney, Rossy Lavis,
On trial : Ray Hutnball and Lillie
Promoted from Miss Combo's room
to Miss Mackity's : Marion Yeshec,
Willie Collins, Bert :Viltse, Vera Men-
ne], R. Carter, Ina Hill, Dodds Hol-
loway, Willie Ford, Clarence Rance.
Elva Lavis,Dean Courtice, F. Forrester,
D. Stewart, Amy Gunn, Inez Miller, J.
Cantelon, J. Stevenson, Willie Judd,
Natty Levy, N. Shepherd, M Perdue.
Od trial : N. Robson, S. Erb, L. Mc-
Cool, W. Johnson.
The following pupils in Miss Turner's
room are promoted to the second book :
M. Herman, I. Fisher, B. Melvor, A.
Cochrane. K. Gunn, John Rutledge,
Geo. McGregor, W. Doherty, M. Me -
Cool, all full marks in spelling and
arithmetic. S. Copp, A. r3lotuan, G.
Kennedy, C. Steep, M. Holmes, N.
Brantletd, A. McGuire, S. Perdue, K.
East, Ray Grantham, L. Mennell, L.
Smith, EfiePrckett, 11.O1son, W.Ford,
J. Chidley.
In all classes every pupil has been
given a trial where there is hope of
success. Twenty•tive pupils are pro-
moted from Miss Taylor's to Miss
Turner's room.
Baster 1n Si. Paul's.
Service will be held in St. Paul's on
Friday evening when. Rev. Mr. Lowe
of Winghamt will preach. On Sunday
the services will be taken by Professor
Burgess of London. The tnusical pro-
gram will he as follows :
Communion and after trorn-
ing service.
11 yam 179 Iieinias
Christ our Passover is
sacrificed for us W. Russell
Proper Psalms 2-7-111
Te Deum Woodward
Benedictus Gibbons
The Creed of Saint Athani sins
Anthem lase Glorious Comperes
Kyrie 184 Gilbert
Gloria Tibi 198 Towes
Hymn 180 Victory
Sulo Resurr•exit Tosti
Miss Selena Glazier was the gnseet ey
Miss Oertle Freeman last ween,
called on some of the neighbors ill, the
vicinity and spent an enjoyable inter
Miss Gertie Freeman end he? er 16Miss Fannie called on their gist!
Constance last week,
Mr. Pat. Ryan has hired with Mr.
Rohn. Beattie for the summer.
Mr. Jos. Churchill moved on
day to his farm in Tnraherry. th.
Mrs. Ross of Harlock leaves
week to visit her son in London. '.ere
of for a few days but he is slo v
Mr. Geo. Brown received ase a
kick on the stomach from a hors reId
few days ago. His life was despa
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Connell of Gaily- ,
rich township have been at Mr. Dale e
for a few days on account of the
lattei's illness.
Mr. James Stanley has sold his stok
of ready made boots and shoes to Mr*
Miss Giulia Farnham loft last Tuee-
day for Alberta N. W, T. for an e5 -
tended visit.
Miss Floe Hunter has engaged with
Jackson Bros., Clinton, to work at the
Mr. Hugh Dunlop has moved t(i
the farts recently occupied by Mr+i
Hiram Fisher. Mr. Fisher has moved
to his farm near Toronto.
After a short illness of about three(
days, Miss Flossie, daughter 'of Mr!
Thomas Andrew of Constance, passed.
away last Friday at the early age of
twenty years. Deceased was one o
the most highly esteemed young
ladies in the vicinity, Her body was
taken on Sunday to the Methodist
church, of which she was an active(
member, where Rev. Mr, Coupland de-
livered a very impressive sermon after
which the remains were taken to,
cemetery for interment. The funeral
was one of the largest seen in this
Mr. Chris. Dale, one of the best
known farmers in this township, died
yesterday, aged only sixty three
years. He was a man of sterling in-
tegrity and shrewdness and for some
years has been regarded as the wealth-
iest man in the township. He owned
one thousand acres of land.
Hymn 1ft3 Easter Hynin
Proper Psalms 113-114-118
Magnificnt 124-125 Wicks
Nunc Dimittis 143 Cooper
Anthem, Cotte Ye Faithful, Emerson
Hymn 185 St. Albinus
Neyer Alone. Solo and Quartette
Hymn 14, Lux F3enigna Dykes
Vesper Hymn
Light Wagon and Harness for Sale.
Set of good single harness and fight wagon
for solo.
Clinton, April 3rd.