The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-04, Page 111 171 E OLD .1.11.1., .vm—merol,a,nr-41.-.F. 22uc1 Year TON CLINTON, ONTARIO, THIJRSIMY., APRIL 4,1901 The News -Record thrives upon comparison and is satisfied to abide by the result. Compare: it with others and let us hear from you 0110410 St. $..5. Review. 1Xlitle.toole Zig& zoysia < EOM Whole Number 1161 NATURAL? YES . The splendid e1fect:3 shown our excellent line of Wall Papers are popular because the designs are so nattwal and graceful. We give you ail the satisfaction of e, high grade etock e and • perfect coloring to bring telt the twee* of your wall and make you happy in the poesession of a grecefully ornaniented voom. We Offer great varieter pettere's a,nd splendid effects in coloripgs. . , Our papere are the hest et the products of the best Wanufecttirers And we are sure yon will enjoy your home the better for having it • Penered from such a stock as ours, Special for S turday . 200 Rolls Gilt:Wall Papercomplete combinatiens of wal), border and ceiling, choice copventional patterns, suitable for any levee,. regular 15e and 20; on sale Saturday at 80, BAY CARRIAGES and GO CA ITS .Snrielay last was querterle review of I An Seeder jubilee will baleht im the ' Mr, IL Downs, tailor, bee gene lute Wilt 0110tOn ONO a Bonu? the Ontario street S. S.. There watere 1 S. A. Barracks on Monday, night at bUelne00 for himself in the shop for- ,...., s good attendance The first meetle's i which Mr. C. Hoare will asebeewith his peerlyoccuplecl by Mr. A. Downs. e lessons were reviewed by Mr. Merele, terefreenhene: There Will also hit & le 'be Ontario atreet Leaguer on A London. Firm , Asks fee Financial the second by Jfir. floopee and the program givea by tbe S, Ae Band , liforeclay night the tniseloreary topic Aid to Locate in Clinton. Furthee choir furnished voeal musie and the ' This Is 1101, raurear, third by De, Thompson. The S. Se together With a Multbee ef recitationie . 4woansaLaT,140enDlpeartatterieths.:verroviacriie axgr.:nhad Feetieglars Asked Fort e orehestra instrumental aelections, This being Holy Theraday service; Mrs. Shaw sang "The best friend to Our town council is a deCorous body A NM DIRIOWar will be beld in St. Xosenh's church at 9 have k itennel Tilere wee quite a —few more eo—but Monday nighte3 , Theother day met Wheatley a. M. and 7,15 te m. and to -marrow at recewed a Diplom:a from the Perla the same hours, To -night Rev, Father Exposition for epecimene of his plums 31,0menenein Will take for theme:pet of which be sent along with the Canadian iris discourse," The Reel Presence" and exbibit, Naturally its receipt consider- teemoreew night he will speak on "The ably gratified him as it puts him ahead Passim: and Death of Our Lord," of a couple el' his local.crenies between whom and himselfthere exista a friend- ly rivalry as to the merits of their / • flowerer and fruits. The Chief thinks -- who wouldd, think otberwlee—that a diploma all the way from Par-ee is rather more. valuable than one given by, say the West Omen Horticultural Society., • S If you want to see the Baby , $ Carriage you ought, to buy, at the price you ought to . pay, visit our store and have it look over our stock. - , •Go Carts as low as $2,50: Baby Carriages $8 te.$18.50. . • :Agents fer,"9„...P; O., CL,I1VTON. el graph and Deminion•Expreas Money Orders, also for Mick. Patterns ' eteeesseerieee‘-eireetee-er;erieetevereeteeese-ieeeteeree'emeeeeeeerelteeteeee,. $, .0.itotele?4,404,40.44b..00;40..0.0a0410.0•st.:04b.eArs-0,ft...s.st:ailib.segb,0 What can we have for a change? Is the cry iot-Overy. housekeeper. ...WE SUGGE -eeeFEW APPETIZERS SUCH. AS letrivebeeee0'15111ie Piele ,Apple Chunks Stuffed, Plates, 'Oluli Sauce or A ()an of Spinach • 1,1 Sive your Eggs ane use Burnett's Coffee•Clearer to 'settle your Coffee. Leeeevaypur order for Lettuce and young Onions early in. the week, Ogle Cooper 2. Co. "0 • ,CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ,. TIM CASII GROC,EIM e#P 44_,Tme..fat-stretItel?leift.-040.-6-sba a LET USDO YOUR ENGRAVING bave added an engraving machine to me store equip- • than "Pon have had it done heretofore. meet and can do your eugeaving quicketecd cheaper P. . CREW. S, Expert Watch Repairer. re71 "..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+•sta••4••4•••••• ••••• ay Your Ne0- !bit efore E-4ster ;Before the siyles and sizes get broken . , • We make a specialty °Mats and have a larger stock than in any previous season of the best English and American makes, Styles and sizes. In English Hata we have the celebrated Viraltefift ackville and Leslie makes Our Am ern Hats combine good style and quality, in all the new colors from 'Pearl Gtey to Black . . . . • • In a big stock such as ours you can make a better selection Morrish My Hdter0 to Wear0 00 1 1 'steed not concern you it you order 'here. You cannot make a mibtake. EVerything desirable is here. We are alwaya the leaders of the new, - est aud beet -and this season we are surpassing ourselves. A. •J. IfOLLOWAY; aleueur akti4Peb4D410.0416friti~a^;%44.444440.114,4040110wiivs*:etweArrePet4~ PhOtO Group 14' 0.za.44lioalgepeNa,la.11b4.cawiD 011444.4,41frePairOgkoela....mbe Photo Group t Everybody knows that, Aprir 5th is Good kriday. That is the day to havo a family photo taken. Great bargaM • in groups on that clay. Now is your (+sue°. It is no trouble to show you our samples. enry.1 Photo -Ow 1)1114,046.4eatfrelbil Stt dlo. aelaileeileaellete , Pour Uallirellele , The annual banquet of the curling club was held at the Batten bury Rouse on Friday. night last, It was an informal and enjoyable affair, as is customary with gatherings held under the auspices of this club. There were songs, speeches, etc., and during the _evening the niembers of Mr. N. Faie's Mirk vvere each presented with a silk umbrella for winning the club contest. The recipients were Rev. A B. Smith, E, C. Tenney, E. 1.1, McLean and N, Fair: Another pleasant feature was the presentation to Mr, 0, IL Carter, manager of the eink, who kept the ice in good shape, of a handsome lounge. Last year they gave Mr. Carter a a couple of easy chairs which goes to show that he iN giving splendid satis- action. Death of vars. Wetalas, On Friday a. m. Jest -Mrs. John W. Watkins prised from time into eter- nity. She had enjoyed good health Up to ' the Saturday previous, it was not', until Monday that she became seriously ill, and passed away on Friday, the disease defying the cow. ,bined skill and experience of the medi- cal men. The deceased W Fla only four years •marred • and leaves a husband and two email children to enoprn their great loss. Mrs. Watkine, who was only io her twenty-sixth year, was a laughter 'cf the late Richard Brown of Londeshoro. The funeral took place on Sunday when the remains were interred in the cemetery at Londesboro, many relatives and fiends attending t,o show their sympathy and respect Liquor Licenses.. ° There are thirty-two liquor licenses be West Huron and after the first of May there will be thirty-five; that is if all the applicants are succeesful. Among the houses for which a license sought is the _Waverly in Clinton, the two Old hostelries in %Weed and the Railway House at Goderich. The latter held a license until about five years ago when it was cut off, Me Bv1 Ben. Saults is the applicant Ow' to the fire which destroyed on „ft houses m Blyth there are (Ay two hotels there now, considerably to the profit of mine hosts, and the public does not appear to be at all inconven- ieneed. . The prevailing opinion in regard to Saltforcl is that there will not be any licenses granted there but the Board will decide wilier it meets con Tuesday, the 18th Melt, at Inspector Paisley's office. • • iftr. mut Ars. Swab Say Good Rye, Pew clergymen have been Wore popular in their fields of labor than has Rey. E. B. Smith, who for three years past has been incumbent of the Middleton, Holmesville and Summer. hill Parish. His popularity was not confined to his own church people for among other denominations he was held. in almost equally high regard, Ile worked hard and the different churches show the good results. The attendance increased and • the finances grew in proportion, Larger parishes heard of his euccessful labors and sought him. out but he declined several calls. A. tbange is often ea good as a rest and last summer he took charge for three monthsof theAnglican church at Carberry, Manitoba, where the people were so rotich taken with, him that acall followed him home to Olin - ton, The great field for doing good presented by the , West cleei,ded Air. Sn3ith and he accepte4-eh:3 Carberry invitation, Ills people here heard of the contemplated removal with -regret and While they would have liked to have bad him remain, they recogeized that a bigger and growing parish had claime Upon: him, Last Sunday watt his laatin Ida old parish and the on gregations were large at all three chaeches. There were seVent3r.flyer coneruunicants, tire, greateab number in the history et the charge, and at the close of the services there Were many affecting scenes as pastor and people bade each other good bye, Mrs. Smith shares in the popularity of her husband and Is an active and tactful worker in the 'various schemes of the church. She is a model wife for a Clef gynie,n. Mr. Smith takes an active part in bowling, lawn tennis, curlingand other manly sporte and on Friday night teat was a guest at an oyster supper at tbe Rattenbury Houee where, as member of the winning rink it the doh competition, he wee made the recipient of a haedsome umbrella. On Saturday evening Mr. E. M, McLean entertained a number of the members of the bowling club and during the course of the evening Me. Smith was presented with att address and a fine pair of bowls. These who bowled, Purled weplayed tennis with Mr. Smith are among his staunchest friends and well wisher% On Monday afternoon Mr. Smith left for hit future field of labor at Carberry and a number of hien& gathered at the station to gee him oft Mrsaimith Will not leave until Saturday. large dance, proeeeeebee were someweee oereepeye: have returned to tOWn, and Meseta. X. n Taylor of'ilinnedosa. Man., plata. little more temper appearing on W.- Whiddun and Willie Whidclon brother of Me, Jacob Taylor of town, the surface than. is custernary. It was have returned from the Collegiate lost Itie infene daughter by death Moo- a, passing breeze but while it lasted was tosattge• olloten or Emter • ;4 - vim saw, Mr. A: EL:toper, the genial agent 9f the Manufacturers' Life, was inaitown last Tuesday. „ Mr.W.4.eheson, of See,forth,s Student at Itnox Oellege,occupied SeAredreWiit church pulpit very acceptably last Sunday. Messrs, Vanstone and A. 'Mode 05 clay week; With the eeceptien of the enjoyed by those preseet. Strange, holidaYs. father, this Is thigrat break death. haS Jen% it, that the average audience Mies Pallister, sister of Dr. Pallis dearly loves to hear a mw? . is visiting her brother and parents The unpleasantness arose Over .the Owo. market. square and the fence on two e firs (Dle) kitanbury and Alteann es 4idEne orate rwehn The -latter ;leper:79:ot tg tbe :EttaenrbiZatatraec r4bol f lo grippe pag u u.d g square was adepted: Councillor Plum. ar. and Hrs. Holman and fanl mer, who has never liked' the looks of the fence, moved that it be taken down af on: howu t. h use tabse tutarl el cr. wf 0. rt Jew() soeo boor hay more ways than one Of getting in wanted to Councillor johnson were of the same filteni Of neincl and seconded the Motion. for the razing of the fencer and° Cloun. eillee Bell said yea, likewise, Councillor Corahe cherged the pre. ceding speakers with trying for a snap yerdict .when there was not a 'full council and moved in emendinent that action be 'deferred until the next meeting. The previous council, with the co operation of the library board, had built the fence and. he believed it was serving a good purpose, Councillor Mackenzie supported the amendrneet which was lost on the follewing eivishm : *For.---jackeon, Cornne, Mackenzie, Against—Plummer, Johnson and Bell, This, action so annoyed Councillor Combe that • he tendered. his resignie- tion there and then bue at the remit . of his - worship did not press it • Mayor Jackson said that several valuable had of late been pee:err- ed in town and thought the council should offer a eeward for the apprehene sion of the offenders but Clouncillor Johnson took rather another view of the question, saying -there Was still many too rnany canines abroad. That's about how Councillor ‘iefornbe regards it for he is rather of the opinion that the dog destroyer Would lee de- serving of a, premium if he would only exercise more judged -bet and confine hiteself to doing away with the ueelese• The public are invited to, these services Ma a In the Taylor tamily of seven and wel receive a • cerdial welcome from Father Mcielenarain and the good people of St, Joseph. A ProzaleslrePair, Seeley & Turner, who have cons:elle dated the busioess carried on in three different oboes, have now a complete establishment in Tedford's old stand. They are now working over time and had to add to their staff, though their busy season Inc hardly yet earn roencecl. They intend carrying it full line of bicycles, repairs, eta, etc, and if good veorkrnenship, together with close at- tention to business, will build up trade they will have no reason to complain. Cheaper None, avow. The Postmaster -General has author,' ized the following changes in the rates of comm lesion chargeable upon :money orders issued in Canada and payable in •Canada Or the United States to eorne into ..foece on and after April let: On °niers up to $5, 3 cents ; from $5 to $10, 6 cents ; from $10 to $80, 10 cents; from $30 to $50, 15 centa ; from $50 to $75, 25 cents; from $75 to $100, 30 ceite. It will be obeerved that this change cheapens the charge for a Money order payable in ,Canada and is a marked reduction on larders to the tie S. Formerly no money circler greater than $50 could be issued on the U. S. Now an orderfor $100 may be issued upon any eramey order office in the U. Seand will costonly 80 cents: There changes will be a benefit to the business man and to the public generally. DeNnthOttilminangWorpo.uar cirtkizzens had known ofthe illness of Mee. W. D. McBrien so .they were surprised and deeply grieved • to learn on Tuesday morning that she had passed away at 'midnight. Mrs; Mearien, who Was a daughter of Mr, Andrew Reid, formerly ee Hullete who 'died at Oared:3ff, A.ssa,, a fortnight ago, was only twenty-four years of age and bad been married • less than two years. -She leaves to mourn their irreparable. loss her hatband and an infant only three days old. The inner al, which took place to Clinton ceme- tery, was largely attended, so • many desiring to pay this tribute ot respeet to one whom in life they had loved. The services were conducted • by Rev. Alex: Stewart; The pallbearers were W. S., Henry ar ea itud Noble ltovett. • ThOtiutW944"j"FilleAtwobigdrygt:ods stores ' held their millinery openibge on ,Thursday, Friday and Saturday last and their Showrooms were thronged with visite ors throughout. A pbonographic repetition of the proceedings would reveal . innumerable, "Mys," "Ohs" and other feminine exeressions of delight as the • ladiee viewed the lovely creations of the fair .millinees. But as '• an elaborate description in cold type would still be inadequate to do Plaice to the skill and good taste eeereised by Misses Sterch and McKeoien and Misses Doyle and Rendall and their seyeraleassistants, it is not here at- tempted. Suffice to say : Immo/limes , Nevecomhe's show room was a hireeer of beauty which showed, tie besb advan- tage the lovely creations ot Miss Sterch and Miss- McKeown. Among their display, much admired by all, were the following • A hab theb was greatly admired was a black fancy straw with facing of red roses eaught on edge of brim and fall- ing to tfie left were two large Prinee of Wales tips. A massiye knot of brilliant tucked chiffon and drapery caught with large job buckle completed this creation of art, ' Another very elaborate and taking hat was large and off -the -face rim covered in blaelt and gold braid, tem crown of sequin and gold, large rose in pastel shadee in front with old rose brilliant chiffon knotted, carefully caughb on band with buckle,tuto hand- some 'sequin wings and black velvet which added to the beauty of the hat A pretty little bonnet with the edge rolled in gold cord and black. etraw, tarn crown in gold and Brussels net, accordieer, pleated cbiffon, violets and ospreyer formed the trimming. ACMGHNS BROS. The display of this widely known Store is a very pretty one and Wet Doyle who is in charge, eu,sieted by Mies Rendail, has been highly eorepli- mented by the metty visitor:9. Among their beWildering diaplay of pretty things may be esen the following t One of the prettiest hats was a large black picture hat made of sequence with bell crown, trimmed with a drap- ing of tucked tulle in black and fiVe large black tips drooping over front brim, net ties with rosette of velvet. A grey and old rose toque. This is made with tam crown of grey draw and draping of Welted, chiffon and hattenharg lace ovet chiffon, a large buckle en the:Vont of brine and pink roses on band, Another pretty turban, round shape, Worn down over face, is made of white tulle with rows of narrow gold braid sewn on, &aped prettily on rim. Trim. med perfectlyidat with two large roses, old rote and blue, on front edge of trown and large bow of Mack velvet ribbon on 'centre of croWte felling over back. These colore be:Other have a vary protty effect sons and one daughter, all married. ,Setviceewill be held as usual next kitura,Y in RettenburySt.chutch when the pester may be expected to preach morning and -evening, Special Easter anthems are being prepared by the choir. Monthly fellowship meeting veill be held in the lecture room at 10 o'clock aan. Messrs, Parlmer and McLay of Lendesboro have bought the bakery and confectionery store from: XL Mc- Clacherty of which they took posses- sion on'Monday. Messrs. Parhner and McLay are highly recomrnendedhy the village from whence they crane and will no doubt bid successfully for a fair share& the trade, Mr. George RE:Sewell, who has been it: Mi. T. Beacom's grocery for some time, has decided to go into business for himself in Bengali where he will open out a6full and new atock of groceries; etc.,' in about a fortnight. Nr.'llithwell, who is It member of the Goderich township family of 'that name, is a, young Man of integrity and energyand will p o doubt prove a success in business. VARNA Mr. James Armstrong has moved into Beatty Bros. house lately occu- pied by Mr. Alt. Austin. Miss Norma Sparlipg of Cranbrook is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Batmen, this week. .Mr. George Rethvvell has rented a store in P Hensall and will start a grocery there in a couple of weeks. We Wish George success in his enter. prise, • Mr. Alex. Mitchell, census enumer- ator for this polling -division started, on bis rounds on Mendel Wornieg. Mr. Ale*. Foster baspureliased Mr. P.H, Murray's fine jersey cow and calf for which he paid a good fignre. Andy Stinson has ,:engaged with J"..' Bart to learn 'blackamithing. : The Verna, ;Fry -football team has ceeked toeexist and no* is organized under the name' of the Maple Leafs.The 'boys mese in Temperance hall on Wed- nesday evening lase and elected the foltowing officers: Andy Foote, Cape J. Oook, Pres,: Fred. Purdy, Secretary; Geo. Andrews, Treasurer, The boys are preparing- for a good seasoresspOrt e players are notvery big but they bow to manage the ball. F. W. Keyes is laid Up ab prep tewith ,blood poisoeing in her Mr. W. F. Keyes and Miss E, Keyes Visited their brother Fredin tisborne on Tuesday last. Henry Cook of Egmondville is en- gaged with S. A; Moffat for the surname, tbe Editor of 'The News -Record.) Dear Sir:—As a member of Court Varna No. 284 I cannot allow this opportunity to pass without contra - dieting a, rumor some whisperer has got out andito my mind such a person is a bad citizen. Since / tame to this quiet and peacefunellage a few days ago some one has sent out a report that weedid not want the Foresters to wait on me during my late sickness, Now Sir, I give this a flat denial. It is nothing less than a manufactured falsehood of the deepest dye. Now Sirs if I don't teespass too much unon your valuable space I will give a few ° 'points on the matter. As a good merry know 1 was unable to leave my bed for five week% Part0f that time I was unconscious of my surroendinge, also of my daugh- ter being down with quinsy at the same time, When the Court found but the date of affairs,Bro.S.A.Moffat, Chief Banger, drove to our home to see us and took inimediate action pro. teded in our noble order be sending oh our sick committee, and let me say just here, Bro. Moffat did not say "go brethren" but it was come for he and Bro. M. Deihl came the first night which alloeved my family a night's rest, which they had not had for some time and the others night after nighb 'until they were tee:tired no MOret most of them driving for miles through the cold doing their duty faithfully and cheerfully. .Again, we had no right to step in between these breth- ren and the constitution of our order, Not only" -had the (Joint sent on the sick committee but Wes making arange- ments to send on a nurse when a changer for the better cairn°. Plettee allow Me te thank the brethren of Cotwb Varna for their kindness and dympatity towards me and my family dueing,tny late nineHoping that this Wilt sob the matter et rest, I remain 'Yours Truly-, JOSEPH FOSTER, April 2nd.: MIlingteeitt. Me. Levi Stelck, lett Monday morn frig fot Dauphin, Man. Mien Maude Farquhar retutned home from Clinton. She was acCoM- panted by Miss IleyWotrd. Mr. Robte Stelck began hie dodos as teacher.in Zurich school Monday. Mr. Geo. Itennard left Tnesday morning for Manitoba. 34/181e1, Ileichort hos commenced work With Mr. Franc,* ()Amen. Principal Monaton Of the Clinton Collegial. rave an abis sermon hers on Sandal leek .51:04NLHYTQWNSNIP. , At thehoree of Mr. and Mre, Isetee Errata of the Babelon Line; Bev, J. W. Andrewe spoke the worth: that united in holy wedlock Miss Minnie Erma, to Mr. „Robert Mceffinchey, The ceree roony was performed at 12 o'clock 14 the presence of only the Iminediate friends of the coalman* parties, After which they sat down to tile wedding diener 'vehicle was delicioue and in keeping with the interesting proceed. ings. The bride Was dressed he ee handsome navy blue travelling -enit ter, which wereyery becoming. She yeas In made therecipient of Weeny' beitetifUl presents., The afternoon was anent flaton,c ie oilllakhaialwnam au:thehappyeentstiilacboeuaptl:bieerab amid showers of rice and good cheer ily to nweb the evening train at Br:lee-held for Marlette,. MiCh., where they intend to spend their honeymoon among friends The bride is held, in very high esteem by all who know her. She la an acalye member of the Goshen. Methodist church, haying held the position' of organisb for the past 'six years, also being a teacher in the Sabbath school, She will • be missed by her many friends on the Babylon but what is Babylon's loss is Goehen'sgain, The grootn is a prosperous young fertn. er of the Goshen Line and As highly „ respected by his enany acquaintances, The happy couple returned fromi. their wedding tour on. Tuesday to settle in their new home with the best wish- es of a large circle,of friends. Chairman Mackenzie was rather jollied for the large expenditure made. by the charity committee and in reply skid that the applicants had pronaiSed not to come back again but to seek the kind shelter of Castle French when hnnger or cold next assails them. During the discuesion Councillor. Ciombe asked tliechairman if it would not be advisable for his eocamittee to procure the new treatment—alum and •water—which shrinks thestomach so that it requires lesa to fill it. A. London firm, which proposes to establish a factory for the manufacture of etovesifurneces and farm terachiner.y, wrote the council to know .what it would do in the way of bonus, Joan, site, etc., for such an industry to em- ploy feorn twenty to twenty-five hands, eleven meths in the year. The coun cil is quite willingto entertain any , reasonable ptoposition for the estab- lisbn3ent of another industry and the' clerk was instructed to write the firm and ascertain what ib wanted, what it had and Mutt it proposed to give., The Salvation Army brass band. asked for a grant of thirty dollarsfor next summer's open air concerts. This band does not claim to blase With SOWS& nor play the latest waltzes or boom -de -ay music but it 'does its hest .anchin lieu of any other brass band the Fathers would not be amiss in giving the Army people the amount they have petitioned for. The council will seen be buying next summer's supply of tile and while talk- ing over the matter Councillor Plum- mer said they should encourage home industry and give the Messra,Andrevm, vieho wake a cement tile, an oppot tun- ity to furnish the amount needed. A letter was read from elajoe 'Young of Carlow, the prime mover of the pork packing project, ' The Major is chair- man of the committee, which was to have met In Clinton on efonday,but he wrote Councillor Onmbe that tonsilitis and quinsy had caused another be- reavemeat in hie family and thee he waset time:of writing a verysick man. fle mired that another meeting of the committee be called in Clinton and enclosed a copy of the proposed pros- PectOtius etlIcillor Combe gave a report, of the Oarlow meeting and outlined the matter as it stands. He leas been one of the most energetic supporters of the scheme here, so Was authorized by the council to arrange with Major Young tel to a future meeting., rtEoltarre Stock Scales lei 14 25 Weigh Scales 8 90 10 00 Cemetery 8600 PA.VMENTa B. Reynolds, salary $1800 W. Steep, jr., anew plowing 0 00 0. Carter, work 0 07 Cernhe Estate, appplies . 1 00 DaVia St Howland, supplies 1 06 S. Wheatley, work 400 W. Ball, wood 4 50 R. Thompson, wood 2525 Vat Jackson, rubber boote 8 '5- 3. Miller, work 1 50 Electric Light Co. 55 00 Livety 0 00 , \ We are in receipt of a copy of Volute* 1 No. 1 of the Wetaakiwiri Timet, V. 0. lorench, Editor and Pro- erieter. It le re. feet:page paper.treetly gotten up and starts out with a good advertising patronage. Teta NI:Wee BSOOdie is a welt wisher of The Time% spent Saturday lest visiting at Mr.JeS: Delgate's in Stanley, Mr, D, Harrison completed the Ventilatkig of the schoollast Saturday. The " At 1101:00 " given by the LO.F. one evening last week was largely at* tended and very successful. A large number of people witnessed the ice jam paEis out of the river this Tian, 16 Was not so threatening asothei year on account of the want, of rain. Thi old bridge still kande the wear and teem' although it is ratber ancient looking beside the modern structures .We have been .well entertained. by that early rising and welcome harbing- er of spring the robin but vrhen that feathered songster percher ab four o'clock a. mon a branch Art above your chamber window ,end begins to tune his pipes and warble his thrilling Melodies, it is drawing things a little too fine and Makes one wish that spring was yet in the future, Hoodiumism has rather ran mad in this village this past winter. This no doubeobtains more orless in all tons where Whiskey etili be bad and where proper respect for law and order is not strictly enforced but we regret - felly speak of frequent occurrences of this specieof misbehavior dering, the last few days: when foul and abusive language have been indulged in to a great extreme by 'a , few individuals, whom we would like to dignify ,bY the name of yoong Wen but whose conduct forbids. It is nearly time this, kind of thing was mit a step to and steps are being tekento that, end : The following is the-rebuie of the promotion evernination held in the Public school here during the 281h and 291h of March. In the sentoi depert- emigehntteentwweenrteys-eficveesifWur Tteir'e cfollioivhi9nmg were the lucky ones With , the Marks obtained by each. The toted . parka orasv!sas72.5, zcr ertni r ;du ntioor p3rde4)5 Ospenri contor8 r.cii. •:---SaditoBolman 487,NellieBiggart 449. Katie Ross 438; I'lorence McGee 437i. Mabel Leitch 411, Ernest Rouatt 385e Willie Parsons 382, James Rouatt 368, From Senior 3rd tojr 4th the total was 800,- required to pass- 400—Barold Pollock 616, Chester Tippett 518, Sadie -Watson 517, Wilfred McDonald • 514, Charles Martin 500, Willie Herd 474. Thos. Burnside 458, john Parker 445; Gordon Cameron 422, Meta Erwin 402, Junior depar tment. The following have been, promoted from second to third ease in the order named, viee.- Leodard McGee, Leery Fewlie Mamie McDougall, Cleave Erwin, John Toms, Sara Turner, Bay SlurgeOn. Those having 'children to send. in the spring will kimily see that they are sent immediately rata Baster Mr. end Mrs.J. Reid, Bayfleld Road; called in town for a shore time last Sauday, MrsanattaTek gSrLiinnpsem.las9bayvtlebeike.LiPuleeahsaedd to see her around again. Mr. Geo, Armstrong, 'Goshen Line Is scextewhat under the Weather with a sore ehte arm Twill be (1),V.), service in the English church an Good Friday at 11 o'clock a.m. The offering will be for the jr..3vivirisalendinoinssiison. busy zonverting an old building into a new stable. Special services (D. V. ) will be held in the Bayfield, Goehen and Verne, English churches On Roster Sunday and the annual vestry meeting will be held On the following Monday and Tuesday, Vestry meeting on Monday in Baelield at 2 o'clock in the aftete boon. Miss 8. Parke has gone to Detroit where she will remain for some time. LONDESBOE0. Anthony Cockerline, who Over bwenty years ago carried en the blacksreithing busenees in this place and about two decades ago went West and located in the Londesboro Settle. motif, near Pilot Mound, Manitoba, died there about a fortnight since. When here Mr. Oockerline was prominently identified with the Metho- dists and died 'Om in the faith, muck respeeted by a, wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Mrs. George Brogan of this village is a daughter, Old tittles will remember Mr. Ottnid uel McLean, one of the early settlers of the township. He lived upon the fame trove owned by Mr, Arthur Jamieson end went Webb 25 -Years' ago, locating in the Londeeboro Settle. meat, He prospered, hie fawny. grew and multiplied andeboutta fortnight since he WAS gethered to the fathers, regretted by the whole Settlement, Ottimette hint received a Carload of sugar. Miseee Mary and Maggie Fairservice left on Tuesday morning for Ifeepawat Man, Mr. Lyon Pipe left the tame morning tor Brandon. Mr. Thomas Moon is renewing hie acquaintances 10 the Vicinity. Mrs, David Ploody :I* visiting in Blyth thia week. Zahn Bransdon and Son **noised a Carload of machinery lest Week. • Mr, John Peck of the Babylon Line, isyvhiomhparsovbienegn. ill for sorne time is slew - Mr. Alex. Shallow,' 'Who is engaged with Mr.gohn McKinley of the Goshen Line, began work Monday-. • • • Mr. N. Peck was in Seaforth on bust - nese orePriday of last week. We are sorry to say that Mr. Isaac Erratt is on the sick list, 110 is laid up with a severe attack of la grippe but We hope to hear of his speedy re- dovery. . ML J. Peek has sold bis chestnut driver to Dr. Armstrong of Brucefleld. aBra:y'rflodia Thos Sanderson son visited friends Mr. James Campbell atteededthe funeral of a friend near Centralia on Friday of last week. • Mrds.aystWiaR .. athwell visited at the home of Mr. Thonias Brownett on Monday Therterni. ers are busy making, ready fforsp ML Peter Campbell bought a team of good working horses from Mr. William Palmer, for which he paid a fair price. • Mr. John Davison is going to wove his dwelling house and put a cellar under it this spring. Mr. William Herd bas the contract. Mr: and Mrs, W. Rathwell were the guests of ML Joseph Caldwell near Goderielf on Tuesdrty last. . Mr. William Pollock sold a. very eine . tWo-year-old colli to Mr. J. Merrier of Hay townshipfor vehich'he received a handsome figure. The colt was bred by. .gr. T. Berry's imported Shire horse ' arid is it very superior animate Mrs. Joseph Foster of Varna was the guest- of Mrs. Wm. Taylor on Mondaylast - Mr.D.J.McClinchey is steeling allover his face these' days. Why ? Because his better half presented hine with it young daughter a few days ago, 'The many friends of ML Sam. Mc- Lean of Silver Springs, Manitoba, formerly of this teweship, will. be , sorry to hear, of his sad and sudden death, which took place at the home of his daughter a short time ago. Mee McLean had just arrived at hie daugb. ter's whetehe was taken suddenly. ill and died in a few hours. He wad a hard working and industrious mac. lie moved to Manitoba together with bis family some years ago a,nd had made it comfortable home ' Mrs. 3. Rathwele who has been vis- iting her sisters in Detroib. has return- edtiossheAruhome Be eiantlBtaleyfltd mi.trng triends in this vicinity at preeent Pleased to see that Miss Emily Clarice, who hes been 111, hi recovering. . Miss Je Reid called on relatiyee fi this vicinity recently. We are pleased te hear that Mr., Joseph Richardson, who for the past three weeks has been ill with la grippe, is recovering. ' Mrs. A. A Anderson hag returned tO her home near Wyoming, LONDESHORO, Our genial assessor, in cowmen with the majority of our people, had an attack of grippe which confided &Me to his houee for several days. no bat thus been delayed in his work but is now pushing it ahead, as rapidly as 'le consistent with painstaking efficiency, and expecte to finith hi good time. Mt. John leirkeonnell gave the young folke a dance on Friday night last, when all went "as merrily OA a ,Mai triage bell." Mr. T. W. Palmer, our merchant tailor, and Mr. Sanies Morey hive bought the bakery and confectionery bueiness of Mr, James McOlacherty of Clinton of which they are already la posseasion. They have been good citizens and tondeshoro will mitt them, but we unite in wiehing them much success In their investrnent. Mr. George Snell, who ha A been engaged in the blacksmithing business here far the past Seventeen years and le regarded as one of the best smiths in Huron, has rented his shop for tie -year term to Mr. George Bradford of Auburn who entered his posseseion thia week, After beVenteell year* continuing work, Mr. Snell le well entitled to a test and will probably take a trip to the West this summer. We aro not anticipatingshoweyer, that he will locate out there but hope to have him continue a resident of oar y111,tgo,