The Clinton New Era, 1901-08-23, Page 3$65 575) in 1899 One Man MINING IN ONTRIO t:fred with 105,467 ounces, value , Save(U A THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Prom a wreck wit) attract the weed's A THRIVING AND PROGRESSIVE IN" -attention to the life-saver. Yet let the DUSTRY. life-saving be continued every day, and . 'very soon it attracts no public attention, If the scene of the saving of one life Report of the Bureau of Maw ter 1000 - by that life-saving remedy, Dr. Piereefa, Great EXPanniOn in Iron Blialtlg-Yism Golden Medical ‘, for gust Three Months of 1001 Com. Discovery, could be made to stand .H pared With That of the -Whole 01900 out alone, like a -some Intercourse Figures, picture on a •M screen, it would at 'No branch of industry has made attract the notice greater strides in this pro- of the whole alga vince during the last few tion, By a cUii- 3'rears then that of min- oud contradiction ell• by the inoreasd information now frequen- cy withvery which the ., accessible eta to tlie location and ex- , aDiscovery a saves tent of the vast mineral resources ef life, robs the fact Mew Ontario, Whiath await develop - of general inter- ment. The record of the past year's est. For obstinate ee l'*ogress in this important depart - coughs, bronchitis, 0 s ment is furnished by the tenth an - weak lungs, and ti other diseases of '; nua.1 report of the Bureau of Mines the respiratory or- ; eller 1900, which has just been pub - geese 'G ol d e n•:l. ' lished by the Provincial Crown Medical Discov- •••' li na do Department, In addition to a ery" is the one edicine which . e daanprehensive general report setting m offers certain help, and almost certain cure. It contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. "Only for Doctor Pierces Golden Med- ical Discovery I think I would be in my grave to -day," writes Mr. Moses Miles, of Milian', Uinta, Wyonsing. "I had asthma so bad I could not sleep and was Compelled to give up work. It affected my lungs so that I coughed all the time, both day and night. My friends all thought I had con- sumption. My wife insisted on my trying 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I have taken !bur bottles and am now a well man, weighing 035 pounds -thanks to Dr. Pierce.” The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers, is sent free on receiptof 31 one -cent stamps to pay the cost of customs and mailing only. Ad- dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The Summeriess Year. The Farmer's Sun the other day interviewed I3enjamin D. Waldbrook of the Township of Trafalgar, in Halton County, who is -described as Va man whose memory forms one of ,the most complete links connecting the Ontario of to -day with the On- ' tario of pioneer , times," •"The -spring of 1816," he told a represent- ative of The Sun, "was probably as promising as is the outlook of to - .day. But the brilliant promise of -early summer in that season was speedily fol1oy4O by the blackness of 'despair. That was the `summerless _year.' Snow commenced falling , the middle of June; by the middle• of August it was a foot in depth, and -from the first fall in June until the 'tollowing spring, the earth remained under the covering of the wintry blanket. Absolutely nothing in the Way of harvest was gathered, every- thing in the way of crops 'rotting In the ground. What did people live on? Meat -meat and fish. There were no veegetables, and there was !to &Mr. It was venison and fish to -day, relieved by fish and the fiesh taken from slaughtered cattle, for which there was no sustenance. all winter through. My father did not 1,• come in until the following spring, but when he came the country was -still full of stories ofethe horror of -the year-long winter which had Just ''ipassed away. • . Other Droduets. There is a marked Increase In the production of cement, the value ef the output being $698,015, pr 749 over the figures for 1899, Mica has also risen from. $38,000 to $91,e 750, owing to the discovery and op- eration of large deposits in Eastern Ontario. Petroleum and its products sallow an increase front $1,747,852 to $1,809,045, while the production of natural gas is on the decrease, though • eleven new wells were put dOwe. The value of the building Ina, terials produced was $2,689,351, sbowing a slight increase. Among tile other valuable matter, appearing in the volume of a report by Prof. A. I', Coleman on the iron ranges of the Lower Huronian, in which he compares the geological structure of our ieon-bearing region with that of alicaigan and Wisconsin. The same writer also furnishes a comprehensive paper on the - Sea. Beeches of Eastern Ontario, proving from the character of fossil remains that the oceun has„left numerous traces of its former presence in this province. Another snort paper gives forth, the details • and • prospects of an account of the important 'work -eench branch of mining, prepared by enfr, T. W. Gibson, Director of Mines,, , giving full particiilars as to the out- etut of the year, the volume • com- prises a number of special reports by. • the inspectors, rind. papers by minera- logical experts of much interest to capitalists and proSPecteiu. ing or metal -working operations. The Year,s Record. The output of minerals for 1900 AN ASSI N I BOI AN G IA N T, showing an increase of 10 per cent. Traveler. From meeee 'Yaw Allt°1"8"1' over the yield during 1899, which Union station Habitues. was valued at 88,416,083, The Ouine There are . some: men about the Un -- her of workmen employed was 10,- ion Station, 'Toronto, who thirik 034. an increase of 9 per mute and themselves big, but on'a recentSat- the amount paid in wagon; $8,366,- urduir they were forcen , to admit 601, an incteese of 15 Per cent. over that they were not in the same class performed at the Provincial Assay Office, Belleville, in aid of the pros- pector's operations. The report. is ,well arranged and carefully ' indexed and contains numerous Illustrations , of mining. It will be found of prac- tical value by all concerned in nein- had a total value of $9-.298.024, the corr s ondi fi ur f 1899: With a. young Assiniboitin wild, • hip- • e p ng g es or A satisfactory feature of the situa- pened in from Moose Jaw. His tion is that the list of mineral ro- name is Edward Beaupre, and al - ducts is growing in addition to the though twenty years of age, he is increase in the volonne of Production doing nicely for a youth, and.weighs in the staple items, Three new indus- 867 pounds,. and stands seven feet tries appear for the first time in the ten inches. T.he young giant was ac - returns, namely, corundum, felspar companied by his father, Gasp'ard and steel, all as yet of course' in the Beaupre, who in 'a• rancher, living • infant stage. The value of the steel near Moose Jaw, and, ,who is a Man output was $46,380 and that of the not Over Ave feet ten inches in . 1 - three combined- $57;880. -In addition - -height. • -e- tc. the figures for the past yeer per- „Mr. Beaupre, the elder; states that , tial seatistics relating to the metal his wife and the other ceildren are d t' f th il • t th rit th of ordinary' size, and that Edward • . I Lieut. -col. Drury. Lieut. -Col. C.W. Drury, C.D., went to South Africa in command of the Canadian Artillery, under Lieut. -Col. Lessard. He was born July 18, 1856, in New Brunswick, 'enteried the New Brunswick Garrison Artillery in 1874, and joined "A" Battery as lieutenant in 1877. Fie gained his majority in May, 1889, after having -seen service in the Northwest Rebel- lion., and secured his brevet lieuten- ant-colcinelcy in 1892. He was ap- pointed commandant of the Royal :School of Artillery, at Kingston, in 1893. Bees Swarmed on Him. Mr, Neesam, a Thirsk hairdresser, has had a remarkable experience, which proves him to na.ve a wonder- ful presence of mind. While crossing the street he saw a swarm of bee, :The queen settled on him, and her Subjects followed suit. Ho stood calm and still., and was soon covered with the creatures. An expert apiar- ist was fetched, and he transferred the queen -into a hive, where she was •iollowed by the rest. The discreet )4. Neestam went his way unharmed. 1 A cracked egg will boil perfectly well if wrapped in greased paper tied with a TIPS TO THE COOK. . . -string and put into boiling water. When boiling fish, add an onion to the water and sweet herbs tied in a piece of muslin. This is a French cook's sugges- of 19011 are also given. frem ninon. it appears that efie current . season Is likely to throw a 'considerable fur- ther increase in the Volume Of pro- duction more espatially in leon, Men--; el and -copper, mining. The. total mee tattle output of • the three: months Was 3827,860, as- compared• -e with - $2,541,181, -the yield of the same: metals for 1900.. • : . 'The IrOn Output. • A very notable' advance is record- ed in connection With the iron min- ing and snaelting andustry which may be said to -have entered upon a new ere_ in coesequence of the epening gf the great Helen 'Mina let the eliebipie cotoo division concerning the 'opera- . tions of which full information is given. The total production of iron ore was 90,802 from 12 mines, val- ued at $1,11,805. The increase over the previous. Year was 73,391. tons in quantity and $80,854 in value. The employes nuinbered .438 arid the wages paid aggregated a107,583. as compared with 100 sten and $26,700 in 1899. 'I'he total 'production of ,pig iron Was 62;386, showing • a .slight falling. off in quantity, but �w- .._ Om considerable increase •irt _was not ininsually large until he was ten years oid; irem which time his rapid growth dates. Edward "rode" the range uttil he became too heavy for a horse, and duritg the last few years has looked after tattle from the ' aeat of a dogeart. _Young Iteatiore is, strong, healthy and well proportioned, and is cer- tainly one of the largest men Canada has yet produced. - • . . First Boat With Marconi System. • ; The steamer Lake Otia.mpaelit, k the' fil-st boat from Liverpool to be fitted with wireless telegraph, -arrived. at Quebec, July 6, 1901. Although it • Is the second voyage with the aPpar- plus. On board, the greatest interest was evinced by the .passengers. On leaving Liverpoie.„ and when abont . 50 miles from Holyhead, Committee- :tiona tailaalaidaaliatied, and a whilst passing Galley Head, a message was sent to, .the; EldereDemPster Company. by Captain' Stewart, stating time, position of ship, state of the weath- er, etc; Messages were asp sent by the passengers: 'It me,ssage was re- • - ceived from Mr, : Marconi. The Lake Chemplain kept in touch With Holy - the price; , the: value amounting . to besot Mtn tioaninicetion watt 'stelae . $936,066, was *127 909 Tit excess of' Illeited With Rosslare, _ which is the ' station. All through tbe night that for the year previous:, Most of IlieZt • the ore smelted Wee imported from at intervals Messages . were sent to the .I.Tnited States, 22,887 tense. or the owners giving exact position of 23 per cent. being from Ontario the ship, also paesengers' messages., mines. With the opening of mines in Soon after passing. Queenstown corn - the Michipicoton district where an xnunieation • Was 'established; with 1 adequate supply of heinitate ore is Crookhaven; " ' At thia Station, the available, the propertion of native last to be -erepted, Mr. Mareorii and ore smelted is grOwirig -steadily larg-. hi a asaletants had been waiting the er and during the first three months first call of the Lake Charnplain. As Isoon as the service and private rnes- of 1900 had x•isen to 43 per ;eent. . The number. of worknien employed in sages had been sent a, series of enter. • , the blast furnaces last year was 419 esting experiments were carried on,. Whiefi ho doubt foresbadows another marvellons development of this won- derful invention. When off the Fall ,Rock, Captain Stewart sent a mes- sage to the owners announcing all Well. Mr. Marconi then sent several messages one to the captain wishing him a pleasant voyage: and the wages paid $97,91.5, as against 200 :men and $79,809 • - in 1899. The Provincial „Govermnent bounty paid for the manufacture of pig Iron out of native ore nas • 737 in 1900, and the aggregate paid during the five•years was 334,- 741. The discovery of the extent- of the iro -bearing region which is now known o include a, large iii•ea east of Lake Nepigon presenting a rock , foundation similar to that:character- I istic of the iron regions to the south ! of Lake Superior has greatly stimu- lated exploration's xvhich are being I conducted on an ektensive scale in the hope of locating deposits 'which can` be worked to •advatitage. The work is considerably expedited by the use of the Government diamond drills. I Nickel and Copper Minch. • . ton and very tasty. •1 A very substantial and erteourag- A new idea in serving poached eggs Is increttee in nickel and copper pro - to pour browned butter over the toast duction is shown, last +year's; rtickel before putting the eggs on it and then utput being 8,540 tons, value 3756, - sprinkling the whole with finely chopped 628, as compared with 2,872 tons, A Beautiful Canadian City. The people of Ettigston, Ont., think • their city one of 'the rnost beautiful' on the continent, as far as natural advantages are concerned, and this opinion is certainly deserved, says T. Parley Allen in 13oston, ideas. The city is situated at the foot of Lake Ontario, Just where the River St. Lawrence begins,' and quite near the famous Thousand Islands. The view ef the place as one comes in the har- bor is truly magnificent. On a • hill overlooking the city is a fort, and the few martello towers in the lake, not far from the shore, give the ,place the appearance of a fortified town in Europe. The large provin- cial penitentiary and the asylum for pickle. worth 3520,104the insane, along the shore to the ex - The Italian way of serving salmon is yiel ..3,864 tons, valued' at $319,- treme west of the city, the Military to place the boiled fish on a platter bot - efer•,'W ttgainst 2,884 tons pf the a College at the other extreme, and be- dered vilth Macaroni. Over this pour a value of $176,236 for the r tween, them the large handsome city t ornate sauce, and sprinkle grated cheese year. These metals are exported in .ever the whole. the form of matte to be refined The yolk oi a hard trilled egg mixed abroad, arid the valises of. the ,finish- -With cheese, riantketen to a soft paste ed metal are considerably greater. -makes an appetizing 1 ng for San.- The wor men emialroyed numbered Wilms to be 'served at Sunday or mid- 1,444 of whore 850 Were engaged un - :bight suppers. derground. They received wages , To malal seccessful gravies only just amounting to 3728,946. In 1899 the though fat to take up a heaping table- *lumber of men employed was 839, eapoonful of flour should be reserye . e rest should be poured off. Add the flour to the hot fat without stirring first In told water. :The starch cells burst more lipeedily in this way. titan of work at several Mines. The A nice way to use up remnants of meat le to scramble it. Chop it, and to ttvo yield for lace. year Was 18,767 'omens worth a297,863., that for 1899 being ,cups of it add two tablespoonful's of broth or hot water. Add a piece of but 27,594 OAIIICOS, Valtted at $424,568. ter the size of a small egg and heat. The year's output came from 18 'Break in three eggs, stir till cooked, then arc/Portion employing 750 mon and season with salt and pepper. 8 0 :• wages paid, $448,879. The Precious Metals. The production of gold hag aonte- What decliried, owing to the ceeett- the wages paid aggregatlflg 694. A promising gold -bearing re- gion has been diseovered near Star-, geon Lake, where free gold has been found, The yield of silver le inereas. trig as 160,612 ounces! of the, vales t ' 96 867 were taken out. as '0.0331.• Owen McGinty, a 'laborer, fell from the third story of the new fitithie Of Providence: at Dundasand was inatent. ly Afore° commanded by the Colombian Minister of War is invading Veneitila. • uhlidren Oil tor CASTOR IA. Mother and child, run down—there are hundreds --lucky if you are not one. And what do you think they want? They want rest and a change, and can't get either. 'Pity to speak of it I Scott's mulsiott of dod-liver oil is almost rest in itself 1 SIND P086110AYLE MID 'MY it, SCOTT a SOWN& etutsitate. 10110Wit.. sec, and Seco; al drugg sta. A $ONG OP HOPE.. tleavy the brooding mist; all prone awl atilt The lean and yellow grass, the brseken brown. O'er gleaming MON are ;Vets trickling down To meet the burn and flood a past di All, Till, torrentlike, it dashes down the len In tipsy sport ;led cruel, glad to drown The timid, fluttering leaves-ot late the mow* , Of trees now gaunt and shivering in the chill. A dreary menet And yet "twill change ere long. Soon radiant smiles will dimple natures face; The sunny air resound with floating song.; Fern, Sower and leaf all beam with !tweet" E'en sgor,alene4qulok relay life's eliangee throng; Darkness to light, and tears to joy give place. ,--Joeeph Carmichael in Chambers' Journal. BLOOD POISONING'. Holy It is Generated, It. ilimptonps and Itu Treatment, In the widest acceptation of the term blood poisoning occurs in all infectious -diseases,- ha Bright's- diseaseabillousneseia malaria and any other trouble affecting the general system; but, as usually un- ,derstood, it means -poisoning by pus nal- crobes or their products, conditions med- ically known as pyreinia or septiciemia. A. quarter of a century ago these dis- euses were very gpminon, especially in hospitals, and weeoften the chafer or frightful mortality among the wounded In battlef' but now they are becoming more and mere' raie, and many physi- cians of several years' practice have nev- er Seen a well unwired case. This happy change is the result of 'the general adoption of the Principles of an- tiseptic surgery, whereby septic infection of Wounds and consequeet extensive sup- puration are prevented,But blood poi- soning still occurs at times after WOUndir made with infected objects or wounds which have been allowed to fester with- out proper treatment. Physieians occasionally get blood poi - soiling in coneequeuce of a slight cut or scratch received while performing an au-, topsy after a case Meappendieltis or oth- eer suppurative disease. In cases in vvhich death- follows an operation for tip, pendicitis the cause is frequently septa Cinintit or piremia, the operation having been undertaken too late to prevent the abSorption of septic material. The symptoms of blood poisoning are • those of profound depression of the gen- eral system, but the symptonss of the tWo varieties of blood poisoning differ more or less. Septicterciia usually begins-, abruptly with 'a chill .and high. fever. The pulse isquick and Weak, the breathing is rapid and sometimes oppressed, headache la. usually' severe, the ;appetite is lost, and there Je nausea, with vomiting: • In pyremia these symptoms are more granpal in their appearance and are pre- -ceded -foe - -day-. oretwohy_inight fever, Joss of • appetite and -geoeral depression. There is a succession of chills, high fever and •sweating, so that the case is some- times mistaken for malaria. •• Later 'all doubt is removed. by the formation of abscesses in verities: parts of the lady. • 'Beth fOrMS of blood- peisdning are grave'but reeovery is more apt to take Place in septictemia. Treatment consists rily I • attention to the wound gb. 'w infection bas incurred, hall and Churches, all present a, grand appearance front the lake, The visitor to the ran -American, no mat- ter whore he comes from, should no relarrn-bafortiapayhaganavisit -to this interesting place. Do not tali to take a trip on Kingston harbor. Kingston is a prominent literary tentre, It iet the seat of the Queen's Tiniversity, and the home' of Princi- pal Grant, a widely -known man of letters. Near here the late Oran Allen was born, and Sallbert rarker, the noted novelist, was once a resi- dent of the city. int thro whi , if • cessible, should be opened freel -an. same • the system must be supported by stimulants, heart tonics and nourish- ing and easily 'digestible food. thoroughly drained: • At the • A Girl or a Boy? When pastor of a church in one of our mining towns where there tyere a large number of Cornish miners was called 'upon to baptize air infant at the close of our Sunday school session one afternoon. That there might be no misunderstanding I carefully. inquired the name of the child and was assured that it was Anna Belle. Thus fortified, when the 'subject for baptism was presented I proceeded with all confidence to perform the cere- mony. When I said "Name this child," the father responded quite 'clearly "Anna Belle," and everything passed off smooth.; • But after dismissal an American neigh- bor came to me and inquired vvliy.I used the pronouns "sire" and "her" in baptiz- • leg that child and informed me it was a -boy. "A, boy!" I gasped. "Impossible! Its name was Anna Belle." "Oh, no, it wasn't; it was Hannibal." • That fatal "H" had betrayed me. . - • • August 23rd, 0O4 No Joy In Lill. S� Say Tile Sufferers; Prom Chronic Dyspepsia.. A Trouble That M e Life of its Vie• tines Almost Unbeitrable-.0auses Head- aches Heart Palpitation, Dizziness, a - Feeling of Wearinew, and a, Distaste for .Food From "L'Ayeni du Nord,"St Jarmo, Que. Sufferers 'row ityspepsia or bad diem! ton are nonierous in dm country. Al- most daily one heare eorne one complain. mg Of the tortures caused them by thie malady, and it no uncommon thing to hear a euffeter say aI wish I was deed." And no wonder, the suffering caused by bad dtgention cannot be imagined by any one wbo bas not suffered from it. The victim la..ik-uenetant-,sufferer- from -head.- aohes, heart burns, heart palpitation and nausea. He has a bad taete in his mouth. is unable to obtain restful sleep and hag always a feeling of weariness and depres. sion. But there is a euro oure for this trenble and it in found in tbe greatest of all known medicines -Dr Williame' Pink piAgatatoonegPathlooreeowphlef 1::;.ave been cured of this distressing malady by Dr William's' Pink Pills is Mr Alfred Chabot, a well • known farmer living near &Jerome, Que. To a reporter of "L'Avenir du Nord," Mr Chasbot told tbe follovving story of his ill - nem and subsequent cure: -"For three Years I was su almost continual sufferer from the tortures of bad digestion. After eating I felt as if some heavy weight was - pressing against my chest. I wee racked with violent headaches; my temper became irritable ; my appetite uneertain ; my ner, yes were a wreak and always troubled with a feelire of weariness. • I was able to do very little work and sometimes none at all, Althoneh I tried rnany remedies I Was un- successful in my search fors oure until a friend advised me to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Any. &nista I may have had se to the merits of. these pills were EMOri dispelled; forI heti not been taking them long befoie noticed an improvement in my condition.• I condi ned tbe use of the tells some weeks when 1 considered my- self fully cured. -To-day I am as well ea I ever was in my lite, and would strongly advise 0,11 similar sufferers to try Dr Wil- lisme Pink Pills mad I am Sure that they will find gum as b.neffeial as 'have. Dr F'ink Pills oure by going to the root of the disease. They make new, riole red blood; strengthen the nerves abynderl du6satioenref3uirip mtheediavoilinoel0er.sseynettemby._inSeoilt Post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes Inc $2,50 by addressing the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville. Ont. . giliPtion Recipe For Restorinir Hair. The care 01 the hair, eio far as we know, begins with EgyPt. We are told ttiet during the reign. of Teti (or Teta), which was some time between 4000 B. 0, and 3000 B. C., a hair restorer was in- vented for, the inother of the king. Mane- tho credits Teti with a work on anatomy, so he may have been the author of the tonic. From a copy of the original, which is supposed to be the oldest medical re- cipe, the following translation is made: • "A remedy for restoring the hair. It was made • for Shisha, the mother of our majesty, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Teti, who has a. true volce. aTile.Pliet of a dog, the seed of the date and the hoof of an ass. Cook very thor- oughly in a pot with oil and anoint with Ht. clams. ' • Bessie -Talking about the animals that infest the Stock Exebange? I've been trying to think what pa said he was. Arthur -A bull or a bear, perhaps? Bessie -No, it was neither of those, nor was it a lamb. Oh, have it. It was a jackass. reramxtber hOlir it surprised nie at first. The Terrible Thing's Averted. "In spite of the lucky stone you can/ in your pocket you lost all your money and a sign fell on you and broke your arra." "Yea; but wasn't it fortunate that I had that lucky atone? Think what might hive bitppened to me otherwise." - What Ills Game Wee -- , Bream "What's got into Wet- more lately?' He's drunk more than half the time?" Stephens - itat his little game, you know."- Brown, - little game'?" Ste - phone "Yes. He has thus far been negleeted by the fair sex. Ile hopes Ithat some rtie.0 WOrtuta win marry him to reform him" - ACUTE AND OHRONI(IItHETIMATtSid Are equally influenced by the almost mag- ical pain -subduing power of IsTerviline- equal in Medical value, to • fine times the quantity of -any Other rheureatio remedy. rdllelrUte81 at once 'through the teemed, Iratchet+ the source of the diaeatte and driyee t out. Nerviline is nndoubtedly the king 141PftliA/adikildita 1141gigarldigeVbaaelYif r;s1tVaYo ii a it an Druggi6ta soli it. , • . Don. sydney Fibber and Danish Dairies. Ceylon and India NATURAL LB AF GREEN TEA Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring matter ; is Dainty and Invigorating ; is the only tea that suits fastidious plates and is wholesome tor the most delicate digestions. IT IS AL 0 A BRITISH PRODUCT . Ceylon Teas arc.sold in_Senied,L11Packa.------- ----- a1 -a 1110-43C1V3Vir141:1b%111MPIVtia; cut..tril.tigege23::- • ;Ada,' Toronto, 1 IATMISUIZIE61\1" I-IA.11Z. LONDON,. -- Sept 5th -to-14th, 1901' - ENTRIES CLOSE SEPT. 4Tri home exposition of genuine merit -New exhibits and leading attraotions-Lookhart performing Elephants -The Three Graces and "Tcra Tom the baby elephant, and. '• many other opeoialties of a high order -Grand Firewerke Display, including representa- tion of eFell of China" and "Taking of Pekin." Special trains over all lines each (mew- ing, after fireworks. For prize lists, programmes, eto ,apply to LT COL W. M. GABTSHORE, President J. A. xpnnEs. Secretary • waaautatt-Wa itV V Y V4aufaiatoe fiPaVat4auanlae ood Biscuit • The )3est bisenit and moray the Be No changes, no uncertainties.. Every 13isouit light, twilit, delicious. • If you want this oertaint on Baiting Day, ime Itovey's Baking Powder, 25e pa lb Paris Green; best grade, 25c per lb. .. 3. E. HOVEY; Dispensing Chemist, Clinton. k sinti14441-4-6411 . 'The Hon.- Sydney: Fisher's ebject in coming to this country on his -pres- ent visit is 'open the eyes -if' such a thing be -possible - of the English importers of foodstuffs, says the Lon- -don correspondent of- The Toronto Telegram. But there ere: other cowl- . tries besides Canada thee -ere ti ying the same thing, and to •a..- certain ex- tent' they • seem -to. have succeeded • better' than Cant:gilt` .sorrie English. .farmers have. • -just retiirned from Denmark,. where they have been on a tour inspecting e Dan.- ish dairies ; The co-operative dairy, Hasa), saitlato be the largest in the world, they were particularly impres- sed with. This dairy is. owned by forty Danish farmers,. who • send nearly 100;000 ,pounds. of butter' for treatment daily'. -• The -co-operative movement in Den- mark at the lase return shows a to tal of 887, • societied, with 130,381 members, rather good' showing, con. sidering. that the , whole- population of•Denmark-16 only half that of Lon. don Lase year -alone their exports In pigs, amcone nutter' and , eggs , amounted to over Z10;000,000, the whole of the profits going into the fernters' hands. , " • • All milk .inust, by law. be heated to 180 Fehr, before leaving ' the dairies. All cattle. are. killed under • . . e the eye of .veterina,ries, the -meat being afterwards stamped according to quality, face' that the purchaser knows exactly what he is, paying for, and, lastly, the excursionists were surprised to receive practical demon- strations at the Royal; Veterinary College that !rainy diseasea of horsee for which in this .COrintry slaughter Is considered the only course, are there suceessfully treatt_d and .dureda. .A. Job Without Stritiss. . TB the "Message of Garcia"' a man Was given' a letter to deliver to the Cuban general, Garcia,. and he took the lettee and 'delivered it. He didn't ask any questions about hoW to do It, or where. he would find Garcia, or 'what he should do if he ' didn't find him, or any either thing. He delivered it. But you will no- tice that the job was given to hien • without any Strings. to It; the man'a individual' ty witen't hampered by "instrtiet ions," or formulas, • or vice." . Ile waa given his job and told to do it, and allowed to do it. This needn't be carried too far in- to business. Ever3r hotter!. bas its own way of doing things, and (Wary good employe soon finds ont what the way is. Tho secret of the 'sttecests of the great business enterprises of the world lies irt the. talent; of some Man at, the head to get, 'folks who can 'do tliings, and then. let them ttIone 1.0 chi Omit. • - • Teti Thousand Baal. • The Ontario Fishery. Department. ina tend to keep right on catehing bass • in Lake Erie and transferring thent tO inland waters. There Will likely be a" time, when the , weather is very --*---afffie.th-ate-the base-ewntiote be -se' - cured, cured, then the men will cease oper- 'Mons, Altogether the Departnient has transferred 10,000 bass from Lake, Erie to the various inland Wat- ers of the province, and as Many More will be placed In the streams and lakes of the province befere the winter COMO. Her ateare. Amateur Gardener (to goat fancying neighbor) -Hi, madam! One of your eon - founded pets has gotatto my garden and Is eating my bedding Watts. Neighbor -Good gracious! 1 trot they ate not poisoriousl-Punch. Repartee. "Father," staid 12-yeareold Mabel, leek- lng tip from her book. "What is test. - tee /" "Back talk," answered father, "but so smart that you. wish yoted said it your - The common saying, "A little bird told me," has its origin in the Bible. In ID& eleslastes x, 20, we read, "Chime not the king, ,no not in thy thought,' for a bird Of the air shall carry the volee, and that which hath wings WWI tell the Matter." Otire has made thousands bf happy hornee. Sold by H. B. Combe and It, P. Bookie, Clinical, Miller's Drink Cure' is safe, effectual,and can he readily tekon, Soli by E. Combe and 11. P. Rookie, mann, Chfldren Ory for 'CASTOR IA , iven Away .,ktooth-brush t.ith every 25C bottle of too, h. ° powder; tooth soap or tooth, wash we sell. . . Use Combe's Baking.Powdef•and you will be , , using the. best obtainable. 25c per pound. H. B. COIVIE3E, Chemist tt Druggist ' Wattatooell G. D. MeTaggart BANKER.' ,;•au4 A iRT CLINTON LB . 11 General -Banking Business. transacted. • • • • I NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts' issued. Interest alllowee on , • deposits.' • n 'holesale and: retail piano and organ distributing centre. High grade owe:pianos. Five - • used pieties at decided, bare pine, . : - :Buy the wonderful Gramophone for a pleasing entertainer. We are headquarters for it. . Bargains to teaohers and sew. dents in Sheet Mud°, 25o 750 pieces for, lOce-whOlesale, • Instrumenta of all kinds sold, .. Musk Emporium HOAREa ilcuNkros • $100 REWARD, $100. 'The readers Of this paper will be pleaaed Leiria that there is at least me dreaded dieesse that science has been able to cure he all its steges and that in Catarrah. Hanes Catarrh Cure is the only positive oar° now known to the medical ftaternity. Warr), being 4 donstitntional disease, reptares a constitutional treatment, lealee Catarrh Ohre is taken internally, eating directly upon the blood and raucous eye - faces cd the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the diastases, and giving the patient strength by building up the dot- stitution and assisting tiger° in doing its work. The "proprietors ham so repels faith in its curative powers, that they offer Onellundred Dollars tor any Case that tt Ws to cure, Senator list of tesLireonials. Address, F. a, Ottmov St, Co,, Toledo, O. Sold by &eaglets, 75e Pills are the beast, BRITISH. 'ar • a',a a :ifri'al/11111 ' '94'; 34 a • f er TROOP OIL • • ovretry Wore If yen want up -tit -date jewelry you clan alwaysbo sure of getting the -very and most correct thing here. Whatever yon buy yott can feel sure that its all right. Or if you have anything tbat needs to be altered, re- paired or reset, bring it to us. Eyes examined free. •LINIMENT _ „ FOR ", • Sprains, ettatalt Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sotto, /huhu, Stiff Yokas, Bites and rS5np of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore Tindat, Quinsey, Whooping Cough ;Ind all Paitiful Swellings. A LAIto, BOTTLE,. 2$te. The 'Whole Story In h. letter etinXitItt• (route reiveea • From Cant, P. toy°, Police Station lib. 6, Monttoal frequently use Pamir PAIN4Cittita for pains in the stem. befall men in our position. I have no hest- dch, rheumatism, otisiule, frost bites, shit. Melon in saying that Peneffneext fa MS Moss, omelet, and all atillotIons which bestrew/fp to have near at hand." Iteed internally and laaterrialty. Two Alm, 250, mid 50o, bottles, aeniessamearaewepaeowessamwes•wifireveeftwieftwel TilEMOLsONs OINK. lneorpOrated by'Act of Parliament:1055. CAPITAL - $2,00,000 BEST FUND - $2;020.000 , HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Woe Moment MACPPERSOlgi President JAMES ET,1,1077i Gen. Maw% • • Notes diseenntea, oolleotion made, arena issued, eterling end American exchange bought and sold. Intereets allowed on , deposits. Same Blau -Interests allowed . on BUMS of $1 and np, Money advertised tea, farmers on their own note, with one or ' aa more endorsers No mortgage required. H, C. BREWER, Manager,'Clinton.. J. P. TISDALE; ifIANKEIt, MIN TOR-, tAllr." Plante fun& to loan on mortgagee at west current rates, A General Banking Businefis transeeted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale notes bought . • SIEPLIDDER GIVEN AWAY To every purchaser of cam eas. of our Pure Cream Baking Powder we will give, without any extra charge, a strong durable fiyeafootatatepladder. Three 1The bars of Soap tor 21o. 28c Brooms go at 20c. '—'0.1)LSON4 NeXt deer to 1)r. fatinnas private hospital Good Butter and Eggs wanted. atia.44444-teeetre**4-404e0444-01elt Central Meat Market Having purokesed the butchering buidness Of F. IL Powell I aM pre. pared to furniah the people of Olin. ton with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sausage, bologna lard, butter and eggs always kept on bend. B. Fitzsimons & Sons TlephOne 76. • ving Word o'bitte (they. Orders delivered promptly to ill parts of the town. N.13,•-Iiersona betide log for • ittnent will confer a: favor by