The Clinton New Era, 1901-05-31, Page 481$t 1061 7-Arr „. • 1117.747,'-'''Teelr • • aist Saving. Prices. ;47 ',1Treir5". THE CLINTON NEW ERA e are making this the most popular • shopping place for oflow's -SRIAT 81r,AiSTs by offefing the biggest values. No wi'inaant vbo cares for style an,d (patty, and wants to save t the same time, will overlbok our stock. Just. now wo offer some 'ViRT SPEPIAL INDUCEMBNTS because of a purchase of stylisb Waists direct from the maker. Everyone made of the rt, best materials, at very low prices. , So -me Special Va1Oes.;.1 • .14 -dies" Shirt Witting, mude. of good qaality of print In Wiese Waists made of line gingham, in pink, blue 0 ripea, cotoe of pink, blue and mauve, also plain *white lawn, all with.new bishop sleeve and new back, Well:Werth 65e, epeoial at La liefe• Waists of fine print, in colors of pink, mauve. • andblee, with fi e whtte stripe, nicely trimmed with endinch wide ti dehing braid, eelf collate; also navy - blue waists with stripes and figures, with bishop sleeve, would eell at 75o, Our price each , ,L adios' ithirt Waist, made of fine quality .of print, in •whine with bleok etripes, with white pleated front, 7 cellar and cuffs, very epeeist at eaoh L. •rluidiee. Shirt NVaists made of extra anti' white lawn, ' front, bdok and sleeves of line tucks' and insertion, the peak neweskeellarst and sleeves, a real beauty at eachLOU 50 60 and blaok and white stripee, white yoke of fine pleate, :Wanly trimmed with lam, bishop sleeve and new back, 4 oft price eacb...••,.. ,, 10A00 "Mica' Waists of fire white lawn, front and batik made ' of lace insertion and fine,tholts, plain and tucked oldie on bishop sleeves, extre epochal et eaoh.... , . ,,, , 1.7Cte Ladies, Weida, made a titie Madras prints and dimities In wide stripes of navy, pinit and light bine, with front and back of fine pleats, in neweet etyles, our 'pedal price each ... . ,, . . .. . . . . • teW Ladies' Shirt Waist, made at black sateen and natant* °loth; in the nuiet approved stylessome plain, °there ' tucked, but all inede.to.,",,, ' „„ • 1.25, 1.5040 2.50 give good. wear.... GE CURT INS -big value Wo want every woman within many miles of Clinton to`know this I.A.CE CURTAIN Dephmtmeut of ours, because_knowing it you will find that -the, baying can be in$t advantage b ire. We give this tide special attention Every- Curtain we sell is tfie beat that can be had for the price. This week we. are showinc, some very strong values at 850) $1, $1.25 and $1.50. ,Bolibinet Curtain Muslin, in plain and spotted effects, , Fine quality Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 8'il yards . , withinsertion' and frill of lace, 34 incest; wide, „„k 0 ‘,..._. IOW and 50 and 60 inches wide, in a . good choice of „ p !tette per yard eite OL OR designs, all lciok stitch eiges, will give ' 1" , Labe Curtains, 26 inches wide and 2i yards long, fine " good wear, spears' value at pee pair.. 1.25, 1.50, 1.70 '. quality, taped edges, special value at per pair.. ... . .. 25 Nottingham Lace Curtains. 8 lards long and 45 inches .• Lace Curtains, 84 inches wide and 2i. yards long, fine wide, in choice designs, look Mita* edges, fine open AD., ,"`•+open, dolga with taped edges, good (peaty lace, extra design, usually sold at 61, one -price only . " pa value -et per pair 50 Nottingham Lace Curtains, extra fine qaality lace, open Nettingliem Laee Curtains, 3i. yards long and 50 inches design,•fall 8i; yards long, good width, very exclusive ' wide, in final design, good quality Moe, will give Ai., ,k,k designs,' with' look stitch eiges, worth wear, price LUU one-third more than our prism-. . , . , .2.00, too, 2.75 . - Pitt Sateens- Firt • 33 to 36 inches vde, in ;Bawled ' 29 *lies Wide, in Vain and floral 80"-t0:40 inch wide, with, „ • ,„, colors and gedigat; an feet designs. also oriental oolorsand ^:fancy colored bordere 17424 to • colors.' special. di• ; designs, suitable for cushion 15 values at,...... lUs 14 1 1 18, *covers, eta., prim per yard 3 Qtu hts .at $2:50, $3.00 apd $4. .5() .11apie set evory Clinton wamtn to buying. Why? Because they're so btylish; because ; they're :' so "different"; becAu-le they have the "look" ofhats others ask you- to. pay 4 aG0b1.9 for. If you ka,ven't bought your new hat yet, don't buy until ' you've seen. the 'beautp5s we h3ve at $2.50, $3.50 and $4.50. r, Ladiesqlailors at - 25e, 50e; 75e to $1 50 Children's Sailors at.............20e 25, to 75C Bonnets at and 75e Your money back if you want it. ;.7 Newcotil [CLINIVNI FYYVYY le****.reseaverppperp'ppwers f. *V4444-Wittriputetrean RANO TRUNK 44,.:!-= Whose we* the BOtlyt Dr, Ed. Miller, of jobnstown, Pa., \ Who le coroner for Cambria Coq that state* halt eent to Fred jaoldruna, Olin- ton,secretary of the Oddfellowel Lodge, a clipping from theJohnetown Tribune, des ribing the finding of it deeompoeed and unidentified hody on the hank, of the river at that place, and accompan- ies; the same by a letter asking for in- formation, .0n the bank et the rivet waft found a copy of the constitution of Clinton Ocldfellowe' Lodge, with a certificate of the membership. of Rich. Horton, formerly of Clinton* who bad 'joined the lodge in 1885, when E Jones' was N. G., and the late J. Callender, Secy. In the book was it photograph TofhRe bleabd.ylffoosatenrd, doneoawnootf InWaonodyetwocaley. resemble Mr Horton, who 18 suppoSed to be at La Grange, Ill • where the Nem ERA. is sent' to him every week, an d a SID gular thing about the matter Is that the book is not particularly soiled, 040 it would be if exposed for any length of time to the elements. Whether the book was left cn the bank by the person' whose body wae found. ot how it got out of the possession ot Mr Horton, are questions that haYe given rise to con- siderable talk,and the Oddfellows.would like to have the matter cleared if possible. ' • Purchase tioisete up town and eve de - ley at station, FR R. itiodgens, ticket agents .Ntw atiuterttomeilut A Great B Henry-. • ..... . —Page 1 A 'Good Cotton- Hodgens Oros . 8 The W. & E. make-Jackaon Eregi8 G. T. Stain YVILme-Newoonibel3 ,.• •*•••••,0•Pit I 4. Painter vranted-G Potts. 0 • ,,„, 5 R9Vigie for ea1e-3 Twitehell... ............. 'Choice Earm-Mre Blida 5 wanPaper-W 1. Ounnette. ... ,, • • • 5 Per XO dever--Emeracied ' ChurchChimes . .51.Miefersantichiireh workers generally, corUXaIll hivited to contribute items;of aux% otrootonderthit heading, from theirvespective • Vithei McCabe severed his 'eonnee- thin, Velth8id itellort church, Seatorth,.'" .44 r4FORYs '1 44* on band folFe 1 Tritfisicare-Meert=-at-Ruluatlt-nn- ride . bigot week, but the attendance wre erne% - , gee:, hir Hunt, a: one time pastor of , the Trivatt Memorial church, Exeter, bee. resigned his charge at Lensing. Mobs, and intends retiring s' ,Mitrietrel '41".1119'it•Neri of Toronto. has • litet piibliehed a new music book %let* Songs of the Cross", . In it are 110041 composed by Mies Medd Gotelwin, of town. •- reported that Rey Dr MacKay, of glotolosa, Was in acritical condition; ' ,O.r.Wingto an affection of the throat. „rote halt liCent011110Cted with miasion, 'me -work Forteosa for thirty years, bat.thelarit reports itaid that his life Was despaired of. . • I • Tiletiernliers of Seaforth Methodist itiuteh„,baVe extended an invitation to • Rey; 1 Hi WalWin.. of Leamington, formerly of Illuevalet . to be theft. pal,, • ter for the coining conference terin,and boaacceptedi,etiblect to the approy! td.oteetiference. 'IC Tine Maitland Preehytery Met on the L '7' • kit, of May itt Wingham. It Was r agreed to apply the General .4s- .-setnbly recelve Rev. Et Mae* • hell:from the Congregational Aiwa, Int° the Presoyteriati thuteh. Andereton, Of Wroxeter, and , hr. Whci ate going tland thigetimmer Were grant, ye. 0_,,,flibitenSsi.• Bev. Mr Ander-, cf Wreleter, Was Appointed • ef Predlottry in MOM tit' the 'NC Metrahh, A Call from , vis 'am% Calvin Church* East ' liton‘ colu In _Atm at, 4. Beetle tailed, who eon was aecept. !be ordination, appeitited to Jui2nht, ;itt• 8,80p. th, Mr -Porde Will Mr MitkOen, Ripley, h Hitt Whaiey will 'people eta tire. rlifr nose the ministeri A 'Confer* eebyteruu Visitation of hoots Watt anilakfkl hi and 1* that aft ilhaidhlge Of PUIP1b0 Mgt when the ..ftbe • • II. .. ,o‘t the k'reobitery vhdtettezia sottrQrt nauiti bet, Oleatinit of Preaby. lists* *is (try FR1DAX MAY 31 1001, • Parliamentary Sketches. By the Editor. . Before the Reuse prorogues at the end of a session every member is sup- posed to clean out his desk, and leave it empty, although he may occupy the same seat in the Rouse session after session: And some of them needed cleaning out very badly, judged by tb,eir disorderly condition • when the • Huirott Old BOY** Rehfillen Hammocks at $L00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $4.50. In anticipation of the visit of the Huron Old•Boys' Assooiation,cf ',I.cronto, to Olin - Get OnG of OUr HammOOkS and the .latest Ma,gazines and Books. - ' .„ • ton, on the (1h of July,MayorJaokson,oall- . ed a priblio meeting on Tummy night, to COOPER & CO CLINTON' arrange for their reception. Capt. Writs- . V OP gart presidei and an evecutive conimittee • toidrike eub-committees for oris, decors'. • • Wu, lunch, etc., consisting of M. G. Mo., lids are lifted, and contents revealed, Taggart, Or Johston, J. Bell, H. B. Combs one wonders bow in the world some J, W. Treleaven, Mayor jaokson, J. Rana. of the members ever found anything foie', D. A, Forrester,Jas. Fair, Dr. Shaw, when wanted. Used and unused enve- W. P. spewing, As. Scott, D. Cautelon, lopes and paper, letters, parliamentary and B. Mimeo was, appointed .A second papers, often a package Of "fine cut". meeting was held on Wednesday night, W. and a briar root, jumbled together in- discriminately, revealed a lack of sys- tem and order not highly coimnend, able, Arici the amount of -stuff some Of the desks contaiped was ,amazing. Poring the session members are sup. plied with all the stationary they de - met and I saw some members tutu out enough • truck to almost fill a wheelbarrow. In the closing hours of the session, nne-rittheinerribers of the Opposition said be thought some ealieme Should be devised that Would compel mem- bers to remain in the house while others were ;speaking. Seeing that the member in question was on his feet no less than 92 times In onesitting, that he is the prosiest speaker in the Rouse whom even.his political filen& cnridenan for -his loquaciousness, and that the members flee like horn a house on fire when he gets up, it would require something very strin- gent that woulci..compel the House to t sten to ' Pregoatiod is the one particular time looked to with -'anticipation by all members. -Be the session long or short everybody is glad when it is over: - The only exception to this rule -is the sessional assistants wheie•-dritierrand • salaries close as soon as the session is ended, The reel work of the ses- sion ended it few minutes after three on Thursday, but the House conk' not • be immediately prorogued, as it had to wait for the Usher of the Black • Rod- 1 o make his appearance. The Speaker 'killed back m his chair; the Sergeant -At arms nervously handled his sword; the Minieters cracked Mies in the front seats with the • front -row Opposition.; the • back bench members were like a lot of unruly school boys, and • parliamentary pep - ere by the armful. were hurled around at different members, while some one started up "The Brigadier" and 'The old folks at home" simultaneously, to the amusement of the galleries. Sud- denly, with three .raps on the door, like a lodge -room -Signal, Black Rod appeared, and the House Was in order in a second, to lose its gravity agi; he • stepped in and made his 'three ttnech- anicid bows to the shouts -of one, two, Wiwi; Ommorr.-The choirgave an The regular meeting of the W. C. excellent • rendition -or-- the anthem T. P. will he held in Ontario Street rhe Endeayor held, ite month y noon. Strangers welcome. "Rock of Ages" last Sunday evening. Church, at 4 R. m., this Friday after - consecration meeting on Sunday even- ing and the buisoess meeting on Men - day evenly when the Bible study was taken by Mise Matheson and Mies Ida „Rose favoFed with a solo. . • . regular monthiy fellowship meeting will beheldon Sun- day next at 10 a.m. Miss Wegg.B.A., orAline College, St;Thein solo at theeven a At the Ontirrio St Leafftle Meeting last Monday evening Mr Shaw led the • jacksoe in the °hair. it is expeoted that it grant will be obtained' from the town and county council, to aid in entertaining the Boys, and a committie was appointed to wait on them bodies, and also intervievr the citizens on the same line. It is intended to give them it tasty lunch on arrival, here •and then provide for an afternoon's enter- tainment. A. half holiday will likely be observed by the businese men as well as townspeople and a hearty dodo,' reunion enjoyed by all. • -East-Huron. Liberals; nrchie Hyslop, Renominated. The annual meeting of East Huron Liberals was convened in the town hall. Brussels, Tuesday afternoon, and was very largely attended, no less than 187 delegates, besides a num- ber of other Liberals, being present. President Strachan occupied the chair and the generallrautine ofbusinesa was gone through with despatch. Resolution 001/21Dittee was appoint- ed as follows: G. F.', Blair, George Murdie, N. H. Young and James Cline; Credential Ciemmittee-Pr, S. Scctt, R. Millar- and Thos. McMillan. ' This committee introduced congratulating resolutions referring to Sir Wilfred Laurier, Hon, G. W. Rosie, and also a resolution of condolence With the wi.. dow of the late Thomas Gibson. Of- ficers were elected as follows: -Presi- dent, G. F. Blair, Brussels; Vice -Presi- dents, W. A. Irwin. (Gorrie). M. Mur•-• die (McKillop); Secretary4reasurer, W.'11. Kerr, Brussels; Auditor, W. M. Brussele. . Township Chairmen were also elect,- ed:--Howick, Alex. McLaughlen; Turn - berry, Alex. Kelly; Grey Conrad Ber- neth; Brussels, J. D. Warick, V. S.; Morris, Wm. Elston; Wingham, Jas. A. Cline;.Blyth, N. H. 'Zinnia; Hullett, Thos. McMillan; McKillop, John Me - Dole. Mr Arch. Hielop, M. P. 43., was the unanimous choice as standard bearer." Stirring addresses were given by Messrs. John McMillan, ex -M. P., South Hurriii; M. Y. McLean, ex -M, P., South Huron; exch. Hislop.M.P.P., Easaluron; Robt,Holmes, M.P., Weeo Huron: Hon. J. T. Garrow and Dr. Mc- Donald, Id. „,P. The meeting closed with resolutions and cheerer, and was three" and rounds of applause, while one of the best conventions ever held he announced that "The Honorable, in East Hui on. ' His Excellency, desired the -presence • ot this honorable body in:the Senate". West Wevtanoish. The Seigesint-atarms shouldered the OhrrhAay. T e ed- in West -r-e- di :nape, the Speaker stepped Up behind Wa,wanosh, on Sunday William D. him, and Muted to the Senate Cham- .Webster, son of Robert' Webster. -ex- her, followed by a rollicking, free.and- Reeve of Ashffeld, at the age of 85 easy crowd of supposed -to -be . sedate years, 10 months and 19 days. Mr legislators, who now did not care Webster, after being united in mar - whether school keptfor not. riage tOMiss Marina Graham in 1891, On the Senate floor were about fifty niece of Robert GrahameEsq.,of Luck - ladies, including her: Excellency Lady now, went outto Manitoba, where he Minto and Lady Le.urier, the same boughta farm and successfully cultivat- number of Senators, the Governor. ed it for six or seven years. Mr Web - General in the Speaker's chid'. ; to his der came to Ontario in the entritnee, ,4.,ht Sir Wilfrid in cond costume, , thinkhys that a chajise.a--effm. BAPTISE CHURCH, -Rev Mr Dunlop • h excellency s etatZ"and to the left will again take his own work here on other officers of the permanent corpe. Sunda); Eel' lir Pocock supplied for The members of the House of Com - him whet:IAMBI, • mons stood behind the Senate her .fst, • at least, half an. lictur-ls.."IfirTit them 'ate tnight unix99.1. 41's health. He leay,ea .4eitind him his loving and iiithful partner with two bright and intelligent girls aged 9 and -8 years; who now raourn the lose of a cheerful lovinWhiiihanUandlather. bar) while.the derk read, firet in Bug. lien and thee in French, all the var- ious acts that had been purred during the session ; them another clerk dra- matically held above his head it pack-, 'age,announcing that "these are the bills to which royal assent has been given", followed by More bowing and scraping and His Excellency annbuticed that the Howie was adjourned. The mem- bers were not sorry when this „part of the proceedings Were over; it was. tiresome, and eeidence of parlienten- tary red tape, but it was spectacular. The 00mrsions then returned to the Chamber, hand -shaking arid Adieus indulged iniandthe House woe aeon de- serted. - — While all this had been going on inside,. outside were l thousands of of Goderich district to the Lond rn spectators wgitinto for the grand finale. Methodist conference to be held in St A regiment of volunteers, wearing Thomati in June: -A. T. Cooper and the immense black fur busbies typical Tiplady, Clinton; limo Acheson, to British eoldiere, were drawn up in R W. Mackenzie and J. William* line, headed by a military ' baud, the Gaderichl W. ashtray, Seeforth; 8, Governor -General's mounted_ Foot T. Walter, Rolmesyille; A. W, Wan, Guard waited by, Excellency's Blyth; Geo Stothers tied S. T. Sander - carriage, drawn by four horses, with son, Dungannon; Charles Garvin, Nile; Mounted drivers.stood at the entrance A. Allin, Bemiller; W. H. Camp. to parliament, and • as Lord and bell, Westfield; George Gritrg, Walton; Lady Minto etepped Into the carriage, Thos. Andrews, Constance; /arms f 11 d b Aidetede.Oemp the Wallie 13et field; Arthtir &elver:won, viarog-Arimvs.:,-The----Salyation - . Lig a Arm band has been AeretA..- • SUM 01 eitlaeliVIMOWS this week t in order to raise for the self- efforte of the. army, cervice last Dun- • was Much aPPreeleted The Huron County Sabbath School and Christian Endeavor Union will hold its convention this year in Clin- ton on june 18 and 19, as the location Is central and of easy access by train. Every Sunday School, and Christian Ender% tor Society should see they are well represented by delegates, The Local ()ordinates* Is Making elaborate preparations for their reception. An excellent program le arranged, includ- ing some star speakers in the Province andwelook-for, ar good time. Don't,- for- get the date -June 18th and I9tla A RATTEEntwit ST. -Regular monthly fellowship meeting mixt Sunday morn- ing at 10 o'clock. The Sunday echool has contributed $50 towards the sick Children's( Hospital which is a most Worthy'. object and the achool deserves credit; for 'yearly contribution ; they now have it cot called the "Clin- ton Rattenbury streetchurch cot." At the anniversary df the Sunday echo,' of which a report was given in last Issue the following etatietics were read hy L. Doherty, theeecretati, in con- nection With thesehooland Will be, Of intereetto many :-Blerithers on roll - officers 7. teachers 20, Scholars, primary 51, Interniediate 182, Bible cleams120, cradle roll 85, total Average tilteindanee 221. Versed re. cited by the bows 4. And the girls 8,978, tots' 8,880. Paper* distributed dining the year -Onwards 5,400. Pleas. ant heure 8.482. nappy Days 1,050, gunboat:0i 1,9501 12,774 There r have bola 80 now books s4ded to the library, Making 580 tiOW there, and 2,088 hale been exchanged during the year, an average Of 60 per .Sunday. Mit Hen Ono JeWatf, Of Helleall, May . he expected to preach in Retteribury Streit chinch next. Sunday morning and evening, the pastor eXchanctieg. At the'League Meeting_ on Monday evening Mr Gb A. McKee gave an adinirsible etidtmel Ott "The &build. Bible lesson topic on Paul s 'Merriam and death, while Rey W. Cilffold gave it very fine address _on lemons from life of Paul. Next Monday night Is Consecration meeting ; the took Will be of it Missionary character there Will be special mueic to further add ate -the interest of the meeting., • SV. Sacrament of the Loedfr&Supper4villjrher-arindietritered--at. the close of the morning service next Sunday, the rector officiating. *ri 0, R. 'Guone, the new -rector r Of ;.84 PAM'S, held his lastieryice in Parkhill On' Siinday.large COngregettibini greeted him at his farewell and Many .a. tear Wite ehedat the . had o'ndear- ed hitiltrelf .both hie Congregation mato all the other sects of that toWn. Mr tlarliele, Who oeetipled the pulpit hero, acrodtted hitt:wolf as A two-year divinity student, and bespeaks a torsi, ing elergyinan of triarked ability** the evening • 8°10 MA quartette., coinirthP ed •Mies Maud Mellitughton•Mta Rance, E. E. Hilton W rotator. nel, the latter taking the solo, was rely- anaand•tnneheriptecisted. whe folloWilig figures tepreeent the membership ot the Methodist charchet of the. Goder:th disitriet as given At • the recent retteting held in Itattenbury Street Church, there Showing MI in. eresure Of Off,merriberei-e • , , 1000 4001 'Ooderich North St ...851. 963 VIStOthaL408 234 OlinteilqattMlbilry SWIG MO •!' it • . ' • ritar10:14,.....830 852' r eleAreorth 0,0 i..204 200 , CA.O. t * 202 286 Denotahho 246 *i.irtr44,21.3 272. BeriMiller,•*0 y*. IVV,A$$(.4••2111 225 827 talteri leo assobara. •• 111 13ay 04,,,..,,,,,,ore.vere 1St Varna • .• l‘t na peeferre -aboth-ers kindof • On Friday, May 24th, Mrs Bell, wife of ,Willie Bell, of West Wawati- oeb, died very suddenly at the home of her son-in-law, Robert Johnston, Hayfield road Goderichtownehip,where she was staying, She seemed as well as usual that morning, prepared the breakfaet and cleared up after the meal, and shortly afterwards, while stitting 'on the doorstep, and without, any warning, she fell over dead. The remains were Conveyed to her late home in West Wawanosh and on 'Monday were :interred in the Dun- gannon cemetery. She leaves a tarn - [y of font, sons and five daughters. In addition clergy the -follow= 'lug are the laymen representatives o owe y y band played One verse of God ‘SaYe the Xing, twenty -ono rounde were fired from the canton, and the oho* Wait over, MisseZleinagpgenaill'Sd-undeeYollinnge.oderioh. in Gtoeworng.e Emerson, Goderich, spent Sunday B.Persther was over from Buffalo visiting .1. Gardner. W.II,Perrin was in Kincardineliet week on business. • -t tenadlianrgn sPoehtoeorton, of Kincardine, here. at: Mr and Mrs C. Bezzo spentSunday with Goderiob friends. MisolHandeooMbe, of Winnipeg, is the guest of Mies Pratt, Mrs Saville has gone on few weeks' visit to blends et Tor onto:, ' Chas. Ball spent Sunday under the par. ental roof in Goderich. G.,,,,,„,,...;Elelyla..onWitalsp.onnallEys.rjookm. ailed, on Mrs N. Robson was in Wingham laid week in the intereet of the Sons of England. Miss Clara Holmes is the guest of ldhis Ethel Doherty at "Lillatieweplia." De Agnew and N.B. •Ileary were in Tor onto Friday end Saturday on business, MIas O'Neil wee it guest at the Bedford flause, Goderioh, during the holidays. W. H. Shaw went to Durham on Mon- day and will remain there for it short while. Thou, Komori was on it visit to Mr For- den,Bayfield road,neer Goderioh,last week. Mayor Jackson was in Hanover onTu*, he is interested in the oil boom there. V. Foster has. retmued mist, -after spending the holidays withhis family here. Mrs Ayre,of Woodstock, will be the guest of Mrs Jas. Smith, Ontario St. , for it few weMer. and 11.* 'Mr 's C. Carter attended the Pthleew2e4dCarter wedding in _Ttio.keremith en Miss Alice Blake, Athfield, spent last • week with Miss Dot Baker, of Godarioh tovouthip, . Spalding and daughter Mise thudding, were guests of W. P. Spalding foe the 24th holidaye. . IL Holmes tante home from parliament-. ary duties on Thursday last week, then elon having prorogued Mies Young has returned -borne from , Meaford and Cobourg, where she hes been for it considerable tiros T. Jackson, jr.; of the Season Bros. firm, hie been in Wingham and Blythithis week sedining extensive °Mere. 0010111101 and Going. • • • • Geo. Hodgens, of Detroit, la home on R. G. Bell -returned home from Variety. last Thursday: ' R. Orewford, was visiting with relativelt.• in Ripley, on .the 241h, J. Gentles, of Kincardine, was S Olisi012 caller, on Monday, while on his way' to, *6°Mcleiersierfh.olmee,. of Strethroy, be the guest of Miura. Manning and will remain fcr it few weetur, • • Miss Flora Watson, Blyth, spent the 24th holidays, as the gueet of Mre D. B. Kennedy. Rev Mr Dunlop returned from Stapler e ' on Saturday,. having orient thk past few - - • . weeks with lib. faniiIy W. F. Egg, of the 0 P R staff, was it . guest of his SQUID, Mrs T. klohnee, Huron road, for a few days lately. Geo.Hinehley, treveller for the Macpher- son Hovey Co.; returned hz,me from it very - successful eastern trip00the 241b. Will Biggart, Preston, was home for the • 24th; he has secured better position in, .•••• •..4" Toronto, to which place he returned. • E. Berman, a short while ago, went to- Collinwood, to fill a position, but is now in Berlin, He spent the holidays, • at, his• home ere. Dr,J,CLindsay. of Blyth, epent the 241h in town. • Ifni Lindsay and chile are now visiting at her parents, Mr and Mrs D.Mur.w ray, Baron St. • . Miss liuoy Brewer has returned home from Montreal where she has living With relatives for the past ea mon is; her i;Reny friends are glad to me her back.. Among those who spend the .*tla out or towc:-MrsS. P. Realize, St. Thomases:Ice McLaughlin, Wingham; G. Maeoker, Pres- ton; Mr and Mrs J. McGarva, AilsaCleeig. . James Levy, town, was in Goderiolelist) . Thureday attending the funeral of hit niece, Mimi Jessie Elliott; he was *Doom- 766100ipawitnied by his son :nedd. fdroamughter, Master • , rom it jumbos(ng tr r _ Mattand Miss Martha. stock or hie new and more commodious , atend; in the Biddleoomb store. Two ' large mirrors have already arrivectlied ara-r....-r, •., .., belitring PkillotimineeP.Iriole.Lncknhw, was in town. • ' * Friday. He came to 800 his grandmother,. Mrs S. Holmes, who had beanie unfortun- ate as to break the hip bees of her right leg and the knee of her left some two melee • ago and now Ilea in it helpless condition. Mr liolmea from Tuckerenalth Miro spent Sunday with ,hie mother. •• , • Among the 24th visitors, in town were. - J. Chirridge and W,Biggart, from Prestan; E. Dayment. Galt; Bert Dayment, Strat- ,_, • ford; J. Leslie Godezion C. She*, IX ood, stook; Mrs R. 'Hunt, Henan; bite Clues, \ London; Mimi Hessian, Wingham; C.Bigg-• hum Cobourg; Dr, and ildre.W.Y. Iloilo, wey,Wingbam; Mies Ids; South, Brentfaed. Mrs rietirge Hanley, town, spent it few days as tbe guest of her sister, tiro George Burnett, Goderioh township. Mr and Mrs T. Murdock and Mr and MIS j. Murdock, of Hansa% were elitists or Mr an J. Sunday. ". Mr and Mrs J. ' Willioot drove up from Logan township Friday, and were viehing Mr and Mrs &Snell, Hallett; they returned home on Monday, ' business . He is a brother of Mrs S. Plum- 7inerM.iis Lnoy Grant of Alma Ladits' Col. he wes on his way 4o Howell on aloud _winery Inspector, was in town.Mondcy: ililimi7,1rairfratt.e•Areirrte.,ttikyi and was accompanied by her college friend, Mho Wegg, B. A. W. Stubbs, of Toronto, Government Yet. Miss Grassiok, who has been visiting Mr and Mrs A. A..Bobkirk and finally in Mor- den for some weeks, returned to her home in Pilot Mound on Saturday. -Morden Chronicle. Mr Visopheraon of London, was' here for it few days, riiid Mr Ed. Macpherson of the& I. C. Mann; Co., Indianapolis lindto Mao spent the 24th here;they were theguesis oftheir brothere, Marge D. F. and D. L. Meepherson. James tiornleh and his second deuebtar spent a couple of days last week with friends in eliohigan; Mr Corniah says he saw no fill wheel there to compare with what is tt. be seen between Clinton and Lerridonit ed in 'his opinion -the land of Michigan does not begin to ()compare with that of Ontario. ' ThosMarlsd, the waktiosve Comedian In the Marks Bros, Dramatic Co 'Was in town on Moeda', for a few houre,, while waiting for train oonneotien to Goderlsti. They have two companies on the road and fifteen people taking pert in each, This week his company was closing the season's Mime. meat et Goderfoh. Mr Jas. Maylot and nieoe, Miss Newt, of Forest, are viaitiog, Rev. W. Wade. Mr We.da and Mr Maylor Went to Bohol M. Varna; • gather in England, midyears both menibere The'Cienered Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church of Canada meets in St. Andrew's Church, OttaWit, on Wednesday, June 12, and at lead 400 of the nearly 000 members on. the roll °are expected to be present. The fol- lowing are the delegates tianied, front the Presbyteries in thie section :- Presbytery of fluron,-Miniaters. J. S. Henderson, Hensall ;J. A. Haman - ton, M. A., Londeaboror s. Carriere, Grand &rid ; Oolin Pletcher, M. Therned Road ; Wm. M. Martin, B. A.., Exeter. Eiders. - Wm. Carrioehatt• Seaforth; Wm. Corriere, Bla'ke ; WM. Mcritath, Goderich ; John L. Taylor, Breweter ; A. D. Grant, Itgmendyille, Preebytery of Maitland,-.-Mitristers....' NV. T. West A.. Th.. .1-. ; e A -plebiscite coneiirtiing the liquor traffic with Northwest Territerles le Wanted by the temperance people. it • •' T he Toronto Neva. hire an article en- titled "lhe fall Of Laurier" by Nicholas Flood Davin. ttee a good writer of fic- tion, but his conclusions -are AS fate° att his prewthes. 0 0 Eton. Mr Borden and Mr Monk, the lediler and moistest, of the Coneervia. tit° party, are holding it few meetinge e. "4" I 'I% 1 bad t plum lo oco ht0thwist -btat.10, s not HMO 0 he - ()Myth.. I Thome*, wing the come ticaulanted with the people, but *4164 ,f 0004 Sunday, 3.usii a It hi it poor time to work up enthusiasm. - MeXay,Lucittiowt 3*. le Murray, Kincardine • ;Sohn McVarlitne, Pine Egt:IlLf 1Por'llifelairtbtrot, Gordon, Teintwater I W. Cameron, Oranbrook t H. Vhimalsors, Lochatek, of the mine orchestra, but had not seen Molt other for over 60 years Ide Msylor is s surnetsful business men,but 1. now liv- bag retired M the ere of 80 year. Capt. and Mrs 11. T. Renee and Mir* Arohibeld left on !Wednesday rohrning for their hip to the oldoonntry; they tike pas. op on the steamer Luoitanlit,of the Allen line, et Montreal on Saturday, and will leave London, Eng., on /My 18, for their return home. They were booked by W. lookeon, agent for the Allan line. Miss PI. M. Hill, the noted European traveller, la stetting the Mimi fiountotie. tle et the Wigwam. Mist Unifier Made a number of Wird thrOngh the 410Minentsibid low it nieryellons land of entertaining in. formation ommerning the widow placer the bit.visited She will ltkely remain here few woke. She has with her it large num- ber of choice lime:light eiewe Which ilia wili alliph.y One eyenmg (11ridey) at Mid. &OW' ohnrch, the proceeds' to go towikrOs the 1 ,Y • • V .1 - • ) • .-- Miss Clara lifountoastle like ben of Parliament -already feels the p sliyof being great. She has received it est re-, quest fre,ra the Satre! evialir.eregtititl; for a contribution of flimm • -£25 to moo, spa it request from Paris to. be allowed to portray her features on can- , yae,hoth of which, however, she has been eorepelled to decline. • ' „ tdre Jae. Omni* has returned from flier Duck Islands, after an absentee of thirteen menthe. She came home on the steamer konni-anitidshough-irinveltd-ehe Was - !orally treated, all her -meals having been served her in the ladies' cabin. She ewe that any one wishing trivet to the Duck. islands should go by this steamer as every- thing le well looked. after and the Offieidie yery icooromodating. B. P. Sibley returned on Thunelay last from Jamey City, New York, where he had. gone several waren or so ego, having bee* calledthere on it sad miseion, was oc- compealed home by hire Sibley, who had ' been with ber daughter, Mrs Foes, in Brooklyn, where the underwent an opera, tion. Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is mush improved in health tibiae the operation. jin Estimable Lady leilfedd Mrs John iffeLeod of Kinorsedine, sister dig" J. Greeneaof 1/01madville and Mint to Mrs (De.) Thompson, Met her 'death 00 Tuesdity while trsing tO sive herself. The following are the fietslot the sed affair. -On Tuesday evening about 5 o'olosik, mike Lase Shore.road north, ihe mei her death., appear. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod. *err out driving, and, when peeling in encerepitelit Of gypsiet about it mile froin Kjeaardiiii the horse became metiers setilMr04oLe0d In an etideaYor to get out of the buggy, waif °slight between the whole, receiving in. juke which resulted whet death et; hoer afterwards. Mrs Miiiiiiod•was *his Grean.t and came is* Kincardine after her mirriilg to Mr. maw, ever 40 pima ego, horn the neighborhood ef Toronto, Some 2�w • „ year* ago they ineeed to Portage to Prairie Where Mr. Mcleod envied On it 'NO sumessfid business for it number of yes" • when he retired, returning JO Kinimirdine• about three year* ago. Mr. McLeod bis been singularly unfortrinate within the prod *WO pine, kiting two ions by death,. the Bev, A.IIgtut McLeod of Regina, and ratassa, "Wata bat boot reoeived Within the lest dime& of the death in Gersithriy of Mrs. Mille, I Adater of the doweled. • Mr., litstswa les* it .on sad Wieder. Ilieliced of 'Minneapolis, and Mrs. (Hee.) W. Z; Rowena of Pert Ottani. Bev, Joao Greene, ofilifebriallVille, 11 0 brother, (IteV.) W. EL Bleck', of Toronto,. mid Mrs. Alt red Prod, of Owim Sound, listArd. Mrs, lastassi, *As highly eitemuid, end Mr. McLeodhits the sympathy of the. entire *normality in /ail Versi