The Clinton New Era, 1901-05-03, Page 9THE ta4INI ON NEW ERA PIMP A PRISONER IN ATOMB I HOIST WITH HIS OWN PETARD. , •now a Reporter Evened Po /*ottani • HE TRIED TO STEAL. THE JEWEI4 With si. Otintione Vatter. Thetie Troublesome, Disfiguring FROM A DEAD DUCHESS. )31mnishes can be Removed 1 "In oue of our western cities ileum years ago," saiel A Nausea oity cum ed that ile proptietor. litit Yon A.pril 26th,1901 AelsES1 C SAFE lidn't hear John Prithington refer to nie AN . . tut:teeth ti in tenehing him to know 114'4414" i"" """"" 44 4" when he spoke of you, he merely I "I ran a •ross a queer old relic In ihy se his wife 1'11 routine, I think I have I Place a little too well for thal I" 1 Olden 'times, yon "the old girl.'" line of bliSiness recently," said O. safe by t heal Powerful Blood Ka Thoutaht 'flint AII the Ornaments friend of Mine Was employed as A report-. i Sionie of John Prithitorton's friends and lock expert who is in the city. "I Purifying_Burclocic Twit Adorned the Iv ornoe no It Lay :4? aabagthtihme lwool4L1oi p.anpsetravykt. nkeinxitt to think that his wild, litinteirletio was prowling around a machine eltop in Blood Bitters, ix suit* Wen /Meted 'With the him to taelr for alleged derelictions lo of late more in evidence titan moo. own in Iowa, trying to find a Wine nooy-,ottoght In * Trap, duty and especially for mistakes In grant - The nasty little pimples that 1110113e Only a few weeks after her return from . indair, purtation tend sintileraitihts. Zitti: on the face and other Parts et the Brusisels, where . she had seen her aoe, me 7tglevrad,°wwhVe a°1'netaTocror force lofd able bsclY are simply indieatiOne that then recently crowned king of the Bel, to write in a virile Manner, was neTer- the blood. is out of order and re- glans did the Duchess Augusta of Sack. tholes') neficient in cdocation• and his vireo purifying. ' sen Coburg die, in her seventy-eixth year, grammar was occasionally no bad as They are little irritating remind- Nov. 16, 1891. The admiration and lirre some of that of Chutes Dickens, oas ere to you that you need a course Of - day he had been paiticdiarly vicious in treatment with Burdock Blood Bit- ters. ' When B.B.B. makes your blood pure then the pimples will vanish and'ybur skin become soft and clear. Here is evidence worth consider- ing: . Mrs. • Monice Ketch, Bristol, •Carleton Co., N.B.:, writes: ' "1 take great pleasure in recommend- ing Burdock Blood Bitters to every one troubled with pimples. I was 1 for years that I would break out • with them at times on my face and back. I tried all sorts of remedies, including doctors' medicine, but everything failed to cure me. - 1 " At last I heard of B.B.W. and thought I would try it. . - "When I had finished taking two bottles I felt a great deal better, so kept on using it until I had taken in all six bottles. It has completely, and permanently removed every pimple from my body and I never felt better in my life then. I itt this admirable princes:3 had insPired drew crowds to visit the body as it lay hls# crariatrieniieninge t euferr a of pr emanyde d. aTheni oil oeditorialw• e In ;date in the reeidence at Coburg prior from his pen, In which the following Ben. to the funeral, which took place on the tence occurred: • • 19th before daybreak by the light ot • "To be a true American one snould torches. The funeral was attended by visit the Itocky mountains and content- . men and women of "all chums eager MI Plate its beauty anO grandeur.' "Here was the chance my friend had express their attachment to the deceased • been waiting for, and so lie cut the quota.. and respect for the family. • tion out end sent it to the owner of the A great deal was said and fabled cons paper, to whom both men were respond - earning this funeral. It was told and be- isle, with the following comments: lieveitthat the dowager duchess had been "'The first thiought suggested by this laid in the faMilo vaultadorned. with her strange 'statement is that its author diaraond rings and richest necklaceri. She should visit st school* of grammar and contemplate its beauty and grandeur. was the mother of kings, and the vulgar in the use of a singular believed that every royal and, princely "Ilis migInal" ••pronoun standing for a plural antecedent house with vehich she was allied had con- • might be used to adrantage in a reversion tributed some jewei toward the decor*. of the style, like the following, for exam - tion of her body. • • . • pie: - Among:those-who-were present. et .thi .'" 'To be a true American one should funeral Of the Duchess Augusta was a ;drift the editor of The -Blank and cons - 'Bavarian mined Andreas Stubenrauch, . temPlate their beauty and grandeur.' an artisan then at Coburg. He was the Aside from, the °Felted to -English in this admonition to the Amerietto people, will son a an armorer, Mowed his father's the sentiment .itself stand analysis? If ' profession and had settled at, C/oburg. the dictum be true that to be a. true Stubenrauch had been one of. the crowd American one should visit the 'Rocky that had passed ty the bed on which the mountains and contemplate its beauty and • duchess lay in state and had cast covet- • grandeur, what is to become of the fob. ous eyes at the jewelry with which the lowing: . bo. y was • • " 'The man who cannot afford to the present tune. . , li He had also attended the funeral and du lge in this visit and contemplation? ....,..—................anammwsgyra, ........1- Ian bad come to the conclusion that the du- " 'The busy man who cannot find time ess was buried with all the precious aril- to go on a mountain gazing tour? cies he had noticed about her as exposed " 'The m•any good eitizeris who are to view before the burial and With a great blind?' , deal more which popular gossip asserted "The attention of the owner IraS ar- rested and he made inquiries which re - Literary Notes. Mr Thomas R Dawley is one of the few American correspondents who, entered the oamps of the Cuoan Instements before our war with Spain began. His lettere on Cnba and Spain,written at that time,were wide- ly read. After our war with Spain ended, Mr Dawley took an interestingtrip through the interior of Spain,end his observations there are told in an article called "By Dn. igenoia to Granada "in this month's mag .to'have been laid in the coffiesswith her. . • The thought of all this west „ir &wealth . iulted in his straightening out matters ehiog to his mind, :and Stubentittoch re. between the two 'men., While this drastic salved •to enter the mauselehvi, and rob criticism perhaps did not ittiprove the ed- .= the body. itor's grammar. it certainly did improve The positiOn of the. vault, fae remelted mY fidenti's position While on the paper." and (lakeside(' from tbe palace; stilted his plans, and be made little account of lloc441 awl 'horst which nee'? likely to prove , . ' • . ' "It is true thnt the niother'S influenet ----- ' Tr soty Ins pine into eseentien e, re- Folve&, ‘ 0 .....esing the nip.fht of Aug. 18- 10, g:32. .0a ,this evening he Sat drink - lag. In A low tavern till 10 o'clock,, when -he left returned to his lodgings,' where flow She. oat:aid the Illorrilsr. A .rwlier .eurious 'method of hergirte oatehing wa$ Sess:ted to 1/3' an Ingenious tualdsto recently in New York city. As The Sits:tricot Review tells the story', while in Pnrstlit of her household duties the maid noticed a man's foot lueicle the elothve closet, She did not sermon; eel - thee did she jump at the door nor abut it with a bang. • Instead site took a broon: aud began to sweep that corner of the roomnettr the closet. Her -approach was gradual. -and the sweeping was done so natnrally that it would not bave aroused the most stisPielous bugler. At last Ito broom brushed the door gently, but hard enough' to close it to the fraction of sta inch. 'With five or.six More gentle sweeps that closet door was . shut and almost latched, which she at length succeeded in doing by gently preening her arm against It . • . , • As the, teleohene, in her house -was so near lhe'.closet that rale: • be able to hesr her if she called for no sIstanee she bethought herself of Another plan. In the back Yard some telephons linemen were at the time making repair:: m wirethat runs to anether house in the block.. She went out and spoke to them. They promptly tapped a wire, at- isielted sl testing int.trument and calleiLioss • One of the Alo‘V.O town. exchanges, witiels . in tuhi, got the house,owner, who, in his turn, called up police headquarters. From there the (mil -was sent to the police sts tion nearest the helm, ,and two police men were sent around and got the man: To Discipline the Child. A symposium on the subject of parente duties and. home discipline appeared in a leading New Zealand newspaper, and thi • published interview with Dr. Byrnes give - material -for thought. - • . "The tendency of modern Ideas," say Dr.'Syrnes., "has been to abolish any rest discipline in family life because diseipline • depends on the principle of headship lc the fathet,. whereas at the present time' AS. THE LAUGH? -st. love. ' • • • tlet'elops respect for la* and' order, while throwing. off the belt lie didn't State." the mother is often. the real. h.ead of ti.c family. A. father teaches 'childre- 4 made a large working model. He admit /they as duty, • while a mother cos \c., ted modestly that the safeseould only s be them to do' what is required by giving used 'where steam power was.gvallable.' them preseuts. The rule of the faille; What would prevent the burglars from 'le illustrated.($3 a year. The Outlook Email 12•kldrelleee the mother depends'entirely On the pet s WHOM WEARY vvILLIE,, PARAWE azine number of The Outlook. The paper to en accomplished , -°" W Company,287Fourth Avenue,New York) lett:smith. - Aa 'Artiotois Attempt to Bova " Vita "1"" " that I needed, when happened to node.. a sleet iron box which seem* o las once been entirely covered with glass tubes attached to the surface by cement.. All ut the tubes were nroken,,. and most of them Weve nessing, but the general er. rangemeut vould be easily traced, and the ecnitrivanve impressed me at ouce with e seese of familiarity. Presently I remem- bered Aleut it. It was all that was left of the one time famous niuseethetic safe" est Onvoulon which ought to have been sponsored by a society or the prevention of cruelty to burglers, • The idea of the thing ' was that any cutting ,or drilling through the outer casing shotad release sertain chemicals which would promptly. stupefy everybody in range of their fumes. In the niarning.the owner would find his. valuables intact and could simply calla May hnd pack off the unconsgions burglars to jail. "With such a deviceit was unneeessar. ry to have massive steel walls, and the modelSwhich. chasteed to reentrects was . • made of one-eighth'inch sheet Iron. The inner hos was entirely surroended. with • glass tubes aboutdI ' the. nmeter of a lead pencil and filled alteruntely with ,two. chemicals ilrbith WeIV supposed. to pro- duce stupefying gas when they came into cent:it:1s There was n thin outside cas- ing, and the tbeoi.y •was that any effort -to break-sinswouldsoweesear.ilyssiracturs, • two or more of..the_ fragile gitiettees.1. seemed incredibleston several prominent capitalists became greatly interested in .the scheme and stood ready, to••back it With tinlitnittl meewls 'milli actual testi finally cotivinced them ' .its. grotesque Impracticability, How the nettle]. ever . drifted to the- Iowa runehind shop couldn't find out. It had been there for Years and was probnbly part of the plun- _der of some forgotten junk sale. "The only Other 'safe .1 knew. of fit to: rank with the 'anaesthetic' as a. freak . was one ,designed ' by • an inVentor in Washington. It was circular lo shape,. with a pivot at the 'bottom, and :at night• - time 04 plan 7-1n1 to. ,snnect it. with an . engine belt and.spiu it like' a top. The Inventor *as very much in earnest and • . 'With a Picture Dealer. 'WILY the liovm That Driftp to Central develops sympathies whieh are the smite( • • , The following good Joke on a party of „of all ow is most 1)08011 01 anti attreei America Neer Drifts Brien. Probably no other magazines are read by so many people as the copies of the Ladies' • Hone Journal that go • to a Commotion; lady. After reading each number she fors_ weirdo it to a eister in Sootland,where it read by the household end nate 3; 3 , he collated the tools he believed..he carefully laid awa., till the end of the year. went), require, a candle end a flint and The twelve copiee are thenigivtn tothestew. ,sterl, end then betook himself to the ardess of a Shetland Island stesmer,who mauscileunr. The tomb was closed by an crew. Then they are left at arelnoteSie high, radiating from a center in a sort Bort of circulating librasy,passing from sPikes; ' , a deer. Said be to the dea er. • mother s influence ? e • in e large. of Mr . . lane Island town, where they serve ari a of ' semicircle and armed with ahem 1 retains them until read by h r and all tbp iron gate formed of sti.ong bars eight feet was told by George Bogert, who was One ' ive in hunian Miture. bid sinless West . "A good many typical,Americap holies Sympathies • are- : preperly „coin rcl led tufit . drift down•dcoCentrel Ameriea," said an ',official Of la -local . banana company, "and . arthits (or was it on the picture dealer?) of the party, as an actual oecurrenge: I, directed they thity lead. iii diSaker. Tkc.. "One day," said ' Mr. 'Begert, "Fred-, •i fatoes,s rule is ilia of Op shefid or iudgs one good thing about is that they never ment; the mother's influence is that. (ir. get back again. The country Seems to erick Kest; 'Cirleton Wiggins god' my- .. .self Were down. town and for a : lark I .the brio .or sympeths,.,. .s..4 • , - , • ' suit thorn: tin to the hilt. 1 haVe -been stopped. in one, of , theta _cheat: picture, 1 "If a' wife Will not support her; War , ,watching. the trainp travel , for seyeral, anoot $1:22.• After looking about a bit I not likely to licquire the poWer to met; ' barter; rule is bend et the familYs she I- • .years, itad. it has 'afforded Inc coat:ides:v. ble .aniuseineut • Some of them Scrape. Shops where they Bell oil paintings Joe Host seleeted one, supposed to represent the children obey 11-er.... So" (hat if th. uP enough Money to priY for a deck. pas - vraggemensugaimomma What is.• \e's 4Ste••itt Ajar Infants Children. Castorla Is a • en4esfS?r'llotitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops Sot S 'lig Syrups. It contains neither Opium, liar other Narcotic substance. It is Fleasant. ..-strautee is thirty years' use by Millions `ot • dotibers. Castoria destroys Worths and aliays Feverish. kas s. qastorla cures DiarrIt00a and Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves • T...ething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria aisimilates the Food, a' egulates the fitc;inach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is tz -CitildreffN • • t Panacea—The l‘fother's Friend. ' Castoria. +castoria is an excellent medicine for children. mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon. their children." • Da. G.. C. Os000n. Lowell -114g, . uastorla, Castoria Is so -well adapted t.tchildren - that I recommerid.it as superior to any nrit• scription known to me,,, • 11. A. Aucursa, M. D. Rrooklyn, r THE FAC-SMII ILE SIGNATURE --Or -o APPEARS. CM F.:VERY WRAPPER. .• " ,rwieziza=1111m11111 ew Tweeds Serges ants, uitings Our Tailoring Department is now Robert Downs. who • • , ..sage, but mcistsof theni stoye 'awriy or ge: house to lo we for a year or mo e until they He found it. iinpossible to Open the " 'Beg pardon, sir, but' I 'am green at I f 1 1 1 • 1 11 'I) , at le: s ru e t ie c ( ren wi grow tip is s • dowii es roustabouts.. When t ey tand,- are literally worn out: Inits journey§ this business. Will you mied explaining I do only what they find inost' agreeable need t d s no in ro ue, ion. each magazine finds its way into scores. of• the interior, and that settles it. ' they generally drift a little distatice otto homes t nd is eagerly manned by hundreds of eyes. • • lock, and he was therefore • obliged to clinib .ovei the gate,- regardless of the'. danger of tearing himself on. the barbs. Here he found a double stout oaken door In the floor, that gave acce'ss. to the vault The two valves were soclosely dovetailed into one another and fitted se culty In getting a tool betvieen them. He tried, his false keys in vain on the lock, .and for a long tithe •hls efforts to pry the lock open with a lever. were equally -futile. • At, length by means of a wedge he succeeded in breaking a way through the' junction• of the 'doors into which he could inSert a bar, and then he heaved at the valve with ill his might, throwing his Weight on tbe lever. . It took him fully an hour before be . cord& break open , the door. Midnight strtick .ai the valve, grating on its hinges, • was thrown back. Then, leaning. 'over • the opening, holdings a pole In both bands, he endeavored to feel Abe depth -of the vault. In so doing. he lost. his balance, and the weightof the pole dragged him .dowS, end he fell between two coffins HOW'S THIS? • ILV e offer one hundred dollars reward for any cam of catarrh that cannot be oared by Hell's Catarrh Cure. J. J.- Chesney di -Co , Props , Toledo, 0. e undersigned. have known F. Chesney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeetly honorable in all business transactione, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by theit firm. • 'West at Truax, Wholesale Druggiste, To- ledo, 0, Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholaale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the oysters'. Price 75o per bot- tle, &Id by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pitts are the beet. ' The heir to the throne of Servia 1- said to .be living on a farm -near Dodo Llity, Kansas, with his family. The War Department will construzi at the mouth df Halifax harbor one of the strongest forts in the world. EN THE MORNING • Yon feel better of your siok headache or bilious ipell if you have taken a Laxa-Liv er Pill the night before, These little fel- lows work while you sleep without gripe or pais. )3, Clergue announces that in addition to the steel plant of 600 tons doll capacity now being b *It at tips oo, anu 131. , be added. • A Medicine Cheat is the name appropri Moly applied to Bagyard's Yellow Oil. can be need externally. or taken internally. Chum cute, burne.brumee, contracted cords, stiff joints, pitinful .swellinga, quinsy, sore throat, pain In the stomatth, kidney cern plaint, etc. Price 25o. Arthur Blair was tun over on •tbe railway near Arnprior and killed. 11.. 'this piettire? The deer appears to have instead of tualong obe once o y tIi "In Nicaragua and Costa RICA esPec,al• a inelanaiily, hungry look on his face, •rule of their life.". Am I tight?' ly life is- very easy .for an ablebodied. • man who has an 'aversion to working and " 'Quite ' correct,' .replied the dealer., Bred la the Bone. . Is not very particular about his surround - 'Step over here. This is better.' Did you. ever notice a little girl, 10 I, , I Inge. All he has to do is to marry a me "Yen see, it's this way,' continued .11 years old, short of skirt, c' oss a mud' tive woman and settle down in some lit. • ' exactly that he found the utmost diffi-. Nest conedentialiyi 'My .wife and t are .dy street, •weuring..an air .of unpottnal in the city for a fete days to buy sons. and "hitting" with he right hanl the "•lie baiSena or cocoanut grove for the .pnintings for our new house in Indiana. ner of her •outer gormeut 1 If y on Ito en 1. balance of his days. To my certain ti I. h.ave..to •get a few hundred. dollars' , you can scarcely have paid xnueli atteit large nember of weary .wil. knowledge that'is exactly. ithat has beon worth, and I reckon, I. had 'as well get oh .to Street scenes Is Id n . wou reque. a . done by• a GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the summer comes. • Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers coughs,coldst sore throat, hoareenese, bronchitis, and all- disesees of the thmat and lunge; • The stearrierNorthwestern has start- ed on her trip from Chicago tiiguropr;- some 12 Veet be ow chamber. There be. lay for some little while Unconsdous, stunned by his fell. .WbeS be came to himself, he sat up; felt about with his hands to ascertain where he was and considered what next should • BALMORAL BULLETIN. • Sine -I wits auffpring terribly with paha across the small et my beak, and I' am pleased to gay that after taking one box of Doan's Pills I am mired." M. E. amens, Balmoral, Oqt. William Patterson, the medical stu- dent found with a woman's body in his •Eniession, was tined $200 at Peter - oro'.. ALL NEavES. tinny people say they are Ilan nerves" easily ()tattled and upset, easily worried and rivaled. Milburn's Eteart and Nerve Pill are luat the reniedy snob peotile re- Stnbenranch *was' not the man •to feel 'either respect for the dead or fear of Might supernatural. With -both., hands ,besustained the 'heavy lid of the 'coffin as he peered in, and the nedesstty for 'using, both to support the weight prevented his preene hand from being laid on the re-. mains of aa August and pions princees. olatubenratich did indeed try more than ofictilo meta e • w be might ,grope with the .other for the treasure he fancied must be concealed .there, but the Moment he 'removed one Land the lid crashed. down. Disappointed in his expectations, Stu- benrench now replaced the,eoter ,and be- gan to consider how he might escape. But now, and only now, did he discover that it Watt not possible. for hint to get :out' of the vault Into which the bad fallen. The . pole on which he had placed his colifidetide was ttio short 'to reach the ,opening above.. Every effort 'made by idttthenranch to scramble ottt failed. Be was taught in a trap -and whet a trap! Nemesis had fallen on' the ruffian at lined on the scene Of his crime and con- demned -him to betray hinteettS. •..MornIng broke. It wet Sunday 'titans: special festival at Coburg, Tor it was the • twenty-fifth anniversary ot the accession ef the duke, so that the town was in lively commotion, and park and palace were also in a stir. Stubenrauch sat up and waited In hopes of hearths some one drew neer who would release him. Abost 0 o'clock in the mornieg he heard stemi. on the twill and at once begun to ghoul for neeistance. • The person Who 'had approached ran *way In alarm, declaring that strange sad unearthly noiseri homed from the dueal matisoloura. The guard matt ap- prised, but would not at first believe the reliart-"Airiength one of the sentinels • Witit diapatelted to the spot, end the re- turned speedily With the tidings that there cettaiely was it man In the vault. He had peered through the grating at the entrance and had seen the door broken tilien and it crowbar and Other .bing about. The gate' Was new opened and Stubenraucia retnoved in the midst of assembled crowd of angry end die- mayed spectators. He was removed to prison, tried.and condemned to IS menthe with bard labor.--Baring-Gould's "His- toric Odditlee *aim ElOuth American. Nervine tones the ntrves, stimulates digestion, all casein lien) to perfect health. In no cast has its potency 13eee put to severer test than that Of W.11. Sherman. Of Morrisburg, Ori Ile says; " Wai completely run down, nerves all agog, stomach rebelled at sight of food, 'constant distress and general'y debilltatsd, Pour bottles made Me a well mat. ---tie. Sold by 3. g, Hovey, .t P. Heckle, quire. They reetOtesperfeittsharinoessot. the neer) mini:tee and give steW nave Tome to ehattered nervous system& ' • The apartment formerly occupied by John Brown in Windor Castle, which has been closed for eighteen years, has been reopened and will' be redecorated and'converted into a billiard -room. 1. ...Cling 'ALL gettitliaiNs WITH Pain -Killer A illedlelne&dherit le Hutt Siiiple, Safe and (Wok Dere for • MILOS. OlitiThilieriSM• NIELMALOIA., frid eti cent Softies., BEWASE iltirrATIONS. AIN oNLY YHO.OtNuths, PERRY DAVIV the• United States. I call to them all right here.' psyehological explanation to detail the • lies "le "The dealer nearly dropped • In his reasons which "move these tiny persons to mind h end of the .oue ca on the sout• Mosquito reservation. - • " `Yes, sir,' he said briskly, 'yon have but they do go throughit and they . will I "A. thoroughbred American. tramp,. who tracke, but was equal to the emergency. ' go through such a ludicrous maneuver. stepped out of comet; tile best place in town, but be- continfie to go through it so tong as -tee leoked as If he had just • fore we begin business, gentlemen, ,COnla with. me: tbe girls usually. end at the 'Stices, nno feminine remains eternal. 'lo begin with. the dresses f f these lit down there about'three years ago and is over to the Astor Rouse and have lunch I• the pages of some cemic weekly, drifted now enjeying life as a landed gentleman. "'Thanks,' polled Kest without the t : toed one- are so 'far from the avetnent He managed to annex a half breed wife ghost of a smile, 'we had a late break- as to make. it im o sible for it P. and with her a scraggy little banana fast at the Waldore-Astoria and really 'trail Withili less tPit: i It s 1 a 1 neer foot of -the • ar°"'It not 'nue)" S•o look at, but obundant to sOpplY:the slinple needs of don't care for anything justyet. By the dues and dist of the •sidewalli. But this the household. They Jive in a filthy we way, . have you any (pictures by a map . consideration bae no weigl la 1: li It V: i 1, t. t , the hutwork named Carleton Wiggins?' • . , tle woinen. Tbey have noted that -their , The women does all the ., aud the es-trainp dreams the happy "'No; we had ,one- by Wiggins, but :-elder sisters'and other women of then' ' °Odra sellsit—'Wooleikshandl.se-his-piesolonequaintawee-ithoolably-selestate-i,-he.i.u- heere 'awaY in a 'h°rnemade °5etumill tures.' - when croesiog-ond so they follow ran' the neig .iluer 11 " " anunoc . • " 'Anything lby :a fellow named Bogert?' always •eonselousiy, the example. ' , ' hboriug Indians, who bate an in- discrimionte respte4 fora white skin, "'Nth Nev•er expect to either. His The practice is inborn and he confidedto me last rosineradienand I suppove the - are not worth :having.' ' . I ble eta it is 'allowp ing. By no stretch of •y eoutribute to his sap- " 'Ahem! Have you any works 01 the imagination (0111(1(0111(1one picture the abort ort Anyhents .. • ...x . , .. ^ tiMe I saw him that he hadn't done a lick celebrated artist Pre,derick Kost?' I gowns vornino ill contact with the road . . • • obt? said the dealer, seratching way. But the children don't stop to on. of work since he struck the country. The : 'Kota? I don't . alytes. They just lift the skirt. gravely natives make a kind et rum ont of wild his head meditatively We were nearly choking witb laugh- galls. Next titne you see a litile girl going cane, adi he gets boiling driinli whenever he feels so intlined. '. think I ever heard of him.' I cross !Ube street nild ag gravely lower the "Altogether iis an h13•11le life for • ter before, but •this last was too muds. to :reboot watt+. her irdvements when she t felions whit has riddon biotite beams And and the laugh we gave Kest put the deal- comes to a coner. There will be 00 see. r dodged he put on his hat and, leaving hie assist-- tax:ie.-New York Herald. constables throtighout tbe inhos- pitable states. By advertising lbe attrac- er 00, *5 the saying IS. Withmit a word wads •of amusement for you in the spec - ant in charge, marched out of theAtore, ringoiromoy pained exnression on his Eayptes•Lovely 1Chedivah, face."' 9sie k1ii1iveo sgyli eastern rulers- who have lived int genuine o• seeonottew roar aspeatisaspats. love storywith the heroine for Ws wife. II. -----lilt. Cit- "Don't take a light out of the house • e ` • solemn Injunction on Isiew Year's night of the ger) ithedivali, at Balanced Wheels Boon Steel Ballo. before one has been brought In," 16 the cepa.= We. vididi (dowa tions of the country and supplying tian portation we might get rid of .the tramp -incubus_altogetheis" CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. Coats ar Son flint4ii Sn:qmci 'filiiid Factory. 5, S. COOPER • • PROPItlfaTOR, General Builder and ,Contratter. This •factory is the largeet in the county, and baa the ver latest imprEteemis,.• shimmy, capable of doing ork ell the. shortest notice. .We carry an erteesivess . vino refiabh stock and prepared plans, and give estimates torand build all elites, es of bniklings on sheet notice and on the cleocet prices All woie is gut I . Ad a inselornicril way ard eatiefaction guaranteed. we eel' an kin& of terior and exterior material; Lumber Lath, Shingles. lime. Sash. Doors, Blinds., Ete Agent for the Celebrat AA El 0 (••1., Z.LS , man utoottirld • at Waterine. CM' mod got priees and eat:mates before plecin ;OW ordilre , ie ofBusiness _ _ Having bought il,•• Grocer) and C• tekery business eo euccestfully eairiea oil for • the poet 112. 3cats .1 y J. Vi . Irwin, iiod having os 20 teats' erieoce myself'. in wholeesh. end rt tail grccery mid crockery beeineep, rm confici.nt I can keep, up the good repu• tion of ihe c•cl film in tut ping tictlune tut the t co eet gooda• at the luwrst priet e. I linie reduced all rn3 Dirtier, Ten, Tti et and I able Sete, tu make rrom ler n.y iruport order, wbich I (nett in a few months. Call mid • examine goods ate price' &fort 3 ou boy. N• euhle to show (cods. •J. W. McCabe' With reference to the above change a bushmee I take tbis opportunity of ex I preeatng my smcere thanks to my numerous friende.and customers for there libel's: eupport dilrieg the pain 12 years and bespeak for my two:se:for, J. W. McCabe, th. eame liberal treatment so g(terongf accorded to me. J. W. IRWIN .• She was fortnerly a stare fen 'Power Shown In the 111ffeet 'of of the peasantry of lAncolushire Eng - lead, Death Is certain to result if this advice is not followed( To permit woolen to enter the house gest tea New Year's day is said to be a sure forerunner of evil. The same ve- sf khetlevah. huppy couple model their homer hold after the European Whims She :neither paints nor powders heo fate, es is the eustom of Egyptian women of higli whose house the then yOung ruler of Setae yearii ago, before the railroads lagypt .S.st Saw her. As beauty gives bad begun to replace the light rails with tank in the orient, the young slave's con- rails of heavi r Section and at tbe same anent. She was cotieted and won by the :motive had reached a pobst wbcdc the when the development of the loco- dition did not interfere with her advance. time dashing young mince and finally formal Icencentrated axle loads were greater thati the track was well able to carry, it van found that the passage of a train at high speed wus .0 produce a serious distortion -and psiriument set of the rails. • In ono partieular rate, after a new and vfnusually heavy engine had sassed over a certain stretch of track, it 'owes -found that the-- vertically, the depressions omurring at regular and evenly tipaced intervals. • Inquiry late the cause developed •the fact ithat the idcomotive carried a large amount of exeess balance-thot is to say. the reciprocating parts had been so cone pletele counterbalanced that tbere was a large ,excess brdance in a vertical direc- tion. which reisulted at the high speed at • whichithe train Was running ita a vertical hammer blow, Whose downward effect was sufficient to depress the rails beyond their eliteitio ihnit and leave them perma. nently ihatorted. The beet practice to- day h, so reduce tbe weight of the reciprocating parts to- the lowest limit consistent with safety and then counter- dialanee only a certain. proportion of these wedghts., , Muscular 'Rheumatism, pro. mureled sults aite said to follow the throwing out to him anditoised.to the rank of dirty 'water, 'ghee or any kind of nef- use. • •• In swelling the bourse the dust must ha swept from the door to the hetrth ,or death will be the consequence. • A custom striifi-etifitened-at present dissafteroasks- tank. Shlikes European dress and has irig the fire In the morning to spread the -111.17'61iFfill-o iiirt:Viiiitg-iiiiirseintettlessert- ter-- frig • tile& the threshold. If in the lel' Illree &RighterShe studies s' wit41 impression of test her ehildren and fi his n -open, Inquiring morning !there is as of the meet leadino tiara the hoime. a death in that 'flied' The khedivah has one ' family Is et) firmly believed in that prep, e rations aro made for it, but If the f • Mark leads toward the house a birt during the eear' is sure, add preparad- tient; are made accordingly. Ihrhslit Afore Net the Largest, • The amount of light we receive (trim an Mae depends upon its distanee, Its eke' and the brilliancy of its eurfatse. A feint star far away may 'therefore ,tes much larger than One 'which appears' brighter to tis tbecanse it is nearer, and at a Matter of tact it Is knciwn that some faint stars have a reach larger mass -that it., Weigh moree-thae Sirius, the bright, tumptiume yaebts in the world. Tae ea - :keine are Most magoiticently upholstered in White satin brocaded with p'nk roses. the coeniees done in real gold, ohliesthe lentiels :are hung with beautiful pictstose. Her own mom is decorated hi pink and white. olio bed, with its hive trimmings, leokingipartictilattrinviting. iferinicloo at Resits. 03/trinking at mode induces a peyote to eat more, thou he otherwise vrould, and meow in eatkog is one or the great eantea tor elekneals Jn fact. the two great diet. ary ft:Mingo sexton to be overeeting and cii.iuking of too little water at the proper eel stni• in the heavens, nitheugh this la times. Many oefels are from overeating 1 r three Oates heavier titan oar or team eating snows food Persons with 81114r attendant lung ;power, W110 4,X0rei110 groat deal anti inavithe muu h. can diuraise :rho flotitthe IlOWN &toilet countries of a large quantity of foodhut the more In WhiCh 02 languages and dialects are delicate and setletearti shmild tett [tinder spokenit is 2s1(10 miles in length and twist. A- void, .cri • tal, NIA brills an its curtent four-fifths of 'ths wattle, in spit.- of IWO lue• t. coienierce of entitern 1:011011ah A. despatch from Sorel says that the stearriship,-Tiverton, with s cargo of fruit, le agruund nine miles above that, place. children Cry -icor 4 A MagicsAl Life Savor Is Dr. Ag: new's Cure for the Heart. Atter years of Vote *ad agony withdistressing Heart Distia,,, if gives relief in 3co minutes. Thos.Petryx I tkier. Ode:, write!: "'1 had suffered years whia a severe form of Heart The slightest exertion prOdtteed fatb Aveves Care for the Heart gave me, makst, four bottles entirely owed te, CASTORIkSold by Amy, Co It, P. dived by exposure oegiecod, aeveicipa into the chronIc form swim :direst incroi.ble rapidity: Satoh American Rhettmatic Cure is it cpalek- ttetiok sitnpid and harmless curry, net directly on the system, not a liniment to' tem- POrarily deaden pills, An internal treattnentj that'. aloolutely erre toost acute forms in from °to to dace days. -154 Sold by J. E. govey, neekle. flr Michael Flicks Beach told a de. lunation of coal men that the eapor t tag would be rnaintainecl. In theocase of exiethig tiOntra `ntiniated some relief esesessesse**44.v.sesstiwpoo-e-twe ,441•44444441,34*4411-44-$144-41****, 1 Iron makes rich blood, • Now is the time that your syetem needs building up. Iron is one of the best Tomos drives out the impurities of the blood, makes the binna rich and pure and gives tone to the whole ',totem, our • Compound Iron Pills .confaine in it conder tett form, ell the elemehte r.eoeesary prOdnee new rich, bloat, aro nerve neeue. • One or iwo boxes amity brings a marvel-, ours improvement in beelth and strength.••• ••• . 50 Pile In ii box or li boxes for $11. H017.11.1 Onensitm fbemIst,. 41Intou .314.tpppm.v.*********4444444:44-41-Tialrocorkkor********1(****444 Piestelassauatde* andlWations 4. • We have a large assortment of firs'..lass Buggies ' to choose from and intending mixers will find our atoek uktu- date. Prices are low, for.high-grade good& • Geo. Laviso CenPral intolement. Dealer. Clititon irst class ,Buggies I am handling the McLAtrOBIN 0.1bLIEIBRATE11) BUGGIES 'whiah are admitted' tO'be the bet " Midein the market. Altio;Buggies my own mantifecture, which ere op to k106. I will be pleased to show in. tending purabasers my steak tit any tune, and prides are as low leWelt. JOHN LESLIE Huron" Street Oiintott.. err Pkbt.%).