The Clinton New Era, 1901-01-25, Page 1Iteeertl
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e -elintoo: New
nerrerunalED 1866.
eieennarR TIOLMES, nalaished
We wish
AU our friends' t
A happy -
New Year.
-Beieper Watebe Reinettriti- +
e•T eweler Arid .Optielan
NOTES. -Lieut. W. J. ‘Heaman at.
teuded the meeting of the officers ot
the 38yd Battalion, held at Clinton on
Friday. The Royal Teniplars of Tem-
verance met in annul convention here
on Friday, and held an enter talisman t
in Gidley's Opera louse at night. 3.
Stanbury was in London last week.
on legal business. Retries Bissett is'
slowly recovering from his recent se-
vere illness. George Daw, of Niagara,
and -James Dave, of BenmIller, have
been visiting- they mother, Mrs 'W.
Westoett. whet iS very low with can-
cer.. ' R. Pieltarcr :Lb Co. have Started al
stere Dashwood. The censue enus
merathre for Exeter are H. B. Huston,
James H. Greive, W. Tievethick and
A. R. Kinsman. The Times, is, putting
ben new gasoline engine.
• Comm. -Council met Jan. 14th, ac-
cording to Statute. Members all pres-
ent, andeach took tbe. necessary de-
clarations of office and qualification.
Minutes of last meeting were reacFatid
approved. The Clerk was instructed
to prepare a by-law, fixing the salaries
of township officials as follows: -Clerk,
$130; treasurer, $99; assessor, $70; cot -
lector, $80; auditors, each $9; D. R. C.,'
$6; selection of jurors, $4. On motion
of McIntyre and Stotbers R. A, Car-
rick was appointed, collector, M. 3, Mc-
Kay assessor, and John Long and A.
R. Finlayson auditors Cheques were
. issued .for the following; -D, Murray,
ditching. core 14, $4; Enoch Bowers,
Plank, Il5.60: 3. H. Hackett, rep. cul;
eDn. t4:43; Hugh Glenn, gravel, $5;W.
c a-nd, :stone at bridge. con 7, Si;
Municipal World, 2 assessment rolls,
collect:fie e roll and express charges,
3"(); Garrow & Gerrow, legal advice,
3; Wm, Gordon, rep. scraper, 50c; J.
K. McDonald. ditch on boundary, $15;
H. Ensign, rep. cul. on boundary, 260;
D. Boyd, shovelling gravel, $2.25; W.
McArthur, supplies for council, .76c.
Next council meeting will be held on
Feb. 16th. W. STOTHERS, Clerk.
St. Joseph.
NOTES. -Mrs D. Bedard,fromCourt.
right, is visiting relatives in this wicin-
ity. A. Denomme has purchased the
organ belonging to Father Courtois.
Paul, the youngest son of Mrs P. Can -
tin has the fever. L. MouSsettil went
away to' Belle River last Saturday,
where he works in a hardware store.
AeOhallet came back from the west
the other day. Joshua Gravelle, from,
near Hamilton, paid an unexpected
visit to his brother. L. Gravelle, who is
slowly declining in health; he is over
SO years old and had not seen his
brother for over twenty years. Three
families have arrived here during the
past week. Mr 33acignem and family
have removed to this place.
A Large Fur. and Clothingionse
Greig (maid
).. Seafert
3.. People have driven mi es this s noon
* and people will drive mi els yet to par-
* chase from and inspect our gra of •
e. men's and ladies' ful coats and Jackets.
* The poorestthat you oan make is to
purchase the inferior furs, far better is
a good cloth coat, of whiCh we have
many than a poor fur coat; there will
be More satiefaction in the end. lint
if you are after eornfort there Is no
garment on earth that will afford the
same or nearly the same amount of
warmth a d oomfortias the fur gar -
We merely state that the coats for
men that we will recommend aro the
°all in &II qualities $10.50, $17.50, 1318.50,
$20.00 and up to $25.00. and the Coon
from $25,$36,140 and $45; thee are' Coats
that will wear. •
In ladies' jackets we have lines that
there will be no doubt but thac the
qualities are geed at *25, 2O, $S5, $40,
On the wrong side of the street
Strong's Block, Sartforth, Ont.
Fairs' Breakfast
If Not Why liot
It is molly prepared and is the most
-eeenonsical Breakfaet reed offered, •half
sup being relffloient for five.
---- We haye the other 13reakfast reedit
Mich as -Quaker Oati, Pettljohnts,
Swlss Pood, Hetalthlitood, Rolled
Wheats Barley and Oats, but as
• 'eller Pairs' Breakfast Food , taker;
the lead.
vor Pancakes- we have ProParad
ifistekwheat Pancake Nitwit and
NAP% Syrup.
▪ OGLE COOPER st '100•
' tub". Va.,,Vor tutor and ton
tion given to our soldier -boy, Dave
Lougheed, was the grandest everll
known in WinghaM. The Town Ba,
though' large, was not half large
enough to accommodate all who were
anxious to get therin, The Mayor
read an address of weleomeewhile
Alderman Holmes presented him with
a gold wateh and a well-fIlled purse on
behalf of the town. Revs. Lowe,
Freed and Prior gave patriotic ad-
dresses. as did also Dr. McDonald, ACP.
The band played the National .Anthern.
e are pleased to welcome our boy
honae again,
ELECTOD.-The Lady Macabees held
*pedal meeting in their . hall on Man-
nar evening last, in order toelectof-
being O., . Mrs . •WIthasson; P.
L. 0„ Mrs Dr. Kennedy: L. 0, MPS G.
Newton; recorder, Mrs Newcomb:chap-
lain, Mrs C. Bearber; sergeant, Mies J.
McGee; mistress at. arms Miss II,
Stewart; sentinel, Mrs M, 'Beckwith;
picket, Mrs J. Kerr.
Nores.--W.Scott has returned from
Manitoba and will start up 'another
bakery,in the stand he vacated. some
three' yeaes ago. There is some talk of
a distillery in tawntwhether it will be
a desirable acquisition or not time will
teil. 'The Scottish concert was largely
aftended on Tithe -day last,aithougle the
death of the Queen somewbat, clouded
wee occasion.' Org.anther Bro. Strong,
of the C. 0.F., is'm
AN ORATOR.. -A. son of Rev. Dr. Gif-
ford, of Clinton, and a former resident
of Wingbatel, preached: very accept-
ably in the Methodist church both
morning and evening en' Sabbath last.
We feel that he is .a young man of
great promise, and will eyentually be-
come a leading star among Methodist
ministers. .
•Wiereiseee WINOHAX I- The new ,
Methodist ohurch,. which is in course'
of erection, will, so Contractor Ben-
nett says, employ 25 'men until late in
the fall, and if our new foundry goes
ahead, it will also require a large etaff
of men, making a boom for Wingham.
•LEAvesci Towes- Mrs John Well-
wood,vvho has been running a r estaur-
ant in the south end of the town,. had
an auction sale on Saturday lest; We
understand, that she is going to make
her future home in Toronto, ,
Wanted. -Roll butter 22o. Feed those cowl)
butter will be good for months and ours is the
beat market in Canada.the year round. O.E.
Considerable oc;py whioh reached us Thum -
day morning is unavoidably orowded out.
. ' Blyth.
day. Jan. 23rd, James Cartwright, of
Hullett, was married to Mies Harriette
Heward. The ceremony took place in
Trinity church at p, rre, and was per-
formed by Rev' Mr McQuillan; Miss
Annie. Harrel ton assisted the beide, and
Amos.' Cartwright, • brother " of the
groom, performed theduties of grooms-
man. The, happy couple have the best
Wishes of their friends. .
LOCALS.--Mieses Whitman, Kippen,
were the euests'of Mrs Joseph Conthe
on Sunday. Miss Elliott, Ba;yffeld, is
the guest of Mrs W. IL McElroy,
Capt. John Buie and wife, Buffalo, are
visiting his mother, Mrs John Buie,
Ca,pt. Dan Buie and wife returned to
Chicago on Wednesday, after spending
a fortnight with relatives here. ProL
Campbell, of Goderich, has taken an
intereetin the Methodist church choir
and is giving them ,several leasoos
weekle in the way of training. W. H.
Finnenrore received an exceedingly
large car of Manitobawheat this week.
. ,Dungannole.
Chieeidn. - Inspector Paisley was
here this week completing the transfer
of the McCormick hotel, to Mr Jesse
' Mountain, who will be found ;obliging
and attentive. Mr McCormack has
secured a hotel property adjacent to
' the Market, At Hamilton. •
STRUCK WATER. -At the Well which
A. Peterson was boring on the ferm of
, Geo. Turner, water has been struck at
a depth of nearly 300 reef. •
NOTREt-Miee E. Row cliffe, -Ushorne.
is visiting her sisten, Mrs J G. Crich,
John Layton, Brucefield, spent Sunday
, at her home here. Miss Mabel Hartry,
of Seaforth, spent ' Sunday at W, 0,
LandesboroSs. Charles Criebt who has
been ser iously.t11, • is recovering. Mrs
James ()rich a spending a few days
with her son, Eneas .Orich, of Grey.
Albert Turnerensited friends here this
week, Bert Holmes, of the Clinton el-
evator, visited his cousin, Miss ,M,
Holmes, last week, Duncan, Ashton
left on Wednesday last' to resume his
studies at London Business College,
Miss Jennie Grant, who has been on
the sick list, has recovered, and has,
again resumed her duties asiettcher of
S. S, No. 4.
KILLED' nv A TREE. -On Thursday
of last week, as Messrs Robert and Jas.
McKay were chopping vvood inEdvvard
Papple's bush, when a sad accident oc.
curred. -They put fire in a half-dead
tree to Warm thole wedges, which were
frozen; the lire burned in, and when
they saw the tree was aboub to fall
both young en ran, but &limb caught
Robert McKay, striking him on the
temple; he was taken unconscious to
Mr Papple'rehouste where he lived for
a short thne, but never became con-
scious. He was taken to the borne of
his father, Alex. McKayeEgroondville,
from which place he was buried on Sun-
day afternoon. He was but 21 years of
age. Much sympathy is expressed for
the bereaved family, especially the par-
ents, at the sad death,
Tome HtHisLire griday last
friends were shocked on bearing of the
Very sad death of Wm. Gordon. In
the morning he get up at the usual
hour and performed his Morning
chores, ate a hearty breakfast and held
family worship; he then went to the
barn to work. During the morning his
Wife went out to the barti, and in the
hayloft was horrified ed find the ,dead
body of her husband, hanging by a
rope attached to a beams quite dead.
She immediately called the neighbors,
and the body was taken down, quite
cold. It was thought that he commit.
tea the awful deed. abode, two hours
before the body was found. No cause
for the rash act is known, as be WAS a
steady man, Well thought Of by all who
knew him, a member of the Brucefleid
Presbyterian church, .which he attend*
ed the Sabbath morning before he took
his life. He leaves a sorrowing wife,
but no family, to mourn the tied occur.
ranee. The remains were Interred in
Baird's cemetery on Monday', followed
by a large concourse of friend* and
nel hbors
ef flc
ere for the ensuin year. The reault
Baru Hay $4,1812, I)Ied Jairiiirk12„.19$1
St. Rele118 • -001bOrile.
ACCIDENT.- The' Misses Wellwoed, ex
Wednesday kit while Hugh pill was
going down in front of -R, Walters
with a load of wood, one of his horses
slipped and fell, causing the waggon to
slide sideways into the ditch, which
was about six feet deep, but there was
nothing the worse only a few broken
stakes. .
tNoTns.'-Special services are being
lielreen Zion church. The new council
met last Monday at Carlow, and ,ap.
pointed Jos. Goldthorpe, Saltford, to
the office ot township treasurer. Chas.
Allin had 'aboub ten teams last Monday
hauling flat storm from the Maitland
lievi ere,he_rterporeee. einttingethern in his,
horse stable next surniner for a fiber. -
R. Fisher hats returned home after
spending a few weeks with 'friends
near Clinton, G. Ferguson has en -
aged with Mr Hill for the winter.,
Dime rumor sayer there wt11 be a wed-
ding on the let conbefore long. Ern
Young spent Sunday at R. Walter's.
Quite a nnmber are laid up with a bad
cold and grippe. .4.. few of our young
men attended an oysteresupper at Port
Albert. last week. ' ' .
of Fordyce, had an unfortunate tweet
on Sunday when attempting tb drive
through adrift near W.J.Humphrey's.
The cutter upset, throwing the occup-
ants out; when the horse got away
from Waal, but was capeured at St.
Helens. We are pleased to state no
harm was done.
•• OYSTER StreseEn. An oyster supper
and concert untie, the auspices ofthe
0. U. F. will be held in the hallehere-
to-night (nifty). Tea served from 5
to -8 o cleckeafter which a concert will
be given consisting of songs,recitations,
etc., by Jos. Stalker, of Whitecburcre
Thos. McLean, of Dungannon, Miss
Berry, of Lucknow,and'otherise-Troope
er,Lougheede Wingham, will be pres-
ent and give a short address. . Admis-
sion 26 cents. :
UNFORTUNATE.-Soreis time ago Miss
Maggie Davidson left here to enter the
General Hospital, Toronto, where she
underwent a successful operation.
Shortly afterwards her sister, Miss
Martha secured a situation in Toronto,
bat the friends were shocked to receive
word an Saturday that the latter war.
also in the hospital, and not expected
to recover from an attack of diphtheria.
We hope there may be a change for
the better, and that, both daughters
may return fully recevered.
Cauncert-On Sabbath .last Rev. S.
M, Whaley preached from the text "Is
the young man Absalom safe," 2 Sam.
18:29; as Mr Whaley Was sufiering
from a severe attack of grip on Sab-
bath morning, he decided not • to finish
the subject until next • Sabbath morn-
ing. Uniou prayer meeting was held
in the Presbyterian church on Wed-
nesday, Jan. 16th, when Rev.. ()Wen, of
the Episcopalian church,Lucicnowebad
chargaand service was held in theEng.
lish church the following evening,
when Rev, Mr Whitley presided; both
meetings were well attended.
No'reses-Mrs Gordon and Master
'Inn tley Garden, of Lucknow, recent-
ly visited at W. E. Gordon's. Mr and
Mrs W. C. Webb entertained a num-
ber of their friends on Friday evening
last and Mr and Mrs N. Campbell on
Thursday evening. A number of
young people from here attended the
teitereeting in Calvin church, East
Wawanoeb, on Mondaylevening, Jan,
14th, and report an enjoyable time.
Mis3 V. S. Gordon has returned from
visiting friends in East Witwanoeh
and stt_thA manse, Belgrave. R. Ma-
guire sold a horse the °thee day and is
on, the lookout for another. T. joynt
and family, together with others from
here'attended the celebration given to
his, Trooper Laugheed,
of Winghatn, on Friday. We • are
sorry to state that Mrs W. X. Ferrier
is no better. At the annual meeting
of the Public Library directors on Mon-
day evening ef lest week, Mr 0.A. Teb-
butt was appointed as one of the dir-
ectors. , Misses Carrie Wellwood, of
the 10th con.. and Mies Jennie Tre-
leaven, of Ashfleld, returned to their
work in the United States on Monday.
Om/nom-Rey. J. Wilson, Goderich,
reached a missionary sermon here on
Sunday. The League held its annual
election of officers on Thursday even-
ing last, which resulted as follows:-
Pres.,W.McDowell; 1st vice, R,WIght.
man; 2nd yice, S. Killotigh; 3rd vice,
Miss II. Stackhouse: 4th Vice, Mies) M.
Wightman; Sec„ Walter Wightman;
organist, Miss H,Stackhouse; meetings
will be held Sunday and Monday even-
ings alternatively in future,
PRESENTATION, - Rev. S. Kennedy
has labored and ministered faithfully
and indefatiguably among the Metho-
dists of Westfield, and the members of
his congregation recognizing this
showed. then, appreciation and expres-
sed it suitably. After one of the Week-
ly meetings in contention With the
church they called upon their pastor to
accept from them a purse of money as
a mark of their esteem and gratitude,
the presentation being accompanied by
a suitable address. The reverend gen-
tiernen has been blessed in his work of
love at Westfield; we sincerely hope
hi !rebore will peeve beneficial and be
blessed wherever he may go.
NOTES.. --A. sleigh load from 13ruesels
were entertained at the home of R.
McDowell on Thursday evening last,.
Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Lennox, Toronto,
together with several other relatives,
are guests at J. IL McClinton, David
Henry, of Montana,, is home at pres-
ent, being summoned on account of the
illness othie mother, Mrs Geo, Henry,
and_hts brother, Wellington, the latter.
having an attack of appendicitis, both
are ina precarious condition, M188es
Laura and Alberta Carr entertained a
number of their friends lad Monday
evening, R. Buchatinan wear a broad
mile theee days; it's a girl. Mies S.
inhume re yery low with grip. N.
Olettlehe is spending a few weeks with
relatives here,
• • .'
NoTzu.-0. Long is yielligg relative's'
In Ashfield. Rey;: ece'Shaw intends
holding reyival setyices- for another
week, Quarterly Meeting will be held
in Zion church on 'Sunday, Feb. 3rd,
W. M. Mohring has started his trip tor
the summer and fall as representative)
for Macpherson & Battey Co., Clinton.
PRDPErtTY ORANGE. - Christopher
Dale has purchased Mrs Jae, Snell's
farm on the 6th con, of Huliett. •Mr
Daleis now possessor.of Mk acres, all
in Hullett. • This goes to thew what
perseverance and Industry will do, •
NOTES,- liobt. Anderson left for
Bruce Mines' ' Algoma, where he has
secured a school; we wish him success;
before leaving he entertained • a atm -
bet of his friends ,here. Mise Sadie
Jamieson, Brussels, is spending a few
Weeks at her home, Mr Lennox, who
was in the blacksmithinig business
with W. B. Cook some time ago, is
visiting his friends here. J. F. Staples
has secured the assessorship for the
present year; he is the right man in
the right place. Charles Andrews
and Lou Proctor spent a few days in
London last week. 0. Dale disposed
of n. One heavy dratieht* horse to J.
Archibald, of Seaforth, receiving the
handsome price ot $190... The Sabbath
School hes been organized for the
present year. Robt. Rogerson took
charge of the League meeting on Sun-
day evening; next Sunday evening B.
Snell will introduce -the tonic.
Tena Mecgregor is at present dress --
making in Seaforth. A few of our
young people attended the wedding of
Jae. Cartwright and Miss Howard on
Wednesday. Charlie McGregor has a
ensile on him as big as a barn, due to
the fact that a son and heir has been
born in his household- the first in ten
• Bayfleld.
Outruoii,-Rev, Mr McNeil occupied
St. Andrew's church pulpit last Sab-
bath. The congregationof St. An-
drew's church Will hold a teaemeeting
and entertainment on ,Wedneeday,
Jan, 30111; some outside talent is ex-
pected and a lengthy program will be
Isionts.-,.J. McLeod has rationed to
Huntsville. Miss Lowe, who has been
the guest of Mrs G. W. Holman for
some time, has returned to her honte
in Hensel!, Mise Anna Whiddon has
resumed her position as teacher.
Messrs J. and W. Whiddon will take a
course at Clinton Collegiate Institute,
j. W. Johnston, of Sauble Line, Will
occupy the house of the late Mr Logan
for the Winter. Messrs W. Whiddon
and J. Bailey are employed at Mr
Thomeett's mill hi Goderich township,
Cemkesettle COmineter.-- The annual
meeting of the Bayfield Cemetery corn•
pany was held in the Town Hall, on
Monday, San. 21st, 1901, at 2 o'clock p.
me for the purpose of electing directors
and officers for the ensuing yehr, and
receiving the vearlv re ort for 1900 1-
ei •
Receipts-eBa ance on harid from 1
0159.90; total receipts for 1900, $00.80;
expenses - total expenses repairing
grounds, building fences, &c., 366.::;
leaving a balance on hand of $146.
The following directors were appoint-
ed for 1901:-Jehn Middleton, Edward
Rathevell, John Green, Goderich
township; John MoNaughton, Janies
(Jampbell and Geo. Bates, Stanley; T.
Marko, jag, Thomson and A.E4Rewin,
Bavfieldo The following vvere appoint-
ed officers: -Pres., Jas. Thompsotiivice
Pres., Tudor, Marks; Sec.*Treati,, A. K.
Erwin; sexten,,Stur, Sturgeon.
Mr, Michasi Hughes, of Port Hive, was
run oyes and 10114 by a l000rsoilvk
ANNUAL The annual
meeting of the Sunday School was held
on Friday evening,when the following
Officers were elected for the next terns:
Superintendent, A. J. Creurtme; assist-
ant superintendent, F. Leonard; Sec.,
IL R. Forster; Treas. J. AV. Yeo; Lib.
ramie Ezra Pickard.' The old star of
teachers Were all re -appointed ' for the
several classes; organist, Miss Ahna
PASSED AWAY.- SOM0 weeks ago
we mentioned the fact that Mr Hugh
Sturdy was ill, but it was not thought
serious at that time. However, coin -
plications arose,. which ended in bid
,death.on Sunday night.,, Deceased was
the youngest sou ot The late iflugh
Sturdy, and had reeided all his ife on
the farm where he passed away, He
Was 52 years of age. The funeral on
Tuesday to .Goderich cemetery Was
one of the largest seen in this. section
for some time. '
' Nan/ft.-Mrs ,john Dart, Who has
been visiting at Win. and Fred Leon-
ard's, for the pasttwo weeks, left for
her home in Bright on Thursday, Mrs
W. Leonard, we regret to learn, is not
insproying, as her many trims& would
like to see her. Mr A. E. Allin oc-
cupied the pulpit on •Sunday morning.
and, as usual, gave us one of his
earnest and epractical-ediscoursee; we
areatWays pleased to hear Mr Allin;
the lecture on Monday evening was
very well attended; Mr Morrison is a
geed, speaker and has his subject well,
Thursday evening ' about seventy
people connected with the Methodist
Jiturch took possession of Mr E. Ach-
eson's:house. Although such a large
nuinberwas present, there were not
too meny to there ughlv enjoy them-
selves. All went in for a good time,
and few seemed to corne away without
having it. A feature ot the evening
was the presereation of an easy chair •
each' to Mr and Mrs Aehesen, who are
about to -make their home in Goderich,
by Mr J. Trewartha, and an address
showing the appreciation of their .ser-
vices and the esteem tir which they
are held was read by Mr S. T. Walter,
and which was unavoidably crowded
out. Mr and Mrs Acheson were taken
completely by surprise, knowing no-
thing whatever, about the matter. Mr
Acheson replied briefly, saying that
Ftoldthey were
doing things. by halves, and m es eilleere-ropleliederreiraYeeeftie Teal
certainly keeping up their reputation
on the present occasion. The evening
was spent in social chat, genies, etc.
RefreshInents,consisting of oystisre and
other good things, were served, and all
lett-at a. reasonsble hour, wondering
when they might test the size of their
host's new home. We. are .sorry to
'Mae Mr and here Acheson froth ottr
neighborhoed, where they have resid-
ed ea long, as they are the kindest of
friends and best of neighbors. We
hope the people of this circular town
will use them right. Mr Acheson was
a trustee for over 20 yeers,steveard and
pew steward for-17yeend recording
athwart for the last frier years. Mrs
Acheson took an active part anetwas
an'efficer of this branch of the W.M.S.
They leave for Goderich shortly.
. '4414)6
The heat'advertising medium
In this section,.
1 era3 days, and for a time her life was
despaired of; her two sisters went
il rivn last week, on telegraphic sum-
tn.) is, to see her; we since learn that
she is improving. •
Dome NICELYo- Win, Wise's son
Bert is doing as well as can can be ex-
pected from his painful end accident
he met with last week. It was state
ed in last issue thst 11.1 lost his right '
arra at the shoul (1 e , 111 I, we learn later
on that it wee no 1 v neeessary to am-
putate it a little an we the elbow,
DEATH or W. %Tune -Our leaders
will be pained co learn of the death of
Mr William Wise, which' necurred on
Wednesday afternoon, Tile funeral
takes place on Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock, Deceased was one ot the most
highly esteemed, as wall me one of the
oldest residente of the tots nship, and
more extended reference will be insde
of hinenext week,
Thome LARGE LOOS. -,Last week we
Made mention that the two large I 1gs,
the largest which have come • in,
town, were obtained upon Jenkie ,
farm. This was true but Geo. Mail
was the owner having -purchased them .
from Mr R Jenkins and had them
cutem the piece, Mr Baker and Mr
Jenkins assisted in hauling them to the ,
read and the , teams belonging to 1
Messre Math anci Jenkins hauled. them
_teethe mill where pnotes were taken
Photographers Burgess and Twichell. 1
These photos may be 'seen at Twit -1
chell's store.
THIS WAS Reate.-On Friday even-
ing 9.1011y party of young from Alma
and elsewhere spent a very pleasant
evening at the home of Mr Gilbert
Mair, Huron Road. When it was
time to go home it was arranged that
two certain ladies slicond 'go to Alma
with acertain young man, but through'
forgetthInesste only took one 01E631
Reaching Alma he realized his error,
and leaving theyoungbtuy who was
with him,and with true Norman spirit,
gallantly and bravely. came back for
"the girl he left behind him,"but when
he got to Mr Mair's he found that an-
other young man, whom henassed on
the road, was then on his way home
with .the young lady. He may be a
good driver, but he must prove a bet-
ter Carter ig future. • '
NOTES. -Miss Agnes Cooper rusti-
cated in Hullett township last' week
and was the guest of the Misses Jen-
kins, Miss Ida Miller entertained
her associatesto a party last week
and all present eujoyed themselves
iminenneedo. elyther
Miss Roheieans:in
On Fridley and was accompanied by
her cousin Norman Welsh whepe
he will remain for a fortnight. A
merry sleigh load of young people
composed chiefly of Cole's church
choir drove over to Stanley township
On Monday evening and was enter-
tained at the -home of Jas. Keyes,
Babaylon Line, whose hospitality is
always essential. Miss Eva Chaff
spent Sunday at her uncle's, John
Cluff, Bayfield 'line. A. McCartney,
of Hohnesvilthe vent Sunday in this
neighborhood. Rohe Marshall slipped
on the ice and resulted in a. very sore
-back and broken ribs, We are pleased
to state that J, W. Elliott is improv-
ing. Mrs G, • G. Hodgens returned
to her homeat LAIIMIX1 Oroseing. Miss
Annie McGregor, Ha.tlock is visiting
friends on the Bayfleld line.
DEATH T, C. PIcacAm).-It is our
sad duty to record the death of Thos.
C. Pickard, at his late residence at
Hohnesville, at the age of 07 years and
8 months. Though sail his demise was
not unlooked for, as he has been fail -
in health for some time. In Dec.,
1896, he suffered a very 'night stroke of.
paralysis, and again a .more severe one
m Nov., 209', from which time he failed
until the third and final stroke on
day last, from Which he never rallied.
death relieving him on Monday morn-
ing from earthly tortures forever and
ta,kine.him to his eternal rest. He was
born an Devonshire, Env., in 1833 and
at the age of 19 came to Canada, where
he settled with his parents in Picker-
ing, Ont, Five years later, having en-
tered the ministry, he came to Clinton,
where for two years he filled with ac-
ceptance the appointment of associate
pastor of the Bible Christian church,
following this with oneiyear in Mitch -
Failing in health, n 1861 he 'left
the public usinistryand settled on the
farm near Holmesville, when subse-
quently continued ill -health re'
hi na to leave, when retiree k'
late home in the vilflre. Daring his
remaining years, thteigh he wee ever
ticlirte, he was never strong. He re-
tained m close fellowship with the
church; as a member of official boat ds
hie counsel was ever firm, as a local.
preacher his sermons were sound ex-
positions of the truth. Be died as he
lied Heed, consistenteyeeed in the fear
of God. In 1850 he married Miss Mary
Catstelon, only daughter of the late
Wm, Centelon, who still sutviees him.'
Besides his widow he leaves to mourn
the loss Of an affectienate tether, three
daughtere, and four eons- Ezra and
William,earmere on the old homestead;
Ira 0.eteacher in Minnesota, but home
at present; Bessie and Roy, at home;
Mrs J. M. Hunter, Groton, S. D., and
Mrs J. W. McRoberts, Mitchell. The
funeral on Wednesday afternoon was
largely attended. The eervieee were
cci lucted by Rev. J. Greene, assisted
by Rev. G. W. Andrews. Three sons,
Ezra, William and Ira, two nephews*,
F. Pickard, and W. Jenkins, and son -
inlet% S. W. McRoberts, perforated
the duties of bearers. His remains
were interred in the family plot in
Clinton Cemetery, there to await the
resurrection morn. Thus ends the
earthly career of a noble and Christian
BracefIaId .
NOTne.-013 Feb. Ord the Methodist
church Will hold its anniveteary ser-
vices, and on the following Monday
tetemeeting will be held, ^ John Rose,
Pawleys and sister Bertha are renewing
old acquaintances here; Mr Rose has
been twice promoted by the G. To
and was offered a better position in
Mildmay; he is dation mister at Pais-
ley. Thos. Dunkin, London, formerly
of -Stanley, is visiting friends in the
village and vicinity. Mr Moore preach-
ed in the Presbyterian church on Sab-
bath last, Mr Sawere being it *mond-
yille, A number from here attended
the funeral of Robt. Matey on Sunday
afternoon. Miss Lillie McCowanlett
on Tuesday' to visit relatives in Miehl.
gan. Mrs A, T. Scat le *felting her
deter, Mrs. Yellowlees, Bowmanyille,
Gedorids Township
litts Pearce:, of Detrolti.second
datightet of Mr P. Oronytt, nayfield
Lite, has been dangerously for way.
Comeme.--Council met per statute,
members made the necessary declara-
tions of office and property qualifica-
tions. Minutes of last meeting were
read and passed. Moyed by las. John-
ston seconded by John Middleton that
Sas, Repson's property be changed
from road --div. 33 to 32 road div,
and lbalance of property in 33 Div be
changed to 34road div., and also prop-
erty in road div. No, 47 be placed in
dive No, 22. Salaries of the various of-
ficers were same as last year. The fol.
lowing accounts were paid: Star,
printing, $3; election expenses, $57; J.
Halstead, posting treasurer's reporte$2;
two assessmene rolls and nomination
forms, $3,22: Nows.Record printirg,
$20.00; T. Hermon, rep. culyert, $1.75.
The appointment of Use vitt ems p
InasterS, fence viewers and pound- v
keepers was dispensed with. 44 John ,
Thompson wee appointed assessor and '
L ens A, Anderson collector. Jas.
Yuill wee appointed fence -viewer in I
place of Win. Ed wards,deceiteed,and J.
elowerhy in place of John Porter as I
feeee viewer. Council adjeurned to
meet, on the that Monday in February.
11 myear in advance
tfl.5O wheu.nOt so wee
e. ;)*ld
If so, htlY a
Hot Water
• t At Reekie's Drug Store.
Large assortment of
new goods from 75e -
up, • . • • . * .
R. P. Reekie's
Prescription Drug Store
Succeeder to Syduq Jackson.
N. 11.•. -Try hack's Balsam crf,Wfld
Cherry stark for Coughs and Colds.
NI`' *
o es. -Geo. Beadle has bought the •
residence of 0. Vcrenzel. Ray. Mr
enderso preached his farewell ser-
mon here and at Carlow last Sabbath..
bbt. Stalk r entertained a number of '
his friends -on Friday night; they
tripped the light fantastic -till the wee
srna"ours, Bebe Holmes, 31 P.. and
wife, of Clinton, paid Auburn a flying
visit on Friday of last week. Rev: Mr
Wilson; of Lioderich, preached to a.
Urge congregation, in the Methodist
church on Sunday morning. .
'• Londesboro..
PERSONAL. -For the past week Mrs
Geo. Brogden, of this place, and Mrs .
W. U. Brogden, of Winnipeg, Man„
have been visiting relatives at Mita- .
Mrs D.
per, left to visit rienesatB1yth:
ly made the recipient of a qtiantity of
Ioats by some members of the cengre-
'nation. R. B. Jeifery was laid'off the
other day with a sore neck, and is only
partially better yet, but able to attend
to his defies. A quantity of hay from
near Harlock . is being shipped from
this station.' Last Thursday a load
from here visited Mr and Mrs J. Moun-
tain at their home in Dungannon. Mr
McBurney, nephew of Wan Hiles, who
residgee• near Deloraine, 'Mare, is visit-
ing ends around here. Jobe Grain-
ger shipped a fine young Durham bull
this weee. to Brussels:. James Shob-
brook, con. 12, has a calf about 51-2
months old that weighs 525 pounds;
how ie that ferLigh P 1VIr Denholm. of
Blyth. has purchased a lot of hay from
R. Cole. and will ship &din this station.
Alex. McKeezie, clerk at the post effice
here, was called to his le ale near
I kerton last week by the illness of his
mother. Robt. Cole, of the llth con.
west, has been somewhae poorly, but
is on a, fair way -to recovery. G. Mey-
ers shipped a cae of stock to London .
this week, and R. ,J. Govenlock a car
of hay to Seaforth. S. Finglapd and
wife are visiting • at Galt' this week.
Geo. Axton. London, who passed away •
so suddenly in V,ringliuteci on Tuesday,
Was in the village on efoncley evening.
Serge A. B. Webb will give a lecture,
accompanied -by a concert, in Lendes-
bore on Friday.night.
-TiffiteNsw Tow* Freed, -.It was .
singular that the new 'flag just pur-
chased should be hoisted o,t half mast
for its debut to Olinteeeas a eignal., of
mourning for the death of our beloved'
Queen Victoria, who passed away at
Osborne -castle, 0oWes,, Eng., on Tees-
! day, at 6 45 p. tu.
Our country's iiiW.e hall ib ldistlayee
But to -day we greet it wit_h;a sigh '
Spread o'er cur loved Queen s bier.
The "old tattered rag".which had seen
service andfloated for many a year,
since it was presented tothe_town by
Wen. Ranstord, now of New York, will
ne'er more be seen.. Ib had become
weather -worn and was a poor sample
a the British Empire's national flag
"3 had brayed for over one thous-
and years the battle and breeze, --
Therefore the property committee
were instructed to seeure a new one
and boteght a 15 -foot flag of the Derain.
ion ensign from 'W.D,Fair, to be h.oist-
ed on state occasions in Clinton. The
fact inspires us to the following verse
"Like all niankind, I'm severed at last
My gEarrommona smoyi aearthlygedf toiren o; w am white,
As. the Christian beyond the skies.
Though dead there's a duty still to de,
But the elements often me teased;
re.rAIzationfotewtedas anClidnutonp'pselaign, the breeze.°
Stanley, Errnwerox.-- Alex, Innes has
purchased 50 acres of hind being tte,
south half of lot 31, 2nd con., 14 ay
owned by Robe, Fearon, Mr Irmo
now owns 200 acres of exCellent hind
all in one parcel.
Nbees,-A. Campbell, of Kincardine,
who has been visiting old acquaint-
ances for a few weeks, returned to his
home durine the Arse of the week. H.
Mustard is at preeent home from the
wag and is the guesb of A.. Than:Won
and other relatives.1 •
COUNCIL, •-rCouucil met as per, stat-
ute, all the members present. A grant
of $10 was given to the Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, J. E. Harn-
well was appointed Clerk and the oth-
er officers remaining the Mlle as lasb
year. John Manson, jr., was anpoint-
ed member of the Board of Health.
The claim of A. Cantelon Was rejected
on account of it being presented too
long after the accident happened. The
salaries for the different 'officers re-
main the same. The following bills
were paid: -11. Campbell, gravel$4;Dr,
Armstrong, Board of Hoak ,h $4; H.
Richartework on S. ti„ 50c.; Wm. Mc-
Allister, drawing gravel, 345.50; A.Mc-
Beath, plank,$55.90; A. Mustard,cedar
piles, $15. Council adjourned to meet
Feb. 4th, at one o'clock. S. R. HAnx-
WELL, Clerk
ASSAtmern A MAdtierne.The-Officer
Grundy lodged Patrick Hickey in jail
Saturday night. The prisoner is charg-
ed with an assault on Felice Magistrate
Beattie of Seaforth, the night before,
Ile is said to have entered Mr Beatty's
hones twice, the second time after
walking a mile to his own borne, re-
turning with an axe. Ile pollee
istrate managed to drive him out with
snow -shovel, when the neighbors be-
ing aroused, Rickey made off. The as -
sank was the Outcome ofan old decision
of the 'police magistrate's, which has
been rankling for years. Mayor Wil -
'00n and Mr Durain sat on the case,
The New
One hundred years ago watches
were thiek bulky affairs; to -day, the
np•to•date watched are models in ap*
pearance and time keeping qualitiee.
The cost of a watch 15 no. longer
the serious barmier it once was. Ws,
keve them for ladiee, gentlemen sr
boys, in gold, gold.fIlled, silver Ind
niekel eases at prices that will ode
any pocket. We will be pleased to)
how you our goodie
A. J. Grigg,
Jeweller and Oi?tioian. •
fitiooetnor to Jos. Biddiecombs