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The Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-11, Page 5
Supplement to the Clinton neon New THUR9DAY. OCTOBER 11, 1900 THE BAYFIELD FAIR. ine Weather, A Large Attendance and In- creased Gate Receipts. The annual fall Fair under the auspi- sof the Stanley Branch Agricultural ciety was held here on Tuesday and ednesday, the 2nd and 3rd, proveda endid success, financially and other• e. The first day as the custom, devoted to placing and judging the oor exhibits while the second day the exhibition day proper and it a day to tempt anybody out of re, hence the crowd was large. , In it seemed like a specimen mid - mer day held over for sample of t year's variety. The indoor exhib- especially grain and field crops,were hat could be desired but there was ht falling off in horses and other tock while the gate receipts were t $200 or about $50 iu excess of ear. On the whole this was one e most successful years in the his - f the Society and the directors igbly elated over the result and dy they are laying plans whereby oticeable defects of this year will t right next year and the eflici- of the ground, etc., still furthur ved so that Bayfield Fair instead ng a thing of the past will go on sing in popularity every year. In renoon a series of bicycle races eral prizes were run off and these itnessed by a large number of who lined the streets. The cis, a handicap for boys under 16 distance six miles , was won by Gee, H. Marks, M. Whiddon . Whiddon in the order named. cond went, that of a matched contestants were sup - to which thec be formed of the old boys of town, failed to materialize he of the so-called .old boys not in training for the n. However, nothing daunted, sourceful management quickly ether several fair young riders ere willing to show the specta- t the girls of Bayfield can not e gracefully, but fast as well. e lwas won by the following in er named, viz :—Ethel Marks, erguson and Ina Fowlie. In nds the usual attractions were nee, With the exception of that ble band of fakirs of the nut- riety of artists. the absence of as a commendable feature of , but the want was fully atoned e merry-go•round which drew big share of patronage. This has one feature which seems Ily recommend it and that is al opportunity that old men beaded women get of living thful days over again in a bare - e or a merry aleieh ride with- . We cannot close these com- ithout giving notice to the fact ladies deserve great credit for est they take in making these e success that they are. Did take even half the interest and anything near the enthusiasm by their fair help -mates there ver be reported a falling off in xhibits. Men can well afford leaf out of the ladies' books in ectand it would do them good. music was discoursed during .y a band composed of several nton boys assisted by a num- ur own. Below we give the and would remind all interest - he officers and directors will he town hall, Bayfield, on Fri - 9th inst., at 2 p. m. to pay ney and transact other busr- one year old gelding or filly, Cbas Williams, W G Johnston, span of carri- age horses, J C Reid, single carriage horse 13 Phyle, W Brandon, lady driver, Mrs Charters, saddle horse, Harvy Davis, W Sterling,6 oon. GRADE CATTLE Milch cow, Geo Erwin, W Stinson, two year old heifer, W G Johnston, W Rathwell, one year old heifer, D H Mo- Naughton, Geo Johnston, fat cow, heifer or steer, 1 and 2 W Stinson, two year old steer, W Stinson, Thos Stinson, one year old steer, John Davison, Geo John- ston, bull calf thoroughbred, 1 and 2 W Wise, heifer calf thoroughbred, W Wise, special 132, 1 year old heifer, J Davison. SHEEP Leicester—ram, W Glen, Snowdon Bros, shearling ram,W Wise, G Penhale, ram lamb, Geo Penhale, W Charters, ewes, G Penhale, W Charters, shearliug ewews, W Glen, G Penhale, ewe lambs, W Charters, G Penhale, fat sheep any breed, Snowdon Bros, W Charter. Shropshiredown — aged ram, A Duncan, shearling ram, 1 and 2 A Duncan, ram lamb 1 and 2 A Duucan, ewe,, 1 and 2 A. Duncan, shearling ewes, I and 2 A Duncan, ewe lambs, 1 and 2 .A Duncan. eeor Campbell, hemstitching, Mrs Howie, CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Wednesday afternoon) Mrs Molntyre, emproideryon silk, sat- in or velvet, Mrs McIntyre, em- broidery on bolting cloth, Mrs Moln- tyre, Mrs Nott, whisk holder, M Breth- our, .Mrs Nott;. pin cushion, 11 Wise, Mrs Nott, knitting in worsted, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Iiowrie, honiton or point lace, Mrs Nott, Mrs McIntyre, tatting, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Mott, arrasene work, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Mclntyre, chenile. work on felt or plush, Mrs. Nott, Mrs Campbell, tea• cosy, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Nott, tray cloth, Mrs Howrie, Mrs W Charters,tab le. cover,Mrs Nott,Mrs How- rie, netted doilies, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Iiowrie, etching on cotton or silk, Mrs McIntyre, Mrs Campbell, gent's linen shirt, Mrs W Sterling, 0 con, Mrs Mc- Intyre, gent's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs Nott, ladies Underclothing, Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell, plain hand sewing,: Mrs Howrie, Mre Campbell, kitchen apron, Miss Parsons, a Wise, crochet or knit slippers, Mrs llowrie, II Wise, , ladndry. bag, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Nett, hankerchief racket; Mrs Nott, Mrs McIntyre, drawn work, Mrs Mclntyre, Mrs W Charters, patched quilt in cotton J K Wise., Mrs Nott, patched quilt in cloth, Mrs Nott, Miss Parsons, knitted quilt, Mrs Nott, Miss Parsons, °rocket quilt, Mrs Iiow- rie Mrs Jas Donaldson, button holes, Mrs W Sterling, 6 con, Mrs Jas Camp- bell, collection of ladies work, Mrs MoIntyro, Mrs Il:owrie. 1'IGB Berkshire—brood sow, Snowdon Bros. sow, 1 and 2 Snowden Bros. Chester white—aged boar, Robt Turner, brood sow, Snowdon Bros, sow Snl,wdon Bros. Red rigs—aged boar, Snowdon Bros. DAIRY PRODUCE Tab salt butter, Snowdon Bros. Geo Clausins, salt Butter, Snowdon Bros, R Penhale, 5 lbs of butter, W Charters, J K W Ise, home made cheese, Snowdon Bros, home-made wine, Snowden Bros, J K Wise, honey in comb, Alex Smith, honey in jar, Alex Smith, Geo Clausins, collection of honey, Alex Smith, home- made bread, W Sterling 6 con, D Prouse, bakers' bread, Thos Stinson. GRAIN AND SEEDS White winter wheat,M Bretbour, Jno Davison, red winter wheat, M Brethour, G Clausins, two bushels spring wheat D Brethour, M Brethour, white peas, M Brethour, J, Salkeld, small peas, D Brethour, M. Bretbour, six rowed bar- alaxorncTGREs, ley, M Brethour, D Brethour, two rowed barley, M Brethour, D Brethour, white 1 10 yards home-made rag . carpet, oats, M Brethour D Brethour, . black Hannah Wise, M. Brethour, oats, D Brethour M Brethour, timothy home-made flannel, Mrs Nott, J. K geed D Brethour,M. Bretbour, eoinli Wise colored flannel, II Wise, Mrs J Salkeld, D rouse, recommended Nott, woollen blankets, Mrs Nott, II spring wheat, J Salkeld. Wise, rag mat, J Ferguson, W Sterling, FRUIT 6 con woollen yarn, W Sterling, 6 con, PRIZE LIST. PLANTS AND FLOWERS - Boquet oflarge flowers, Jno Ferguson, W Sterling,•6 con, baguet of smallflow- ers, Jno Ferguson, Mrs Jno Forrest, house plants. W Brandon; Dr Woods, pansies, Jas Campbell, W Sterling, 6 con, geraniums, W. ti' hi:r , , rn. ART WO i• t Pencil drawing, Mrs C 1 ,ii. pbell, Wheat ,.. Goose Wheat Borley Oats Peas 0 04 to 0 66 0 64 to 0 66 038 to 040 0 28 to 0 28 057 to 000 Rye , 0 40 toe 40 Potatoes per bushel.. , . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter loose in crock ... . 0 15 to 0 16 Butter in tub . 0 16 to 0 16. Egge per doz - 0 12 to 0 13 Iiay 5 50 to 5 50 Wool 0 15 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt....:.. , 6 10 to 0 25 Pork per etvt 5 00 to 6.00. Flour per cwt Bran per ton Shorts per ton Wool per lb 100•to215 .•1200to1200 10 00 to 17 00 15 to 16 Peaches, basket ,.:. 0 40 to 0 50 Ripe Tomatoes, per bask...0 20 to 0 25 Plums,. per basket 0 50 to 0 50 Niagara Grapes per bash 0 25 to 0 25 Onions per bush 0 80 to 0 80 Lemons per doz 0 25 to 0 30 AUCTION SALE OF 1'AUm STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS, - Auctioii sale 02 a good farni. farm stook and implements at lot 28, con. 1. East wawanosh • adjoining the village of Auburn, on Thursday Oct, 18, 10011; as follows :-1. mare 8 years old in. foal to Lord of the Manor• 1 mare 6 years old in foal to King Gonuut 1 liorso 6 years old 1 spring colt. 1', good nrileli cows Supposed to bo in calf, 3 ateors i ,sing 2 years'old 4 heifers rising 2 years old spring'<.alvcs, brobd sow and litter of pigs 4 pigs .3 months old, binder • mower steel hay rake. disc; harrows plows turn. plow grain drill iron harrows fanning; mill lumber wagon .bob sleighs -harness. hay fork slings pulleys etc. cook stove tiiilk cans '3 acres of turnips a lot_ wanosh, 1101lares, allTmin lgod'cultivation lgood frame dwelling house 18x30, lying 16x20, 2 story, franc barn 36x50,sto ne stables under. 1 acresof crayon thawing; hire ( (.o tupi,oil, . M18 orchard 2 never failing spring wells 8011 elay J Forrest, water color p:lintin , Mrs .1 Forrest, Mrs 0 Campbell, oil ..hinting Mrs J Forrest, :Mrs Nott, • 'Kennington ington painting, Mrs Jno Forrest, lustre paint- ing, Mrs Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell, paint - on :ilk, satin or velvet, Mrs Melntyre, IMPLEMENTS Single buggy, W Copp, cote .' . bug- gy, F Mess rocxTnr Mr J Forrest, Ducks," Gen* Clau8ine, geese, G (llausins,11 Penh lr i:r.rhmas, Peter Baker, Plymou it rocks, Peter Baker, brown. 'iegoorns, Mrs Howrie, Peter Balser,, white leg-. horns, Mrs Howrie, Peter Baker, ham burgs, Mrs fiowrie, bantams, Mrs Howrie, turkeys;" Snowdon Bros, buff.cochins, C Donaldson,D Mac- donald, game, J King, Peter Baker, andalusians, 1 and 2 Mrs Howrie, min.. oreas, Mrs Howrie, Peter Baker. loam 70 acres under grass 8 acres fall' wheat some fall plowing done, good fencing. ilio farm is'eu a lending gravel road, } mild front Auburn.IRyt,h 5 mh:es, Clanton. and Goderich 12 miles, This is a very desirable pike no .poor or waste land and umist, bo: sold to close the estate. For full particulars sec Thos. Classady on the place auburn I' 0. Salo without re- serve as proprietor in giving up farming Salo 1 'o'clock p, nn ' , rein e5 and under,. dash, ; over that amount:11 months' credit on .approved joint notes at percent. discount. • CHAS. II IMILTON, THOS, CASSADv, Auctioneer, 31.3 Proprietor. Fall apples, W Sterling 6 con, D 11 McNaughton, winter apples, D H Mc- Nauehton W Sterling a con collection of apples, Mrs W Charters, Jno Salkeld, pears, J Salkeld Jae Parsons, collection of pears, J Salkeld, Jas Parsons, peach- es, Mrs Weston, grapes, Mrs Weston, Mrs Howrie, crabapples, Alex Smith, Mrs Weston. baldwins, W Ster- ling 6 con, D 13 MoNaughton, northern spies, W Sterling 6 con, W Charters. HORSES Draught—Brood mare, Jno. oal, Jno. Salkeld, two year g or filly, Alex. Robertson, old geldingor filly, Jno. Sal - an of working horses, John VEGETABLES. Early potatoes, W Sterling, 6 oon. J Salkeld, late potatoes, W Brandon, W Sterling 4 con, mangolds, long red, A Makins, J Salkeld, mangolds, yellow globe, J Salkeld, Snowdon Bros, man - golds, yellow intermediate, J Salkeld, W Sterling 6 con, beets, D Price, Alex Smith, cabbage, J Salkeld, D Galbraith, cauliflower, P Murray, Mrs Howrie, car- rots, A Evans, Andy Duncan, parsnips, 1 and 2 Snowdon Bros, pumpkins, R Penhale, .J Salkeld, squashes, A Evans, Snowdon Bros, onions, large English, M Westlake, H Wise, onions, Canadian, 11 Wise, R Turner, onions,D Macdonald, A Evans, turnips, R Turner, Snowdon Bros, carrots, W Sterling, 6 con, D Prouse, white celery, J Don- aldson, red celery, Snowdon Bros, winter radishes, J K Wise, H Wise, citrons, It Penhale, D Galbraith, musk melons, R Turner, R Penhale, watermelons, A Evans, R Penhale, beans, J K Wise, M . Brethour, small beans, Geo Clausins, A Evans, toma- toes, Snowdon Bros , J Salkeld, small tomatoes Snowdon Bros. 1 Purpose Horses—Brood mare Louis Aldworth, Levi Trick, 'Crick, Robert Blair, one year ding or filly Louis Ald- ipan working horses, W. 6 oon., best walking team a, any class, W. Charters, W. con. r Horses—foal special (bridle) row, brood mars J. K. Wise, inohey, foal, John Sparrow, n, two year old gelding or Duncan, Ino. Sparks, one lding or filly, Jno. Sparrow, illiame, span roadsters, ham,single roadster in buggy, ray, J. A. King. Horses—brood mare, John wo year old gelding or filly, • ldaon, W. Sterling, 4 con., Mrs Nott, stocking yarn,. W Sterling, 6 con, 11 Wise, woollen stockings, Mrs Nott, J K Wise, woollen socks, Mrs Nott, J K ',Vise, cottonosocks, W Ster- ling, 6 con, Mrs Weston, cotton stock- ings, Mrs Nott, II Wise, woollen;, gloves-, Mrs Weston, Mrs ;'loft, woolen mita, W Sterling, 6 con, J K Wise, single har har- ness, 1 and 2 B A Iliggs, ness,B A Higgins, ano'tippet. SPEEDING IN RING Free for all. E Bossenberry,Jas Campbell, E Bos. senberry. 311DGE8 Grain, J A tviliiains, Zurich, Jas Thompson, Bayfield ; fruit, Robt Stell- veen, Watford, llobt Elliott, Porter's Hill, Jno 'Torrance,. Porter's . Hill ; dairy, J A. Williams, Zurich, Jas Thompson, Bayfield, W Scott, Bruce. field ; vegetablee,Jos Allenson, Clinton, Sas Campbell, Stanley, 'hie Torrance, Porter's Hill; manufactures,'rhos John= ston, Zurich, W Scott, Brucefield ; plants and flowers and art work, Mrs Dr ,tanbury, Bayfield ; ladies work Mrs Geo Butes, Stanley, Miss Moore - house, Bayfield, bliss Miller, Clinton ; horses, James Handford, Centralia, John MoNeyin,'Kippen, Jno Grieve, S, Seaforth ; cattle, Jas 'Hearn, Clinton, Walter Madge, Stanley"; sheep and pigs, 11 Beacom, Clinton, J Coalters, Saltford; implements, Geo Erwin and James Fowlie, Bayfield ; poultry, .I A King, Clinton ; speeding, :Jno Knox, Goderich, John NI&Sevin, Kip pen. LADIES' WORE Pillow shams, Mrs Nott, :Mrs W Char- ters, crazy work, Mrs Nott, Mrs Camp bell, crochet table mats, Mrs Campbell, H Wise, toilet mats, lire W Charters, Mrs flowrio, table Centre piece, Mrs Nott, Mrs Howrie, Bola pillow, Mrs Nott, Mrs ilowrle, macrame work, Mrs Brethour, Mrs Campbell, Oroobet work in wool, Mrc Campbell, Mrs McIntyre, crochet work in cotton, 11 Wise, Mrs CON:7 STIlATFOR1), ONTARIO A wheel l'brt,i , cinitr tial,, r ' ,twins :,s cdltetaicit in ('at. olt. t t,:: •, , , , 0010- 10500 gInca 2,131 inform a 1/. . , 1 today for one Several Canadian a ,••• 6111+ many largo Amcricsn SIhool.r ('(11p),n ur ,;i.,.luarea as teachers, This is nut .4114,1„ 110n0 ill 00r favor. Enter now if possible, W.J. ELLIO'1'T, Principal. KEEP this thought before your mind that fall and web weather is on YOUR track and in order to he ready for it you rnui;thave your FEET dressed in a good pair of Boots or Shoes to keep thein ..DRY You can get all the best kinds of fall footwear at • THE WITCHERY OF KODAKERY We have just placed in stock a large assortment of Eastman hodaks, No. 2 A $12 00 No. 1 10 '00 No. 2 Bullsoye 10 00 No. 2 Bullseye 8 00 No. Flexo . 5 00 Brownie Kodak 1 00 Developing outfits complete . $1 -- trays, printing frames, toning solutions, solio paper and all photographic supplies Call and see our stock. H. B COMBED .. Chemist and Druggist These Kodaks.load .in broad day-lightr . If it isn't all Eastman, it isn'ta Kodak. circa S. C. Rathiwell's vA'I1,NA BUTTER AND EGGS We have - handled, large 'quant, ties of butter and eggs this sea, • son. Our ttade in those lines increased largely which means that our prices were. right. But we want more butter and hun- dreds of dozens more of eggs and solicit your patronage. OUR GROCERIES ARE FRESH • O. OLSON TIME TABLE.. Station nwill it arrive at and depart from Clinton .3IL'N1 AL0 ,AND 00DEUICII DIVISION: THE HOT WEATHER Still continues so we still call your attention to our CANNED GOODS All fresh and reliable. They are appetising and a boon to, the weary house- wife. J■ W. HILL doing East Express 7:38 a. m. 2:55 p. m. " ` Mixed 4 25 p. m. Go114g 16 est Mixed 1016 a. in. Express 10 27 p..In. • LONDON, Timms AND sauce DIVISION. Goiiig South Express 7:47 a, m. Mixed 4:25 p. m. Going North Express 1015 a.f m. Mixed 6:55 p, m. A O. PATTISON, I".1t. IIOPGP+,NS Agent. 'town Ticket .Agent. M.C. DIOIiSON, District Passenger Agent. Toronto. Pffore. After. Wood's Phoophodfne,. The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by al druggists in Canada. Only reit able mcdiciiie discovered ,Sta packages gwaranteea to cure all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, olx, $5. One wul p six will care: Pamphlets free to any address. The 'wood Company, Windsor, Ont. gold i Clinton ytsco13. sE.lIvv adWat& C.drugit% LICENSED -AUCTIONEER. 7.11c undersigned. is a licensed auetioneor for the county of Huron arid I'espectfally solicits the patronage of those who intend having auction sales Satisfaction guaranteed and charges moderato, WM. DUNCAN - CLINTON. REPAID SHOP. HavingiiaDowns I am pr©pareed too do a praetieal mechanical nner ,cal repairing in I can grind scissors, sharpen your table\knives, ete,. overhaul your lawnr�tlpAwern, dharpOn your cutting box kn vcs, grind your plow points, guar your saws, etc. Bicycles re. paired, The work Will bo promptly done and at moderato prices, thus, plow' i��� pPoints ground. at lOe each, Ono Elgin �Cleveln King bicycle, o reale cheap now, I still carry 00 my blacksmithing business where a practical workman will attend to the work, A. SEELEY, CLINTON. W. JACKSON AGENT C. P. R. CLINTON Travellers to any part of the world should consult the above in reference to tikketo, fares, etc, W 4 JACKSON AGENT C. P. R.