The Blyth Standard, 1908-06-18, Page 8Fine dare Fine Hair It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new, New bottle. New contents. Dots not change the color of the half. t Formula with eaoh bottla 8oho k lotto your ersdan do a. ho satitah about e Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is the latest, moat scientific, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling haw and dandruff it is the one great medicine. ....arse, by the J. O. arse eo., Lowell, Mees. - You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true, Particularly w'Iteu having Ciro - mules, Nearly every article of eatables eta be adulterated, Many of theta often are. Constant vigilance is required to keep uudosirable goods frem creep- ing into n grocery 8to,11 Otte of t.hn most persistent sinners • is Calmed (1soils. Thousands and thousands of them put np °very year, S;ntehody sells them, Somebody hays them. Somebody eats them. This grade of esteed goods is very r.ouunon, but this store has never sold a can of it to customer in its life, nod it never will. 'Oil r way is firsts or nothing in everything, always. CASH FOR ALL KINDS 011 PRODUCE JAMES CUTT GRANO,T U itykr X TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. SOUTH, 000.030, Oam u 01 n ) wlugham 1150 7 01 40 3 35 O 43 3 :33 Wieghmi,lat, 11 18 7 23 0 52 3 14 I3elgrave 11 40 7 13 7 00 3 56 Blyth 11 28 7 00 7 14 4 04 Londesbm•o 11 20 0 52 7 47 4 2:3 Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 35 8-05 4 30 Brvec+lleld i) 53 0 19 8 lir 4 47 Kippen 9 50 6 11 8 22 4 62 Heuaall 9 44 6 05 9 30 5 04 9 18 5 43 9 01) 585 9 07 5 00 8 53 5 25 0 13 5 07 502 5 00 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for MI 0)1(51ons on the Palmerston and Kim cardlne branch, Connections ere rnarle at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Underhill branch, and all stations Pram Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made et Lucas Crossing loyal) stations wrest to Sarnia. Connections are merle at Loudon for all stations east and west on the main line, 8'35 5 03 Exeter 8 40 5 14 Centralia 8 59 5 213 Clandeboye 9 07 5 30 Luoan Crossing 9 12 5 37 De,Oeld 11 21 5 46 Ilderton 8 45 9 29 5 54 1Lttrlc14 8 35 9 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 0 20 1) 37 (i 00 0yde Park dot. 8 21 9 45 6 10 London 3 15 -; Time Table I,CANADiAN', ,P CIFI . R0ItWAY TO TORONTO Goderich. ,...1.v, 0.00a.un. yulmtll " 82u ' lIlyth " 0.311 ' Walton " 8.41 " 131ilverton ' 0,14 Elmira.,... " 0.53 " Guelph ..:" 10.18 " Toronto Ar, 12.10 " 11101'1 TORONTO. loroeto f v. 7 25 a.m. Guelph Ar. 3323 " 0.22 " Elmira " 10,21 " 0.46 Milverton " 13403 " 7.22 Walton " 11.39 ' 7.57 Blyth Auburn " 12,101!1 '' 818 Goderfoh.:.. " 12.25 p.m, 8.40 yF 2.30 p. m. 2.50 ' 3.00 „ 3.11 " 3.43 ' 4.17 " 4.43 " 0,35 " 4Inp.111. SUMMER SESSION FOR TEACHERS and others during July and August. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Ratnoins opera throughout the summer Bind many students ent0rat this tune. -we nave a greater rtttendanee this year than aver before. Graduates readily se- cure employment. write today for nand. 01010 catalogue. It pa) s t0 attend the baa •y\r.,l, 511,1103". Principal, Cori Tosca and Alexander Sta., T,rout0. minor Locals. Stop Limping, Cure the Corn Quickly 110140 by Putnam's Painless Cloth Lxtractor. Acts it one day, causes no pain, removes over}}• trace of O'01)0ss, 1"i 11,)' \'('flOi) 111 0UCC,04 Pi tuaut's is the hest, Refuse substi- tutes, Tne section glen throughout the whole system of the Grand '5rrtok 1110,0 re- ceived orders to lav off duty every other Saturday until further not he. This enforced holiday applies only to the section men mid not aha section bosses and went into effect recently, When Illness Comes Have you near at hand a remedy that will alleviate pain and help 0)) thn (10140)' 001)1110 Awise thing isto have right in your home n bottle of Ner'ihue which gives instant relief, and prevents dtai'i 50 from spreading. Nothing known for the stomach and newels duet compares with Netviliuo, For crump,, indigestion, bearth0re and headache, it's indispelsatble, l'or fifty "eats Poison's Nervilil10 is 25c bottles lull beau ,t family stwad-by. Get it today, The following corps are attending the Jnae military encampment at Goderich which commenced on 'Monday of this week :-26th 6liddlesex; 271h Lamle ton Rlth Wellington ; 132nd 13ittoo; 3;3rd Hutu) ; the Army 00rviee corps; and kilo Army Medical corps of the district, About 11500 men in all, Good Reasons for Its Success The nrnjerky of c5(1(01h remedies are ueless, 1315 04(41 (5)146 does rm•eic Catarrhozono, It clears the head of all t r icons'a it ohar),o, Putrid matter in the nostrils, phlegm 1t the 155001, and disease germs are completely swept away, '1'Ita 0110811 of the disease is de- stroyed, Its results are destroyed and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is pet•mni- ent. All types of catarrh, throat and bronchial trouble, colds and coughs are more certainly cored by Celsrrhozone than anything e18e, 'l'wo sizes, 25c and fir et. all dealers, Won Huron District. $t. Columba]) has won the iuterme- dints championship to the Huron due 1010), 'Phis team will undoubtedly meet the winner of the St•atford- '1'avistoct- gained sometime during tate coming week. Diet Not the Whole Thing Your 1nb10 is loaded with food -di- gestible and wholesome, yet y0411)050). gain strength. \\'hat's the trouble? Look within, and what do you 1300? A lazy liver, stomach overloaded whit work -useless work because the bowels and liver are not sufficiently' active. Relief is quickly supplied by 5)r. Hants 111011'S Pills. 'They melte tweak folks strong by removing the cause of the wordiness, Digestion improves, con- stipation leaves, liter takes new life, kidneys wake up -the whole system is enlivened by 1)r. ILnnilton's Pills. No better illoiliCilifi for the sick or well, 25e at all dealers. To open July Ist, It is now stated t10,t. the Liewooi - Liotow•ol branch of the Guelph aid $2.010 RTRIP GODERICH to ETIT '���,� 1�5- SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Returning Monday, June 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND 11. 11. Ayr», Excursion Agent. Ch111ren Meals Baggage half fare 513eente Fat For Goderich Leave Detroit for Goderir•h 8.00 a, 10. (L•nve Port Huron 12 nam,), Friday, June 19th Goderich Banti Moonlight 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Special trains lune 20th to GoderIehlesve Blyth at 7,00 and 7.48 a. nn. Return to Godorich Dave Detroit for Gederich 1.00 p, m„ Monday, Jane 22,14, Cental time. Ar- rive In Cdcle010h 0130 p. m. Spiteful train on arrival of steamer for 131yth. Return to Detroit Leave Goderieh for Detroit 8.30 8. m., Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada 'Inc. !tate outs way with trunks, 01,50, WHITE STAR LINE PAGE Elclir-T1iE ULVTH STANDARD --JUNE 1S, Goderich railway will be open "u July, 1. 43001811105 ago it was expected to Open 011 the 15th lust, It is questimr able, however, if the line Will be ready lar regohn• service even by duly 1. Rheumatism Almsot Killed Her Por years 111 la. S. 11110 I, of H0111berstune, was a martyr to rlte0- matism, ••143x5 80 stiff and 10111P Oen 111 hardly walk," she writes. "An Ir tack striking my limbs mode walking impassible, ]friends and (loci os gate Prescriptions but I only got relief from 1'errczoue, I took 12 boxes and gained front the Hist, To -day I till well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health." Whether muscular or iufunlunatat3, ehrouie ur otherwise, 1'Orr07.olio does cure rlleuurnttnm and sciatica, 50c par box at all dealers. , Eat What You Want But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat Tho first thing to do iu the 0)100 of indigestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, so that altay will care for the food that is eaten, in Ito other way t y caul this be done $o well as by taking no 111i -o -nu tablet before each meal, This. restores strength to the stomach; muscles and stimulates the 40111111g out of gastric juices, then the food digests readily and you begin to get the Tull benefit ir0111 what you ant. Use Ali-o-na whenever ,you hat 'e rich headache, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleep ecsttess and many other symptoms that Uro he direct rceult of indigestion, J. M. Hamilton gives with every 40 cent box of 11i -o -tut a guarantee to re- fund 5110 stoney 111110140 the remedy cures, Auburn. The London Advertiser of Monday ]las the following 10 say of our minister in the Methodist church :-Res. A, 36, Birks, of Askin street Methodist church and Rev,A. 0, Jones, of Auburn, ex- changed pulpits yesterday, Large congregations were present at both 0er•111:es to Askin sl feet church yester- day, mid lir.Jone sermons were much appreciated, A beautiful musical pro - groin was rendered by t lio choir, Come to Knox church on Thursday, ,Tntte25th, whet) the induitti00 of the new minister, Rev. d, R. 111nan, 13. A., will take pisco in the clinch at 3 p m. with the visual interesting ceremonies. Several members of the Prashytery will be present and take part, Iu 6'- 81'0)1111g a he8)0)1i11ga strawberry festival will he held on the Atltltae lawn. Tea will be served from G to R o'clock after which n program eonsi8ting of addresses by members of the Presbytery and resident ministers and nntsie by t he Westfield choir and quartette will he given. There will be a refreshment booth where ice create, lemonade, etc., will be on sale, OME BAD MISTAKE Is Frequently Made by the Wisest of Blyth People. it's a serious mistake to taeglect back• ache. Backache is lite first symptom of k dt ey ills. Fatal cmnplacstions may follow, B'ootie's Kidney His act quickly to overcome inciney ills, do not deity moil too hate, it may 11100)1 D a - bores, Bright's Disease, Rem) what it tilt tli res dent says. Mrs. Alex, Hantm, of North street, Idly tb, 00)., 84)50 : ''I bud safe) 00 for ever a year with a heavy, dull pain ' ('toss the small of my hack and sides I would he tunable to got up Eton a bmir without 0111 porting myself with lath my h, n Is, 1t 1 would boil oeeu- -iou to stoop or lift anything I00old -citic4ly suadghten myself up, I had 'rivd many different remedies bit found ittle ur no relief until on advice of u riead I procured 130001'8 Kidney Pills at Air, Hamilton's Drug Store micl coutmo11ce0 treatment, They quicltly cared me, the pains left my back and it ,taeugthrned. I have not suffered Since and feel grateful in speaking highly of Booth's kidney Pills." Sold by denims, price 50 cents, The R. T. Bootle Co., Ltd., Port Erie, Ont., sole Canadian 03eut8. Seaforth, 1 , tllcFaul f8 hnvin , an addition mutt to the back of his store to be used as it millinery wo1) roan, and the present wort room will. be takers into the store. 'Phonies Daly had the misfortune to fall on \Vednesday afternoon while working in his stable turd broke Elle thumb of his left hand. A lacrosse match between Mitchell and Seufo•t11 will bo played on the re- creation grounds on P'riday,Juno 10th, nt 1143 p. m, This will be a good Ramo, George P Jackson, p'., 01 010 Hein of Jackson Bros,, contractors on the 1'rt iiseentinental Buil way in Northern Q whet:, was hero this week on a visit. to his home in 1lemo'dvilie, T1anu get Consumption in Spring MINIM THE SYSTEM IS GENERALLY RUN DOWN AND LACKS POWER TO DESTROY TRE GERM, Winter takes the vitality sad soap ant of tis all. Instead of beim; rich anti healthful, the blood its sole le he dila and watery in the spring, An over. powering tiredness 0011108 upon us -- this is followed by dead if nkuass, 10es 1908 of sleep, poor appetite and depression. Dodos all say flu+ oltly hope lies in supplying lois of - new blood which must be hritnmittg with vitality and building materiel. The gtticln� t way to ger rho uecrs- envy supply of vitalized blood is by taking herrnpone, It establishes al high standard of blood, increases nerve Mine, restores bodily vigor in a truly marvellous way. You are amply protected from spring fever and debility diseases 1,v using 1?errozone, This is proved by Mrs, 0, Richardson, of 1lauutick, 00110 tells in the following words how she gained in health and spirit from 1'0rrozome: "For about two years 1 43148 act well. I was thin and anaemic. Towards spring I felt Into acondition of nervous exhaustion that Etude life scarey'l,y worth living. A dead tiredness s'ein - e d to hang 0005 me lilts a loud of lead. I simply could not do housework of any kind. A bad rough developed that worried me greatly, for I thought it might be I06eoular, When 1 first, read about. h'errozone I was convinced it was good, I tool: it 0e{01001y for about eight weeks and the change in my health ryas wonderi'uL 131,5 cheeks filled out and became clear and rosy, I gained eight pounds in weight and aur now as strong and vigorous as possible," Fe'rozoue feeds and nourishes the organs t. flat require assistance. It sends the thrill and vim of robust. health from head to foot, make' you feel bettor at once, Won't you ase Perrozoue ? Sold everywhere ; 50 oho1;olato-cantedtablets in a box for 50c, or six boxer; for 52.50 at all dealers, The Western Fair, The Western Fair of Londa!, Ont- ario, will haven uunrbey 'of now feat- 00esthis year, 111ouday, Sept: 13th, will, bo A 113 Ii in Dov, when H Otnimier 01 a;0od•eve1)ts will be put on for which handa.11ne medals ami trophies Neill bo given. The Dog Show 10111 be larger and better than over, nhnnt Otto 1 housnnd D0114113 being Mimed in cash prizes and Spent Eighteen Dollars "Gentlemen -I have pleasure in stating that I have used $18.00 worth of Psyehlne, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and lung trouble. My case was a most difficult one, and the doctors had practically said that 1 could not got well. I tried Psyohine, and it did me so much good that I con- tinued its use until I bad taken 518.00 worth, with the result that I am now a new man physically. I have gained thirty-five pounds. "It is with the greatest confidence that I recommend Psychine to all who are afflicted with throat or lung trouble, Yours truly, 0, A. PINICILAM. Seotatown, Que., Sept., '07, This man speaks from experience. Psychine cures all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down peo- ple, At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T, A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto. "urniture Bargains i ,}1' Still Continue Having held the attention of the purchasing public during the past year, by popular prices, we have slated new goods to begin the second year, and the prices will at once suggest the advantages in dealing here : Lot 1 -Iran Beds 40 Reds in the lot, raetrinn in priers 04 tallows 83, 04, 54.50, $4.75, $5, 55.75, $t3, 57, $8, $9.25, 511, 513, 511,x0, 515. Lot 2 -Mattresses Guaranteed purely genitor,' $3, $3.50, $4o:.d 55. 32 In the lot. Our special at 54.00, Lot 3 -Couches 23 In the lot, which means skidoo, Prices will interest you. 54.50, $5, $0, 57, $8, $11, $12.50, $14, $15 and $20. Our epeclat tole spring to the $13,50 and $8,00, • Other Specials Springs, any size, 52, $2.25, $2,50 and $3.00. Our special Is 53.00, Rattan Chairs, 53.80, $4.00, $4.50 ants $0 00, Vis; Dressers and Stands, renO)ng in price from $0.06, $10,51, $12,00, $12.75 and up to 550,00. Our special Is (3 12.7a, Sewing Machines, We are special representatives for the Standard. Prltoe range from $20,00 to 5115.00, • House Furnishings This department 1158 s rclal attractions through the a1� house-cleaning seamen. A Pew remnant8 In Linoleum at qtr special prices, also 011 Cloths, Regular OOe Linoleum for 50r per square yard. r\' WALKER & ROSS • 'Furniture Dealers 8z. Undertakers. - - Clinton • Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28 GOODS DELIVERED FREE nC Imo) ins, A milking contest will be carried on in the Dairy Department and Idanu- f4c1,1'ers will be busy in the Main Buildhiu. One of the greatest programs of At ;traction ever presented to the public wine pm on twice daily in front of the Grand ,Stand. The Prize List hos been revised through -out, (especially in the Ladies' Department) and large additions made t0 the Some. Por Prize Lists, entry forms and etc. address the Secretary, A, M. Hunt, Loudon, Ontario, The Altar. BLACK-CA1rr011.-011 rho 101h of June, by itev, J, L, Small, 3, A., hiss Eva Mae, eldest daugh- ter' cif 313'. and hirs. 177, A. Carter, Blyth, to Mr. Chits. Black, of Geder!eh, LISWIS-CARDER, - On TIuu05d91, .lune Iltli, in Hivtit by Itev. W. H. Hartley, at the residence 4f the bride's father, Miss 5?, Alberta, second daughter t f Dr. D. D. Carder, to Mr. Fred, A, Lewis, of Mount Forest, THERE are many kinds cf flour sold. Some are made; from spring wheat and some from winter wheat. What you ought ,to know is which wheat mzk's the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in th:1 fall, grows a few inches, then gives. up to the sn:;w. When the snow melts it grows again, ripening in July. It !natures slowly, is soft and very starchy. Spring !wheat is sown .:n late April or early May, and ripens in August. It matures rapidly and is therefore strong. It's a flinty, translucent wheat, rich in gluten and containing dearly twice as much real nutriment as the winter wheat. Roya se o1 . Flour is made entirely from the hard, nutritious spring wheat, carefully selected frons all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, light and pure -- milled by the most improved methods -in a mill as cleanly as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal House- hold -just enough to try. He may charge you a few cents more than you are used to paying, but you will forget that when you see the results in your bread and pastry. • Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Limited Montreal.