The Blyth Standard, 1908-06-18, Page 7"A11-ilal os/CW
LESSON XII,—JUNE 21, igo8.
t ilO ary.— roOW1 folia: darns
Christ the only true Saviour Tutee:
lesus:dent Jesus tells them that he
is the Shepherd of the sheep; he is
also tate door; the Pharisees and false
professors Were the thieves and rob-
bers trying to destroy the sheep.
Those who trust in Christ and enter
in throu li tlae door shall behaved.
II. Topic: Jesus meeting. ,hunt nl
need and weakness, Place 11 vthany,
Tear Jerusalem. Lazarus W is sick
AP] Ina sisters, Mary and Martha,
tint to 300010 informing him; Jesus
remained in Betbabnra two days;
then took his disciples and Went to
Bethany; when he arrived in Bethany
Laz:arcs had been dead and buried
four clays.
111. Tonic.: True service to Stems
Christ. P1a.oe: Bethany, at the home
o,1 Simon the leper, Jesus 11, agoii
in Bethany; a feast is provided 100
hint and. his disciples; Lazarus who
Mils raised from the dead sat with
]tint at the table; daring the supper
licry anointed Christ's ]lead and feet
with ointment.
14, Topic; The right- spirit in the
believer. .Piece: An upper room in
Jerusalem. Jesus and his disciples
are about to partake of the Passover
supper; the disciples disputed over
which should be the greatest and
Jesus teaches them a lesson in humil-
iation by rising and washing their
V, Topic: The believer's supreme
comfort. Place: Jerusalem. Jesus
ltalked With his disciples after the
supper was ended; they were filled
with sadness at the thought that he
was 'thou; to leave them and sadden-
ed because Judas had proved a trai-
tor; Jesus promises them a home in
VI, Topic: Mission and missions of
the Holy Spirit.. Place: Jerusalem,
Jesus pet -anises to send the Comforter,
who would testify of hint -nil re-
prove the world of sin. There is poser
in the gospel -of Christ to redeem the.
VII- Topic: false and true profes-
sm',s. Places: Gethsemane and the
palace of Cain.phns. It was in the
middle of the night, Judas and a band
of Motion soldier's came to arrest
Jesus; they have torches and wea-
pons; Jesus 0110100 himself to them;
they fall backwards to the ground.
VIII. Topic: Fact and purpose of
elitist's death, Place: Golgotha or
.sea lvnr3'. Christ goes forth bearing
o his cross; n great multitude follows:
he was crucified at nine o'clock; two
thieves were crucified with him; Pil-
ate Wrote the „title in Hebrew, Gree]:
and Latin; the soldiers least lots for
Christ's •z i
rr1;t s fume; 1'sn. ,_2, 18 is flans
fulfilled; Jesus provides for his
IX. Topic: Divine voices in the re-
surrection. Place: A garden near Cal-
vary. Mary Magdalene stood near the
tomb weeping; she looked into the sop•
t h'o •
1cr stwo n
a gels in white; they
asked Jam why she wept; she replied
that they had taken nanny her Lord and
she did not know where they had laid
1)1111; turning she saw Jesus, but sttppos•
e11 him to he the gardener; he spoke
her mune; she knew hint; he sent her
to tell the disciples:he had risen,
X. Topic: A personal vision of Christ,
Place: feusalem. It is the evening of
the resurrection Sunday; the disciples
assembled; Thomas' absent; Jesus cri-
.:ers; slows This hands and feet; blesses
hem; gives neat authority over sin;
Thomas would not believe; one week
later Jesus appears again; Thomas pres-
ent; secs 0110101 and is convinced that
s riser Jesus pronounces a
61 has really risen;
blessing on those who believe though
they have not seen.
XI. Topic; Christ dealing with his
disciples. Place: Sea of ,Galilee. Here
occurred our Lord's seventh appearance
lifter his resurrection; the miraculous
draught of fishes; Jesus provided n,
morning meal for his disciples; Jesus'
charge to Peter; Peter's deaths foretold,
Golden Text. "But these are written
that ye might believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God and that believ-
ing ye might have life through his
name." (John 00.31) Let the word "lifo"
tied Bed
Unlike the ordinary dried
beef—that sold in bulk—
Libby's Peerless Dried Beef
comes in a sealed glass jar
in which it is packed the
moment it is sliced into those
delicious thin wafers.
None of the rich natural
flavor or goodness escapes
or dries out, It reaches you
fresh and with all the nutria
men retained.
Libby's Peerless Dried
Beef is only one of a Great
number of high.grade, ready
to serve, pure food products
that are prepared in Libby's
Great While Kitchen.
Just try a package of any
of these, such as Ox Tongue,
Vienna Sausage, Pickles,
Olives, etc., and see how
delightfully dif.
ferent they are
from others
you have eaten.
Libby, McNeill&
Libby, Chicago
.tnat:'ler" (Gal. 5, 131. 11:,1,1:17 love can-
not attain to all this.. We moat 011✓.1111
divan: love, 11',1 mutt "abide in alt,
iJtiln 15, RI).
V. Life 31111 lieavut "fen 1113Father's
house are many nmur lona" (Jelin 11. 8).
Minn in ihrisohere leads to life with
Christ h r iter,
]do rt the Split. A\herr Jesus
went to the Father Hs sent the ' en.
totter, the Holy Spirit, to give IPc t7
the world,
11I, Fife and power. ':4s sooty then.
as Ile had said mare them, i nm He, they
went backward, and fell to the ground"
(John 18. til. The soldiers fell backward;
Jones demanded protection for His Bis
ciples; the Servant's ear was healed, all
of which shows His supernatural power.
111. .Rife through death Christ
died for our sins according to the Scrip,
tare's" (1 l of 13a,tn. He took the alta
of the forsaken, 00 ;;e nhight take to
place of the adopted ),-1, 6),
IS, Life alter death. But now i;
elitist risen from the dead, and become
the first' fruits of them that slept" (1.
Cor. 15, ?60. A little girl stood with her
mother beside the open grate oft dar-
ling sister. }ler mother said tan) on
mere look, my child, this is the last look
you may have of your sisters'." But the
e. tomb, child thought beyondh
t to , and re-
plied, "Oh, mamma, we shell see her in
the resurrcetiei" \Vlrat a balm that
was, in that loin of severe anguish, It
was ibetter to think of that part, than
grieve over, the separation on earth,
S., Life imparted through Christ. "But
these are written, that ye might believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;
and that believing, ye might have :life
tltrowgn Riot 001110" 1John 20, 31).
XL Life and service. Peter was for-
given and then given a great work to doe
feed my lambs." "Feed my sheep."
A. 'C.IL.
A Memory of Ringing Scythes,
be the keynote for the review. ( Alas, these are no scythes nowadays!
1. Life given for life, '1 am the good The work is done with horses and leap-
¥ shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his ars. The economical reform has swept
life for the sheep" (John 10:11). Ho out romance unmerelfully. 3.11 those days
givss his life a ransom for many (Matt. there were scythes, and there were mer
20:28). The shepherd dies that his who knew 11010 to swing then. It was a
sheep may live (John 15:13). A man fine sight to see four or five well-built
of Cod halted at the door of a log house lads, led by the father, moving down
in a elen'ing, and said to the woman the meadow—and the timothy 1000 x011"
who answered his call, "IIave yott seenly as tall as their heads. But the >wing
anything of 0 lost laud) about here?" of their scythes fell tree, and their tread
"No, sir," was the reply. "Are you sure was e'en, and they were glad. Birds
Nina have 00011 110 lost lamb about sang overhead, and when they 0000
Imre?" She said she had 50011 110110. near a ground bird's nest the mother
"Are you certain there is no lost lamb told them of it, and theywent round
hurt?" he inquired the third time, in leaving it unharmed. But a bumblebee's
tones so full of meaning that they nest. That was another thing! And they
fo•telied her heart, and led her to eonfess trent rotted that also. But at niglit ilia
with tears that she was the lost lamb bays did not forget, for bumbles' -15.1110)'
fon whet the good Shepherd even then is good 011d they did not lamw ;11 t!„,,,,„
was seeking. There are many lost days that the bumblebees were vera e
lambs, sentia 1 in a clover field. I hr ntonlier
t, 11. Resurrection and life. "Jesus said one tall fellow, with it touch of lodieu
- mato her, 1 am the resnrrectiou and the blood, who went down the field tin 'a
' life" (.10hu 11, 25), It was not a quer- trot—outting a good, honest swath all
that of time, IR: could as easily raise the way No one could keep near hint.
Lazarus that day as the last day, for and he was the envy of ani boys and
10, the 105tureetion, the power, to 1111' men. At noon lie marched like 0 gen-
part, m.un1ai;1 and restore life 11100 sial, and at night he spoke patronizing: -
there. Ile would tench 31artha that the ly, 'Why ;tot, for it (coo a grand aehieve-
resurlection was not an impersonal fate trent. Such art was surely as good as
to teak,' phtc' in 1110 future, but a per scanning Homer, and the feet neve' Lost
sena! effect proceeding from himself; time, They were hexameters that
not a distant resurrection -time, but a rhymed—E. 1'. Powell in Outing,
present resurrection -power. .' ♦ -
Int. Life end service. "She hath done House flies spread contagious disease
what she could" (Mask 14, 8). God will such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever
1100 what you have if you lovingly do smallpox and consumption. Wilson's Fly
your part, Pads kill the flies and the disease germ
IV. Life and love, `By love serve one tan. t
A group Of new stocks for Summer blouses,
retie are now s1tlleail'titH an-
nounced to the extent of about 5100,00:)
,1,r the treat Tercentenary celebration
t (;ache), and nearly 0 million dollar;
trill be forthcoming tar it,
Ilam a1 hints:tried limina of view it
will he the •reate t delnun,trlu o1 this
eutittnlllt has even'witnessed. From a
pertacut a udpoi:It it will be nae of
,he, u1.t,,, dazzling combinations of
picturesque events 0001' seen is any
euulltly. 'There will lie thousands of
einu':;eters in the processions, all dress-
ed to the very life. The tableaux,
eeh tar Plains of Abraham, where the
latteric battles were. fought, ;0111 em-
brace ani the taansc0 meat t each mak
01t events of t'tltyidtt's romantic. lus-
tui'y, including \Bolfe's work up to laic
death. lite street pageants will be, of
wondrous beauty, thn lural demonstrate
Dons of an itliprtsstvenwa not hereto-
fore realized. Quebec will be filled
to repletion oy thousands from England
and the United iState:, and tens of
tuott,a ills foam Canada, but fully ten
minion of people will 1(15(1 to be present,
until cannot find hotel accommodation.
Otte of the greatest matters of anx-
iety to those organizing the ce.lebro-
tion has been the question, how to pro-
vide the millions of people who cttiulat
see the celebration with illustrations
and descriptions, to give the scenes of
grandma to the world in their entirety,
Arrangements have been completed
by the Standard, of ,Montreal nos' re
cognized as the nati0na1 illustrated
pn),er of Canada, to lssuo what will be
neown ,15 1'115 7o t l aid 1'er0unt iter f
Isunber," published by George ' ;fur•
ray Publishing Company, Montreal.
\Fe have had the privilege of cxauiin+
ing the proofs of some of the gorgeous
supplcnients to go with the Standard,
They eclipse 'in interest, in fidelity of
tllmd, nt beauty of calor and entwu.
Don, anything ever ,lttenpted hl 0,115.
ads, and will bring the 'T'ereeliteuary
celebration right into the homes of
those lucky enough to procure a copy.
To connoisseurs the Standard teaeeu'
tun my Number is one that expert judges
would thin;, could not be sold under
89.30, tied yet it is to he published at
50 cents. it will be practically the only
Tercentenary Souvenir. The publishers
autumn -cc that orders are being novo
hooked, and all orders Trailed on or be.
tore Juin) 25 w.1i 11 1..t).do to b.. lllyd.
After that date the publie must tate
their chance, first come first served.
\\']Sere orders remitted for cannot be
filled,, remittance will be refunded
17o publishers of the Standard,' 171
b. James street, Montreal, have gain•
cd n. continental reputation for their
publication. The coming issue, to
illustrate the Tercentenary celebration,
will certainly be the most interesting
thing of the, kind ever produced on
this continent. We predict_ . that 10
one month after the celebration it will
be in demand at even ten dollars a
They cannot begin to issue cilongh to
meet a demand that will be phenomenal,
11 is a plenstirc tcf tr'tify to the :clue
of a thing of surpassing iiia:ut. —1 x•
so -, DRAINAGE.:
The Departnieftt: of Physics at filth
Ontario Agricultural College desires
to announce time continuance of its
previous offer of asaista000 to farness
in platters' Perlfinrtg to drainage. For
the past three years we have been
authorized by the 'Minister of Agri-
culture'.to go out and, assist any far-
mers in taking the levels of his lands
for drainage purposes, in planning the
sizes of tile for tho different drains.
and in -calculating the grades nud
sizes of tile for the difefrent drains.
A finished map bearing • all the in-
formation is sent to the owner. This
serves two purposes: First, it is used
a., a guide in constructing drains; Sec-
ond, it may be preserved as a record
a of the exact location of every dram,
so that if for any reason it should
be' necessary in years to Come to find
$ any drain it could be done accurately
at a moment's notice,
The number of applications for as-
sistance tones has increased very rapidly,
ihnt last year we had many more
11111 We could attend to. To enable
u, to meet this increased demand
t Minister of Agriculture has this
your given us a special appropriation
thereby we have been enabled to
double oar, staff for this work.
H new feature io being added. We
have found in the ipast that frequent -
l' the Neighbor, in the vicinity of
m Peoria being nurvetel were inter-
ested and wished to observe the op.
e:01000. This suggested the desira-
bility of oinking these demonstra-
tions public, and this will be done
wherever possible. Anyone, inter-
ested will be welcome on all occasions
T;;; this means' we shall be able to
(110tra01 n much larger number in
matters pertaining to drainage pro -
Anyone wishing drainage survey-
ing done .shall apply to Wm. H. Day,
Department of Physics, l'). A. C.,
Guelph The only outlay connected
with the work is the travelling .ex•
pelves of one man, including meals,
cartage of instruments andrailway
fare at our Beat a mile each tray.
The department lies just issued is
1 wuphlet on "Feral Drainage Opera-
tions," which may be had on applica,
WM. ti DAY,
Lecturer in Physics.
Sir George Drummond Talks of the Busi-
ness Revival,
\lelteal June I 5.----1» nu interview
Su ten gt inetteetetid, President of
the hank o. .1.1001n al, spoke in getter.
ally btvontble thou as to the malted:
of business thtr.u;•,itu.ti, the coonir; .
r (tonne said that be did not sweet
to see a eentoble intone ry of trade con-
urih m, air very near ftttlut bot
with ;iti crop. Coe laitttittion
searely experience ;, c liplute rantrnl
11 its t oic ttecirities..
t deal," euotn ui' SW (Towne,
mietessarily dcpuld,t on the sucea, of
tete next Ili _t. and front present in.
(1,its i11'.l'", is every 1.0-33.51 t.) ex-
pert bountiful crops. 'there is as much
money in Canada toothy its eVe ; but
0110 ora; a ttiti,in lark of present ton -
at t.hieh, hotiniot tail gradually
-1;poor. 1i smile g1titos Intantle.
10' asl:ili ' for she;tpor 1110111.3', het 1
to ant er1Ic(t t) se0. 1011e0' rates 1n Can-
ada. at kart for the present.
"1 am of the opinion that smccnlation
le stocks er bei mc -n ventrally sli told
h.unrn ul as par rot hu'cas
conditions do net warrant it. However.
I fail to r- am ren,ml for nneasiucis,
as til sines indicate that there till hr•
stench' and certain recovery in all line;;
of products and industries"
An Australian Delicacy That Appeals to
All Visitors,
"Plume?" I asked as the steward handed
mea dish heaped up with dark purple globes.
"No, ,sir, passion (Suit, tar, replied the
0,05,u(1. 1- glanced lnquIrlugly et by vis-.
6-11E, au to ,_liars girt. •)tion'; You know
„asd;uu frlia1" tine 05le. -10100 this is One.
0r the great days of your life." "How many
passion unit must 1 take to make it re515'
g e,411" i asked. ';yell,say half a 00ze11,
:4w then the $towns Lau better put the mato
out 01 your reach, tor atter you have head
X,e y0U w111 0.1105 to 1000 011 rue lest
10 4 1,011 0 1,1560(1 to ban d 00404, writes
a 01(lhey enaleaptinrioo 01 1(10 000001'Ln00
Telegraph, sad touau that the dark paws
50la watch had Suggested pima:, at 1)051
sigh was la reality a hard rind, Then, (ml-
ta::ng my ma 11eu•uttreos, 1 cut the 100 of
wart tt anite as Ir nue were performing a
em;lltu' operation on an. egg, and 1 had in
hand a natural cup illlel with a grecutsa
501105' pain la 'Caton Were a =leer 01
nattlsh circular seeds. "And now?" 1 quor-
tad. "well, there are lots of trays of eat-
ing p1005100 fruit," she said, "but you hoil.
uedor start with them au uatUrel. Just dip
In your spoon and beglu wan tell me 01101 it
tastes like." Walt something of the emotion
of nn explorer entering upon a now .country
, 1,05 1,4 11,001000 0,.0001,1' 10 lay month,
.103ea ny eyed, nod LaaLtd rapturously.
This introduction topassion Iru(t took
Place on a liner on the Australian coast.
The question 1 immediately put to myself
was "why have we not this delicious frult
ur E1gland'I" I made inquiries and 1 was
'former' that It would not stand the sea
voyage. 1 was further told au anecdote to
the 011010 that Quenu Victoria had a gree,
noire to taste all the fruits of der 01115 r,
and that .her wash has been 0001( 04110 re-
gard to all but the passion fruit, Which it
and been found imposstbl0 to convey home
iu good conultlou. I am not at all pre-
pared ,to vouch ter the eorreetuoss of this
assertion; on the contrary, 1 am much la-
mmed to question 1t. Anti in any peso, it
sOems likely that the street boy o1, to -day
may be able to 05105 a luxury that, accord-
ing to- the 810,7, WAS denied to hit sovereign,
for in the t)oe'ra has been 00111 to England
a eendignntont .0f passion fruit, with a view
to testing the po.-einihnos of trade. And
if the venture proves satlefaotory 1 will
tette tulion myself do prophesy that la the
course of a year o. two the Londonpublic
will be readily able to procure this charming
fruit, and that l0 a year 0r two longer the
poster 'e(ll be selling it from his burrow.
In Australia passlou fruit Is very cheap.
1 have Myself bought them at twelve 0.penny,
.hough these were rather poor lc quality.
erertheft.w ss 1 1)011(17 18 a 001nn101 1,1 •11,1,
AAA 111 Solt a penny coo ean,buy 101-4(011
p150105 /004 In .loot of the towns at AUt'
tralla. Now this is a trade which has been
very little worked up. If .there were a ergo
export tlemand•It canhardly be doubted that
Passion fruit could be grown exceedtagly
In See 000111 Wales passion fruit appears
to be obtainable• all the year around, hough
in the winter mouths they aro less plentiful
and more expensive—Up to 64 a dozen.
The winter supply probably comes from North
Queensland or FIJI. 10 summer, of coarse,
the fruit would be most welcome In England.
On a sultry day nothing could be more re-
freshing than some passion fruit. It has
usually, a slightly aeld taste, so ;bat moat
people prefer to eat it with powdered sugar.
Epicures say that it beet with a little nett
wine put In the fruit before It le taloa
with the spoon out of its natural cup, This
le certainly a most seductive way of consum-
ing It, Half a dozen passion fruit emptied
on a plate and mixed with sugar and cream
make a digit for gourmet.
Toronto's Magistrate Will Not Try the
Toronto despatch: \Elie❑ Sirs. Alice
G. Keech, who threw the carbolic acid
in the face of Eliza Webb, came up
in the Police Court yesterday, the
Crown :attorney changed the charge
of aggravated assault to one of throw-
ing acid with intent to burls, maim
and disfigure. The defendant no long-
er assumed the defiant attitude adopt-
ed at the time of her arrest, but wept
a good deal after appearing in the
dock. Her counsel said tilat lie did
not wish to plead or elect, but would
like 11 remand of a week.
"1 may say that I shall Lot decide
the case," said Colonel Denison, "but
will .and it to a (1.117y." The prisoner
will 10(11)1111 n c;tttod,; till next \1 ed-
netda7, when she 0011100 tip i.1 court
agilirL The offence with which She
is- ehS' Od eau bo punished by litre
They Are, However, to be Engineering
Montreal. .01110 I5:--55'lult looks lila
the beginning of 0 Board of Control for
Montreal was made apparent. today to-
day by the introduction of 0 by-law at
the meeting of the City Council for the
appointment of 001111 engineers, who 510
to superriee all nubile woks and decid:
on the expenditure. To overcome their
recommendations till] require a n'jm'-
1tg vote of the whole Council The hv-
taw was read the first time, It is snit
ported liy leading Aldermen,
Drew York State Will Charge Canadians
a Fee
Alhuny, dole 15.-.c tate Forest, Irish
and Cause Commissioner Whipple today
announced that the State would exact
a fee from all Cutlnhsn fishermen fish-
ina in New Soil; Stat: 11fe•s oleng the
herds' litre. The lax will b, 85 for a
single roes and $10 for 0 family rad. This
action is taken as a result of the Cana.
(lion l;ovtilulleut imp as ng tt sill1111111' fee
upon American fishermen using 01111.1•
dint) waters.
Eloping Manitoba Couple Are Heading
Across Country.
Portage It Prairie, June 15- \\. Bas-
hrrville, 11ntcteen years of age, of Nee -
pa iva,
eopawn, eloped yesterday with Air , Ad
dle 14'illiaantg, 40 yeas of age. Basher.
ville took his father's teat) and wag•
gon, and three children beiolgil, to the
woman were also hd:e11 along. 1t is
thought the party are heading for AWin-
nipeg aeras country and the police
are or the lookout for them.
gif 44i
(By audretr Pollock.)
I smote the harp of Aleatory,
lint Lover a Song cant: hack to tae,
Ste t lowly whisper—half a sigh—
That stirred m3 heart as It passed Inc
I wonder what were that word, if
And phoned strew in the shining
Would some dead regret in its sound bo
Would some, joy go forth on its angel
1 shall strike the harp some future day,
And list for the answer grave or gay;
And if even that Whisper wakes, 1 know,
1 spelt rend its import ere it shall go,
For a ghost long laid or a word long
Is pleasant to w a l en and knov again.
Shall 0 flower he reared wbe'1' a weed
was feared?
lies the grass o'er a grave grotcn green
with rain?
The True Rock,
(By Rev. Dr, R. Torrey,)
You will find my text in Dent. xxxii,
81. '`For their reek is not as oar Rock,
even our . enemies themselves being
,judges." The Israelites, the people of
Cod, Were surrounded by many e1)01(1 )5.
'their enemies were very loth to admit
that the Israelites had anything better
than they had; but they couldn't help
seeing that the God of the Israelites did
more for them than their false gods did
for them—as Moses put it, "Their rock
is not our Rock, even our enemies them-
selves being judges."
it is just the same to -day. Christians
arc surrounded with people who don't
sympathize with them; by people, often-
times, who are bitterly opposed to them;
by worldliugs, impenitent sinnus and
unbelievers. And worldliugs, and im-
penitent sinners, and unbelievers ere
very unwilling to admit that the Chris-
tian has anything better than they have.
Now 1 want to tell you six. points in
which the believer in Christ has tllebest
of it.—that whether Christianity is true
or whether it is false—whether there is
any hell hereafter to shun, or any
heaven to gain, or not—six points in
which the real believer in Christ, the
true, open, confessed, out-und•out ful•
lower of IrTuts the better of it over
CI r'st,
'oitekilieg and 0000 the infidel,
First of all the real Christian has a
pence of canseience that the worldling
Stud the unbeliever knows nothing about.
Yow, you clay amount fur it as you 10111,
that is a fact, 'i'latusuuls, and tens of
thousands, and hundreds of thousands of
mets and women who have lived in s(1)
-grate down, some of them, into the
deepest depths of sin -have turned froin
,^a1 tout taken t Clst•ist :aid, as a result
of their to king Christ, their accusing
conscience has Leen put to rest, and they
have a pence of hent that nothing eon
disturb, Why, a Christian knows that
his sirs are all forgiven; that, no .rat-
ter how many they are, no matte' how
great they Ihnn) Leen, everyone of then
is blotted out.
In the wend place, a Christian has a
Toy ,1s well as 0 peace that the worldling
and the unbeliever knows nothing about.
Nov, you may account for it as ,you
please; but if you have gone throoghthe
world with your eyes open, and if you
aro an honest man, you know that the
teal Christian has a joy that is deeper,
a joy that is higher, a joy that is more
constant, a joy that is more lasting ,a
joy that is more overflowing, a joy that
is more wonderful in every tray than
anything that the worldling and the un-
believer knows anything about. •
The third place where the real Chris -
thin has the better of the worldling and
the unbeliever is that the worldling and
has a comfort in sorrow that the world-
ling and theunbeliet'er knows nothing
about. Why, our (Tod is ,just what Paul
calls him in 11. Cor. i. 3 and 4: "Tho
God err til comfort; who eonhfurtcth tis
in ad our tribulations, that the may be
able to comfort theta w'hieh are in iron -
bre, by the comfort wherewith _we our-
selves are comforted of God,"
Again, a real Christian has a confi'
deuce in death 111nt a worldling and an
unbeliever knows nothing about. Why,
there is no terror in death for a Chris-
tian. For a real Christian death is
simply loosing from our moorings and
starting out for a better country. What
men call death is to the real Christian
simply departing "to ha with Christ,
which is very far better.,'
There is another plttee whore theChris-
tian Inas the best of it, The Christian
has a hope that Cie unbeliever and the
worldling knows nothing about.
When it certain .English duke — p (ln'is-
ti;rn man --Iny dying, he called hr-. Mo-
ther—for he had no cltlld—to his bed-
side, and he said to his brother: "Bro-
ther, in a fells Joon/eats rot ;\'ill be a
dunce and I will be a l:hag.'? "An
inheritance iac110up0l4, and that ftdeth
not away;' laid tin in stove is heaven,
John Kirkland and Thomas Fox Prob-
ably Drowned.
Allin, .lime 15.—It is feted that john
Kirkland and Thomas 100 fotutu
graves in the icy waters of Allis Lake.
They left T'aktl to cross the lake early
ern Saturday evening and have 1101
been seen since, the steamer Scotitt
left Atliu to investigate, and found a
canoe (1110011 up of the beach. Kirk.
land was secretary of the A01111I' la
es -1 Assoeiation for a. number of yeas,
and it is acid felled the first tree el
the site ('Irate Vancouver now 51110115.
♦ a
Lightning Knocked Woman Into Tub of
Wated—Father Killed,
Utica, S. Y., June 16. --Durno llldkes-
1,y, of (,Thor, ons strnelf b3 lightning
trod insiantly killed owing ,t severe
thunderstorm thein. pcste'duy 01101
moil. Itis wife aro received a shock
and.foll into 11 11111 of water, from which
she MLA ttseued b; .t 11(1111 ae1, .105)
(,ha I1a11 aka born st15111.d, but who re-
covered 1n time to save his another,
A Whiskey Still Found in the Heart of
the City.
13.0111rea4, Jenne 11.—.Ai, illicit still has
hem: Mond in the factory of A. 1..
David. Visitation th,et, this city, 1,3
inland reve11110 officers. Two hundred
gallons of "moonshine" whisker anis a
still were seized, David was arrested ., lr.Irs 11ud hclpfni, unspu•ed by Til
and will be tried Spirit and fulfilling Thy will. Amen.
0 'thus who didst come to bring peace
on fie rkh wl thank Thee that in Thy
lame good rulings of peace are preabhed
to all mini:Md. \\'e bless Thee that we
who once were strang005 from the cOve-
nn1ltS 111 promise, having se hope and
Without Leel in the world, burr been
made nigh by Use blood si least. Be-
eing justified by faith we have peace
with (.Tod. (brant, 0 blessed Saviour,
that ell the fabless of that pease which
Thou hart promised to 'City disciples
may be bestowed upon us. Let us not
he afraid either of Tile's duties or its
dangers, 6rewiug that Thou art able
to matt' all 611100 abetted tOWil d us. 1n
11 v s rengt h, t) living One, may we
rel,) t101)115 oar fellows, calm and