The Blyth Standard, 1908-06-18, Page 60, Nal
"Paw, what is the white slave traf-
lAt}fur and selling baseball players,
Another Trust.
Eva (reading novel) ohs riveted her
• eyes.
Dick -You don't say sop
Five -And then she dropped them—
Dick--\iy! ;My Just like a woman.
She can never nail or rivet anything se-
curely. --Chicago News.
One He'd Gladly Foot.
Mother -31y deur, I'nn afraid your
choice of William ns n fiance doesn't
quite meet your father's approval.
Daughter -Well, ma, you know hon'
dad objects to my Bills on principle: -
Boston Transcript.
As to a Friend.
"{Pith all his faults lie had (mushier -
bit public spirit."
"1 never heard anything about that."
"Ile was no boaster. But he never
made a practice of getting his 111111' cut
on Saturday aftcruoon."-Kansas Cita'
One Wee'.
"t know a young man, very ambitious,
who is anxious to make a record for
himself. Could you suggest a wry?
"Sure. Why doesn't he get a job with
a phonograph company.", -Deleon Free
Badly Rattled.
The timid young woman, who had let-
tere of fate
odttatimr to the great nine,
had ventured to coll.
"You are so busy, judge," she said,
"that I-1 (hesitated about disturbing
you. How 001:05 -e1' -days in the work
do you week?"
flicks -Lend me Five dollars, will you, old
Wloll —I'm sorry to,say 1 havn't it lust
I8oW, but I'll lend that five I lent to John-
son a few years ago if you can collect It.
Only Then.
".Little boy, do you ever swear?"
"No ma'am, 'ceptin' when it's nec'-
sery'tmd I gotta do it."
"When is it necessary to swear?"
'W"en de empire calls ye out on two
strikes au' a ball."
Fainter Hedge -What do you find the hard-
est to raise?.
Fanner Stacks-'L'he. Interest to pay, oft til
mortg.ige on the farm.
Getting Close to Nature.
"'dele!er, what o'er beeaum of flat
littk Aline Goodsole?
'Site turned sociologist and married a
"1\hy, 1 heard her say once that you
were her beau ideal of a man,"
" Uid you? Well, she passed ate up
a-ereher boon ideal of a man.'
Farnior-Can't you road mister? That sign
says "No Shooting Allowed,"
liuutor-I'm not shooting aloud, This 1e a
mteeelea Bun.
Nothing Doing.
iito34011e had 11km don d 111 sl nc ).
lt% 0 wasiAtof tint he -aid
time 1 think 1 vc fotl.l l an hall •,t malt
lie 111•)1,) ,vett to\be a hireliag cf sumo
picelatcry trust,"
Winking at the bystond i's,,,he cxtan.
guisliod his lantern.
Something Saved.
"iVno everything in 51)I0 hon'.' do.
gtroyed by the fire?"
"Everything but the 3400 1110 [Pr. A','hen
we got down to that we fauud it chok-
ing away, appanently .101 it; arca."
An Assignment.
"How do yon feel'," asked • the mana-
ging editor:
Nit for n fight or a frolic," 011500red
the reporter.
"That's lucky, 1 think you'll got a 3
chance at both. I want you to,look of
the . "+''4,'1' in the coal regions." -
Courier -Journal,
Not Necessary.
No a 'r--J,uve you haven't
tatted the front windows in over a.
rt c de,-
June-No'ni. I didn't thing it neees
sary since the neighbors 0arose the
street moved away, -Bohemian.
Nageor-I've put one poor chap on his
feet, anyway.
Mrs. Nagger -Whom have you boon fooling
your money on'naw?
Nagger -Your. next husband, madam! I've
had my life insured.
Objectively , Considered,
Ruggles -What horse potter is your
naw automobile? ;'';-,
Ramage Iwo, I ?guess. That's the
horse power it took to haul into the re-
pair strop when it bunko down ou a
country road the other day,
Gutting Ready,
First Office Boy --Cee! 5wipesey, dr
10Stien^,er'e a mete guy!"
Seeood Office 1311y--FIow's dot?
1; O B. -Pis grnni'nwdder's liable
ie 0115 iufnit."
'Thousands of .American women
in our homes are daily eamifleing
their lives to duty.
In order to keep the home neat
petty, the children well dressed
tidy, women overdo. A female
wealmesa or displacement is often
brmiOt and they suffer in silonoe,
drifting along from bad to worse,
knowing well that they ought to
have help to overcome the paws and
aches whichmake life a burden.
It is to these tbiul women that
cornea as a boon and a blessing,
as it did to Mrs, W. Barrett, of 802
Moreau fi�tt,,, )dOntreai, who writes
to Mrs. Phnkham:
m fem�e I ekes a greatd sufferer
weslmesa and sufferer
every randy given me by doctors for
dila trouble, 1 grew worse.
i`Oue days friend advised me to try
Lydia 11L Ptnkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. 1 did so, and am thankful to
say that It made mo strong and well."
Pink -
hams Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
awl has positively cured thousands of
women Wild have been troubled with
dispisoemente, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
perlodiabackache, that bear-
ing -down flatulency, digea-
tion,dirainesa,,00rner'vonsp ration.
Why don't
illie. Plnkhaut Invites all sick
women to w��tarlte her for advice.
Mireess,, Ltho thousandsto
Great Thoughts of the Ancients.
"Plato," said Socrates, "You have ob-
served, I doubt not, that we have two
ears and two eyes."
"Now that you mention it," quotlh
Plato, "I have."
"And but one tongue."
"Quite so."
"Herein nature doth touch us that we
,should Bear and see twice as much as
we talk. Is it not sof'
"But my master," observed Plato, "we
have two nostrils and only one mouth.
Must we therefore smell everything
twice before we eat once?"
"Plato," irritably rejoined Socrates,
"anybody can make a flippant cons -
meat that will knock the juice out of
the wisest saying a philosopher can pull
off. I wish you'd cut it out"
On preparing the stuff for publication,
there,. Plato prudently cut out his flip.
pant -comment.
Take no substitutes for Wilson's Fly
Pads, No other fly killer compares with
Penny Cablegrams.
There cannot be any object to a "pen.
nygram," where there is a line not fully
occupied with other more remunerative
work. That there are cables which
could be well occupied with such work
1s too obvious to mention, and the diffi-
culties applying to the conduct of such
traffic have been talked of' for twenty-
five years. It be obviously such a boon
that it passes the wit of man to under-
stand why it is not secured. -Electrical
Iteep Minard's Ltnimsslt in the house.
• 0
Side Lights on History. •
"Have you ever had any attacks on
your lifer asked the young man with
the notebook.
"Not yet," replied Dr. Samuel John-
ston, musingly, "but I believe Boswell
Is about to attack iL"
Hero the peat man, observing that
he had spilled a spoonful of soup over
his shirt front drank the rest of the
bowl in series of Loud gulps. -New
York Tribune.
Japanese Woman Tells of Cupid's
Scheme in the Orient.
"Americans fall in love and then Mar-
ry; the Japanese marry and then fall in
This is the statement of the wife of
Kokikochi Midzuno,the Japanese Consul
here. She recently arrived from her net.
tire laud aucl is 11viug at present at the
Barnard, 100 Central Park what.
With her two children and her hus-
band, she is very happy, and in her eou-
tentment she wialtes to solve the prob-
lem of unhappy marriages, says the New
York American.
"Why do aiuterican woolen tire of their
husbands?" oho aeked,as she brewed tea
and ordered cake.
"American women," she said, "ought to
stop and think of one of our old songs.
The words of it run like this: 'I want to
live to be 09 years and you must Live to
be a hundred, so that we may he happy
while our hair grows grey.'
":Marriage is safer in Japan. Experi-
enced people arrange it, to the grauut
wiedom of our patents these marriages
are brought about. A young man desires
to marry a girl. Her father arranges u
meeting and the two young persons are
introduced. Maybe they do not love at
first, but after a while a great and ten-
der affection steals upon them. Wives in
Japan are content with their husbands
for years and years,"
She was asked for her idols concern-
ing woman's rights, and the suffragette
were mentioned,
"Suf-auffragettef" Mrs: iMideunon eta -
stammered. She hooked relieved when
her husband assured her that there was
no danger. Then she laughed when he
explained in Japanese that a suffragette
was a Woman bent upon winning the
right to east a ]allot like a man.
"011, think of that in Japan!" she
cried, looking at the consul.
"Too many husban.:s is not a happy
thing," she declared. "The American
women should be more content and not
crave so much excitement. They should
have wise people to choose for them their
mates and not go so suddenly into mat-
rimony. To love all before marriage and
10050 710 happiness for the years to come
after that is not a good thing."
Respect for the Cloth.
Manchester Guardian,)
'Winston Churchill tells a story of a
chaplain who quarrelled with the captain
of a ship on the way to South Africa
because the captain refused to let him
hold a service in the saloon,
The captain regarded himself as the
prieot of his own ship. Mr. Churchill
found the chaplain tramping the deck
in anger. 1
"And what did you say to him?" ask-
ed 351r, Churchill, sympathetically,
when he had heard the story.
"0h, I said nothing at all," answer-
ed the chaplain, with a splendid show
of self -command, "but I :nay tell you
that any other clergyman in the
Church of England would have told him
to go 10- !
is made like the
ideal halos of
Ancient GGreece- from
pure herbed sap, &r -
paces, nut nn ointment
fang a 51111/4.60
15ature v own-- .
At Shakespeare's Birthplace.
Extraordinary scenes of enthusiasm
marked the close of the recent three
weeks' Shakespeare feotival at Stratford -
on -Avon. There had been two perform-
ances of "The Tempest" to crowded
1loueee, and when the curtain descended
upwards of 50 beautiful bouquets, bas-
kets of flowers and presents of various
kinds were handed to leading membora
of the company.
Ten cents' worth of Wilson Fly Pads
will kill more house flies than three
hundred sheets of sticky paper.
Bad Year for Sealing.
Sealing in 1907, according to a note by
T. Southwell in the Zoologist, wag, owing
to bad weather and the heavy ice -pack,
nearly as bad as in 1905, which was the
worst since 1898. Two of the fleet of 24
vessels were wreeked,and the number
of skins secured by the others fell short
of last year's total by close on 100,000,
with a decrease of rather more than
$30,000 in money value. The total num-
ber of seals killed was just over 245,000,
the market price being $4,20 per hun-
dredweight for those of young animals
and $3.00 for those of adults.
His Reason.
„lay School Snpellutendcnt-'-7ew,
trim eau toll me w9ry the City is called
t mod Friday?"
Small BoP-T,rcao'o the baseball sea,
0011 011000.that day,
Miserable All The Time?
Dullheadaches-back aches -low spirited -hate
the sight of food—don't sleep well—all tired out in
the morning—no heart for work?
will =talie you well
Vont kidneys are affected --either through over-
venwork, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that
are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick
kidneys—make you well and strong—give you all
your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up—and
take Gin Pills, 5oc. a box -6 for $2.5o. Sent on
receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them.
Invention for Army Use Devised by a
A Servian has invented what he terms
"a boat In a knapsack," for army pur-
poses, The boat le of linen, made water-
tight by a coating of robber. It is pro-
vided with oars, which fold into each
other to the size of an ordinary walking
stick, and a cork seat, which also eerves
to keep it taut when open. The model
can hold ono person only, but larger
ones may be made on the same plan for
the conveyance of troops and baggage
when crossing rivers. Naval experts who
have tried this Menthe: on the Seine
speak of it in high terms, and hope to
have it introduced bite the Russian
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at, home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send eo7110 of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if
requeated. Immediate relief and per.
manent cure assured, Send no money,
l,ut tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs.. 111. Summers, Box P. 8,
Winds', Ont.
Always the Unattainable.
Small William, whose stomach had•
been taking a day off, was trying to
make a next morning breakfast on
"I wish," he said, looking enviously
at the generous supply of food on his
little sister's plate, "I was well enough
to eat bacon and eggs, too."
"Huhn" exclaimed hie IIttie sister; "I
wish i wren siek,cnougli to eat a grape-
fruit 3"
At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys'
Camp, held at 'Musket Falls in August,
beneficial for eon burn, an immediate
relief for colic and toothache.
General Secretary.
Sweet areas Candle Shades,
For the summer cottage straw candle
and lamp shades will be found satisfee-
tory and economical.. They shed a
chumming sight through the woven
otrande of sweet grass, of which they
are made, and they are both inexporusive
and long lived. The grass used in weav-
ing diem is the same seen in the (hna-
dian basket*, which possess such a deli-
cate and delicious odor.
The pieces of grass are woven round
and round the shade, which is shaped
either with a circular base or one in
hem:goiral loam. From there the shade
elopes gradually, and it has a narrow
upstanding finish at the top. The seams
are made by weaving in a eoarser grates,
and at the top and bottom edge a thick-
er kind, and one of a darker shade of
green, gives a pretty and substantial rim.
'There is no striking' color in these
shades, the grasses blending pale yellow
and light green tonesin such a way that
the general effect is neither the one nor
the other color, For this reason sweet
grass shades can be used in any dining
room. Their freshness makes them par-
tioularly attractive for summer use.
T1oy are offered in several sizes ranging
from the small candle shade to the Larg-
er ones intended to cover au electric
When soiled or dusty all they require
is a careful wiping orf with a damp cloth,
4 •
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Japan's Duty.
Lf the Japanese Government desires to
dispose of weapons no longer of service
to her, it le her duty to see that they
are not employed to damage her neigh-
bor. It has been urged that Japan is
not bound to ascertain the object and
destination of the arms shipped from
this country. That la doubtless true so
far as legal duty is concerned, but the
moral duty 18 clear and unmistakable.—
Japan Chronicle.
One packet of Wilson Fly Pads has
actually killed a bushel of flies.
A Life -Saving Vest.
A snoessfui test of a life-saving vest,
patented by a Philadelphia invents',
was given in the Delaware river opposite
Washington Park on Sunday afternoon.
The device reaenrblea all ordinary vest
and can be worn at any time. It is
provided, however, with an air -tight
compartment which may be inflated by
the mouth by means of a tube in a few
seconds. The inventor showed the value
of the device by jumping overboard
fully clad: He remained in the water 20
minutes, his body being sustained en-
tirely by the vest, which enabled hien to
keep himself in an upright position hall
above the water without the slightest
An Epitaph.
Beneath this stone lies Mary Green,
In prime of life, she quit this scene;
She died the victim of a cough;
Too soon, too soon; she took 'em off•
Thousands of men and women
who were bald or whose hair was falling
out, testify to wonderful results obtained
from the Seven Sutherland Sisters'
Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner.
Sample sen, free. Send roc. to Day pentose to
Seven Smh'rinnd Finer,', 179 King St, west,
Toronto. Price, Hair Grower soot and $,.fa
A Home -Made Refrigerator.
Take two largo boxes, the second
one somewhat smaller on all sides,
and bore two two-inch holes in each
correspondingly, to give drainage and
ventilation. Fill up the bottom of the
larger box with powdered charcoal
(or sawdust, if charcoal cannot be
procured) until the smaller box will
etand on a level with the larger box.
Put the inner box in place, and fill
up all the space around the aides
with the charcoal. Fasten lids on,
axes to fit tightly. On each side of
the inner box, by means of cleats, put
several shelves, leaving a space in
the centre for the ice.
A rack made of lathing may be laid
at the bottom, for the ice to rest upon.
Legs may be added, also, and the
drainage and ventilation In this way
be improved. This ie a rough refrig-
erator, to be sure, but one that has
been successfully used in our home
for years,—From Women's Hoare
Companion for June.
Wilson's Fly Pads kill them a11.
4 0
Respectable Criminals.
When an ordinary faker or discredited
practitioner is caught tampering with
nature andlcnding uneernpulous assist-
ance 10 w00100 seeking to escape the re-
sults of indiscretion or the responsibili-
ties of the married state, he is followed
with that keen diligence that usually
lands him in the penitentiary or on the
gallows. When a reputable licentiate
of a medical college falls into the same
evil ways, his confreres hasten to do
their part in befuddling the Jurors with
technical evidence Even the prosecut-
ing attorneys are caught with the glam-
or of "respectability" which 80 often
stands between a criminal and his de-
serts. If the medical profession are to
back charlatans and the representatives
'ot the Crown hesitate becauee of the
social position of criminals, where is the
hope of stemming this tide of murder?
The Flame Journal,
Three packets of Wilson's Fly Pada
cost twenty-five cents, and will kill
more flies than twenty-five dollars'
worth of sticky paper.
The Drug Habit.
In a Massachusetts town the other
day a number of youths were gathered
in by the police who were having a "co-
caine party." It is said that the use of
this drug in saloons is becoming more
and more common on the other aide of
the line, where It can be obtained as
readily as whisky. Its use is more fatal
than any alcoholic beverage, as it leaves
its victim a moral ae well as a physical
wreck in a short time. In this country
a business of this kind could hardly be
done openly. Nevertheless it is said
that numbers of young women as well
as young men are being initiated into
the seductive mysteries of the syringe.
The authorities should make a strenu-
ous :effort to stamp out this insidious
evil and bring to book those who are
promoting the traffic.—Toe Home Jour-
Minard's Liniment Lumbermen's Friend.
Fasten Rugs to Floor.
If the housekeeper who finds it hard
to koep carpets or rugs smooth on the
floor will sew a loop on the corners of
the carpet and nail a small tack on the
floor she will have no more trouble. In
that way she will not ruin a oboe floor
or wear her carpets out in the corners
by running tacke through theta Unhook
the loops when you wont to shake the
Pay what you will, and go where you
like, you cannot get a better, purer or
more delicious tea than "Saluda"
One big advantage in being a flat -
dweller is that there is no lawn to mow.
-Florida Times -Union.
And one big advantage in not being a
fiat dweller is that your neighbors are
not within eight inches of you, -Indian-
apolis News.
ISSUE NO. 23, 1908
IJ "Dominion Novelty Oo.," box 660, Wood-
stock, Ont-, and yes wall get In return, post
wild, one beautiful Golden Scarf 515 or ono
halt dozen silver Plated Toea) and a
recipe for keeping cage trash the whole year.
Ream Is worth many deem the money.
Sample spoon 10c, past pald. Wrlto "'Fro"
Give Children Plenty of Water.
Dr. M. Barbour, after widely investi-
gating the influence of water on th. var.
ions bodily functions, now makes a plea
for its greater internal nee in chaldron.
The healthy infant of several mouths
should take a full glass in the Bourse of
the twenty-four hours, the amount be-
ing varied according to the weather. The
amount should be increased in all condi-
Dona accompanied by elevations of tem-
perature. 11 will restore bhe loss sus-
tained through the fever, enhanee the
glandular activities, and, by the dllu-
tion of the food, will enable the stomach
and intestines to absorb more readily
the nutriment, and so will maintain vi-
Free to Housekeepers
We wane every 100•00n to here •P.M
rocs 00030r,r. Every hamsemela..errPr
Yr• onWe. f• 100,doc. 0 we 011 feel
e Na. poaaebotd seamy of equal doe cod' hw1001100.
Mead 41 mete, •temp n neory Ord.,
Woodstock, Ont.
Near a Bad Bargain.
Tho agent of the titled wooer found
that the ambitious American girl, had
only $150,000 a year.
Of course, he advised his principal to f{
"But," Insisted the latter. "I could
scrape along on $150,000 a year."
"Possibly, but who'd ouport your
wifo t"
Even love could put forth no argu-
ment against thia•-Philadelphia Ledger,
Bathe the Fahy
with Mira Skin Soap. It cures chafing,
scalp irritation and all skin troubles,
is wonderfully soothing on acoonntof its
antiseptic, healing properties. Grateful
to the most dedim akin, fragrant and
refreshing. It b the bot toilet soap as
istsee swam
pwdell a ebe.�best„ medicinal soap.
ese•musram tto 4 Chemists CO. of
Seeing His Face.
Patience—As I came by Mrs. Redd'e
door I overheard her gay to her husband,
"0h, darling, I'm so glad to see your
face a int" Has he been away longi
Patrice—No; they both have been out
in their automobile and I suppose he
bad just taken off him auto mask.—Ton-
ak: Yon-
kers Statesman
Men should
look for this
Tag on
Tobacco. It
guaranteesthelgh quality of
Black Watch
The B>o 8Ld[ Plug.
• 72
Playing Safe.
"I've got a great deal of pleaeure from.
anticipating the trip."
"More, possibly, than you'll get from
the trip itself,"
"That's what I think. So Tvo decided
to stay at home and save the mosey."
—Kansas City Journal.
No dead flies lying about when Wil-
son's Fly Pads are used as directed:
Brother Had to Have 'Em.
Bill -You say you wore- evening:
Jill -Sure thing.
"Didn't know you owned any?"
"I don't.•, they were my brothers."
"Didn't know he had any?"
"Slue thing;. he's a waiter!"-Yonk-
ere Statesman.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
It's all right to have a good opinion.
of yonraelf, but it won't get you into
The Eddy Crimp
is a New Wrinkle in the way of Crimping the
Zinc in Washboards.
It makes the Washing Process very much
easier, and it insures Few Destroyed Linens
when the Washing is over.
Like Eddy's Matches—it has been proven the
best ever. To be had only in