The Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-21, Page 9_____ ..- .
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. .Pictures
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W. AV. W. FUrall wow InElaraoll . �!!___:
1111_1�4 F 4 Vook returned houle, fr out . Mr.,%Villeoxof!l'o—rt-intoviwitetlatW. . �
11911401IU4 oil Saturday, stantey"j? Oil �Wxluevday. Mr- (-'has- Middleton is c%niltuicing
Mr."Jock"Oreggof SpatolthwagbA jollu Mulholland left last week for the & arance of hifilp
. , Iftee by tit
Clinton tile first day of the week, ChIcAgo. 1*a �p areQ,.
I tiOn 0 & now wire fence,
Mr- A- V, Sheripard and wife at Iqlle U18800 Sarall, lleacom 4011 Min"le
Miss 9. l3radflold of Toronto apent; a spent Hutlde,y with friends in the vill. We were sent am delegates to the sun.
couple of days in town this week, ago. daysch0*1 and R,Pwortli League Vou-
Miss X. Mackenzie of Lucknow visit, Quite 0, number from here attended vOutlull held In $safe
oil +h" Tr; Mr rth this weeii- +t,.
. � U.0 U Ur Ub . .... Munnau Oils week. 1,140 IT - X. sowing circle at Mrs. W. tortner representin
. Mr. and Mrs, Utche of Binevale visit. ,Jervis' last Thursday. School and the I%tL the ]Sal�hoartil
. * oil Mrs. Henry young On suturd%y Mr. and Mrs. J'au, Sta"joy of COn. eaque. .
last. stwimo were theguests
, pfW. Stanley Mr. J"ohn Be.acom, of r,on4ou
Mrs. WRIlam oantelon is ,visiting find Jas.Grabaltl on Saturday Aud Sun, ship has again b town.
Badn'l-powell � hot, day. , friends oil tile leoll up seeing his all
- L . 4aughter, Mrs. Brooks of Mit- - Line! Waugh UnBeacom
che . - Out, ticket a ent Sold over 00 t
I 1.1 e .. Icketis says be likes hl%UeW Labode very much
to Guelph On Driday, This is not so Keh Indications g� to show that his
I . . Mr. J0114 McUwau, late of -Jackson bad for our town. arb Is In 00geriph township, Mr,
t , � . heenvictoria goixt' staff, has taken & POSItION, in Miss Bertha Stanley spenba few days 0 ,
. . idon. . . J MQrgan,who, is in the. employ of Mr.
. . I 4 . with ft lends in London4 Beacom also was up Seeing hie .014
" � , . . Mr. George 90111090r Of tile Hollinger The May rnake of cheese wit friends.' L
I " 'k Bull cb&Iv COMPallLy, 04nover, was far 940. per 1b. This is quite a" sold Mrs. Waints of
. I Etna . n 14. 4. B ,as L Blyth vIsIt0d'-4t Mrs.
I F) , 60 -of 18188, � In town yesterday. crease Over lRal; year.' tewart's t week for a few L days.
. � . p . I . Mr. and Mrs. Thoo,. Holloway And Mr. 00 MOn4AY gVening Mr, Wilson M N Valley Cale and si6ter, Miss Flos.
. I and Mrs, A. J'. Holloway spent Sun- gave R jecture. 'in Wilson's a 010. Sundayed In Stanley. . .
L .411
- . �Size ISZ24 day with Exeter friends. , "Twenty-three years A On Mr. Wriest Middleton 16 v�ry Ill at
. L L slave.,,
I -
I �, L 11 . . Rev. 3, F. Parke is Atter4fng the � The S. S. and,U. L. LL intend holiling presentarld to der, the care of -0p,.
on coated onleDderod paper lawn 600141 on Thursday evening on Glion of Olintant We believe the sick.
. I . . meeting.of the Raton Synod in See. - r. Riford's lawn, Refresh ties" 10 Of a very s0VIOuS nature,
.slliltAble Air frainiag $IOU 10-14ondou this week, . atent's
. "strawbarries,croatit and All other good The Mieslos -Tenklas of Hallett town.
. I - Mrs. Bills and Miss J*oluispn of Sea. things, will be Oerved from 0 to 8 , The ship were guests of M ISO
I forth spent Sunday In, town as the C. 0. F, Band Of Clinton will beIn at. last week. . ARUS4 Cooper
.1 I .. .. Frice I guests Of Urs, W, %� Whitely, teri4ance. Mrs. Dewar had the volstortune last
. �� 11 1. -1 � I L. I I . . — . , . ,. , �, Mr. John McCartney lefooll Tues We0kt0fAIlOJW%chaIr on which She
. . . , 0 Centro ... day- for a trip to Al Onia. . WAS standing and sustained severe,
,.. I.. . . I . I ,. I L L I �, DUNOANNON. Wedding bells W11711 be I , , L . I
. 1. . L I . Aria 1. I Severe in urjeq. .
11 -1-1 I— -_ I— - —
ORD -, -
=�!"__�"_�!!, _� :�;_.::�L,Z7� ____ . -0.
, ---
I I-Firlem ""
Mr. spat ing (I—tu. tit I %plit a folir
(140 witillritud ,
N On tbv L rue.
11110 working.with his contain the I
barnyard, Mr, j, UrSOU Of tile ft,b.
0011cesmion met with 4 bad sweidle"t
And from it 946talued several Ipjurjea.
Mr. Green WAS in the act �f
the lines when tile team starricking up,
. A throw.
ing him down jm4ep. the tongue be.
twccu the horses. Fortunately bow.
OvIOr the W4199011dassed without run.
D ug overillm. (
0 Are flad to see I
thathe is able to be aratim again.
AUOthQrAC0i4lDVt',VhjCh might 'have I
Proven very serious befel Up% obas,
NCO regor, She was using a sharp knife
when it slipped and entered hop band
�between the thumb and forefinger al.
most a9vering bel. thumb from her
hand. Though the glace is A, very
dangerous one in whic to be out yet
� We believe no serious results have us
yet followed,
Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Hudsod, who,
Ilave been visiting friends it, Michigan
the Past week, returned home Oil Fri-
day last.
Mr.,TamesTurneraol4to Mr, Snqll
of Exeter on Wiidnesday last a flne
young driving horso for which Ue —
& " I *-A-
__ ___ � - . =;� ;j;:-� _;xZl�:-,4=' - - -
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. , ,
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N"&, "'MV, . (� . "___
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1. 1,
THUNSDA -.-i6.1A,
. . I ! - , � I � .1 . — . village on Weduesdav, , 0 r, - mr.T.1311wood'" face IS to " .;oived the saw of $11o. I I . . " . I I - � W-__ . . IP ...
� '. .1 . � � I . . .
. � I I 'Aponta -Porker's Dys Works,, bea MP, Hufas Keys of Varna and Mr, . I . I . �
,. . I bo I . . I ..
� , I ,� It . . . I ,. I Nils, R-WIlsonandMiss Maggie left A. number of friends from Brussels Ming ,again these days. .44 seen � . I I
, ... . . � I . I . Ou Monday to spend the summer in attended th - . Other UojQl wen of Palmerston , . . .,
. I � , � . 'I f aneral of the late Mrs, boy we believe, . canvassed the �%__.r% . . .,
,�, " , , Dakota with Mrs, Wilson's eon titers. T41IM1001i Sa urday. , neighborhood on Saturday last in the 4=;:t�=X:�=9Z=111=P; �,;S_C I�Z==; . 11
. I � .
, - I I � . I I
� � " . I , �� I 03 r 90 sonlejuipiovements during the next day from the States I . startled, on Tues. farewell sermon in Coje,p church next interests Of the Can%dlau Order of ' , . . . . . -A=;0:�=;4=:;:t=n=n=V 1!�=X � , I'.
. , , 18' I, I F The -Presbyterian church is to under. Xr4 Iva Pickard I Rev, U- A- -Shaw will preach his, , ,;t�:Xl=;�,
-, T . " 00 I 11 I " . 11
I pi ,I Foresters, . . I I . . . � .
. . I . . two -weeks. Itisto be re Sunday 4ftern,0011. Mr. Shaw We are going to devote the last th, � I
I ". I I . � . I �,aiuted and IK!qs Ella Wilson is -0; An eiten4ed toBenraillep whileRev,, mr, Moves .The following, is a AM Uf those. who ** ree day. s -- bf lthe;inoutll - to ildd, oll: of' -all :
� I .. I . * fixed up, yellknd, took in th excursioli to the model remnants, odd lines and broken lots.,that are �he, � result of t . �
, . I . 90an the Cho eso,,dlwaya tl�o �Bea4 - patlereo!! Inside and otherwise visit. to her Aunt in Quelph,- ' fQvrfiQVIY Of Ethel birculk will become. Parini on Feriday last -,—Ralph St6phen. , . . �, he-4brAk S'elling 'of the 0a t few - ::
'! .. _ Ap be coingrectlart of St. Oil Thursday last Mrs, Levis �Wenb Pastor Of B471104 circuit ai)d will months. That's wh ' mnant J)aly , r
- . . !. , ., 1.
. _ " I i. PoLuils
� -_ -_ M'— on the 29th of this month. 0 i r6in.oVory ePgttwent ofour W � 11
I . , I,". I , . -14 b Ila' if, y we call then Re I , a
. . � I '.. I . . . � I ; olittrokintend 014ing a garden patty 40wo,to Clinton to spend the after, preach his Ilr8b sermon a week from * son and wife' William 1 r a w e � � 4
, . . . ' I
, . Charles Bit an, John ,Turner, Ralph ,:,d
� I . � 1 � hoOn with 1101? $On, Ueorgo, and d4u next Sunday. We wish both ministers Worl;man, will betaken eveF) thing that is -Short enough, to be call e-A'i-xiaminan - tj "ev, g store I .
I ter- Mrs- J, W, Hill, tfte was brig. t- God speed* in the &IvIn Wilson. Webster ,line and the� will be -put out on ou _, broken lot or"W4 �
. ,
- . I NOw.Advertiseme.ats statute Isbor, has been about com- Zvi %
I � . � Pleted atourid here now., And cheer;ful spreading Of the Turner, William Forrest, Mrs, jaules 6�y
1 1 � I 1�. �. . As usual and started for gospel, Mr. Saunders of Rxe I r counters Marked at pric,
", � Japanese, Mina -W. Col4per 100'.... � .......... i Rev. Mi. Goldberg home by tile evening- train but a few oupled the pulpit of st,, j _ ter On. dr . 08"that shoul(I'Rdar tli-epj out , in
, r . preached a, vety Love, Mrs. Andrew Love, Miss Mary Short order. It PaYs us better to Sol 1
I ;3.ummorBhivts-:A. illft.risb....., ...... - I interesting and Impressive sermon an lulnuths after meer church 0ochrane; Airs4ohn Forrest. 1'reranants and broken lots sometimes
. I . Slammor Sulte-A, X Holloway ........ ,, ..... 1 tile South African war Oil Sunday last, the train Pulled alit of !ast Subbath, and deijvere� a very Prof. allow the even at 0, loss that to ' , � *7
, .
. .r Clinton, station she became Suddbrily Itable and Interesting sermo Miss C)ALT, Webster of Lucknovr to , m. to accumulate,.,, We want them -to be �leared 6111t4hismoilth andby-very 'liberal, " '
. I � 11 . Washable Summer Comforti--Nowcombe's_ - & Mr, and, Mrs Tbos. Durnin spent Ill and aljol6ila6irollS Call Al - I Mr, And Mr U. � I at Present Visiting friends In, the neigh. pilce reduietions will make it PaY YQtl Well to help us do it. Here—
. Cash is Mng-w. Taylor & slc�- Sunda a. obas, Holland rettel0jad borhood, .
. . ...... ; ....... 4 y at Port Albert. . u did all that c0tild b6 done under it: . acijuaintatices on the Line lastaunday. . . : �
I . �, 11 Don'b.You Care -F. Melville ............... _ 4 We understWua* the Presbyterian OlrOurastaiiiies and held the train here I Mr. Holland has no r Mi, - R�ery, item is 0, genui is a partW f1st of what,wo:. . -
I _ , � - Androw.Kaln, who was 1131pred Will Sell- lie bargain.. There will be. twi �, .
A Favorable Impression -S. t*Yetforgotten the a short time ugs 1) a runaway team, last t .- . Pole. as, r
congregation intend holding a garden. until relatives were notified And a time wb,.n the Bayfield Liu , _nqu -,. ., ,
. -TOOkson ........ $ .
r Specials This Wepk�-NoXitmon a ff,opor conye ' . e WAS his ' bree ,y� and
� days of the Month, I � , . more here t1le I
I .
r r .
. I . Co ....... � 4 PartyatMr.W. Maligugh's on thaft.b. yance Arrived -to take ,centre of ititereso, � is we are pleased Yto say able to be. - I . . I - 1'�
. Mrs, Mallough has been Improving rs. LaVis to list home, Th I "Those"WboWaitfol, a goo . ' around again. I . .. . r . I . . � I I , ". . . . .:- I . " 7,
, I . �. Remnant Days-Rodgens Bfta., - ., -, - � - .. 8 the front of her property on main feel Very grateful to e family - d night I . � . I .. . . 1, I I . 11 I . _�
,r . Shoo Talk --Jackson Bros.. ... 11 ..... 1. 1 8 Street by. addin 4 concrat � e - walk, . Mr. Alg�e, and th� Will got it", So thought those who at, Services were conducted In the Pres . . . . r, � I . . r . . I �.:.
. . . � . Business fOr Sale Uck Xennody._'.",.,... 8 �HOW ,)to . I . train hands for their kindness, Mrs., ,tend � ed, the garden.. terlan church on .Sabbath last by Black Dress 60ods:, . I ' . I � � . ,�
" 1, I I I - � � e it woulg be if other property LWVIIS did not recover gonsclousuess the aus, ()O?1 arty given under p. oore�stsltjoiiagenbof.arucefteld, . . . , Oolor " " I � ss 0 a I . I � '- . - ,. .r
Pipes of I r - , ed!.Dre' .Ooodg - ' .'� r,' . . . q,;
. I
I - ; . �,.,____ . ,,;- ;-_-;;—_ owners would improve their Roper A'Id passed 0 'a Sunday School in tbre absence ofRev, S. Acheson w1.10 . A
. . 8, ' eac0fullk &W.ay before on the lawn of MV. Georg& Cotooer last 00 Remnants of black r 4reaa goods, plain h . I I . I . 1. I . .. � I . I -': � - ' ` I
. . . . . likewise or it least keep the old e� Midnight notwithat has gone to gpl, aX to ,Sttelkd the - or r earlettas. , . . ' 7 .� L . ' " �;'�
010 0, L tvalkis in rep w . I andin ,, Ali the p f . serpes. b ngolinea, lilaieb, cloth, lastres And Unoy , 75 Renil of col6rod 4resit gooas#�O ' . I
. Ati6tlt .. air. � . sicialip , hy- Monday .evening, The 'night was General Asserubly. r . . . mili allsbAdeo ' . , ' ' ' "
. � I . . . . _ a skill, The decease , who was a certainly all - that : .. . weaves, in lengtba of 2 to 0 yards, Allgood mater. in plain goods in the 10 t r ' - � .
; .. 11 . r . Rev, Mr. Hutton leaves Dungannon native Of England, came could be desired . . r ,x 11 . ..
P I �- � ,. . . I six 11 noy ._ 1 .. . . . . .
�� * to) L Canada, thous -ille UlFbt Previously set was a . weeives'and Plaids, leng$hs, of from I to 6 11 ..
�, r I . * shortly to take up his duties in anothler 'With be, -husband a half a �h r ials and popular weaves, will go . I t. together Wt ; ,
� "
, e � , . on our court. r I ��
W ----,-'p e01D . %r.ked at prices tb%l'ou bt I _ar a '. . 11 ..
HERE THEY ARE I � century ago little damp. ters remnant days -7 a . I , . � . �"_
L' I I mission. Mt. However- tbe'All W.Ise -ore for Sale , . to clear thaw out bill 9 , . . mAterim1d;0QUAble for waists,shipts And obildrens . . 1, . , � " .1. . ....
I. ^ Hutton and famity-will be Ana first settled lit Darlington hub than Lkitor St
. � . . . I I hie'r own Being knows better . y Saturday night . . I I ': ... 11 , .
� . -_ - . : . I r . e At , � . .,. - 11 �
� I . ' greatly missed not Only by ATurlin we do, ajid dresses all to be cleared out remnant .4%yq. ' � �,
I AND WHAT ru �' the Construction' on I —_ , r I - I . . I , -r.-, I . . - I I � I "I . . . . . . . I .t� ....
e seeing a UquorStoro. Forfurther n . r . . ,_ I r ..... .....
.. . I : congregation but byabirgii circle of to- the take moved to Holmes. evening had, the pleasure of ,ale the ,.Clint ,
0 '. I L 0 of the Grand tboae*h6 re-sebbbe date to ?i day The undersigned offers for r Prices much below regular, , � .
I .� � THEY ARE DOING - friends in - th other congregations, 'Ville Mr. Lavis -died t %rticularo Apply% Odd Lin I � I . � �,� , , *,�,.,
'' . . �. Ku, I hirty-eighb (Ine.ore. The crowd, WAS t I largest ,alinton. june 19& . I4,3KENNADY, r. 93lof l3laek Dress Goods. � . . .. We'Will.put in 00,10 remnant days' a �jg lot. of ad' I . . '� � ��%-�
. � I . I I
. �
I I I I 00000000EX300 We . OW Weivish Mreand:Urs. Hatton� and Years 490 leaving Mrs, Lavis with a that has gathered In I;hIs c"Irrmun � ' �... lines of colored dress goods at the uniform prja , - r " �
I I - I,., . f0,111117 successand prosperity In. their family Of aixr children... Th q1tv, --- I . We want tb , of 25o a yard. -Materials t I so . .. , ., -
I Mr. Nor bodefich . � � cap hda for some time at Stich an.'event. and . � I . ese odd. lines out of the' way liat have sold at'a$a . A .
.. man Kennedy of ,was new name. . now sdilvi*e are Mrs j. W.� ,,,,, r2 the pro�ra . so 40c, 50o,.9hoIc * . I . .
in town Sunday. : ,; I - I Last Saturday afternoon the black. George or Clinton, " MMO was up to I($ usoal �. . put them bia sale With thb . . 0 of, over a anzen lines at One 11-960 , .1 . � -
� . - . IlAvid who is in the standard. The select'. . remnants, none of . . I . i'T�ii . � .
�. .. I
, . Mr, W. C. Meyers of Bruntford was in -smith shop lit St, Augustine -along UnItedStates anij B award of this place. Clinton 0. 0. F. 13 long g1ven by the . m1h em. aroxer� long I . _------ . .. � -__� , . . , 'I
I . -town for a few days -this week. � Witli a dwelling house And Mr. PAL, The deceased was an UPliscopaUan.and . nu find were lively and I . . . . . I ends, enough perhaps, , � . I ., .1 ,
' r . . . . r - 414 Dress Godds. I I : .. 1, ; "..'. �� .;!, - .",
. . .. . .
I I Carhey's barn were dostroyed by fire. always retained bet, connection merous and" well received by the ooks _ 1.1 � Z or 3 . . . . fok 0 � . . . 1. I . . � I .: . � r.
., Messrs. Cook, Cantelon aud Sellery Of The, . r . skirts'or, dresses. . I . I I
. � He smakei could be plainly 'abell the Church 'of England. r The vklbh crowd. as were also ,the numerous set. , r .1 .. � 1. 1. I r . . . I I . . .. . .. I r I . . . . . .. . . I : I .., , ,�
. usall were. in the Hub on Sunda " . . funeral ectionsgiven by Cole,6, orebestp& as, . I I End good qualitY black lustre, Usat, q,tuAll'pattera , . 3 Odd blal6k dress . Sk r t'd_ , ' 11 �' � ��
. I . I . irts for : n .
I . y- from Dungan -non. . . took place On Saturday ,ta, OlIntou slated hv Mr. L JECOVeV. I reranan , &Y, - � �
. . . I
�� I Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of Mitchell Were , Of. . I . r. S . suitable for, skirts, good black and will give ex� . . selling. . . ; . . . � � ` ,r' � . . �1�1�,
Mrs, Macdonald of St. Marys who has cemetery- the a The d netts. - ' . . . . iiellent Wear, regular 800, for remnan 50C . .. . . I . I I 1% :, _. , , . . '.�, �.. I
, Gay. . I I � . � � y ervicea beink conducted misses U010'Rathwelt and . . I End blaqk fancy strip 'good1l%ok, will � . . � I . . . .._ . , . .
quests of Mr. R. .11, Choweii oil Still; been visiting h or parents here, . I .
. 11 Mr. and by.Rev, . IF. Parks of Clinton.. gi;a. Rtta, Thomp- ' . I � . I .
. . . Mrs. Peter ZlOanu; returned Lavis was held in the son were very highly appreciated, . . . Photo '. a grenadine, I �Only black fingered -lustre � skirt, lined th ., I . I �
, , � Mi. �: and Mrs. Blooir, Bly. home on M . I � to'her -highest esteem while the 80108 given by . .� . make 9, handsome And comfortablesummer dress. , I . � ioughout, . �_,
�th, wells the o,uday, ' . .by & large circle of ac(' � Messrs, Geo. 0.�a.iD,;Zmww-a�i;.qb..00-:�.,Q-�ZA.Q"%�g;,cz;b�o , . regn . . .. with linellette, velvet binding, now be , , '' , � , � �
I luaintatices And -McCraeAnd R. Downi . . . let 50o a yard, to clear remna -days,, _�, - t9b � ok I ,� �
. . e . - . 3 regal All . I I � , I
I � . , , Ity are looking much regveb is expressed at her death 'vociferous applt%Vse. - I I Enclonly, extra good quality; all wool black g;ena. . I . I., Ill.* ................... I . . I I �
. I , guests of Mrs. I G . biqe� Cottle yester- The crops in, this vicim - called u forth �400%, 1 . . .nt . $2.75, for remnant days
. . , I . ..1690 , . I 1,
., . . - � I .
� well at present. Fall wheat promises which was dile-bo beart'f iture. � , fdrkeb to mentloyl the male q W I . I dine, a ver7 handsojija material waiii too high 0 Airk extra good 4nality., , - , , , , ! ., .,
fty. . - I Neither in' at we .
. . . . a
,, . . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. vm�a to .be a Pret t� fair yield. 7 . mr, W.. W, TreWa . . , uartettii . . 1, I . .. I � . I -Only black sor . : .1
augiley visited '. , . rtha, the popular. of Clinton, Their selections were most, . U , . � I . i - liniu� willilob , � , - * � � I
� . I j� . I . ., .1 :. and painstaking . . . . . . . . Priced td self quickly,so Out it goes remnant days , . catch or hot the dust Ihnenette , . . ,� '' , , , . 1,
� - � friendsiti West.Wawallosh on Molf-, .� I 11 — -_ I ad mirably given and . . I I . I I , . . I . I regular 96c, for , I - . .. I I . 1.4 ....... n - velvet i
� I . � I I I . greatly appreciat , 1. 2 01�1y`very fine g . I S$.-50.remnaut .
- .. . I . _ ldalltY black orepoij dress leqgth I . . � .1 I I I . . .. days...� I 1,08'. I I ..,
. �
, . . . . . IN. � . - I won ously ill f6p 'sibly best of all or , at leagi . . just the two left of one , � .. ' I Only fancy black Skirt, lkeat�', Pattern, ext . .. . .. I I.. 1. . , "
hy., 1� , , .. , ., . ,some ed, bufi Poq . .0l, " �' bind! g, size 42, regular:
� � �;, . � I 4 . �. . I School,, bits been sort Prinkipal, Of 'Our -..1;1.-.1.,1.4 -e
',�'%� . . days though no a I
� , � .. I
misa IdaHeywood, .*'ho has been"In ' GODIRRICH .-VOWNSH the., Way to recov.. most gratifying was tWfacb that When . ,� of our best libels, rsgjjj&�' J , . I
� � . BlYth Ior� atorfiil .- lit has returned' ,'�- :: `- . ,. . � ery. The dbAor, 1346, the cause,of t . . i *materi. ra good , ,., .. �
:, I . :, 1. � he all receipts 6anted up they net. . . I I a M remnant days, 5.00 good lineftiette,`
I" b6ijiie. - 9 :" ., �� . _ .. trouble is,overwokk so Were c I ... I Pr' 0. WAS $ 10 M �'To olear the I I . Al, mew. stylell, litiod � with . � .
� . t � �v I I � - - '. . . . . Mr. Edward Rutbwell bas a fine ate . the, thab it is fort6n� bed up More that) $72,- . . . . '' . I . . . .. � . . 1 I Velvet. binailig,regular 64.6o rem .: 4.
11 . . . holiday seasbn !a* so I � . . . I . . naut days.. .';.. 8445, , � 11 ..
ill, �, Mi6s.Maggie Hillen of., 06 h ' -LelceStPV rain from which he clipped hand.. Mp.`Tpewailtha close.,at '' . I . . �. I . . �
' �. . 7 (rnten4ed for lAsb,jiga4,j � .1 . . . Silks for lk' . . I I I . I � I ..: ,. . ..�,_ . . ,,, -
. �
.� 11 Sundayin town with ter,i fo urteen pounds of wool. I I � . tainin has been - malix. , . The � . I I % . I I I I bmnant.bays' . , Baby jklbbon 3' 1 . I.. �
.%� 1. . I'll Mut Xrll- JOV Cocio ,%the sclicolPHQUIcieney and hill& .ulplfof�Coje's chilich. , . , � . . . _
� � , _ I 1;11 Mrs. Laytow . � . IdOl, er, . ugh visited his uncle a hurn er of pupils cuplecl by Mr, -was ob-' . � I '� Odd lines and ' � Yards -for 5c - . . eurt I D h tnjent jt6ninants. " L
I .
.,:_,� � I Robert Pinitie of Uens repatling for t Win., Blair or. . short lengths - Boo xailda lAnov two 1. 'Sho a ' - .r '2`tO, �;T, . " - - _4111�,
�; Mr. Sanders of Exeter, all. . I . . . . ,'bb tone eatin baby� I
. . exams. And as be- W, I ,lot. be, able "" ,ff t - Porter's ' l: .. I . alit days Sell. rl Onj- and plain . 'colors, 'rogn r . ,,�d,,.a. g,.,r! muslihi, . I - I i
� whO16 supply- The firm of t ,ill owing to he absence of Rev. Kri . -- _. I .of silk for remn , rem
.1. for Rev, -H., B. Smith, is spenall) Turner and Atwood ire train them any more, Up. Elliott to haw who was attenditig,06rif . . . . . I . . . . . . . 2o, 3o, 4o and 5a. per y%rci all . I I Y,EL,,oA regoi or 15c, to clear 11 I
I . few days of till . I �ff doing such 8 rushinK businessin lime', -the �,Forter's .Hill ,scillco of - erence. 11 .. . .. Ing. � - . ... - . .. I in n Sys....' � "........ 1, � I 140C . .11 ��'.
,, .. . a. W � Mr. .T. EjIjoI;6 had. the iiisforbane to � I .. . . ourlot'remnanYdaysatsys ile 2 F tt( . I 1. 1. - I `,1.1", - . ,
. .
41, Brussels, friends. . . , . that they. have had to call in more kindly taken, the: Ebtrs, 1 has Very 1ps, another valua . . Reimnants at 25e_ ' . , . . .. 3S curtain m us in, very --ae - .
. .
rl. I . hell ' I � rice .class I I hie cow last -wee ... . p . . I 7 . � puaii, white ground with blue, . 11 I
n I . I hand. to' 5ucb a loss at, this time of. year k , I . I Between 4o And, 50 , . G-Uff Links 10c.aVaij . . . � 6 11
. , � _ I . .�'. . . I . . .
I �. West a or,the North. � . I . � . . . . I is . .. . _ .1 . . � . � ends of plainana . peo
I took alobg . I I � I fancy silks in lengths of j yard .to Aira Plated and pearl -cuff links' . inches wide, me .. 40 ' - . , I
. Mr. Job Howqo'n lef6 f L Robert Coition gh is doing a big - . . 55 P, Yolldvi"aad.aile green stri .
,, I n Tuesday and , . . � .
, -a business in the horse line. � . . . heavily felb.. . .. . I.,
" I . I ___.___�_ . . I., . I . � 11 yards, - for l, .. . . . everyone g keiiIsndsomo'our�.. � . 1.
, , � I The wheels on the Lilts are getting a 4D,;b-Q,*-a.AQb�4D-'Zl,,�11t�, 1l4W(311F,*-",01`11&8 choice all at the . : 25C 20oand 25c for no -better, I ar 800. to, ojear.,pd&,, I A
- - . . � . i
ll . 1. carload of fine hopses boug%t from .. Mt. TomMlliattill4allis barn all ready , � . I I suitable rimmingff; . ood qua4ty, you,11 pay * - �: tains, regal
�11, . - Mr.. John Gentles,af,Kincardine. for the bay. F. Keys bas.left I GODERICH, TOW rest. now since the -road work has been . ' . . I . I . 0 .. � one price ......... I We ' . nant days .. j.,.. , -11-11
I .
1. t on 1he - excur- 30 - . . I . I . .11 — :. . . rr� . dad it goed 0- SL ....... I..... ". I I
i E-Ulltonwen - b . I ' �5 Ends plairl. and - Uncy colored 1. on sale rem , �it ends of plabi. and', ja 41
.1.,: Mrs. E. -him a fime ' . NISHIP- ' ' - done. The bew'gravel makes It I got this little lot cheap 13C * - ,
I Sion to Detroit this, morning and will What 1131glib have possible to rid I'll ffer for .2 - We 170 silk, SUM good qualities, lengths �. I I .
4 e Ott the road an is. Wal . ..
�,_ Robert Cole has becln - visiti ' .'�roved a very there spe a 0, . nant'dayo, Your choice. 11 I nGy,
. �
- . � - his bZ1616, Willla'13 . all. . . UrPI place thOre is danger of �r�unlng, into . . OIL . P. Of One to twd yArds, choice of lot .50C � . I . 1. Sateen) � Suitable . for :,
visither pareutsf6rafe* weeksin, I ng.,Wltb Serious Accident haPpened t6 -Mr. Thos. no Place' left; hub the ditch in which �. I I I I . . �
�` Mqore, River Road, before Taturni . ng, odl number 0 M iy of' the l6ffi c cession on Fri- P5c 0.rg'andl6s :16C .. I . .. . f6licy I , - ,
I'A � I . . _ . f young people - Al on CO . WS Or Sheila n -so. � . Waist Silks 'at 350 � . � . 125 Yards 'ream and lillaek ground , I - vrork, .dushlons, � of 1 - I
. four,footed beasts. .. . . 00 � . a
, 15t con. and Maitland, took in rulyand kicked him 'One foot striking It is too birLd that . I . organdy muslin, haudg6me floral .
:�,. Dr. ol � da I 9t. One of his horses becatne un. p in other. kind of � at- ftrgessy'Studi. : .. ends
�_ , day to attend -the -silver w 'on Satur- the excursion t6 Guelph on Friday 18W � About half - aAozon - patterns stri , - to 3 yards remnant , - .
� .. I . �
our . . . I Waist Silks, not WO es for the'la ' ' I
. . edding of among others Mr. and him on the breast an'4 the -other. Inflict- f'oAds have to be spoiled just at I " I .7 Pe all at :
,". his parents. Rev. Ali. Holmes is now, . Mrs, X. Tebbutt, -the - I I *1 . I � more than t Pmtter'fts', regular 26o choice. now,. 10
I I �
'I Ing a deep cut oyaj.6 e eye. time when. we can b0t enjoy them and , WAist4of any one pattern. good .w ' C � .' pric , ,
. � Who Will eek *!tit friends h I . . , . . 0 with silk . St th ,e
k;. �. . pastor df Agkin strela church that east. . OPPrid's �w. ices of * Theserv- besides we do not see �11 - 76 YArds fine scotch zophy 11 . I .
. ' ' I I r I �
�, � citk. .. � . . I . aphysician Were necessary to --vby. the ..gravel ' , . will not -cub, Colors of . stripe, all shorp'laigthe, 11614 a e. I '. : " . , . ., . .
I . . . � I I , .. I W. e ore quality I Of JIM * �Ve, o I
I, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mackenzie, left this - � ,dozen colorings, rentuantidayo .... 1 Pair-fifte lace 6 t � , ` .
_ EP Be n the wound I
.1 .. . . , Mr.. T. Murphy raised his barn a 'd "i t; iveral:stitches I on couldnot be left off till the fall 91VU19. yellow.,' green, belliotrope, eto, 2C I- I -
�1. week fo' ttingstono ready. to put a. Wall under - regular 506 line Plain-blaok grenadine muslin good . .. a Or &Ins, I fun 3j , , ,. . ,
� , 91, . . . 10 face.* We are pleased to know he Percy 001(i And Albert * Thompson One Enlarged Photo . ",',,',',,""I, . . remnant days...: 35e, . yar A long, firm -
I .. r Aberdeen, South Dakota; it.. � . I . -is doing well, and hope he . took advAntalze Of the cheap el . . I I . 1111i allst Silks 25e 1 . I deep black, regular 20o reju,xit. .1 torn I edge, 1400 , , A � . . I
I I * ons visit to Mrs. W. Eakldsen and . � I . � . .. I . . . In rsion ,.. , . .. . I � I . ...... .... . ..... I . . ; i......'. . . , regular $2, re alit A Ott , . . ".
Peter Mackenzie, their daug ter and 'wall S cement . lUg- had a' fine . 10C I Pair handsome 1%6
.�� � ' ,Mr. U..B,6b is �littin% UP a , fully recover. . . lay soon td Guelph last Week. They'reportbav- * With every dozen.of- cup . . . I . days , .. I ' . _,14 . �
� .. son. I It . - It seems It )arly ` to begin. 'me and.. *ere well , , - fail a ' . FlaingrOund with P31ka dot, whi * I .0 A .1, 01 . . .
and wberifinished, 6 will I - Ill r dollar CabilletPh t;O_ . 8
. . I , raise a haying . ..
�. e . � E I 10 ' L . � I re ,
* . fine�new barn on it. .- 1. ,,raphs ordered. . . - 'gant IAceY d�e,sfgn, c r e .
! , bat� 2!1u,'.'V 13-rn,. 'of tit - ith the trip. . with black, red, navy or t6rquote ` iften To els'.3 .for 20c tar $1) remnani day .
�. " . . , pleAned w
1. . ,
� . Mr. -T.-F. Miller, organizer for the Maitland eon., has 6�e field housed al. I , Will"Olair, a former dorafnie or 9.'s. . dots.and black or navy With white � . �. 2. 0 - I
I -
� I Miss HOdgins OfUndon is s endin' NO. 10, renewed acquitintanceef on ,the Come.��rjj al4 . Just it fe. , pairs le,ft 4.),, 1 Pair Nottingham lace '. -
g ready, it being earIX clover. dalvoid .- � . .one Waist of reach., regular soo t3 ) -line qnsl - I .
., he interests of'the 0e, Thompson of the 18th I I .. , 1. .. clear ... �, . � ......... -1 we 1 a them Out. � , 62 remnant days ..." �., ., . I I � . I �
S fields-around"here, are in full bloom arid t ,iiie 1%86 week, Mi. Blair has been at�, .the rush. * .I.. � .,05c why.. we clea .
. Woodman of the World, - IS. in tow -n , a fe* days at the residence of Other r � thal. P,
� this week in t ;1p.Rob I yards long,
- . emain until After next . . .. - . � . . . . ' I. . with white floral Fare linen 6*eis, j9js4 inches, Ins I— ....... . . I
I ' , our faille, goo S, no, � . .
I . ,'I der and willp ' : , . ,.con... , will soon tol'out, . � I I . I .. ending college at Chicago but Is . . , Plain navy 8iij: ' I ...
Monday evening's meeting, I ______ Miss , .. . I , for his holidays. . � Pair lace . f I
.� " , I � . � �. . — I � . . . .� � .. .. 4 f-MItPSE; Pattern, special for remnant days 150, heavy weight, -Special for perannilt. , . . d A I - �, . I I . i,
I . Mr, and Mrs. - J. 0. 8 . I . . . . . . . . F., I G � IMM-Tmi . days 3 for ....... I 1`08Y Patteric, regular 2, .. -1
� . . . nT!!!!!M_ - .. . - , * " I
I . �
a", I , � . 4011 of London - . . . I . , . k. 0 . . . I . 30 Pairs Taffe, - ... ' 2 Pairs fine 1;;t!- , , , * * , , , " . . .
" , � I � . � have been visiting bhe-:Snell families I - . . . . I I . . , . I I . I . � . I I I � Ill' 60ma- . . ta Gloves, 15c Pair R91ler Towels ''�'".' 20,le . nant days . .X_ 1.00 . 1; . .1 I
I . . . . . . . . .. . I 1. A little' I " . . I - . I. .. .. � . � I I . Ingham 10,06 OR.. I I 1,
:..!, . - I . I I , d Roller Towels, 3 Yards of he.o,V*y . e egant- desi4lij regula,r .$ 1 0.75 am-' . . �, 1.
:W. , . Of Hallett during'the p4st'week. ' Mr. -Nffflllrfl,llftl"tttl"ifflil?vyrttr�iffillilitififfiffil-fillm.a%iiisiiii�,�,� -0000%=' linen crash, regular 35a r ............. � .
.. . I §nell is a cousin of COUDt_V,CouncIIIor 'M= � I . . . � , I.. . I A 'Of good tafleta naub days 1_'.. o , , ,,, � ,
';, S '1111".- I � . . . I . I ' . .... I 1,;85, - .,. � - -
. . . I I . �
I �
. r Ad. , I . .1 . . . enallant 'A - - I!
I . . vacate. I . awl- . . I .. . . . . I . � I . . � � . ., I . , ilplillit?"FLA 50 Mrs ladidal silk taffeta gloves* in . 4 am 9 ...... .. �, �, I.. � - I . . . ...'... , . '260 .21 �;s no Nottingham AACS Our. - � . I
Snell and Salto of.the Yarjuers . � 11 . . 910VOO at just half pric6�
I I . . .1
.. . I.. I � " . ' . . I . ifier tow ains, aj yards jon
. Mr. 1. Rattenbilpy,' � _"le . Ole, 3 Yards, Iloon crash. . go Cordedge, 11ne .' - � , - .1 � I
. . - Pattern, regular $2.50 rim. I 1. �. I
�1. _ . -2 ad t4nG, reigaldr. 26o'r�` , : red borders, regular goo remnant nant days .......... ,
. I .., = - . I ' ' t .
who has. been. in go- " . I. ' ' `_ fs*ns 61 in. . s iric
, =. . . . . I I , ey �
% . London and other places for sevoral 8� . . . . , 9 ''I � . . . . ,� 1: = nant days ...... I.., ............ �' 12C - days ............ .......... - I �
� weeks, came home-Sa Jacks , . 23C � ... ;..-. t* - , . �,
" . . . I . V I . .., . :, I I . 6 Roller Towels pftj�'I:' ?� ����
�.. birday, bat re- = . I . . � .1 on, - B th . ; = 100 Pairs Silk GloVe�j, 1j)c indn, red bor.
. turned to London . . , I . I I I . ..,,*,,,, ers � I . . 11"1111 . Pair der, regular 26c, remnant days . . *14 .earpet new �
to attend the rac' V � . . . . . * I . I
. . __ �
. I
. . . .
; , Again pn Tuesday 0 1 . . . . I I . .... I I . I . . . Thl d ---------- ". ' nants�. , � .
.. � . I . . this week. . Progress there . 11 . I � I . I A . � M
I , I . I .
.. ' .1 . I 19 lot Of silk gloves pri06 —
- I . I Mrs. (Dr.) Graham and Mi ob- . . I . . . I I 41 less than half for quick soil Remnapts of Towelling We have no . space, to ip*ve, a ; ,.
. I . - I ' ' . . - I
l, I as Ella How- — 14 r M, . � - - � zoo. 0, 6j and ing. sh .1 I _
spill, President and secret& go- . . .. : I 10 Pairs Ort ends ol to*ollingg jj,to . detailed list' of � the car lk -
,%. . I respec. 4 " I - pot ,
; rbh Miss on Band, . SE I , f07, tans, S'lk g'O"w"`ftq,i regular 600 3 1 1 rem nants
I �. I attended the ,,birthday � �_ I or ... grOys Ila .. _ , . yards, ,out �!for ,remnant , 25 eirl, I 11,
tively Of Willis chu 170 MI 0 U S I � ' - , �35 , ,; ........ 10 - - T4ie' are '20 or* . "
. by the McGillivray, Mi party Ivan =Z . a I . I t AV, el . da of Uxilon wo -
. salon and, 1110- I � I .� I . Ea . I 1. . . — day selling atprices t are .,-) - I , -
�� . _ .1 . . . � e I : l4aces at 5r. Tapestry 6arpeta ,
I F'a . �'S-hoe nail .
. , I . De'pa t . Il- , tba, Of and �
,. . GOd6rIch, on Thursday,of last week. = . . . . . # I . � I I .. . . Money sa,iiligg. - , . I
� 411"l_ I I . . � -1 . I = longtha
', Among thOS6 Who took ir the excur. = � * '. � . . . . . I . XOsr!Y 500 yards of la�sa nearly all . - � .
I . -_ 1111� . I Z I I . .. . . . . A 00 to 15 Yards, , , They ar� '
,�. - Sion to Detroit.tbis morning were = kinds in the,lat and wide or rar- I Odd Otil
. . 0 . . � .
I I= . th row wl Its
I . I r, and Mrs. John 1ohnstone, R;8. .- . . I . . � . =., '= =,== 'dtb9,sh6rb Plecegana odd I �
. , , 1. . . . . '� lines, we Want cleared out, sold for . t 0 t"A'Vellers''sample .
. hitehe . . t:��'�= ' I Jus *1 all good -qualities and w0l.,
I Mrs. J. Taylor, Miss =. ! r * , . I _. . quilts
, Doyle, a. Hodgens, Mrs; -_ I - _Z;%ZZ===AX I - -_ = '� 11 1111�`11_611` . . �f 10cs 150 And 200, choice of I I -mark them . ,,-,
. I = �1_ ` �
.1 Z. Lean, M , a 1E. 31, Mt- on . i 1�0 '' . . . ot; to sell at less'thaii wholesale - lialf . at Just about, * '�*,'
.. a Lola Miller, P.- I I I . The best in B � oto a d'Sho . I . ns remnant amys .. ill 1. �. ... I ....... ge rice to clear on , - � I.—
. Mrs. T. ff. I . I . ` 0 , . . 0 A es -Are. none L60 good� but in this - --;4 1 1 . rem .
. . Clock, . J% lKarland, Leonard '0- . " . . I � . . . eftablish . I Prices remnant days. . . nhut C , - . I
Sir. . = - . . I . . . I . . me .nt you will find all'the reliable makes. In Ladies" Fine = EmbraiderY ReMna 1 Only Whits 84till Quilt, heavy ' — � . I
.. . � . I . . . � Footweal I you - W . , -2 . Y$.. 1 -, .- I _�
I Mr. Alex. Hustl6r bf Runter Was,' 95 .. 4 .1 . � I . I I I weight, hemmed edges, floral Pat. . 0 -
11111,ll- ill find the celebrated "Bell" 6hoe as bear EI d n' torn, 10 4 size Odd$ I . I
.1 0 . I � e. - I 50 Remnants of Wido an nai! n WhIte-wear � .
I Kiticardine was the . - I . . I . perfdo- Remnant Day� regular price 63 oa 1 70 2 Pairs drawers, good oottou,'B rows . . I . �
r�. couple of aays of guest for a = 0 0onas it is POssiblO to attain� - Day after d a row. embroidery. lengths of I . .
, . . this ek Of Mi. i9=1... I .--""`l"""ll� ay We are adding new tucks, 16 . I
I Jas r3mvens of the 13a I - . ................ ather Stitch braid, wide . a I—-
, , e. He , - ' . In quilt, very line 1, .
waeortillswu no erro e Ili I - ..-.customers for this make and tbgy all tell the Same story, _ Ef I i to 6 yardi, Will be sold vnjy white eat torchon laoe, regular 600 for ... �.. " 000 ( " , - I
:. I . I . Ladies guality, handsome pattern, regal� 5 2. .�
11 where.his fit, uilb a st . I arly Sold for $4,76 kalrS dpowers, ftia white cotton, �
I .... . i 0 for % . I -ytbing just — liant day i at remnant days
a erloo = I �, - ! who are Parjjoilla� About their shoes, who want eveli =3 on rom 2.8 1 . � .
Which thei P, � � . ust I Only extra fine whit 0 row$ Of tahka, Very fine dribiroid. .
I . ) tr b 0, ce was 0- 1. . I 0 qu!IL If we I OVY% regular 76o ,.... ' . . , , . .. 0 "
about half ptqee: haq 11011i bought these samples we �je . , , ,
$0,000 c I r! I ,i�'Ni;,S I right, sbould irear the ,,Belfil Make, - WO have all the lat A lines 4 �. -, �
I, = . , , in these goods, . 4 . e � - . -0 -_ I . would not hav6 to good in stock, 2 Poke drawers, fine wihd cotton, S ,� 11
. Mr. -John Rans 1! I � . �
1. . ford returned ;ll I 11 " , . . . narrow tacks, widS embroidery, , I I
':, )a]! Satur. lr= " . I— ReMnants of Law-Ift would soil t0gulgIrlY. at $0.50,rem.
I day from a trip through the MAri. , - I parlunaya" ". 85 , regftlhr�,51 for � � ........ � .......
/.�,__ -
,,, . timeProvinces, ki eakitigoftillapol. I � � . a And S Igo. -
�, , IticAl Aspeg ) I I . ot M lynly,p�hlje (,,,,, heavy Weight, .
. 11 . . I , =4 P Uslins If i --'-1111111 31' Ladies' Skirt of firia, Anglish ool -
gy the seq, he says , . I . I I I _ ____ _._4 ipo.ou remnant, .6
. there is every prospect of I . . About 25 ends of white lgwns wide frill, line dinlitdideryt 13peoikI ' '
. 11, Plete turnqvek! and that polling, day �, � I 11 . d k for remnant d%ys._,j. .."....'.. OTC
' ... 11 ...
. . . I . . � . a and fancy white MU 0 9red qnilt, old rose, . white 2120 Ladies' whiteskirt, line cottoft, -,vet ,
11 � , . . Aggregation. . r . I I . I . I . Th. S, . I slins ' I 0*44""'"' ""y' wide o4m! y
will be a sOrrY QaY for I the Laurie ) , I — —a later Shoe' -for' -Men I ends I to 3 Yards, all at bar- -I! �WOttrigftlat�12,25 remnant da" j,Qjj brio frjij,B filori Stahloid. � I
, mr. and filrg. .1. T, Merritt ' , I � I , . I � I I . . . . I — — 60, r0gillar $1.25, romliis.b4 day,, ft, ; , -
,-, , of Loudon gain 11 P I ri , ,� �,�', .. , 1. Ladies' Skirto, &few 0111Y,fill6wbito '
. , I �. :! , , I . P .Ins cotton, luoking.und hemstitched,,
; - were at the RAttimb . � �� . . 1�1 . — e,es to clear.. Odd Not iki . .
.: I Monday.— t1% House on I -_ l� I 1� 6- . I
. I � ng thur of They are )XIA . driv. . , � $3$ $30601.$4 and $§ "I . Odd Cash About 12 dozen in all'o . for remnant, days ... :. j. ...,.,, t' 44e, -
. � � . . More Rose I dd lines [ Ladies' Gowns, yoke of tudkiri frow, . I �.
the county fo"ritol' bene. I _ , ;� I I . I of linen i
r t I . �
. I
: 1� . t Of Mild. Merritt's health and after I . .. 50 Pairs travellers, S' . us I and neok tthat .
. e splendid 0 ortimities they thus . . We are sole agents for th'i famous 1, I � - . amples, lines doz nea with 104inbria ,,, I
. � I I_''. I . more ons, of others Only ^ frilling, regular 65o, remnant days ,
; ave had for 61211 I . I we and our trade keeps steadilly inere4sin � . cash hose, Size 71 and Ladion' Gown, goo4 whito cotton, 1.
� - erving they consider who once Wears the Slater .'' A Man 11, halfs, All p I I .
upon it farmers, paradiao, . ' 9 . ric
, . . . � d size that property fits -m will have - I . 9 OnlY, not more than two day selling. tuoug collar rigid front friminga IV
I I I .after getting, a shape an' 6d low for Sailor collar, front of clusters of 5 ,
I '. Mt- Willitun 30nes. took & trip the . 110 Other make—made in all Sizbff, Width$ hi � I pairs allike, a little lot of remnant . . with flusersion and embroidery .
. I . Other 41 through. Waw 2OSYj . and shapes, and color,$ Of black, tan , e� � .
I I . Ashfield to Port Albert and - . . orellocolat . . 1 . regular $1.50 for....#_...*.,,. 0 11.9 1-- - �
I Al . . samples we bap oned to ) � I
I . ed bg alk� SEhe return. .
� ( I I . . I . ot BlIrlds 35c, :
, . I Ore road �
. I ,
I I 11,
- I
.1 I
------------- __........... ,_"�
11 I I r
t I I I
. and Ooaerich ape al 10 Window abades, heavy 1!#
-!. I I at the Point Wla 11 Ing a few hours Ole" Shoe, pric I I . the other day,e, lojee of lot hand painted, mo . wrappers 760. . I
" , way of the L The ciere . T weight,
, I rmon 14 Way down. e $9.00' t .. . � at unteff on strong I I
, . . 110 hits a rininber of relatIV , , . . ' I least one third less. I than spring rollers, regular 76o, all we 5 Only Pant wrappers, foist 6010ra'. .
I , � �, No Shoe has ever been Placed on the Market that has, sold so Well or that is giving so . regular price. . I PrIcO $1-10,, tO 1010fir remnant days 14C
. I . route to whom he paid 6, a eq 'on the . I -]have in 000h,remnant days choice 351B , Waist 11110d with cotton, regalaV
. hort visit, I . "
, �,
. .
I ilery for Remnant I I � 0 '.
I . : . Among those who came to attend ,the . ". . . . , much satisfaction. Made from the boot Milwaukee Oil Grain and will always remain soft ' Iffifil t �_10__ ---V---- _____ ____ ,
I . I funalr4lofthelatomrs.XA, Irwin; waterFOOf and entirely seamless, and the bottoms are Made I , DaVQ Odd
I .1 'Which took plaeb on Sulldu$', were . from the best of j %- -, 41046 Proth The, FtUr,0tjh* ,, ,�
. , her grando . You can get an inii 8010 leather, , . . Tt's getthi 1XIff Department 1*0r.Remnant
I . =
, � �Itstpp, G141�nr'. 'rol Irwin-, train r I ltAtfon of th'8 great 0h 00 at the 041ftO price Wt when yda want the rol, I g neim, to lettin& &0 time ,
. . I __ i Durand, mi.,u. — ble article come to +.,h;. .j..,,.,� I ZZ9 Ic 6 in Milliner T4.1- DaYs
lx I I . wranorn Of Rgmo6dVjfjj'� 11
I I lwas4ccOmPallled by, her dau,
. Miss A.' I. Graham.
'.I . Mr. John ]Bell )returned from
I", 11 tob&6hThurSday last after A:
I 1.
, I . sonce'Of ne%ttlY a Month, The
Of the time a Spent it, the son
I : . � ..7 aft of the Rilairle Province
'� 96has lar , ) A
. 18 Y hivestpd, in Qd
i: It Was to cok after those jh�
f that he. made the tri
� guys the can" t Mr.
I I try is Settl ng up r
. lY Alid that, a largenumber.4ra $
I`16- - In fr6lit'DakotAll Land Value$
1,111--l_ I advancing, and Sections Which a
. roats ago went a berging bow
. . e I IrOadXbAle, The bits ness jrb� .
AY 0, I do Mara or 'less
Ageoulating. ro
When Mr.
It 6 country *its buffer,,
*4nb of rain and the or !
� W"k .140b go
*Are udt ,I 04, but 'Otto
Ase, OPITSSied In ll()
_0VbQ n
CdAVAX "est, oddasionA,
. 9 Of the iintm-" Of court �
M luti) t4l"Itk, tu'4
,�( �_^Tltl I
. maltdoriald At ._, �
0 r. Tijil y
*111, Obb of the lwy*
Ut"Im", -
Instly In &Offt"60%
V400 400not ot I kydr ft
. ow bijiZ
too, 1W
� . 0 � . . . � . I 151me now ou,r stand 7. I . . I - . I � I. ,4.. I ....
8 were emptied Of all trimmed bats and wu l- I . ,
The c' I I . I . . . �3 Are going to be extra generous in order to do it this month, , Hot$ for noy'v .. . I .....�
__ Dom " . a — 16 Atf4w bats resorted style# regular . � ."I
Iredro," a to . . . .
I price"114-1,25 .4 Mons Linen and Straw Hat$ 25C -Hats Halt , 160 to 600 to Oloafromijantanyq&t. .
3ho% hand made, solid loathe I ad Price . I each .....#*1#.k- #�."# ... � .... 11 I
A solid working r And 50c, I Zar,'r:.1" �Od hats Ana bon ... 150,
#y tra big Value, can use buckla only Or Marks fancy straw and linen he'ta, n6ft, every I I
eon be -faced. Shrewd'buyers'should see this It' ex 2�13 10 I
. ine, I . I t5 1, rigI16 upt-to, . - ... . . �1
, . I showroom 1 $1,25 ftiotsfok goo , I .1
. Our .85a 'in', . swill give ReAd nidon, working allirto, wilat, I
I X-.Lovv Shoes" . . I . I I � days at ". Aft6bliaddark colorfil, all sigst rog.
I I I I I . � tlt%t$1,96,rbmntintdlkyo.,,,.,... w , .
. GO Out by the dozen every Week ind they are * b . � I I d � __ � -, . . . . , I . . - 1 j! , em . I 0
. I foo, They are I .
. � I good vidue at $1.16,. but -we a ' 91V1"g the best Of SatisfActi .... ","", n 0 Oslo. Sox is* . I
� 112 re abl6 tO do buainesgon a commission basis. We. have no I 4eB 0 4 0 11 . . trim I litof stood Ahapa, . . ..
. I I ,expense - our Shoo Depj�:ptmont and roar choice of oiler 100 Mo � fig, hatei : fancy , quilt ribbon Ana 1713aitig natural 10661 86X An=
� wollannot be equalled for prjoe. till War 7050, remnant weemloss'llogulm 956,ior
. All nepairs on 3aoots- hardandsofialta 6sallgoodstyl6e . days I a Ice, 4 0 , . .. . V . - to 0 1 *6 , I 9j;0 days.... ......1,40u,.00 ...;,.... Ik
and QuallUeN blaell fawn, brown, , — . -
it or Shoes PrOIAPtIV attended to.. . sold 0 $1.50, $9,06, $9.50, W6 Plow4rA Se . I- "I������;;;�:�:�:11,�,�,�'ll""I'll""Ill,iii;;;;;;;;""""""!:!!:�:��iIii'll""Ill,"'I - 1. 0 � A!!l .
l�lglmlilli I ........_....
- X -_ -_ — 91,11 I I'll iiii I'll !III 1111 1111 d44'd*01d*6,&d6-10A1..A" 40 no* want 40 early them over so A big box of flowar# .060 T146 a to*, as, , ....
I VMI�li , 11 I , C:1�0 poll Cij& - . I
- � - ,_ - =CXb== I Of#p YOtty'Odt0hojoi farcrianj dayS that hard Wen VOWN milk and washl"Ithm'dikitkitrA
.11. � . I -_ Olt 106, 160, 20d and 25o, to clear jollo. J light 6010ts, bows an foariftliAnd
I . .00 09,01 1111,114, lelb ......... #."t., ,
� days Otto,
� 11
I T . . I � C 11 I . 11 11 L 80 "Ralcr 960; t4militut day#, of,*., "t .
I I �,
J A L _jW1%t1XT Ta " I f !Pmwm,itlk*..IkIL-.e%.*-..Ooa---&,.%, %ft.4h_ &.- -.- . I -1
I . I
� 11 . ,*��Din, artm
[Ulu ..................1, ,,"I". ����� 11 111JR11111L I'll . WP
"i'mmm ...... -------- -11---,.-K..V..-------ii�40%MOWI* ,,,, �
- 111111111 AW111,11i
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0 . #
wznital S,,-- an,
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