The Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-21, Page 8q. , , ­­,"'" W, - � � . 11. 1. -11r__--__ ­ -11-- 11 ­ __. _'... � _­­­_�� I. I � .1% � e " . . . � - ­__­­­­­­ .1 -1 I � ­ -1 . .- ­ . � .--.., - I . . .--. I - i ­ - 111.11-11111 mq, _�­ W ; P ; _. ,.-.I- I—- _,_;=v".".,_" .. W - -_ I . . . , I �p -1 I I ... ma, I �� -11- _ : : NZ17" .. , , WL_ � . , 1W% 0, as the result of X feud that doputy returning officer that there ' hae Won In progress for some . time, could 'be no "Ibility of their Wing and had already provoked several mlAr- Mistaken, for rejooted ballots. A STA TE OF IT TILED W AR - .. %P0044 S"TEYN IS ' � b 4.erii. . NNNIN NUNN, Mr. Fltxpatrick suggWod that a .--.-.--I- I I RESPONSIDL $I IN 10 I WIN T""a I I . I , clause Might be drairtrd to moot the � I ""," . . - ­. � - . ­­_­_ . Newsy items Mout Ourselves and, GENERAL. . Notsivo eroceedlup In the Natloill- widboo of members, It, It wore doome4l , Xelghb �OmetWng of TUW b111501110 y1fta]XV 11i Well AtIIMPP 41 Legislature. - . . , oro_f , necessary to provide the double guar Ambassadors In China Are Protected, Transvaal President Anxious for the Our , ad out In Argentina. ""Ift antee. , � I 1�s . lutenat From Bvery Qw- Six new oases of Plague And two PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. TO SUPPANSS LIqUOR INFLUENCE- From Attack Only by the - . . 'End*of-the War. � . deaths are reported at Oalro. Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared, In an. - I I . ter of the 0101A . Americian horse moat to being mold ower to Mr. Xarootte, that he was Mr. Casgrain moved an ame'admout � . . . . In Sweden as smoked reindeer meat. not aware that the battle between on the lines of the Quebec law, pro� - Legation Guards. I . attb.,from London, Satur ' day, Steyllstrougly demurred, pointing out CANADA. Lord Curzon reports that 6,770,000 Wolfe And . ought vidinir that no liquor may be gold in .- I. .-Azoording to the Lorenzo Mar-, that, according to the treaty between chauilterei water power concerns at famine, sufferers In India are being ,on that part of the Plains of Abra- any constitueucybr gold in cities On ,Aj dieWteli from London, Satur4ay, ' "Sir Claude Macdonal4la latest me&- . tillea r 'Correspondent of the Times, it- I the Republics, neither could conclude Ottawa will make improvements VRI- relieved. ham which the Government has an- the day of an election,, and in other vlould W , YU, And I peace without the consent of the oth- � I I ., , places on election day And the day 1aays:-ThI,A is the situation In China as saget says that the Legations Are cap- . o5wthatt President Ste tied. at lN,000. I The price of soap in Germany has nounced its readiness to purobase, On Able of' sustaining an effoottyo difeuce � - got president grikoor, now stands 14' or. Ile, representing the Free State, Wile now the short the ,contrary, tradition said the bat- previous, and that no comm4ttee,rooia it apipaar& to the Shan, , Manitoba election bill at$- Won Increaso4 owing to , $bai ocirrespondp Attacked in lorce,l the way'at isurroll4er. His progeut I voitised to re-opien, negotiations. . may be leased In a hotel, ,ant of the IYally Express, cabling' Last unless I . ., � I franchises Galloiala-s and DoukhoboTo y1014 of oil need. tie was fought on that ' spot. Dr. . Sproule heartily -supported this evening,- Russia, this correspondent asserts, "I eittitude is -Attributed to pique, his President Kruger had no alterna- for seven years. . � Thia Shall of Persia, who is milking REGIMENTAL BANDS, "It to.. relally A state of veiled war, notwithstanding assurances to the . � , sugg , previous advice having Won scouted, tive but to continue the cagiOlgia Un- - MIdd!a.sex county receipts from Jan. w tolar of Europe, wais given a big re. , estion, and brought up tIA3 matter .aides with- China.' Osome � . The correspondent av,ya that shortly less Ike was Willing to incur a ;barge. lot t . a $92 542, and eX- caption at Warsaw. ed: of "sawing Off" election protests, The memberia lot the forelgn� Lega- I contrary, � after the British, entered the Trans-, of breauh of faltIA. It is notorious, the o June Othl war I Has the cbminanding officer of a Mr. Viol . Mug agreed with, 3 .a %,!rls a an 0 09 are,alrealy rapxfted . , tr. Cas. tions, la� Pekin are vitually oner forel; tr. o . . vaal President Kruger proposed re- oorrpopondaut adds, that 'be is in faw penal I turo $42,947, es at Auteuil, France, militia togimen are only ro� to -be In the environs, Of Pekin, 4nd I sa ea bank rob. .t the authority under grain's IA�a. Even it it failed it was and the V,blaelso troo�pls OU AbRob, Of sapan, , - ttaoli the the Attitude of the Cfttnes.6 troops is, � . President Loubat was Attended by a the Militia , Act to order out the main- worth -trying. He thought the contrO- 8tTaITlQd from a in by fear I . ,opolling it , Presiden. Imost any terms. A at Mont, , . I negotiations, bu ,t vorof peace on a bery notoriety, Is being trteo . onacing, I I . I I . , cigar police corps on bicycles. o bars of the regimental band to play verted elections, law Was not avery outhe"j,ogation guardS4 unorcaoingly m, _._�_,� real on a charge Of robbing 4 , are at. . P1..__­i!M__ �_____­­.___._­_._.. - , Emperor'William bas decreed that musle - at any other than military good piece of Machinery, It was Moro. "Meanwhile, the Ministers I "The streets of Pak n," continues . . I IV unlimited capital of the Tobacco store there, U I the laor �. Engineer. Parry was killed by the the three new torts near Metz shall function 1 2. It so ordered �,o t does likely to irovent the Aolding of a trial together unable W communicate with , reoPoindent of the I)ILily Nx� - � I-XILMONAIRE INVA8101 aA4 Oil Traots behind him he manip.- ­ Ala I Clio, officers 'commanding the relief I press, "are roportei to be seethun'N . I � . � explosion of abollor at the Dominion bear the names of the Crown Prineb, the department hold that the mem- than to a ble on!) to be hold, ,He, . all is Making a .an I -1 — a!!iateIl the markets almost as he pleas- St,,I'C�mpauy-a quarry, Empress and Lothriagen, bers of ouch regimental. bands, are hoped the day would come-whou An-. column, Whi n forood 'with anti-fo-reign mobs clamouring - I � Irou and , n Tien-Tain � for the destruction of th RNGLA,XD DRAWS TO HER T. , tq obey such orders I 11. In stead ot afl,000 deposit beingrequlr- and Isolated halt betwee , , a Legations , ,jE ed, in six aorm,;t deals in 'six years near Sydney, 0, B. Oiliness Pirates hollid'up a steam- compelled All li ap! A I and thie death Of the foreign Mwis� . !. he won #1s,00ll,go, Now, with A, owe- than Military ongage� ad from a protestor, the Judges would and Pokia. We w is of t a 0 - t I , WORLDIt ,�ICHES�T M. E N. tom. he comes here H. Walters I , axe marlaf4oturer, at, launch which was towing four junk$, filling other -re guarded by 100,000 Imperial troops, I ter.S. Eveia, Were the Tating-h-oYMnan . I Hull, has r coved %trial order for off Cape Surman, looted the entire ments, by what authority are mom- hold open court after an, election, at a . . . I � wrh!" for peace and lqulet,. which his Own ,a xes for use in the Brit.- convoy and Moto the launch. bers of regimistital bands parmitted whiell any, man -might malce known The gates are heavily defended with disposed to'restra,in the violence of I . . l!4VO. le Afalo Tlolr lPortunex Throughout hustlilng country cunnot give him. a number, $f a I , . General %ung, acting the reaotio�iaxles, -considered . I I I � Ilia World 111141 Go . to,114ondon'll! Sti fall arvay and Aavy.f, . .The Japanese Orawa Prince, during to wear their military uniformal 4. his complaint, and atull investign- mod'OrA gu'm . it Is % . � TheAr Xouey and lAve W4�11. . I Mr. Joseph.Pil!Rzer, owner of The ,An attempt to poison 20 head of cat- his visit to Constantinople, avoided Aas the Minister of.MLIltia .received tion, would be held, . under ordiers from the Empress Do* highly rmpirpliallble that1hey will be . - ­ . I . I. I New York World, belongs to the iame I , says that no more foreign troops ,able ,to hold (hom In allock, For the I "WO arel not a rich aristcipracy,' tie belonging to Ge.g.'Gates, near 411 diplocnats except the BritisW AM. ,any correspondence as -to the matter ' Mr. Caskrain-a aiiiandment will be Agar .. . . I . . . . oliass, ,From the bottom of the ladder ' t . shall enter the soared city. foreign Ministers the crisis will arise .. ' Wroto:Lady� Warwick seven :�e4ra ago, Kingston, was made b . Mr. Fiti,patriel . .y p1itting Paris bajosAdop, which is said to show that referred to in the - "ova que;stion T If considered by - . r, I I . ha, hao got-, to this topmost ru a. Me . . "On Monday the Ministers ,sent a . whe 44W are, many of us, deadly poor lit" � . , 4 , . to their salt . England and Japan are allies. go, '60 . � rough, . a the rellof column comes' insight I , ,a green in . I � I in whom, and � what answers The entire bill was gone th, that of Pekin, I I I . , I I newsplapeT palace, 22 at"ays high, ia . I ad to demand to the Tautig-11-Yawan ' tie better than splendid pau era." . Triplets, t a girls and �a bay, were � . I have been given f many of the clauses being allow, -.0 . P city. . tbi�� gat" be opened, declaring that, "It is still felt 'here that the foreign, . I I one of the sights of New York The Increased 1n4AAatrl%IL and Com. Ave these ig*elidid paupers, long ,born �0 Mraw.c. S. Moore, of Parivale. . Dr. Bordep riaplied:-I. Not unless :stand for further consideration, . , 1. I , . mormal prosperity of Germany'hq�a de- 1, the foreign troope 'Would force is. wholly inlidequa-te to' battle . . o , wrieris of rural England, and wor- To -day, anlidst hb� greatest triumphs Manitoulin Island, The boy W45 creased Its. emigration. from 120,089;in -the"Mombors of the regimental band ' CHINESE IMMIGRATION. . otherwise, . I . . � he coiViat� away to London for some , . on ter forcibly. To this 'no reply - was with .the. j1orje,$ al. Oblines. troolpo , - tby sust,ainars of the traditions of a . h L . . * the aamedsPowell afkOX the harc' Of Mato" 194 tp 2 last year, 19,106 of - the are at the ilms subject to Military ..,The poll -tax ' upon Chinese linmig- .. went un, I masseJ outside the gates, whicb.11OW . I . 11 � 1 ,0,740 ' I . , 111CIntilis cad yoax. He seeks I : �.. , gjvan:.,A ,second message . . I : . , ,a , � � � . law graph 82 of rants entering British Columbia will. . . -11 I AAO)X race, giving way to American Alletest town house he can find and king lAttei going to the United Statea. , as specified in para answered, or thad not been a include tbe Imperial troops-fromgbaa ,' - . l I mAnugaotureM to. - South African q " I . the Militia Act. 2. Yes, it at. the time W*increased from'050 to -0100, and a � 11 "�, . . �uajly Winnipeg immigration r4turns for ,� 0 ... whop the latest news left Pe' . . I . I "oulators, ',to German i*e;oh,ant settles there. He suffers perpoi, 000, out of whith lA38 � . ' Hai Kwan," � .. I . oe,144. , from insomnia. But be still looks A May tot4 5, out, the members eommi"IoA will be Appointed to. in- I . �, . pnnoeq I -Asks the Loudo� Daily Mail. . re Gaticianal Total returns this NOT MUCH DAMAGED. of such regimental band were sub- quire into the question of Japanese . - . __ — . .- ____ _ . I . . . — I — � . , , . , , . I .,�, -OUi old aristocracy abs I . voryl YOU119 . Man, and lits business We rivals in the . . i.— 4 ject to military law. 8. There is no immigration. These were the salient I MEDALS THEY WILL WEAR, . .. . . 1.11 . poweir is -greater than ever. He for- year show 17,000 now " . . � � ' MARKETS OF THE WORLD . . 11 . 11otbachilida, aud.Boutinaks of Pfov- gets nothing, and extracts from ev- West- . . Laing's .Ne Tunnel Can Soon Be authority for'their wearing theni un- features of'the statement made by . . I . . — . I . I L' '- lolls. generations And made them'Part * I gain Kerr, acity labourer, shoot �k . losQ'they are at the time subject to the Premier in iutro4ticing the Prom- lllll� I I slaborme Amite for okA 1111:14ve 0411.14er.l. I . . . � �.". I ewy. man al.111 he oa;n 'tell, NO One re- Fka , , Repaired. . . L ofitself. The newmillionfaires threat7- kill, of and wounded his wife, then shot him- ' military law. 4. A petition and a few ised Chinese immigration restriction Pilices o. Cattle, Chaese, Grain, &C., Who Are FighT111, lit '4111.11 Ari'leal. � � . � � I 0astlie, creation is Music. TAN, thin, f . . tally at WAnnipe . .A despatch !rom London, Thursday I' . . . . I . ding Market3; . i On the authority Of* "South Africa,, . � �. I k� . , on tic allorb it. From Skibo df Probably to 9 otters from the Toronto Musical Pro- bill, 11 . In the Lea I . -, . . - ... - " I , � quick movemdnt, lils, figure is familiar RE I says:­,Tbe d6spatch ', from Lord . I . __. . 1 the medal for -the campaign ag'l ., � " i , n�i � arrelle(� over putting the baby tective Asaociation .re Interpretation . . I I .1 par Dor4och Firth, down to Worres, ver talk They qu, . Roberts clearing' up the situation at . .0 . . ` . at many concerts. Ile wit,). ne . . . . . . . . Toronto, June 19. -The receipts here the ' � � � by CqWes,'the cosmopolitans of OsPital . to bed. . . of the Militia Act as regards members . , Boars WiN be the most expenslyo ' I . . ! - , . haze seiiing so -Me of ths fairest spots of MOA&Y matters, but a few years . ' Pretoria and along the commianloa� . I I a 'REATED were about fifty .loads, including 750 n aed,by the � . k . - � An attempt to - - wreck qn electric ' ands alone. , Militar . who ,belong to ..military bands, ,,, BOTHA'S FORCE REI and this most or ate iss, I - ago bus annual iacoine�was estimated tions at y observ. . � ­ , , I � �,',, ,, � of our land. I at act car on. the P r bill . I . . . . cattle; - 1,100 hogs. . ritiah . .enitentiAX3 . I received in the .department in the . . -T� . . 1 400 sheep , and' B war office in recent -years. *. . . I I * . , At P.2,00,000. . . I . . r . era, noting that'no, .mention is made . . . . . . a, 170 spring la, I . . . I 1. 'These millionaire fiaradera are so IWASTER OF, 10,000 MEN. � Kingston, was made by plaoilig a large Aponths of April and May, 1900, The lamb in�s, - 20 calves, The tuedal proper to tq'be a five-potnt- � . � . -1 1� . . car was d,, of prisoners, assume that Gen. Do Wet i I Poberts Finishes Us Rebort Of the .. . I I . 1, . I I ouermoxis!y rich, that they are indif- reply,wa�s aguotation of Paragraph Battle Nbar Pretoria. . and a tow Milkers, ad star with A gold oentre surround- . . I � I + . :,, Mr. Marshal Field, the marchant boulder on the track. The I I got away ,with his, forces practically . I � . - 'Wreat to the fancy prices asked for . - . t. . . I 1 57 of the Militia Act. . I I 1. The market was 9, lively ()tie. Nx- ad by a! ring of bronze, on which. .- . I I -1 I4 , .. . . nee of Cbicagoo, loves, Warwickshire railed but no one * was huV lJobel, intact. + " . .. . . A despatch . from London says - - � cattle were selling the words "South Africa," Appear. in I I � gireat estates. At least one 01 them, pr4 . 11 known in hunting A%ontreal despatch says the .. SALT REGULATIONS . I port,and butcher ��. I . Of a mug wiliere his. la we . � General Buller entered . . . . Lord Robefts re . . , ." Mr. Agtqr; has 4in Income circles. - Ha has reltired from. business Dynamite Trust CO., of London, has . � . I ports to �he. Wat. Qf- � well at the prides given below. Good . . ' I of 'Wednesday,, passed through Charles- The bill to.amend the Weights and libe, undo Mate: .of Pretoria, Wednes- . . . raised letters, In the cen.tre. of all is . . ' � , lion 4 ear secured in ground rants . . . . butcher cattle are -very firm, and the a, miniature of the Queen. f The medal I . f � 7. I . � but' he ,,vas )1OAAg the Whiteley secured a. ma�oritY Of the shares w . 11 nowl . ty. the Hamilton powder Company, which ton, And encam�ed near Laing's n6k. Measures Acif was put through com-. fiee,: under date of -Pretoria Wednbs � I . . � I �y . anti railway bonds. When he want- tPA6 Upton of Ahe Windy Ci I . . . . . demand was brisk. . . . I W Cho samesize as the Khedival Star , and . C4nada The Cunnel was !act maged. mittee after the adoption of the clause day, As folloiva;_ . . I .. � . . Stockers, feeders, And export bulls - I . I . �. I. I . , at store hims been doing business . in . . , much da * ' ' ' I ,, ad-�Olivedeg lie could afford to bid The designs alone of:bis gi�s ,. . ,� . I Both ends were blown up, but the en� requiring balls of binder twine to -' Methuen advanced to Honing ' . � . . . . � . . � . . � I . high enough to tempt even the multi- . A , 1, " since the sixties. , . I .. I . I . aria about unchanged. I I I � - . 0 r. The � millionaire, Duke of Westminste . , $lco,ouu. ujeu twusan - -A,-- Ost bve the him and, 10,0oo small re- Thie Gove,rnme4t will unpr . gifisers thilik that repairs can be ef� , � . . � . and spralt yesterday and found all.q.ul . bear it tag stating the.weight a L - On 'account 'of the large .supply � � . ' . . � . M M1 I �, call ", :, 1,2200,000 -he Is saidi to have paid for . Callers muster, . � . - I enormous business IlitertolOntal. Railway with. 96761'a cursed Ilia . fected, In About tour days' The ad- . . length.' The bill was held fora,third Krooiistad is -'strongly held.' Methuen . . . I . I . spring Iambs were.easy. L . I . I the -to 11111 ���', ' . that estate represented on-ly abouta so fit . at powerful engines I also care . of the I I being their ruln. He was. the Mo . � 000 touR Of so- vance troops otGeneral ,Buller sa-w­ . I . ' ' the. Boor rear -,guard f our .. miles dis- reading on telegraphic* request Of returned to -day Allanoster rriver. . Sheep. and yearlings were steady I . citizens of St.. John, N. B., who. desires where the rakiclad is being repaired. . . . ;- I W � � I 4, �1_ - "�, �. . thl of his yearly profits en.teii).iising, � � . Mr. 0'arnegiels income equats that . .the moat reentless;the latest design. Ov or 20, -a. $01119 pound *ralls will be ordered to. relay of monopolist . . . Cant yasterday,,� It , wag estimated . �� . and'unchanged. . . W board on the clause ieq r � . - � 0 to. be ui'ing We were engaged all yesterday with, Hoge are firm at unaltered figures. � I * . . . 1J I most I �-. . I of -Mr. -Aisitor. Quite half a dozen of oif r-', :, the 1 deTa'eount their gains TIVA A�jqcpsaful . CUB mililions: m Ade Ili Chicago now portions .of the road. . . I ,. I I I . George, A. Drummond, that 8,000 Boers were wit . a . I . bar wing. * The.townsp�ople it Ermolo counted 15 � the gross weight to be stamped on Botha's army. .L 4 . 'The enemy fought 'Vor prime bogs, scaling from 160 -to 14 �: I . bavrolg or bags of salt. - . with considerable determination, and )r: E . P, heavy 200 Ilia., the to price is , yqarlY . '..''., � . find 1. from. 4200 000 to X500 - men .,%. I at . . I .000. The - .. 1. ,speak- . their WAT berOv' . . lion. I nk Ap.mitt, ftow. South Africa, our own' I.,right the annual Meeting of the Ba I . � . . . 1. .i � ,.. : guns. - . I �. I . * i ... � 1 . 11 . �67-80;1 a ,.. . . - a ut I TWO -CENT STAMP BOOKS; , , held our cavalry on both flank", b . I I I li��111111 . . . mm 1. . . . .. . hogs., .6 1-40; and. light'. hogs, c. per � I I .. .:,, , _ , ,, 1, w1lb imake 4200 a day, are . quite a ' � � ' I ss low millionairesi.but of Montreal . . ra released Tb�ree,hundred Free Sfate ' Ron. Wra. M ,k has caused Jbe. Ian liamilton, assisted bythe Guards . � � I .. .. . I — . . L I I . ulor I I s lb. ' .. . . . . , L . . I . �1 . L � 1%4, . . .. ocilonies �' boot. I I ''. ,L . those, send us ., . . . L .was.a Aagge; (it who do,.cqme make their way, community thatthere' f roin guarding Van. Iteehan's, paiW hav a . ' . . " . -a division, geL -* qua .. �1. L . -issuance of what will � be known as Brigade of Pole -Carew' . . I Followin of � ,tit� . I . "a is 'the ia a . . L ' . . . � I 14 � . ... . '� I - .11. . It -Mus� be a veTy. extraordinary � r - � 11 ' It . Yl=. -Ir which cannot now be irk3sh estate . . . - ver-stooking by d. to call Lord Mount- over-proattotfO112' and, o . . . wmju�d. be b = . L I I . L . ag the present year. born dAirii Stoyn's gons to - jcdA1.,.P"sid8nf . com- . J ' ' ' L, mando In the Eastern par 'of Orange, . . I . . . . I . . . . . .* - . . . . two4ent � stAinp, books.".. Each - book pushing forwardo L Ilie. bill in his . . . " " " . . . ­ . took L . . . tloD#.— - . . . :. . I I . , . . . . . . , I consists of t 6 pages of six 'stamps. fall - . . I .. . . . . . L I .1 . . . . ." .. . w . . I front, which caused the'bnemy to I . . Cattle . - . . I ,. Q0_- � , , I I stephaii 7- '. � - 'Tented'for from 22000 to A800D a year. I I . a_n ava-dair,. joir he .was merchants I . L Sentiand. Yet. Canada is hi,�. ov�n Ron- W- S� Fiel� (Ing has received a ' . . . .. .. River Obbon.y. . . L . I . . � . . . . I .�, I .. b L . .. L I . L . I 1 ' with waxedpaper to back on the . t . _' 04 40' L $5 25 . I . . : I each, Interleaved li se6ond:Position, to t. a I . . I . . .1 . .:. . ,... . � . � I 11 L . 11 . I Shippers, per ow .. - I L . . .. . . 11 ' -11 'I ' : p 1, ' L * 'doe will cost I . Whe upikelep of such a p, . . .. W� land, �� . A . .L ;. . I I .. AlL 41in1fd �by­Sir Caven� . L , . . ill be. o6n- communicatio 1. I and his namew Gen. It hagi,pent notice , to the, qgd�& . . 'L I a I . 50 I . I . . . I . I i 375 .' ; . . . . .. . . . � . . . 11 .. "I... I L hot, choice, doi., .. . . 4 , � I . . � . � ... preventL their sticking togetheri and3a .e4stwRrd. This'.* they are -still holding. tBuir, I .. . � . I . ' I . ' � . . . 'a ' 310. 365 - - .. . . � : � ' fi�qm f6,'000 to 410,000 a y'our more. I I I * I I . AlLe .ever . I . I . S' t' I - Government acre ary�,Ot oted With'th mwkingr ce the Cana" dish' Boy a, I De rren- r that unless". hey, , reo Staters t u . air 011�0, their farms aaa(i Other. L L';,:.' . I . . . , : ; I . .. .. 6ak�_ I B4 1; f ii� onlent to Cly bi r n the one We utcher, mad. to good.. . . 0 a a Onv I � n ,the� .I,t.is sligh glic tha . . . . . . . .. . * , . � L . . I , . r -her, inferior. ,;, - , 300. , 330 � ­. ronze. .. . _' I The book, is The Butc . - 511ve.rl ,. i .. 11 ,.: I . - the po man , L � Even . ovest millionaire, the I I..., . than L . whb is -niot -making morel than W50,000 �1? I ... Guiana, And . Mr. J. H. - In in British Pacific. Rai"Wak. tow .he . . a, anclosing'a draft for V600 as a JOng at . possessions will be, e6nfisoa.ted. , . ... pocket or pooket-book. , . great extent Lot . I . . . . have cap Care d . I I � . -. 50 375 . . . . -and in ad ' Stockers, per ,6%V,t. . 3 . . . - neatly bound in stiff covers, untry which, -bas'to .W covered on- ' . . . . . It "J';, L, . . . lives �-_��'­ , - ,.a year, can afford tbis. L" - I � - . not for from. Mr. (Alstor; in the, . . . I 'it Lord first instalmexitt the Ottawa fire're- he has a home, nea � , tb ade- . P,resident Kr,uger,Accordlpg � I . . - I . . . . I I Sheep and Lambs.� I I . .... . . � . the inner side al. set forth I con- der modern conditions of warfare ran- . . * I . . I . � I L. I L Shoo wt. . . 050 400 * * .. . .. . . I . PerL 0 ' 11 . . . , , 3 Ulanwbil a, in at least one ease, the �� ,, " , .900 6dantry . a. . P9 . � I . tief fun .�. . I I I � SaXsbllry� , .. I .. 1. . I , .. I .1 . ­ � .. nzo Marqiies, ka0s $patch .from Lox;e . a locomotive With,. steam- up -.Attached. I . , . .P, I � . . . .. .. � - I I L densWi form useful information ielilt, ders �rogress very slow., ., - � 11 Yearlings, per: 6wt.- A �0- .'S 25. ' . . A. I . �. � -# . 450 !, , I . . I . I . . . . � I . .. I . . . . � Ing to the I arou braL nallm of the Details the hdvo not, Spring.lambs, each. 250 �t; ��L aiiiii with a famity history of years - . I . I L ibehind him hialls to ,,b,uTy himsed-f 'in a I ' other Scotch- ' . . j GRE.Lur BRIT A.IN. - . - L Lbrd'Strathcona ki an' ­. ,- I . . I . Will be - . . . to t1he "car in Which he concentrates . . . .. . . . I . . of casualties . . I . I . L ' .'. ' ' ' I I - . , . . ­ .. I . postalLservico. The'.0riciel at which th& rea bad me, but.1 understind'the, are� B110ki, per ewt� - . 300 325, � . D . . . . . . I 0 a y . . . .1.1'. I , � ;26� I . I a. -leaf aeml-deta�iaed Villla in - �'1.11 ' ma,111 who folind',wealith in Canada. He All'borse cars in, Glasgow. re L I . . � , L to. lid West �,as an ' tbe Wi. by aleettio care by j4iniary. . the Gover - the Executive offices of � A . I . , Macha-. I � .1 stamp books are to be I issued to t4;- . ' a. The oul 'fiiir- - milkers and Calves... . - . . . . . 1. I . .. � 'L . . I � . . . . . . uiAoderate in number y 4500 � . . . Cows, each.. . . .2500, .- . . � i ' . I L . �Dlue .4quiet town neaT tond.n. The � . I . ! I Went O"VA placed . � . . .. I . Agent of this 11,ai&son 'Bay OOM1011111y next. . L� � m 6t: and be intends to .eaVo .a I , . . . And to the * . All 00 L I . . . .. . .. . . are ., 2 00' . I s * . . . . Lher..,casual ties . 1. 8� . OR . ea h. - . . . . . Postmaster% and sold by them to the' .. . .. Ives, .0 I . I . . �, . . . - . I I .,. ]�Gut ill� old inanaion goes to,s4t- li� ,. : ... . (,�_ I . . . I 19 tgagees, leaving him perhaps o, I! 11.2,:& L . bbe n azVd,soon,foushit hiP Way to CIA's top- A.; ,combine of. Ourtai man,dfae- A dodo rp soon, . astab!ish- . .. . I . . th Transvaal capital; at Nedspruit, in a . . . . I .. . L .. . I . . .. . . .. . . . public is. 25. cents each one .cout Ili two.offleers wicunded." . . . L I .1 . B0984 . . � I , . . . .. . I � I I I . : - . . excess of'the4ace valud'of'the stamps,. 'In the afternoon of the, same ,day choice hogsi, par owt. 650 6871-2 . . . , 1, I LL., I ,�,r_ �_. .�! � , X500 . 1.1.r for himself, This is no , 4 �` L, I I . � Allthiough Mall Comtrxisslone�rfcirr Can- turers of Nottingham, .and Scotland, . be . I . . . ada, has as m any interests here, as is in process Of orgmAlikation. � . � ulitains, A fine defensive region.- I MO I �.� . is operating . L. . I .11 . L % . .. I . . I I I ­ . � . . . - ' . � . . . I.. I I being changed for each boo to cover Lord Roberts cables -.- , - , . I I . . . I *1 . � Light .hogs,. par' dw,t. 5 50 ', 600 . . I . I I . Heavy ho er ewt� 6011 14; - . , . ;, I' , at., , � �, - faney .pi Alre. . . I I I . am- * v ces ,The peninsu . I Over 'the ivilter His splendid ear. I tar and Oriental Ste , 9%. State Printing pross; : Madhadodorp iroduelilg leaflets .025 r . I G .1 . . . t he cost:of binding ete. The smallest' '-.The enemy evaotiatedtheirstroux as, r, I P .. . . I . . . . . h;O . 300 , '326 . I . . . . 11 ... I , We. � * I L, '.' . . . . . I . ''A '. , . L WHERE THEY 4QOME Fitom., . , . . . . ' ftring the -Vrewat . war � are :f rash in ship Oompifiy, -of London, has donat- . at . . ' a for con telihin war. new 9 ..; I a that .can be position. during the night, and�havo Stage. - -. SOUTH AF'ftl � CA, SERVICE MEDAL. . - i, . . quantity of the a books . . .. , . . : 225 250 1 , . ' L ' '' "' ' I . . . . I '. - . L L . I I I - .. *ost 9f our millionaire invaders ''. L. I � come from Ainerica. and'Soath Africa. . I . 1. , .., . to the Indita-ri,famins fund. every mind., - . . I . e1cl $255,0N, . . us' . . I N.,t- Many �nilllondire.Awtralla The Secretary Of State. for, India has ,distributing I .. among the Boors. It is again reported - . . . 11 , I . . . L . . retired to, the eastward., ., issued is four. . L : , % Toroiato,� LjUne, 1&7-Whea:t - The . L . . � I L ior,a . - of 1881. The ribbon is (of. four colours, r , PRINTING.OF VOTERS. LISTS. 91 Bullees 0 and mine have at- Chicago Mikket was strong at the . . . L I . %. . . � .. , .1. I -a of khiiki-- in the ­oentie,, two: . - � I . ' , - . ''I I . . � I . 4%Jft6WiLof them is Mr. ,An- . - . . . - I .1 to, arrive here. Best known ot them just O& si­ * RU at Lorenzo Marques that the �Rritish I r arb., advancing through Swaziland, . . . ­ I . I stripe I L ' the . L I I . I ­ I L . � L L' Dr, Montague wanted to'know'how forded each. other mutual. a�ssistance.' opaiiing,,'but eased . off toward . of red and Wde. - I . I . L . I 'of ' . . I . . of whitei,and'ons eadg, . I ___Ap�pn U ' t by birth, Am- . Spar eli . , 11"FpT� _11=1t:Wnc .. is Mr.* W' X.- DIA' - owes. his for cir- roy, who ver for coinage into ruptea , . . . t . � I � . . . Roberts, it however, the voters' liStS.L of . I .. . . the printing . was' Our, Qcoupation Pretoria .caused close. Manitobas were easier, and On-., T ... . I L I . . . I . I . phlare will probablybo. a bar granted -1 L .. . . I .1 . ' . i 'One by adopti": he started. life on r� . . . . ... . wealith to one -happy stroke.: Thirty -L digaiiOn in India. - ' I I I . I ' ,Lord .appears, I I.. . I counternian iven to .- '... withdraw f tire . . I . . getting along.. The, session and the. nnmW a of B66rs:tu . rom' tarlos abou tati . 1� . . . L . . er . . .. I toteady. Quo . I for dach Important ong4kern6nt� Both I ' . - . . - '.1. , , . I .four shillings.a week, and is now , I . . . , - - A complimentary.- ditiner was given sax yea ago he. was a,scladitor in rs . .. Strathoonals Hoxi;6 land on the coast . . . i . .. . . Laing's nek, and Buller, th, advance to aaL . . 'a olloWs:�'-Ontarlo red and white, 65 I bon anc exoeadingly at-' . . year wire: bo passing, and there was . . rib I star are . . � . ,., . : : ,e worth X46,000,000. He found America L -and I 'Two of I -: Rxickbiampton. Ili .QueenW. � Hotel, ,'London. .to. wel - and penetrate - to- tho. Transvaal a- rumor that the lists' might soon be Volkarust -made Chain feel. their rear 14 to 66c, north and west; "at, 66 tt, - ," �L. . I . . . ­ . . . 1. ' ' . I . .tractive %in. appearance,. and will, - . . I . . .1 a good..I.and for earning money, but I . I , LL his triands, brothers. rianied Morgan, a . home , Sir Henry Irving aftell � . � ome . . ­ L through the 8wak c6untiy. .. . peeded. . . . � . . :_ I .. .1. would shortly Wendaugerea." - 06 1-2c', 'spring.- ca t, .67c; Manitoba No. h h , . L . . I . . L . . . .a loubtlae;6, br woet wit Anne pride - , . . . I .. �. � 'CL . . � ; - he luvep t6 ,,spend it in the Lalld of L gire, . - . . . hit on' a, .it streak Of golid-bearing his American tour. . : Lr . L I . . I -, or, - I I . . . L .. �Sir Wilfrid -La. er�My bon. friend , I hard, 83o, Toronto and west, U 1_2c� enthe iv,ar, , - ... L I I 1 . 4. 4 ­ . .by th happy. reelpients.wh . 'cannot . IL - his birth. L -. : , ,�� , The traditions of his P60 '.AA, . . band, DIA.rcy helped tb . am to develop tment of .the British Board . . L . the. busi- L . . I :.� . 0 .1 . I I L I . L W� DEFIES111E.P0. EIRSO - . r . L . . - I sho*s'his wise diligence, but I a Lt., take And tail . .1 . I . . . . L .1 I .. . , and' 77 1-2o; Owen is 0 the present, tbd. L . .i,. veir� Even. up to. ' � I . . . . ... . astisfk his curiosity at'this 1?abm *anti BULLER AWAI'TS:.SU`PPLIES- sound. .. ' - beon,� I 11 I hira baeLlto Scotland. . . ple. draw 6 m6noy, into r of, Trade for th May shows it platting som 6 Month. of . 11 ' CHINA I .1 I ba,io L � . I - . , I . . . � . . . . important engagements. I I .. . I . . I . .11 rentod Cluny, L � . . L but wiatchii K, . . first he ug ... . .. . . . �d r�eelvink in ratuia a quarter increases of X2,999,90or in imports, and nesis a . . I . 1. 1. . � . . .. .. . . . . . . ' I — . I . . . I Will enquire. . . . :­ . — .1 I I. Flonr-Steady;- straight roller, in sufficl . I � . I I ­ .. . I . . .. . I .. . . 1. .: . I . . 11 . entlyr numerous to provide bars .. . L . .. .. . ,: 11 . I 'Cannot Adva;neeL rap ' .. the Ttm- 'de- .11 I . the great' as- .1 I . Me chance, he ,secured, . . ,bisir, The Morgans sold out. for a g '685 In exvorta�. .: . . I 1 ,70,0 .1 . . , 3 0,000 Tr64pq at Pekin's Gates to - .Until buyers' bags, middle.freights, $2.55 Per tOL . L � Dr. L Montagdd-But:. my right 'bon. . ... I I . . - . satisfy Tommy's ,most ardent - ­. 'L', , . . . . . .. Is' Cleared.' � 'bid.' ' ' I >1 , t ta,te of Skibo Castle, as, a bargain, iP few.-d,ousan,ds. D'ArrcY hold Qn. The L , . . . . . . UnIgland Is -said to be gathering. a . .. . . , oppose the Marines. '. �. .1 .. nel : bbl and 0400 asked; " .special L . I "I f dead fiorgpts to.t0lI we, when be'has . " I . I 1. - - alm fof material .derorutionh.'� T`6 -. . , I I L .. I . L . . . . C. . , lot the laird. . Ile loves to act tha paxt . ' ued, . . . mlas,- Mount Morgan, as it, io'ca. fleet at Malta' with ay,16w. to larid- I . . . . . . A special despatch to London from, . * � I .­: . ;- .. . ., : .. F ridaY, brands, Ili wood, 88 to 03.10. . .. . . . 1. enquifid.. � - L 11 . . .. . A. despatch f rom, Loddon, . . . name .on!V some. of them there are. . ­. . . .. I I . . Iler,will.be, -. .I. I � . 0 to Bran - ' ( .. - Slipis,,qViet. mordest, kindly all bid . '��- neigh,bors, like- him. A year ago ,he . I ,. . 0axned ,out to be one - of the .40hest i It Ing troops At !Mangler, Germany - 0 in tbia WoTld. In one year alone over . . I in the� L , . I - Shanghai says'the �Position of the La , . 'Ac- unalil -Xillfeed--sDull.. $13 to $13.60 r Belmont, . � Sir Wilfrid Laurier"Thon my bon. sa�s:-Gen. Bu ., I . I Magersfdntein- Col-enso, . . . . I . L . L 0. . . . . ... I I advance further until he gets Supplies. and shorts, ,§14 to,$14.% west. �aardeberg. . I . . . I ii forget to L : r L, . . startled the world by declaring that give raoi6ai: backlog InOva I ;el,000,000 Was distwibuLed amibng Cho . . L . .. against France. - .. gations at Pekin is most,oritical. . . cording to, this despatch 30,000 Chin- friend. will ot enquire .. . � I . . . He will probably, Walt until thei tunnel L . ' .: . . . . . . . .1.., . . .1 again. Laughter. . ! r . . . Cqrn-Firni. No. 2.Amerloan yellow, . ., .. . I I . . . I ''. . , . . 0 r t . ­ . I ' ' L � ' . , .11 . bid-Age-lins, to distribute all his money , , I "The dies A afford to . . owners. Mr. -D' rGy can W0.11 - L. ­ Lord Radnor, owner of one of the from our . - I age troops are drawn up outside L the - . . been oleared. Nearly. every fardi 45 1-2c, on trao - I ,- I . . . has . d t ON'C9INESE - I .. .. . . k here, And: mtxo , a . . I . I L . 11 .. QUARANTINE r .. .. house his troops. Passed f law a White 450� 1 I .. A . I . ... . I WHAT: WILL: BULLER DO ? I blis death. mail who - before . ri* dies disgraced," says be. jake filia estates over ,. - Algland, who was* 11 aptlendid, pajupeTs," He h1as lived in finest ginuaians In E . Treasurer. the gates of ther city to oppose. ihe re- L 'list .. I .. . . L . I . ' . .. . . . . Mr. Fisher announced that instruc- flak. . The British t6ok.nothing with- Peas -Steady and,in -fair demand -, . � I - I ---! 11 I L I . , ' I . .. L I I . L I � . , MT. IffiRiam Waldorf Ast,or, is a L And and pla ad a great part in tor,several years of Enje ly .. QUeen% Housebbld Is dead, aged 59. I force, and guns are .trained on, the'American, British, and Japanese tions had -been igiven to quarantine all out paying forit, and a brisk, busilie�! car - lots tire :quoted. h6minally at 58 tire . . L - .. . Chinese arriving atNictoria, from San I . . I Believed Hie Will Try and Capt � , L I I done in milk, eggs; bread, and - :, *, solon of an ancient house that achiev- . go4e�ty'for some time now. .. Viscount Folkestone� succeeds- to the I La, -�tlons. I .. I . . . . . ­ whi 1-2 to 59c, north and west, and 60c. . .. .. Sieyn's ArmY.. , L.� . . . � . I . � . Francisco 'for full period of 14 chickegg by thrifty housewives who cast. .- I . ' .1. :I , I 10 I . eA wealth in the United States, Inher- .1, , - ' I iLting an estate worth over ;92D,000,- - � - - I . * title. � , I . . .L . - I � . I I of Darney has refused to . . TheAmerlogn, Russian, and Japan' . I Ministers have sent. couriers to ,the . days � L .. . . . - . . at , A desp4tch from London, Saturday. . . . . -at a . . were pleasea to got so much English Barley eidy, No 2, 40c we , . I . � , I - L . . --Lord Roberts' despatchesleave says, I. I -, � . 000 be found the lot of the rich Am- � , �, 11 . . Tbo.Earl KEN. his Seat in th3 Houser of Lord4, � I . take I Soo . � Tien-Tsin asking for -2,000 troops of ­ . 10. , I . BRITISH jCOLUMBI . ney I And 410 east; No. 1, 42 to 43c. I I A AFFAIRS. Mo . Lone woman whose husband . . I . affairs cast of Pretori i,with the'lloors . I . 52c 1 . Mr. Pri, asked if L in View Of the And 'two son have been fighting, Rye -Steady- our lots, west, ' and I . . . . I 1. � . .Orlean too hard to be borne. He hated . I I . *thle publicity given to his small9st for . L _ ,�. : U.P.4 , . . because he bellaVS3 that he has prov-. I . . . . ad conclusively a Miscarriage of jus- Cronje, Jr Surronderg'an Import- each nationality. ' � $ . .The Unitea StiAtes. gunboats-York� 11 .8 ' or I . . . . . . # .. . I .. . .L I . . Withdrawn' to new positions Tuesday. . . I . I overw4elming, defeat of the Go'vern- said.- I . . 530 cast, - - expected at-. I * � r . News of fresh fighting is I . British Columbia, Cho Govern- "You I British Are, unlike our ,peoplei Oats -Quiet; wjlite Oats', north. and I acils, so he came to Bhglagd, . peace. I L.,",, After rentinj Lansdowne House, he wit *StritteglO Position- ties against thc� law advisers of the . , . lw , . ,� town. and Sadtins left an ,Thursday � L I Mont of . . - �he War Office, but none cami last . . I oiok my horos in exchange for. west, 26 1-2c; and east 27 1-2c. 1 . I � ment had sent any instructions to the They t . I :. . -.- . . I . I secured a town residence in Carlton . ­� I I . ,A despatch from London, says.-­mThe. . Queen, - I Sir Henry CampbellmBannerman, War Office has Issued 'the following ' In KU. for Tonig There -is no foreign W,r,sbi.p now here. , I I night. . .1. � . . . Lieutonant-Go,varnor as to the.course sheePo - and made me make butter, Buckwheat -Quoted at 50o west, and - I I � I .. - .1 General Ru . . I iKhich they never paid for. I am send- fito cast. . . . . I ndle's patrol had aaktr- � . t, . I -House-tarrace, and bought the beati- A a of Cliveden from thet Duke . . ph om Urd Roberts.- o, saCtd. it was for . . . it *has been learned in off icial quar�. L he should pursue, so that the unoer� . mcn come home at mish withBoar videttes again Wed- I I . . � tainty thatnow prevails should be set Ing to, have my . Buffalo, June 19.�SpringL wheat- . . I 41 , tif ill estate 41. , of W..estininslar. He transferred all, , - Reigidenoy, ,Thursday, the, Government who -had Allowed the "2r`AC`rIA- . surrendered bn lane 9th to deal with the 'results. .The L ters that, Although it is expected the Government at Pekin will show no . once.$ I nesday.' Sopo Wonder is expressed . . � iht reat at the earliest Possible MO- No. I Northeryi ear loads, 77 5-8o ; No. here as to what he is doing with thtee � . Usually the first question a Boer I 1 ., fests bars, building , I his buiiness inte' �','� ce on the Thames EMbeinkinent I -Xiarkadorp, war . ad. party sent on b HiAn- 0 1 tot, an mrm, W members of the Opposition were On Y i further resistance as soon as it shall L .. L I Northern,. rouiid lots, 7.6 5-80. Win. ' . L Moot. * . I divisions. it is assumed by some that . I . L id Laurier replied that the woman puts is:-"Wil.l my husband be ter wheat -No. 2 -red, 78o, asked; No. * � I Si,r Wilfri I:- . ark Oita . %i - � which is nothing but a gigantic Strong- � 'ter, . It onlookers, and critics, . 1 1. L . I. perceive the- powers are determined. I 'a ca General Buller will move I . . into LLoranke I . I issue shot if he A. .ptured It" . . 2, white and mixed, 77 1-2o asked. . L I Government did not prOPOR113 -to L : L I , . " I room. His office is probah-'y themost �. "Kitchener reports that the Boers . UNITED STATES. attaclied.%, reconstruction train early ' . be the commander of the international . forces haji been instructed to inflict River Colony and eo-000rate Lwith . . . One young man was Pulled from un- Corn-gasior ;,No. 2, yellow, 43 1-90, to the Lieutenant- . I Any instructions I der the bed, and he went onhisknees. . Lord Methuen and General Rundle in , . 'yello I . , L Ichaiming, and the beat guarded . : jiunding in the world, and deeds val� . Kansas' Wheat CrOP Will . Ov or this morning, a,fow miles n6rth ci the bushels. � . 106m.roltig, . A sharp' lesson in the event. of any 14c; No. 4 I Governor of British Columbia, lyho had begging -the British patr,ol not -to shoot NO- 3 y*11OW, 43 . W, . 1. L to appeal to the P8(iPla of the him, 42c; Nb. 2 cor-hi 42 34o; No. 8 corn, bagging President ,,Steyn and his. sev-. . I L . L . I ­ ,aed qt 100jil)(10,000 dollars are bald to . � . Rhenoster river. 'He sent out mounted I now af Wasbington, says troop$ And dr ova off the enemy. bef Ora � resistance, and hot to brook any de. Idyl in remopening the gates. Pekin choA an . I . I oatL en or eight. thousand followers-. I . . I . , Province, -and the answer .wan in their ". , 10 . . 42 1_�C, s -Quiet, but firm; No. 2 ­ . . . 1 Part of Christian Botha's force has . 11 I . . ' ' 11� ,# ;�&* .�Lbsre. . . . I I �­� , 6MV$S THE FIERCE LIGHT. . 0 they could do damage. One. Man was the Philippine rbbolli' 11 io over, The United States army -in thePhil- ' L . Lot. if he fifida.them closed.. , . I L whit 27 3- 4a; No. 3 white, 27 1.4c; . . hands. . I Mori so . I . KRU alted at Paardekop, 18 miles north- L GER05 'PAPER Eyl. No' 'to, 90 1 It . . AOTAME4NDMENTS' . . 4 WhI -2 to 20-3.4o ; No. 2 .. 'Boer L, . � . L lital aim Into -.ijjr. AAt9;r,.p one perso killed - And eleven wouaded, lAoluding Ippilles now numbers'62,00 Allen. L I I two officeXa. , I I 1 4 Crook 'Col., mines have paid . . 1, I ------- 0— L . . . EL90TION L I � . parties are . I "'k— I . T4p Hbuse went Into committee upon ' I mixed, 25 3-46 1, No. 3 white, 25o Rye - . . Notes Ape Being Manufaetured to still near Volksrust, and fire occasion-, - 'Onsolidate Floar-Firm; de- [_, . � Ilia one great bus!. ,. $avoid p4W41tJ,- . , ,,A Message from L Cripple KlorkadoV re- In 4ividelida OU06 1893- BOERS AGGRESSIVE. L -Xonlinal, 9Z I . the bill to a and amend the His Railroad C$Lr. . . . I aliy upon the British pickets. . ,�, �1 L -Juv,ept in rem' estAte. Day . . &I. , igess is tp .10'W!1 to ]AIM offle al " dlay Iia apgo ;18, 1,99g ports that Cronjo who co' 82 1 mmanded ,& Kansas City Mari has invented a -as .. .--" 1. . ' � I . . eleation.law. . mand. I . .— 0 1 . I I . I . The clauses respecting thesealingof A despatch. from London, Friday, . Chicago, June Ue-Thd wheat Mar- . I . I . ' �I L f:by I L , . . with the re Lla,rkty of a elor I'll k, there, determined to surrender soon machine to pick chickens by also- ha knaw� for that Pretoria President StOyn Is In Personal Coln- � . I � . I � . .. sayb:-A despatch from Lorenzo Mar_ ket, was depressed to�day by rains; An MORE .TROOPS CAPIURED. ballot papers and., ballot boxes after I � .. . .1 ;al%ost 1* .1 Ing And ["­*�-`Iue boo a paselpa f9. .k0� - . bii'l�tfigsbti- as certain . ' L trioal fang.* , Woo In Our possession. Ols example ThlrtyAwo Chicago coup -lea Warn . mabd. .; . A despatch to the London Talc- ques, dated yesterday, says;-"Presi- the X orth-West, and the:weather of� . I I the count were disoussed.with great. o- . dent Kruger is holding on to his gold 'fice prediction of,showers for the London ,Volunteers and YOOManli Suggestions were made . . . , I'Mady, af tl ;,O� , , .36 14ow oftlqO dtween the Strand ind the Thames Are � ha� been copied by many in the geigh. boarliciod.7he court -house is now, said marrW In one day at , St, Sosepli, graph from Sheeper's nak says that minutetiess. L . that the agetits should have the right and issuing paper notes from a press Dakotas ajbd Minnesota; July closed ... Taken Wit1l, DerbYshlr6. In his Executive The Iloor L Gov- ir I . .11 .more Or' less. under his control, Ilia 'do " caused him to 11OV0 Of "'L' to be full of arma.0 , I., I Michigan. . . . &too Agricultural De� TIM Itnited St the Boars are aggressive .Along the whole length of the Senekul-Viks- car. 5.8. und . n the a yesterday; corn closed 1.40 not only to put their. filanaturei o A despatch from London, Saturday ernm6nt's coin stock is exhausted; and lower, and Oats 3._8 L to 1_20. Improved; envelopes but to affix aseAl as well , says,.-TIA6 Cape Town. correspondent I � � I . ,I eoli '0 ti forbli, a a t. in, g Ago the priVi.-ge I - . . partment will test dried Wet asarmy #LAGUE burg line; A -strong force Menaced Wednesday, the Brl- i the officials are now paylug out plain and 66 have some more iseoure mode 0 the provision market closed 21-2 td of the Daily Telegraph, in. a despatch, gold discs unstamp4. Some Who 1* I . of lending Ill CILv on Wo6dS� Ito in # ' 'ITE 'L . . I . a cultured, man of letters, Rlid W so IN AUSTRALIA, emergenc ration. . .y I . . F -r -k ur man and A gas explosion killed to Vicksburg . and I tish outposts retired to the village. sealing the boxas� . be down. New York reported 441dads dated yesterday,..Aiays I.- . ; Mr. Ingram wanted to have thetim a have declined to accept notes have tuken at the seaboard forl* export; "I understand that Gen. Do Wat,,in I . "out . I . L � WRA one of, the most Vopular boys � � TWo Alq&a4Jr4L,4 stuil Wag-ty-l?JV0 40mem, 84 . Imprisoned 115 In a coal m1ne nea DeAthst . . r The British guns than opened fire burgherg, retreated. The taken their salaries in gold bars. The clearances in wheat and fi were . of t)i6 return of the ballot boxes to the . addition to the Derbyshire Battalion I I Boer Government is still paying out 245,000 bushels; I i . L Eton, And Cbptald of the Boats, -, fte BrELKEey-M-artlifts- have made � 11 A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says, Glouster, Ohio, Friday. - - ., Norman of the British , on the w4o Poora are Also. active to the west. returning off leer definitely fixed,_6118. equal ,to primary'row . . much gold in that way.0 . captured two oomOiriles of the Oityl I � gesting that In cities alld tOW118 they . .. oelpts were (111,11300 bushels, compared Volunteers, and two companies of . . , . . theragepiva a place to English society ' --praesehgars on the Warrim6o state Secretary , that the philiguei is abating througb� EmbaSak' arrived At NO w York With . Word of Sonek&l. L president Stoyn is at Vit kop with — - I I , should 'be returned the same night. .. . . , With 704,000 bushels last year. Min- yeomanry, two men only escaping to , - . . . meapplis and Duluth reported 488cars . 'And, have annexed a house In Cheater � 'Aftaa Highland estate out Australia, but Cilia Sydney papers 29 trunks full Of clothes- I . the main laager. His p*resence doubt. Where the returning off leer was fion- PIOHTING IN ASHANTI. tell tho'tale." I resident he suggested they should be I — against 488 last week, and 417 a year I . L 4P . I ; .I ;field gardens, / . Nearly 6) years I , ftt 'Glen 'VicillUdrt. . chronicle an Average of five new cases A,n American At Now York just Wo, daily, with no dirainution- In the from Paris says the Xx;0sltIOtk . less accounts for the activity of ther L . . , place of the postmaster. RusanAst Keller Voluanu A1011ft Zug ged ago. Local receipts wore 19 care . I d.ln the care I Iviih Ito'bels. $TILL DRAWING SUPPLIES. I � 1. ' , ;ago, Mr. Br4alley-MIrtin. it Young �� jAwyer of good family, mobbig future per- turned cenfage . of deanw. !The total num� is ,,thd worst fraud � � burghero. . I 0 1 Mr. PlUr.atriek preferred the elastic . Ilia th,ree of contract grade. Estimated, ' �_ . � . ,,forthwith" of the bill. and Sir The London Daily Express has the receipts to-morrow-Whedti 94 cars, . I *ife under ro=�tld birOUMOLN111668 At bar of 0000 from the outbreak of bub� on meAgkfdd.1( I .. EIGHT MEN KILLED. Mobarcl Cartwright thought they following from 'Prushu, dated Thurs, oorn, CM cars-, Oats, 950 oars; hogs, TWO SteamerS� Ali a Witg 4,000 . , . . They were mar- �L & Vanderbilt wedding. idaie plaigue, in-SydipeV to the d6par- It is as timat6d that the lodg In trade, I . . I day .,- . . 24,000. head Tons of Cargo for Iloep�. I should have as few people an possible I I . I me� �Jed withlia two months, and so 'L Lure ot t1a steamor on May A 18 wages, And by da,mage don6,- resulting -W." I L I I handle the boxes. The proper t hing "There has been another fight on Minneapolis, Juno 14.­!Whicat-ift A: despatch to the- Londpn Times L . . i tlald*after;�afdoi the wife'S father all) a 245, theideaths.aggragate 84. Since from the-St,-Lolild street car jitriko To,,ritild t,xolostetj or 44i" in Cl., "in re so as was to make the law for punishing the line of communication ot the Xa- store-Xo, I. Northern, 70 84c; Julyr tromaltordli Marqu says-tW the I . An& 14 �gta for LIA.nooi $16,060,000, With this butbreak 1,355 "contacts, have .amounts to 022,*,000. . I I . 31111*0# Alberta, ' La mpering with the boxes Moro atVin- masal relief expedition. Xo defalls 710; September, 71 1 -go, On tftok- Boars'eantinub to draw substantial � 6 tb(o, VAA 6if tbU, money that 011m � iheen Isolated, sad 144 ot these remain. . j6h,ft Y, Phelps Captain and Mrs A, Cgumore, Alberta, special sayw.- I NO, I harct,',�M 8-40', No. I Xwthorn, supplies it bay. '- Zwo I gojat,�Finally "fort hwith" was,lef t as have been officially supplied. Ona DelagoaL , to theim the BralditOy-MOTE11115 crossed Jon Ma a Started. from II&OkOASA6 , X -T-, ad �kt 0119 qt1drAlitillft st&t On Y hav It TIA6 tabst serious gas 6XPlOa1c" that � . -1 the thno limit. I . There are 10,000 AshantIA, surround- 71 8-4o; No,. 2 Northern, 70 14d. Flour- steamers hAve Arrived MOM With 4,-I 1. �, . AthahtIC', and Ott down .to con- tb* 9�., Wbowt, one tkou*nd rats are be- oil #,doeialligg trip, which Is to Mfit ever oeourrod In Catmaore mine took re - A lengthy algoomi6ia . took Phice Upon Ing XuAnosal, and 5,000 facing the ro* Unchanged, Bran, In bulk -$I1, to 00 tons of ea,Kgo 'destined for the qUor English $;cicty. 'They tookond luir destroyed daily under the orders �, Aloof C�braeLmcnthg, ,%J%d Cover 20M m th,46 Obvexiamelut Board 31611th- ' Placa on Wednesday afternoon, in the instant death ofelght the question of the best moans of, dis- Ilef force. The leaders of Cho rebel- olf.50, . ZrahavaAl. . IN I � � . . Of the costliest d4i, shootings in. In. � I One dinghtier MArrIAd An' lof of Maud Thomas# a 11�year-old girl Genuine, ;bubonic Plaalia JAL Topbrted did the loon OfArd trl,okWIth Attik_ stilting, mag Aga several slightly injured, posing of the spoiled ballots in order lion Include Ashantuall, Queen of Ofe- Duluth, $not 19�-Whel&t-go, hard ­. I . Tuly. 74 5.80; goptelgibor, The wkp6llft of :Now York last W prevent them becoming Mixed with � � cash, 14 1-80; L I Vergossilhlr6. � 6#,Tl,. vr,he 11radley-MarUns; scored to kave ,broken out In Molbourft6, de- era at St, Lotils, ever 1,000 tOlIdWing .1 . . The games of the dead are';-Vre*- � Iteg1rd, Toby Boil- su,'s r c exclusive of I . I I 41' - , . the rejected ballots, as had been found � 75 1.90; X0, I Northern, 0-aah, 721-46; bond Issues, amounted to $10-154 Per � isr re,* I trIuMp,)1 when they devised Alid Oita vtlleAlOut dental frOM, that 047- her thtough the streets- She WAS &r^ . discovered four 6r DAY% Amand rotor Caul field, and three othaval Ito MAIDS PA SICK. July, 14 5-80; September, 15 1-260.1116. be the oalke In, One or two IfistA11000 capita of on Nithhated population of I � . � L 11 I goatly and ox,ttavagggtianey - Pon* I of �Mode,rtl times. r , Tibe Omrd of Roalth ranted. undloubted Cases In one iamily in got- Th4s Important Aots of thit session Will not yet 40refotier�j WbMO names Are large first three leave where re-t6wita had been hold. Mr. Popp(gjay.What did your father I X6rtberu, 0601A, 12 1-40; July, 12 8-40; - Powell ,suggested thlit the doputy re- say � w,hea he ijaw we kissing You In Septomber, 19 &80; NO, INOrth6rial, 8,500,MO. , art Jokroal Xomtwork . Th.6 GOA,JAAA __ . , ,L 1, I A. PLUfToonna . I'Am"' bourne" I � of the t1alfad State& Congross. lnoludO I knoWA, - T114 . ; xo� a spring, 07 8-40. loats- tuin[Ag offlo6ra bg required to seal up this hill lamb night f Was he very 10 1-20 AgOnat thi6 Moncton- I's waging Ivar * 0006 ot our Amevioan M0.1lonalre, . ---__..&_.L- thoi.finanoml bill *Ad Nrto PWO and - - QTJITH 80. Hawallan bills. AsoroprIA110118 *111 farallieft If)* 'eXPlOAf0ft 18 SUPPO"d to MV18 . 21 1.2 to 280; Cotil-81 14, � the ballots Ill qual4tion: Wfor4 opsaing Angry I . -11.1.1. 111_ �. - ous appearance of city houses, It . a . IOWA&* totao here for test. Of thin .ty" is, Ur. JAIA68 1 �. K6sais, for long I I I . Slit bas an 46ti counts ce, ling I "Aiell $0,06,000. been, due to ons of tke mintril lanl6ek- lamp ak6y wroAg- the bollot box. � -U#..1Jss;A Ann -Ohl 110; P6 wasn't , A them painted In the dIV6r4 C&- .V made bligoick ao There; Ara 10,M working loccligotivail waot Dr. Rusdoll SUggeotod that the ii!Wl, I mad a bit, It Oni . Oita of 0141 villages. . . 00 n*ft beor 0�. th,6 NOW York. she f . Thto man namied Raborts, Wets lishot AUSUAtIllf, Ing his safety with . ad be 110ta Abduld bo, A& mArkda by the I he tow mli. , �,�� in Great Britain. I . . . . 1* Xo* 'hang6, Wlt,h�l,M pr&otiaal. XX0 I � *h6 *vA kIlIo4 at $*A ym I ; especially wh#lu� I siggo, . . I fullY ObtAl"(1- . I . . . I 1. I . - I I . I . . ,.X-�� . I � .. U