The Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-21, Page 7.
� �. A., ,
- I .. . - I I . — ____ _
_1_----__._-_..___-- . .7—.�,—.,---...,.---.----------- _________._-_____1_____1.. - -'. —-., 1-7 —
---- — -------- - — �_,_
, . . _ - .1 I—— � __ - . --,----- --11-1 - I ------- -1 � __ _ .. I
. .
------,--,— ., ___�_t'. - ___ , -7 �__ - , I 'married she THE INFUSION OF .
11 � I 0 -1 11 .1 ___ I I �. '' - " " .,; .... � I - -7 1 . � — her word. Alcor she was TUB DARGEST FAMILY. .
__ ; ;� _ 111.111, -11,
WJAT IS DONE WITH THEN. � I gout me continually handsome Numn The ftkiis of Parton, boa a larger ALWAYS A WINNER....o0of
, �
M.'" 1- __ . IM -A. olf Money. silo boa beau u4ru4glxlg- . I family than any gther Prince irk Rur- I '
WV40,ust 11*14 to AIUVC4 1004 CUNIMQ4 rQ ope. By has first wife, a Prince$$ of
AlIvIlr1ohly lletilrorvd. . Turough Nom and WOW ly gone us to ino-11 .
It- Would "em. that there ore only . .. . - 11 And - you Cook it P1 said Vivian. . I I Botirbou,Sloily, be bad nine children, I
. I.;;= - .1.1 .11-1-1 .--- 11 Yea, I took it'. It was the price . MI of whom mrvivo except the, oldest,
0, comparatIVO few -VeOp'10 Who k.11OW siss 0 . . of 11 iniIladisse secret. I professed to be- the lote, -prilloo-96 of Dalgarla..'By 111FA LU D E .LA
that all weapons raised, whether with " I repeat that I was a to 14 b and isbone upon the three . I I 11 I .
6 in love with Y:u I taccew.s.. Never was there a more otrik- Ile" bar A VESto' I said no word I � second wife, who was a.princess of QW'WX4QbT =11A. boo the reputation of being moot rogular so quality,
deadly oVeot cr the reverse � Ing girl. I wa CFiVLON GREEN 'KEA I "Losail Packagmis. so. ^ 40, so "d cot .
. .. against. you �out ;ner being a oLrolling"plaYor." Braganza,. and a Sister of the here- 1__._�_____�_. ____ P $.= ,
the healdo ot sLata,i and roya!tlos-as -1 Vrouilm4 to marry you. All that Ing group4Pwiladl," lovely, laugh- 4 ill Superior to that or tho finest JaP31111 —
. Miss Neelle held U,p her boullsi with 44tary Grand Duchess O� Luxemburg 01*-Wwww.*� ,"%.,%,%� ql,,.*" 4~&,*, sllm� 40�-*,W"Aw" ,
' , , I �
� � A.Mj&*
,in Clio recent case where the Prince I adralk. But Sir Arthur c4mo liamy Ing, mocking, her gay 4reos and jaw- an exclumatlinq of horrort I .- toagrown, I be balstrillic, more children, the youbir. ') � , , _. .
01 Wa!ess nearly becarno A viotim-are Way. What girl of souse wouldhave ols seeming to attract all the light, I I est daughter being Only just a year I rAINTS I - _ �___AlPba,_
, 11 Hwh 11, she saw. "Your words are ' �
universally on the continent Of Bur- hesitated between a handsome penial- bor miouth curled in Scorn, bar eyes DOME STIC SERVICE PROBT413U, old , He has, therefore,. bad a family :1), Eaoc i I y . Yes -the be4i Made *. I .V
opo destroyed utterly, so that no frag- less lieutenant, and .a rich., English flashing defiance, yet guy and reok- terrible." I . I f . servant train- at 18 obi-Wron, of .whom 17 still Our- , � . , , Tley'ro easily handled and xi�rkflx I ..
, 04 They are' true," be, declared. '%e The usual mothoil 0 vivo. I . .
' , '
went ramaina, it POSSWO, � . , baronet'? Love-bab I It pales before less; Vivion, with her picturesque vel. Ing is that girls secure a position first . - smoothly, evenly, witboat stwalvil ' ' I
. .
This role has obtained for a great money. You owned yourself that I vet dress sweeping t. � he ground, her wala neither More nor -less thfl�u a housework,, ..then after HORSES RUQUIRE LIGUT. , Hai -idled. 0 0 or dullness, It . you warit good' a
6tT011IU9 player, I ikept her secret- at ,general
number of years, and the origin of was, doing a molit Sensible thing whop 1prandly-beautiful face filled with XIO- ohm paid me to do So. I read the no- Stumbling through duties never be" To lksep it hQrse In 4 dark sto,b.10 I I 4color.and points that last tbrough
It was, presumab.1y that there should I married , him.,' � . . ble disdain, tall, imperial, queenly; tic 'ber's death lia, the fore heard of; and handling foods'and is orual to thQ antmal.and.dangerpus. I . , sun and storun, use . . . .
not rQuittin in, existence any artio.'a The FrenobManis face grew paler the Frenchman agitated, pale with ,e of your f4t .
I English papers, Miss Weslie, ajad then utenqlls the value of which is utterly to its, owner. The rotina becomes . . 4V � . �
he IlAcned to the light, mooking white lips a'ad burning eyes. . reminding It' , wn to thom,' desert their teacb- deadened and More or lea useless, I .
, tha i. might serve "as a remiodar to peo- as � , , , I'wrote to her, er of her unkno .
. P.'e of badly balarlootdi injuds, Anyhow voice. I Never a word was spoken. "3111adt' promise. It was for tbat.reason she or-mistrass and take a place at high. and after a time� the eight is siorious. r is R,AM5AV45- I
In Russia, France, Qermau�, Austria, -,-Then I mak you again in Paris, stirred the air with her fan". Vivian's come to ,Paris, and no other. You er wages. Receiving further 1pstruc� ly lMpaired. The harse atarw and k - I _. I I
� ----
Italy and Spain Important Govern- when I bad been some little tinte a beart beat loud and last; it seemed know what followed. $be' promised to tiorks from the new mistress they absea at In eqta it sees imperfectly. DAI NTS. . . . .
Mont functionaries have, lit "its Mod- widow, atild I renewed my promise to- to 111aT that she stood there holding marry me as sinonas etiquette would leave, liar also for higher wages and bi — - I A XIX . .
era times, been told off topersonally warryyou. Thatwas, rash, 1knew it. the honor of bar house in her hand, Mit, and In the Meantime she In- still further Aristructions elsewhere, Tho. Trialle Winits made with exaottiess, from years .
h d pons used' upon I determined that I would see what How slowly the minutes passed I What par ,ill grace _� . -
, o y. Miss Neoliol, This condition of things to a 0 Blow strong Since Nerviline's in the I of'exparionee, with just tho'pro .
the heads of states Should be pounded You were like before I Injarried you. had .she to hea- when they were I , I �� . I
, - , she is theire--aak her whether every to the intelligence of housekeepers. market. Nerviline is thegreat nerve- : per proportloaa of the proppr ma- . .
, . . I
to places with a steam U f have tested you, and you ihave fa4l- over ? � � , . The largest blame reels with the re. Its penetrating and pain � I .. 11
_ ammer,. or word I have eald Is not true," . , 4 1 terials.
,,Now," said M. 4a Nouchlot, " the "IM0111 I � 0 -
should be dissolved in acids, or should ad. I thought the wisest thing that gertea is great- So, Lug. power is ' such. that relief is
" There is no need to ask," said Ilml- Mistress, for her intoll! almost instantaneous. Try it and be V .. - z%VD 18413. 1
be me'ted in furnaces. �. . . .. I I
. I could do wou.14 be to invite you over time is ,past; give His your answer, as its repp*usi- convinced. . L
In the car.ea., both of the Empress to Lancewood. - Bat this is such a our. Lady Weelle'll I I ltad4l' with careless, airy grace. ' ,,I do er, and intalligonoo It . '� . llomsof I 8.001 .
I � is. true" hilitles. r L� themselves are not . -_ .. I I 1.
. I �
of Austria and Presiderit.0arnot, we:l lous country-. I dec . ided it was bet- "I refuse most absolutely to Marry . not deny It, Every, word . So van, ., . I . . I + P0101 I - 1001 . I I
. Witat then ?I, a ouble oi go to ;. NO DOUBT Or IT. MONTREAL.
- . , . ,
. . I ..
within the pul�'ic Memory, the horrible ter that yon shduld come in' Some, you," she replied. . ' 1. . �` .
. . . tige expense of, acquiring proper I
bui4pess I capacity, I hAvv watched He. bow , she T.Ine. proud Indignation of the noble � , Your new servant girl seems to be , ,, 10v%�"� -"`Iv'r-'Q,V-'w`1Il1ft-0i Ab,,%1ft"%eft11%*,WS,% I 0A%h,ft�'1z;?,
. . . � .
,Weapons of murder, were destroyed ad, and Vivlons thought face, the'nicasureless oonteraptin the' training If they oan'bo Jost as Well slow but Sure I . . . . I . I � I
with some ceremony under afficitt, nceyou have been I . � erated without. Thereshouldbe ()b, yes. "clum sbasll break what . .1 . I
' you, closely ol here, Wall never Seen anything so t�rrible , 1pr a -
,, dark eyes, would have silenced anoth- roman . . _ - - -_ Z. - - - -
Inspection, and a. Subsequent boost on aud_riow I decline the allia. nee -1, will Nee his'llandsorive, bakgard, vid f1too. ar-they produced no off . eat on Lady education, first., for. the mistress, for bricabrad thefe is left it We give her. ,. Mille, 116111118 & 116114ollanit, Dyeing] Cleaning
tho,part of an. American gent!eman not!. marry you." . � . I "'Toa refuse; then I will keov my Neolie, . - . . only from that can come education time.. j ., � I Barristers.e6p.,rematiod . . For the Very beat send your work tells$
I to Wesloir Bld Rich- 14 RRITIS" AMERICA" DYEING 'CO."
that he had possessed himself of the 'You fo,rgot,ll be Iiissed, " that you. word. I pray you to listen, Miss Nee- 11 What thed?" slile repeared. ,, I , /of the mitid. A. foreman in a foundry , . L . - - - . . I LAW mend SL W., Ir.9;11-te. Look for agent to your towns or mend d1root. � I
wea�aon used upon the present Czar are in my Power." . lie, while � 1. � tall you La;dy Neslials � ' — . ,
. I was Sir Arthur's lawful wlte-jegall� Or Overs or Ia a buildi4g, knows how . UP has been books Ro - M .a, Quebec. - . �
. . a � . . POR 0VPR FIPTV YFARf, rayer ,,fli,,,, a ontreal, Toronto, 0 ttal�r ,
of Russiat in Japart-an at'Lorript was 11 1, ani. indifferent. 1,will nott be story." . . . to do the work Of thq.morl -under hInI, MRS. WINSLONY's 800TRINO SYR Catholio P �mlrle � . I
I I . married to hIm..l$ , . It by mothtra for their chilften teething. It see bes :11-1191ous Plistureat Statuary. sail church seaspahat-
I ear it,', I allaya pain, 0 ...... ,. .
made upon, him when a youth -was bard, I will give you a very han& : 11 I would r.ather not b .tr . I lvian. otherwise thoy would Rllg�t it, part- Eon Child. solter.s the going, ouroo wind ID'Atleatiouill Works, Mail order, receive prompt atten. VOR SALE. .
- � . Yoa ,deceived him," said V I to, anst Is the best remudy for dip's rholl 4. 25as bottle. tiou. . . 0. & J. SADLIER & Co., Montreal, HATUR M'HEN INCUBATOR, 100 X00-HATCHi .
absolutely conLratbeted by Russian of- some 1p,resent and you shall returill comes too lute," said ViTion, earnest- � . . . ni. He ly: becwqso ho could not recognize Sold by all dru lot the world. Ile surf .. � IST.,pt-knorcouistsuotionsi
. - .
"So much the worts . __
. w for III diakfor" 9=111tbroullout .
ficivas. � ;. - " Lady Valerie, is one of us now; I . �ow'm nothing Elyruv�l - . , I I , VICKEIIS. Calgary, Alberta. . . �
There was a strong agitation that t , o France; but 1. shall not accompany ly sholuld havw been more on the alert Is good wQrki %ud partly because he an ,. I .. I POULTRY,-OUTTROI, a . — , ..., . ,
. . Ott monsdour.11 If there are any secrets in her past - cover faults. Many per- , I 9 I - � ,
� and ot or P4 I)U,%)R, f4 eassire. rL011111-urt I ,
weaptwa used aga,ins � Presidents Y F I � I
the 4 - she observed. "I admit it all . X L wanI4 not dis � I ... i, - , �,
. ,,Will you at least tell me why?" life, lot them lie -burled.vt . . . . LOOK TO.T , STEP, Th � ' ,,, � =16, ,m �,,, , -,,
Lincoln arid Garfield rasitectively - I . ' . nat 1jaind iii the Jeast ibout tho.ex- sons have servants only for a part " . . , ,� tnmwtoit. 1. P i I 11 .. I BEF&IL � , I I'll"'.
shou!d be reduced to dust but that he asked, with' a carious whiteness "What Is the most sensible speech A person in robust. health walks � 4, '4 1 . 1 .�7 .111" -A
. � pWafe. I only caxj_�d to koep'm of. of the time, hence the greater neces- I , . " . OM.. 6,111LIF 4 ,1 ,. �� )] WA I , 11 � V � . �
y _' .. __ - , , I � - I - , "I " 1
which is amongst rnopL cWl!iziod -races coming 9var. his face, ' . you have ever made,,Vivien; bat roalsm with his toes pointed to ilies front 77. 1..: 7..-.-_ . �. -,:. �, 1.1, . , � � . —_ . .,
a sentimet rd into W, ra wrot .during Sir Arthur's life. sity for domestic knowledge. The rem- . -, - '':L _- __ I- , 1';"' �, , I
______ - -r-,:" ,, 7 , .. -v=tl�: , ..-1 I - . '' I-
Of course' an: exposure -would edy for I the domestic i3.r I I I - �L a : . I I - ,,, I � r � 1,,,,,.X,��'�".,:,
an unbreakab.'e rule &Ia nat prevail then . .. . ' '! . r� I- -'A�1�, �1-
. in at ,'east one of these a I - �' You were fqence -Warts. . . ide, ".. V " � "� . , �11 - I , -
I . �T I I """':
cases, 'But to me. i0efore Sir Art gradually'turns his toes,to the it il I -T1011, , L ' ' I I . 1�'_"5L�".,.'�'
. . oblem, is the while one.with his health on 7�7_� -___1 -
"Yes, I have not. the least objec- ly'Ido not mind -it clan make An dif- I . the wane ' ., ;. , � V .or U -
tion," rdpiled L dy Nes is � . , I for domestic science, an inati- I � as, . � � Als - I , � . ,, .
wk � . T a � `,U ,E ,�, ' N -,"'I
'ionet, a young sw1hen I first know you --� Wave been very a ward for me, He SchOO . i ". - I .! I . '' .: �- � � ' � �,� . . ., ,. ,
oonelliat Ia p , �� ,
. . -he desir d 11 . L , 11 ,� � I
counting within this century a. . You 6amt1l, Iperauaded, coaxed, a and a b6d arceptible. . . I . I , � 4
great number of cases co0d be addue- bad, no decided faults. Now you are ad; but now I am quite Indifferent- might have tried for a divorce, though tution ,.vhieh brings about -t . I I . 1. .1 I ;1 I I 1_7 I --" , �, � 1, ;, : �' " , , ,-,, �, � - � '�-,..
� . t I ; I _ � �,'�'_, �, �'_. ,,,
� . . I cannot seo on what grounds. He results of making houselreepinga Sol- I - .P,,'", , N� ,.
_ _ ,
1, _. ,
r " 0 a0,ya,_,k.-' �,!J� ., I
ad where there. has been a coremon- a confirmed gambler. You.could no nothing. can touch my fortune, As fo I I . I . , S1rATX or 01110. C.T.- I.F TilLUDO. I.N�s, .' The OntaiiO 'M " W'' 1,' I lfe;" A ' " � , . tun ,
� . , I Wo' , housewo*rk a trade. The most - . . , u a , I - , ssuran,, e,.-, , , , — .
ious destruction of regicide weapons ' ltered his will ance, I . . . LUCAS ( OL �Nlrv. I . . . �
in Europe for in a.11 there have been more keep from tile gaming-Lable than my position,. we *,shall see'what, harm . he aueoeasrul� school for domestic solionce, 101,�,LN,lc J. Cllrn�xy Iolikos 01th I I at tic Is I . . . . . I I . I ;
I . , . . and left me penniless. 'Now that 9 illor parl L1.04. OA . It" 1`1111 Or P. 1. Ull K'NOY &, I . � . . - I - � , I . I . I I
quite 5D t r ual. murders "u; coulld live without air. That is .monaleur can do nle-" . . . I . . -_ . I �
of the In -ates. . . I 1. is dead and my 'fortune secure,. I am is simply a "well equipped kitchen k 0. doing 'bu Ille si in 0 0 Cit) of 'I , . � � . . . � .. . . .
� . Valerie," be oried'once'More ' til'y I 11.1 ,.-,.I, te sarol,41�10-4, It till Min, s'al, L I danoin- -A Most UCCOS, iul' . I, -
w Heil , ' 1, It',!,
eads of st I 03 I "; , Ite B
1� . . by I decliae to marry you, ride . I , -will about 10 pupils at A time are Is, all Along tile Line
I - � . � I � � .1 re . - 4 1kUNIJi1.l';,t Dob- . . 11 . a I, ....
� - � till . . you ietract Ill indifferent. You: may have. the story'. whis NVII pa� lie ull% of ., I ,
. - I ,. � NQ4ohe . . � � . 'if ' u taught a.fsternatic housekeeping.i. L1 toil 0 Oil unit ON -01-7 cuee of Cxl,�%I:iai . - Cathering-A Polloy-Molderre Company. - I I
l nissuab 1. a Cal -ed by tile UNe of ILkLt,'S. ., . .
. � . . ,� . � � . printed, Vivieu,".she added, ' yo . .. thsir., I I . . . . . : ... I 'i
"It I give my word,$' he, began; sb� looked. A t hini with burning . � . . � I . I
but '.'miladi,ll interrupted him, . seyes�; , . I i . I . like; it will be a finishing touch to the' I . _6 WMA4411 Cunt. . . . __ ,.. .
.... . 1. . . , � . 1. . FIZANIC J. 011k; NEY. . -h annue, I . . . . I \ 4 ,
-9 11 . - . , � I -tbeNesIie;s--ra strolling pI I I SUCCESS LIES. � . S%vorn to before me anO. �itl,sscrtbo,l Ilk T1116 thirds, I meeting of this growl if out- . I
YEARS OF - AGONY I 1. honor of � WRD I1TJ Doat d Room on Thursday, Afal 24,1900. at I p1m. , he at a ,dance It )
. . ay- RE ,f Company was balil'lij Ds now andolog
� I . I . . The rvels in nature," Shia . After you have threatened ine I ', ress of � . . . prvso.tF,�,. this Cth day of`�Dovcmbol'i 4t.D . . Proceedings were characterize by . sit arma, s; u -u I.I. lar.,st,'and L1141 - , .. . � I
I - or a groceel; daughter, mist ii , . . 1; a greaLe iy &III e pit_ ':lit lbeildo ti, i%lr� Rob .
- I .; said, " but that such a marval, as your. Co*ard, betrayer I would not marry � . So. -far as .a, profession for women .... 1. . - A. W. artlVelyin, of Guelph,'qcoupitd , i
� . . . � tary Pubuct. 14r], Superintendent. is nil tha.0 1. . .1
' I � � Lancewood I It seems to Md.. t6t: in I : SIDAL. ; . 11 No t 11 " lr,,, an a on I tlaie ,I sent..Jn I d Ittioti id Mr,!r.,tt. . I
' .
RESULTING FROM'SCIATICA IN AN giving kip gagalb.6"ing could over take you to Sieve my, life Ill , . I concerned, we..00me back otlast to 1. .. . I .1 Ia. . outs, a a tiwd u -)a th I,.,. , u -M. 13vit, I . I
. * ., . telling, it you will bring more shame I . . , . � "A�iri datarrh- dure IS I aken intors1sally, and Louit&u 4V.P.,,F.0,I1ruCe,j.. e riticken, . ." . . .e I . Ici B.A. Goo, A I I ,., :
, I
AGGIAVATED FOPM . places I refuse to. believe. Years ago", - He turned to Vivian. ' . . ' 61 Oil .r success bas been tots d Somerylife Ron J T Garrow, . , ; � III a , ka 0 r. . . Mr. 11,11,011;tat, I .
. � . turn- - � I I :Ire,-tly on the bino,l and mucuun surfaces A.Millar, .C,;*GI;o�joMopro, '. eon, ore el'.si � 11 6 .
,. to yourself than - to me." th al 4 ; t, L Graybill, � I .
I . .. I.. . .she continued. earnestly, �"! should not " Miss Neslie,"' he saidi " listen to me, I . greatest . along eternally '.f6minine of the Hystitm_ Sand fdr %Catlirs Alboo., free I "Aldolbotis. . . . . . � � .
.. . I . . � ing,.from-Mitis'Neslie. she looked.. at V. J. (, It It \ &Y & CO., Toted;, 0. , .. " . I . .. . : - . . , � ., , � ..
qrue3y . , Cirri . . . I
Ilan, NI..Jitw itic stifferer Vitfild Vot Lou lit Iiave M)ught � much of this, but This woman . I lines. No girl ean'bes taught, '' tic .
. so who mopks xne so . . . a bet- -Soldby DraggigL44.750. . a, n, Mr. W. H. Riddell, Secretary of tile Oompaay, &Aed as so.r6tary of &he me!t. . '.. .'
Red, unit HIS* 11mg, llu.4. I*r.qII..II1I. . . Henri de Nouchet, "As for yen �sbo I ing, eirld . ,he . . . I .
.. . .1 L I have learned the value of money. now was my first love., She was not said, " . tia , bar trade than houseke*ng.'or. Saw- Hall'tilrat I tally Pilli aire the beau - I re I queab of the read . - .. 44) T%slvelis .N.11A . . itor. doward, trader on a I � I., . . I � . I .. I L .
. .
. I . . ral :siz.i. , I know the va 1140L of a g L ood homes a Valerie D'8,sto, as sh6told'y'aur fath� I I , ig6Ll Nov , . ing.i Every Y,ear the pri . ce of. plain .. I . : . __ , .. . . L . . .TI1E DIRECTORS� REPORT:` .. . � . L � . L . . . I 1. . � . ]
a -daug& woman's Secrets, er while 1: . ass L I I . THAT�WAS ALL_ , ; . I I . . . . q I I . . �,
,F4 r1om the Journal, St. C.atbarlqb,�� Ou6sta,nLial'fortune, and I Shall not .air* but Valerie Roilleux,.tb , aswing, ls*�bigber, and. dr Making . .. L .. � . . I ;rour Directors restpootfully Submit foryour Consideration . � i ,
' . I I . I I . I ' . � . !4ve will I look gain I - L L' � , . It* repart ,of the business for I
' John T. Benson, stationary an- forfeit thj6,aa things for. y I od.1, , tex.of'a grocer in PariS.19L . . upon. Your, face a . I L. I . 1. . . . , � , I .,
Mr I L6 . . � . climbs up into the clouds.,Tha world Are, . there no eggs With the ham for the ar ending Dec. 31, i899. , . . Lthet . :.. ., . I .
, L . With L'a never will laddres,44nat.her word to JiL . .1 11 . , I Ve are pleased to intovinyou that. the busineai Witi.�iLlieu,ostigratifYinccbh,,ti-;Actut-..4n �
gineer at the Ridley College, St. ,,you would, 11 he "I Miladi 11 interrupted him . . . .1; 5 'breakfast thii. morning? asked the Obr in volumeexceeded that of aivy)-i-ar in the binoryeftho Coikipt%ny.�(�tireiioplitmw4tt-�iirli�b*on. . I
Tiot felikbalt tbern, is In ngry'tbress times a, day, 36-5da . L ,I -, ,- _�
Catharines, is kno'Jv]a L by m L of the said.." Milaill," waved her 'bite.hand. little laugh. ' � . . . . I I you. Go from in�j presence, "d take . . Y servant Boarder.' . - . ': . .. . io enable all to colki Iona the same)iberai scale of sue, lut, d6tribution to Polley-holgivir. as Ili L �
01� . I . . W . . witt - ' I in the year, and .hos to be fed. The No, . yapsl . is . d the Cross-9yetl Boarder; tbepaet. The death rate was light and much below tile expL etati on; tile lni) -its iind � url-o ,d'. ml
.ressidents ofthe city. -Foi�ya4rs Mr., I shioul . . if, I .maTrlod .. ,* 1� Miss Nealici will 'not be. su*�ised . k You my contompt, Yon have done whole burn . an race is on a still hunt , I .. are; in proportion to now businer,s and that already In forco� mill cent nue-4 t6 docrei4jo. - � . .: : I I . . L'� ,
� ' .. . � ,. I I kouT worpt. Do what you.wlil, ' * L . . . f i Ap0catflons numbering 3.813, for $5,481,762 I surance. wf:re r6o ivect, of yl I I . if I 0
�. I .1 L , .I , 'your. . � L
BenF,on suftered acute agony from, morrow, yo ,iyould. spend 'MY whole to.heax, that.' L She never believed that L I I . . . .. -for.a -good cook- and a good polnees .to 6181s a barn and eggleas break ast; t Ia I 2,06 or , .. . I , � .
� L . . . . . , 1; Ing' . ,. � . . I L.. .. 01,751.026; were sticcepto i and policlotl leaned. and 1.1,11 for $161,150i: N% a a dLetined. The number , I . � . I
. I . I I powerover me is ended ; he stroll' � . . L I . . I ___L , ' . .. . . . .
sciatica, and notwlth.�tanding num- fortune, ani. -when 'it was spent you T WAS. a D'Eate7-dld you, Vivian T' . . i .L .. . 11 L I . board, These professions, carried on L ':' � ot pollcloq.ia force is 18,819, amount n1i'to 0116,1016, ill 20; the lte,iervc, Actuarlatil 4 por coj4t..' on � I . . :
I I . I .. I - players' the grocarlo. daughter, as the. I . . . . . . CORN SOWING : :* . amcunt ofgoliclegin force isi$4,324,089111; Pratnium and A in4i'lt3'IhCOM0,L$.r).'$,$B'..:J, Illtolei$t . . I
- . . , ,Ind B tas,;b3.15 ellin �
erous formsof trealrent, foundliffle� would lit& .tbe_firsL-to Ill use. me., I Tbo- ha;6ghty' .disdain of the beau I � jL �onts, 197,V0;06:SnndriPh,$6.4d. Total,396.19;Tntai .Assspt..,%4,i) - - ..
, � . L 1. ,� . 1. I honor of, wishing .Monsieur de Nouchest in . telligently,, are never pverorowded. Ia ef ; IdatOnd ' - �
at, Until � L be ' . . P. prows conducted b the� agency ,%molantpltid to policy I elders waq s3qa 1.80, embracing Doath cla _17
. . I or Of 8ndQWULeht,o. *64,441,1.'O, .Furchased Po loles, $34jaKi ; $uc I luftie�,j,13.. L ' ' . ' ' �
or no reli a gan the Use of decline- the honor .Of being zen'deftid tifullace was her cillyjanswer. Mon- .. , I -� sa look at the po ko,171 ,31.14.28.',�'V�
. . , 11 , I . , i .., . . I -a - lasting adieu.11 . '' � .." , , Oh,". . but you. . y, " . tight boots.all the your r .Qund Corn ? i6 L plus, .
Dr. William�' Pink Pills. Those pills. penniless, by Monsieur de Nouch,601 . sieur continued- 1. . . . Women L Crying for' work 1, reaping is best oonducted. through. the. (4i) 31 15. - s I . . L . I . � . ' .11 .11 . '. .
- . . I I -y; her sis- . With. a. smile parting the crimson' ,sewing as 0 - -,.r The surplus over all U%bilitles on the'0614piny's Standard Actuaries, A p,r coa�l RR'. 10
speedily restored his health, as they "I wish , ' wald Miss Neslie, ."that " Valerie was always pret,t I � . ' . Look. at the b9ardingAaousekeepers. agency of,Putnam's Painl a 0 rn Ex . g ,.28 on tile 4overantent Sta,idard lira. di per cent.,. $191 391 00. I .. L .. .I
.1 I lips, showing .the pearly teeth and the � � . . 'A tile las
have done that of . thousands of yfou would permit me to pass; with tex, Xiiirle, who. passes hera is .her., . . . I . bat how. did,they do tractor, the. only safe and. sure.pop i t session of tha Dominion Parliament, the Gilvernment anie,0ed the Inquranco - '- L � ,
. . p the white cbi� 'with who fall Ill True, . corn cure.' Futnarals Extractor W. Actt, giving much Iurgtr soot e for the',nVeStrncnb of. mol.ey, Land' rattling Ills, standard Of lie. - . i
�thers who have giian them 'a fair this unseemly *Oispute .1 have nothing mald, always plain, .1,40d not wearYL , the light gleaming in herjew-elst, w' the ,work ? Didn"t you have to; take . .
I . I I I it,h . I I . now widely imitated. Beware of all - orv,e froin..4i per cent. to 3J per Cent. Ifni., the latter amendmentio begr 4fival, nud to to . .�
. . ' . scoomplishea within lit con years, The antendmbilta we believe to be lit Iho riv lit, d1i otion, I I
trial. a ' ' hateveri'to do.,, , . .. 1. . i
To the reporter wh mtesr- IV .. I � . .. . you; Miss Naslie,. by telling you of the . . your.frock back time after � time to poisolloas and sore'producin�g SUbSti- -�nd In the beat interests ofpolloylio!der.4. We have at present a bill before Liv. Dow101on Par. . I
viewed him, Mr. j36nSon*aaid."J , ," Nayill said L lie I . ", I entreat You . '. to quiet hiome W . I I . an easy, . careless t grace, all .her. own.* 1. . I . ,. I . * I I . I I . I I . IL _ " L-. . �'.
. . , . .bare: this cold, cruel w a ttsn�os. L . � hame ___1
. . I . . . �0- .9 have It fixed 1, Didn't it, rip somewher L it, aliking our Charter to boamended by, changing the name of the Colapsally to tilt- A IA
, I I I room, while * I . k i . . . .. I tual eAssuranceCo tiny of Canada, and by Chun, Ing the date of the annudl ineetingftorn - - *1 I
. lady, you.havv driv' n li'ved, or of hei' vanity, greater . I ,. . . . . I : — . ror .�. I . I .
certainly owe a debt of gratitude U. remain- MY on me: finit, I the Frenchman looked after her with the first time - You put 'it on?.. Was " tile h,urth Thuriday in A say to the fivit Thursday Ili Nfav,,fi. .. . .,� I �
. .. . . . . I . BILLIONS .OF BICYCLES. Mr. George David6on, who had be it tnt:ot.curauditoiator'somayeFirA. and vishop.rfortiv �
111S, f6r (heyL' . . I I :
Dr. Williams' Pink 'P� ' �o bay. You promi.sed to marry me. even than -her bebmty� I was the soft . � . . ., I Sod ? Was . there- (d tile duties of thib office. to the Complete saustaution pt theXalleyholder.4 unit tile Board, . , , *
L . . .. . it done when proinds
, . t curse, . . . . I I .
. �� and you have refused. I have y -of a notary living, .,near, and as a; . . I to eat on the table - u'duce r in tile year., and the Board at-pointo Mr. A. J, Boewst,or to to . .
have released me from a form of tar - . oil in . I I . . I. have' ever auytbing� lit , , � . . it is gatimated. thht about 2,000,OOD,- re - igned his posit'on ea . .. A
. . " She has ruiaod my* life*. ' 000 bicycles have been made in- Rur- stood. In conseq o"I'the steady and r,pld growth of thu 0 -nopanyla. busine.4ci, it boo. t � : . .
ture that bad afflicted. me.almqst, MY power. 'I tell yon that *unlessyou c1dild 1 madly loved her fair, laughing � . I dQmeu000ssary'toliavesmonchll,audt, f1blais now being don 4ndatoporth;ijabinAre
. .. . 1. . . spent it as I should never havespent 01 the - boardingo-bousei � keeper , who 6pe ,and America, . . I , cl Ic,
' . . ' I . Q. � I , j
continuously for twenty Years. The consent, I will betray you to Miss facei The quiet .home �, did not long � L . . F I . . ,the BoardLattlach meeting. . . I I., 1� I . I ,,
. . I � .. I . . I I I it bat fox her AI he said. And so ghhst.: failedg Wits her house as neat as a .. ___. . , . I . . .. . I ��
I . . . I Interest on our Investments was Fromptli met; our fuladq were kept well invested. and'the
� : ..content her; akalinst the:p . .� . t401.1TRE.',L 113TEL DIREOTORV. - - rate of interest did not vary materit, ly from thatof 189$. With the .
pain began in . back, '' NesRe." . . � � wo yers, ,the � I pin? lnc�mpejtant, incompetent 1. L , ' . L . I . . �
- I ly, iiin terrible was the deisPai -his new , . oinoteasad fie] d for jnveat�: I I
my . theA . . r on . - .. _�__. mant which the amended insuranoi Act gives, *a way for some Urn coutinuq-to �*ara w Q.� . L
I -
Shifted to my hips and thence down , I L 1,11� Fro.s. BUS Am.Plan. . Office hit% been'quite insodellneW, I, - on . - .
L . 8 left it, and - . The 11 1W . mo I Mdai 00o�
" A - be traver is always a coward,"' w1illies of parents sh ,d him. No wonder they failed. That wasthe k
. . . ,face thut Vivient almost pitI( - I . . . about equal to that earned at present.
my leg. It became sose'r .that if she observed.' .. - ; 0 '. . when 6318 -Was only' fourteen she Was ,, What, Money do you. want Is, ajg*_� 'cause of their ,downfall; The *Oman . , ". 11,110kill'. For some time the accammociation, In the I .
. . . , . . . - .- I al'; . � I . .
ve 6 " Then !.will be -a LCoward; I will known as tibiti. most ilaring ,rider "in . , � I . . Itilsolit -College A,r.11i4 I been made thereto, sufficient, we think, to uxeItto,Ar requirements far many yearts', . I .
. lieemed as though the ,very marrow' , . . Who,takes Witte ta be particular, who, AVS-ii.VE NOUSE - irismily Hotel rates $1.14 Dating thOyear we losbbY death a muc�-vahAed and rgspeoted. member of the Ussatd. 0. M., - I
I - � . ad Vivian, curtly. ..: L I . . '. I I L �
. and tell ,her all.'. And then, pres,qmptuctus t1so most fasbionableLeirque in Paris, ..,, up my � bills; st arid : consclen . . Alva *1-4 - � Tayllr. Mr. Taylor wasamemberof the Roar4ofDfroctoLreand. tat VIeWilrybidenit from the ' - . I L .
I ,
, . . IL I I * I I 8 .1 is toue . . . � tioaii in': her ____�- 0,T.R. Deont, incepUon of the Company up till the time of his doath,L-Irnd he will be inqch iiiiased. by his Fol. I , I , : ,
in my bones was being Scalded, . as Y104., are" YOU wIll not dare , Ohio travalo'dt half overi'Franee with . Enough$ to tak. . . l Mr. William Snider, ot'W.atorlooi waa appointeil Diteetcr In hit, mto;id. , . I
I to )re- . . I I accede. h ST. JAMES' 0TEL-",)w'10'10`te I
at times I could sear L" . . ... it , an Lfind a *o� blocks from C. P. I0W-DIr6Ct0rd I
I caly repress cry- 's .. ' have siome� due ubw. .. Work. * ,� . . . Ilikiltray. rlr�uhiss Coinmercial House Madam Im, You wi,l ' be Called U) on'96 elect fear Uireotarst In the Waco of Ron, P.W. Borden. W. J. .* - .
' Malin here. . I � . . that Circus. ind then returned.toPar- - . . MIrn W o is vrnitn�*ILS-Rs teg moderate. " I .L : Kidd,, Wm. 8 ilder itud R. Melvin, whossi terxn of affloo, has expired, but all of whom tire ellg� , . ' I I
L . , L L I ac.,seemed t. , sbrInk_LfrOM L11A.CI6aT,L b reliable, Who gives you. 0 .
I a 0 .1 " I . the wo . rt . h 0 Y.O'd . I � . areas. �. . L � . . I I - I . . . -6-, ,
Ing aloud from the, agony ,, I an'dared. " I shall remain here," said " mila- is arid prornised-abiL m dman that I I . � t . --- lble for re-election.. , . , , . . I - � ,
- s� I . . R, Mor,vix, Pros . I . I I
I tried all sorts of liniments and . lo, biright glance of her dark eye' � f , , r mbneyin her w ; FELL F LAT. � . ' ,; , ' I . I , Wdez-,-A�Ij'�. ,
I . 1. .1
df.11 "Yolu betraying Me is a matter .was to believe her 1-(o,inarry me.. liar . - Will find, 1. . _T1, - .
� . . . . I - .
-ions, but got, no relief., I 'doctored . . "'Monsieur Use .NoUchat Is S01 MISS ,no Ma . . . . � . PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS, . . * �
t . tter what.they be, you � , I. _.
. . of'little moirient.-now. My fortune is parents were dead then, and silo had - I I , ' . . L . . . L . I . . I
. . - she ha Los .
with several pb. -even going I I .1.1".. I . Nealle. "'I think - or& a man uL a m ers than ,she 15an � Was the strike u sucaaa - MikdJ L . . . .
yplotans, � . , �i . , you. I . , 1� _ . . . . , 1. In moving the adopqon'of the report. the Prde'deab said the business wais In every.respool I I
.L aeoure.11 . � . I . L a) little. maney.* She toolu bar [only sis- You have PrOv . L . . rry, -there 'was nivvei, a Tim arrount . J
L . . ' . I
'ffalo for treatment by . a special- His f I terly without prinalple. ide No, begol satisfactory, and exceeda thar Of atil nther fear In t -M, hi,tory of tire Complinn.
to Bu fdr. . , . .
. -
I are, graw* .'fr;gb1fdf in � its, livid * ter, Marie; as her. maid, - and. , traveled - - . . � . .. . - I . . .. gorimlage jurlial the* whule.av it. . . otnowbuslaosql4ulld was44,761 (I Oo ah nereasomerthe ani, -u -It i-eued A .sa,i arsi.000,_ il : . I.
ist there, but in no case did I ever re. I I I I . . I L traded on a woman's secrets, you have ,. . L, , . . . . I . . . . . . , . . 2.(10; thatotalinntranooln foeoo$26.91i.441.58,:iininoreiaoLot'$3,241.482.20. aw'sin whiclimsupt , .
. CBIVL � rage, . . � I . I .. I . . abroad. 'She atiorWard raturned to, L a . . I . I � .L . . .
a more than temporary relief. It I I .L been deceitful,'me n and disbonor- ' 2 . 11 MOTORCARS. . I . :L : Virp-011028 be asikisfactory to ever policy-holdor a', The Ontario. arid will mo -O than Compare favonibly � I .. .
in . . a I . I . I . . I. L � . with other companies n respect to the amount added, The te-t6f business is not the ainount; . .
L ily ' I � . " T will tall till I know, of You," he Parisia, boarding-rbousa,: and there . I , . L . -I.----- rr
maybe eas imagined that the pain, ' * I . . able. .1 would not condescend to ask Motor ca s registered in Paris num- ,�!- , . I � - I at now Insurance issuad, but the amount added In proportion -to the amoun t issu,d during. the 1. ��_
. I said, "unless yotk consent. Thinkyou m t yvur father --%r ."'. 1. . ; . L . .1 I r . 1. . I L -0 eviounly In force. By this test the past, year waq the mait alteceadiml= in i -
I -
a. favor from you, ,bat I vvill purchase bar 8s;701;:t1he Suburbs of Paris, , 1,219; �, � aurlitatery, gaveg other rcapAct, that donntell proRperity arid Stability, t oorra of .. .
I endured told upon me in other� waYs ,a I airt, LV'u . L I , 8 or ALVERTS -. Year and that I
-you shall have a gay, L "Vivien Interrupted him. She did not - . . I .
lerie * , . ' . 11
I . . one, Write down for m - In the rest' of* France, 2,456� ba. the. It .
and I became almost a physical sunny, b . rijbi 'ife in Paris. Youknow look the Ia . In false': *dman who I . . . a all the. - , � corbollo, Disinfectar)ts. soppa, oint tboye ,r were pro -em nent. We added to our In ionic, $1,17.441.61; taout@roScrvc$18!.26$.70-, to
I men*, Tooth PhINdC78i C�C., have biters surpli p SM 658.40;Ad a -gets $521,423.97; and pa.d.$76,85u.28 in surplus to 1pliprtiolders. an ID-* I
at' L . .. 0 . . �
. . . ... . .f -but the dark, money YOa.Owo.. I' wilf give Y03X tlf[l whole of.Gorma I rease of $1,819.58 over amount palld in 1899. , L � . �
wreck. At times my right � log would I llnsve. You,, ;,.nd.. will, make you. hap- had blighted .her. IL as L . . ,,, nk, 1,421; in the whole awarded 100 medals and dipInmas for isullitrior , � Our d,ath rate oo-itlilues to bit Inuch below tile oxp I Octal; on, and wit I a in (ire 0 an m I ob Is . y .. . . .
I . � . . . amount on condition that y6a' tell to , of E , as, ,excellence. Tbt,ir.reolpr*dgbpreveYitintentI the interest on lavestmenti by the sum of 129,10.17; the cash krurriusiders w . ii I
swell tc, nearly twice its nor al to I . .1 . .. I 1. I I . ngland, GOO; in t.hQ United Stat one dioceses. 'Ask yo, ere $7,529 less than .; ..
� .
14 py, , eariest.-eye� .were fixed on do Nou- . I .1 I ,or dealer to obtain 9 In IBM, and lopsit r W" also .
size, Then the pain L and swelling . I .. . I . . I . . I no other person what you have, told- L less than 300 .. trilipply,i. Little matted froi Ott applIcationi . ate in proportion to amount of insurance leaned and in force much:,
. ... ! . '. . � L � " . L . . � L F.'Le' L . I
w3vladi,, shrugged hiar shoulders. Ohe L . . . to me,,and that you. never Mention , . : . .* - . �VERT &.00 ... Inaurance Act � .. .1
would shift to Anx left leg, and the " "If. YOU do AOLL mind," ' lie said, I ' .. . . .-I
. L
agony was isometching. awful. Isupposi I I " We Will leave love out ot the ques- . . L's . . MANCHnsTriR . - ENGLAND. yIn'saying that* �
� . - I Lady Neelia's name again, This ILdo," . THE YAJiS, HOT BATH. I , I
Lion," she said, "thislis a matter of !'will. yoti iell.'Met, how Isheiduped my. )d 11 not in the least I from � I � . — —,--- . ___.____ — L Of the Act long .
that during the period I was afflicted . . . . she add( . nee, or withia a . . ,
funds for gambling,- and -the baLhlyal father f aijIlways knew that she had I Among Japanese a daily hot both "111111, - , . I .
I have hundreds of times laid art My . docel ,r neV, , L I any ,Motive of. compassion.., for you, is rule.' When people are too poor . . I I
'Vell V ' .
back on the floor with my %cot and I . . . :L IM; or know how. ' . . the ng to look back I I
I I but to save. this .honor Of the Nes- to have a bath'.1n, their own homses Its have boqu to . _ --,q
log elevated on a chaix in order ,to "I have more patience w I ith -you 11 '"Yes I Will tall y6a. When she . . . they pEktroinize the pub'Ua baths. ra .. n a L he report show- , . , __ 11
. of a frienA.11 .. I I L , I I I lies." . o .. bes ounitioued , � . ... i .. . � 01 , ss, Rd , I .... r .,Ca Pi . � of Cash assets .
obtain slight ease from the pain I he hissed om the mistress of a I T 1 .37. W,I , * it RAVA
between his white , lips' found fr .thetbous . � .-- _ 1. . . — . instruments, Drums. UnItorms, Etc. I t $1,172.9W6 And disclosing t ital as a. :a . 17 boa can acelimpliahel since may be .. �1
endured. The Musieles, and sinews in 'go tha, r . I I . . Nloanod from the followin sumictill! , ... tal remian Income from WO th 1903, $S,480,078,31, .
my, legs'looked as thou n I tbought 1, could- have wlt� that a rich. English . ba' onet was stay- I . . . - . 1`1 oath clainisitaid. 81.782.31kil ando UtA annuities ald.$38f,309.74 urp.'uspaidto . ,.
gh they had . . c, 'she at onbe. made up her . I Every Tow oaifhaye , Ileyholderp, $M,247-61. totti payments to policyholder ,1,;80,917.99i w tiVon Janu try 1, . � #
in knots ny woman living-" I .Ing ther r .. . . . I I . a Band f1g, the Company hold In rosorv.5 for the socur,ty Ora longing to Its polleyholdera the . I .
twisted and -tie4'i - Tbe trou,: a � . I � � - lAwslat (.1", .
ble, went on in this. wa,y until finall 11 It - Is. Alit of � no use 11 Said Lady mind. She ca,used herself to be ,I' - REMARKABLE CREATURE,§. I , , mprliees over vt�ted to Mus .. . � . . I
. X F I - 4 , trzitiout ,,,, � free. ,it ,6 rjo'nroanc7atthallnoglen . aubstaintial sum ot $4,321,080.64. 1 . . i
t traduced to. him as Mademoiselle D`- - - . . � . . I In
Id d U I , . . — . , h, MUSIO or Masicial Instruments. hito in losill the elements Viat conitituto a strong and progrokolve Companyo at it halt doilie I I
nothfn�g but opiates wou s are Vain , thr conclusion I feel %As-. r -d thtt you will agrao with �me. that Tito Ontn= Xotutil Lite - -
,elado Nestle, " Word an is, per- rosit0i Ont, era I a
the pain. A few yemrs ago I read at a daughter of one of:the young- Tiapy. Are al Combination or nint, itopritc, a il whaloy Rdyoo & 00.9*70 Le walk Ifnett better, fox, itq po'ioyholdera than ti,L.n.ynother Coultany, and thift,lb has receive
a cure in a aunflar case . 0114slons, are vain. I will not mar�, 09te.. - heumatism � . L %V un .4 � L . .1 . I
through the - 'veg, Man In the Potit and deverves lit t1i a fa are the fa Ilea fidonce oft a public.
use of Dr. Wllllwms'� Pink Pills and ry you. You want to marry me be- or branches of.the D'Estes. She'told . jend MaIIIIIIIIII. . : .R ' I . I I . . . . I .. . . . .
I � . I I I � . � I , . . ,
decided to try them. For some time. cause youWant My � fortune to gamb.'e JAm'a sad Attlit story about limited There are many quadruped whichlay , . . '. L . . . I V10E_PllZ3IDEN,rs ADDttESS., 1. I . . I
. . . . I I
I . .. . . . , . I . is Uric Acid in the blood, FV IRS.- FURS. . . . I �,
after I began their use, I could not would. Meauss and the painful position of eggs. This is commonly the cas6w'Ith Unhealthy kidneys are the . Insupporting thernotion tho 11rat Vine Prosideni, Mr. Alfred Ha,kIn# Q. 4, said -that tl : r 1
with,, you shall not haTe it. I , . 11hoorter and exporter of L wits pleased to at -Ate that Ilia funds of the Comporly li,tva bet it carefully Invested Ir I
seat bat they were helping -me, but I rather gamble li� all away Myself than an orphan girl,. Sir Arthur, your fa.; the cold-blooded quadrupeds, such 48 cause -of the acid being Raw Furs and Skins. Con- at the beet miti otnablifLrat -P, In view Of the fact that none but I he highoot,do-se of secutities are -
decided that I would gLV8 them a fair , I . I P I � I . thore.,If the kidneys acted . . Vignments solicited. High- ed. It imust be 6 source of groat Ists, Issfaction not only I a he Compahy'sit policyholders, ..
I � .- . *. -� ther, permit me to say, Miss Nealle, the frog, the. cr000d-Ce, the lizzard arid I I "boo / ."
trial. By the time Ihad Used ithalf give it to, You. . . . - sts they should they w old . it prices paid far glutting, .�'tp,'tho igentg and all others; inLorestedIn It,; future welfare, to know Lhat the InvaotmentA
dozen boxes, there Nitta a decided lsgu� L Ho.drew JAs watch from his pocket . wits not, very shrewd. Shd Was very the turtle.' None of the wdrm-blood- strain the Uric Acldoout of the ClatArlas Mutual Lite are.adniltted to be among Mist very bo.qt an I gs,ifost In tile Dominion. , 'a �
. . I . H JOHNSON, Tile yea6rI699 was labaiiner year fit the h1swry of the Comptov, wid -10 cougrAtulated the
provement In my Coast and I cota and laid it on the table between quick, very cunning; - she Was' Very ad varieties can be striotty said� 'to Ink of the system and rhatuma- 494 St. iZI istreet, Mont I mRnagoinentatid-bougoi!cystoffup(,nthosu�coas,a(-Iiievo(l, He had no doubt that It Would I
tinued. the use of* the PIJIS until r had them, . .1. I . t ��. faIr and very -charming. She had the eggst but among the lowest fokins'-Of fism wouldn't occur. Rheu- . =i continue to be the ambition of all cour Co. ad with the In 41 utit a to maintain the high character. - . 4 �
taken twelve boxes, when I)twit ahk 41 . ' . mittisin is a Kidney Dfio_ � ahichtheCompany enjoys for fairsand houttrable dealings not only with its 9.1loyholderglbut �
I give y utes in ,:face (if an angel, the voice of asiren; this groups. there are some which pro- ' ' 'with all:ghora doing businesis with It. . . . , ,
cure was on Joel five min , , , . I
. years easei.' Dodd's Kidnoy Pills 11 rho Oanada Permanent Mr. . M Britton4 c., Mx.. ,nd viodeprealdent, desdred to C(agraLitlate the poltoy. �
have since passed and thaic had no Which to reconslder'your -words, Lady be was Induleut and liked to be aMus- duee! egg*,, and lisatch them inside - - have made a great part of I bolsters ;; th t%rithdayofatir Kosit Gracious Majesty the U."On. tirld On what may bg I I
- return of the troubles so that 1, feel Nesite If you promise to. marr me, bil--sho amused him, Ile Aid pot take their bodies, Tho.most romarkab�oof their reputation curing considered the Wth I I-thday of the Coal pan ,which Is very gonerall adtn:ttcd tobe the Queork
safe. in: saying that the cure has been y . We to Inquire into her nnte- these creatures Is the duok-mole, it - litheumatism, ,SO get at and ftstern* Canada or all Canadian I Ito Compamost. This lit fullood a 11 gro.witaloistimel U1 Canada, an4 mAccesid , ,
parpasinent, . I you shall never rag , rat'it; if. you. the trou .. . thecatoo,of those fearial I � - seems 0 be In the a1r; The prograssi of the Ontario Mutual Ito dur 4g 1899 wbo eta.4neutIV 0 .
I way also add that my wife hitq refuse, lwill tall Miss Noslia your cedento, He took all able said for native, of Austra!ia, a carlous com� "'Ory' "41 with a new; approoriate. and Tuore comprebensive name i.;kd with the n9W
. I I - I shooting, isains and Stiff, . . Mortgage Co rporation. "Intid2o'n,that the lu9trIe4 and prosperity of 0ahadet " I b TOIL , I
. . . - -fall In love with and mar -m; binatloia .of bird, repLge and Malin- . clihig Joints, Thera - is * - � re I amanititil expect the baelfiess of the oUrrentsyt toir to fully tquat, If not exceX133t "of .
us -ad the pills for indigestion, head- story.,' ' . granted, . . . —_ , it U '109 I
� - " a chairs" Said. "mi. rield bier." . I mai,. It has the bill at a. duck, and Rut one sure way- . and that M steady Increase which has trierk r carcer In the past may Conti a tarthe CA '.. ,
I . I M NOW per .
. . -a of the body which are tion- . .1 Orria dayt:nd that it pays out In losses over $5W a dkt. He expressed the regret ,a a .
great benefit from them, WOr-19 can" ladi " laughing. " I am tired -I call "Pat you monsieur -what did you the part I I : I I � 11 slot Ing able to W presenk and touched on the 111thoCompanytiowhasti ordilla 11%
klet express the great benefit Dr. f I !O1141100 ST., T6RONTO. . . I .. to Hit.luesit , _�
aches and dizziness, and has found ., I pray b 'in ofthbobapt6r. He noted among other point -A that theCompanys income is or
I, Canstast ParmiLnent 13ulidingl r
. I not stand for five minute's longer." do .111 asked V!vlon, , It annoyed bar earned wUb reprodaction, are atrik- "ItANCIt 0"10101- I I � 0*
Wil iama' Pink Pills h.,tva been to me ' W 0, Winnipas, Mato., Vancouver, B.C., its Johrij Milk Mr Goo. A. Somerville, mansiger of The Huron & Erie Leon and Savingo Corn any, heart.
and I hope similar Sufferers will pro�. But he did not stir, arid the others that, her father Should have been so lingLy bird -like. It Is, Ito ever, el $sad Ilroon;urred with all Oat had been isaid by �revl,)ui a eakers In. regard to the M n r. the
. . Dodd's . -_ . I Peoretary and HotdOfficestalf, thoSuperintorident, ausAgency litaff, mind thought 41811; the.
fit by my experfone.d.11 stood 'in silence, unbroken iave by the easily dupsad�her poor, dead father I with warni-WsOoded (juadrupeds, Since . � I I Company had reason to be proud Of sueb,offictirs arid agents. . � I I
. I ,
Dr Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- faint ticking of'. the watch. I "' What did I do, Miss Nealle t r Us young. are born alive, the I . 10apital Paid Up, $60000,000 1 � I I
. Ing io the root of of the disease. They The ,scene ,,,as intensely, dramatic.. had to submit. What could I dol 'body is covered with. hair, and liba; . � I I �. MANAGPDRIS AVDRtas, . I I . i
renew and build up the blood, and Reserve Fundil - 115009000 ' Mr.Goo. W69anatittlan ar,sitattil that to theTregillett ho4veforred totbolegislaitonot . �
W affecting the Standard O Valuation, he do W4 to ait, to w words ,on that subjeot., f, .
stron& Outside a bright moon was shining, Whein she toM me of her resolve to the habits and giolieral structure' of Kidne . , - 1'1�
then the norves, thus drivitig . y I
'disease frodi the system. If your � the diew. lay.. on the Sleeping flowers, marry a rich baronet, I know that fill It four -tooted animal. This PI . litylluo &Vft ago on . Ptomdoilb- Money to Lo' ,Noc(HmarIiy the premium ratell of all Companies were roquIral to he adju4led on titto neW . - . .,o"'!
an At -ndArd, and nearly all iNwlid an companies Inarontsed their ratea to accord with this Change �
dealer does not, keep thmn, they will the tall trees stood like huge senti- I eould.say would be vain. I will not als it is also called, frequents Water . George Cooderham. - Nodifilcul uIll. therefore, be e#perlencedin complying with lhq law, sofarbo hew basilhN
� d cents a b6x. lot violl-prsdittent and I)epooits Received .sconcerne . Ali to tholluainats jasuedpriox, to Jon, 1900, the chitilge to the higher be,sler may
td4ressling � (6*hs, eoutivo be made in two step.3.- . . I
or six boxes for V2.59, by r neIS; inside the Soft Pearly light Of gr�� yota by repeating what she holes In the less bottled plairts Of Aus- wrills .n!rmauofE1 W
, with a warm ptromived,. As to one thing she kept train, wivore it foods Upon ifisectil, I .=- .- and Interest Allowed 1. Frosirk out afterl9l0aillauch businean inusittils VnItiod an a I peroent. hasis, md
the Dr. W�Jltam.q'Mediefne Co,,� Bror.k- the lamp filled the room ,. I 11 11 . 7= !! - oll'tee 2. Prom and 6flop 1916 on a Sk per cent. basia. , . . I
villa, Ont. I . - ---.-. - . . --...-.,--.-.-�------.--..--,.---- — _*—L—_ - . and forms its home. in burrows under J. Nwbstt Maeoti, - 'rho law, therefore, allowa 15yearaln whibb to -bring all the aid bustinefs to the ultimilie . � I
. . I
� J . . rom , PUTTING ON N14W GLOVES. Ilia vloo-Prooldent- Debentures 199ttled staitidard of 3J par can. , not anticipated tt,ao any of the existing Canodiah obtrIogrifes .1
. 111 - � ill ill .I- the banks. The young, hatched f . . W. N. 09aittyl . t t,O � and it 14 �
M Ig and Cut- will have, or ough ave, tiny ust round fore ectl n to thi4 lmportatkt chattgo'la thd Act.
DOG'S WORD911VUL JOURNEY, A . Medicine � I Its eggs before birth, are born blind The best mannor of putting On ncAv ling Dh, ator- 11I.Sterill Five it oarst ag) our Directors koll.,�d that., In lbl,%, 6! the doolluing fattl of intcr&t obtain. " . �
— . and barn of either tar o,r feather, kid gloves is to oPou and turn back ..,1G.R. ., Lea. PlIffloy. iboon trat-classi scouriti, 0, suelt it" Life (Joinvinlit" were then empowered toinvest in, our
liabilities shoald be computed Ott &4 tide cant. lis,819, WIfldh hoot Ainad than Oped t) a compshylo 4
81ray Itt-triever.Aliaellied to it Regillip"t whstsit,-unlike anything similarly tile gloveg to the thumb, and.powdor , . 4 -of I w,lw I h w j
, � - I ... . . , Itandard. We have, there fore.ali a Irly tdkon Ito firat stop In fuTlinen II& Ia )Ia a �
. W011i to Will` A1,00. t6o brought -, torth- , they are sUcWod'bY Ilgiltly. put the fingers in their places, I I . � . 11, I . . �.. ,wou'd not be connolled to take until 1910. . . I � I 't
. I � On reference to the AbArAot of Statetnonf;4 for t899. I find that aw of the 17' Cotnitanitis i
A truly wonderful tale of a dog's . of " High Repu the mother. Whou itpeolmons were not the thumb,' and carefully work � I 6 I roportingt6thaDonlinionlnauranceDopaetmetit, otilytievan of them Value their Illibilitles I .
. A 0 upoatt. 4 percent. Ora higher batili, the t-thorg i1alfive the pressifit Govern Mont Standard of Al
wanderings in South Africa, Is for. . -1, I I I -or cent. for the who a or part of their busines-4, Ouf of tile noven referred too throe tire, now . I
_ - __ .... - first brought' to England they wero them on with the first finger and . C , 0. Companies, with very lit tie husines.) upon tliotr booko*. leavirig bat four ol I
warded by a correspondent. A. stray k Spgolal. . ,I_ Looked, upon as frauds, mado up from thumbs of the Other hand until they � C d CoMpfibleat that .
Formula of a Creat Phyalolan 190r. Chae0a Hene lFood � -, 10 have voluntarily adopled tt a higher standard. Our position Irt this rokpit t6la.therotote, very
I sa.06factory, ah,)wing that the in Croats of our polleyh -Idars aro'carefulir safeguarded. I, I
retjilovar had attached itself to the . different akinis to vuzo!e the public. are quite down; ineVor proms between Wits 48 Mrs . With regard to tpopecond ater, namely, frem I togilliareent., itwillbesdon that we have
87th Yeoman ty Cbmpa Iny, Royal Bucks, . . The areat Blood Builderm I . the fingers. Past the thumb Into Its . i1fteon ytiard In which thiti malv be mi%do. asid I ail%? MY that I here will be, no 411110111ty In ast. . I
I _____0`_ place with care,. and Work on Wltlf till SHOE ' I Complighing It 10 g before tile expiration of' the requireff time. Thlfeou d be done at one@, � .1
Hassars, during Qreir training at High , . and still 16avo a. on lataintlal surplus over all Ilablilliew, but thlit I do not Itionhidet n6debory � �
Wycombe. The company grow fond of Tbeirs li'Tc l,m1f,at I IWANING VUV D-8, fingers-, turn back the glova And allat L COLORS- . under exIsLing,elroUmAtancea. * - J
ore of 'Dr. A. W. ed Tend it the Lady Maecabeea, . A "Oes, I am of the apinlon-ttat Injustice to thom polloyholdistrA who either by the forms of their I
the dog, and took it with, them on ObAft, but none Who dare to repro. VOrest Irr's aamnoo'other fraternal, soolo, Evangollna�_Havo you become go. it over the hand anq Wrist, 'iftevil I. S.. se, withdraw from tile Corn any ift thavi,ar filturb, a Atkddbh i' i
I and, Is ,ve-3 known Wroughout ?,u h many of the young Men VInching Ill ' kid, anti Work the 910% .A ' �
0 0 Bliangain 11ii) Rogervo FIh6UId hot be mrift. 64 that nodatioarfly, b6odd0fl,rod of a fatir ,
I =t 0 .
is poctralt and signature, I . I Ohara of Anti ,11th the t the3t won d otherWise recolve,
the Norman to the Cape, They land. dilate LU ti -13 T
, which 11123 Is, ate fo-V her executives ablilty and circle? . into proper place by 'moans Of thil I � . .
ad at Cape Town and were ordered ore foitud on olvery bax of Ilia gon- !&):J.i1 qualities, Mrs. Young has 1*- Aingelina-0h, yes; Tknow a thing I CHANGE of NAME. �
- I
to re -embark for Xist tondon, and lit u1no romodies, . cant recovere, . tow nervous disor- or two, I I lightest pressure, always allowing tht I S.P.CJdniontogaq.,btAprlFiter,nerlin,t,6nold . erti'I the . time'sopporWild for it obetigst It# the 0 .
doing so they left the, dog biall[nd. Nor are thore .illy preparaLlorialbat era, which sho dosorl e � 1. * __. i+ - - . e o6u tile fingers, rX 11 .. -he Compaity, when tile our ain foubout to drops, eloping. behind It the 10th Century,
. I ... " � 11-_--_- .1 -1 � - n&mat of I;
The company went 900 mUses to-Queeng. eati dup'tcAtii the triarvOlous cuies !ow ng wordis:- I 11 . 1111.1- .OA finishing, carit mhould . be. takon It stid when $I ndw can ary Is Ab6utt I da&n kio6n wi with,we hope, bbundleAS rpo fitilUitlail'to I
I r . .4 I ,
town, and 800 t)ti the Ximbeir'sety, and broagbit about by illin gruit physiflian " Y , Ia., and ot r duties In cou,- - -.- fastening the first button. . . : continue find onlar I a thin Comltany'Fi operations durin . �tha Incoming conEll . tr. As ours WA4
tf redpe book fa Inc. Here les It sainW.a nee ,on with soverit'l fraternal 40019- the fibit mutuhl lit a compallf Char toted by Canadian Atlislatnee. %nd N Atli theonly trlr I ,
they had two or throe different carolig � I - 111111tual native UR I II16, tic tairo qppTXrh%te paitho Coal U , I
Of the lattord, daily received from tita bhd drawn so intach upon My . ..".".---I-" !!!�_!_,�!
I I— . liThp Mutual T.Ito AtintrAticit Company v,f _ had thardf6fla,it"00101(portit Ia .
Hvantimlly they arrived at nogbof, . . I .:i�� i I 10
grateltul curod ones:- istrength that I found mysebt all tun . 0 lacyl ,otteondod by W. J.Hidd, B.A., OttAft, tha followlaigres ution, r# I
arid on thia third night after their ar. Mr. A. T. P. L1!(.jm6, railway agent down In, lion3b, I w4as very nervos" 0 0 0'afitthloaftnual gandrat mo,otinklof �hd pollayh6lderil of (be UftthtlO MatuM We A 6r, . I
no (tPpeJlt6, I I � . julto (JaMIA 'I
Ott Oliarencevillist, Quo., writes -s" li'or - hI (t aould ot no reill . , by hereby tX teflddS Itl Oil Ito Con( dt`V�,ftdb in Ilia IWOV141011A Of the bi a* b* a"
rival, "Mr. I)oggle,10 aLit, he wag call. of Dominion Parliament far tho 011AU96, ilk tt.e "Ahle of tim CA1110any to VIIN'briltutAufs. -
tw461,ve year& I linvo boon run down re�3t from sleop, anti wits, troubled vary U11111019 *0*-"�" Aosaft2koil COM00,111Y of CmiallAs, e,ndtho chithite oft he ,slete of the annuM, meoth ahl"fivIlow
I 11.1
oil, turned. up quite fit. With 1�fiprvoug d6bility. I hufferetl Mueb rattell with plains In the b6ad and '90 . 1. " , I JMW6 memb4twof b*th Hougm 6#11athamont will lapl.ort the 1)Aq"I# of 06%. ,
�� I "T CL 0 , I -610OW #
11 I*. - . *nil flortmiltod doctors, and used m4bd- I b.10k. I t1fled 10,811Y ,6004 Of tonics, of auto It �Iofty, Ittill, . e'! * "Orlisit DIMtord 8111 A041t0ti.w4lit) V6 1,
� . �
VAC(RUATION A1,11) IIATItIMONy. folfiba in ftin, Soule ftiontba ago I but MUNI got no pOrMainfIllt 1010 111111- LVI'(1111111019"ll "If � 4k. 4 � VOTES Or T114N911, . ...........
. . i � It JAL 11.11"Witl it I ,� - ZA/ I I
In 146 beArd of Dr. aha&els Xtsrvo Vood, used - till I u6ild Dr. CbA,86'01 Norve Food. - I 961 - - simmom - o ow ! Atiteig#t600ry#AAantittItoAtitl*m- Attell A i%pofgta%tou"6","Ahlotio�tiliwi,ta ____
to I vwo* and Aweden, [*.fore ally tWo, boZemt, and lily bealth, IniprovA-d so I took two boxes aft directed and found ALL -1010A togs suffer rsooldliket 7th . - 471- , .
- VA cau 16t I a : 14�� - M -1�7 6 I , M661i Igearty thankii of thW , t" lox �
. ilk Ing a" a 4t*bs "a *K* - I I CHM olders to I he 1106ra lot Ixt d
l" *Ito" a" 0 if Ireef0t. MSTkAg011 Ore t3r, StiptifInt0s eut f h . a Mill, 66
ficatta ThajIt QL#*Ally Mitr6sil, risrtls- , ralAdly tb,tt I oriltred twolve mora. a perfect oure tot my trouvie. Thdr I soot. rl Mvitsliatill 1, I "
uota ovid ArOd sli0wing that I 4 1 e4&ft fty frplikly tibilt thix ttiattt. I atst-ion wrto vary mild and bffectlya, I AN"TM U11814 Col . I" FE0101 Wd f6r tho Very Wilt end 6111010mit VAIIIIA 6 Ift hich h ' 601I *a
dtji.ty Va"41iir lK fit.
"ham to be the bmt I . Is givfst.w. .lit reari Tha Proidds 1% I% , lit WLT 11
. . I - I , I plifflantsm pitild. 11064 84VIF thb Qft " W a It 1111 I
,n in,but imift no equal In the moaldell : and I boPlaVIS 4 -Aww� ?rlilv_
,,,:,r,dtS,fs,),m I1%V6.De,P It
0 --ft. I I world. WhIlls wMift9 IDr. Vho*als NArve miodicinoi for norvo;tta troublim tbwt I � or"M , /UA,P7I' I 0'�t"` 1. 0 ) YA60169 lidjouffied.
. it' A ftG(4T*ft6)t I I VOCd I could fo*l my isylittem lielinst know OVI :ho giinulao, litind . . 0 , lie I asoftaANIZATION OT TO '.� SOARD. . ".11
� -
- �
I - �
I I 1�.
I 1 $
1 ; .
I, Q
a 4w000 -&-
PIT. W*04*F"
I -
- I
- I.
1i ""
i h $p
he P e
OMP86 A e Ill k 2 U
Rion W
0 PC, D WegbilRev
is 'Ig�
I I YOE ra, It
,I; I
ft dy
11 1' W,
rika-2101h (it thotin 1 biuUt UP ulltil how I Ilm *tr0tk9 ftud ' tln6ist On bitivirig 1 , . - AD O/ I ' I
I"fley, "TtI64 ,for 1*68ltby,. I eamilot rocomm6fid,it too yala com b6 okboolut6ly soro ofireilt ,ij & #r 4 bT flarJ24 V Robittf, Melvin � do*-
, M4% 'k
MM 60
2, :
, , 4, . sd ft!�Mjnllmft -
1lI1ikP,-ThAt1A All Tifght; lysovwy 16 tU, I f6t Wonk; nervous pf)(70011101 I b3n6fit, Dr. <%talow's N'tirvo r , 06 * OR44LIPLI .4;0"; . 'I 6� 3,:a r . .� i�a� Vswia-
Alliews Of Wait. � 'U. 'I U. ymng, of 911 Gro*riwood I ossinits * box, at *H dtallitm or Adititsits- � "I'll .
I 940h, is 0, t0000ls. I ON4 1w,", X 60., Tomitit. I � � I
. *"am% N"10ftJ . I I I
� r
. I
�L �
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. . . . I � . , - L . %;_ .1 0 0 _ I
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11111f I& . I . . _ . .,s.*Jh,W, 2-k
I I '. Al �11 � `% is . " 1. . .� � 11, . ., I . ..... . , - I ------------. _
� � � -4 -6 �m� __-, ---.i
.. ,� - . _- AA ��,&_ I - ., . Zandinfilsod 'J"--- ... --01111111,