The Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-21, Page 5Supplement to
CLINTON, JUNE 21, 1900
Miss Carrie Macdonald of Goderich
is in the village this week.
W. J. Clark of Seaforth spent a few
days in town this week.
Mrs. K. McKenzie of Clinton is the
guest of Mrs. Stinson of the Sanble
Colborne Township.
Quite apleasantday was spent at the
picnic Tuesday at the Point Fame and
every one returned home well pleased
with the day's amusements.
Mr. Andrew Millian has engaged
Peter Jordan for the summer months.
Mr. John Mole of Auburn was busy
delivering beds the past week. John
says be gets more than he can do.
Miss Olive l-lelyar spent Saturday
and Sabbath with Rev. and Mts. M. J.
Wilson, Benrnilier, and returned home
Sabbath evening.
Mr. Samnel Gardiner was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Treble ' on Sabbath
evening. •
Mr. Wm. Allin is busily engaged
building the -stone foundation for his
new house whi • h he intends erecting
right away. As Mr. Ailin is a first-
class mason we would advise any one
having stone work todo to employ hits.,
Miss Lillie Fisher of Wawnnash
spent Sahhath with friends in this
Miss Annie Ferguson spent Sabbath
under the parental roof at Auburn.
Benmiiler, Bethel and Evangelical
Sunday Schools intend holding a picnic
on Tuesday next at the grove of Mr.
Tobias Fisher. A good tiwe is expec-
Captain Young returned home from
• London with his Company on Satur-
day, the boys all looking well and say
they had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brownlee of Sea -
forth spent a few drys visiting friends
in this neighborhood the pitst week.
Mr. Ike Currie had a raising on 'Wed-
nesday, raising his harm.
Death has visited this locality again
when on Thursday last Mr. Jas. Sands
passed away. The funeral took place
nu Satin day to Colborne cemetery
when the remains were daifl in their
last resting place. The friends have
the sympathy of the community.
We are also sorry to announee the
dent h of Mr. Edward Good's little
d,uithter whe died on Wednesday,
Jen, 13th at the easily age of ten years,
three nom) hs. The foner•al took place on
Friday to Colborne cemetery where
the reoutim. were laid at est. The
heren a ed parents have the svinpa thy
..f this neighborhood in this their
time nt trouble.
IiitVIN—in (limon, on June 15th.
Elizabeth Ann Irwin, mother of
Mr. Richard Irwin, aged 85 years.
I.:.Viii—In lfolntesvilie, rn.lunel4th,
Mrs. Levis, mother of Mrs. J. W.
Hill and Mr. (George Lavis,Clinton,
and Mr. Edward Lavin of Holmes -
vitt, aged 87 years.
St. Paul's church_garden party end
Mrs. Jai ley's Wax Works will he held
on the Rectory grounds on tbe..evening
of Thursday, June 28th. It will be
Mrs. Jai•ley's first appearance in this
town. Her exhibit consists of over
twenty different figures which will be
represented by the following well
known people of Clinton :—
Robert Downs—Mrs. Jarley
Mies 13e11—Gipsy Queen .
W. Humphreys—Old Father Tirxie
Miss Foote—Old Woman Who
Danced at 133
Miss Brew er—Blnt•beat d's Wife •
H. E. Hilton— Mr. Jarley •
Willie Ratteubury—Porridge Eater
Bert Hovey—Untie Sana
U..1. Stewart—John BUIL
Miss Bell Worthington—Old Mother
Dr. Boluses—"Bluebeard •
Miss liuivers-4Vtnslotv'ii Soothing
Mrs. Wall—Patti •
141 r. Tanney—Dan Godfrey
C. B. bale—Nnpoleoa Bonaparte
Messrs. Syd. Jackson and W. Lator-
•nell will assist Mrs. Jarley.
"There are others."
Clinton quartette will give. some
well known selections. The 0, O. F.
Band will be in attendance• and•'also
the celebrated Mouth Organ Band.
Bel gram '
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was dispensed in Knox church last
Harry McClelland; . a rancher in
Nebraska, is visiting his father and
other relatives here. His wife and
family are with him.
George Taylor returned) on Friday
from Goderich where he has been do-
ing service as a juror,
Mrs. Meiklejirhn died suddenly cin
Wednesday .of last week. Deceased
bird been an invalid for years but her
sadden demise carne its n shock to her
friends as she was no worse than usual.
her son Donald going into her room at
noon as usual found her just expiring.
She leayes two sons, Donald at home
and John of Molesworth, and two
daughters, Annie at home and Mrs. J.
Miller of Whitewater, Manitolm. The
fnnerat took place on Friday and was
lnrge-ly attended. Rev, Mr. Hall con.
ducted the funeral services.
Alco"on Sabbath evening the spirit
of Thomas Wilkinson took its flight,
his death being very sudden. At time
of writing we have not learned the date
of the funeral. Deceasedwas a con-
sistent Methodist, ever ready, to speak
a word for the Master and died as he
had lived, trusting in the,'javiottr. He
leaves n. widow, five sons and two
daughters to mourn his sudden demise.
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the excnrstnn to Guelph hast
Mrs. J. P.kSheppard of Winnipeg is
visiting at the home father, Mr.
R. Thompson.
Mr. Thos. Jenkins has hltd, his [tarn
cut in two unci* twenty feet added..
When completed the building will be
just square and 581150 feet. with
complete stabling.. T'he•Jertkins home-
stead is .one of the finest on the Huron •
Road and the improvements now uraler
way will still further add to its valife,
Mr. John Parker" is slowly .inipprcrving
from a,painful.illness of a month's dur-
atiou. He hada hard time of it While
it lasted but, itis hoped he willbe guile
restored to good health shortly,
Mr.. and .Mrs, Ben. Switzer leave •
thts week for Grand Rapids, Michigan,
to visit their son who is practising
medicine in that city.
Every one who knew Mr. Herbert
Haley. son of Mi, Robert Haley, Cam.
eron street, 'Ws struck ,with sorrow.'
when they learned on Saturday eve-
ning from the Rector of St. George's
that their young friend had gone to
rest, was so amiable with th rse who
knew him, so cheerful and fond of his
home that he will be ]ouch Missed.. '
On the lst, May same youngmen
thought they would go .to Dinah. to
try their fortune. • and Herbert told his
mother and sister that he• would like
to take a' trip and return later. The
party took train to Sarnia thence to
Duluth by the Empire and all engaged
en reaching Duluth. But .pert as he"
was faatiliitrly celled seemed homesick
to his friends and not feeling very well
they n.dvised him to return, but pneu
monist dents work in a very short
time. The funeral took place on Tries •
day at 2.3Op. in. Rev. Mark Turnbnll
officiated at house and grave. The
casket was hidden with floral tributes
it lovely floral pillow of Hoses, carna-
tions and ferns, was the gift of Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Marney, lovely basket
of pansies, mignonette and ferns; Mrs,
a.nd Miss Marney a beautiful cress*,
roses and ferns Mrs. Donaldson, show-
er briquet, carnations and ferns,
Sirs, Stauartt; large bunch of roses,`
large briquet of white andpink enr-
nations ; the young ladies of Hotel
.Duron, two lovely bociuets; Miss
O'Neil, briquet of geraniums ; Mr. and
Mrs.Arthur Oentelon, boquet of car,
nations and maiden's hair ferns ; the
Misses 'Fraser, baguet of pceny roses ;
Filiss Bilary Macdonald, boquet of large.
blossoms and white roses ; Miss Lily
Haley brought from London a very
large bunch of pink !carnations and
Maiden's hair ferns; Miss M. Boit 's
gift was a erescentwreath of rases and
carnations and two large baguets.
Out flowers • were also sent by other
kind friends. The family were all pres-
ent from abroad, being hie brother
George and his wife (Miss Caldwell)
from Woodstock, his brother George
front Duluth, his sisters, Lizzie, Ohio.
ago, May, Brantford, and Louise of