The Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-31, Page 711—- ,._. - -I'— �
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The appropriations at tblis veoinon, SCOUTS OF THX SKY,, %.10..%,."—~.—.V*.P.,�--o..,Molw%~'W%'-'-, ,
of the United States CoAgrose will be MARKETS OF THE WORLD I . IMF"
FENIAN DYNAMITERS', IN MOM I WIN WK000M. loss than two years ago, X"" . Perth Of ('01. TOOkillOrp %NXIANAWAI F WONN 010N PRIME . HINTS FOR. "
. 1-1 I., . *14"" 10011 the SP31114111-Americau war wait #rlcesor (iraln, Cattle, Choose, &Q., XxPert WIth WsIrMA110owl, . THE FARMER,
k � In theLeading Mark.ots. Wonderful And thrilling has been 0"" �~-%�. %. _— % A I ,_ " —
Tb(.*,v Were All Sentenced to imprim NowNy 1tera"bout ouroelves on, a w GENERAL. Toronto, May .W.-Flotir : Ontario the experience of Col. Wantois Templer, Notes 9 ' Proceedings in the Nation. WHAT SUNVLOWNIRS, ARE 0001)
, -
Our Nelghboro--Sometblug of RlisaL . III equip the entire Blaeu Patents, in bags, 03.45 to $3.65; who brought the Bugliob war balloon al Legislature, FOR.
Sea fleet -with wireless telegraphy. servipo to its present point of per- �
. 11 14te"Ot From Every Q44r* Empress Frederick, mother of the straight rollers, #3.2fi to Va.45; llua� , Some
1. . sonmeilt For Life, ' _ fection. While, to be exact, Col, P.." body who claims to speak frolu
I � � , .---..---- — ----- .1 ter of the Globe. r Emperor of Germany, is 'seriously 111. garian patents, #3.80; Manitoba bak- Templer wasn't born in a b . alloon, yet � TRIRD HEADING& practical k0owledge has made out �
. b , ers', 13-55, all on track at Toronto. the following listO of valuable pro-
A desp4tch froln ....." An offfolal bulletin shows that Cuba Wlieat-Ontarlo red 4ad white. 05o the greater part of his life bag boon The following private bills were road dolota that can be oxtractod out of 11
, Welland, Out., hardly leaving his chair, he protioutio- CANADA. I lost 2M,OW residents during the civil 0 passed In the air. AU a boy at Har- 4. third time and p4ssod�._ .
. flays:-Xarl IDallman, John Nollit and ad the word "Oullty," in a trembling The, alslay team will otill for Sag- war. north and west -, goose, 70a north and I the 411111flowor. 1. Oil from the seed. 2,
John WAUIX 116 In Well4nd Sail with a and almost indistinct voice. , . west -, No. 1 Mau. hard, 77 1-2c, Torch. row 110 was a ball00010t, And at CaW- Act to Incorporate the Canadian The mesa paj;e. This is the romidue
land oil JuAo 22. . German newspaper publishers will bridge ho, was the only undergradu- Bankers' AsoQciatioa-Ur. Britton,
life sentence as a penalty of their "All three, ofthera?" asked Chancel- The C.P.R. imperial Limited will be- 'erect their Own paper mills beeauso to and No. I Nortbern at 70c. . left from tile -4oe4 after #Che oil is
crime, The verdict was given by IQr Boyd, Waiting over to catob the , 64ts-WbIto oats qaQted at 27c west ate who kept a balloon. As it lad he To Incorporate the Accident AL04 �extracted. It could be u . Is
gin running again, (in June 11. Lot the trust's high prices. , and 28o east, . .know all the great aeronauts Of Bag- Guarantee COMPAny of Canada - Mr. food for cattle, '
Pbanooll-or Boyd at 6.45 oti. Friday answer. The Yukoh garrison. Is to be with- Tliero. are mow under arrest i1nd land, and It � a was one. of the f irat men penny, Also the heAda And
night, and tliore is no appeal except 4'yes." Barley—Quoted at 430 for No. g ,b aeedo,- it, chopped, a
. I drawn upon the opening of navigation. , awaiting trial in Servia, no fewer ' in the world to make a descent in Roopecting the Buffalo RAilwgy 00, . V together, can be
to their Go& I Everyone looked at tile ,prisoners, The E. B, Eddy Company, of Hall, thaa 8.000 political prisoners, west, and feed barley 36o to 37o. , need as ensilage. 0. The used alone W
� On the night of April 21, just as the but they seemed unmoved, and looked Rye -Quoted at 50o north And west a parachute, While. London sleeps � -Xr. Gibson. I
� , ' . will re-oroot all. their buildings do- Ta Madras two polloanteil caused a I 0.4 Mollont,food for poultry. A yel- .
son was redde - , , , and 61c, east. l, it a great city opm be said ever �c MANITORA GRAIN TAAD,B. low dye is Made from the blossoin, .
ning the western sky, 38 It they almost expected It, Dullwau strayed by fire. :riot, Eleven people were killed, six- . . ,
. I sloep-he has made worc, than a
John Nolin and John Walsh dropped was nervous but , he had been so - Bran -City mills sell bran at $15 50 . Tho House went into committee on D. The flowers produ" very ftao
. A, delegation from Kentucky will teen Wounded an - '� hundred trips over the otty in frae t ,
two packets of dynamite into look 24 throughout the proceedings of the ' - .4 sixty Arrested ad shorts at $10,50 in car.lots, f.o. ,, he Qovornw
, shortly visit Manitoba and the North- Mount Vesuvius is again in erup,- a I I ,out bill respecting the honey and wax, In Ragland one or
I of the,Wolland Canal, and, while the. whole day. West, to "spy out the land." tion, and spectators are forbidden to Toronto, . balloons, That there is some excite- grain trade In the Inspection dis . trict of two farmers , , make iterarly #200 ayear �
in at in these trips can be imagined Manitoba.
. lighted IgHe burned down to the deadw' THE 0HANCBL,OR1$ V The hospital at Reglu of approach within 4,certain distance. from the fact that be once missed the report of ' the grain cow .
. . , . ,I ,EpLY. , , a !a full BuckwheoLt-V irm; 0o north and It is4logasure foundedon from havey alone. 0. The flbq)ro from
I. , ly 6xplosive, they sought safety in ' Tbe Chancellor, with a grave but diphtheria, brought there,* it issald, Russian sixes have found Japan Is 600 west. . I - mission, the stalks. By treatItng it like flax,
flight. Untboughtfal.of tU b hitting the clock of Westminster which sat in Manitoba, and the Nortli� title, silky fiber can. be obtained in
, a life and clear voice. and a strong and untajitar- by the re6uitg' to the Northwest the one country in the world where Corn -Canadian, 44o; American, 46 tower by only, a yard. . .
, I property their crime might be wreck� lug attitude, loatied, forward, as .is Mounted police, . officialsoatinot be bribed ot. onjoled. 1 -go on track here. , . , West last summer, The object to to large quantities. The Chinese use it
. ars of, unmindful of the Awful havoo his wont, and addressed himself to the , The.,rallway crop reports in Xant. Lionel Doold, an . Afriama explorer, 001, Templer wears a lot of war afford relief to the farmera of tjl,%t see- to A great extent in their silkli.tbrics. .
. . . Oatmeal -Quoted At $a.20 by the bag medals . Potash from stalks. S. , The , .
and destruction there might be.raged and 03.80 by the barrel, on track at do with the scar' across, the lower not provided with sufficient facilities stalks are used as t
' - jury; Ile said Karl Dullman, John tQbA stmtO that wheat is well Ad. sends word ot trouble in the Congo I but these have nothing to 0011, who complained that they werp I
behind them, these two hurried. Oat Wolin and John Walsh bad been found vatioed and earlier than usual, but is Free State territory,, where, lie says, Toronto, In car lots. I . . , net. .
I . part of his face. ()no time as he for shipping grain, and that they were 1 � .
growing darkness, thinking. guilty after a,careful 'Investigation. in need of rain, I . I eras zed a largo ax- I?ea4--Qaotod aL.58o north and west , , b I .
11 - - and the row-ard They had been found guilty of a novel . . immigrants, it is expect- tent of territory claimed by Bolglum; for immediate shipment. I and a brother officer wore about tO ovpicharied by the elevator cowpah.� DRY
� only of themselves . . . 11 � I * Over 4,060 - make an ascent a sa4deft squall struck 'Les, which were I FOOD FORHOGS.
which lay Ahead. experimeat in using dynamite for the ad, will have passed through Mofitreal the outbreak of cholera ill the ta- East Buffa)o,'Xay 20.-CAttle - -the balloon, just As it began to rise, monopoly. - Allowed to have a A hog's tione is worth nothing, so
. . . ,
. ' . .
for the Northwest before the and mine relief oamps in lAdia has result- About . let him opro hi's living by the sweat . .
CARED NOT FOR DISASTER. purpose Of. dostroying a Public work of . . . steady; the meat trade is a with fearful velocity, The balloon i
It seemed nau' Canada this week. ad In breaking up some of the oalapaj little dull; partly due to the tabour 'THE BANKING $'XSTSM_ . of tile jaw. $01ne will argum that bogs I
. ght. to theta how - They were foreigners, who Of _f _- was arried against the sharp ,top .
. many li;os the rushing waters of the had attempAcd to destroy a public A strong company. bais been form- and in consequence the number of Par- disturbance. Calves -In light uupply, I Mr. Fielding. Introduced his bill .to will Put " more f4t with the same I
I �
11 . I � ad At Kingston to operate smelting sons seeking relief has declined, good demand, and a quarter strong- iron rail ol A .gasometer, � And all tile Amend the Banking Act. T a main .
wrecked,canal might be tossing About work, which was a highway of the a an one stdd 4t the balloon were Ill . food It they can eat with the least ex- '
works. It Is expected that building- R, G. Reid, of Newfoundland, pro- or than yesterday rope and theii lie down. 13irt how
or the property that might be inun- Whole* continent, iin4 it was a crime of . ; choice to extra, 00 . purpose of this amendment is to carry OrtLon ..
� I . qpdrations will be commenee.d in a Prietor of the railway thafi crosses the to $6.25; good tooholce, 05.76 to p, oat through completely, Thus the forward bank charters for another tell about d(gestion?, They will drdik It
dated. It seemed naught to Dullman a grievous .-And suggestive ohar� � . �, I a r swung sideways and downward,
. either, as he ,stood in the Rosli Hotel actor. There, was no evidence few weeks . Colony, is said to be iChilous to. dis- Sheep and 14mbs-Fair demand at a A years, but several important changes down.and often be compelled to drink
The vanit and - safe of Mr. R. G� pose of his interests in the railway turthar� decline of Me, or 750 decline Templer's companion was thrown out �
- I
- I
that same night, Although he awaited to show , their 7110tive, and � n to an Englisfi syndicate. from , onday'a prices -, lambs, choice, and killed, and all the loose contents And additions are algO lyroposed to the more water than they need in order to .
' It Was'proba.blY On's Of hire on tl Baxter's private b%ak At Burlingto X - Banking Act. In case the shareholders get the necessary solids. Then, again, .
I the arrival of his confederates and the , lie part of tile ear were thrown out. Q01., of a ba'nk ask for certain lriforma-' it will We tbxouk,h themundigested.
news of the disaster they had caused, of Wolin and W-Alsh, for the porpose of were wreaked with nitro-gycorine on . Itupsia's'fQrtificlitions at Port Ar- to extra, 05-75 to Of); good to choice, . I
-gain and it was prqh%b F,r!4uy night, but 01,200 in the bank thur are being .pushed up very rapid, f5.5Q, to §5,75; sheep mixed, 84.60 to Templer was thrown against the tic, fr the directors the anO will be'quite a'loss in this direc� I .
"IBut 'they now realize the serious- � . IY One of hatred . I cheek laid open. Ora Act, as . I
� was. overlooked by the thieves. 1y, and.,troops and supplies are arriv- $4.85; wethera,. $00 to $5.25; export iron. rail and his amended, would require nforma� . I
liees of tkeir'o on the part of Dull,man, which hatted � . * on whirled violently roi the I bon. Of course, you head not put so I
rime, And for many led to 6 blow, against the: state and Rptuati Cathiolie bishops of Quebec, Cities. About iOO,000 coolies have been all-eap qixof.ed at. about V5.26. Hogs- The ballo . . -1114 tion to be furnished, at the,firot annual latkoh water, in, but. just dampen, it, . I I .
- weary days together they may Pon- b who form. the Council ,of 'Public In- sent. to Manchuria. u nohanged; .heavy 05.40; mixed, $5.35 And round- as it shot upward, and the meeting. Banks which 1ayeauspen But by this way they will swallow it
der on It. They have seen the jus- civilization. Dullman really- deserV-. ' I . . d. -
ties of the State, and the punish_ ad more panishmeatt than Wolin, ,or struction, will make the teaching of way to PQrt Arthur, ' I 1. to 05,45; yorkers, §�.25 to $5.36; Pigs, tangle of ropes twisted around Tom- ad payment will be prevented from down, in large mouthfuls, And the dl- L
$ . . I .
; . . the English language compulsory in *F . in n notes after suspe gestion is no better. Let theta eat I
Mont meted out to thain, and they Walsh.. There, were no nittigat.10.9 - ' � Emperor ranois 4�ophls corditiaty ,$4.95 to $5; roughs, 94.70 to f.4.90.;. plar, .holding him fast a � he lay issui g usion . .b . I
I .
I . W, the schools under their Jarlsdicilion. towards Otago, V3.75 to $1; close was steady. .the car in a faint and By UPOU . 'stand - It � dryaud they will ehiew; it and mix * I I .
. � -yeAr-old daughterof Mr. high �politioal authorities at. Berlin. - Milwaukee,, May. 29�wheat - No. I . DRENCHED IN BLOOD. � ing timber and upon' - products of it with saliva, and,theia: it is ready to ,
, ng. eircum,4tances to consider, andhe sa � The eight . �
have also, the knowledge that owl , I � J Russia, is displeasing to the Banks may land mon .
to a wise Providence their hatred and. ho -reason for altering the penalty fix- � I I . the _ . .
* . I . Emerson. Main of Gait was very serl- Emil�sror William and the German Northeryl, 67 1-:9c. Rye -No. 146 1-2o. Heavenward the balloon bounded, un. the quarry., Security 'may be taken do the most good, I . . .
malice is Still unsatisfied. . � ed by; law as In thw inootment. ously burned oil Friday by - Foreign Office generally - ar16 ,arley-No. 2, 49 t 43c; sample, 37 to 'hat ka . . I .
. I � a flrecr;ici very B 1 0 . til, according to the iiistruments i by ban for liability in , . . . I I
. , , . . . . . curred by let- . . . . I .
. I . . .
fte, crime, as the jadge who pro� - , "TAPIT, !?�)ft,ALL OF TgEIL kor thrown on her dress. Mrs. Main much surprised at Austria's bid for 42 1-20. 1 b were lashed to the car, it .reached the tero of credit. In tha case Of a bank COMP ,
. . � .. �
. - .
nounced the .sentence said, is a most � . - . , OSTING HOG MANURE.
The Chancellor then pausedand the receive(! iminful 'injuries in putting Russian favor. I � Minneapolis May 29. -Wheat closed height of 24,000.feet. When. Templer holding land for: otba I .. . .
a . b . . � . I . . . � r than purposes Manure f romi bogs ought at ys to . ..
xtraoTdinary one, and Life puh�sll- spectators and the jury leaned for- out the fire., , . � . Though more than %: thouth. �hm$ -In store, K6. lNorthern, May, .65 'recovered consciousness he was. ftl- of Its ownbus n WA . ;1
ment is one which is onl'y excelled by ward. .. .: . : I . . . . ' I O", Provision, is made be composted. and mixed with .ot�er I
� . � . . At. Brockville -the. little son Of M1011- gone by since the opening of the 1.4o; July, 65 1-4 to 65 8-8c; September, most-ohoked by the rarified air, And, that Proceedings may. be taken bythe . r t. The excrement. �
. .
capital punishment. Their vrimewas ,q aento�co youall. to . imprisonment. ael. Costello, while .playing with a . . 65, ", 051-2o; oi% track, 'No. I hard, as it . thl . 8 was not enough,. on . 0 of the Crown to. appropriate ,t . � excrement tp fe men . . � I -
and bordering on murder, and their e qo, iif - . . Paris Exposition, there ato still very i he land if the from pigs, d�e, not beat readily, and . .. . � 1.
a," were the firai wordo whi6if collie dog, wassuddonly attacked most important exhibits which bave,pot 67 3-8c; No., 1 Northern, 657-8o; Na. 2 ropes was twisted around his nack; bank dbeis. not* dispose * �
I . I . I . . . . . I . I I of il afterthe. when drawn on the lawad to, be spy tad � . : I . .
pfunl@bment as severe us the law. !at- I escaped ,his lips as he rose tend quick- viciously by the dog. which 14.6ertited been opened to public, *and large see- Northern, 64 7-86, Flour -First pat- Releasin expiration of the statutory limit of t . . . .1
lows. , . i I. _ . . . I . _ � 4 himself from this rope, he . . . hinly before being. Plowed an�dt It .
. �. Y'Uft the court radim., . the child's face and. throat. and chew- 60)18 remain in :the, hand auto, $3.55; -second patentsi 43.85; first painfully and with great effort luau, seven years, 'or fw Iva ' 'not ferment*suffloientl* to do .
� I . . . � I . . . � a . ON- will Y. .
.. I
A VERDICT IN 95 MINUTES. . . . .. � I take. anothi Qlears,* 02.55; second clears, §110. Bran aged to climb up td the valve And let �Wnslon is granted. The. object of this al.jlch good the firlst season. If, I . . .
: I I I BONN': =111 PRISOXERS TOOK IT. ad off .one par' ' workmen. It will I , )r - I . . � 't . in x I � 1. .
. In Bulk, - $11 to 611,75. . . �. � .
. . ' I
It was jiust six o'clock when the , A' gasp,, ,whioig was'almost a: cry of Colonel Sherwood, Suporintendent,of ,Month t.0 c'-ompleto the work . . . . I . out,the, gas.. Thio. exorti6n was ..00 amendment is to force a bank to sell ad with' the excrement from horses .. _ . ..:
Chancellor fini6he,d his charge tothe.. . Dominion Police, is m4king arrange- I . ", Duluth, May 29.-WheAt-No. Illard, much for him (Lod he fainted a:gain, land whi6h it acquires an' I .. .
jury, a charge it which he ,W I Pallas eacapedl from everyone's � throat . . . I . . —, 0 � . t � I . . I. . I - I . . I d' holds'as the f&hIts ,j am.b. holy to correct 1 . . 1�
, aia both . I , ments to solid ii,squad of twenty4ive, . . . I � ,cash, 69 1-46; Mayt'69 1-4c; July, 69 1-201 and when the balloon reached the an asset and Is.not necessaryffor2ur.; these of the Other. Horse excrement. I .. I
'' . an istanat. the oro�rd sprang . .. . I I. .1 I I ....
. ..
fair and stern, and, the jury - weriC d special policemen .to giiald the Wel- . CROSSED ,NEAR INGOGO - Soptember, ' 68 7-8c;. No. INgrthern, , arth h bo.out.oat of, the POses Of � bUsi-laoss. . A return Of . un-� heats too rapidly and is liable' * � ...,
out of the court roord amid excit6mont : to their. feet, .The ladies, who were- land Cfknal: The militia, noyr oil duty .. I V I . � a -8 . . . � . .:
. .. .._ . I . . cash,. 073 -ft; May 073-8a; July, ' . I � I .. Paid drafts ' . .to fire- . : .
, present. in. acorreor seemed Paralyzed . . . - . I . .-. . . . . . . I . ropes. - , I ... .. I .. shallbe: made" by the bank -fang or . be burned in the hea Aeaving , I � .
from the crowded hallo and corridors. - - � I I ., withdraWn., . ,67, 3-4c' , INO; 3sprihg.Lwhoat,*62*8-8c. I I .. five years 1h. -- : , I pt . . . . . I
for a moment, -dnd then ' I 11 . . . . � . . . Doiibttul. If Ho6ps. Will, Peinainin Anothar-campanion :Col. Templer .Ovary . Cue game way as nothing butbie it . . � .
In'35 anintiteis they hAd arrived at I . seemed to. The returns of navigation at Moo- .. g, ,� �. Oatg_�_22 1-9 to 230 Corw4i) 54u. .1 . . I returns*'of �unpald,bala ksh as mAnure'. some , .. . I
gras thle, awfulness of . r . Lain s Kok . �� - . . 0 . had with him in an ascent hover has nces are�LixIade, far.niers make abog �Ird back of their I . I . ,� I
' . .
I their verdict, and at -6.45 the court, . P t"d situation tmal'show- afalling off in the Marc- I . . . ' Chicago, May 29.-Flax�eqd close,d:� �eon heard from since the, day . they Better Provision, is . . I . I . L I �, -
he jurT And- the ,priso, I with. � the rest- :,T ' I .. . A despatch from London,-, Friday I . � . to be made .for , . � �
, he prisoners. r's ard bound vesseld, as com- ' North-West And South-West And gay, �iiar . I . . I I stables,. Allow! root , -
' '
t ners aWa1t.ed from thair,'s: a and 0 I B � 0 0 ,bar. of *.law . .1 . I . sa�s:-In Natal Gen. ,Buller's forces . I I . . . 1. ted uo'togath.or, Ho.vasa.mem, . the handling of A bank's affairs after ov . er . t .ag.. the hogs ,to .. . � . . �.
� eat .lag � ank back red with last ye . . 61.80 -bid; - Sep-tehiber'. $1.27 bid; ()at . . * I be Piles Of horse ma�wrs .which ., . . 1. .
, the have crossed into the Tran�svaal hear . . O- bt�r olparliahicin�t na'Ited'Powell,and su�pexkded pdymont. For. A*his -tilt � . .' .
with breathless silence the yerdict .. 6a, ar, - owing; to it haa,_ ' , are own Out .from gralin-fed horses.. , .
which would send these thr . ad; men Ito .together, mad Dalinlai�, Nv� was more 1. umbei of va'sols that are' still in .- . bar, $1Z bid. 1, . . . . I . I . I I I I
I U s . I . . . I � ' purpose the Bankarsv Aisoclia.ti i I . .
I I . .. . . . lngogo',-�but are still'held at bay at ,, . for an amateur Ila -was .'.an. able aeron- - . . . ion . is
visibly, Affected tbuCit the -others, look- .. I I 11 . . It Clio horses are fed oa.whole grain ,� .- - ,. I
I the penitentiary or set theW, at free- . . . I .. . the ser 1. - � Detle6it'.May 29_W4dat.WOsed,Xo, , I . . I 10 be. inco irat,ed, -and immediately I . . .
I - . vice of the BrItIs11,?Go,v6rument -h ,h ' aut. In A� big and poworful balloon . . XPO ' get tha &� good deal. ., I � .
' ' .
'dom forever on the charge. . 84' RIMOAt ready, to collAppid, the tears� ' . . t � . I Laing's nek, w. ere ' t O . I white,' cash,- .74c.; No. ,� red, -cash, . . on the susponsion of a ban . k - this As- the hogs will ' , .
. . � . . . . . ,as transports. I L � .. , trenching. themseilv . .
I came. t6, his eyes; �amd� the, public gaze I 1 . I . . I as. With -the ex- I . they were thous4nds, of.feet in -the of thetr keep, sad on o rooting over - , 11
. . ' 74; May, - 74c; July, 72 5-8d. I * soclation shall. Appoint a curator who - . I .1 I I ..
THE JURY SLUD "GUILTY.'!. . * . . . GRR AT. BRITAIN. Caption of this pass�, Natal -is clear . I . air; when'they came in sight of Wep. � the horse manaTe t air own , czars- I .
. I 'turned from Wait. in pity., : 1. , . . . . . - � . . D'aff m1o, May 29 -Spring wheitt-No. mouth and - t .8 Wit be manager, of the bank, direct It * , .. * . 1. .. I
.The crowd still held its breath as ,Three minutes later flie court room ... �Ths King Of thd Belgians MIS arrived of Boers7 They have a 4ig guwposted, I he sda� Powell Pointed � I Meat ,will be.mixod with. It. I I . . . . I �
__ ' . . . . . 1. . I � I -1 ... .. . I 1, Northern, 72c.. Winter. wh�.at-No. - I � . . all Its affairs and assume-ali powers . 11 1. I . . I . . � I I . I I �%
� the foreman told the clerk they had I was, clear d -and t prisoners we in England'on a visit. - - . but it is.doubtfitl:if they will be.#,ble . � . . . . out it. mansion of a friend -whom they . . ., . I � �
- . _1 to, I Ile. re in' - . I I I . 2 -r6d,.75c; No. I white and,mixed, 74c I . . 11 , . . conferred upon him. . The an . I.. — - . ... L . , . , ,
arrived at a veirdiet,'and slowly rising, their cells., � . . ., Tho Queen distributed flowers and to, hold the position. when threaten- . . . intended to. "drop in . upon ii1d see. . .. rator . . 11 . . .
. . . I . . . .. .. ., I . . . f'o L. . . asked- Corn�Xo. 2 4 . . . shall remain " clia i ' . . � -WHICH I)REED. : I .1 I
I - __ . . ... .1 I conv I creed with the wounded. at. Netley ad byL a flanking movement 17.111 the I yellow' 42 3- c; No. Templer prepared for it rapid.-descont, I in rgo until a - liqui- In dfochoai L , 11 . I
. - - . 0;,L g. .
. � .. 1. .- — . capita . SQdLtII6,I, . ry- . -
. . . . � I .� I . . I Wednesday.. . . force thdt oros ne(?go river., & �elkvw, 42,:174 No. 2 corn, 42a on for the gea was'aiarmingly neqr.. The. dator I$ appointed, or the' bank ua-' . n breeds Hoard's DOI
I : ill . . . I., L RES H . . . I . L . . track." Cats -N6. 2 'White, 28 i4c; No. der suspension resumes business. The main says: It is not a question` of I ..
. 11UNTER AT VRYBURG. Bi P."- DECLINES . T; - -The khaki craze his; gone so ' Gen. Dartnellts volunt6ers becup'.0d ' L balloon desc��Tidod at� kroat speed, And - , . I I ; . I
. .. - . I ,., . . . . ., . . .. . . . � I 3 white,27 1-2c; ,No. - 9 mixed, 20.14c, t.hL I Point yet to b. 6 L decided, and. upon Jerseys .or Gueraseys or Holstei-as �
I I . . . London that they are ,now painting :M6u'ht Prospedi .Monday, Lord.Dun- . . 1; 8 plan was for - b9th -to' jump ,as ,which some discus . sio . n took place . .. . ..
' - I .. I . �, I . �. on track. . I . .. . . yes- Ayrshires or -natives at all. It isaim- L
I . I . I L . . .
Remarkable Achievement" for 'a , - statuary� Chat coigur. I donald's cavalry is at F irmstones, near . . . soon as shotouelled the 6arth. Tom- . . � .. . . , 1. 1.
Toiedo, -Xqy, 29. -Wheat -Cash, 74- ... . . terday� was what. reopensibilit the ply - a questloiq . of ca", Quantity . .1 .. I
' . pler ja . loped and 'was stunned for ,a Bankers, Association should -assume counts i t the. sa 0 'a's ,quality in , L
.Boers. Are Entrenching L Ten : Miles The Lond * County CO ' 11 is con- lagog, y .
Mixed Force Short of Rations. . on , I Rue . 0. His' infantry rest$. at . . %
th ' - , � East Of Mafeking. . . I ' 34o; may, 74 3-4c; July, 73e. Corn- us m I
A despatch from Warrenton, urs- . sidering a Plan for. nine Wiles of Schoemptoogte. Their names Are II * .1 , . L time, but Powell lie2litated an'Instant . . - . I
, . ' *
. . . .
dpy says. -O erat . A despatch f . ront London says: -Ma-, underground railr I oads. , L . I .a July, 38 374o. 'Oats ;July, 2&.- 1 .. . . � for the sets ,of the curator. -it .is milki sad qaallty. In milk is just� as , . L � .
P Was hive been push- I , I of fatal memory in the first'Boer war. L . . . . . too, long. The balloon, suddenly re- also ioposed to grant the Bankers, �mpartant as quantity in the making
fl, forward, eighty( in'lles, GAO of Gen- jor-General Baden�Powell declines to, Richard croker Ir -New York, Pur-, They face La . Ing's n ' I. the . .1 . . 1. . . .. . .1 . L . . . I P . I , * : � . .
. I
O'coupt- mi on the , suggestion of his- friends chased the fal 13A.dulY B.;ars. through ,the range glasses of . . I . I .0 '. .: . 1. I A.sSoelation a 0 - the total. . ..
erafftunter's brigmAps having . -4 11', dog, L 1. ek, awhere . lieved ot. agood part of its weight uth rity which will.'bp� of cheese. III, other 'words, .
I .
. I ad Vryburg last,-iiiiht. sidering, that IJOL Should r turn to England for Stone. in London, f6i'U'OftL ' . . . IL L 1. . . Shot upward'L with Powell to the oar, or nidans to secure accurate amchunt of 'got in the W119 is as good. - I L � 1. I ... .."
. . .1 I
I I con . a . , . - the British; are - occasionally visible.. .CAUCJIHT: IN AMBUSH. ` .and' the airship drove out to sea. eithrris being made 'to the Govern- a-meaeuxe of its 6hoesemakiiig value .
�., , . rest. , Reis; dot rhilifed t L I Thrs Canadian, salmon ova sent -to I . 1. . . . . .1. . . - ., r I I . . . I . I ' .. 11 . . .
,_tJjI1S*WuktI6i of the road, � ClI16,:As , , a o retain his I Litho w4rch across the Biggarsberg. * lit ' specially: chartered mtemmors, . �
I I . : "_ . Yac s. ment by' bdaiing' institutions. I . .. .
L' . .
--lowm-arkable achievement ifoir a mix- motiVe command. at the. frolit. Advices Scotland last mouth have hatched out All the forms except ones word found 049 L I 0 13, L but As Is-possiblo to have.'Now, than, the . . ..
, , ' , I . � , 11 . . . L I I of 'COL Bethune's .Squadrons and.even war vessels, .were sent ut this. ,Oviso is not in workable form beat cheese cow is necessarily the best �- . 11
I ea force, short .-of rations making fore- -from Iffafeking, dated'Sunday, say:- well aad the fry are healthy, . .� Vacant. 'A t0laporaryL bridge has been . L I I. . I . . . . - . .. . I .11
. . ) I . . Stiffo�s 66 casualties in a N . .. . . .
I . . , atal to look for the runaway balloon, but As, yet. Provision to made to enable a butter cowv sad the best butter cow,�. I I
edf ma.rches. Water is scaree. Some . "The BoOrA are entrenching at Pot- -The ramour Ahat, Lord Bereeford fini,had'at Wasclabank. Trains holy go I not, a traco'of it could be found, The . . . .
L . I I . � . . Trap� - I solvent bank to 'Bell oat 6:'anotber is necessarily the best choose cow. It
. . I
portions of. the brigad igIl_ fon'tein, ton miles east of. Mafeking. was fo'..r6slgh the command. of the to -Dundee. I : . .. I .: I . . . I , , . -The la � st glimpso . caught I of the balloon it 1�sdtution, ' witho , I I . p� does not! follow h wever, that at all, ' : .. .
. I � I The I northern railway is Mediterranean fieet'-Is officially de- . . . . . I � A despatch from London, says. I I ut loss of tim6 u .) O I
. L I
I ' -
teen miles without I%. break. : . ,now '.repaired . .. . . I L . I was heading toward Spain, though of 0 1 . .
. . to A -00 . int within four miles of the nied. ' � . . . .. . I . I ------ 01— L . . War Office has redelved,the following . . . . it Of two4thlids. in value of times It 1�. to make extra . .1
. General Hunter perso6ally goes to . � . . .. . . I . ' . . . course upper air currents might have its shareh . . . .. � � . . .
. . I
Yryburg to -day, . by train. . I town. Ample suppikes.of The 'new, Ro.yal Ulster Steamship - CAPTURED 1 WO � tOW11S I despateh,hrow.Goneral. Baller:- . - L . , ciders. . .rich .milk into .choese, because there I .
. � .. � . . I . I I ..
. I .
. I I . I it* 1. . . . ,putin, I ioba Company Propose to run (I line of fast . . I . . . � � �'-,,. - I have received the following from sent. it in ,Another direefion. But in INSP=TION OF 4PTttg$. L a -re timeg'* when more money o" be . � - I
are car Ing in... . .. .. . . . . . . . - , ' L � . . . . . . . I . I
. , ,,Colo ,. . � I . . sethune:� 1� .1 . L a remote part *of the mountains of I . i got out of it by mmkinig it into butter. . .
. . I , .
, .0 . .1 . . .. 1. I nel Baden-Powell voliint . arily freight steamdrs between Now York Some, of the Prisoners Taken by . ,.'May . .21, while marching. in'the di- Spain a long time afterward certain I - A 'c"g discussion took:Place over I . � . . - .
.. L I � andL Liverpool. .. . .. . .. . I I . L . . L . 9 . . I I 1. . . . . ..
I . . tip . . . I
. TO THE 13ITTIER ENDS - * gave up 53 Boers and '13 woulided . . . I 1061. BadenwPowel- the, regulate the packing of.. - .. � .
, . I L rectiori of. Newcastle one of my squaC 'parts of a balloon gear word f ound, I .. I 1. , I . .
- ' L to the. Boer commandant, whothank� The British National'Rifle Assooia� 1. A dospat6b�- to the .. London Daily f .. � . n of the pies and pears for export.. There"Was LOXG-IM13PING BUTTER. . I . I
- 1. . t, an . ' ' . . . tons of Bethune's mounted infantry and'that is all that. 1p know . . I . I I I I I % . 11
Krugoes Proclamation Calling Upon ad. him. .L . I . . has bash asked to -submit aPlan .Mai], dated Mafaking Sunday, says:- L was ambusbod by L rS ix miles west fateLof P . . I I . . Keeping, butter for a conaidg,mble L I
. I I . for, title clubs, as advocated I ., � Bad a I owell. � . . a general feeling that the trade. re- I I .
Burghers to Defend Johannesburg "The Bar . by L6rd, - quired ,to be controlled in such a way length. Of time is not go ranclil In .
. alongs, stimulated by 'the . 1 � . . Among this prisoners captured With of Vryheid, and very few egeaped. L I . I I
I Salisbury in a.rocont address. I . ... . Until ,the Czar's peace conference in as to prevent tJhOLL reputation of Caaa- vogue as.formorly, And is practiced .
A despatch from 00 -pe. Town, says:�- British successes, attacked the. robot - The Archbishop. of r,anterb Commandant §ar`dl ElOff 4XO�C(alnt Lieuts. Lausum and Capoll are Among. The Hague deeided -otherwise, (%I. .
. . I I I
President Kruger, it is announced natives at Rietiontela, and took-inueb ury ar. de Bremont, &Frenchman, and Count the missing. Captain the Earl De La Templet was' experimenting on. drop- dian fruits from being injured In the -only to relieve a'flooded market or,.L .. ..
11 .
. .
. th L gued at the annual meeting of ' the Von Weine, I a-Gorm-un. It is . found. Warr is slightly wounded. in the log. ping powerful OXPI()_ Engligh market, but some' difference to take. advantage of a riew in -price, .
here, has issued a proclamation a'aying IOOL They released': Sani, a old London Temporaries. Council for the . ,IVOS L from bal- .. . .
he will defend Johannesburg . and chiet. who had rendered good service that the Boors were guided by two The total casualties are about 66. I loons . Those would t r great holds of. blIfition, was developed 48to whe- 'The strongest demand is for fresh but- .. I
to the British in keeping Kafeking necessity of adopting Sunday closing deserters . � . I lea ther Mi. Fisher had hit upon the best ter, The keelsing quality of butter, .
calling upon All the,.Boers'to fight to as A rallyingvlry� .nalned. Hay and Bolton. At have returned to N4utu for supplies. twelve feet square in the solid darth. method of bringing about this desired d ' ads lar . I . I
� .
. . �
the bitter end. . . the enemy's request WO'have handed Will march to -morrow for Newdastle, Once. one of these explosives burst lin- . 41 I ape .gely on . the ripening 1,
. supplied with news of the Root operm- The Jewish Colonization Association . .
. t; , . . . I .
. ion$.,, . . � over their dead. ' . � .. � .. . . I . � end, . of. cream, mad ,the skill of the butter ..
I � 0 — I . � � h Government. . . . .1 via Dundee*1 11 1. . . der the balloon,, akid akain. Templer TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE,. maker In removing the.. buttermilk.
WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN LONDON. "'The railway south of M,afeking is S(1,250,000 in SuVoession "To -day one of our imen was, asked General Butter then oceeda:- . " Aeath. � I
. ,
� being rapidly repaired, and the bridge Auties on - the to su�render, and replied 'Nover., ,'T a "I detaohe Pr .had a na. I rrolv escape from . Mr. XacLaren presented a petition If ripening and rinsing are well done, '� �
- I estate.-ocV.1o,000,o09 loft tothe asso. I . . ,b d Col. Bothune jind about. ' . . . � I
. I - .0 . .
Name dir 4,41"1111014g Passes tile RHPAIIA%�t &C Tatings can now be'used.. Refugees eiatiou by'tlie late Baron Hirsch. Rod i At once shot him. through the five hundred men from Dundee, May . from the Corporation of the City of butter tubbed -carefully .and covered
I ' . I .. . . I .1 I.,
Second Iten4ling. i frow, Xotpking are pressing ,through An Armoured. toad. train'built for the head�' . � . . 17, wlith instructions to March by , IWICE IN A DAY. . * . Stratford praying that the Post.mas- with salt'should not deteriorate much , I .1
A despatch from London fla�s;-The Taungs bound for the 'Cape.'� . . Xurther de , .. � I I . . . . In ,several months' (>old storage. . . .
War offka, wad tried yesterday at tails of the fighting at Vant's drift and show his force at . I - . ter-Getierat be authorized. to Acquire � . . .. . .
. .
� .
House of Commons on VT * .1. . . I I . � Maleking say thlat -Coatialabdatit Nqutu, which was reported t . o hiiie It 311'st . Ile Camy l(s. 11111141 IL 11gollso In all tolegraph,and telephone It * nes in _The use of preservatives other thain . � .
I ednesday dis- I - I Leada.. 'The - trial., though under severe old is
cussed the bill removing the political . I .. .. , . I 11 SareL Eloff's followers 'deserted hi,W*, been evacuated by the enbmy, pro- I JAIJan. . tho.Dominion of Canada and tolopir- o . hoartilly condemned. Chomi-,
. ' .. � . 1. ouliditions, was Successful, and the ' .
disabilities of women In regard to ON DOER RIG11T PLANK, a outh Africa at w-liproupon Bluff fired on them him- pliatory to the r6tarn of the magis- The poorest faniily In Japan usuAl- ate the same in connection with the cals.tbat promote keeping q,4ality are
. , . . self, and then surrendored ivith 86 f of- Crates and the.civil establishment 6A r 0 a go oUS W I a Ants. Ift the three ,
. holding office in London 1,orough. The ' - � 0400, - . I . to ,ly has it's own house. This implies a posti(I system or else to e at u t dan r U t r .
. � . . .
bill makes women eligible to eleotion British Foroes Marc � lowers. The despatch Any houses in a city ofnear- now a stem of tolographs or telo- C's of dairying ere observed, viz. *
hing East Along ,Tba Xarqufa of Lansdowne has intro. also says that the district. '- He was tor6jolnme At great in ly I
as aldermen and councillors. The bill the Vaal Wirer. . I duoed a bi,11 to extend the Powers L Of one party of Boers was driven out of NoweiistCo aftervvArds," , . , Ity a million and a half of inhabitants, phones, or both. I cleanhheas, care and cold; the keeping . .
passed its second reading by A vote of A despatch. f, the volunteart act$ by providing that the state And allowed to escape, As, and explains why Tokyo gives -the . I CIGARETTES. quality wIll be equal to any reason- . , �
248 to 199 amid ioud cheers. I rom Pretoria, Wednes. volunteers may, be mobilized In any "we had sufficient prisoners'- I . .0. - . . -impression of being an Immense and I ,on f roat able demand. . .
. � I day, says:-A�i official bulleth' " * , Mr, Flint presented apetitl . .. . . :
----- I*— . here says- , I I groat emergency, instead Of only to Th, capture of Bloff and his follow. BOER DYNAMITE T,RAIN'. rather moah-looking !to- the Dominion Women's Christina Tem- JTtl,%1'ETJDAR,'FLOW OF MILK. -
' .
"The Advance guard at floilbron . re- � repel actual Iovaslon.' are cost liaden-Powell three men kill- t _-0 pressioxi heightened by the fact that. peratica Unions praying for an Act (o
I � Whe Doke of Argyll# formerly th ad and seven wounded. I � Irish Contingent Are NOW Operating. the rich do not usually display their unless the cows Are go managed, its
REITZ LEAVES PRETORIA. tired on the, main body at the north. a . . � . . . . prohibit the inanufactural importafion . I
- , . . era border, Marquis of Lorna, who has been of- - I . It Altogether. wealth by adorning the street sida� of . . to yield this greatest quantity of milk
.1 0. . � I their houses, but reserve for I the *tl and sale of cigarettes. possible, every' effort Will be in vain
His Family and $700,000 AedoMpany, � ,,According tcr F roe State adVidea the ferod the first Gdvartiqr-Gonera lab ip A. despatch from Rhenoster River, Carter and back I ' SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. to inawtain a *regoidar flow* of milk.
. . 11411n. of Australia under the Commonwealth BOTHA' SAVED TH .garden all the Ards- .
British yesterday Were at GroylitIg'S � fi MINESs says -The Boers have. evacuated their tic or floral Adornments 'for which Supplementary estimates for the To a vor 'tonaiderable, exient the , '
A Capo Town despatch to the Vx- drift, on the Vaal rivers 26.mile3 from bill, is not, it is said. likely to accep,t, - �_ strong position at this Point. Before Choy may have a taste. . current fiscal year were brought ly
change Telegraph Coly., dated Thu,r,g- Wolmaranstold, with a largo foiea. . as his wife, the princess .Louise, ob. Indignantly Protested Against Xru- they loft they completely wrecked the md,anor of keeping a 6OW regular fit �
s to living in the antipodes. The cheap appearance of most jap- down, The total amount to be voted -her farodluction, and this In a largo.
. da.y, says that 80 boxes, of bar gold, 4 -On StInday Xalba Ongagod. the Brit ject. ger's PPO098al to Destroy Ihom, bridge across the river, and two I?ZIg noe is 13;589,889 . , of which $1,335,662 is
valued at E141,000, have been sent from Ish b - . in the central Nall of the I . atiese houses is .simply a conseque degree regulates her profitableness. " .
OtWe011 HOilbron and Lindley, Th 110"16 Of' 'The Durban correspondent of the culverts- chargeable to capitals $2,021,160 to It Is �
Pretoria to Loienzo Marques, State Foderals had to retire before an ova a Commons on Saturday, Sir Henry London Times, telegraphing T46sday, It is said Chat the Irish coating at of the frequent fires. Prof esaor therefore essential that bar . :
Secretary Reitz, of the Transvaal, his . r_ Campbell4tannerman, Liberal leader a Milne, in his book on earthquak6so Income, and $160,000 to the war ill management be such its will beat
whelming ave now operating the Boer dynamitt . lea. � .
force, losing one killed And says- # . says: South Afri, maratain. the, best poaWble xesuits in
wife and family were, on thm same seven wounded." . . I In the Houma, ptiveilled a statue �f Mr. "The Rev. Adrian Hofmoyer. tells me train altogether, I * .
train. , I � I Gladstora. w6iv)n %o entitled the he was informed by a high Doer offi- Thlo aboonce of any wreckage be- "in one winter I was (L SP60tator The detailed items are: -$195,000 for milk PrOdIletton.' . .
I . ww i .. � . #kgreatest Pa,rMmentary figure of our cial. that when President Xr tween Kroonstad and this Place Is ex. of thr6 . a fires, each of which was said the annual drill camps; $160,000 to de- . I
FOR CRO L time. . l . . tiger no- to have'destroyed more than ton tray expenses of the 116:14fax Ragi- �
VLIS IV313 \ titiod the Raad of the Governmolitts plained by the fact that Boors were . nth went; $900,00 for the I. C. R., chargm- THE MOST EXPENSIVE CITY,
OOM PA -DOUBLE. Rus�ax GIFT W .. 3. & Ilowttrd, of Now South wales, arrangements to blow up the winds an'xicus to hold the Ora-ligia Free State thousand houses" -in all 4bout a to . I . I ?-Va �
There lives at pontypridd, a pretty .- I offers the British Admiralty A now urg, Gen, burghers 11a line. It is said that'the Of all the houses in Tokyo. These able to income, And, $355,131 to capital; Now Vorklo ,11unicipal fix-,jewes Vxceed d
little village . in ins torpado boat. which can Thohe or $*Itrl* or Lailthwit.
Nvalos, not far from It Will Be DISPIaYed at th6 Paris submirl and to destroy Johanneab fires- follow regular tracks likes ay- $1,855,449 St. Lawrence canal system,
� Exhibition. Louis Botha hurried to Pretoria and latter are angry ovor the destruction I . .
Cardiff, in the center- of the most AL despatch from Xoso I travel backwards as well as forwards had A, stormy interview wi of the bridges in their territory, clones. $30,000 for binder twine requisites at The annual expenses of the city of
beautiful orchard country of England, cow says --the without turning, sinks below thostir. th, Prost. A drought rind a cold wind are V;,- A. largo part of the city's population Kingston penitentiary; $75,000 Immi- Now York are larger than -those of ,
An holiest peasaut of the name of AubAcriptioliff for a, 'gift for Gen. (see without planging, and fires a dent Kruger, (0 whom he said If the vailln#, and there have been many Ad- depends for its living upon the work gration; $30,000 additional for Paris 'tiny other municipality In the world,
CrOnis, the Door cowthun . eidental fires an the voldt. � of building Iftew houses and street& Exhibition; '#12,000 additional and the financial transactions of a �
Sohn Mutolt, who tit this Moment poa- der who 3s torpedo which fastens itself, by a plan wero not cancelled, he woold . � for �
gasses an extraordinary celebrity, now it prisoner at at. IWena, Amount isuction 'Arrangements against the himself defend Johannesburg, adding 0. - 'These persons, naturally, oppose 0,11 quarantine. � year,reprosmat the' receipt and ex . .
John Match Is the living double of to 7,OW r0Ub1d0, $5,260, This amount ship's bottom. The Admiralty hannot that the Boers wore not barbarians. fforts to Improve the fire-extingil Ie. A voto of 09,000 is Asked for the pro� p6nditare of word than $200,000,00 I 0, �
has had bjai� Was subscribed by 29,000 Persons. ,& yet ordered a trial test. \ At tbia according to Mr. 11ofmayer, PLAGUE. AT DURBAN. 'ing service. sedation in the Ville Marie Bank counting temporary loans, slaking I
- or* Us lnfsw �
I .
a 'dent Krug 88", poso, , � the plait was abandoned." - for adw funds, and bona Issites. The gross
16 cla , and silver punch �Owl a yard high will . VNITED STATES. , A. tire Is apt to ba made the coca- caseg $384,474 additional
li-to8r"W r to those of Uncle b,O Pftsoilte& to Gen. otiotije after,the A Chicago boy was fined 1, tration of the Yukon, $34,715 addl-
I Pr f 0� I thed almill $25 for 0 o - Fatal Case of Disease Reported in sion. of a pionle. The houses are soon budget of the ofty for 1899 waA $26,.
With 0 0 It I �j I
r a t age V otaros a, 6, , the war. In M4 meantlint, the gift will killin song birds. . Natal. rebuilt; And it often happens, we art tional Vaquivad for Customs, #26,000 to A00,Q04 greater than the expenses of
a I' and, t 4. ) 9 IV
country 4 Mos extraor inary 'Vogno' be displayed at Me Paris Exhibition. The strtat 0Ar mon's stilko at St. LOOTED AS TOY PLED. * A despatch from Durban, mays --An told, that a man's; house is bulmod the fishery, mervloig. , the city of London, 018,000,000 in ex. I
-.6-4- , .� . Louis has, beett settled 0� I � extraordinary issue of the Gazetto ,so, After ' The commissions to the Canadian oess of the budget of Paris, and I
. -4— Damage Occasioned by tho, Boers down twice in one day, becau
aghtoly moun. I annoands,4 the oxistenoo of a fa,tal the rebuilding, the �sbiftjag Bank of Commerce for transacting the only $1,000,000 less than the oombin. I
PIGS AS SCNES Forest fireA in Z In Natal. wind I
can keep one or two HIGHIIIN499 TRAGEDY. taws destroyed sipw,000 worth, of case of the bubanio plague in Durban. , btings the flames baolt in tbat direc- Governments$ banking business In the ad expenditures of Boston, Chicago
Every 'family � . .
I pigs, aging ,jis food refuse from the : timber. I . A aespatch from Newcastle, says .- The victim is an Last Indian. I Clan. . I Yukon are t%$ follows:-Vour or cent and Philadelphia. . 11
' �
41y.lerfoas ,#Ailtdier at j% ohiplimik" At Dhttog April tht exportof of hibr- When the retiring Boers passed I The local Authorities are stri . otly ono This staftment is not so improbable for handling gold dust, 2 per cent.
I table And the p4ri,1198 Of PbtatO68 and - . Kohdakdo A. (,., through Newcastle they, wore thor- . I . 6 - The expenses of NOW York last year I
other �egatable& cooked for food. obandide from the Vatted States in. forcing Precaution. . as it may seem At first sight, silica commission on drafts bisuea fred t f6ir local purposes, exclusive of bond
. A despatch from ROSSItifid B. C., bromed' 430,00,00, oughly demoralized, Their -wagons I . tolontia 001. issues, iimountod to $10.150 p6r impits, i
. This will, p4rhapgs %lead to W suple- O&YA -A mysterious oacule.t6 ' is hap. The India fajailhe relief dominittO camo Vacing over the voIdt fifteen - 0 ,- somer of thb Japanese keep In stock Miriam I 1.2 per cent, on I . i
meato(t by, A little grain, but the ex. Poned on fie 6 Abreast, id tin ezolted hurry to )get RUNDLE AT TiONNOMMEL, the mat""'l 'or complete houses, 160tiOns, I 1-2 Par cent On Oash Pay' of ao, estimated, Population of 2,600,. I
Vefigc of thiswIll be more than a 40 Wednesday, MAII-MA, it at New York f& beeking Aid froth every nicely fitted and finigh6d, so that they meats, 2 POr cebt- Olt mounted 001106 .000. Tho eombinea Annual 6xpeadi- 4 1
up by th6 thrif tier growth 6f tho piga.� cook, wits found doid at 9,jt in the city in W6 Vultod Statm, safety away. ta orddr to lighten *M� � only to ba pat together And- drafts, 9p6r eent. oft Militia BePart- tur6s of the sIX largest States in the, I 1
It o4e, brettling s6w ig kept its pig$ \)low* 'Of his 6%Ployor, .Mrs. Oholjo� A mob aefsed it nogro, natned Wilson, VOW01018 their x1rivers emptied their One of tha British WPM Attacked ft'sea Mont drafts. Latoly thego, commissions TJnIoft tire loss. than those of the City i
willtupply the family with w6at for A, �Woth'. Ite was killed by a bullet On- frola ft'trafa, near Amgusta, Ga,, ,on 000611M 00 the veldt. The Roots by the Etiomy. rals.ed like t6rita, have boan AOMOWhat reduced. of Now York, and the finatkelal tram.
I I t m oh ox"ase Chao bu - I , idw ,, Actions of the. Istter Arc d4USI .in ;
tI # e ty markets. t6449 the hdmd bdtwOft the Jaw WOO &tUrday eight, 0,44 hahgAd him it% have lootod the Hatling sprult station, I deapatell from London Aays:_Gda, , ........ *_� amount to one.Aavimth of tbaso of
Neveting the internal Aftery Ana tho. 'WOO". and amashed the water tanks, At Itundle's forces are eneamped. at A CASt OV STAND AND Dimman. I the Government of the Vatted States,
1*1 I .1 - th *----*— lodging in th,a APInd, 3)ftth was In. Dr. V. & morri,$, X6vv yotk, utioll the I)annhauser and Ingagane atations Tromatel, r4luPorating. A patrol, Dab A JU GL-ITTING BA09 TO RIAt. 1.
4 �, loan
1. vt, ".`:", b . Is haral workod just now; ' --oo —
WATCHING T11111 WAR. L istantamou�. Nobodywas In th6bouft Vir*t Travolitr, oheerlly. Fine day, D HIGH NOTIOw, I i
- I
I I I �1
11 I.
, . hohiflig pigeww In hlo practice. Ila tb0 tanks have been treated in like four wileis from Tromm6l, was nttttdko 'I my ty"writ6r gIrl 18 taking It lack- 11A
Once a weak the staff,offioars of the, at the time, It eould bot hAva been 1601,68 thG blrd,ft With his V4060041ad MAT1110% Th6 tagagane railway ed by M6 Bo6rs. Ono man was Wound. tion. t isn't Itt I . Mrs.ltoft. Why doybusuppofib-aht i
ttasslan arnxy Assam under the suicides as therg ar8 no Marka of got# .reports by tb6M. bridgis abutments, the Wasebbank ild, and 961t6rAl horsee killed, Tho af. I ,96cand Dittos hAughtily. �
kw.,�* Dibbs. How -did she #at a vatittton , 810 YOU Inafated oil being married in abill. _�
prt8ldem,V of th 0414 Duko'Vla,di- burning, MA;h.tin,# body WA$ Wutt A istatut of Goubral Grant, preAentisd griu&r bridgo, alld all the tulverts fair was UnIMPOrtant, ia=Pt iri show�., tbw time e yfttt e YA6. I don't loont I
wit, to dlausft the PrOgro_88 of thia undtr an Open window on the ground by Cho arand A_rMy of Choi ftubli�. from Waschbank to Glencoe betwoon lhg that the Doors are. still In tho ljobbq. not it I rAts ym' know A11OW46111 . I Mr. Mon. I don't know, unless it
,. Rot)r War, Thd Clar attends the,ilfloar. The Murdar was probably eovj�. WdWnalrellod In tb6 rottlud& of th'al Oleneoo and Dannhausor have been neighbourhOOd and On the lookout for abotit typeWriter tirlilt fte 441d obt Flr,4t T- 11VIaPhl I' (`mil to 06 th$ wam betaiasei,IhA thought no MIM on
to6otia$r. . . 11 . Witted by i Chinfts Withbin&r. okoltol kt Washington as slitutdo'l, I damagad, buttan easily be ftp,Aired. fty ellancO Of SUIP1119, wanted It. advantagO. wth was A"MA *60"b tor be-.
I I . I I . .. *r__ . I
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