The Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-31, Page 4. �
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Huro-11 Teachers' Parliament.
The Teachers of West Huron Met at Goderich and Those. of the last at �
.1 �eaforth and Had Ploasant and Profitable Sessions, The Pros!- .
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1�;Alchcrs ,,, ,1 " '1111", , 11
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11011(le of i.begy)WIR, boy or
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Igloo. up.
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HAPPliNINGS T""� J�Lolvw A. $K#Ar1,Na#
jt�RTCH * * 0Q'?RJr6PQN0xNr
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. I dents for 1900 are Geofge Dloomfteld,Croditoli, anaWalterBaker, therd ft, taste for Vill good, I? �TP .- Holland, lye are happy to stat. � Elm fr l)a�1wa8,1,r)0y1,1,1,1Y relol,k,a ,
I . Should linbitnally read to their a return C at norractools ted ;PRXQBS OF PAVI�RS Go UP,
a � rOkW! ad last n Vv atlon I a I
I . .. ing children. find Should not gr I week from the quela th000llegiates at . __
I seafortb- . I ouch ontisfastory result', from mal health, . I la" "11)" ""b- Reantfor(I VxPwitor,
. I . � cl= L Sanitarium qu to restored to bla L nor I led a 107ave 111:1
'��~__� �,�~ . of illiterate homes as from. hom6s. in Mi,. George Williams has Completely PrIn'od It" oil- 1Y,4S $Pent, The three Obt�twa p ers have in.
, . I . 'I'Al.r.."'.1vereda .eloquent creased theft, price forakelivered pap�
. WbIC11 Interest is taken in educational remodelled thefront of his residence addrepis and oulogized the fla't�, what it ors -and have also put I up the wbole.
V.T.IBT UURON ASSO014TION- mar." This was Mr. 13loorrifleld'S first ,,,, boy, find livery g4l. oil Palmerston Ave. A dormor win. Itsdefenders. Mr.-Macollit. ,sale.
. 's);(,),Illl,(,Ir".Il,�lvi"oy,i,t",Iit)rctry of their own, .and the 1111011 11, .Price to agents, nelvedealers, line
. appearance in connection with tbe I dow lids been added win4ows I n1a d also Spoke appropriatly to mthe; ctirrier b6ya. The paper fauilue au4
. The West Huron Teachers' Associa. program -of the Associatlonfland bi I a even ir 0114 Should coriolst-of only one have the top pant) set in a frame of occasion, After patriotic Music the consequent Increased cost of Printing
Wit met In th(I 0011sillite Institote, papor was pronounced an tile one, or two books. Teachers Should on- Stained gla%s of dificralLir, colors. The CORIPang - Paper,
Points ys and girls to Invest it lower part of the window - has where t to flog was presented 0 Major of stereotype if
. Goderielf, OnFrid" , )ast,tbe preside0t, The principal enlarged ,upon counago the bo I, adjournell to the e( rounds, besides an advance in the cosil
. .X.. A. McDonald, illy tile chair. Were -Too touch, written work find portion of their spel)(11"Ig Morley in stained killss at each ,;file. The whole Joidan by Afkmes Dualoparfil k1tra.ton. )otal, ink, ate., tire giv.
The presklerit then antioubeed the not enouglf Oral answering. I good boolts. I Co. as tborcilsons jostifying till$ Step.
a . Have house is being painted white by Xr, The gallant Major was inspired by the Tile "slump,, In the price of
o1poil twea Interesting discussions were engaged new8pap.
t a . LLo Of the following com- pupils tell long stories orally as we George Wilson, I; rising avtist. event And roph(id in glowing terms. era is evidenely at ,111 end, nd hence.
tees .- I cannot have fluent public speaker$ If in bN Air- Clarkson And Inspector . It
notice. Robb, In wh so spoke briefly, forth the tendency will,be upw;u,d,
, 1611 were narrated tho'berie. JudgeXasson spoke 6f the loyalty. and .
the children tat no pi C!aptala Frank Trotich Ieft on Tues- Principal Straug al
Resolutions-Me,jurs, Boyd, Hagati* day last oil mining interest i a lCill r -
Johnston, BOWICS" Gowan, MISSL Sh of notes In so nol was condemnTe'd'e ...... Me Of the Old township libraries, and ney. a I
ar- As. It 4egored the disappearance of these. patriotism disohlyed by all to the Brit. . � , � �Mr!=!M��M
man and Miss Ferguson, Auditors- destroyed discriminatory power. I)lf- ISh B01PIre And its Queen. . E __ I
.' * , forent meanings of .game words Should iss Brock's' recitation, -The First Mrs. ])silk of London visited Goda- laker. Mr- Gar' THE, WEST HUROW VILFRCTIQN
R. B Brown and Goo. Howard. betatigtittlyusin sentences with same Settler's Star," wits exceedingly wall rich OnEmpire Day. , rOW Wag the last SIX
to lea`rn BZ STAVBD Opp, TILL
I pape 0 "A school Cabinet fotl words used in dl erent, senses. �' -ad, And WO11 received by all Mrs, Cooper of Olinton spent Bill,, on Monday, May 21st, that one of
3, :0. Tom, P. S. Inspector, then gave e render Our citizens were very sorry
Naturaf o The p er was. further dlsou�sed by Present. It Contained the moral, ,o Ba Pire alill the Queen's Blirtbda7 with 0 r Utah AFTER THE GZ,NB.4AZ
, Products and Relics." Mr, 31 careful with Words," and is better ad. her daughter, Mfg, Yet a, Mrs. th, I n ersank to rest in. the per.
. in a very a, vice than "Be careful With fil,e.,, Coo or qArne to Goderich in i L son of the late Lewis BIIIotk Mr. E 1. I — _'
Toni discussed the Subject , I�Itrang and Tom who compli- 30LBOTIONS
. = Mr. Bloornileld oil the matinell P hott had lik grippe during the winter,
interesting kiraoner, hivlug se ral In which he dealt with the Subject An.exceedingly Pleasing feature of Mrs, Walsh Of L Clinton was - the but no One ever thought that the at� Ottawa, May 25; -As anticipated
atkmPle$ Of Woods, grailis, etc 1, %vIZ11 'Air Strang took occasion to say thai the convention wils the presence and uast' of her daughter, Mrs. Alhul titok would provointal. He Was bet,l the othorday, Chancellor Boyd will bc.
made his remarks niore practical. The tbi; wits one of the best kneetiogs he "gs'staa" Of All', WillhAn. Scott, B. A—, 91parlingonEmpireDay. 'L. ter known While in tile chairman of the judicial conimis,
several points. brought out were :- bad attended and he was glad that ill -TPhrleacljpf�kl, of Toronto. Normal school thoemploy of the
I t, 11 .
1. All schools Should have a cabinet eon 11 Indirect, Teaeblug"and Urs, Colin 0 overnment at the post -office, alwa lot) to onquire Into tho electibn frauds.
. " . . Two other judges will be appointed.
the Ability had not gone out of the As- lVa'ShEEpire Day as favin some humorous remark
tor the reception of nntural products a6clation yet, "Sobool Management" from. such ,in QueoVs Birthday, Il'l
which trustees should be laduceo to The secretary then presented the educationalist can -nob but b well in the Queen (lily, Ma4elo OfAcials aud the public gener- It is $Aid that tbelrAnsti-tictions, will
C a of im. I be to commence as far b1l0k AS 3891, so
provide. . auditors' Aport and financial state- niense benefit to all Lhose Ilgaged in Miss McIntosh of London was the 'Illy, He was born in Donegal county
2. The children should be encouraged afent ,to the Government which was the teaching profession who had the goost last week of her sister, Mrs.7or- Ireland, and left home to try, bis for,0 ItbAt the Brockville and'Wo$t flior(),,
to make collect -ions of grairls, useful . Is rare Privilege of hearing him. In big rest, Bedford. . . I turfe in "this Canada of ours.,, He eleci,lon frauda will not , lilcely bc
2 x cause in is . . reach .
Was held at St. G?Orge, savi I 0
Seeds, woods, leaves, shells, bealsof an PS re or regardingthe sending Subject 41t)(liTect Teaching 11 -he spoke Service S� was ?uite Kcholarly And on I 9 , ad bar re tile general electibris,
I . n I
, �
wheat, barley, etc., wild plant seede, of I o e e ates to the 0. -B4. A. Of tile personality Of tb� teacher in church On Her Majesty's Birthd4y, it solloo in Ireland waft pi4esented with . . I L=� '
kinds of leather, etc, . I . bat attert areforestandsl6rfuiure Averting tiredn6s,,. It was clearly Also being Ascension Thursday, � a handsome Church of E ngland pray.
action, pointed out how the varlous subjects . I er book, by way of it certificate frura Int,tlec4Priiiatliet)irdstti,esin'givit ,
S. These One should be through- miss. May Elliott has returned to t,Ije, Educational' As they build their Sualknet. 11
P. Gardiner was th Inay be taught indirectly, and thereby department, which 0101VO
ly studied,=ed,litbelled And metho- ,ell called NIM London. entitled him to be eligible as a, school BIftae�ofgl,ltsslktlldbi)(Isal'oe -Inging,
. ,in excellent paper on , be. It
dically arranged, . And gave ,. vast itt"Ount Of Valuable Li in e And on-
. try labor can be saved, 41If We A telegram was received At the Col. finaster, and on coming to London' 100'or tile mead thb cattle romb.
Mr. Straug thou - ght so l Ethics of Tale -bearing," which was necessr, borne Hotel on Rulphle Day, D the Spring Your blood is freighted
m0thing could weUrecelved. Mr.' Gardiner preferred took more time foil nature Study, we ,a nooric, township obtained a school, and gave
be done by teaeber-slo stop the cru,ltv, private to public discipline as there should have move tiald farblevery I ing to Mr. and Mrs'. Buxton he death much satistaot-Ion, Tile. prayer ooic With tile Craig that cause, 4 * tsease,
to birds and anituals that is too often was a great aversion to other." As illustrations of direct of their son's Child bAby At the real, was published in 1800. Later he ap. Rumors, boils,.ale designated.
practised by buys. - - � . . . . call a "row in school " what pupils teaching, he said, "Look at the pupils' (lance of its, grandmoth�r, Mrs, Wilde prenticed himself in the carriage Signals Warning you of these ,
I MeSL In thesprin
The subject ,g th
W. H. JObnsto�u, who has;"' excell- wits further discussed by srs,Br6wn s 1 - , r to see their writing, And not of Woodstock. The infaut was about I and blacksmithy business, and on coin. tt tired feeling ,
I or I,Ile 11 I Makes you ey'
L always at the copy books. In readin six weeks old, , Ing to Goderich inarried Lizzie'Rober I cry duty sbIrk,_
ent collection of these products, gave 'and Strang. . 9 � � - ,
some excellent ideas as to the col- a - re- read history, the eogr Joe Ratteribury, Esq., ot Clinton bad son Of Colborne,who gurvivee him, Makes yon feel )Ike begging, stealing,
The resolution committee the . a . Rather than enga in work. .
lection of such and the, making of' the metic, as well Its t a reffttNlhrlyf�' ltellseso"'lbh� better not. bring'the� Clinton "Boup With a f&Ltlllly of four daughters and
. porCed and their ieport, as amended, is L ,%, - n 01 . But there's somettling known tha
cabinet. , as follows :— . . . : , . Mr. Scott's addvoss on "School gan. �Up bore or "Bobs. will get riddled, and one son, Mr. Frank Efllott. ]Death .
Miss Rate Watson was then Called , agameat" WAS equally Interesting. not bv South African ljoers either. claimed two others years ago, The Will a,,' . I
I. 9�solved, thattbis Association I$ Every astudent, and 'ml� 'air, late organist of L , - - daughters are all. married save one, man to lipalth and vigor lead. .
on and discussed very ably in an inter- satisfied that loCal divislonjostitutes, s Dollie 11 Wil Y'Jlrwill find Hood's Sarsaparilla
esting and instructive manner, "Nature . have served a useful Purpose and that should, be continually storiog his mind lisebureb, Citnton, bar,, We learn, gone Milk, who Is head Milliner in Gilbert
Study and Observation by the Pupils-" it'li advisable to continue the same and with knowledge to -keep rit in touch t - - 0 Toronto to prepare be . r bridal trous- and Parker's millinery establishment, Sustexact,ly what yon rieed, I
Miss Watson would encourage the that ,these 1 with that of tbe child. The important seau. We also learn t,hat her future London. The others are Mrs. Ferris. ,,!� � I I
ustitutes meet at least _ L , --- -
study of the habits, litc., of the birds, twice it year arid that the trustees lie ebarActortitle of it gobd school is to home will be 9t, LOUIS. , . . . of Holland, MAnitoba:; Mrs. Sickles of - . I nm�_
I . .
the time of their coming find going, invited to " L . I � 'Ap , are & main fox, the purposes op , Port Horon. who with Mrs, Alex . ,
. attend I � I prL Mrs,'John Bates has retarned, from Ohrystal and Miss May Elliott wer� , 0
their Vesting, the growth of trees, their 2, That this -Association is of.tbe bujiflin existence,. and that the.chief her three montbavisit with her daugli, herd to b I
buddlug, time of losing their leaves, opinion that the regulations in connec. means tow,ards brinfing about the de- I . . a with th'eir tend 'father t at r
I I ter in Ware, . the laSt hour. L , Wh.
etc. This subject was further discussed tied Witill. - Continuation classes [Ire o". sired en4 is good or ell, not. hidden but N . .He served as it council I I.. .
b president,'Mr, Strang. Inspector A teitober should strive The orth street Epworth. League of, and school trustee and was' a very It 1. I I . ... . . L
T the gatiefactory'and should be amenaed. spontaneous. held a pleasing entertainment Lin popular Conservative. fle,was also an .
Mr. Boyd, Mr. Johnston, Mr. We would suggest that the examina- to have -a, thorough knowledge, ,not' . �
great diversity of Opinion pre- 'taught in the f1fth form -and that IV all also of the being to be -train d. He. Tuesday evening of last week. The the xn6mberis of which attendlid his - . I
vailed as tothe proper method of tak- I should see that his wind''is a 1,lAtforin surroun ugs were very T)ret- Re7L , -S . I .
_ ' the 'a -
Ym, , Mr. Brown and Mr only of the Subjects to be, = roorn of the church on esteemed member of. the A. O.U, W.,
H . I taught, but -
, agart .. PblgatY, flon. should be based on all the anbJe'ets .
nd a - Mvl. I 1. 0 .
cases the work should. be made,& two- in -unity funeral in a body. The v. . . . . .
Ing the work but all complimented year course. , The examination should with'tbat of the 6hilill; and sboold know: arran *e , Thelentertairtment was Howell of Bearnsvillie, an old and vitt. , - I . '. ' 4i li ' . I
. I iliat the great unifying factor is. An evenin with Longfellow, and at ued fill
Miss Watson on her excellent piper. be divided into two parts, .as follows . . Sym- L . land of &-ceased, 6ame up to offi., Vbatever*we Sell you we SPI
1E Part T—Atithmetic, bookkeeping, geo- her should also�pog'sess . btful evening I . y
�. Hagan discussed "District Coo- pattlyi A teac elig L t was. Mr. Frank ciate At the funeral. - . bones�l � t"UthfullY. if N,v 0 should b
veniions." Mr. Hagan stated briefly grapby, literature, composition, draw. SO-f-coutrol, for one petulanb inoment, UrnOr ads it very pleabing chair� Mi4s Hattie Harrison and Mr. Willie kni.take .And " .
his own difficulties In making L L . you find anything no
thesie ing. Vat t 11—Algebra, buclid,history, � may Undo the Work of a term. He man,, " r. ill Passmore road a most Crawford ofDungannon wheeled down exactly what we told you- it was Wt
local conventions a success. The d,is- grammar. reading, botRn or agricul_ should .bo.-systenititic find diligent interesting essay on the lif6of Long- ,od,Saturday eveoiDg And returned., dii want to know it. We consider -it a
cussion was further carried ` on. bt tars; 'And that any canlilate ,)a at 'enough. Lto see everything and yet wa fellow., - which WAS .pre arvil by Mr. Mofidava. ill, . I . . . . . : favor to be told ofany.shortc6kuIVgp it
._LM,SS Le nothing. Mr..Scot� also gave Interest. Will Robertson. Miss amball read - The I id 't th ew aiy- Don't *think, that this I
Messrs. G. Baird and Anderson, libe'tty to take on or both parts of the 1W l5rick layers an a, a our groa,
Sharman, Messrs, -Bloomfield and Hol. exa L mination at one time. and that a ing.examples fr6m.bis 61YA Wide e,� � jUL a pleasing Manner how .Longfellow . ,building of Mrs.W. Ififleeltynas onnSt, empty talk because it, is printed�in an
man. . . . . CA - periOnce of his method of dea.liVg.with came to write some of his best poems, Davld'ii Street are Waking great head. advertisement. We do' exactly,as w
. Gen. Bielby addressed the LAssociaA ,ndidate not failing in more than two mentioning Iiii, inquing �.frlend . at way. .1. .1 � :1.
* . .riqtis refractory pupil& Discus - I - Sft�. we do arid* we, do 'it feOm purely
subjects be allowed to take those sub- - " along I f
. I I 'articipated in by alglo, ,. wet Mr. Peter Bisset, ',who came some se fish reasons, We treat our custorn
tion on th g ,111,,Y�Od'olt u t . followed, and . ()I,. urah Brown oano very.
a ,ub' t f " ontinuAtion jec& a a future exitnination. were p . _
. Geography." J r.. BIC the . L Pon .8 Tbab the words In -L section four in . Messrs. McFaul and,Cameron, I.. L . . .L well tbe:pleabingpatbetic sohg "Rainy months ago from the North-West, has ers well because bur business and pro
the importance of making subject. the Authorized L.Spelling Book be arw- ."Aricientarl�bmetiv," by Mr. Rnbert� _Days." - Miss Brown always ebairms removed with his family from' Bast fitsilepend uPon it. If we w.Are
. e%co I n F,
as etical as possible, so that -pupils ranged So as to Assist in -the Oro I ,son of the "Colleklato Institute, &a,� her audience. Reading, Miss,'Franks. street to Trafalgar Street. , to quit btisiness to -morrow it lipig t b(
I gra, I L nuncia-. . 1.
wi grasp the subject in sucha manner �tion and that refixes in the old Com -w fortli,'was ably dealt. With. * who is a good. readerl, Miss' 149 Har- Mrs.. W; Tilt and 1) d ' for left differen b. We are; here to 'Ist y With
and many . I . a
land; late.of Clinton, dressed lit white, on Saturday toyisit . I ... .
am more Intelligent cid- parrion'to the Weaders should be includ", now. ideas were thrown out 'to the "10 , a" b - � ' , . 1, � . .. , ,
as to maxe tb ' file d, ign Fergus You .
I I I � � 1. �.',.' i�:� 1. . I .
. . .
L I that a -h 0 . � . . _ , � � . .
zens. The subject was,furth6r, discusso ad in the present Spelling Book." ., . I . teachers. It was pointed . OUt wit cripjamV *r s6s in her ebapeart, and Orangeville, � - I I . ; . L
ad by Messrs. f3rown and De)g4ty � , 4Tlimindrawlugeoursefore . ntrance, historical, knowledge of aillthaletie wag sang "TheBridge" im a- very effective Mr. 'Land Mrs; Ila,spar Harbeck and we ate'head- � 1. � . .
H. 1. Strant B. A., 'then took up should be definitely -stated -and that exceedingly helpful in the'teaohing of rjohnner. Miss Harland. line -a od two children of Buffalo are the guests . ,.�. . � . . .
L I I or ,. - - "' -
the subject, 11 ifficulties in Analysis." tile time assigned t6 this subject in the, the subject ; counting is not confined voice Arid fine appearance; - Miss gene of Ali-, and.Xila. Orr, Hj6aks'str;Oet,; .quarters f � :. _. .
This proved very interesting and in- examination be Changed froid'one hour to.the IIWM411, familyalone; ibat ducks, Acheson's recitation "The Legend Mrs. Harbeck's old born'6_ Xils�'Har_ * ' '
structive and Mr, Strang unravelled. ' &a, Beautiful" was,well given by the clay- back has been, suffering Green.L.Vog6tables, . .
. 0 L d,ffi to one hour and a half. - . - . I Core , count. -their young. The. , _ -from it rheu- I
the nuraer us lault,,OS handed in , 5 Tbab-in entrance equiposition the speitier gave It, very -I I nter6sting sy'nop-, er.1reriel Miss Wilson's readinq "The Matto attack, which - affected - bar, eye , .. ' � L , ,
, , the varioud mod6s of roation'.in ' rl. visit - UAIXQE H
to him in big Usual able And pleasin ,is of Courtship of 'Miles 'Standish' - WAS eight and slid h9pos,that he LETTUOt . .. �. I
� paragraph topics should be given as in I ebarmingly'renilered, and intensified . be beneficial. ' . � . 'L. . May ONIONS. CUCUMBER$.
. manner, to the great satisfaction oll P. S. leaving examinntioll. , - . arithmetic, exhibited by -different raoes� hMWSOh, left last L
. . . . by five tablaux being gl�en durbig the Captain week witb� CABBAGE - ASPARAGIVS..
all. I . 6. That .the. present method of ills- Of People in bYgOoe ages, and believes, kiL fo I � I .
On all sides expressions of regret tributingL the 'continuation g�antcj ,is that the prevalent: number system, rea4in . Mr. Will Robertson repre- the Todma r cargo of. lumber at We have th'em fresh every Wednesday
were heard at missing from our midst . Unsatisfactory arid that - these grants such'as 5,10, 20. .100,. &c., - would have ,entedgin perfert courtiei fasbionJohn Gore Bay, - . . I
. . L - . L . and:Saturday evenings itt' 7 o'cl6ok.
the old familiar face of S. P. Halls, M, be givenin,proportion tothe number. , been diftereiib had the number of flng- . Alden . Mi.' Harry Salkeld made a Captaln.J. McDonald came intoport Call early and leave your drders in or.
A., who at present lies in a critical and o ers and toes been different. The paper capital Oaptain,Milea Standish, While .on Friday enyoute for' Chatham, with .der to make sure of voup vego�&I)les,,
dangerous condition. A res6 L Itition, a f Pupils taking the prescrib6d -work was An . interesting one and.luvoked Xiss-Salkeldwas a m6st refined find, lumber. . . . I . ', � � . I I L � . . : . ,. . �
. nd their total Attendance ss. certified 1, to a L I
I giving expression to theirfeeling, was by the teacher?s and inspector's certifl-- 'much hearty discussion. . captivating Priscilla. . The person was � Miss Cruise and, be b th r4n6law'Of , L - .
unanimously adopted. I . . . � The electrion of officers well represented by Mr. Frribic Turner, St. Vlliatlas,- Norfolk Co., Spent Zmm In. All Lands . I .
cates... I for, the com- . I . �
ing year resulted as folloWs while the Misses. Maud Wilson and pire Land Queen's. Birthday at the Worth . .
In the evening it very successful re- Ott motion ot G. W. Holinan, second ' , - Pres'identi . . Teals the favorite- beverage of
ception and eatertminment was held ill J, Boyd, the Association passed Mr. Walter Baker; -president, I a.B.atas, And Messrs. Brydges and, J. street. jarsonage. . wany, but nowhere can i't be bought
' .
the Collegiate Institute assembly roo ' by S. I ;'Lsecond Ist ,' vice 1?1 0 a re resppte . d � the,*L �yedding ' eL � Z
. In: beartyvbtes� of thankii; to the teachers Robertson icerpresident, gUsStS, . L . . Th teachers And pupils of the Cen-' More fragiitnt than1ero lWe sell ail
- , v " � P, , .1 � .. I Unusually Tod. grade of.. Black at 80c it
Which was tastefully decorated for the of Goderich for their kindoess in pro- Miss O'Nell ; secretary -treasurer, Mr, L. . tral school doiserye great credit from . I
'L, lb If-yotj Ave not already tried -it
occasion. Mr� McDonald occupied -the viditig such an'excellentibritertai Jbba Hartly -, executive commltt�ee . Mr. and Nis. John '021sner of X�rf- thef parents and other visitom Who in , I . .
chair and delivered big annual addre � ss Friday evoping to those. also w ronent Messrs. ,Dobion; . Cameron,. L Spottons - tucky have spent the past winter in such great numbers attended the jubl. call and got a Sample. The Tea will do
.which was an eloquent find scholarly part in the entertainals, . he took and Misses 'Matheson and L Murdie' out, town. Mr..Oelsner Is a good stone lant entortL ainment afforded them in the rest. , We don't handle . cheap
tit and to the
effort, the subject. being ,"The Status Goderich Collegiate Institute board for Provincial delegate, Mr. T, G. Shilling. masOn and is at present engaged at the the Central school grounds upon Era- trashy Teas, Good Ta4s at LOW
of the Teaching Profession . How Can th,i -use of,Afie assembly- room for law. Auditors, Anderson.4nd Met-' watorworks- tall Lehim"Ok.. He has pfreDiiy. Every child had a flag, and fire What we sell. , . .. . Prices
I � .
- I ., .. .
It be Elevated- ?" Excellent addresses Association purposes, .. . , I ,. Calf, . ., � I : . I. worked upon the highest bridge in the visitors too. L It was a pretty scene. I . I I . . I I
were delivered by Rev, Jas. A.Ander-w �, The m6mbers of the Association also . . The'retiring presidenti -Mr.-, ower,r -world, it being 203 feet hi4b, Hi h The Misses Joan Tom arid Annie . , � -1 e:,
son A V.g Patriotism in p . .
P ,;sS 1. 1.140 L . F. Melvil -
U�IB O� on "Teach! oil motlottdolv.made an d L
ool seconded ex- in his Able.. Address pointed oil many BrIdgeoverthe Xeritucky rive . Lawson took part in the ceremony re .. . .. 9 �
-" Rev. Jasper Wilson, pilesned their th defects in our eddea -was ill four wrecks in one week; while. ,the � hoisting, of the flag. . .. . ROCER,
. . I
. A., on 11HO',w Parents 111ay.Asi;Ist ;for tbO able manner in " McDonald -bing tunnels, bv - trains Strikibg Jamieson recited in fine style thepoem .1 I G. .
B. abkS to Mr. tiorial system, and Miss Nellie 'Phone,48 . .
the Teache . Which he had SISO -man3rof,tbebenetite.d6rivedfrotia art I I � .�. I , .
.. rs," and Inspector Tomoii .performed his duties &a, 1:1resident dur- Teachers' litstituteS. , . . their platformed - car. . In one Of the' "Ohnada., to the Mother. Country.11 . . I . .
"Tintitiff and Decorating School in the past year also their appreciation . The prilnelpal Ot the,public School of ,wrecks six men were b illed. - L- ' Trustee Colborne delivered at! address ' I .
Roo' s,'all of which Were in' .
. T I terestlng� Of[V r, McDodald's excellent address o Wingliam, Mr.'A; 11. Musgrove, 'WAS Dy. and- Mrs. Bruce of )Kincardine on the origin And developmenti of the Y.S. � .
and instructive. . .. U
- I Friday ovening, coupled with an ex. grentint0rest and instroifflon to the spent Sunday week'at the residence of .Union Jack and the Rector of 86. - - . .
Mr. Tort) deplored the absence of pression of oodwill toward. him 'in .-Everubodu I
taste displayed in decorating school� -arid . convention- in his able addi-ega oil Mrs. .Bruce's, giiandparents, Mr. and George followed with i truly loyal . I I . I . .
I .
Well-wislies lor big future success as he� "Practical Teaching." ,He advocated. 'Mrs. Green.. . � . . _ 1. . . 1. L . :talk which Wits greeted with great ap- . . . L I I . I
rooms and urged the; teacherSL to tAke . � JAUSO' MISS Irene SaUlte, representi I 1. . .
L .
leaves the profession. . that tesebars should,Above every Mrs. Rutledge was obliged to 119 in .. M . .. I �
e matter aadL U06 Mr. McDonald made a suitable a0l'y. attend to their duties, .thing, * * I go to a Rrin sang very sweetly, ,%rin is �
their influence with the trustees to . , He ihowed Toronto, ,hospital to litive .bet, eyes my * , , L
thanking the Association for 'Its rl O, 'clearly t1le.1k3finite advantages of * Kill' D. , MeGillieudd the . - I
secure mord attention to Oro of . L, go . I it treated. ;, - . . - . yl U . . . .: .
tinti wisb'es; I witty, editor of the Signal, followed, . . I . ... I .
, grDUP64'elassifleation in air ungraded. I We tire sorry to losib Mr.. and Mrs. not L . .
P4'e 0 , ion school Over that of having 'a separat . .
of the walls and cleaning t rscho - TheAssociat then adjourned to , 0 Among other things said be could . I . � .
. the executivo. ood sal. . . . I
many schools of the county. the old I class for every grafle� , H
It waa a great cause of regret that lit v ' peot at the call. of . . Heaton from our midst, but a 9 in three minutes—tbe d, me allotted to I :
. . . . The reception to the teachers .in the ary is it, great temptation. Air. Heat- each speaker—le� alone three years, re- I
plan of sweeping by the childrea.was . GEO, W. ROLMAX, asseikiblyl hall of tile 'ollegiate, Insti on, we learni has 0eed apfiointed mftn-. rite all the, stories of the Irish race, . MR TOOT I
. . , . .
resorted to still. I See. -trans., Btlyfield I O - , ager for Canada of tile European Ex- but Coold.glVs the Irighman's creed, , L
In addition to the above a spleaded. . . tute on -Friday evening washbrilliant; porters arid Investors Association- ' "Erin Go Bragb.11 Scotland was nobly BRUSH]BSL .
musical program was carried but by, - L . I . affair And reflects great credit on the - . * .
. . Ittee who arranged and Provided Mrs., Capt. William MeLewin find ropresented-by Rev. 3 AnIq 'Anderson.' � .
Messrs � Holt, Brown, Brydges, Allin, . . . . . COMMi Isted *U & 811enaSutherland, Lizzie Clark � I 1.
Miss 0. Sharman and MISS Campbell, . EAST ntynoN ASSOCIATION. I .the pr�ogeaqlme, which const Young Son Robert re of Detr it MiI411 L . . .. I .
. . of it Very excell�.nb -lecture spent Her Ma,jestyla Birthday the and Bolin Houvie and two ither lassies L'
A special feature of the entertainment or by -
and one that won great applause was The annual - meeting of the East Mr. Scott I Toronto An address of guests of Mrs'. liedford... ,'. . , � . danced the Highland fling, All Chas, No taking Am Oil 'e,elid-
a - held welcome by the Mayor, Air, John A . . �d the Canadian beaudes, Miss Lil . lack tees (ly
the dumb-bell exercise by three, little Auvon. Teacb6ts' Association w s - Mr. 'Albert Gentle of Acton Bank Macdonald, reprosentin y ing on when you b .
inthe assembly room of the Seafortb Wilson, ebairman. songs . by Mrs. was married recently to a lady In B g,'Our Lady, of C) . . . I .
titute, on Friday and Mr. 0. ji� aeon of _J. ev' the Snows," and Miss Mabel Thurlow . . he
&Is under the guidance of Miss Rusk. I Qollogiate Ins Somerville And Mrs, Baldwin, instro- lin, Gentle, Esq., L . rel L'. . .
J,ast, but not least. War a the excellent -Saturday of last Week. The president, mental duet by Misses ri,iving and Kineardine' who represented Summer. Every - I . I
refreshments served by the teachers of Mr. J .
T. A Lowery, was in the. ebairi Weill, also by Messrs, Will McLeod, '. ' British Possession had a representative I .. . 11
Goderichand their friends, In this and after the L opetiog 'exercises, the WalterWillfsandMemnscott, 11L f Mrs. George Haley left for bar home and the whole performance, recitative,
ck on.8inpire Day, after a musical
and the united efforts cif the waiters - were elected ,- which Were highly. tip realated, SactvlSit lagovidal, much pleased .
part of the performance all took part following committees a .0 at Woodsto and al Our 3040 Brush for 25o
pr grain . plea at bar home, the resi- the and eneo4. . I ..Our 260 1 06 20c
Wave taxed to the utmost, to supply the Reporifirig,'T. 9, Forsyth , I The next rueetikig�op the. association de �ce of Mr.. and* Mpi;. Caldwell I ; Our toe go � toe .
lingla, , . j,M&tb e I . . . . I
ith excellent resolutions, Messrs. Clarkson, the president, Mrs. Crabb and Mrs. James ton were guests on Monday at the . �
large number present wi Messrs, Scott Baker and Shl 0 W !, will be held In WingbArn at the call of R v. Mr. and Mrs, Clement of Clin,,
cake And lemonade which all thoilough- and Robb. The secretary, Mr. A. H, I . .� I 1� . I hm o returned from their vialt to Sea. -North Street Methodist parsonage. L I 'L
. ly enjoyed. The teachers have d the -financial report of I . t L - fortli. - L . � . .
reason to appreciate this, one ofthe the ass I e L
balance of about $84, . I . I (loderich . I .1 . . ,rtAkerl Lb- - . - I . . . I I . 1, I I
many tokens of the hospitality of the 00III61011, which shows a credit Ur. Frank SallowEr, und Ith his . . . PNIS'An Pihk
Goderich teacbers.and their. friends, . I . I . I towell, spont the 24th of May w " L I . .. . I ail exquisite extrad
"God Beforeentering uWan his. subjoet, I . mother, Mm Ellen Sallow& . He tbat' seek a It Ffe that takes that, deserve,% all the �rai�e
profitable and ail ri Mr. 16hn AraiOur, foreman of tile
Save the Queen" brought the L$JT '[ties," Inspector obb announced Mrs. (Rev.) Wallwin IS Press Super, 11nodosSarsaparillaillidsinit Usepure
I oyable oyellingto a to the tPacherS the L fact that at the Thomas or an factiory, returned -to his tendent of the W, O, Z LT. �t Seam. rich [flood and consequently g
a a a our., it gets 76c per oZ.
close at a rea te It in 00a
At Satur4 . forenoon's session. G. Coming mid-summorexamitiation, 0111 - home in Wriodstock or) Tuesday, after ington. - . I I . . health. I I .
the marks of the Unsuccessful chndr n lb "Isib the guest of . I., . L . I I
W-Holmanlas then called upon to. dates will be returned to the pupil, rrs, Walton. . Mr. find Mrs - J. D. Lon I . I . !
discuss "Thd'effeetsbf the 1809 reguia* _ , .
liOns On fifth Class work arid the grants the reason that When the-rer,ults Of A0,r John Mite f ham. visited Mts, r, Ilon gailw's, 'Us, b .
therefor" which Ile did very fully, Wit, man MAPIe blocks to Liverpool,, Engla I . -IN ONE DA
examinations fire made kno 11 41 shipped three care of week. TO CURE A COLD
y nd, _ ,
calm n parents and also candidates think that oneday week, Mr. William Carick. Jeweller re- Y IL -B.- Combe
ribu * . Take Laxative Bromo, Quinine Tab.
Ll ' 11 that the grAnts were act dis- they (the latter) although bavin turned to his home at Boston ofi 'Toes,- I .
teTto betieft the weaker schools Oil one or rook failed The Clinton Cadets lots., All druggists 'refund. the trione I
Struggling to do this aving som RP6 expected UP clay, May 22nd, after a very pleasant
a subjects, but t e of these fine Sit days, . 7 -
work butmore in obtained it larger aggregate of marks ll visit with his mother and sister on if It falls to cur . 250. D. W. Grove a .
the interest of larger corporations than others Who have succeed in pass. There are two ladies at the, St. LAW- Newgato street. Mr.0arick has resid. Signature is on each box . physiel S, supplies, .
rence who spent their childhood days ell In Boston fox- twenty years and Is wo � 11 I OWN -_ _. � I . .1 IL L � I . I
which did not needsuch aid, The ing in every subject, and having obtain. (in South street, They are the grand. he says quite a Bostonian. Ile sit a . I I -
grant ought to be !yen per capita all ed perhaps only the bare fiftyper cent,
the number of puplis taking the Work, of ibe maximum h. - .. daughters of the late Sohn Clarke In -1 cameo settiii 9 hre becornin ve Z .
ell ag t, years gon V 0 is ..T
not on the present Classification Of a better right too a�ssa`tfigaono tor.clv,s, , entill a 'by. Onecornes shlonable in that city.
schools. The change entailed a 16at mentioned class, P from Chicago atid th e other from Jer.
increase of work While it 6 also urged teach.. sey Me, Griellson And family left, last
gave Ittle ors to be P uctual lit, sondiiii; in the re.l ,,,ViI8cIty- They are Mrs. Wilson and
Prospect Of any material benefit to the Port, of th, a Jones, * � week to make their home in Saginaw.
emselves and their respect. , We are sorry to lose our citizens,
already overwrought teachers, The V" secretary-treagurer's re-coritinua. The Medicine Hat nowa of Agril 20th
discussion ivas further continued by tion fecotils the rescue of a little have beard thaf Dr. Shauvion
Messrs. Anderson, Dolgaty, Strang, faeb'blasses ; and made triontion of the py who
� . that in his opin job teachers sal&r. Mrs, J. 0. Boos Mr. and
Brown and Boyd, had fallen into a, deep well; by. fnt%"ds purchasing property near. the
A. J. Moore, 13, A,, Wag then called lea should be paid quarterly. , ley (tie(-. Lizzlo Wilson), Centre of the tclwb,
u�on and gave it Very practical talk on The Inspector's excellent talk on Mrs. J. L. Atkin's sistor. All., Be ale We have one truly itathetic Q. 0.
" he necessity trifles will no doubt prove WaR)OWered into tile well by ills e
- for teitcheysre a great wl who never appears at his Aftmilton
daily papers,h ailing the- benefit to Ail the teachers Presen 0 and Mrg- 8071th, the child's inot 0 street Office without a bright red ger-
sketched the bi Mr. Moore briefly especially the youn criand the ladies after pullit,
gerones. Xlepoint. �the little &n1una boutonfere. 16 must require
its earliest datostory Of thO Press frOal ed Out; tile Imporintice, of little things, ChAP UP managed to bring A, r. Beeslcf every blossom ill the Conservatory to
atid pointed out the 009thenice and rote-singinfl when UP Ago, but lie wits altnost unablo t keep him In that particulat, color.
need Of teachers keeping themselves little folks are tired, may be ntrodue. Stand from the long birth, We take much pleasure In thanking
posted on current events but urged oil With ATOat Advantage. It is Tile P0113iflion Day AR,,;ociatlon lield - Mrs. Dr. Taylor for sending us a
that refit discrimination sh6uld be of _
exerled in tile choice of papers. gt'e&b IMPOrtarled to -attend it Meetin Oil Pridwy n f9b band decid. beautiful largo boilueb of out, much be.
ThO next thing on the 0triOdYtOtbOdiselpline of a school ; ed upon Vrolding that day's celebration loved flower, tbo lily of the valley. It
the election of officers JIfie'f1ram was geothat,pupils staod orderly in the it on the 4th of July, Its tile Huron was truly thoughtfid of bet..
result0d close; dismiss them orderif from school Uld Boya. Who wish to, come, and the Mr. Wyatt, who opeut, the winter 46
As follow$ .'—.President, GOO B100111- and by be means have t xe, education 48thIlatt. Band have to colobrato the
field, Q ,roditon , Vice 3h,esidaut, MISS I tile Canddian Soo, is s ending a few
1. B. Sharman, Goderich I S withOub the discipline. Every tbAcher lAb of July In their, own cities, Tit T
, 0 days here with big aughter, UNA
Treasurer, G. W. 11 I 0 should have a method in everything, officers of the Dominion Day colebra. 14flie Wyatt, And will return to tile
Olmano' 130flel ; find try to lostil this idea in his pupils. tion, o,p�o.--D,tmo(4!llicu(l(ly"t)re,sidt,nt,,* Soo by tilt, first beat. He focus ex-
the executive to bO Composed Of the Have things look Methodical n, tile A. Mel). AIGn, vice ; &ir. J.'jano, Sec� teomely well, .
%bove, together with the 6illmillaron of schoo
the diftereub local diyialon% . I I Yall find Premises. nud In every rOtAIT4 Air- W. Murney Treasurer, � All'. Hapry 11ted of Buffalo was visit-
, WW Possible h-11VO children forto lifthito At 0, meeting Wo'dilogan
Will, Baird thOft roceeded to discuss of order. Ur, Robb also, urged tile decided to ask the coil rityl)'gehot' It' woo iUX his family here the past; two
. "Drawing, seniOP tusseli. 11 Mr. Baird teachers to try overlp right means to thoir June Moo Unall at weeks.
declared our dflawiny books to. be very - � ,ting to give & grant of
dofective and urge the nee train thoAo unifor, their care t 200 to be distributed arnotip; the dif. Mr. Vd Sway tz has purchased Itob.
essity Of tile use of slang And to have a 11�(ro`01111)rlg lorent church committees to get up ii, erb,l. from J. W. Suilfli,
rpouping similar objeeta to be drawn spect; for pubile Property. banquet In the. rink, Wo must voligpAtulato N. D, Roug-
and gave 0,11 eloolloub list of ObJects to Aft. Hardy, delegate to the Ontario OR M0114AY a good heavy roliell *as vie. Esq.. our popolar, bardwAre nlev.
drawin "docatfonal 'Association, Rave a very boift� dviven slowly over, tile square, ell.,tot, who has
be dtaWrl skid outlined the inothod of 13 _ _
them ,
westing rep rh
ff Measrs. Ainlerson, exhaustivO ithd lntt% � � so kindly and
( ,Ott of RIUA0141,10m kratford ;aQ. tho OUSIV PlIeselited the Oddfellows
Bloom eld and,GoWaft, MiAs Sharnian tile convention, 0 ell , _ 4p 'r,
seed the square did not need a iftexill cruallor, banaRooto new Canaillitit flag, wa,"Ou
and the president furthei, disco The subjpct, ,,Tlow to int It W49
61111 eot� u Mt -8. 0brystal. left last week for hor Unfurled oil thalit upw hall Upott, file
V. wightt"An ver? lucidly discuss(, In file, study of litellatore", was splen- home In undon. - Queen's uIrthda Air. RougvIe, Is a
1, V .d didly bandl#d by Mr. Cameron prificl* .
,I r4otions—Afuld, 0 I - Cuban by birth Fritf; is voily inuch tit.
'ill Cation avil DIVI I ,f BrilmOspublio sellool. itor&. 110% MV, M0VICAr of TI an IAINr ftelled to our town. We wish hina
81011s" UA1119 tile b aekboard, fredIr In" Milro'be "ill. is a Very comprellpilsive was oil r* vi'llf to big Old fril "
t&0!qV!!(S,lnK_]li!s method 'of time linit A61XV, t It. omhr-ft.,A& %,-,-- ..---V- And MIA, 11. Booker,- I'll(,# Mr. Lkoccess In busillesq.
. Allot,
L itAx
its of
"Y to
it the
kurtlork llurf`:� left 218t, MAY to tftke
the lio"tition of WatchmAll on the
s0ftmor rows, of 11offAll)
Mrt#.(1)r.)VowAnor(1Alf vi!kitf4hop ;
mothor Jatt. wOf,k at; the old leffid,tricts
on Huron, Rogd, . I
I I ._0111011116MOZ000100-0-
Bouts and Shoes at less than Wholesid o Prices,
They are all now goods and up to -date in style,
60 Pairs Alen's Plow Boots, great value rot ...... ....... . 1150
24 #I American Tan Bals, stamped $3,w, f0r_*1.Vft
85 Pairs Laftles' Kid Buttoned Boots, 3 Co 7, golu 46., age
40 14 Tan Pebble, Oxforda'a to 74 worth 11.25'at age
W Pairs Misses' Pebble Buttoned, lesllto%frir ...... V90
00 Pairs Girls' Buttoned andtAcedsfBoota, patent tit), 8
to 10, for ............. " I
Several other lines goi . ....... 4f ......... . 600
og fit 81"Illar rices on Above dates
PAckor&s Special Dressing for Blao whil Tan Shoes
We are out for businem with eulline bargahis,
'We will have all Aizvo on Friftty Mortliligy ,- Satur.
do,y aftern0on Inay be too late, You are invitod, No
tronble to shbw goods, At tho Old Reliable.
# ^oft ^ "
WK TAYL-00K &*'ON.
CaAh and One Price. JL � LA_
W Fggs taken m Casb.
- � . . . - _ . %
� I...- I �_ 1-1
- __ , - - I I - - 11 . . I "I !Io:,= . .- -_=-7'_7_--77,
I - ___ - � � - __ __ � - .. . -
74w-,5A,-,i,-,R-.17�116�c-A��ck"*Oaj (00cpa7w_y) (r-AKV(j�-w�x?:a"
I Things for i .
�, . 1,
1, Home I
� Yo'ar
1. , ' .+. � , I I
Thou ' I .
. ghtfal Shoppers fully appreciate
I -the n ges gained in buying I
I.their Car�ets,, Quartains Rugs, etc., at
t1lis stoto, The su.pei�io'r,. quality of our
s, the elegant designs in the collec- I
1. VO)OIld and tiae Llowuess of, pric. - make it
particularly attraotive to buyl: or e,
. I I . .
1� 0 �. I . I
illillillillillilliltillillittillill? lit iff ill 1111l: 11111111111111fill,
I � .41
IThese Price Suggestions for k,.'.e Benefit of
. I Intending Bayprs: I
,4 I . I
6 415 , .
8 I -
- Q .�
t ,9 ,��,
,,� '0,.iln �L A
I .
I- , I � . r,w
I ,
I ......... -
b Wool. - A very choic'e I selec- ,V -4- ""FKt5sar=%�4wi�uMi( V . 7
. -tion Of best 2 1 yards , long, I .-�
30 . I �i
I CARPET -9 wPolcarpets,fuify 111E I "Muttolln" h1ole edges, fine . 1�
CURTAINS open dest
Inches wlde� fine , .1 . .
P .of Brussel patterns, till rever- gus, good Val- .
ra ,
MM,il Will give good weal-, well . ties at per pair . ,
Worth $11'00 por yard, our price ........... 1.11-25C&SOC . .
I I . . .
I - - ,
. , ....,1313 a & see NOTTINGHAM ?I yards long, 45 . .
. " * * ........ ", . "" , . . inches wiaeariade I ,�
.Vf OOL " . 36 inches wide in a LACE CURTAINS . Of real fine e, J� ' -
.. good assortment of .
plain a . entre lap,
. wit .
I CARPETS- light aud darkpat- fancy borde"o; good value -at $1. our . . 11
. I terns. newest de- Price .............. �. l. , I ....... l.85C - 11
- 61 n'4, MAdO of good 2 -ply yarn, its- .. I . . - "'
I . t ly s0ld 'It 00c,special At .... 75c NOTTINGRAM �i yards long, 00 . . � I .
. . .
. I . I . % IT] ches wide, beau� . I .
. . .
UNION . .1n all the very neweet LACE CURUIRS tiful designs, ad-. I . . I I
Patterns and colorings, - . - . gas. (Ill bound,
I . I . I
a GAVETS Tall Winches wide, -all 'well worth.$1.501 ourprice:.S4.1115 . �
. .
t .1 reverslhlo large nssorb. . III . elegant as.' � I �_,
Inent to 01100se f"610i'at 25t�,'33a: NOTTINGRAM' . ' . .
- � 39c, 45e & 00c'(all worth tkior�e)' � I . signs, made of 11
. .. . . . LACE CURTAINS very -fine quality . I I .
., ,
1 HEMP Jn str!pes and favey Ae. .. . . - lace, in very new- . . .� . ,�. . . ..
s I .. sigus,same on both sidas est patterns .... ;.;1.50 to $3.60-. 1 . .
I . . i
. I
. . I . . I
61 .1 QAPETS.,�.Wst colors of greens" , , ,
. reds,etc,priceaI2. c,o.o' MUQUETT ' Siml&86, in. �olors of .
I . . .1 . .1 j , a gold, red, -green, etc,, . . I
.�' LINGLEUMS, Imbest.English makes Boas , , .very fine qqalitV at , � .,
- . of ligh t arid dark fancy � ............ I ..... $9.951 . . . I � �
. . I I I I I I
A -, . .1
� patterns, full 2 yards wide, regular �
� va1d6s 00c 'and - $1, special ' At MOQUETT Size 27x@l, in colors of I .... I . . .
.l. I.... . F'....'......'.....75c, & 90C red, fawn, pink green . . I . ...
1 2 , I _ - I I .
. �. . 1. .. RUGS.' 'L .miXed, elegant designs, . ,
. . .
FLOW '. 36,.54, 7.2 inches wide, .best ,qu , alityi, special at� , . - .�
. ,
. . � . - as I . 1.
.: 1 . asserted deshIns and ""'l1-l l.1 ... �,.I.i_ ... $3.. . .. I
. .
_1 I
. 010LOTHS colors,AllIttality, ex- . It - . ' " I S!" 624 . �, . extra . . . I I . I
.. I ., . trlio value at Per vard CHENILLE I ' ..
I . . I
.... Ill I ........ 25c, 35o & i5o I . beavy � quality, I # . - .
.� I .. . . 0 . TABLE, COVERS wlt� long frluge, .1 , -T .
STAIR - I In very noat; designs, . . . . I ... :slpeclal at 011..P.10,
. .
. . .
.� �. . with fine . � And Chenille Table Cov- . _. -4-1-
: I , , ' .Y border,ex- .1 -
. OILCLOTH Irs, heavy Uality, is, - ers, Ox4size, in colors of .
- , i
and 28 iric
� .. I les wide, blue, green and red, bes� quality, I
I �
. I
I ............ I ....... : pricesl2jo. & 156 frin -o nd, v lue,,*R.50
. '. I . �. � . .� ged till at U �a . .. . �.
I . I I
I .1 _" � . . .:... . 1. . . . . . . . 1. . 1. _P . . � I p . . . � .. .
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� . A very sp.00.ial list for*. Saturda"y and Monday.:.§h6p-' .
. .
.. I
. .
pers. ' .Every itera -will be found as reprer-ented.' It will . . .
, . I I , ' �
: .
-be to Your advaritage to gelt here -sbarp. at, 8 o'clock-as.the "
I . . e in in som6, I ine . g. � - . . .
quantities ar li' ited ' . I - .. .
.. � . I .-
. .
I . . . I
.� . . � . 1. � . ... . I . I I . . I .
I .. . . .
I . .
. . .. . �
� *
. . - 1� : YOU CAN 'BUY I . . .. .
I . .. I . I . � � .. . . .
� . . � I . .
. I . .
. .
. .
I Q. 606 Scarfs for 29c .. - . only, wall lined and bound.- re- � . ,
, . I . I I;.- gular$58kirts, to go,at-*M-50 � . .
Side board scarfg 69 inclies long . � � � . . . 1
1 '- by 17� iuche4 wide, , made of , A Ribbon Snap � . I . . . .
Ifine. quality linen with fringed 300 vards of 4 inch wide ribbons I .
� ends, assorted plain and ,)pan � in colors of pink, blue, gold, .
,.dosigns, regular value is "Tc, ,. bi,own,greeniiinvy,nile,creatii, . .1 .
. ,just a few dozen to clear, Sat� I White, in best. taffet,it silk, also , 1, . � .
lit each,... 90c check. ribbons in same Shades . .
a urday or'.Monday, , . I.. . �
. I . .
. � . as above, suitable for tieE
9 A Linen Bargain ' lars And belts, regular pricl�,CZI; 9 . I I I .
9 2-5 Yards only of . 00 inch wide I and 50c, to clear at peryaia arso
tAb,C linen . . . . I
heavy quality, . I 0 ..
I arge floral 'design, our regular Ladies' Vests at 5c 1 . �
. . 80c quality, to clear on Satur- 10 dozen ladies' vests� made'of , . I
. .
I day oil Monday, at__ ___ .2 2c, '.Ins cotton yarn, soft inAke, I � I
I short sleeves, closed front, to ' / �, -
$1.6.67'able Linen clear at each .......... I ...... 1.80 . .
' , I � . . � IL
I 1'end 061Y about 25 Vards of School 1"I"Ose at 15c , .
very flnest, quality table our BoYs'heavy ribbed cotton hose, I
. Da.; made.of good strong yarn, I ,
'AI(sk.fUII2 yards wide,ele; sives8to9j., well worth 20c, 1
. ghatfloraldesign,ourregul .
I = $1.65 Per Yard ar special Saturday and Monday #15o. I
,to go , I I I
of- Monday at per, .
-I y'rd.. ,,.�. W I 1. . .., 0 %*.. . ..$1.215 Scrim at 10c. - , ,
. 38 inch wide scrim in cream on.
lyi fine open ,pattern, suitable
9 A To*eling Special an a on Satiul- I . I
erasll towel. . for cort I s, 6 ale r . .
h till linen, fine � day or -Monday at Per yard... too
I 15,91n a,,ricvlatk�rfa Iris d , f
2�t Alto rite 11 woi� .
)�� ' th Joe and 4 . 1
sc I I atu Ze r And londal at . �
a 15 �,dff,3 Be LSnap in Capes . �
, � I 0 OnlY ladies' Capes made of five � ,
$2-26Shirt Waists ladleal cloth in colors of fawn _
I at $1'.60 1 . . and red, nicely trimmed with -
. velvet,the regular prices were .
Ir 12 onl-y* failles'shirt waists mqde $3 And $3.50 each, come early I "
01 fit quality Dimity with . and got -your choice at ...... 490
silk 81'r-1pes, lit colors of 111110, � I � .
gold, brown, etc,,, roglillit I. $2 Wrappe . rs at 860 " I -_
and 92-50 each, special tat, Ladies' wrappers made of good
Saturdayor blondayat..*11ASO qualityof print waist, lined,
madbin up-to.3ate style,as-
1 ,6,,2� Tarns for 29a sort -d light colors, a real bar-
1� Tanis made of figured . . gain ter Saturday or Monday I .
velvet arid ladies' cloth, 11 icely 111 ..... 4 .......... 0 ....... ... else . �
made and trimmed with feath. .
er, regular price WaS50c, to Summer Corsets 60c . I
I clear at;. .... _ ............. *,29c Ladies Summer Corsets, made of I I
' .best quality net; perfect fttting,
Skirts Ralf Priseed Cent And comfortable, all -gives,
3 on ladies, tailor Made skirts special for SaturdAy and Mon -
Be quality tweed, in fawn , � I
I of 11, I day's Selling, ..... .......... Isoo �, ,
.�.., - ___ I _' . __ —
Choice .Seleotion ot Ladies' Fancy 13eits. ,
. I
a Whito Kid Cloves, all svzos-5� Ladies' Black and Whitesil I
to 7 'I itt 411.00. with self silk I k, I .
stitil flog oil back. , I GIOVes tit .. .2 19c, 38a and Z
I - . I
` (A 1 . . a 0i lllis$ 11011110 1040*4114114110 I , do411 , 0 I
]EA A "
" , 6 6 . i 7 ,
9 15 Paii's'ollly Nottingham Lace Cq��,,�i,�,;;, , , ifff I
� 8-1 yds:
: 10% 48 inches 'emde, -w6'1Afi6 , 11 tton. 0 ,
I 0
1 : hole odgeg,'well worth $1 75, s4P11e'111_1i1*4t1Y1f01r� S a t - * I
.0 urday or Monday at . * $I " so I I
:0016006-100000i ossaiisteltotio--toosiket,oilooloo . 6610
1 I
voult MONNAr "ACIC
,--,A IV *01; WASW IT .