The Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-26, Page 11cr- •
The AlnerIcele Neste In/pertinent hae ONTARIO LEGISLATURE
111011„Ilif WIHB
Newsy Items 4bout Oureelvea and
boono fer the port of Viadiv
signed a Contract With the Holland
Submarine Torpedo Boat, company f
tbe navy,
the addition of 001110 theit boats
Our Ne%hbore—Oomething of mthekil Unsafe where sbe will land
cave +4 31 l'ocoMotives and tender
Intoreat From Every Quer-
IIP'111(` •
ter of the (Robes which are valued at #130,200.
Sheriffs' deputies and striking work-
; men ont tbe big Croton dam near New
A veasel frora Philadelphi
What the LegiSlatOrs or the Province
a are Doing at Toronto.
8, .T11.6 following bills were Teed a third
Owen Sound will erect 4 0011091CoSt.
tag #18,000 at Otven Sound.
Mr• L. 5, Bissonuette, deputy high
constable of Montreal, ts dead,.
Letter -carriers will hereafter ride
frown the Street cars in London.
Aleaut 25 per cent. ef the teed of
Manitoba% next wheat eroe is under
!Twitter and Dominion Oreehs, in the
Klondike, will this spring clean up
The Dominion Cottoia Company, Of
Montreal, will issue 31,000,000 worth of
new stook.
J. W. McMahon, wauted at Geneva,
Neb., for alleged fraud, is under arrest
at Winnipeg.
Dawson City has petitioned theDo-
million Government for Federal re-
A message was received in Kingston
atuaouncing that the Welland Canal
Jaraea Plews was suffocated at
Montreal by a small flre that starte
in a room where he was sleeping,
Conduotors and motormen of the
Harailton, Grimsby & Beamsville Elec-
tric Raiiway want increased. wages.
A train of four sections, carrying 776
settlers from Ontario and 3127,000
worth of effects, has arrived in Win-
. nipeg.
Felix Gourdeau, a well known Que-
• bee tanner, has disappeared, leaving
liabilities in the neighborhood of
Montreal police have trapped a gang
of thieves who have committed a score
of burglarlea within the past six
Officers of the 47th Battalion have
• subscribed 350 towards a. monument
at Kingston to the late Sir George
, Kirkpatrick.
The Winnipeg Electric Company an-
nounces that after May ist the price
of gas will be reduced to 41.85 per 1,000
feet to cash customers.
The Montreal municipal scandals are
growing worse. Two city officials are
under arrest, and there is evidence
pointing to gross corruption in several
Manitoba hotelkeepers are discuss-
ing the attitude they shall take in the
event of prohibition becoming law. It
is said they have agreed to close all
the leading hotels throughout the pro..
reTbe Massey -Harris Company have
rhiatified the Brantford authorities that
• unless adequate protection from spring
freshets is afforded theywill consider
• the advisability of moving to some
other eity.
Another ease of boodling comes to
light in Montreal municipal polities.
Hucksters in tbe markets 'have been
paying bonuses ranging from 320 to
1160 for favorite positions to a clerk
named Tessier, who claim§ that all
the cash was handed over to various
• The two new vessels for the Quebec,
Hamilton and Fort William, Naviga-
,tion•Company, which are being built
in England, are 225 feet in length, and
will be christened Winona. and Strath-
cona. One boat will bring a cargo of
scoria blocks from Middleboro, Eng.,
to Toronto.
The Cataraeui Mining and Develop-
ment Company oonteraplate establish.
ing 3300,000 smelting works at King-
ston, where the city has offered. them,
84,000 et year for 15 years and paitial
" • relief from t axation. The Kingston
Board of Trade has asked the council
to loan the Kingston Loot/motive
Wo s 375,000, without interest.
The like of Connaught may 'em-
ceed the late Sir Williatua Lockhart as
Commander -in -Chief in India.
The British North America and
West Indies sqaadron is to be increas-
ed by a battleship, two cruisers and
several torpedo boats.
The Prince of Wales, who is visiting
Copenhagen, is suffering from an af.
fection of the throat and has been
obliged to eonsult a specialist.
Sir *William Overend Priestley, mem-
ber of Parliament for the Universe
ties Of Edinhurgh and et. Andrew's
since 18a6, and former President of the
Obstetrecal Soctiety of London, is dead.
Dr. Joseph Kenny, for many years
a conspicuous figure in the -Irish Par-
nellite movement, is dead. He, with
the late Mr. Beggar, handled all the
funds of the organization, and sat in
Parliament for ten years, resigning
to become coroner of Dublin.
A strange fatality see,ms to follow
the servants qf the Marquis of Lon-
donderry. Last Friday four went out
to sail on Strangford lough, and on
Sunday the boat was found upturned
over the nrowned bodies of the whole
party. Five years ago six a London.
derry's servants were drowned in a
sail boat in the same place.
The birthday of the Rev. William
Booth, General of the Salvation Array;
who was born at Nottingham, Eng-
land, Axel AO, 1829, was signalized on
Tuesday by the reeeirt of httndreds
of congratulations- from all parts of
the world, and the presentation of a
purse of 4200,000, as the result of the
collections made during the self-de-
nial Week of the Army, just concluded.
The U. 6. Navy la testhag oil as fuel
for ships.
Smallpox is epidemic; at Auburn
Centre, Pa.
rive thousand bigarmakers are lock-
ed out in New York.
Striking huildera in Chicago are as -
mulling non-union men.
American subscribers were alloted
. $3,000,000 of the British war loan.
Several Chicago business houses
ferbid the use of eignrettes by ear,
The United States has more money
per capita, more gold and more silver,
than ever before.
Dr. C. A. Briggs says heresy eon-
vietions are merely partisan judg-
ments by a majority.
The tug firemen at Cleveland thteat-
en to strike for more pay and to tie up
an the harbor tuga on the lakes.
• Between April 1 and August 1, it
is estimated that 75,600 people will sail
for Europe from the Bruited States.
Lord Careen, 'Viceroy of India, re-
plying to an address at Bombay, eulo-
gized the loyalty ef the, Sikh soldiers.
During the progresa of an examin..
Eldon of books, It, H. Pitcher, en
Oakland, Cal.. banker, hiew ciet his
Tbe Assistant Food Commissioner of
Chien& says the demand for cheap
goods is largely reeponSible for 4(1111.
The Howie of Represeneetives at
Washington voted 240 to 15 in Wier
of the election of Senatore by a direct
vote oh the people.
Major Armee, of the United States
&tiny, tioert-Martialled eleven times,
hoe Wtittert book charging PerSeetle
Hon and corruption.
Prelideht McKinley will &Aker all
addrees before the Proteatent
meat COnterente en foreign milleiolle
Tork Apra 24.
low pine le boitoraleg Marcel in
---1111167Southerfi States, and mills in
Georgia, South Carolina arid Florida
All run on two-thirds time.
Aterirding tit rerport to the
DepartMent at Washington, the
, Ow taken by American werehips
in the Spanish way realized $000,000.
• O. Midas, aged el yeare, tor Ile
pods superintendent of poor at Mar-
shall, Mich., is held for trial on a
harp itsaling $15.000 from OM
York came into conflict on Saturday;
severe' shots were exchanged and two
men wounded. Troops have been or-
dered out,
At Naplee a landslide from San
Gelman) Hill buried an artificial coal
factory. The manager and seven
*lc • e tve hers e-
ing wounded. Heavy rains caused the
The Earl of Warwick, Lord Herbert
Vane Tempest and; h. Pe C. W. Oa
ley, arrtved at, New York on Wednet
day, and have chartered Perry Be
mont's yacht, the, Satanella, and will
Ash for tarpon in Peruvian waters.
Yellow fever la eeldernet in San Sal-
Be 31r. Lumsden-Respectuig the
city of Ottawa.
By Mr. German -To confirm by-law
No. 1.254 of the city of St. Catharines,
Mr. 13ridgland-13ill to; incerporate
the Bracebriclge and Tradieg Lake
Mr, Kelm -1311i reapecting the town
of Preston.
Mr. Fallis-Bilt respecting the town
of Port Hope,
k- Kr. respeeting the
town of Kincardine.
At the instance of Matheson the
hill relating: te the town of Smith's
Falls was referred back on account of
recently -developed opposition to the
clause permitting. tne town to extend
its sewer and water works system
without the assent of ahe electors,
The House wept into committee on
Hon. Mr. ,Davis' bill respecting the
- manufacture of spruce and other pulp
Russia and Germany fear a coal
Fremantle, 'Western, Australia, has
a ease of slaubonie plague. •
All the exhibits at the Paris Exposi-
eon will be open Sundays.
AU the fruit ports have been nett
Jed that yellow fever is epidemic 1
San. Salvador,
It ia officially announced that 11
oases and 36 deaths from buboni
plague eave. oceurred at Sydney, N
S. 6
Owing to an outbreak of sraallpox
on the excursion steamer New Eng
land, many American tourists were
abandoxied at Naples by the steamer.
In the Chamber of Dopeties at Brea
sels the Premier read a communica-
tion from King Leopold, in whieh His
Majestey presented to the nation the
whole of his real estate.
Berlin papers express indignation
at recent, English charges that the
Caerman Government favors baiting
England and attacks upon the Queen
and the Prince of Wales.
The Politisehe Correspondenz says
Germany is now the third nation com-
mercially withJapan, adding that in
1896 German imports 'were 20,000,000
yen, and in 1899 almost 32,000,000 yeti.
Ninety-three oases of the bebonto
plague and 29 death's from the disease
hove occurred at Sydney, N. S. W.
Thersday has been appointed as a day
of intercession aud prayer for relief
from the plague. •
The strength of the Russian garri-
son at Kush's, north of Herat, is about
8,000 nien, and includes a mountain
battery. Previous reports greatly ext.
aggerated the amount of the rein-
foreements 'sent from the Caticatius
district. .
By a plan which it Is hoped to carry
into effect at the International Agri-
cultural Conference in, Paris, July 9
to 16, it is proposed to ask the farnaers
of the world to redece their wheat out.
put by 20 per cent. and not to sell a
bushel for lese than a dollar. •
Leon Gaget,. a Paris clerk, has been
ceptured by the French Governinent
in the act of selling Franc:la-military
secrets to Gerroan He t
phice sufficient postage on one of his
letters to' the German officiels and his
conspiracy was discovered. He saya
he sold Germany false information.
Thinks Great Britain Had Ico Right
to Send Prisoners to St. Helena.
Pretoria, April 17. -As soon as the
award of the arbitrators in the anat-
ter of the seizure of the Delagoa bay
railway was known Imre, the Trans-
vaal Government, offered to, loan Por-
tugual the amount of money -nacos-
sarY to ente the award, Portugal
courteously declined the loan on the
ground that the .money had' already
been provided,
The Government' intends to protest
against, tbe action of the British in
Bending Gen. Cronje and the other
13oer prisoners to St. Helena.
A.coording to Boer reportS, there is
a Steady flow •of foreign volunteers to
the Transvaal. Hitherto these adven-
turers have been attaehed to the var-
ious commandoes, Now it is said they
are 1,d he formed into a special legion
with Continental officers, and there is
a run:aor that the command will be
given to a distinguished French sol-
dier lately Yetired, who is now in the
n eut on the Crown domain. It is to
end reading. of his bill reseeding the •
fksheries of Ontario. No serious
changea had been made in the regula-
tion. All provisions in the former Act
which seeraed to exceed the powers' of
the province had been excluded. They
had extended the 'definition of game
fish to include land -locked salmon, be-
• le to stock t
confirm the regulations made by the
1 Governatent placing an embargo on the
• eeport ofi pulpwood eut on Crown
lends. '
gr. Foy asked if the present bill ap-
elled to the Spanish river concession,
Tee Attorney -General said the Span-
- ish Riveo Company were epend by
their contract •not to export:
In reply, to Mr. Misciempbell, Mr.
Davis said the inorease in the dues on
pulpwood' woeId teke place on May 1,
Hort. Mr. Latchford moved the sec -
Order Said to Have Been Cabled tO
South Africa
London, April 18. -It is said that a
peremptory order tor the return' of..
Lieut. -General Sir Charles Warren,
the commender of the fifth division of
the South Africa field forces, was
cabled te South Africa thia morning.
Tee War Office declined to give any
information in regard to the rumour.
Colonel Crofton, who was in com-
mand at Spion hop, from the time
General Wooclgate was woutided until
Colonel Thorneecroft was appointed to
the position, and whose heliograph
messages to General Warren caused
General Buller to appoint Thorney-
orof to the command, wag placed on
half pay to -day.
Private inforearition received from
Shrewsbure to -day is to the effect that
General Gateere is leaving South. Afri-
ca this week to resume command of a
local district. •
Boer Government Circulating a
Manifesto in Cape Colony.
Cape. Town, April 17. --The Boer Gov-
ernment is circulating the following
Inenifesto to the Afeikanders through-
out Cape/ Colony: -
"We feel, that our fate, and the fate
of the whole of Afrikanderdone, is at
stake, and we appeal to you to stand
and fight shoulder to shoulder vvitle us.
You cannot. you; may not, allow the,
tyrant to extinguish forever your
finest trails of charaeter as &nation.
With you. on, our side the issue can-
not be doubtful. We must eonquer.
Goe grant, that love for your country
and your liberty, and the noble virtues
of men, truly free, may induce yeti
to join us In the hoer of our supreme
Circassian Nobleman illed in the
British Victory at 1303110f.
London, Friday, April 20.-A de-
spatch to the Wily News from Pre.
toria, dated Anril 16, says that Prince
Ilaratition hiograff, a Clreasalan noble.
matt, was kilted at Hosed In the time
engagement with the British in whiCh
001. Villebois Mareuil lost his life,
Capt. Saeatoff, who was Prize% Mane
gaff% colerade, will return to Interne
ACcOrding tO Boor AccountS Wenener
Siege Has Not Been Raised.
Kroontstad. Aptil 10, via Lor- -
enzo Marques, April 20,e -The lateat re -
porta received, here frorar Wepener
Mete that 4the fighting between Gen.,
Peel lifeboat's Horse and the MIAS
calitinueth The British, ars surround.
ed,•bot. they ere flanking: a gsIltilie
I by the Province the value og a malt.
Lug plant where one exists, and ale°
Ithe buildings, etc., used for fatteuing
The Attorney -General has gleen
tice of a bill which is a great imPart-
ance to lawyers and litigants alike -
It provides that a legal practitioner
ewe, Seellteet '
the Canadian Indian. Faanine fund. I NARKETS
' organization which Was in exist-
ence twine years ago.
Priees of Crain, Cattle, Cheese. ago,,
in the Leading Markets.
hetes Proceedings in the Nation- EvAcuATE Boowits Kop op confections tido season, and as the
Fashiono for Children are quite so
varied and ettractive as the grown*
• Toronto, Aprilaie-,The teceiPts here cotton fabrics are prettier than. OW
al I egislatura.
Bora Are Trying to Leave the stock, and while the market Was 1
• 1•00.
to -day totalled 88 carloada of live before there is no reason why the lit*
a contract as to the amount. of fees to Country By Way of Ladybrand. sense, little changed from Its f; onfulia- e
and a client or littgant may enter Into QUESTiONS ANSWERED. tie ones should Sot beprettily drooled
be sad for legal services in any case I. 0 arke Was loformed by Dr. lier- Bloemfontein, April 20, 4.10 tion last Tuesday, this morning a van with the expenditure of very
little money. Simplicity ahould be
or seit. In the event elf disagreement den that•the, Gs:Armament hes no in- northern circuit a Walsh outpoats light d MI and e
ema w akar prices were the golden rule for children's dress,
or difficulty in arranging mob a Con- formation with regard! to the recent bee not been teeehed by the Boers for characteristics et the cattle trade at and yet tbe season's tendency toward
tract, the terme may be fixed by a announcentent in the British Houae of several days. , the western yards:
• exeried #100. If under 3100 a County
High Court judge, if the fees are to ,
eomerions that! the Auetralian cavalry er. It is now believed that the enemy The export demand is II ht
g , and this department of fashion's fatiele0.
extrtivaganee is alarmingly evident in
'Court judge may acljudicate upon the nose on; their wah to the Cane are fit evacuated Bosinen's kop last evening. PriCeli are nominal; 4 3.40 per pound Hats, coata and gowns are elaborated
matter. T.his is a radical change in be allowed, in addition ta the Imperia4 It is reported that they are seeking was the outside price. with etitchinga and trimmings of
it will cheapen litigation, or at least
legal procedure, the claim being that 1. rates of, Pay, Certain local allowances, to leave the country below La,dybrand, Buteher cattle is slow and prices various kinds to a price out of all
At • I
enable litigants to enter into suits whish will give them equivalent to five amt that they will make their next weaker, with 44steaesdy, wanted, end
quite the top proportion to the aim. It le the eriee
of the e ad - t th t
Proms Yon more, perhaps than the
with some hnowledge of their sbillings a day, for privates. Neltber line of defence across from there figure -
i legalize tbe tuition of a is the Government aware that Lord nortnaverfd. Stockers Were
r •
understanding that he la to be remun- Roberta has written, to local commit- The Ihsitish remounts continue to ,ar- PP Y.. abundant trimming, but there are no
Practitioner who takes a ease on the in small su 1
crated only if su,ccessful. tees in England, asking for siiPPlies rivet The animals are healthy, despite Milk cows, export, and light bulb, elide of dainty, simple things for
Mr. Stratton moved soneei amend- nel shirts, etc. Certain sooleties, such through the heaviest rains. The borsea-
SANATORIA MEASURE. of cardigan waistcoats, sochs, flan- the fact that the joueney was made and feeders are Practically unchanged.
quotations ; about 150 came in. children, and there are eimple models
Sheep! and lambs are firm at recent which can be easily copied at home.
rumba to his Act respebting naafi' AS OA Red C'X'0103. have asked the War belonging to the torces moving on the
For littie girls u.p to 8 years of age
term for coneuraptives. The first! effiee what
supplies would be suitable veldt ale°. suffered less than was ex- Good ve0.1 calves are wanted. there Is the same little gathered waist
set of ohmic% wrovided for a eambina.-
• tion between ' municipalities to este- foi the soldiers, and Mane enquiries Pelted from the rains, Too many light hogs are still Qom- with a belt and alma petted eleeves
nrg,orbuptt tames yheotgps,risecensliahrge fernomehalnoggetdo• worn with a aim A bertha frill
.1" 1 "IS . dr i mat ,
Beard, of Health. By-laws for the es -
shall be subject to appraeal of the
leash Joint institutions. Plans thereof along this line eeve been answe•red bY
the Depart= I. e Militi "
element has eakee steps to forward endorses the censures of the commainhde. hogs es;e, khreingoippgpr5iceasols petler-8a light
o been briefly published here. The army et lawn, pique or embroidery finishes
a. The Gov-
knewledge that such public criticism Following ia the range ot quota-
ef the commanders at Spion Imp has
enera o, er ou s en or
the neck, and the skirt is in straight
tablislenent of santoria must be ap- ierseYs and Underolothrhg as presents er•-•in-chief, and believes that Ttuhokediand gather -
proved by the ratepayers. The Boards I to the Canadian troupe in South Af- einbeinited' e sk rt rattily
of Manageolent must consist of not ' B f " t td th t
less than five raenebers end eon -rem -I the Government! has no knowledge ite
dents may be appointed to seeve on
them. Trustees are to be elected for to the number• of men furnished by
five t•ears, and shall be eligible for • each of the colonies.
Mr, Caegrain was infOrmed by mr.
ALIEN; LABOUR DEBARRED. Mulock thet 31 miles of telegraph
Premier Ross introduced a bill pro- lines were constructed on the north
telling that all subsidized railways e, ore of tue st. Lawrence, east of
which had not yet earned their ,subsi-
dies should give special rates to set- Pointe aux Eaquituaux, during the
tiers and prospectors ; that their am- summer of 1899,
Mr. Clarke was informed by Mr, Pet-
ers, should be paid the current rate of
wages ; that their sueplies should be ersou that! the amount of rebate paid
purchased in Canada ; and that they on bicareles exportee from Canada in
alectild not employ alien labour. tbe fiscal year ending June 301,11, 1898,
year 1899, 14 was 44,191.16.
was 37,093.45, and dering the fiscal
Mr. Henderson was told by lidr. Pat-
ployes, inclu.ding workmen ahd labour,
ierson that the acitual average rate of
Rains Have Removed One of Gen.
Roberts' Chief Difficulties. ;duty per 100 pounds collected in the
year ended 30th June, 1899, on all
Bloemfontein, April, 19. -During the
last ten days there have been constant above 10 I)
Sega rs not elsewhere specified, not
colour, was nearly
rains, and an enormous quantity of 66 8-4 cents...., lin
water has fallen. These conditions, al- .I pf oarrmi se ds x
FilishreeWthilastu° altVast ban
bough ,extremely uncomfortable AS there is no special; Canadian building.
cause it. was the intim ton
some of the lakes with this admirable f
. fish. A further addition. he would
make to the lailt in committee was a i
section to allow tourists to export
some paro of their catch.
• b
ar as the soldiers are concerned, have There is a building for the accommo-
'dation of the British colonies, to be'
had their advantages, for every dam
paid for in proportion to the amount
n the ceuntry round aboet is filled, clif space occupied by each colony. The
and the 5mestion of water, which hith- auadian share, according to the state-
rto durmg the raarch of the army has meat ,of the imperial Commissionee
een one of great eifficulty, is .now svill loe efel,738. There is alsou
practically solved. The troops hos at Vincennes for the accommoda-
Roe Mr Davis' in diseuasing his be able to move in an direction with a •
y Oen of agricultural implements. Cam;
certainty of finding a sufficieneesup- : edit's share of the cost of this will be
ply of water. '06,000. This country will also pay
drafts have arrived, and the Highland
The whole regular -and volunteer
building to provide room for cold store ,ollarley-Steady. No. 2, 42c west, and
31,500 for an additien to the Colonial
brigade is now at its full istreugth.
naodation, making a total of sta0 483. In "There seems to be a growing can -
sac 4east ; and No. 1 dull, apd quoted
'age plant and 131 250 for offie gem
La y Roberts end her daughters
at 30 west and 44e east
have arrived at Bloemfontein. i dd'ti C' ' form,ed circles that the m re fa t of
vietion ie military clubs ancl other in-.
. .
mines' bill, s;id. it was not
the intention of the Govern-
ment to levy taxes at' the
present time on nainerals for revenue
purposes. Mr. Davis „said it rend
net be in the interests' of the mining
indestry at this time to impose taxa -
t• It • t contisra Lated tha
lany taxes should -be placed upon th
! iron industry of.the province, the dere
RI:intent of weich had just be gun, Th
Government had asked fell discretion
ary power to impose a stiff maximu
; tax on nickel ore, but if refining wa
' done in the pretence the tee might la
wa upon o mars w o are
Rot in their duties se ill he of great fie- tions gored and tucked around the .hiPs
ture benefit. •
Cattle. •
, I half -way down and matching the
There is oontinued unrest among the Sbippers, per owt, .3 4 26 3 4 75 waist is a very good style for et child
farmers in the districts distant from, Butcher, choices, do. 3 60 4 00 of 8 years. The full • t d •th
the railway. •
, Buteher, med. to good. 3 25 3 50
Butcher, inferior. . 2 50 8 00 a sailor collar effect %loping down ire
wale i ma e wi
The mail which was despatched from
Landoll March 301 was delivered •here
this morning. Thia is the quickest de- te.eirsursee•Pehaehlefee, ,i, 27_5, 3 62 1-2 front over a tucked white lavan yoke
Sheep and Lambe.''' e-as^ee.........„-end-Sfeeleetth a knst and encleetepsithe,
illehiverymethilast.ihoasityloeetmbieoesntemisade of Eng-
_ • ' Lambs, per cwt. . . 460 6 50 sort of collar with greater width are '
Spring lambs, eaoh. . 2 50 4 50
Sheep, per cwt. . . 300 4 25 is also a ver;'• deairable r.iiTyle. This
pears in some of the little reefer
Bucks, per cwt. . S 2 50 3 00
COL. CROFTON RETIRED. Milkers and Calves. coats, and in either case it is variously
made of silk braid in tucks for ball
Cows, each . 25 00 45 00
Still Unknown. • Hogs. bthroeidwidtit and 1mm-stitched on the
Calves, each. . . 2 00 10 00
The Fate ef Other Commanders
Heavy hogs, 'per owt. 500 5 37 1-3 edge, or of embroidered batiste with
5 37 1-2 lace on the edge, tucked lawn and em..
Choice hogs, per cwt. 600 6 12 1-2
Who is perhaps one of the least guiltsr
London, April 20, -Colonel Crofton, stoigwhat h.ogs, per cwt. 500 eame-ernaYeetoorriaeicoifntrta.hsetignogwesoloier owfotohle,
Steen hop disaster, has been retired. Toronto, April 24.--Wh3eMat -- 3:5est..
ertnagnas.arkets Were. and trimmed with rows of narrow
of the several officers concerned In the e ' ' • '
What action will 'be taken in regard we:k 2a°g°ain t2o2-d5ay. Collars of the soft, coarse threaded
white silk braid, or velvet ribbon.
linen with drawn work decoration
Local prices were stemly, with tbe ex- are also in order.
to other leaders ie not stated .offici.-
caption of Manitobas, which eased off. Everything in materials, except ex -
Quotations are as follows :-Ontario Lord Roberts is advocating a red and white, 65 to 65 1-20, north and Penal"
clean sweep' of all the Inundering west; 66 to 66 1-2e,
generals is, ihowever, the general un- 66e; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, 79 1-2e,
72e, east, •and 71o, west; spring, east, ing, which may be tucked so prettily,
are used for childrues gowns, aspect -
silks, laces and grenadines,
dersta.nding. , •
The Press Association, Which is Flour -Quiet, Straight roller, in buy-
. North Bay; and 80 1-20, gd.t. ta decidedly' a favorite color. Gowns
era' bags, middle freights, 32.50 per
each; goese wheat, allY for the older girls. Nun's yell -
are especially popular, and light tan
statemtant:- ,
for sounding public opinion, issues
Millfeed-Still scarce. Bran is qua- taf.p.thia material made with vertical •
Lucks all around the skirt flowing out
frequently used by .the. Go.vernm,rehn,,,t•
bbl. bid, and 32.60 asked.
e at 316.50 to 317 west ; and ro irt: fi.rnoimngj. us.te aeb ;eve thew dh_e_m, iairreston.e, sisity_le,
.'"'''" brands, tn wood, )13 to 33.10.
"The War Offine maintains absolute
al 17 to #18 west. with tucked bodice and sleeves. Made
silence as to its intentions regarding
. orn-Easy. No. 2 American yellow, u• over a contrastin color in the
Sir Charles Warren. The officials will c $
not confirm or deny nor discuss in
a 46c, i.en track here. Canadian scarce; wally with, pmk un er e an. ar-
th ff t • vegrv ri ttv espe-
ow. ruffles ed ed with lace of the
firming the subject is one reepect- none an
lag which they are not at liberty to
no •and west, 62c ; and east, 63e. sralne lo Ar• g the h m of some of •
the tacit° verilingungowns.°A full blouse
waist, edged down either side of
any way tee report of his recall, af- t
ered here. .
g eat . ar ots,.
Peas-Ilahlin st ly C I
give any information. rib the front with the tiny ruffles falling
over a tueked silk vest matching the
gliinriingotinacoyleoarr,si.s a pretty style for a .
Foulards and India silks in small
all-over designs and polka dots are
made up,into summer gowns for girls
and some of the skirts are shirred on
three cords aroutid the hips. Tunic .•
overdresses wtth a scalloped or point-
ed •finish around tee edge, trimmed
with lace or rows of velvet ribbon fal-
ling ovee ruffles around the hem, are
another style of skirt. Party dress-
es for young girls are made of point
d'esprit and organdie fixaely tucked
up and down in groups with
insertions between or around in tucks
which nearly meet and quite cover
the upper portion. Guimpe necks are
the ruling style for these gowns with .
the. full simple bodice below and lace
edged frills around the shoulders, •
The coat- and akirt style of goWn
for the girl of 12 Or 14 years, -has a '
circular skirt with a box plait In the
back and a reefer coat tight -fitting
in the back with double-breasted
fronts fastened with fancy buttons.
The little reefer coats for younger
gthi relsc 014;7
variation of style is accomplished with
tbe box hack, and all the
A gown ot pale blue linen shows a
scalleped jacket and skirt piped with,
black and a sash and wide belt of
• t 1, on, anada occupieseertain space • , Rye•-Unehanged at 520 t d
- •
t • among the wes , an
e ' .
space wilt cost g15,000 or 316,00Z
Imperial exhibits, hich the Publication of Lord Roberts lat-
At est , . . Qata-kbout steady, White. are
in 1893, Canada had a building which desnatehes presages shine 'drastic 530
the ColuMblan h' •IS t Ch'
xpoot ion a icago, '
emoted at 28 1.2 to 29e, east,. and 28e
east. ,
- . ...--.• _ . WeSt ; mixed, 27 to 27 1-2c west.
m .
s men' si°1‘ Pris"""' ed with: the Cana ,
fides and °the- purposes not connect- 515 east..
dian exhibit. Mr '
et successful, efforts of ;the military au- would be required to complete and S
thorities in fighting the fever epidemic thoroughly equip all the Cana.dian waziland Said to be Chosen For Re-
treat if Pretoria is Taken. • 2 spring, 750. Winter wheat-e•Weak;
Nominal ; No. 1 hard, 810 ; No. 1 North-
ern, 79c ; No. 2 Northern, 75 1-2o ; No.
noniiiine wily In ithirli British treat . -6,3 _ this was used for of -
54 but Buckwiteat-Quoted at 50e west and
_ cost 82
remitted. Davis"also pointed ou
the provision that no mine shall b
deemed to be worked, and therefor
taxable, unless 500 tons of ore Wer
brought to the sueface le the, course o
e nounce utch. newsPapers. Mr. Dine •the etratecona .contingent that died Bloemfontein ender date of April 17:a•-• yellow, 42 3-4e ; No. 2; 43 1-4c, No. 3,
e • . Cape- Tewn, Aprit 49;A:0.55 -time -The Fishee was . unable to sat how Much
Buffalo, Atari] 24. -Spring wheat -
e buildings .et Paris.
e among the Boer Prisonere has appealed
73 1-2e. Come -Firmer ; No. 2 yellow,
Mr. Oliver tried to get Some 'Mar- nominallyeNo. 2 red, 74e ; No. 1 white
1 to the gratitude of e vent the pro- mation regarding the 163 horses 'of tondoe, A 1 19 Mr Prevost Ilat
tersby, wires to the Mornieg Post from 43 3-4c ; NO. 3 yellow, 43 1-2e ; No. 4,
hessia, the, secretary of the Boer Sick, on their way -to South Africa, but Dr. ' •'Observatioe might profitably be corn, 43c. Oats -Slightly firmer ; No;
a 'year. This he said, permitted th
erespector to work end teat a claim
without taxation.
The Attorney -General moved the sec
ond reading of his bill to amend th
Ontario Eleetioa Act. He proposed
that this Queen's Printer should prin
the forms, and that tbe names of th
candidates should be filled, in uncle
the supervision of the returning of
ficer, Minor changes had been mad:
as to the counting of the, ballots. • 11
held it to be essential that ther
should be the fullest opportunity fo
tbe scrtineers to see the markin
on the ballots, but he thought it
necessary safeguard to provide that
no agent should handle the ballots
He had also provided that the D.R.O. •
shoaId be at the polling booth fifteen
minutes before the poll opened and .
should count the ballots in the D
presence of the agents. It was als
provided that if they desired to do so
'agents could endorse the envelope
in which the ballots were sealed. A
' to the delivery of ballot -boxes tate
the poll, he had adopted the pro
visions of the Dominion Act, by en
acting that 'the returning officer, a
well as the D.R.O., should attach hi
seal to the boxes. It was provided als
that the' packets containingnsed
lots should be carefully distinguished
so that byeeelection returns could not
be confused with general election re- 3
turns. He did not propose to make
the money penalties so large as in A
England, and he proposed to leave it
diecretionary vvIth the judge to inflict - -
imprisonment in the case of a man
accepting a bribe. lie said the pres-
ent law gave practically protee- :
Borden told him that tne' Government
fend, has a letter in the Ons Land to -
2 white, 29 3-4 te 30o ; No. 3 white,
day, in which he says that the British' kitiw nothIng: ebont it. kept. on tee ' iatentions of the Boars
and provisjfens reecXedl
radt Lv:rykerellef possible. . He adds tena,nce of the re era t °w
g en no garrisonn-- at Chicago April 19 -Flaxseed-Closed:
t pre,sent the f•riends and in H ii P...retdria includes the enaploement EasY•
-.....NeeTeletitireet ..erin:Seath-West, caah,
r ?loam rarciatcjir: J./to ernish supplies half of the Boer forces, while the oth.
a tfax are proeured frem the of oweiziland for the retirem.ent of
o ub LC r
e symietthizers of the Boer prisoner:
- neceesary for their comfort will be tenders nave y b °r1 lel
may rest assured that everyelatn itlgt
cisi. 13 i e halt fah: baek to Zoutpansb.erg. October, 111.14' bid. • •
h-taa 31 y a *1.7Z 'bid: September, 31.20;
e don ., et, een• as e for by ' "Boer emissariee are alrea.dy in that Detroit, April, 19. -Wheat lois d
th . , ,
- 0 e :-
. r en informed Mr. Clarke 29 1-2c ; No. 4 white 28 1-2 bo 28 8-4e;
respecting SetazilandeThe alternative No. 2 mixed, 28 1-20'; No. 3 mixed 26c.
- military authorities deserve deep emit' the mat r t the supplies plan of operations following on defeat Rye --No. 2, nominally 63e. Fleur -
e f),:atitude for their wiilingneso to. af-
r the mai
e Ls Governmeet coneection with country 'endeavoring to 'purchase se- /slo. 1 white, cash, 71 1-4c; No, 2 red,
• th s I'
e ese upp ies. cret information concerning the ea- cash, 71 /-4e; May, 71 1-4c; july, 71 3-4c.
✓ y watt told be Mr. Blair verns in the greystone country, Milwaukee, April 19. -Wheat --No. I
g ANIBULANGE CORPS that Mr. W. E. Patin, iti addition to which are known only to the natives, Nortbena, 66 1-2c; No. 2 Northern '65
has also a contract as the partner of visione and ammunitione'
Mr• Magann for the extension of the No. 2, 431 to 43 1-2c• sample 38 1-2- to
The Chicago "Nurses" Are Now Fight •
o, is contract for dredging at Toronto, with the object of accumulating pro- to 65 1-8e. Rye -•-No. 1, 58c, Ba. I
r ey-
42 1-2e. - .black taffeta silk. A touch of black
e pner a the east entrance of To-
ing With the Beers. • . • ronto laarbour. The work is being
London, Thursday', Aprit 19.--Tbe dene by tender, and no payments have
Minneapolis, April 19. -Close: Wheat childrcm's gowns, and narrow black
is a very conspicuous feature of the
IstE -In store„ No. 1 Narthern, April, 61 velvet ribbon is very much used for
1-2c; September, 65 1-2o; on' track, No. straight rovvs above the hem, for lit.
yet been made on it. LOS E AT E 7-8c, May, 63 7-80; July, 65 3-8c; to 65 _ this purpose to edge the ruffles; or•in
ally Mairs correspondent at Lorenzo COI, Beier e 11 d tt L' •
a Marques says OA ttearltr half of the press despetelaaenenouanccilinig la Since the Investment British Have '1 hard, 66 3-8e; No. 1 Northern,' 64 7-8c; tle steeps with buttons at the end or
. No. 2 Northern, 66 3-8e. Flout and for rosette bows.. Tltere are very ..
t members of the ambulance cox•ps from in British 'Columbia of large numbers Had 21) Killed, 100 Wounded. bra n-f(Tneleinged, pretty narrow ribbons too, with white
of japaneee, and asked the Gevern-
e Chicago, on reaching Pretoria, accept -
went to ascertain whether they were Maseru, Aprie 17. -Colonel Dalgety's Duluth, Apeil 19. -Wheat -.No. 1 -hard centres dotted with black and differ -
r ed Mauser rifles and removed their
- Red Cross badges.
- Mr. Hay, the itenerican Consul, nobe • y weie going o remain in ii opener ave ee e y i
the Dominion, they wetted be a serious
N 2N th
s must report the circumstance% to the Sir 'Wilfrid Limier said that for
• losses are reported to have been con- 64°cP; °1st. e3r'apring. 61e. Oats -24 1.-2 to Itci)wigri konro
and one hundred wounde.d. The Boer s t b 66 Jee .
cash, 66e; May, 66'1-40; .Tuly, 67 3-8c; little dimity dresses with white lawn
s fled the Tranivaal Government that he menace to white" labour. - c, o. or ern, Y
o authorities at 1Vashington. tted at one side of the front
collars have -a soft sash of
destined for the United States or Can- casualties since be has been besieged cash, 68e; May, 68 1-4o; July, 69 1-2e; ent colored borders: which are very
September, 67 1-2c. No. 1 Northern, effective as a t
oda If the • • t •
t W b is tw nL kited
r• ming. Some of the
.. Imperial reasons it was not thou ht
FOREIGN DO3S ARE BARRED. or directly In the back. Nothing can
gration, and he believed the Govern- e
advisable to restrict Japanese immi- After the night attack on April 12
siderably heavier.
proved even in British Columbia. The tue dead were left on the field wbere be much prettier than the French blue
Departme,nt of the Interior would look t'll 1* b ' d dimity dotted over with pink rosebuds
manes policy in that respect was ap- i
Into the question of their desti ation. the Boer leaders. Some want to attack esteem Order Preventing Thein Being c'thf etuyeokkeed winhiftreorntrenweihth
There is a conflict of opinion among made simply with a detaphable collar
ke I.,:ate dug: dd
A despatch from London says: -Am-
• with lace and caught together below
ati again, while others refuse to do so. Brought into the Country. ends.
, 3Ir. Fisher told Mr. MelVfulle that
Peer, had not reported that li was Desultory cannon firing and " snip-
erican tourists who usually take their
in Canada to purchase horses for the We are of shirred
Imperial army. ing"' continues. Hatsfor little g . .
Major Dent, the Imperial rera nt of.
1VXr. Fielding informed the House of the river, and /meet be out off if 1 into England. this year. The Board of forming the brim tn bias double folds.
the Boers, who are now on both, sides pet dogs tvith.them cannot bringthera inade of fine transparent satin straw
The Caledon is rising, which alarms lawn, mull and silk with or without
plaited frills on the brim ; and are
. . .
th t 13 t b fl d d 1 A sin there are hats with high
e s ream wo. o ecome . oo e .
. Agriculture has put into rigid enforce- g--'
eon to the honest witness who Made
a clean breast of anything. The Eng-
lish Act provided that a witness who
truly answered all the questions he
was required to, should receive a cer-
tificate of indemnity. The present
measure followed the English Aot in -
that respect.
The Government brought down its
railway aid resolutions. The most
importent of these is one providing
for a land grant to the Algoma Cen-
tral railway, a line vrhicah is being
built by Mr. Morgue, of Sault Ste.
Marie. The grant will total 1,280,000
acres, or 2,000.square 'melee of Pull)
lands, and agricultural and mineral
lands along the route. The line is
in all to extend a distance of about
two hundred miles. It will run north-
ward front Sault Ste. Marie to Mimi-
nabie, a distanee of 1.60 miles, with a
spur line to Michipicototo of forty
miles. The road le now in course of
comitruction, and the land grants are
conditional on its completion, The
application was for ten square miles,
or 6,40 acres Per mile, and the Gov -
11 But Two of These Were Victims
of' Fever.
London, April 18. -The War Office
o -day printed a list of 36 names of
oldi,ers who have died in various hos-
pitals since the last report. Two of
these deaths were the result of
wounds ; and others were from fevers.
The War Office also issued a list of
AO officers who have returned to duty,
including Lieut. Caldwell, of the Can-
adian contingent.
only Taxes Available sire Thoite on Lot..
Jerks null Snicks.
Berlin, April, 19. -The Government,
after looking into the varioue Reieleo
tag propositions for raising taxes to
meet the expensea of the naval aug-
mentation bill, now says that the only
taxes available for this purpose are
those on lotteries and Bourse trensac-
Mrs. Von 131unaers-I am getting sot
re less and less for people in the
gregate. That afternoon tea ',was
great bore.
Ms. Von Blumete-What did yoou go
heir fort
AIM. Von Blunter, I wanted to see
ho was there.
ernment hea dectded to grant this re. a
The otber grants will be of a. leas t
important ebaracter. The Government
is indispeaed to go into debt with fur- is,
thew cash bonuses aims the deeision
af the Finanee Commission that rail-
way .aid wail a debt, and has re -
fudged to entertain the Several pro-
posals for the guarantee of railway
Premier ROSS announced to the Leg- nap
islature yesterday that a royal cara- •
mission,. compelled of experts, woald
be appointed to deal with the whole ee
qeestion of municipal assessment in a
judicial, praoticaI way, This means m
that all bills no* before the Home
dealing with questions of. taxation will (II
be withdrawn. The commission will
make inquiries as to the working a .j0
the assessment laws in the other Pro-
vinees and will eattend their investi-
eation to scree dt the States of the
American Union.
NIPIGON PULP correngsrox. y
Holl• Mr. Davie Informed Mr. toleOS
Chantre Grey, that negotiations heti 11
gone on for the leasing of weter power as
flus Nipigoe River, and all exara.
leaden Was being made to see if any
interest Weuld he injured by its use.
Ari agreeMent with Ileafirie elavet,
Whalen end Pray, by whith they were
to tweet it yelp mill had hot been car. e
read out, lergely on aceount of the ,
diffiettlty of obtaining the neceASOrY "0
water power
Hon. Mr. Stratton Introduced a bill
to aniend the sot respeeting brewer&
and distillers' and other licenses. The st
amendment is designed to obviate dif-
fieulties and Inequalities found in the
working out of last selleiOn'a act, end et
',A 7,riAnta INJUSTICE.
Ma, I didn't get the spellin* prize.
Well, Dickey, better luck next time.
Yee, but me, that gjrl "at got it
n't bin goin' to our seam! but three
We. Peterkin.-Without exeeption,
u are the moat obstinate, perverse
an Wier saw. '
Peterkin•-•••What have I done nowt
Mrs. Peterkith-Why, I have had
at new cough mixture in the house
month, and you haven't once caught
monE sirtsnom.
lie.ard leave my happy home tor
Shea -That would be foOlialt I'd ten
riles rather you furrilahen Ope and
o Me 0 t,
gore eon heard e robin, let, pre-
0,h, yes, rive) heard robins, but X
ver believe that whiter% beehbone
broken tantil I've Beet% (emus.
A PR/V1LEGE xallonva
There's one thing I can't Oder -
and about the rich.
What's that'
The) can afford to keep out of sod.
y and enjoy themselves as they want
, and they don t do 4. . ,
it rertIOVe* rom as is o axe ton to
that he was not yet able to make' the i e g
statement which he had promised with disabled,
regurd to the negotiations for a trade
treaty between Canada and the Island
of Trinidad. Part of tbe correspond-
ence was confidential, and he would GETS THE VICTORIA CROSS.
have to watt for perraission frozn
Trinidad before producing it.
Dr. Sproule called attention to a
paragraph in the papers relating to
the existence of foot and mouth dis-
ease among timerioan cattle. He want-
ed to know if precautions were being
taken to prevent the introduetion of
the diseese in this country.
Mr. Fisher replied that he had not
heard ot the existence of the disease,
but would enquire. lie was sure that
Canadian cattle were in no danger. Major Revile went to the assistance
NEWFOUNDLAND. of the wounded gunners in the face of
a heavy Title fire during the fighting
Deeember 15, and later, in the day as-
sisted In bringing in Lieutenant Rob-
erts, son of Lord Roberts, who lost his
life while tittempting to ' -rescue the
guns, for. which, after his death, he
was awarded the Victoria Cross. The
latter•feat of Major Baptie was also
aceomplished tinder: a severe fusillade,
An Army Medical Corps OfIlder's
BraVery Acknowledged.
Lendon, April 20. -The official Ga-
zette announces that the Queen has
conferred the Victoria Cross on Major
Baptie, of 'the Array Medicel
Corps, for) canal/menus bravere at the
battle of Colenso. •
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, anawering Col.
Kaulbach, said the Government was
always ready to receive any overtures
from Newfoundland on the subject of
the colony's joining the Canadian
Confederatiou. No proposals had been
made recently to the island for reel -
metal trade relations, the reason be-
ing that it was thought the political
situation in Newfoundlanci made the
present time unpropitious for such
Sir Wilfrid Laurier told Mr. Puttee
that the Government had not come to
any conclusion in regard to extending
aid to the famine -stricken districts of
India. It was thought advisable to
communicate with the Home author-
Ities on the subject.
Mr. Gilmour, Conservatives East
Middlesex, said that he was in receipt
of communieations from a number of
his constituents, who were anxious to
contribute to the relief of the unfor-
tunate natives in India, Efforts Were
being tnade to raise a substantial sum
of money, and he rose for the purpose
of asking that the Government would
recognize ,the movement and transmit
tiny suhseriptions that might be raised
in Canada to the proper authorities in
India. tie asked also whether it would
be advisable to offer contributions in
grain, Ile read the resolutions adopt-
ed by his constituents at a meeting at
Ilsde Park, and commended the move.
Meat to the Government, so that by
offielal recognition the efforts of the
Odeadion psople to raise funds in aid
of the mutterers in India might be
Mr. Fielding admitted that there
WAa IMO fa something being dooe to
help the unfortunate hi India, but he
pointed out i hat there were many ob.
jectIons to the aending of grain or
provisions. Pending the decision of
the GoVernment on the Matter of aid
to the untortutiatee, he suggested tied
ony Canadian subscriptions should Ist
Sumo Tics 11.11cd 111p en Irrnek rant er
A despatch bora Princeton, Ont.,
says :-A dastardly attempt at tralo
wrecking on the G.T.R. was perpet-
rated here on Priday night, buL,
without doing any damage. Some
persona placed some wooden cattle-
gitercla on the track, just east of the
Princeton station. •
At the switch number of ties were
piled an the track, and at another
point further eaat a number of large
stones and fenee rails.
The apparent objeet WAS tO wreck
the midnight earpress, but a freight
Orgill Dossed east a ebort time prev-
ioua and threw the obstreetions elerir
of the track without &ming any.dem.
ages • ie re orm, an as a 03 !max to his In.
ment an old order fotbidding the tem- .orowns of late straw threaded with
aboladekmvuellivevtieriltbibsogns. andLeargbreimhowofssi oil
ated in Great Britain. The last case -
porary entrance into England of for-
eign dogs. Rabies has been extermin- the new soft wide taffeta ribbons
Only seven cases are recorded for the with a buneh of flowers trim some,of
preceding year. Eleven hundred deatho the straw -brimmed hats, and then
known was in Wales heat November.
of human beings from hydrophobia there are all sorts and kinds of shit- '
are on record in Great Britain during red sunbentiets.
the last 51 years. Under the measures serge and pique rticide tvith tbe This -
For small boye there are suits of
umber of deaths and cases have avant- Eden blouse and shirt, full trousers
ending just belolw the knee. • This is
the correct costume foe a child under
taken by the Government the. yearly
Now that the disease has vanished,
dled to nothing. 6 years of age when the sailor suit is
the determination is to keep the dia- donned. The blouse bee a collar of
ease ontt dt England, hy keeping for- :In:mil-7 pique and is worn with a belt
material or . one ot
eign dogs out, except for breeding par- °If`e2"jle•`• "Me
pones. I
Pretoria Despatch Says Disease is train.
to buy a beefsteak and catch the
seven Minutes in tvhieh
Decimating the Garrison. How did you come out
ques, April 19, 2 p.m. -The appointment Oh I get tbe steak all right, and
ofPsreentoiorria,mAaporhaild108,48viaGLoovreernnzoot-GMeanr-- the.n lotit \it racing fer the train,
eral of Mozambique by the Portuguese
Government ia appreciated here. Myer. -As Shakespeare says, Jesters
A despatch sent from Maenad yester- do often prove prophets.
day says that feVer ia decimating the Gyen-Yes, and lie Might bave add -
British garrison at Matching. ed that prophets Wen. prove jesters-.
r especially peliticial and weather pro-
They Are Me Lowest Vile of Madero EN
Tess -Do you really believe her com-
The lowest typea of modern Euro.. plexton is genuine
shins. 'While writers and travelers the box; the label on it said: "None
Jess -There's no doubt of It, MAW
peen criviliza,tion are ptobebly the Rua -
genuine without our signature," and
vary as to the luture of Russia, near- there was the signature right enough,
ly ail agree as to the utter degrade- 11001061.1•1
tion at present of the Parisian. peas -
ant. Ile is always on the valve of
starvation, und Is abeolutely improvi- ile.-Am right in presuming to
dent, while bls gross and complete ig- think you care for met
nOreince le combined With the meet eat- Shea -No, you tire left,
travitgant superstition. Like all low
natures he ill thoroughly dietrustful
&rattles he ie a confirmed drinker.
Middle elass in Russia there is pratoi- Sottleigh. Woolly, I.--aw...-have a
ASKS FOR ASSISTANCE. oily none, The small shopkeepers notion to -ow -41W me bwains out,
osimi COIllbitte exorbitant ehergee with doneher know.
Trouble to .4.stouitt thereto* hen mere shameful usury; manufacturers and MIAs Ctittitig. indeeat Weil, in eatie
WM faking*
Pantegdd uditiaragret Igrtiler 01"th':76`gunnettrAg Ythll'nedtlo`dutdiretuttivanr1 1°011810%11;
Aterop, Gold Meta Colony, W
-es- is eidafl G h d Educe,.
y errata. an s. will ever knew ths difference.
Afrieal Aiwa 10.-Tht GOVarnari Sif tioh may after the lapse of several •
Frederick Mitchell Hodgson, wires generations remove the inherent dull.
nese of this people, but it will bo no PREPARATORY'.
from lturaassis that the other tribee
tear matter to root out evils which llookkeeper.Your, wife is at the
are rising again, and be asks for i•ta- are the growth of centuries of eerfdent door, sir d Id lik 1 k t
sistance. , an Wen ca 0 epee 0
end di/arise*. you a atentent.
The loyal liekilbi ItitYlt been attacked
hy the Aohantis, and 500 hare been Mr. Sellers. -Y66; Just Seri ivhat me
forwarded to Mr. 3% W. Oottrtney, De. •hilled. It is feared this will compel balance at the bank is, will yout
puty Minister of Finance, who would aeon to join the rebellion. Evidently "lattg MOW) AIM LOW." .............-.., -0.
See Mat they reached the properettar. the motter is extremely eerions, and "Floe slow and aint love," is erf oft The iVilieiit man Mar alteaYa learn
. , 0. impressed infentry order.
t something from the bum feet *Abaft .•
-2. P. Awn.