The Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-12, Page 6- British Barmahlso quire ere 120,000 barminele tie Rage kind, atal at lieriOnla tiateg sundry folk bare dreanied of beving a low pawl , Through Storm and Sunshine 'WM* statind preveet the omployment 1,14117n..000ffliep 11 '11 "1,:" •1" v belle. She was delighted With the Outage; ovine Vivieu wee compelled to atineowitanie the traproveineat. Laacen wood beettele mere like itselt again. Later on bit Arthur proposed going to Loudon tor a abort period, but to intenee eterpriee Valerie roiolutele of gide aa barteadere, saati a Loudon Cilontt XilleaContinueth ouly kuow that the world. seems quite "Yee, may go if roll Wee," she said. ei ban tied euough oe .gayety; I will sdaV;b110::4:111cNijsadp(A:ar:ToNieual:tatl it usitemre ali dotter. But the efforts in this citron ettinehotitileru,rleistitseleu ocheourrraerinueoerltonooke.plaithe: dif &treat." Her tone of voice wait deepoudent; it want to be quiet at boiled partle because on Englieh laatitutiou air Arthur and Mr. Dorman, when the her, he saw tit the bright simile had Arthur. "London Juts no attraotion for tloa nave had little you° support, wee he the library one morning, vvith hail it ita joyous Ing. Looking at "1.4hall. feet leave you," declared Sir Tho ter est nee -1 would ear rather. be at hanoe- black teas, is not easily set aelde, s.nd 'tartly be. family eolieitor, Mr. Greaten, wee all- 0- trona her taco. di fl amoo of 0. general coavionon that the tolliTgittuileimentotga:IrtirieLet:iltel, ll'Irlat'al"vii!tiiii= :nlixiettrnext Weekt" iterutto:44yritt. :Ire tiVivien, she ought - a. had let, $0. an attempt In a new leWily. It watt part of her policy to e *charming Place to. visit; yore beve tne dietioulty was soon peeved. Lady tdri behind the bar le not necesierily , Lady Neslie received him very grace bo asked. "lifiertouneeraig would be It baneened Moilt toidenately that PEN PICTURES OP SIVA% ewe& What a ltattle Mho larder Stotler* tr auditions. SUM what might happen, teeneatou wail about to visit town aile direetioo luta been begun on nehalh of be civil to every one. She never felt inn,. beele there, I think," One of the war correspondents in the barmaid. Inman of Wog told she might need, tuad ithe therefore what friends 4 do not feel equal to It, Arthur," neatens that the Daronet and 'Lute said Lady Emile, wearily -. and wipe* Nadia wiehed Vivien to go, but were tbe course of a private letter to a, friend give some vivid pictures ot tb that she la probably a sinner. Qr soon ileemed it beat to eanolliate all. She it happened that "ralladi" wee tua. uniting; to accompany bey, the lamed realities of war under a modem condi, will be the, she ie morale' invited to Paid little attention to what was Vial to anything in the ehape of laise Nestle to jetzt herself and her passing until atm heard Mr. Grogan tva b' • ' ti • Immure ,ber hatband felt Sure there dauahtera end Vivien consented come and take tea tie Seaday atter. %loan, w eil the golden premise of "s• e regards my own feelings in a a sometbing Arnim. noon with a woman Wbo doesn't lite ., YOU cannot Vivien, pre,judicest as the Was, could Dimmer Lilted the laud, Lade Neill "Aa taint to poach to her and who would without Mimi Nestle's consent," do that," Sir Arthur been leeePillfe *roue hunt and the secret uot help seeing that the young wife told her busband tne moret ahe had fight It is very hard to de like to be a good trieud, aud, kti quote "NY datupter will oonseut," seld dr4Pati "fl°abr. scribe; I a bit of blue sky to see," Jain oceeditions." You lath like a lity, and I prefer to sweetest gitt Heaven oast give .... the nier. Any Men who has been in a nature then," observed Mr. Groton, tO ge anywhere tor change ot air?" likes it, is a liar, In former days it To be Candi:med. knocked over all around, and meg be " As 4. 4. •of Lancewood, site mind Noi the profaned remaining at Lanceiwood. t N sign these papers.'" must have been different. The enemy Lady isTaana waked up quick/7. of "It is the purest air in England," said Mr. Dorman, who was present. firoill Pain to, Health. could be seen, the make could.be seen, how little account she seemed! She did not even know what was passing. Plat it is. But perhaps Lady Nellie every shot. At 1,I)00 yards you were "I shell ave Lane Woe " said know when th i bor own words, would like "to give ber Sir Arthur. 1We MW1U the mat- _ rte.' Sa §ir Arthur one morn. was that wore many =intim had a 'al; oyer and are losing all your color, passe' d, there wank; be given to lier the when I ana ail right I feel moot); hap - tor over, She gives her eel:meat queer- into you Mrs. Cholmelen, the leadei of thin si e see you like a rose.. Would you like ant ot a little ohild. modern fight where men are being aew work ia wealtby, and one of the honorary workers In the Chun* Agana, • the organIzatioe with whiola tUe Cnuroh England is unintentionally rivaleing gen. Booth's Salvatioa Armee Site has received contributions trinil the Church Army and iront other sour- ces and eageged Lour o*. tive gtris wiao have both L./tented as mission workera to help her, The yfurh, to course, makes it necessary that the loirmaida ellaald be eisit•ed their elides ot business, tor these girls work tram 7 in the inurniug until hen -past 12 at night, and, naturally, nirS. Onolaneley has totted it Wittman. to ealist wamen ch. her own see.al position to undertake ino.ktng the rounds ot such places. An- other drawback is that there are really only about Lour hours in the day when thus work eau be ;attempted, ter. the girle are too busy with customers Irma, tg o'clock until a or 4 in tbe-aiternoon; and even busier all the evening. In Spite or these cLifficaltwa, Mrs. Oholme- ley and her assistants have succeeded in the last six months in visittng .400 barmaids and talking with them. They She rebelled against such a state of and rates bad to be reloaded after would be benefited. by arehange,'; things. Surely she had a right to know not le de A CHIPPEWA LADY ThL,LS A STORY f be ignored. She weat over to Sir Ai,. SO her husband knew tnat all turther after repeiving one volley, would n compere ve sa ety. The infantry wbat was going on. She would not Valerie, deeidedly; and when she spoke OP atiervidINO AND tinnt.ASh. Erma 111,7ctrreasie tar veers._ charge,. knowing that until the -inete. 'shoulder. On anOther day he was distressed weirered ' • Hy, 407,01 learaga,. aggregate Or rar had loaded again each man was and anxioes about her. Sbe bad "What are you doing, Arthur!" elle titer and laid her jeevelled hand °Able disousaion was useless, , practically safe. • been the lite and soul of the house; Itioney atm stomata& Trottel«. asked. • Sir Arthur looked .up Prom the Star, St. C tb ', a artaaav 04. • :`Nowadays, that is all changed. with an ex- she had been used to flit like a aun- • beam game one roona to another; aht Nothing is seen, no man, no smoke. pr.ession of impatience. l 'What are you delve' she re. . laughing, or ln the viiiage of Chippewa, and The only tieing seen is the dust thrown twaal4kinag;walos ti nsei n g badsinging, ' ever aeon, her alto* the kite -learn frontier,. Were IS LIO garter kuown or reapeet- up by the bulleta, like a rainstorin pasted, "Nothing that you will understand, dull, out oe spirits, or even quiet. But 'prouubly 'Valerie," he sald. "Mr. Dorman, will one morning Sir Arthur, going latex- ea resteents than Mg endings. .1.eivid on the surtax ot the lake, the artil- yon obli peotedly iuto her bouillon eound het • athenen Both are ot tierman ue. ler Y throwing shells and the shells lief Mr. Greston's time is Preeinus. sitting with her arms laid on the table ' sr.ent and oisplay much ot that old- ' T g. co He has to return by the evening and bar tace , hidden on thane, her . Ituslaioned hospitality so ofteu found burstinIn ontrast tthis is the train." whole attitude so tull of despair,. so ! in the fatherland. TO a correspond., . lease which is infernal; with occasion - Vie young sectetary left the room, utterly despondent, that he Wale oast ent et tne St. Catharines Stan who al lulls it sounds as if a million kettle - "What business is it " asked Lady startled and then irightened - what reeeatly called at mr, honatiei a home drions were being plaeed-a constant f Valerie, quickly. She was piqued at could have bappened to his gay young airs. bchebel mimed tee toilowing trigra-ra-ta, with the boom, boom of Sir Arthur's Indifferent teply,wile f „ • I . story ;-" xeara ago my physician the big guna and the banal:or sound . " None that you would understand:" eh -aerie, 'my darling, what S it l'i. trau $1),0 1 Asid heart disease. i tie.ve of the pumping of the Maxirasellotehe . be replied. •, he asked, tenderly. . been troubled at latervala with pal- kiss, Maxim-Nerdenfeldta and mathine " Purely," sald Lady Neelle, 4'1 mar She raised a colorless face to his pitatioa anti seVere Pains, and some- alms, in general.; The discord is ap- know as well as Vivien f"has .4 different 1 .do not know; I feel- vere ill, umee my neare wouid abeam, cease .1nellingas every gun , Arthur," She spoke With no much pique. she eentinued, in *1 low, to beat. J. wouid become dizzy, rest- aound, and each shell going through and bitterness that the lawyer looked up trightened voice; "do you think that 1 Jess end Angeleno& At other times 1 the air bums, or whistles according • . lanunwueenaler. Sir, il.rthur . was greatly am going to diet" . • "To diet" he repeated, in alarm. "I slept, badly and had • troobleaoane to its breed. After a dine you can dreams. 1 lingerdd in this state un- tell what is coming, or, if it is one of • The amount of National Bank stack held by wtnnen la AMeriCa 14 eptinuited ::,,tragrit:114 the =n1toiral,:. 000,000. Trolley lino In Connecticut last year earriel 50,0841702 Passengers, and the ;down limes 50,200,408. ed in an envelope, attractively print- You," be said curtly. What a question! 1 see. no sign of aifeeted my kidneys and completely " The moswthattstrrlisfygionigngoi the seamy% take with them; a ladle letter, inelote " The business concerns Vivien, not pray Heaven not, Why, my darlingt til last winter when expoatire • to cold your Own, ad and aa nttle line a tract as passa. Then " miladi e saw that she had death about you. Wlaet makes you prostrated nue gee spring came, guns is a sort of Hotchkiss,. tv.hich lite, written aiming yet calouleted to r, gone too far. She had sufficient tact think of such a thin 9". with my , edinplaints ware furcner tires about five rounds at a time, and 8 . to retrieve any false step that she "Because I leel so ill, so strange," aggravated by stomach trouble a throwa a the -pound shell, which wake her rlarnk. III .. loathed tood and could realtze that 1 bursts. You are sate nowhere; as a interest the giri wno reueivee it and to leeight make. She laughedand the she replied. Oville or tile iarger public houses ern- ; fahrIe lawyer thought to himself what a "Valerie, said her husband, grave- was daily growing weaker. My bullet tired at an objeot at 800 yarda, ploy as many as twenty -rive hal/wade, wasr Inotableyr elowtaisn jesting" her tau, it • lY, '`I shall &lend far a doctor." physician a teeaunent would some- whieh misses hits and kills at 2,000 or "No," she urged, with a shedder; "I times sligiatly benefit methen again SAO, It practically means with these Mill in eillere the giris are kept oilar • But Sir Arthur was annoyed. She dread doctors; I. ana afraid of them; 1 was woese than ever. Finally, at- rifles that a bullt is• natter spent tin- irom merwng unai Willabut in 0'04 i went back to her seat, and the mils- the, very sight of one makes me feel ter all, hope was apparently gone and til it hits something and remains ease we WOirlitItS tr$ to have a Lew ; ter of Lancewood bent his head over ill." a large sone ot money, had been there When a buIllet strikes you hear words with &moll o& tliera,..as well ars the papers; he .was vexed that Mr. But somethingmust be done,' said thrown away for medicines that did nothing ; it goes right through( a man is sigued with Ara. Cholmeley.s name ! tie outbreak, She rose, and he was horrified. to see' ed me to try 1.)r. 'Williams' 14ink, Pills, yards. You hear a grunt or a gurgle,- me no good, a friend strongly ativis. and probably travels on another 2,000 to hand biz= the let,ters. zvery letter - Greaten should have witnessed the lit- Sir Arthur. • . and uoaro ner address. and Ole girls : . "That is a spiteful; ill-bred:woman," how weak and. 111 she seemed. She, two boxesof whieh were brougOt me and the zhan ootlapeas and doubles up, are told that she is at home every, ado- • thought the, eoliettor, 'and, no mat- looked at nem, trying to smile her cild at tbe beginning of the summer of sometimes it hit in the arm or leg day arterneou and will be pleased to • ter whether her name was D'Eate Or bright, gay, delimit smile; but the .1.899, 1 used; them and to my joy no ,lee ispins eroded and fallsand prob- liaVe chew take tea witn her whoever ' not, sbe is no lady." effort was a miserable One. . aced improvement, 1 • continued the ably gets up again, wi it Is only the theY, owe. At these tem she some,. Then Mr, Dorman returned, and VI- "I will not have any doctor" site use ot the plus faithfully mita Iliad shook Which knocks him down, and he titues has three or Lour giris, some- . rien followed. . • said; "let me die a natural death; if taken eight boxesjeam nowable to hardly feels the . bullet. At Meddler' times only' one, :more mten none. Oen- Lady Neslie, watching with jealous I am to die at all. I feel better - I attend to all my housework, eeeting River I went down with three guns Steering that ttie girlie only breath.. eyes, saw the deference paid to her shall soon be better; perhaps 1 have entirety c.uree. 1 have never had bet. of the lith Battery to Within- 4300. ing time in tbe whote wawa comes on by Mr. .Greston, _ over exerted myseld'-and on the sub- ter koaltu than, 1 ara now enjoying, yards and saw five Men 'go over, one buaday waernoon and then is cauy five 'How great is tlie difference," she jeet of her health she would not say and Educe discontinuing the pow have after- the other, but only One killed. tMolmerera lutle receptions are not : tress of •Lancewood, and the 'heiress! .Tbat mime evening -a wild, bolster- ptainntact.' singriXatc.4I the under van; iialieestwuraoraseth t,titc,,i,stLieP,iilttl,w;hilig Olours long, it is not ettange thet airs. thought to herself, "betvveen the mis- another Word, • hatd baiter patronised. He. treats ber wito a hundred times ous evening -when the wind was wai- long obligations for the benefit linfve isthemyor2toawhiTitepaaisnhiustexerrueciirgisiTuaund Mrs. alutiminey Says that there are more deference than he treated me,tt mg round the Abbey and bendingthe derived Prone lir. Williams Pink kills, ones. The gins usually enter the to her. Of what avail were ber pros- a serious iright. Dinner was over, opportunity Offers." s • rut ayerdsesect Ler fv, and lostlitrerlliey, Wan, more geect barraalus than evil It was bitter ati gall and wormwood .tali trees in the park, Sir Arthur had and will continue to praise them when business Lor Lae simple reason that ao. ent paltry triumphs if this proud girl and the baronet and his Wife and • - - sights and hear such a lot of heart - most all the other tines open to wo-. was one day to send her from the daughter were in the drawing -room. ' ' - • • • rending sounds that you become mous- men ere paid so wreteneaky that tiaa scene of her victories t she heard Mr. Vivien was singing. Lady Neslie had • A COSTLY; TROUSSEAU. towed to them and callous. I found a - ego° a week, with Meals, that bar- Great" explaining, oohing questions; lain down on a couch, as though tired. len le- - ....e tee. sii vin nnn s. . wounded Boer at Magersfontein who lamina receive deems eke a Loma& - she heard. hira refer to a future time She rose to find a novel that she had '"" '--- - --. """" """'"'""" L'a• was shot -evidently while lying down glum, there is notit.ng ciegradiag about -" When in your hands, Kiss Nes- been wading, and when she was half- been assigned by -the Emperor of Ja. -through the top of. the head above the work, Lor ever! barmald Is Cali- liee, she saw that evereawork Vivien way across the room she Lela with a pan for the purchase at the trouseeau the right ear: the builet had traveled tour barmaids who were formerty thur, yet when she had spoken, her. Vivien for help. They laid her ilown the left side. It had al wlio keep a lune box on the bar . " HbW I hate her I" she tbought. "I startled at her white face and 'IP& Empress ri ObYf tdh:Plaa:t Litirtells8 atueot'umre- orlite 0tt nhi l'airatbi a r' 1 ati tswrean side.::laI i 6 was not pretty to teachera ut buaday ethoots, and se'ver. husband was simply annoyed. again on the little couch, and were enormous expenditure being rendered hisdeorloulafiledonheisanrdnuttakanend presence orep into it a penny when- abutvicliiiide notgavs m rhimmwaterudh tre at, and sent it to a chanty :Aunt. eelf-possessed manner; I hate her be- afraid Lady Nestle is seriously ill." soma It ia difLicult • explainedwlrkseaitito me the course of the ha- wed make men wbo swear in their hate her for her beauty, which out- "Pape," said Vivien, "I should not 'aline Etu'ovetan outiit; and likeWise ari shines mine; I bate her for her calm, let anything Prevent my sending for a - - ever they Defend. One girl eiliectect / am equally comprehensive native .trous- serene pride, her patrician air, her, dilator; if I were in your .place. As tor the girls the great majority cause she will one day drive me from to say let. Some ot the •reeoveries are per- ot them would Leave an a moment ti - Islisew°°d* • "I will send direetly;" and a servant ,„,„ thing is over the doctors will, pub - "Late as it is," 'decided Sir Arthur, which of.the two will prove the more betty marvelous. I suppose after the n.sived The bride of the Crown hours are terribly meg; they ate obilg- give all she had in the world to out- arrived Lady Nestle was better, and hears the name of Princess Sada, is hands." heavoef Oa; Bredtraordinary cases . 0 . witere in a more inaveme nailing. ishe lie thought to herself that she would settich of Dr,. Armstrong. When he '`inss tili "Pali is °nIS 1.5 Years °i age, wlishhichsora through 'their. they, could, inake as muth money else- And, as she looked at her, Lady Nes- was dispatched at once to Hydewell in ",,,,ier- 1 , ea "ages:, la their visite, ears, woo- uttered was received with deferential low cry, to the ground. Sir Arthur of the bride ai his son and ueir, this through his head and out at the bath =Way and her giris have, macovered . attention by the lawyer, and Sit Ar- hastened to raise her, crying out to • ed to atana all through them. There rival her, Oh. If she had but a eon laughing it the tright she had given the daughter (a krince hugo, and be. ins, semetimes insutts to put up with, a son who would take Lancewood, whet "I have never fainted before " loogs to that illestrions • house is none l • of IRE • dirty work to he a the morn- -a sOn who could displace this girl, them. aud always gm temptation to drink. would be lord of the domain! It she 'id: "it is a raost periods sensation, thkOwaray which bas tarluab'ad claiLe Mrs 4..ttonnel a had but a son And from her lips -I do not think that dying can be A ameba of Eznpresses to Japan. Her yield to this temptation tttan ;would can" a wild arY to Heaven that ber much worse.' picture thews her to be a girl posse -se. • be expeoted. The girls are usually re- - Prefer might be granted. She plater- She received Dt. Armstrong kindly, edth di alt st1-'n13'tivo mofatures laced to ehe Proprintor or Ilia 4rleada ed t all to herself, if Heaven would although she felt annoyed at hia be- and aome or. them enter the business but irive her a eon, Sir Arthur might ing sent for. the women a the one japaitesit. aria.. as early as the age oii IC They find perhaps juin ' at first feel .sorry :. for 'I am better," she- .said. ,-"I have therapy; that is - -to ,say, ef• Motes, their husbands OA the public houses. tt. Vivien, but after a time the pride tbat over -exerted myself, _ doctor. 1 will they don't get matelot rind retire they all men .feel in a male- heir -above all, - net be an ja,vaijui 1 rause absolute... princely families who • used to- make. die aroma. the retied ofethe laird' work - la a son.af their own -would over-' ly I" their .. quarters at Eioto. She is and long hours. At least, that. waa power all other feeling, and in a short But. Dr. Arraatrong looked gravely not pretty, but her face gives indica - what the girls said when askedeethat time he would be. wi delighted as her- at her, • • Lions of the same strength pt *Mateo - became ot the old barmaids. atilt. A son to inherit Lancewood, but "I should like to speak to you." be ter as the present Empress Of •Japan, What Mrs. abolmeley hope* to fue, above all, to .supplant Vivien I If she . said. "ii. you will permit me" -hearing .vilia is a r oaraithah "aathahl, aha kaaaly, knows. had a son who .would succeed to the which Vivien withdrew, leaving the . rkable . Winnow and ehe Her ideal is, timely, to divide the city Abbey, then she would never have to doctor and his reeractoty.patient to. principal counselor and. most. enlight.. ot London up into districts end enlist leave it. She might live there al- gether, women workers enough, to. look inter wee% and it Would be Vivien who . It was a long interview,. and at eneteed. et matt he temembeted that thine and progresaive advieer of hir the stela rattier turmoil', in ease any . would. have to go. its close Dr. Armstrong quitted the --,..--,;.;"0-7 --.--.--"" be -:----------• --.- -- -.--h- ot them is ill or in troth* the ff to "It le enough to tempt ' me to go room with an expression- of anxiety eel. arranging t e marriage wit find a Woman of some prestige Weal* • to any extreme- of peril and danger," blended with anausemeat on his face. Princess Sada the Emperor of Japan ot those- &stride who Would receive she thought. "In fiction, a lady wlio "There is nothing .serioue, i hope, sounded, very diacreetly, it is true, the the girls OA SULISta$ or whenever. they deeiree a son and heir always buys doctor," said Sir Arthur, . : could mune and counsel the if 't one and cheats her husband. rwish "Ill " he • • " Varkaus cotirts of Europe with he ob. I could do that; but Idare not even *163404 11. At present *emu has been spent in the work. attempt It -Vivien would be sure to find we ottt. I could deceive Sir Ar- thur easily, but I could not deceive a THE LAKE ON THE MOUNTAINi ' berm," e e e I in- ,. firms ..1.-Vien Sae vegan to frienitate on the ' lir. Drummond murals Ile tlas irouttu , feaSibility of adopting a son --of pre - Where 1111* II MAWS COMO iVrotti, tending it was her own, and paining It off as mush. She did not lack inven- On the north side of Lake Ontario time but she lacked courage to carra southwest of tbe Canadian K city 0P out her plans. • A son -a son I Tf ever a wotnan ingston, is a lake situated on a prayed wildlymadly, passionate - height of i land one side of which forme ly for a child, t was Lady Neslie. Not a elief. It is just south df the arm that be loved children; here was not of Like Ontario known as (auntie Bay la: t °Zdetilat 7:e gyaW ?ovnt1:11ncinkalifigee, and it stiufda 180 feet above the bay. tion of a child. She merely wanted There is no opportunity for eurface t thild as an Instrument of vengeance. waters to flow into this little lake and 'She would far rather have purchased, 310 one has the slightest idea whence it one and passed It off as her own than have been the mother of one. No derivea its waters, which are clear and sweet instinct of maternal love actin fresh. The lake is about one and a 'tied ber„ no desire for something to half rnifm long with a width of about three-guartera ef a mile. dioevteirevdhlachch6higlisclimbpelyanthhg °ItwntAiSghbet be an engine Of vengeance, that It Mr. A. T. Drummond recently Wrote might bring destruction on the proud a letter to Nature, hi which he said head of her rival. Sim had now been ha believed he had solved the neyster•%;married mara thatt two years, and as h yet 'leaven ati been dead to her pato CHAPTER XIV, of the invisible inflow whith Satinet stellate pray r for a child. possibly be attributed to springs front any higher ground in the neighbor- hood. In his opinion the soutce of the atitnwy,alisatary rallithats taoYtit-h ebrIro3;*. lake Is to be found in the Trenton lime- amiss and leaves, when the tvorld seems atone area seine twenty-eive or thirty 'to be at its faireen miles to the nett/leash.There is a Lanisewood looked very lovely; the steady rifle in these reekis"to the north hawthorn Was budding in the hedges, and their dip is favorable tO sending the green leavea were springing on the the water that sinks through the soil trees, the lilacs were budding, the to them southward to the region of golden blossoms of the laburnum were Lake Ontario. Fitly Mileaway the formed. rocks have a height ot 400 feet above They Were all out on the lawn one the lake. day, Lady Valerie preferring Lanol- in order to ascertain the bearing wood to a season in town, watching of theae rocks upon the origin of the the twee devise which flutteved in the Inflow, Mr. Drummond last suramer sunlit balmy air. Valerie, who wait Made a sang at soundings in the sitting near her husband, sighed deep - little lake, The larger part of the ly; then after a few minute& ehe eighe lake lit shallow, but along tte southern ed again. Sir Arthur looked atigioUS- edge he tound a great rent In the ly at her. lecittote nearly a mile long and a "What lethe matter, Valerlef" he third of a Mile wide. In this rent asked. "Why are you sighingt" the depths varied front etiventy-live to "i do not know," she replied. 100 teet, ile sari the rent is probably "YOU do not seem Mae like yourself, dee to a Wide limit or breakage in the MY darling. Do You know what 1 Was Trenton litrugtone and he believee thinking about!" that the Amite Loretta that gave- rise "NA" she replied, listlessly. to %hie feiult May account for a aloe- 'Ufa 1110.7,1' he slid, "you gave six terrahean eonneatien with, the higher Plehicth'"°thlY imagine, air pionlos In ground Many mites to the north one rdOrkihi°-*Yrat had it &Me manta - through which- the Witter Linde its And this May rent have not giten ante" way into the little lake that ovetlooke e, "N*0" *he ralgiadi "1..bethe n0411181 Ontario. Mr. Drummond% faeoey nmeaton Was reprOaening me yodel,. the most plausible that ha li yet been day." leggeeted to attiount for the lithree "what Is the reason, Valerie," ask. trete Which thils Myetetions lake re. td Sir Arthur. say, Sir Arthur, hatLady &sae is jeot of das' oovering wbet h r it would one of the moat extraordinary nett. got be possible to find among time reg- ents / have ever attended." al farai•lies of the Oeolderit a bride for The baronet smiled. "I can believe it," be said, ',Lady tne. future ruler et the Oriental. Em. Neale brie a great dread of illnese, pgire of t_lea Rising Sun. And Ina*. doctor. I am glad you think' there as tions were men given that to Jetties nothing very ' wrong. Would • lett about such a match the Young•Prince advise change of del" might be disposed to become a convert "Noe let her rest and live more quiet- to Christianity, which Would, of ly-have leas gayety and keep earlier course; have proved. a great etep..to- houve-she will soon be well then." ward. thei transformation ot Japan into The doctor Might have thought a fullodedged Christian power. her ladyship a Wonderittl patient if 'But no European Prinoess, not even he had seen her as she appeared after any of the moist mature, telt that she he left ber. She was standing by woes "called" to contribute to the Goe- the fire, a flush on her face, her eyes version of Japan to Christianity by flashing, her red lips curved in a ;marrying Crown Prince Yoshi Hite, strange amile. • and. accordingly he was forced to ;leek "Cale it be truer" she said to herself. a bride emotes his own people: From "Is my prayer really answered? Can a dynaetio point. of view, this ia tier - it be truer I will not gay one word Willy the beat thing that oeuld have to them until I am quite sure. And happened. It is doubttul whether a if the doctor dom-but he will not I mateki With a European Princess would -.he dares not, now that I have for- have been popular in japan, while the bidden him. Can it be that my pray,. !strange mortality %Welt falls to the er la gra.ziteat Now for my victory-. ; lot of all the children born ad marti- now for rag revenge! Thera shall be ' ges between the yellow and the white Lady Valerie's Drive without asking tame gives rise to the belief that no Miss Nestle's cement. Wu &alio son ot any such union betvveen a Euro - will not alwaye be able to sneer at peen Pyjamas and the Japanese Crotvn toieeeto look at me with cairn proud Prince would ever have lived to sun - eyes, as though X were immeasurably med. to the Japanese throne. inferior to her. She will not be able Tbe Crown Prince himself Is at • the to live at the Abbey- while tiM sent present moment 21 years of age, bears from its doors. She, will not be cone a, striking reeemblehoe to what his fa - Wilted again, while I AM told indite ther wits when he was young, look. latently that it is upon busineao 4in ing, however, much more wide-awake not understand. Farewell to Miss . and clever, and is the offspring, not Emile% heiress.ahip and grandeur if !at the Empties& who is childless, but Motet yet awhile." thie be true! Ettt I will keep- 134 I of one ef the ladies of the imperial' harem. In feet, it was the existence "You are better, Valerie," said Sir of this harem, as well as of certain Arthur, entering the, room and going %her anal4nets features in keeplog up to her. "You have found some Of With Oxiental ethies, but net 0Ottliten- YOUr roses again. I was terribly anced, by Western and European ideas, irightened about you." that proved the principle obstacle to "1 was frightened myeelf," the ed- the graniet of * match for the Crown innoiwtmd.” , laughingly; "hut I am better Wino In Eugene. "Now, Valeria? liald her husband, Geeernor Nash, of Ohio, is an itath- "you need laden to reflood. I know yea will not be willing to eubmit to wbat I AID going to say, but must amerce obedience. You must live more geletnegyott must have fella socie iitye-you must km earlier h r ou a - you must go out lees. We tower have a quiet day at horde. You helm car- ried your lotto!, Of gayety a little too tar, and you have raade yourself quite To hie aurprise, She received the lit. tits lecture very ineeltiy. , "You are fight," eke returnedegl set my folly, and I mean to be differ.. eat. You shalt See that 1 will follow your tame, Arthur." 001Vois its waters. "i do not know," she replied, indite "Whet K. docile, little witet You may fareiltirl "I do net feel 00 full of life &valor: into a Mafia Griseide seen, ti01100b CUILDIM RI))8 Gant% tbliglrYlartethitr 114461dhattiil'ously it bet, ViTkothillieigreat et aurprIse,e refused ball he found th &hoot children IA Vietoria; Aintree, "Nat 10 lull a lite, Valeria? Surely abet kept her word. Sh 31*, *re tarried on the etreete ears fres int% are net lir tha illeitsitioni that otrae. She lad ot oberge. , , „ 1 "I ge not knelt." Ske ropistod; "I notillse VICK. sbcitit altititag allici“ Or ority on the history of that State, whith he has Made a lifelong study, His library of works on this aubject le probably the largest and Most vale - able extant, FLETCHER CA.SS • Petrolea Lady Vanquishes 'a Stubborn and Persistent Enemy. She Was for Months n Martyr to 1st- nammanwon. Remumseisem_bedirg Kidney Pins Cured Her. - Petrolea, April 2. -No lady resident In this town is more widen, known, and more highly esteemed for her many good qualities, than is Mrs. A. Fletcher, of the Fletcher House, Throughout the adjacent country distriet also, she has a very wide ae- qtaalntanee. All who know this estirnable lady, know that fOr =tithe past, she bas been a peaselees sufferer from In- flammatory Rheumatism. Sp sov. ere did the diseasebosoms that her finger joints and tingers were soterribly swollen that she could not bend thein. So was unable to get downstairs without as- sistance, and every impending change of Weather brought her the most in- describable agony. Many remedies Were used, in efforts to effect a Cure. Different medial men were called in to attend her, but all failed dismally. At length Mra. Fletcher, having read of Dodd's Kidney Pills, decided to give them a trial--ttst a final effort. She did so wed the only possible result followed. The first dose soothed her awful pain. Every succeeding doee did more and more good, and five boxes left her a sound and healthy woman. Not a veatiget of bei old dIsease reatattle. Rheumatism hal* no terrorta, wheri bodd's Kidney Pills are used. Dodd's Kidney Pills, cure Rheumatism, and - alt °tiler. Kiduey Diseases, Suet ea Certainly, easily, quickly and natural- ly ea a drink of water cures thirst. HANDKERCII/EPS. Many young ladles who have an ale most unlimited supply of pin Money, aro making and laundering their own handkerchiefs, and those who Mtult ecobordize, can sage a considerable sum every year lea following their ex- Indie linen, °ambles), mull and wash silk are a few of the meta. ials used for white bandkerchietal and the rityle of finish is so varied that any taste May be suited. There are the plain tem,stittehed ones without any ornament except a monogram .or Initiate embroidered in one corner witb white embroidery eilk or eotton. Othere have an edge of valenelennes lace, real or Imitation amording to the size of the pocketbook, put. on around the narrow hemstitched hem& Na± - row it insertion is isometimes set two; or three inehes from the edge all around between two hemetitcheakertni. Etandkerchiefe made of silk eOith 6M- broidered beta end a scroll or mono- gram are very handsome 4441, IT 18 TR eggy Always pure -always the satne avi.o* TEA, DELL Lead packages, ;Si 30, 40, $0 and 6oc. "Canada's_Greatest Seed House." :ra'41t .111i11. ;41,1 tit) 3rmt:LAT:: BRT &AR,: z _ R6ots ; 11141iN. ; THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS Is in using the hest weds at ell times, because you secure more tons per acre in the yield of root.. When you use eheaply grown coeds you sacrifice by poor yield in Crop eud ulterior quality of NOW many times the cost of good secd, STERLING SPECIALTIES Sngieis' CARROT 144 improved Short 'White" Tile, King of Field Carrots, largest cropper, heaviest and cleenest roe,. 1, most easily harvested of any Carrot grown. Use Steele, Briggs' Sealed packages malY (sem cut), thon you get tho genuine bort. Price (post-paid) * lb., 200. ; lb., 80o.; lb., 50e. MANGEL WURTZEL "Stesqe, Briggs' Mono Makers" Have been pereected•by repeated selections of seed roots during eeveral years past, thus securing the finest strains that can lee obtained. Growers who value their Mangel Crop will use Steele, Briggs' "Prize Mammoth or Giant Eong Red" "giant Yellow Oval" and "Giant Yellow. Globe." Price, ea.eb, by mad (post-paid), 29o, ib.;131, 5 lb. ids or more, 27o. lb. STEELE, BRIGGS' SUGAR "Ronal Gloat!! BEET A new and distinct variety, roots rose color, very large, clean, easily harvested and heaviest cropper of any Sugar Beet known. Every grower should try it. Oan only -be had In 0 In.) sealed packages. (see cut). • Price (post-paid) 50c. per jb. NOTICE TO GROWERS Steele Briggs' Field Root Seeds are all produced from specially • selected mots and with unusual care,that the Canadian grower may secure the most profitable result from his crop. Steele. Briggs' Seeds may be obtained from local dealera who consider the growers' best interest, rather than the small inereased profits to themselves by supplyin. g ',cheaply" grown seeds. Secure STEELE, BRIGGS' Seed that-Yhave the best. . s . aee- EEDlitt ' If riot (Attainable item your resiclent inercheao, send your Orders direet,. ou may • . "LS:' CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO INTENDING BUYERS. eCI#C)j:to 0:4Too."7. S ,.B e 513101818, - ; TOilONT0e St(fie . The Steele, Seed Co, MI ED THE WEDDING RING. fetheenienolliederanledhltindeeneneseeinget ita.41&4‘./Osaa41.....ssida..4141.1101. There are few morenniversal cus- toms among the modern natioria than that of the wedding ring. Tot it has come down to us from very early times even front ancient Egypt, whence it came to be prevalent among .the He- brews It is -eupposed that qubal- Cain, the worker in metal, taught the art of ring -making to hia fellows and defice,ndants. Zoe ring was first worn ea an ornament and came to be an emblem of authority in the %tee of kings and those in bigh places. Mes- sengers carried the kings signet to insure recognition, Physicians wore tinge to prevent contagion and the oommon people fh insure themselves against toe influence of evil spirits. in the civilization of the ancient EgYia tians the circle was a symbol of eter- nity and it was so used in tee picture , fo this idea in the eentiment that has writingThere is, perhaps, something 1Pit INT WASTED.' eir.„. ...i . ..... * -40 • It's a waste of paint, time and money to use inferior materials. The best _costa ,I \Ai''''.1:, but little, more, and lasts twice, 4 Wei. ! b, Asa& The reputation acquired by . • ' op a 'tillorTira t aoln RAMSAY'S 0. PAINTS, . which are sold by all first-class dealers; is a guarantee of satisfaction. They are mixed ready for us& and one gallon covers 360 scriare feet a COM& I ...y , A. RAMSAY & SON, )Paeinateridtes:a./ • applied _the finger ring to the union ,I MONTREAL. of two soul5. by rharrlaP• Ma Paal" a&Wer/1011.011/11/11A11/11,11:11.1111•Iate lloss/WellyekTemyes.41.0160% . a Yu. tion of the ring on the hand has been often changed. The Romans and Greeks wore it on the forefinger, and this seems to have been the oustora even in the time of Charles I. of Eng- le.nd, But previous to his reign, ia the time of Elizabeth, tbe custom was for the ladies to wear their wedding rings on their thumbs. When George I. mime to the throne the finger had been changed to the third. The left hand is chosen for the ring, perhaps because it is Crablematio of submis- elan, whereas the right stands for au- thority. The Greek thurch atill au - thorizes the . wearing of two rings, both on the right hand. • It was in the fourteenth century that an Italian astrologist invented a aystexa of wedding rings to insure good fortune. The Indere of the ring was to depend an tlie month in which the bride was born, as foltows: If in january, a garnet would win her friends; February, en amethyst would protect her from poison; March, a bloodstone would make her wirier Ap- ril, a diamond would keep her heart innixent ; May, an emerald would In- sure her happiness; dune, an agate would give her health; July, a ruby would preserve her free f roan jealousy; August, a sardonyx would prevent quarrela ; Weber, a carbuncle would inerease her love of home; November, a topaz would keep her truthful and obedient; December, a turquoise would keep bar faithful. At some. places in Spain and Portugal three rings are given, the tuatara being closely as- sociated With religious ideaa, as one is given in the nettle of eaoh raember of the Trinity. 10,000 FREE SAMPLES, thiaranteed Cure for Catarrh, Bron- ohItis, Asthma, Throat Irritation, Colds, no. Don't let that Catarrh or Bronchitis run on. Root It out before it Weenies ohronio. Tho best, impbost, and quickest remedy for these coral:400a is "Catarrhosone." , It costs nothing to nest, for we will send you, free, a 25 cent outfit, wiffielont in many eases to mire, and one thousand festinlonittla. Enclose 10 cents for boxing, postage, ne. Poison & Co., Megaton, Ont. An agent for tb6 American Bible Society says that the Drat book Print.. arl In AlitineSete Wee tt Bible. /1 Waa printed in 1818about 18 yeara before the first issue of a newspaper in St. Paul, O'KEEFE'S hilt% MALT %Homo& ma itioto WOOD. 'female, ORIalkA4 40INT. 4.404,444 Thixit Men who' have been lieWit. paper reporters in Albany have be 000145- nletrIberti Of the COInee t late Dentist Manning, Daniel S. (Lete mont end Charles Emory Smith. ' ishigiiitob ow. *viz zacinisteatv0.04. There are 0,/80,000 voltinkeit in the iihreries of the Arderleatt eollegeb and universities, flartard has $00,000 vol- umes, Chicago bnivereity, SO,* Ctol- usable, 27000, entoorasli MAL Row yo MEND A GLOVE. When a glove is too small and It wrose, than Useless to sew up the rent; it must be patched. The patch must be of kid of the same co- lor. Turn the part inside out, thaving triraMed the hole round so that the edges are even, and oute patch of kid to the rigid size. Ththen with fine needle and cotton sew in the patch, taking care only to take up the in- side the kid and keep' the seam flat. There li MOM Catarrh in this seetiori ot this country than all other diseases tut to -other, sad iin•li tha last few years wag supaoseate be Incurable. Per &great tnauy yerra d actors pro. nouncedit a Weal diserse. and prescribed local rcItitc4cs,and by co it tato ty f A il Mg to ^n a with era. Pronounced it inotirabut. Sci- ence tisprovencatarrh to a con=titutional. disoittio, onkthorettire reqUires cOnstitutiottor treatmeot. unirs Catarrh Cure, manufactured by le. J. Cheney 4 Cy. T01.3(10.010° 14 dm nlv con.bindlonal cure on the mArket, lb Is taken intormilly tu 30,469 14.040 to areas to ft to ini ren- tal. lb nate ate tetly on the Woo I and ran + nvz surfaces of the system. Troy ofrOr ono han1.• yea : gild by Druggist.. 75o. ref°arnii toulnumlala. • R.7, CHENEY& CO.. Total°. 0 any cage it t Ds to noro. 'send tordAdt4.0412riararRs, , Hairs Faintly Pitts are Um bast. GOOD, ADVICE, Predy-She is all the world to mei ; Whet would you advise me to dot ; Percy -See a lima mote or the world, old thitit I moirtmus. MY. siennolit. M. Free- Itis Hotel Carelake, tro„,..114 0-60,6 G.T.S,Inablea,Menueral, ave.tratstalcua, Tor. MINIM • 4 itiendimm=einie lativennuen.. I141. Anagos, prinelpal of the realm institute for the Mud, hi Ileatett, Le one of the Amertean t'eplierencia& tivta at the internenotiel voligtelie tbe interest of the blinds In be tea in; Parte, next August,. Tie erg* A, 0144 VA IOU *it tam Lexittive ledge eletniai feline* Ad ilesesine reeled thoelebet tr it htilt It tar* , sum WATCH- GrOTe't& nigt.tetVire loft Olikk 1014 Sit Montana ta %aid 10 1*aV11 111100 t110,000 p000 worth of eopor )04 'pm\ *OM Band Instruments, Drums, Onitotras, Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowest prices ever quoted. Ville c,staloSa• MMUS. triltIont Mailed free. Write n& for anytbint Lo Music or Musical Instruments. Whaley ROylle & GO., Leao34.7.+ZpV !omit HARRIS 13 leGOIr Distance Telebbonell29. • . WILLIAM 37., TORONTO. POULTRY, SUTTER, EROS, APPLES, amens* PRODnOlt, to emu* Inket molts coals& to The Dawsoq Commission Co., Limited. act,wast.aaaaat Ilelherne Tann% LA Mills, Mlle A kftlitilik Itctrildieret,et4..reMoTeti to Weglet_Bidito. 100*1. mond et. w., Toros*" totem COLD MOE tar. Muria Ito PbrisiSek Ir10.41, Acchts, Montrea. • 'pi IlleititS Milatiarett--eistaattettealtest O itothirs, *Se sent rts tbr Dominion. Smut Ser. &loaf tOrAtillatils. 373,St. PinISIerrt, Mounted • Catholic Prayer ozgorat.l- tkokciielkt Itirattres, Stoats*, tad chores ornament icationetee west soot waft* WOOS nrcemb aebon. Oen, 11101111014 00., Ikavtrial, Niti.100 PH0Y0 ENGRAVING J. t.NG.01 1.4 - .10 ADELAIDE ST W 1DRONTO: ACENTS WARTED. iiPt Whet rad, Iva trantit: 1,141.1tideftti men ra, "trattInterentratisitrittie Throncloa tbo Danitnat 4.0 twd Woe trozd: ta ikliV1401(114t. MA Olst4riterl reedaitte&c.nr1cralt brad readi, add.eg invoot. WWI; CS) lb -1/410ittlkii016 10704%1 .0Pols, Wee V4•1 SON lose Company. 'Drente. ow MO shuts*. UNlis -ARENA* in= oesuu,883 Vius Maoldnaa 4".."44460. Itleinvtal saltonn1. , era wig biotite. .83 oft twomutututu. Aus POriltUNINITTrurarut81011!alk t ate the gold am% olli'or mord FREE of any State in the tIatiOn. 010 W ts 1018 ALV e01r01e90 blialinfeetintite, 004E4, °Int meat *Teeth , Powder* etc. Igo, been eiletherlAter. 1;0161Vagggiltlitgret litArclitt ens doodle, kik Vat. deelet te obtain it Lists 111A1ltd trno ro epplieatiou. P. 0. CALVERT & 00. MANOusernut • • itieenstiote TIN ISIINItlitriti In Pe ((ir royale pot,ple. female Werattnatte, una Manor Slion&e, sorrouoneas_. Neaknos Orbs tirit6si efoi: , wet Inve Vara% your Mows of to. 146 Clad rauo w telt. ‘P)14le or tweeted Gun 34 0044 Wadi rAdfer Ot *tinier. Warranted 1V thViagantlittlernhatTetlettli igabgr ttent?tid v'tervorwritdictu,',?v,Igio„lt.r. /00 04 0100 00., Attelraktra Wed, werente, Oat ?to mogr otrrioneeo. Cleaning I EPPS'S " Dirl'Painglthar ;rag "OmI attArtrifte..COMFORTING. Wet Ioewn leyeetiewe, soya 1100traleitirTiners ItiltiOla,"10938.1*1 00IIA71.4114 IMO Awl Mies: add by ellgM COA wait*** Tetinit,