The Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-29, Page 121st Year
If the
i -
Whole Number 1110
label on yourCe. Give it your serious consideration,
n advance.
paper i� mashed up to date it is well, but better still if a year i
The Ladies
guy rrine.tenths of •,;111 the
Wall Paper we sell,
a special invitation fo
for them this spring.
As the stock
r )
1, snot a,,.n. r,p,ilt lit
Therefore, we are going' to extend
r them to come. and see what we have bought
is now complete we will hold a Wall Paper Open-
ing on Thursday and Friday of t
next week and invite all the lad-' ,
ies of the town and vicinity to b
see our display.
Whether you are going to
do any papering or not you will
be made welcome, ,
Some people think there is ea
nothing new.under the sun.
Those people will have altered
ideas if they visit our wall paper
If you are wanting your Pa-
per at once remember we are all
ready for you.
If it is something inexpen-
sive you are after ask. to bo
shown what we have o our
remnant tables. You can't of•r�
ford to miss them.
They Crave Him a Ring Won the Pipe, Prices Advancing. BAYPIEL,D, UOD$RICH TOWNSHIP, $l,Xl H.
About thirty of the employees of the I The curling competition for the pipe The price of live hogs is. advancing. fir. E. McKenzie, barrister, of Gode-
Ur. Albert Townsend, who has been rintendea for laetissuo.l
organ factory gathered in the drat ng donated by Mr. William Jackson was For this weeks deliveries $5.2i was for tine parse y
room of the Oommercial Hotel on won, after a keen contest, by Mr, paid, while stock is ,being bought for t'iah was in town het Friday.. Wise, hasgivenre thatears with Mr. Ed. The Blyth Patriotic Fend now
Monday evening and after enjoying a James Fair who places considerable next week's shipments at $5,50. At Mr. Albert Catling has been engaged earl iup poaftion and amounts to about $125. l b has been
feast of'oysters and other good things value upon the article and will only this rate it will soon reach the high with Mr. M. Westlake of the St nbse ea beanie April ranee twes to e y acre ayfield lot re raisee being subscyihed concerts,very
i 1 occasions The curl mak 'f)8 z $5 $5 Line for th summer.
Mr.john Sleft1
and her
e rd r individually.
provided for the occasion, presented use iton special - water r of, viz, Rev. Mr, Thompson, who has been o n eotchmere who est Mfr, W. Bentley and wife, who have
Mr. Walter Jackson with a handsome ing season, which has now closed, was A stsntoy Meavy Weight. supplying Varna and Blake Presbyter- week for Dakota. Albert is a good and been visiting relatives in this vicinity
gold rinp,and a flattering:address from a successful one the members oo Mr. Thos. Wiley of Varna is the bis- tan pulpits during the past two Sab- faithful worker and Mr: Wise regrets •for the last month, have returned to
which the following is an extract :— back over their contests with consider. est man in his native township of Stan- baths, took au
run over to seeyfriende loatug him. We hope he may find the their home in Winnipeg.
"We have always found you a good able. pleasure, ley and with Jonathan Miller of Gode- here Saturday. change beneficial, Miss Mabel Bell of Clinton visited
com panion, ready at all times to do us pmeoboteeravhee. rich out of the reckoning the heaviest Fteq, Mt. Noble will occupy rho Pres- v illiam Pat kers son of Mr. John Miss McQuarrie for the past week,
a favor.", The chair was occupied by Mr. Burgess had a busy day of it on in the county. He tips the scales at byteriitn •church pulpit Bore next Parker of the 16th, left last weak for The Thimble sewing club,"accompan-
Mr. T.W. Jackson and in addition to Monday when he photographed fifty 403 pounds while the very best Jona- Sunday. Dtinray, Manitoba where he has a coo- .
u speeches, etc., in strtimental music was men who had reached or exceeded the than can do is . ten pounds heavier. In the report of the subscribers to cin engaged in farming. He is an in- led by gentlemen, visited Brussels last
p d Friday in acceptance of an invitation
W. Cooper & Co.,
Clinton, Ont.
�fi I6e�6bgaegaet fsi.ot2oomrctee
premises in
The .Art
Of satisfactory Watch . Re-
pairing 'isexemplified by me.
I am an expert Watch -re-
pairer, can repair =:all kinds
of Watches and Clocks.
know how to do It properly.
You don't e .to
a take -t to
have i
any one else ' when I- get
through with it, because I do'..
it right, do it promptly, and
charge you reasonably.
Fourteen years' experience
enables me to guarantee a
perfect job. •
Am 1 to do your NEXT
Repair Work
furnished by Bert Kerr and George
and James McRae. The supper and
prosentathn were due to the fact that
Walter had resigned his position at the
o. f. to go West and. leaves on Thurs-
day.' The boys regret his departure
and wish him success.
L ittle Locals.
Mr. C. Wallis shipped two carloads
T of bogs on Monday:
Mr James Howson has bought Mr.
fine i
A. J.pony.
Mr. D. Dickenson is able to getdown
town this week after being confined to
the house for ten weeks.
The License Board of West. Huron
holds its re -organization meeting in In-
spector Paisley's office on Thursday.
• 'Mrs, S. Pike wascalled to. the . old
homestead in Goderich township on
Monday by the serious illness of her
mother, Mrs. Sturdy, -
Several ."citizens have told THE
NEWS-Rngonn that they ." saw robins
on Sunday arid are in consequence
looking for an early spring. .
Mrs: Hitch of the 2nd concession of
Hullett fell from a ladder. on. Monday
and broke her shoulder blade in addi-
'tion to sustaining other injuries.
Mr. Gilchrist of Rattenbury 'street is
not improving as well as his many
friends would desire. It is the wish of
all to see him around again soon.
The kaisomining of the corner: •store
1 -lock was done byM .
in t
Sid Oroll who is an experienced and
expert wielder of the big brushes. •
Mr. Thee, Kemp, who,• this week
bought out Mr.Ireiaed's milk business,.
has. rented: the house and three acres''
on the Gravel Road lately occupied by.
Mrs. Ed. Snell..'
Mr.. Dinsley removed. from • Batten
JEW burystreet on Tuesday to. Maple street.
Jeweler,. Expert Watch Re- The residents of Rattenbury ,west will
�'+ pairer and Optician., miss him as he has resided &mon them
• ,gyp �/o
iii l>� .for so many years. .
The:Rector of St. Paul's will' preach
in the Searle's• Block
where we.shall be
pleased to welcome
all our old customers
and many new ones.
Our stock is new and complete
and consists of e erything to
be fonnd in 'ii wellequipped
and up-to•date. Grocery Store.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
If you are going trav-
eling you can get a
the first of a series of sermons op next
Senday p. m. on the responsibilities
and duties of parents and others .in
• training up children' in the right way .
Mr. Plummer tried to''come down
town. last week, but found that his
sprained knee was not quite strong
enough. He .has been confined to the
.house since then; but hopes to be all
right in a few days.
The bookings to Western points by
g P
Mr, W. :ackson, 0. P. R. ticket agent,
this week include Mrs.Snell,Miss Snell,:
Geo. Snell, A. , Bell, W. Parker and
Walter Jaekson. Mr. J. J. •Allen was
ticketed to Montreal. . '
At Ontario street Methodist .church,
next Sunday will be Educational Day.
Rev. Mr. Howson of the Rattenbury
street church will preach in the morn=
ing. Pastor Clement's subjectin the
evening will be "True Greatness."
Mr. A. Kirkby entertained a number
of his friends last Thursday evening to
what•was styled a ""Rooster. Party.''_
The invitations ran : "Come had
to crow," Those present bad an en-
joyable time, they unite in easing.
The residence on Albert streetown-
ed by Mrs; Rifer and occupied by Mr.
Hilton has been sold 'to Miss .McOool,
sister of Citizens John and James Mc-
OooI of Hullett, who will move into
town and take .possession in a few
The Maisons Bank have received the
following subscriptions :—Oanadian
Patriotic Fund, part proceeds of con-
cert at Bayfield, per G. W. Holman,
$55 ; to Red Oross Fund from same
source, same amount. Miss Archibald
contributed $5 and a friend 25 cents.
v se
cheaperfrom me titan
any other place- in:
0 o 1 RE TWO A.J'S.
Your Spring Hat..
f1�\o JoGLSLLt . 'o
Our new stock .of Spring Hats has just arrived and is
bigger and better than ever. It includes. a well -selected
assortment from the best-known. English makers.
Sackville, Wakefield, Leslie
Who ma' a the best hats on the 'English market.
An aluminium brush,goes free with each hat of these wakes.
These are the latest and most stylish hats.
Cal early and niake a se ection. "
The prices we as it only give us a modest profit as, we
would sooner make four sales at a small profit than one
sale at a big profit.
Special Fedoras at $1.25
Aa J.
have arrived. You will wonder how we can sell them
for that price but we are doing so. Conte and see them
They are lined with g� +od farmers satin:''
.. A. J..1followayy.
aN ice.. -.l✓._.` .
Your Last
Will you be
advantage of the occasion.
The balance of our Winter : Clothing must go. Prices
are a secondaryconsideration You will see from the following
list that is what we mean.
one of the fortunate ones to take
We have in stock 25 Heavy Ulster Overcoats, waterproof lined, •
Price was $0.00, is now $5 00
Tome Beaver Overcoats " 12,00, " 8 00
Boy's Overcoats at '. 8.50, " 1 05
Men'a Suits at `i 8.00, " 0 00
Boys' Suits at .:...... ....... ..... . " 4.50, " 2 05 _ will be furbished by the choir and, . 200 pairs fteadyMatie Pants " 3.750 " 2 00 • young people are specially invited. the Salvationists gave it farewell Roc. The biulding,wltich was a+'landmar k,
� d tl March d i I k+ 141 t M a d Mrs ntorttah who have cillo the Murray oldest state town oolong
studio are much pleased with Mr. Runaways, intends snaking his home in the future. at Mr. Henry Murphy's onSunday Me. George Denstedt,.a
Burgess' work. There were several runaways last Mi. R. Smith, a former resident of this Mrs. J. G. Holmes, who for the past g prominent
week. On Thursdaynight Mr. J. W. lace but at present in Dakota,.mouth has been visiting Mrs. John merchant of this place, has sold his
t; place, P ghardware business and goodwill to a
Hill's delivery horse became frightened accompanied him. Holmes and other friends in the town- citizen of Brussels. We understand
ship, returned home to Whitechurch ' Mr. Denstedt intends seeking his for.
on Tuesday. y
tune in the West.
The recent arrival at Mr. George t The many friends of Mr, T. 0. Moser
Hudie's has caused the genial George were pleased to hear that he had decid-
to loose the cigars again. • ed to remain in Blyth, not going to
There was a large crowd at Mr. Mitchell as reported.
Kemp Buys Out Ireland.
Mr, John Ireland, who has been con, • and dashing down the street dam" Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Eagleson and Miss ductingthe milk business here success-
Clintoni o ' drove
fully for some time, has sold out to Mr, the sleigh and perhaps learned a J. Jeffrey of Ul nt n
bad habit. •On Friday Mr. T. R. Wal Saturday and spent Sunday with
Thos Kempwho took possession on
Tuesday, is genial and• ker swell -matched span of chestnuts friends here.
and Mr. was Ireland r genial
hislcos- tock fright at the north end 'of the There• was no service in the Metho•
town and galloped down Albert street dist and Presbyterian churches last
tomers,but as decided to go West and `to the G. T. R. station at a furious Sunday morning and as a result there Henry Beacom's sale on Tuesday when'
it may be take up farming. He leaves rate: The cutter struck the platform was an overflow congregation at the good prices were realized. Cows aver-
next Tuesdayin company with Mr, and remained there, but the chestnuts English church. In the evening the aged $45 apiece, a Berkshire pig
John.McMurray for Weyburn in As-
sinaboia. Doting his absence an the continued on their way at .a headlong Methodist .church was well filled also, brought $18.50, and the sheep sold
rate down the track to the Loudon Road well. Mr. Thos, Brown wielded the
prairies firs. Ireland will take op house and alongthat hi liwey to the bride The young people enjoyed another
p g 8 The
hop.;n'the fawn hall last' Friday hammer and as usual proved himself
in Seaforth where several members of where theybecame fast in ^a snowto be an A 1 auctioner.
her family live. night.' The boys and girls are'being
. drift. Fortunately but little damage well schooled in the fantastic this "
Baptist Church liens, was done. • .
age of three score years. The oldest Like most big men Mr. Wiley is good the Patriotic Fund the name J. Pol• ustiious young man and had no diffi- from the Brussels Minto club to a con.
to line up before the camera was Sergi. natured. and for his avoirdupois active, lock .occurred. It should have been rally whatever in securing a good . versazione in aid of the Children's Sick
Van Eginond, best known from bis- He has collected the revenue for the °apt. T. E', Pollock of Selkirk who Place near home at an increase of Rospital,Toronto, and the India Fern -
connection with the Salvation Army, Stanley council for years and has al- wintered here. wages, but preferred to try the West ins Fund. • .All report having a good
who has set the allotted span of life all ways made his returns so promptly Mr, John Scotchmere, a respected with hope of still further bettering his time and are loud in the praise of the
to naught, being now no less than four that he is considered a model in that young farmer of Stanley township, left condition. hospitality of the Brussels young lad -
Miss 11yb MTwitchell
score and eight. The patrons of the respect. r here Monday for Dakota where he a e e was a guest les
winter. • •
There was a good turn out of the Their Last Sleigh Ride. Mr. and Mrs. G W. Holman visited" There was a ho at Mt:
`members of the B. Y. P. U. at MondayThe scholars of the. Ontario street the'Hub last Saturdaywhen Mr. Hol.- ' P Robert Mill=
er s on Friday night last. There were
SundaySchool d rauthorities
uck S o to a merry weigh h ride
nights meeting when Pastor Mural , y 1 g man sent to the proper a'large numberpresentand :enjoyment
tock for his topic: The Glory of Obedi- on Tuesday evening and afterwards an •through the Molsons. Bank the money reigned: supreme until the wee sma''
ence.-=-•The collections in the church entertainment in the basement of the raised here for the Patriotic and Red ours. ,
Sunday were in behalf of Foreign church. Mr: JacobTaylor:,the efficient Cross Funds. • Mr. E. Butt had the misfortune to
Missions and the amount raised was Superintendent, presidedand intro- Capt. T. E. Pollock, who spent, break a bone in one of his hands while
considerably in excess of last, year.— .duced the contributors to the follow-. several weeks ofthe winter here, left - skidding loge one day last week:'
An opendebate will be heldnext ing program i ' for his home in Winnipeg last week to ' A Mr. Smith of Dakota was visiting
Thursday evening when the qubject.
"Resolved that circumstances have
more to do with the formation of
character than nature" will be discus:
sed by able speakers:from the Societies
of fear of our town churches.
They Hive Moved.
Reading, T. Murch . '
Recitation, Rena Finch
Violin Selo, Belva Olson
Recitation, Evelyn Tiplad
Ducat, Emma, Pluwsteel
• Coats held at the residence of . Mrs. Jas, some time in Goderich, was visiting
• Recitation, Elva Wilkie • Pollock:
take Charge of bis boat on Lake Winni-'
gtit Mr. lye eon B'n sweek.
l r ham last
peg wbeu navigation opens+. Mrs. Robs. Thompson of the ltith'vie-
The Indies of St. Andrew's. church: ited Mrs. Lindsay on Wednesday of
y ' here intend holding a social soon, se it last week.
and Lily is rumored. We understand it will be Miss Rose Wright. who has: been for
• at home last week.
Duets, Minnie and Ina Hill Mr. Swartz: of Goderich, having Mr. Geo. Hayes sold and delivered to
O. Cooper & Co. moved yesterday to Address, D. Tiplady
the corner store in the Searle ..block. bought .a: quantity of tiniber in the Mr. O. 11. Reid in Olintoh ,last week
In introducing Mr:.Tiplady the chair-. °entitle bush, . has a number of men two two-year-old heifers which weigh -
was made as good as 'new for , man: spoke of him as the father of the
their reception. The store is neat. and. school and as havingand teams enfployed removing the"
ncontributed large•
- 0.. C. & Co. will make it more g same.
ly to its present prosperous condition. =, A large number of the people attend -
so,. They have fitted up .a waiting 'During the evening •refreshments were ed Mr. Henry Beacom's sale last Tues
room for the convenience of such' of •served and the large number present
their lady customers as may .become day where they report things brought:
wearied of waiting for their hubbies ezpressed themaeldes as having good prices.
a thoroughly good time. The blacksmiths of tee 'village have
while doing business or talking politics,
elsewhere. T. Beacom & Son have A Pretty wedding.' returned to their. old love regarding
also moved and are now transacting The following account of: a wedding the prices. The association for keep
business in Smith's block, two doors which took place in St. Thomas recent- ing up the prices was very short lived
north of the Clarendon,which the pain- ly is from the Journal of that city, there. were too many ready to step
ters and paperers completely renoya• bride is a sister of Mrs. A. J, Grigg of into the breach at the old figures.
P P Clinton E—''The Norrie of Mrs. J. R.
We are verysorry to' report our
ted for them. Burgess to T. B. & Son. P
Smellie, .18 St. George street, :was the. friend, Mr. Geo. W. Woods, on the
OY11vies' Mill closed Down. scene of a pretty. wedding last night at sick list' and under the doctor's care.
The big' milling firm of Ogilvies, 8 ceelock,when her youngest daughter, Mr. Woods has not. been very hardy
which. once upon &time manufactured Nellie Austin, was united in marriage . this winter• but we hope soon'. to be
flour on so large a scale at Seaforth to Mr. Frank R, Dark, of Detroit. able to report his return to his wonted
Rev. F. Ryan of Durham was in
town during the present week on busi-
ness. Mr. Ryan. is interested in a large
amount of property here and it was in
connection. with this that brought him,
Mr. R. Bailey has ' purchased front
Mr. Robert Blair a. farm in Goderich
The red white and blue social held
at theparsonage here . by Rev. Mr.
Show and wife last Thursday night
was a: decided success. The social was
held to assist Mr. Shaw in the annual
eontribntiond to the superannuation
fund and the sum of 828 was realized.
A splendid program of music, etc.,was
introduced by Mr. G. W. Holman, who
acted as chairman, and standing room
was at a premium. Mr. Shaw's term
of three years on th1e Circuit is now
drawing to a close and much regret is
expressed on all sidee,as both. Mr.Shaw
and his estimable wife: have won the
love and respect of a large number of
friends, who will sincerely regret their
departure. Wherever their' lot may
cast in future we bespeak for them a
welcome worthy of a zealous Christian
minister and hie valued partner, wh o
by their kindliness of disposition and
devotion to duty have won tt�e respect
and admiration of people of all creeds.
The following provisional arrange-
ment as regards services on the Bay-
field Circuit has been Made for the
three months from April ilthle-Bethel,
10.80 a m. ; Cole's, 2.811 p.m. ; Bayfield,
7. p. m. Rev. A. E. M. Thompson of
Clinton will preach Educational ser-
mons next Sunday as follows :—Bays
field. 11 a. m. ; Cole's, 2,80 p.m.; Bethel
7 p. m. Oolleotlons and subscriptions
will be taken up in behalf of the Fund.
Mr. Harry Draman has bought the
frame house belonging to the estate of
the late Jaines Erwin.
Mrs. Brown, who bas been a guest
at the rectory, returned to London.
Miss Moesop of .the Bronson Line has
gone to Manitoba on a visit.
We are pleased to sea Mr.Thos. Stin-
son Sauble lane, around again after
and Goderich, will not grind another
pound of wheat in Ontario and on
Tuesday closed down their mill in
'Seaforth. They have placed a price
upon the property and if a purchaser
turns up well and good, but if not the
mill will stand idle. While the Ogil-
yies are retiring from this province
they are increasing their capacity be-
yond Lake. Superior. As an 'instance
of the value of the plants they are in-
stalling it may be stated . that the en-
gine alone for the Winnipeg mill cost
$20,000. .,
Officers of Willis Church Y. P.'S, a B.
Mr. F. R. Hodgens, town ticket
agent G. T. R., issued transportation
to the following parties this week :— '
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Morrish and Mr. and
Mrs, T. Robertson and . families to
Oxbow, Assa. ; J. J. Mackenzie to
Sault Ste. Marie and G. 0. Duncan to
The Rev. P. E. Roy, Missionary
agent of the Diocese of Huron, has,
met with gratifying success in bis ef-
forts to secure help from the parish of
llolmesville, Middleton and Summer-
hill to raise the debt now resting upon
the Diocese, The amount subscribed
'is about $155.
Mr. W. P. Spalding took part in a
concert in Seafforth last week and the
Expositor refers to his contributions as
follows :—"Mr. Spalding of Clinton
added not a little to the pleasure of the
audience, and it 18 hoped he will et
some future time again favor the Sea -
forth people."
Mr, James Stevens of the Base Line
made the sale o1 one of his horses to
Mr, John McMann o; Seaforth last
week. The animal is a good one, Mr.
Stevens would keep none other for
that matter, and commanded a fine
price. Mr. Will Tiplady of the same
Line sold .to Mr. Archibald at a good
price also.
Next Sunday morning the Rev. B.
Clement will occupy the pulpit of the
Rattenbury street church. In the
evening Mr. Howson will preach a ser.
mon of special interest to young people
from the words "Pour at the Causeway
and two at Parbar." Good tousle
The regular monthly business meet-
ing of the Y. P. S. 0. E. of Willis
church was held on Monday . evening
when the following officers were elect-
President, D. 0. McTavish
Vice, Miss M. Matheson
Treasurer, Miss 0. Taylor
Recording-Secretary,Miss A,Irving
Corresponding -Secretary, Mies Mc•
l enzie
The Convenors of the different com-
mittees are as follows :—Prayer -Meet.
ing,Miss Wilson ; Look-Out,Mrs.(Rev.)
Stewart ; Social, Mise M. Deaner
Music, Miss M. Murray; Organist, Miss
L. Lindsay.
ewer Together.
Mr. S. Davis, one of our best known
citizens,has been in business in Clinton
for over thirty years and for twenty-
three of them has had Mr, Geo. Cottle
in his ernploy. In this fickle age this is
an exception to the rule and it indicates
that the bump of continuity is well-
developed in both of them. M°r
Davis is an. easy man to pet
along With and his jokes and
stories for which he is fam-
ous,. lighten labor, But Mr, Harry
Hunt exceeds this long period, having
been miller at Fair's for thirtythree
years or ever since the mill was bought
by the late Mr. ,lames Pair. lie
looks good for years to come.
Oahe to Asslaabola.
On Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
HarryMorrish and Mr. and Mrs.Thos.
Robertson, together with four children
of the former's familyaud thtee of the
latter, began their long journey to Oz -
bow inAssinaboia where they will take
up farming. They were good citizens had gained lob great headwaywhen
England have purchased a new etgan township, being Ih her oiglitytourt;i Fred Button for the Bummer months.
and will be missed here, but at thefrom the Bell company, Guelph. The year and real smart and active for a Mr. 3. Brown ie moving bis effects to
came time will bean acquisition to the to entertain anyhone of much needed auxiliary in the service woman of that age. report that .lift: Alba t piace recently occupied by
discoveredhis new
Ozbow district. Mr. Morriain 18 .a _ saving thebuilwadi , nor, owing to the McGregor.
dense smoke, was is possible to says
of any church is a good organ, The We are sorry to epo
member of venin ns of England and on any of Mr. Wilson'$ large stock of Varus church, we understand, ie coni Calvin. Dawson is not gaining strength Weunderstand that Mr. Glavin
Thursday evening last a special mast- templating the same step, as fast as we would like to Bee hien bub Hamilton is eoriously 111. "W a hope to
fresh and cured meats or implomentB
ing of Sheffield Lodge was called wizen Mrs. •J. '1'ippit visited friends in we hope ho will soon recover from his see him aroundsoon.
of the trade. His insurance amounted. illness. Mr. John Medd left for Brandon,
the members expressed their regret at. to only $300 which does not by any Varna Iasi week.
losing Mr. Morrish. A resolution toWe are sorry to learn of the illness Mr, William Clark le atilt gaining Man., last week.
this effect was adapted and is inscribed means cover hie loan, which is supple- of Mr. Geo. Woods. bub we trust he strength and his many friends aro Lou 1! arnham has hired Master Wes
upon the records. On i± ridgy evening rnerrted t,y the Interruption of ltualneas• will be around again aeon. glad to sets him able to be out of bed. Reid "fora year. He has got a good
a very line shorthorn bull from Mr. B. Miss Bessie Pipe is visiting friends
The rooms were .tastefully decorated
with flags and bunting, the Union
Jack and Stars and St•ripes,forrrting a
canopy which the 'bridal party
stood. The Rev. D. R. Drummond per
termed the ceremony in • the 'presence
of about thirty guests. Miss Ellie Mc-
Kellar acted as bridesmaid, while Mr.
Geo, Smellie of Windsor assisted the
groom.. The groom's present to the
bride was a beautiful Haviland set of
dishes, and to the bridesmaid he gave a
handsome opal ring. Mr. and Mrs.
Dark left by the Wabash at . 7.30 for
their new home in Detroit. They are
followed by the good wishes of their
many friends."
The Boys• Brigade Batsrtafn.
Thirty-one members of the Goderich
Boys' Brigade drove to Clinton on Fri-
day evening last and were entertained
by the Boys'Brigade here.The two Bri-
gades first marched and manoeuvred
on Albert Street and then.proceeded to
their hull which had been decorated
with flags and bun ting for the occasion,
Upon the two long tables, which were
there stretched out, a sumptuous sup-
per had been spread. Sortie of the
ladies had`taken partin its preparation
principally Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Rate
tenbury. After the boys had partaken
heartily of the good things provided,
short and apt addresses were made by
Captain McTaggart, Lieut. Grant and
Messrs.Hilton and Jordan,all of which
the boys cheered to the echo and atin-
tervais sang patriotic songs. About
ten o'clock the Brigades again lined up
and after marching down to the Rat-
tenbury House they cheered each oth-
er and their officers when the visitors
leftfttgqr home, The Goderich Brigade
is uniformed In blue, while the Clinton
boys wear scarlet tunics,
Saturday Moraing.Plra.
Clinton's fourth visitation by fire
took place about two o'clock Saturday
morning when Mr. Chas. Wilson's bate
cher shop was found to be in flames.
The alarm was at once given and the
Brigade soon appeared upon the scene,
but before the engine got well to work
a hose had been attached to the mill
hydrant and a• stream of water was
playing upon the lire from that direr•
tion. This is the best practical iliuetra.
tion yet given of the value of the Fair
auxiliary. As it so happened the mill
was running at the time. The fire
ed2400lbs and a .heifer and . steer of
the same age which tipped the beam,
at 2120 lbs. They were in good condi-
tion as their wei fait would imply. Mr,
Hayes' also sold a horse to Mr. Thomas
Robinson' who took it to Dakota On
The L. 0. L. met on Monday night
when there was a fair attendance not. -
withstanding the bad weather. Aril g
the subjects discussed was a picnic: for
May 24th.
A pleasant house wedding took place
at the residence of Mr. Joon Gooier on
Wednesday of last week when his
youngest daughter Jennie was united
in marriage to Mr.' William Patterson
of Beverley. After the ceremony had.
been duly performed and, the happy
couple had been warmly congratulat-
ed and good wishes had been showered
upon them the company sat down to a
sumptuous wedding dinner,' ' after
which several hours were very . pleas-
antly spent in dancinir,. games, music
and chit chat. We ateeals well withers
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Patterson and hope
their married lite may be bright, hap
py and prosperous.. •
Mr, James Lindeayhas let the . Con-
tract for the carpenter work of his new
house to Mr. Thomas Mackenzie of
Mr. James Reid, for some.time assis-
tant postmaster at Varna, but who re-
signed that post to go to Manitoba, was
visiting the Lovett family and other
friends in thle•neighborhood the past
Mr. E Butt lost another good horse
this week, making the second this win.
Mies Agnea ' McOlinchey returned
home on Thursday last from a visit
with friends in Marlette, Mich.
Mr. has. Reid, who has been visiting
friends in Grey township, returned
Home on Friday last, '
Miss Rachel McOlincheyis recover-
ing fast from her late illness.
Miss Mary Stinson from Lucknow,
who has been visiting friends in this
vicinity, returned home on.Monday
Mr. David McNaughton has secured soon see them around again in their
the services of Thos. Sanderson, Jr., usual health.
for another year. This is the second C. Meyers of London is here again
year that Thos. Sanderson is entering this week on business.
on, with Mr. McNaughton who knows School matters are the excitement
when he has a good man. at present, Hope the efforts beingpue
Mr. William Herd; our popular forward may result in getting a school
framer, has secured the service of
in the village where ono is much need -
William Elliottand Albert Townsend ed,
for the coming season. Mr. Townsend Mr. Wm. ceder made a shipment
is going to occupy the house of Mr. :if some fine poultry to Fort Atkinson,
John Seothmere. Wiseonein, the other day. Will has
Miss Ina Andrews of Varna was the more than a local reputation.
guest of Miss Stella Rathwell last Sat-
urday and Sunday. Bandon•Itallett.
Mrs. William Clark, sr.. who has
Mr. Thos. Watson' has been engaged
as leader of 81. Andrew's choir for the
coming year. Miss Habkirk will be his
Mr. Ab. Perdue, V. S., of Belgrave
was a Blytti visitor on Tuesday.
• Mr. Ed. Campbell Left on Saturday
for trip- to St. Mary's and
Toronto. .
The last carnival of the season was
billed for last Friday night but owing
to poor attendance bas been postponed.
to some future date.
Owing to stormy weather the hockey
boys were unable: to go to Dungannon ,
on Monday night:
The weather has been so unsettled
thatit almost necessitates the constant
carrying of
y g umbrella tied a fur over-
The stonemasons are busily a work ;.,.
building a fnnndeti'on for a yault in .-
Bank of Hamilton. •
It is rumored that one of our talent-
ed young comedians .is about to be
married to an equally talented actress.
Jas and ,r t oMon-
o -
. I'o est left n M n
clay.for `Manitoba. They are two ' of
Stanley's: most highly esteemed young
men and we wish them success in the
new prairie province.
S. C. Rathwell has purchased .`a fine
Jersey cow from J. A, Bull & Son of
J.'Mcl'ie has sold out his property to
J. Hart of Brucefleld, who ` takes pos.
session in two weeks. We have not .
learned what Mr, McKie intends doing,
Mr. William Beatty of Ethel: visited
under the parental roof last week and
returned home on: Monday accompan-
ied by his sister, Rachel.
The " Methodist' Sunday School is
busy preparing fur an Easter enter-
tainment. ' They ace sparing no pains
to make it a complete success,
F. Keyes of Usborne visited friends
in Varna on Saturday.
W. F. Keyes has started to make the
timber for T. Elliott's' barn. He has
engaged'for the season F. Purdy, G.
Foster, G. Granger and T. °hater.
The members and adherents of the
Varna .appoint inent took the Rev, Mr.
Andrews by surprise on Tuesday when
after leaving twenty-two or twenty-
three bags of oats in. his stable, they
went to the house and made thorn
selves at home. A very pleasant
evening was spent with music, games
and social chat: After a sumptuous
repastfurnished by the ladies, all went
to their homes well pleased with the
evening's outlay. • •
Mr. Geo. Addison iseAending a few
few days with bis brother-in-law, Mr.
Webster of Wingham.
Rev, 3, A, Hamilton went to Ripley
on a trip Monday evening.
Mr, end Mrs. J. %Vtullace'left for their
home in Pilot Mound, Man., on Tues-
day morning after a pleasant visit
among friends. Mr. A. Bell also left
for Portage la Prairie on Wednesday
morning. '
T. Sampson and A. Woodman are
still under the weather. We hope to
his recent illness: been somewhat indisposed for a short Mr. Robert Young has got a fast
Rev. J. F. Parke of Clinton and Rev. time back, is not enjoying very good driver now having traded with a man
E 0. Jennings exchanged duties last health but we hope she will speedily near Bruasels. Bob says the boys will
Sunday. be restored to her usual health. Mrs. have to stay behind now,:'
The congregation of the Church of °lark is one of the old settlers in this James Fairservice has engaged Mr.
one of the The sale tit these pr'Ce.. will lie continue tl are The fpllpwingappsare n ast wee ' a long been zealous and consistent mens•
' 1 1r Wise ofGoderich township for Which be a
' 5th, when all will be cleaned out. wo will be ready to show Holmes, he Blenheim
ten news past has n to r.
Mr. Richard Peenhate has purchased boy.
O r. 11 r ijodbr C
issue of the Blenheim w i hi. h l round Brussels atpresent.
d 1 hers of the Artnv. An address was About two•score ineriiboi�i of the Mrs, Gleorge Rutledge of Wawanosh paid a handsome ligase. Before going. Dakota 11f foo,
• These ' .associated with i» Gibb leaves Preeented to them together with a Rattenbury street Epworth League is the guest of Mr. Burrows, Nelson Mr. Henry Peck is wearing asmiling Addison made his sister, Dote, the
these goods on Saturday morning. goods are all filet been ,
this week for Clinton, where he will handsome book which will be in the visited the North street League of street. face Just now, why Because hie present of a nice organ.
class As w keep nothing but file hest. .r into business for himself, His years to coins ase, Birk between thole G}oderieh on Tuesday evening and re. Mr.'Georgo Barry is this week, tee Better half presented him with a John Connell has sold' his�'lriver to
U stela ce
of o n
ago. Georgey
enter baby boyfi'
eft 1It
genial, friendly manner, combined' prairie home and the old kI.A.I3arrack ' pert having been most hospitably en• are sorry to Icarus suffering front bouncing a y- "-
With a thorough knowledge of all the in Clinton. Many friends gathered at •ertained. Owing to the upsetting of an attack of eongestiun of the lungs. This will snake four boys for Mr. Peck,
latest ideas iu the dental profession, the station to speed the parting Ones one of the sleighson the journcy,Miss We hope 11 is only a *light Markle. ti. ...,.ea, •••• .-•• • ,,,.,..a.... a' ` `-"`_, "" ," • • ~' _ _._. .r.,_. _.....•. ..... �_.
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