The Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-15, Page 3e
.0 e?os sWIMM a ,f work tUt I or dxrk wo%"zigaor,,fA1rh1t I'll away INLAND'S CAB N T
mr I Us this 0 up CA dark, n _# opes and a MEETING. NEW 11LITARy SoRgIll 0 nts with a world on His herti t
twr wot forna quested. a to the fall of the - blood from" ans"r. Ind and a white,
he on', breath! t" rer as,
THE PROVO, 'ALPS RETURN , no 0 ow the F1411rolil 11,0,4rd of 11sorector and band, and foot, on the "Dr. Ussiou said me 11114111108104 ADDITION OF 80,OW ME$ TO THE bonoath—qropl dropl drop! yesterday. it a, and what will I do The meeting$ Ot t1foiablact are at- "Save you kindly. Keenan of Llsman- my lone I ould UQU1,411 ARMY, allsl How wide the IV, better left me to THE CHANCES OF WAR. tracting wore attention at present wounds arel Wider Ito they gap ay. And will you give we % ride to immy, after all.11 Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on An Look At the a as His ibody, Comes than they Ituve done At any time, 50,490 to tole. ANXIIJorl.b The Ce"IrAl r0ex own up. Cork V -P ,,])cast talk 00, my Sirleten It burtooll 0aly Ab,xj gas In 1,4r Thou,'1411 .1418. of 'three Araky
on thou" ob this ' crucifixion "And me, Martin I" 44 $Ile* VilrotCta
Maurice said In a abarwried voice. alace the tompetous Gladstone days, eInteresting Subject agony. Tioars molting lot o tears You were too good for him, Grassy, Carp... "Stroug" farmer as be wits, Martin nd soon would be have Ir t is certainly a oramb of comfort "'Ye the Load* Blood. flowing Into blood. OL i uctil'
AL , rown tired; I
droppiagj an darkness. Hands of Koetian wits none too ready to give and you would It very fints, the oabluet assembles The, following is the Imperial Gov. eye goqql bu4gry to, to %. ;inan About to fig),it for his Conn. HOW tho Mother Would Greet the Prodigal's Return--ihe en sotued with ondis, of devils to away even the courtesy that coat. him tbO Pit -Y Of the streets, mavourneon I,, tq to know that in battle not more 'Dosaint; treet and Whlteltull are rnmentlo military programme Catlin- tear apart, the quivering, 'heart of the nothing. "And are we not Starving here V, thronged with Ardent politicians, anxi. Cd by Mr. Wyndham in the House of 'Father's Greeting of the Wanderer .. God Is Repr - Son of Godi Ohl Avill He moer speak ,A d who's to pay ray trouble, then, than 040 in every 1,00 projectiles of ous to greet the ministers With on- Commousk as summarized by the Lon- Again? Will that crimson face never 11 "O, Yeq, there's a, root above us, oure, All 0.1orlPtiona and weight takes of- sonted as the, Fatber-o—The Dr. Draws Some Lessons light up again? and the mare'st" he said, He draw up there Is I And a brae roof, too I 0, I fQt, a ayo I the London Mail. cour-aging ahe4a otybon, they arrive, don, Daily TelCgTapb-�_ [IN WILL SPEAK AGAIN. big cart with, a creak and a jerk, and W19ht-my grief I I wisht you,d. let , me Coal.potaut authorities state that on and to, Bond tiopw off With houts of 110100111SATUOME-A, PRUSVNTMO� 0 drown Myself thIat night,,Maurloo. It T From the Parable. looked hard at,th(� two glxls who had w,sn,t kindly the aeraige It takes a ton of shot to 0009VOtI11341013 when they depart. while the blood is suffusing flits brow, t done to, stop me-tio,
;A -despatch from Washington Say to and reddonin.g. His bheek, and gather- r' OPPed him by the wayside a mile. And and It wassipt wlse I For, wauthie , kilt one man. For Instance, It b4a The deVotisall of the people who atad e . laro.. 0: as wihe %vs (wa Coming back �; ecervists . . . . .. Lug on nostril qud� lip, and �yov think .10 a home now." -Itev. Dr. Talmage Preached from the ? The, text pictures Oar coadl- . a bit frow Xagm4uay. Would they pay Iyould be In your onio been -estimated thAt -in the Crimean forh rsontliacurbstonelatbomqr- . . . 71000
following text. "When 'he was yet a tion--iNft axe, a great way off'. That that Ile is exhausted and cannot him for the lift I he wondered. Str%n. r6ceYs, doari these are better war the . British and French troops significant, aaaartlob, at$ not one of ! speak, He ories out) until all (the ages Wers, to him. both tIa days than the days At home'lo said, be illtiO . . . . . . . 77,000 yen man wan not farther af from oy ware, but sof t. fired Moen: them the oilormous them. own pos4bly 104rA anything now Volptiteerfi, his g
a forgive them, they oreAt wy off, this father saw him, herl-i houso, sin is ot farther hear him.. "Father, voiced And very fair to as Naurlao'Keonan, slowly crossing the knNv not. )v but they dot" a, and Mar bon't the situation until he reads it And'liad 6ompasslou and ran, and fell Off fx a hol; ie.i, bell is not farther Is thery no room to the One small window, and amlount of 45,000,000 projeoWsts, r� Total . . . . . . 409,000
on neck and kissed blm."-XOuko. Off fr.1-1 than we have been emlsbasia, fo aur.1i ascelle as that to (in, Keenan looked at them long. looking down on the loud street be- sulting !A the death of only 01,000 Rag, In his newspaer, The cabinet does
make. dry eyes weepv aindi your The fas'llic,12 of their clothes was dIf I(xw- Many's the day at Lie not proolalm its deeisloo from the maiag� I BiALISO W-111' on their side, tha Czarlo by our Sins away off from, our God; went hung -y, -arid the allarpeat trug E� TO B14 oye eo, far aft that we couldi not hear hard IrIalt."t break? Will you turn- ferent and, 'oven so was the color of - Adherents killed soms 46,Qoo of the� aj. housetop$, It In, in fact, the Closest R.AISED,
If have often -described. to you the His y1oles, thlough vehemently He has our back upon it, 'find Bay by your 9110 now to Me is the knowinis tb,' �119. away. -of this prod! gal son from called us b their halt, but themselves were as like my girleen's hungry, ton." lies, wth a cGrpsorovtiton in the wide world. Line . . . . . . . 12 Ua.ttaltono
ear after year, I do not actions what the Jews said yl their a expenditure of over 40,- L ow wh&f bad habita you have fQrm� wo.rd: "His blood be o as two Sisters. The fair g own Samed so !nOi re$Brve eaterk
h a us, *ad on g , lor o4me up into Graoey'a 000,000 PrOjectUses, tWIS ropres Its deliberation$ are- secret , no r - F ,t . 17 Battalions.
Is f4thaV'S liouse, and I have showed kn worn yo eating a a laid Artillery. , . 86 Batteries.
d, or in w1gat etril, places onq have our children? WhAt doesjt,all Mean, was a roil.color and rich stuff, and the . ung face, and she laid her (loath for every 1,087 shots fired. flors Artilleiy. . . 7 139ttariea
YOU WhAt 4 hard time, lie bad down 0 head on her husband's arm, with A scib� Cord, is kept of Its resolutions, and
been, or w1hat false notions you MAY my brother, my sister? - Why, it hood On bar shining hair was of quilt- "O, It's Elie bitter woman I amv9ba The Amedoaa Civil.. War returns, they are never reported to anybody. Cavatry. 4 Reglinents, te wilderess, and what A very have entertained; but you are ready meaas that for oar lost race there ad, Bilk, but the da-rk-haired. girl went tald, Oland you putting the food from whicli were got out with very great YAL,4ATILLERY, ARM)C $Hit- gVeAt mistake it was for him toleave, to ackad)Wkulgo, it your beart has not was A. Father's kiss, iLove brought No secretary !-a present at the meet- Ito
yo h, into mine. It care, showed that the loss to both ill Inge. Nobody may enter the room ex- VICT COU sJ A, DEN IN ,E S ,so beautiful a, h.or . as f or Such a MiS4 een, change& by the grace Of God, Him down, Love opened the ga-te. Love ba-refoot ia a gqw1k, of raggoil, g T can, tea t Spok a E N 0 13 R tblat yon,ara a great way off -aye, o led t the sacrifice. Uy6 sheltered the (be. red shawl cast over )ter. head, fad. wasn't my b r 0. bat the Orable desert. i Rut !he did nO' hunger dear,$' riederalis and Confderexto cepi: a member of tlie cabinet.
""Ali, Grassy 096 machre�, sure# and .7 per o t always far that you cannot got back of.your� grave-. Love lifted Him. up in'te re-; ad. and patched. a- WAR about The SuU;clont tb be raised for two more sta in the wilderness; be oa cc e arrection.* - Omn ft ent. Oi the forces eaRaged,, to junior Minister receives -important army corps, me back selves, You would like, to , Sovereiga love. m, back. 'Po- But It was to her of the bare here are two'nungers: and the. worst bring ab & �viiuqh involved t x After a wile. iWe do not read that Ayes this moment you would start, if tent' love, Infinite love, 'Blee . OU he e Pon messages sit the door, and proceedings MILITIA. it wars, not for th! Sin, and that, hub- love- . Everlasting love, d1ag that Martin Keenan spoke first. to bea.r of thent is the heart-bunger,' diture, of nesaxly twenty-two hiliadred alro suspoinded until the door is closed A is di 4ntago� But I am "Ohl for this love, let rooks;a,n . it hills, my girlean. I ],Pay to be put oa a par with that of Itia-Moter Came to greet him. sup. . to -and tW sadv "Wanting a ride down the Cork I've know kDOW this Of mYself,for weight Of ==Udaitioa per Man. again. It Is even considered a breaoh 'the regulars. P000"she. was dead. i$he would have to tll you Of a them both." Their, lastiong silence break; road, are you? and you knowing my Oracey sighed impatiently; she was At' the Siege of eysierss, In the of ministerial -conf idence to keep Apr! The whole force t, o be ex4bodied for been the first to come out. The fa- 'THIA F ATHERIS EYESIGHT, And all harmonious. butirim tongues namo. colleen dbuf But up with ye not Of the stuff whereof saints and Fraaco�Gsrman war, tile Prusia pssed in the three or four mo,.nths, instead of t-ber would have given the I second ,Rei saw him a great, way aff.10 lie, The 8xviour's pra4ses speak." first, and answe martyrs, I are mde, vate record Of Icreased, facilities for target one, r af ter, for it's. tired and she looked thrw no fewer tha Iles Cabinet, lost the notes should pass in- ties. prac- kiss to the returning -Prodigal-, ' the b,ti Been all vuur fralldee, all your Now, will you aiicopt that Father,, Yo look." dO'%vm enviously at the* full -fed pros- n 197.000 project, porous f lk going and vio.mi mother the first, It MAY sadvantages. He bias been longing klas?. The Holyi Spirit asks- You( to. "Tired indeed I am this hot day-, and street, ing !a the I'latV the Ill-fated town, but, stran I go t . o to Unauthorized hands. Greater transport accommodation. for tile lack of her example and pray, for your coming, He bias not I been Bay, There are People who try t YU OKANItY, era Chat be became a Prodigal. Some- looking at you' withi 8, criticss The Holy SpLrit comea to you% this footsore, too," said the dark girl, "Who was that in the stroothelow Cabinet decisions from, the a .ba-illfi% eye, but with,, ' eye or Morning, with His a -rousing, meeting, lhrcwli�g back her shawl f rom. her -that fine lady With her yell LESS THAN 100 PE Each regiment to be tuvited to go thales. the father does not know how sa(t if a Father's eyd; alarming, inviting, vivifyjng infla- and In the gra OW hair, a Parent ever pitied a child ace Rea-rer,.what creates, in th so face that was as pale as bramble nd- silk hood f Sure, and were killed by them. Th MIEN AND EXPRESSION, Under canvas for it month. t Is e� ked an at Trou- - he YOU SAY -1 had that unrest? It is the Holyl Ghost, flower. "And I thank you kindly for up, here 0, for she loo ville, two Persona. only, were killed o.f- Of t ministers as they leave, They
o manage Cho children of the house- God pitied YOU YO saw her, 111auric Pay, correspondingly increased. at Youl And" (jealously� Argue peace from B Each regiment to be invited to givz old. The chief work comes upon 80 MianY evil surroundjuts �Wbseu I Whit -t Sounds !.it 'Your ears to.4ay, the lift; but its empty-handed, too, "what's she to you, that you'd look so ter dome 27,000 odd abolished, been allour's flialle, or atroop apiece to form . wbrlgadi�. oi Yotr "Your Faiar ees it. the joys of the saed, and the sorrows strange at one.anot They mo the Mother. , Indeed, no one ever gets started life. I am. and lan's
Say;- "I Itae, so many bad Sur- of the condepuneid? .1 Cannot pay you for it." berf Do-yeknow discharged. At Sodano.hver,the wa`r from Chlamber frown anted. inlantry for thi.9 year,
over the Calamity of losing a mother roundings It is the "Holy her then r, in earl aoWtaad so it is very dif- Ghost. What Lafluence. now tells'thee "Got Up, empty-handed or full-�hand- i NO_ Rallk Of both the German and the afWbt -am well examine the dnoratepa VOLUNUEA ARTILLERY. life. , still, this young man flotilt for me to -break away from evil that it Is.time to fly, hat to -m kn ' yes -'The never a know do I eha �orxow ad." grunted the farmer, "and Ito more Cow 'Grh-y.,, Her husband's bands howsea. a Maked Improve- or interrog-alte this porter- Ministers TiYa provided with new gurio, and,
was not unigreeted whoults came back.. associations.,, Your Father sees it, natkYe too late� that there is one door, words a -bout it, colleen dhu I" Then -he were on her shoulders now, resting ad are like, the rest of human kind., They and it this alold�ftt you should start one road, one �'ross,'oae sacrifice, one turned to the fair girl, speaking I there heAvily. Help me, mnt, for a,ter 2A000 projectiles IN Lo bo encouraged to train up to Llzr�!e. 116wever,well apparelled we may be boavenward-as I pi -ay You MELY - Jeaw? it is the Holy Gjlog .'t an- ftiarottrneei� been tired nearly 9,000 French and. don't talk busiLneisa in this midst op a mOtatlis a-linually. iqL the morning when.we.start out on. Your Father would not t. Don will Yes nowV, sit idly do;wn You think He is here? I see it in.those graciously. "Come lip with you, than, - Wits t Prusaians wom killed, crowd. ProlYalbly they, don't even a. journey, before night, what with Pind' alo you to struggle on up solemn: looks. is it avick P NTOLT4NTJQ4RRS.. I see it in'tbo,, tear-* if you're after waintingi a ride in earn.- "I'm struck'wit For 1 ba Span"�Amorlcan . war. t1he t-hnk.of it. Mr. 1�alfour strolls across o moot niodern Cho, dust and the jostling, we- have t-olwards flim. Oilio. no I Seeing YOU ful 6yes, - I see d tn. thlose. blanphed to:and Will pay, for it, colleen dhas; ng It tie th I'M think- return Showed a tremendous amount f rom. Dow, . ning 'at be armed w4h the .as rather die standi rests' with his hands weapons. lost all cleanness of appearance, But* to, the cheel&. . I a -it in the Uturned ka4do for Ws'a, beggar on the high road I'd _y wouldn't be able to do red for very t6 -his Pockets, looking as if tho-prob- -tunteer battalion may enitse.
N great'. way., off, hie Would fly I ng up, off shot and awl 11 . with meagre results. Of course, in tWa. reisCus. How; long doeis it take a ot childhoodepand thek eiiinest� gam(of be, if .1 gave two free rides in a iday.' Y for Case, although the lem is one to be f UPI to 1,000. this 'Prodigal, when e started* f or to I - ea. into the middle. of fa- 40y. vo
rom t,bi he di know it from thid silence me af terwards. Id's -be too beav i f h YOU. 'Better help me balok to the bed, Whe - he he swine troughs was ragged- and b1i s. obild be there and - a ol a age. I O, I will pit ar it, mi mortality was, not Aced. lit 2 and not at Were -in excess -of or appro.xL s1wift vehicle is Catalog, snd, k %Vs. The Holy Ghost -., is y . no never Gra;cey, dear, Thank you, my gredc, the damage to earthwork 'for- 12.20- comes Away, .Still e mately ..,tched, and his appearance' After " re the gr I ama likoo you, for I Litloations, and 'on may be form- 1. ��ay de- he , And, while I Speaks the chains fear. teen.,' COI cothd bitfaji wrO also. do no government.builhings big haand*a in his Pockets, he has he had gone through days of journey stroy him ? Piyo, hund generally W-46 Oesaormougs, and there apOarently forgotten all about it, 'takes red times loag�_ Of captjves� are, and thei dua-. thing !or nothing,'! she said smiling. Be took his itrin from Grafty's shoul- Ca little: ubt er thIAa 1 t 0 increased capitation, grant. 'ad epsures, you can more east- to pri,a;r to tb d! the, pro- "And like n dr, our beaveukV'Father geons oft sin are opening, an be do that if 64 Span- Nor can much -be gathered from MY, i4,g a -a d-isliverance of a lost you, UwilnOlcoenan; It's bit- I. f=dtdown Upon the bed lar4s had not mad -6 thsomesiv," scarce CUambArlain, U4 hole force to be encouraged to I his than describe. digals coming, and the Father is run7 ders' Ih 4D the Wall, leatthe N%kwf that hie has a cor- train anaer - an- As the ohilid. "WhIen he, zas a gre, ter 'and ugly and ill and train Pain . would have been appal- xido front, th6, colonial office to the Y Imag. At' -way- nLng,- and angels are shou-ting, and' drawn the death roll cavrts� for a
off his Fwtherkw hrlm,,11 of it should frigItton, liag� I . 0 . WOVIe see this prodigal coming on cross 11 sin 'to them that help her. Cabinet room ho is not often And this - brings me. to -notice . devils are trembling- Ob, it n a mo- Been by More ranges tobonade available, homeward, Pthey wonder who be. is. Fittthar!a basis. The me on the road.' And like the. wand. 'Manor! Again, when American Marines the crowd. -As to Lord SasburY, 16, Hired tramisport to be -pa -id for by Chg. montous hour. it is 'charged with They say: "I wonder what prison he Says' he eternal destinies. The shadows of aring dust I -am, and llke� the'wind, "Yes, P`12186 of my besirt Ito landea-at Santiago, during a Jusilade. woUld. W a lbold Man. wh1o' would infer 6yVelmozont., No wonder. He did not know upon the aything from the Cecil exprasaicon, has. broken out 'of. I wonder. What bat that the young man- W6u the eterna world flit Over thio assem-e Since far'llave I g0ne. and I've far "To it ding,.1in-rd vin aref" 0414113Y. lasting two nightsi Id chan songs of Char yet to go.,, tha machinie gu Ai Mounted nfantry detachment of ge blate, I hear the Flo tried -C6 smile ni- her,. rag, mAT 6 na a4itlez alone as- . There io atill a chhoo for the ingen. ach battalion to be encouraged, where lazaretto he has escaped.from. I� won- blis'naind'And go back, He did .aot the oxed.- I. hear the hii,whrig. 61 ,-the He helped. her into the cart sulkily ibroe.190 ounted. for Uio consumption Of*..,Over 'Cons POrsOn *110 wants t6 infer - the knolwi. but th1at be it N�ill.aot interfere with yeomanry der, With What Lolaigue, he will mite would drop down daned. Heaven and'em. to enough, though even his. eyes couU " Than I'll draw the pillow 25,000 rouno$s of animtknition. Sixty- eabluat's decisions from, signs'and por- aAlthough these peo ema Poises on '.the shifted with it. Is, Ir. . froin hiausitidn, He did not know not help.bUt Make open confession Of de 4 your - head 'om Un sight dead Spaniards were found as a touts. th intrigle, and eternity agra. remote, And W(Qukd ra. Pi Y but that somet&ng fatai in! ht over� er beauty. straw it is, bu result ofChIS lure oi *quir i RS. -have been well acquainted *ith'the tuke hillil,before he got up tog Pivot of (his houri Thy ? them might (be enormous expendi .6 a Sherlock Holmes. OFFICE hestiny p '.'Sit fast then, And draw,close the son's feathex in it. annyhow.,' A pig- Inigninon. . .. . family, yet they do not imagine that 8111;'mad so thia f the dOOk- bekng ficided. -Thy, dbom -is b6trig, fix- , She a Here it 'is: ."According, ' to modern Commitesions in: the, army to, bei ot- Ather ran. Thq Btble, - bo94 over the face of yel- for there's dTagged the thin pillow. from Our, .exPerlance -in our -little Uftw,lf 'says d; The door of inekoy,. so wide, open, under the, encyclopedia, "Only fared, to militia officers, tho.coloni6s, the very young Mali -svho�w for t1b most part, Speaks - Of. God as power of dust, o� the road to -day', her busband'a head, And then eat down wara,! Ta been very any i; a is ant t begins to close. -It trombles�on its a one kind, of public document. is iiigaed the I niverafties, and soiae. Public better. roe u walking. "In Cho fourth- oll a and the wi�nd-bad boss to_itl-blow.� on the edge of th han the ressuld4uSf jorded. m] M qtf only'a little while ago with.quick WA bi.nges, and -so6u,-will lbo shut.,Thesie poor bed, waiting, by� ail this 0 hard of the cabinet as schools. LbB slight," it says "Jeads -oame,'unto �n&it Up like gossip inta our faces.. with folded hmndse till. Maurice Keen- Take, for Instance the Churterd prIvy coundflors, arid that is the- or- Off icers to be taken f rorn the rese'rre,. stop, and ruddy Meek, and beauti- them walking on �He Ko into life, And, thwie go,into death; . better'would YOU have done tof qu should have los* dompani's expedltiQlt into Mp tab�ta_ (ter for. general repr march to wait.for th4 n&.� Everyone wift remember how .9tbutes a. declaration of war. 'Such and these -have begun i be' t, his last" battle. laala, w1cli 6oA- fal apparel. The young man 1. think ath, Upon 'the widiga �kf.ths car, colleen Abas. When it was nearly elided the'dor I g� first Parents i�iird the v wind.7' Our hea�an,.Abd. those have �cornionceil to "I like,better still 'to ride to . Cork Open6.4 suddenly,, a the �, warriors of' Lobenjula Nvere. an order wit sis, A larj;vr proportion, to -be taken. on walks very fist. He, looks a thou oice of. the dte,:,.These�have begazi in rise; -and- ad Martin Keenan nod against Russialn with you,.. friend!' said. she, of the fair agme I : Hie loaqw-W494,ab JXj-M41xj U three Yeiars-, an jgements.* .8 Lord walking in the, garden -in - tb)6� thoad have began to sink. flallefujahl ce Y Mem- be Were intent u1pon oometing-very no with a wild, gray fit ii� aad *sas signed by. all the. ga imp df the day, but wji6n. a �ai - -hair, composedly.. -."I onder. now, heavy step oused Mafiri th 1111M, Of Zord Aberdeen a cabinet.11 NET RESIULT-IN FIGURES- naor Hallelujah WOe IWoel It,seema i1to how ee f rom - a - LIKE SKITTLES. They. stairts for. or ru . as to medsif-the.juidgMent werep%st. rim-; m.a ny angry - man. have, ridden'llot- drowsinessof death, avid ho'hold Peace. -ortant. The* people Stop. God, I tb�, -Fath All tbat Sborlock Holmes h" to' Itis to regular army., . 80,000 is instance, wicho,per- Is to lle'ia wait and, carof ul- Orces. 50 foot dow this game -road to meet their but oven it! 1:19 An, Ad.di
Came from, They woder wbexe.he' 'help, it is wheA he tries to become that all, ons -and Cir sons, wives r : How. ute,S besiathing-space, while he dTow haPs, is the, Most Of,ective on' reord, lyh%r1X11101r1i1-1,,tl,, light haa,da of all 1:1 I is Additiqns. to Auxiliary 0)0 lo�k at ila. They wonder:whore he meet h1im. Ohl it's- mazi ever wAnts agi.ri it.L� V4it. .1 imagiad At arm's length from him for a min-
Christia. The W,orl th6,sentences have been aarded,Ab6 many before you, Martin Keenan VI Gracey'down to andbeld. bar fast. w E'lise"impi advanbi5d, on,the. British ministers as they leave:t Tt a I,, 80,000* he foreign of. is Oing An. You -have licard.6f: a a d'says ft,him: righteous entbroned, ills wicked driven "I never told IV' Keenan said, his At, first the boy and girl Citing silent- lines in gi�ad alialsses" it. fice.. If this Oil "Back with Have. wore Spirit. 'whdwent off to. gas. and never ratu n- h I . a wickeduass. Shut allthe would have Mara any traces that the r Don't be hapoked with kellgion, Time floirld face grown gray, "into the car 1Y together; then Gracey took .fire and PQzzl;Dd a bliad Man. ad.* All the people in the neigb to have missed Ministe'rs lilave been usi boi- enotig1% yet. Wait- util you g4 There, ariii no more of living soul that my orazy1ad. had spoke. shooting om.of them, go . ng pens with- hood thought the son would nev4 re� RicThe Mortal- in the lia:st� hour or sit until -you -got old." - Satanays, ubut the �karents Came to no s Ao be allowed, to'' Deba; nor ket.that I and'the It's little 'We Wa;nt of you to -day number Of Cartridges expended, very Small tionaidering the are; A'ad -are You WIRELESS 49L
to come in. Bolt all -the gittels of dark� alarried tbat.Madan26 Findm:airs'.of s. "You'd beat go home, Keelmii, for'.iV WQP ib i
EPHONES. Such coacluslun. ' They -would go by 11 A.6k With Y16U are so. badt that ness--no. more ome Grassy Ri Vast dwW11ave, nthinge'to do Wi out. flarkI the eternal ages, have; be- mare werabound-for Vork,; to LET, THE BOERS LO Choi 'hour, And (lay, arid. §it upon the. th, you -it.'.' though we.'whinted food last nigbt.t butt this is accounted - for by. the !act QK OUT. Voictfs Are IteaOtly Hear boac, looking off upon the water, ex� "'You Are their, unending trampl trampl Then edging nervously away fro .11 d Throuph good enough, and -need Ma I 11 Maxtin Xeenan7 faltered, that Oil IBXL-MinatiOn SDMS ol -the dead When the cardinals wore in Con- In urice, tpecting to sea ths sail that, Pico, deeiner, Take thine ease, eat, her, '!And whist are ye at Sits at all, '� Maurice boy won't you speak tq more 8 . ir William Preece's' wire . less 'isle'-` merry." met bodies ontained 'than HAY bul- clave, the Roman Populace used to sins the Ion -absent 'boy. ouldi drink - and be that know what Tiva nev it the tongue of her bate taiking lots in each. Oa another ocesaion an stand outside the building and'wat ripg o Ten thousLand TO -STALK THE BOERS. or spoken V Ts ch g And voi W S "Ali, what are ,vs now, I wonder'll, phone eifiperjmeuts,-�by which it is an- SO41-think this father of My text sat ce ay; "Back with you. . � .1 i.— , to me or a. worse thing? Is what she 'Ltack on a litar son;p twimty miles the oblillney, to learn whether aLops nounced it has been possitil said the fair girl, openly laughing. - sats- truth or a Ile,? Is it bare food South 'of Bulawayo. 14,000 rounds of to hear under the vine looking towards the GOD'S'A HARD, MASTER.. scot ash q.a al 07ceepers and irailleg tir fi(� Evi - "But," said Me dark girl leaning -you've wanted for� and I I eatin mate ammunition bWA been selected by- the smoke - om notly a so road on which hia'son had departed.; The-charob is. a collectioln of hypoorit, $0 Flailit la. Stialik, At'riest forward, and whiepering, "I kno wore disposed of,. with a. the barninj of the baLlot papers.. That disti ries of: CAP, Used, Oil the but the father has. changed very � W a and stirabout and drinking Mead at VeGuIr of 346 d -sad MAtAbele, wAs an* elementary species of reason- Morse principle has.caused great in -
much aince we saw him last. His hair has os� Back int(4. your sins; backjo, Your thing, too, that you never let on to Lismanay T Military. authoritles now r#gadr I ign by deduction, and the man "who b . _ evil indulgences; back to your prayer7' Xn many ways now, �the� initial want anyone -not even your own soul, Yes, father." Maurice whispered, rapidity of fito. ais being More essea- 7. terest. in th6.electrioal world and has 8QOme Wbite, his checks are far t pzatti�sed it may or. may not hive owed, at- A of our Army In S 'th NVIrica, of trainT tin Keen' less pillow.. The -silliest thing,th when you, and it, kept combany, Mar- keeping his faciishalf-hidden f rom, eight 1:19A tha,n ran -go 'and precision, and been miade oblef of the detective 16rce been mo-de't-he Ubject. of a state- . OU an, I know that your wife on his wife's heaving breast. e6ateht themqeIves with giving gen- of Roate. young man ever does !Et to come! home ad and reliable Scouts, is eing supplied Mary learned that you loved' The man who deduces, war M-ent or Stieng 'who hits wandering.,' 'Ohl your " God forgive Me&r "it " his: father I drUys to amw Imir, and thdal per:_ from, Mr. Daftfolik'. fingers ugbt to on b HEART 18 BROKEN, after he � has -been by , Dx. Pet
era What its all this bountifal t when but Money better'. $ban 'you loved her, said . boargel dog time fo 6 be ard at work for. years on ta:ble to how Much holP it man -doea wan , perhaps.. the most� interesting Y. bu r haps, acccitinta for the fact that most big quite -sure of A- place at SootlanO a system of wireless.telephony� when his son may,be lacking be.tries to become a Christian.. In- t6rce. of millt body orSoul;- I knomn that she did not me to make it UP Yet to you -and Gra- wounds are inflicted 6n tho deed, the'prodigr cnnot find his ing raiesit is that which Lord LOV4t out yonder, but that it was her own And ye'll have good doctoring Maurice that on In an.laterview. with a repreabnta- broad?, -What is all the splendor of be- enemy's Yard. 140, ary, "Care and eyes" Blip, gathering dulson the,Bull Rocks cey b4ire-and the child that's coming, lower extremities, statistics showing 'It 14 -Seid that A joarfiallat "once - wardrobe of that homestead when Way home to, his fatbeed house alone has just receivsd -tant cabinet decision an average 45 per ce).at. of I�Arned an inipor tive of the London Central N a we Dr. the, son may not have a decent coat? Unless authority - froni 'the good -will she went to drown in'the agra, and ye'll gal 33 per cent. by the sitapla process of askin ' Mr. some one comes to see your child Yet; ounds oCcu ift tbe, le g Stiens said: What are all ths'..Sheiiip oil meet him Wei- Office to organize, . This is a am that drowned her, father.". place God f Grackey, tell him we want in the abdomen, 21 Pak cent. in the' Bright 'na he walked, down the steps. the hill- -lie had better have strayed"by' the "'Drive. I-stron4, c (>n,.an,d trust our tongues to hini back at Lismanay? arms a;bd obest.,and o ly Tblait would have. read some A-CLOUXI L of, Sir side to that father when his pet Jamb swine-troughe.' Wben the sea comes Pontilikent 150, omposed of keep pac,6 With You,".86id the 'fair -,"O, his mother,wants on . I,Per -cent not haPpen 'often; Hot !a -gone. ; Still he sits a0d'watches, in at. full tide, youl Migh'i morei,ea8ily' stalkers, 'g� -keeper M MOBC"- in this heisA. MAJBstfs Ministers, do not encourage Widiam'. Preeces Wireless telephone lookinj;. out'on the road, and one day me so nd gillies; girl. sharply. "Drive on while You G.r,acey sobbed as Maurice's. head grew It wiJl be interesting to learn how p ..he beholds a foot traveller. He sees with Your broom sweep -back the era. Whose lives have -been spent among hark toUs. Driye on, and drive fast heavier on li�r bosom. 0 m V grief I 0110 interviews. . Tkore is an under- experimenth but I may say that I am ../ many Boor biallet it takes to.kill A tandiag, indeed, t1gat they shall nov- tiiuFges than you, Could drive back. the outt- how." Meba-hically. the farmer obay-� not working on Herzian waves at all.' .Jhim'kim above the hills; first thlLbea ocean of QUil'unforgiven. fi' tile hills and glens ofthe north c my grief,, and she, has him now. - 0 134tialt Soldier, and vice-vorsa -if- only or graent interviews to journalists. But and after - awhile he entire body; ans�grea ad -.shortened the. roinsi" and drove -on Maurice, agra; And why.shouldn't you, for tlle� a& r and as soon as he gets a fair glance ry�4 says a London letter ke ad 4 p'.inciple, is,tht oX,.using only,one.. sions. Wh a t - a* we to dot kref we to every nerve of him listening. take me,:'toe f' the widr.16 so caold ai; w. Of r Ily acertilnin 'there are everail bridges across,tho' fight the battle Alone, and �, - bathr the ' Trainavital bu gheral Thees. When the ionon-namefy, the Ol hd know" it is his recreant ,dg, There Is' aq, coifflimation of �- the "I know, Martin Keenan," said th4 place for us w an,,, comes to means Of COnal
on ing on OM cabinet. son. rfle forgets the Crutch, And the ith'ac, one to aid uso, andi no rock to rumour that Hafeking has beork- re- Ark'girl, whisper abill6w as' crack Shots be" not boon a &OWO of first importance, the pub- earth� I simply. send electricity ."how Four " Hush, hush now I diazey, my wo- considerably 'ovarratod. "no, and the stiffness of the joi t ' shelter Us and no word�of encottrage� learned . in 9. black ' and bitter man.10 lie are not long in ignorance of it. Dar. lieved; but once -Baden-PoWell is free on through the earth from one a aratua he could aisk' for no better in present Crisis Mr, Clilam er- And bounds away. I think tile. PB61P ment to ollier us. Glory, be tq God, We t school, and how there was never a. " Why Would I hush.?'@ Grassy wall- b all around were amazed. They aaiii; have in the text that. nnaottne�ment: on 0 kindly welot me Jok b4in to,his, own fa- ad, " and my heart break im'tapatofis Are made- public as to atotherJit symPitthy with it. No ating to per- thers home.11 -Ing in two ENGLAND'S�VOLUXTEER& go -on as I decency has been observed by lit gh poles of balloon '�It is only a footpad. dt is only some "When he was yet a great WAY off parry out his ideas of.sco, With the weight that he's put off, MY he'Traitsvual that ro a or anything of tram fectlon than these sturdy Highlanders. ."I knorw " murinared the fair girl, inan lying harel'O old p pf the road. , Don't gout his father run." When : ths� .Sinn,� allowing t overnmeat to quired for my system. to meet him." The father know starts for 'God, God starts for the For such fighting, too, as the J "the home'lle took Graeoy Roche to, " For God's lo don't cry so Said or the 114-rillont 11oaare4i Boers The Originator receive th0ift first. "My apparatus IS small and por- boy have and he -home he took her from. And Krtin Neenan,"!Sur'. I'll t6ke up With A monlinleall. - When the cablaot last met. some- table. Of.course, I cannot , for obvi- better. i The Change in the son's Ap- sinner. God doeg not comei out with are likely to. wage t pearance could not hide the -marks by. a slowand hositating,pace. when i 11 know. too, what man's shadow keeps the weight myself, body-niske,d when the Prtace Of Wittlep ous reasons, just at present- tell you The la� been small prtIOS, Gi�aeey, and you Of coarses fax back it past Con- was coming. Whia the father knew the boy. You finite sjpaces Slip boneith His feet, and sr , of Grazey Keenan's small sh&ll never carry any, More sorrow, Car, fte, Crowd laughied. Yet about its construction and method of .68 'there was a time when royal pe on- use. I have not had an Opportunity
khOWL that persons of 9, great deal of he takes Lord Lovat's 'contingent should be, 'h1tdoZ . I there bad been volunteers in. ra
worlds at a bound� "The ay, And his name is- not Maurice, Agra, do ye hear?" Maybe he ages Went to the cabinet. f character are.apt t particularly effective, for the mail Maurice, though he gave her only did; for.the smile on the- dead face Britain ivb;en Rome spacia cire Xing Wil- of -examining Sir Witliam Preece's 6 father Bon." - Oh, wonderful meeting, from Whom tho1orce is to be drawn shame and Maurice gave her Usuat'n- Delta and Queen Anne alwaya presided lystem, but I seq tht in the news- ig a ring," was so satisfied and Candor that it Cas liad necessitated oar land being &,,,X,kI cabinet coune4la, Indicate it in their walk. i For that when God and: te soul come together. recall the,old type of Highland f lit- . "And I know," Said this dark girl, made Gracey hush bar useless teitra, Out, this pZper account all that is claimed for reason the sailor almost always has a "The Father ran;,, You, start for or, the man who spent his life among sighi ready to defend itself against threat- rg n princes, baving very little it is that the users
Peculiar step, not only. because he God and God4starts for you, ancl. this the hill& ng and smiling, "that he knows and put ber hand into Martin Keen- a can heaiv taps, stands much on shipboard amid the she doe% not love him; but neverthe- an's and with it full forgiven ned attacks fromi-Invadersi suc; as' Bnglishl generally. stayed away, and. which, when used as a Morse system,
rocking of the sea, and he hasto bal- morning'and thisi house is the', time 'have the true' instinct loss he loves reftitly all the same. sea, Since, the time o(f George 11, no mon- can be utiligod in the sending of mesa- %nee himself, but he hits for the most and the place When you meet; -and, for,guerilla warfare, Most of them And I know hitt, tha nine wedded I -A the, d'ays of tbk% ArmaKla and the airch' bias the -cabinet me6t- part an independent Character, which while the angels rejoice over the are "followers of the' red deer," So- months bave'bo period of Nopoloon, alys Chia London Lap, nd prdbalblr -on. er wil�: go" "'Wbimt use Was it for jou,to strive I -on dearer to him than "Now, from this- it would appear, would Allow itself even if he"never meeting, Your long injured 'Father oustomed to rough country, able to the sixteen years that he agent In his' so hard wth me for him, my sisterIll P214 Mail.' Bt tbkk Volunteer move- OVAn, that t went to the sea; and we know from falls upon�your neck with attestAtions judge distances in all kinds Of wea- fathot'i house.,' - , , .. .1 I the fair girl said to the dark girl as Mento as.,we know ft tod ' ------ 0 bn able to use his, invention. what trana*ed after, and from of Compassion and pardon, Your ther, tough as le.ather,.aad sparse "YOU have his latt r carried Ithis they stood, amon rry Wally Started according 4y, Was as- one Must be a telegraph operator or a g the blaolibe
What transpired before, that this pro- POOrs wands sinful, polluted entots- minute in your breast, Martin Keen. bashes, watching Martin Zeenan and to lawi in TRAFFIC ON THE LAKE.S. other peron understanding the Morse ill fi%1 go the eternal V ath, "Brother Boer" will find such Id the Gracey drive slowly home to Lisma code. Of course I don't know, what Sir soul, -and the 10 1869, and i VUerall.Y hav� gal Boll was of an independent And men An." Be, fair girl, leaning bear- - Ing ,1gInatA at more than a*maiell in the tric that date. William has in mind for the future,. frank nature; and I suppose that 'the er, have, just. I 0 "And he does not write to Day. " What use ? For the yellow -hair, Coskosiderable toicretiske Of Throngs' but I Claim that by my.invention, ot Characteristics of 'his mind and heart I remark n' 09ffiting. tn handling a rifle the you in Sorrow. Let hunger break his ad die and the mawils heart Yet it was realy in 1852 I14t the Uke Soo 44111111.
is 'tile smaller I",. my',text says, "and Opting It bla, boy' Ill 0 'a modern V00111anteet 'become a true fac- only taps, but the Spoken words, the were tilie characteristics Of big walk. fell on his k,,�ho fathr's kiss. 14fle Highlander is an adopt; all preo ok 8� itor is -tho statis though, it was seven The figures Issued recelltjy In cion- sound of the human voice, can And so ifia. father now him. He'puts kissed him is not every father starts early and leaves off Ili, should he be broken whoLhaa Sheila, but not be it " th!t Ja utilising cover be is very W no Ill Is' said the dark girl. "For Black W th Borrow yeava later befr'o ho reeelocLhis d nection with the traffic through Cho heard and that at great distances oUt his withered arms towards. him; thitt would have done that way. He late, aii�dl done a black with sin,,, t us he brings 'his wrinkled face against WoutIA hiave scolded hinil, and, said: skillful, To stalk a stag is a more he dJd a bit of God's Work And lifted "And � he will count up his gold r000gai"On from, the stUthorities. The Sault Ste. Marie canal give a good idea with exdellent results. Soon I hope Me pale Cheek of his son; he kisses "Here, yow went off. with beautiful ticklish operation than to stalk a UP a woman from the mUd-ons he again; I lay the doom upon him,10 an- first volunteer corps, as duelti a bod, of the extent of thapommoroo of the to be in tL.* Position to give a serles; of the wan UPS; he. thanks God that the. clothes, but Ll I# tat- flooser, and to watch the Highlander at knovA when he was a IMP -bf v, child, swered the fa, is Understood. to -day, was started in Practical damoripfrationa in the pre. now you are a] the It girl, frowning heavily E,,tor by Dr. Tdbn 0. DuckailA. He great inland Waters from�lluffalo to former buSiness, creepin tn the Shado�vl of her hood, long agony is over. "When, he was yet tors. You f from and as clean of Wart tie the canna ence Of electrical experts."
went off healthy, And a A -great way off, his father saw him, come back sick -di tuft of: heather to tuft of atherf is clean of color But I lay Lt upon him., sister, I hat begad With small local gatherings of Chicago had Duluth. As Sault Ste..
ad waste4 wit Now his and, the woL And had c6sa'Passion, and ran, and fell 'd not Is Your from stone to stone, is y,.,ung 1niou wlb1b wished to learn mili. Marla canal. which Connects Lak diasipatioxis." He ill say , that: I Man bays loved greatly, have lived be. Shall spend it too," a SU I AN INTLEMSTING S161IT. poorly, and lain Lary`Ldrill find military via FALLING BY THE WAYSIDF. on his neck, And, kissed h in. hardly them many r lay it vpon the phil Y9, and Uo perior, with ake Michigan, Huron, th- The son, all bdggard,'and ragged, and d tknborn to formed tbam into 6 corps of,volun. Erie and Ontario, necessarily registers Ohl do you act recognize Chat.& filthy, and wrietchod, ostood before his Some, writers, In dealing with this months, and hold together Close- be as woman-soliled an his father Mali- Colors. Gradually the Idea spread and art Who was it I It was God I I father. The father charged him with new contingent, lay great emphasis IY; a2d because her troubld is near ar rice, and to die haiLft-hungry. even as beanme a Wde Movements until such 0 hand: he has written to Non. nly thb traffic between the ingl a 1111101karies; lit ifie. ifenre. have no sympathy ith that rast-iron none Of hid wanderings. He ust. re- On -W.Xttilit� of the Highlander's Keenan, there are so many men Martin- he died," cried the fair girl, angrily, bodies a Oifizoon-aoldiers could be Lake Superior, with Duluth, AS its of Africa. theology which ePresents God as ceived him. He just kissed him, His pony, Lord Lovat, however is careful the you " I Lay the same fret Upon him, col- bards severe, aiiii, vindictive. ' - have left unfod; food those t nuftbored. troughout the country by great distributing point, It IS the great One of the P11thetio Sights,whioll wratchadnegs was a recommendation to Point Out that only part of the wo Who Wil dh"111 said the dark girl, with ay thr ug Mob Cho wheat,
GOD IS A VATHN a forais will be mounted. The fact lot are flesh of your flesh and bone of dialling lips cores. Then the government thought gatow 0 h W hAunt the memory of the traveller ro- to that father's love, Ofi, that faher's the Highland pony Is a user of horses. your bone 11 and eyes shining none I't fitting to recognize thesovooluntears oats, flour, iron ore, copper nd lum-
�-klnd, loving, lenient, gentle, long the less fo)r tours, "but, as ablessing Who MQbt b asojulonto time turned from the heart at Africa, is the
Suffering, - kiss I How shalt I describe the love of Tho Highland pony is it little, wiry starve, why not to, the sure, and not as -a curse." or th- bar a Montana, the Dakotas, Minne- Patient, and He' flies to God! --the ardoar with, which e re- fair girl whispered in his oar. .Vary, or, and so, in 1859,16iiNy wtore put upon sota and Northern Wisconsin and Buf fring Of tfia native porters on I ong
our Immortal rescue. .0h, that we calves the sinner back again? Give but lie is not much riddon� But I Isy it upon him to live bull- 0, permanent basis. time far ;Michigan move to the coasum ad difficult journeys. Afri cans -are witli which I may He to to car- his mother, died too I ,,art- P Be age bias cona6 at last. Ing and
might' realize it tG-day. A wealthy me it Plummet is employed OIL deer foxes of a starved he gry AS Well as die hungry" id the their Th)B Manufacturing section; while through
ry lit , nehoon baskets, sometimes why wouldn't he die, will fa, N laz race, it Is true, but the hard
adds)! to be but one mo John Duckaill has received i the reverse
th the fewer to keep the same fret upon him 11 said honors. I,., Was knighted, and Fmoter direction, the coal. Manufactfires And work of "Packing" for hundreds of
lady in one of the eastern coun- fathom thi sea. Give me a J, several the same gateway move in
tries wait going off for some wih 0 sportsmen or sportswomen, or amd1aedl Ann t lay -;r the blit, Wtly muh
time And She asked her daugh. an Scale this 'height. carry home the trophies of the chase, d you'll spend yourold dark girl, Smiling still; I;f Give me words with which I Can de., Be from Lake Miles Over rough routed is often too
Besides, thers- is only a very small ago Putting coin On coin, gold and soul is a rotten kernel In a libnored, him, by areotin her least.
a in fitpek of h 1 s copper with alive, S a stat 0�1 Erie and points still fat
tars 'foi some memento to cavry with ,jeribe this love. The apostle say satisfioil pride and enthusiasm inl8c6lIaneous merobandl
hOr,. 011-0 of the am-ughtes brought Sao an Mal in existence. r; and when you die fisi-r husk; and therefore shalt the lie much for strong ad Willing Men, % marble tablet, beautifully faserlb One place, "Utisearchable;O1 in Another, Truth to tell, the Highlander does the house W-111 got no tenant, but child suffer hunger and thirst and accurately, a mollition VRE14HT THAT PASSED THROUG, We knew.-sas a English augai,ft.
itad anothler daughter brought it b, "Post finding. out.', Height overtop- very well with his own logs. No your ghost will haunt, empty Us, Shall not be sufficed by the fruits of f:tAr1X,=010ty` 10 One of her Ohio
i-ul Wrftt.h of' $Iov".Ars. The t ping all hisight; depth plunging btm one who bag :lived Among the' native 1111,1111A and you'll watch your money Mir na n'Og and the mead of Viath- I The total freight Passing through 41Y, recounting an experience of this
,dalaghttr Canto, and said, ot I neath all depth; br�adth compassihg sportsmen antiallopliefils of the North till, Wrtla Keenan.,' Innis, but he shall feeA the hunger and LARE OF SULPHURIC ACID. the Canal in 1899 was 25,255,810 tons, kind, that in every art of ths, thick brough't neither flowers nor lot all Immensity. Ohl this loval can help being ama2ed at the diatattoo "Ut Mary be -you of the bitter =ch the thirst of other Mouths I against but 7,516,02,2'. tons In 1889, forest through Wbih our way led were
ihere, is my heart. I have I rK, it 001) 80 LOVED 1101430 WORLD, tlwY can cover, aver Pathless wastes tO1191161" Keenan said gruffly. "She'd his, to t may be difficult to believe in the showing thattlia-freight hasincreased. Oftentleg Walting for the straggler,,,
all over wills your name, and whrever He loves you. Don't you believe, it, a it mountains that Seem unscalable. dftd ton Years back, and toA&y the " Ite shalt not be the better for any existence of a take of aulphuric , nold, more rapidly than the number of vos� whoar t1leY WOUIA at Once Spear And 11 but there, is ,such a lake in tUe- Centre sels, thus indicating in some. degree then teal thbir loads. The porters Forty Miles a day among heather And quarrel lies between me nd herson-11 womila'a love, Xathleeri. howeveot long, tt go, It Will, go With' YOU." Te, mo- Has He not done everything to make rocks Is an ordinary walk, and they "The quarrel will die to -day, mysle- he lives," ot Sulphur Island, off New Z,,Iand, the rapid Increase in the size and knew this PetfeOtly %yell, but they did ther recogalzea it ais th best of Ali you tkink so# Ile has given you It is fifty acres in extent, about Ca,
life, can that up for days with ease. ter Sheila," the dark girl said. The "Not the Warse for any Ina aepacIPvt of the freight carrying ves- act Sesna to 1111114 it, and for the sake
Clip Mebittiatoes. Of that to -day our health; friends, home -the use ofyour Blis ' Their Into scream of mock. ahellg 0,Ggr&.,, he great lakds. The dovelop� of a little rst wore willing, to risk
s, of an of the most meagre kind. Ing. Idugliter that put terror Into bfar� "Nevowtheless, hero all#. there it above the level of the sea. The most hand, the sight of Your eye, h6ariug diet i4 Cap fair girl broke I twelve, fast in depth 8 0
tk alb hate
milght to out toWwrds the Lord ored t feet they know not and fifteent feet altnt of -grain production of the ex Choir lives. =Ialos Christ,, WVA%rda our Vather- of your oar. He has, strewn your Of course, they have braakfist and tin Re6natills face. remarkable characteristic of this lake, Creme North-West dUribg the decade In One 01ft Of'our journey the w4y that our hearts might be written all path with; Mercies. man shelf hate, himi Kathlion. And hOwevers is that the is indicated by the fact that the wheat Us hits fed you, Supper at home; but the writer bag "Will it, Xatbleozi to' she cried. "Will bare and there a woman shalt lovo water contains. arried through the Canal in 1899 vvad, athrough thick forost, flour avor
over with, the oVidnoiss of His lovingw Rholtered Yon, defonded you, loved seen them often oil the. hills all day, It now f I t k ill q r I will live, him, but not the one woman that kindiaoos#, rtxud that hin a us re vast 41100CIVOOS CC hydrochloric And r mro tolled on through ilia terri-
iMportaned you All YOUIO life trampin continuously, with no more Martin; but I know Maurice Keenan sha-11 be his atg&. 58,897,835 bushels, and in 189P V�A` Might 116VOt YOU, aulpburic Aside, hissing alid bubblin aa beat. There Beamed no air to 1p'�6ako, Him. Lora God, (big long, Don't 'You believe He loves you? than a ttle Oatmeal Made into brose, will die to-alght, 814 While 11 grain other than whimt,"
47 YOU h&VAs the power, to give him 11t, a tOMPOtature d 110 degrew Pah- 0 . red-thia. Then there was the sicken.
erbto l it Wore UPOA our Why, this 'Morning, it You should In -the palm of the hand a I- rotillitelt. The dark green colored wa. in 1800', WAS and In 1889, but
actions 1110 Y SPIrl a burnalds, till thA90corrows," NAM the dark girb, 9,188.945 bushels, 119 VAnt of Witter and proper our. tilrt Up from the wild6rapas ofytiur They can berry heavy weights, too, T�,a mams tore-knowlsd& came And. "but I have Wet to promise him ter looks Pfirt[OulArlY UhIfIvItIng' ishtne4t. not to mention the wary sSin, He would Wow both armo around To see P, shfpherd complacently Car- denly to, Maurice Keenan himself. comfort In thal, ove Of the Gentle Van- 1)64sa Clouds of sulphurio, fuma* 0.0n: Work Of Urging on the Nrtors.
text, thia P6-ther'B eyesight; in the Be& SM. 'To mako you believe that go ry home with blin,after twelve hoara'Wkoro he and his wife, sat hungrr and Pit, , ourr kindred. And I promise him, atikiitly roll off this boiling caldron, It i�t tts hard for ago What Must it 'And, in the 'thitil pl, on hills, 6. good.41.-6d'eold id their sky pirlor, looking down too, that before he dies he shall Soo and cars bag to be 6xaraimed, in ap- Odd Place, I ilotleis CM Fatb�orls haste; loveff you, Ito Stooped t6 manger, and tramVing NEW OLD STORY� 'haV,6 been for the Poor Oroatu g who W-tilsk's klm, lee,, I noijoe tb;6 crom, and 06"ohre" With All the sheop Is 0, 1'evi5lMdon of strength, The I on it by*strftt in the city of Cork. He the aentle People, thtjc6; A,ad he shall Proachlag this take to Avoid the risk There, is no little z ddrri-ed our loads. Among ro
e4l otit the Prt liad becM com them death
pdaslons Of gin holy nature rousp ow ad )A OAA too this Wall, that Gre, oft you, Sheila, vay sister, and love Of 611flOCAtIOU. On the, opPdsito, side of wman t Mp Town fo MOM Some had (lfed
Cho Pith6t's 6yagigbt, d, He pity is that the Highlands can n lEaro S f, r nursing. from w4nt of food; Otb;6r, from other
"When W wAs y stands before you to-dity, and would Pr6du" 00 few Such min, coy Might not fto the he4vy sorroW you for our boatity's make.01 Ot the fitkO MAY be oft -6, the tremend- 'the ,,, ,Wal Wounded goldiers-a real st it great way off �Coaz you to , a 11480 and heaven, It is not Improbable that Lord Lov. r1n, his eyes *nd then he rousbil Won. "But Ishall not love btM, Xath- '6118 blOwbollm, whicili, wheft ful fall which now attid t1ion outrun,4 discre. Jos !Atwr iftw him.11 Volt havd Aoffis. at, who IS organizing the force, Will'Wt from his 6wn trouble of humAn losti, mid the fair girl, 11 because H. blest, prosmt an *Wei inapirin I WAS walking withLasompanion itt
OkId people MOMotlmag put & Oh, this father's kiasl There Is so IIr sight. tinq altid a $ood stary, is told to il- one tims, who
a we C
book off oft tFile, other s1aa of thel light, Much Meaning, a4 love, and go oUt with, it tie leid6r, A better or ovo, *dd f40, to toUdh- his W1fq'9 hand, a din6aw. ones. h1s. father saw myfaoe, The roar of this at"lut as It rushes lustrato It. tell mo what I call felloW sitting, 'ams upon & poor
L # Coin. more popular man could not be found,! and to smile, Into tbA poevish. face trid,ho did ot a forth or rathe,
passion in It; so, muoh pardon'in Itt n tosis b* into the air to doofetili4g. and do, doctor," said ft 611thUslastIC' tha roadsido. r reclining, by
CIO WAP At it distance A great dola Us is a thorough Sportsmen, and hits thtt AtO6W aver her fine stitching, 110thkw mitti li&Ve.iseeti you, ov#d Often hug6 bawldiem and Atotam itre amateut, lookiog vis,gu6ly Around a We tried to Urge him
t tl"I Choy Can Clog& by. I do ISO in it, I Proclaim Him proved himself a foromost supporter "Grik40Y, Pat UP Your Sawing, ray you, and died for you, Shella my huried out to a height of MVeral han-, hogplidl at CAP6 T*w on, but, h6 shook 110,11. W� raia6d
kd0V whether he could sea well the Lord God', m6relfal, gradouss. and Oif ovary Highland game. HIS haoi, I Colleen, 4nd -no "Yom should hiftk, to blin test but ho could hot AtAnd.
tblisif blioh mftos oftit by, but I do lOng-xiatfaring, abundant in goodness more than aq one balped to revlv6'and takis to rest your priekod fing*rfi, filateir." drod f"t by thg varlou* Intertial, have lettrni6d that Is6fore you caale, What Werg ,
lesio"Vo 1* could Mee mol a whiley. I'm too tir- " But ibi's i* man Would not love f6VO64 of nature. rephisil the dOdtor; "do aything thnt no VillagNis fo Wd to dot There were
.#RJR a groat wtLy off. and tru.t. TAst you Would ant bell[OV6 ,cam%ftaahIdI,1 or,Ainty, And lit- lit 8, 6d to slatip, stid thatats time enough I - I "o— wants d6mg." The lady fixad Upon r miles AAA MUM Around.
father 6aw prbaps li� hDA 1XIM4 He goes up to Oolroft, tind Armful and,otktrg6tio MAnipulat6r f for thott.11 11 Let1mis judge bet�ween you, shellol firs A Bona NOW. a Wounded ooldier. I I 'felt lii�s Pals& It Semed to have t"tt &t I . 1 'Now, won't you
lookintfor tm, return of th JOY White ths rockq ara, rending;k'and the the egman hea had, too, al "Illow Can I tallit" Grapay Answer. Our doom 11,6s on him, MeAnwhile, and let me wash your hwitit" Sh8 asked. IVA h0itrf isoarooly beitt,
t and, w6 kn,6w it would All
MWEA) t at day. I do not know raysts are q*tiing, &ad like Mobs are Militia battalion of tht moneiroa, ed, vmilirlly. "You'll n6t, 16t rag lay a W* two are llgr6ed.11 Major !Wtookokastgoo, t* U"t Import. Thei heroturtied fa his bed and said: U W6,15ould do wag to oftrrjr ,,,a. t.
1* h -ad b6o* 44 Priy6r. Ana w1ing, An& thd Non be ovaron thwt 66d, h#A told no the Aweat011 A1096thef, this forepot Ilitblandisris Afid 100 r's ftarA% "Wig it* algrised, Xithlma, andE116 %At 6f tb* G'StMA 01A01stils who hAlm "All right, ML", You ma hurry up, Wrp, t%,omfortable $plot, gLV.6 bul. fig hidlng;L-�Ue Highlandism lrough toj*.uo to your f*th,6 if
hbw that that day tl* Xokaftt oftrucifixto i I that halm no Mate Wordo tt%t IW uPon hlm� and Upon us." Joinisd, tblik Bowis, 1* W*11 known A4 one 1�116 ild Mo ffte6 w&,%hikd mixteen times unt all
tl* rftl:t d toms hams. Mount of irruelfillon, tbo Sweat 64 ilk. A uniquo 62perinkislit, and Its to 141IT 6,01 Tl*n a littl4s wind push6d and hus- M tb& finkmt boriIsmpoti lit the t1* food we, bAid with us. and thsis b,)'.:.
fttb4"rigtor grlftt WAY off." Rio] br*w flW4 with the blood j14. flons in 8outh Africa will IM walrob"e"i r Vittorio 0 World, safte breakfAst, itud thorAIA two raoro tU ot cmoK tbKt I oartMn
04 te r V 46 tout thitilnits"Is martilhe'" mud Itil Petulant WAY throufli the PA won thm tri"t joatdlAtkisift raos IdAif4 1,16 pro Pat I des"y t Th*n, with **a hgart8 4nd dtiVen by obd*r It 40A 06M9111t 6kA 464. Ing frowHin lmmrat "I' with. great Interest. bliftill, MY baq�, an a mud " rostlemilly, #104 Iom blaekbievrr bushos, and foual Itelth., from I%rk)3 to Viloonnii. mrt W um offlofto in beforo rmosewtip, loft him, thero to Ul. d