The Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-08, Page 1IRE GUNTON 1 21st Year NEWSTECORD.- .1•1•11(e.0.0•06/1.E01../."0/111.0=1,01.0•2ar..1.4•101•101er •••M111.1•1*. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY. MARCH 8, 1900 'Whole Number 1107 if the label on your paper is markectup to date it is well but better, still if a year in advance. Give it your serious consideration. eeeeefonbe4eAseeeseeeeeet te•e•crose,ci.teo - Spectacles aslew as $1 when required. Optical Dep rtrnent "I can't see" as well as 1 should, is a complitint you hear not only from older people but from the young as well. Age is no criterion tor the wearing of Glasses. Many are born with greater defects than come with age. Young people inherit end cultivate ' defects by strain and abuee. Young, old, or middle-aged, • ifyou are not gettieg the ser- vice from your eyes that you think you should, you ought certainly to aseertani the nit. ture of your trouble'. We can "tell you. Examination Free. COOPER'S SOOKSTORE, Clinton, Ont. aegaosbee' 6ims>cieaea.iae4.9a6049ge419**Goa.449.4aewiee,ew. tEeee Great 1Vloving Sale We are going ky move to The Corner Store 5oilscatERRiliFttp The A Of satisfactory Watch Re- pairing is exemplified by n3e. I am an expert Watch.re- pairer, can repair all kincle of Watches and Clocks. I know, how to do it properly. I You don't have to take it to any one else when I get through with it, because I do it right, do ib promptly, and charge you reasonably. Fourteen years' experience enables me to guarantee a' perfect job. Am 1 to do your NEXT Repair Work? P. •It. CREWS jeweler, Expert Watch Re- in Searle's Block and in order pairer and Optician. to save the ti ou )leand expense ci=kto-1?±Asit=t ve01.315t="'E54,t5.-125 of moving we 32011 have a 4Three Days Special Sale czsesamcoescperBssepamsKm a See list of pricesnd dates in our 1 ad on page 4 Ce2fete=0 Ceeieeeres eMitiseeD Ce538803 Cluff in the • Lec=ld My pring goods are .pow, opened up and are the best 1 ever had. There are none better. Call and be convinced that Boas and Prices are right. oaLECOOPE & CO.. H E CASH 'GROCERY. Phone 23. Cash for Butter and Eggs, - o o l'HE TWO se.. .J'S. Your Spring Hat. Our new stock of Spring Hats has just arrived :and is bigger and better than ever. It includes a well •selected assortment from the best-known English makers. RJ0 CLURR Sackville, Wakefield, Leslie Who oa e the best hats on the Fnglish market. An aluminium brush goes free with each hat of these makes. These are the latest and most stylish hats. Call early and make a selection. • , The priees we 981e only give lid a tnodest iiro.fit as we would sooner make four sales at a sn.all profit than one sale ai, a big profit. Special Fedoras at $1.25 OU/L A. J. MORR1SH $4.00 MEN'S SUNS have arrived. You will woder bow we can sell them for that ,rice but we are doing so. Come and see them They are lined with g od farmers' satin A. J. Ifolloway. ereeeezerisse_e_lee_elattifilliffeirerelereeeee Your Last Opportunity V V' 414 IRr. and ifr3 J Howson's Golden Wedding. Yesterday was 50th anniversary of the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs, james Howson and many friends called upon the .esteerned couple to tender hearty congratalations. At the time of their wedding Mr. and Mrs. Howson were residents of the county of Halton, near Georgetown, but for many years they have lived in Clinton where they have numerous warra friends. Piro at the liotel Clare ndon. Fire broke out in the Hotel Claren- don at hi gla noon of Saturday lase and for a short time- it looked serious, but fortunately the flames were conflned to where they originated, the cigar reTems It is supposed that a match was dropped while supplies were beiug gotten from the room. Alarge number of cigars were. 'destroyed, carpets injur- ed and rooms badly smoked. Mr. Miller places his loss at $500,only parti- ally covered by insurance. S. A. Berpacks News. A big time is- anticipated in the Selyation Army Barr tcks on Satueday night and all day Sunday, On Satrr.. day night there will he a presentation of new colors by .the District; Officer, Adjutant Orchard of Stratford, and on Sunday afternoon the Band will re- ceive their commissions for 1000 while in the everting there will *he a coin missioning of Local Officers. Adjutant Orchard is a jolly good fellow and creates a stir wherever .bo goes and his visit is looked forward to by the local COr ps with pleasure. . Clinton Censeryatlye Association. : The annual meeting 91 the Liberal. Conservative Association for the town of Glinten was held in the town hall last Friday. As the President was unavoidably abient Dr. Blacken was called to the chair. The followitig °Meets were elected for. the- present year, viz., • Mayor Jarkson, Honorary President Dr. Bruce, President, T. D. Johnston, Vice -President. G. J. Stewart, Secretary, • Dr. Elleckall, Treasurer. FiXEOUTritE commirrEE'. . Thos. Walker, St, john's Ward. • . ,PetereCantelon, St. George's Ward. • Dr, Blacken, Sc. Andrew's Ward. T. D, Johnston, St, James' Ward. A Patriotic Sooial. The Patriotic social given on. Friday evening last by the Junior League of pewee street church was a. genuine . success. • There was a large attetidahce as will be seen frorn the fact that though the admission fee was small twenty-two dollars was realized'. Rev. B. Clement) occupied the chair in his usual pleasing manner, During the evening refreshments were served and the following program rendered : Addrese, Rev. B. Clement. Solo, Mr. Latent el. • Piano Solo, Mrs. W. J. Newcombe, Address, Dr. Shaw; Solo, "Soldiers of the Queen," Mr. W, .T. Ross. • Solo, "The Absent Minded Beggar," Mi. Humphreys, Piano and Violin Duett, Misses Lillie and Rene Jackson. Solo,"Tell Them I Am Gone," Master • Tenter) Woodman. Solo, Miss Fannie Shipley. • Geld Stem the Queen. Little Locals. The Ladies.' Auxiliary of St. Paul's church met at Mrs, Johti Johnston's on Tuesday afternoon. • • Lenten services are being held in St. Paul's church every 'Thursday p. m., commencing at 7.30 o'clock. Mies Hallett was compelled to dis- appoint a number of her pupils on Thursday, being detained in Blyth by the blockade. Councillor Welker has Sold his fine tidying mare to Mr. J. E. Swartz of Wingharn for a handsome figure and deliveeed her on Saturday, At IVIonclay night's meeting of the Rattenbury League Miss M. S. Wash- ington gave is repore of the Stratford convention ht•ld recently. • A citizen asks thenugh Tug Naive- BsOOrtn if them is any by-law prohib- iting the dumping of coal ashes on the roadways during the winter menthe. The meet -Ape of the Christian Endea- vor of Willis church on Monday even- ing was led by Miss Monteith,the topic was taken by Miss R. Gordon and the catechism] by Miss McTavish. The Huron Uniform Promotion Ex- aminations will be held on March 20th an 300. Teachers should send at once to their School Inspector for the number of papers they require. The shipments of live stock this week inelude two carloads of cattle to Toronto Int S. 11. Smith, 222 . potkers to Toronto by 0. Wallis and a single- decker of bogs to Ingersoll by R. Fitz- simons. The ladies of the Baptist church will give an entertainment in the church on Tuesday evening next. There will he a literary program rind refreshments and the admission is placed at only one dime, The Lenten boxes have been dis- tributed to the S. S. ehildren of St. Peel's. The denials are asked to aid the Indian Schools of the North-West. The sum of $10,000 is expected from the Augliean churches in Canada, for this work, • • • Will you be oiie of the fortunate ones to take advantage of the occasion. The balance of our Winter Clothing must go. Prices are a secondaryconsideration You will see from the following list that is what we mean. We have in stock 25 Heavy Ulster rine Beaver Overcoats..., 1300 Overcoats at.............. Metes Suits at eV" Boys' Suits at t vvvvvv • 4. 00 pairs Ready -Made Pants..., Citlgons Who Aro (Well. We regret to leant that ISIr. J. W, 11111 18 again laid up. He bad a bad attack several months ago but we hope this will not be anything like%) severe. To he confined Indoors is of itself pun- isbreent for J. W. who is of a very active nature. ---Mr, Arthur Couch, too, has been imwell but we expect to see him in a few days as actively en- gaged with the Weever as of yore,— Me. S. WeIrsvin is also indisposed. Society events, • Mrs, W. 11, Newcombe geVe a " Thimble Tee to a nurneer of her friends on Monday evening and her guests. accord her geeat praise as an admirable hostess.—Miss Brickenden entertained on Saturday evening and had 14 very pleasant party.e—Mvs, M. E. McLean had a large party on Fri- day. In the afternoon she entertained the married ladies and in the. eyening the young people,—.Mrs. William Harland gave a large party on Tues- day in honor of her guest, Miss Perse- son ef.London, Trains Blocked by Snow. ' The past stormy week has been a hard one upon rallroaders snow plough, has been in pretty cert. senile service. But the climax was reached on Tuesday when all trains on the L.-11, & B. were cancelled until the p. ne, after the plough had cleared the way. The Ueda eroineloclerich fared a little beeter, but met with a mishap. down near Mitchell. However,- the B. & L. FL track was clear aboet inid- day and the trains ,citine in on fairly good time. But only part of ehe Tor- ontoinail was brought up, to the in:. cohyen ience of:many. le only regolres it few hours blockade such as this to prove te natal -bow dependent. We are upon the daily press �f our cities, the Queen city in particular. Goderich Won From Clinton: One of the Meese games of hockey played in the Clinton rink was that of last Thursday night between Goderich and Clinton: It was a good exhibition from start to finish • • The. puck was faced at.6.40 when some goodrushes. were indulged in by oue boys, but the Goderich coixibination got the best of it and the result Was Goderich e6ored. Shortly after :this Clinton scored and after that the game Was pretty evenly divided up as the score indicates, 6 to 4 in fever cif the visitors. MINT= do01IRT0a McRae •goal Campbell W.G.Doherty point Allan ' P.Mathiesc;n overpoint Hyslop ' J. Clarridge for Nerds McIver • 3, Forrester McCarthy E. DoiLoyamtsent •I McDonald W. Wiggins The Pastor Lest His Notes. Vvhat 'night have resulted wore seriously happened at the Baptist par- sonage on Wednesday evening of last week. As Rev.Mr. MurdUck was earrYing a lamp it •exploded arta set fire to the furniture. He fortunately escaped himself, but his fine library, the accurinulation of years, was almost totallyruined. Some.of the other con- tents Of the room weiv also destroyed. Mr. Murduck'enotes,covering his seven years labors' in the Ministi y, went up in smoke so that he will have to begin anew. This reverend gentleman has not been in habit of up -ending his ser- mon barrel once in a while and could not now even if he would. His loss is three times greater than the ninety odd dollars the insurance company awarded him. dir, Ran sford Returns Prom &Wand. Mr. John Ransford returned to town on Monday by the 1 p. m. train after, an absence cienearly two months.. tee spent some time in the -north of Eng- land, Liverpool .and Manchester, but also visited in the south,goieg as far in a southwesterly direction as he was able to, namely, dose to the Land's End. Mregansford reports all classes of business as being very brisk, values of all commodities rising and with every prospect of further increase of values. 'Labor is both scarce atid much better paid than twelve months ago, which is probably accounted for by the large netuber of men that beve enlisted and also in the large number who are being employed by the Gov. eminent in various ways 10 connection. with the War, pn his arriVal'inErigland, Jan, 20th, when affairs in South Melee, looked blackest, the English people as a whole were apparently as unmoved , and as unconcerned as to the future as any nation could well be. It was re- marked by several that the violet thing that could -have happened to GreatBt•itain would have been not to have met with reverses at the outset, or in other Words, that had they, with comparative ease had everything their own way, it would have been very much worse for them than to have had difficulties to encounter. The British people to -day, according to Mr. Rana - ford's observations, locee upon the sev. - ere reverses they have met with as be. ing very vvhoiesorne lessens. They ex- pect to come out of this war with any atnount of valuable experience, the largest and best trained army by far they have ever lutcl, and last but not least they look for a completely re- modelled War Office, The opinions expressed on all sides concerning the A brakeman netted Sutherland fell behaviour of Canada Were most grat- May Bicyclists HAYFIELD. Ladysmith Day. • Don't forget the Patehstic concert on Ride en the sidewalks 9 the evening of Friday, the 10th inst. 11. Harrison's face wears a broad smile these days. It's a boy. Misses Lottie and Lillie Martin are Visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Holman were in Goderich last Saturday, Miss Flossie Stanbury spent last week at home. Mrs. John Ferguson is at present in attendance on her sister in Goderich who is very ill. Some of our citizens are on the sick list, notably, Mrs, Jas. Ferguson, Mrs. J. McGee, IVIr..A.. Catlin and trilby. Ur. John Routly and wife of Usborne visited Mrs. Flohnan last Sabbath, Arrangements have mlmost been com- pleted for the ennui Patriotic concere to be held on Friday evening of next week, A splendid program of solos, recitations, dialogues, Patriotic addres- see, tableaux, military drills, etc. Come and show your appreciation of the gallantry of our Canadian Volun- teers now winning glory on the South A. KO Lvieziztie;• Ferguson spent some daYs in Goderich last week. A Mr. Birt of elichigan was arrested here lase week by Mr. Jehn Fergusen on a charge of embezzlement and tak- ing to Goderich jail last Saturday. • Rev. G. J A. Thompson, M. A..,B. D of Courtrigtit is at present supplying Se. Andrew's church pulpit Mr, Thompson Preached two. earnest, thoughtful serinnns last Sabbath which were highly appreciated. The Rev. gentleman will occupy the pul- pit next Sunday. There was quite an exciting time on the Goderich Riled one deer lase week In the shape of a runaway. Mr Naftel was driving out of his lane when his horse became frightened, upsetting the cutter arid throwing.him out in the beautiful mew. The animal then got away and ran towards Briyfield, avid when Mr, Naftel found him he wee lying on his back in a snow drift with his heels up and the cutter en top of Mai. The heree,ss had to be cut and otherwise deranged, but finally things were adjusted. The unfort rotate Part of the affair was that while fixing 'the harness Mr. Neftel had to take off hie nets, mod the day being cold, he had beth his thumbs frozen. We are pleased to say the injured members are doh* nicely. When the step earne in last Thurs- day evening we knew that something of great moment had happened for a, fleg fleeted on the bow of the stage. It was to eignify the Relief ofLadystnith. Things are beginning to come Olie way new. Mr. McGee is a loyal subject and so is the whole of Bayfield as will be seen on the 16th of March; There was a small fire at the Rectery on Monday morning, The chimney from the furnace took flee and some of the Amite came out of an unused stove pipe hole and burnt a patch of paper on the wall. We are glad to learn no further damage was done. The Town Council Has Been Petition. ed for the Privilege Under Certain Restrictions, At Monday night's meeting of the towu council Mayor jeckson gave a re- port of the proceedings of the Mari - level convention held in Ilemilton recently and which be Attended, Elis worship's address was full and complete and explained very clearly" the proposed amendments to the Municipal Act arid the benefits to be derived, His etanding at the conven- tion is shown by his election as a member of the executive. • The resignation of Mr. Horace Foster as a member of the Collegiate Inseit ute Board was received and accepted. This left a vacancy which was prompt. 13, filled by the tmopposecl Appointment of Captain McTaggar t. A petition was received from J. B Hoover and a, number of the ratepny era asktng for an electric light at the corner ot Rattenbury and North streees. The general opinion appeared to he that the request wise not unveils - enable and it was sent to the proper corn inittee to be cleat t with. Mr. Henry Glazier baying resigned front the Fire Brigade Mr. William Beacom was appointed in his stead, The Btigade thus loses the services of one of its most efficient members, but at the Seine time secures one of the best specimens of physical manhood in Clinton, • A petition was presented 'signed by a large number of ratepayers who asked that on paymeot of a fee of one dollar permission be given bicycle 'riders to maete use of the .sidewalks, 'except in the business part of the town, on payment of a fee of one dollar. Bicyclists ask that a by-law be passed making the rate �f speed not mere Iban eight miles per hour, that the riders &stn.:runt ween meeting or pees- ing.children or lady pedestrians; and that the wheels of licensed riders have bells. The petitioners are.largely °em- ployees in the organ factory to whom the privilege Would be a great conven- ience as it would enable them in wet to get hoine for a warm dinner without which e hard-working .ipah canna continue to labor just so indoseriously from one to ;six o'clock as from • seven to twelve. • • . • • Mr. Hugh Rorke spoke on behalf of the petition and urged the granting Of its requiest Ile did not believe it would be abused any more than the present regulations. The privilege of using the walks was only asked for during wet weather *hen it was im possible .to wheel upon the road. Wheeling is now a necessity to men living at some distance from their work and: when there were restrictions as to speed, etc,, he did not believe such by-laW would on trial be found to be a failure. Mr. A. T. Coopeesited bicycling wee now a necessity and abolished the dia. ner pail fee several 'months in the year. He believed the bicycle had as much ight to the sidewalk as the perambul- ator or velocipede ad with a low tate of speed and regulaticues as to dis- mounting he did not think there could he much objection to granting what the petitioners asked for. Mr. Eagleson also spoke briefly and in the same strain. The following residents of Joseph street are the firse to take advantage of the granolithic by-law recently ad- opted by the council : elise Mcelurchie, Mrs. E. Turner, Dr. Agnew, F. R, Hodgens and Joshua Cook. They ask for a four foot walk to be placed outside the trees. Joseph street is'one of (Aire ton's prettiest and. neatest therofares and the property owners are bound to keep it so. The matter will receive prompt attention at, the hands of the council. but there are a few prel hale - Aries which must first be gone through with. . • Chief Scruton of the Vire Brigade asked that the appointment of stoker recently made by the council be rescin- ded, not that he objected personally to the appointee, but because he did not believe that it was doing justice to the firemen who, he thoughtought to have the right to promotion. Captain Helyar said he had been a • member of the company for a number of years and the rule was to select the stoker front among the members The Mayor and Councillors all com. plimented Chief Scruton and his Brig- ade upon their proficiency, but no fur. ther action was taken in the matter. A resolution was adopted thanking the 0. 0. F. Band and the liverymen for their gratuiteue eervices on Lady - 'smith nay and the Clerk wise instruct. • ed to write them to that effect, PAYAIUNTS Stavely Hall— Electric Light equipment $125 03 John Penning 6 00 OS. Mnckenzte 20 15 3. C. Stevenson 0 00 Rattenbury House 2 05 - Doherty Quartette 5 00 Postage, etc. 05 • from the top of &moving train. and be- ifying to hear and it appeared to be in etude 1 20 Overcoats, waterproof lined, Price Was $0.00, is now $5 00 61,,11110,11•11 " 2.00, ° 806 • • • 4, • ..... 8.50, 0 105 e 5 00 • ..... " 4.5fe " 2 05 • . . 0 3,75, he 200 The sale at these picot will be continued till IViarch 256, when all will be cleaned out. We will be ready to show these goods ort ttturday morning. These goods are all first. tlass As VV0 keep nothing but the best. CLOTH/14V VitttlritiEft AND T. JACKSON, Sr. V/OTOIIIA BLOCK Ileithilsited no, CLINTON. tween the care on Monday atVVinglian3 everybody's month, that a this war and was ao badly injured that his life was productive of nothing else save was despaired . of. As there Was a the unquestionable truth .of Canadian shortness of Ulan -men Mr. Ed. Itosved loyalty and devotion to the Empire took the brakeman's run to London. has been proved to be a, reality, that Rev. W. G. Howson of Itattenbury alone would be well Werth the price street church, may be expected to paid. Mr. Itansford's return voyage speak next Sunday under the follow. was rather tempestuous as regards the it g subjects, Atli a. tn. "Reading be- latter half, the speed of such tween the lines,"nnd at 7 p. in. "The a boat as the lateatlia having greatest Gut prise of my life." Services been reamed from 620 milea bright and helpful. The public are to 330 in 21 haute. Every vexation and cordially invited. delay were,however, well tepaid when The Rev. 3, Greene of Itolmesville on reaching New York the news of will occupy the polpitof Ontario street tkonje'a capitulation and the relief of chnreh next Sunday niorniug, "Am- Ladysmith were telegraphed by -a pass. usements" will be the subject of Rev. Ing vessel, The eelebeation of the Ite- Mr,Clement'e discourse in the evening, lief of Ladyemith for the Lucania,'s Special contribut4ons in aid of the Con. passengers took place on Saturday ev. Orme° Sustentation Fund will be talc, I ening and its can be well expected was ' en at both service& both a joyous and merry event. It. Holmes 2 00 Street Cotnrmttee— W., Steep, work 0 30 W. Wheatley, work 1 75 Property Conimitte— W. IL Porster, wood 4 75 Miscellaneous— Electric Light Co. BO 00 Garrow & PtOudfoot, legal eXpenSes • 20 00 W. D. loair Co, supplies 40 J. Ridout, insurance 21 00 Municipal World, supplies 02. Mayor jackson,expenses to Munitipel convention at Hamilton 7 70 Celebrating IAdyamith Day 10 75 Mr Bros, lumber for Park 4 10 F. Evans teaming 1 05 " Charity 4 05 AUBURN. • Auburn did itself proud on Thurs- day last in celebration of the Relief of Ladysmith. Flags floated all over the villige while bells rang and whistles blew. Our citizens are not all of the same race origin, but every one of us is a loyal British subject and feels like jubilating when signal victories are won. Among those who took a prom. Went part in the celebration were Dr. Ross, D. E. Munroe, Alex. Robertson, Robt. Asquith, John Naegle,Yungblut and John Mole. , Mn John Symington, who attended the A. O. U. W. GrandLodge meeting held in Toronto, reports having had a pleasant and profitable time and will have a goodprogram for the brethern at. the next meeting of the Lodge. A lento exploded at Reeve Medd's of West Wayvanosh on Monday night and but for the presence of mind of 1VIrs. Medd, who caught up the blazing lamp and threw it out of doors, there might have been a serious state of aifairs,but as it was very little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. John Maker intsnded going on Wednesday to Kippen to attend the wedding of her sister to a citizen of that place. Mr. and. Mrs. Temple Clark of Dun- gannon spent Sunday ak the old home ot the latter. Mr. James Dawson, who was laid up with the la grippe, is recovering again nicely. - Mr. 3, W. Medd of Clinton spent a Ifew days this week at his home, Reeve Medd's of Webt Wawanosli. The team of Mr. John Mills of West Wawanosb ran away the other day and becoming detaehed from the sleigh ran home a distance of over a tittle from point of starting. Albert and Henry Wallace of Olifl. ton were visiting friends in the village, the forepart of the week. Mr. James Hewitt of Colborne, a well -tee -do young farmer of that town. ship, moved the new furniture into his house on Saturday last and now tally awaits the bird. Me. Thee. Bruce left for Manitoba last Thursday, for a place near Brand- on where his brother is located. It's his first trip. Success to him. Mr, Helwig, our merchant tailor, injured his shoulder a fortnight ago and was laid tip for several days but is now himself again. Mr. Samuel Lautenseblager of naat Wnwanosh is getting the material on the ground for a new house which be intends building next stunnaer. C. Willard spent SundaY\in Myth, The rough weather made the attend. twee Antall at church last Sunday and has kept many of the youngsters from the seat of learning this vseek. For the news of Anhui% more cents pieta than in any other, paper you must read Tlia§NEWA•Ilitcottn, Clinton Celebrated the Relief of Lady'. smith in n Right Loyal Manner. The Good News Caused Great Rejoic. ing, .IM•FT••••••• When the news flashed over the wires on Thursday ' morning last that the Relief of Ladyenarth had been .accomplished. the enthusiasm of Our 'citizens kneweee bounds. The factory whistles began to blow. the bells to ring and flags and bunting to be sent aloft to wave proudly in the breeze of that tiright March mormng. The men down at the 0. f.. abandoned their benches and marched down . town waving flags and cheering as only such loyal leritishers cert. 1 They made the welkin ring for the time being. There was no school that day for the children were just as overjoyed and enthused, and added their treble to the deeper .note's of their seniors. Ladysmith Day will long be remembered by thein, In a shod tinagUnion Jacks were planted peon the housetops and hung over doorways . and from ether points of vantage, while Red, White and Blire streamers were twined round and about, Pictures of Her Majesty and Generals Roberts., Kitchener, White and Buller appeared in many,windows, • Iri shore the town was ingala dress. Cantelon Bros. shipped 1500 dozen eggs and mg pounds of butter to eastern markets this wok. THE. PROCEESION, Mayor Jackson proclaimed a half holiday and ready hands and willing hearte at once made ready far it pro- cession. Between and 3 (Meek in the. afternoola the procession was formed on the market square and marched through the principal streets in the following order : • Foresters' Band Town Council • . Veterans of Fenian Raid Collegiate Cadets Boys' Brigade • • Citizens Tbe ringing of the belbeand the shrill., noted whistles soon conveyed to the country people for miles • around the town the glad tidings of good news and, notwithstanding the bad roads, . large numbers of them came in to help in the general rejoicing. The streets were crowded and as the procession passed along there were scetees of great enthusiasm. On returning to the square the procession was dismiss- ed runt the belence of the afternoon WAS spent in merry -making of one . kind and another. In the evening there was a torchlight procession and after the.,concert a huge bonfire blazed upon the square. . The Boys' Brigade was under the coyamand of Captain McTaggart, who has taken much interest in drilling them during the winter. months, and the good results were apparent, in their marching and manoeuvring. The Collegiate Cadets were under the leadership of Captain ()entire and dee credit to his di ill skill, to the 0. C. I. and to themselves. The Cadets ought to have uniforms. -The Veterans of '66 who were m the line of march were W. R. Lough, Jos. Capp, John Emmerton and Chas, Overbury. The day's proceedings brought vividly to mind the memory of those exciting weeks when they stood on guard against the Raiders. The big mill of J. and N. eIcL Pair joined in the general shut -down so that every employee might be at liberty to join in the rejoieing. The firm sent their teems, and its members and their men helped to swell the long procession. "British to the Core" might well apply to the Fairs. , Mr. James Hearn, who represented General Buller,is e typical Englishman, bluff and hearty. Minus the chin whisker he wears he would very well pass for the staunch British General, who overcame all obstacles and finally brought, relief to the besieged city. Mr, Hearn had not been in the sad- dle for twenty years hut he rode with the ease and confidence 'acquired in a hard school, for in the early sixties he rode through all the Western States from Colorado to Montana, To climb mountain passes, descend into canyons or pass along the brink of a precipice on horseback t equires both nerve and .skill, both of which Mr. Hearn pos- sessed and posesses. 0II0 CONCERT, The concert held in the town hall in the evening was attended by one of the largest and most enthusiastic audi- ences which ever assembled within those walls. Mayor Jackson presided and opened the proceedings with a rousing speeele The program was as follows : Address, Mr, W. R. Lough. Addrese, eir. John Houston. Instrumental, Mise Houston. Song, Doherty Quartette, Song, Me. Deprive. Song, Mr. W. R..Spalding. Song, Mr. W. S. Ross. Song, Mr, Savage. Violin Solo, Miss Rena Jackson. God Save The Queen. "VARNA. ••••••••••.•••••9.1. Mr. C. McDonagla whobas been visit- ing at the parsonage since Xmas, hes returned to his home in idt. Mich., where he has secured a position in a butter factory, Mies M. McAuley of Ripley is visit - log her sister, Mrs. O. Logan, this week, ' Miss Swallow of Walton is the guest of Miss 3. Dennison this week. Mr. and Miss Snell of Londesboro spent Sunday at the parsonage, bite, 0, .Pilgrim, our practical 8414' up- to-date tailor, leas been very busy get- ting out suits for theboyo going to Manitoba, He also ha several orders In for spring, Mrs. 5. Armstrong has returned. from Drunabo where she was visiting ' her daughter, Mis, R. McOool. Mr, T. McNaughton has sold his heavy teara to Mr. Win. MeNaughton of Manitoba for a &my 'least. Mr., Tom' Johns has engaged, with Mr, J. H. Johnston for the courting summer. This will be the fourth sea- son he has worked for him. J. fl. knows when he has re good man. Mr. J. Ross has .secured the services of Arthur Johns for the summer. Mrs. J. T. Cairns went to Forest last week' to attend the funeral of her mother. She returned on Saturday. e vening. • Mrs. S. Armstrobg is on the sick list, aeain as she is 'laid up with an attack of her old trouble, sot% throat Mannie Ward left on Monday for • short distance out of Toronto at his TtroardoenHe has secured a job a .to. Mr. B. A. Higgins has purchased:" from Mr. J. Arnistrong his house and lot, paying for it the sum of one thous- and dollars. This doesn'e look as it B. A. was going to run away just yet • 4:: • When the news of Cronje's surreudeie tnd the relief of Ladysmith reached Varna they were celebrated m righti.. loyal style. The flag was boisted on the school and the boys not being able:. to make the bell go fast enough by the rope climbed up on the belfry and get hold 'of the tongue and then it ding - "(longed fest enough. The National Anthem was sung by the scholar sand several other piteriotie songs also: On Thursday -evening the boys gathered in the village end built a huge bonfiro of bores, barrels, fire crackers and straw, While guns and pistols were fired and rousing cheers sent up for the Queen and our brave generals, the Canadian contingent and 'the British soldiers; generally. It, would not have been well for any Boer sympathizers to have strewed upsabout that time, Several of our sports took in the bo,11 at Egmondville on Monday night. Stanley council met on Monday, March 5th, at one o'clock. Members all present. G. rail bairn was paid a gravel account of 56 cents and earroiv &•dartow $2 for legal advice re dog tax. Pethmaster's beat No. 48 was diecentieued as a separate heat and lot 10, con. 2 which constituted said bea was put into Joseph Hood's beat. The clerk was instructed to notify Mr, Mustard to remove all obstructions from roadopposite his sawmill: A. petition was handed to the council asking them to protect the righter of petitioners and others against the ac-, Con of the Grand Trunk Railway Co. in removing the cattle guards at farm. crossings in this township aud the reeve was instructed to get legal ad- vice on the matter. Council meets again on Monday; 'April etb, at one o'clock.—J. T. Cairns, Clerk. Summerhill. Mr. Allin is at present at, the home of Mr. G. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. It Hannah of the West and also Mr, and Mrs. Dickeon of Seaforth were the guests of Mr. tun Friday and Satin dey of last week, ' Mrs. George rarquitar spent part of last week with her parents in the coun. ty town. Miss Maud Tyner is at present the guest of the Misses Reid near Con. stanee. Rev. Mr. Smith hits received word from his lordshio,the Bishop of Huron, saying that his health Is being slowly restored and that he will, D. V., visit thts Itr's11 for Confirmation ott March • • On Sunday evening last Rey. I?. E. Itei, who is occulting on behalf of the Htime II/fission Vaud throughout the • Meese of Huron,preaeked an excellent sermon from Acts 20: 36, "Remember the words of our:Lord Jostle, how He •ettith it Is more blessed to 'Mite than. to reedie," SUMMERHILL. Mr. W. D. Burns of the, Maitland concession has been under weather the past week. Mrs. Noble Lovett has returned from Goderich where she was visiting her sister for about a week. Mr. G. W. 1101 has returned from it visit about Walton, where he manag- ed a cheese factory last season and did it well. Mr. Henry Wallace of town hag been spending the past Week at M.r..H., Woodyard's. ' Mr. John 13ullatel of Winthrop, who has bought the business and. property of Mr, Brownlee, Was in the village on ,Saturday making at•rangernents for ' taking posession. Robe. and Charlie Johnstone had a bee in Murphy's swamp •on Thursday last and got about twenty cords of wood cut, Mrs. Campbell had a bee on the next day and got a supply of firewood. Rev. Mr, Rol is calling upon mem. hers of St. Peter's church soliciting subscriptions for the Diocesan Debe Fund. We understand he is meeting with &reasonable Amount of Become. Mr, Robb Miller and his cousin, Miro Mabel Sheppard, were visiting Ise 1VIr. Noble Adams' near Einburn last week. A number from the Hill attended Mr. Ben Iteithr sale near Mohnen the other day. We hear that Mr. 3.12, Lowery of S. No. 5. Ilullett, intends having art en.. tertainment some evening this month. H undertakes' kr always well and No. l Es hound to aequit itself Well on title ciccasionesome when it will. Mr. James Lindsay has let the con. tract of his new house to Me. Dan Prior of Clinton, which trteaneth thatt it will be well done. Prior and good work are synonymous terms. The rough weather of last week less. ened the attendance :Le the adhootand sotne days very few scholars respond- ed to the roll call. The roads were al. most Impassable for the greater pare of the week and some elaye passed without it team passing up or down e road. We understand that there is a probe. bility of a blacksmith shop being open- ed here again. /t is about three yeari since, our last smithy moved to more distant mad greener fields Miss Ethel Jorclam who bas heat living with hor aunt ROO Sinderich for' mottle time past, returned house on Vri. day last.