The Clinton New Era, 1900-12-28, Page 7see.
,+0-wf 0N4r1.-
,W0,71mrt teree eseeter-7"'
unprepared to see the girl whom he and compromised mattere by taking HUBBY
found oecupying hie own particular her hands and liolding them tightly •
: standing oil the hearthrug by Jr side. part ?"
Thou startee with alittle inCelant- She abook her bead vigorouely.
ta t, "But MY moth," ho exclaimed
he did not recognize her until he Wale "iettliY Daring/lam eurely took year .1
eaey chair iu his etudy, The light woe in his. Brea thee lie telt far frora
only a diva one, and ite she did not oomfortable.
move or urn round at hienrance
ation. " Lady Derilgintin did nothing
"Miss Herten Wily, what on earth of tee amt.' she rePhed. s'Do
YOU remember last time when
Ho Stepped in the middle of his quee- you were down, you took Me for '
• Von and looked intently at her. Her a walk once or twice and you talloil
heeds Was thrown back amongst the to me in the evonlage, and -but per-
cushione of tile ehair, and she waft taut haps you have forgotten. Ila,ve,..,you?
At the elealeeeeee the Multitude of Would have been involved in a attune
ten Inallired Ilint With new COW • then Which, even le p rV and a little curl of fair flair had es- that there was only one onewer Poe -
defter. There were senue. a very fair frontery acquired during the prae- coped and Was hanging down over her sible for him. He hastened to make it.
epriuktiop wboza be knee', and. Who *tice of his proiesslon could not have forehead. There were undoubtedly There mut a certain lack of enthus-
greeted aina gol#41exeatly, witillOat ate rendered endurable. He found tteeat tear !stains upon her pretty face. Her Mem In hie avowal, however, widell
peaiiing In any way to regard nin Pre- 1 in an adJoining room, and eat quite
Ens brain wee le „ plain, blue jacket was half endone!, and brought a look of reproach into her
trilee" as a Oda; oto of the Conlelee. still, thinking. " the glovea which she had taken off lay face. She eiglied and looked away into
NO walked' up t,b.n Animas% orno of whirl. He had almoet forgotten tbe In her lap. Wolfenden's angler eubsilled the fire,
a Ateee ietoine; bet „ Ws theY Peagfed especial objeet of Ws (Meet. He felt at once. No wonder Selby had -beer! "Well," elle continued, "Lady Der.
.t..itraugh the ante -room 0 Where In like a conspirator. The foe- perplexed. But Selby's perplexity was Ingham him never been the eame educe
asleep. Her hat was a little crushed, She was looking at him so eagerlY
the alateneo Prhice and Priaceee °Motion of the unknown Wan DO
- nothing to hie own. then to Die It didn't matter while you
, geode, liareatt adroitly diseerged these people had been a true !me. TheY 1=oas%,(ligiv:ITre,kleciangliewenrPA. thin and. in pain. And
• bowel esereesteeeing to receive their him. Their first instinct concerning She Woke up suddenlY and SaVr hira were there, but after yott left it was ' _
is Rheumatism of the face.
Uric Acid left In the blood
d' d d kidne s
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, end
across the cheek to the
• side of the nose, • The
gauge Is the same as In all
Kidneys. The cure is like-
wiee the same-
Over the abouldere Of His Helpless
Tim genulaely tactful married wera
man of the preen t day doesn't por-
tray ber liesband'a aborteetailnge to
Mai in a direct Mesmer. She telia It
all to the baby, When be is mitting
the same room. The way this
'aelleme worke illtlatrated the
other evening. The man and his wife
badverhiadanad ,fse:ve wwon:dger,9011.e:ozz itto- .
ting by the front window reading the
"Yttetl.b"y alb% eerroonlatd to the baby,
The mo
_ fellow, Isn't he, tuira-tums, and he's
0"yite.woorporathyer?” hi a nasty ill-tempered
always enarling aud growling around
the bowie, isn't be, unalmait'm itty aop,
Filen She glanced at the husband the Irorlci, •
auk) father °et of the corner of her dimples and j
sueeeeded in getting a rise out of pitiful thing is,tha
eye, bi order to ascertain if she had
affeeted to Pateee or ee were indeed no erdinarY PeoPle• "e ment still Un e g on hia face. She you never answered my letter.
standing there, traces of his amaze- very wretched, I wrote to you, bat dd' reading, •
g r
Moment (xi tWce to sneak to, an ea• I mutat follow them up -he must know look d d 1 If
0 S.
ther does not know that A
e at him, halt-frightene la - He was very well aware of it. Ho • "Andgetting to be es Dungy mo
• , qtinintanee. 'When he was left alone MOre about them. Once more he wistfully. The color came and Went in had never asked her to write, and her as a Miser, toot isn't he, mamma's
man .witili a elub foot and the
dan.elng , ognieed the moment he spoke. It was
strange words ot his. He pendered
Ambassador. Those were to town -arid here -at tins time oi allY considered a very good-hearted
theeks--her eyes grew soft with note had seemed to him a trifle too
tilan h d
it awratisEtneolelt bimself a brute. ere
night ? Is anything wrong at Dering- woman."
What on earth hiO•brought yen. uP been your fancy, My mother is genere
.., .
Ingenuous. He had never meant to an- ItlidlleY obysy-boybZy ?" elm weot on, eland.
ling tbe baby hp and clown. "And be
eitend for tbe house, doesn't he, mam- little fat makes all the differ-
•-•-•., be tinned Sharp to the night end en* thought over what he had heard. It
-'-'.•$!ered,_ the Main nazigling salon. us, but it was inter-
: xte Wee gate Pate , alma hie e Larngm, Yitritnight Mean anything.
• , siliani, Waking vere bOreds
, he bad gained no ad/rootage. He , mem
• looked everywhere in vain, liowever, ;
possible that glee cou a ewer
n H t w ,
" began to Vim. 'Yon,der waa The man with isir, Sabin he had rec• ti o her raore "I no seldom rite letters" he said,
-eas Baron von Knigenstein, the tler. "I thought, too, that It mtust have
,t,tn le a intended.
%lab a girl In yellow. -So fa t I t
them over again. The journalietie '
1Q 0.
't ri in White an$3 °a-11°11de* They fever waa us= hire. Ile was no Ioniser ham ?"
„„Ttso of tile ante-cbatuhers he ex. Import. If only hie could follow ties have left."
-no, nothing particular ; onlY I has been coldly civil to me ever since, nessinget Dramatic Performance.
eellToileki _without reealt. In the third, thing theough, then farewell to so- e I I" and nothing more. This morning she
She laughed bitterly. MAX illULI,HWS TAW iienAKING
gate m,airs a little tone ' words of a discussion of tremendous
He -over ear a few athimwith quivering lips. thinge," she eaka. "Lody Deringham Brought to a Culmination by Wits
You have eft .The 'ator Y Is told tb,at in early youth
• t/N6° elee were ntnlidIng 'near the en" ciety paragraphing and playing at eyes 1 h — turned ay I, f 4/v pleased
; aye menaw , excuse or aen ng me away -
seemed absolutel to have an
she the late Prof. Max Muller fell in love
' ,• trance, t,alking. Plarcutt almost held journelism. His reputation would be she sidded, Piteously. k watrquit
- "Turned away I Why, what for? Do took everything he said for gospel, and
Deringham is -not himself ; but she clizen- S'' r young
no a well, of course, that or 'with Miss Grenfell, whom he sttbse-
parent% however, objected to. the
c$3 'breath as he ean/e to an abnillt made forever I He looked at her blankly. ril ma ried, Thewoman's
st SO within a surd or two..of them. , He rose, and finding Ida way tq the
,' ,„ - • l:k was the manY for whom he had
of champagne. ' Tben he walked you IneC.13.1,„to say that you 'Wive *left turned me out of the house. There, Match, and the lovers were forbidden
ail communie,ation. Meanwhile, the
been looking, the other-Hareett refreehment-room, drank off a glass
- ' '- • 00e:tiled to Iliad his face elerfeetly fa- . 1S00011 I now you know everything. Perhalee „ .. ,,
Millar, but foe the mouteut he could pack to the main saloon. Standing She nodded, and coMmeececl to drY after all it was Idiotic to come to you.
peared and met with immediate Duo,
little' love* story, 'Deutsche Lebe, ap-
- got identify Man Fie was tall* with vvith his ba,ek to the wall, and half- ohherweyee w.itlii a little' rice hendkers. Well, I'm only a girl, and girls are
,,,t hidden by a tall palm tree, was Den,. , , cess. Mks Greaten, although, the. book
•* _tree coveeed with foreign ordere and Yes' -your, mother -Lady Dering- and if I were alone I should die of
idiots' ; I haven't a friend in the World,
was published anonymously, surmieed
- ' v424° hair and ux`ustaehe' RIB — shunt. He was alone. His arms were e'''''
, he: ivie.kre tngush Court dress. mg folded, and ho was looking out: upon ham has been very horrid -as though, . the authorship, and immediately trans-
. hatttle were clasped behind his back, the dancers with a ginolnY 1,1*PWn• the slily papers were of any use to me loneliness in a week. You won't send
latect it into English. The popularity
he was tem= ei a. key, wear- wee, Haroutt stepped softly up to, nun. or anyone else in ' the world! I have me 9e
Inte away ? You are not angry with
of the book in England almest, equalled
Keeping a Utile. with eyes eteadfaate "Well, how are yeti gettieg on, old .,
-not copied them. I am not deceitful I its vogue in'Gerroater. MAX Muller's
beeauSe of -of yen!'" but he held her hands tightly. For the
She made a movement towards him,
love for his future wife was inevitably
filed upon his companion. Iiir.-Sa. chap?" he whispered In Ms ear, , . It is all an excuse to get rid of me
cuet In blank surprise. . first time he began to see his way tee made yet more ardent by thLe alga,
bin was leaning a little forward, with Denehara started and looked at Bar -
•both hands resting an Ills stick. Bar- ' She looked up at him, and sudden- of her affection. He determined t6
-, mitt was strut* at once with the sin- "WhY-hew the -excuse reef 11017 °E 19 dropped her eyes Wolfenclen began fore him A ea tain ingenuoueness in
break down the opposition of her
gaiter immobility Of his face. Ele did earth did you. ge,t in ?" he exclaimed. to see same glimmerings of light, He h ' and th t 1 ttl h If fo -
her speech an n a 1 e a. -.013•43
,. not appear either interested or- Harcutt smiled'in a my,sterious man- was etill, however, bewildered. • gotten!, note -an ingenuousinesa, by es...... he was fairly launched on his great
parents. Not very long after, when
finvesed or acquiescent. He was SIM. ner.
e . "Look here," he said, kindly, 'why bye, of which he had some do b
eareer, he happened one evening to be
..PlY Alistening, A few words from the Oft 1 we journalletiare trained to you are here I :rent:mot for the life was his salvation. He would accept it
one of the audience *watching a play,
' • •otheige Man came' to Hareennt's ears overcome small diffieulties," he said of, me imagine, but you had better as absolutely genuine She was a child
the love story of wnielt. was similar
as he lingered there on the other slide" airily. "It wasn't a very hard task. 'leen kin to her.
whohaddcotate o m, ecause 1
' t hi ' b ' 1 e had to hie ovvn. 33y one of those strange
just tell me all about it."
. of. the certain. The Morning Is a, very good pass- She rose up suddenly and c•aught eof ith coincidences which novelists portray,
' "If' it were money -a queetion. of, Port. Getting in was easy en- her gloves from the table, course I am not angry w ei but which are also of not infrequent
, e eI think I will go away," she said. a '
you " he said, quite emphatically.
:elan purse of my cortrbtry °peon easily, Deneham moved his head in the deglad i d d that yon eame. tweurrenoe la real life, Miss Grenfell
was also present in the theatre. The
.iniegtetary recompeoase-the secret eer- ough. Where le' -she?"
it Is well filled. If It were any. reetion of the broad apace at the head f"r wrttettraereyd_littogidd43•30zcome i- please qn. very n ee
.i. is only right that I should help you
lovers met at the door and no further
senile, the proposal could; of the stairs, where the Atribassattor He caught her by the wrist as she - 7
when m people'seem to have trea,t,ed
t hedl Let me think for a parental objectioms could restrain
ktiocnia of the baser roatine- e in heve, had It d She sat up in the chair and loolied "Oh, one does not fancy those
ee. am t,akIng,•the asid hie wife had received tbeir guests. passed. you so Wre y. them. Yrhey married, and, certaildY,
-at your own eampte "She is under the special wing of "Nonsense,' he exclaimed, "m°men... their devotion ever after justified and
tt13.iiwArt.b4. I ant •lat
taltrit for the PrIncese. She is up at that end meatue go like me.. 7°u She era -toiled him very anxiously,
fulfilled the romance of their court-
hateit carries With it the of the room somewhere with a lot of she looked teteadfaetly away from and moved a little closer to him.
on dam for It. Assumeng these old frumps." him- and tried' to withdraw her arm., Tell me," she murmured, "what are teldP.
I san prepared to treat with " Have you asked for an intro. Nvitai r you thinking about ?" ,
are ry me or com- h ve it" he answered standing
. I am gang on leave very short- duction ?" Ing," she &aid. PI am very, very sorry; a
suddenly -up and tomehing the bell. "It
anal I weld anyeelf condubt the ne Densham nodded. .1 will go away. Please" cl°11't et°P is an excellent idea." ,
, Carnations." "Yee, I asked young ..Lobenski. It me." "What is it ?" see asked quickly.
•'• 'Harcutt would have moved away. but is no good. He does not know who He held her wrist firmly.
he was e,bsolutely poweriees. Nettie. she is ; but she does not dance, Enid ewe/ mese'e He did not appear to hear her clues-
' tionSelby was -standin
ellY, and from his journalistio in- is not allowed to make aoquaintances. " Mies Merton'' She repeated his . gnpon the
I I a
, 'athlete, he was one of the most curl. That is what it comes to, anyway. It words reproachfully. lifting her eyett threshold. Wolfenden oke to n . 1
" SelhYare roornsettu
our wife'
-Ohs eof. Men. He had recognized the was not a personal matter at all. suddenly to his, that he mi,glit see n nerd ?"
, ys
i 4040,ker, The interview was pregnant Lebenski did not evm
en ention mY the tears gathering ere. Wolferelen v---- ,
with pibossilities. Who was thie Mnam
e� nae to his mother. He simply saithee.
d a heron to feel exceedingly uncomfort- Selby believed that they Were.
Sabin that so mat a man should friend. The Prineese replied that able,
talk with hini so earnestly ? He was she was very' sorry, but there was "Well, Blanche, ' then." 'he said, " That's all yourrighat and coat I' want
h,t then. at once , Put on
. hOluitig up now, he was going to speak. some difficulty. The young lady's., slowly. "Is that better?'
." •
, .
:What was he going to say? --Bari guardian did not wish her to make She answered nothing, but looked there
Yoe to take thia young lady round
tt held his • breath. The idea of acquaintances, for the present" at hint again. rierharal remained in 'Very good my lord."
Ineving away never occurred to ham -offer guardian 1 He's not her fath- hie. She suffered him to lead her back "Her luggage has been lofts and
VOW. e, t • er, then?' to the chairmay not arrive uatil to morrow Be
, .
-yew, Mr. Sabin said, slowly, ''your "No I It was either her guardian or '`It's all noneensure you tell MrsSelby to do all in
se your going away,
,e01111,trY should he a low htdder• The her uincie; I am not sure which. By .yea know,' he said, a little awkward- her power to make things comfort.
importa.nce of each a thing to You Jove 1 There they go! They're off." ly. "You can't wonder that I am sur- able."
, ,inust be less t,han to France, less than They both hurried to the cloak- mese& Perhaps you doe't know that The girl had gone very pale. Wolf.
t,olier great ally. Your relations here room for their coa.te, and reached the it is a little late-afte'r midnight, in enden, watching her eloselY, was
are close and frie'ncUy. Nature end street in time to see the people in fact. Where should you go to if you surprieed at her expression.
aeiay...deeked to have made you ,a1- whem they were so interested com- ran away like th,at ? Do you know "1 think," he gala, "-that you will
Ilea A3 yet there,haa Pawl. Peg.rliv--- . leg down the. stare towards them. anyone in London?' ' ' find Mrs. Selby et ,very, decent sort
-no sign et a rift." . , In the,glare of the electric light, the "I -don't think so," 'she admitted. of a person. If I may, I•vrill come
„ "You are right," the other man girlie pale, upraised face shone like e Well, do be reasonable then. First and , see you to -morrow, and you
(glowered elowly • "and yet .vvho_ean_ a. piece of delicate statuary. To of all tell me all about it." * .shall tell me how I pan help you. I
tell what lies WA:ore-us ? re less wan Densham, the artist, she was irresiat- She nodded, and began at once, am very glad indeed that, you came
a dozen years, the rape of all EeroPe ible. He ,q;.,,,Harcutt right back novr and then lifting, her eyes to his, to me."
.1310.4, beehanged• The PolleY of a great . amongst the shadows. mostly gazing fixedly at the gloves She shot a single glance at him,
- station. is, to all appearance, a 'stead- eShe la the most beautiful. woman which she was /smoothing- carefully pertly of anger, partly eeprettc •
-,•[ 'fast) thing. On the face of it it cslin. I have ever seen in my life," he said out upon her knee • ' "Yon are very, very %kind,' she
filmes the game, age after age. Yet deliberately. "Titian never con- "I think," she said, ''-that Lord Der- seed, slowly, "and - very . coneider
if a amigo is to come. it comets from eeived anything mare exquisite. ' She Ingham le not INKell. What he 'has ate," she added, after a moment's
within. It develops slowly. It grows is a woman to paint and to wership 1 ' been writing has become more an pause. " ehall not forget it
. from within. ontwazds, very &lowly, s,
What are you going to do now?" more ineeherent, and it ha.s been , She looked him then. straight hi
esee like a secret thing. Do you follow ei
esareutt asked drily. ,"You can rave difficult to coy it at all. I ° have the eyes. He was -nlore glad than
?" about her le your studio, if you like." done My beet. but he hae never mem: he
"I think-perhape I do," Mx. Saban woald have liked to confess even
"I am going to find out where she ed satisfied* non he lies taken. to to himself to heir Selby's knoeir at • /21711/1001.
I we cured of Acute Bronehitis'bY
Bay of Mande.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. :
I was cured of Chebnio Rheumatism
by liHNA3113'S LINIffENT:
• Glii01t0E TINGLEY.
Albert Cd., N. D. ,
makeer a big raw over every penny ence,
ma's pet, and he knows that I've made Dimples and j•oy have
over the dresses I had vrhen I mar -
riled him over and over again until and left hollows and fear; he
their nothing but rags, doesn't he,
mamma's itty tipsy-wipsy ?" fat that was comfort and
Again she glanced over at bine to 1
see if she had him going, but he went •
color and curve -all but pity
right on reading the same line of the •
same political speech for the 74t11 :, and. love -is gone.
time, when she resumed -
"And he dreseee himself like a oabob, I ere, 1.
doesn't he, mamma's oobsy-woobsy, ine little one gets no fat
and he spends more money on drink
and cigars than he lets me have for fromher food. There is some -
a week's grocery bilbe and goodness
gracious only know- what keeps him thing wrong;itis either her food
out until about two o'clock in, the
morning three nights in the week, and
be treats baby's itty g'anmother very
badly, and he never bas a civil, word
for anybody; and he Is beginning to
drink like a fish', end to neglect and
hate his fondly, isn't he, mamma's
'topsy-wopay ?' •
"Say," broke In the husband and
father et this point, throwing down
his paper, •"thett!s a nretty way for
Von to talk to me, isn't it ?"
She looked et hint with an expree-
sion of intense surprise.
• haven't said a word to you," she Liver Oil is the fat she can
said, In a wrongfully accused tone. "I
was only talking to baby. I'supposie take; it will save her.
yon wIliperrnit me to talk to my own .
baby, won't you ?"
Why, of merge, a woman • haa
right to talk to her own baby, hasn't
she? This system of hammering him -
on his Weak spots, involving, se It
does, much lees danger of fierce end
noisy retaliation than if he he alddreete
sel in Meet las-Mon.-is worthy of the
highest recommendation. --- Scottieh
American. ' •
Sons *1th .the best 'brawn, of Ceylcm. ,'" Th d I egtioe
Read asii
Ladies or Canada $1, A Story for FoolilisehedG.iris to
Side 'by side setood Canada's noble .
a en o an e peme , sen
awl India. in the reeeht unple,atmeit.
or food -mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what, .
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers; and that is
gone. She is starving for fat;
it is death, be quick!
Scott's Eraulsion of Cod
• The genuine has this picturdon
it, take 210 other.
If you have not tried it, send
for free sample, its agreeable
tsetse wcioliTsu4p&risBe yoowu. 4
500. and 1.00 . -
all druagiste.
noes. T43 slogan. was "Help one an- anilArcnnance, hue Yust come to light -I
In Albany Some years ago,,rateitir
eihda"," and no One forgot the watch, _
Adriance was adopted by a wealthy
word. YOu. ladles of Canada, have416. aunt, who reel* in Baltimore; Md.
poaver to Wage a, releittlese warfare She was educated In Baltbatore select „
oh the Impure teadVthat come ,iato . eahoole,- and 'when she became of age
and at .tho same time assist your e tlemen ad I ere b the score But
Ycilla' homes Iwin China an-401'4*W' moved in the best eirelee, and had '.',.... -
re y y
brother colonists who'Prioduze the pere g e
slie refused flattering offers, ,,a her
Ceylon and India teem?, If , you drink aunt thought Emma, so muc attach -
Japan tee, tryseSela, Flefonsoon or . ed to h th t h d I cid „remain ',.
Brue Itiblkin packets of, Ceylon ainid
e -e--- ' her companion. This belief .as sad- ,
India greea teas.-1Coloulat• ' denly dispelled, when one Morning „ , '1
, I's . , e i.
Terme and*the coachman re mine e• I
,.';',w A Good substitute. • - .. • •
' 'leg. In Erema's mien t d story .
. .A gOod story is told of a Scottish
, is retold. 'The disappointe d irate --
Making al Maslen* CoutCdy.
"But why do you call the hero eit
your musical comedy 'Azof Yore "
"Weil, you know thatin every Per-
.fect 'musical comedy there meat ,be
at least one joke. You can have all
the music yen want, bet you 'need
only one joke. The a,udience lookelor,
It." • . , •
"Weil 1" •
"Well, when :the heroine sets 'Do
you love me asof yore?' -they-get the
joke. See t Azof Yore. 'Clever,
-isn't it ?"-Cleveland Plain Dealer:.::
lives if I have to follow her home watch me 11; an oild tort of way, just
&dilated deliberately. the door
The Ambassador's voice dropped al- ' This signi!tnie is on'every hoz of the genuine
on foot 1 It 111 be somethine to know as thou li I was doin some,thin '
that." w ' '. tertmg aff the time. You knew hefting- f " Yon have nothing to thank me Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablets
'most to a. whisper, arid but for its .
naularly penetrating quality Har- .,,Bwo or uo 2.1 or .yet, at any rate " he gaidrtak- th -
e,remeuy tbat cures 0 cold in on!,S,Isy
tt would have heard no more. As getber is of Importance. Of e. „
tg her hand. I ,shall be, on y oo . ' •
" ' 1 t . '
, Hareutt protested. cies that the work he Is putting til- in
1 d if you will let .me be of service' • „.!,,,. tic spate.
'wee, he had Almost to hold his .,-
"It is tio obvious." „
e - th, and all his nerves- quivered • „ -
.1. cant heln that" Densham • re- course I clon't know that It • le !isn't. e -
' •
h• the tensioneof listening. 'plied. I do not "deep until I have All I do know is that It sounds- and
, . reads like absolute rubbish and it's He led her out to the carriage In Spain a liet treee may be had for.
Harcutt looked dubious. awfully difficult to copy. He writes and Watched it drive away, with $1.50 or $2 a month, and often mere-
found out."
'Even the Presets deceived. The •
' 4 organs purposely mialead very quickly and rises all manner of Selby on 'the box seat. Her last ly for her board and -clothes. Good
Ito all the world there seems both eo. I will leave it to mil on one abbreviations, end if I make a 1n le glance, as she leaned back amongst cooks command $0, but if allowed to
' "Look here," he said, we need hot
athing beewling ; yet, when d --- ,, - 7 mistake in typing it he get& hor- the cushions, was it tender one; her do the' marketing, they will accept
m bursts, one iteee that it rIbly creel" • lips were quivering,. and her little v.a. Ma,rketing is a peculiar - process
con ition.
"You must let me know to -morrow 71?oo"enciletntlfitagigled_softly:_ ,, 1 ingers more than returned his Pres- in that countryeEverybody buys sine
long In gathering -that "Well ?" , •
of careful study and thought what you dlecover." r r I Go cm. ' ' sure. But Welfenderi Walked baek to ply for tee day, and It • pays Mee to
been given to tnat hidden tri: Densham hhesitated. . She smiled, too, and cm:tinned with .
1 is ith
h seedy w all the plpasarable do so. Eggs come cheaper by the
of diplomacy. • All has been "Agreed," ' he decided. • " There less 'constraint in her tone. •••• . feelitigs of a, man who' has extricat. dozen than by buying in a large quail -
ha is fun -fledged when it is hatched Y g . II 11 t as of. course I have been getting a ed himself With tact team an awk- tity. The same thing holds good of
wardtua en. . candy apd many other suppliee.
d in the breasts of a few. The "I didn't really mind that so much,
yourovooms, or send a nate, tei-mor-
npo the world. It *bas .grown strong i lot of money' for the work, Lind ene "The frankne,ss," he remarked te _, ,,
1 en C g
„ Li darkness. You . understand me?" F°w• s Lin m t urea Gar et in
' Densham ium ed. into his cab and can't have everything. But juet late. himself, as he lit a pipe and stretch. me,„filartu
"Yes; I think that I underetencl e . P ly he eeeme to have got the idep, that, ad himself out for a final smoke, . wWs• '-
them thoughtfully.
Elareutt looked after r heve been making two copies or "was a trifle, just a ' trifie,`,over-
you," Mr. Sabin said, hie piercing eyes "Om away. ,
.... raised now from the ground and fixed this rubbish and keeping one back. Ile done. She gave the. .whole show ' Japanese Spies, in Pekin •
mse f, as e good on the pevement hoe kept °treating, into the rooin un away with that last glance. I An amusing story is going the
"The ri la ver lovely " he said to
' Upon the other man's face.
le" ir°u hi 1 gl h 1 '
' ve given Me , food •for iivrIous expeatedlY, and hoe sat for hours Should like ,Very =oh to ettow what rounds that at the siege of the Legit
Ought I shall do nothing fur- not think that 'she is for yote Denshani, eons, When. the Japenese Miniater
'Waiting for his "carriages "but I do watching me in a most unpleasant it all means."'
. r. me I On. the whole, I am more manner. I have not been allowed to . . . - - (To be emitinued,) • called for voliniteers to assist In, the
her till I Wye' talked with you
alu,' leare the house, anti all ray letters ' .
re1over'Mg. from al'attack of enteric. tahl:it'Oadiscifwelunnaedn,
soldier at Bimini evettehr, who was jus whieiroseannadm Vechsacrhged.,
One day he suggested to the doctor Adejeuee. Sem 01, (01
WhO called ta,. see him that he:would serted his wife. who sohirritt
. •
be gratefitt ler' a', wee drapple. "No, private families as a servant. h ti • ,
no,' said the doctor. "DO you know her healt A
li liteel, ii . . itlra Wait no
that your stomach is In such en el- Ofle to respond to her 'Walls for help.
eeratedmewadition;•thet a'4tpoiOnful of She was finally adjudged insane by
whisker*eald kill you ?" "Aweel, air." Judge Gregory at Albany
replied the patient, "I „inust just do teken to Poughlreensie.::. ,l. •
without It, hot, doefer,t „cones up There Is a, warning ;In this a ,
' clot* le meee The doctor ia I ged, "Ah, will any foolish girl heed it?
AA:or, said the soldier, sighing fen. Noire.
Interested In the man v. defence Ids Legation, no less than
Ilarcutt suddex119 and swiftly with. have been looked over, ; it luta been THIll HOLLOW SQUARK, 85 officers of the Japanese army,
"drew. Ho had steered as long as he • who had been scattered about Pekin
C33.APTER V. perfectly bortil"
dared. At any inement his preeenee The D me, of Wolfenden. et am yery sorry", wouendensaba. Ladles. and Gentlemen. -
might have been detected, and he 'Woltexidea was evidently absoltitely "Of eoUrse yon knew though that it 12111°- Illt was neter broken
hollow uare, a purely Brit. in qvarioug &guises, responded to the
call. One had been the foreigner's bar-
. .
was going to be rather ffieelt to In ar7 I
differ a little aa to his pre. ------1 'rl anada Dad T°1311111
ber, another had been the leading
\ lease nay tether didn't you ? The but once. Itny.? Because Toteray At -
At. PhOtograPher, etc., which perhaps
else mental eanditiotn, but we are all kins frotri al other lattitish mesas.
aware tatat he is at any rate a trifle glom; etend solidly together. The les. taw about thinge in China that Ya-
• Ellie smiled a little bitterly. son Is, that iti a, commerolal way WI PoSsessee•
aim the coldnies should steed firm.
ace,ouets for the excellent informa.
ijohl am not eompialning,.. • she lsr together,; and the ladle" of Can -
bon; for the sake of the money; blit Much toward aceomplishing that
saki. "1 Amid have stood it same. ado -the purchaising power -can do A E FE T o E
IN I haven't told you. everything yet. enda Ceylon and India produce the
. The worst part, so far as I am eon. finest' teas. 'By using the teas .0'
cerned, tis to come." grown in !sister coldnies, -ladies net
"1 tun very eorry," ; eplettee patrtotically, Them time appeal , to
1141 Thoroughly Curirig Coughs and Colds Before They Reach
go on.
" This morning Year father tame from eeononey-in every way they
, you from eentiment, fram: purity, Iled Catarrho Throat Trouble an
tentedly, "yer breath's ,varra refresh.
int VP
••-• •
There is more Catairh in this section' Of the
country than all other diseases put together.
and until the last few years was suppo,cd to be
incurable. For great mercy Years clootors,pro•
nounded it a local digease. and prescribed locar
•remedies,and by Constantly failitni to cure with
.local treatment, pronounced it inournb e
Si:donee has proven Catarrh to be a constitu-
tional disease and therefore roctnires ronstitu,
tional treatment. Catarrh Cure, utann-
factured by •F'..1". Cheney & Co, Toledo. Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure ott tbe market.It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful, it acts directly Oti the blood. and '
Metals Surfaces of the wystent. They offer One
hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and',testimenials. •
Atithesh F. J. 0111CNEY St CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by_druegists, 76o
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Typhoid Spread by a Laundry.
Even an attempt at cleanliness will
sometimes result in an epidemic of
&Beetle, as wad the ease recently in
Lambeth, Landon. A neighborhood
of 24 homes has a oommon mangle.
The housewives would wash their
clothes and then take them' to be
mangled at one place. In this way
the mangle became infected with
typhoid germs, and it hi turn Infect-
ed the clothes and through them the
people. The natural result was an
epidemic of t,yphold.
Minard'e Llnithent Cures, Colda, eta.
Curds and Whey.
The aspect of mine enema> terrified
"Merciful heavens!" I gasped.
Of course my blood curdled In my
For T now saw plainly that I was
about to have the whey knocked out
of me.--Detrolt Journal.
• .
*Morrie Liniment Cures'
'The English Caeholic Cli
Joseph .131.'11a -rift has lea
..arrears 'of taxes. Thi ' f
Don't ;forget
That toCemove comae warts bttnions in a few
days all that is required is to apply the eid
and welliteated Corn onrc-Putnant's Pain-
less Corn ICxtratotor. Sure, safe, painlesS. At
d The building occupied by the Oon-
Ilrenehltis from Childhood. 'Was etruetion Departnient at.the Norfolk,
. Va., Navy Yard Wee completely de-
stroyed by fire. A lot of model,' and
plane wore burned.
' the Lundkit4ar. Chase's Syrto of Linseed and hip., ,, __Very early tato the ettelY and found are euperior to japan or Chinaa. Perfeetly Curedbyeatarthozone.
, • a sheet of carbon paper in my deek Drinkers; Of Green tea, shOuld try
patine Has an Enormous Sale.
and tWo Ceplee of one. page of the Monsoon, Salado or Elite Ribbon
'Week was dOing. As a mattet of
faat t had zeiver Used it before, lett.
. Miele Veciaild be no use for Otanitar. Door Park, Ont., Writes- "1 have Out- I wanted to try it for practiee. There
*Ina for cohenthptiyeal if Dr. Chose`a feted In. nil heaa andthroat andall
etroyed the eecond edieet it a min-
! was% to harra in It. I should have de-
adriee were ,iildre generally aeceptea, O'Ver IllY body einoO 'Dab simmer fro
, a very !navy cold, Whelf ' I could not tthe or two, and in, oily ease It was
Not, that Dr. CharM claimed teto be able get rid of. t have tried severai., of so badly done that it wee abeelutelY
to care ezatue•Mtion, in Its last ategee, sebat are • considered Pod rem -ewes, worthlear. But dtreetly Lord Der.
Ittiont rdo tratt,mottt, is. el grot ogief Vitt eagle /vented to bet of any mead. leghant saw it he went gulte white,
telt enrol,* bo Inteentol bY tlio thrielY thankful now to It'ar=lit allasa a my bexe8 Were all tarried out, and
'yea •dl hia tiro Of Litiseed and Tar- SYrup Of .LituSeed and Turpentine boa my desk and everYthing ixaonging to
'pesitine. It al hot Ai Mere coligh Mai worked a complete cure. ses I nIM 110W Me bearehed tte though I were a
, iaftin end natIonia. _ _ Que.. *tuck- 'Or. Chaaea 67=P of they had finished I eves told to put
Ain., but A fetteretteliteg Mid thotanigh entitely free Of ths cold"
, pure for the Mast *Wet& Oldie. brOn. 11r, l'ilio. liairkleori, St., Andrevest thelbfmMthmaae it "wavecon kt:pdt of
Liwitttlpa. Wikilioali
v n by 0, ow 'that/ oterybody on Ws MAW and Titepattine hoe cared met my hat on tuul go. 1.-I had nowhere
great cealtineitt doe" not knOW1 Of t130 Of brollehitia. I ha,ve, without success to go to, for Muriel -you remember
siesrPrieing• effeeitivenews or thie great tried many remedies few tha_past six I told you about tuy slater -pont to
It and lung treatukent, Vito *terra years. Last winter whal 1118411 *evert). America last week. I hadn't the least
ng met, end Dr. ('1101 '8 atteek and Wan enable to work I Pro. Vlea what to do-aud '0 -1- were
bleeed and ITurpentitvs his tared a bottle of Dr, C.1ktee's _Syrup a the Only periseet who had e'er been
rigivet sake of any limilar Lirtneed and 'iktitfeentine, end n.inhixony kind to me," *be concluded, etuldenlY
Aild be in owe). bort* to ',tate that the third bottie MOO leaning OVer totrartia htm, a little teb
til'Is In alum of fine et Well men." I in her throat, and her eyee saviMming
Men CesIds Oe :Wee i bidet on having Dr. Chwe'm Syrup with tears.
aroaderfal lot ik en Lineeed anti r.Nrperitise When you There are !Tortola Atuittioen in life
W and in.. tea far it, and beware of dragghita wlvan an hoown nasal la at an obvious
In *Ivo offer iniztaree of tlosir own for ilandirantatepatiWarodu felt awh,
t tan ash* at a nth, nos. print ; 26 ward y ill at ease. ilei
=140abaltia, all &Won., co Itelwaa• irradial:36 grialtease which bar wove.
began to think that my cold tfah tied thought he Was going to hetet
ter tha "etairatimtivels tough, 'frit What ,
did Ws* that eetiennaption. =sr higtelLtdme°48'4141tt°11' " ver7 a fit' I can't tell "11 all 114) Raid' 116
was brutal. The end of it wan- that.
rannallia , awn we tad palpably lavliad•
Mr, Airfi,'Smitb, of Carding, Opt., had this
experience, of which he tells in tne following
Senallellttle of the Tongue. words se •
The tip of the tongue le chiefly "It is with great pleasure, that /give you a
p cul II. a my ea.e I had Nagel Catarrh,
sensible to pungent and acid taetee, l'tiostee) ar_oftible and. Bronchitis from child -
the middle pertion to eveeets or bite hood. When firet I used Caterrhozone / Was
ters, While the back is cottfined ere go choked up, and there wee ea much taucouv
tirely td the fla•vors or roast; meats matter in tor nose and in Vetter Cense:tiny
and tatty rtubatarteee. lungs, tom I could scarcely breathe at all. But
Ba Went 01 11 was that my strength vias fail-
ing to au extent that alarmed MO and Mg
SON) 'rlitroat friends; it looked as if I Might never get well.
And. hottratmess Willi their attendant dengepa iletialet e it of ether
r Villf tjfil„,,Ygsglietilret4 1111$1t "telt:ear
may bo speedily averted and remediea hy the
use of Nerviline. Bxeellentto gargiewith-ten ntrreyagtiotodieo,tecfahittienageteoetociminteamthortetitrhsantitineme podira.
times better than a muotard pi toter and More hcip„it little, hut not until i used thaerrhosehe
convenient for the outside, mai speedily allays did I know What real relief meant. Under that
inflammation.Nerviline cures bernitSe it is ilve wonderful Cattarhozono treatment I improved
times stronger than othet remedice-penetreteg in tat° daytt. I tell you that it is something
the ttaintOS inotantly..ganbecthopain alai cure,s mutt reuchre the seet,,the arm rest and.
1r -oily hecalao toata what it is made for. foundatiOn of the dibease in the litng'S. Catarrh.
ruggista ton it. .
,_, ,_ . .,.._ . . 620110 hefted up the raw inflated meant* set--
Howe:Ma ter coolness. fi1ee8; ttmede my breathing tatty; it mooed
the nostrils and removed All the tripleatttiint
Mut mealy cured ma
"Adeline wad I lui,ven't spoken sineo 'If IbtfTCttnlir (514,fircfhttroaht is entirely well Aoki
lash whit,(tr." eaneot detect it single erreptom of my ma
(11411 44 the matter '?" trouble. catarritozonepi etnnetblnit 1 and a
"Why, ehe got a coat for *10 just Pleintl" t° 14"ln-
exently like the One / Mid ....:5 tor." tilvetuthrofipstootredrifiss. okithrs4rdheermoolsistposurmeey oars.
ilirutrdil Liniment Cures Diphtheria. MilltlItt.°P17 lk °lig 0:tat:I risTrtor
...A..ell — —............4,—.—.-1.1.1.
,•nitievid taste Ws. Mali
Fish bas vary high food value; in re emira trs616
fast lit .7; 7 rawly as utritlaw
appeal for help to their co-
in Britain and America.,
W sealed, a book ef four tuttioired paw, ,
the most wonderful book ever putinshed; eery
sport should haVe it; foil of good Frei:Wilma •
English.translation.. Address Patislau Pub.
lishing Rouse, 75 Yong° street. Toronto.
•Treateci Free.
We have Made drOneY anti*
complications a specialty, le
twenty years. Quiek retie
Cures worst cases. Boot at
resrimoutALS and IO
treatment runs:,
DR.11. H. GRBION'SS011e, ,
Box 0 .A.TX.4.nrk,(4.
T.,,Tilingi`i.frybolateritlisiehrel;c04%ngi' w'
oux_to 150X. on, many people mako :rein fratk -
to ;5 000 a year with ne mike_ er tate pay a
for iicomuhig flrder
a very small canted to Star Novelty c.., 1k
Box 12, Lateen, Texas.
...WANTED TO PDR011itgl,..
About 17 hands high; weight from 1,100 to 1":300
must be leptielt ASO Mt eAceed 8 retire. t ,
ALEX. illeGAItit,
Wiedsor Ilotel, Montreal,
ways. ITO acres, 46 of whieh is in f mottle
Winona,10miles from Hamilton, ' 4) nix.
(hie of the linen in the Niagarel \
peaches. 12,000 baskets of truit.tmet ,
. to right this season. Will be sold in 1 to II
purchasers. This is a bergain, Addr
P.O. Box 409, Wino
Mrs, Vianslow'e Soothing S
ways be used for Children W
the rthitd, bottom* the altUnti 00
and le the otbest tamed,' for Deleeltame eseer,
five cane; a btle
,r.i by. Public Analyst's report
are the bait Yellow lingua roads in
tha World.