The Clinton New Era, 1900-11-16, Page 6November 16, 1906
You can cough •
yourself into
Mettle, and -con•
and bundling
your throat, ..
will do no.
You must give
your throat and.
lungs . rest and
allow the cough
wounds to heal.
There Is noth
Ins so bad •for
ing. • Stop it by:
• :,
Even the cough of early.
consumption is cured.
And, later on,.when the `
disease is firmly fixed,
you can bring rest and.
s comfort in every case.' -
A 25 cent bottle will
cure new coughs and
colds; the 50 cent size Is••
'better-fhr settled-,.coughs7-_
. of bronchitis and weak
lungs;. the One dollar size
is more economical for
Chronic : cases '.and Econ
sumption. It's thea size
you shauld keep on Mand..
"All families ought to. be on the 4
watch forsudden attacks of croup
(,r•lsputglurlgtroubles. Everryg. conn-
try hoiue its the land shouldkeep
Cherry Pectoral constantly oa band
;to provide against an emergency "
'W . .
JokrAsiG.I. e,M:.O.
Dee, 14, 1& 3..., Holland, Mich. -
T % r a ToN NEW ERA
These letters are an abbreviation of •
the words "1 owe unto." Thus in West's
"Symboleogrnphie," 1047, Sec. 101, the
following precedent is given:
"I, A. B., owe unto D. B. xli' of Iaw-
eutl 1nglisb money, for the, payment
whereof I bled me to my heires, In wit-
, nesse, etc., I have put my hand and
1 stale the xx. day of, etc,"
There were earlier editions of this
book. Other short forums, known as
"Mils obligatory," which also contain the
words "I owe unto." are given In "A.
Booke of Presidents," 15T2, f. 144, It
appears fromthese precedents that an
° Il was formerly of the nature of
an obligation or bond under seal, At the
present day it Is. a mere admission of
debt on which the defendant can be sued,.
and it requires neither seal nor ;tamp.".
litotes and Queries,
Where Resta Het
"I left my husband's death notice here
this morning*" said the widow,
"Yee," said the bright clerk in the pub-
lication office of The Daily Squib.
"Now," continued the widow, "1 want
you to put the notice; 'Gone to rest,' in
an appropriate place."
"Yes, madam," replied the bright clerk,
and the next morning she read:
"Gone to rest in an appropriate place."
Rheumatism Will Succumb to
South American Rheumatic Cure because
it goes rightto the seat of the trouble and
removes the cause. IUany so-called cures but
. deaden pai;t temporarily slily, to have it re-
turn again with doubled vialence. Not so
with this great remedy, It eradicates from
the system the last vestige of the disease
and its cures are permanent, --74
Sold by S) dney Jsokson,ldruggist,Clinton
-- • __,p,
:. r .. .
Stratum Tningsi Done by 'sea Breesee
That Puzzle Old'• Sailors.
those persona • whose lives •are passed.
on the sea witness many strange pranks
of the wind, and sometimes itseems as
-though it goes perfectly mad.
As a rule, a breeze is steady, hut often
• in summer weather.. by the sea you will
l notice ruffling the "water two strips of
. , wind within a few yards of each .other
running in opposite directions. Then,
again, a breeze will' tear along, cutting
the water up till it -runs full tilt into a
stronger breeze corning the other way
and will be overthrawu by it, Then the
two join and tear back over the path of
the first one. •
Wen•this happens on a strong, windy
flay,ait it sotpetlples does in summer, the
damage to sldppmg is terrific. •
Two years ago it was blowing a fresh
summer gale on the
Maine coast. Sud-
denly a brig, which was running • free,
with the wind right behind her, cameup-
on a
p-ona wall of white:water ahead, • and the
crew, saw that a sudden shift of wiucj had
.brought the.: gale right on top of -them.
The new wind 'sweeping
tbe other back,
pkrudt .the. ship full in the face, so to
aapenk, and as pho was lightly laden.—"in
,,,..ballast,", al it Is flailed-shhe Was turned
'head Over heels and made a bllek' ami
sui;lt, Tiign the masts gave way, and the
brig filled and peak. Four of the crew
were re a3r�ed by a steamer which, though
shit" lied ,been trtayt'liug. at 11 lriiies an
tear, was stopped almost dead by t.1*
change of wind. The gale had-b6en bio-
ing from the sotithweE when it ran into
the other gale coming from the northeast.
That freak of wind diemasted 12 ships'
and sank five, besides one or two pleas-
ure boats full of excursionists.
A. rare and strange occurrence is the
"ground wind" that blows hard along the
surface, but fails altogether a little way
up. Recently a large public sailing craft
on the Pacific const wag .tearing it! mg
with as much wind as alio could stand,
while a rigilor 30 feet up'the mast'shoWed
there was not enough wind there to bibw
out a little flag hc+'Was -hblding,.itough
the wonde i n d k h d
hard.wgrk to keep their.; hats on. One or
two of tbeth. refusing -to' believe im;the
"freak.",, were allowed to climb up and
see for themselves, and they, too, found
there was hardly a breath of wind.It few
yards up the, utast. 'It- only happens -in
the height of summer, when"' winds are
much ;mire changeable and shifty than at
any other time; . '
You:110�v1'_lieard...pct_hs►.isa, of en ""Irish-
man's hurricane, straight up and. down
the mast. This is sling for ardenti calm;
but there really are sucli°things-4eapeciall
ly in hot weather and a slimly sky—ns
'strongsqualls blowing straight down from
the heavens strike the sea or earth like
a fallingboard. This happened on the At-
lant%c it very long age, a squall sud-
denly descending from a cloud --clouds al-
ways bring puffs of. wind ,arith..ihem-•-
and struck the sea like a smack front an
an open hand, It astonished.everybody`
eonsiderably, for this is a "freak" genet'
nlly confined to the tropics aridvery
rare: Tint the downward squall was un-
mis+tattable, for it forced tiro very deep
loaded boats bodily under Water Mind
nearly capsized, a good many more. The
same thing . occurr 'd near Llandudno,
where several bathing tents were flats
feted out on the hand.'
in pnsse gers on ec a
What cares the ship how blowthe winds
That lash the sea to foam, " '
VM -1 Cuffed sails she Iles at rest
Safe in the bayat home?
For blow them fair ur blow them•foul,
A11 Vainly bluster they,
They cannot harm the ship that lies •
'At anchor in .the bay.
• Outsidethe bay th : wrathful waves
Swift charge trttrugged shore,
And like fierce bathed beasta of prey
in sullen anger roar..
'But 'crosstheir path the harbor bar
Lies to dispute their way
And safely guards the ships that lie
At anchor in the bay.
Ye mariners who on life's sea
With storms and tempests meet, '
Keep strong your heart., all in good tint►,
The harbor lights you'll greet; .
And all your fears and all your. sarea
Will swiftly pass sway'.
When safe at last you find yourselves
At anchor in the hay "
r Arthur J. Burdick in Buffalo News..
Mies Helen's, of Annan writes: "I ha
, Y
need Catarrhozorie and have found it en-
tirely. satisfactory. It 'gives immediate
relief to:col&in ths head and I have found.
it complete oure for. Catarrh." Catarrhs.
z'ne is a ries' method of treatment that is
guaranteed to care. 'Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Asthma and Colds.: Yon' simpiy •breathe.
the medicated air:. it. does the rest. , A very
safe, pleasant and :effective treatment.
Sold. by all druggist!.: Trial outfit. sent
for lee in stamps by'N. O. Polson ' fir ."Co.,
• Kingston, Ont., Proprietors,,
'sal,tn:trs g aoj' papliaj
op. AptiO s naaq set All;aaq;ns esogat
•atlot,rug aq; jo [mug act; Lq na;;nm' vac:
smog oa pamtnp st q,�allps as;;et gdsul2.
o;nu aft at aaaq;• aicloul;uu;snoO ;v
poddns o; emu: 1 'nu ¢a.,ij e;pttugsnq our
'tire,um ' until::aslom, au88ag
' Z Atopmm b nob eau pu'y7,
laumohi noon 6Pu'I. pi0 eig8;t11ND
'moPtM u a"assn ..,.'.r.
'lam pud'dingd knd mince pies often
have + bad eft°eots' upon the small 'boy who
over indulges in them."Pain tiller as a
household medicine for all ,flab ills is un-
equalled. Avoid 'substitutes, therelis but
on ain Killer, Perry Davis,' 25o and 50o.
• Flue From Fire..
"Five from Nye'leave how. many'"
asked the plaster of a little boy some 0
years old who had not had many lessone.
in arithmetic,
After a moment's reflection he an-
"Five.'" <-.
"flow do you make that out'"
•Holding his little hand up, the young
ster said: '•
'file eselulness 01
, In Country Homes' is
Beyond Calculation.
- Dieinond Dyellf areeoat' blest nge to
bought into connbry homes Saagive such
a"return of profit; ,p"een:we ata 1 happiness
, as the Diamond Dyes.
A ten -dent package. of the wol'ld-farted
Diamond Dyes will give new life to any
faded and dingy dress, skirt, jacket or
nape. Prom ten to twenty', dente expend-
ed on Dlatfrond byes w 11 endtble any one
re color a 'faded bait of clothes Inc
any yanth or mean, and slake them
look like new clothes from the teilOt'A
baro get the beet NOW" from year work
of boom dyeing, do not allow any 'deader
to Stell you some Make of dyer that he
calla i let fis Ood. No other package,
ever farms'' wife " y g , Other artl lo
dveis it the world *fuel the Diamond
DIN in parity, Nrsu it cad brillisney.
"liere'•are five fingers on• My' right
hand.' and here are. live: on the other..
re,w, *if 1 take that five fingers. on. my '
left hand away fromthe right, won't
five rernain9"•
• If taken iii time the D. dt"i4r. E'mnlsion
Will surely aura. the most, serious affections
of the hinge: ,That "run." own', condition, -,
the after' effects of er heavy' cold,'ie quickly laaitufactured by_the Davis
ds Lawrence Co. Ltd
Malariae Fever..
After Effects Leave The Victhna
Weak And Depreassd
Mipa. Emma Huskinson, a Captain in the
Salvation Army, Tells How She Be.
gained Health Through the rise of Dr.
Williams Pink Pitie,
From the Sun, Orangeville, Ont,
Among the oi4get and most highly
respected residents of Orangeville, is
Mrs John Hnekinson, whose daughter
Emma, bas for a number of years been
an aerate sufferer from the atter effect;
of malarial fever. A reporter of the Sun
bearing' of the wonderful effecte which
Dr. Williams` Pink Pills have had on
Mies Huskinson,oalled at her house to: -
enquire into the truth of the rumor. Af-
ter stating the '°'reason of°. his visit, he
was kindly received by Mrs'13uskinson,
who gave him the following facto of the
cure : "Some years ago,'" said Mrs Husk-
inson, "my daughter Grams; who is now a
captain of the Newmarket corps of the
Salvation Army, attacked by malarial
fever. She was ander •a doctor's 'caro'
for a long time and although she recovered
Sufficiently to go about. the after effects -of
the fever left her very weak and the, doc-
tor did not' seem able to put any life into
her. She bad frequent headaches, 'was
very pale and the least exertion would
greatly fatigue her. - We thought a change
might do her good and consequently she
went on a .visit to Toronto. While there
•elle was advised to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and at once purohased a sup-
ply. Before she had fimshdd' the eoond
box she noted a narked• change for the
better t her appetite. improved, her .color
returned, the feeling of exhaustion had
disappeared, end by the time she had tak-
en half a dozen boxes she was enjoying the
best of health, and all her:old-time vigor
bod returned, Although her. work in tkhe
Salvation Army is hard and exposes her
to all. kinds of weather, she hae�sinot}"been
able to do it without. the least inconveni
=-""Sometime- after --my daughter's cure
I was myself completely, run down, and
to add to my trouble was seized with a
severe attack of rheumatism. Remem.
baring the benefit. m) .,laughter had re-
ceived from Dr; Willi !+•p' 'Fin[[ Pills, I
dreided to use them, ni.d before I had tak-
en half a dozen boxes I felt fully recovered
and have been in the beet of health ever
since. My advice y o all ailing' is to use
Dr. Williams' Pink Prlis for Pale People."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pilin • have restored
more weak and ailing women and girls to
robust. health than any ether medicine
ever discovered, which in part accounts
for their popularity throughout the world.
These pills are Sold. by all dealers or, may
be had by mail at > 0 cents a box, or six
boxes fcr� $2,50, by addressing tbe Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
• The oflicial announcement of the
total population :of the United States
for MO is 70;205,229;. There is a total
•of 181,1581ndians'not taxed: • The total
population in 1890 was•'63,069,756, so
that the gain in.the .past ten years was
13,255,464, an increase of nearly210h.
The independent voter neidom taste his
ballot for. the independent candidate,-
Savannah News. r a
With 12 tickets in the presidential field
there should he a lively mac. for tail end
honors.--•Philadrit.liin North American.
Cumberland county, Me., elected a
Baptist minister as sheriff, if there are
any evildoers there, he will soak them.-•
Minneapolls Tithes.
Because a event man sometimes bolter
his party ticket int dors not follow that
everybody who iin!tr bas inlay ticket is a,
great man. r
Of the nine fastest trains of the world,
declares the Baltimore Sun, eight run be-
tweetCamden and Atlantic City.
'Ills+' Jungfrnu raliwny hoe been aban-
doned'beeniise the eost turned out to ,be
heavier than the engineers expected.
A Chicago firm of civil engineers has
petitioned the 'Chilean eongress Inc per-
mission' to build and operate an electric
railway on the Cordillera from Juno(' tb
toe Cuevas, connecting Chile and the
Argentine ltepubllc.t1J,
Prom Goopereville, Web., comes word
- of a wonderful diseovery� of tt plearant test-
ing liquid that when used before retiring
by any ons' troubled" with eongh eiweys
ensures a good night's res', ""It will soon
(lure the Cough too," WHOM )fk. a, aimel.
burger, "for. three generiitione of oar fain•
ily have toed Dr. King's New Di.eovery
Mr Conant ion and elver found' it's
equal for cfosghi slid Childs." It's an
unrivaled life•.aver when need for duper.
ate lung diws"tes. Outranked bottles title
t and. $1.00 at Ail Druggists Trial bort-
DR.:. WOOD'S'.
A positive euro for all Throat, Lung
OA n(Wear.
Brit Bronchial
Healing and.: soothg is its action.
Pleasant to take, prompt and':effec- .:
teal in its re ultg,
eV'r. C s. o iasonr Bear Riser, N.S.
Writes: " I was troubled withhearseness
and sore throat which the dost pro-.
nounced Bronchitis adreoomnien edt�ne. '.
to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
I did eo, and after using three betties I
was entirely cured,"".
The number of Mohr�nurned fns in the
world is about 100,500,000. Of these
18,000,000 ate under the rule of the
Turkish °evernmen1, 13,000,000 are
ruled by other 4ussulunin eaves signs,.
36,5100,000 are eu bject to African nein cee.
20,000,000 live in China, and :99.000.000
are under Christian .rulers, 01 these
last about 58,000,000 are under British ?
rule, .
we gin this beautiful opal
Rink in handeoma plush
Rued cavo for soiling onl1yv t
dnos.dal atrplallekagceor¢ Vto�lot,
gild t gthro s I dad
Daman e e ro io eC e
at 10e. Cash. 'ship nn is mad()
of the wonderful metal Odd
Alloy, which looks llkopuro
and aevercban ea Rotor.
Opals. a Writs and weeMan.
Perham;. deli it, return
may. and we will send your
Ring and Cale no,tnaid,
Homo Apegifj}��lty Co..
sox „ Toronto.
Sir Wro, Van Horne, . representing
United States, and Canadian capital
lata, has gone . to Cuba, where he will
'try to secure options on all the trolley
lines and sugar plantations in the is-
•• 1.1 e's a Burden—If the stoma h it
f t+ c
not right. Ise there Nausea? Is there
Constipation ? Is the Tongue Coated ?
Are you Light -Headed ? Do-- you have
Sick . Headache ? Any and all of these
denote Stomach and Liver Disorder, Dr,
Agnew's Liver Pills act quickly and will
cure most stubborn and chroeic cases, 40
in a vial for to cents. -=77
Sold by Sydney Jackson, drnggist,Clinton'
Take a Laza-Liver Pi11 before retir-
ing. 'Twill work -while you sleep with-
out a gripe of pain, curing biliousness,'
constipation, sick Laadaohe and dydpepya,
sin and make you feel better in the
rrr,n:rg. Prise 250,
Her idea of Pun. '
"But you retailed the the first .time,"
he 'slid, in bewilderment after. she had
accepted his proposal of marriage.
"Of' course I did." she replied. "You
proposed by letter."
4 • "What has that to ',do with it?"
"Why, you, don't suppose I waS going
to miss the. funof seeing you get red and
then pale and stammer and. show your
awkwardness in trying to kneel, do you?
R'c'lt,,1 guess not. I know my rights on
an occasion of this •sort, and 1 intend to
have, all the enjoyment to' which I ani
ontitied. , There's only • one time in li'"e
Hien a girt enc make a man look really
Lieut Murray Hendry has, it is un-
derstood, resigned his commission in
the Second Dragoon Guards, to which
he was appointed while inSonth Africa,
Takehaxative Brame Quinine Tablets. , All
druggisteerefund the mot ey if It faits to cure
Nets. JcrW, Qrc 't'slsiapalure le on• each box,
J. S. Hugger% a rancher near Cal-
gary, was shot in the back on return-
ing home • from a ' political gatheting
and killed.
Ve gRive
thlf sellable
Naeket slated
Boq•e Watch. fol
selling 2 dos. Doi-
ltea 01 lOc. eatli; or
this dainty and ac.
'curatetIolld Nickel
Lady's Watch for _
setlh,gydoi.Theso !�.f'�• .:•
Doalts are stump. • ' -
edwith prtc. Theyg soil
or Carnations, t eaea
pansies. oto. - They eon hem. rt. write nerd
we mad endyDollies. sell tbom, retort, molten
ani we send yyour00.autlful Watob postpaid,
. LINEN DOYLEY CO., _ cox }jp; xorouto.
':3:tamsutf 10Paa' •-,„ 31
qa;e o; sag . tial pan 3g3ruo; • aaq;ole oi.
a;lam lit& I puu:'aopto ;santrou aq; oa•.ffo
;l peas aeilaq' pug. nos os •gonad 8 Suatligs.
1 mg dans, a4.I ,0.1011 Iioo'I„ 'Plus; 4ud
uoi;earoptsttoa jo s3uaruom• amos .01;y
• . • •6a0.tiitap'asaj'j0 an
-lpna eq3 pgefaq shat sso.tpps aq; an '02
•-uassaw :epode Sq d.raeatap aoj paatega
eq mom egnittttls g sennemea ail} amp
pun uaAt2 ssaJppu aq;.o; earn!) ;mean
eq3 o; paned 9 eatlilits. 1.;sea mom, elves
-.dam oql ;tsg3' paullildxa, uoq; ijsap egj, .
Hupao31s ;,nava
f3vgt4\„ 'patureloxa or: aauad 9 e2rtitilgs
eq pinom aa; aq3 40q; , pawt0Jul Sutaq,
uodn pun 'pawn jo. 3,rild. a;omal s ul. pa
-mai OVA 'aaq;ow sig o} wtaINata; B Sm;
.-puas Jo ';spa aq3 nlotl,t, o; eotjao;sod hop
-uorito;g.pallidit:dt;uaaaa usmtpgn.av'
'maim iuu111i.H .v
. - Ikuosatiea—
I0ntlnaaa a;u,wdsapog4 u;g3 pu3j.i aamag'
ou puq iap;rtm arae panmaoj etnl; ;arae
lima; pub . quail; itanis 3auosiad aqp,
• • ,?Ila su&' 3ugJ, • axoj iisv pinoa
no.t ss ecusga n pooO so DOS OAl2 moat
a nranog3 x 'os 'om lift' 03. aatlsga a Jo],
2uplo;urn eaaes nob ;uq; mu pl03 Lady„ •
:pays aaplust
eq;. pagstag pug fig aagds pan 6;np 'srg
g2noag3 LInjq;tnj;aa is tuna eqr• Tamura
suds ' pun apse] oil papaya aq; papasq
'Jingo std as ;nus it 'too; aq ;uq; g;tA
• ,I eau. not Jagsuq. s
jo paha logy, 008.1 asodeing '3ggla fly`„
'suoiundmoa rag pOotty 8
•aa;jo ped aq .;naa panda; uuw aqy
„t amnia
not neD •palm ,*04011 'i10Mr, "paumutaxa�
eauo .;n ae;lnl aqt. „Z noL angl sl `g0„
_snug a1'1 '2uld
-dba;s Jap.rsas aq; punoj 1aaosaad eu L .
-autu aq; .103 was
'aansiaa s,anog an pug eq uagAt 'noottaa;jV
;xau oq3 anq 'Sutglou .pane sapan a a11y-
-naaoddo ;sag aq; ;a mlq mit pinom aq
pip plus oges j0131100 aaq Japan paullaoe
aauosiad u pug aauo nopn3Bsua puled Otto
aaq; snort ut. rinaam as Suallot3uoa ni In;.
-seaaane LiaA• ugoq. peg 0g44 aapat:At 'y
;uaualtaaza mos/ 'V
subscriber is prepared to promptly 511 au or
dere forWood or 'Coal, which will be sold nit,
The• Woodstock, Thames Valley, de
Ingersoll Electric Ey. has been ofHtial-
llyl�epened from Woodstock •to. Beach -
foolish, and she can't afford to`overlook • ' x •
it." -
Lots of Mame. . • t �. GET BETTER"
An old highlandeir rather fond of his
gross was ordered by his doctor daring
x One
r ]m not to e
a t o n ailmentc
e r a a
p y
S 1
ounce of spirits in 'the day, The old
man was' a little dubious about the ,
amount and asked his. boy who was at
school how much an. ounce was, •
"Sixteen drams one ounce," said the
boy. • •
"Sixteen drams!"`cried the delighted
man. "Glawl No so bald. Run and tell
Tonal -MaeTavish' to°earner doon the
night.""—S*ottisb Atherican,
Soinething In It.
Masket—I've changed my mind about
that "business of 13 sitting down together
art table.
Donner—Ah hal Found it unlucky, eh?
1.fnsket-»Vee1 t did it yesterday,. and I
had to nettle for the whole party.—Phila-
deiphia P1ese
Ipo Need of twbnniilg,
.Tewelet'•.-"plias ring is $1 mere" than the
plain one tin account of the chasing.
Fnrtner-•tier here. mister, .yew don't
hat' ter ehano me. I'm gide ter pay ter
What I git.•
The biggest, find of ancient tmeasnr.
ever tnade in England was 1.200 gold
piseas of JKing Cyrnbelinn,,13, C1. 115, 11
Whaddon Chase, Buckinghamshire '
In Zululand the atlllosphere is so cies
that 'objects can be clearly seen by eta
tight vita distknrq of Bevan tulles, '
3.3. Leyte, Lambeth, abet and wound
hitt Witte and then killed himlielg.
Children cry for
Oa Rid of tfie Cough, the
Hacking, the Spitting,
the 'Wheezing.
Special Advantages
Are. Offered by Dsir. Slocum to all
Those Jfw''Desiro A Positive
and P•riifatnent Ciro of Conautmp».
titre, tri say Potts.
Mary A. Q'CYvnnell, Mfddlp f3tewlaoke,}
N. S., says: ".[ have need Laxa laiver Pills 1
for serious Liver Complaint, and they have
done mea world of good, making me smart
and healthy."
Harr Price. a prisoner at the Oen-
fret, whose home is in Whitby, escaped
Friday adorning as a freight train was
rssing the prison yard.: He tried to
jutnu on the train, but missed his. hold.
and falling under the wheels. hie left
leg was so badly of ushed that it will
have to e
b amputated, 1,"ricewas serv-
ing a six months' sentence for vag
rancy and had only dye weeks more to
put in.
Mrs iianresson, Bitisoarth, Man.,writes:
"I have used Hagyerd's Yellow Oil for
sore throat, outs, scalds and frostbites for a
long time and ooneider it the best all-round
houeehold remedy made." Price 25o. all
Alice Marcon, do neater of •Frank E. '
Marcon, clerk of the ,kiseex county sur-
rogate court, was married on Wednes-
day to Joseph 'Oas rain, Windsor, He
wits presented with a purse of gold,. to
the value of $100 by the lawyers of _
Milburn's Sterling Headaohe Powdsre.
contain 'neither morophine nor opium,
They promptly pure sink headache, tours
algia, hea ocehtt;headaohe of grippe, head-
ache.of delicate ladies and headache from
any cause whatever. Prioe IOo. and 26o.
The Hessian fly has done some dam-
age to the wheat in the vicinity of
Sparta on account of the prolonged
Mildness of. the weather.
Mrs Wm. Graham, Sheppardton, Ont.,
writes:— I have given Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup to my boy time and again and find
it a good worm medioine. It. is nice to ta.e
and never makes the child sick like pow -
dors." Price 25o,
A. woman in Topeka, 'Kansas, who is
suing for a divorce, petitions for the
custody of the family.:cow. •
There is nothing -better for obildren'e
coughs and colds than Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. It is very pleasant to take
and always cures the'little ones' c engin
A new' island has been formed out
at sea' about ten miles from the mouth
of the Rhone.'
good advise you say, bet r can wa
NAT deftwbien
he remedy attar: another has been tried wititent
mprovelnent or hops of r1 cure., Gabe .true
corse of auffer.ra' froth all kinds of tune trou'bles
stave field a mark for tlnicrdptildos rimiest eine
terns wito never Weeded to eurayou.:Dr;.Hnctim .
las , made the cure of Conitutnption and Lung
,'roubles the attar of hit 1116, and thermions of
The Poisoned Spring;—As in
naturo so in.:mae, •pollete the spring and
disease and waste are bound to follow—the
stomach and nerves out of kilter means
poison in the spring. South American Nee.
vine is .a great purifier, cures Indigestion,.
Dyspepsia, and tones the nerves. The best
evidence of its : efficacy is the unsolicited
testimony of thousands of cured ones. --76
Sold by Sydney Jackson, drnggist.,Olini on.
If you look at the.sole of the shoe you're 'buying, and
the flame and price appear thereon in a slate frame,
depend on itbeing a e' Skater Shoe."
This isthe registered trade mark andapoilntof distinctiotgl.
Beware of the "just as.good•'
12 foot -fitting shapes.
All reliable leathers in black
and fashion's shades,.
Evel'Y pair Goodyear. welted.
Jackson Bros,, Sole Agents for. Clinton.
For torpid Liver,
A Poor Digestion,
Biliousness and
Sick Head-Ache..
,They are. afh.
:: Mild,: Quick -acts, q,
Painless, do not . weak en ;
And alaliaysgive satisfaction..
They are s •
e tiapS� reliable Household _.. Medicine kne3vvtl, ane. �y
can be taken at any season' byAdults or Children;
. ,
oY., :,
INSURANCE. The South African war is practically over, nCommerce.
p Y of so'ttie war.of Trade and Co eros
• it i8 aiwa a'in order; We are still in the
Fisc, '7-1111.0, Acclde t -111""i:64°"' y -+ . t3 ii l front ranks, not on the wounded list. We direct
n , special attention to our new stook of 1V1illinery wbioh v411 136 toned fully
Oswalt.: Mwes:Air Buica, amen a
illone We lend money onhoneeboltlgon,'o.
Y bicycies, waggons and horses. \\'r•
Mone also advance money to ealaria,t
Moneypeople and retail roe. !bents or
M ones a the tr.own notes, tbrout?;i1 our spe-
o,al agents, . Any amount front rin
MoOP nv�r, in, paymentsto snit borrower.
rite n confidence. we cop help
gon. 0. W. W ARNFR& C0 .4s East At stain"•
Street. Toronto,
Allo Kx � -
n s f Shoes
A nice 1ot 0f Ladiee'.IJaakete,
Dress. Goods p
that for bdauty and cheapness will please any person..
Boots, Shoes and Rnbbera, a large stook newly in for fall and winter:
Teal in great variety viz :—Japan, Young Epson, Congosin bplli, Grand Mogn4
Salida, Monsoon and Bine Ribbon 1n packages.
See our Harness -A nine set of single harness for S11; and better uality for. $12,.
teem lines,' martingales, breast etreps,-halters, etc:, etc, .•
forWe quantity would notofforgetButterarobes nanddEggs, blankets_. • Telcasb_ror produce. Highest . price
any '
Emporium,. Londeisboro
ADAMS Pth, 1900
Fire-class: from $65 to $80. $6.
;ALL, Cl'
111�OI],• .
A's good as any andlbetter than many
are to -be seen by fnspectit3 "oi 1 summer
Mock of Men's, Women'aliand Children's
Boots and Shoes. _
Full lines'' of 'trunks, Valises,
etc:, Single hod Doable firmness.
T3, 0,e'd 0edar,'White •Oedar, and
Pine Shin s always s'on hand at
1iicll►sld RltrBK.
Por "Story of South Africa," bir John Clark
Ridnath, L I.. D.,Edward S. Ellie M.
Large stook of Lounges, Couches and Easy Chairs, finely finished and goersn-
Ild is wear. Bedroom sets in mahogany, ash and oak; Diningtables, Sideboards an&
different kinds of chairs, Latent patterns in Window Shades and Curtains.
Picture Pr/naiad a $peclhltye:
Pianos, Organe and Sewing Meohines, sold on.easy+ Vern*
J..E1.HIELL4 t111V7•, . 3iyt,Ia
Minton Sa h : Door, and
Blind �r
S. N. COOPER • • - - .
Builder and Contractor.
%hie factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest im ro
obiter capable of doing work on they n ved noes
and �P g shortest notice. We carry an�ezteneivrr
stook and prepared plana, and give estimates forandbuild• all claw.
es of buildings on short notice and on the olo8eat'' Hoes' All work• is rupervis '
ed in a meobt nroal way and satisfaction guaranteed. Vlie sell ,all kinds of in.
........ .... t<erier :end .exterior. materiel. v,..:
Lumber Lath, _ ,BMA,.
Agent for the Celebrated 1RAYffiIrL S(SbOL 1.,E811, manutacttifs&at Waterloo. Call and get prides nid estuates before viewing your orders
A. CoopDer!Maniging Editor Of the ,Cana ian
Toronto, and J, $. Aiken, of
London.Ont., who has returned this week
from 12 yearn d
travelling In •Africa feltnu. We are the only Canadian .pnblishcrs
who' have had a South Africa for
aeircivasaa ialgn pouurfnaphotographsndm.
Our authorship,. letterppreal and
Si graving.,
are aanpbrlor;•tOd Cabadilelt' ontingents be-
terillttetratedthanit* - any rival 'aprk. So
sure, aft 'wb Si this; that *0 w 1 fund fres for
oomperison ottrp1oapecttti.10 anyone noesets•
int a sirs! roapeetua. :Clroulars.s,rfd tensa
free. Appp1t World Publiahibg' . Company,
Gal obah, Ostein
w lMi+ioN+aMeo+
Meat Market
Haying pnrol'aeed the butchering
bnsiiieae of P. 11. Poeref1 I am pre-
pared to furnish the people of Olin -
ton with ell kinds -of Fresh and
Cured Meats. , passage, bologna
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
Re Fitzsimons' it Son.
Tlephone 76.
Orders dellvered,prontptly+ to all
parts of;the toad.
N: S.•. Perron%' 'hawing hogs for
rhipmeut will confer a; favor by
leaving word at the shop.
Who attempts teltlo cooking on an
inferior Range, the beet cootie in -
e, veriebly prefer the
Thou ... , ht
• If yeti are fond of a wail cooked'
dinner andlikete bilge year' meele
served on tithe, Yon'tl do wall to•
invest in ....Happy Thought Range.
It works l er'feeiArd*a
Keeper .fife opntinnoun19'•
Bakes at any hour *rue
And uses about bait the coal
that Uteri tensa'. deer:14,0Ot1 00Winnee in elty of Toronto, iia every orfs'' or
encamp. Pretty! good recommendation thea, isn't
t it ?'
Radiant Nome 'Rase Neater ,t'
the beet 'tht *the braini(of then ever prodtleed. Nene egltttri 'i0 iii for eoonarny<
of fuel and ease of management.,;
tl:ONGit anion wool) COOK
The' fsrmer'yfavorite. Three with or i�iithont roourvofr, Thr
��c,ok of titsver, fat the 'county 't oh000,"r,t , .. •Try
Coal Oil, ranee prier r eminrnt% . �nle
J � .rr � ,1!'.'+f' a � •a_ sit-
White01 aR:aRirenlPa .17
itpetats in Hot Air and. Ilot;Ws* ld.attng and Plantbtaaa.isuot