The Clinton New Era, 1900-10-19, Page 4• 7 .77‘orsor—wvor ameaseries.areicarare•7;;a wagariatireramesmestreineantreipsessogre7seasset
Ceder ID, 1800
Style About
ar. Jackets
The election on Nov. 7 will be on
last year's voters' lists, The Liberate
would have preferred this year's lists
ee far as West Huron le concerned:
for they have made considerable gains
on the revision thereof.
Ur McLean and Mr 1101mes met at
Kintall the other day, for the first
time during the campaign, but the
former apparently did not know the
latter, for he declined to tecognize,
Out Liberal Mende in the South
Riding should not allow any feelings I
of hospitality to endanget the return
of John McMillan by a eubstemtial
majority. They can giVe him pretty
nearly .whatever tnajority they like.
No abler agriculturiet than lie hold
seat in the home, and when he retires
at the end of the next parliamentary
terin the riding has an abundance of
able men to take his place. It le un-
fair to say. as has been Raid. that Mr
McMillan is holding the place for his
sop ; we don't suppose such a • thought
has ever entered his head, Inc Mr Mc-
Millan knows tierfectiv Well that he
cannot will the constituency to any
one. That is for a future convention
to dec de, and whatever their aspire-
ations mayh'e we are certain that no
person wit/ be more legal to the
future choice of the Liberal party in
this riding than they.
It is expected that a, series of pub -
lie meetings will be announced for the
1Vest Riding in a few days.
S. F. McKinnon, the well known
mei chant of Toronto, who has accept-
ed the Liberal nomination for Halton,
(hie native county) was fornietly in
business in Wingham, He is a
brother of D. B. McKinnon, the well-
known merchant of Blyth and of Mrs
Mullin, postmistress -at Belfast; Ash-
Ile returning officers in Huron are
Morgan Dalton, of Kingsbridge, for
the West; J. A. Morten of Wing -
barn, for the Eaet, and B. O'Connell,
of McKillop. for the South.
Fashionable Jackets for fashionable •
dressers. There's style and elegance enough in WV"
our showing to .delight the most fastidious. The latest novelties'
and styles always receive first showing at this store and, maxty of
them are not be duplicated; No wonder sightseers invariably be-
come buyers. Not onl is the assortment large enough to 'please
every fancy, but the - prices are. so reasonable as to satisfy every
purse.. • • •
We have the largest and itewest stock of Jackets in town
nearly 185 to choose from.
Come and see for yourself the excellence of our showing.
Just a few of what we have, are
Ladies' jackets, made of good quality beavor cloth, - Ladies' Kersey Cloth Jackets,in shades of na.vy and
• in assorted styles, new coat collar, some lined, black, made with three rows of silk stitching,
others unlined, in fawns, black iand navy, very 5 00\ silk velvet collar, lined with satana cloth, trim -
stylish; at each med with six large carved pearl buttons, priced n ()U n
• at Vs
Ladies' Jackets, made , of all wool Frieze, in gTeen
shade only,. lined throughout with black and
white satana cloth, nicely tritnnard with velvet
and ivory buttons. perfect fitting, price. .... . .
Ladies' Jacket inade of good quality Beaver cloth
in black only, velvet coat toiler; nicely lined all
through, 3 large buttons, a beauty at •
Ladies' Jaekets made of Fawn Keriey Cloth, new
velvet, coat collar, lined with satana cloth. as-
set ted sizes, a real beauty, at each
Ledies' Jacket made of extra heavy all wool Frieze,
in brown only, with large storm collar,tritnnied
with raised velvet straps in front and back, also
large buttons, lined with heavy mercerized sate-
na, ta good coal foi driving,at % .
We have lots of cheaper Jackets if
Ladies' Jackets made of Al quality Black Nigger -
6.50 head ("loth of a very firth quality that will give
goo wear, ne
d w ith black strip( d s itana nice-
00 ly trimmed with velvet straps ani, elik stitching
a very stylish Jacket for •=i7esi• • • • 6 •
Ladies' Heavy Kersey Cloth Jacket, It shades of
- navy, fawn, castor, also black, Al qutlity, some
coat collars, good values at.... I .50 8.00
8.00 line other unlined, storm and 'y U.
. •
Ladies' Jacket made of Black Curl Cloth, extra
, heavy quality, with large storm collet, 3 Iarge '
8.00 laittons, lined throughout with good sateen, 1
well worth $13, our special price, .
0 0 0
you want them. "But the h4st is the cheapest." -
Pretty Millinery
Our Hats have a dainty touch here and there that distin-
guish them from ordinary 1VIillinery, a touch that stamps them "pretty!'
You'll have no trouble in choosing your new Hat from our stock, oath;
ing but the very newest here, stylish Hats at $2.75, 3.50, $4, $5' and
better ones if you want them
Our Outimz Hats are a little newer and a little lower in
price than you'll find in most stores. Prices 50e, 85; $1, $1.25, $1.50
to $2.50.
Some New York Novelties just received.
We always have a very interesting list of Bargains for
Saturday and Monday shoppers, but for tLis Saturday we
will make it doubly interesting. This being a short week
we want to do two days' business in one. We have made
fomp very low prices on seasonable oods for those who visit our store on Saturday.
Saturday and
A Black Dress Goods Bargain
59 yards of !Meek Figured D'resa Goods, in two de-
signa hard finish, suitable for dresses or
skirtS, will not hold dust or spot, our regular
price is 00c yard,'special for two days .. . ..
• FurRuffs at 50c
Aliases' and Ohildren'sRuffs of line eat French Hare
trimmed with two tails.justthe thing for school 00
wear, kr blacksand brown only, choice for U
Your choice of ten skirt lengths, no two alike.of
Black Figured Perola, in choice designs, all new
goods, regular prices $3.50 to $5, choice for 2 9
two daya ' .
A Sheeting 2 yards wide for 18c
100 yards of Cotton Sheeting, 72 inches wide in twill
5 and plain. good heavy quality, free of specks,
regular value to -day 25c, for Saturday oe Mon- I 80
30 inch wide Plaid Dress Goods in assorted colors of
red, green,: blue, etc„, for waists 'br children's
esses, regular price is 80c, for Saturday or 22
Monday, only
Blanket Bargain
mai% 'matey quality;tJnion131inkets, site 6000, "
warranted unshrinkable, fine lofty make, well
Worth to -day $3 to $3.50, special Saturday or 2 49
Monday at per 'pail
Children's I:lose:made
of gooti, quality
Scot,ch ' Fingering
Yarn, extra heavy
fo it; sizes 7 to 91,
regular 45c ta
',ch f tura
day, at
Wool Sheeting at 590
72 inch wide Sheeting in white only, made of One
wool filling with cotton warp, willnot shrink he e_
wash, regular price. 75c, Saturday or Monday at U Uu
.. • 01" • •
It Is Infamous.
It is pretty !cw,. bean, detestable
and scandalous that the Conservatives
resort to•sueh , means t� delude an in-
telligent electorate. Thin week large
quantities of all sorts of campaign met-
ier were received here by workers of
the opposite side of pure Liberalism,
and a party in Caren hem been very en-
ergetic ok la,te in seeing that this odious
•and false stuff is liberally distributed.
• The latest we have heard of is a sheet
made to appear as the Toronto Globe,
in fact the headingis an eitact fee -sim-
ile of the Globe, but the reader can eas-
ily see that the type and cartoon is
that of the Montreal Star (Tupper's
sheet) or resembles it at least. To use
such low tactics to mislead intelligent
voters only meant; to cut their own
throats. It appears that if in election
cannot be fought by equate and honest
methods, then other methods will be
resorted to. And they arertanable of
Ladies' $1.25 Sailors for 859
Ladies' Sailors made of good gliality felt, with silk
band, colors of navy, royal, fawn. brown, also el c
' black regular $1.25 quality, special at each 0 U0
, IF Voir WART IT •Ladies' Vests made
• of heavy cotton
yarn, • looks like
wool, in assorted
sizes, nicely trim-
med and finished,
well worth 85c,
choice for
The Grand Trank Railway
will sell excursion ticketto stft.
tions in Muskoka and Parry Sound
Distriots and Central Ontariopoints
as far north as North Bay at
811401,8 FARE
G*Init Oct. 24 to Nov. 30
Return op to nee. 141h
Por full information abed these
etaursions apply to
Railway & Steamship Agent, Clinton.
ihttien *Si Va
FRIDAY. 00TOBEI , 5th, 1900.
Shoe cale-Jackson Bros page 8
'Window shades -W. Thrair Co . . .... 8
A great suceess,-__W Taylor .9c Son 8
Trade Winnenk-Hodgen's Bros .. 8
Our jaokets-ReWcombe 4
Rahters' Exottrsion*F 1 4
The now store -0 B Xoenig. ......... ; . 6
Wanted -G R Rinl..,.. .
Cash -McKinnon Co . ....1 A
linderwear-W L Ottinkette 4 . . . 5
Tebbott.. 6
Wanted -311r0 (Dr) Gunn .... . 6
Let us make them remember the 7th
Of November.
• • si
Sane one has asked if the Coneerva-
Oyes will be able to decide on a poliey
by Nov. 7th. It Won't matter; they
Will not have any cause to lige it after
that date.
e • •
High protection in citieri and town8
with antlett remoVed in Manitoba.
Pamphlet 1418.2in Ontario and paraph.
tet kto. 6, " her, Too Fredelt In
°aerie ad Eriglierh for met" 10
Quebec. 18 a double barrelled
policy, b on% work to (14 eenei-
hie people of (ettl*all.
Laurier, Holmes and Victory.
• •
The Opposition have no real leader-,
ship and no real policy.
• • •
Sir Charleii and Hugh John will
greatly oblige -by writing some more
tnauffestos and making so
speachee, '
s • 0 • 1
me more The Guelph Mercury infortris the
Goderich Signal and other old friends
Is.nowing ones say there is a likeli-
hood of the thtee Bruce ridings re.
turning supporters of Laurier, We
belleVe the Hurons will bllow suit.
In 1808 young stockers going to the
States were only Worth $2.50 per head,
aceording to official figuree. In 1899
ihey were worth $12.50, and this great
advance came to the Writers through
the retrieval of the quarantine through
the pretient government. ,
• 8 8 • •
who have been enquiring ab ut Sir
Canada's trade for July and August
1900, ie $7,000,000 greater than for • the
eame months in 1809, and $20,000,000
greater than forth° same months in
o a op
The Globe says:—"It is a long time
since we heard from Sir Hibbert Tup-
per, but the moment we beard someone
saying that the Liberals would not
carry a single seat in British Columbia
recognized Ihe family voice."
• • 0
The papers which are shouting that
"thousands of Canadians are amp.
pointed hy using last year's voters'
lists" are the ones that stood by the
iniquitoue Franchise Act which was
sometimes three years old when used.
e e
Manager Hilt, of the Toronto indue-
trial exhibition, eteted recently that
the reason arisigned by manufacturers
for not exhibiting this year Wait that
they were 'too busy" to make u
f`iludgl glan6 tirvitre t,41
past few years. The country could
hardly make better progress than it
Is making Way. There are ten
&maces to ono that a change Would be
Inc the worse.
Charles Hibbert Tupper that he is ful-
tilling an eugagement as short-stop
with the legal baseball nine of Van -
co over, .B. 0,
• 8 •
November 7th will also be a -day �f
thanksgiving throughout Canada.
Reason, the return of the honest
Laurier Government to power, and
the defeat of the Conservative mai-
8 6
There are two Thanksgiving dale
for the people of Cana, this year.
On Thursday Oct awes the general
thankegiiing for the bountiful harvest
and on Nov. 7 wit be a general thanks-
giyinv for a return of the Laurier
government and prosperous times.
• *
The otherday the Mali and
Empire had an article scoring Sir
Clifford Sifton ae a coward to coma
out on the platform with Sir Hilebett
Timmer, while on another page Watt a
full account of the meeting which was
'addressed by both, NO wonder it can-
not be relied upon,
South Huron Nomination.
A convention of the Reformers -Of
South Huron was held in Bruceffeld on
last Thursday for the purpose of select-
ing a candidate. There was present a
full representation of delegates from
each polling division in the riding, and
Dixon's large hall Wail packed to the
doors with enthusiastic 'Liberals. Un-
der the constitution of the association
nomination was by ballot. The result
was that the old and tried repregenta-
tive. Mr John 114cMillan;,' secured the
majority of the votes, and was on mo-
tion made the unanimous choice of the
convention. Mr McMillan was then
called in, and the nomination was ten-
dered him by the President, Must-
ard. • Mr McMillan accepted the nom-
ination,and very feelingly thanked the
delegates for again making him their
choice.. lie spoke at some length, giv-
ing a review of his actions in the past,
and touched on mady important ques-
tions that are 'likely to occupy the at-
tention of the house the coming ses-
sion. He also eulogized the Govern-
ment for their able administration of
public affairs since assuming power,
and predicted that they would be again
returned with a handsome majority.
Short addresses were giyen by Messrs
M. Y. McLean A. Mustard, tireo. Mc-
Ewen, Thos. 'eraser and others.
Political Pointers.
What About Window Shades
Three weeks from next Wednesday
Is election day The campaign will be
short but long enough for these good
times of Liberal rule. The people can-
not afford to waste time over a long
campaign there prosperous times.
From thell Brussels Post ;—"Very
cheering reports come from the Wept
Riding of Huron concerning the pros-
pects of the re-election of Holbert
Holme, the Liberal candidate, and the
indication(' are he will increase his
majority received at the bye election.
There is little doubt but that the three
Hurons will stand in line once more
under the Liberal banner.
Col. O'Brien, an old Conservative of
the Conservatives, and formerly M.P.
for Muskoka, at a recent public meet -
lug in 'Simcoe county, said: "The sting
that galled Sir Charles and his follow-
ers lay in the fact that the disloyal
Grits la four years had done more to
cement the unity of the Empire and to
bring about a right understanding of
the 'British people than the Conserve -
Lives did in eighteen years.
ELECTION NOTES.—Conservative no-
minations: James Gilmour for East
Middlesex; Hon. Geo, E. Foster for
St. John, In opposition to Hon. A. G.
Blair; Arch, Mc0Orinick for Chateau.
guay '• David Henderson for Halton;
J. M. McDougall for Wright County;
Samuel Barker and Frank O. Bruce
fot Hamilton. Liberals: John Lang for
East Peterboro ; Wm. A. Lewis, Presi-
dent of the Reform Association, for
South Leeds; Hon, Sydney Fisher
for Brorne ; John Carruthers far South
Grenville ; A. F. Mulhern for Corn-
wall and Stormont, The Irish Catho-
lics of Qeebee West have endorsed P.
J. Kerwin esrwin bAi &candidate for the Coal.
Mr Loekie Wiliimformerly a leading
Ooratervative in Eastern Ontario, and
latterly a Patron leader, epoke at a
recent meeting of farmers In Prince
Edward county, at which Mr Pettet,
M. P., was re -nominated. Ile referred
approvingly to the action of the pres-
ent Dominion Government in abolieh•
lug the "iniquitous franchise act" in
proyiding for tree corn for feeding
purposes, enabling the formers to sell
°ate and other coarse Realm+ at high
priori, in enacting that binder twine
**************** *********ault
No matter what size your windows are we can fit them all, or if you wish any
special color we can get it for you. We make a specialty of the Window Shade business
and usually give satisfactionjn quality and price.
There are three qualitieg of Wrndow Shades and it is our businesa to tell you
about them,
The balance. of the Kear Bicycles
Subscribers to Success 1 E. 8z D. bicycle, latest
Weekly Globe,Weekly Mail Dunlop t '
ires regular $65
Free Press, Witness, Mont- now $1.1 cash,
real Star,Christian Guadian, I. Cleveland, latest model,
Presbyterian Review, West- Dunlop tires, regular $501,
roinster. One year's sub- now $40 cash.
scription secures these 1 E.Z., regular $50 now 4$35
papers till Jan. lst, 1902
We are agents for all per- 1 Wolverine, regular $40 now
iodieals. $U cash.
This is good weather for
wheeling and a "paying" time
• to buy..
When you come to our
modo store be sure to see our
fashion books and patterns
and take away at least a
fashion sheet or possiblra
copy of the "Delineator'''.
By means of Butterick pat-
terns and home needlework
any woman can be fault-
lessly attired and keep clos6
to the styles.
Stationary . ; Fall -Wall Paper
A special line of boxed Stationary, 50 May be spring wall paper as our new
envelopes and. 50 sheets of paper in a nice ' stock is pretty and. it is your privilege to
box for15c. Souvenir Pads at 15e, 20c buy it if you wish.
and 25e. Collegiate Pads st10c and 25c. Special prices on some Odd lines to clear.
Note paper 15e a quire ; envelopes 10e a
package. , All paper.trimmed free.
Our Christmas Goods are about all in and we are opening them up as fast as possible.
Our Fancy Chinaware is beautiful. We promise the best in quality, the most in
quantit7 and the lowest price to all.
Goming and Going. .eontlud and Going.
Mr and Mrs A. Charlesworth were guests
of Mrand Mrs H, Viriltsie on Sunday.
3. , Miss McConnell was the guest of Mist A.
Miss L. Wheatley isvieiting in St.Mary's.
B, Hoover was in London on Monday.
Barrister J. Scott was upto the county 0. Taylor last Friday.
own on Monday. MMus% Graoe Tedford and Amy Howeon
visited Seeforth Thursday of last week.
Miss Hattie Davis, of Detroit, is yisit-
ing her parents in town.
Miss Flotsie King is home from
wood for Thanksgiving.
Mpg Honey, of Mount Forest,
guest of Mrs George Rorke.
Mies Macgregor, of Kincardine, is
J. G. Eltanbury, barrister, Exeter, was
Dask iri town on Wednesday on hie wayto the
Laurier meeting it Stratford. •
Is 'rile • Mrs Dr. T. G. Allen, of 'Buffaloans been
gueet ofal J Wre J. W. Irwin.
the guest ot her sister, Mrs A. 0. Pattisop,
:the fora few days this week. She returned
home on Tuesday.
Mrs W. Jones and Mi133 Jones were visit-
ing in Wawanosh last week.
Mr J. R. Holmes, of Holmeeville, Ont.
wag ii Mordon for a short time on Mon-
a hi old friends T
ay, calling s o . .
itobt Coate, of the Toronto Globe, was Acheson and others,—Morden Citronelle.
home for a few daye this, week.
, Was Keane of Clinton, Ont.,' arrived in
H. Bell and Jud Doyle, of Wingham,
Morden on Monday, and will take up her
were Clinton callers on Sunday. residence here for the future. She is a
Miss Sarah Malloy, of Detroit, is vial*deter of Christ. Keane —Morden Chronicle.
ing her sister, Mrs Jas. Twitchell.
Jae, Smith went to Stratford Wednes- J aLIS, of the Seatorth Sun, was a Clinton
day to attend the Laurier meeting. visitor on Wednesday. She came over from
Misses Clara and Jessie Wiseman are Bayfield with Mrs. Jewett, who was calling
visiting relatives in St. Mary's this weekonitfrriso.
and two daughters, of
Miss Johns, of Exeter, was the guest of Woodstook, returned on Eleturdity with
Mrs Gibbingo for a few days this week, Mrs F; Eastman who hag been visiting for
Gee. Hamilton, of Palmerston, engineer a lengthy time at her relatixes there, The
on the G.T.R., wag a Clinton caller on former will epend several months of a
Monday. . visit here.
Miss Neilans, daughter of „Editor Neil-
s)iould be free of fax and in providing
Thit shows ho* well posted . the for a reduction 01 33 1-3 per cent in the
Free Press Isir Livingston did not tat t)t) all BPi hirlidgf).:!)tttt 7(1)111f:it%
" rW it
renrement South Perth at allbut Mr- enelgeorrassa ego, ranwity
South Waterloo, therefore, his portion- commission; Sir heeler§ kr opposedto
al popularity and retirement have no it. Sir Wilfrid's tendeney, is to reduce
efreet on the conetituency, Mr Erb, the tariff; Sir Charles remains a high
Who was the reprerientativa leet time protectionist. As between these two
le likely to be Again, - tots of policies Which will we support?"
Mr 13rown, of Aylmer, (brother of J. Welted the pleasure tif renewing acquaire
Brown,of the Electric Lightworks) is Imre Isms with r. 3. Hamilton while here on
on a visit. Wednesday to give his celebrated lecture
on" The Canadiano in South Afriea," in
Ed. Rowed is so far well as to take a trip the town halt the same evening, It was a
down to his home in London for a few treatnot to be miesed.
der; visit J. Ireland is home from the north west
Rev. W. Gifford was in Stratford for Bev- having returned last week. HO has been
seal days..ehis week and MO tn the Laurier with j. McMurray at Weyburn since the
meeting. • opring; we learn that he intendrt to remain
in Ontario ac his liking for the north west
Bert Potts went to London on Monday
having accepted a situation as clerk in the is not np to whet he tted.
Among these who intena to go deer hunt -
Grigg House. ing north of Muskoka daring the open sea
Mr and Mra F. Arsoott and daughter son are &number from here, Ed. Conte-
Ena, of London, have been visiting at Ef.
F. Andrews'.
Mrs Watson, of Seaforth, was a guest at
her home, Mr and Mre J. Leslie's, for a
few days lately. •
Mrs John Taylor went to Brardtton on
Saturday to Wait on her /deter, kfre Craig,
who is very ill.
T Rote editor of the Mitchell Re.
°order, Woe judge ofahe fruit at the Blyth
fall last week.
• Miss hide Fair epent a few days of this
,week •vith relatives at Paris and other
W,PWing went to Galt on Sat-
urday having received word that hie
mother was geriously ill. •
Mrs Roos and two ohildren, of Denyer
Col., are vieiting at the home of Finlay
MoEwen, Isaac 'area, '
Mies Emma Stevens returned from
Brampton last week where she has been
visiting for about a month.
Mrs S. Erb, of Berlin, will shortly move
to her residence on Huron street, whioh
was recently occupied by R. Welsh.
J. Leslie, Jr., has gone to Goderich
where he will act as agent of the MeCor.
miok Co. with heedquarsers there. He
has got 8 good position.
Albert N. Wise was here from Goderich
on Tuesday. He reports basinfuls very
good in hie line,bni everywhere it is eleotion
talk, He says the Liberia candidate need
haye no fear of defeat; a prominent and re-
liable Conservative of the county town told
him the other day that "111o,Istain'e chalice
of deaden was worse than before, and the
present member was tare of re-election
with an inereasea majority."
Rev, Rural Dean Hedging, of Sestorth,
has returned home after a three menthe'
gojourri in the weer. He went as far west
as Banff, and speaks in glowing terms of
Cenede's western heritage. He seta "1
sim eery favorably Impreeeed with the
country, and think any young men who
want to get on in life will find brilliant
proopeots in Manitoba. In spite of the bad
weather I find the people are cheerful and
quite content with the conntrY,"
Dr. Woods, Baylield, was in town on
Tuesday. The doctor intends to take a trip
to the old country about the end of the
month, to be away for four or Ave weeks,
Ile will go to London, , Eng., to see hi
naother, who le not in robust health, and
will else visit in Pols and other °Mei,
hiking in !relied, Sootland and the con.
tints% While army his prude* will be
effieiently looked After by a praotioal and
reliable physiolen.
Ion, Dr. Holmes, Frank Fair, Will
Cantelon (Toronto) Jag Mitchell, of
Varna J. Biokle and E. Crawford,
of Dungannon, are to go with
several others. Others in town go with oth-
er imam
A Cleveland* combination
tandem in first class condition.
We have a number of wheels
at $20.00 which each are the
best values we have ever seen.
Do Not Delay
if you think of purchasing a
wheel as there is two months
of good wheeling yet
Manitoba AUG
Excursions. 18th
Para $28, good for 90 days•
Vole tiokete and itiformistiOli apply to
Ba ing owd e
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
mum baking powders are the greatest •
menacers to health of the present day.
Letter from South Africa..
The following is the summary of a letter
received by Mr and Mrs Isaao Jackson
from their son, Will:—
Pretoria, Sept. Stb, 1900.-
A. day or two after X wrote nay last letter
vve were ordered to be ready for the road on
ehort notice We left Reitfontein at four
o'clock in the morning, and of all the ride
ever I had that took the cake. The driver
of the wheel team was sick,. and I wee the,
only driyer avaqable and of course had to,
take the team. I was mounted on an
plug of a horse that oould scarcely stand let
adore oarry a MU, and after marching 16.
miles withouts, halt, mostly at the trot,yoa
can imagine my feelings when we halted for
'dinner. I had not been in the saddle for.
about a month and you can imagine how -
sore it made me. However, we aitifett
outside of Pretoria about noon and were in. •
epeeted by Lord Roberts, and all expect-
ed to go in the next morning, but instals&
darted out again after De" Wet, whom
we have been chasing for the loot month.
He actually had she nerye to seria in to
Baden-Powel and tell him he must ear. -
render the next morning by daybreak. Of
course Baden-Powell told him to come and
hike no, but all the time the wily ones Was
watching the camp while his Meth were
treking away some place else, and When we .
I went out after him the next morning air
S78 got wee a f ew , enwty waggone. How-
ever, after leaving the vicinity of Pretoria
'we heal a liveli time of it. We came morose- '
the Boers about 30 relief' north of Pretoria,.
and for the next four days wehad a running --
fight of it. Our 0 Watery did some met- ,
lent work The last six miles of the Diet
day was done at the gallop, roost ef,the-
Rune and ammunition wagons oomingAnto
Werth Baths with only four horses left out
of the Ida. The poor brutes are so poor they
drep on the road, and then are taken out as
quickly tie possible,and if there are no spire
borne the gune go on with four. When
the battery wired at Warm Baths it took.
up a porntion in the town and shelled the
enemy as they were getting away through
0, pass on the other side of the town, doing
some excellent work. This Warm Bathe le
a summer retort for the people from Jo-
hannesburg and Pretoria. There is a fine(
big hotel and about lifty bath houses, all
fixed rap in the latest style, The hot water
comes boiling out cf the ground and is run
through pipes to the With -reales, AS the
plebe was demented you may be sure the
"Tomei& took full advantage of them
tie is is eot always s in omie.r. to get a
wash let alone a bath on the road and there
was shrive lots Of dust. After 'staying in,
Werra Bethel Inc about i week the Colonel •
crone on to Pretoria by train se' goon ate the
h idge woo repaired, and we followed in a
day or two after. Our treyelliog dors were i
open trucks loiikedwith our wagons, under
which we made out "doss" as they oral it., ' ,
We are now in Pretoria and here the Anima
quarter% yon oonld inattgine, living in the
houses that the (Aeon of the State A.rtill-
ery eraoripiod. The artillery berraeks here
are the fined X hive seen anywhere and
the others' quittere are six-reonnel houses
outside the barracks, etch with its Own plot
of ground and lit with electricity, I
have not reoeivel a paper or letter of any
kind doe lett April; they most have gone
matey. 110 Ga. Jleinten.
(3 Battery, B. 0, A.
On Aare' &ride., ""•'
Mrs. Kelly, of Tamworth, wee killea'
by her bones rubmbit away.