The Clinton New Era, 1900-08-17, Page 14
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In 'eve home home little breaks . are
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Our enrages are moderate our
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Whether large or small it receives
all the attention it requires.
We are Leaders in our Line.
. .
• NOTBs.-Geo. Sarnwell, one of EX.
.eter's most respected citizens, attended
the Convention of Western Liberals at
_London on Friday, Rev R ,Millyard,
of Main street' Methodist church, mar-
ried Gerald Sifton, accused of murder-
ing his fattier near London; Mr MM-
• yard believes the man innocent, and
.suspects a plot among the chief Crown
witnesses. 3 -as. Greive left on Monday
-evening for Chatham, heving received
word that his six-year-old son was in
a dangerous condition from sunstroke;
Mrs Greive has been visiting there
with the child. Miss 'Alice Haffey,
• who has been the geest of Mies Cora
Powell for the past mouth, returned to
her home in • Woodstock on Thursday.
W. A. Millyard leaves this week for
Blenheim, to take charge of a dental
practice for the remainder of the sum-
mer. Lawyer Stanbury was at Goder-
ich last week on legal business. Messrs
Melville & Morsieon have put one of
their excellent aeateletie. gas- plena; in
F. A. Edward' store and residence,
Mr1Bfurnitureeverley, Retread, hasmoved his undertaking
business to Exeter, and will condo t
operations here in future. Wm. Chas
Prouty, 23 years of age, of lesborne
township, died of typhoid fever on Sat-
urday, and was .buried here on Mon-
day, the funeral procession being very
large. Misses Della and Tet Crocker,
St. Mary., have been visiting their
cousins, the Misses Johns. Henry
Buckingham, of the R. Pickard Co.,
had a narrowescape from drowning at
the Bend on civic holiday; he got into
a hole and was with difficelty rescued.
Mr Stevens, who has been engaged as
clerk in 1-L Bishop & Son's store, has
, returned to London; Harry Sanders,
in the employ of the same firm, has
returned to Detroit. Rey W. M. Mar-
tin, B. D., and Dr. T. Amos are holt-
dayingen Muskoka for a month. Chas.
Manning, wife and family, are visiting
friends in town; Mr Manning WU as-
eistant postmaster- here some eighteen
years ago. Friday last was Exeter's
civic holiday; the town presented quite
a deserted appearance, as all who could
migrated to the lake or to the city; the
majority went to Bayfield and Grand
Bend. John 13. Penny, uncle of Mrs
W. H. Trott, died on Saturday at a
ripe old awe, at, the residence of his
niece, and was buried in Exeter ceme-
tery on Monday. Mr Thornton, man-
ager of the Karn Organ Om, Wood-
stock, accompanied by his wife and
family, are the nuests of Mrs Powell.
NOTES.-MiSS Irene Helmes of Luck -
now, spent a few days visiting her
cousin, Miss M. Holmes, la'st
Mrs A. Seeley and family spent the
.eivic holiday veith releases, here. •Mr
and Mrs A. E ' . Turner, of Clinton, also
called on friends here that day. Miss
H. Dodd paid m flying visit hereon
Sunday. Misses Hattie and Ada
Walker, of Dublin, are visiting rela-
tives uncan s ton,of • on-
don,is spendingra few days with ft iends
in this vicinity. Miss A. Dick, of
Blyth, is visiting her sister, Mrs W. C.
La,ndesboro. Messes Wm. and A.
Townsend have purchased a new
Massy -Harris binder. A number from
here took in the lawn social at Varna
on Thursday last and report a "high
Varna •
DEATH -Lorne Eilber, second son
of John W. Reid, died on Friday even-
ing last after a few days' illdess; all
that loving parents and medical skill
caul& do to restore him to health was
of no avail. • .The funeral took place on
Sunday last; the coffin . was strewn
with beaatiful floral wreaths; intich
sympathy is felt for the bereaved pat-
ents 10 this the hour of their afflicnon.
Socaexe-The annual garden party
under the auspices of St. John's
church, Varna, was held in Mrs Se-
' eord'e orchard on Thirs4ay eveoing;
the night was all that could he desired
! and the attendance was unusually
, large; the Seaforth •band was in Eaten -
dance and more than tully sustained
their :former reputation. Proceeds
amounted to $124,53. •
NOTES. -Mrs R. McCoaleof Deumbo,
and Master Earl are visiting at the
home of her parents; she was called
home to attend the funeral of her
grandfather, Thos. Johuston. While
Mrs Spnrrove and Mrs Torrance were
• returning home from the garden party
with Mr Innes, the horse became un-
manageable, owing to the harness giv-
ing away, and, taking to the ditch,
threw the occupants one, breaking Aire
Sparrow's wrist; fortunately for them
theothers were not seriously injured,
though considerably shaken up.
OBITUARY. -Another of Huron's; pio-
neers has gone to: his reward, in the
person of Mr Thomas Johnston; at the
ripe age of 91 years and four morn hs.
Deeeasect had bear ailing for about a
year,' arid tweed peacefully away on
Thursday morning last at the residence
of James Armstrong, his snrean law.
lie Was highly respecied and liothlred
byens many friends; he Was a Conran,
votive in politics, and a member of the
- English chrirch. Mr Johnston was
born in the county of Fermana,gb„,..14eL
land, but has been. a continuous resi-
dent of the towrship of Stanley for
over 60 years, enduring all the hard-
. Ships of the early settlers. He pose
• sassed very little of this world's goods
on his arrival -in StanleY;. as.a matter
of fact his entire stock of cash only,
amounted to 25c; but the frugality nod
industry on himself and wife were
• amply' rewarded. On retiring 'from
farming he moved to Varna, about 28
years ago. ' Hie aged partner died
SCIDO two years ago. He leaves ' a
family of four sons and three daugh-
ters -Thomas, Williern and Retina in
Manitoba, John on the hornestea,d, Mrs
Henry Hudson in--Michigan,.Mrs Robt.
Elliott in D ikota, and elles Seg. Arm-
strong in Varna. His brother Matt-
hew, in Goderich, still survives him.
The funeral took place On Friday, and
was largely attended. "
St. ituglistine.
Intended for last week.
• N.OTEWhiS.-Miss Nellie Troy, of te-
eburch, is spending her vacation an M.
J. Flynn. Mrs (Dr.) Gordon and child*
ren, Imeknow, are the guests of WM.
Catimbell, of Donnybrook.
NOTES. -Mr and Miss Baker, ofOran•
brook, and Mr and Mrs McCarthy, of
Ashfield, were the guests of Mr and
-Mrs II. Baker on Saturday and Sunday
lest, S. and Mies A. Flynn spent Sun-
day at P. Troy's, of 'iVhitechurch.
Rev, D. P. 'McMenamin is at present
the gueseof his parents, Mr and Mrs
J as. McMenamin, of Montreal.
DEATritg.- There passed away on
Sunday., of last week, John Thompson
one of Vtrawanosh's oldest and most
respected residents ; he was ill but a
short time; he 1eave a widow, tWn
sons and one daughter to mourn, his
loss, the remains were interred in Dut,.
gannon cemetery on Tuesday, the fun-
eral being one of. the largest .which
has passed through Dungannon for
some time. .0n Tuesday evening of
last week Mrs John Gibbons passed
peacefully away, after having Suffer-
ing for f301110 time with a lingering dis-
ease; her remains, followed by a very
lerge futieraewere brought to St. Aug-
ustine church where a, Requiem High
Mass was celebrated by Rev. Pr. Mc-
Menamin, and was then laid away in
her last resting place in the R. C. ceme-
tery; her bereaved husband, relatives
and friends have the sincere sympathy
of the community.
Brucefield. -
Annetiess.-On Sabbath evening last
Miss Jennie Gilmore, matron in Cron -
stand Manitoba 'Mission yahoo], gave.
art address in the Presbyterian church,
She spoke of the work of the Mission -
arts schnol teacher, Indian children,
le, Thet e is at present about 40
pupils abet learn quickly and are ex-
celleric emote ee address, which
was listened to very hi tently cannot
fail 10 do good in increasing the Mis-
sionary zeal in the community. Miss
Gilmore is home on her vacation and
leaves this week for Oronstand school
where she will resume her work as
head teacher. She took with her the
best wishes of many friends.
John Anireves'of tiummer townelam s
died of sunstroke.
NOTES. --.Mrs tared Smith, Chicago,,
and daughter, Miss Minnie, is visiting
at.the home of her mother, Mrs D. Mc-
Donald. Miss Sutherland' is visiting
at the home of her aunt, Mrs T. B.
Jansieson, Miss Laidlaw is the guest
of WS Sewers at the manse, Mr Mus
111111486. ....14.4.404... f,X_..- •• ...4.• v.. — .,..,,,,,,,, '. ' ..I; ,,,,a.:; nave you tried the new
Washing Compound .
---- - ..
ii:iniolutely no rubbing recinitred, Haves your
time, Savee your hands, *eyrie your clothes. i
Itrextra.cts the dirt without rubbing and its
lisgrediente are _guars,iiteed to be positively
harmless. Bre is Sold at Se per patkage.
Try a package next wash day. Try our 5 o'clock
walerettes. Roc per pitehrige,4 flavors.
... We have just_oponed an "import orate Of
Keeton Motto Goode 43011818tillg of: -Toa PottA
Coffee Pots, Bt*
urns race Bowls,. Handle
Beakers, Sugar, Cream, Hot Water Kettles,oto.
These are ali new goods, with quaint soot&
mottbit on thein. Our snook of china lir nearlr
all new bought ained we moved. We have
Just °tithed Ansa orate Of dinner sots ranging
in prices from $5 to $12, Bad Mi1f! week expect
Miother orate that will range in price from 312
to Wiser set, nearly elteryOne likes to lee nice
dune Mil and see them Ivhetber you wanttohH,nr not. Plotile note from May 151 5 will
ard is making cedar shingles at the
aw inIi ; Mr S. Moore has charge of
he work. Harvesting is almost over
this neighborlatiod. W. Grabent,
left on Thursday last With fat cattle
for Scotlend. Me Graham, Clinton,
called On hie "old. friends 'here last
week. Messrs. W. Baird, Oaks, 1,
McIntosh, G. Turner, and S. Batten,
bury are camping in Bayfield on Mr
GnIgraithee farm. A number frotn our
villare attended the Vitfna garden
party laet week and the report a good
time. Mr Moore, Station agent, was
nducted into the Presbyterian churchae elder on Sunday last,
dos 6,1 ean, du lea the itimmannuaithe.
a call on Sunday. Mime el a Cook v a. •
NOTRia-Misses Annie and Minnie
Harrisdra; Godeeich township, are via.
king their relatives here, Mrs Waiter
Kingswell, Woodetock, is visitinv her
parents and friends here. Mastet Day -
id Horton has returned home from
Ashfleld, where he has been visiting
his Meter, Mrs Sohn 'Parrish. Miss
Mary Ann (Mutton, of Stratford, is vis.
Ring her brother here. Mr and Mrs
John Parrish, Ashfield, rye our burg
Rod hertriend, Mies Waiters. lientnil.
or, last Week% Tht P, 1'1. N. -held
AUGUST 17, 1900,
antenketanananketank A*********Osat ireekektrirecerkkicarkkankarA-Orkernirkerkk
The News of the Neighborhood
Supplied by the New Era's widemawake and reliable correspondents
. Rullett
Noans. -One of the youag gents, of
the 4th con., contemplates a trip out
wept ; Rumor says he will go to dlbcr-
it will be a Weary journey for a
innesome lad.
OBITDABY -Gavin Hamilton whnee
remains were followed to their last
resting place in Burns' cernetery on
Feiday, Aug. lith., bya very large
number of mourning friends andsym-
pathizing neighbors, was born in Lan-
arkshire, Scotland, in the year 1829.
Twenty-eight years later ne set sail
from Glasgow accompanied by Mrs
Hamilton, the eldest sister of the late
lamented Prof, R. T. Thomson, of
Knox college. There sailed in the
same steamship, Mr Hamilton's sister
and her husband and Mr and Mrs
Robert Scott.. Both couples were on
their wedding trip to their for off Dana-
cliatihomese The subject of this sketch
at, once settled in Hultett no lot 16, con
40, where: he resided for forty-three
untilyears bus death. Tho farni on
which he settled, was almost entirely
a virgin forest. Through hie skilful
management and hard toil, it is now a
well -cleared farm with the tineet of
buildings. A staunch Presbyterian,
Mr Hamlin:in was always deeply inter-
ested in church mit ters, Ile was oiae
of the representatives of only eight
families that met to take measures
for the first church of that denomina-
tion in the neighborhood. That church
-received its name from Burns, -dint-lox
'college, Toronto, who preached the
opening services.For many years Mr
Hamilton i
taught n the Sabbath School
and managed a part of the 'church tin -
allies. In politics he was a Reformer.
A man of few words and of a retiring
dispobitiond he never .sounht to push
himself forvvaecl but was greatly loved
and respected by all, who knew him.
Ile leaves behind him a widow, five
sons and four daughters to mourn the
loss of a Ioving husbaud and kind
' •
joined the silent majority on Thursdsty
last, Arigust 8th. at -'the home of her
. son, D. .Taylor, cone 10, Ashfield, Mrs
Margaret Taylor -Bruce, an early set-
tler, who passedi.cniietly away at, the
old and respected age of 89 years. She
was not ill, but feeble, old age was
the cense nf her death. Deceased.was
a native of Scotland, born in the parish
.of Moneckie, Fortarehire, in 1811. She
came to this country About forty
.neers ago, and settled in Huron town-
ship. 13ruce county; her son David tak-
ing upland, whereehe lived for a num-
bee of years, after which she removed
to Kincarchare, residing there for a con-
siderable time with another son, Ken-
neth Bruce. From this place they re -
mewed to Windsor. wherehe was ap-
pointed first engineer of the steamer
Asia, Beatty line, and who, with his
wife turd children, were lost with all
on board(save tvvo) on that ill-fated
er n the Georgian Bay. About
that time as she was getting up in
years she removed. to Asblield and
lived with her son, David, on the 10rh
con., where she lived up to her death.
Her husbands, James Taylor and K.
Barre, died in the old country. The
family by her first marriage consisted
of three sc ns and two daughters, and
fermi her second marriage one son,
a son and daughter survive her. Wil-
liam died in the old country, James
in Toronto, Mrs A. Pant in Tot onto,
and Kenneth Bruce, lost with the
steamer Asia. The two remaining mem-
bers are David, of Kintitil, and Mrs
Thomas Leckie, of Kincardine, Her
grandchildren number 21, and 7 great
grandchildren are living. The deceas-
ed was a lady of the old school of Pres-
byterian training, and, better still, she
feared the Lord froin early youth and
lived a consistent Christian life. She
was a woman prudent and virtuous,
loving to her children, patient in diffi-
culties, and helpful, and cheering to
those strorind her. Although old and
feeble she had remarkable faculties.
In spiritual affairs she was it consisteht
and faithful member of the old Scotch
church, although of tete years she eves
unable to attend, a,nd was a con-
stant refiner of her. Ilibje. Het death
will be ealt, as she was is favorite with
her grandchildren On Saturday the
funeral took place to Kintail ceneeteraa,
the services being conducted_. by Rev.
A. Miller, of Kintain and was attended
by a large, concourse who were present
to pay their lest respects to an old lady
who was highly esteetnad and widely
known. "Blessed are they who die in
the toed" may truly be said. of Mrs Tay-
lor -Bruce. Her daughter, Mrs Leckie,
with her son William of Kincardine,
Mrs Harris and son Thomas of Ripley,
and Mr and Mrs McDonald of Bervie,
were among the relatives from a dis-
tance who were present at the funeral.
NOTE& -A meeting Will be held by
the teachers of St, Andrew's S. S, re -
Reeding a picnic some day of this
month, S.. Gordon, formerly of this
place, with wife and familyte visiting
here.liens R. and O. thinker are
visitors at their parental home, Miss
Grace Cameron has returned to De -
trait W. Ross and Chas, Ferguson
have returned to their homes after a
summer'e work on the survey boat
Hayfield. Mr arid Mrs Johnston and
company have returned to Clinton
after an enjoyable vacation here. Mies
N. Martin has returned from her trip
to Port Stanley.
NEW inanitnitte--The staff of the
Collegiate Institute has been re.organo-
ized and the teachers are 4- Principal,
A. Mowat, It A, specialisb in English
and history ; S. Robertson, B. A,,
vecialist in Mathematics ; S. G. Stone,
B. A., specialist in classics ; G, P. Ro.
gers, D. A., specialist in ecience ; Mrs
B, Kirkman, specialist in modern lan.
gnages, Mr Mowatt ha e been for the
past (level years principal of Meri.
ford High School and Mt Rogers for
the ittrit, Mx yeas in Willie. collegiate.
Miss Sttlia Shwa of Lindsay WM
&owned by the upiiiting of a wog
Oaralr OOPER ea; .,1
their regitlarmOnt ly meeting Wed.
today afternoon in tho schoolroom,
Cornet store In Mock. tat
rhentge stneh fir butter end *let
• • Westfield.
h'l • o era willhere; ab
ch11drbelned4 yp
props late music will be given by th
lirOgED• BY A -ELORSB.---Frank, the
youngest son of Wm. M•clearty, had
the misfortune to receive a kick from
a horse on Thursday evening, breaking
his jew bone and severely euttinn his
e 2ND AND 3RD 00N. NOTES. , -Miser
- Annie and Belle May MeEwen are ho)
'slaying in Baytield, ears Dr. Thos
1 V-Va444°,444-10•44)PPWPPF*******,* '"
The best advertising medium
in 'this section. *
Reuse% '
Futu.-A, destructive fire broke on
early Saturday Looming in the boo
and shoe clepartment of Davis' general
store, and before it' could be checked
had destroyed Davis' store, McArthur
& Does private bank, J. O. Stottemaner
• stationery and jewellery store, Mc-
Pherson's tailor shop and genies fru-
nishings, and Miss Snaith's
stores AU were frame buildings; there
is no explanation as to how the fire
started, Davis saved no stook what -
s, ever, and was insured therecn fo
• $1500t t be building, occupied jointl
Dowell had a valuable heifer killed by
lightning on Saturday evening during
• the thunder storm. The bomb was
-attending beside a post, which was also
• shattered.
NoTES.-Dliss L. Trudgeon, of Goder
ich, a former teacher in S. S. No. 6,
spent lest week caning on her many
friends in the neighborhood. Mrs Mc
Clarty and daughter, Mrs J. Andeison,
of Pickford, Mich., are spending a few
weeks with relatives in the neighber-
hood. Robt, McDowell was in Goner -
lc on Saturday. Mr and Mrs J, Sow -
ler enent Sunday with the latter's par-
ents, Mr and Mrs Rowden, Benmiller.
Herb Wightmate .Winghaan, spent it
:couple Of clays last 'week visiting with
friends in the vicinity. Geo. Winht-
man end:daughter Myrtle, Essex, who
have been spending ehe last five weeka
with the Viewer's parents, Mr and Mrs
Heney Wightman, ietarrsed to their
home on Friday hist. Mrs R. Aikens,
of Wingham, spent a few dans last
week with her mother, Mrs Buchanan,
ere who is , ill at present, Miss- Etta
elcDovvelt Went to Go lerich last week
to take a three , months' course of
• meek from Prof. W. Glen Campbell.
Mr and Mrs A.insley, of Comber, are
'vending their heliday s withthe litter's
parents, Mr and Mrs Newton Camp.
bell.- John Adams, of Atewend, spent
a couple of clays last week with his
triend, John Carr. • Miss Keith, of Al-
bany, N. Y:, twice of Rey J. Kennedy.;
Auburn, is spending a few weeks vis-
iting friends in the neighborhood.
Misses Annie rend Phoebe Densmore
spent Sunday with their friend, Mies
Tena Sprung, Auburn. Mrs; Simpson
and daughter, lifisk May, of •Wolvele
Lon, who have been spending a couple
of months with Mrs W. Stackhouse,
returned home on Saturday. morning.
W. R. Carr, V. S., of Kit kton, brother
of A. B. Carr, had the misfortune to
fall his wheel one day Jest week,
receiving a had fracture of the arm
and other injuries.
St. Helens
W. F. M. S. -The last regular meet-
ing of the. W. F. AL Society yeas a little
f h d er
g e
mission band, at the close of which all
were invited to vend a social time on
Mari Millee's fawns where `cake andleni-
onade were served, which proved a re-
freshing treat. as tbe day was exceed-
ingly warm. A bale of goods for the
Indians of the northwest eves packed
the smile day. .
Betchart, accompanied by her sister,
Miss House, of New Sarum, Elgin On.,
were visiting at the home of John
Butchart daring the first of the week.
Mise Kennedy,. Clinton, is visiting
acquaintencee on the 2nd and 3rd. 3.
Oameron, wife and SOO. of Riversdale.
Bruce 0o., were present at the funeral
" of Gregor McGregor, Mrs Cameron's
father, 'Wm, Baird is this vveek crimp-
ingat Hayfield ith the Brucefield boys.
Noanp.-Wm. Beatty,' Ethel, is at
present visiting at his home •in Varna.
Miss J. Reid, Brucefield, spent a few
- days at her horns on the Reynold road
recently. Rev W. G. Richardson, B.
A., and Misses R. C. and M. E. Rich-
ardson. Wyoming, are spending their
vacation at their home on the Bayfield
read. Miss I. Elliott, London, arrived
home featurday to attend the funeral
of her nephew, Lonna tteid. It Well -
wood, New York, and the Misses Rich-
ardson, Goderich • township, called on
friends here recently. -
001INOIL.-Stanley Council met; on
Monday, Aug. 13, in the township hail.
All the members were present. By-
laws were passed laying the following
rates on the collectore's 'roll:a-county
rate, 1 1 4 mills; township rate, -1 3-5
mills; general school rate, 1 1 10 mills;
S. S. No. 1, 1 3-5 mills; No, 3. 1 1-10
male; No. 4, 4-5 inill No. 5, 1,9 10 mills;
Na. 6, 3 mills; No. 7, 740 mill; No 10,1
• 740 mills; No, 13, 9 10 mine No. 14. 1
9-10 mills; No, 1 union; .2 I 2 mills; No,
9 union, 1 4-5 emits; separate, 2 1.2 mills.
Thos. Wiley was again appointed col-
lector. The following accounts Were
passed: -John Dinsdale, cement Sor
bridge, $22; J. McArthur, spikes, $3; J.
Arrnstrong, hammer handles, 50c.
Next meetineof Council on Monday,
Sept, 17.-jele Cams, Clerk.
OBITUARY, --012 Wednesday last,
. Aug. 8th, there p,assed away another
Of the old settlers of this township, in
the person of Gregor McGregor, in the
8Ist year of his age. Mr MeGregor had,
not been ailing more than mime until
Taesclay, when he began to show a
restlessness; but no pain; this contin-
ued till Wednesday, when he , passed
very quietly away. Deceased was a
native of Fearrnan, Perth 0o., Scot-
land, and emigrated with his parents
to Carlene in 1842, remaining in Drum-
mond township for about a year, They
then moved west and settled' in the
county of Huron in 1813 Gregor set
tied on lot 26, 3rd con. of Stanley, and
though not the original settler, did
most of the clearing thereon. He mar-
ried Catherine McFartane,`"and
by industry, prudence and economy,
wet e soon in cemfortable circuite-,
naances. He was a man who was quiet
and retiring, and did not take an active
part in public- affairs, yet was a close
observer of men and things, and was
generally well-informed. He was a
man of very decided convictions, a
kind and obliging friend and neighber.
Of a family of four, three still survive
him -Mrs Cameron, Riyersdale, Bruce
Co.; John, a bookkeeper in Chicago',
and Neil, who resides on the old home.
Ilieewidovv resides with her son Neil.
It, is worthy of note that the deceased
was the last of a family of thirteen who
Mlle to man's and woman's estate.
Three of them, Malcolm, Mrs Hunter
and the deceased, all died during, the
present year. A large number of
friends and acquaintances rnet on Fri-
day, 10th inset to pay their last token
of respect to the deceased by following
the remains to the place of interment
in Baird's cemetery. The funeral ser-
vices were conducted by Rey Mr Saw -
ere, Beneath], the pall bearers being
Alex. Innes, Finlay McE wen, Duncan
McEwen, John Cetneron, Wm, Scott
Intended for last week.
and. Geo. Baird.
with Mr Stoneman, was insured far
• ,$600. Mr Stonetna.n saved only a couple
of show cases and an eye glass test
' case, running. great risk of being
burned in so doing; he had an iusurance
of $1000 on stork. In Mr Stoneman's
store was also kept the Public Libiary,
every volume of which was lost; thie';
was valued at $1500, on which there
was only $100 insurance; -Mr Stone-
therreana also village clerk, and the'
corp,or tion having no safe, loses all
its books, by-laws, assessment roll, &c.
Mr Stoneman's safe has not yet been
Opened to see what. its contents are
like. The telephone .anency, kept by
Mr Stoneman, also sufferen. During
the tire IffcArth.ur 0o.• did nnt get in•
side theit building, but when their'safe
was epeued everything was found in-
tact They had an insurance of 8300
on building and il300 on contents, Mr
McPherson who hved above bre store,
lost his cicitlung and other, effect, as
well as his stock; his building and con•
tents were insared for $1600, Miss
Smith (recanted a building _owned by
Geo. McEwan, which was not insured,
her stcck being nearly all saved; ehe,
was avvay in Hamilton at the time of
the fire. The Oddfellows' block and
111cEwan's block were both damaged
to the•extent of About $1000. .The heat
tracked every plate glass an the opposs
ite side of the street, sane one, The
hanfi fire engine was worked with a
will, and urevented the spread of the
fiFe to other quarters.,
Goderich. Townshio.
Herten KILLED, -Wm. Craig had
the misfortune to lose a valuable horse
lately by cutting itself in the barb wire
fence ; it was cut so badly that it cons
sequentlybled to death. This kind of
a fence mine many an animal.
'DBATR..-.Atrain the. grim monster of
death has thrust his sickle in our midst
and removed, by death, little' Ruby
Retheveln daughter of leavvard Rath.
well ; she has been ailing for some
lime with inflammatory rheumatism
Which trirned to dropsy. The funeral
takes place on Friday. ,
REVIVING. -We are very glad fo
be able to state ehat Geo Middleton,
who leas been ie ill with typhoid, fever
and congestion of the lungs, that his
life hung in the balance for several
days, is dow‘on a fair way of recovery,
a fact his many friends are exceedirit,-
ly glad. to know. .
MtisT STOPPED. -For some time
Pnreons have been in the habit of tak-
ing sand from along the fr John
Woon's farm, to the injur•y of his
fences.' :Ile has previously given notice
that this, must be stopped, but the
notices have heretofore been disregard-
ed ahe wants it distinctly .understood
that if the poacher is not stopped, legal
proceedings will be taken to stop him.
Noans.-- Arthur Curry and Miss
Sophia Hodie, of the 71h con., Sunday -
ed at Peter Cole's, Hanley Cantelon
dispesed of three fine three year old
steers to Nathan Peck, nf Stanley, it a
good figure; also George Hanley de-
livered two to the same buyer. Mies
Mabel Cole, who hat been sojourning
in our litcality for a lew weeks, return-
ed to her home in Galt last Friday.
A darkey is travelling arcund this
neighborhood lecturing in our school
houses on slavery; this learned gentle-
man says be was a slave for twenty-
one years and has ati experience of it.
Chas. Tebbutt Made us a hasty call on
Tuesday. John Cluff's family, Bass
Ling, are entertaining a young gentle-
man from I3oston at present, Miss
Sat ah Wilson, of Toronto, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Sarah Elliott. Miss
Annie Elliott is home from Philadel-
phia, wheta she has been for several
years. Mise Jennie Marshall gave itil
le. cream, secial Tuesday • evening in
honor el her sistee Lena leaving for
Toronto next morning; we may say
the youth and beauty of the neighbor-
hood assembled there and were hand -
scrawly entertained. Wm. Wise, of
Sault Ste Marie, is visiting at the
leaven toil •ho rn e.
• •
Londesnoro. , •
Noris. -Miss Verna Hiles spent Sun-
day in Kincardine. Mises Verna
Hiles and Lilly Austin took in the an.
excursion to Goderich and were
accompanied by Miss • Kirkcon-
nell. Miss Wright, of London, is the
guest of Mies Loa Onitnette. Masters '
John and Percy Jeffrey wheeled up to
Wingham on Tuesday to spend a few
days there With friends. Miss Willi-
son of London, returned home • on
Wednesday after attending her uncle's.
funeral. The creamery made a ship -
Ment of butter on Wednesday to Sc.
Marys. Rabert Cole, west of the vil-
lage, lost a valuable mare last Tuesday
&dna the effecte of the heat. e They
were working three horses on the bind-
er and the centre one suddenly
dropped and died shortly after. Apple
barrels are now on the move again.
Butter has taken another advance.
Ihe hot spell was adddenly checked on
Saturday evening and Sunday. The
rain had a cooling effect - ib has
stopped harvesting for a few days but
dida lot of good. Dr. Campbell, of
13rooklin, formerly of Seafotth, was in
the village one day lately, Arch. Cad-
ZOW• formerly of Hullett and Clinton,
le making a visit among his friends
here ; his home is in Buffalo and he
came to the funeral of his brother-in-
law, Gavin Hamilton. e-Henrn Cottle,
from Northern Michigan, is paying a
visit, to friends in Hullett at present ;
he formerly resided on the 12th con.,
of Hallett. Dr. W. Barkwell,. of Ohi.
cago arrived here on Monday evening;
he Is on the sick list and is Visiting his
Mother and eister,Mrs W. Mies. Mas-
ter Howard Adams left here on Satur.
day evening for Collingwood; he is go-
ing to sail on the northern lakes for a
While, in the employ of the Northern
Navigation • Co. Frank Mc(laughy,
south of the village, finished harvest
on Saturday and then got all thkshed
out on Tnesda this is doing thin up
hurry ; T bear, his bor,
did likewise on Saturday and Vrednes.
W. 8, WOman'e hilislonary
NOTBs,-Peter Campbell, who has
been quite ill, is, we are glad to aay,
able to be around again. Angus Mc-
Donald,. who has been ill for several
weeks, is also able to be around again.
Miss (lassie Martin, of Galt. is at pres-
ent visiting her cousins, the Messrs Mc-
Pherson. Miss R,oxy Hetherington
has returned from visiting friends at
Ripley', accompanied by her cousin,
Miss Greta Ptitchard. Misses Mary
Murra,y, and Mary and May Cameron
are visiting their aunt, Mrs McDonald,
of Belmore. Miss M. O. Rutherford
has returned from visiting friends at
Kinlough. Mrs Sas. MeDonald and
family, of Guelpb, are visiting at Sas.
McDonald's, On the 9th con. Miss
DaviaeZetlan.d, • is at present tine guest
of Miss Minnie Ramage. Mrs Gordon,
who was visiting friends in this vicin-
ity, has returned to her'hospital duties
at Ann Arbor, where she is in training
for a nurse, 'Miss Walker, of Tees -
water, who has been visiting Miss Mc-
Phereori, returned home last week.
Miss V. E. Gordon has returned home
Prone an extended visit to friends in
Grielnee Galt and eleewhere, mking
V, ler foi4 her trip. NI PS Miller has
.arned from visiting friends in God.
e, eh, Miss Salkeld is at present vis-
it ng in the Circular town. Geo, Clark
b ,A returned to Lochalsh, after Spend -
his vagatinn under the parental
n, if: • Misses MCCrostie and
(if - were the gueets of Mrs
II etherington last week. Mrs tanner -
o•,, from near Guelph, arid her da ugh -
f; Mrs Latkviey, f Mount oreet, are
'kiting friends in this vicinity. Rev
Chas. Rutherford and Donald Rutber,
ford were in Goderich this week. A
number from the itah . con, east and
soine from the village picniced at Lake
linron on Monday. We congratulate
Messrs Isaac and Rob Millar on their
sticcess at the recent examinations.
rs McLaughlin, of Auburn, and. Mrs
Moody, Lucknow, were visiting:Mrs
Merdoch this week. Miss E„ Homuth,
Winsinun, is at present visiting her
cousins, the Migses Rutherford.
NOTEs.-Dayid Gledhill, Kincardine
is visiting his brother, A. S.
B. Straughan and H. Gledhill have re•
turned to Toronto, after spending a
few hOlidays with friends.
Awn:Am-What might haye been.
titasyetrioazidkitts ogirarefleocindiSeawtuars-
out driving with three little boys of
this vicinity a 'orb of the harness
broke', causing the 'horee to run away.
No one was hart, fortunately, though
the rig Was badly de.maged.
Norns.-Wm. Blake had. the miii.
fortune of toeing a Vahlable Working
horse by sun -stroke on the 81h • while
enttinct oafs the horse staggered and
fell and died inside of an hour. liar.'
vest is nearly over and is great many
e threshing their peas in the field,
The rain that fell on Saturday wag
motch needed as the ground was very
hard, Sohn Kernighan, who had hie
leg broken in haying time, re nearly
wi-11‘again and intends going back to
2ND Atm 3RD OON, No'rEs.-Mrs Mill-
er, Wiarton, sister of Donald Smith,
Clinton, was visiting friends and ac,
quaintances On the 2rid last Week, r.
Higgins, wife arid Wilily. are Spending
a few days with J3. R. Higgins. Mal.
McEtven and wife. and Sas. Allienhead
and wila ft ger anesday for Kent 0o.
to visit s elat Ives, Miss Jean 13aird, ert,
Paul, Minn., was visiting here and in
Brueefield last week; she rs a daughter
of.David Baird, St.. Paul. Mrs Clire-
riere, Grand Bend, spent a few days
with Mee Oriiirrehisin last week. Wrn.
Graham left on Wednesday for the old
conntry with a load of cattle.
• SUmmerhill. •
Notgs.-Sehool reopens on Monday
net, Atte, 20, and it inelesirable *that
there be a full attendance, so that all
may have an even beginning in the
work for ;be term, Miss Corn Bran-
don, of Wipe:Ye, was the guest of her
friend, Miss' Winuie Thompson, lest
week. Miss 011ie Nesbitt is Visiting,
friends in and around Holmesville.
NOTES. -Mrs (Dr.) Hotham has re-
turned after visiting Staab, friends.
Miss Annie Milson has returned from
Detroit and is paying her parents an
extended visit. Miss Sarah, Jamieson,
of Brussels, is spending holiday° at her
hOrne here. W. B. Coon is repairing
and painting his blacksmith_ shop
John Britton suffered the loss of a yal-
liable horse, caused, it is Supposed, by
drinking too much water while being
A ProxgEn GoNa.- Still another
pioneer eettler has pamed averessin the
person. of Thomas William', which
event took eelage Sunday lase at his
home neat here. He was a great suf-
ferer. for soma time, a complication of :
disease having' set in which he bore
with wonderful patience. His partner
in life predeceased him some years
ar/O. He wus a, statmeh 'Ftesbyterlatt
and did much for the canse. Mr Willi-
son leaves a family of two sons and
four daughters who will mourn the
loss of a loving parent. The remains
were lam to rest in Dime' cemetery
Tnesday last.
his home in Goderich on Tuesday' Pitasotrato-Miss Mick, who lately
returned from Beta° to visit her par-,
In killed, *minded and prisoner e taken ants and friends in general, starte for
the Doer. Milli have lost well nigh 110006. her home in Buffalo lorlday muffing,
firior year in savaneet
re1.00 when not so paid.
will be realized during the heated
term it you use
Antiseptic Powder,
a discovery which cures sore, tender
aching, perspiring, tired, burning or
swollen feet.
Post Powder keeps the el °ea
sweet, dry and wholesome. We
know what it is, and tilerefore know
what we recce:mend. 25c per
box, from us only
• Prescription
hone 2 "e Drug Store
Society has recently been organized in
connection with the Methodist church
of this plade, with the following ofticeree
Mrs Coupland, Pres.; Mrs W. Hiles, let
Vice; Mrs Parimen 2nd•ViceeMrs Asb-
ley, Secretary. The neat meeting will
be held the first Thuraday • in bepterca
berain the leteement of the church,
and the ladies of the congregation are
cordially invited toarttena.
• • RolMenvIlle •
. ' Ngw OrtGANs.-C. Gravel!, east of
this village, has lately bought nice
six octave piano cased organ from 0,
Hoare, �f Clinton: nansic store.
Unnesal SOLD. -Director Jas.. Clan-
' *nolly, of Holixtesville cheese. factney,
sold the last balf of July make to •• the
Ingersoll Pecking Company for 10a •
cents pee 'lb. It was shipped On: Mon-
SuxernoxE.-Last veeek while John
IVIcOartuey was out workirre in, the,
harvest field, he sustained what seetn-
ed to be.a rsunstroke, being rendered
unconscious atte was hurridly taken .
honee, and a elector surciinoned, with
the result that be was brought aroused
all right.
.1SS Jennie M arquis, Ann
Arbor, is home for a short visit. T. 0.
and Mrs Plaited were in Daimler) frr
a couple of days,last week. Miss Alice
Stanley is home after a few weeks'
stay in Goderich, Alta Rudd and fam-
ily, Clinton, are visiting Miss B. Ford.
L. A. Rose, wife and daughter, Fargn,
N. D. are visiting at H. Elford s.
W, McRoberts, Mitchell,- and. Rey a..
0, Farrell, Kincardine, supplied last
Sunday morning and evening respect-
ively, in the absence of the pastoi A.
J. Courtice and ,Hey A. K. 'Birks will
officiate next nuncley. School opened
Monday. Rev A. le, Birks, London, it; ,
spending a month's holidey here. Rev
J. Greene and wife are visiting friends
lit Caledonia and Hamilton. Miss S.
Holmes has returned from her visit to
Bruesels, Miss E. Holdsworth rides a
new wheel.
• West Wawanosh.
COneicare-Oouncil met according to a
adjournment. the Reeve in the Chair.
The minutes of last meeting were read '
and approved. The Reeve and 'Treas.
urer were empowered to borrow the
sum of $600 for 4 months for township
purposes, The estimates for the year
were struck at $2275, and the rates 2
mills for township purposes and Ise for
.county. The Clerk was instructed to
send for engineer to examine Young's
dram. The following cheques were .
• issuedr-P. Welsh, gravel and gravel-
ling, $37.50; J. Gaunt, repairing bridge
on con. 11, .50e; James Allen, gravel,
$3 20; Mr Ryan, hauling tile, $2; As k
V. Sproule, table, Ii2; James Bryan,
printing, $25; W. Miniver], gravel,
$10,16; MrS Al. camphell. gravel, 82,801
J. Miller, bridge, con. 14, le.), grettungE
and N. boundary,' 050; P. Smeltzer,
gravel, $5.64; W. Campbell, gravel, •
51(18; M Champion, gravel, $7,44; D.
McDonald; bridge N 13, $25,50; Win.
inepecting Young's drain
and 1 clay to Goderich, $1-; . R. Medd,
inspecting Young's drain rend3 days to
Goderich, $8; 0, Taylor. inspecting
Yoting's drain, $2, P. O'Connor, in-
specting Young's drains • e2i Clerk, 1
day to Goderich re Young's drain, $2.;
Geo. Ward, burying dead lamb, PiOc;
D. D. Murray, burying dead eheep,50c;
Ed. Fowler,. gravel, •$4 20. Council!,
adjourned to meet on Monday, Oct. 8
at 10 o'clock. - W. S. MC(3RoSTX11,
township clerk.
,0-,0•60 0 -0<",0 (>0 • O. (
To ine busy man an scour.
ate watch is a necessity -
not a luxury as some seem
to think. To utilize stray
Moment of premons,time,
to meet trains, keep ap•
pointments, in loot to be
alwaye On ttn3,0 .0n0 muSI
htiVe a good Watch. Prop
in and let us talk Watohes '
to 3,011; we ate practical
watoh repeirers and yon
can have the benefit of our•
20 years' experience with.
out charge. rf you have is
watch which nee& cleans
ing, has any part broken
or lost, or one whit* has
'been ruined by incompet-
ent workmen, bring it tO us
and We Will telt you jest
What it wants and what it
will cost you.
Watches examined, regulated
Outset to corrett time FREE of
S1.10000100 t.0 ;00.• niddlioontbi