The Clinton New Era, 1900-08-03, Page 7o
Soothes the Itritated
bowels, .settles the stom-• •
ach, gives prompt relief
, from, prevents 0131 -
laps, and cures Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, Cholera,
Cramps, Colic, Summer
.:Complaint, Cholera Infan,-
film, Nursing Sore Mouth
of Infants and all bowel
complaints of young and
old more safely and speed-
ily than any other reinedy.
Mr. John L. Carter, ofBridgetown, Mrs. Middleton Wray writes from
N.S., in the following. letter, tells Schomberg, Ont., as follows: "Dr.
how it saved his life: -"I had suffer. Fowler's Extract of WildStrawberry
ed with dysentery foefourweeks and is the best remedy I know of for
could get nothihg to cure me. I then Summer Complaint • and Bowel Das.
tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild eases of children-. I bevabsed it in
. Strawberry, and I feel that it saved , our family for the past seventeen
my life. It restored me to health years andnever had occasion to call
when everythingelse failed. I con- in the doctor for these troubles, as
eider it a wonderful remedy that the Fowler's Extract lways worked
should have a place in every hone." .like a charm." • •
Always ask tor Dr. Fowler's Exwmet of Wild Strawborre and moo
• substitutes or imitations.
• ..
The Shrewd Triels Which a
Thrlfti gemona Got Ilia 71S,Q0Q
Across One Hundred. and Twenty
Miles of Wild and I.onely. Ronal
Nevada to a Railroad. .6
"When I wile Attending to business la
Pioche, Nev., a good mane years ago,"
seal a veteran miner, "the town was 120
miles from a railroad and lecke(' a good
many of the otitunente et a real high
civilization. But the motley part of It
was well represented, and among the
lucky chaps was Fred Schuster, a thrifty
German from Frisco, wile wandered
out there and eoppered the brewing bolsi- -
nese, He haa a brewery which, hosvever
good it might have been as a producer ot
beer, showed 'promiee enough for him to
get $75,000 In cash out of it, not to•men.
den a lacte. or two, and rred concleded
at once te get out with his money and go
back to the luxury of San Francisco.
"It was\ easy enough to talk about, but
there was that 120 miles over a wild and
lonely road, and Pioche just at that time
held 25" road agents who needed about No medical aid was lacking,
a7a,000 ht their business and were hang- The warvents answered his ring,
ing around waiting for the Dutchman to Respectfully heard bis (*dere -
start for the railroad with his stuff. They And auppliedhim with everything.
didn't care for the notes especially, but
• they did want that cash, and wanted it. Put still bere was something wanting,
bad enough to have spilled blood tor it. •
Someing he couldn't command:
Schuster knew all this as well as they
did, and at the same time he did not let
up on his proposition to get out of towli.
"The boss saloon keeper and politician
Don't Stop
takingScOtt'S Emulsion be,.
cause. Ws Warill weather.
Keep taking it until you arIt 'wiII e
beat your tongs mi.
give you rich bloodinsum.
met as in, winter.. Mt:, 04
liver oil made. easy. •
• 110o. sod $ L All drusilsts,
Worse than •lliarrlauei
it Bachelor, old and OralikY.
• Wee sitting atone in his loam,
Hie toes with the goes were aching
And bis faoe o'erapread with gloom
No little °nee' shouts disturbed him,
From noisee the Innate was free ;
In faot, from attic to cellar,
'Twaa quiet es quiet could be,
• The kin ly worde of compassion,
Theameth ole- gentle hand.
No loving wife to cherieli
Eits many cares and sorrow,
of the town was named Idynch, and he Oh 1 it world Of lonliness
was a good friend of Schuster'. So was To dream of the coming morrow.
the livery stable keeper, Travers, and _.
Travers had a pair of fine horses that .A,wake, old bachelors, /tie time,
could go the distance better than any- And do not live alone,
thing in that country. The three friends Awake to A sense of ditty
talked the matter over, and next day And offer some girl a home.
Schuster' announced that be would cele..
Then he said, as his #brow grew darker,,
brute his departure, which was to ,oceue
And he rang for the hiding aurae,
• on Tuesday of the following week, a "Well, marriage aybe a failure,
wide open banquet the Friday night be-
/3ut tbis iit a blamed sight worse,"
fore at the hall oyer Lynch's saloon. In •
the meantime 'Lynch came to me and told Composed by J. PERCY COLE, GOderieh tr.
• , ..
me to hold. myself in readiness to go at a
minute's notice to, a mine of his a dozen•
or so miles down the road to put up a
-• i• JDOCTORS, ,
"The banquet came off ' according to Mr L Reynolds,of 39 Queen SLOttawa,
• announcement and was the biggest social writes • "I have been a constant' sufferer
function that Pioche had ever known. • from Catarrh with dropping in tlia throat,
, All the town was out, including . every- :&c., for some time. My clootor. said an op.
: . CURT 1 R 18 RS. ,pagne 'flowed like water. Schuster was Qatarrhozone rid me of my trouble." Oat -
The & L. Menthol Plaster ie the most
le,rgely sold in Canada. For backache end
all muscular ream thereat nothing alma to
it, Each Plaster inan air -tight tin, 25e.
Davie & I:47mm 00., Ltd., maker%
ROW TO SAVE APPLES,- it is sai d
that, the eel heated annuul lose to apple
and peatavrovvers in Canada by the
ravages of the codlin moth runs up to
thousands of d a damage. 'the
pion recOmmended as OR at i Motive in
eaten' initiating the pest is to tie a band.
age dround each tree and destroy the
tat vite deposit therein, eyerv two weeks
during July and August. Tbis is a very
sirnple and ittexpensiveprocedal e,
which all ot chard owners should adopt.
The larvae or worms of the first brood
aie just commencing to enter t he ap-
ples now, and it is very necessary to
have the bands put on tLe trees at
once. The present dry warm Weather
is especially suitable for their protium). -
tion, and Indication points tea a heaVY
loss from this source if prompt mea-
sures ate not taken. There never vas '
• better promisa-of a ct op,nor of larger
demand abroad for Canadian apples
and pears. It cannot, therefore, he
too strongly urged on growers to take
the precautions suggested to save tbe
• fruit.
road agent in the place, and the &am-
eration weuld be necessary, but the uee pf
. Lasting Impreseiou the,BieM.
Ellett Ter-ry will play , sum, •
i a it—thi k of that •will'
you, fn Pioche. over 25 rears ago, and
there n a. ress n iirrliozoise is a new seientifio treatment
, tubed/ offered to shoot holes in it! The
• ory the Piece mares. mer.- • ; Bronchitis. Sold everywhere. Trial ,,,0
guaranteed to cure (laterite. 7Astbma end
Chance. and a rainy night fteina, a ha- Viole Ahen will rest at her cottage •ht hoSt °reed the feettaities, se, to speale, • fit sent to any address for 10o in stairipe by
• lie box party at • a frugal repast of 'old ,Greet.Neca, N. Y. . aa which began at 7 in the evening, and by N, C. Polsou & pot, liingstou,Ont.; Propral
fashioned melodrama. Thera was the -Joseph Grisiner is turning "Way DOWu . 10 o'.clock most eyerYbody vras daink, eters, • '
"real thing". villain doing. a bovine stride East" into anovel. . , including Shuster, who. seemed to be
across 'the stage and masticating his Mabel rimy take Lblit_Glaaeta,v drunaer than anybody. ;' Aboitt this time, Crude • ic
needed a three coarse dinnea. more"The Vieerey" Will, be the principal otie dan't drink to excess, tied, going down °.
Twentieth yearkegins tejt, lith.
Broadly planned
courses of study
with thoroughly
competent .,.stalf
of teachers
s. cho-
larship in College
Art, Elocution.
81 eas el Do •estic Science, modern and
Homelike appointments., good board, cheer-
ful rooms, personal over-sightin habits, man-
ners, care room. '
A iesidental college like Alma nffords best
conditions fora young lady's education.
The constant aim of our oollee iscom-
bine the care of the mother with the
guidance and the pastors regard. ' •
For illustrated catalogue, address
Rev. N. I. Waraer,PrInciaal4
July 20-6 St. Thomas, Ont,
Lab Erie Navigation Co. limited
The quickest and. raost direct .
route to
via Pt.- Stanley. •
' Thorough fare front Clinton oati way
$3.50, return Bettina ticket valid for
one month. -
Special rates going Saturaaa and return-
ing 1Illosiday. • '
I Boat leaves Pt. ;Stanley. 'en Sundays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 p.m.
said on Saturdays at 1, . ,
:For tickets &mita Mier information apply
G. T. R. agetits, or write ,
Asst. Gen.• Fees. Agt. Manager,
ijiimau • whiskers, it frail gita wit& looked Like -alL'° :Place the Francis 'Wilson company.. I was called out, being duly seber, as I' wretrzieutn has been strap :on WalkervilleeOn•t.
the husband for whore she was pining . era in the reaeetory et:the Bostonians stairs, 'found- Lynch at the aide deer with • David B. Leaveris is to belga:minted post-
Notice,to Creditors..
and the foreman of a mine who was de- .neat seaeon. Travel's' team of bays bitched to a• bug- piaster at Belleville, •
Among the characters that ,T. FL. Dad gy. There was nobody around the .
termined to die honorably. in and for the -Ed. Warren Groom is dead at St. Oath. „
In the inattei tile estate of Thomas Cook,
late of the township Of GOderich, in the county
of Huron, yeeman, decenied. Notice is hereby
given, pursuant -to El 0 1807 Cap. 120, sec 86
and amending acts, that all' persons hating
claims against the estate of Thomas Cook, late,
of the said township of Godorich, yeoman, de-
ceaCd. who lireedjnreodrtabsoeittd til)le 2082 dayol
Iday, 1000, are n y p propaid
or neater ta the undersigned, solicitor for the
administrators of the said estate on or before
the first day of September 1900, their names
addresses, descriptio.ns and'a full statement f'
particulars -of their claims properly verified,
and the nature of the security (if any) held by
them. And notice 18 fbuerrt,11e40.glIvien Tatniiftter.
tors will pToceedot Pto September,
said deceased among the parties entitled there-
altail then fiZaerit
liable for the assets so distributed or any part
thereof to any person or peroons of whose
claims they shall not then have notice.. Dated
at Ohnton, in the Connty. of Ewen, this 16th
day; of July, 1900.
• W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont.,
Solicitor for the Toronto General Trusts Cor-
poration, the Administrators.
• July 20-8
• love of somebody. * . son will assame In ilia contemplated' etreets, aiid I wondeled w at y c as orgies. He was a promtnent greoer. I
ever saw?" asked one:. vaudeville venture will be that of Riche - doi th Instead 1 b 1 t the b
(met, where Iliad seen him not half an •
"Do you remember the first show you • • ng ereo e ng a - e an- ;
A Great Builder.—The D. and L. Empl- ,
"Yes. It was 'Hazel Kirke.' The allow , a. ' t hour before.' He weeted to know if 1 siou of Cod Liver Oil ia'a great builder It 1
: maneBergerat, author cif "More Ilan gives weighty add healthy flesh, and over
, came. to my little home town up in MaKie. Queen," has 'written a comedy, "Le Cap. was ready to start at once for the mine. •
opines any downward tetideney 6health. '
My guardian took me to see it. For two -- ' ' and although at was entirely unexpected,
weeks after it left I haunted our old mill- 1 promptly told .him 1 %Iola I didn't have Vailvi° a Lawreleee Coo Ltd., makers. i
Juane Bleniet," tbat Antoine will pro. t
• •
dam looking for young tales who might On my working 'clothes, Wit that didn't Armed motet in New ()deem are still ,
tall into it. I became so infernal moebid L?uls. N. Parker's Version of Ros- count for much there. He got out, and searching for the negroe who shot two
'the doctor took ir for liver complaint and will be in four
got .in and .before I had got myself 41i th h
cemen ere.
av.1, tand's L'Aiglon" the Play
filled me full of calomel. •My sisters had acts instead of five, and blank verse will
ey ave already
fixed Schuster. in his."ess suit and asFII three negroes and probably
I c the original alexendrines '
.afterevarcl. I swallowed a hunk of the I •Maude A.danis went iota times in sue. joined us •hurriedly and got into the bug- .
Sleepless Nights, caused by a -Tamil-Mt
stuff and wai4lialivated for a month." • eissiou to see"L'Aiglon," and SarahBern. gy with.. me. He had .a light overcoat
rasping cough. Pyny-Peotoral a inekly our was 'Ranch No, 10,' or some- hardt gave her it supper, with a kora of around ais shoulders that he put on be -
a can forget the play. For an hour before '• Eddie Foy, who did not go to Leaden . fore he sat dotve. P didn't quite under- 88 she most severe eoughe. It soothes,
stand what Schuster -had. to do with the heals;:neyer fails to cure. , Manufaotured
atbleg like that," said another. "I neYer distinguished actors and authors. •
by the propritors of Perry Deals' Pain -
the curtain rose I sat in the gallery front alter all, will appear flet year, it is an.
, pump, but •before I could ask any ques-
row and tried to look through the drop nounced, in a Play of Which be is himoelr tains Lynch toll me he would explain T.1111°.
:.• curtain. It seemed like an, age. At last the author. Its name Will be "A Night In . after we get started and mitt it was time . A plot to . release prisoners tOrfinecl
t :the miehole opened and the orchestra Tosve." a • tor Us to be off. ' • - in the penitential y at •Alleghenta_Pa.,
- came' up. That in itself was a ,hit with • George Broadhurst luta written another :: "We drove away slowly and quietly, as by tunnelling intO the institution; has
me. Where they came from Was pest un- fared, to which has. been 'given the title' Schuster said he didn't want to wake up. just been discovered. Berkmari. the
-derstanding. Nebody near me seemed to "The IlOuse Thai Jack Built?' Mrs. An : the rake, and as soon as we got beyond • Anarchist, who shot H.C. Frick during
, know, but when the leader blew his . Me Yedmans and Thomas Wise ProbabrY the town he told me we were to drive to • the hornet; ead strike in 1892, is one of
• breath against space and thousands of will head the producing cast. : . the railroad and that • he had his traps the prisoners. , •
lights burst Into bloom, I grabbed hold of Nearly every alieatrical proaactioti of and his $75,000 In gold in the buggy. This Me Arthur Barns, Rook mil. Ont:,
the railing and held oe. • T had no idea recent years having, the word "girla as a *as more than niy contract called for, varitei : "I was laid up With stiff joints
when the wheels would Mole and the part of its title has preyed to be a sue .- but I wasn't going to back out then, and for atou: four years, and could get no re.
whole theater swim off into eternitY to cess. T next girl to be exploited will hitting the lunges a lick we flew almag the lief until' I used three bottles of Hagyardat
a taffy pulling4Loue house a few nights reF a e • • sober as. I thought before he was drunk, fatally wounded twelve othere.
•• Rum 27th to Sept. Sth, 1000. •
the maxi° that rippled under us yet al, e .1 ' G " d like a cyclone. I bad always want- Yellow 0 w o cure e. rum .
iw 0 Months an.' ten days in j.ail at Ilan.- The
aurching from side to side, like a ship in Mr. Rudolph Aronson has now forma- ed $7------------------------ce poettcal
ready the great wonderful building was
lated his plans for the establishment of kind of it Bulb of Monef to have, but
meat came the sharp, keen tinkle f American roof gardens in Vienna. The ' now, that I did have it I never was
-a storm, Through the mass of enchant-
' 1 c i ha ---- -----lti0t-da - arran h bcompleted imore uncomfortable. ' I knew that if
getnent as been n con-
•of sonnds just as the swirling melody in S • the those road agents discovered Pe:buster's
the orchestra pit swooned away. I wee imPeritil musical director of Austria.
at the time devouring a bag of dates • • E.
Henry Patterson was sentenced to
• lbe 1. It stru k fito atom> a mu u e junctign with Herr Edouard Strauss,
vvheu some bronzed denizen of the docks • B E BUZZES.
eane d over the tier ab ve nie and grab-, '
bed the bag. 'I was about • to -protest
when he made such a hideous face at me
I sneaked away down to the oteer end of
the seat and remained breathless. Again
the bell tinkled, and up went the curtainl
A vision of lovellaese smote me to the
heart! You could have run over me with
-a hose wagon, and I would have been
glad. My lower jaw fell, my eyes opened,
and the rest of the night I was in a
"From a woods where trees grew In
- velvet stepped out a. human being that
WAS not all human. He was part, divin,e,
- wearing boots that looked ten feet high.
"His hair curled in unison with his
mustache, and across that stage he strode
'. like a king.. •
"It was am:laming. 'Still I knew that
,sonievidtere en earth8 people svelked like
that. arPerhaps in the palaces I had read
about in the yellow backs. Somehow I
seemed to have a faint recollectiah , of
• them and to have been among them, but '
that was thousands.f years Waite,' a
"I was 'with him,' for he had no more
idea of fearahan a mouse has of Thanks.
giving day, 1. followed him through
duels with pistols and with swords. I
saw him killed thaeo times, and three
times he aecended and -went back to
work. I marked the villain and- would
have gladly gone around to the aetage en-
trance and put him on to what- was be-
ing framed up, for hint had r known
there was a stage entrariee. But'
lived to see that saints villain get worse
treatment at the hazels of my ideal than
ever it herniae got from ite buster and
went borne full of benigti gratitude.
"That night my pilot,' was dampened
with tears. of joy as the events. Of the
evening paraded themselves across the
imagitiation. It wag the initial night of
my life, wherein virtue and manhood
triumphed and villainy got its reward.
Since that time I have seen so many
pictures on the same line mid all do.bad•-
ta out 61 drawing that the first one Wanes
• all the clearer, and I am indeed thankful
for that lint evening with ohs neople of
• 4.1tanch No.
Every hive should have an alighting
place of some kind in trout M the bees.
The frames of comb that generally con-
tain pure honey are mostly •found in the
outside combs.
Care should be exercised when taking
comb honey to drive the bees from it at
once and get the honey as soon as possi-
ble. •
The first eyinpthme we have indicating
that drone laying queens are invading the
hive Is theirregularity of the eggs in the
• Iloney that has been. allowed -to be-
come thoroughly ripened before being
taken out is much better than that which
is taken out as aeon as it is capped.
In every cade 'where comb': is to be
built furnish the bees with foundations,
and use full sheets, in the broad frames
especially, and the same may be used in
sections. • • •
• If old colonies are required with young
• queens 14 the tearing, swarming Will be
greatly lessened during the season end
the coloniee become stronger. The result
is more honey.
Examine the hives now, and if you do
not find brood in all stages it Is it sign
that the queen is dead. In that case take
a frame of brood from another hive, and
the bees will rear a queen for thOMSCIVOS,'
—St. Louis Routine. •
A•plOt to assassinate the Smvernor
a Santiago, Ramon Caceres, has been
discovered, and 85 of the conspirators
IntVe been imprisoned, Several mill.
tar # officers are involved,
ttaRtated t 113,000,000 had been
Itgthe Brit noose of 0090900(15 lb
o sperided fellable- relief in India
durkttg the last two yOites,• .
John E €ttb1ln, istfietintandeith of
Ohlesisirn teiebhone sylitem,died amide*,
w o,n the train near Bucarus, Ohio,
illon, Re wither/ a store in Dundee, I Country's
and then "broke jail." INDUSTRIAL FAIR
8101 3 money from the Salvation Anny, Greatest
All the lateat novelties. Many direct from
The Marvellous resources of our own
Codntry thoroughly exploited.
absence or guessed that he had skipped
they would be after us on horses, and I
did not like the idea of ,being chased for -
it few' dozen miles and being shot ont'ot a
buggy.. I would have much preferred not
to have the $75,000. It was a fine night
for driving, just warm enough, and as we
kept the horses up to the best the road
would allow we kept Our ars turned
backward for the sound of hoofbeats,
and each of U•S had two revolvers in easy
"We stopped for breakfast 40 miles
from •Pioche, Schuster ' changing .his
clothes as we drove the last mile or two.
We gave our teem a good rest, with tai
eye on our bogy ail the time'and at
noon we Ittatted again, making 40 miles
by dark, and the next day we reached '
the railroad ia time to catch the train for
Salt Lake City. I went there. witli
&Mister, and hs we pulled , out of the
station an knew we mul the $75,000
were safe, Schuster tapped himself on
the head with a' peculiar German smile
and said: 'aleppe 1 vas a Dutchmen vat
don•Id know sconediags•.aber nicht.' Then
he waved his hand steward Pioche la
farewell. Ile ivaeted inc to • go to Frisco
anti stay it year with him, but 1 had oth.
er business to attend„to. 'When I got back
to my temn tour days later, they were as
good as ever, and I went into Pioche as
though I • had not driven more than a
dozen miles, bat everybody knew where
I had heel'. The road agents had very
little to say, but one of them told me, In
speaking ineidentally of Schuster, that ha
hated a Ilan". -
Just What Ile Thought.
Recently it gentleman took a poem to an
editor who was his dram at school.
"It hurts me,
old fellow," said the edi-
tor, "to woundyour feelings, but, truly,
We are so overstocked with poetry that it
Is uiselese to read yours, 'We can only'
accept what shows uninistakable genital."
"Well, just mad that poem," said the
schoolmate, "and tell me what you think
of it. It mar prove better than you 190
"It la AS I feared," replied the editor,
after readieg the poem. "The, poem
shoWs promise whateven rardon me,
but it is simply absurd and utterly use,,
"That's just What I thought," •replied
the sehoolmatea, "It's a oily of some
verses you wrota in my autograph album
While we were at school together."
Don't allow the 'fowls to drink Stagnant
The plumage of old fowls tends to
shade lighter. ,. • •
- More meat and better Meat and in a
'shorter tlme can be produced from poul-
try then frOin any other source.
• At this time it is usually, it good plan
to cull out and tell all the young &lanes
• that will weigh two pounds, except those
wanted for breeding. •
Other things bellig equal, A hood fed
with cooked food will grow faster. he
More plump and better feathered than
one raised on raw grain. •
One of the best things to feed to young
and 'growing chickens and turkeys is
curd Ina& from 4sour milk. There la no
danger of feeding too much.
Crowding the hens compete theta to
eonmete and etruggie for room and for
food. When no croWded, the weaker
ones Wilt beentne weaker and the itrong
ones etronger.--St. Louie Republic.
"fr the lorovincial Analyst has found
' Brantford water satisfactory in every
TO SAIrlil HER °Etna)
rteM frightfel aiefigeteMent Mrs Nan-
nie Galleater, of La Orange, Ge., itioaa
oppnea Buokien's Arnica Salve to gr4at
sores on her head attid lade, and writes int
gulch curt stoteded all her hopes, It
?flake wrdilee in ifirea, Ionises, skin eratok
• tions, si Mid ono. 2$e
edit gnatalliaaa hylell druggist..
There was a turnip hoeing bee Monday
afternoon at the farmof Mr Frank Simmons
Guelph townehip. The turnips were in
shape to hoe, aod the neighbors thought
they would give bim a lift. Eighteen of
them started in the morning and heed six
acres and a half. After the bee Mr and
Mrs Simmons hospitably. entertained the
hoers. Then a sexual evening was orient
in games and dancing, All went home
Well pleased with the work they had per.
formed andahereception they had received.
Mr Gsorge Clayton was master of cer-
monies, and conducted the affairs to the
utnmet Batiefaction,
Brilliant and realistic battle Declaim:le 1
The siege of Mafeking land also the relief
•Timely &ravel of Canadiair Artillery.
: Entries close august 4th.
• , Excursions on ell Unwed travel.
rot .prize Hata, entry formr, etcaa address
Andrew Smith, V.R.C.V S.. J. 11111President. Manager. Toronto.
Aulgust 8, 1900
a vs. e
9 00 lbws
bbbbb 1 010000!0000011111101110110101 0001100 lllll 111
tabkVrePalratiOn rOr AS.1
544(104 theTeodondlzkegula-
Lug thrziongichs anctLioeis of
tinjamiiiNIA Oilt
ppudi,morphine nor mural.
ness andRest.Cohtains neither a
11 • 11
..74raire de c Dr5017aPIIMI?
Bunpkin Ste4-
Reaer4Sark -
Ado Satz •
Appermint -
^ jtim Seed -
07,744 I Swap .
gliziforpofn, Ram
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea.
WorniS gonvitisions ,feverish. -
[less and Loss or SLEEp.
. mac sirnite signature of
I z
• 330TTT.1 OF'
Oastoria is put up. In aware bottles only. It
is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on'the plea or promise that -ft
Is "jest as good,' and "will answer every parO.
Pose," area See that you got 0 -A -84 -0 -11 -I -A.
1,44,Is oa
• supper. •
•••••••••• esessee iseseame:
0 Yale Bicycles 50:
/It Less Than Manufacturers'. Prices
While in Toledo last wetk out buyer purchased' 50 high .grade 'Yates at a
.ridicalonsly lel price for spot cash. 'There ia fl. baser wheel Manufactured
in the U. S. than a Yale. We haye decided to•effer them for quick .sale at
'the extremely low price of '
These are the cheapest wheels ever offered in Canada, and • ip is your otipor.
• aunty to get.a first- ass mount, fully guaranteed, for the season of 1900 at
lese than manufacturers' arioes. We have in stook a .number of seessg.
hand Wheels atfrom $5 Op. Wheels expressed to a distance, C.O.D.
with privilege of examimaion, on receipt of $1. Come to Qattara% on July
4th and see our wheels wnile here. ,
eimseoeoes osecmielroopowese
Sugar Sugar Sugar
juet to hand, second car Redpath Extra Standard granulated anti Yellow
aseae,,en: :11 in bbl lots eat than wholesale sell in 50 bbls. Special price in 100 pound
Black Green Japan
We have beet 25c lea in 'town, extra nice japan tea 200 agents fcr Ram
Lai's, Appleton, Monsoon. and Blue Ribbon teas in packages.
• Exquisite Dinner, 'Tea, Toilet, Glans and Water Sets, We expect this
week two orates direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before
the advance of 15 to 20%., We are selling at old prices, you will saye 25% by buying
from us. Call and examine goods end prices before you buy.
%T. W. IRWIN. Clinton
da—N Eseter Flour
Doctors ftnd
A Good
:Intom stbscl RV"' INV
wordb"1104.141 it so 31".
WI•PAllt tit swiraisma
All kinds of Small Field Seeds, as, Timothy, Red and
Alsike Clovers. Headqu.arters for Turnip, bloagold, Carro
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned GOOds.,
Our specialty is TtIfia. Tty311r 15o Tea. Other;viaieties equally as cheap.
Eighest,tearket price paid in cash for, eggs.
We are selling Buggies for three of thelbest Carriage
' Companies th Canada.
' and the well known,
We are selling twine mad; by the very best, makers at
reasonable prices.
- Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Oream
Seperator, and Massey' Varris Bicycles. Samples can be seen'
at the shop, isaao Street,
Geo. Ltk,visa,
Cefteralt Illoloitent Dealer, ciitgo*