The Clinton New Era, 1900-07-06, Page 7s! Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs, James Carr* 1CURES .I.Tinfraville, Hest.- ings Co., Ont., says: SCROFULA. "My little boy, two and a lialfneters old, . wasine,terrible con- dition and suffered a great deal fron) , scrofulous sores. 111'y husband bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for him " and gave it to him, and by the time he bast • finished the second bottle there waenot a s re to be seen.On account of this won - cure I can honestly recommend B:13, o all who suffer frorn any disease .arisi g frona bad blood." Mr. Oliver 3', Murray, CURES writes as follows; Charlottetown, P.E,I., 1 memiiiiimI was troubled with m BOILS. "About six months ago painful boils, for which I , could get nothing to cure me. As a last resort I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. One ' bottlesompletely rid me of boils, and my ' health was never better than at present. • IN THE BEAUTIFUL MORNING. Por all that we sing or we saY, , There's this, in the thorniest way: ,4 hope that the light Will come after the night . And the wide world will blossom and roll to the • bright; The haven -the haven is ever in eight, In the beautiful smile ot the morning! ;Per all that we sing or we say, Per the tears, Inc the prayers that we pray, There is ever the gleam .01 the realized dream ('Where the bright stars of faith in their brilliancy beam - Where the sunlight of glory above us shall stream - The beautiful light of the morning!. t -Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. I JOKE ON THE RAILROAD, I lenneMenee of a Swede Who Had a. Ticket to South Dakcita. . The duties a the claim agent's defiart; rnent would be reduced to.or minimum if .gll cases were like one recently related a railway employee. One evening a (short time ago the engineer of one of the trains running west from Chicago, which -was clipping along at good speed crier the prairie,. became suddenly conscious .of the presence of a men on the track immediately in front o Iim. )34,• had badly time to take in this impression »e - fore he felt a slight shock and a dark mass vaguely outlined by the headlight , described a large seroicircie in the air. to I the right find ditiappeared in the • dark- ness. Shocked and sickened by the event, 1 but conscious of blamelessness on his own part, the engineer pulled the train up at I the next station and wired to division ,. headquarters: • "Struck a man mile back from Cedar rove. Shall we go back and pick up? aithig instructions." There was some delay over the wiring, d a' little group gathered around the gineer listening to his story and con - sing in low tones over his bad lue.k. only got a glimpse of hin2," he said, before we struM him. He went into the r so high Aleut I saw him by the light f the headlinslt, and he must have struck me ways from the track. I suppose his thes must have held him together." en after a pause: "That's the worat er had. I hope it's the last." This called up some reminiscences of e experience of others 1 the group. ey were interrupted by a panting voice ming out of the. darkness •behind the oup: Des train go to Dakota?" he speaker being informed that that s the Dakota train. breathed a sigh of ef. Vall," he continued, "Ay tank Ay run ut fas"s relrode train. Ay bot teeket Dakota, sen teeket man hay tak ma sax toiler feefty cents en tole..may Ay skal go tran tonight. Ay meet ti -an back here haleways en ben run lak yack- rabbit." • Just then the reply came from head- : quarters. "You're to go on, Jim," said the bearer of the order, "and we're to get out a freight engine and send back fi•oin here for the man you struck.," The Swede became interefited. "Vat fur dees enyine go back?" he asked, and then some of those et:Wing • near looked at him for the first time, ; His hat was gone, his clothing was in strings, and what there was of it, as well as the exposed pertions of his husky person. was covered with thick. mud. Some one explained in a few words. The rain was just moving. "Ay tank Ay get gude yoke on relrode Iran." he chuckled as he climbed the steps of the smoking car. And then as he mov- ed away into the darkness he yelled back to the little group: "Ay got yoke on relrode trim! Ay bane that fallne masalfi"-St. Paul Pioneer - Press. ABSOLUTE , SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mut nettr Signature of See PaCoSlaille Wrippee Ittelow. Winy iit eaa as essi 61 IWO aa nom. A rerren FOR HEADACHE., tipru Lift° rorrrtizzrnEss r FOR suloutiitst. vr,§ FF6Orrgr:IPSTIPAVIZ. ' FOR SALLOW SKIL FOR THE COMPLEXION inriest•Wa Mina tA I 111t4"3". L.- CURS NICK HEADAOHL SAVED BOOTH'S LIFE, THE GREAT ACTOR ALIVItanT pRowNeo IN SACRAMENT() RIVER. Pulled Out by a StarvIng Man Juet Ia Time to Cheat Benth-eltich Ite- ard of Gold stud Pleitenre'Vor Joe Mortally When He War. Young, If Jo'e Murphy, the actor, bad not been hungry and homiest( one night in 185a. Edwin Booth`, sa.merica's greatest trage- dian, would have met death upon the very threshold of his career and the voice which thrilled countless thousand(' in aft- er years( would have been hushed and held in eternal silence by the water(' of, the Sacramento river. "In 1853," said Mr. MurPhYi "I was a waiter in a Sadramento hotel. I haa gone to California In the days when the Golden State was whining her Reba- quet, and, like the. rest, I quickly learned that 'all is not gold that glitters.' X drifted from one thing to another until I finally became a waiter -not one of these present day attendants who sneers at you in disdain, when you ask for the 'bill of fare' instead of the "menu' card, serves you as If he were giving aims and flashes murder from his eye if you dare to accept your rightful .ehange,• but a good old time hustler who worked from sunrise until darkness :and counted him- self lucky If he wasn't sworn at or shot atby the armored cruisers who patron- ized the hostelries of the Pacific slope. "One day the hotel in which 1 was king changed hands, and the new • rietor immediately discharged every - bo y trom the 'steward to the bootblack, and of course I went with the rest. For the next few weeks I attempted to secure another place, -but the town wascrowded with stranded humanity, and the supply of labor was -far in excess �f the demand. After expending every effort I found myself finally withont money, home or food. "One night, or rather one morning, for It was three hours past midnight, I wan- dered dowel to the Sacramento river., There had beep a flood, and I walked out - upon the levee apd watched the trees and • Look at the snake!' cried one of the men. Steven e turned, and when he. saw the snake his face took an ashen hue, and he • trembled like a leaf. • The doctor, in u. spirit of deviltry, eanght the snake by the tail. and, swinging it to and Pro, "advanced toward Stevens laughing. "Stevens evidently divined his frame , time Hie face wore a determined, look, and his eyes fairly blazed ,with tire. IT CURED "PRACTICAL" JOKING. Teninerature ;Uirliat-infaill as They Were Thougonds of 'Mara Ago, We ,find the "early" and the "later" rains todey in Palestine precisely, as de- ecribed 3,500 years ago. "Jordan over- flows all its banks" in February today exactly as it did In Joshua'a time, 33 centinies ago. Plants takeu from mum- my eases in Egypt, which must have been gathered more than 5,000 years ago, are practically of the same size and have the, same appearance as those growing today, Records of vintages in France for over 700 years show practically the same dates as today. Actual ebservations of rainfall for over -200 years at St. Peters- burg show no change appreciable to us, though. of course, the earliest observa- tions were extremely crude and some- what unreliable. Facts of this kind might be adduced to fill a Small velum. On the other hand, we have recorde of most extraordinary cold weather in an- -tient times. ' One winter the light wine itt Franee. froze, Another winter the riven Po froze over NO as t� bearteams (an unheard of phenomenon today). Ip this journal for June It is stated that '"Parnassus and Socrates, now free from snow, were covered with It in classic an- tiquity;" elm, "the name Greenland, which. strikes' us as so singularly inap- propriate, Ives not inapplicable at the time it was named, in the fourteenth cen- t9lryt."is entirely probable that deserip- . tions of. tbe cold hi ancient tinies were much exaggerated. Parnassus and Soc- rates have snow at times, and in earlier days, when protection against the cold and snow was much loos than now, a lit- tle snow would go a long way. The ear- lier voyagers from Iceland more than .1,000 years ago, leaving a land of almost perpetual ice and snow and reaching a land in summer, with its beautiful' green color, to 'their unaccustomed eyes would very naturally give the name ot Gunn - land to it. In the summer time. b said, Greenland presents a int)st beautiful TUB CLINTON NEW ERA NO CHANGES IN WEATHER, A Hunan*. Ilxperlenes Near the Sao Rives...That Paints * Moral. ' "Gentlemen," rerearised John Rattnelle of New York to it party of friends in the I lObby of the Midland hotel who were ! talking of "practical" jokes, "I was some. I thing of a practical joker myself once, but an eXpQrienCe I Mis- souri effeetually cured me. ' --• "I had accepted • an invitation to be one a a. crowd of gongenial spirits who were going to the Sae river for a two weeks' fishing. In the party were doc- tors, lawyers, merchants and a contractor whom I shall call Stevens, Stevens was I it man about 40 years old, young for Ws age And experience, a good story teller„' brave and fearless, save in this one thing -he had a natural abhorrence for spakes. TII never make a good Minter,' he said ! to me while on the journey to camp, 'be- I cause I'm always looking for snakes in- I stead of birds." "His fear of snakes was known to sev- eral of the party, and. they determined to I 'have some fun at his expense. We Ilea been in camp about three days when one of us caught a garter snake. That night they determined on the joke to be played on Stevens. Tbey were to put the snake ; in bis coat pocket ii'ad then. ask him for some article which ivould make him put t- his•band In his pocket. "The snake bad been duly installed in. : the pocket of Stevens' coat. There was a., smile on the face of every man. Now for the sport. • "'Say, Stevens,' cried the doctor, 'you have my whisky flask fo your coat, haven't yon?' "'No,' replied Stevens. • • " '01i, but you must have. I let you - have it yesterday,' said the doctor. . " 'You are mistaken,' replied Stevens. !I have but one flask, and that's mine.' "'Let me see it,' said the'doctor, "Annoyed, though not angry, Stevens put his hand in the back pocket of his coat and drew out a flask which the doc- tor adulitted was not him "The snake had meanwhile wriggled out of the coat pocket and dropped to the ground and behig somewhet stunned, by the fall crawled slowly away. A snake'. sections •eif wrecked houses 'drifting by. ' According to. the bulletins given out that night the river was rising at the rate of one foot an • hour. . . "I stood there alone, musing 'Mon my hard' fate and thinking I.might as well be drifting . by on the floed, when suddenly my attention was atti•acted by a dark ob- ject lying- among .sonie driftwood. -that had been entangled with the edge of thess•Blowly drawing his 45, be rested it on his. hip. Then came the .`elieletelick, .0.f. the , hammer as it was thrown back, and in it • cool way' -he said, 'Doctor, if you •attensn to throw that snake In my farte I'll t7.1 you as sere as there is a God in heaven.' "The ..doctor stopped short. : He knew - every word was meant, .He dropped the snake •and, 'turning, walked away. : The •• snake was quickly dispatched, and we. walked away, leaving Stevens standing . very hot day in July I- int her drink from in the iniddle of the road attiring at it. • . It. branch, (not cold). Th. next morning it 'I felt we had gone tog far, -and, going took -15 minutes to get her out of the 'ta- to -where he shied, I apologized • for the ble. She was 110 stiff she could not step part I had taken Taking his .atni, I red . over a doorsill Mx inelies high. I was 80 . hiin away.. I do not know What prompted. , miles from home -end obliged to be there. me, but I put this question' to him: 'Ste- -next day. Welt, 'after •e good white we Yens, if when you put your hand ip your . started, and by noon had traveled ale - pocket you had felt the snake s what miles. I stopped at a farmhouse for din would you have done?' • • - ner.' The mare refused. to .at a bite. . • "The pers`piiiition stood out In hive - - . "Cover ber legs from her belly down to beside on his forehead as he replied:. 'My . her boots .with ' soft lye soap. Let it stay God! I believe I would have dropped on an hoursthen wash off with warm ma- -dead.' - 1 to Wash two or three times, till soap is • . "And I. believe • he would.",-Kansaa ell off. Theft get In and drive slowly City Star. ss..._ • levee. At first I thought It was a beast. Then the thought struck me that perhaps It might be a human being. So I ap- stroached and. discovered it to be the body of a man. "The entire body wee under water save one side of the head. Seizing the body by the shoulders, dragged it up on the levee. The task was a Most grewsome • -one. 1 picked the body up, but at once bename so frientened anat.I was tempted' , to drep it and take.to nin heels. Howev- er. My nerve did not -desert me, and . I . Made for thea:taitoom of•the Eagle hotel, (staggered in and laid the body on tits floor. • • - • .,"-Fdeur* or five Men who hod just come down stairs from the gambling room were standing -at the bar. The Bight -of a dead or dying man was not extraordinary in, that locality, and so-th.e party at the bar ,paidno particular attention to me until the drinks had been tossed off. Then Colonel Lansing, a great, six foot Hoe - 'Slier, turned -and looked at me. "." 'Shot?' he asked laconically. . • "'Nd; drowned; I replied. --" 'Anybody •hereabouters " 'Never saw 'im before.' . "Lansing left the ber and came over to .where . I was standing beside the body, which, was lying face' downward. He turned it half Way over irith his foot and exposed thohandsome profile to the light. "On the instant he. recoiledlikeSone'whts bad received a heaey blow. • "'Why, that's Ned BoOtha he cried. 'I sant -him play tonight.'" . "At the. word . 'Booth' the other awn. left their glasses upon the bar and hur- ried to the figure on the floor. In a mo- ment they had stripped their coats. and *ere working like mad, chafing his wrists . and temples. A. whisky ' barrel was brought out, and we rolled himupon it. Then the 'best. bottle of brandy in the town Was forced between the teeth, and we breathed more freely when Booth be- gan to show signs of resuscitation. "As soon as Colonel Lansing saw that Booth was out of danger he turned and , looked at me. I anticipated a nice, short eulogy and -an ineitation to.the bar. "'What .were you doin with Ned I3ooth, you young scoundrel?' he asked In angry tones. "Imagine my surprise. 1 slunk back from the giant boylike and hung lay' heed. I was ashamed to tell them I had been starving. - • _ "Lowing, however, .seemed to impute my silence to some .other cause. "'What were you dein,. boy? Answer inea he thundered, grasping my shoul- ders. "'You don't s'pose I was tryln to steal him?' said I. No, gentlemen, if I had had • a dollar or even 50 cents tonight Jacinth would have been drowned by this Vine, tor I would have beat abed In sailors' lodging house.' "Then I- told my story, and Lansing seized one of . my hands .and examined it to see if I was telling the truth. Ile was satisfied with the evidence of ray heed, whose ippearance detoted that I really Was a workingman. His eyes expressed pity, and he looked at the others, " 'Gentlemen,' he said, anis boy hak saved a great young actor's life tonight, and he's hungry.' • "Each man went down in his poeket and brought out $10 goldpiece, while Lansing passed the hat. 11e forted the money on me and gave mo • his card. When I milled on him next day, another position in a hotel, better than axe one had lost, was found for me. "Years aftervilird, when 1 got so that I didn't have to work froM sunrise till darkness and heard Edwin Booth in his glory, I was glad 1 had been homeless: and hungry out in California one night in 1853." -New York Malt end Express. Retort tourtessuie Firlit Stranger -What's your businessi Second Strenger-Private attendant. Pint 'Stratiger---To What do you at- tend/ Second Stranger -My Owe •bushiefte.-• Chicago .News. ' lasted at 11*. "1110 the Witness been sworn?" eared the &Met, "He's been swearing ever since we hauled lam ie here, yOur honor," replied the officen-Philadelphie North A.Meri- Mtn. \ RECENT I NV NTIONS. A new dashboard attachment has been invented calculated to bold the reins , when the driver leaves the wagon. A which close over the reline bolding them 1st: inyg, rod supports a pair of Iron jawe • To preserve fruits and other articles against contact with the air ,a German has patented a hydraulic top tor cane, comprising a pair of circular channels surrounding the top of the jar, with wa- ter or other liquid contained In the chan- nels, into which flanges on the cap pro- ject. A Canadian has designed an office me/s- eep bex which prevente messages being read by outsiders, having a reel of paper to be unwound and elide across a shelf to receive the message, the sheet passing two rollers through a elot in the door, with locking pawls to prevent the tonere from turning backward. THE RACE PROBLEIVI. , Instead of teaching the negro bow to support himself, acquire property and be - some an Influence in government, we are teaching him to be discontented, idle and Incendiary. -Washington Post. The south seems to be the home of the negro for all time and It is the southeru people who must deal with him. The less interMeddling from the outside by people absolutely ignorant of conditions the bet- ter. -Baltimore Sen. There is a disposition to say that this race problem is a national one. In a large way it is. But the coreniunities that have to face it practically are the southern states, the old slave stntes, and It will not do to say that the south has no interests in it (distinguishable from those of the north. -Indianapolis News. CHEST FELT RAW. green near the Denieh settlements to tbis "I osught a severe cold whioh made my daY. ohest feel raw and tight. I need 1)r. Our oldest -Inhabitants, who have been Wood's Iforway Pine Syrup which loosen - wont to describe the terrible• cold and ea the phlegm, healed the lungs, and made me perfectly well." NEIL McKee. Ripley, Ont. Dr .Jameson has been eleoted e. member of the Cape Parliament without oppos- ition. deep snows in their boyhood days as In- comparably 'greater than anything which does or can occur today, completely lost their reckoning in a recent winter when reading of a ship that had sunk in New York harbor by weight of the ice upon It; also that Washington had. 84 inches of snow on a level mid the lowest temper- ature ever noted in that fair city. A. careful study will show no appreciable change in the climate of this earth since the early historic times. ‘Of course, noth- ing here adducer' touches climatic changes in glacial times or in prehistoric times, which changes helve beer. established Be- yond question. A Possible Cure For ?minder. As many of your readers are 'owners tit horses, let me tell them how I saved a valuable mare that was foundered. Ono 1 home. Hero is the cistern. There are a ,kettle and wood. My wife will get you • . i the soap. A pany'obild is always an anxiety to the 1 So said the fernier as he excused him - parents. . There !Swine generally be' rm.. self and hurried to the harvest field with son whythe little one 8110111d be weak big bands' I aid as directed, arriving when it 1580 well fed. • Bo Bie fast is home about midnight. The next moping that it doer! not matter how much food the she was -all right, and never showed a child takes ii the stomaoh cannot extract . trace of the founder afterward. -Letter the nouriehthent from it. No benefit can in Indianapolis Press. be derind from just eating, That is the ' conditionof many a, sickly child. The 1 THE CHILD AND THE WOOLD. moresoh and organs of digestion and nut- ----- rition are not doingtheir work, and the Oren, wide, beautiful, wonderful world, body is really starving. It is little use with the wonderful water round you curled, to 'give fish foods, like ood liver oil or And the wonderful grpo upon your breast, emulsions, in such a case, be:cense these , World, jou are beautifully dreetwd. ' also have to be digested ; they may lighten ' The wonderful air is over me, the stomach's labor but . they do 001 And the wonderful wind is shaldng the tree; strengthen it. Strength is what the atom. ' It walks on the water and whirls the raDts aeli needs, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical' Alid talks to Welt on the tope of the hills. Discovery strengthens the stomach, nour- - tamsth the nerves and increases e action With the w ef the blood making glands. 11 is super. oltreic,:d:y heateafieldthat od and tho rivers rth, how far do .you go, s n ior to every other preparation . for .ohild. ' With cities and gardens ans, elith and isles ren's use, on account of its body 'building ' &ad people upon you tor thousiods of mnest qualities, and also became it is , pletment . to the taste and contains no alcohol, • sit, you are great, and I am ao small; whisky or other intoxicant. Dr. Pierce's . I tremble to think of You world, 0 all. Pleasant Pellets are a valuable aid when ! Did yet when I said my prayers today the bowels are irregular. The Y are Innen. nydu are more than the earth, though you ars A. whisper inside of me seemed to say, • .!6''Floy d Wilson,. a nine.year.Old Perth Children take them readily, . ouch a dot; . fou can love and think, and the mirth cannot!" Iboy, was drowned while bathing, -Lewiston Journal. that PAIN'Flall PERIODS. He...Only Wanted ga kart. Women who suffer terrible pain every A publishing firm recently received the month can find ready relief by using BIB- following offer from an anxious autoblog- haries Sterling Headache Powders. They rapher who probably bad been reading contain no morphine or opium; and leave "The -Hooligan Nights:" "I wish to put no bad after electe. Price 10e. and 25o, my life Before the puItlic If I can Get Don't accept common headache powderr, Anuf Out of It to give Me a Platt in the they'll surely disappoint, . world. I led a Canine' life 21 years Kean Lavigne, of Bainsville, fell out of Arested 29 time shot at! 27 times Rea - 9 boat while fishing and was drowned. I leased on Corpas Warenta. I Broke 13 Sales Convicted 7 times Broke Dr, Low's Pleiteatit Worm Sirup fe sure 1 pen and taken 27 Cenvicts with me. death to the worms every time, but harm- i Waylaid and shot my fathern law twice less to the mostIdelicate hz1d. lecontaiias I 'married eeperated and Divossed. If 1, its owe cathartic, so there is no nepd of. I can get a start in the World Bye putting giving castor oil or other purgative after- my life Before the puBilet X will doo so." wands. Price 25c.• -Londoe News: - Heavy rain was reported at Winnipeg and severed districts of Manitoba, last 'Trouble Over Well* In India. The question of wells hi India is Minn Bw ee sk plicated by the coexistence in .eaell.cotnr n REMEDY IN THE WORLD FOR munity of two castes -the purer Hiteloos • C ATARRH. and Gonds on the one hand, the Weavers Miss Bessie Molt. Kennedy, of Kingston, on the other. -No weaver mey draw N. I3„ gals "1 hal/waged Osterrhezone fronl the Well of the Iflintloors lest it be for Cetsrrh and think it is the best re- defiled, nor will the Medea drink front medy in the world for thst disowns" the hands or the well of a Weaver.. Thus OsterrhoSone isa new 'scientific' treatment it hewn:mei necessary elthor to 'clfg two that cures Cetera), Asthma Bronchitis Well* or to depute a certain number of and irritable throatt. Very Pleasant and the 'Undo° element to site water to effeotive to use, (Ionising no deleterious their lees exalted fellow villagers. -Corn - drags. CatarrhosOne is for sale by All hill. tellable druggists. Trial outfit tient for • 10o in !Romps by N. Poleon & CO., Obstinate. Ilingstonj Ont., Proprietors), • • . "My deer, sir," said tilts old gentleman Itt hts Open hearted Way, "r shall wet - Mrs George °Mtg. of Kingeton, poisoned come you as a ison•in-law." herself by taking the wrong medioine. "Alas!" returned the young man de- jectedly. ."My last hope is gone. It I had your opposition, I Might hope to -win her, but without it there is no clienee."-Chicago Post. • Brotherly Resentment. Young Mother (proudly) - Everybody ears the baby looka _like me. Bachelor Brother (aulazed)---The spite- ful things don't say that to your face, do they?-1•Tew York Weekly. • TAKE NO RISKS. It is well to snake choke Of a competent MA qualified druggist to whom you can take your doctor's preaoriptions end °edam A correctly and well-filled preseription with pure drags baa much to do with the battle against sicknem. Wo dispense drugA and medieinea according to the most approved modern methoaft, PAI1411'0 Osbenr COstrolJNO le the wonderofcutury foe the cure Of CASTOR I .. A the common 211 of lite, Thousands of let. tore from Canade.'e best peOple give evid- once of tbe mighty power of reine'll Celery Por Info* And Children. Compound over ditteatte, If you ate sleep. a" letia, nervous, aes oxide* weak or run- dovan. one bottle ot rattle's Celery Com - ft et wry. pound will do good work for yon. VVe sell wrapper, the kind that tures. J. E. MOVIO, drug. gist,ClictOn, Ont. A. fait* 1111114 • aglattal • • A CARD . We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty five gent bottle of Dr. Wills' Imglish Pills, if, after using three-fourths of contents of bottle, they do not- relieve Constipatiou and Head, ache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstimste case of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Englieh Pills are used. 13..B. Combo, Chemiet & Druggist, 'Olin - ten ; 3. E, Hovey. 'Dispensing Oherniat, Clinton; Watts & Co, ,Drngs and Medicines, Clinton ; Sydney Jackson, Druggist, Olin ton. • SpavinspillingbonesrSpihtts. Curbs; and All Forms of Larnaness Yield to Works thonsanda of salvia armually. Endorsed bythe best broaden and horsemen everywhere. Pelee, 11; ein lisr $6. As a liniment for faintly use it hay no equal. • West Uwe, Ontario, Can., Deo. It, 1828. • 05, 13.3. 38.irsitttgApyALeatr M. ago.1 . had a valuable horse which got lame. I took him to the Veterinary Burgeon who pronounced ft Occult Spavin and gave me little hope, although he applied a ,harp blister. This made matters only worse and the horse became so lame that it could not stand up. After trying everything in my power I went to a neighbor and told hitn about thecae°. He gave me ono of your bemire and 1 cinched it carefully and be- ing resolved to do the utmoat in favor of my beast, went 10 150 nearest drug store and got a bottle of your Bpavin • Care and applied it striatly according to directions. Be. fore the OM bottle was used I noticed ariimprovement, and when the seventh bottle wise about half used, my horse was completely cured end without leaving' a blemish on hint. After ceasing treatment 1 gave the horse good care and did some light work with him,wish- Mg to aim If It had effected a cure.' then started to work the horee hard And to my entire satisfaction he never showed any more lameness through the whole summer. I can recommend Kendall's Spavin Cure not only as an excellent, but M a sure remedy, to any one that It may Concern., Tours truly, • SAMUEL TRITTEI2. Ask yotir dragglit for ITendall's Spirrtn Otero. also 44.A. Treathaz oh the Horse,. the book free, or-addrese 1111. 1. I. KENDALL COMPANY, tNOSIURO FALLS, VT. "Ail Dunlop Tires in zgoo " . - When you hire a wheel from the Bicycle Livery look at the tires. , -Tr-they are Durtlop.Tires then you can rest assured 1 the Wheel hoe a good pecii-. gree in its every part. Weir Dootor's Ad viee-Hae not &Iwo% bem according to his centIcienoe because foe years he's been ecboolea in prejudices whioh (dub every proprietary remedy re- medy se "quackery' -to-day be knows better and praotices better, and :mob worthy remedies As Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets are among the cOnetant pre.. eariptione in his daily praotice because he has proved them so potent in stomach t otiblee-60 in a, box cents. Sold 5... • Dunlpp Tires on all good wheels. "The only taola." The Dunlop Tire Co.. unmet Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg. at. geha. ()LINTON WOOD and' COAL YARD. itOkel r;DIt3. SUNOriber Ili prepared to promptly All all or- ders for Wood or coal, which will be eoid at lowest totem. °Moe on base Street at LAVIS IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WHEATLEY EYFIVV15%011010° .,0 W5 . HE vAt.UE OF' MA AT RIENT MEDICINE. These pills are a specific for all diseases arising fromdisordered nerves,-"Wenle heart or watery blood. They. cure palpitation, dizziness, smothering, faint and weak spells, shortness �f breath, swelling of feet and ankles, nervousness, sleepless- ness, anmmia., hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, brain fag, female complaints, general debility, and lack of vitality. Price soc. a box. Eaaaaaamaifiasastooliralrgir cunE ALL YOUR PAIRS Piller A Medicine Chose In Resat Simple. Safe and quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEHMATISM, NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 oent Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. • BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' NOKAININEHMUMNINGINBONSIBBIN • AGENTS. "Klondike Gold Fields," a arge, oheap, vale. ablebook,aelllng like a whirlwind. Beautiful Proseetus twenly.tive cents. Books on time BBADLET-GARBETS0/4 comPANY,Lrarren Toronto. July 6 1900 DANE.S. The ltiolsons Ralik Inoorporated be Act of Parliament 188E CAPITAL e '68.0004006 REST FUND • 81,650,000 BEAD OFFICE ,MONISE&ft. Wtt. Matson Mscreensos, Preentent F. WOLYERBTAN TE021111, Gen. Manager Notes discounted, Collections made. Drina Issued, Sterling and American eschew bought and -sold. Interest Allowed on dee posits. SAVINGS BANK- 1.11lereSt it110Weti SUMO of 61 and up. Motley eAl veneeri to farmers on their own note, With ont more endoreere, No inertgage regitiree 11, IS, BREA. bilk Manager, Clinton (IL IR, Mel AiAaltrr. BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON A. general Banking Business transac ted. brcape DIHOOtiNTDD Drafts Boned. Interest allowed on deposits. . J. P.. T1SDALL. BANKER,' CLIN TO'N, ONT. Advances made to farnsere on their own notes at lo* rates of interest. , • A. general Banking Business. transactexl Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought r GENTS S "The best life of Her Majesty 'I have seen, writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria:" Agents make five dollars deity. B1IADLICY-0/.6.RRALTSON COMPANY, Lame% Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. Fora genuine money-taakins position; no books, insurance, or fake scheme,• every house a customer. Particulars free, Write to•day THE F. E. KAKN CO., 132 Victuals street, ;To- ronto, Canada. Feb 23-13 AGENTS WANTED. . . • No experience necessary. Permanent posi. tion. • Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stock complete with fast selling specialties, including ^ (Jed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &o, OUTFIT' MEE.. Secure territory now.. Write BROWN BROS. CO.. Nursorymen,lBrown's Nurseries P.O., Ont. Aug.24.tf 4 GIOTTS - Book butdneesto bettor than oi co years pashaIso hive better and faster sellina books. Agmte oiearfrom veto sio weekly. A Sew leaders are "Queen vit•toria, "Lifeof Mr Gladstone," "My trInther's Bible stories," "Pro. gresseveSpeakeer "Klondike Geld PIelds,"2"To• man,' "Glimpses of tit« Una en""Breakfast Dinner and supper," 'Canada, iflocyclopae. dia." Books on time. Ontflts free to canvassers. The BRADLEYGARRET9ON Co.. Limited, Toronto 110 for 10 Cents 001,, Sitk contains. one hundred. end ttttdf beat hurso,frous rocitittoz .91 en: bk.rmsoonanhindtthnoeveN.14:7iror 'oionoly cent°. .• - Dutch dialocts both in r Irlik a - j9 "71'4** well as :h.rd ralii,.tektsalitilLes4ofe.t. ; anorlfrt.ia eiranrtIonane ph111131414111Ellalg Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention wi•ll promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a through us athertised for sale at at ir expense. Patent,' seat upon request. Patents secured Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in lbt PA.tErIT RECORD, an inustrated and widely circulated jourual. consulted by manufacturers and investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR 1. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys, ) Evans Building. WASH I MOTOR.. o, - ham eeds Seed Corn', seven varieties, . Sugar Beet, Mangolds, Turnips, and ail venetien of eeeds required for field or garden use. Exetee finer always on hand, and general mill feed. WM. 'DUNCAN, Licensed Auctioneer.: s ; Clinton. Oats Wanted Oats wanted in -exoluinge for Oat- meal and the best Flour in the =whet as follows :- I 1 1b4 Oatmeal for 1 bushel Oats 15 lbs Flour (Wfauitoba Mixed) for 1 Bushel Oats. Silverware Given Away. Every purchaser,, anything that we sell, be the amount sn2all orderge, gets a coupon and when a certain number is received the holder will be entitled to a piece of Silver- ware of their own choosing. Come and see the Silverware. 0. OLSON; Good Batter and Eggs wanted. THAT TOUNES T o SPOT • IlleLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR • OF Weak and Impure Blood, Liver ;It Kidney Diseases, • Female Ce=piaints, Etc. act- Dnagalifs or write direot 'to : J, M. lii.oLEOD, Goderich, Ont. FURNITURE BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. The steady Inc:realm in our trade is good prootof the fact tbat odr goode are HO our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade. We mannfaoture !waiter° on a large scale and mu afford to sell cheap. If youibuy from as, we save for you the profit, which, in other coma, has. to be added in Pe the retail dealer. This week we have passed into stook mine of oar neW' designs. Space 'will. not perm us to quote prices,' but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer. flemember-we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. UNDERTAKING. In this department oer stook is complete, and we have undatffitedly the beet feneee . outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest.. : BROADFOOT, BOX &CO. J. W. Chidley Manager P. S. -Night 'and Sunday calls attended to by esiling ail- J. W. Obidley's, (Panora 'Director) residence =EMMY 4SNIS who an end is the Dewey Pattie 2 P5t01.4115rk II1s15rn W lill.•1111 SIM as exquisite Tri/Ser kyle orimillative Opal or mare eon ISa rree, send 12 I'm:vomit narkages of Int. pociskaida redone to An' in II rams*: When sold. return Money NM We tiro 705 levee- charm of 5 heavily plates Chills Frooelet with Lock mid 1E0. or 8is114 Gold Mien Belcher Birthday_ Ring, !limply -hapeila puede tad we mad prise without mory dr prim. wets to -say. you noc tIotlitni, as Ins pay tim duty IM =oar Bemuse ft trAtimook njestrlitainioltiltid-itofre4..42 . Christmas For Tarenty.seven Years PERFUMES and DUNN S E3AKINCI oroiLET goods it.taintV Gifts for both Ladles and NUM- for Itottna Or Old THECOOKSBESTIVIEND H. B. COMBE, gydney lachoon. LA AGM sits& IN COMM. Give Perfumes if you'd plessee the fint sex. The Choicest kith are here. AU the famous tnakes--411 the desirable adore - and many kinds pnt up in speoially attrac- tive:Christmas packages. Our assortment of Fine Hair Brtis err Military Brushee, Mirrors, Whisks, in ebony and hetidsome woods, is the meet oomplete itt the town. And the mostinter- estinepart to you is that prices are Mr be- low what you ve been moustorred *0 pay for similar artialta elsewhere. Chemist Druggist II_ 1. 111