The Clinton New Era, 1900-05-11, Page 10• 116 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtain .1 BOUGHT BY US BELOW VALUE SELLING TiE• SAME. WAY 1Reason of it /f Through some mistake, the Canadian agent for one of the lar est Lace Curtain manufacturers in Nottingham had ab : double the quantity of Lace Curtains sent sell Itid better to outhe n� de to 11 hisorders. s. a Ue d fill e. -the surplus out az a sacrifice than to ship back to Eng- land, so his customers got a chance to' buy some chea Curtains. We bought exactly •116 Pairsof them, and r.. THE CLINTON NEW ERA a t s ten td Gt s, n the li are P. M. Senn, the w; M1 A R A 1 1 ., eiich toWnshipto Wm, sonnei#, of the discovered the time lees under the ����1a AA� f■�>te>Rgd`' jtn' 0th-con,;lutton� and b s on l a p d' , y g old reliable lightning in D. Fell'shorse, from fright, became since returning he and D. H. Kennedy detached from the baggy, and only for have made sales to a numberiof per- -- early assistance from by-standers there sons in this netrhborhood, amongst LOCAL NOTICES. would have been a runaway; it might whom are J. Middleton, for his new have resulted eeriouely as there was a house, Wm. Foster, and several others. Reenters -Lady roomers wanted; eon have large number of people on the street Mrs W. fl.. /tele has entirely renovated • either furnished roam,, or not, as required, all he time. A number of the Masonic her house on Marystreet,-papering Apply at NNW ERA codec. by P P g war esis-AhandnomeAmerican folding bed brethren drove to Seaforth'on Monday and palming all of the inside, and has of quartered out oak with 1 titteh tate.- Twenty chaise sonny glass evening to attend the lodge there, Die- let the contract for the outside; A. miirereor. A snap. Apply at the NEW Ma tract Deputy Grand Master Reid, of Shrenk, the. popular implement agent, ficin s for SaleSouth ltmak• ing aking his official visit; has rented and, will occupy it.. W. B. !1 calves ten e peal by poem auction at the a pleasant evening was spent, so re. Leseur, Ottawa. secretary of the Civil Commercial hotel Olinton.at2p.m.,on�Cht.re- poi ts•sam y. Peter Campbell will study •' Service Poard, has been honored by day, May 19th. hotel, RICHARDSON, prop, wit it Dr. Agnew during the summer. Queen's university with the degree of TRW,. BROWN, auot. The past few nights have ,been exceed- L. L. D. There were over 225 reserved 7dta>�va �fX11i1C . MOT. cold; the weather than tells us seat tickets taken for the $3rd Battal- . that itwill soon be warm again. The lion concert on Thursday evening. Tun 2Frn oe. MAY. -Clinton has de- street committee are continuing the The effects and furniture of the estate cided not to celebrate this national boli• good work of attending to the trees .oh of the late A. McAllister on last Satur- day this yea' but instead will bold forth the street; a large elm was removed on day was ,very successful, . and every- on Labor Day, September 3,•d. Those Raglan street, and. a number of trees . thing was disposed of by auctioneer of our citizens who will enjoy them- was cutdown on the London Road, Dickinson; the house has been rented selves have plans laid out for the ossa. Last Satur•day.wae a pleaeant day, and for a year to. S. Smith. W. Bowers sson, m some gning'tishing, others to the woods were full of merry children .has beautified the:°frontof A. J. Grigg's Exeter races, Wingham celebration flower gathering. It le whispered jewellery store bypaint, Geo. Sanders, or a trip to the cider. around that bogus Andalusian eggs of Blyth, has become a resident near are being sold for, the real article,;and Clinton; he has rented the house on THE MARKETS. -The pork shippers some of she farmers are being victim, 'the base line from Mr Oakley. The report prices at $5 75. and the market ized; the price the were sold •ittWas bookstores have their newspapers de - lively. Quotation*+ in dairy products remi.rn the same, s., the grocers tell us, dairy rolls being: from lle to 12c per 1 Ib., and eggs from 9c. to De per dozen, the latter being plentiful. Cantelon Bros. made their largest single ship- ment thisyear. on Monday, being 9000 dozen eggs and 2500 lbs. of batter. Potatoes are from 20: to 25c per bushel; there is a good demand for vegetables. FRIDAY M...X 11, 1900. being about $2100. On Satin da . even- rod agent, has come back to Clinton; 2tt ,place the entire •lot on, sale Saturday, May 12th, And Following Week at a small advance' on the price we paid for them. The goods are brae d new, the patterns and style strictly up-- to-date, and the qualities good, or they would not be here. It's' a chance to buy Lace Curtains that does -not often come. If we had not bought as we did we could not sell at any such prices. We make seven lots for Saturday and next week's selling. Come and investi- gate these values • Lot 1-15 Pairs Nottingham Laoe. Curtains, gtioa lengtli and width, Strong net; • • suitable for bedrooms, special ...... . .... . . .. •, 2 is Lot 2-15 Pairs Nottingham Lace Ourtaine, new spring pattern, lacey effeot:_, f (i; new woven edge, strong net, 54 inches wide, 3,j yards long, a curtain that0 would sell in the -regular way for $1.25, special at U e Lot 3-15`Paira:Nbttingham Laoe Cdrtaing, an extra good pattern, new woven edge, 54` inches wide, Si yards long, would be good at $1.25, special 1.VU'i Lot n-10 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains; handsome •floral patterns, strong net, will give excellent war, 60 inohes wide, 3i yards long, . would sell --for.r- - $1.50 and be good value. if regular pride was paid, special . while they: last '.6g Lot 5-24 Pairs Nottingham Lem ,Unrtaine, very handsome pattern, one of 'the1 best we have had, new woven edge, 60 inches wide, 3,1 yards long, would . i sell in regular way at $1:75, special for Saturday and next week... 1.4v Lot 6 -25 Pairs Nottingham tam. Curtains, strong net, handsome floral pattern one of the best"yalaes in the lot, good value at $2, special • for Saturday l•5 and next week, .• Lot 7-12 Pairs only, extra good Nottingham Lace . Curtains, very fine net:, lacey pattern, new woven edge, 54 • inohes wide, 3,l .'yarde long. • regular. $2.25, epeeist while the lot lasts ' 1.75 These are bound to sell out quickly, 'and• those who cone Saturday or early in the week will fare best. With the eurtal We -are going to ell Three or four special, bargains in white: and colored 'Curtain Mullins. • :, They'll be ready with' the Curtailis Satur ,day morning. a End Fancy Colored Art Muslin, 1 End .Fancy. Colored Art Muslin, • bordtred, 86 inches nide, regular• net pattern, with border, regular' • -. 14o, to sell with the Curtains :. 9C .200; to sell with the Curtains. .: I24. 1 End White Curtain Arusha, 'very 1 End extra fine quality White Gar - fine quality, this piece got slightly tain Muslin. floral and ring pat- . "-�- t.oi td, regular 20e, to.,ell with the tern, regular 80o, to sell with the urtatne • 1.4C - Carmine • • 21c 20 Traveller's Samples Fine White Quilts W 've sot•another epeoial bargain for housekeepers O. is week, and tee kind they do not often get. This week we got 20 e m;.1t. Quilts; they are all high-grade qualities and handsome; patterns. but slightly . soiled on the outside,.- -through' being carried for that season. We got them at a liberal discount, and on Saturday will put them on sale with the Curtains at One•third to eine»Half Less than Regular Prices This is a ohenoe to buy good Quilts at the priceof cheap ones_ that comes but selcicm. .There are no two alike in the lot, and: people who buy will get a bargain tAttAAAMIteesAAAN /V,PAiWVMV Tan FIRE SUFFERERS' FUND,- The NEw ERA cash funds for the benefit of the euferersbytheHull-Ottawa fire are corning in slow. The subscription list will be kept open for the convenience -of those •-wire wish -to contribute to this most worthy object.. Many of the rn towns and villages er'nd us have con- tributed handsomely by cash and sup -- plies. We have receisetl:a donation of $1 froma friend. All contributions may be left at the •N ENV Ent office and we will cheerfully forward all cash or supplies. Friends are requested to re- member those destitute and •help� the sufferers. We will attend to all -being • „promptly transmitted A SPLENDID SNOWING. - .In the re- port of the recent examinations in the Faculty of Applied Science, McGill. University, - Montreal. Sheldon B. Special Display of Summer Millinery We will male a special display of new Summer 'Millin- Qory on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Hay 17. 18 and 19. Our Milliners are preparing some stylish and handsome pat- terns at-t rns for this summer display, and we will show the newest Ad most popular shapes and -styles in summer headwear. We 47ateind to-ycra the freedom -of -the--showroom:: for- those.: clays The goods will be there that you may see .summer millinery .styles, and you will be heartily welcome. Not a hint of buy- ing unless you wish. ' .Qur Great $2.50 Hat We will be ready Saturday, May I2th, with another lot of our great line of Heady -trimmed Hats at $2,50, Those we had ready for last Saturday went out in short order, rind this week's supply is fresh from our workroom, 'trimmed as our milliners knpsv how to trim; with materials of good quality, there is style and appearance about thdt,ii »ot approached by many bats at mtfoh more money, Ladish' Sailors, 30e. Eliktrtiatlibrina.raw sailor. hats, , . .' Wiwi,' mottled straw ,sailor hats,, , rfed,ittottle•t`straw, a hitt tont--.velvet d, lined, newest shapes, 30C. i ijl Stye any dniotnrt ot'wear,each- 2oC speeial,.each........... . ........ 014•1111u Seillot'flo 20c Qlement,•son of Rev.. at/Lunen , pas- tor. of Ontario St. chit -eh, stands first in order of merit in. the third year's course in civil engineering. •Mr C'le- went- also takes a large share of t he. prizes, being creditedwith the Mc- Carthyprize for field, wet •'nd prizes. in surveying; practical as: • ,riuurv,roa4 constraction,descriptivr geometry and elementary design. This is indeed a veru et editable and•succesefnl showing and we live"nodorlb', hat Mr,Clement will.ranle:among the fgremost in civil engineering in the Dominion, .We ex- tend our congratulations.. OPEN AIR CoNOER,Tiv-The C. 0. F. hand has given t:evvrat open air con-- cette' this spring, which were very much etrloyed by the. citizens. They reflect great credit upon t he bandmas- ter, B. 7, 'Gibbings, in the excellent music rendered, and show the result of. t.be. constantwinthr practice they have attended. At. last Monday" night's meeting of the -Council the' hand com- rtoittee asked the Aldermen for a grant of $100 to help.pay. the -,expenses of.. running the organizsedon, which is now, composed of about 25 inat'i ument9. The matter ,a•as. Jaid over until the next regular meetingof 1 he •Oouricil. We think' the boys should be helped along financially,. whether 'itbe by $100 or' less. It is a pleasure to hear the lively strains of anisic every Thursday even- ing; the citizens would be greatly dis- appointed if these concertswere .to be discontinued. We bop* some agree- ment may be arrived at, so that we. may have these promenades given dur- ingthe summer. 25c a setting. • A. liken has been con livered by bicycle now. Obits. Cook fined to the house lately, appendicitis suffered a severe bruise to his right being the cause; we hope . he may soon hand on Monday at the factory; it was fully recover=. The Salvation Array attended to by Dr, Thompson, but will conducted the services at the. Home of lay him off for a while. The executive •Refuge on Sunday last, Miss Tebbutt committee of the Hull -Ottawa relief 'Ives confined to the house by sickness fund announcea that it has sufficient this week: D. Forrester, jr.; is learn- stock of clothing on band or on the ing the . operating at the depot. Mrs way to supply the needs of the suffer - Rev.) Newcombe wan taken seriously ers so that further parcels are not nec. ill on Monday, and her family was sent essary ; four regiments of 1000 men for; she is slightly improved. ' Miss C. each could be completely clothed.froi'n Wiseman lost a watch orr.Saturday the supplies•and then• lots would be eyeniog on Albert street, hut fortun. left ; outfit several battalions ; the cash ately has recovered it; little Ida Wilken contributions have reached 0655,000. 36111'len'ltt Hats ,. . At 1Sc, .20 3dee'a line felt >" edora bats all Oa Aspen. colors of i:rotvn,ftawn,. reek -the kind you pay -$1.25 and 1.50 for at hat stores Our epee-dJ n xfoe..,.>..... ' ........,. 44 Gold Medal" erepons ,Just pinned into stoaklnonra very lliandeome' patterns° in Gold Boys' .etsth Hats 19e... 15 Boys' fsl6tliMifte neat /aid nobby shapes, mostly dark tweeds. ;will stana•any amount of hard' wear, this little lot clearing al •each r.., 1 Medal Crepons, Skirt length9, no rwo alike« The Will give any amount of wear and make patterns, n0 two alike, choice If you want good Black Dress t'almous trGold Medal" brand-, stand the wear. most stylish skate, newest $ 0e • 90 DEATH of Miss Coix.-Very sudden was the word received by her friends here of the dhath of Miss Louise Mary. Cala on Friday last. A few days pre- vious to her death a telegram wag re- ceived by her uncle, John Ridolit, that she was seriously ill with 'akin mai ton of the lungs, and was not expected to recover, the next Word being of her death. The deceased .lady was of the age of 26 years, the daughter of Ileory and Isabella Cole, and granddaughter of the late Dr. Cole, of Clinton. 'She had only gone to the west about three weeks ago for her health, 'and while en cute to Drandon, N. W. T., her desti-' nation, she contracted a severe cold. She was a faithful member of the Church of England. .The body reached here on Monday' and was conveyedrto the residence of her uncle, John Rid tett, Erie street, the funeral being held on Tuesday at 2.30 p. re,, to the Clinton cemetery. There are many friends here who sympathize wit h the relatives in the lossof a young ltidy.beloved by all. There is a. consolation in knowing that after "life's fitful fever" the be- loved "sleep well." Rev J. Parke of- ficiated al- i be service, the pall bearers being II. 13..()ombe, I. E. Hovey. Bert Hovey, R. Worthirrt;ton, Frank Evans and L. Barber. NOTEN.-On Tuesday, May pith, at 2; o-'rlock, on the inarket square, Clinton, -therewall he sold.,bx stiction a stock of� groceries, crockery, shopp fixtures, wit= gon, horse, etc„ D. Dickinson, auction- eer, will wield the hammer. Jas. Mc- Clacherty had the first, strawberries of the season on Saturday; they were slights deafer than they will be later on. Mies Alice Cottle is engaged as saleslady in Mrs R. McLellan's fancy goods store; her opening day was a suc- cess. The Patriotic Blind, Faminf Fund, Red {)roes Fund, and Ottawa - Mull Fund are all worthy, but when it comes to your being called upon to sub- scribe to thie clirb and other organ- isations,it .burne,,large ,. holes At, your pockets. One evening last week some evil inclined boys threw stones through the front . window of the residence of Mrs. Moffatt, whet lives on *Victoria St., Poet south of the railway crossing; this should be' attended to and the parties punished, more, so on account Of doing damage' to a widowed lady who lives all alone. Among the many wheels that are stili in the van is she Massey - Barrie; Geo. Levis, the local agent, has lately mode sales to Bert Blacker, Clin- ton, Writ. Jenkins, of Wawanosh, Glen Garnish, of Mullett and Rich, Lanxon, of Ooderich township. A few of the stores MVO put on,new awnings. The public school board meets on Monday .......... . ... • next, It was lively in town on Satur- day eveglrt0; rho sidewalks were crowded. there was a number csf VI; Goods any time, ask • for the r r siese makers in town on Monday. On .L11ey keep their 'color 811(1 Saturday morning E. Fitzsimons & Son took Charge of the butcher bust. *lees recently purchased from 11, 11, Poweti; since leaving here about a year ago Harry has handled the cleaver in feaforth and Galt, and now our citi- zens areleased to see hint n g ain in their midst. T. Murch now pedals his way to school having purchased a bi- cycle. Wm. school, lieBrien and Wm. Kemp a . - •. ti • stet foundry. portant To Housekeepers We are now selling out celebrated'. Family Flour (one-half Manitobi) put.ep in any size parce), A' 8t.70' PER -CWT. Delivered to aby part of the town. We . have other brands for special purposes at equally )ow prices, hit for general Use we reoommend, FAIR'S FAMILY FLOUR All soods manufactured by us may. be had direst froom • the mill or from - any of the following grocers ; D. Cook, Cantelon Bros., 0. Cooper & Co;,: G. Stewart,. H. Wiltse, 0. Olson, or.J.W. Irwin. Remeinber,.every pound is Guaran- teed and'money: refunded. if not Satisfactory. air's Breakfast Food • makes s pleasant summer morning meal. It is easily digested - and pooling -just the proper thing for the warm weather. 0111& N. Fair,-- - CLINTON For rininKte iak '�usiness Is our fanny decorated flower pot, eight 4tyles and colors, stands about six inohes high and the same in diameter at the top, some are floral in design,some have silver gilt or colored band, They are quite fancy and finished enough " for nee on the table and well suited to enclose Au ordinary pot. in. We bad six dozen the first of Ibis week and.abont half of them hive gone to knowing prudent people. The price is what made"them go so fast 6t fifteen cents each; they are not what 'we call a bargain became we don't like the word it hap been Bo much •overworked and often applied to that which means so little. These potshowever at that price are exception- al value, the equal of which perhaps bas never been offered before, See them displayed in our window. - The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton, , "(glen the Cheapest --Always the Best." ftikkIkR,MAIMAKOMMIWAM New.SeTri0g G00(S W..1.�:.1Oi:&-Sn!sT %1' call Solicited. We sell everything in Modern . Footwear , Our Stock isequalled by tear: & excelled by none.:. 2. Special values in Ladies' FineBoots and Oxfords We shall be pleased to show you our stock and give you our prices. It might be money in :,pocket • . We:buy and sell for Gash, Our Spring stock of B.'ootrt and Shoes is now complete. : •It is use- less to specify. We have all the veryap t styles lesand our Prices a�es y p 'axe right The immense demand for (,,:n _. Shoes is the evidence that our of.. forts to supply reliable and up-to7. date footwear has caught the at- tention of shrewd buyers •- Gentlemen,, try a pair.. of the Colebtatsd American Floesheim : Shoes. You oa.4tiot get better valve. Doubtful if you can do .t.r weil: We .guarantee evety pair to give entire iL. •S:action See our Boys'and Girls'School Boots' ..'Taylor-'_ pori:: Gash: and•One Price Eggs•takenas:.•Cash Insurance office at the. store MatiNLhNIAh'1MAIWW1tYIhV, Departmental Store- e are . Manufacturers - We save all clothing' buyers the middleman's profit,: When you buy from tis you get -a different style and character of goods fiam ordinary ready made. Our Men's Tweed,Suits at $5. is a. wonder for the motley. . •• , Qttr Boys'. Coat. and Pants for $2:60 is .not equalled in Oa»ada. Pretty strong statement but we can back it up a • ,..._Our< en's,Pants, at $1.25 °and $1,50 made by ourselves are wonderful value. They go out by the dozens eyery week. - oy' Vestee Suits • J Our special suit at $2.25 is a late up to -date shit easily worth $d but buying and selling enables us to place this suit at alt wonderful low price. Ask Your .Friend about King Quality Shoes. Ten to one she'll say "there are nonebetter." . They are favorites .with good dressers, because they are comfortable a n d' y e t stylish -stylish and yet eco- nomical. .Asir an expert their price, and he'll ���,�;� say " 5"—he'd be wrong—for while they'are worth it, .our. price is $3, "Alm That's one secret of their success. Ask to see King Quality Shoes." MARK the QuAUIY There is no fairer offer than that of ' the King Quality Shoe for $33;' We have squeezed into this shoe actually more than $3 worth of style, dura: bitty and, ease. Nowhere eine that we know of can you b13? the same amount of lithos t action 'ftp ' w ` na �f T $�. +d You are a judge—every woman; is --so pleas* come atad'judge.for yourself.' 2V'e aro not afraid to have, you do so. R.emei'llber—Ki ua1 „ TRADt "� - 1`11!►Rf 11 v ' kM&QUAUtI AC880N BROS., STOI E`Clll tri AL l bC011