The Clinton New Era, 1900-03-09, Page 8March, 0, 100
Ask Your physician this ques-
tion, "What is the one great
remedy for consumption?
tIe will 'answer, "Codkliver
eV Nine out of ten will
answer the Mine way. -
Yet when persons have
.consumption they loathe all
.fatty foodsyetfat is neces-
sary for their recovery and
they cannot takeplain cod -
sliver oll„ The plain oil disk
iorbs the stomach and takes
away the appetite. The disk
agreeable fishy odor and
taste make it almost unenk
durable. What is to be done?
This question was ans-
wered when we first made
or Cod -Liver Qil with Hypo -
phosphites. Although that
was nearly twenty-five years
ago, yet it stands alone to-
day the one great- remedy
for all affections of the throat
and lungs.
The bad taste and odor have been
taken away, the oil itself has been
partly digested, and the most sen-
sitive stomach objects to It rarely.
Not one in ten can take and digest
the plain oil. Nine out of ten can
take SCOTT'S EMULSION and di-
gest it. That's why It cures so f
many cases of early consumption.
Even in advanced cases it brings
comfort and greatly prolongs life.
scorr5r aaAtectierdnistftronto.
• -Mood 1 essay to parnt- my "hidyli-face .
For all to see her, how should t begin? •
Should I portray her smiling or put in
With reverential touch the render grace
Of pearled tears? Oft 81)F -smiles a space
•.And .after weeps, yet In each mood dock-7wIle •
Such added beauty that It were a sin
• It were not chronicled. Flow slaug 1 plate
On record all the graciousness of, Soul
• That thrills one through tlidse !tomes of innocents, •
Her lustrous veiled eyes, or bring the whole .
-Of ticynites eqrve, checkscarinine to the sense/
And.'weri-this done, indeed, her queenly air ,
1 coact not, Ha ; the task la my despair..
—Antony Clark In Pall Mall Magazine.
Pulpit Speakers Are Not the Cab
Sufferers Prom ft.
"The late Colonel Ingersoll frequently'
gained applause during his lectures 14
referring to the feet that there was such
• thiag recognized in the standard med-•
fear:books as 'prep -hers' sore throat,' but •
that ao one had ever heard uf an auc-
tioneer's sore throat," observed a •prom- -
far voice builder to n reporter. "and
while Colonel Ingersoll probably won
• entitled to the poiut he wanted te Thus..
trate'he was somewhat off when he hi- -
elated on the point.
"qPreachers' sore throat' is recognized
by all writers on throat diseases, but it
hi not necessarily confined to preachers.
Lawyers -1 mean court advocates -and
others orb° overtax their voice at timet.
•suffer from It as frequently as do preach-
ers. One of the answers to Cologal 1641
r Revell 3,230 be that the boehe did no.
thelude shiBWral sale throat eater.
,.-0The fact of the matter le that auc-
tioneers do not have sore throat,. A sue-
lattapi auettoper. OR ter as his voice is
itageFig, 1Trovried nntujlv
aimormally str ne vocal Chords. These
he glen elm J. centinuel upe, se thAt
it lei years the voice at& throat ere
the strongest parts of him. tile is its
beweveri as oL1iei lo suffer '?roTh
.other troubles end has his share of them
• Ike.; It is the same way with a singer.
Hisvoice is generally the strongest part
�t him, and althost every other organ
Suffers before his throat does. The public
tided not know how many •there are who
trY. auctioneering and who find that they
pannot hold out. The e010 of every
• man Is not suited for continuous work.
Atictioneer work means several hours of ,
constant vocal exercise each day.
"The replan the preacher's throat goes
hack on him now and then, and it does.
1. thallis use of the vocal chords is not
• constantfor ordinarily . the greater ef-
fort rs seldom' more than out% a week.
Another' thinW thAt operated against the
preachers and in favor of the anctiotiter
de that the preacher seldom • speaks in
the open air, while the auctioneer Mole
the moot use for his voice in the open
air. Open air is the most worderfUl
strengtliener of the voice. A. rearked ez
.atinfile of this Is the fact that circus pees
• torniere and circus followers generally.
...who work in tents and mien air, never
have tore theouts.'•
Wbat Wait Osseo te lane NOW/ t110 Saltaji
• et is Slog Ousieeis.
• A. curious and Interesting feature ot the
paper making induetry was brought to
the notice of• an office manager a few
days ago by a letter of inquiry. The in-
quiry was Abe% accumulations ot writ -
Wu matter no longer of use, but of such
a private basinesit nature as to necessi*
tate careful disposal in order to prevent
examination by outside parties -old ac-
count books, for instance.
Years ago large offices used at some ex-.
pense to have aech neennaulations de.
stroycd, usually by fire, But this was
troublesome, Sol, Paper in compact forte
•is slow to burn, and the destroying of
books aed stacks of Paper tended to clog
In course of time -a Palter Malinfactiirer
hit on the idea of taltilig such old papers
to mill under assurances Of privact and
chemically Minoring airtraces of writhig,
Market price being allowed for the Palter
thus gathered, what was before merely a
waste and a source of trouble besides be-
came productive a a revenue worthy of
eonsideration; and the plan grew in favor.
At first houses would send employees
with the stuff to the mills to be sum that
no scattering occurred, but gradually this
precaution came to be discontinued. '
A large paper concern, with mille in .
Connecticut, has for yeare made .a ape.
clalty of Collecting such papers from.
bunkers, insurance companies and large
mercantile houses and /shipping thew di,
rectly, to the Mills, where by the use of
atroug 'chemicals all traces of writing are.
destroyed before the material is worked
OVer lOtO paper pulp. This feature of the ,
economics of a great eity's affairs bus
grown to great proportions, and some- . •
titnes dingle loads contain es much as. 20 ,
or'30 tons of paper, all marked with writ-
• Incidentally the spread of contagion by
title method is effectually prevented. When
'the writing has disappeared .from the
eheets. so have all vestiges of life.
The refttee collected aids in Making dif-
ferent varieties of paper, anti the careful
.sorting process that must be empleyed
constitutes one of the chief items of ex- •
pease In using this material. The staff
which conies from -correspondence offiges
goes inpart to make writing Comer. The
collections from newspaper headquarters,
containing wood pulp, must be used tor '
other purpmea.- All paper serttp is rafted
with large proportions of fresh material
in are manufacture of fresh white sheets.
-New York Mail and Express. -
I• HEALTH PROM-00L-B--Atit•--
Winter About the •Beet Stimulant
People Can Howe.
Many persons regard the winter season
as an utifortunate, visitation. •It is COO-
sidered both uncomfortablh to the body
and harmful to health. This is an error.
Cold is a most potentagent for res.
toratien and. preservetion normal ac-
•tivity on the start •Of the organs of. the
human body. It is a wise plan of provi-
dence which gives us a change of sea-
sons.' The winter cold conies as a tonic
to repair the injuries done by the en-
ervating heat of summer,. •Sunimer, .is
true, has many wise use in the m'atter of
health It induces outdoor life, rids the
system' of poisons through copious • per-
spiration 'And through the scorching rays
of sun destroys germ Jire.
Winter is the great' 'bracer of the sys-
tem It stimulates tietiVity in every or-
gan. •When cold attacks the Surface of
the body, • the bleed is set Into more free
circulation as a means of bodily .warmtli.
It is through the circulation of the blood
that the human anatomy is kept in it
state of repair. When the rood has been
digested and converted into liquid form,
it is taken up by the blood and carried
•the rounds cif the system for the purpose
of repairing the waste nieces- When Ue.
cold causes increased circulation, it also
brings about more perfect nutrition.
Man' e face and hands illustrate haw
weatherproof the body becomes when ex-
posed to air. -Continued activity In circu-
lation on the surface, caused by the air
coming in •contact with the skin, tends
to nourish and thicken the skin. bus
man's skin grows thicker in minter just
LW -animals are supplied with a double
coat -of fur. The savages who dwell IntikL,
headed in the •open air am seldom, if
evee, knewn to be afflicted with ball
heads, tvhile, with the eivilian who shrill&
his scalp.frora air, baldness is prevalent.
The Indien-Whoz if not Inm in form-
er days roamed our western borders ,
practically without >clothing to •shelter'
•their bodies, became, through long expo-
sure, so inured to the cold that it gave
9.1.S 1214 L°11115
Globe -Democrat. ,. 1:7 •
• The Pacific Cable Board has hela
Tiirthee riteetirti,; When It totasidere&
and supported the Canadian, a.tid abet
pretests agarneh' theland line donee"- •-•
alone by Victoria and New Soutlt
Wales to the Eastern Telegraph en. .-
• •
Peet:Mae gnu at Writers, Cramp.
"What's, the mow. Brown? You're
getting ma," said 4 euccessful writer of
special stories for the Sunday newspapers
to another "frets lance," whose work le
seldom accepted, • "Von look as if 'Toe
had been working too hard." This was a .
lie, and the euecessful man knew it, but
he Conk) Afford to flatter.
"Haven't written anything for a month,"
growled • • Brown. "I've got writeme
"Why don't you use a typewriter. then?
I never beard that writers' cramp would
make a man thin, anyway," exclaimed
the prosperous man -
"The kind that • It have does," replied
Brown gloomily. "It's a poor writer's
cramp in the stonneh. The less you write
the more it cramps you." --New York
Tribune. .
• identifying a Here +Wangle',
• The late Ptrofeeser Mardi Of Yale &A -
lege, the eminent paleontologist, had
quiet wit, .Once a facetious student
brought him a bone scraped and cut in a
fantastic' fashion, The class knew of the
plan to deceive the scientist. "
"I think, professor, that thisis a very
rare fossil."
The doctor looked at the hone. then at
the student, fintilly centering hitt gime up -
tin the latter% knee.' •
"It is not rare. It is peinftilly familiar
to me. It le a piece of the leg bone of a
calfl"-.-Satorday Evening Post.
(Melte Would frighten many people whir--
are 'Afraid Of germs. Yet She germ it real.Bolger. *If thie Mioreseropio animalism
00u d bemagnified to size= mooed/in to
ill &loftiness it wonld.ihOW glad
python, or fire breathing tlfegtitt, 'The One
taot In remember is tbatilte germ is power-,
lese ter harm the body When the blood le
pare. It is far eelifer to keep the gain Ot-
ani= to drive it out efter As gift hold in
the system, Dr. Zeroes Golden *sated
• mrsoyery is the mostpowerful and perfitot
of blood phrifyieg medicine& it inoreeeee
she qtraotity as well oe the quality et so
hlood,and noble' the body to riiiet awe.,
or to throw it oft if disesee hate obteined
footing in some weak Orgittu Wherever the
dlgeetion is It:emitted, the Of the
body is diminished, for the blood( modo..
from the food which le eaten, and half di.
&Med toed ottnnoteupply the body with
Mood in qtientity end-quelity edequete to
dirt Mtge. Per this condition there is no
remedy tonel to "(olden bledioel Diseov.
My." It ontee ninety -tight Mit of every
hundred person. who give It a fair trio'.
When *bete is oonetipetion De, Pierce's
Bleastni Balleig Will promptly relieve aod
permenently sum
• 'z • •Oldn't tionne.iftni, . •
"Be stye he would gladly toy the world
, •
Of my feet," fetid the Sentintentor young
woman. •
• ""Phat'e what he'll de," said Miss Cap
mine. "After .you're marriedbe'It iny the
world sit •yowl 'feet and compel you to
welk an it bemuse you can% afford
ea b." -Washington Star.
, A elevet Women min elwaye ere a illtriv
°men the impretodon that be him seld *tot
of 'bright' things hinifielf.--Cbleago' Rec
When a moo borrow* trouble Im
don to the loan Jos
Oil* Gardiner, Major Bliss, Inipector
Oar1wbt and several rnonnted polloemsn
BO= Dewenn are on their way to Mown*
to join Strtatil9OnOVI HOW*
The Ups Did It. -Ther "applied us with
the menthol contained in that wonderful
lie L. Menthol Plitetet, which relive' in,
stonily baekache, hemlock ,e neartajor,
Eighty PerCent.
pp --
Over Eighty per cent of Disease
is esused in the Beginning by
Disorders of time Kidneys
'Because They Pail to
Filter tile Blood.
ItioaDOY trouble often makes one feel fa
though they heti heart iltrolible on account
of the quick and unsteady heart teat; calm.
ed by the heart overworking to pump Wok
kidney -poisoned blood through the veins.
Rheumatic luting, eleepleasneria, aud nerve
upset, generally have utihealtby kidneys
back of thern,whiell father %hundred symp.
toms nearly all attended With bedtaolaes,
sometimes not an aolie, but more of a sore -
nem or uncomfortable feeling. When it
leaver other symptomspp ' it.
'Undo the motet of Dr.riteller'a Backache
Kidney Tablets success. Citizens of eyed'
oity,every to‘vii contribute evidence of their
worth. You need not go a hundred milee
away for prof. Right here in Clinton,d1re
Henry Routiedge, Ratttnbury St., BIOS:
"Ever since I was a young girl I have had
a lot of trouble with my back and kidneys.
Every time I washed or made any exertion
the pain wag terrible. I tried roany things,
ever tried a doctor in Portland, Maine, TI,
S. With no effect. My father get me a bot-
tle cf Dr Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab.
lets at H. B. Combo's drug store, and
though I have taken but two.thirde of the
bottle, the trouble is all gone. This is cer-
tainly remarkable but nevefthelese true. I
am glad' to recommend them to others."
Ahd not even yet has Oom Paul set
the style in whiskers -Mexican Herald.
Sir Thomas Lipton is to try It again,
Sir Thomas comes very near eliciting our
best wisheis for his success. -Washington
Post, 6
Grover Cleveland has. gone duel( shoot-
ing again.' This is about the average
length of new year resolutions, anyway,
-Pittsburg News. '• ••
William T. Stead Is talking a good deal'
about _the .danger that -French army
will descend on London, but has che
bought a gun? -Boston Globe..
Representative tioberts • will not be
subjected to any humiliating suggestions
that he "would never have amounted to
anything if it had not bed) tot his wife."
-Washington Star. .' I
Professor McGovern is a pugilist oe
some strategic ability: He knew better
than to waste his strength in trying to
• make an impression on his eolored antag-
onist's head. --Chicago Tribune. '
• West Virginia demands that a medal
of honor be granted to LieutenanteRow-
an, who carried the Message -to Garda.
'That is good plan. So far Elbert Hub:
bard ,has---git--most of the-glor,y.-Syra-
Case Herald. - - -
• Mr. W. W. Astor has now contributed
$60,000 to the English volunteer' fund.
He deserVes a knightimod-one of those
honors bestowed on successful grocers
and tailors 'W110 hnve caught the official
eye by some act of public spirit. -New
York Evening Sun. •
are in the last stages of °mann*,
tion and cannot live more than a month,"
were the words cfdoom heard by Mrs Rosa
Rioltardson, of Laurel Springs, N. (3,, from
her doctors, "but pbe began to use Dr;
. King's Ntyr Disoavesy"Writeslt. L. Daugh-
tou, of that phone, 0.fla was wholly cured
by it. She is now a stout, well 'Roman."
We the supreme owe for desperate ale -
eases of throat and lungs. Infallible for
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles Mk.
end $1.00. Trial bottlesfree at H. B.
Clembe's drug store, Clinton. •
• A. B. Milkes, of Brantford, was killed'
-by falling down staire. •
••Negotiations: it is said, are in •progress
Lor the formation of ti , naval reserve itt,
George RardyotTeeawMer, whose skull
was shattered hy a limb ot a falling tree
leit Monday, is dead.
• •
• main Sore from .4 Betaking *Cough.-
Take ryny•Pedtorshit will cure you quick-
ly, no matter bow bad the cold. Endoreed
by thotilande of Canadian& • Sold through. -
outthe land. Manufaotnred by the pro.
prietors Perry Davis' P.m -pier.
The Montreal Street Railway now -
propoties to put most of hi wires- under
• The fleinlin Government of • British '
Oplurnbis, was defeated on the redista;
thaw bill..
' •
When but a child, it e'er t.eame to harm -
Perhaps 'was but a scrstsh urea my aun-
• t d run to mother, and ahe4 always say,
"ill Wee Itt then the pain will go away:"
Mt, every time it seemed to me that, thoush
The marls never hurt me sot
Her loving Weep did tor me more good ..
mu any slue .ot ointment ever coeld.
,. hong years have passed. 1 MU be childish yet.
That youthful fancy I cannot forget,
• For to iter selling head 'tie Seething now ,
To have those oar lip* prowl upon my brow,
for I remendier how since long age
sieve etagere me In her loving arm& and, lel
seem a ottatn and hear her say. •
"I'll Ides It; then the pain wW Sc away."
•-liseni City ledippadent.
It Mine sci YounaGlambler Qeit While
• lie Was a, Winner. •
"I see entailing is running wide open in
-Colorado • again,'- said a • eattlenian ...oe
Topegit. "I doe% suppose. though. It le
as wide open now as it was in the late
eighties. I was in Manitou every sum-
mer at thin time, and the high games
that used to run at some of the clubs
would be an eye opener to the gamblers
of the Present day. Cattlemen were mak-
ing moiler then. as .were the miners, and
they used to meet In. Manitou and try for
each other's pooketbooks, with the result
that the profeeslopal gamblers got the
• motley.
"I remember bow 'one youter fellow was
made to quIt a winner, ngninet bis *111
His name wits. Rich. Ile .WIIS a nephen
of one of. the big reaper rri,o, and his
folks kept him supplied eat mane*, a
regular anowenee, . He had teem gam-
- Ming every rent .DUIL letting 1 Cis pile up
for hotel null liverynod every( long else,
His people sent word that they e. etidn't
send any more. money and elid if nt got
Into troeble he'd have to get out 10-stlf.
His crediters were just about ready to
jump on to him, when one night he made
A big winning. He woo playing faro in
the club ,thet.'s. torndown now. It used
to stand over from the..depet-and Was the
place for high play. • . • • • :
:`I suppose he itad $4,000 .er $5,411111 in
front of him when hie friends began try-
ing -to persuade- him to quit.' He was just'
like- all the rest of them, going to break
• the bank and all that sort 'of thing; and
he wouldn't quit. .•• -'
"It was a red hot night' for •Manitou
and with the excitement and all Webbed
pulled off his coat „and rolled ii1) his
sleeves. There was a doctor g 'Ms
friends,and though he hadta tot any.'
. thing to Rich,, I suppose he tett a ' respon-
sibility, because the youug fellowhad
conte nut here for his healthoand had
been referred_ to the Manitou &der- IDY.
the doetorhe had at home. , • ' •
- "1 watt watching the play, though 1
•didn't know any of the people, I saw the
doctor turn his back to the crowd for a
minute and fiddle -with something he had
taken out rhis pocken-7Thearlirwalitecf-
over to Rich and puthis hand on his bare
arra. You • need a. sedative,' he said,
Qai1ck as a &six he took the hypodermic
s71 age he had in his ;bend and • fired a
char ich's arm. •.
• "Rich said 'ouch' and grabbed at the
place, where' he had been pricked, but the
deal was going on, and he turned to that
again. Before half were out,
• his head settled on tne table, lie corn=
fringed to draw good long ..breathsand
was asleep:
• "I suffered with Dyeentry for feu weeks •
and could get nothing to euro • me. I then
ft -tea Dr. Soy/lees Exited of Wild St raw,
berry,whieh oared rne when everyth e else
failed. 6orat L. OknIna, Bridgetown, 11.0,
Tbe artiets engaged for the Sig Mammy
Hall concert, with she exception qf Plan -
con, weradetained on intoWbottild train&
Inspector Beichei, second in command
of Strathconshi Horse who heal been de-
• tained at Regina by Olney, left Winnipeg
for Ottawa.
I gave Dr. LOW'S Worm Syrup to my
little girl 'We and a half years old the re-
• sell Was that 40 passed 11 round worms
'alive &y�.
Mr Wm. gainnseare•taker of the reboots
at Niagera-on-the-Leke, dropped insensible
just inside the aohool-room doors and died
few nunntes lank
It is understood diet Prineipal Grant
trill be relieeed Of a pert of his dudes at
Queen's Univergity in tbe spring, by the
nppoinimefit of *nether professor' to the -
_ 'timothy of theology. •
TROUBLES OF 4. IdttgffiTER. ' •
.To benefit °Wirt It" W. Vernon
of Hartwell. GA, writes: "Peralene time
thad a running *omen my leg. X tried
many remedies withonibenetji nutil 1 god
a bottle of Eleetrio Bitter/ and sbox of
Bnoideteil Arnlea• Salvo, whieli oared me
'mind and wed."SoI,groptione, Bone,
Ecsense, Tette'
, Halt .ettra show !MIME°
Thobeands have found, in Electric
Bittereagrand'hlOod ;Mart that *bookie.
ly (tures these ttlethlett, &defection Is
guirenteed or Money. refunded by H. B.
Oombess, Olinion. 1,4arge batik* only 150o.
Edouard Bourtrault,• a Tattlerc.f t e
inertia of St, Antoert, Que., Is:4111s
house, with his wife, for Violist, leav-
ing two children, *young girl of eleTeb
'years, and another of three, (totter the
Care of his mister, On rooming at 1 a.
in. he found)* sister and his eldest
daughter lying on the floor wagon-
ecious, having had their skulls frac-
ed d hearing devferal other
rheumatism and eoletice. Manufactured
by the Devil So TAWretette CO, UM. • • h piece of fireWood.
Wounds on their bodies, inflicted with
• "The doctor...tpok (be Chips, Oohed
them in, then took and wrote a receipt,
for the money and gave it to another
friend of „RichOt to keep: Then be took
Rich, loaded him Into a carriage,. took
him up to his office and watched over hira
until he came Around the 'tett day. Rich
paid his bills, but he did no more gam-
bling fn Manitou. They wouldn't let him
play againt"-Denver Republican.
Italian policemen. • • ,- •
Everywhere we go in Italy We see a
pair of gendarmes standing in the rail-
way stations or In a lazy *ay parading
wand down the platform side by side.
One is never seen singly; they sre always
In couples. They are generally hand-
some young . Men, immaeulately dressed
In black, with cocked hats, white gloves
and swords. They bever appear to be
doing anything but looking about and ere
Apparently too well dressed to think of
soiling their clothes.with ordinary police-
men's duties. • 'Their existence has no
doubt been a mystery to many a traveler.
They mud be exceedingly numerous for
aro ieen at efen the smaller stations
and alwajorin inseparable couples.
They are known as carabineri And are
Made up ef picked men from the Italian
artnY,..ivho receive incretuied pay, serve
for eight years and then hive a claim for
some civil post in the publie sertiee.
They are said to forim El very creditable
ERA efficient national police, and without
their watchful' surveillance echo of brig-
andage would he frequent in Italy a* in
former antes and perhaps politleal out-
breaks aleo.-Letter in Detroit News. •
• • A. Preetteartitieition,
G. R. Glenn, sdperintendetit Qt !nib&
instruction of the Mate of Georgia, tells
this story:
• One day he hair explained the powers
of the X ray machine .to a gathering of
darkles who had assembled at a echool
conitnencemenL After, the meeting .Was
over a negro called...him aside and want-
ed to know if he was IR earnest about
the to.
'Ur. Glenn mowed hint
that he was,
"Bost. 1 wants ter RX -you -et er nigger
et chicken kin you look in • him an see
chicken?" ,
"Why, yes, Ephraim," said Mr. (llenn.
"Well, hos& I wants ter EtX yell 000
mo' question. Kin you look Itt dat• nigger
an tell whar dat thicken cum Borer --
Memphis Scitaltar- •
.1 .
A Story 'al Dr. ititeftell.
The following anecdote is told et Dr.
Weir Mitchell: While on OHO of hi* for-
eign trips be deeided• ter eoesult a very
• entineut German specialist -regarding' a
nervoua disease of his own of long stand-
• ing. , The two inert bad never inet
tOv. so be sent up his card as "Mr.
' Mitchell of Philadelphia" lad was re.
eeived by ',the German under this title.
The physicien examined him very care-
fully and theu 'aid: "My dear sir, do you
say youcome from Philadelphia?"
The doctor was forced OA, admit the in*
"Well," said the ehreician. 4eitalre yon
• consulted Dr. 8, Weir Mitchell of that
woe ,
• The doctor mild that he had.
• "And he couldn't help Your
wasthe answer.
"Then," Paid the doctor, removing hie
spectacles with 'an air ot finality, "Yra,
• arriild I can't do anything for you.".--
. New York Time& '
• Her Moe, gentle Wap,
She wile a pretty girl; pretty enough to
attract the attention of two young mea
who were walking up West bind avenue..
And she was expostulating with a small
fox terrier which was tugging at his
nice to see a girt talking In that
conffilentitil way. to a pet, don't you
thiult?" said one ot the yowl* ass .
"Decidedly 1 do," wee the rejoinder, '
•By*this time the pretty girl was almost
• abreast of the two, and her sweet and
earnest team were distinctly audible.
• "Now, Teddy," she was saying,. "if
you don't behave, Pll break your heacl.
tor yen" •
The young men passed on in silenee.-
New; York Mail and Er•press.
• "Don't you loiteJonggi".
for the freedom
of your -former life?" asked the visittir at
•the prison. • , .•
• "Not ranch," replied the convict. 9
WAS sent here for !wipe four wires.".-. •
Philadelphia North American.
The wives of Sinmese noblemen cut
their hair so that it sticks straight lip:
from their heads, The average length a
• it is about 1% inches.
The Swedish mail streamer Rex stranded
off LohroaRnegen Island daring a fog.
Five stewardesses were drowned in attempt-
ing to leave the ship. • •
• A Physician is not alwayti at hand.
Guard yourself agairist sudden coughs arid
colds by keeping a bottle of Pain -Killer in
the boom. Avoid enbstitutes, there le but
-one 13ain.Killer, Perrt Davis'. • go. and
e,ticillAaTriii IN t'llpieLen
D'Ilt,Cix • Reits PRICE•11:00"
• The Difference.
"When 1 earns to this town," mild the
man oil dry geode her, "everything I
had in die world wan tled un In a red
bandanes handlterehief."
"And how XI' asked the tourist who waif
waiting for a trete,
"Led now," replied the' man, "every-
thing Pre got hi the workt tiod dews
With Mortgagee -0414g° Tribune.
• Clear OS Hies..
"Matte Ila•rdeektor. pal"
oyou ottiht:. t,j know, Freddy. One
flitted 'frith' or yesterday."
"Aw, yeti, I too*. It." lc teacher with
hor Sootily Mathes on."-Indittnapolla
Journ I
•Iflettery le like fairy tele: evso
though one does not believe it, one listens;
willingly to rt.--Pidele Waiter.
Time movmkalong tit the sera* old pact
,-130 matter. whether roar watch it run -
sine or not.,-Chleago Newt,
The Northwest Legislature Win att.
semble about March 130th for the patch f
Chodrati3Ory for
. .
The Staryy of Security.
On every "Slater Shoe " ptit; there by the
makers as a guarantee of ' wear value—a protec-
tion against extortionate profits.
Many men would. readily pay more for a
"Slater Shoe" were not the price stamped on ;
the sole—this stamp gives the 'actual market
vtuartires.of the shoe determined by the manufa,e.
Made in twelve
stets7X1Widetb.S1 6,bitleaPet4ft$1,1
colors and styles. Every par Good-
year welted. •
Jackson Bros.' ole Agents for Clinton.
I For pure blood,
A bright eye and
A clear complexion,
A keen appetite,
An easy digestion
And refreshing sleep.
Brite11 pi
•••:.e.,-. • *eye* '
' 4•1 orr
It itrousei the Liver,
Qiiickens the 'circulation,
Brightens' the, spirits and
Generally; makes life Worth living.
sixty seven years trial have protred It to be beyond citieStion,
the most reliable BLOOD, pUrifier known.
All the leading' .Bnialsts tell ORISTOL' SARSAPIDIA
Qlin. total SaskDopriBlilicill,aotort
General Builder 'aid .Contractor.
*Thin factory is the largest in the conitty,1 and has the very latest improved ma.
ahinory, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We_carry an extensive
and reliable stookand prepared plans, and give estimates for end. build all. claw
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prime 4.11 worts is supervie-
ed.= ineohanical *ay and. satisfaction guaranteed. We sell ell kinds ot,ier.•
terior And exterior mittefial. -
• •
Lumber Lath, Shingles,. Lime. Sash, Door's, Blinds, VC,
Agent for the Celebrated ORANBILL S0110.0L t DESK, manufaetni ad
at Waterloo, Cell and gef prime Ana eatimatea before plaoing vont orders,
Once you have felt the great bless. •. PEAFTIBIES and
, .
be without TINY TAButci
Ins of good heldtb you ill never TOILET go oor.clesia
• Dr. ilops"113:111:14Line EgogBY,Ilanihaltsdtz°21, . H. B COMBE
100. PIR
• Give -Perfumer( it you'd. pleaee the fair-
eex. The Choiceat kinds amber& All the,
!worts makes -all the .desirable Odors -
and Many kinds put up in speoially attrac-
tive Christmas packages
Our oasortment ofFine Bruehes,.
• Militery Brusher), Mirror& Whisks. •it*
'ebony and handsome woods, -is the /no&
• ottnapiete the town. A.nd the mostinter-•
eating part to 0U is that prices are far be. •
- • EvERvBeivirs FRIEND Dainty Gifts for both Ladies low what you've been itoonstomed to pay
-• • for similar ertioles eleewhere.
Vire, . Life, •• Accident, illate:401,88*
cusiton, Ont.
• General Distriot Agent for the
Confederation Life Insurance Co
for Stratford and Goderich, Inelnsilie. Ail in
mutation relative to ineurance gladly given
SIOner to Wan at reasonable rates. ,
•• Oaten 111011,40o Meek
Agent for:the MAIVIIMATAllt Foos Astinanatum
Co". of maneheetertgn gland, Ulnae funds and
security are rated at e14,600,000. Also the mo -
Eimer Mimeo. fastAtAitOlt CO. All Cimino. of
farm Ake and town prettittly 'tokens
lowest rates. Pint -alas* Loan CeraltatHes
'also represented. Honey to be had from 4; per
cent TIP, iteocirding to nature of eeettritl -
Daily mail to Rol:nesse le - postai card will
fetch, him.
ABE .THE 3313ST EISES,therefore the
Temperance t4 genital Life Assurance go
is the BEST COMPANY for the noir max:
of total abstainers In Canada. For sites, et"
, • addreeP*37 Felton Ste Or PAN Ma ITO
Over air minion dollars insurance omit Itt4The
enquire of • •
' General Agent for Huron County,
W, (1_,11111101ta,
ill &Amin ho
Estallgtelied Calikah;1$11.
Invested rtinds, *0,532,238
All Out Moller forme of inentranee Bated.
P tides unconditional,world wide and nonfer-
. fe table. Honey lean, • Policies purchtwed.
ANmoIrtnpetillin PoltoWty Holders..$4.687.000 '
informittion Anatolia br
:am 22,tiat
Chemist et Druggist
• We are preparing fOr Spring trade. Yore
cannot buy a better article for the thOney
than we are willing to sell you. The,
• beat material' and workmanship ow
into *Row buggies]
F:Rumballo —anon
Ain's fanner located near Stony. Brook, one of the most malarious
districts In this State,. end WH5 bothered with malaria for years, at times
to I. could not work, and was always very constipated as'1„velt. or
yews 1 had malaria SO bad in the ;spring, when engagedin.
that 1 could do nothing but .shake. 1 must have token about a barre!
atplinine pills.besides dozens of other remedies,kit t,neVernh*ained .
any permanent benefit. Liistlail, 11 peach dine, ft.& most serious :
attack of chills and. then cornmnced to take Ripens Tabules, upon s
ikitufm.dvice, AO the, fio, .19x nude t:ght, andl ';.hicilh. dove-
beeteMetillherr(since,.-,•tnke one Tabnie eneh morning and night
and sometimes.when 1 feel more than usuitly exiiausted 1 take three in,-
: sti$0.':,:'1114.haVS, kept my sL'unach sweet, tnv bowels regular and 1
have not had the least touch of 1...,1:tia nor .spiitting headache sloes ;
olatiSSeocett usingthem. 1 know ai .0 th.;t 1 slcap bctter and wake up'
1pilt:040 than formerly... .1-doift itcAv many -complaints:,
Tithules hetp, but I et!) .1: ow thel will cure any one in .the -
conflt1onl was and I" would not without their) at any pries.
'hotkstlirtonsider- them the ebe et-ui d mdkhic ir the world, a*
they are also the most bencilend ar,:d the riwst convenient to take -
I am twenty-seven years ol" age and have worked hard all MY -life, .the
same as most farmers, Nth ea:rly and lee and nisi! Idni1s141. weather,
and I have never '.enjoyed, such gbod' health as , lk, have Since last fail; in
tact., nix neighbors have all relriarked myitmproved oliditiottlitttt IOW*
saii4 ltsanehn, what are you debit!, to lordt SO ?
_Oita* ot bad %tint flikt itel•P.A a a '.iii us, t 11.1.5 intiUsb tela end
OP MIK, SOU+ thOVI.IdS: S 1",A.S1 f:t.t ramose &rod atoll t notorot stelit014
lee reeete* toe 41 (VW* MAT heti tui title WAS Ter% stet "
it be Waled tototY sa.irosa for 6 tent*, ftealteil te 04 Mips"